> Awkward Love > by Vinyl_Wubs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Eeyup! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Did you need help with anything else Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “Not that I can think of.” Fluttershy said with a small smile. “Thank you for helping though.” “Sometimes I think you have ehm… Too many animals.” Rarity said with an exasperated sigh. “Just try to ease back on the puppies.” Rainbow Dash said, slugging Fluttershy in the shoulder. “Ow… Okay, I’ll try. But they’re just so cute!” Fluttershy giggled, lightly rubbing her shoulder. “Hey where’s Pinkie?” Applejack asked. Pinkie’s giggling voice was heard as she came down the stairs with a puppy on her head. And her arms… and… everywhere. Dash groaned and rolled her eyes. Fluttershy giggled a little more as she knelt down and beckoned some of the puppies over to her. All the puppies fell from Pinkie and to the floor, one of them landing on their back and kicking frantically to roll over. Another puppy jumped onto the flipped one and the two started to wrestle. “Look at them.” Fluttershy smiled as she watched, “They’re so cute and playful.” Pinkie practically bodyslammed the puppies as she cuddled them and rolled around the room, laughing uncontrollably. Fluttershy smiled even more as she rushed over and picked up a few of the puppies. She giggled loudly as they started to lick and nibble on her face. “We just finished corallin em!” Applejack sighed. “Nn… I’m done for the day. I’ll see you later.” Dash sighed, flying out the front door. “Bye Fluttershy.” Twilight waved as she left, dragging Pinkie with her magic. “Bye!” Fluttershy waved back. “You still helpin with the chickens at the farm later?” Applejack asked. “Of course!” Fluttershy smiled. “All the other chores should be done when ya arrive so Big Mac’ll help ya if ya need it.” Applejack said as she walked out the door with Rarity. “Okay.” Fluttershy said as she looked back at the puppies. “Let’s get all of you back upstairs and to bed.” Fluttershy was about to head up when she was started by a loud knocking at the front door. She turned around and slowly walked up to the front door, “Who is it?” She asked. “Mph mmmph.” A male and muffled voice called. Fluttershy opened the door up a little bit and peeked out. She saw Big Mac standing there, a hammer in his mouth and several planks of wood in both his hands, nails and the such. “Come in!” Fluttershy said quickly as she opened the door up for him. Big Mac walked inside and stood there quietly, staring at Fluttershy. “Why don’t you… um… set everything down?” Fluttershy asked. “Mphm.” Big Mac mumbled. “Um… Anywhere is fine.” Fluttershy said uncertainly. Big Mac set the supplies down and stared at Fluttershy. “Mmphm.” He said. “Did you need me to um… get you anything?” She asked. Big Mac just stared at her silently. “Oh!” Fluttershy walked up to him and took the hammer out of his mouth. “Thank ya kindly miss.” Big Mac smiled. Fluttershy smiled back, “You’re welcome.” She said, setting the hammer down on the table. “So ya wanted a shed or something?” Big Mac asked, scratching his head. “Um… Y…” She mumbled quietly as her face reddened slightly. “Ms. Fluttershy? Ya okay?” Big Mac asked in his usual firm and formal tone. Fluttershy mumbled quietly and rubbed her foot against the ground. “Miss? Did ya need something? Maybe ya should sit down.” Big Mac said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Eep!” Fluttershy gasped as she quickly stepped back from Big Mac and looked away from him. “Maybe I should come back another time?” Big Mac suggested, about to turn and head out. “No!” Fluttershy said quickly. Big Mac froze and spun around. “O… okay.” He said. “Ehm…” “I… I um wanted the s… shed outside. L… let me show you w… where.” She said quietly. Big Mac picked up the supplies once again before turning and heading to the door. Right as he was about to exit, one plank hit either side of the door and sent him back to the floor. “Nnf!” He grunted. “Oh my! Let me help!” Fluttershy said quickly, she reached down and helped him stand. Fluttershy lost her strength, unable to lift him and was pulled on top of the muscular pony. “Oh eh… Sorry miss.” Big Mac laughed. “Oh… Um…” Fluttershy mumbled as she blushed brightly. Big Mac stood up, carrying Fluttershy in his arms as he walked outside. “Why don’t ya show me where it is, then I’ll bring the stuff out.” He said. Fluttershy’s blush grew brighter and she covered her face up. “I’m just gonna keep walkin till I get some directions Ms. Fluttershy.” Big Mac chuckled. “Um… R… Right… Here i… is fine…” Fluttershy mumbled quietly. Big Mac marked a spot in the dirt before heading back to the cottage. He walked in and stopped. “Ya want to lie down or is the couch fine?” He asked, glancing between the couch and the stairs to her room. “The… the couch is fine…” She mumbled. Big Mac walked over and dropped her onto the couch, smiling as she bounced for a moment. Fluttershy smiled a little as she looked up at him, her face now completely red. “Did ya need anything else before ah get started?” Big Mac asked. “I ain’t the best cook in the family, but I could spruce somethin up.” “That sounds… nice…” She mumbled quietly. “Mind if I search yer fridge? If not I can go pick ya up somethin.” Big Mac suggested. “I… I don’t mind…” Fluttershy said. Big Mac nodded and walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later he walked back with a bowl of steamed vegetables, some of them seeming undercooked. She looked up at him to see the same smile as before still pasted on his face. She