> What they Say > by MLPComicDUBS > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Apologize > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a sunny and beautiful day at Sweet Apple Acres. Applebloom was playing in the grass with her two best friends: Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. "So, girls what's on the list for crusading today?" Scootaloo asked excitedly. "Hmm, I don't know we've kinda done everything on this list." Sweetie Belle said looking at the list where they write all of their ideas. "Well, how about we just be random! Then we'll be sure to get out Cutie Marks!" Applebloom suggested. "Okay!" They all agreed on at the same time. A couple minutes later they were all running towards Applejack near the barn. "Howdy ya'll whatcha need?" Applejack asked looking down at the three fillies. "Well, we just wanted to tell you that we'll be back later!" Scootaloo said looking at Applejack. "Well, ya didn't have to tell me! Just go have some fun!" Applejack shouted gesturing them away. "Thanks sis!" Applebloom shouted back as they all ran towards Ponyville. When the three Crusaders got to Ponyville they all ran to SugarCube Corner. They arrived at SugarCube Corner to discover that their two worst enemies were there: Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon. They had no idea why the two bullies hated them so badly, but they did. "Hey Silver Spoon look! Its the Cutie Mark Crybabies!" Diamond Tiara shouted while laughing. "Hey Diamond do we really have to always be mean to them?" Silver Spoon asked her whispering. "Well, of course we do Silver Spoon, what has been wrong with you lately?" Diamond Tiara scoffed at her. Silver Spoon suddenly came up to the three fillies and whispered something in their ears. "I-I'm so sorry!" She than ran out of SugarCube Corner and into the streets. "That coward running away from me, she'll get what she deserves." Diamond Tiara muttered under her breath. "Well, Cutie Mark Crybabies I gotta go find Silver Spoon bye!" Diamond Tiara then ran out the cafe doors after Silver Spoon. "Well that was weird." Scootaloo said glancing at Sweetie Belle and Applebloom occasionally. "Totally!" Agreed Applebloom. "I think we are all missing the point." Sweetie Belle said walking over to a booth to sit down. "Remember how Silver Spoon said 'She was sorry' maybe she really meant it!" Sweetie Belle continued. "Yeah! Maybe she did really mean it!" Applebloom said excitedly. As the three of them contemplated the thought about her really meaning the apology, they all just shrugged and walked out of the cafe. While they were walking to Twilights newly born castle they ran into Silver Spoon crying right near Rarity's boutique. Applebloom and the other two all ran up to her. "Whats wrong Silver Spoon?" Scootaloo asked her. Silver Spoon just kept on crying until she said something. "D-Diamond Tiara threated me and my parents because I apologized to you guys." She kept crying between words. "What do you mean she threated your family?" Sweetie Belle asked looking at her with apologetic eyes. "H-her father Filthy Rich told them they either stay with her o-or they'll kick us out of Ponyville." She started to stand up very slowly. "Oh no!" Applebloom said helping Silver Spoon stand up. "T-Thanks." Silver Spoon said nodding her head at the three Crusaders. "Your welcome! And we''ll do everything we can to help you Silver Spoon! Your technically a Cutie Mark Crusader now!" Scootaloo said smiling at Silver Spoon. "R-Really! Because to be honest i've always wanted to be a part of your group but Diamond Tiara would probably kill me." Silver Spoon looked at her hooves. "As long as your around us you'll be safe! And that's a promise!" Sweetie Belle said lending her hoof out to shake Silver Spoon's. Silver Spoon shook Sweetie Belle's hoof and all the other Crusaders as a sign of their trust for her. "Thank you guys so much! I've never had real friends like you guys Diamond Tiara was always mean to me... So I always would help her bully you guys so I wouldn't get beat up." Silver Spoon said. "Well theres no more need for that. Were all here for you now." Scootaloo said boldly. "Girls! What are ya'll waiting for we gotta get back to the treehouse so we can name her a official part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Let's Go!" Applebloom shouted running back towards the treehouse. The rest of them raced after her eager to start the initiation to let Silver Spoon be the official first non-Blank-flank member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. ~At Diamond Tiara's Place~ "Ugh, Daddy you've gotta tell Silver Spoon's parents! She's been being soooo mean to me! She threatened to kill me!" Diamond Tiara claimed with a fake pout. "Honey, you and Silver Spoon have been friends ever since you were foals are you sure that she really said that to you and your not just exaggerating?" Diamond Tiara's father Filthy Rich told his daughter. "Daddy, when have I ever lied to you?" Diamond Tiara said in a fake sad voice. "Well, thats true I'll give her parents a call and set her straight." Filthy Rich said while walking over to the phone. "Thanks Daddy!" Diamond Tiara said while galloping up the stairs while grinning evilly. "Oh you'll get what you deserve Silver Spoon i'll make sure of it!" She muttered under her breath. Back at the treehouse~ "Okay girls its time to do role call!" Announced Sweetie Belle standing onto of the podium with the attendance list. Scootaloo led Silver Spoon to one of the empty chairs in the room. She then sat down and waited. "Sweetie Belle! Check! Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle called out. "Here!" Scootaloo shouted happily. "Applebloom?" Sweetie repeated. "Here!" Applebloom said. "Now its time to make you, Silver Spoon an official member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Sweetie Belle proclaimed.