> The door prize > by Anon_colt_cuddler > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The music blared a steady beat as Octavian walked slowly inside the club, his eyes adjusting to the lower light and bright flashes of light. It was very crowded and extremely noisy, he could hardly hear himself think over the music and loud voices. This was not the place for one as straight laced as him, it was hot, it was dirty, the music was rude and vulgar from what he understood of the lyrics and the dancing on the dance floor was not at all proper. He blushed a deep red when he realized that almost all the couples dancing happened to be the same sex, indeed it seemed almost all of the ponies in attendance were stallions; oh dear he seemed to have found his way into what must be one of those gay clubs. Yet in the greatest of ironies it was the sheer fact that he is gay was what drove him here. His father had set him up on a date tonight, with a mare naturally, he hadn't come out to them about his sexuality; and as an only foal the news was sure to be not well received. The mare was supposedly the daughter of one of his father's friends but he knew all of them as well as their children, his father claimed the friend was somepony in his college fraternity and hadn't seen him in years. Octavian seriously doubted that though, the mare was far too crass and didn't know the proper etiquette. She seemed genuinely surprised when they arrived at the restaurant his father had made them reservations for, solidly 4 stars but oddly enough not a regular place the family frequented. First she had to ask what exactly most of the dishes really were and contained, chose the wrong wines to go with the courses, complained about the portions and the conversation she made was completely improper for the setting, getting them offended looks for the other patrons. It was obvious the mare hadn't come from money, or had even seen very much, given her face when she saw the prices on the menu and the relieved look when he reassured her that he was paying for everything. There laid the problem, his father wouldn't touch a family that poor with a pole, old friends or not, and considering what school his father had attended, and Octavian would be attending in the fall, he doubted the mare's father and his had ever even met. He was also aware of the mare's shameless flirting and lewd posturing, especially when she realized that he paid for their dinner without making a dent in the amount of bits he carried. It was uncomfortable given his orientation and he tried his best to deflect it and lightly turn the mare down but she was not to be deterred. Finally she grew more direct and offered to take him back to her place for a 'night he'd never forget', lifting her tail and displaying herself to him like an animal. His father hadn't paid for those private tutors for nothing, he could put two and two together; as much as he hated to admit it, it seemed his father had paid to get him a whore. He had known his father was suspicious and had expressed concern about the fact that Octavian had never had a marefriend or shown interest in the opposite sex but he never thought he would take it this far. At the time he didn't know what to do or say and thus followed her to a seedier part of town that made his fur stand on edge and check that his moneybag was secure. She paused to go into a local drug store for something, he saw his chance and bolted but unsure of just where to go. Finally he noticed this club about a block away, the line was short and he doubted she'd look for him, or even find him she if she did, in here. Absentmindedly he looked at the glow in the dark stamp on his front right leg with a number, it had something to do with a door prize, the bouncer had said so when he stamped it but with all these ponies here surely he stood no chance of winning, and as well what could they possibly have that he wanted anyway? Now that he was well and here, he might as well try to relax a little before he could head back to his own apartment (that he'd only use for the summer before attending college in the fall, but his father demanded that he 'have a place to bring mares to'). He headed to the bar, maybe the bar tender could make a half decent martini... A few hours and several drinks later he was no longer hiding from his date as she had no doubt given up long ago but actually enjoying himself a little, the music was growing on him slowly and even though he'd come no where near the dance floor he kept an eye toward it and the sexy stallions that occupied it. He'd never been so open at staring at the same sex before but here it made him blend right in. The DJ came on the microphone to say it was his final set and it caused Octavian to glance his way and get his first real look at him, a cute white unicorn with a blue mane but other details were hidden by the flashing lights and smoke from the machine. Octavian went back to his drink and eye candy. It seemed no like no time at all before the DJ was signing off, DJ-Pone or something, his signs that Octavian could see had it spelled Pon-3, how odd, it must have been a printing error. He barely noticed when the replacement DJ came on, he didn't catch his name and nor did he really care. The new DJ played maybe one song before what appeared to be the owner took the microphone. The music dimmed and everyone grew quieter as he spoke, everypony cringing from a bit of feedback. "Tonight's door prize winner is number 258, will the winner please come to the back?" That was all he said before handing the microphone back to the DJ and allowing the music to start playing again. Out of sheer curiosity like everypony else Octavian looked at his number again, oh this had to be a joke, but right there on his foreleg was a neon yellow 258. He saw everyone else shake their heads in disappointment, maybe it wasn't a joke. He didn't exactly need any sort of prize and maybe if he'd stay quiet they pick somepony else. They had never said just what the prize was though, and Octavian was nothing if not curious. Standing up, he went to the bar and first paid his tab in case he forgot later. After that he carefully made his way through the mass of sweaty ponies to the back where he could see the owner and two big ponies who he assumed were other bouncers. Gathering his nerves he approached them; the owner was emotionless as he walked up to him. "You win the door prize?" he asked, Octavian nodded. "let me see your stamp, won't believe how many ponies try and cheat" he said and Octavian nodded and lifted his right leg in an awkward attempt to show the stamp. The owner nodded when he saw it and before Octavian knew it he was being lead through the back by the bouncers, slightly making him nervous, they weren't going to beat him up and take his money bag were they? Finally they reached a door in the back, one of the bouncers knocked before they turned around. "Have fun kid" one of them said before the door opened and Octavian slowly walked inside. The room was small, and he was unsure of its purpose, noting the lockers on the wall and few benches he guessed a changing room of some sort. He located the pony who opened the door, the white unicorn DJ from earlier, his face buried in a bag, his rear facing Octavian with his tail high, showing himself off. He just couldn't resist staring and could feel his cock harden, already unsheathed by his earlier stallion viewings. "What color do you want?" the Unicorn asked from his position. "Huh?" Octavian responded. What color what? "Condom, rubber, love glove, you know" the DJ explained as he turned around, holding several small packets with magic in front of him. "Wait I think you have the wrong idea..." Octavian started, his face a deep red but other pony cut him off. "No you do buster, if you think that playing stupid is gonna somehow let you go bare with me, you got another thing coming." the Unicorn said forcefully, walking toward Octavian with each word. "No I think you have the wrong stallion I just came for the door prize." Octavian said in an attempt to defuse the angry pony in front of him. "Is this your first time here or something?" the unicorn asked suddenly, no less angry to which Octavian nodded. "I'm the door prize" the DJ stated simply, letting it sink into Octavian who was by now imitating a fish. What did he- oh, does he mean what Octavian thought that meant? "You mean..." Octavian asked "Yeah the door prize is fucking me. I'll say that judging by your face I take it you really didn't know, so sorry about getting mad." The