smiled back, “Thank you…” She said, taking the bowl from him and slowly eating the vegetables. “I’ll get ta work.” Big Mac nodded, picking up the wood again and walking towards the door, managing to hit the sides again. He managed to catch himself before looking at Fluttershy. He laughed, turning sideways and walking out. Fluttershy slowly stood up and walked over to the door to watch him as she ate. Big Mac took a shovel and started digging a foundation, measuring out an area next to the cottage. Fluttershy let her mind wander as she began to imagine being in his arms again. She was startled from her fantasy by a loud banging as she realized he was already done with the floor and was now starting to hammer in a few nails. She watched him and blushed a little as she hoped he hadn’t seen her. Big Mac stopped to stretch a little before wiping some sweat from his forehead. He grabbed another board and started nailing it into the previous. Fluttershy quickly rushed back into her cottage and dug around in her fridge a little. She pulled a pitcher of lemonade out and poured a glass. She carried the glass back outside and stopped when she saw Big Mac was now shirtless, his shirt now being used as a sweatband. Big Mac turned to her and waved, the sweat on his body highlighting the muscles running down his body as they practically shined in the sunset over the horizon. Fluttershy waved back shyly as she slowly walked towards him. Big Mac took the glass and smiled. “Thanks.” He said, drinking the liquid and chugging it, a small trickle pouring from either side of his lips. Fluttershy’s blush grew more intense, “Y… you’re… welcome…” She mumbled. “Why don’t ya go an get some shut eye. I’ll finish up here and head home.” Big Mac suggested, handing the glass back. “That sounds nice…” Fluttershy nodded as she started to walk back to the cottage. She walked back inside, closing the door as she headed back up to her room. She laid down on her bed and pushed her face into a pillow. She sighed and rolled over, staring up at the ceiling as she grew weary, becoming lost in thought as she attempted to sleep. She was startled by a knocking on her bedroom door. Fluttershy stood up and quickly walked to her door, she opened it up, “Hello?” She asked. “Heya Ms. Fluttershy. I was uh… wonderin.” Big Mac started, his sweaty abs directly in front of the shy pegasus. “Um…” Fluttershy mumbled, her face growing red again as she stared at his abs for a moment. “W… what… did you um… need…?” She mumbled quietly. “I was wonderin if I could maybe take yer couch for tha night… I’ll shower I promise, ‘ould hate ta get it all messy. If ya say yes that is.” Big Mac asked. “Th… that’s… f… fine…” Fluttershy said quietly. Big Mac stood there, quietly staring at her. “D… did you um… n… need anything e… else?” She asked. “Uhh.” He started, pointing past me to the shower. “Oh… Um… G… Go ahead…” She blushed as she stepped out of his way. Big Mac nodded and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door to a crack before Fluttershy heard the shower click on. Fluttershy walked quietly over to the bathroom door and peeked through the crack. She looked in to see Big Mac staring at himself in the mirror, flexing his muscles and smiling. Fluttershy blushed a little more as she stared longingly at him. Big Mac gave a small chuckle as he slipped his jeans off to the floor, his large black stallionhood bulging out of his underwear, unable to contain it once the tight jeans were finally gone. Fluttershy covered her mouth up and her eyes widened as she stared at his stallionhood. Big Mac slid his underwear off, letting his still soft shaft hang down to his knees as he stretched a little. Fluttershy’s eyes remained locked on his length as she felt her own cheeks heat up even more. Big Mac gripped his shaft as he continued to look at himself in the mirror, his large weighty sack hanging down between his legs. Fluttershy saw the pre drooling from the head and onto the floor. She felt her head start to spin slightly as she stared almost hypnotized at his sack. Big Mac was absolutely oblivious to the pool of his pre-cum that was building up on the floor. Fluttershy’s eyes wandered down to the pool of pre and she stared at it almost intently. Big Mac turned to the shower and took a step forward, his foot slipping on the puddle and sending him to the floor with a grunt. Fluttershy burst through the door, “Are you hurt?” She asked quickly as she reached down to help him up. Big Mac stared up at her quietly, his mouth slightly open and he didn’t move a muscle. “A…” Fluttershy stopped and her face grew as red as Big Mac before she quickly ran out of the bathroom. She leaped onto her bed and buried her face in the pillows. “Ms. Fluttershy?” Big Mac’s voice asked. Fluttershy remained quiet. “Are ya okay? You ran off awful quick. Did ya need somethin?” Big Mac asked in his usual firm but caring tone. “N… no…” Fluttershy mumbled as she looked over at him from her pillows. She saw he was peeking out of the bathroom. Big Mac’s face was slightly red as he stared at something. “I’ma just… take my shower.” He stammered before closing the door. Fluttershy cocked her head curiously before looking back, seeing her pants had lowered slightly and a little more of her plump behind was showing. Fluttershy quickly pulled her pants up and crawled under her blankets. “Could I uh, get a towel?” Big Mac called. “Um… Sure!” Fluttershy said back as she scrambled out of her bed and rushed over to her closet to grab a towel. She walked back to the bathroom door and knocked, “I have your towel…” She said. “Yah can