Welcome to the Hive

by Mnador the Changeling

First published

Have you ever wondered what happens to the ponies that changelings bring back to their hive?

Changelings. Long have they brought ponies back with them to their hive, to do Celestia-knows what to them. But has anyone actually figured out what they do with them?

All was peaceful in an outlying town in Equestria, until yesterday, when it was attacked by Changelings. This was what prompted the tension between Changelings and Ponies, and eventually resulted in the "Canterlot Wedding" incident, but nopony knows what really happened to the ponies of that town...

Breaking In

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"Mn..." escaped the pony's lips as his mind started clearing, slowly regaining consciousness. He tried opening his eyes, but his head was still spinning and his vision yielded nothing but darkness. Distant sounds could be heard, but he couldn't make out what they were just yet

Next, he tried to stand up, or at least move, but his legs might as well have been made of lead. Though.... yes! Something was moving at least! Except... it was just his tail, which he managed to wag a little before it slumped back down to the ground.

Better than nothing... he thought to himself.

Once again, he tried to get a look around, but only got dark blurs. His spinning head gave him no clues to where he was, the last thing he recalled was being in his blacksmith shop crafting some horseshoes for Cherry Blossom, his marefriend, when suddenly beams started breaking all over the shop...

Finally, his vision was starting to clear. Although still heavily blurred, he could make out dark shapes moving around, with small lights coming from them. Green... things were hanging from the ceiling, but until his vision cleared all he saw were dark green blobs of color. Around him, he could make out... hissing? No, those were definitely voices. Or... the hissing was the voices? He couldn't be sure.

What... happened...?

He struggled, slowly moving onto his stomach and sprawling his legs out (for he was on his side before), trying to get a better view around him.

This ground is hard... am I in some sort of cave...?

A buzzing sound greeted his ears, getting louder, as if it was approaching him. Suddenly, the blurry area in front of him was covered by a silhouette of... a pony?

What pony makes buzzing sounds...?

The figure walked up to him and hissed out "This one is awake. Still not all there though, perfect for breaking him~." It somehow added a hint of lustful pride in the second half of it's "Hiss".

"What... are you?" The pony asked, still a little out of breath from being out cold.

"You will know in due time, pony." It practically spat out his race.

"Where... is Cherry Blossom?"

The thing chuckled. "I guess that's the Pegasus with the pink coat and darker pink mane? We got so few in the last raid worthy to stay with usss~." It added that lustfull hiss again, enraging the pony

"What...Have you Done... With her?!" he spat out at the thing.

"Oooh, temper temper little ponyy.~ You will soon find out.~" it chuckled, enraging the pony even more before he continued "And from how protective you are of her, I'm guessing you are Glinting Embers? She called for you many times before... well, you will find out.~" The not-pony hoisted Ember onto it's back before taking off, the buzzing sound he realized coming from it's insectoid wings. "Not that it matters of course.~"

As Embers' vision started to improve, he could make out the thing carrying him, and was horrified by what he saw.

It had a pony shape, but it's legs had holes that appeared to go all the way through his legs. He was laid on what appeared to be a shell on it's back, with it's bug-like wings protruding out from it, and a strap of sorts around it's stomach, attached under said shell. It's mane and tail seemed normal enough, albeit with holes in them that didn't seem to go away no matter how they flowed in the wind. Looking down, he realized the "lights" coming from the silhouettes were their eyes, and they each had a crooked, protruding horn that also seemed to be full of holes. Their ears were slimmer than the average pony, and each had fangs protruding from their mouths.

And there were hundreds of them, all over the cave that Ember was in.

Grunting, Ember tried to fight off this... thing, whatever it was, but his limbs didn't have enough strength back to do much more than sway. The thing chuckled at his pitiful attempt of escape, and continued onwards.

Soon, the thing landed and set Ember down, the latter of which had finally mustered enough strength to stand. Ember growled at the thing, turning towards it and prepared to charge it with all his Earth Pony strength.

The thing just grinned, which came out as very malevolent, and... spit at Ember's feet? Looking down, he saw that the thing was encasing his hooves in a green goo of sorts, restraining him to the floor.