unicorn finished in a much friendlier tone. Octavian just stared as the DJ put the condoms down on a bleacher. "Let's start this again, I'm Vinyl Scratch, and you are?" the Unicorn asked "Ó-Octavian" Octavian managed to stutter out, deciding on if he should bolt like he did from the mare earlier. Surely this had to be a dream of some sort, no way a pony could just offer themselves to a random stranger like this. Then again Octavian was a total virgin and didn't know how ponies hooked up and got together in the real world. "Nice to meet you Octavian, now what color condom do you want?" He asked again, intent on cutting right to the chase. "Umm Vinyl wait a moment. Could we talk or something?" Octavian stalled, torn between bolting and satisfying his desires to finally know what being with another pony felt like. "Listen, if you don't want to fuck for whatever reason just tell me and I'll have them pick another number." the Unicorn's voice raised again. "No I want to, its just well, oh what the hell, I'm a virgin okay, complete total kissless virgin" Octavian said blushing deep red, expecting laughter but heard none. "Seriously, a stallion as cute as you?" Vinyl asked as if he didn't believe him. The two looked at each other for moment "You are aren't you? No stallion I know, and I know a lot, would lie about that. I never thought I'd encounter a virgin in a place like this, considering the normal clientele" He mused. "Normally I wouldn't set hoof in a place like this but I happened to be running from a mare that wanted to rut me." Octavian said, feeling himself start to open up to the other stallion. "How horrible" Vinyl chuckled then continued "Now if you want to rut me instead and lose that virginity of yours I'm here and willing." he stated. Octavian was conflicted, did he want the other stallion, he most certainly did but also felt bad his first time would be in a dirty locker room. "I want to but... oh you'll laugh at me if I tell you..." Octavian started "Try me" Vinyl replied "I-I don't want my first time to be here, I know I must sound like a mare but..." Octavian began "I don't blame you, my first time was with my then coltfriend from school on his bed. I'd have never have lost my virginity in a place like this." Vinyl countered then sighed. "I guess you'll hold onto it for a little while longer then?" Vinyl asked, Octavian sighed then nodded. "Well don't wait too long for prince charming to come by with candles and roses. Good luck and if you do manage to lose it come back to the club one weekend, maybe you'll win again." Vinyl said and then did something surprising, hugged him. Octavian could do nothing but hug him back, by far the most intimate moment in his entire life. Then Vinyl moved his mouth up and kissed him, and Octavian could do nothing but kiss him back, completely lost in the white unicorn. All too soon Vinyl broke off, leaving Octavian breathless and confused. "Figured at the very least I could take 'kissless' away from you." Vinyl said softly Octavian needed to leave, anymore of this unicorn and he wouldn't care anymore. He turned and headed for the door, trying to avoid either crying or running back to Vinyl. He had turned the knob and had the door partway open when he heard Vinyl behind him "Octavian wait" he paused at Vinyl's voice then turned back around "I might regret this, but do you want to come back to my place? It's no 5 star hotel but I think it'll do" Vinyl offered. In a flash Octavian was back with Vinyl, taking initiative to kiss him first. Breaking off the kiss Vinyl grabbed his condoms from the bench and put them back in his bag, then levitated the bag across his shoulder as the two headed left for the back door, then through a short hallway then out into the alley behind the building. It was well past midnight now and the moon was high in the sky, though it was dark as little streetlight reached back here. On his own Octavian would be scared to death but felt much safer walking with Vinyl. It didn't take long to reach the street and from there Vinyl's apartment complex. Octavian bit back his nerves, he wanted this and he was tired of hiding who he really was. Vinyl unlocked and opened the door to his unit and the pair walked inside, one of the rooms of Octavian's apartment was probably bigger than the entire thing but at this point he didn't care. They made a beeline for Vinyl's open bedroom door. The room and place were messy, the product of a single colt with no maid like Octavian had. Vinyl placed his bag at the foot of the bed while Octavian paced nervously trying to calm himself, this was really happening, he was finally going to lose his virginity. He always pictured doing this with a coltfriend he loved and loved him back but he had the opportunity now and he was going to take it. Octavian barely noticed Vinyl coming up beside him to kiss him on the cheek. "Relax cutie, I can feel how tense you are from here. Remember you can say stop anytime and we will, okay?" Vinyl reassured him. Octavian nodded, but nothing would make him tell Vinyl to stop. He tried to relax, he really did but it was just too hard, there were far too many questions running through his head. What happens next? Was there foreplay or does the fucking start immediately? Did he want to bottom or top? Would it hurt if he bottomed? Was he big enough and could he last long enough if he topped? His limited knowledge from porn was at its end and he was sailing in uncharted waters. "I told you to relax" Vinyl whispered in his ear, biting it a little and making his knees weak. "Sorry" Octavian replied. "I know just the thing, sit down the bed" Vinyl coaxed him and he did so without question, sitting awkwardly on another stallion's bed, he started to take in the various band posters on the wall when movement distracted him, namely Vinyl getting on his knees in front of him. His eyes opened wide when he felt his half hard cock lifted and massaged by unicorn magic, looking down to find a smiling Vinyl with a lit horn, the light dancing off his face, resembling the lights of the club. It didn't take long before Octavian had reached full mast and Vinyl released it from his magic. The shaft now stood up straight on its own and Vinyl was staring right at it. Why was he doing that? Was it too small for somepony who had no doubt seen so many cocks? Was he going to lau- Octavian's thought was cut short as Vinyl started peppering kisses up the length until he reached the head, where he licked before sucking it into his mouth. Octavian's mind went blissfully blank, every care or worry gone as Vinyl took more and more of him into that wonderfully hot and wet cavern. Vinyl stopped around his medial ring but it was enough; Octavian's eyes fluttered closed as he just let himself enjoy his first blowjob. It seemed Vinyl's tongue was everywhere, Vinyl withdrew his mouth a second later and Octavian whined at the loss before moaning as it quickly returned. He could already feel the orgasm building in his body, slowly raising with each action taken by that wonderful mouth. One bob turned into two which turned into three and already Octavian was nearing his limit, fighting the urge to buck into Vinyl's mouth. He wanted this to last forever, it was quite frankly the best thing he had ever felt in his entire life. As much as he tried to fight it, he felt his head start to flare, he was going to cum and there was nothing to do about it. He thought about warning Vinyl and tried to form the words in his mouth but accomplished little more than babbling. Vinyl seemed to sense his imminent orgasm and pulled back just to have Octavian's flare resting inside his mouth. Octavian couldn't fight it anymore, his world going white as he came, cock pulsing and spurting into Vinyl's suckling mouth. The pleasure was simply unbeatable, his masturbation with his hooves was in a completely different world. His body was jelly, he could do nothing but empty his balls in gush after gush of his seed. Finally the flow slowed to a trickle and then stopped along with the pleasure, allowing Octavian's senses to return. In his state of post-orgasm bliss he heard the sound of a large gulping swallow, followed shortly after by another one. He managed to find the energy to coax open his eyes and found Vinyl rising to his hooves, then take another final swallow before opening his mouth and taking a breath. When Vinyl saw that Octavian was watching him though he put on a smile. "You relaxed now?" Vinyl asked him, coming up muzzle to muzzle. Octavian could do nothing but nod eagerly, his gratitude hard to put