> Fluttershy: Bestial Lust > by DickDastardly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fluttershy: Bestial Lust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (All characters in this piece are above the age of 21) (This story is a fan work and not part of FoE canon) “Oh my, Mr. Bear. You sure are pent up this morning!” Fluttershy gently rubbed the large ursine cock in front of her, manipulating it gently with her hands. As it was unlike any equine or caribou shaft, she had needed to be patient in learning how to please it, but fortunately Mr. Bear had been quite accommodating. Their relationship had been personal and intimate before the fall, but she had never even thought about providing him with this kind of attention until the caribou takeover. Now she could hardly imagine how she had gotten along without it. “Careful now, I may just be a dumb mare, but if you hit me with your claws, I won’t be able to go to work today, and then who will help Master with his breeding whores?” Mr. Bear’s shaft was now fully engorged. Fluttershy bent forward, rubbing it with her lips, pressing the tip against her mouth. The scent of musk was thick, sending waves of pleasure up through Fluttershy’s nostrils. It was intoxicating, this stench of the beast. Before she had thought it a mere biological inconvenience, now she could hardly get enough of it. Were it not for the need to teach these animals how to breed mares for the amusement of their caribou owners, she would only use her mouth, taking in all of that salty flavor with her tongue. “All right Mr. Bear, let’s do it like we practiced. And remember, we’re putting on a show here, so act real tough! I know you’re a big snuggly wuggly teddy-bear, but the caribou are going to expect a big, mean nasty bear fucking a stupid mare silly.” Fluttershy braced herself for impact, getting down on all fours and spreading herself wide. Right on cue, Mr. Bear pushed in, slamming her hard. Due to frequent use and regular practice sessions, the pain was minimal. Still, Fluttershy let out a squeal of pain, feigning distress as Mr. Bear pushed and plowed deep into her snatch. When Mr. Bear stopped, fearing he had hurt her, she squeezed down on him all the harder, kissing one of his massive paws and digging her hands into the mud. “Don’t worry, I’m just acting. You’re doing great as always, you big, handsome male you! Now rut me like the slutty beast-loving mare I am!” Mr. Bear hardly needed any encouragement once he knew Fluttershy was safe, pushing into fluttershy hard and firmly with his engorged shaft. Animal as he was, he had no difficulty giving in to his lust. There was no need to train him like a mare, no need to break him of his proprieties. All that was necessary was to give him a warm hole to fill. If only Fluttershy had realized this long ago, rather than focusing on silly things like friendship! Bracing herself with her hands and knees, Fluttershy pushed back hard, moaning and whimpering with delight as she was pounded mercilessly by Mr. Bear. Her sex was sopping wet now, dribbling with fluids as she was mercilessly fucked from behind. Her breasts heaved and swayed, threatening to smack her in the face with the force of what was happening. She felt herself letting out deep, agonized moans now, her body swarming with the lust only a beast fucking could give her. “Oh yes Mr. Bear! Fuck this slutty mare hard! She’s just a dumb mare cunt and she wants it so bad!” Fluttershy was barely keeping it together at this point. Spittle was drooling out of her mouth, tears of pleasure and pain scattered down her face as she felt herself being over fucked by the enormous bear pressing down on her. She groaned, feeling her orgasm piling up inside of her, threatening to overwhelm her and send her mind reeling. She knew she should resist -- whatever mare Mr. Bear fucked for the amusement of the caribou was likely to be less enthusiastic, especially since she was most likely a black collar being set up for punishment. But she couldn’t help it, and her mind blew itself blank as orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. It was several minutes before she was calmed down enough to come back to her senses, and even then the mud, cum and tingling sensations from her snatch left her woozy and unsteady even on all fours. Mr. Bear had pulled out and was sitting, waiting to see how Fluttershy would react, and if she was all right. Fluttershy grinned, crawling over and licking at the mess on his shaft. The musk mixed perfectly with the juices from her own snatch, making her groan with delight as she sucked, slurped and swallowed hard on Mr. Bear’s shaft. Up above, Mr. Bear growled happily, leaning back on his haunches and enjoying Fluttershy’s attentions. However, he did not relax as much as he usually did when she was engaged in such work. He sniffed the air, looking this way and that. Suddenly he shifted to growling, pulling his length away from Fluttershy and descending to all fours. Fluttershy turned