come in.” Big Mac said. Fluttershy opened the door up slowly and stepped shakily into the bathroom. She attempted to avert her eyes from Big Mac who was currently in the shower. “Ms. Fluttershy?” Big Mac said. “I’m going to um… put it on the counter… if that’s alright with you…” She said. “Yeah but ah… ah gotta tell ya somethin.” Big Mac said, a slight embarrassment in his tone. “G… go ahead…” Fluttershy said. “Well… I uh… I was…” Big Mac started. Fluttershy turned to look at him, an almost hopeful glint in her eyes. “I was starin at yer lower parts…” Big Mac said apologetically. “Oh… that’s…” Fluttershy mumbled as her shoulders slumped down slightly. “I didn’t mean too… I’d hate to embarrass ya or… I don’t mean to do anything that’d offend.” He said, a little hesitation in his voice. Fluttershy smiled a little bit and she straightened up again. “Th… thank you for telling me…” She said quietly as she scurried out of the bathroom. Fluttershy walked downstairs, humming gently as she cleaned her cottage, trying to make the place a little more comfortable for her new guest. “Miss?” Big Mac said, standing at the bottom of the steps with his clothes on once again. “Hm?” Fluttershy asked as she turned around and looked at him. “Didn’t I say to get some sleep?” Big Mac asked, crossing his arms. “I was just… um cleaning up a little for you…” Fluttershy said quietly. “Nuh uh.” Big Mac said, approaching her and staring down with a disapproving look that quickly formed into a smile. “O… Okay… I’ll um… b… be upstairs…” Fluttershy mumbled as her face reddened a little. “Uh huh, and I’ma make sure it stays that way till the sun comes up.” Big Mac said, sweeping her off her feet and walking to the stairs. Fluttershy stiffened up and stared up at him, her breathing growing heavier. Big Mac approached the bed and set her down as gently as possible. “Now yall get comfortable. Ya need anythin else?” He asked. “No… I’m fine…” Fluttershy mumbled. “Just holler if you need anythin at all. Yall deserve a good rest.” Big Mac smiled. Fluttershy smiled back, “Thank you…” She said quietly. “Now you get some shuteye ya hear?” Big Mac said, turning and walking to the stairs. “Wait!” Fluttershy said quickly. Big Mac stopped immediately and turned around, rushing over to the bed. “Somethin wrong?” He asked. “P… please don’t… um… g…” Fluttershy mumbled quietly, her last few words almost too quiet to hear. “What was that?” Big Mac asked, taking a seat on the bed and listening a little more carefully. “Please...d… don’t leave me… a… alone…” Fluttershy stammered quietly, her face growing an incredible shade of red. Big Mac paused, staring silently at her. “P… please?” Fluttershy asked quietly. Big Mac fell onto the bed entirely, nearly bouncing Fluttershy into the air as he continued to stare at her with a smile on his face. “Well I’d hate to see ya scared, so I ain’t moving.” He reassured. Fluttershy smiled weakly before she scooted closer to him. “I remember when I was a bit younger, Applejack was scared tah sleep alone. I made sure to keep the monsters away at night.” Big Mac said. Fluttershy stared up at him, “R… really?” She asked. “Yep. And I don’t mind doin the same with ya. In fact, I uh…” Big Mac started, scratching his head. “I don’t mind it at all really…” Fluttershy smiled a little bit more before she lightly pressed herself against him and nuzzled herself closer. Big Mac paused, staring down at her for a few moments before wrapping his arms around her. Fluttershy stiffened up for a moment before she relaxed into him and slowly closed her eyes. She mumbled something quietly into his chest as she started to fall asleep. “Get some sleep… Fluttershy.” Big Mac said softly. ------------------------------------------ The next day: Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes only for them to get met with Big Mac’s chest. “Oh… it wasn’t a dream…” She mumbled to herself before a small smile grew on her face. “No it’s… salad chops…” Big Mac mumbled, licking his lips and chewing for a few moments. Fluttershy giggled a little and stared up at him. Big Mac opened his eyes groggily and looked down at Fluttershy. “Mornin…” He mumbled. Big Mac paused for a moment before his eyes widened. He let go of Fluttershy and fell back out of the bed. “Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked quickly. “Yeah I…” Big Mac started, standing up slowly before looking down at the ground. “I’ma sorry…” “For what?” Fluttershy asked curiously. “Holding ya while you slept… I didn’t mean tah make ya uncomfortable… I know how ya are around me. I… I mean uh… peo-” Fluttershy cut him off by putting a single finger to his lips. “You… didn’t make me feel uncomfortable…” She said. “Ohph.” Big Mac said through her fingers. Fluttershy pulled her hand back and smiled a little. Big Mac’s smile returned a he fell onto the bed again, pulling her into a tight hug. Fluttershy nuzzled her head against his chest and gently hugged him back. “I uh… Like ya a lot Flutters.” Big Mac said. Fluttershy blushed and continued to silently nuzzle his chest. Big Mac smiled a little more. “There was somethin else I did to cheer my lil’ sister up when she was scared.” He said. “Wha-” Fluttershy was cut off by her own laughter as Big Mac started to tickle her. Big Mac laughed a little as he continued to lightly tickle every inch of her stomach. Fluttershy squirmed around and giggled loudly. Big Mac stopped and immediately and realized he was on top of her, his face turning redder than the fur on his body. Fluttershy stared quietly up at him. Big Mac’s face slowly got closer to hers as he semi-nervously