> Pinkie's ballooning aspiration > by callyoops2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the whole thing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thanks for inviting me over for lunch Pinkie.” Fluttershy smiled graciously at her host. She enjoyed spending time with her on picnics and such, but it wasn’t often they could do so since their responsibilities kept overlapping time wise. Fortunately everything seemed to line up perfectly today and they decided to have lunch in Whitetail woods. A special picnic for just the two of them. Fluttershy bit into another of the cookies lying on the blanket they had put down. “I can’t thank you enough for bringing these cookies. They're delicious. Aren’t you going to eat any?” Pinkie smiled at her friend reassuringly, No, I’m fine. I made these especially for you silly!” Fluttershy took another large bite of her cookie. It was hard to describe what made the cookie so good. They tasted dryer than her Pinkie's cookies, but that only it more delicious when she got to one of the large chunks of gooey chocolate. Fluttershy reached for her glass of water and realized it was empty again. Before she could say anything, Pinkie popped a pitcher out of nowhere and refilled it for her. “Oh, thanks, Pinkie Pie.” It suddenly hit her that this was her fourth glass of water since they started eating. “I guess I was more dehydrated than I thought.” “You should be more careful. It’s important that a pony gets plenty of water, especially when they work outside like you do.” Fluttershy suddenly felt bad. She shouldn’t have said anything about it! Now her friends were going to wonder if she’s drinking enough water. She decided that she would just start carrying water around all the time.... But if she did that they might start thinking she was sick! Her eyes flew open in realization as she felt an odd sensation in her belly which could only mean one thing. In desperation she clenched her muscles, but it was no use. A low, but clearly audible fart escaped her bottom. Oh Celestia! I can't believe I did that in front of Pinkie Pie of all ponies! Her cheeks burned in embarrassment and she hoped in vain Pinkie didn’t notice. “Are you ok, Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked. “Oh, I, umm, I just... I’m sorry!” She squeaked. Her stomach gurgled and another wave of pressure washed over her. Another pocket of gas escaped her. This time she nearly keeled over in embarrassment. “Pinkie, I, I need to go use the bathroom!” “No you dont silly! Pinkie replied.” “No Pinkie, I really really do! She said as another loud fart tore through the air. She felt bloated and her hoof fell to her stomach. She could swear it was noticeably inflating beneath her hooves. Pinkie moved closer, cradling the pegasus in her forelegs and stroked her groaning and churning belly as it swelled. “Pinkie, what are you doing?” “I can’t let you go get rid of all that by using the bathroom, that would be such a waste! Using her mouth, Pinkie reached into the picnic basket next to her and pulled out a black colored pear shaped item Fluttershy had never seen before. “What's that for?" Pinkie didn’t answer, not with words anyway. She pulled her head down to Fluttershy's crotch and went a little lower aiming the device right at her pert little plothole. Pinkie started pushing it in slowly, and Fluttershy winced in pain as the object stretched her anus open to allow it to enter. “Pinkie! What in the world are you doing?" Her pleas went unanswered as the pear was pushed further, stretching her anus even larger until suddenly it stopped. At this point Pinkie released her, but she was in no shape to run away. She saw Pinkie dig back into her basket and pull out a little bulb and hose and attach it to the pear. “What is tha- ahhh! “ Fluttershy gasped sharply as the earth pony pumped the bulb a couple times. She felt the pear inflate inside her anus giving her the sensation of needing to go to the bathroom, but by the time Pinkie stopped pumping, Fluttershy couldn’t push the bulb out. “There we go! A plugged up pegasus!” Pinkie said proudly. Fluttershy stared at Pinkie in bewilderment. "Why?” She asked. “Because I need lots and lots of helium of course!” Pinkie informed her. Her bright smile told Fluttershy that the pink pony saw nothing wrong with what she was doing. Fluttershy jumped as her Soft belly started swelling at an even faster rate. It slowly rose higher and higher until it started obstructing her view of the earth pony standing over her, looking on with glee. “That’s it, make lots of gas for Pinkie!” Fluttershy sat in amazement as her normally petite and slender midsection now looked like she’d somehow swallowed a beachball, and still it grew. The pink pony rubbed her chin for a moment