> It's Always Party Time > by Eater-of-Worlds Smooze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Party Never Ends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twist was adrift. How long she had been floating, she didn’t know. Her hooves twitched as she woke up to a pleasant, musky smell that flooded her nostrils. Her nose twitched as she inhaled, almost choking as the air around her slimed its way into her throat. With a cough and a splutter, Twist opened her eyes. She was surrounded by a purple-tinted liquid that seemed to stretch for miles, with no end in sight. The viscous mass crept into her every orifice, filling her up with a slick lubricant that made her heart ache and her crotch grow warm. Moaning, she unconsciously parted her legs and rubbed at the outer lips of her aching fillyhood with her hoof. Her other hoof rubbed at her clitoris, crudely grinding against her aching spots. A low burning feeling poured into her body, filling her with a sense of desire, a need for fulfillment that only grew deeper the more it was fulfilled. Opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out, Twist swallowed some of the gooey liquid, choking as it slimed its way down her throat. The oily mass pulsated and twisted around like a tentacle as it slid down, raping her throat. The thick goop held her air passages closed as it slowly wormed its way through her esophagus. She doubled over as the pain of asphyxiation clawed its way through her chest, wrapping around her throat. Twist moved her hooves to her throat as she desperately tried to gasp for air. Her vision blurred and she felt herself losing consciousness. Clip clop clip clop clip clop... Jingling bag of bits clenched in her grinning mouth, Twist galloped along the quiet streets of Ponyville. The cold evening air whipped past the freckled foal as she rushed forward, lungs burning, pushing herself to her limit. Though cold winds chilled her to the bones, the burning in Twist’s lungs and the warm sweat that ran down her back warmed her right back up. Her hooves made a clip-clopping sound, a light rapping against the trimmed green grass, as she skipped along humming a joyful cadence to match the beat. Thud. Thud. Thud. A second rhythm, this one slower, heavier, and more intense, overtook Twist’s light tread, thumping forward with quick yet deliberate strokes. Each new footfall thumped against the ground like a mechanical press, a cycle of motion only distinguishable by a low humming and the periodic scrape of metal against metal. Flinching, Twist turned around to face the newcomer. “Oh. Hi Pinkie Pie.” Spitting the bag of coins in her mouth to the floor, Twist breathed a sigh of relief as the menacing rhythm turned out to just be Pinkie Pie, carrying on her shoulder a bunch of empty pastry platters that scraped against each other as she walked. Wait. It was Pinkie Pie! Twist’s heart pounded as she gazed up at the craziest (in a good way), funniest, and amazingest premier party pony in Ponyville. Well, at least that was Twist’s opinion. Scootaloo always talked about how Rainbow Dash was amazing because she had wings and could fly and make pretty colors in the sky. Twist mentally rolled her eyes. Pinkie Pie had no wings but could still fly, and she made something way more special than pretty colors when she threw a party. She made smiles. Twist still remembered the first Pinkie Party she had been to. It had been the night after Pinkie Pie and the rest of the Elements of Harmony had defeated Nightmare Moon and prevented her from plunging Equestria into eternal night. The grown up ponies had all been dancing and Twist had wanted to be like the grown up ponies, so she had started shaking her body around like them. She had ended up tripping over her own hooves, and falling face first to the ground. The other foals had laughed at her, faces twisted in childish cruelty. Twist had started to slink away from the crowd, tears building up in her eyes, feeling more humiliated than she had ever felt before. But then Pinkie Pie had literally waltzed in, sweeping Twist off of her hooves. Pinkie had thrown out her hooves and danced like a maniac, spinning Twist around in breathtaking spins and flips and twirls. They danced, graceless yet with burning passion and innocent joy, partying as if they were the only ponies in the room. The ponies that had laughed at Twist had turned their laughter against Pinkie Pie, but her grin had widened even further as she shouted “Come on, everypony! Let’s dance!” As if a switch had been thrown, cruelty turned to cheer as everypony threw their hooves in the air and danced, all care swept away in the presence of the partying maelstrom that was Pinkie Pie. And as everypony danced in the warm summer air, underneath the vibrant glow of fireworks bursting in the night sky, Twist had come to realize that Pinkie Pie was the most partyriffic, funtabulous, funnerific, and overall best pony in all of Ponyville. Scratch that, not just Ponyville. She was the best pony in all of Equestria! And now the most amazing pony in Equestria, the pony who Twist had always admired—albeit from afar—was talking to Twist. Twist gulped. “Hiya, Twist!” Pinkie Pie was saying, “What’s the rush?” Twist cleared her throat. ‘No lisping,’ she told herself, ‘You’ve got one chance to impress her. You can do this!’ Speaking slowly and carefully, Twist replied, “I was just selling my homemade peppermint candies! They were such a hit, especially the peppermint cupcakes, that I sold out in an hour and had to go make more!” Pinkie’s eyes flickered to Twist’s cutie mark, a pair of peppermint candy canes arranged to form a heart together. A small frown appeared on Pinkie’s face and quickly vanished—so quickly that Twist didn’t know if it was real or she had just imagined it. Twist quickly forgot about it as Pinkie beamed at her, making butterflies flitter around in her stomach. “You have a candy stand? That’s amazing! How come nopony invited me?! Ohmygosh! This is superamazingriffic! This definitely calls for a party! Right now!” Pinkie Pie grabbed Twist’s hoof and pulled lightly. “Do you wanna? Huh? Huh? Huh? It’ll be at Sugarcube Corner; the cakes are away for the weekend, so it’ll just be a small party. But it’ll still be super fun!” ‘Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!’ Twists mind fried. Was Pinkie really inviting her over? Well, it wasn’t like Twist had never been to a Pinkie Party. But this was Twist’s first time actually entering Sugarcube corner; she had always been too shy to before. And now she was being invited to her own Pinkie Party. Twist’s hooves pattered on the floor lightly as she danced a victory jig, before pausing and biting her lip. The sun would set in a few hours, and her parents would be expecting her back by then. And she had yet to meet a pony that had walked away from Pinkie Party before it ended. She shook her head. This would be worth every minute in the time out corner. “Thure!—I mean—Sure, Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie beamed.         “Great! Have a cupcake!” The liquid released her airways, granting her the privilege of breathing again. She gasped, greedily sucking fresh, air-filled ooze into her lungs. The clawing in her chest ebbed away, only to be replaced by a subtle groping in her stomach. Twist groaned as a slick, wet warmth spread throughout her entire body. Her breath grew ragged as it tickled at her, spreading throughout her abdomen, penetrating and filling up her ovaries, vibrating the internal parts of her clitoris, and twisting at the roots of her sensitive tail. Twist stuck one hoof in her mouth and sucked at it as the other rubbed at her clitoris. The warm feeling quickly erupted into a burning fire within her body that consumed her, both in body and in mind. A dull thrumming beat a sensual rhythm in her mind that drowned out Twist’s silent screams. She moved her hooves to her buttocks and spread them, contracting and expanding her passageway to pump the ooze in and out of her like a perfectly fitting dildo, thrusting inwards and outwards to the beat of the music. With her mouth now free, she opened it again, sticking out her tongue and swallowed the ooze again. Her vision blurred and the thrum in her head turned into a drum-like pounding that beat into her skull to force a crashing, rhythmic wave of painful lust through her nerves. Twist felt herself losing consciousness once again and desperately chugged more of the addictive goop into her system, wallowing in the addictive rush of self-destruction. The drumming in her head increased in both intensity and pace until it reverberated throughout her entire body, vibrating through her with an ever-increasing intensity until Twist felt herself shatter like glass under the pounding of a hammer. Bang! Bang! Bang! As she trotted victoriously through the doorway to Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie carelessly tossed the empty pastry platters into the sink. Twist dragged herself in, huffing and puffing in both fatigue and exasperation. She glanced enviously over at Pinkie, who didn’t seem winded in even the slightest. “That’s cheating! You can’t just feed me a cupcake and then challenge me to a race!” Pinkie glanced at Twist, snickering mischievously in response to Twist’s accusation. She then paused, as if considering something, before raising her front hooves and sweeping them across the room in a grandiose gesture, shouting, “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, the place where smiles are made! Isn’t it great?” Bouncing up and down on her