Hot Coffee

by Rinnaul

First published

For Twilight, the smell of brewing coffee carries with it fond memories of an old flame. And with Spike still in bed, why not indulge herself a bit?

For most ponies, the smell of brewing coffee brings thoughts of mornings, breakfast, and wakefulness. In that respect, Twilight was no different from anypony else. But for her, it meant something more, as well—memories of a pretty mare who worked the morning shift at Donut Joe's while Twilight was still at Celestia's School, and the thoroughly inappropriate times they shared before the shop opened in the mornings.

(Written for the lulz, inspired by this forum thread.)

Youtube reading by CaptainBron3y

Morning Routine

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Twilight Sparkle never went to bed without setting an alarm. It was simply a reasonable precaution to take. However, it had been so long since she heard it that she’d completely forgotten what it actually sounded like. She’d kept the same routine, more or less, for the past four to five years, starting back when she was at Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns: Up before dawn, watch Celestia’s sunrise, get a cup of coffee (and breakfast depending on how packed her schedule was), and then start her day, preferably with her studies.

Granted, her life ever since coming to Ponyville had become prone to surprises, emergencies, and the dreaded last-minute schedule change. But on the whole, she kept to her routine.

She crept around Spike’s bed and slipped out the door of her room, the library dim and grey in the faint light of the misty pre-dawn. She didn’t bother with any lamps as she made her way down the stairs, toward the kitchen on the ground level of the library. It was light enough for her to see, considering how familiar the library had become in the past couple years, and adding more light would just interrupt the tranquility of the morning.

That sense of tranquility—that the whole world was asleep but her and she was alone with her thoughts—had become just as important to her mornings as the sunrise itself. She loved her friends dearly, and had no intention of ever returning to her former life of solitude, but she still needed this time to allow her mind to wander in peace.

And scent being one of the most powerful memory triggers, the direction of her thoughts was decisively set once she began brewing her morning coffee. As she stood leaning on the counter to watch out the window, her mind went back to other early mornings and that familiar smell.

Twilight sat outside Donut Joe’s. She was sixteen years old, a student at Celestia’s School, and, as always, up for an early start on her studies. The shop, like the street around her, was empty and quiet, save for the pony on the morning shift preparing the shop for the day. Twilight paid all of this no mind, of course, beyond a general appreciation at having no noise to interrupt her reading.

What did eventually interrupt her was a hazelnut-brown wing coming between her eyes and her book.

Twilight blinked and looked up, her violet eyes meeting a golden pair. "Um. Can I help you?"

The pegasus smiled down at her. "Oh good, you are awake down there. I said 'hey, little lavender unicorn' at least three times.”

“I was awake,” Twilight said. “I was just reading.”

“I noticed. I just thought you might like a more comfortable place to read than the sidewalk.” The pegasus started back towards the door. “Come in and have a seat.”

“Oh, are you open already?” Twilight stood, gathering her things. “I didn’t think it was that late.”

“No, not for about another fifteen minutes.”

“Is that going to be okay, then?” Twilight stopped just before crossing the threshold. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“It’s fine. I doubt Joe would say anything about doing this for most ponies, and he likes you. You’re probably our most loyal customer.” She gave Twilight a soft tap on the nose.

Twilight felt her face inexplicably warm slightly at the touch. “Oh, okay then. Thank you, Miss..?”

“Hazelnut,” the pegasus replied. “And just that, please. No ‘miss’. I can’t be more than a year or two older than you.”

Twilight smiled at the memory their first meeting. She didn’t think of it at the time, but Hazelnut was a very pretty mare. Her coat was a light orange-brown befitting her name, and her mane a light blonde the color of straw. Features which all suggested a rather plain pony, but in Hazelnut’s case, they came together to make something beautiful—or at least Twilight thought so.

Eventually. Twilight didn’t exactly think of other ponies like that at the time, outside of a handful of books she didn’t allow Spike to read.

Of course, things did progress...

The Modern Promaretheus? You know, you are allowed light reading every once in a while, Twilight.” Hazelnut sat a cup of coffee in front of her.

