Fallout Equestria: Infinite

by Tutis75

First published

Littlepip discovers the Infinite, a pool that grants her sight into the many realities of her world. A collection of short stories and fictions set in the Fallout: Equestria universe.

One day, Littlepip discovers a pool that grants the user the ability to see across reality, revealing the lives and stories of ponies as they may have, could have, or should have lived their lives. She looks into it, seeing into the many facets of the Equestrian Wasteland.

(A collection of short stories, prompts, and ideas based in the Fallout: Equestria universe started by Kkat. However, it will also include fan works of different FO:E stories, as well as original tales.)

Prologue: Discovering the Infinite

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Fallout: Equestria
“The sum of things to be known is inexhaustible, and however long we read, we shall never come to the end of our story-book."

Littlepip stared into the Infinite.

“What is this?” The small unicorn asked, standing alone in a dark room, lit only by the small terminals and a mysterious pool of grey water.

“What you see is possibility,” the serene voice of Princess Celestia, former ruler of Equestria, explained to the retired hero. “Or rather, you see one of several possibilities.”

The Stable Pony took that in, leaning closer to the murky water, “I meant the pool; what is it? It looks like nothing I’ve ever seen before. That shimmer is… impossible.”

As she stared into the pool, it glowed brighter and showed different images. Littlepip saw ponies she had seen before, or thought she had seen before, flash in front of her before fading away.

“This pool once rested at the bottom of Canterlot, hidden away for only me or my sister to look into,” Celestia explained, “We called it Infinite, for that was what it was.”

Littlepip wanted to ask how it could have moved from Canterlot, especially since the city had been destroyed. Even more puzzling was how it appeared in the Single Pegasus Project, apparently waiting here for the mare to discover. Instead, she asked, “What do you mean by infinite?”

“We never learned the magic behind it,” Celestia admitted, “Even now, it eludes us. What I do know is that it shows possibilities to whomever looks into it.”

“Possibilities? Of what?”

“Everything.” The way Celestia said it carried such gravity that Littlepip shuddered. “The past, the future, ponies you’ve never met. It shows the what-weres, what-ifs, and what-could-have-beens of our world. However, the viewer has no control; the pool shows only what it decides to show and cannot be made to do otherwise.”

“And now its here…” Littlepip frowned, “What should we do?”

The alicorn’s face on the terminal screen somehow managed to become even more serious, “I don’t really know for sure. But I believe… I believe that you must look into it.”

Littlepip felt herself shake again, not looking directly at the magical waters, “Why? What will I see in there?”

“I don’t know. But the pool has come to you, so there must be a reason.”

“Is it safe?” Littlepip asked.

Celestia ignored the question, “The waters only offer glimpses into what makes our world. Remember that the pool shows you everything without offering context. There is no way of knowing whether a vision is real, if it is an alternate path a pony has taken, or something that has happened… or something that has yet to occur. As I said, all our attempts to learn the pool’s secrets failed.”

“But you think I might?”

“You’ve surprised me before.” Celestia offered the smallest of smiles, which Littlepip returned. Then she sighed.

“What about the SPP? I will have to return to it soon.”

Celestia nodded on the screen, “I will do whatever I have to in order to pull you out of these visions if you stay too long. In the meantime, perhaps I will see if I can find out how the pool even got here.”

Littlepip sighed, “I guess I will try it… It isn’t exactly like I need to go outside anytime soon.”

They both shared a small, tense laugh. Celestia nodded to her, “Good luck, Littlepip. And thank you.”

Littlepip smiled at the princess, and then looked down into the pool. It began to glow, the water rippling.

Then, the Infinite stared into Littlepip.

Everyone Can See It

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Everyone Can See It

Littlepip woke up in bed, hearing the cries of Balefire Phoenixes outside of Tenpony Tower. She stretched, getting feeling back into her legs, “Now that was a great night’s sleep…”

“Ayup…” A familiar voice said. A familiar male voice.

The little unicorn jumped out of bed, “C-calamity?!”

Rising from her bed was her best friend, a Dashite with impeccable aim. He rubbed his eyes, “Littlepip, what are ya doing in my bed?”

“What are you doing in mine?!” She cried out, “Where’s Homage?”

He frowned, “Ah don’t remember… What about Velvet?”

Littlepip was already getting dressed, throwing Calamity his hat, “I bet this was just a silly prank of theirs. Come on, lets get this over with. We’ll let them laugh a bit, and go back to the way things normally are.”

“As in, letting Homage ride your-?”

“Come on,” Littlepip glared, walking out with the drowsy pegasus behind her.

A short walk down the hall brought them to their friends. The two sat at a table together, having breakfast. On one side was Homage, the DJ of Tenpony tower and Littlepip’s marefriend. On the other side was Velvet Remedy, singer and childhood crush.

“You two are up early,” Homage smiled, “I didn’t expect you for another hour.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Littlepip frowned, “Laugh it up, you got us.”

Velvet frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Pip means bringin’ us to bed together,” Calamity explained.

There was a short silence as the two mares gave confused looks to each other. Littlepip groaned.

“We know it was you two. We woke up together in the same room.”

“Why wouldn’t you?” Homage asked, “You two make such a sweet couple!”

“What?!” Littlepip and Calamity said together, earning a knowing smile from the two mares. “No, no, no, no, no! We are not a couple!” Littlepip assured.

“You seem like it to me,” Velvet grinned, “Finally got over your crush on me, its so cute!”

“Not true!” Littlepip stopped suddenly, blushing as everyone leaned in, “I mean, uh, I’m with Homage!”

Homage rose an eyebrow, “Sweetie, you’re cute and all, but you and Calamity just fit so well together!”

“I’m gay,” Littlepip said dryly.

“That’s never stopped you before,” Velvet took a bite into her waffle.

“Velvet, don’t tease her,” Calamity warned.

“Hey, you don’t have to stick up for me!” Littlepip whined, “We’re not dating, we’re not together, and we never will be! …No offense.”

“None taken.”

Velvet suddenly grew a big grin, “Oh, I know what this is really about!”

Littlepip smiled, “Now do you see?”

“Yes!” She clapped her hooves together, “You just wanted a threesome! I’m flattered, really!”

Littlepip felt her face growing hotter, “N-no! I mean, just us!”

“Wouldn’t want your coltfriend to have some fun?” Velvet asked, “That’s not very polite, Littlepip.”

