> That Which Plagues the Mind > by Journey Blue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Writer's Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story first began as an attempt to spite a writer whose work I was displeased with. Sort of an "Anything you can do, I can do better" idea. However, too soon my spite-fueled motivation was replaced was a genuine desire to write a good story, a story that did justice for a cast aside villain. Thus this story was cancelled because I decided to rewrite a more extensive and higher quality story. No more editing at 2 am, no more writing from sheer whimsy. I am putting the effort this story deserves to give Equestria the villain it deserves. This story will still be left up for the sake of posterity and because, for me, it is stepping stone and evidence of the progress I have made. The stories is redone and continued in: The Student of Sun and Shadow > Prelude - Not So Different. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “We are not so different”, he had said, in a faded memory. Faded like the waking dream that is quickly forgotten. And forgotten it would have been had it been a dream. It had all been in her mind, but is was no less real. Her encounter with King Sombra had frightened her at first, but there was nothing to fear from a mere shadow. No, if anything, it left her feeling ashamed. Soiled. She had given into to the darkness, just for a moment, but given in nonetheless. In a moment of panic, in a moment of rage, as an act of spite, she had seized the very darkness that sought to consume her. She had brought it into herself, merging it with her will, and used it against the shadow who thought himself a king. And she maimed him. It had been her intention. To hurt him, to humiliate him, to show the he was inferior to her, that she was greater than he. And yet she had only proved him to be her equal. They were not so different after all it would seem. “You must not think such thoughts my faithful student. They are the only means he by which he can harm you”, Celestia had said to her, “You must not let him feed off the doubt in your heart, most importantly, you must not doubt yourself. There is no shame in using the dark powers as you did. They were the only means by which to free yourself from his control. And you were able conquer the darkness he had set upon you. For that you should be proud.” But she wasn't. Why? Why couldn't Celestia, her teacher, her mentor, in all her centuries of wisdom, not see the truth? There was no doubt in her heart because she knew. She knew that she could have stopped Sombra without resorting to dark magic. She was Twilight Sparkle, previously one of the most powerful unicorns in all of Equestria, and now an Alicorn Princess with Alicorn Magic! She could have thwarted Sombra without a second though, with a quick spell, all she had had to do was focus for just a moment and the shadow of a king would have been no more. But she hadn't. Instead she had given in to weakness. After just a moment of weakness she had given in. Without hesitation. She had barely resisted before she turned to the darkness. She hadn't conquered the darkness. It had conquered her. And Celestia’s words –words spoken to comfort, but spoken in ignorance– for all their good intention, only added to the guilt in her heart. Why couldn't she see? But do you really want Celestia to see the truth? Wouldn't her words of praise, even if undeserved, be better than her silent disappointment? Yes. Twilight would do anything to not disappoint Princess Celestia. Even if it meant avoiding the truth. But Luna knew the truth. That was certain. Twilight had seen it in the princess’s eyes. The sadness, knowing despair that came with understanding. Luna knew the truth, because she knew what it was like to give in to the darkness. She knew better than anypony what it was like to give in, and the consequences it entailed. How could Celestia, the Princess of the Sun, the Bringer of Light, know what it was like to give in to the darkness when she was the very antithesis? She didn't know, she could never know. But Twilight had seen that sad knowing look in Luna’s eyes. That sad, disappointed look. She could turn to Luna for comfort no more than she could turn to Celestia.   So she had sought the comfort of her friends. And for a time it had helped. Fluttershy had given her a sympathetic ear, and a kind hoof. But Twilight hadn’t felt deserving of her kindness, nor had she wanted it. What good is sympathy when you want to be understood? What good is kindness when it only adds your guilt?           It is pointless.           Applejack’s honest opinion had dispelled only some of her guilt, “Ah can’t see the point of gettin’ worked up over a dream. But if ya’ not proud of somethin’ ya’ did, or if ya’ think ya’ made a mistake, as long as ya’ learn, then Ah think it’s okay.” But what did you learn? How readily you gave in to the darkness? Did you not feel pride as you overpowered him?           She had. And still did. Which only added to her shame.           Pinkie Pie had helped her laugh and smile at her anxieties; and at the absurdity of worrying about a nightmare. Had it all just been a nightmare? Why are you letting something so insignificant weigh on your conscience so much?            How petty.             Rarity had been generous with her time, and with her opinions, and, in a way, the most understanding. For what was generosity than the understanding another’s hurt and the wanting to correct it? But did she truly understand? Could she truly understand? Yes, Rarity had listened to her, had been patience with her, giving time, giving reassurance, but— Wasn’t it as much for her peace of mind and it was for yours?           Wasn’t it self-serving?           Rainbow Dash had been the least sympathetic, least understanding, most tactless, and most effective.   “Who cares?” she had said, “So you might not be the perfect princess everypony expects you to be. So what? Everypony slips up every now and then. Even The Princesses. Look at Nightmare Moon. Look at what what happened to Celestia at your brother’s wedding. Hay, look at what happened to everypony at your brother’s wedding,” she paused, realizing she was getting off track, “My point is we all make mistakes, what’s important is that we do our best not to make them again.”           A bit blunt, very blunt in fact, but it was enough. It had help Twilight push her worries to the back of her mind. Instead of dwelling on what had happened in the past, she’d make sure not to repeat it in the future. You can do it can’t you? If he ever showed himself to you again, you’d be able to face him without using dark magic, right?           Right.           But she wasn’t certain, and in truth she hoped she would never have to find out. She would try to forget it. Letting the memory and feeling of guilt just fade away in some corner of her mind, and hopefully, Sombra along with it. He was just a shadow. Just a shadow teetering on the edge of oblivion. A thought, a dark little thought that hoped to feed off her emotions.           But thoughts could be forgotten. Sombra could be forgotten. And he and his power would cease to exist. The Dark King would be no more. You think it so easy to be rid of me? > Chapter 1 - What Time Will Take > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stared at the Tree of Harmony. Seeking solace. Trying to gather her thoughts. Thoughts which defied her. Thoughts that assailed her with feelings of unease, of worry. Of dread. Memories that had been buried had resurfaced. Memories that had all but faded away had returned. And the feeling of shame, and of guilt, along with them. He had spoken to her again. ---------- “Apparently, you didn't get the message the first time,” She spoke, her malicious tone and regal composure all trying to hide her anxiety. “Oh, rest assured. I got your message. It was clear. Quite. Clear,” said Sombra, turning to look at her with his sightless eye. The eye that she had taken. “But alas, it was my message that was gravely. . .misunderstood.” “Misunderstood? Don’t make me laugh. You. Tried. To. Kill. Me,” She almost shouted. “You were never in any real danger. I merely wished to get your attention. To earn your respect so that you would listen seriously to what I had to say.” He paused, looking over at Twilight with smug composure, Twilight glowering at him with a look of disdain. Glowering, yet listening. He continued, sounding almost apologetic. Almost. “I will admit my methods were a bit harsh. But you wounded me with your condescension. Such behavior is unbecoming of a pony of your stature. Surely I deserve more than to be patronized by a pony who is barely more than a foal? ” He was baiting her. And she bit. “Oh that’s rich! Coming from you of all ponies! You dare lecture me? You, who are but the scum of Equestria!” she snapped back at him in a manner not so dignified. “Come now, Princess. One would hope that you could be more gracious when presented with such a generous offer?”         Twilight had to bite back her response and keep her anger from boiling over. He was toying with her. Just toying. That was all he was truly capable of, and words were his only weapon. He had no other means to get to her.         And yet he was getting under her skin with such ease.         Her words were calm when she spoke. Calm and saturated with contempt.