into words. "Good. Just so you know I don't normally let stallions cum in my mouth, much less swallow if they do but I thought I'd give you the full experience." Vinyl remarked with a smile, occasionally licking his lips "That was pretty big load, had you been saving up?" Vinyl then teased, causing Octavian to blush deep red, such things simply were not to be talked about but to somepony who had just done that he guessed there were no such thing as secrets. "Well I was staring at the stallions on the dace floor all evening" Octavian remarked off hoof. It was true that he had nursed a half stiffy all night, indeed there wasn't a sheathed cock in the entire place so he wasn't the only one. "They can be pretty hot." Vinyl agreed then turned around and headed for the door, lifting his tail to let Octavian see his little hole, taint and set of black balls that contrasted so much with his fur, his cock was also black with white splotches and was hard and bobbing with his steps. "Where are you going?" Octavian asked "Bathroom, be right back, don't fall asleep." Vinyl explained then at Octavian turned head explained further "Gotta wash my mouth out, cum doesn't taste all that great, you'll probably find that out for yourself sometime." he finished then he walked out of sight but kept the door open. Octavian saw a light come on, followed by running water and then gurgling. It was an odd feeling as he sat there, taking the time to examine the posters on the wall. He had no idea who any of these bands were and from the posters they didn't play music he'd like too well. It was too dark to see into the closet and the only other thing in the room was a basket full of dirty clothes. He twiddled his hooves, absentmindedly looking at the stamp that got him into this. He had a chuckle at his father's expense, he had meant for Octavian to get laid tonight but he somehow doubted this was what he had in mind. His father would probably disown him if he ever found out though. The thought of Vinyl blackmailing him crossed his mind then he put it aside, Vinyl gave no indication that he knew Octavian was rich. It didn't seem Vinyl was hurting for money either, he didn't need a roommate and this place was good enough, in a halfway decent working class area. He heard Vinyl spit, then the water cut off, followed by the light turning off and soon enough Vinyl had reappeared. "Much better, now where were we?" he asked as he walked up to the pony on the bed and kissed him passionately. Octavian could only taste the mouthwash but it didn't matter as tried to return the kiss as best he could. He found himself being pushed back onto his back and Vinyl laying on top of him, cock to cock, the unicorn thrusting slowly, grinding them together. "Want to top or bottom?" Vinyl asked when he broke their kiss. "Huh" Octavian repeated his comment from earlier in the night, brain still fuzzy from the kisses. He knew what the terms meant but truth be told he never thought too hard about this, he just assumed that the roles would just naturally appear with his coltfriend. It seemed he was on the spot, one part of his brain screaming for him to fuck that little hole he had seen earlier, rut it hard and fill it with his cum. Yet another part focused on Vinyl's cock and how it would feel inside him, rutting him the same way he wanted to rut Vinyl and wondering just how it would feel have the unicorn's cock flare and cum inside him. "Unless you want to give me a blowjob first, you can't take all night to chose. I want to cum at least once." Vinyl said as he continued to grind their cocks together. Octavian waited, trying to sort out his head "5, if I reach zero you can decide while you're sucking me off " Vinyl started counting. "Wait, you can't expect to chose this quick!" Octavian exclaimed, Vinyl paid no attention. "4" "Vinyl!" "3" "I can't believe this!" "2 " Vinyl counted, while giving a sharp thrust and caused his cock to slip forward of Octavian's, so close that Octavian could get a clear look at it and saw the amount of pre it was leaking. Oh Prince Solaris he wanted that cock, he wanted it so bad. "1" "Alright, bottom, I want to bottom." Octavian blushed as he answered. Half of his brain was screaming at him the other cheering. "Huh, I had pegged you for a top, guess we can't be right all the time" Vinyl remarked with a smile and kissed Octavian again softly, before climbing off him. "Where are you going?" Octavian asked again as Vinyl clambered back onto the floor. Octavian could see Vinyl's eyes roll at the question, maybe he was asking too many? "To get some lube, I somehow doubt you want me to fuck you dry?" Vinyl said in an exasperated tone, making perfect sense. "Sorry, stupid question" Octavian apologized to which Vinyl sighed. "Don't worry about it, it's your first time and you're curious, completely natural. Also the counting was just to get you to stop thinking about it and go with something. I normally bottom so we can switch at anytime if you want" Vinyl said as he opened his bag. This time he saw him magic out a plastic tube as well as one of the condom packets from earlier. He magiced them onto the bed near Octavian's rump and then climbed back on top "It'll be easier if you turn over cutie, that's right, ass in the air, lift that tail" Vinyl commented as Octavian did so, blushing as he felt his once private hole on display. "Oh damn it, forgot something so I'll be right back, don't go anywhere" Vinyl said in a hurry before he was trotting out of the room again. Octavian barely had time to process his leave before he returned with a towel from the bathroom. "At the club I don't care about messes, that's their problem but here I don't want to clean your cum off my sheets, and I will make you cum again." Vinyl finished with a leer at the last part as well as a slight tap on his butt. Octavian shivered, unsure what to think about this new personality Vinyl seemed to grow all of a sudden but this was what he wanted. He heard Vinyl open the tube then speak to him again "I need you to relax now cutie, yes it will feel weird at first but try not to wiggle around too much, its important we get you good coverage." Octavian was about ask what was going to happen but then heard Vinyl squirt out some liquid from the tube onto his hoof. Surely he didn't have to stick his hoof up there? Then he saw the light from Vinyl's horn and he began to understand. "Here it comes, relax" Vinyl said softly and not a second later he felt the liquid start to go up his rectum. It was cold, moved around unnaturally and Octavian fought the urge to giggle and fidget but he felt Vinyl trying his best to get every inch of his passage covered. Eventually there was no more liquid left and Octavian thought he was done. He wasn't, he heard more liquid being squeezed out and saw Vinyl's horn ignite once more. Again he tried to relax and again the he felt slippery cold liquid enter him providing a second coating and covering any gaps, going so far inside him he couldn't feel it anymore. "Alright we're ready to go, last chance to back out or switch." Vinyl said as he took the towel and laid it under Octavian's belly. He felt Vinyl mount him and a burst of nerves almost made him switch but he held out until he felt the head of Vinyl's cock rubbing against his hole, but teasingly not pressing in. "Hang on, almost forgot the condom; I'm not usually the one wearing it" Vinyl said with a slight chuckle, removing his cock and motioning towards the packet near Octavian's leg. "You know I'm clean, so why?" Octavian asked. His fantasies never included condoms, those were intended for use with mares. Vinyl sighed "It's more for your protection than mine. I sleep with a lot of stallions Octavian, I use protection every time plus get tested regularly, they always come back clean but I cannot be certain I don't have anything at this very moment. For you and you only I will go bare but don't come back here crying your eyes out if it turns out I've given you something." Vinyl told him sternly. Octavian gulped, he was probably being stupid but "Bare Vinyl, please go bare." Octavian said softly, shifting his weight slowly "Are you sure?" Vinyl asked and when Octavian nodded he lined himself back up. Octavian tried to relax, he felt Vinyl's cock pressing inside him, first the head and then part of the shaft and he held his breath. It was painless at first but once Vinyl reached so far a jolt of pain shot through him and he called out, hissing in pain and discomfort, causing Vinyl to stop in his tracks. Octavian's erection started to fade from