Littlepip groaned louder, ears pressed against her head, “T-that’s not what I meant…”

“She’s not mah type,” Calamity said simply, “No offense.”

“None taken,” The DJ unicorn assured.

“Oh…” Velvet nodded, “I suppose I can understand that.”

Littlepip looked around, “Guys, we’re not dating. We’ve never been dating. Its just… a bad dream or something!”

A deep voice came from behind them, “I’d have thought it was the perfect dream,” Steelhooves noted. He stood out in the room with his steel armor, “I thought you wanted a big stallion all your life?”

“Emphasis on big,” Calamity said proudly.

“I’ve seen bigger,” Steelhooves noted.

“YUCK!” Littlepip held her head, “Stop! I have never wanted a stallion, and I don’t want to know their sizes either!”

“…I just meant their body sizes,” Steelhooves sounded creeped out, “Way to turn this into a weird conversation.”

“Every conversation with Littlepip is a weird one,” Homage giggled.

“Ayup,” Calamity confirmed, “But she is right. Either you guys are trying to trick us, or something has changed your memories. And since Steelhooves would never play a joke to save his life, ah think its the former.”

Littlepip nodded slowly, “Thanks Calamity… Except for that first part. But we need to get serious, and find out what’s going on with us.”

“Now that you mention it…” Homage noted, “There was a strange pony asking for you last night, Littlepip. One I have never seen before.”

“Was it another fanfilly?” Littlepip groaned, “How did they even find out I was here?”

“No, it was a stallion. He’s actually joining us for breakfast.”

“Speaking of breakfast, there is a huge line for the pancakes. Talk about cruelty,” A huge stallion with tattoos over his body and armor that covered from his hooves to his neck walked in. His horn was glowing with a huge plate of pancakes. “Oh… Are you in the middle of something?”

“Who are you?” Littlepip frowned.

The stallion took a bite from his pancakes, then bowed to her, “Deathstroke, follower of Red Eye.”

“Red Eye?!” Littlepip jumped back. Everypony else moved into fighting positions.

“Calm. I am only here to grant you two messages,” He said, “I am not here for a fight.”

Littlepip glared at him, “Okay, what are they?”

He coughed, “Red Eye has ordered me to travel the wasteland to say…” His voice went up an octave, “That, oh my Goddesses, you and Calamity are soooooo cute together.”


“Also, the alicorns caught me here and have requested me to tell you that you and Calamity are utterly adorable. The Goddess only wishes that you two would show your love for each other more often.”

As Littlepip stammered at a complete loss for words, Deathstroke turned to Homage, “May I keep these pancakes for the road?”

“Help yourself.”

“Much appreciated,” He took a big bite, and began heading down the stairs.

“…That was odd,” Calamity noted.

“Odd? Odd?!” Littlepip gasped out, “This is insane! This makes no sense! I did not expect to just wake up one morning with all of the wasteland completely out of its mind!”

“Or at least more out of it than usual,” Calamity agreed.

Velvet took another bite of her waffle, “I still say you two are cute together, and everypony can see it. Your best friends and mortal enemies. You should just accept it.”

“I am gay!

As the ponies around her shrugged, a newcomer came into the breakfast room. Life Bloom was holding a pancake, gasping for breath, “Thank goodness I found you all!”

“What’s wrong?” Homage asked, “Did the radioactive tigers get loose from the Manehatten mall?”

“Worse,” He turned to Littlepip, “I’m really sorry, but the Twilight Society was experimenting with a new spell, and we accidentally cast it on you.”

“Did it make everypony think Calamity and I are dating?” She rose an eyebrow.

“Well… Yes. Good guess,” He looked them over, “Actually, you two are pretty cute together.”

“Just fuck already!” Homage cheered.

Littlepip glared with the intensity of a Balefire Bomb, “You better fix this. Now.”

“Y-yes… It should be fixed within the hour,” He explained, “Just try to relax until then.”

Littlepip sighed, “Thanks… See guys, we aren’t dating. Just a stupid magic spell.”

“Oh don’t worry, ah don’t need a spell to love you,” Calamity gave a suddenly knowing smirk, then winked to Velvet.

Littlepip sunk to the floor as the entire room burst out into laughter.

A Hellhound Wanting Love

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A Hellhound Wanting Love

Rusty had that dream again. It was something that he often had, when lost in the pleasant company of his newfound friends and the stars in the sky.

In the dream, he was freed from his body. He wasn’t trapped to a form that he hated with his entire being. Instead, he was small. He was handsome. He was lost in the hooves of his best friend, holding each other in a passionate embrace. Rusty was her equal in his dreams, and the fantasies he had were so much closer when he slept. He wished that it would never end.

But it always ended, as he felt himself being shaken away, “Hey, Rusty. Wake up, sleepy bones. We’re heading out,” A soft voice told him.

Rusty slowly opened his eyes, looking up at the unicorn.

Jewel smiled at him, “Were you having a good dream?”

He nodded slowly, stretching, “Yesssss… Good dream, Jewel.”

“Good,” She helped him up, until he was towering over her, “We’re almost at Tenpony, we should be there by the evening if we start now.”

He gave a soft growl of agreement, “Theeeen lets go.”

She smiled wider, and walked to check on their other team member. Onyx was an earth pony, already awake and alert for the day. In many ways, Rusty was envious of his friend.

Rusty looked down at his massive claws. He was a hellhound, monster of the wasteland and hated by all. Given no choice or way to show off his deeper feelings, he had forced himself to fulfill the role that the wasteland had given him. That is, until he had found these two ponies.

He had taken mercy upon them when they were unarmed and helpless many moons ago, and they had repaid him with food. Since then, they had been inseparable. Rusty didn’t really care for going to a pony town, but his new friends were committed, and he was determined to help them.

Especially since they were the only ponies that hadn’t treated him like a mindless animal. With another yawn, he began to walk after them.

* * *

They had been walking for hours, quietly talking amongst themselves. Rusty kept his attention split between the outside world, and Jewel’s softly swaying body.

She showed a grace he had never known, and a beauty that had yet to be surpassed. Her purple flower on her rump almost seemed to shine in the daytime, mesmerizing him.

He was interrupted when he saw an open can of food fly in front of him, “Do you want some food?” Jewel asked politely, “We’ve been walking a while now.”