“Your offer was no more than lies. An act of deceit. You wish to trick me, to control me, to make a puppet out of me, and enslave me like you did with all of the ponies in the Crystal Empire.”         He seemed all too amused.         “That is where you misunderstand, Princess,” He said, smiling. “I was not lying. And never once did I try to deceive you. I wish to make you a queen. My Queen. And I am offering to teach you magic that Celestia could never understand. Secrets that Celestia could never know. But you can. You have that potential. The potential to be greater than Celestia ever could. A potential I would help you realize. That is what I offer you.” He paused, then continued, “And the offer. Still. Stands.”         Twilight was caught off guard. He had sounded genuine.         And now she struggled to respond. She opened her mouth to give a rebuttal. But no words came.         She was silent.         Much to his amusement.         “No,” She finally said, shaking her head. “That is not what you offer.”         “Is that so?” he said mockingly.         “What you offer is corruption. A curse. You would have me forsake my friends, forsake Celestia, and forsake what I have worked so hard to achieve. And for what? Power? Prestige? What use would I have of them? What need?”         Eat that Sombra.         “What makes you think I would have you forsake anything of the sort?” he said. Calm, yet stern.         “What?”         “You think that what I offer comes at a cost? A sacrifice?”         “Of course it does,” Twilight said, now agitated. Enough with the games, Sombra.         “The only sacrifice you need make is the acknowledgment that there are aspects of this world that Celestia’s light does not reach. Cannot reach. Places that she fears to tread. Knowledge that she fears to pursue.”         “And I wonder why that would be,” said Twilight sarcastically.         “Care to find out?” He was smiling wily.         “What? No. Never,” She stammered.         “Now that cannot be right. Twilight Sparkle—The Twilight Sparkle—would never turn her back on an unsolved mystery.” Again, he was mocking her.         “If Celestia fears it, then there is a good reason,” She said without more than a trace of doubt.         But still a trace.         “The only reason is that she fears her own shadow,” He spoke with obvious disgust.         “Celestia casts no shadow!” she said in defiance. Mock her if he wanted, but she would not let him mock Celestia.         He barked with laughter and spoke in a dark mirth that frightened Twilight. “Celestia’s shadow is the darkest of them all! And she has done well at keeping you in the dark! Your ignorance would be endearing if it weren't so pathetic. So deliberate”.         Each word and syllable, hammer and nails.         Twilight couldn't speak. Her words had failed her.         And thus, unabated, Sombra continue his slander, “You think her the embodiment of perfection? You think her incorruptible? She. Is. Not. She is but prey to her own fears. She refuses to acknowledge the darkness at her essence! Her denial is divine!”.         “And yet she defeated you!”         Sombra turned on her. His face inches from hers. His stare, his voice, like ice.         Chilling her to the bone.         “How. Wrong. You. Are.”         She step back. Instinctively. Briefly stricken by terror.         And he advanced. with frigid malice clinging to every word.         “She, who is but the plaything of her fears! She, who would willingly deny her own shadow! Could never defeat me! She would be at my mercy! Was! At! My! Mercy! Unaided by her sister, she would have fallen! “Yet, even with the princess of the moon by her side, she could only fight me to a standstill! And, in the end, at the cost of the entire Crystal Empire, she chose to seal me beneath the Arctic ice! Vainly hoping I’d fade away into the shadows!"         He paused. The look of shock on the young princess's face had been too rewarding not to admire. It would be the greatest pleasure for him to crush what remained of her resolve.         “Yet after a thousand years of imprisonment, I returned. And. She. Did. Nothing. Nothing but cower in her palace. Sending others to finish what she never could.”         Sombra stopped, and stared at her. At her. His voice no longer cold. No longer malicious. His words sounded. . .         Sad.         “And you wish to be just like her.”         He was pitying her. Pitying her!         Eyes closed. Teeth gritted. In a fit of frustration. She slammed her hoof down.         “Enough!” She had had it.         Regaining her composure. Recovering her footing. Containing her emotions. She stared back at King Sombra. Speaking forcefully. Deliberately.         Angrily.         “I have had enough of your games, Sombra. I will not continue to listen to your slander, your mockery, or your offers anymore. Now, either leave willingly. . .”         Her horn glowed menacingly.         “Or permanently.”         For a brief moment, a look of surprise broke through his smug complexion, and he took a few steps back. Then he grinned. His smug composure regained.         “So be it. I see there is no point speaking to deaf ears,” He paused, then spoke with a hint of admiration in his voice, “You bare your teeth well, Princess.”         Twilight remained unmoved. Her face stone. Her eyes glaring. Her horn glowing with an angry hum.         Sombra turned to leave. But stopped halfway. “In time you will realize the truth to my words. In time you will realize the limits to Celestia’s wisdom. Compared to a millennia sealed in ice, watching you toil about in your ignorance will be rather amusing. So I can wait. For years. Decades. Centuries I can wait. I have the time.”         He turned to leave.         “And so do you for that matter.”         She knew she shouldn't. But it was something about how he had spoken. The tone in his voice. There was something he was not letting on. And curiosity got the better of her.         “And what is that supposed to mean?” she spoke, a bit too eagerly than she would have liked.         “Oh?” said Sombra in mock surprise, “Surely the thought has occurred to you? You, of all ponies.”         “I said enough with the games, Sombra. Say what you mean and be done with it,” She said flatly.         “I was merely referring to your lifespan. As an Alicorn,” He spoke, matching her tone.         “How does that have anything to do with this?” Her voice was laced with uncertainty. The light from her horn dimming. Thoughts were beginning to surface. Thoughts she had not wanted acknowledge. Had not wanted to voice.         But Sombra was all too pleased to voice them for her.         “Regardless of whether being an Alicorn means you are immortal, it is certain that you will live no short of several millennia. Has the thought not occurred to you—You, whose power stems from friendship itself—Ever wondered what it would be like to watch your friends, generations after generations, age and die before your eyes? ” He had now turned to face her. A malicious glee in his eye as he watched the light of Twilight’s horn go dark.         Her resolve was cracking.         “Not really,” She spoke in a weak voice. Her face cast down. She hadn't given it much thought, had tried not to give it much thought.         He began to walk towards her. Speaking with an air of concern. And enjoying every second.         He had already won.         “Tell me Princess. Are you prepared to watch those closest to you waste away? Are you willing to stand aside as your friends are fated to die?”         She continued to stare at her hooves. Flinching at every word. Shaking her head as if to say no. No. No!         No to Sombra. No to the thoughts. No to the truth.         Time for the final blow. Sombra, towering over the hunched mare, knelt down to place a gentle hoof under her chin. Softly lifting her head so that she would look at his face. A face no longer smug, no longer mocking. A kind face that stared at her with a kind eye. And with a firm voice, a reassuring voice, he spoke. His words a subtle knife. A knife that slipped, so sweetly, so welcome, into her heart. Leaving a wound most grievous.         “I can show you how to fight fate, Twilight.”         And her resolve broke. -----------         Twilight clutched her head. Her mind still reeling.         She had tried to respond. Had tried to speak. But her words had only come out as whimpers. She had lost all her composure.         And he had just stood there.         Stood looking at her with concern. With pity. Watching her as she babbled gibberish.         And then he was gone. Leaving her to her turmoil.         What was she to do? What had Sombra actually done? He hadn't attacked her. Only talked to her. And she had listened.         Actually listened.         And his words had had such power over her. Power she let them have. She had let them, let him, get through to her. To prey on her thoughts, her feelings. Steal her solace. Undermine her confidence. Shatter her resolve.         She had let him break her.         She grew angry at these thoughts. Anger that quickly extinguished, giving way to despair. Despair that brought with it feelings of guilt, feeling of doubt, of shame, uncertainty, frustration, anguish.         Hopelessness.         Why? Why couldn't she, with all her power, all her talent, with everything she had learned, everything she had read, stand up to him? Why did she let him cripple her with mere words?         