the pain so he saw Vinyl's horn light up and massage it lightly, not enough to make him cum but enough to keep him hard. The pain passed and ever so slowly Vinyl inched his way forward again, there was a twinge when his medial ring was passed but then it was smooth sailing until Vinyl was nestled balls deep inside him. "Been awhile since I topped; you're really tight." Vinyl whispered in Octavian's ear, sending jolts of pleasure down his body and straight to his cock. Slowly he felt Vinyl pull back a bit then press back in. "Hot too" Vinyl continued, while Octavian was lost in his own world. Vinyl pulled back some more, to his medial ring, before thrusting himself back faster than before, causing Octavian to moan wantonly. Vinyl did it again and again, faster each time until Octavian could truly say he was being fucked and he loved every single second of it. Octavian's front legs collapsed, taking Vinyl with him. As the other stallion panted in his ear, the fall changed the angle of thrust, Vinyl was now thrusting downwards into him, gravity helping him reach slightly deeper than before. He was now pulling out to the flare before pushing back quickly and easily, the resistance of Octavian's anus crushed under Vinyl's onslaught. Octavian's cock was bouncing with each thrust, slapping against his belly and smearing pre in his fur, he could feel his orgasm rising, purely from being fucked by Vinyl. He moaned loudly when he felt the magic again surround his cock, massaging it hard and incasing it in an indescribable sensation of pure pleasure that almost compared with Vinyl's mouth. He felt his orgasm come and cum he did, the magic cutting off just in time as not to impede the shots that splattered the towel and Octavian's fur as he moaned and moaned, one powerful spurt making into his mane, probably sounding like a whore but not caring at all. While Octavian came back to Equestria again he noticed Vinyl grunting in his ear. "You clenched so hard when you came I thought you were going to squeeze my cock off" Vinyl panted out, continuing to thrust himself into Octavian's still body, making it wiggle with each one. "I'm gonna cum in a minute, where do you want it?" Vinyl panted into his ear, Octavian barely heard him, still delirious after cumming so hard. Vinyl continued to thrust as Octavian recovered but they were growing awkward and more ill timed as Vinyl tried to last as long a possible. "Tell me where to cum, cutie." Vinyl grunted out harshly as he gritted down in an attempt to hold off until he was told where to go. "In me" Octavian moaned out softly. He always wondered if you could feel a stallion cum inside and he wanted to find out. "You sure? I can pull out if you want..." Vinyl trailed off "Inside me, please" Octavian confirmed. "Alright, cutie, here it comes!" Vinyl grunted out before Octavian could swear he felt Vinyl's cock flare in him, but it was more of an expanded pressure than anything else. From the grunting, moaning, shuddering and hard little thrusts he knew Vinyl was cumming yet to his disappointment he couldn't really feel it, his anus felt slightly more wet but that could just be his imagination. Vinyl had quite a long orgasm before he collapsed onto Octavian's back, breathing hard in his ear. They laid together for a moment until Octavian turned his head and met Vinyl in a slow kiss. Vinyl eventually broke off and slowly pulled himself out of Octavian's cum filled hole, which Octavian tried to clench closed again but was having little luck. Exhausted, Octavian collapsed onto his belly, straight down onto the cum soaked towel, pushing more into his fur but at this point he didn't care. "I could have moved that first, you know?" Vinyl asked, amused from his side, making Octavian shift to look at him. He was standing behind the bed and to the right slightly, cock shrinking yet still gleaming in the window's moonlight from the fluids covering it. "Come on roll over, no point in sleeping on a wet towel." Vinyl said as Octavian complied wearily, wanting nothing more than to sleep. His belly was a wet matted mess, pearls of wet cum still in his fur. He barely noticed when Vinyl used magic to throw the towel away to the dirty clothes bin. What he did notice was Vinyl climbing in bed behind him. "Don't miss that virginity of yours, do you?" Vinyl asked as he snuggled in behind Octavian, wrapping his front hooves around the grey pony's middle and molding his body to rest against his partner's. "Nope" Octavian replied lazily as Vinyl lifted a sheet with his magic to cover them. Octavian allowed his eyes to drift closed, the unicorn's steady breathing, warmth and feelings of safety causing him to fall fast asleep. > Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavian woke groggily; his head hurt, his throat was parched, these were not his satin sheets, his fur was matted and the bed was lumpy; surely that was why his flank ached. He opened his eyes, squinting at the light coming from the window but he could tell it wasn't his room. Memories soon came back to him, the date, the club, Vinyl... Oh Solaris, he actually slept with a stallion! He wasn't a virgin anymore and he lost it to a colt he met at a club; and was no doubt a one night stand. He honestly didn't know to be happy or sad, happy that he finally knew the carnal touch of another pony; sad that he didn't give himself to his loving coltfriend like he always thought he would. The other pony, Vinyl, was no longer with him it seemed and a quick check reveled the space next to him long cold. His heart felt a pang, he had hoped to wake up next to the stallion he had given himself to. Sighing, he sat up, making his head swim as he held down his bile. His front was a mess of matted and tangled fur, blushing deep when he remembered how they got there. His blush matched the tone of an apple when he noticed the large mat on the inside of his flank where the lube and Vinyl's cum had leaked from him while he slept. A quick look showed a smaller stain where his flank had been laying on the bed. He prayed to Solaris he didn't just ruin his life by letting Vinyl go bare; what was he thinking? Why hadn't he told Vinyl to use the damn condom? He shook his head to clear it. He was lucky last night in winning the 'door prize' surely it would hold and besides what cruel fate would allow him to get a disease his first time? Gingerly he stood up on all four legs, stretching lightly, wincing at the pain in his flank. Walking to the door, he braced himself as he opened it, stepping out into Vinyl's combined living room and kitchen. He saw Vinyl sitting on the couch and he turned his head at the sound of the door opening. "Sleeping Beauty awakens!" Vinyl exclaimed, then grimaced in apology as this did not help Octavian's headache. "Hangover?" the pony on the couch asked him and Octavian nodded softly "Mind if I have cup of coffee?" Octavian asked. "Not fond of the taste myself so I don't have a machine but there is a shop halfway down the block so I could run and get you something if you really want it; but take it from a colt with experience, you need some water right now, coffee just makes it worse." Vinyl explained, then followed Octavian to the kitchen. The earth pony grabbed a glass and filled it from the kitchen faucet, chugging it in one gulp, then refilling it and drinking the second glass just as fast. He filled the glass again and this time started to walk towards the table to sit down but cringed as his flank shot another pain through him. "Sore?" Vinyl asked, Octavian nodded, blushing. Here he was hoping he could get out of here without talking about last night. "It happens, especially after the first time. Even I feel it in the morning sometimes if the stallion was too rough." Vinyl explained again then helped Octavian to a chair, Vinyl sitting the one next to him. "What time is it?" Octavian asked, trying to change the subject and not think about just how many stallions Vinyl had been with. "Close to noon, I was about to check on you." Vinyl told him. "I should get going pretty soon then." Octavian remarked, wanting just to leave and let this become a bittersweet memory. To his surprise Vinyl looked taken aback and slightly hurt, but hid it quickly. "Do what you want" Vinyl replied almost too casually. Had Octavian been wrong about this being a simple one night stand? "Might want to hop in my shower real quick first though, your fur is a mess and the hot water will help that soreness a bit." Vinyl said, then got up and walked back toward the couch. Octavian sighed, things just couldn't ever