The Forgotten Butterfly

by A-Pie-Flying

First published

Fluttershy is a kind and gentle pony, and she doesn't stand out much in the crowd. But, for some reason, nopony seem to recognize Fluttershy at all.

Fluttershy is a kind and gentle pony, and she doesn't stand out much in the crowd. But, for some reason, nopony seem to recognize Fluttershy at all.

Cover Art by : NamelessTomato


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Chapter 1 : Forgotten

It was a fine morning in Ponyville, everypony was cheerful and happy as always. Nopony had a frown on their faces. Near the Everfree Forest, there is a little cottage. A cottage that belongs to our dear little Fluttershy.

“Good morning, Angel.” Fluttershy gave out a soft yawn. She rubbed her eyes gently, and stood up from her bed. “Good morning, Mister Mouse. How is your wound?” Fluttershy walked in front of a table, and checked on her patient, a mouse, who had injured his little feet from a needle.

The mouse squeaked happily. Fluttershy understood the mouse, “I'm happy to hear that you're feeling well,” the yellow pony smiled warmly at the mouse. She carried the mouse and placed him gently onto the ground, near a mouse hole, “I bet your family is waiting for you.” The mouse looked back at the yellow pony, and nodded in agreement, and walked inside of the mouse hole on his four little legs.

“Take care, Mister Mouse,” Fluttershy peeled inside of the hole, and waved, even though she couldn't see really well inside of the hole.

The pony stood up, and went to the living room. A group of animals were waiting for her arrival. “Oh my, have you been waiting long?” Fluttershy asked, as she picked up a bag of animal food nearby. Fluttershy poured the food in a bowl for each of the animal, and poured for Angel last. The bunny was not pleased with the food, and he pushed it away.

Fluttershy placed the bag of food back to where it belongs, and turned back to check on the animals. She noticed that her bunny, Angel, was the only one who was not eating. “Angel? What's the matter? Is the food too dry for you?” Fluttershy walked closer to the white bunny.

The bunny took out a book from a shelf nearby and turned to a page where it showed a picture of a delicious looking salad. The bunny slapped the page three times, he was serious. “You're not going to eat your food again?” Fluttershy frowned. The bunny shook his head, and tapped the page again, he wanted the salad, and he wants it now. “How about I make you a normal salad? Would that be good enough?”

The bunny shook his head once again, and he stomped his feet on the ground. He wants the salad, and there is nothing that would change his mind. The pony sighed, “Okay, Angel... I will make you that salad.” The bunny's face lit up, and he threw the book aside, and begun writing the list of things Fluttershy would need to buy in order to make the salad.

“This is the fifth time,” Fluttershy thought sadly. “Why wouldn't Angel eat the food I lovingly prepared for him?”

The bunny was done writing the list, and he placed the saddlebag on Fluttershy's back, and gave the list to Fluttershy. Fluttershy took one glance at the list, and she knew that it was too much for her. “Oh my, are you sure you want this? Isn't it too much for your little belly to handle?” Fluttershy smiled nervously at the bunny. Surely, he would say no, and demands her to get the ingredients.

The bunny crossed his little arms, and did nothing else. Fluttershy knew there was nothing she could do to change his mind, “O-okay then... Please take care of the cottage while I'm out,” Fluttershy headed towards the door, and left to buy the ingredients.

Fluttershy walked to the marketplace, and stopped to check her list, “Okay, the first thing I will need is lettuce,” she said to herself quietly. She lifted up her head, and took a glance of the marketplace, “Lettuce, where can I find lettuce?” She asked herself. “Oh, there it is!” She exclaimed as she found a lettuce stand.

Fluttershy placed the list back into her saddlebag, and she trotted happily towards the lettuce stand. “Uhm, hello, I would like to buy a lettuce please,” Fluttershy said softly.

“That would be two bits,” the pony running the stand said.