“Yessssss, pleeeease,” He grinned, biting into the can. With practiced ease, he ripped the can apart for easy eating. Onyx always looked surprised by how simple it was to break the can apart.

“Try not to choke,” Jewel teased.

Rusty blushed softly, but nodded, “I wooooon’t,” He ate a bit slower, more mindful of himself.

As they kept walking, Onyx spoke, “So what are we gonna do when we arrive? I’m gonna try to find the nearest pub, and drink until I can’t see straight.”

Jewel nodded slowly, “Not a bad idea. I was thinking more along the lines of a bath. Maybe a nice massage, some candles…”

“Yuck,” Rusty snorted, “Sounds boooooring.”

“You’d be surprised,” Jewel smiled. “How about when we get there, I pay for your own massage? They can clean you up, and you’ll be looking brand new!”

Rusty bit his tongue, fighting off his first reaction. Thinking about it, he really did want to be brand new. “I… might doooo that…” He said coyly, “If yoooou are there.”

Jewel rose an eyebrow, “Want me to massage you, big guy?” She asked kindly.

Surprised by the sincerity of her voice, Rusty could only give a simple nod.

“Then that’s what I’ll do!” She raised a hoof, “Massages and baths for everyone!”

Onyx gave his own cheer, looking pleased with the idea. With only a little hesitation, Rusty threw his own paw into the air.

They were so pleased with themselves that they were taken by complete surprise when a bullet ripped through Rusty’s raised arm, making him howl in pain.

“It’s an ambush!” Onyx cried out, going for his rifle. Caught on the open road, there was no chance to get cover.

Rusty glared, trying to pinpoint the location of their attacker. In the open, it wasn’t hard to see the sniper by a broken down wagon. He snarled, digging into the gravel.

The ground was pain. Rage. Agony. His arm burned as blood seeped out, his body colliding against earth and rock. He could feel the ground tremor as the battle raged above him. Instead of giving in, he used this to fuel his battle fury, determined to make their attacker pay for stopping them so close to their goal.

He felt another vibration, a shot going off directly on top of him. The target was so close; he could feel it right above him. Rusty dug up, jumping out of the dirt like a rocket. Rocks and gravel flew free, spraying the area.

Their attacker fell back, a young unicorn with a beat up rifle. He wore goggles and a gray jumpsuit, staring in horror at the beast in front of him.

With a single swing of his claws, the rifle fell in half.

“S-s-stay away from me, monster!” The pony squealed, before the claws went through his neck, separating his head from his body. Their would-be assassin fell.

Rusty howled, his rage still boiling. His arm hurt like nothing he had ever felt before, and it was making it hard to concentrate.

He turned his attention to his team. Jewel was a medic, he was sure that she could fix this damage. With ease, he ran back to his team. When he arrived he saw the results of the ambush.

Onyx stood there, sobbing as his rifle fell. Rusty’s eyes opened wide as he felt himself screaming in primal agony as he saw Jewel on the ground a few feet away, her body bloody and lifeless.

The Quiet Nights

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The Quiet Nights
A Sunny Hoof Story
“I can’t stay for long today, I was just on my way up to City Hall and thought I’d stop by.”

“Ante up…” I whispered quietly. I had gone through this every night, but there was always a part of me afraid of what I would find. A tiny part of me thought about skipping tonight, but I had a responsibility. Especially to her.

The night was unusually peaceful, the moon shining brightly and most ponies having already gone to their homes. Only a few ponies were out tonight, either walking along or minding their own businesses. None of them paid me any heed.

Chapel was a good place to be, I had decided long ago. Even if the ponies I cared about didn’t live here, there had been a kind of peace here even before the Miracle. A single place in Hoofington that didn’t seem to be a deathtrap. This place would always seem more like home to me than anywhere else in Equestria. Of course, that reminded me of everything Hoofington has done to me and my friends, and how much it has changed.

Walking in the night always made me feel more at ease, and it was helping now. At night, nopony usually decided to talk to me, leaving me alone with my thoughts. While I was used to having to talk to ponies by now, I always felt comfortable alone. Things were easier when alone, although I knew just by going to the house that there were ponies that were worth being with.

No matter how much it hurt.

After a short walk, I saw it. The Star House, standing proudly above me, the angle allowing me to see a background of stars and constellations behind the historic residence. For a moment, I was transported back to a life I thought was long gone, a life where I was running for my life with a few ragtag ponies on a quest to solve ancient mysteries on an old program…

I couldn’t believe a part of me missed those days. A very small part.

I sighed, realizing I was stalling. With a slow nod, I walked into the house. As expected, the door was unlocked.

What I wasn’t expecting was to see Rampage sitting in the living room, a soda on the table and a book in her hooves. She gave me a warm grin, “Well, well, well. The mayor himself has come to greet me!”

I snorted, “Hello, Rampage.”

The former Reaper of Hoofington gestured to the couch, allowing me to sit. I put my hat next to a nearby cooking book, no doubt for Glory.

As I made myself comfortable, I was reminded of all the small changes about her. She looked calmer somehow, more in control. Her armor was gone, replaced by various amulets around her neck. Perhaps most curious was the lack of a cutie mark, something I didn’t know the answer for.

Rampage passed me a drink, “Glory told me you’d be here. How often do you come?”

“Every night, or whenever I get the chance,” I responded, sipping the Sparkle Cola. Cold, something that was hard to find in the wasteland. “What about you, why are you here?”

“Scotch Tape and I finally convinced her to take a night off. Of course, she didn’t want to leave you-know-who alone, so I volunteered to foalsit,” She smiled, “I’ve been using the free time to write my book!”

I rose my eyebrow, looking at the pile of crumpled up notes and spit wads. “You’re writing a book?”

She grinned, “I’m thinking of calling it The Many Lives and Times of Arloste or maybe The Hero of Project Horizons: The Legend of Rampage and her Sidekicks.”

“We’re not sidekicks…”

“You’re sidekicks in my book. Don’t worry, you all get to have important parts in my story. It just wouldn’t be the same without you guys.”

“Sweet of you,” I said dryly, “But I remember things differently.”

She chuckled, “Is somepony looking to get a bigger part in my book? I bet it’ll sell millions of copies! Everyone in Equestria will need to have it.”

I chose not to respond, taking another long sip of my drink.

“By the way, if you do get ideas for me, I’ll put you in the acknowledgement section. I’m thinking of adding a section where we fight Killing Joke zebras that are actually aliens!”