attempted to go a little further. Fluttershy shakily leaned up towards him. “If this is uncomfortable…” Big Mac started, his breathing increasing slightly. Fluttershy quietly shook her head as she continued to lean up, her breath already heavy. Big Mac closed the gap and pressed his lips to hers, sliding his hands underneath her and hugging her against him. Fluttershy's eyes closed and she melted into the kiss, quietly moaning into his mouth. Big Mac tightened his grip around her, but not enough to hurt her as he pulled his head back, his blush clearly visible. Fluttershy was left panting as her eyes slowly opened. Big Mac stared at her for a moment before quickly kissing her again, his hand sliding along her wings. Fluttershy shivered at his touch and moaned a little louder, her wings unfurled and stiffened up slightly. Big Mac sat up straight, pulling her into his lap as he pulled his head away again. Fluttershy eeped quietly as she looked up at him. “Ehm… I’m sorry.” Big Mac said quickly. Fluttershy quickly kissed him and wrapped her arms around him as she fully melted into him. Big Mac’s hands were all over her body as the warmer than normal breath through his nose ran down her body. Fluttershy moaned into his mouth again and pushed herself even further against him. Big Mac pushed his head into her neck and started kissing it. “Big Mac…” Fluttershy whispered softly, shivering at his continued touch and attention. Big Mac caught her by surprise as he gripped her shirt and ripped it open, her still bra contained breasts becoming visible. Fluttershy’s face reddened even more as she stared silently at him. Big Mac stared wide eyed at her chest. “I’m… I’ma sorry…” He mumbled. Fluttershy grabbed his head and gently guided it down to her two love pillows. Big Mac kissed the valley in the middle of her chest and bit down on her bra, pulling it back and snapping it against her skin. Fluttershy yelped a little and squeezed his head further against her soft cushions. She gasped as he tore her bra off and started tightening his hands around her breasts as he continued to kiss either of them to no discretion. She moaned loudly and began to pant even more. Big Mac’s hands moved up to his chest and pulled his shirt off, pulling her against his now bare muscular chest as he kissed her soft lips again. Fluttershy squirmed around slightly before she relaxed and fell into the kiss. His hands moved down, squeezing and fondling her still clothed backside. She moaned quietly and wrapped herself around him. Big Mac’s fingers pressed roughly into her ass, pressing along where her backdoor would be and sliding it back and forth between her crotch. Fluttershy moaned again and lightly ground her hips against his fingers. Big Mac shoved her onto the bed and tore her pants off effortlessly, his fingers returning to gripping her now bare and plump cheeks. Fluttershy shivered and stared sensually up at him as she moaned with every movement of his hands. Big Mac lifted her up onto his shoulders, his mouth attaching to her slit and his tongue lapping like a dehydrated dog. Fluttershy almost screamed as her legs wrapped tightly around his head. Big Mac hungrily ate her out as his hands dug more into her backside, a thumb sliding gently around the unattended hole. Fluttershy shivered and her pussy started to spasm around his tongue as she steadily approached an orgasm. Big Mac bit down onto her clit, tugging on it gently with his teeth. Fluttershy screamed loudly and violently came, splattering her juices all over his face. Big Mac fell forward, slamming her back onto the bed as he continued to drink all the juices she was messily spilling. Fluttershy laid there limply giving out the occasional weak moan as her orgasm seemed to continue on, leaving her in a continuous afterglow. Big Mac stood up, facing her as the bulge straining to tear his jeans became visible, his hand rubbing it slowly. Fluttershy stared intently at the bulge, her mouth seeming to go a little wider as she imagined what it’d feel like. Big Mac slipped his jeans off, the large black shaft protruding from the top of it as he fondled his balls through the last ornament of clothing. Fluttershy’s breathing grew heavier as she stared at his mammoth member. Big Mac gripped his length with his other hand as it grew to his chin, stroking it gently as he watched her. Fluttershy attempted to roll over only to find her strength had failed her. Big Mac slipped his underwear off and crawled onto the bed, lying overtop her and smiling. Fluttershy blushed intensely and smiled back. Her eyes wandered back down to his shaft, “C… could you… please… use a… condom?” She asked quietly. “Oh uh… Yup.” Big Mac nodded, jumping up and grabbing his jeans, pulling a condom out of one of the back pockets. “You… keep one with you?” Fluttershy questioned, her tone half accusing and half curious. “I… ehm… I get a lot of… offers.” Big Mac cleared his throat, glancing down quietly. “Oh…” Fluttershy mumbled. Big Mac opened the condom and stretched it over his length, managing to fit it to the base. Fluttershy smiled again and beckoned him back over. Big Mac crawled onto the bed and pressed himself to her, his muscular body sandwiching his stallionhood between him and her soft body. Fluttershy gently kissed him as she hugged him tightly. Big Mac pushed his tongue into her mouth, the tip of his member meeting the sloppy entrance to her inner walls. Fluttershy spread her legs open as much as she could. His hands moved to her legs and pushed them more towards her head, making her shiver as he touched her and took more control. She