“Marey Shelly is light reading. And besides, this is a classic.” Twilight pulled the book closer to herself, as if she expected Hazelnut to snatch it away.

“All I ask is something a little less dusty. Author C Colte? Heinmane? Piers Anypony? I’ll even take Dülman Adams if it means we can talk about what you’re reading without me having to remember things I was assigned in literature classes.”

“Colte and Heinmane? And I’m the one who needs more light reading?”

Hazelnut giggled. “What? It’s not like I suggested Isaac Asimare or something.” She poked Twilight’s nose.

Twilight scrunched her nose up and wiped a foreleg across it. “Do you have to do that?”

“Do what? This?” She poked Twilight’s nose again.

Twilight jerked back and rubbed her nose once more. “Yes, that.”

“Yes. You cross your eyes and scrunch your nose up and it’s the cutest thing ever.” She leaned on the bar in front of Twilight, looking her in the eyes and close enough that Twilight could feel her breath against her coat. “Why? Have something else you want me to do?”

Twilight felt her face flushing. “Well, no, I—um—not really..?”

“Well then. I suppose I’ll just have to think of something. How about this?” She leaned down and gave Twilight a quick kiss right on the end of her nose.

The kiss was a chaste, childish thing, but still enough to make Twilight’s heart skip a beat.

Hazelnut watched Twilight’s eyes a moment longer, then snorted and covered her mouth to keep from laughing as she fell back onto her haunches. “Okay, that’s the new cutest thing ever. I can see the blush under your coat.”

Twilight put her head down on the counter and covered her face with the book, the tragedy of Doctor Holsteiner’s creature repurposed to shield her from further embarrassment. “Your face is red, too…”

“Maybe. But I’m enjoying myself. And I think you did, too.” She paused, then pulled the book off of Twilight’s face. “I mean, that was okay, right?”

“Huh?” Twilight looked up at the hesitation in Hazelnut’s voice. “It was unexpected, I guess, but… It was okay. I kind of… kind of liked it, a little.”

“Liked it?” Some of Hazelnut’s smile came back as her wings fluttered a bit. “So, if, say, I wanted to try something a bit more… special?”

Twilight cocked her head to one side. “Special how?”

“Is it okay if I just try it?”

“Yeah, I gue—” Twilight was cut off by Hazelnut’s lips suddenly pressed against her own.

Twilight froze at the contact, her eyes wide and her breath caught in her throat. After a moment, Hazelnut started to pull back, her eyes slowly opening as well. It took Twilight that time to process what had just happened and reach a conclusion—yes, she liked this.

She pushed back towards Hazelnut, parting her lips slightly, just like they always did in her novels, and Hazelnut took a sharp breath and responded in kind. Twilight’s hoof slid across the counter, seeking some further contact with this mare, and found Hazelnut’s own hoof waiting for her. They held hooves as they held the kiss, and Twilight managed some thoughts amid the daze that filled her mind.

She wasn’t sure when she’d started enjoying Hazelnut’s company more than the coffee and breakfast. She wasn’t sure when touches between them had gone from making her blush to sending a thrill through her. She wasn’t sure when the plain-yet-pretty mare had started looking as beautiful as the Princess herself. Twilight knew, in hindsight, that all of these changes had come about at some point, but she’d missed them, because those weren’t the sort of things Twilight thought about.

Now they were the only things she could think of, and she never wanted this to stop.

Of course, that’s when Hazelnut pulled away again, stepping back with a smile and her wings spread.

Twilight learned forward a bit, keeping them together just a few moments longer, but eventually had to let Hazelnut go with a slight whimper.

Hazelnut giggled at that. “Sorry, Twilight. I have to open the shop.” She gave Twilight’s hoof a squeeze as she got her wings back under control. “I’ll drag you away from your books sooner tomorrow, okay?”

Shaken out of her reverie by a hiss from her coffee maker, Twilight got up to go to the little device, but stopped with a soft gasp at the sensation of heat from her nethers. As she shifted her hind legs, she could feel how wet she’d become at the memories of Hazelnut. While it wasn’t necessarily unusual for Twilight to get herself worked up at the thought of her first marefriend, she normally at least had the patience to wait until she was actually daydreaming about the steamy parts. She sighed, though the noise verged on a groan. Summer was approaching, after all. It’s possible she was entering an early heat, and that’s what had her so sensitive.