be simple could they? Finishing off his glass of water, Octavian also stood up, and placing his glass in the sink he saw the bathroom with the door open. At the very least he had to answer the call of nature, not going since at the club the night before. He walked in the bathroom and shut the door behind him. The toilet seat was already up, as with him, living alone left Vinyl no real reason to lower it. After relieving himself and washing his hooves, he eyed the shower. True, his fur was a mess and he really shouldn't be seen like this. Carefully, he opened the door and walked inside; it was far smaller than the one at his place and to his disgust it was already slightly damp, no doubt from Vinyl earlier in the morning. He shook his head, he could sleep with a stallion, have his cock fuck him and cum inside him but taking a shower after him was too gross? The water felt good as he turned it on and adjusted the temperature. Normally Octavian liked to stay in the shower for awhile, it gave him time to really think but was unsure how long he should take here. He took his time as he washed, using a generous quantity of Vinyl's shampoo and conditioner to get out the various mats and tangles in his fur and mane. Vinyl appeared to be more complex than Octavian thought, shouldn't Vinyl want Octavian gone as soon as possible? They'd already fucked, what more could Vinyl possibly want from him? The more he thought the more questions came to his head, none of them having real answers. After standing with his flank under the spray some more and the water starting to run too cold for his liking he turned it off, dripping and fighting the urge to shake himself off. He opened the door, walked out and located the towel rack, trying not to think about the towel used last night. He grabbed a clean one and dried himself off the best he could before throwing the now used towel into the hamper. When he was at least halfway presentable he opened the bathroom door again and walked out; completely unsure on just what to do now. Vinyl was sitting on couch again, his horn alight, probably reading. Octavian sighed as he approached the sitting pony. "You leaving now?" Vinyl asked, not looking up from his book. "I suppose..." Octavian mused aloud, wondering how they could go from fucking to dancing around each other like schoolcolts so fast. "Yeah, I suppose so too" came Vinyl's cryptic reply. Octavian wasn't all that attuned to other ponies but even he could see something was under the surface with Vinyl. "Vinyl" Octavian began "Do you want me to stay?" he asked the other pony. He watched Vinyl put down his book. "Yes" it was simple and said so softly that Octavian barely heard it but there was a lot of emotion behind that word. Vinyl sighed deeply before continuing. "Fuck and leave, its all they ever do, the other stallions, I mean. I lube up, they put on their rubber, they fuck me until they get off; occasionally one might help me cum, but then they're gone; the condom in the trash is all that's left to even know they were there. Sometimes I don't even learn their fucking name. I'm sick of it, I want to actually get to know the pony I fuck once in a while." Vinyl spat, clearly this had been bugging him for a while. Octavian was simply dumbfounded "Sorry for dumping that on you Octavian, its just I thought you were different but if you really want to leave go right ahead, I'm not going to stop you." Vinyl finished. "Vinyl..." Octavian began, deciding on just what to say to that. The pony had just poured his heart to him and quite simply Octavian did not know what to do, so he acted without thinking. Bending down to be eye level, he wrapped his hooves around Vinyl in a strong hug, holding the other pony close. Vinyl struggled at first and then relaxed. "Vinyl" Octavian began yet again "I was going to leave because I thought last night was just a one night stand where you took pity on a poor virgin. I thought I was just another notch on your belt and you wanted me gone as quick as you could. Believe it or not, I actually want to get to know the pony who I gave my virginity to." Octavian said into Vinyl's ear causing him to look up. "Octavian" Vinyl spoke softly. "I'm sorry I made you think that way. I thought you were special last night when you turned down fucking in the club. Even most virgins would jump at getting their cocks into something, even right there in that dirty locker room. You know you're the first stallion I've spent the night with since my last coltfriend? I never take random stallions home with me." Vinyl confessed "I still wanted to have sex with you though..." Octavian began, confused. "Yes, but you were willing to walk away from it, you actually cared about things other stallions would find silly like the location of their first time. You weren't just looking to get off, you didn't even go to the club intentionally." Vinyl said, looking him in the eye. "M-maybe we should start again then? Get to know each other better?" Octavian said, unsure of just where this was going. "Alright" Vinyl said as Octavian released him and then sat next to him on the couch. "Your cutie mark, its also music related, I take you play an instrument?" Vinyl asked him, they had to start somewhere and what better subject than music, clearly something both were passionate about "I do, Cello, first chair at the Canterlot Royal Conservatory" Octavian replied with more than a tad bit of pride, he had worked hard for first chair. "Wow you must be really good. But um believe it or not but I didn't earn my cutie mark in DJing, I don't know why I'm telling you this but I actually played violin before I started DJing. I was 1st violins, 3rd chair in my high school orchestra" Vinyl confessed and for the first time Octavian actually seen him blush a little bit. "How wonderful! I'd love to hear you play sometime Vinyl." Octavian replied, surprised to find such a commonality when on the surface they appeared so different. Vinyl's eyes looked down trodden at what Octavian had just said though. "I don't have a violin anymore and haven't played in close to two years now." Vinyl told him. "Might I ask why?" Octavian queried, he watched Vinyl shift uncomfortably, clearly this was a sensitive subject. "Maybe later, but anyway what do you do? I mean you have to have a job or something" Vinyl deflected his question with one of his own. "I will be attending Hoofvard in the fall..." Octavian said carefully, unsure how Vinyl would take the news of his wealth. Judging by the look on Vinyl's face he had trouble believing this. "Seriously, Hoofvard? You either have to be really smart or really rich to go there." Vinyl said in complete disbelief. "While I like to think of myself as at least somewhat intelligent, it's the latter" Octavian said simply, waiting for the hammer to drop. "Rich parents I take it?" Vinyl asked him and Octavian nodded. "Hey if you got it, use it." Vinyl tossed in. "Do they know you're..." Vinyl asked then trailed off. "Gayer than a two bit coin?" Octavian supplied with a chuckle, his way of deflating the serious concern with his father. Vinyl laughed a little too at his joke. "You said it, but yeah are you out?" Vinyl asked. "Sadly no, but I would be surprised if they did not suspect it, given my total disinterest in mares. In all honesty I don't know how well my father will take the news, I am an only foal and I know he wants someone to carry on the bloodline. It was my father that set me up on the date that lead to me taking refuge inside the club." Octavian told his newfound confidant. "I think my mother will be rather supporting, but if father chooses to disown me and cut me off there isn't much she can do." Octavian sighed, noticing Vinyl putting his foreleg around him and pulling him against his shoulder. "Might I ask the same question to you?" Octavian asked. Vinyl stiffened again before answering "Oh yeah they know. I didn't exactly tell them though." Vinyl said then shrugged. "I was 18, they both worked late so I always brought my coltfriend home after school and we would fool around for a while. One day my dad came home early, still don't know why, and walked in on me sucking said coltfriend's cock. Vinyl sighed then continued "He wanted to hurt my coltfriend and I wasn't having it, we got into a fight, he said he wanted me out and gave me ten minutes to grab what I could carry." Octavian had his mouth open in shock as Vinyl finished, nuzzling his head against Vinyl he tried to show him as much support as he could, Vinyl nuzzling back. It was clearly the first time Vinyl had told