But what if they hadn't been just words?         What if? What if they had been the truth? What it what he had said about Celestia was true? What if he truly meant to help her?         No. This had to stop. She had to free herself from the trap that she had let him snare her in. From the doubt that now clung to her thoughts.         But how?         To whom could she turn for help?         Celestia was out of the question. How could she tell Celestia that she hadn't been able to stand up to the shadow that ailed her? That she had, once again, let him get the better of her. Could she stand to see the look of disappointment on her mentor’s face? And what about what Sombra had said? Said about Celestia. How could Twilight even began to ask her if there was any truth to his words? Can you even trust her?         Twilight wasn't certain anymore. And what about your friends?         The thought only made her feel worse.         So there she stood, at the base of the Tree of Harmony. She had come alone. Had come seeking comfort. The comfort it had taken from her.         In its trunk, in each of its branches, lay the Elements. Tangible proof of the bonds that tied her friends and her together: their Friendship made manifest. It had been the Elements that first united her with her friends. It had been the Elements that had helped them face the trials of Nightmare Moon, and of Discord. If had been with the help of the Elements that she had first realized her potential.         The Elements had been a physical, and powerful, source of affirmation.         And now they were gone.         Taken from her grasp. Taken in order to stop the encroachment of the Everfree, and to save the Tree of Harmony. Yes, it had been necessary, there was no question. But why had it have to come at the cost of something so precious? So precious to her.         Yet their friendship remained intact. It endured. The Tree could not take that away. Could never take that away.         But what can the Tree take compared to what Time inevitably will?         Their friendship could endure for years, for decades, for a lifetime. But Time would ultimately win. And Time would take away her friends. One by one.         And Twilight would be alone.         Alone with him.         She didn't know what she dreaded more. The idea that her friends wouldn't always be by her side. Or that Sombra would. And there was nothing she could do about it.         Or can you?         ‘I can show you how to fight fate, Twilight.’         No! She mustn't give up. Mustn't give in. There was still hope. Tangible hope. And it lay right in front of her. There, among the roots of the Tree of Harmony, atop its flower pedestal, was The Box. A box with six keyholes. A box that she and her friends must one day open. And inside would be the answers she desired so desperately. Inside would be the solace that eluded her so vehemently. Inside would be the light that banished the shadows that plagued her mind. Because inside was hope. And as long as she had her box, she could hope.         She could only hope. > Chapter 2 - Where the Truth Lies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was frustrated. She had found nothing. Months of delving through every book between Canterlot and the Everfree, digging through tome after ancient tome—countless pages read—had yielded nothing. Nothing in her search for answers. Answers that would shed light on the enigma that lay at the base of the Tree of Harmony: the Box that was her every obsession. She had found nothing. Nothing she was looking for, that is. She had found things she hadn't been looking for. Things she hadn't wanted to find. As she scoured through the vast, and vastly forgotten Library of the Two Sisters, she had found many a text that had shed light on another topic. A rather dark topic. Dark magic. Or lack there of. It hadn't initially been obvious to Twilight. With the castle in such an advanced state of dereliction, library included, it would not be surprising if the discrepancy went unnoticed by most ponies. But not by Twilight. She wasn't like most ponies, and she had taken notice  of something missing. Intentionally missing. Pages lost, chapters gone, entire books from what should have been a complete collections absent. There were holes scattered about the library. Holes that Twilight –guided by her own insipid curiosity– sought out. And with each hole she was able to piece together what it was that was missing. And it was clear that it was missing deliberately. The library had been systematically abridged. And Twilight was certain by whose hoof it had been done. It would seem that his words had some validity after all. But, wait. Just because Celestia sought to remove all information regarding dark magic, didn't mean she feared it. Or does it? No. Celestia clearly meant to protect Equestria for ponies whom would use the knowledge for evil. Ponies like Sombra. Like her sister. ! This was absurd. Twilight wasn't going to get anywhere by questioning her mentor’s motives, nor by looking for dark magic. Dark magic wasn't going to help Twilight find the answers she was looking for. It wasn't going to help her open The Box, or find the keys. What if Dark Magic is the key? What if it is in the dark that your answers lie? No! It had been by the power of friendship that the Tree of Harmony had been saved. From the power of friendship that The Box had arisen. And it would be by the power of friendship that The Box would be opened. But hadn't it been with the power of dark magic that you even found The Box? It had. Zecora’s Potion. “I do not dare to use it myself, the results would be tragic. It only responds to Alicorn magic.” Zecora had said, in her rhymes of wisdom. And respond to Alicorn magic it did. And not just any Alicorn magic. But Dark Alicorn Magic. And how easy it had been for Twilight to use it. If dark magic wasn't the answer then why had it been necessary to use it? And if Celestia feared dark magic so much, then why had she taught Twilight how to use it? But she didn't teach you did she? She hadn't really. Yes, Celestia had demonstrated it to Twilight. Demonstrated it in order to impress upon Twilight the importance of stopping Sombra from reconquering the Crystal Empire. But no, she hadn't actually taught her how to use the dark magic. Twilight had simply been able to figure out how to use it. Through the use of logic. Through experimentation. Through intuition. ‘Took to it like a fish to water.’ Those had been his words. And so too, in Sombra’s castle, had it been necessary for her to use dark magic. How then, could she justify continuing her search, but ignore dark magic when it already proved to be instrumental to her in the past? And how could she approach Celestia about it, she who had made a valiant, yet vain, attempt to hide it? Does she even know you can use it already? That question startled Twilight. If Celestia hadn't meant for Twilight to learn how to use dark magic, and hadn't been present when Twilight had to use it, then could it be possible that Celestia wasn't aware? Sure Twilight had told Celestia about her first encounter with King Sombra, and that she had resorted to the dark powers. But if Celestia was under the impression that it was a dream, a nightmare, could she fail to realize how developed her student’s dark talent had become? ‘In time you will realize the limits to Celestia’s wisdom.’ Could this be what he meant? If Celestia didn't know, then how would she respond once she found out? Would she be impressed? Surprised? Horrified? Disappointed. And what of Princess Luna? How do you think she will respond? If she wasn't already aware, which Twilight doubted, she would probably side with her older sister. But wouldn't she be the more understanding of the two? Maybe. But, if anything, she would be the less sympathetic. She who knew the dangers of using the dark powers. She who lost control. She who still punishes herself for losing control. For giving in. For being too weak. But you aren't weak. You, who have the potential to be even greater than Celestia. You who could control the darkness so naturally. Something was off. This wasn’t like Twilight to think such thoughts. It would seemed that she was underestimating King Sombra's influence. This was the price she paid for listening to him. For letting him get to her. This had to stop. Twilight couldn't let this continue to go on. She had to do something. She had to get help. But whose? Who could she turn to? Who could help repair the damage Sombra had wrought upon her? Celestia? No. Luna? No. Surely her friends then. Her friends who had always been there for her. Her friends that had been by her side through every ordeal she had faced, and would be there for every ordeal she had yet to face. They would never abandon her, especially in her time of need. And they would be her friends to the end. And in the end, they are all fated to die. ‘I can show you how to fight fate Twilight.’ Every moment. Every precious moment she spent with her friends only made Sombra’s offer all the more tempting. All the more alluring. If not them then who?! Who could Twilight turn to? Surely, there had to be a pony she could seek help from. Who would be there for her, who would always be there for her. Surely, in all of Equestria, there had to be one pony. There was. And it should have been so obvious. There was one pony that would be there for her. Always be there for her. Had always been there for her. A pony she could turn to for help. For comfort. A pony that could understand the turmoil she felt, and love her unquestionably. For she was love incarnate. Cadence. It had to be Cadence. Cadence, who had been her foal-sitter. Cadence, who had been her first true friend. Cadence, who was now her sister-in-law. Who, together with Twilight, had first defeated Sombra, and could so again. For Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, like Twilight, was an Alicorn. And Time wouldn't be able to take her away. > Chapter 3 - To Love to Loath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight watched the Crystal Express approach, still far off in the distance. It would soon be time. And she felt miserable. ---------- Twilight had been it correspondence with Cadence for some time. Her and Shining Armor’s efforts to resort the Crystal Empire were finally coming to fruition. Yet as the prosperity of the empire grew, so too did their duties. Thus when Twilight, on a calculated whim, invited Cadence to visit Ponyville for the following weekend, she had honestly expected the Crystal Princess to decline. But that hadn't stopped her from clinging on to hope. And her hope had not been in vain. After days of hoping, wishing, begging, for a yes, for it to please be a yes, she had finally received the letter bearing Cadence’s royal insignia. And as she took the letter and began to open it, feelings of angst, of worry, of dread, of fear, began to bubble up from the back of her mind. Only to be instantly dispelled. Cadence could come! This news had her prancing and flying circles around the library. For the first time in months, Twilight had felt optimistic, and genuinely happy. But keeping her happy state of mind had proven to be hard fought. Why had Cadence been able to come at all? Hadn't the Princess more pressing obligations to the Crystal Empire than to be spending her time for cordial visits? And wasn't it selfish for Twilight for requesting that time, knowing full well the consequences that would result for Cadence? Are you even worthy of her time? Yes. Yes she was. Twilight was indeed worthy Cadence’s time. And she wasn't going to let her doubt sway her in her belief. They were fellow Princesses, and sisters-in-law after all. They had every right to occasionally invest their time in personal affairs. So then why did Twilight feel so foalish? Wouldn't this be a good opportunity for two sisters-in-law to bond? Didn't they both wish to spend time together, time when they could relax, time when Equestria wasn't in danger? But Cadence has duties that you do not. This visit comes at a greater cost to her than you. It did, didn't it. Cadence had an empire to run, whereas Twilight had but a library. But that was why Twilight had to do her utmost to ensure that the entire visit went perfectly. And at first, it had. When Cadence had arrived, escorted by two royal guards, red carpet unrolling before her, regal composure, she had greeted Twilight in a most formal manner. It was only after Twilight had responded in kind, that she heard the Princess chuckle, and realized it was all a farce. Cadence had merely been teasing, and admitted as much. It had been clear that Cadence was in high spirits. And up to her games. Of the guards that escorted the Crystal Princess, Twilight had immediately recognized one of them. She had wondered if her slight enamor with the orange pegasus had slipped by Cadence during her last visit to the Crystal Empire. It was now certain that it did not. And Twilight had no doubt in her mind that Cadence had hoof picked Flash Sentry for her personal escort just so that she may have the opportunity to get a better read on Twilight. The fact that Cadence had used this visit so strategically, both shock, and impressed Twilight. Cadence could be rather ruthless will in came to love. A quality Twilight found both irritating, and endearing. And a bit embarrassing. For her at the least. Standing next to Cadence, Twilight felt exposed, vulnerable, knowing that with or without magic, Cadence could read her like a book. And it hadn't helped that Flash had caught her staring at him, he who had then paused briefly, to smile and nod back at her before reboarding the train. Whether or not she managed to stopped herself from blushing mattered little when she was in Cadence’s presence. Cadence would already know. But all pages have two sides, and Cadence wore her heart on her fetlock. Twilight didn't need magic to tell what her sister-in-law was thinking. Cadence was never one for subterfuge, and her modesty showed. Turning to Cadence, Twilight had caught her with a self-satisfied grin on her face. One that, try as she might, she couldn't hide. Twilight gave Cadence a look of exasperation, whom responded in kind with a smile of mock innocence. They couldn't hide anything from each other. This thought rather pleased Twilight. The bonds that she shared with her sister-in-law hadn't diminish at all, and could only grow stronger with time. Twilight would make certain they did, starting with this weekend. Cadence had sensed Twilight’s enthusiasm, and smiled as she spoke, “Knowing you, you've made some plans.” “Boy, have I”, said Twilight, smiling in kind. It had been at that point, that Twilight, for a time, had finally been able to forget about all the thoughts that had burdened her. All the frustration, the doubt, the guilt, anger, despair, shame, forgotten. Even Sombra. As she trotted beside Cadence, her conscience light, free of worry, Twilight felt like a filly again. The same filly that Cadence, all those years ago, had spent so many nights with, reading stories by the bedside, building forts out books and pillows, making arts and crafts. The filly that had yet to realized the responsibility of being Celestia’s student, of being a Bearer of Harmony, of being a Princess. No, for a time, a short time really, Twilight was like a filly: happy and carefree. Together they had spent their first hours that day, exploring Starswirl’s traveling museum, Cadence mirroring every bit of Twilight's enthusiasm and curiosity. Twilight’s adulterated joy and excitement had rubbed off on Cadence, and she was having fun. They both were having fun. If only it could last, but even for a day. But for even a few hours more. But it would seem that fate hadn't seen it fit for the illusion to continue. Discord had to ruin it. One moment, she was staring at the candle that had once guided Starswirl on his quest, the next, at the sickly Draconequus. One moment, her little fantasy had been absolute, the next, it lay in shambles. One moment, she had been perfectly happy, the next, perfectly miserable. One moment, her head had been clear, her thought in harmony, the next, they all were in discord and disarray. He certainly knew how to live up to his name. First had been the feeling of surprise. Surprise that then transformed to anger. Anger that was suppressed, giving way to contempt. Contempt that, no matter how saturated with loathing, could not stop the growing feeling of lost. The feeling of hurt. The hurt that a pony feels when something special is stolen from right in front of them. And smashed to pieces. Yet by some cosmic humor, it was not her who had been the victim, but Discord. Discord who was free of fault. Who was free of shame. Discord who, by right of his ailment, had saw fit to guilt Twilight and Cadence out of spending time on each other. And, instead, spend it on him. He had seen fit to take advantage of every bit of Twilight’s hospitality, and try every bit of her patience. Before she realized it, Twilight had gotten roped into playing hoofmaiden for the pitiful Draconequus. Cadence along with her. But to Twilight’s dismay, Cadence had been willing to put up with it. 'It would be fine,' she had said, 'just give what he wants.' she had said. But Twilight knew better. Knew Discord better. Give Discord but an inch, and he would take a mile. A mile that he would proceed to stretch to the very ends of Equestria. And did. What should have been quality time spent with Cadence, was now wasted time spent with Discord. And it had been a long flight. A very long, and tiring flight. A flight that hadn't given Twilight much of a chance to talk with Cadence, what with their exhaustion and fatigue. But the flight had given Twilight something. It had given her time to think. Too much time to think. And dwell. Dwell on how, despite her best efforts, everything had gone to ruin. Dwell on how easily she had been manipulated. How readily she had jumped at the chance to cure Discord with an elixir. Only to become his puppet. See how he has made a mockery of your friendship. Turning bonds into chains. What did you expect? Discord to not be discordant? You thought he was Reformed? Maybe, but Discord will always remain true to himself. He will never truly change. And she had thought they could be friends. But it had all worked out in the end hadn't it? Discord had gotten his just reward. And Cadence had had fun. Twilight should have been pleased. And, in a way, she was. Her plans had gone awry, but it had worked out for the better. Cadence had gotten what she wanted: some excitement and time away from the Crystal Empire. Discord had gotten what he wanted: proof that Twilight was willing to put up with him for the sake of friendship. And this pleased Twilight. But she also felt