hooves, Twist glanced around the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner. It was surprisingly clean and organized. The porcelain counters shone as if they had been polished thoroughly to the point of obsession. The evenly tiled, pink floor sparkled so much that Twist felt a sense of remorse for standing on it. Even the oven looked brand new, as if it had never been used before. Everything was so clean it almost felt sterile. Yet despite this, from the immaculate cleanliness emerged a salubrious and invigorating aura that twirled around the air like freshly sprayed perfume. Twist whistled in amazement, resolving to keep her own kitchen cleaner in the future. She grimaced as she remembered how she had left everything in the sink. Had she even flushed the dishes with water? Twist sighed. Probably not. They’d be a nightmare to wash now. Twist glanced upwards. Smiley faces adorned the walls, each evenly spaced from one another and hand-crafted and colored in with a myriad of animate colors that, as Twist spun her head, seemed to swirl about the room. Twist smiled as she gave herself a quick twirl, giggling as the smiling faces seemed to move, each new face acting like a page of a flip-book, creating the image of a laughing face that swirled with color and life. Twist’s giggles cultivated into full-blown laughter as she grew dizzy and silly from disorientation. “Sounds like somepony’s having a good time!” Twist shook her head to clear it and glanced over to Pinkie Pie, who was sitting in a ridiculously oversized pink revolving chair, in a snazzy, poison green frock, complete with a matching top hat, and a sanguine tie. A dark green headband wrapped around the top hat, holding in place a card with “10/6” emblazoned on it. A dead serious expression slowly replaced the usual smile on Pinkie Pie’s face as she gazed at Twist, turning thoughtful as Pinkie’s hooves ran across a golden watch. The watch itself had a golden chain that trailed into the inside of her frock, seemingly tying Pinkie herself to the ticking time-telling widget. Twist took a step back, unsettled by the changes that had come over the normally fun-filled party pony. Pinkie’s eyes had taken on an assessing gleam to them as she stood up, slowly sliding the watch back into her frock. As she moved, the light seemed to flicker, dimming and pulsing like a strobe light. Twist shook her head once again, but the world continued to spin and flicker before her senses.  With the same hoof that held up the watch, Pinkie reached up into her top hat and pulled out a fairly normal-looking cupcake, decorated only with pink frosting that spelled out “10/6”, the same symbol on Pinkie’s hat. With the same deliberate motion, she placed the cupcake on the counter and slid it across. “Want a cupcake?” Twist held her breath, feeling but not understanding the importance of the moment. The answer she gave to Pinkie’s question would change her life. She knew that much. But what was the question, Twist wondered. Was there even one? How could Twist say no to a cupcake? Even with the sudden change in mood, Twist felt unafraid. No. Not just unafraid. She felt completely at ease. “It’s always cupcake time!” Twist’s reply came automatically, naturally, as if she had been born knowing the answer and simply waiting for the time to give it. It felt slightly off, as if it wasn’t quite the answer but still close enough. Shrugging, Twist put the cupcake in her mouth and started chewing. It was pretty good. Pinkie put a hoof to her mouth and pulled out her watch again. “Oh, no! My watch must be off!” She thrust the watch at Twist, who noted that the watch didn’t actually tell time. Instead, all of the numbers had been replaced with the word “PARTY” followed by a smiley face and balloons, except for the number twelve, which had been replaced with the word “TIME”. The hour hand pointed straight down, and the minute hand straight up. Neither of them seemed to be moving. “Two days off! And I don’t even have any cupcakes to wear!” Pinkie pulled a lever on the chair, lowering the back of it until it was horizontal. Eyes shut, Pinkie moved her hoof to her forehead as she fell backwards into the flattened recliner, shouting “This is the worst possible thing!” Twist’s mouth curled up at Pinkie’s antics. “Well, we could always have a cupcake party,” she suggested. Pinkie’s eyes shot wide open as her body shot from the chair as if electrified. “Genius!” A shock woke Twist up. An electrical current surged through the liquid, shutting off as soon as Twist opened her eyes. Twist looked around, vaguely aware of a sense of wrongness that floated like a loose cobweb against the corner of her mind, but a twinge along the skin of her clitoris alerted her to a more pressing need. She looked down to find her hoof