this story. "Surely he came to his senses and took you back?" Octavian asked, completely aghast. "Maybe in rich colt land but not out here" Vinyl replied bitterly before continuing "My coltfriend offered to let me live with him, but he was a pegasus and lived in a cloudhouse above Canterlot so that didn't work out and we broke up. One of the things I grabbed was my violin, I thought maybe I could earn some bits playing it. Worked okay for a couple days until my music all got wet or blown away and I couldn't play anything by memory. After not eating for a week I pawned the violin for 100 bits, it was worth 5 times that but the broker knew he had me by the balls. My grandmother bought it for me when I received my cutie mark, I loved it, and I hate myself for selling it but I was so damn hungry." Vinyl remained strong but his voice did waver a bit, Octavian openly had tears in his eyes. The earth pony knew anything that he called hardship did not hold a candle to what this colt had been through. "Vinyl, I won't insult you by pretending I know even a sliver of the hardships you experienced but do know that I am here for you right now, as little consolation as it may be." Octavian told the unicorn, from the bottom of his heart. "Thank you Octavian, it just feels good to get this off my chest, you know what I mean?" Vinyl asked and Octavian nodded his affirmative then scooped up Vinyl and held him tightly on his lap, the other colt offering zero resistance, leaning back into Octavian's embrace. "I must ask Vinyl, how did you go from selling your only treasured possession to eat to where you are today?" Octavian asked, genuinely curious. "I never whored myself or did porn, if that's what you mean?" Vinyl snapped defensively "I meant to imply nothing of the sort." Octavian replied, although the thought had crossed this mind, trying to defuse the little bundle of anger in his lap. "Oh. Well it wasn't easy. My mom found me and slipped me some money whenever she could but times were hard and she had to take it without my dad knowing. I'm not proud to admit it but I picked a few pockets and shoplifted a couple times, got caught once and never did it again, then did some begging, managed to find a few shelters for a meal or two, but mostly did small day jobs for a few bits here and there. You'd be surprised how many deliveryponies will pay a couple bits to get out of lifting a heavy box. It wasn't much but it kept me fed for the most part." Vinyl sighed, licked his lips then continued "I eventually found a cheap flophouse, 5 bits a night, no questions asked. Bed had more bugs than threads but it allowed me to get an actual job and save up a little. Met a mare staying at the flophouse too, she had her own reasons for being there and they weren't pleasant, but anyway we rented a small apartment together. From there I managed to save enough to move up to the unit I'm in now. I started DJing because it paid better than anything else I could get and for somepony with a little music education and talent it wasn't hard." Vinyl finished saying then took another deep breath. They said nothing for a while, just enjoying each other's closeness. Octavian wondered for a moment if this was what having a coltfriend was like, sharing each other's lives like this. "I know you want to know how I ended up the door prize at a gay club." Vinyl began again. "The question has crossed my mind..." Octavian replied diplomatically, not wanting to pry into such a private area. "Shortly after I moved here I met a stallion, he asked me out and we started dating. Everything was fine for about 5 months or so then one night he confessed that he met an old coltfriend of his that day and slept with him. I'd never been cheated on before and it hurt, I didn't know what to do so I forgave him; then a couple days later I went to a bar, a stallion started flirting with me and the next thing I know he's fucking me in the bathroom." Vinyl shuddered slightly at the memory. "I told my coltfriend and he called us even. I kept doing it though, lifting my tail for any random stallion who did so little as buy me a drink, I don't know why, to hurt my coltfriend I guess but whatever it was, it worked. He broke up with me and I don't blame him one bit. I kept it up after we broke up, to feel something maybe. Eventually I started DJing at the club we met at last night and for a while I was just a DJ until the owner noticed that after my sets I would go out on the floor, find a stallion, take him backstage and fuck him. He offered me the door prize deal, I would fuck the prize winners and be a way to fill up the place and in return I get 5% of whatever drinks were sold that night in addition to my normal rate." Vinyl finished "Um I really don't know what to say to that" Octavian responded truthfully. "Nothing to say really, I don't even want to do it anymore but the money is too good to quit." Vinyl sighed "You shouldn't have to sleep with somepony if you don't want to." Octavian quickly said, trying to put his feelings of unease with Vinyl story out of his mind. He never imagined ponies could be like this, trying to fight his sheltered upbringing when dealing with other ponies. Yes Vinyl had slept with a lot of ponies, him included now, but this didn't make him bad. "I've already done it so many times, what's an another two every Friday and Saturday night?" Vinyl wondered aloud. "Still, you shouldn't if you don't want to do it." Octavian responded. "Like I said, the money is good, we're going to go in circles with this so just drop it. Morals are something richcolts like you can afford to have, but you have to do what you have to do out here in the real world. Tonight I'm going to DJ that club like normal and after I'm done I'll wait in that room until the bouncers bring back the lucky stallion, you know what happens next" Vinyl said rather hotly and Octavian knew trying to force the issue was pointless. "Alright Vinyl, if that's what you really want" Octavian replied and let the matter drop as much as it tore him up inside to do so. Maybe it was just the philanthropist in him but it just rubbed him the wrong way Vinyl should feel he had to do that for the extra money. He'd offer to match or exceed what the club was giving Vinyl, surely it couldn't be that much if he was still living here, but he knew that wouldn't go over well, plus throwing money at problems is what his father does. Octavian heard Vinyl sigh again, then saw the pony's head turn back and meet Octavian in a small slow kiss, more of a peck, but leaving Octavian's head spinning all the same. "Thank you for listening Octavian; you'll make some stallion very happy someday." Vinyl said softly when he broke off. Octavian again didn't know what to say so he kept quiet, just holding the other pony for a while. Over time however Octavian's mind started to drift towards the fact that he had a stallion in his lap and as much he tried to control it, he felt his blood travelling southward, cock unsheathing and refusing to go back in as it hardened. He prayed Vinyl wouldn't notice and think he only listened to him earlier in hopes of having sex with him again. "Wondered when I'd see that again." Vinyl remarked dryly from in front of him. Moving his body to grind against Octavian's cock a little bit "Sorry" Octavian apologized, his face turning deep red. "Don't be. I am pretty hot." Vinyl teased. Vinyl then turned around to face him, with a little difficultly given their tangled limbs. Octavian looked down to find Vinyl's cock also poking out to say hello. "Want to fuck again?" Vinyl asked bluntly. "I thought you said you didn't want to anymore" Octavian responded, gasping a little as Vinyl grinded himself on Octavian's half hard cock. Vinyl shrugged "I never said I was going to become a monk or go celibate, I just don't want to fuck random strangers anymore." Vinyl replied. Did Octavian want to have sex with Vinyl again, yes he did there was no point in denying it. "I do, but um I'm kinda a bit sore from last night" Octavian explained, blushing. To dismay, Vinyl openly laughed. "What's so funny?" Octavian demanded, sort of put off that Vinyl was laughing at such an intimate problem, one he had created to boot. "You take it in the ass once and suddenly you forget that you can top too?" Vinyl chuckled while Octavian blushed hard. To which Vinyl kissed him softly and slowly, relaxing him as more blood flowed southward into his cock, which was now nearing full mast. Vinyl's cock was also almost fully hard. "Do you want to use a rubber now that you know just how many I've