lost in thought. “Hmmm, it’s just not growing fast enough... It’s probably because you didn’t drink the rest of your water,” Pinkie reasoned out loud. Fluttershy stared helplessly as Pinkie grabbed the glass and carried it over to her mouth. The pink pony tipped the glass at her suggestively. She didn’t know why she did, but Fluttershy opened her mouth immediately signaling Pinkie she would comply. She gulped down the water as it came. Pinkie was surprisingly patient, letting her clear her mouth and breathe between gulps. Finally the glass was empty and Pinkie smiled even brighter. “Aha, there we go!” Fluttershy's eyes fell back to her belly only to let out a squeak of surprise. Not only had her belly gotten larger, but now it was growing much faster! She tried moving her hooves and realized they were sticking out of her bloated midsection uselessly. Her stomach churned making her feel weird and only adding to the strangeness of the situation. "Don’t worry Fluttershy, i won’t pop you or anything, and when you’re a balloon, everything feels better!" Pinkie exclaimed. She put her hooves on Fluttershy's swollen mass and prodded intently. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Fluttershy yelped. She had these feelings before, but they were reserved for her private time when no pony else was around, not outside or in front of her friends! A mixture of embarrassment and pleasure swept through her. “P, Pinkie, don't....” “Hmm? “ Fluttershy gasped as Pinkie pressed into her rotund figure again. “Don’t stop Pinkie!” “Nuh uh, silly, that’s a lot of work, and you’ll be ready soon,” Pinkie said removing her hooves. Fluttershy was more than a little disappointed. “Besides, I have a better idea!” Pinkie disappeared from Fluttershy’s view which wasn’t hard considering much of it was filled with her massive yellow belly which now looked like the weather balloons the weather ponies released. “Eep!” Her marehood started tingling in pleasure as she felt something being slid inside it slowly followed by a jerking motion and a droning noise echoing through her body. She didn’t quite care what it was as long as it brought her the release she needed. Another strange feeling hit her too as it felt like somepony was playing with her tail, and then just as quickly as it started, it stopped, though her tail did feel different now somehow than it did before. Pinkie wandered back into her view with a starry eyed look on her face. “Oh wow, Fluttershy, you’re getting so much bigger so much faster than the others!” Others? What others? Fluttershy tried to focus on what Pinkie said, but the ministrations applied to her marehood prevented her from doing so, especially as she neared her threshold. Pinkie moved in close, a seductive gleam in her eyes. “Fluttershy, you are my favorite balloon ever. I’m gonna let you grow and grow as long as I can before have to use you.” Suddenly the pink mare leaned in and kissed her deeply on the lips. Fluttershy felt surprise and pleasure surge through her. She wasn’t sure if Pinkie knew or not, but she’d always held a special fondness for the party pony she only ever relieved herself of during those lonely nights. She shuddered as an orgasm wracked her being, her blimping body wobbled as she tried bucking her hips into the thrashing device between her legs. She felt a new sensation as Pinkie's head seemed like it was moving lower and lower “Pinkie, I wanna be your favorite balloon,” she uttered without thinking as Pinkie kept moving further away. She realized she was floating now and stared helplessly as she drifted further away from her friend. “No! Come back Pinkie!” she screamed wiggling her useless hooves and causing her body to wobble. She felt a sudden jerk on her tail and looked down as best as she could. She saw Pinkie holding a string on her hoof beaming back up at her. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m gonna take good care of you, I Pinkie-promise! Pinkie started walking further into the woods while Fluttershy bobbed lazily in the wind, enjoying the continued vibration in her marehood and the gentle breeze in the wind. She wanted nothing more than to be Pinkie’s personal balloon. To grow endlessly for her friend, after all, Pinkie said she would take care of her, and Pinkie could always be counted on. Suddenly she felt herself being pulled lower and lower to the ground. She glanced around she best as she could but she couldn’t really move her head anymore. Now something entered her view. She no longer saw grass, but now metal over her head. She was being carried along somewhere she had never been before, inflating out of control and completely at Pinkie’s mercy. She should feel scared, but she felt nothing of the sort. She just wanted to bob along behind her