miserable. Miserable because it had been she who hadn't gotten what she wanted. She had wanted time to talk to Cadence. Time to truly talk to Cadence. To open up about the thoughts that burdened her conscience. About Sombra. About his offer. And to ask Cadence what she thought. To ask her for help. But there hadn't been much time. And what time there was, hadn't been right. Had never been right. And now her time was up. ---------- The train ground to a halt with a piercing sound that compelled Twilight to gnash her teeth. A minor addition to her already vast frustration. Frustration about how she hadn't resolved any of her problems. Hadn't been able to rid herself of her growing depression. Of her mental turmoil. Of Sombra. Her time with Cadence had been that chance. Not that it had been a waste though. She had still enjoyed her time with Cadence, and Cadence with her. But it hadn't left Twilight feeling any happier. If anything, it left her feeling selfish. Selfish wanting more. More from her time. More from Cadence. But what more could she ask for? What more could she do –do now– now that the train lay motionless in front of them? Could all Twilight do now was say goodbye? There had to be something more. Something more Twilight could say. Say to help dispel her frustration, her worry, her despair. It would be months before Twilight would have another chance to spend time with Cadence. Surely, there was something she could say. Could do. Do to make the wait more bearable. Yet when the time came to say goodbye, Twilight couldn't say anything. But, it would seem, she didn't needed to. Cadence already knew. Whether by her magic, or by the look in Twilight’s eyes, Cadence was aware that there was something still bothering Twilight. Something she hadn't talked about, something she had wanted to talk about. And as they turned to say farewell, Cadence embraced Twilight. “I really enjoyed spending my time with you, Twilight. I had a great weekend. Though I know it bothers you that things didn't go quite the way you had hoped. And, I know that something else has still been bothering you. Something that you wish to talk about.” Cadence spoke earnestly. Her affection both obvious, and genuine. “There is. But now is not the time.” said Twilight with a feeling of regret. Cadence loosened her embrace so that she could face Twilight. “For another time then.” “Whenever that will be.” Twilight said sourly, staring down at her hooves. “Don’t be like that, Twilight. I will always be able to make time for you. And I will always be there when you need me. You know that.” Cadence lifted Twilight’s head as she spoke. "Twilight, I care for you and I love you. And I always will.” –She nuzzled Twilight’s cheek– “I hope that helps.” It did. It really really did. “Thanks Cadence.” Said Twilight, now giving Cadence her own embrace. As she watched Cadence depart, Twilight was able to smile. No longer feeling miserable. It still hurt to say goodbye, but now it was bearable. She hadn't been able to address the feeling that had been troubling her. But now, if anything, they could no longer prey on her. Even now, as she watched the Crystal Express disappear into the horizon, Twilight could feel the turmoil in her mind subsiding. And feel Sombra’s influence lessening. His words were losing their power. Was he be aware? She was certain he was. But she was no longer worried. If he decided to speak to her again, she wouldn't be helpless. You are indeed amusing. > Chapter 4 - This First of Many Lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight slid her hooves across the desk, and was pleased. It was no longer sticky. The rest of the library was a different matter. It would probably take days to clean away all the sugar that coated ever inch of floor, wall, and ceiling. How Apple Bloom had managed to concoct such a potent growth potion in such haste, and with so little experience, baffled Twilight. The boundless wonder and insight of a foal, perhaps? Apple Bloom and her two friend were indeed a passionate and curious bunch, but those three fillies could dish out mayhem with an ease that would give Discord a run for his bits. Much to Spike’s dismay. “Everything is still sticky!” said Spike in aggravation, coming across yet another sugary patch Twilight’s magic had missed. Twilight rolled her eyes, “Spike, it was you who refused to let Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo help you clean up?”. Though, in his defense, it was probably for the best that they hadn’t. “Yeah, yeah.” said Spike, now lugging a mop and bucket of water. “In the future though, I suggest never giving Apple Bloom appleseeds, every again. Or any fruit seeds for that matter. Unless you ants of course. Cause That’s How You Get Ants!” Good point. Twilight decided that sticking with flower seeds would be a much safer option. She would also cast a spell to ward off insects. The last thing the library needed was an ant infestation. Still, the thought of those three fillies brought a smile her face. Their eagerness and desire to learn, their enthusiasm and curiosity to try new thing, reminded Twilight of herself when she was a filly. A thought the made her jealous. But so too did it make her proud. The progress those three were making gave her great pride. Both as their teacher, and as their friend. Just being able to help guide them in their studies made Twilight happy. And she still mused at the thought that she could help them find their cutie marks. Now, however, it was time for Twilight to focus on her own studies. And her thought began to sour. She looked at the wall in front of her. Spread across its surface where diagrams and blueprints she had made of The Box. Of its shape, its dimensions, the design of its contorts and its keyholes, even the signatures of both is electromagnetic and electromagic spectra. Twilight had assessed and analyzed every aspect she could conceive of. And what now lay before her was the vast amount of data her efforts had yielded. Efforts that so far were proving useless. It made no sense. For all her efforts, she could do no more than prove that The Box was, in fact, a box. Just a box. Just an empty box that she could find no way to open nor determine what was inside. Whatever magic sealed The Box, or lay within it, did not exist. At least she couldn't prove that existed, not by any methods known to her. But if she had no way of obtaining any useful information, then what? What could she do? Just sit around a wait for an answer to appear? No. Twilight was not going to accept yet another puzzle that she couldn't solve. Pinkie Pie would remain the sole exception. But only because Pinkie was her friend, and she’d rather preserve their friendship than have her answers. But even that wasn’t enough to make her completely content. Even now the thought still ate at her. But this was a different puzzle. The Box was more important. She didn't just want to find answers. She had to find answers. But the question was how. How and what. How to find the answers, and what to do now? If Twilight had to guess, it likely had to do with the magic she herself created: the Magic of Friendship. Or, more precisely, the ability to manifest it. The spell she had rewritten from Starswirl’s was the first spell to draw its power from Friendship. And both The Spell and The Box were connected and common factor: The Elements of Harmony. Twilight believed that, somehow, The Magic of Friendship was the key, if not The Keys, to opening The Box. But there was one problem. Twilight knew just as much about the Magic of Friendship as she did The Box. Sure she knew a lot about friendship, but not friendship as a source magic; even if she was the one the discover it. And in the past months, she hadn't done much, if any, research on the Magic of Friendship. She had devoted so much of her time to investigating The Box. Now it was becoming clear –after so many months– that she had gone about it the wrong way. And it was back to square one. She was not pleased. Not because of the time and effort she would have to dedicate, but because of the time and effort she had wasted. She had spent countless hours cooped up in her study, and many a sleepless night. She had spent so much time by herself, anguishing in her thoughts. Time she could have spent with her friends, time she could have been enjoying. Yet it had been worth it. Worth it when she had thought there had been a purpose. But now, to her dismay, she knew it hadn't. And that thought didn't just frustrate her. It angered her. Twilight put her head down on the desk and sighed as she rubbed her temples. It was getting late, and her head hurt. But she couldn't sleep. Not with everything she had to do. Not with all the thoughts that weighed on her mind. It was going to be another long night. --- She must have dozed off. When she lifted her head back up, the library was completely dark. The candles had all burnt out. Which was odd. She couldn't have been asleep all that long. Something was off. Twilight lit her horn, at the familiar sight of the library came into view. Except it wasn’t her library. It was the Library of the Royal Sisters. How? How was she here? She knew she had to be dreaming. Yet she felt far to lucid for it to be a dream. She could see the books, the shelves, the woodwork, the masonry, with perfect clarity. She could feel the cold stone, the cool air, the soft carpet, without distortion. She could smell the subtle aroma of book binding and old pages: sweet and stale. And she could hear. . .nothing. Complete silence. Then the soft swish of a page being turned. Twilight had no doubt where she was. She was indeed in the Library of the Royal Sisters. But not has she had known it. The library looked has she would have imagined it to be, and had seen it to be, a thousand years ago. She knew she had to be dreaming. But it didn't feel like any dream she had had before. If not a dream, then what? A trance? If anything it felt like. . . No. It couldn't be. Swish Twilight began to look around, almost frantically, straining her eyes to see beyond to aura of light her horn emanated. But she could not see anything but utter blackness.   