been with?" Vinyl asked as he broke off the kiss. "Do you want me to?" Octavian asked back, he had already head sex with Vinyl bare once, surely if Vinyl had anything he now had it too. "Like I said last night, its for you rather than me" Vinyl shrugged as he replied "Can I go bare? I mean we already did so once." Octavian asked "If you want, but like I also said last night, its only for you, and don't come crying to me later if I give you anything" Vinyl told him. Octavian then watched Vinyl's horn light and a second later the lube from last night came flying in from the bedroom. "We're going to do it here?" Octavian asked upon seeing the tube. "Why not? We're comfortable and the door is locked so nopony can walk in on us." Vinyl explained. Wasting no time he opened the bottle, then lifted himself off Octavian so his butt was in the air, dangling his cock in the earth pony's face. When no further objection to the location came Vinyl squirted some lube out and caught it with magic, Octavian watching as it disappeared around Vinyl's flank, no doubt about its final destination. It was extremely arousing watching Vinyl lube himself, the unicorn's face one of concentration as Octavian's cock was pulsing hard with his heartbeat and oozing pre copiously. Vinyl squirted out some more from the tube, which was now almost completely empty. Octavian wondered absent mindedly just how much lube Vinyl went through, but chose push those thoughts from his head. A moment later and Vinyl was done and climbing back on his lap. "Still got time for a rubber if you want one." Vinyl told him, then when Octavian shook his head, Vinyl squirted out the last of the lube and used it on Octavian's cock. The act making Octavian call out in pleasure. That done, Vinyl then used his magic to grip Octavian's cock and hold it steady while he maneuvered his hole to be on top of it. Octavian's breath hitched as Vinyl started to lower himself, after a momentary struggle Octavian's head popped inside followed quickly by the rest as Vinyl slid down to the base in one stroke. If Vinyl's mouth was the best place on Equestria than Octavian had to have died and gone to heaven, Vinyl's ass was hot, tight and slippery thanks to the lube. Vinyl rotated his hips slightly and it sent pleasurable jolts into Octavian's cock. "Like that?" he heard Vinyl ask. The earth pony could do little but nod frantically. "Sit back, enjoy and let me do the work." Vinyl said seductively, making more slight motions with his hips. Octavian forced his eyes wide open to take in the scene to forever commit to memory. Vinyl in front of him, his mouth parted slightly, his mane ruffled and his cock hard against his belly. When Vinyl lifted himself up off Octavian saw the best sight of all, his cock coming out of Vinyl, then going back in as the white pony lowered himself back down. Watching it and feeling together was simply incredible, too incredible so in order to preserve his limited stamina he clenched his eyes shut. He wasn't going to cum too soon, he was going to last, even make Vinyl cum as well. He told himself this over and over, forming a mantra in his head. Vinyl lifted up again and Octavian braced for the drop, it happening when he least expected it. "You don't look like you're enjoying yourself too much, all tensed up like that." Vinyl remarked as he lifted himself up again, then dropped down again, in an attempt to create a rhythm. Then he felt Vinyl lean close to him, feeling the other's breath on his fur and his hooves on his shoulders. He felt Vinyl's lips touch his and he allowed Vinyl to kiss him deeply. They kept up slowly kissing for a while, Vinyl setting a nice slow pace as they enjoyed each other. No matter the slow pace, Octavian's lack of sexual stamina was catching up to him as he tried to stay grounded and not get lost in the feelings from his cock. Vinyl had sped up a slight bit, maybe unnoticeable to somepony not using to dealing with pace and rhythm so frequently but to Octavian it was enough to keep his mind focused on something else and not the pleasure. It was an odd thing, to count the pace of fucking rather than concentrate on the feeling of it but it worked to extend Octavian's fuse, probably not by much but each second his cock was incased in Vinyl's warm tightness was a moment in complete bliss. Despite his efforts he could feel the pressure in his cock and balls. He opened his eyes to look at Vinyl to find the other pony had his eyes closed, his mouth open in pant as he fucked himself onto Octavian's cock. Vinyl's own cock was bouncing up and down with its owner, smearing pre into his belly fur when it slapped against it. It surprised Octavian that Vinyl wasn't using magic to get himself off like Vinyl had used on him last night. Oh Solaris he wasn't going to last much longer. A bolt of disappointment filled him, he had so hoped to make the unicorn cum, but that may have been a slight too ambitious for his first time inside a stallion. "Vinyl" Octavian panted out, trying to get his head around the words. Vinyl's eyes snapped open when he heard his name and Octavian looked straight into them. "I'm so close" he warned the other pony as he tried valiantly to hold out long enough in case Vinyl wanted him to pull out, as much as he hated the thought of leaving heaven on Equestria. "Cum then" Vinyl replied, dropping himself down and holding in place, Octavian balls deep inside him. "Cum inside me, you let me so it's only fair." Vinyl said before Octavian felt Vinyl clenching his muscles in an attempt to hurry Octavian's orgasm that didn't need to be hurried one bit. "Vinnnnnnnnnyl" Octavian moaned out as he came, keeping his eyes open as he looked deep into Vinyl's, his world dissolving into pure pleasure as his cock flared and he emptied himself in spurt after spurt of cum, shooting as deep into the other pony as he could. His balls happily pumping everything they had before it ended, collapsing back in a heap. "You done?" He heard Vinyl ask as if from far away. He nodded as he caught his breath, looking up once more into Vinyl's face. The unicorn bent his head down and met Octavian in a sloppy long kiss. Vinyl broke the kiss eventually to rise himself up off Octavian's cock, Octavian watching intensely as he plopped free. His eyes went to Vinyl's cock which look almost painfully hard. "Um Vinyl, you didn't, well you know ... cum" Octavian told the other pony, his first time saying the word aloud and with only a bit of hesitation. Vinyl looked at him oddly a moment before his reply. "I'm aware of that; I didn't want to make a mess out here." Vinyl told him, voice tense for an understandable reason. Octavian saw Vinyl's horn light again and he wondered why until he saw two towels enter his field of vision from the side, a smaller one intended for use on the mane and a larger one used to fully dry yourself. Octavian watched open mouthed as Vinyl laid the bigger towel out on the seat next to him before sitting down, Octavian wondering why. The smaller towel's use was clear as Vinyl held it out in front of his cock, Octavian had used similar towels when at home to catch his cum after he masturbated. Vinyl shouldn't be forced to get himself off just because he was scared of a little mess, Octavian's mind flashed back once again to last night and what Vinyl did to him before fucking him. Vinyl's mouth had felt amazing and he had the idea to return the favor; he was still going to get Vinyl to cum, just with his mouth instead of his cock. Vinyl had started already, magic around his cock. Octavian had to act fast, it seemed Vinyl was in a hurry and was pulling no punches. Should he ask Vinyl if he could suck his cock? Should just get on his knees and start? Octavian had no idea what proper blowjob etiquette was or even if there was such a thing. "Vinyl?" Octavian asked lightly, Vinyl paid him no attention and continued to pleasure himself. "Vinyl?" Octavian repeated this time loud enough to get the other pony's attention. "What?" Vinyl snapped, hips bucking up, a spurt of pre leaving his cock. Clearly he had been close to cumming and was not happy at being interrupted. "Can I..." Octavian started then trailed off, almost unable to believe he was about to ask to suck another stallion's cock. "Can you what?" Vinyl snapped again, it was clear that Vinyl was not in the mood for games. "CanIgiveyouablowjob?" Octavian asked all in one breath, blushing probably redder than he ever had before. Vinyl looked at him as if he had grown another head. "You're asking to suck me off?" Vinyl asked almost as if this was