Looking back up, he shot daggers at the not-pony. "Neat trick. Now what are ya gonna do to me? Fart sleeping gas?"

The thing chuckled before giving a reply that chilled Embers' bones. "Ohhh no, little pony, something that will allow us to drink you for all you have.~ You will love your new role with the Changelings, I guarantee it.~"

What does it mean...? New role? I have to find Cherry and get out of here... before these "Changelings" do something to-

Before he could finish his thought, slime dripped down onto his back, sending a chill down his spine. The "Changeling" just smiled, as what felt like a tentacle of sorts wrap around Embers' stomach, a screech escaping his lungs before it pulled him out of the goo and up towards the ceiling. The Earth Pony struggled against the thing, but before he could try and buck his hooves at it, he was already at the thing's destination: the ceiling.

More of the goo awaited him here, but it seemed... different. Suddenly, he then felt it creep up his hind-hooves and encase his entire body in a cocoon of green. Part of it was transparent, from which he could see other cocoons around on the ceiling. Many were broken, but he could make out a few containing the forms of ponies that looked eerily familiar...

Ember suddenly realized that they were the townsfolk he had lived his whole life with, and looking behind him, he saw her.

Cherry Blossom, the pony he had grown up with, the pony he had loved from the very first time meeting her in school. Her Pink coat and darker Pink mane couldn't be seen through the pod of course, but he knew her features anywhere, and he knew she could make out his features too without seeing his brown coat and fiery orange mane too. Well, if she were facing him that is.

Ember couldn't look too long at his marefriend though, before feeling the tentacle recede into the pod. With his hind hooves secured to the top, he wasn't going anywhere. Things only got worse when a strange liquid started to fill the pod. In desperation, Ember tried punching the side, hoping he could break whatever it was keeping him suspended in the air, but it did nothing. Soon, his head was submerged in the liquid, and it continued to fill the pod.

Fortunately, the liquid seemed... breathable? He wasn't drowning, and was having trouble, but he was able to breath the liquid.

Unfortunately, he felt some more tendrils sprout from the top of the pod, and looking up, confirmed this as he saw five heading down towards his helpless body, although three were much smaller than the others. A webbed sort of material sprung from the sides and attached itself to his legs, front and hind, restraining his movement once again, leaving him at the mercy of the tendrils.

Two of the tendrils stopped at his crotch area, one prodded his tailhole while the other (one of the smaller tendrils) prodded his stallionhood, rubbing it and trying to coax it out of his sheath, these prompting Ember to blush and squirm around in his restrained state. The other three kept on going, making for his head. Two positioned themselves just outside Embers' ears, while one appeared to prod at his closed mouth (which Ember kept tightly shut after the first prod).

By this point, his member had hardened, prompting the tendril rubbing that to slowly (but pleasurably) wrap around it. The one at his plothole pushed in deeply, prompting Ember to moan out despite his resistance, and the tendril made it's move and quickly pushed into his mouth and down his throat. the remaining two (smaller sized) tendrils slowly pushed into his ears.

Ember wanted to scream out in terror, but at the same time moan out in pleasure, and could do neither because of the tendril in his maw. Then the one at his stallionhood slowly pushed the tip into his urethra, and his mind stopped. He moaned against the tendril in pleasure as it and the one in his flank started to secrete a lovely honey-like liquid, which he drank down pleasurably and almost greedily. He could feel his flank start to fill with the liquid, slowly absorbing into his sides.

He no longer cared about anything. Not the strange Changelings, not the town he had lost, not the marefriend who was likely getting a similar treatment in the pod over. He just relaxed, and accepted the beautiful sex the tendrils were giving him.

The two thrust, in and out, in and out, pleasure increasing as they fucked his mouth and his ass. As he began to get close to climax, he could feel some magic start to radiate from the ones in his ears. Not like Ember cared at this point, that is. He was far too caught up in the wonderful sex to care. He slowly closed his eyes, breathing as best he could as they brought him closer and closer with each thrust.