She started trying to cast her thoughts elsewhere; to fold back her spreading wings, cool herself down, and resist the temptation to just drop to the floor and start stroking a hoof against her marehood.

Of course, it would be a while before Spike was awake…

She cast a cautious glance out the kitchen door towards the stairs, but didn’t see or hear any sign of the little dragon. With a sigh of relief, she lay back on the kitchen floor, her wings spread beneath her, and drew up a bit of magic.

Most pegasi and earth ponies assume that outside of specific spells, unicorn magic just makes things move. However, a special application of their natural telekinesis is taught in nearly every school of magic—a cantrip that creates a rough shape out of force. The trick was meant to help young unicorns develop the power of their telekinesis field. In practice, every young mare (and stallion, she presumed) soon learned via rumor or experimentation that it was a great way to get yourself off.

Her telekinesis focused into a near-physical presence floating just above her waiting nethers. She didn’t need to focus it into a particular shape, as a hard, defined object wouldn’t go very far towards simulating the act she had in mind.

The memory was as clear as ever. After all, how could she forget losing her virginity?

Granted, she didn’t expect it to happen in the back room of a pastry shop, and she was sure her parents would have expected better.

But that did nothing to hold back the memory of leaning back in that chair, Hazelnut between her hind legs, her lips working their way up her thigh until they brushed against her marehood. Twilight gasped as the little ball of force she’d gathered made that same contact, flattening and sliding across her sex, following the motions of Hazelnut’s tongue exactly as Twilight recalled them. The image of that straw-blonde mane between her legs came to her as she visualized Hazelnut’s tongue pushing in and caressing her folds, her magic mirroring the motions in her memory.

She drove the little ball of magic further into her slit, occasionally flicking a bit of magic outward to tease her button. She was gritting her teeth to keep from crying out, and yet she still wanted more. There were things magic just couldn’t simulate, like the warmth of Hazelnut’s mouth covering her sex, or the soft touches of her feathers as Hazelnut teased her.

The sound of her own wings fluttering against the floor as she writhed about finally caught Twilight’s attention, and she slowed in her efforts at finding release. She forgot she had those, sometimes. She kept idly stroking herself with the little ball of magic as she looked over her own wings. She was sure they were flexible enough to reach her there, and while the sense of proprioception wouldn’t let her completely forget she was touching herself with her own wings, she still wasn’t entirely accustomed to them, and after all, feathers didn’t have their own nerve endings.

She brought her wing around, brushing the feathers over her mound and teats, just like Hazelnut used to do to her, and gasped at the sensation. Already sensitive from her prior self-stimulation, the gentle contact of feathers to needful flesh sent a shock through her body. She arched her back upwards and bit back another moan as she thrust the ball of magic back into her slit. She stroked her slit up and down, her juices leaking out onto her quivering thighs as she let her mind conjure up images of that beautiful pegasus touching her, kissing her, licking her, and bringing out sensations she had never dreamed of at that age.

Her tongue hung out of her lips and she panted in time with the motions of her magic as she began thrusting it deeper into herself, her wingtip circling around her stomach and brushing across her teats and clit in turn. She could feel her wetness dampening her coat between her legs and down to her dock, and her mind began to drift from memories to old fantasies.

Twilight sometimes wondered if her preferences would be seen as unusual. She considered herself bisexual, as she found both mares and stallions to be appealing, although her favor tended towards mares. And she could find beauty in a mare of nearly any shape. She’d had such thoughts about all of her friends, over time—from the slender Fluttershy, to the muscular Applejack, lean and athletic Rainbow Dash, curvy Rarity, and slightly-plump Pinkie Pie. Even the rather masculine Zecora. However, despite favoring mares, her eye for stallions was drawn only to the biggest and sturdiest examples, like Macintosh or Celestia’s royal guards.

Or Donut Joe.

One of her most frequent daydreams was the possibility of her and Hazelnut being caught in the act.