some sort of trick. Octavian nodded. "No way I could turn this down, have at it." Vinyl agreed. Great, now what? Octavian had no idea what to actually do, and he was a little too preoccupied to pay attention last night. He should probably stand up first and he did so, joints popping from being seated so long. His eyes focused in on his target and the wonderful place his cock was a few moments before; noticing why Vinyl decided to sit on the towel. Octavian blushed as he saw his cum, mixed with the lube, slowly trickling out of Vinyl's hole, no doubt helped by gravity. Licking his lips he dropped down to his knees, he knew to do this part at least. Vinyl's cock was in his face now, hard and throbbing with the need to cum. He felt a slight hesitation, this had been inside him last night, but quickly put it aside with the knowledge that Vinyl had washed since then. Maybe he should start small and work his way up? Gathering his nerves he let out his tongue to lick up Vinyl's shaft; it wasn't all that bad so he continued to the flared head, licking around it and sucking up Vinyl's pre. Vinyl groaned slightly when he did so. Emboldened, Octavian took Vinyl's cockhead into his mouth, leveling it out with his body so he didn't have to force his head down, sucking a little bit before fitting more until Vinyl's flare reached his throat. This was probably as far Octavian would take him, the last thing he wanted to do was take too much and choke. Vinyl's head spurted out more pre, clearly it liked the change of location. Octavian was unsure of just what to do next though, he had Vinyl's cock in his mouth, now what? He darted his eyes up at Vinyl, the Unicorn looking down at him. He did his best to explain his predicament without using words. "Use your tongue" Vinyl told him and Octavian did his best to comply, snaking his tongue around Vinyl's cock. Vinyl moaned lightly and Octavian took this as doing well. Octavian pulled back before going back down, forcing in slightly more of Vinyl's cock; still far from deep throating but the flare was starting to impede his airflow. He did this again, and again, setting a pace and using Vinyl's sounds as a guide. His tongue was working constantly and truth be told it was start to hurt, as well as his jaw. He hoped Vinyl would cum soon, he didn't know how much more of this he could take. Vinyl, either understanding or simply wanting to cum faster, started using his magic on the part of his cock not in Octavian's mouth. Whatever the reason, Octavian was grateful, until Vinyl starting lightly bucking his hips, forcing more of his cock into Octavian's throat, thoroughly cutting off his air for a second until he managed to pull back enough to regain the ability to breathe. Octavian glared up at Vinyl, but found him with his eyes closed and pressing his hooves to the couch; not paying attention to what he was doing. Octavian was wary from then on, expecting another choking thrust at anytime. A few more bobs of his head and he heard Vinyl actually cry out words instead of pleasured babble. "Gonna cum" Vinyl moaned out, Octavian seeing the towel in the corner of his eye, clearly where Vinyl intended to cum. Octavian was having no such thing, Vinyl was going to cum in his mouth and that was final. "Octavian, move!" Vinyl commanded but the cock sucking pony held firm, pulling back like Vinyl had to suckle on the flaring head. Vinyl shuddered, his entire body tense as if he was holding himself back. "Your mouthful then" Vinyl moaned out before he threw his head back and moaned deeply, his body's tension releasing and his cock throbbing as the first spurt rocketed from Vinyl's flare onto the back of Octavian's tongue. His eyes widened, perhaps this wasn't the best idea? More spurts followed the first, landing progressively shorter and shorter until each was more a dribble. He almost gagged from the strong overwhelming taste and texture but held firm; if Vinyl could do this to him then he could do it to Vinyl. Finally Vinyl was done and Octavian pulled of his cock, careful not to spill anything. He recovered much quicker than Octavian did was looking down at the pony on his knees with a mouthful of his seed. "I told you to move, I had the towel there for that reason. Go spit in the sink." Vinyl told him. The kitchen sink looked so far away, he already tasted it plus Vinyl had swallowed for him, Octavian quickly made up his mind. Looking defiantly up at Vinyl he took a small swallow. He tried not to think about the texture going down and so took another, larger one, followed by yet another until his mouth was again empty. His stomach hurt slightly from the sheer amount he swallowed but if this was the price for a happy Vinyl he'd gladly pay it. "You'll definitely make some stallion very happy someday, that's for sure." Vinyl remarked as Octavian rose back to feet and then sat next to him again. They'd both gotten off, now what were they going to do? Was it finally time for Octavian to leave and put this memory away? It was far beyond a simple one night stand now but still so far from being in any sort of relationship; Vinyl was still going to fuck another stallion tonight and for some reason that really hurt. "It's about time I headed home now." Octavian said softly. "Yeah" Vinyl responded "Will you be coming back to the club tonight?" he asked. "No, I have a family engagement this evening" Octavian lied, truth be told his evening was free. He'd been intending to spend the night practicing his cello but was unsure now. "That's cool" Vinyl replied, great now they were back to dancing around each other again. "This is it then?" Octavian asked as he stood up. "Yeah, listen just leave this as a memory, when you walk out that door pretend I don't exist anymore. I don't want you getting too attached to me. You're far too good for somepony like me, find yourself a nice fellow rich colt and be happy with him." Vinyl said, avoiding Octavian's eyes. Octavian felt as if somepony had twisted a dagger in his heart, maybe it was just a one night stand after all. In all truth he didn't know what he wanted out of Vinyl; this entire thing had caught him by the hooves and thrown his whole life upside down. Perhaps this was better in a way. Neither of them said a word as Octavian walked to the door, opened it and left, closing the door and one small but important chapter in his life. behind him He had no idea where he really was and how to get back home but was luckily able to find and taxi to take him back to his apartment. **************************** The doorbell rang as Vinyl was eating lunch. He hurriedly put down his plate and rushed to open the door but saw only a retreating light gray rear as it climbed into a taxi and was off again. He'd know that flank anywhere, it was Octavian's, what was he doing back here, even after he told him to forget about him? It was almost a full week since that day and Vinyl hadn't heard anything so he assumed Octavian had followed his advice. Then he noticed something on his doorstep; no surely he hadn't. It was a violin case, not knowing what to do he picked it up and took it inside, laying it on the table and opening it. It was a beautiful instrument, the wood a dark full color and polished almost to a mirror finish. He looked at the maker's mark, gasping as it saw that it came from a very well know Canterlot craftspony; and his work did not come cheap. With trembling magic he lifted the new violin out of its case, eyes flashing to a piece of folded paper left in the case. He carefully put the instrument down on the table and focused instead on the paper, picking it up and unfolding it. Dear Vinyl, I know you told me to forget about you, but I simply can not. Even though you hurt me deeply I feel I must thank you for helping me to come out of my shell and begin to express myself sexually. I know this instrument is a poor substitute for your treasured violin of the past, but I feel it the least I could do for you. If you will not take it for the reasons mentioned above then take it as a gift from one musician to another. My time with you will be a bittersweet memory but overall more sweet than bitter. No matter what you say Vinyl, you deserve the best and shouldn't feel as if you need to do things that you do not want to do simply for the money alone. You have made your feelings on the matter perfectly clear in the past and I will not attempt to change your mind; but I merely ask you to consider what I have said. Octavian For the first time in a very long time; not since his first night on the street, Vinyl openly cried.