“The point of writing an autobiography is to tell what really happened,” I sighed.

“Nothing’s wrong with spicing things up,” She countered. “As it is, at this rate I’m gonna have the biggest book in Equestrian history.”

“Assuming you finish it,” I chuckled. It was Rampage’s turn to seem surprised, studying me carefully. I coughed softly, “Sorry, I’m sure it’ll be a great book.”

“It’s not that... I’m just surprised to see you, well… smiling!” She gave me a nudge, “Back in the day, we used to have bets when you’d start smiling.”

I frowned, “How long did you bet?”

“Two years,” She chuckled, “But now that we’re on the subject, you do seem a lot better. You smile, you laugh, and you seem to enjoy your life now. It’s quite the turnaround.”

I nodded slowly. Honestly, I had noticed it too. At first, I was against it, with everyone still adapting to the new world. It didn’t seem right to be happy when life had been so miserable. But over time, it began coming more naturally, and things just seemed better. Although there were still a few exceptions. These thoughts brought me back to the real reason I was here.

“How is Blackjack?”

Rampage stiffened, taking another drink to collect her thoughts. “Blackjack is… okay…” She said slowly, “The last bits of machinery are finally out, and-"

“Arloste…” I spoke softly, but firmly.

She rubbed a hoof through her curly mane, “Today has been bad. A lot of crying, yelling, and angry outbursts. Followed by sobbing apologies, tearful regrets, and anxious panic attacks. It almost caused Glory to stay tonight, but I’m pretty persuasive,” She gave a small grin, but her weak attempt at a joke fell flat.

“How is she right now?” I got up, glancing at her bedroom. The door was shut.

Rampage gently nudged me to sit down, “She’s resting now, the mare tired herself out. I’m sure she’ll be doing better by tomorrow.”

That was too slow for me. I got up, heading for her room. I glanced back to notice Rampage was watching me with sad eyes.

“We all care about her, you know,” She said in a tone that seemed utterly alien coming from the immortal warrior, “We’re doing this for her.”

I could only nod, bracing myself as I entered the room.

The first thing I noticed is how dark it was, the lights being kept really low. Around the room were souvenirs of her journey. A sword on the wall, the carefully preserved Vigilance in a case. One of the walls were covered with drawings and letters made by ponies across Equestria, thanking her.

Finally, my eyes turned to the bed. The blankets had been thrown aside, across the floor. The pillows were about to fall off the bed with them. And… her.

Blackjack was sleeping, which I felt grateful for. The Security Mare lay blind and limbless, her mane a mess as she lay out across the mattress. Her breathing was short, and she was shaking. She was probably trapped in another nightmare.

I sat down near her, petting her mane. There was a certain irony that it would be Blackjack who had to suffer a little more to gain her paradise. She was always one to go the extra mile. As the rest of Equestria healed, there were still ponies struggling to recover from the wasteland, rebuilding themselves with more effort. The trauma couldn’t be healed quickly, but the effort was being made.

“Hang in there, Blackjack…” I whispered. Her ear twitched in her sleep.

I grabbed the pillows, moving them back onto the bed so she could rest on them. It struck me that she seemed smaller now.

“It’s gonna be okay…” I said softly, for both of us, “You were right in the end. Ponies are better… Equestria is better. Thanks to you,” I grabbed a blanket, beginning to tuck her in.

She curled up a bit, moving closer to my hooves. Her breathing was becoming softer.

“I know this wasn’t the life you imagined,” I sighed, “It certainly wasn’t the one I expected. But it’s okay. We’ll get used to it, one day at a time. We’re all here for you… And you’re here for us.”

I was very careful with how I tucked her in, making sure to not be noticed. I had become very good at that over the years. In the darkness, wrapped in blankets, she seemed fine. In a way… things were.

“I never told you this…” I admitted to myself, “I couldn’t even tell myself… Stable 99, Hoofington, everything that happened between us. I couldn’t face the truth…” I leaned down, my voice softer. I noticed my hooves were shaking, so I pulled them away.

“Blackjack… I love you.”

I felt a weight I didn’t know I was carrying fade at those words. To finally say what I had struggled with for years. It wasn’t a love for sex, or something she and Glory had. It was a love between best friends, ponies that cared for each other and inspired each other. I had seen Blackjack go through the worst hells I could imagine… and still crack a smile, or keep a brave face. I admired her, and I was ready to forgive anything left between us. I love you.

“Now if only I can say it while you’re awake…” I sighed softly. Despite that, I saw that Blackjack was fully relaxed now. Probably just a coincidence. Probably.

I sat there in silence for a while after that, keeping guard over the resting mare. It really was the quiet nights that I appreciated, the times that all the remaining pain and restlessness were put aside for a little bit and things were just perfect.

Looking around, I noticed a Blackjack plush toy sitting nearby. No doubt a gift from a fan. I quietly grabbed it, placing it close enough to the real thing in case she needed it. I wasn’t sure why I did it, but it just felt right. Any comfort we could give her was worth it.

“You don’t fucking get it, do you?”

“We’re her friends,”

“That means…”

“She doesn’t have to fight alone…” I finished our old rallying cry softly. We meant it then, and I meant it now. This wasn’t the type of fight I was used to, or prepared for, but one that we were all willing to fight.

I stayed with her a while longer, lost in thought. But the time finally came for me to leave Blackjack’s sanctuary again, until tomorrow.

“Sleep well, Blackjack… And may the stars protect you,” I bade her farewell, leaving the room.

…Only to see a grinning Rampage. “Did you two kiss?”

I blushed, “W-what?! Of course not, why would you say that?”

“You two were clearly getting close in there,” She said, lowering her voice, “Oh Blackjack-san, I love you so, please hear my voice and feel the love of a thousand stars.”

I grabbed my hat, my face feeling hot, “Oh, shut up…”

“This is definitely going into my book!”

“Rampage, go jump in the ocean…”

“Are you imagining a date on the beach?” She smirked.

I shoved my hat as far as it could onto my head, “Good night, Rampage.”

I shut the door hearing her voice cheerfully telling me, “I’m sure Glory would allow it!”

I sighed, trotting quickly back to my house. Like usual, my feelings about Blackjack were getting me confused. I needed to be with Scotch and Priest, at least they made sense. As I trotted into the night, I groaned out the only word that captured all my feelings.