It was. She was certain. It would seem her spell couldn't ward off every insect. “Show yourself, Sombra!” And as she spoke, the torches that lined to wall became ablaze with a dull orange light that illuminated The Library in its entirety. She stood in the main hall, all around her and down its length were reading tables, all in pristine condition. And all empty. Where was he? “It has been a while, Princess.” said a mocking and all-too-familiar voice. A voice that came from right behind her. With a fright, she spun around to face the speaker. In front of her was King Sombra, sitting with his back to her. In his hoof was an open book she did not recognized, its pages making a soft swish as they were turned by a crimson aura. How. . . Odd?. After a moment, he continued to speak. “I am rather impressed. You were more thorough with this library than I had expected. You uncovered a thousand year old secret without any aid. With but a little guidance, you will no doubt uncover the truth.” His praise was like poison. It disgusted her. Before Sombra could continue, Twilight cut in. “Why are you still here, Sombra?” “Oh? Is it not clear?” said Sombra, feigning surprise, and turning to look at her with his good eye. “I am here to offer you my assistance, of course.” This again. “I said to you already, and I will say it to you again. I have no interest in either you or your offers.”   “Is that so?” said Sombra with amusement. “Because your curiosity and your actions, say otherwise. I needn’t be able to read thoughts to know you are not content with your ignorance.” He turned back to his book. Swish went another page. “I needn't any assistance. Least of all yours. All you have done is distract me from duty. Tempting me with offers in order to guide me away from my path. What can you possibly hope to accomplish? That you can use me to help you reconquer the Crystal Empire? Or that I’ll restore your powers? I can tell you now that that will never happen.” She could feel her agitation growing. Sombra showed more interested in his book than what Twilight had to say. His indifference was insulting. He sighed and spoke without turning to face her, “I had hoped you would see that I am not your enemy, but as an ally, a friend.” Did he just say friend?   “You're Joking!” Twilight found the thought appalling. “You want me to be your friend? You can’t be serious?” “Oh but I am,” –He turned to look at her– “My offers were not obligations, but gifts. Gifts of knowledge and guidance. I had sought to make peace with you, to help you. But alas, you are determined to see me through Celestia’s eyes.” What was she hearing? An apology? He’d have to do a lot more to earn her forgiveness. “You wish to make peace? What about everypony in The Crystal Empire you wronged. How about you make peace with them before you ever consider asking it of me. I can see with my own eyes, thank you very much. And I see that you are cruel and evil. How could any good pony justify what you have done ” For a moment Sombra said nothing. Then— “Tell me Princess, what is the purpose of having power?” ? Where had this come from? Was he trying to distract her with another question, or did he expect an answer? Regardless, Twilight pondered it. “I guess it would be to protect those how don’t have it.” “You can think of something better than that, surely.” Alright, fine. Twilight thought about it some more. What was the purpose of power? Well first off, what was power? Celestia could raise The Sun, and Luna, the Moon. Was that not power? Were they not powerful? So then, what would be the purpose of such power? To do what others couldn’t, perhaps. Only they were able to move the Sun and Moon across the sky. What’s more, they used their power as well as their influence to make Equestria a better place. Twilight had her answer, “ It is to guide. The purpose of power is to guide others so that they may prosper.” Sombra grinned. Her answer was acceptable. “Good. So then, if that is the purpose of power, then how does one acquire power.” Twilight knew he was leading her somewhere. But where exactly? She did not know. It was obvious that it was another one of his games. And it annoyed her to no end that she was curious enough to play along.  How does one acquire power? That origins of Celestia’s and Luna’s power were unknown to her, so that was of no help. Then how about her? Twilight was powerful. So how had she acquired her power? “Power is earned.” She said confidently. He smirked, “So power is earned. Well then, I guess I vindicated of my wrong doings, because I earned it.” Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but then bit her lip. He was mocking her with her own words, and she felt foalish. Twilight said nothing. Sombra returned his attention to his book. Swish “No, one does not earn power,” It was Sombra who spoke, “Power is given, either by birth or by one with power, or taken by those who seek it.” He focused his attention back to Twilight. “Now tell me Princess, which would you say is the right way to acquire power?” Twilight didn't answer at first. Neither answer seemed right. To say power must be given would be saying that she had had no hoof in her accomplishments. Yet to say power must be taken would ultimately validate Sombra’s actions. Was this what he had been playing at, tricking Twilight into justifying his own actions? “Neither are right.” Twilight answered. Sombra raised an eyebrow, “Oh?” “Neither are right unless you are worthy of having power.” Sombra spoke disapprovingly, “Now you are just begging the question Princess. What does it mean to be worthy? Who decides if you are worthy if not for the ones with power?" He turned his attention back to his book that was now held aloft by his magic. “No, the right way to acquire power, is to take it.  Power given, is but an extension of the giver’s power. It is not true power. True power, must be taken. And taken by choice.” “Or you trying to say I am not worthy of my power, but you are?” “That is exactly what I am saying! As he spoke he turned to face her, his face wearing a sneer. “Tell me Princess, at what point did you actually have a choice in your rise to power? A choice that was not influenced by Celestia’s guidance, or made possible by your natural magic talent? Twilight began to speak, but then was silent. It was Celestia who had chosen her to be her person protégé. Chosen her because Twilight had been gifted with raw magical abilities the she had never seen before. And she had taught and guided Twilight. She had sent Twilight to Ponyville, to face Nightmare and Discord, and to save the Crystal Empire. And it had been she who had given Twilight the book with Starswirl’s unfinished spell. The spell that had led to her ascension. But Twilight had had a choice didn't she? She could have chosen not to be Celestia’s student. Chosen not to have follow her guidance. She could have made several choices that would have led her down different paths. But, to make such choices would have gone against Celestia’s will. And Twilight knew she would never do that. Could never do that. She could never say ‘no’ the anything Celestia ask of her. Nor did she ever want to. But –looking at scar over Sombra’s eye– there had been one choice she could call her own. “So what if it I was guided by Celestia? It doesn't mean that I am not worthy of my accomplishments, or that I take what I have been given for granted. I have come this far by both my own efforts and through the help of my friends.” Sombra was unimpressed. “That may be so. But all of your and their efforts have been in accordance with the destiny that has been chosen for you. Your accomplishments are indeed impressive, but so too were they expected of you.