opened her eyes and pulled back from the kiss, she stared down at his length, waiting for him to enter. Big Mac sat there, silently looking down at his shaft. “What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked. “I just… care about ya too much. I don’t wanna hurt ya.” He said sincerely. Fluttershy smiled warmly at him, “I don’t mind if it’s you…” She said. Big Mac cracked a smile as he added pressure to her slit, the tip of his mast slowly spreading her lower lips apart. Fluttershy’s mouth opened up slightly and she started panting. Big Mac’s shaft continued into her, speeding up as he moved more and more into her waiting and quivering depths. She moaned quietly and stared up at him through lidded eyes. She shakily reached up towards him and pulled him back down into a kiss. Big Mac gripped her tighter and swirled his tongue around hers as he started to pull back and thrust, his shaft visibly outlined on her abdomen as it moved back and forth. Fluttershy moaned without reservation into his mouth and held onto him as tightly as she could. Big Mac straddled her onto his shaft as he lied back and immediately started bouncing her. Fluttershy screamed loudly and her mouth fell wide open. Her love pillows jiggled freely with every bounce. Big Mac grunted, his balls slapping noisily against her ass only to be silenced each time she landed on them. Fluttershy’s quivering passage tightened around Big Mac’s tree as she came, adding her own juices to the cocktail that was being created on her bed. Big Mac groaned with every pleasured thrust, his slick shaft easily pounding in and out. He twisted Fluttershy around to face away as each bounce actually sent her off the bed momentarily before gravity forced her back down. Fluttershy began to drool profusely as her mind slowly blanked. Reality suddenly snapped back as she fell forward, realizing now she was on her hands and knees. Before she had time to question anything, she felt the thick log shove itself back into her pussy. She pushed her face into the bed and screamed orgasmically into it as her body was racked with even more pleasure. Big Mac raised his hand and slapped her ass hard, gripping it and massaging the red tender area after. Fluttershy yelped loudly as his hand collided with her. Her instantaneous pain soon turned right back into pleasure and she started to moan quietly again. Big Mac stopped his thrustings, holding himself inside her as he looked down at the panting pegasus. Fluttershy weakly looked back at him, “Why… why did you… stop?” She asked through pants. Big Mac leaned down, kissing the area between her wings as his thrust started again, this time at an almost painfully slow speed. Fluttershy moaned and weakly attempted to meet his thrusts. Big Mac held her still, continuing to kiss up her right wing and gently nibble on part of it. Fluttershy’s body weakly quaked as a sudden orgasm whipped through her. Big Mac’s hands moved from her hips to the two full breasts that hung down onto the bed, squeezing and kneading them roughly, but not enough to actually hurt her as he carefully and playfully chewed on the base of her left wing. Fluttershy went limp and continued to moan into the sheets. “Ah… ah love ya… Fluttershy.” Big Mac grunted, speeding his thrusts up to his usual rough pace now that she was completely adjusted to him. “I… I love you too… Big… Mac…” Fluttershy moaned. Big Mac’s thrusts grew more desperate, his meaty shaft growing with need as Fluttershy felt his head flare up. His large black leathery balls swayed heavily as they swelled with what seemed like pent up seed as they roughly slapped against her clit with each thrust. Fluttershy’s already tight canal seemed to ripple around the shaft, trying to milk him as best she could. “I’ma… I…” Big Mac groaned loudly, squeezing Fluttershy’s cheeks together and grinding her around his shaft unconsciously. “Pleeaaaseee….” She moaned, her walls continuing to egg him towards his orgasm. Big Mac’s thrusts bashed against her cervix forcefully as he desperately tried to make sure every inch of her was filled. Fluttershy moaned and her body shook and quivered. “Nng…” Big Mac grunted and groaned, his last thrust forcing the head into her womb as it pulsed and throbbed into the core of her body. Fluttershy shivered with one more orgasm as more of her juices sloppily flooded out of her slit. Big Mac gripped her tighter as the tip of the condom started to inflate, seed pushing it out with each throbbing twitch of his turgid length. Fluttershy felt a small pressure inside her as the condom filled her womb, the material rubbing and stretching across every inch of the innermost chamber. Fluttershy squirmed around slightly before her body went limp again, “Oh… so… much…” She mumbled quietly. Big Mac attempted to pull out, both the condom and his largely swollen and flared head trapped inside her. “Ah… Ah can’t pull…” He moaned, the pressure inside Fluttershy growing, and growing. Fluttershy shook as the warm condom continued to expand in her. “That’s… fine…” She mumbled in an almost drunk manner. “I’m so… sorry…” Big Mac mumbled, his hips jerking forward and pushing another couple inches that she didn’t even know he had, forcing a large jet of his cum into the balloon growing inside her. “Nng… It’s so… tight I…” Fluttershy moaned weakly and her muscles started to relax, making her passage slightly looser. “N… not th… thaaat…” Big Mac shook as the condom strained inside her, growing larger and stretching to the point where it was… ‘Pop!’ Fluttershy’s abdomen lurched down towards the bed as Big Mac’s orgasm lost the only thing containing it, his heavy testies freely emptying into the hungry innards of the yellow pony. Fluttershy shivered as his warm cum filled her. “Oooohhh…” She mumbled. “Oh gn… so sorry…” Big Mac shuttered, pressing his face into her back as her jiggling gut grew and wobbled with every twitch of his tense shaft. Fluttershy’s pussy began to milk everything out of Big Mac, twitching and spasming around his member. Big Mac breathed out, his sack finally calming down as his orgasm ebbed to a stop. “I… Ah… Sorry…” He said again. Fluttershy babbled something incoherently as her gut finally stopped expanding. “Nn.. I’m…” Big Mac mumbled, pulling his softening shaft out and glanced down to see a flood of his spunk start pouring out. Fluttershy shivered as the seed went out the same way it came in. Big Mac fell beside her and gently pulled her against his once again sweaty body. Fluttershy weakly looked up at him. Big Mac moved her head slowly towards him and kissed her. Fluttershy closed her eyes and fell into the kissed, her body going limp once more as she seemed to just pass out. Big Mac moved her head to his chest and hugged her a little tighter. “Sleep tight…” He said quietly. ------------------------------------ Fluttershy woke back up after a while and felt that Big Mac was gone. “Oh… It was just a dream…” She said sadly. Her head shot to the door to her room as she heard the stairs creak. She stared quietly at the doorway as she waited for whoever it was to appear. The door opened and a naked Big Mac walked in with a tray of food in his hands. “Mornin. Thought I’d make ya some breakfast.” Fluttershy smiled, “Thank you.” She said as she scooted over some to give him room to sit down. Big Mac sat down on the bed and pulled Fluttershy into his lap. Fluttershy nuzzled herself against his body and hugged him. “Yall need to eat now ya hear? You stay home and have a little break today. I’ll get those chickens in line.” Big Mac said, placing the tray beside the two of them. “You’ll come back right?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “Mm… Maybe.” Big Mac joked, hugging her tighter and kissing the end of her nose. “Okay.” Fluttershy smiled as she pressed herself even closer to him. “We got plenty more work to do when I get back.” Big Mac said. “What do you m- Oh!” Fluttershy yelped at she felt his shaft prodding her. “A lot of work… Gotta finish plowin those fields.” He said softly. Fluttershy blushed brightly and tensed up slightly as she buried her head in his chest. Big Mac’s arms dug gently into her wings as he massaged them. Fluttershy moaned quietly and shifted around a little. “I hope ah wasn’t too rough with ya.” Big Mac said in a very apologetic manner. “You… um… w… weren’t that rough…” She mumbled quietly. “Ya don’t say? So you’d like it a little harder?” He asked, grinding his crotch against hers. Fluttershy shakily looked down for a moment, “I… I liked it… j… just like that… if… that’s… alright with you…” She said. Big Mac smiled and hugged her closer. “Ah’coarse.” He said, kissing her forehead. Fluttershy nuzzled her head against his chest. Big Mac lied Fluttershy onto her stomach and got onto his knees on the bed. Fluttershy stared back at him, chewing slightly on her lip. Big Mac pressed his hands into her back, massaging her lightly. Fluttershy relaxed and sighed quietly. “Now you just relax and let me help ya.” Big Mac said, pressing a little harder as he moved to her left wing. “That sounds nice.” Fluttershy sighed. Big Mac smiled, moving on to her other wing and gently pulling out a few loose feathers. Fluttershy stretched out and relaxed completely into the bed. Big Mac straddled her and moved up to her shoulders, digging his thumbs into them. “That feels so nice…” Fluttershy mumbled. “Yeah, ya do.” Big Mac said softly. Fluttershy let out another relaxed sigh as her eyes began to feel heavy. “Why don’t ya get some more sleep. I’ll go help at the farm.” Big Mac assured. “Okay.” Fluttershy yawned, her eyes now closing completely as she drifted off to sleep. The two of them were startled by a loud knocking at the front door. “Could you… please get that?” Fluttershy asked quietly. Big Mac nodded, grabbing his pants and fiddling with them, hopping down the stairs as he slipped a leg into them. A loud crash was heard as he slipped. “Ah’m okay!” He called. Fluttershy sat up on the bed and walked to her bedroom’s doorway, she peeked out to watch. She heard several yelps and barks shortly after, flooding up the stairs as a dozen puppies started licking her feet. “Ehm… I opened the wrong door.” Big Mac shouted. “That’s fine!” Fluttershy giggled as she herded the puppies into her room. She jumped onto the bed and all the puppies climbed onto it and jumped on her. “Big Mac? The heck you doing here?” Dash’s voice was heard as he opened the door. Fluttershy tried to get up only for the puppies to hold her down and continue licking and chewing on her. “Ehh wait!” Big Mac said as Dash pushed past him and marched up the stairs. She stopped at the doorway to Fluttershy’s room, seeing her naked and covered in puppies. “I…” Dash stammered. Fluttershy smiled a little and waved at Dash. “Where’s your clothes?” Dash asked. “Um…” Fluttershy mumbled quietly, her face now becoming red. Big Mac appeared in the doorway beside Dash. Dash snapped to him and covered his eyes. “Not now, come back later.” She said. “Ahmm…” Big Mac mumbled. “We’re um…” Fluttershy started in a mumble. Dash’s eyes moved to her clothes, along with Big Mac’s shirt and underwear. The surprise becoming obvious as she stared wide eyed at them. Fluttershy silently