Fluttershy took two bits from her saddlebag, and placed it on the counter. “Thank you,” the pony said and took the bits. Fluttershy then took one lettuce and putted it inside of her saddlebag. She walked away from the stand and stopped in the middle of the market, “Let's see here,” she looked at the list again, “The next thing I need is tomato.”

Fluttershy took a look around again, “There it is,” she walked towards the tomato stand, and saw a familiar looking pony working there, “Pinkie Pie?”

“Huh? Who said my name?” The pink pony turned around, with a big smile on her face, “Oooooohhhh! Who are you?” Pinkie Pie stretched her head to take a good look at Fluttershy.

“Uh, it's me, Fluttershy,” Fluttershy pointed at herself.

“Fluttershy, hm?” Pinkie Pie lifted her hoof under her chin, “Never heard of her,” she shrugged. “Hey, since you're here, could it be that you want to buy some tomatoes? Their red, and round, and not to mention red! Oh, I already said that,” Pinkie Pie giggled.

Fluttershy was oblivious to what was going on, but since she had no time to waste, she bought the tomato and left. “See ya later, new pony!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she waved her hoof.

“New pony?” Fluttershy thought, “But I've been living in Ponyville for over five years.”

Fluttershy stopped, and looked back at the tomato stand, where Pinkie Pie was working. Fluttershy shook her head once, and turned back, “She must be joking, I mean, she is Pinkie after all,” Fluttershy smiled and continued to buy the remaining ingredients needed for the salad.

After a long day of grocery shopping, Fluttershy returned home to her cottage, “I'm back,” she sighed. She walked to her kitchen, and placed her saddlebag on the counter. “Oh, hi there,” Fluttershy saw a blue bird flying around in the kitchen. The bird floated down, and landed on the kitchen counter, “What is it, little birdie?” Fluttershy asked softly.

The bird answered Fluttershy in a harmonious tune, “Oh, congratulations!” Fluttershy clapped your hooves. It seems like the bird had announced its children's birth to Fluttershy. “I bet you'll be a great father!” Fluttershy said.

The bird flapped its wings and flew out of the window, as Fluttershy waved goodbye to the bird.

After the bird left, Fluttershy took a bowl out from the cabinet, and took the ingredients out of her saddlebag, “Better not waste anymore time, Angel bunny is starving!” Fluttershy told herself. She chopped the lettuce into tiny pieces, and scattered them in the bowl, them she sliced the tomato into slices, and putted them inside of the bowl, along with the scattered salad. It took her twenty-five minutes to make the salad.

“Phew,” Fluttershy wiped a sweat from her forehead. She held the bowl of salad, and placed it down on the ground, “Here you go, Angel bunny. I'm sorry it took so long,” Fluttershy apologized.

The bunny sniffed the salad, and compared the salad with the picture on the book, and nodded. “I'm happy that you're happy,” Fluttershy smiled. Fluttershy looked at the time, it was already twelve. Fluttershy stared at the clock, “That's right!” She exclaimed, and rushed upstairs.

“I had promised Twilight that I would return her book to her today,” Fluttershy took a book that was placed on her bed, and held it with her wings. She quickly rushed down the stairs, “I'm going out now, please take care of the house once again,” Fluttershy said and dashed out of the house. She ran as fast as she could to Twilight's place.

When she reached Twilight's place, she was already out of breath. “I'm... Here....” Pant between words. She knocked onto the door, and found a purple baby dragon opening the door. “Is Twilight in?” Fluttershy asked, taking a peek inside of the house.

“Yeah, she's just down in the basement doing some scientific experiment,” Spike said.

Fluttershy sighed in relief, “That's great,” she said. “Oh, could you return this to Twilight please? I promised her that I would return her the book by today,” Fluttershy passed the book to the dragon.

Spike took the book, “Oh, thank you,” he said. “Uh, may I ask you something?”

“What is it, Spike?”

“Do I know you?” Spike asked.

Fluttershy stood still, silently... “I'm Fluttershy,” she said.

Spike smiled, “Well, nice meeting you, Fluttershy! My name is Spike. But, well, you already know that, so it's fine.”