All too soon, Ember came, his seed being sucked up by the tendril in his cock. That same tendril wrapped a little tighter around it, causing more ecstasy from Ember as he moaned and drank down what he was sure was cum from the tendril. He could feel a magic current in his brain from the two tendrils in his ears, but he didn't care at this point.

A-Ahh~ S-So good~...

Despite his climax however, the tendrils still kept up their assault, keeping Ember in a state of constant pleasure. He moaned and moaned, and basked in the relentless assault of the tendrils.

He came more times than he could count, just accepting the sex that was happening to him. His mind was blank as he was used as a sex toy by the tendrils...

Far too soon and far too suddenly, the tendrils stopped. Ember's mind took a moment to adjust to the feeling, his head reeling from the constant sex that had kept him going for hours...

The cocoon that was his prison during this time started to quiver, and looking up, Ember saw a Changeling just outside it. He was standing straight up from Ember's vision, but in reality the Changeling was standing on the ceiling (since Ember was hung upside-down from his hind hooves). It tapped on his cocoon, smiling.

"This one is finally ready..~" Ember heard it hiss... or did he think that? His head was still spinning and Ember couldn't be sure.

Regardless of what he heard or thought, the Changeling appeared to pick up the pod and carry it down to the ground. When Ember's pod was set down, he heard a slimy SLICK-ing sound, and felt a cold, Chitinous hoof rub his hind leg. Suddenly, the liquid that had encased him began to drain out, and the tentacles receded back down into the pod's "floor". The webbed slime that held his limbs in place gave loose when the liquid drained out, causing Ember to lay on his back in the floor of the cocoon. He gasped as he transitioned to breathing air again, but before he could get fully used to it the Changeling pulled him out of the cocoon and onto the cold floor of the cave.

Bowing Down

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As his breathing normalized, Ember finally took a look around. The Cave was filled with Changelings, as he had seen when he was brought to the cocoon in the first place. His eyes fell on one of them however, which appeared to be doing it with... a mare?

No... it can't be...

The Changeling was thrusting it's large cock into her marehood, a soft moan coming from the pony with a pink coat and darker pink mane. Cherry Blossom.

"N-No!" Ember yelped, trying to make his way over to her, but something stopped him from going too far.

Wh-What the...? Why can't I go over to her...? He thought, but then was horrified by a new thought that came into his head.

Need to stay here... wait for orders...

Orders? From who?

Your masters.~

Before Ember could question himself further, a Changeling walked in front of him.

"Hello again, little ponyy~" it hissed, and Ember realized it was the one from before.

"Y-You again..." he replied.

"Yess.~ But now we will get much better acquainted, little ponyy.~ I have been assigned to finish your... Initiation, into our hive.~" it told him with that lustful hiss again.

"I-Initiation? B-but I have a shop to run! And my marefriend over there is-" He stopped short of his return outburst, as if something was willing him too, but he couldn't place what.

"Now now little Ember, you need not worry yourself with your shop any longer. Your shite town has been decimated, most of it's inhabitants either fled or were brought here with you. But that's not any of your concern now, is it little Ember?~" It asked, lifting Ember's chin up towards his before his mind could process what he had said. "You have to deal with me, first.~"

"Wh...Who are you?" Ember asked him, unable to think of anything else.

"I am called Velars, and I am your new master." he hissed bluntly.

Ember opened his mouth to object, but found he couldn't say anything.

No! I am nobody's slave! You are not my master!

Ember rubbed his head, it almost felt like two minds were in there, fighting for control. But it was just himself, right?

Velars looked down on him, oblivious to Ember's uncertainty. "Now then Little Ember, as your master, I am feeling... a little on edge. Care to help master de-stress?~" he asked, with that lustful hiss that Ember decided was normal speaking for him.

Ember looked down, noticing that Velars had been stroking himself as he was talking to him, and his cock was fully erect and mere inches away from him.

Velars' member was... different than that of a normal stallion's. It had the same shape and size, but the head was pointed. Further more, there was a large bulge at the back, a knot like that of a dog's, but slimmer so it could slide out of a pony with ease. Velars' sack was also larger than the average pony, with two orange-sized balls hanging down from under his dick.

