> Daylight > by lunabrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Foreword/Author's Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first few times I heard Daylight, I cried. I don't know why I cried exactly, only that the song struck me as unexpectedly powerful. Once I'd gotten over that, I started to analyze it. Who were these people? Why was it their last night? What were the circumstances in the context of the song? Being naturally overly dramatic, my first thought was that it was the story of a vampire and her lover, the vampire having grown tired of being a monster and hiding the truth from her lover, so in the morning she was going to run out in the daylight and kill herself. But that was a bit of an extreme example. So I found that a simpler story would work with Angel and Silver instead. For those unfamiliar, Angel is my OC and Silver the OC of one of my best friends, both of whom were retired over a year ago following the cancellation of my Angels and Demons Trilogy. I've been since yearning to write them again, perhaps due to abandonment issues. Fans of the attempted trilogy may notice significant differences, most notably that Angel has become a pegasus, and is no longer an alicorn. This is mostly due in part to her character having never wanted to be an alicorn in the first place, and secondly that I don't want to deal with >be reader >see alicorn OC >immediately dislike without reading So the characters are the same, but in their own little contained world this time, with no mention of the events of Angels and Demons. Why is this story necessary, you ask? It's not. But I'm writing it anyway. lunabrony > Daylight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evodia was a large island off the mainland, some distance away from Equestria. It was a separate province entirely with its own government and way of doing things, and most of its inhabitants, while familiar with the major cities of Equestria, were only faintly aware of Ponyville and the drama surrounding it. The majority of Evodia was asleep, and the lights of almost every home were turned out for the night. All except for one. Silver Key lay in the bed he shared with his marefriend, the flowing golden hair of the pegasus he adored so fondly falling against his coat as she nestled her head on his foreleg, her own hugging his waist. A light blanket covered the two of them, and even that threatened to be too warm in the late summer humidity. The night was well upon them, stars burning brightly like tiny lanterns in the black sky, a crescent moon hanging hazily as it descended ever slowly towards the ground, as if pulled by an invisible string. Angel Wing looked up at her favorite stallion, her eyes glistening with a wetness that threatened tears, and hugging Silver ever more tightly. It was late, so much so that the night might be able to be classified as morning, now, though neither of them had slept.. Silver Key looked down at the mare fondly, and tipped her chin up with a hoof. His horn gave off the faintest of illuminations, so that he could see her more closely. The look she gave him was both admiration and absolute terror, not wanting the night to continue for any longer than it already had. "I'll have to leave, soon," Silver said quietly. "But I don't want you to," Angel replied. Her voice very nearly cracked, but she held it together. "We knew this day would come, we've known it for months now," he said. "It's not the worst thing in the world." "But it is the hardest," Angel said. "How did it come so fast? Our last night, I mean." Silver knew what she meant, but didn't tell her so. Both of them had stayed up since the sun was lowered, neither of them daring to part from each other's company. Silver knew he'd be gone with the morning's first light, and it broke his heart to leave Angel behind. Both of them had, of course, had lots of time to prepare for the events that would transpire in a few hours, but it didn't make their reality any easier. Silver's pack lay stuffed and bulging near their front door, and packing it had been one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do. He glanced outside. The sky was still dark. "Let's not think about it," he said. "Want to read a book instead?" Angel nodded, and he pried herself from her vice grip to retrieve one of her favorite tomes. It was a collection of short stories, most of them adventure based, ranging from tales of royalty with princesses and kings to tales of adventure, filled with sword fighting and ancient curses. He resumed immediately where they had left off several nights previous, with the mare's head nestled on his shoulder and the faint glow of his horn lighting up the words in the book, since the moonlight wasn't strong enough to read by. He wasn't sure how long he read to her for. An hour, maybe at two at most. When he glanced outside again, the first dimmest hints of dawn threatened the horizon. The sun would not yet be visible for another hour at least, but the stars were beginning to burn out. Angel was looking in the same direction, biting her lower lip so hard it threatened to bleed. "Slow it down," she whispered, not wanting either of them to go anywhere. "You know I can't," Silver said. "I'm not that good with magic to begin with." Angel knew this, but also knew with the arrival of daylight that he'd be gone, and she'd be on her own for who knew how long. It was a thought that devastated her. Part of her was afraid of the dark, and the demons that came with it, but part of her was also simply afraid of being alone. Silver closed the book, and gave her an affectionate nudging with his nose. "We'll keep reading when I get back," he promised. "I need to get ready." Angel knew this was true, but it didn't make it any easier. "I'll come with," she said, and as Silver disappeared into the shower, she followed him. It was another hour at least by the time the pair emerged, and although Angel still looked increasingly worried, there was also a look of satisfaction and understanding. The sunrise was in the full stages of its daily spectacle by this point, and very few stars were visible. The moon was still there, but would soon be obscured by the tops of the trees, pulled away like a performer who'd been on stage a little too long. There was a pounding at the door, and the tears which Angel had held back all night finally fell, her eyes pleading. "Please don't go," she whispered. "We both know I have to," Silver said. "I'll be back." "You don't know that!" "Yes. I do." He kissed her then, with such fire that she couldn't help but believe him. He wandered towards the door, and slung the pack that lay there over his shoulder, then looked back at Angel. "I love you," he said. "And I, you," she replied. He threw open the door, starting somewhat as he was suddenly faced with a dull coated stallion of impressive stature. "Key, Silver?" The stallion asked. "Reporting," Silver said. "Equestria thanks you for your service," the stallion said. "The Changeling War is an ongoing on, and we need every hoof we can get. Right, lads?" He called back towards a fairly large group behind him, which gave a rowdy yell of excited, eager anticipation. "Fall in when you're ready," the stallion said, and Silver gave Angel one final kiss. "I'll be back," he said again, and genuinely meant it. Angel nodded, and gave him a reluctant nudge. "Go on," she said. "And don't you dare forget to write to me, or the Changelings will be the least of your worries." Silver laughed, and joined the group outside, who began heading down the road leading out of town. As the group crested the first hill, he turned back to look behind him. Angel was still barely visible in the doorway, and he could practically feel all of her love an support flowing out of her. He turned back towards the road again with the image permanently emblazoned in his mind, giving him renewed motivation to fight and return safely. By the time the sun came up, that last glance was already committed to memory. And he would never forget it.