nodded. “When?” Dash asked curiously. “Last night.” Fluttershy said quietly. Dash whistled loudly and all the puppies shot into her direction, huddling around the blue pegasus. “Go.” She stated, pointing out the door. The puppies all barked before swarming downstairs. She dove onto the bed next to Fluttershy and stared at her. Fluttershy quietly stared back. “How was it?” Dash asked. Fluttershy’s face turned bright red, “Wh… What?” She stammered. “The sex.” Dash said, extenuating the last word. Fluttershy’s blush grew brighter, “It was…” She mumbled quietly. “Now Dash, she don’ have ta answer that. Quit botherin her.” Big Mac said. Fluttershy remained quiet. Dash crossed her arms and sat stubbornly next to the shy mare. Big Mac lifted Dash up and started walking her towards the exit. “Hey!” Dash shouted, thrashing around in his grip. “Not fair!” “Please um… Put her down… Please?” Fluttershy said quietly. Big Mac stopped and turned back, shrugging and setting Dash back on the bed. “It was great…” Fluttershy mumbled quietly. “Really? How big is he?” Dash asked. Big Mac sighed. Fluttershy remained quiet. “What? You’re already a-” Dash paused and watched as Big Mac started to unbutton his jeans. Big Mac dropped his pants and let his large leathery sack hang free, along with his shaft that dangled between his legs. “Buh… ahd…” Dash babbled, staring almost entranced by the swaying black pole. Fluttershy silently stared at Dash. “Ss… Sgood.” Dash nodded slowly. “I don’t think it’s very nice to intrude like ya did.” Big Mac crossed his arms. Fluttershy silently nodded. “I think yall should learn a lesson. Whatcha think Fluttershy?” Big Mac asked. Fluttershy looked up at Big Mac, “S…” She mumbled quietly. After a short time she nodded. Big Mac sat down, lifting Dash up and bending her over his knee. “Hey! What the hell?” Dash said. Fluttershy stared silently at Dash. Big Mac slipped Dash’s pants down just enough to reveal the toned but still round backside of the blue pegasus. “Wh… what…” Dash mumbled, the red on her face extremely obvious. Fluttershy looked up at Big Mac. Big Mac never lost eye contact with Fluttershy as he raised his hand and spanked Dash’s ass roughly. Dash yelped, squirming under the large earth pony’s grip. Fluttershy recoiled slightly but otherwise didn’t budge. Dash gritted her teeth as his hand made contact with the same spot, her body flinching slightly. “Th… that all… ya got?” She grunted. Fluttershy grabbed Big Mac’s hand, “Stop…” She said quietly. Big Mac turned to Fluttershy, lowering his hand but still holding Dash still. “I… I um may have something that could work better…” Fluttershy said. “Dash um… Got it for me last year on my birthday…” Dash’s face blanked. Fluttershy got up from the bed and walked over to her closet, “I… never um used it if that’s alright…” She said quietly as she pulled out a strapon that almost matched Big Mac in size and girth. Big Mac’s smile only grew as he looked at the toy. “Well we’re gonna have to get her underwear off now won’t we?” He said, grabbing her underwear and pulling it up, giving Dash a wedgie that only got worse as he slowly added strength. “GNN FF!” Dash groaned. Fluttershy walked up behind Dash and grabbed Big Mac’s hand and gently tugged down on it. Big Mac stopped and let go of the underwear, letting it snap back into place. Fluttershy pulled Dash’s underwear down slightly, revealing her back door. She then shakily put the strap on into place on her hips. “What… Oh god…” Dash mumbled, staring back wide eyed at Fluttershy. Fluttershy stared at Dash and kept eye contact as she pressed the tip of the strap on to Dash’s puckered hole and began to add pressure. Dash tightened her ass up and gripped the bed tightly. “Nn… wait…” She groaned. Fluttershy leaned down over Dash and gripped her shoulders. “Only gonna make it worse if ya don’t loosen up.” Big Mac said, grabbing Dash’s wing and squeezing it. Dash moaned and her entire body relaxed slightly. Fluttershy gave a small push and managed to slide the first inch into Dash. “FNNN GOD!” Dash groaned loudly, squirming more under the two of them. Fluttershy grunted as she tried to push more in to no avail. She quietly looked up at Big Mac. Big Mac gave Dash’s wing another squeeze, enticing a second moan as more of her insides loosened up. Fluttershy shook her head. Big Mac grinned and raised his hand, spanking the blue pony again. “FUCK!” Dash screamed. Fluttershy gave a small useless thrust as she continued to stare at Big Mac. Big Mac reached down and forced a couple fingers around the strapon, stretching Dash’s ass open. “Nnph…” Dash grumbled. Fluttershy slammed her hips forward and instantly shoved every last inch into Dash’s underprepared ass. “FLUTTERSHY!” Dash screamed loudly, thrashing and flailing around uselessly under the farmer’s grip. Fluttershy leaned down next to Dash’s ear, “He’s mine…” She whispered so quietly that only Dash could hear her. Big Mac looked down to see the underwear Dash was wearing was getting damp from her obvious excitement. Fluttershy pulled back and slammed in again. Dash’s teeth stood clamped together for a few more moments before she lost the strength, her mouth falling open and her tongue lolling out. Fluttershy glanced up at Big Mac, her hand moved back as she pushed Dash’s underwear down a little more. Big Mac shifted underneath Dash. “Wh… what are y- Oh god…” Dash mumbled as she felt something hard prodding her cunt. He gripped her hips and slammed his length into her, bouncing Dash up without any warning as he screwed the helpless pegasus dry. “GOD PLEASE!” Dash screamed as a few