around to see what had gotten Mr. Bear so agitated. Off in the distance, several war beasts were approaching, their heads low, their horns poised. These massive creatures formed the backbone of the caribou army’s cavalry, excelling in both hauling supplies and mauling attackers. They were trained from birth to both care for and subdue mares, protecting them from harm while also keeping them from escaping or fighting back against the caribou. They were also the source of “butt milk,” a peculiar and surprisingly flavorful beverage for mares, made by passing the cum of a war beast through a mare’s anus and then mixing it with her cum. Fluttershy had never seen these warbeasts before, and she did not recognize the insignia on their saddles. Still, she didn’t need to know who sent them to know why there were there, nor why they were formed close, their eyes and horns locked on the bear. “Everyone, calm down, please. No one is in danger, and there is no cause for alarm.” Fluttershy walked slowly, putting herself between Mr. Bear and the warbeasts. She forced them to keep their distance, gently caressing their noses and ears, talking to them as she moved from one to the other. “Mr. Bear is my friend, warbeasts. He would never hurt me, and the reason I got so noisy is that we were practicing for a show. As for you, Mr. Bear, you should know that no war beast would ever hurt a mare -- even an uppity black-collar who was trying to resist her place. They’re here to protect stupid mares, not to harm them.” Mr. Bear and the beasts kept circling, staring at Fluttershy as much as they opposed one another. Fluttershy moved slowly and deliberately, crawling under one of the great war beasts and rubbing at his stomach. This first distracted, then pacified him, lowering the tension between the animals. Mr. Bear continued to watch Fluttershy, but he did not approach, and his growling gave way to interested sniffs and grunts. The tension diffused, Fluttershy shifted from being friendly to her “real” job. She had been the training bait for war beasts before, and she knew well what they expected to receive more than just a pat on the head when they captured a “lost” mare. Even though Fluttershy was far from lost, it would be easier to bring these beasts back to their master after they had been properly sated. As such, she crawled further beneath the beast’s belly, rubbing at his sheath and balls. Like all war beasts he needed little encouragement, his length practically springing from his loins as soon as she began rubbing. Fluttershy took a long sniff, rubbing her nose up and down the length. The member had a salty-sweet musk, similar to the butt milk it was used to produce. Fluttershy licked it, and judged that it had been inside a mare recently. These war beasts were probably from one of the butt milk farms, which would explain why Fluttershy had never seen them before. Fluttershy was more involved on the training portion of beast handling, and as such she rarely saw those beasts assigned to the milk farms. Still, she knew what to do, and how to make sure these animals were suitably handled. She began pleasuring the beasts with her mouth, working her lips and tongue on his enormous shaft. Although it was much bigger than any stallion or caribou she had ever taken, she had no difficulty manipulating and pleasuring it, working it expertly into her maw. She could never hope to get down as far as the medial ring, but still, pushing it in as far as it could go caused the beast to snort and stamp his feet. “My, for someone who’s spent all day raping stupid mare cunts, you sure are eager to get into mine! Well what kind of mare would I be if I didn’t do what a male, wanted me to do?” Fluttershy carefully lowered herself to all fours, raising her tail and reaching back to spread her ass cheeks. The beast lined himself up and began to push into her, huffing and grunting as it found purchase on her asshole. Though Fluttershy did not work on a milk farm, she nonetheless had a very loose and well-worn asshole, thanks in no small part to the desires of her owner. The gruff beastmaster showed her little mercy, using every hole whenever she wasn’t busy working with the animals. As such, she was more than ready for their clumsy, overly enthusiastic thrusts into her backside. “That’s it mister war beast! Plow this stupid mare’s asshole! Fuck her like the slutty animal she is!” Fluttershy moaned as the big war beast plowed into her rear, the huge animal taking little thought to her comfort as he shoved in his length. Fluttershy didn’t care, though, instead drinking up the pain and dominance coming from the enormous, lusty animal. It was heaven to be abused like this, and she gave in completely, letting him fuck, jam and shove his length into her. She dug her knees and hands into the soft ground beneath her, pushing back against the beast and squeezing down with her well-worn hole. She wanted him to feel her enthusiasm, to understand that her lust matched his own. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, mad with passion and lust. All of a sudden, something warm and wet hit Fluttershy’s face. She opened her eyes to see the other beast impatiently waving its shaft in front of her, whimpering and moaning in frustration. “Aww, don’t feel bad, I didn’t mean to leave you out. It’s just I’m a stupid dumb cunt with only one hole in my butt. Here, let me make it up to you.” Fluttershy reached forward, gently caressing the animal’s shaft with her hands. The war beast in her anus seemed almost not to notice, doing little more than giving his compatriot enough room to access Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy, however, dug in with gusto, jamming the animal’s enormous length into her muzzle. The size made her jaw ache, but rather than complain, she merely dug that harder into her task, shoving herself back and forth across the two males. This “spit roast” caused her to bump and bang into the males as they pushed her back and forth between them, but she ignored the pain and bruises for now. After all, it wasn’t every day that she got to please two warbeasts at once! Being animals, they did not check their orgasms, and within a few short minutes both of the beasts unleashed their loads into her. Though she tried to keep them in, there was no hope of holding back the incredible volume these beasts pushed out. After a few gulps, excess cum was shooting out of Fluttershy’s nose, and no amount of effort could keep all that cum up her ass. After all, even highly trained milk mares could hardly contain the amount shooting out of their rear after a full grown war beast had their way with them! Still, she did squeeze down, trying to keep a bit in her ass. Whatever caribou owned these beasts would no doubt be upset with her if she drained them without bringing back at least a little ass milk to show for it! “C’mon boys, let’s get you back to your pens. Your master will want my ass milk, and my master will want to know where his stupid cunt has gotten off to!” Fluttershy walked over to Mr. Bear, kissing him on the cheek. “You head back and let him know, okay? I’ll be sure to make it up to him for being late…” *** Fluttershy kissed her master’s hooves, planting her lips on them firmly and even licking up a bit of the dirt and muck from the toe. She looked up at him longingly, pleading for his praise with her eyes. “You stupid cunt. I needed you back here hours ago. Those damned war beasts could have found their way back to the milk farm on their own. Just because I let you practice in the fucking woods doesn’t mean that you get to fuck me around.” His words were harsh, but his hands gently caressed her ears, picking bits of leaves and twigs out of her mane as he combed it with his fingers. He needed to keep Fluttershy in her place, make sure she understood she wasn’t supposed to take the initiative like that, but still, he was pleased. The war beast herder had been happy to receive his beasts back without needing to dispatch a search party, and the butt milk she’d dropped off had gotten her master a whole bag of bits. What she had done had been correct, her master only needed to make sure she understood that she wasn’t supposed to make decisions for herself. She was a stupid mare cunt, after all! “Now come, you have work to do.” Though her master tugged firmly on her leash, Fluttershy hardly needed any encouragement. She crawled after him eagerly, the chain attached to her red collar jingling as she moved on her hands and knees. The animal pen was filled with waste and offal of all kinds, but Fluttershy smiled as she worked her way through the filth, ignoring the stench as it drenched her hands and knees. It was her place to be coated in this garbage, and in her place, she found her comfort. After a few minutes of crawling she found herself in a small open-air arena. The soft-packed dirt was broken up only by a single pole, which Fluttershy recognized as one typically used for restraining black collars during their “training” and “performance” sessions. The benches could only hold a couple dozen at most, but today there were only eight caribou lounging around. From their armor and uniforms Fluttershy could tell that they were “Retrievers,” the specialized scouts dedicated to recapturing fleeing mares and occasionally hunting down resistance members. Such Retrievers were the elite among the elite, and Fluttershy blushed in the presence of such high-ranking males. Fluttershy’s master tied her to the post, turning to the soldiers in the stands. “I gotta say, you boys put in one fucked up request. But the captain is an old friend of mine, and seeing as it’s a worthless mare cunt who has to suffer, well, it’s not like she can say no, can she?” Fluttershy blushed, her mind racing, trying to guess what was in store. Maybe Retrievers would come down and rape her? But that was hardly out of the ordinary -- indeed, whatever was planned, the would doubtless have their way with her afterward, conscious or