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Doctor Harvest woke up to the usual sounds of screaming and sobbing. The new day had come, already promising to be long and exhausting, “By Goddesses above, I need a drink…”

The unicorn got up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the darkness in his tiny room. All he had was a slightly chewed-up bed and a pile of clothes in the corner. With a loud groan, he got dressed and headed for the cafeteria.

This was a Followers Enclave, a hospital in the middle of nowhere dedicated to healing the sick and helping the less fortunate. It was a good idea in theory, and one that Harvest could get behind. But the lack of supplies, the overabundance of needy ponies, and the constant threat of attack pushed the weary doctors to their limit.

He walked out into the courtyard, looking at the fake trees and plants as ponies tried to relax outside. Harvest had to admit, he had his doubts the raiders would attack. It didn’t matter how many medical supplies there were to steal, even they had to be smart enough to avoid a nest of unstable alicorns.

“Harvest!” Speaking of alicorns, a purple one ran up to him wearing a white coat several sizes too small for her, “We were hoping to see you this morning!”

“Good morning…” He waved a hoof, “Which one are you?”

She blinked, “Oh, sorry. We are Amethyst, assistant doctor.”

He nodded slowly, “Right, right… What did you want?”

“We were hoping for your assistance in treating one of our patients,” She explained, “We’re afraid that this patient might be… beyond us.”

“Goody,” He sighed, “Let me guess. An alicorn with multiple personalities? A pegasus that’s trying to chew his own wings off? A ghoul who thinks you’re Luna?”

She tilted her head slightly, “Well, no.”

“Spit it out, girl,” He sighed, “I don’t have all day.”

“Sorry!” She swallowed, “In our western ward, one of our patients is being unresponsive. We have tried everything we know, but he doesn’t seem to like our kind.”

“Doctors or alicorns?” He snorted. Though for this guy, he was surrounded by both. The courtyard alone had about a dozen alicorns, mostly admiring the outside or talking to the other patients.

“Alicorns,” She sighed, “We want to help him, but-“

“Can’t help a pony that doesn’t want to be helped,” He frowned, “Best to use your resources and time on the next pony in line.”

Amethyst looked downward, “We suppose… But we feel that we have a duty to help.”

Harvest shrugged, “Look, I haven’t even had breakfast yet, and I got a lot of things to do. I just don’t have the time, sorry.”

“Oh!” She went into her pocket, holding out a small can of 200-year-old processed apple, “We were going to eat this, but we’d be happy to give it to you in exchange for your help!”

Harvest stared at the measly snack, then up at the alicorn’s hopeful gaze. There was no getting out of this one.

“Fine… Just show me where he is.”

* * *

The walk to the room was filled with various happy versions of “Thank you!” as he went past drugged out unicorns and earth ponies in wheelchairs. The walls were colored in simplistic paintings done by recovering victims, which added a bit of life to the darkness. Finally he arrived at a simple wooden doorway.

“He is in here,” She explained, “Would you like us to accompany you?”

“If he doesn’t like alicorns, that won’t help,” He sighed, “Just… wait here until I need you,” He took a bite of his apple.

She nodded, “As you wish.”

He sighed again, and opened the door.

The room was quiet and lit with only a single lantern in the center of the room. A bed was against the corner, where a pony mostly covered in blankets lay unmoving.

Stepping closer, Harvest could understand why he was here. The pony was covered in painful burns and scars, making him look similar to a ghoul. His ears were gone, his face was melted, and he was attached to multiple machines surrounding his bed.

Harvest stepped closer, surprised when the earth pony focused on him.

“You’re new…” He spoke in a raspy tone, suggesting vocal damage.

“You’ve been giving Amethyst a hard time,” Harvest noted, “You know we’re only trying to help.”

He rose a singed eyebrow, “Do you think I want to be helped? Does it look like I’m ever getting out of this bed?”

“You’d be surprised,” Harvest said, taking another bite of his breakfast.

The burned pony frowned slowly, grunting as he did so, “I know my fate. To be looked over by ponies like that alicorn, getting nothing but pity for the rest of my miserable life.”

Harvest sighed, “Why did you even come here if you didn’t want help?”

“It wasn’t by choice…” The pony coughed a bit, “My brothers and sisters brought me here.”

The doctor frowned, “But didn’t stay?”

“They’re Applejack Rangers…” The pony rolled his eyes, grunting in pain as he did so, “They have a duty.”

“So let me guess…” Harvest trotted around him, “You were in your armor, being a good little colt. Fighting the big fight with your family…”

The pony glared, “We were fighting to-"

“Protect somepony or some place, yada yada yada,” Harvest leaned in, “It would appear that an incendiary weapon got to you though. Lit you up right inside your armor.”

“How do you get off-"

“And after the battle,” Harvest interrupted, “You were carried off here. Left in our care while they went off to keep fighting. Am I right?”

The patient coldly gazed at him, “How fucking dare you treat me that way?”

“If maybe you treated the other doctors better, we’d treat you better,” Harvest spoke harshly, “You’re wasting Amethyst’s time, and mine. This is what you’ve been dealt. If you want to whine and pout, go ahead. I frankly don’t give a shit.”

The burn victim began moving, trying to painfully sit up in bed. He didn’t move more than a couple inches, “I’m not whining.”

“Whatever,” Harvest snorted, “Just don’t bother Amethyst again. She’s doing her best to help you, and I don’t even know why.”

“I don’t want her help.”

“But you don’t want to die either,” He summarized, “If you wanted to, you’d make a big commotion until you were too much trouble to keep her. Or maybe you have some secret military skill to off yourself. But you’re not taking it. I think deep down you do want our help.”

He swallowed, falling back into bed weakly, “I don’t want their help. Alicorns can’t be trusted…” He whispered quietly.

“They’re freaky, I’ll give you that,” Harvest nodded, “And I really don’t like how they can’t refer to themselves in the singular. But they’re trying to make things better, just like you Rangers are. If we’re gonna survive out here, we got to start working together.”

The pony was silent, turning to face the wall. Harvest took this as his cue to leave.

Outside the door, Amethyst was pacing impatiently, “How is Apple Fritter? Is he okay?”

“I think he’ll be quiet for a few days,” The doctor shrugged, “If you want to keep trying with him, just be patient. Maybe let him outside for a bit if you can.”

“We will take your advice,” She bowed, “Thank you, doctor. We appreciate anything you have done to help him.”