tears slid down her face. Fluttershy started pounding into Dash as fast as she could manage. Big Mac could clearly see the trickle of blood from both Dash’s holes as the two’s pounding never let up. He grunted as he felt the tip of his stallionhood pounding at her cervix. Fluttershy slipped her hands under Dash’s shirt and grabbed her breasts and played with them as she tried going faster. Dash’s pussy grew wetter and wetter, allowing Big Mac’s relentlessness grow faster. The pain and pleasure mixing into a fuzz of mind bending sensations. Fluttershy used her one hand to pull Dash’s face towards her and she pressed her lips to the blue pegasus’. Dash’s eyes rolled back, her entire body shaking with an orgasm she barely could process in the mix of feelings hitting her core. Big Mac eyed Fluttershy as his shaft grew more turgid and started to twitch more. Fluttershy unhooked the strap on and left it in Dash as she laid back on the bed and motioned Big Mac over. Big Mac slipped out of Dash, leaving her limp body on the bed as she twitched quietly. He moved overtop of Fluttershy and kissed her, pulling the yellow mare against his body. Fluttershy moaned into his mouth and clung to him. Big Mac shoved his entire length into his lover and immediately started pounding her already wet and prepared insides. Fluttershy moaned loudly and her insides tightened around him, already trying to milk his orgasm out. Big Mac groaned, lifting her hip and holding her back against the wall as his almost animalistic thrusts made her dangling legs twitch and kick. Fluttershy weakly clung to him as her orgasm ripped through, spraying her juices all over the floor. Big Mac’s thrusts stopped, letting his shaft be the only thing holding Fluttershy up as he gripped her breasts and squeezed them. Fluttershy moaned weakly as she continued to quiver and shake. Big Mac hoisted Fluttershy back to the bed and lied her over the top of Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy gasped as Rainbow Dash started fondling her breasts in place of Big Mac. The bed practically shook as he started thrusting again. Fluttershy shuddered violently with a world shattering orgasm. She went limp and her tongue dangled freely from her mouth. Big Mac tore the strap-on from Dash’s ass, making her groan with pleasure. Big Mac moved the strap-on to Fluttershy’s ass, prodding it and teasing it. Fluttershy tensed up slightly. Big Mac coated the strap-on in her juices that she was profusely giving out before caringly sliding it back and waiting for permission. Fluttershy relaxed again and weakly wrapped her arms back around him. Big Mac reached back, strapping the toy around his upper thigh before thrusting forward slowly, his shaft slowing its work as the dildo started to slide in. Fluttershy’s tongue fell out of her mouth and she moaned quietly. Dash gripped Fluttershy’s nipples and twisted as Big Mac slammed into both of her holes. Fluttershy screamed as loudly as she could manage and her holes tightened around the intruding objects. “Nn…” Big Mac grunted, gripping Fluttershy’s hips as he pulled himself out slowly, only to shove both the lengths back in. “Saaahhh… fffmmmnnn…” Fluttershy slurred. Rainbow Dash moved her hands to Fluttershy’s wings and gripped them tightly as Big Mac’s thrusts nearly threw her off the bed. Fluttershy fell limp into Dash and let Big Mac take complete control over her. Big Mac’s thrusts grew harder as the head of his stallion meat thickened and flared, yanking Fluttershy towards him as he went forward, causing the pegasus’ wings to be tugged harder. Fluttershy groaned loudly and quaked with another orgasm. Big Mac’s heavy sack tightened as the first load of many bulged his shaft out, the outline of it on her stomach visible increasing as the burning heat flooded her canals the next moment. “Nnnahg…” Fluttershy moaned quietly. Big Mac groaned, pulling back and starting to thrust as his orgasm continued, sloppily spilling his cum as it slipped and spilled from her messy slit with each push, some of the heated love forcing it’s way into Fluttershy’s womb as he relentlessly screwed his usually quiet lover. Fluttershy remained limp as her moans grew louder. Big Mac’s thrusts grew slower as he finally decided to just let his orgasm flow, bulging her abdomen out slowly as he hilted both of the shafts into her. Fluttershy groaned quietly as her gut started to gurgle. Big Mac leaned forward and kissed Fluttershy, twisting and bending the large dildo in her ass as his hard abs pressed against her swelling midsection. Fluttershy squirmed around weakly for a moment before melting up into him. Dash had appeared to have passed out, seeming almost exhausted from the fun earlier. Big Mac’s sack continued to pulse as his shaft bulged with every ebbing, but still large load. Fluttershy shivered and moaned into his mouth. Big Mac slipped his twitching shaft out, a few more spurts lathering her stomach before his arms wrapped around the yellow pegasus, lifting her up into his arms. Fluttershy relaxed into his arms and looked up at him. “Yall okay?” Big Mac asked softly. “Mmmhm.” Fluttershy nodded weakly. “Ya sure?” Big Mac chuckled, sitting down on the bed and holding her against him as he poked her large gut. Fluttershy giggled a little as she put her hands on her stomach. “Baff… ponf…” Dash mumbled, rolling over into an awkward position as she started to drool in her sleep. Fluttershy looked at Dash for a moment before she smiled. “Why don’t we let er’ sleep. Maybe we should take a shower?” Big Mac laughed. “That sounds nice.” Fluttershy nodded as she clung to him.