not. They had come to a beastmaster for their entertainment, could it involve one of his pets? Mr. Bear was out of the question, since he wouldn’t have been out “practicing” with Fluttershy if he was. Maybe he was going to bring out the manticore? Or the mare-eating plants? “Shut up and let Bruiser get his due! shouted one of the Retrievers. “He chased those mares for three days, only to find out their owners had put chastity belts on their cunts.” “Jeez, why are you guys in such a hurry? You got three days of leave out of the deal, one for each mare you brought back.” Fluttershy’s owner walked behind the bleachers and came back with the largest dog Fluttershy had ever seen. Of mixed but wolfish breed, it came up well past the caribou’s waist, its ears almost on the level with the massive male’s chest. Fluttershy gasped, astounded by the handsomeness and power of the enormous canine. It strutted out on the arena with power and confidence, its ears and whiskers twitching as it walked. Fluttershy’s master let the animal off its leash. Fluttershy closed her eyes and braced herself, expecting the monstrous creature to simply press its flesh into her and be done. However, the enormous animal came in slowly, warily sniffing the ground and examining Fluttershy from a distance. His eyes peered deeply into Fluttershy’s, examining her closely, even as his canine shaft began to slowly harden and emerge from its sheath. Fluttershy kept her eyes and ears down, making it clear to Bruiser that she was submitting to his intentions. Were they alone she would have rolled over on her back, exposing her belly in the canine display of submission. She knew well how to submit to males of many species, as well as she knew how worthless she was compared to any male of any species. However, she was putting on a performance now, and she could hardly let down her master or audience by giving such a slovenly display. She was supposed to pretend that she was scared, that she didn’t like this, and that she didn’t consent to Bruiser’s impending penetration. Pleasurable intercourse would have to come later, when the crowds had left and Fluttershy was free to do her duty as mare cunt to the beasts. Satisfied with what he observed, Bruiser moved in slowly but surely, coming up behind and above Fluttershy. His enormous size meant that he barely had to mount her, though he still placed his paws on her shoulders, pressing down with his paws and claws. His digits dug into her, making her wince. Small trickles of blood ran down her shoulders, but she held firm, pretending to be scared even as she braced and adjusted herself for the penetration. Bruiser had clearly violated many mares, and she was happy to let him maintain his dominant animal habits. After all, even if he was a dog, she was a stupid mare cunt, and should let even this animal male do as he saw fit. Bruiser’s penetration was swift and merciless, jamming in all the way to the knot in one firm, solid thrust. Fluttershy yowled in pain, not having to act as the enormous animal fucked her pussy wildly. She had taken bigger males to be certain, but Bruiser had been trained to subdue his victims with pain, and even though Fluttershy enjoyed being penetrated by such a dominant male, her pussy was not prepared for such harsh abuse. Fluttershy whimpered, trying to communicate her pain to Bruiser, trying to let the animal know that he was pushing her a bit too far. Bruiser, however, was too absorbed in his own pleasure, working his length hard inside of Fluttershy, oblivious to her dryness and whimpering complaints. Realizing the beast’s distraction, Fluttershy worked to loosen herself, trying to relax even as she worked to free one of her hands, grabbing and pulling at her nipples in an attempt to arouse and wetten herself. She knew her master might complain -- she was supposed to suffer, after all, since she was a mare -- but she was unable to give her best performance when crippled by pain and discomfort. She took in great huffs of Bruiser’s musk, the animal’s pheromones and scent overpowering her and triggering her lustful urges. She adjusted herself, trying to lean into the animal and ensure that he could get good purchase on her pussy. He was merely following his animal urges, and it was up to her as the worthless mare cunt to find her own pleasure, if any, in this feral rape. She struggled under him, trying not to upset him with her screams of pain, as well as ignoring the blood dripping from her shoulders and cunt. Without warning, Bruiser’s knot popped into her sex, sending fresh waves of pain through Fluttershy’s body. If his shaft was enormous, his knot was gigantic, thicker and harder than anything Fluttershy had ever been forced to take. It filled her to the point of bulging, locking Bruiser deep inside her, preventing him from moving more than a few hairs in any direction. Bruiser, for his part, was now drooling with satisfaction, his slobber coming down on Fluttershy’s face as he awaited his impending