“Nice... To meet you too...?” Fluttershy spoke softly, still in shock.

“Spike! Who are you talking to?”

“To Fluttershy,” Spike shouted.

A purple pony walked up from the basement in a scientist suit and goggles, “Fluttershy? Who's that?”

Spike shrugged, “Must be a new pony.”

The purple pony walked towards Spike and stood beside him, “Well, hello there. My name is Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight let out a hoof, expecting a hoof-shake.

But, Fluttershy was too shocked to even move, “Yeah, Twiley... My name is Fluttershy,” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Uh.......” Twilight said.

“Spike, do you think she's okay?” Twilight whispered into the dragon's ear.

Spike shrugged, “Who knows? She's fine before,” Spike whispered back.

Fluttershy shook her head, now conscious of what she was doing. Welcome back to reality, Fluttershy! “Twilight, do you not remember me?”

“Remember?” Twilight repeated, “I don't recall me and you meeting before.”

Fluttershy's ear drooped, “What? Really? Nothing at all?”


Fluttershy looked down at the ground, “Okay... Never mind then,” she whispered.

Twilight looked at Fluttershy as she walked away. “Hey, wait,” she exclaimed.

Fluttershy looked back.

“Uh, maybe you got the wrong pony or something, but still, do you want to come into my house? We could read some books or something?” Twilight asked nervously.

Fluttershy lit up, and nodded. “She may not remember me, but at least this is the first step to find out about what happened to my friends,” Fluttershy thought, already accepted the fact that her friends does not remember her. “Do you have any book about magic or something?” Fluttershy asked suddenly.

“Yeah, I have all sorts of books!” Twilight levitated a book down, “You say you need a book about magic huh?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“That's weird coming from a pegasi, but I bet you have your reasons,” Twilight checked the title of the book, and passed it to Fluttershy, “Here you go,” she said.

Fluttershy held the book and stared at the title.

“It's probably the biggest book about magic I could find here,” Twilight explained.

Fluttershy opened up the book, and flipped through the pages, “There has to be a spell here that causes ponies to forget you,” Fluttershy thought. She stopped when she saw a page with the title ripped out, but the description still can be red.

Twilight walked towards Fluttershy, “Oh dear,” she said. “The title is ripped off!” Twilight exclaimed. “Who could have done it?” She questioned herself, and sighed, “These sort of ponies never learn...”

“They just rip out the page that they like and keep it as their own.”

Fluttershy was too busy reading the description of the spell to even hear what Twilight was saying.

“A spell that would make all of the ponies forget who you are. This spell requires a lot of magic, it could only be performed by a high class unicorn,” the description said.

Fluttershy stared at the description, “It couldn't be Twilight, her magic is not strong enough. But, at the same, it couldn't be me who performed the magic, since I am not a unicorn.” Fluttershy thought. “I wonder if this spell could be used on other ponies too,” Fluttershy flipped through the pages.

After a while, she let out a sigh. “How long has it been?” she questioned herself. She placed the book gently on a table nearly and walked towards Twilight. “Uhm...”

“Oh, you've finished reading?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded her head slowly, “Yes,” she answered. “I'll be taking my leave now, but I'll be coming back here tomorrow... If that's okay with you...”

“This is a library, of course it'll be fine for you to drop by whenever you want!” Twilight said.

“Well, I'll be leaving now,” Fluttershy said before she left.

She heard a faint, “I'll be here tomorrow, and the day after, just as usual!” From Twilight as she walked away.

Fluttershy walked back to her cottage, and she sat on her couch. “Everypony doesn't seem to be able to remember me,” she mumbled to herself, “Could it be that somepony accidentally coasted the spell on everypony? Or just me? I honestly don't know how does magic work...” She let out a long sigh.

Angel hopped onto the couch and sat beside Fluttershy. “Hello Angel,” Fluttershy said. “How was the food?”