friend and be the best balloon pony she could be. “Ok, Fluttershy, lemme get you all hooked up, and look, the others are glad to see you too!” Fluttershy looked around in what appeared to be a massive metal hangar larger than anything she’d seen before and spied several other pegasi. She saw Cloudchaser, Flitter, and Cloudkicker. All of them were much larger than Fluttershy. She felt a twinge of disappointment as she realized she was so much smaller than the others. “But... But ... I want to be bigger....” she moaned. Pinkie rubbed her hoof on her belly again causing those same pleasurable feelings to compound and wash over her. She took a closer look at the other pegasi and saw a hose attached to the things in their plotholes, a hose in each of their mouths, and a large device buzzing away in each of their marehoods. Fluttershy felt a cold strip of rubber wrap around her swollen balloon of a body and felt herself being pulled lower to the ground until she could look back into Pinkie’s bright smiling face. “You’re doing great Fluttershy! You’re the fastest by far!” Pinkie enthused. “I want to be the biggest....” Fluttershy moaned out. “You can do it Fluttershy! But you have some competition...” Pinkie said. Fluttershy felt her massive but lightweight body being turned to the left and her eyes widened. Along the left side of the metal hangar was nothing but a massive blue blimp with a multicolored lightning cutie mark. She knew right away who it was. No! You are not going to win this one Rainbow Dash, Pinkie is mine. Fluttershy’s eyes fell back to the pink pony. “How do i get bigger?” Pinkie pulled out a clear hose with a mouth guard on the end. “All ya gotta do is eat. Anytime you bite on the hose, it feeds you, the more you eat, the more helium you make, and the more helium you make, the happier I get! Fluttershy opened her mouth and let Pinkie place the hose in her mouth. Immediately she bit down onto the mouthguard and received a gloopy substance which tasted a lot like the cookies she ate earlier. She started gulping down the goop as quick as she could and felt her stomach gurgle once again. She was already far behind the others and she needed to blimp up as quick as she could. She felt Pinkie kiss her bloating flank and the dildo started vibrating even faster bringing her to the edge of another orgasm. She gulped down the goop even faster as Pinkie's hooves started clopping further and further away from her. “I’ll be back tomorrow Fluttershy, I know you’ll be the biggest pony in here by then!" And with that, the metal door slammed shut. Only one thing consumed Fluttershys mind. Drink as much of the goop as she can. She couldn’t let Pinkie down after all. She gulped it down noisily as an orgasm ripped through her body. She had all night to prove to Pinkie that she was the right mare for the job, and she wasn’t going to let her down. ----------------- Pinkie bounced through the forest in glee as she awaited what would sure to be the most amazing day ever! She knew that by now her plan would be ready to set in motion, all that was left was the final piece of the puzzle. She opened the heavy metal door leading to her underground hangar and nearly flipped at what she saw. Fluttershy’s massive yellow body took up the majority of the room in the hangar, more than any other pony by far. Rainbow Dash with her oblong shaped body looked small in comparison. The yellow pony’s belly made audible churning and gurgling noises constantly that echoed throughout the empty hanger. She wasted no time in running up to where Fluttershy’s tiny head was poking out of the blimp her body had become. Fluttershy seemed to be desperately sucking at the hose, trying to gulp down as much of the gooey liquid as she could. Good thing Pinkie made a few hundred gallons extra on accident! She gently removed the hose from Fluttershy’s mouth. “Fluttershy, you can stop now silly!” Fluttershy opened her eyes. They looked a bit tired after what Pinkie guessed was a sleepless night of constant eating. "I, I can? But, what if I’m not big enough?!” “Don’t worry Fluttershy! You’re the biggest one here! You did it!” Fluttershy looked relieved for a moment and then scrunched her face. “Pinkie, I really need to use the bathroom....” “Don’t worry, Fluttershy, in just a few minutes this will all be over!" Pinkie said. She moved over to the machine she had set up with several hoses connected to it, each of them connected to one of the massive ponies in the hangar. She grabbed the last remaining hose and tugged it over to Fluttershy’s rear and connected it to the plug bulging out of her plothole. She inspected it all one last time and turned the valve receiving a sharp hissing as the hose filled with the helium. She looked over the other ponies