already there, unconsciously attending to it. Brushing away the errant thought, she twisted the hoof that was rubbing her clitoris and pressed the sharp corner of it against the itchy spot and scratched, feeling the sharp walls of her hoof slice against her sensitive spot. Her eyes shot wide open as her hoof ruptured the skin. The hoof rubbing her labia squelched against the liquid suspension and slipped past her pussy lips. Her cunt ate her hoof greedily, sucking it in and making Twist arch her back from the serendipitous pleasure. She brutally thrust her hoof deeper, and then pulled out, before thrusting back in. She screamed in both agony and ecstasy as her inexperienced hoof cut into her flesh. She twisted around frantically, feeling the blood slosh around in her, mixing with her own bodily fluids as she spasmed. White hot agony filled her body as her blood spilled out and darkened the ooze. Twist raised her hooves to her head, weaving them together and pressing down on her head to brace herself against the pain. Her blood spilled into the liquid, clouding it to form a veil that partially covered her form. Keeping her rear hooves pointed in one direction, Twist swiveled her ass around in a circle like a bellydancer. The blood stained liquid swirled around her with every movement, gently caressing her form in a sultry red haze. With each jolt of agony from her battered pussy, her hips twisted, swinging from side to side, forwards and backwards, in a rippling motion that could only suggest the erotic throes of a mare engaged in passionate copulation. Writhing in agony and bliss, Twist felt her consciousness swept away by a chaotic rhythm that only she could feel.         With her hooves flopping around in front of her head like bunny ears, Twist shook her flank left and right in rhythmic motion to the fast paced beat. She grinned, embarrassed but determined to have fun as she sang along with Pinkie.         “Oo-oo-oa-oa—            Oo-oo-oa-oa-ah!           Oo-oo-oa-oa—            Oo-oo-oa-oa-ah!”         As incomprehensible gibberish flowed from Pinkie’s mouth in the form of what Twist had been assured was “the Rain Dance of the Ancient Sugar Spirits,” Twist spun and shook her body wildly, a tornado of flailing limbs chaotically writhing and twisting with no particular direction or intent other than one: party hard. But if Twist was a tornado, Pinkie Pie was a hurricane. Seemingly everywhere at once, the pink pony swirled around the room, limbs flashing from one point to another to yet another like pink lightning. They danced together, their bodies spinning in a frantic power struggle, naked in their raw passion. Twist was pulled around like a marionette on a string as she twisted and spun with Pinkie Pie, her own limbs flying around in a desperate attempt to keep up, to prove her own worth, to imitate the sublime, formless chaos that was the elder pony. Pinkie spun with ultimate freedom, dominating Twist with her raw power and experience as she uncaringly crushed Twist in her sheer presence.         Crash!         Finally, one hoof caught the other and Twist slammed into the counter and fell to the floor. As she lay on the floor, a jar of something brown dropped from the cabinets above her and landed with a splat on her face. Peeling the jar off of her face, Twist stuck her tongue out and tasted the sticky brown sauce that had splattered all over her face and neck.         “Mmmm… Caramel sauce!” Twist giggled.         “Ooh! Caramel, raining from the heavens!” shouted Pinkie Pie, standing over Twist,  “The sugar spirits are pleased!” Pinkie was wearing an apron and waving around a spatula with a mad glint in her eye. “And now I gobble up the sacrifice!” Tossing away the spatula with a gleeful grin, Pinkie Pie pounced onto Twist. Pinkie’s tongue dug through the sweet syrup and tickled Twist’s face. Her hooves expertly poked at Twist’s tickle spots. Twist burst out into a fit of giggles and squirmed in Pinkie’s clutches. Pinkie didn’t relent, tickling mercilessly, stepping over Twist’s prone form to let her tail brush Twist’s nose. “ACHOO!” Pinkie traced her hoof from Twist’s belly to her neck, scooping off a glob of caramel sauce and then licking it off of her hoof. “Not bad,” she commented, before she lifted Twist’s head up and stuck her hoof, still wet with saliva, into Twist’s hair. “NOOGIENOOGIENOOGIE!” “Eww!” Twist replied, still giggling and desperately gasping for air. Swatting at Pinkie, she shouted “Uncle! I give up! You win! I’m devoured!” Pinkie snickered. Lifting Twist up onto her hooves, she replied, “Silly Twist, I’m not your uncle! I’m Pinkie Pie!” She grabbed the bottle of caramel sauce off of the floor, wiped it clean and turned to Twist. “And we have cupcakes to make!” Twist’s leg slammed against something metallic and cold. She barely had the time to look down before a rough, dark appendage wrapped around her, pulling her down. ‘Or up?’ she wondered. Which way was she going anyway? ‘Maybe it was to the side? Or maybe she was being pulled in all directions at once! Downupside? No, wait! She was being pulled upside down!’ An explosive giggle escaped from Twist as she was dragged helplessly through the muck. She had never heard of anypony being pulled upside down before. But then, she had never heard of ponies being dragged around by strange tentacles before. She didn’t have much more time to think before a sharp pleasure ripped all thought from her mind. Dozens of dark limbs rubbed against her body as they latched onto her, each limb coated in fleshy grooves that felt heavenly as they caressed her sensitive skin. She moaned in bliss as they rubbed against her back and neck, gently massaging her and relaxing her muscles. Her eyes rolled back as more of the fleshy limbs attacked her abdomen, slowly moving down to her belly button. The tentacles rubbed Twist’s ears and pulled her hair and tail, gently stimulating her every erogenous zone—except for the ones near her crotch. Twist felt herself reaching climax. She whimpered in desire, trying to move her hoof to meet her desire, but the tentacles held them tight. She struggled harder, but the tentacles gripped her painfully tight in response. Twist squirmed around desperately, the grip of the tentacles now crushingly strong as they tightened around her. A large dark shape moved in the corner of her vision. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that the tentacles were dragging her towards a large, circular opening in a nearby wall. A very fleshy wall—was that a face? The horrific visage grew clearer in her vision as the tentacles dragged her closer to it. Twist’s heart pounded against her chest like a prisoner beating against the walls of a prison, futilely trying to escape. Twist stopped struggling and stared in awe. Countless eyes peered at her from a grotesque face with no nose or eyelids or ears or order. It was a terrifying mass of teeth and eyes and flesh and tongues. Intelligent, mocking blue eyes stared down from lidless crevices in the thing’s flesh. The flesh itself was twisted and scarred and filled with pockmarks, yet somehow each twist and scar and pockmark was formed from seamless, silky-smooth skin that seemed to intentionally fold itself into a bizarre, formless figure for no discernable reason or use. Sharp, predatory teeth grinned at her from impossible mouths that curved up and down and around the creature, each of differing shape and size, yet each seemed polished to a sparkling pearly-white. Though polished teeth grinned down at her with what could only be twisted intent, Twist found herself drawn to the opening with no teeth, but only a twisting, looping, endless stream of tongues that she traced from the opening to… herself. As Twist was dragged before the breach, all of the tentacles gripping Twist slid away from her into the opening, except for the ones around her legs, which hovered around her as if waiting. Twist didn’t move, hanging like a doll suspended in the liquid.  A crippling pain shot through her abdomen as it cramped from the extended denial of satisfaction. She flinched and rubbed furiously at her clitoris. Dark shadows moved in the corners of her’s vision. A tentacle waved hypnotically in front of her, and she felt herself reaching out to it. She wrapped her legs around it and rubbed her crotch against it. “Please.” The word sounded hazy and distorted in Twist’s ears, but the creature seemed to understand it clearly. From the tongue-filled mouth came a snort that vibrated Twist’s entire body, making her bones echo with a tinkling, childish, and very familiar laughter. “Pinkie?” Without any warning, the tentacle wrapped around Twist and dragged her into the mouth, which closed behind her. She had been swallowed whole. “Mmmm… Yummy!”         Twist breathed out a sigh of relief and beamed. Ever since they had started making cupcakes together, Twist had been waiting to see what Pinkie thought of her special peppermint cupcakes. She had spent years perfecting the recipe; if Pinkie Pie hadn’t liked those cupcakes, Twist would probably have slunk home and cried.         “You know, I’ve tried making peppermint cupcakes before, but they’ve never been as good as these!” Pinkie proclaimed, before gulping down in one bite the double fudge peppermint cupcake that Twist had made for her.         Twist blushed, taking a bite of Pinkie’s brownie cupcake. “Your cupcaketh are ath amathing ath ever,” she replied through a mouthful. They really were. Oddly enough, a hint of a strange, almost herbal flavor traced itself along her tongue as she swallowed. It didn’t detract from the overall flavor at all, though. Twist reached for another one, but found herself grasping at air. She looked down and blinked. Had she really eaten all of the cupcakes? She looked up to see Pinkie smiling at her.         