Angel smiled at her. “I see, I'm glad to hear you liked it,” Fluttershy smiled back at the little bunny. She looked closely at Angel, blinking a few times. “The critters still remembers me,” she thought, “So it only affects ponies?”


A Friend in the Forest

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Chapter 2 : A Friend in the Forest

“Angel, you remember who I am right?” Questioned the yellow pony to her little bunny. The bunny looked at her oddly, and nodded it's head slightly. The yellow pony let out a relief sigh, “So the spell only affects ponies... I see...”

The bunny sat on top of Fluttershy, and it had a worried look on it's face.

“Don't worry, Angel. Everything's fine,” Fluttershy reassured. “It's not like it's going to be the end of Equestria if nopony ever remembers me. Even if they don't, I could always be friends with them again. Make new memories.”

The bunny stomped it's feet.

Fluttershy sighed, “Yes, I know... It's hard to forget about the past, but what can I do?” Fluttershy's ears drooped down, and she fell flat onto the floor, “Oh dear... What will I do if I can't find a cure for the spell? Will they not remember me forever?”

The bunny patted Fluttershy on the head, as if it was saying that everything will be okay.

“Thank you Angel. I really needed that,” Fluttershy smiled.

The bunny smiled back at Fluttershy, and it hopped away, joining it's critter friends.

Fluttershy stood up and begun circling around the room. “Is there even some sort of cure to begin with?” She begun questioning herself inside of her thoughts. “Is there even a reverse spell?”


Two days had passed since Fluttershy had found out that everypony in Equestria who once knew her had forgotten all about her existence. Fluttershy is currently in Twilight's library, reading up on every magic books there is, yet still no luck in finding a cure or a reverse spell.

Fluttershy placed the book on the floor, and she held her head with her hooves, “ARGHHHHHHH!!!” She shouted. “Still no luck? Nothing? I searched every entire shelves for all sorts of magic books though. There shouldn't be any other books left. There should be a cure or a reverse spell for this!”

Twilight walked down the stairs, “I heard you shouting from below. Is something the matter?” She asked.

“Oh no, nothing,” Fluttershy said, looking away, already embarrassed by what she had did. “My apologies for disturbing you... Was I too loud?”

Twilight shook her head as she levitated a book back to its shelf, “No, no, no. You didn't disturb me at all. You're quite... Soft, I should say.” Twilight walked towards Fluttershy and stood beside of her, staring at the book on the ground. “Are you searching for a magic spell?” Asked Twilight.

Fluttershy nodded her head, “A reverse spell actually.”

“For what?”

“To undo a spell that had been cast upon all of Equestria,” answered Fluttershy.

“All of Equestria? That pony must be one high class pony to cast all that,” Twilight said. She looked at Fluttershy, “Pegasi aren't able to perform magic though. What use is it if you learn the magic spell, but you can't perform it? Isn't it pointless?”

“It may be pointless,” Fluttershy said, “But I have to find it, no matter what. Even if I couldn't perform magic, I'll just get somepony to perform it for me.”

“From what you told me, the spell should be a high class one, how are you going to do that?” Questioned Twilight.

“I could ask either Princess Luna or Princess Celestia,” Fluttershy answered confidently.

“They don't know you though,” said Twilight.

Fluttershy sat there silently, and stared at Twilight. “You're right,” she said. “Why haven't I thought of that? If everypony in Equestria doesn't know me, of course the princesses wouldn't know me too!”

“Anyway, I can't help you if you don't know the name of the spell.”

“You can help?!” Fluttershy exclaimed, jumping off from the ground and floating in the air with her wings spread out.

Twilight backed away, “I think I could.”

“That'll be great!” Fluttershy exclaimed joyously. She gave Twilight a great big hug, “Thank you so much, Twilight!” And she flew out of the library.

Twilight waited for a few seconds before turning to look at the door. “What a weird pony,” she told herself.

“Hey Twilight, is that the Flusterby pony again?” Spike walked in.

“It's Fluttershy,” corrected Twilight.