too, opening their valves as well and inspecting them all to make sure there were no leaks. Satisfied with her work, Pinkie fetched another plug and hose. This hose was much longer than the others and had an attachment that split off into three sections. One of them just ended, one of then ended in a sizable dildo with a hole at the tip, and one ended in a mouth guard not unlike the hoses in her cherished balloon ponies mouths. “Ok, Pinkie, it’s show time.” She pressed a button on the wall and stared as the roof of the hangar separated and opened allowing the sun to beam into the metal workspace. After two years of planning and candidate selection and preparation, finally she reached her goal. She slowly inserted the deflated plug into her anus, trying to block out the pain, she was almost there after all, what’s a little pain? With it inserted she put one of the hoses on the end of the plug and connected it. She grabbed the other hose with the dildo attached and placed it at the edge of her already dripping marehood. She slowly inserted it into her as fast as she could stand. She was anxious to get started, but even she had her limits. And now the last hose. She grabbed the mouthguard with her teeth and put it inside her mouth. Now with three hoses fully attached to her, the real plan could begin. She walked over to the machine and flipped a switch. Instantly it roared to life. The pegasi in the room each let out a moan of relief, especially Fluttershy. She was so proud and grateful for Fluttershy's help, but now it was up to her. Her hoof hesitated on the last switch marked with a large red exclamation mark. She knew once she flipped this switch there was no going back. With one last determined look in her eyes, she flipped the switch and instantly doubled over in surprise. The plug in her anus immediately inflated tightly so that it couldn’t fall or be pushed out involuntarily. The mouth guard inflated locking it in place in her mouth so she couldn’t spit it out, and the dildo buzzed to life and swelled up in her marehood so that it wouldn’t fall out no matter how slick she got. The combined helium of all the ponies in the hangar started pumping into her at an incredible rate. Her midsection instantly ballooned outwards rendering her hooves useless. She felt her body billow larger and larger and felt herself rise from the ground as she rapidly inflated out of control. In mere seconds, she went from her slightly chubby waistline, to a twelve foot round balloon. Despite the suddenness of the inflation, she wished she could get even larger faster. She felt her body lift from the ground and start floating into the sky. She hoped her hoses had been wrapped up correctly; otherwise they might tangle and end her flight too soon. Before long she found herself riding on the edge of a cataclysmic orgasm. She tried wiggling into the dildo pounding her pussy of its own accord but more or less ended up just wobbling about like the others. Her body had now swollen so large that she would sooner have been mistaken for a hot-air balloon. She surpassed the tree line and finally got a good look at Ponyville. She wished she could see their faces as her massive pink body filled the sky. By now she estimated that she had to be nearing rainbows size, but it was hard to tell given her position. The helium, slightly musky smelling, pushed its way into her mercilessly bloating her at an intense rate, and she loved every moment of it. By now she could see clear across to Canterlot, her massive body cast a shadow covering the everfree forest Ponyville and beyond. And she wasn’t done yet. She took in more and more of the precious gas not wanting to let any of it escape. She wished she could have all the helium in all of Equestria being pumped inside her at this moment as the dildo rocked her closer to an orgasm. Suddenly the hose pulled taut. She climaxed as her immense form wobbled and jiggled with the helium inside. She sat anchored in the air by the long rubber hoses as they strained to hold her in place. Her entire form quaked and wobbled as unspeakable amounts of helium swelled her larger. Finally after much straining, the hoses broke loose just as she planned and now she was leaking helium out of each of her holes. Luckily she planned for this in her calculations in altitude. She felt a new sensation take over. Rather than the pressure from the helium being pumped into her, she now felt a stretching sensation. The low air pressure meant her body could stretch even larger and now seemingly without end. She only wished she could have made her hose reach all the way up here too. The cold air on her body gave way to a new feeling, a feeling of tightness. Her titanic form stretched and bloated even further thanks to the lower air. She