He finished his can of apples, walking away, “Just remember something, Amethyst. There are plenty of patients that you'll meet that don't want what's best for them. Sometimes what you need is a little tough love.”


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There is a legend in the Equestrian Wasteland of a silent group of mysterious criminals. A gang of griffins that are only told about in campfire stories and myth. These griffins scour the wasteland, hunting down sleeping, defenseless ponies and ambush them in the dark of the night. Nopony ever dies from their attacks, but everypony has something precious is stolen from them. An item that none dare talk about.

This is the story of their most infamous theft, where the good and the wicked were brought together by fate…

“This is a perfect night for a thief…” Scar grinned, flying through the wasteland. Scar was a big griffin, the leader of his trio of legends. He maintained his power through his self-proclaimed strength and brilliance.

The lady flying with him purred, “A night for unsuspecting ponies to be ambushed by noble villains,” Emerald teased, spinning in flight.

“Speaking of ponies…” The final griffin pointed to smoke in the distance, a clue that a campfire had gone out. Blaze grinned, “I think we have our next targets.”

The griffins flew low as a single unit, not a word exchanged. They had a target, and were ready to pounce on the opportunity. As silent as the starry night, they carefully followed the smoke, leading to a small group of ponies, just as promised.

Scar pointed downward, the three of them landing near the camp. He began walking in, smiling to himself. No guards, nothing awake to stop them.

It was a small group, he realized. Two unicorns, a pegasus, a… zebra. And a Steel Ranger of all things.

“What an odd group…” He whispered silently. He went into his pocket, taking out a shiny necklace and putting it on. His two mates followed suit.

“IS IT WORKING!?” Blaze yelled, but none of the ponies woke.

Emerald sighed, “Of course they work, idiot. As long as we wear these, nobody else will hear us.”

“Good thing too, with that mouth of yours…” Scar chuckled, “Now let’s get to work.”

He approached his first victim, looking her over. A small, unassuming mare wearing a Pip-buck and stable suit.

He nodded to himself, “Stable pony, huh? Time for her to get a real lesson about the dangers out here,” He reached down slowly, putting a steady talon onto her side. Then he began to unzip her clothes.

These griffins weren’t interested in caps or weapons. Those were easily found and replaced in the wasteland, not worth their expertise. Instead, they proudly stole away the pants of the ponies as they wore them. Somewhere, there were people that thought ponies went around with pants despite clearly wearing armor. It was completely ridiculous, but there was something empowering about making that a reality. So the gang set out to fulfill this secret mission.

Taking the pants off a pony was not easy though. There were zippers and belts to take into account. They had to be removed carefully, as to not wake the pony. Tails were an exceptional problem, with tail loops on the pants to gently take off. Not to mention any shoes or socks had to be taken off first so they didn’t catch onto the other clothes. But he was well experienced with that. With the precision of a doctor, he began to slide the clothing off the mare’s legs.

He looked down at her flanks, noting the grey Stable shorts underneath. More than that, he was able to make out her cutie mark.

“A… Pip-Buck for a cutie mark?” He frowned, “That’s like having a cutie mark of a cutie mark! Is she trying to hammer it in she’s from a Stable! Listen little mare, I get it!”

“Why are you yelling at her?” Emerald asked, sliding the black pants off of a ruggedly handsome pegasus.

“It just seems dumb to me,” He sighed, looking over to her. “What’s his deal?”

“He’s got a Rainbow Dash mark,” Blaze called, “You think that makes him a cross dresser, or want to be rainbow-y, or what?”

“No, it just means he’s a Dashite,” Emerald sighed, “Why the hell is every pegasus in the wasteland a Dashite? Didn’t one come down here on their own free will? At this rate, there won’t be any pegasi up there.”

“Maybe there’s a Dash club up there,” Scar shrugged, “Think these ponies are druggies?”

“Definitely!” Blaze held up a skirt in one claw, a box of medical supplies in the other. “This mare had a lot of drugs on her! Just look at her cutie mark!”

Scar looked down on the mare. Between her silly white mane, and a singing bird on her rump, she definitely stood out. She was dressed in some fancy dress, which Blaze had cut in half to remove, leaving the top half on and her red panties exposed.

“There’s a bird here,” Blaze said sagely, “For being high. Meaning they must be druggies.”

“…Makes sense to me,” Scar shrugged. “Let’s check out the two others.”

Looking over the zebra, they found a problem.

“She doesn’t wear pants!” Emerald gasped, “T-this is the first pony-“


“-Zebra that actually went out naked! What do we do?!”

Scar put a talon to his face, stroking his chin. “Hmmm… Just put some underwear on her, so she knows we struck.”

Emerald nodded, carefully sliding up green shorts onto the unsuspecting zebra, “Just seems dumb to not wear armor anyway.”

Blaze was working on the Steel Ranger, and seemed to be struggling, “The armor isn’t coming off, guys!”

Scar flew over to him, “I told you, undo the fancy grey button things.”

“I am doing that…” Blaze pulled at them, “But they’re stuck. I can’t take them off!”

Scar blinked, “Can’t take off his clothes? Poor guy… I guess we’ll be doing him a favor.”

The two griffins moved into position, and began pulling against the big pony. With his weight in the armor, the two griffins were more dragging him across the camp.

“You idiots!” Emerald flew over with a screwdriver, “Just start taking the parts off, that’ll handle it,” She moved it down, trying to unscrew the plates.

“What the hell are you doing?” A deep, gruff voice finally said.

Scar blinked, “Um… B-Blaze? Did you say that?”

The Steel Ranger kicked the griffins off of him, standing up. “Griffins.”

“What’d you say, Steelhooves?” The little pony began to get up, “What’s going on?”

“Nothing, go back to sleep!” Scar called out nervously, waving his arms. “Nothing is going on at all!”

The druggie unicorn began to wake up, “Littlepip, what- My dress!” She screamed.

“V-velvet?!” The little mare blushed, “U-um you’re in panties!” She squeaked, trying to cover herself up, “Where did my pants go?!”

The griffins began to try to hide the missing clothing behind their backs, slowly stepping back.

Soon the entire group was awake, looking decidedly grumpy.

The zebra practically ripped the shorts off, “Who’s joke was this?”

“These griffins, it seems,” The pegasus said, lowering his hat.

Emerald took off her amulet, “Um… That’s right! We’re the griffin pants thieves! Surrender to us, before we take all your clothes!”