“Yeah, Fluttershy,” said Spike.

“She came over again, for two days straight now. I'm not entirely sure what she's looking for, but she's extremely anxious to find it.”


Fluttershy flew at her own pace as she makes her way back to the cottage, but she accidentally bumped into Pinkie Pie. “Oh, I'm so sorry,” Fluttershy apologized.

“Nah, no biggie! It's just a bump!” Pinkie said in her high squeaky tone. She took a good look at Fluttershy and she jumped into the air, pointing at her, shouting, “You're that new pony from before!!!”

Fluttershy didn't know how to react, so she froze into place. “Excuse me?”

“I've never seen you before! What's your name? My name is Pinkie Pie, I know everypony in Ponyville, and if you ever need help, come for me. You can easily find me in Sugarcube Corner, I work there. Hey, that reminds me, I haven't threw you a welcome party yet! Just give me a day, just one day will do, I'll make sure you'll have the most amazing, stupendous, marvelous welcome party you've ever had in your life!” Pinkie said so extremely fast that even Fluttershy couldn't understand what she was saying.

“Excuse me Pinkie, but could you maybe slow down a little bit? Please?” Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie gasped, “A balloon!” She exclaimed and ran away.

Fluttershy looked at the way where Pinkie ran to, “I have a bad feeling about tomorrow...” She whispered to herself. “I don't think it's best to leave the house tomorrow...”

Fluttershy continued on her way back to her cottage. “A high class spell that can only be performed by high class unicorns... The only ones I know are the princesses... Who else can it be?” Fluttershy thought to herself. “Could it be Trixie? ...No, it can't be. I think her class isn't high enough to perform such a spell.”

Fluttershy let out a disappointed sigh, “I don't have any leads. How can I find the pony who cast the spell like this?” Fluttershy's stomach can be heard grumbling, and Fluttershy stopped, “Oh right, I haven't eaten anything yet,” she said to herself. She went to a cafe close by and ate some food before continuing her walk back home.

“Maybe, just maybe... The chance is 0.01%, but just maybe, one pony still remembers me... That may just be wishful thinking...”

Fluttershy reached her cottage, and she slumped onto the couch. “Oh dear... I don't think I'm making any progress at all,” she said. She held onto her pillow, “Just searching around Ponyville won't help a bit. I should search somewhere outside of Ponyville... Like...the....”

Fluttershy gulped. “Everfree forest...”
Fluttershy screamed inside of her pillow, muffling her screams. She calmed down eventually. “Okay Fluttershy, calm down,” she told herself. “In the Everfree Forest lives Zecora. Maybe she's not affected by the spell? She could help me!”

Fluttershy gulped again, “But then I have to face the creeps in the Everfree Forest........ All the noises and bush rustling.... ..creepy.”

Fluttershy shook her head, “No, you got to do this!” She tried encouraging herself. “Zecora's living in the Everfree Forest, so even if you get in trouble, she'll most likely find you! So you don't have to worry about a thing! Not a single thing!”

She looked at the clock, “We still have time. Perhaps I could head over to Zecora's place now,” she thought. “But it's also quite late, and once it goes dark, it's pretty hard to find your way around... Even with wings, it's still pretty hard to spot Zecora's hut in the dark.”

Angel, the bunny heard whatever Fluttershy was talking about, and the bunny jumped onto the couch and onto Fluttershy, encouraging her to do it. “Don't be a coward!” That's what Angel said.

Fluttershy smiled at Angel, “You're right Angel. At times like this, I can't worry about simple things!”

Fluttershy stood up and she walked towards the door. She stopped to look back at Angel, “Do you want to come along?” She asked.

The bunny unfortunately shook it's head, denying Fluttershy's offer.

“Okay then, play nice, don't break anything,” Fluttershy said.

The bunny nodded it's head and waved at her.