tumbled and spun to the edges of the atmosphere, realizing she was reaching the limits of what her body could take. Fear set in adding to the sexual sensation of the dildo rocking back and forth inside her pushing her to the edge of pleasure In the form of another massive orgasm. Looking down at the ground everything seemed tiny except the shadow she cast over Equestria. She saw the oceans crowding around the continent and the mass of green covering the land. Pinkie finally felt the edge of her limits, she felt her body stretched beyond any sane pony's definition of possible and felt another orgasm break upon the shore of her consciousness. She opened her mouth letting the mouthguard fall out and gasped as a rip of pain and pleasure tore across her city sized body. “What in Equestria were you thinking!” Twilight yelled. Pinkie sat in her room as her five friends stood in front of her, most bearing a scowl on their face. “I, I don’t know,” Pinkie muttered softly as she sat up in her bed. “I can’t believe you did something like that! Do you know how many cities went into a panic when they saw a pink blob covering the sun? It was chaos down here!” Twilight said stamping her hoof on the floor. “I’m sorry…” Pinkie muttered Rarity stepped forward this time, you’re lucky it was just a tear and not a explosion, otherwise we might not have been able to do anything for you darling.” Pinkie looked down at herself. All the way from her crotch to her neck there was a line and stitches holding her together. The doctors reassured her the damage wasn’t permanent and that with a little magic therapy, she would be in one intact piece in no time. “And do ya’ll know how long it took to roll y'all up after you fell back down to Ponyville? Why, we were still rolling y'all's popped body up long into the night.” Applejack said joining in. Pinkie gave her skin a tug. It was still very limp, making her look like a slightly under inflated balloon, but it was mostly back to normal. Another thing the doctors assured her would go away after time. “And ponynapping! Who in all of Ponyville would expect you to be a ponynapper. You better be glad none of them want to press charges for some odd reason.” Twilight said glaring at Rainbow Dash. “What?! She’s sorry! Can’t you guys tell?” Rainbow said defensively. She received a collected set of confused and bewildered faces from all her friends except Pinkie and Fluttershy. “ I…. I hoped you learned…. SOMETHING from this…” Twilight sputtered. “I’m sorry.” Pinkie repeated. “I hope you girls don’t hate me now…” All of their faces softened and they moved in for a hug. “No sugarcube, we don’t hate ya.” Applejack reassured her.” “Of course not dear.” Rarity added. “We just don’t understand why you wanted to do such a thing in the first place,” Twilight said. “I mean, I get that balloons are your cutie mark, but this is ridiculous.” “I know…” Pinkie muttered again. She pointed to the magical cuff on her right rear leg. “How long does this have to stay on?” she asked. “One month of house arrest. I know it’ll be difficult, but you are allowed to have visitors. We’ll drop by to check on you, ok?” Twilight reassured her. “Ok..” Pinkie uttered pathetically. “We’ll catch you later Pinkie, and remember, no more ballooning pegasi! You’ll be lucky if any of them stick around long enough to grab them anyway.” Twilight said as she walked down the stairs. All of her friends followed except one. Fluttershy waited for the others to leave. Pinkie leaned back on the bed, reflecting on the havoc she inflicted. “Ummm, Pinkie…” Fluttershy started. “Hey Fluttershy, I’m sorry about what I did to you…” Pinkie said, her voice trailing off. “Oh, uhhh I just wanted to say… I kinda enjoyed it…” Fluttershy said with a blush creeping across her face. “You mean it?” Pinkie asked hopefully. “Yes I do. I’ve always liked you Pinkie… I just never imagined you liked me back. Being a helpless balloon felt kind of scary at first, but it felt so good. I knew it would be the perfect way to show you how I felt about yo-" Fluttershy was pulled out of her spiel as Pinkie grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. Pinkie’s tongue explored Fluttershy’s mouth passionately and it was everything the Pegasus could do to keep up. After what seemed like an eternity they separated and Pinkie rested Fluttershy’s head on her stitched up belly. “Oh my…” was all Fluttershy could manage as she caught her breath. “I saved some of that stuff from the tubes before the guards got there. I thought you might want to use it on me sometime.” Fluttershy said. Pinkie leaned back on her bed and patted Fluttershy’s head softly enjoying her soft warmth close to her. She glanced down at the magical shackle on her hoof and smiled. “Totally worth it.”