Pinkie extended a hoof and placed in on Twist’s shoulder, her blue eyes glistening with genuine gratitude. “Thanks,” she said simply.         Twist looked back at Twist and blinked in confusion. “For what?”         “For sharing your recipe. I know you must have spent years on it. It was super generous of you to share it with me.”         Twist felt her ears burn. She stuttered out something dismissive as she tried to sink into the ground. It was something she had been working on for years. She had poured hour after hour, ingredient after ingredient, to perfect it. It was supposed to be Twist’s own secret recipe. And she had shown it to Pinkie like it was nothing. Twist frowned. When had that even happened? She couldn’t even remember making them.         In the beginning, all was darkness. Slimey, fleshy darkness. Twist lay still in a mass of misshapen limbs, her hoof on the inside of the now closed mouth. The tentacles formed a cushy mass around her, lovingly reacting to her touch like an adoring pet. The liquid from the outside seemed to be flowing from each of the tentacles, each of which seemed obliged to do their best to spread it all over Twist’s body. It was almost relaxing, and would actually have been if Twist hadn’t just been swallowed. But, in a way, she was glad she had been. It appeared that the shock had been enough to jolt her out of her lust-filled haze. She bit her cheek, scraping the liquid off of her body, struggling to keep herself sane. There had to be a way out. She had always been the smart one in her class. The pony who always had the answers to all of Miss Cheerilee's questions. “Think!” she screamed at herself. Where was she? How had she even gotten here? She could not remember anything. It was as if she had been drowning in this empty ocean forever, and had just been plucked out—saved—by the creature she was inside. She shook her head. Maybe she wasn’t completely sane, after all. She was Twist! She was a pony from Ponyville. She had a family that loved her, and went to Ponyville Elementary! Didn’t she? Childish giggling interrupted her thoughts. The smell of Pink—Twist could find no other way to describe it—entered her nostrils. Twist choked, feeling a familiar haze enter her mind. “NOOOOOOOO!” Twist bit her tongue, the pain jolting her awake. The creature screamed as if it had felt her pain, blasting her with tremendous force out of the opening. Twist burst out, reveling in the sudden freedom as she crushed her limbs together to keep her momentum going for as long as possible. She suddenly stopped, a sharp pain jabbing at her tail. She chanced a glance back and saw a tongue grabbing hold of her. She twisted her body around and waved a hoof at it, trying to peel it off, but it seemed to have merged with her body. Panicking, she grabbed ahold of the tentacle and bit at it. An excruciating pain filled her body and she instinctively let go. She felt herself being dragged back into the mouth, only to stop in front of it once again. The beast shifted, and an enormous eyeball stared at her, reflecting a chaotic scene of tentacles writhing around and flesh mashing against flesh. One truly disgusting figure writhed around, a massive tentacle of a twisted and tainted physiognomy, dancing in a grotesque rhythm of lust. Twist shrunk back, and so did the figure. Twist frowned and slowly turned. So did her reflection. Twist looked down at herself and opened her mouth to scream. “Hiya, Twist!” The scream died in Twist’s throat as Pinkie Pie appeared in front of her. Closing her eyes, Twist cowered back and covered what was left of her face with adipose pseudopods that budded from her deformed body. “Don’t look at me, I’m horrible!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “You’re beautiful, silly.” Twist felt her “arms” being brushed aside, and opened her eyes to the sight of Pinkie Pie’s lips pressed against hers. Eyes wide, Twist didn’t resist. Sharp needles pricked against her skin as she gazed, entranced, into Pinkie’s eyes. A warm heat rose in her chest as she felt herself giving all control to Pinkie, losing herself in her warm embrace. Pinkie’s tongue entered Twist’s mouth. Twist’s eyes rolled back as she caved in to Pinkie’s every motion, savouring the sticky, sweet flavor that melted in her mouth like cotton candy. A hoof slid its way across Twist’s labia. Dimly, she felt the cool kitchen counter press against her back as Pinkie leaned into her, tongue trailing from Twist’s mouth to her neck. The hoof plunged into her vagina. Twist gasped. The hoof squirmed