Fluttershy closed the door behind her back. She inhaled and exhaled, and she told herself, “You can do this Fluttershy.” She begun walking out of the dirt path, and into the Everfree Forest. She could hear owl hooting and breathing noises all around the forest. Bushes rustling and animal footsteps. She shrieked a few times, but I bet nopony could hear her from inside the Everfree Forest. Unless, of course, if it's Zecora.

“My, my, who do we have here? If it isn't Fluttershy, my dear? What are you doing out in this late hour?” Said a voice who always rhymes.

Fluttershy immediately knew who that was. It was Zecora! Fluttershy turned her back and saw Zecora, gathering herbs for whatever potion she's making. “Zecora, it's so nice to finally see somepony familiar and somepony who remembers me!” Fluttershy exclaimed happily, running towards Zecora.

“Whatever do you mean by that?” Asked Zecora, unsure in what was going on.

“I'll tell you all about it,” answered Fluttershy. “But first, can we please get out of this place and maybe head over to your hut?”

Zecora nodded her head, “Of course, anything for a friend in need. Your voice do sound a bit hoarse. Do you want some medicine for your throat once we reach my hut?”

“I sound hoarse?” Fluttershy herself didn't even notice. It must be because of all the screaming, shouting and shrieking she had done in these past few days. She nodded her head, “That'll be great,” she said.

Zecora nodded her head at her, “Come follow me, my dear.” She turned around, taking the lead, as Fluttershy followed from behind, following Zecora back to her hut in the forest.

To Canterlot We Go...

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Chapter 3 : To Canterlot We Go...

It's been a while since Fluttershy had last visited Zecora, so being in her hut now makes her feel a little bit uncomfortable. Not to the extent of leaving though, that's rude.

“What brought you to the depths of the forest?” Zecora asked, searching through the shelves for some herbs of some sort. “You look a little tired, have you not rest?”

“I guess you can say that,” Fluttershy said, finding a good spot in the hut to take a sit. “Well, I'm in some sort of a... Uhm... How should I put this...?”

“Are you in some sort of trouble?” Zecora asked.

“No! Well, it's not that...” Fluttershy said. “Everypony doesn't seem to be able to recognize me at all... Actually, they don't seem to know of my existence since two days ago.”

“They have forgotten about you? But that couldn't be possible if you live in Ponyville, yes?” Zecora walked towards her cauldron and dumped in a few herbs into the water.

“It shouldn't be possible, but it did. I'm not entirely sure if it affected the other ponies from Canterlot too, but I'm so extremely glad that somepony finally remembers me!” Fluttershy said, smiling brightly. Her face is practically shining!

Zecora begun stirring the ingredients in the cauldron, and she added a few more other herbs from time to time. “How did this happen, do you know?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “Unfortunately, no... But I found something really interesting in Twilight's library!”

“And what could that be?” Asked Zecora, a little interested in what her friend was about to tell her.

“I browsed through most of the books in Twilight's place, and found out that it could be the cause of some sort of memory-erasing spell,” Fluttershy started. “It's a simple spell if you're erasing a small part of that pony's memory, but if erasing another pony's existence... Then it's really hard. Especially if you erase it from everypony who is living in Ponyville.”

“Do you perhaps know who could've casted such a spell?” Zecora asked.

Fluttershy thought for a while and shook her head. “At first, I thought it could be that it was a mistake? But then, erasing my existence from everypony's memory is just plain mean... From what I read, it could only be performed by a high-class pony,” Fluttershy said.

“From what you speak, I think it could've been one with the level of a princess,” Zecora said.

“That's what I thought too,” Fluttershy let out a sigh. “But knowing Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence, they wouldn't do such a thing... So I don't know who else it could be.”

Zecora scooped some of the brew she had brewed and poured it into a small bowl. She walked towards Fluttershy and passed it to her, “Drink this, it'll make your throat better.”

Fluttershy took the bowl and nodded her head. “Thank you,” she said before gulping it down. She pass Zecora back the bowl after she had drank it.

“I apologize, but I don't think there is anything for me to do for you,” Zecora said. “But maybe it has not affected other ponies yet, so I suggest you explore.”