The little mare glared, sitting in an awkward position to protect her modesty. “Give us our clothes back or else.”

The three griffins glanced at each other before making a quick decision.


The three griffins took to the air, trying to fly for dear life. They almost would have made it too… if not for the little mare’s magic trapping them.

“…We might be in trouble,” Scar swallowed.

“You are definitely in trouble,” The unicorn named Velvet kept her gaze on them as the small one brought them down to eye level, “You destroyed my dress.”

“Why would you even wear a dress in the wasteland, anyway?” Blaze frowned.

“We were attendin’ a show,” The Dashite explained, “Tryin’ to get a bit of downtime.”

Scar laughed awkwardly, “Well, we wouldn’t want to interrupt your vacation. So how about letting us out, and we’ll call it even?”

The pegasus moved up to them, grabbing back their clothes and passing it around, “Why were ya even taking these? Were ya cold or somethin’?”

Or something, I’m sure,” The small stable pony growled, getting dressed.

“Look, filly,” Emerald looked to her, “We all have a purpose in life. We steal clothes, you do… whatever it is that pip-bucks mean. I mean, it isn’t like we actually hurt you guys! So live and let live, right?”

Velvet’s horn glowed in response, “You’re right, but we do need to teach you about taking what isn’t yours.”

She pressed her horn against each of them, pushing them gently to sleep.

* * *

They would be found the next morning, tied together and on the steps of Glascolt’s musical theater. They wouldn’t explain why they were tied together, or why their armor was missing on their legs. All they would say is that they had met a group of great skill, power, and weirdness. As they left the town, their tails between their legs, they swore vengeance against the group who humiliated them.

It wouldn’t be the last time they would meet.

Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places

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Looking for Love in All the Wrong Place

“Listen up, fillies!” Knight declared to her two subordinates, “We are on a mission extreme importance. One that we can’t possibly fuck up!” She leaned down to them, “We’re gonna get laid!”

Click facehooved. He and his friend Bishop had been brought to the small town of Fillgan on a mysterious mission supposedly given by their commander, but now it seemed that Knight had pulled them in just as her personal backup.

“Really?” Bishop echoed Click’s thoughts, “You pulled us out of bed for this?”

“With good reason!” She snorted, “I see you two cuddling up to sleep, you both need real mares!”

Bishop blushed as Click stammered out, “I-It’s just warmer when we’re together!”

“Yeah, and I got a horn under my mane,” Knight snorted, “Now come on, I found a great bar for us to hit.”

The bar was a big place with neon lights spelling The Big In. The lights were on, and the music was so loud it could be heard outside.

“That’s kind of a dumb name…” Bishop noted.

“Your face is dumb!” Knight retorted, “Now come on!” She pulled them in, ignoring their meager protests and wiggles.

Inside the place was surprisingly fancy. For a wasteland bar, it looked more like a dancing studio with light up floors, blaring music, and dozens of ponies dancing, drinking, and having a good time.

Click watched it all, feeling impressed by the new environment, “This is actually kinda cool!”

“I knooooooooow!” Knight pulled them both by the tails, bringing them to the bartender, “Get me your best whiskey! What do you guys want?”

“Applejuice!” Bishop smiled.

The club went dead. The lights stopped, the music screeched to a halt, and everypony stared at the poor unicorn.

“…Um…” Bishop swallowed.

“…He said Apple Whiskey!” Click quickly said. As if by magic, everything went back to the way it was before.

“Thanks, Click…” Bishop smiled. Click smiled back, as he called for his own Apple Whiskey.

It wasn’t long before they had their own table, drinking up and watching out for any mares or stallions they could get.

“Getting a mare is like getting corn out of your teeth,” Knight began to explain, “You need to be delicate, and watch what you’re doing or else your mouth is going to be hurting later.”

Bishop raised an eyebrow.

“Also, always say nice things, even if you don’t mean it. Mares love that junk,” Knight added, “Like how nice their bodies are, or how hot they are. And then,” He clapped his hooves, “Nailed it!”

“Sounds… easy enough?” Click asked, “So who should I talk to?”

Knight began scanning the bar like she was looking for a good weapon, “Hmmm… There are two mares dancing in the center. Go talk to them.”

Click focused in. One was a huge mare with tattoos, and the other was a pony with what seemed to be bat wings.

“T-them?” Bishop squeaked, “They look like they’d eat us alive.”

“Don’t be a foal, go get’em!” Knight shoved the two stallions out of the seats and into their direction.

“Just… play along…” Click said, glancing back, “I’d rather ask them out then deal with Knight later.”

Bishop nodded, “I got dibs on the bat.”

Click blinked, but before he could answer the white unicorn was already talking to her on the other side of the dance table. With a reluctant sigh, he went up to the massive hulk of a mare.

“Um…” Click swallowed, poking her with a shaking hoof, “C-cool party, huh?”

The mare spun to face him, hips swaying in a casual dance, “Huh? Oh, yeah! Are you new here?”

Click nodded shyly, trying to keep calm.

“Great!” She smiled, “Hope you enjoy yourself!”

“Oh, um, thanks!” Click smiled, “So you live around here?”

“Yeah! Just a few houses away! I tell ya, this place is a miracle worthy of Celestia herself!”

Click nodded, “I know, who would have guessed there’d be power and fully functional stereos out here?”

“Well, yeeeeeeah,” The mare rolled her eyes, “But I meant more about having a place for ponies like us.”

“Like us?”

“Sure! Like you and that white guy. I saw what you did for him. That was really sweet of you!”

Click blushed a bit, “It wasn’t much, really…”

“Well, you know how it is,” The mare did a spin, “You gotta face the ponies, can’t hide away from it. Let them judge!”

Click blinked, “You mean from them staring?”

“Yeah, like that!” She grinned, “Next time, maybe you should kiss him though!”

WHA?!” Click almost lost his footing, “K-kiss, him?!”

“Sure! You make a lovely couple!” The mare giggled, “I saw the way you two were looking at each other!”

Click felt starstruck for a moment, struggling for words, “N-n-no! We’re just friends!”

“No reason to hide your feelings in here, little guy,” She spun again, “This is a gay bar, after all.”

Click just stared at her, then around the room. Now that he knew, he could see it. Scantily clad mares with each other, stallions admiring each other’s flanks. The huge portrait of Ministry Mares Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy making out should have been a huge clue.