“And this is how you use my shop?” he’d say, his shaft thickening at the two young mares caught in intimacy. “I ought to punish you.”

“Punish me!” Twilight would demand, her mouth watering at the sight, “It was only because I wanted it!”

“Exactly what I had in mind,” he’d say, presenting his rod to Twilight as Hazelnut bent down between her hind legs again.

Twilight focused her magic again as she continued driving the first force into her marehood. This time, she gave the spell a more solid shape—a rough approximation of a stallion’s shaft. She’d have been more precise, but she never got to see what Joe’s actually looked like. And not for lack of trying, during some of her early heats.

She pressed the magic dildo into her mouth, closing her lips around it and sliding her tongue over it’s surface. It didn’t truly feel like a pony’s flesh, but it did have the slight warmth that all magical energy did, and that was enough for her imagination to work with. She started thrusting the faux cock into her mouth, her tongue desperately lapping at the head while her lips pressed against the length. The shaft filling her mouth and nearly reaching her throat was enough to muffle her moans as she resumed stroking her marehood with the other ball of force.

Soon enough, her whole body trembled as an orgasm washed over her. She pushed the magic dildo in her mouth in hard, almost gagging on it’s presence, while she squeezed her legs together at the overwhelming sensation, losing the first magic effect altogether. After a few moments, she slipped the faux-cock from her mouth, rolled over, and stood. She pushed a chair out from under the table and lay across it, her wings spread above her. She wasn’t quite satisfied, yet.

The beauty of fantasy wasn’t just that it went beyond the boundaries of reality, but that it didn’t have to be consistent, either.

Donut Joe bent her over an office chair as Hazelnut took a seat directly in front of her. Hazelnut spread her hind legs and presented her dripping-wet mound to Twilight, still soaked from her excitement over what she and Twilight had been doing before Joe caught them.

Twilight closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out, licking the air in imitation of the way she used to return Hazelnut’s affections. The sensation of her tongue passing across her lips was just enough to satisfy the demands of her fantasy.

She raised her tail for Joe, but he pushed it higher with a hoof, enough that she could feel the pull on her dock. “If this is because you like getting it so much, maybe you ought to give some back.” He took her tail in his teeth and pulled, keeping her rump lifted and ready for him.

Twilight called up her magic again, wrapping it around her tail and pulling it up over her back, just shy of causing herself pain, then locked the spell in place. She then brought the magic dildo back to her nethers, slowly pressing it inside herself until it was fully within her, at which point she began thickening and lengthening it, increasing the size of the magic shaft until it was at the limits of her canal’s capacity.

She groaned at the feeling of being so full, then slowly slid the object out of herself until only the head remained within before giving it a strong, smooth thrust back inside. She kept licking at the air, bringing up memories of the taste of Hazelnut’s pussy as she built up the rhythm of the cock thrusting into her nethers. As large as it was, the dildo was always just shy of being painful, but with every thrust, the verging pain would fade and be replaced by pure pleasure.

She could feel another orgasm quickly approaching, and it took everything she had to keep from kicking her legs and flapping her wings as her body tried to utterly lose control of itself. She couldn’t allow any of that, for fear of waking Spike. As it was, with every moan that escaped her lips, she felt a pang of fear at the possibility of discovery, but that too was quickly subsumed by the sheer pleasure of it all. She managed to bring one wing under control enough to pull it down beneath herself and tease at her teats again, and that was apparently the final straw.

She lost her grip on her magic entirely, every effect she’d conjured breaking down and dissipating as she collapsed fully onto the chair, biting her foreleg to keep from crying out. Juices gushed from her, trickling down her twitching legs and dripping into the floor as her wings finally fell flat to her sides.

She lay there panting for a minute, her honey dripping into a small puddle behind her, until she felt she had regained enough control over her legs to stand once again. Pulling herself up, she used her magic to tear a paper towel from the roll on the counter and wipe up the mess she’d left on the floor, and another to clear up the worst of the mess on herself, deciding to get a shower once she got Spike out of bed. Tossing the paper towels in the garbage, she collected a mug from the cabinet and poured herself a rather late cup of coffee.

She supposed some things made up for missing the sunrise.