“There is... Well... A... 50% chance that they aren't affected by the spell,” Fluttershy mumbled quietly to herself. She stood up, looking confident and all, “Okay! I've decided! I'll head over to Canterlot!”

And off she went, running out of Zecora's hut and back to her cottage to pack her things to prepare for her trip... Or should I say... Journey?

Angel hopped up and down in the sights of Fluttershy's return, but was ignored completely as Fluttershy ran up the stairs. Angel followed her up the stairs and tilted his head.

“Why, hello there Angel,” Fluttershy said as she searched through her room for things she might bring and not bring. “You must be wondering what could I be doing, am I right? Well... I'm heading to Canterlot.”

Angel hopped in front of Fluttershy and raised his tiny little hands... Or paws if you like, in the air, trying his very best to stop her.

“Oh... I'm really sorry Angel, but I don't think you should follow,” Fluttershy said, frowning. “This is a journey of my own. I want to find out who had done this and why by my own... Even if I have to face...” She gulped. “Dangers...”

Angel shook his head and stomped his feet on the bed. As if he was saying, “That's the reason why you shouldn't go!”

“I really don't want to... Honestly! But I have to, Angel,” Fluttershy said. “If I don't, nopony would ever remember me, and I think I'll be stuck here in the cottage alone... Without any friends!”

Angel rolled his eyes and pointed at himself. “How about me?” And he hopped onto the window and pointed outside, where the other critters were staying, “And them? Aren't they your friends too?” That's what Angel is trying to tell.

Fluttershy smiled, “Well, yes, of course you are. All of you are my friends.”

Angel smiled and nodded his head proudly, thinking that his words had finally reach her.

“But no,” Fluttershy said, “I have to go. In order to find out has the spell affected other ponies living in different countries, towns and villages, I have to go and see for myself.”

Fluttershy placed her saddlebag behind her back and walked down the stairs casually. Angel chased after her and tried to stop her by her tracks. But Angel was too small, and Fluttershy could walk over him.

She opened the door, and looked back, “Take care of the cottage for me, okay?” She said before leaving.

Fluttershy walked at her own pace to the train station to buy a ticket to Canterlot. “Hello young lady, have not seen you in this part before,” the old pony working at the ticket booth said. “Are you new?”

“Uh... Not really,” Fluttershy replied.

“You're not?” The old pony asked.

Fluttershy shook her head silently.

“So, you are?”

“No, I'm not,” Fluttershy said.

“Why didn't you say so? I'm pretty sure I have not seen you before though... But it could just me being stuck in this old place for so long!” The old pony laughed. “Well then, I wish you happy travels to Canterlot.”

Fluttershy nodded and smiled at the old pony and walked to where the train is. She looked at the clock, she still had time before the train to Canterlot comes.

She sat on a bench nearby and took out a book from her saddlebag. “Let's read something to pass the time,” she told herself as she opened the book and flipped it to where she had last left it.


“All aboard! Last calling to Canterlot!”

Fluttershy darted her eyes to the clock, it was already time, and she hadn't even notice! She quickly closed her book and stuffed it into her bag as she dashed to the train.

“Tickets please?” Asked the train conductor.

Fluttershy presented the train conductor with the ticket, and he stamped the ticket. “Enjoy your trip,” he said.

Fluttershy stepped into the train and sat on one of the free spots available. She let out a sigh, “Nearly missed it.”

She looked outside of the train's window, “Well, this is going to be a somewhat long trip...” She told herself quietly.

“Is this seat taken?” A unicorn with marvelous curly-looking hair asked... It's Rarity!

“No, it isn't,” Fluttershy asked. She tried to contain her excitement in seeing a friend... Or an old friend. “So you're heading to Canterlot too?”

“Indeed I am, dear,” Rarity said. “May I ask you for your name?”

“My name is Fluttershy,” Fluttershy replied.

“Nice to meet you, Fluttershy. My name is Rarity. Perhaps you've heard of me? I run the Carousal Boutique!” Rarity said.