orgasm. “Looks like Bruiser isn’t going anywhere for awhile. Perfect, now I can get in and shut up this mare.” One of the Retrievers, presumably a captain, came down from the stands, placing his length in front of Fluttershy’s face. Even though she was in pain, she had enough sense to jam it in her mouth, sucking desperately as she tried to work the length with her lips and tongue. The pain from her snatch was subsiding now, the agony replaced by ecstasy as she realized how incredibly full she was. Not only was she being pounded from both ends, but the stench of animal waste from the ground and of animal musk from Bruiser was filling her body with the deep, humiliating comfort that only animals and abuse could combine to give her. Here, on her hands and knees in the filth, being raped by a huge dog, with a cock in her mouth, Fluttershy had never felt so in touch with her own pleasure and desires. Her plucked wings strained against their containers, her wingboner straining as she gave in to her lust. This was where she belonged -- overpowered and overfucked by males who didn’t care what was happening to her, that treated her like a cheap toy for them to exploit for their own amusement. Fluttershy’s ecstasy reached its peak as Bruiser finished himself inside her. The large dog came in hard, animalistic blasts, grunting and growling as he did so. His thrusts and climax were brief and intense, pushing Fluttershy over the edge. She could feel her orgasm coming up as a series of waves, each one crashing against the back of her mind harder and harder, driving away any semblance of her mind and personality. For a brief, glorious moment she was totally broken, giving in to her pleasure and degradation on the most fundamental and animalistic of levels. “Hah, I think the bitch just came.” The male who was working her mouth was bemused, chuckling and grabbing at her mane with his fingers. “What a fucking slut -- cumming while being fucked by a dog! You sure do have some weird fucking mares on this farm. You sure she should be wearing a collar that’s red instead of purple?” “Once bruiser’s had his way with her, take her back to your camp and see for yourself. She knows what a worthless cunt she is. She’s just into dogs.” “Sure seems like it.” His job done, Bruiser crawled off of Fluttershy and turned around, his knot still hard, his shaft still locked in Fluttershy. This canine mating was familiar to her, and she knew it would be quite some time before he was able to free himself. Still, she was riding high from her orgasm, and the Retrievers were coming down out of the bleachers, pawing over and examining her. She moved up slightly, shifting to her knees as she continued to work on the shaft in her mouth. She knew better than to bring her filthy hands into contact with her caribou superiors, instead curling them under her chin in a begging position. As one of the caribou pulled out, she forced herself on another, sucking, licking and slurping as hard as she could. She was desperate to please these males, eagerly trying to make them happy with her intimate affections. A dumb mare cunt could do no better than to be a cock warmer for a caribou male, and their moans of pleasure let her know that she was doing her job perfectly. “God damn, what a fucking depraved slut.” “Like I said, you can take her back to camp tonight.” “I don’t wanna fuck a cunt that Bruiser’s been in. He wears it out completely.” “Fuck, her mouth is better than most cunts, give it a try.” “Mouth, pussy, I’m not turning down a free mare rental. Those three chastity-belt wearing cunts barely knew what to do with a dick. Fucking black collars. Pass her here.” Fluttershy moaned louder and louder as the males passed her back and forth, shoving their lengths into her muzzle and grabbing her mane to direct them from one to the other. The mixture of tastes and force, combined with the enormous canine length in her snatch, was simply too much. Without warning she felt herself racked by another orgasm, her knees and elbows shuddering. She could barely keep herself upright, and she struggled to keep her teeth of the shaft in her mouth. “Okay, we’re definitely taking her back to camp. If this bitch cums just from giving head, she’s gotta have all sorts of tricks up her snatch. And if not, well, we can always let Bruiser take another turn. I’ve never seen a mare so eager to get fucked by a dog. It’s fucking hilarious.” “Just bring her back in the morning, conscious or not. And stick around if you can. If you think the dog shit is funny, just wait until I bust out the bear.” A whole night of pleasing males, caribou and canine? Fluttershy could hardly contain her excitement. She pushed her muzzle hard down on the cock in front of her, trying to hide the blushing of her face. She could hardly believe her luck -- not since the beginning of her post-fall training had she ever been given an opportunity for such abuse, such humiliation, such subjugation. Truly she was the luckiest mare cunt of them all.