—" He turned away, his book floating in front of him. "—The fact is you cannot call the power you have your own. It is only the power one acquires through their own actions, their own choices that are truly ours. Because having true power is a choice.” Twilight simmered for a moment. She could feel herself growing anger at every word he spoke, but she wasn't going to let him make her lose her temper. “Then I choose not to have it. If it was indeed my destiny to become a Princess, then so too in it my responsibility do what is right, and I will prove myself worthy of what I have been given. This is what I choose.” Sombra didn't look at her as he spoke. “Hearing that from you comes as no surprise. You who were destined to be given power. But what of those who were destined for nothing? What about the ponies who are destined to never have power? Should they simple let themselves be guided by those who have it?” What was he getting at? Why was he still asking her questions? And how was she supposed to answer them? Was there even a point? And even if there was, why should she even bother? “I’m not sure. I suppose if they are happy and one guiding them is a good leader, then there is nothing wrong with it.” “Spoken like so many other.” He said disapprovingly. Twilight was becoming impatient. “How about you quite with the lecture and get to the point. How does this have anything to do with what you did to the Crystal Empire?” This conversation was getting old, and she was tired of listening to him. Nothing good ever came from listening to him. “Not one for patience are we? Very well then. For a pony not destined to be given power, their only option is to take it. That is a choice available to everypony. To chose to be a leader, or to be led. Even those given power have a choice on how to use it. They can either walk the path laid out in front of them or forge their own.” He looked up for his book and smiled at Twilight, “That is what interests me in you, Twilight. Though you have followed entirely in Celestia’s hoofsteps, I see in you the desire and potential to do far more.” Then his expression darkened and her looked away, “But what disappoints me is to see a pony, or an entire nation of ponies, who have the potential to be great and powerful, yet choose to be mere followers. No," he grimaced, "it disgusts me.” Nation of ponies? Did he mean the Crystal Empire? Sure enough, as Sombra spoke, the book he held glowed crimson, and summoned an image of the Crystal Empire. “It was said the the Crystal Empire was the greatest nation in all of history. A land of love and light. A land truly powerful in magic and might.—” The tone in Sombra’s voice sounded reverent. The of image of the Crystal Empire portrayed the land even more elegant than Twilight had remembered. “—But it was all a lie. A fantasy.” the image darken, and the colors faded. The Empire now looked tarnished. And Sombra now spoke with disdain. “The Love that was the source of their magic, the magic that they believe protected them and helped them prosper, only imprisoned them. It made them dim-witted and blind to the truth. The truth that they were slaves to there the magic. Magic that they themselves feed and replenished year after year.—” Twilight could see the streets of the Crystal Empire. Streets filled with ponies trotting around with happy yet blank expressions. Merry but dull-minded. “—And year after year the Empire prospered but never progressed. Ponies by the hundreds came the Empire, yet none ever left. They believed it to be a utopia, yet the Love that protected the land also bound them to it.—”  As Sombra spoke, Twilight could hear the contempt growing in his voice.  “—Yet they were content. Content to live in their ignorance. Content to live in a fantasy, and forget that there was a world around them. A world they chose not to see. A world they chose to ignore.” He almost spat these words. Sombra then turned Twilight now, voice was calm, but lanced with hatred, “You asked me to justify my actions. But there is nothing I need justify. All I did was open their eyes. I did not enslave them for them for they were already slaves. Yet unlike their past rulers, I made no attempt to hide the truth. The truth that they were living pointless lives. So I gave them guidance, I gave them purpose.” –he turned back to his book–  “And yet they would call me evil.”                  That was the last straw.         “That’s because you are! You're evil, and you're insane. You talk like your actions were act of kindness. But they are acts of pure cruelty, for which you feel no compassion! You’re no hero, you’re a power-hungry tyrant who used his power to take over the Crystal Empire. You dare claim that I am unworthy of my powers, and dare to claim that you were right in taking yours! You're a Foal!"         This got a laugh out of Sombra. “You give me far to little credit, and others far to much. You speak as if I was an oppressor. One who overthrow the Crystal Empire by force. But it was nothing of the sort. You see Princess,” –he waved his hoof and the image focused on the Crystal Heart– “For all the power the Empire is said to possess, it in truth is so very weak. All I did was remove what blinded them from that truth,” –the Crystal Heart disappeared– “And then they were all too willing to submit.” Twilight managed to calm herself, yet she was still seething “So you’re no King, but a thief. A thief who stole the Empire’s Power” “A Thief? Ha! How can one steal what is willing given up! You say I have no compassion for the Crystal Ponies. But how can I have compassion for those who so willing submit. Those who never once tried to resist. They are worthy of neither their precious love nor of my remorse. They who could only beg and plead, yet do nothing. Nothing but pray for somepony else to save them. They are worthy only of my contempt.” It was with a cold rage with which Sombra spoke. One that chilled and frighten Twilight. He hadn't spoken with a mad insanity, but a righteous fury. “So then why did you make the Crystal Empire disappear? Because it seems to me like a petty act of spite.” He sneered, “I was doing Equestria a favor by removing that obscenity of a Nation." –He frowned– "But I have no more interest in the Empire. It an its Love can go to Tartarus.” With that he said no more and returned to his book. Celestia had been right when she said Sombra’s heart was as black as night. How else could a pony despised something, as beautiful as love, to the point that the would raze an entire Empire built on it. What would push a pony so far as that, Twilight didn’t want to know. Swish So why was he still here? What was his interest in her? If he didn’t want to reconquer the Crystal Empire, then what did he want? He had said he was interested in Twilight, but what was Sombra hoping to accomplish? To what ends did he intend to go? . . . Swish Another question occurred to Twilight, one more pressing than the others. “How are you doing this?” Twilight finally spoke. “Whatever do you mean?” Replied Sombra, sounding almost curious. “This.” Twilight waved her hoof around, indicating The Library, “What is this place? A dream? How are you able to do this?” How could Sombra control dreams? Wasn't that Princess Luna’s domain? And if it was a dream, wouldn't she be aware? She had to be. But then, why hadn't she interfered? He chuckled, and then said with a smirk, “What makes you think this is a dream? What else could it be?” Always answering with questions. It was like he was trying to—  “Think about it.” —teach her. She was growing irritated. Irritated that she didn't know. Irritated that she wanted to know, and had to play his game to figure it out. What else could it be if not a dream? How could he create this space? If he still hadn't the power to physically manifest himself, then this structure was certainly beyond him. One thing was certain though. Something that gave Twilight a chill. It was certain that Sombra was no longer a mere shadow. His powers were returning. Swish It was not a dream. Nor was it the real world. It felt real, but there was no way she could be here physically, that Sombra could be here physically. They were in The Library as it had been a millennia ago. Just like the castle had looked when she had used Zecora’s potion. But that had all been in her mind. Aha! “This is a memory.” She responded. Sombra grinned. Pleased by her answer. “Very good, Princess,” –The condescension of his praise was sickening– “however you are only half right. This is not a memory, but many.” Something worried Twilight. If these were memories, then to whom did it belong? They could be his. This library would have been constructed before his banishment. So he could have knowledge of it. But that didn't seem right. If she had to guess— “Why have you brought me hear? I have no interest in your memories.” He frowned. “You makes you think that these memories are mine?” —They were her memories. “You still haven’t answered my first question.” She spoke with agitation. What she was losing in patience, she was gaining in anxiety. “How are you doing this?” “Those who cannot control the darkness within them are at the mercy of those who can.” He spoke as if it were obvious. “So you're using your power to invade the minds of others?” She didn't think she could despised him more. But she had underestimated him. He laughed. Then stopped. Stopped and sneered, “You are wrong if you think I need to use any of my power. Tell me Princess, where do you think memories go when you try to forget them? Fade away in some dark corner of your mind?” Twilight didn't answer. Nor did she want to. “Whether they be memories be of anger, hatred, fear, despair. It is through those memories that darkness can enter the heart. And if you chose not to face them, if chose to forget them, both you and your memories become forfeit to the darkness.”  