Fluttershy nodded her head, “Yes, I know that.”

“If you don't mind me asking, what are you visiting Canterlot for?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Meeting a friend,” Fluttershy lied. She actually wanted to meet with the princesses to see if they had lost their memory too... If they did, then maybe they know how to undo the spell? “How about you?”

“I have some business in Canterlot,” Rarity answered. “Fashion. Business.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I see. Must be hard being a fashion designer, is it?”

“Indeed it is!” Rarity exclaimed, alarming everypony who was in the same cabin as them. Rarity blushed and quiet down, “Being a fashion designer is hard, yes it is! There are times when your client just doesn't like the dress, and you would have to come up with a totally different design to make and keep up with the new trend.”

“My... You do have it hard,” Fluttershy said, trying to sound a little interested in the rest of what Rarity has to say. Honestly speaking, she already know about Rarity's career and how hard it is.

“But I still enjoy my work,” Rarity said. “Now that you know about what I do... What do you do?”

“Nothing much... I just take care of the critters living near the Everfree Forest,” Fluttershy said. “It's not as extravagant as yours.”

“You live near the Everfree Forest?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy nodded her head silently.

“I always knew that there was a cottage there... But I never thought anypony was living in it,” Rarity said with an expression as if she was thinking very hard. “Speaking of which, when did you live there?”

“Ever since I moved to Ponyville,” Fluttershy answered.

“When was that?” Rarity asked.

“Hmm... Years ago,” Fluttershy answered. “I don't exactly remember the date.”

“Odd,” Rarity mumbled. “I haven't seen you around town much though. Could it be that you don't go out much?”

Fluttershy decided to go along with it. “Mm... Guess you can say that.”

“No wonder,” Rarity smiled. “You should go out more, there are loads of friendly ponies back in Ponyville. You'll love them!”

Fluttershy laughed nervously, “Yes,” she said. She didn't know what else to say.

For hours, Fluttershy and Rarity had spoken to each other about their past and what they had experienced in Ponyville. Coincidentally, Fluttershy's and Rarity's story nearly matched.

“You were a model before?!” Rarity exclaimed, but not as loud as before.

Fluttershy nodded her head, “A friend of mine forced me into it... I didn't want to break her heart, so I just did as I was told.”

Rarity leaned against her seat, “I once designed a dress for somepony, but she became a famous model in just a few days. I became jealous of her because she was getting more attention.”

“And who is that pony?” Fluttershy asked, expecting the answer she hoped Rarity would answer.

Rarity shrugged, “I don't seem to be able to recall.”

Fluttershy sighed, “Knew it.”

“I feel like I forgot about loads of important things since two days ago. No matter how hard I try to remember, it just wouldn't come back,” Rarity explained. “Maybe it's due to the stress?”

Rarity took a peek at the window, “Oh! That's Canterlot Castle! Where the princesses lives! We're close!”

“So we are,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“A friend of mine just so happens to be a student of Princess Celestia,” Rarity said, “She lives in a tree.”

“You mean Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “I met with her when I was searching for a book.”

“She's a bookworm, isn't she?” Rarity laughed. “Even if she owns a library, she lives in it too! Plus, she even read every books she had!”

Fluttershy just laugh along. It feels as if she was having a conversation with Rarity casually when they were best of friends. This time is a little different though. Rarity couldn't remember Fluttershy, but her heart still does.

The train slowly came to a stop, “We have arrived in Canterlot,” the train conductor said from the speakers.

“Well, looks likes this is where we split ways,” Rarity said as she walked out of the cabin.

Fluttershy followed Rarity out and nodded her head.

“It was fun talking to you, perhaps we should talk more if we ever meet one another,” Rarity said.

“Sure,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity waved goodbye to Fluttershy at the train station and left in the other direction Fluttershy was heading.

“First things first... To the castle,” she told herself. “...unless they forgotten about me and I'm not allowed in, that is.”