its way deeper, until Twist felt herself being split in two, and then instantaneously pulled out with a wet “squick!” Twist writhed, her pseudopods flailing sluggishly in the surrounding goop. Shuddering with every motion, she draped a tentacle around one of Pinkie’s tongues, presenting herself desperately for Pinkie’s attention. Pinkie’s grinning face lowered to Twist’s crotch, tongue extended and coiling itself around Twist’s clitoris. A choked cry escaped Twist. Her mind turned blank. The thudding of her heart in her chest was the only thing she could hear. “Please.” She whispered, the words burbling through empty expanses. Only this time, Pinkie was there. And, as Pinkie Pie’s tongue filled Twist’s inside, Twist realized that this time, she would have release. Staring into big blue eyes that pulled her once more into its gaping depths, Twist orgasmed. A huge weight left her entire body, leaving her with a peaceful, floating feeling. She closed her eyes and slept. Pinkie hummed as she worked, scrubbing the cupcake tray clean. She stepped back, examining her work. Spotting a bit of residue that she had missed, she frowned and moved her hoof forward to reach for the sponge. “Am I real?” Pinkie paused, looking over at Twist, who was lying in Pound Cake’s crib. She opened her mouth and then closed it. Holding a waterlogged hoof to her chin, she replied, “Well, what do you think?” Twist cocked her head. “Me?” Pinkie nodded. Twist’s face crinkled. She didn’t speak for a moment. Then she replied, “I think I am. But what am I? What are you? What happened?” Pinkie looked down and scrubbed out the stain. She reexamined the tray, and nodded, satisfied. Pinkie turned to Twist and peered at her with big blue eyes. “Does it really matter?” Twist frowned. “Of courth—Of course it matters!” “Why?” Pinkie gazed at Twist uncomprehendingly. Twist’s frown deepened. “Because… it should matter!” Pinkie’s expression didn’t change. Twist grit her teeth and continued, “When I was that thing in that big tub of slime, it was the worst thing in the world. I was hideous! I was… all alone.” She sniffled. A hoof rubbed her shoulder. She looked up at a sympathetic Pinkie. Pinkie leaned into Twist. “I’ll never leave you alone, no matter who or what you are. To be honest, I don’t know what that was either,” Pinkie admitted, “And I came from there! It was so dark. And lonely. And then one day I was in Ponyville.” Pinkie sighed wistfully, her eyes staring at only something she could see. “There were ponies and smiles and parties! There was happiness. I never looked back.” She turned to face Twist. “Until I met you. Floating around in that dark place. And I knew I had to bring you here.” Pinkie frowned, looking away. “Maybe it’s not real. Maybe I just made Ponyville up in some crazy hallucination to get away from the loneliness. Maybe Ponyville is real and I just happened to find it.” She shrugged. “But whatever’s real, even if we’re just figments of our or somepony or something’s imagination, it’s real enough to me.” Twist sighed. “But don’t you want to know? For sure?” For the first time that night, Pinkie looked scared. “Would you be willing to let go of this? To go back to that lonely place?” She ran her hoof through Twist’s mane. “If there was even a chance that this would stop being real if you knew the truth, would you want to know anyway? Isn’t it better to just be happy?” Twist looked up at Pinkie Pie, uncertain. “I guess not knowing is better than… that.” She hugged Pinkie’s hoof. “I don’t want you to leave me. I don’t want that to be the truth.” Pinkie Pie smiled. “I won’t let it,” she swore, crossing her heart, “and that’s a Pinkie Promise.” A giddy expression spread across Twist’s face, mirroring Pinkie’s growing smile. Twist shifted nervously so her body was against Pinkie’s. “Can I stay with you tonight?” Pinkie raised her eyebrow. “Wouldn’t your parents be worried?” Twist clutched at Pinkie’s leg like a stray kitten, eyes wide. “Please! I’ll be in school all week! I’ll never get to visit!” Pinkie patted Twist on the back as she guided her to the door. “Well how about you drop by whenever you’re free? You can make your peppermint treats here in Sugarcube Corner with me!” Twist grinned stepping out. “You’d let me?” Pinkie hugged Twist. “Of course! You’re a very special somepony to me!” Twist’s face flushed. Pinkie pulled out her watch again, pointing at the words “PARTY” and “TIME” engraved on the surface. The hands of the clock still had not moved. A mischievous grin grew on Pinkie’s face. “Just because you have to go, it doesn’t mean the party is over. We’ll be together, right here.” She pointed at her chest with her hoof. Twist glanced at the watch, and then turned to Pinkie. With matching smiles, they spoke as one. “It’s always party time.”