“O-o-oh…” Click gasped.

“You look a little winded,” The mare said, “Maybe take a seat, have a drink. Believe me, drunk making out is some of the best.”

Click couldn’t even answer her, as he left for the table. On his way there, a pony wearing just a black tie stopped him.

“Do you know that mare?” He pointed to Knight, who was already surrounded by whiskey bottles.

“Yeah…?” Click frowned, “What about it?”

“She owes us two thousand bottle caps, and said that you were good for it,” The pony glared, “You are good for it, correct?”

Click swallowed, “I-I didn’t bring any money… S-she was taking us out!”

“I see…” The pony sighed, “I hate to do this, but we can’t let this stand. We’ll have to teach her a lesson.”

Two huge earth ponies walked up to Click, towering over him. They smiled coldly at the rookie wastelander.

“P-please…” Click squeaked, taking a step back.

“Sorry, kiddo. We do what we gotta do,” They began walking towards him… then past him, to Knight.

Knight grinned, “Heeeck yeah! You guys ready to part-eh?!”

The two guards shared a look, then grinned, “Sure. Just come with us backstage. Where nobody can hear us.”

“Cool! Later, loser!” She stuck her tongue out at Click, before drunkenly walking off with them.

Click blinked, but didn’t bother to warn the big mare of her upcoming beating. She could handle it. “Serves you right…”

Click sat back at his table, helping himself to his own unfinished drink. He allowed himself to relax as his eyes searched for an unfortunate unicorn.

He saw a very embarrassed Bishop waving his hooves and walking backwards as a gang of bat pony ladies surrounded him. They were carrying him away, licking their lips and cornering him.

“Serves you right too for ditching me…” Click smiled, sipping some fine whiskey. He knew he’d have to step in after a little bit, but why stop Bishop’s date early?

They had come for mares after all, and now Bishop had all the mares he wanted.

The Batpony

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The Batpony

Grey Bows was running for her life, knowing that if she stopped, she would be raped, beaten and killed... if she was lucky.

She was in the city of Fillydelphia, as the lowest possible kind of pony. A slave. But she had made the mistake of denying a slave master’s word, and she was going to pay for it.

The darkness of the night made it hard to see where she was going, but she knew enough to run away from the screams and curses behind her. She ran to the residential area, where a few ugly and ancient buildings towered over her. The yells continued steadily behind her.

She ran into what appeared to be an old courtyard for playing games, the lights around the courtyard were still lit even after all these years. Before she could run out though, a pair of griffins landed in front of her, knocking her down.

"End of the line, bitch.”

A few ponies ran up behind her, wielding knives, poles, and their own bare hooves. They were all slavers, armed with whips, baseball bats, or whatever they could find.

Bow looked around, "P-p-please let me go," She begged, "D-don't hurt me, I'm sorry!"

"Too late for that, filly," A unicorn approached, "Bend over."

Grey Bows, tears in her eyes, slowly lowered herself to the ground. She knew that she’d only be beaten worse for resisting, and nothing was going to stop them.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" A deep, demonic voice called out from the shadows. Everyone's attention turned to where the voice came from, seeing a single figure half hidden in the shade.

The figure was... short. Even in full armor and cape, he looked absolutely tiny. Black armor covered everything but the area around his green muzzle and sharp eyes, studying the scene.

The boss of the group laughed, "Are you kidding me? This little shrimp is trying to stop us? Cute costume, but you just-"

The lights all went out, and the cape the pony was wearing tore itself apart into dozens of bats. The bats flung themselves at the slavers, tackling and hissing. The slavers screamed, flailing and trying to recover from the ambush, allowing the dark figure to strike.

The figure ran at the griffins first, engaging in hoof-to-talon action. By sheer surprise, the griffins began to go down. The pony fought fiercely, throwing everything he had into it. Despite his size, his hooves were throwing the griffins away like rag dolls, his hooves pounding through their armor with impossible strength.

One of the ponies tried to ignore the bats and fire his rifle at the stranger, but the armored pony only flicked his hoof at him. Before he could react, his sight exploded into white lights as several flash bombs blew apart in front of him. He could only feel the armored hooves take him down seconds later.

“You little bastard!” The unicorn swung his whip, “I’m gonna destroy you!”

The little fighter glared at him, his bats coming back together to form a cape. He jumped at the slaver, rolling down to dodge a whip strike. The slaver kicked at his face, which he casually spun away from. The pony in black squeezed his leg, cracking it under pressure that nopony could have. The unicorn gasped in pain, realizing he was out of luck before the figure knocked him to the floor with a powerful headbutt.

The remaining slavers were too busy staring in horror as their leader fell that they didn’t notice the black figure blink a bit, shaking his head. He turned to them, “DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND RUN AWAY!”

He didn’t have to say it twice, as they turned tail and ran in every direction. As quickly as it began, the battle was over.

The figure then turned to the slave, staring in awe at him from the ground, "Are you okay?"

Bows whimpered, but nodded, "Y-y-yeah..."

The figure nodded, something clicking in his armor. When he spoke next, Bow was shocked to hear how high-pitched and squeaky it was, "Get home quickly, and stay there tonight."

"Um…” She tried not to stare, “Okay…”

“Good…” The tiny savior began to walk away.

She stared off at him, “Who are you?”

He glanced back at her, clicking again, “I’m the Batpony.”

Lightning struck from the sky, blinding Bows for a moment. But the time she could see again, he was gone.

Bows stayed there for a moment, complete stunned by what she had seen. After a short time, she finally was able to say two words. "Thank you..."

* * *

Later, the Batpony would wait in the shadows on top of the city, looking out at the world he had been put in. He saw griffins flying above, huge gates keeping the city locked in, and hundreds of slavers exploiting the weak and unprotected. His goal couldn’t be any more clear.

He heard a voice in his earpiece, so small it’d be undetectable to any other ear, “How did the hero work go, lil’ bro?”

He made sure his talisman was off, “A few slaves will sleep easier tonight, I hope.”

“Good work, Murks,” Glimmerlight spoke to him, sounding proud, “But you should head back to base, it’ll be morning soon.”

“I’m on my way,” He promised. Before he could move, he could just make out soft cries for help below him. He walked up to the edge of the building, looking down.

A pair of slavers were being cornered by three ugly looking ponies, each of them holding a knife.

They didn't hear the Batpony until it was too late.