He stood and turned to face Twilight. His expression was gleeful, and malicious. “You see Princess, darkness never forgets, and never regrets. It is absolute. My eye will never heal, just as you will never be free. Once darkness finds its way into your heart, it will never let go.” Twilight’s anxiety turned to fear. If what he said was true, then wouldn't that mean her attempts to forget about him, only made him stronger? The thoughts she had suppressed, instead of addressing, but fuel to the fire? Could the time she had spent with her friend, with Cadence –attempts to forget what had truly bothered her– be hurting her rather than helping? Whatever the answers, she knew she couldn't let her inaction continue. It had already cost her too much. And could cost others much more. But what to do? What could she do? It was obvious. The answer was right in front of her. Wearing a sneer. The first thing she would do was removed Sombra from her mind. If he wanted to flit through the library of her memories, he’d have to put forth more effort. A lot more. Her horn began to glow. “If you think you can enter my mind and look through my memories, whenever you want, then you are wrong. Dead wrong. I have been far to lenient, far to passive, with you. But no more. You will leave me and my memories alone from here on.” She had expected him to react has he had the last time she had threatened him. But instead he merely turned back to the book held aloft by his magic, still baring his gleeful expression. Had she missed something? “What makes you think this is your memory.” His said, his voice calm. Swish “Then, whose. . .” Twilight spoke aloud, but to herself. If they weren't his memories, or hers, then whose where they? Who but her and her friends would have any memory of The Library of the Royal Sister? Who but her would know what it had once looked like in the past? And why would Sombra want to use their memories and not hers? The answer came to her quickly, and she knew before Sombra even spoke. “It is Celestia’s.” It was a moment before Twilight could fully appreciate the situation. This was Celestia’s memory! She was in the mind of Princess Celestia! Without her knowledge, Sombra had turned her into an unwitting trespasser of her mentor’s mind! Swish This realization fill her with fury, and horror. This was an act of desecration, and she a desiccator. “Impossible!” “Is it? Did I not already tell you that those who cannot control the darkness within them are at the mercy of those who can? You did not think I was referring to you when I said that, did you? I told you that Celestia’s shadow was the darkest of all, and here is the proof.” Sombra closed his book and faced Twilight, matching her expression of horror with one of amusement. “Come now Princess, you should be pleased. Before you is the opportunity to find the truth that Celestia thought to hide so many centuries ago. The Library, as you know it, is incomplete, as much of its knowledge removed by Celestia’s hoof as by the sands of time. But not here. Here it is complete. Every book where it belongs, every page in its place. What knowledge Celestia sought to hide, sought to forget, is all here. And you need not even read it. Simply open your mind, and that knowledge will be yours.” Twilight looked around The Library. At all of the books at adorned the selves. New, pristine, complete. Not a single book missing. To say she was tempted would be an understatement. No. She longed to learn all the knowledge in these books. In all these books. Even the ones she knew she should never read. Her curiosity was maddening. “No.” she forced herself to say. “Not like this.” She looked back at Sombra, who was no longer amused. But before he said anything, she had gathered her thoughts and spoke. “I will neither take advantage nor betray Celestia, or anypony else for that matter. I will find my own answers, with my own magic: The Magic of Friendship. Not with the Dark Magic you possess. Nor will I ever let your offers sway me from my path, no matter how tempting. Now cease whatever magic or spell you're using to create this mockery immediately, and I will see to it that Celestia shows you mercy.” Like banishing him to the moon this time. This made him laugh. A laugh that was loud and mocking. When he finally spoke, it was with both anger and mirth. “Your conviction betray your ignorance. You think Celestia’s light is guiding you to the truth, but it is only blinding you from it. I fear neither Celestia nor her judgment, nor that of her sister. What’s more,” he said, on the verge of laughter. “Is that you are gravely mistaken if you think it is by my magic that we are even here.” ! What? “You’re not doing this?” said Twilight, genuinely confused. What was going on? His word, his laughter, confounded Twilight. Her thoughts that were once gathered, were now in disarray. She was becoming frustrated. She knew her surprise would only amuse Sombra. But she couldn’t help it. How could he not be the one responsible. “But, how?” She spoke without meaning to. And it made Sombra laugh yet again. Then he look directly at Twilight, his face inches for hers, his voice mocking and cruel. “It is not my magic. It. Is. yours.” ! Her magic? But she hadn’t cast any spell. Nor could she sense any spell cast on her. What was he talking about.— “You have become complacent, my Princess.” Sombra said calmly. —There! There in the back of her mind. She could find the trickle of magic being drawn away from her. Being drawn into her surrounding. Giving it form. Allowing her to be here. Allowing her to access Celestia’s memories. How? How was she doing this. The magic was moving by it own will. There was no spell forcing it to do so. Nor was she forcing it to do so. So then how was she doing this? And why? Why couldn't she make it stop? “You’re doing this! I don’t know how, but you’re using your magic to do this!” Twilight said angrily. But her voice betrayed her panic. Twilight put her hooves on her head and tried to focus. She could feel the magic being drawn away more quickly now. But try as she might she couldn't stem its flow. Sombra smiled. A smile that showed his every fang. “But I am not, my Princess. Did I not say darkness will never let go. Do you think that you could use the dark powers, then forget about it. Your complacency has left you venerable. Unaware, you have allowed the darkness to saturate your magic. And you have allowed it to grow by feeding it all the thoughts and feelings you hoped to forget.” No, this wasn't happening! “All I had to do was give your magic a bit of guidance, and you have done all the rest." What was a trickle, became a stream. He looked around The Library, “I must say you never fail to impress. Even with your lack of control, you so easily reconstructed this library from Celestia’s memories.” Now the flow of magic had become intense. Intense enough that Twilight’s body began to glow at the magical output. His smile grew wider, and the violet light from Twilight casting shadows across his face. He looked insane. “How Do I Make It Stop?” said Twilight, her panic now obvious. She was losing her control. As she spoke, her magic began surging forth, snatching books off the shelves, and tearing out the pages. Pages that began spinning around her and Sombra. And she was frighten. Frighten by Sombra, by his smile, by what he had done, and by what he could do. Frighten by the fact that everywhere she looked, all she could were thousand of pages whirling around her. Page containing words, containing images, containing memories. Memories that, when she looked at them, became hers. Each new memory contain a vast amount of information. Information she couldn't make sense of. Didn't want to make sense of. And there was nowhere to look but at the pages. At the pages or at Sombra, and his smile. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn't look anymore. She had to focus. Had to focus on stopping her magic. She had to focus, and the pages, that smile, were making it impossible. But how could to stop it? No matter how much she focused her efforts, she couldn't hold back her magic. It was like catching the wind: it evaded her every attempt. All she could do was prevent the stream of magic from becoming a deluge. “TELL ME HOW TO MAKE THIS STOP!” Seconds when by, and she heard nothing. Nothing but the hum of her magic, and the whipping of pages. More seconds past. Then— “Taking up my offer to teach you, are we now, my Princess?” —She flinched. Sombra’s voice was right next the her, “Well consider this your first lesson.” He hissed in her ear. Sombra stood up, “You lack control because you do not understand the true nature of darkness. You think darkness is evil because it is the opposite of light, because it can draw its power from negative emotions? That is but a shallow misconception. One that will leave you forever at the mercy of the dark powers." Twilight heard him moving away. “Consider what I have told you about Power. About True Power being a choice. It is a choice that you either choose to make or let others choose to make for you. Know that there is power in choice, my Princess.” “Wait! I don’t understand—” “I will leave you at that.” Sombra cut in. “You should be able to figure it out from here. Think of it as a test. I do know how you so love tests. And" –Twilight heard something being placed an her hooves.– "I will leave you with this.” Twilight risked a glimpse, and saw that it was the book Sombra had been reading. “In here you will find knowledge that will aid in your studies, as well as several spell, some of my own make. Consider it a. . . Required reading." Sombra"s body began to fade into the shadow, his form becoming indistinct, his voice becoming echoes. “You will learn that this world not made up of Good and Evil, But of Wills and Won’ts. You will learn that there is darkness at the heart of all things. Even Light and Harmony. There is much you have to learn, my Princess.” “And. You. Will. Learn.”