Ember felt a hoof pet his mane and a hiss in the back of his mind. "Do you want to suck Master's cock?"



Ember nodded, despite half of him resisting the idea, and opened his mouth.

Velars, seeing his new toy submitting to him, smiled devilishly and stood on his hind hooves. He brought Ember closer to him and rubbed his cock against his new toy's mouth, letting Ember breath in his musk. "Good, little slave, good.~" he hissed in Ember's mind.

Ember smiled dumbly, pleased at the praise he was receiving. He happily breathed in his master's musk, then slowly licked up Velars' dick, feeling him tremble a little at his slave's tongue. Ember worked his way up slowly, before pulling the tip of Velars' member into his mouth and suckling on it, hearing a pleasurable grunt of approval from his master. Slowly, he worked his way up the shaft, pulling more into his mouth. He soon reached the knot, suckling on that and deepthroating the Changeling's cock, whom let out a pleasurable sigh of approval. Ember wrapped his tounge around the shaft, massaging it and further pleasing his master.

Ember began to feel his own shaft begin to harden, and he reached a hoof back to help that along-

"No, slave. Master comes first. Please Master, and maybe he will reward you of the honor of masturbation" Velars hissed into Embers' mind.

"Yes, Master." came the almost automatic reply. Any resistance Ember's mind had was gone, and he quickly retracted the hoof.

Instead he reached forward and slowly massaged Velars' balls, a pleasurable gasp emerging from him. The changeling started to thrust into his slave's mouth, Ember sucking more and basking in the pleasure and praise he was receiving in his mind.

Please the Master, he rewards us. Please the Master, make him cum.

And Ember happily obliged, continuing to suck on the Changeling as his shaft started throbbing, indicating he was close to climaxing.

All too soon, Ember heard a moan escape his master's mouth, and suddenly found himself swallowing long ropes of seed to his utter delight. He drank down his Masters' spunk with pride, shifting into a sitting position and making sure not to lose even a single drop.

Velars grinned. "Mmf, I guess three days in the cocoon taught you a few things about pleasing Changelings, huh slave?~"

Ember nodded in reply, releasing his masters' shaft and looked up at Velars with dumb, unfocused eyes.

Velars pet his new cumdumpster, smiling deviously. "How does it feel to be a member of the hive, slave? To have your masters' cum fill your insides, to be a unthinking drone to be used as my plaything?~" he happily hissed.

Ember smiled. "We are... happy. Master is pleased with us, and we are happy. We were born to be used by our master, and are pleased we could fulfill our purpose in life." the slave replied.

"Good, good drone.~" came Velars' reply, this time in Embers' mind. "Master is quite pleased with you, little slave. As such, I have decided to name you, signifying your ascension to a higher rank in the hive"

"Thank you master, we are not worthy."

"Oh, but you are, drone~" Velars reached down to pet him. "although, Master needs time to think of a name for his drone. How about master pleases you while he thinks?~"

Velars grinned down at Ember, motioning for him to turn around. The slave smiled more and did as he asked, lifting his tail for him and showing off his plot. Velars went down onto all fours again, walking over and grabbing Ember's flank. A moan escaped the slave's mouth as the changeling's long tongue penetrated his tailhole, swirling it around and licking his insides.

After he was sure the pony's plot was wet enough, Velars pulled his tongue out and stood back onto two legs, grabbing Ember's flanks and pulling him closer. He prodded the pointed cock against his hole, another moan escaping the pony's mouth. Slowly, Velars pushed into his slave's ass, his tongue rolling out of his mouth and sighing contently. As he slowly pushed into him, Velars leaned down over Ember, reaching down and gently stroking the pony's member. Ember let out a gasp, then moaned as he was pleasured by his master.

Velars kept pushing, slowly but pleasurably, until he bottomed out in the slave's ass. He grinned once more as he pulled all the way out, then slammed back into him, a louder moan coming from Ember. Velars thrust into his slave's ass, over and over again, chuckling as he stroked him faster. Ember was completely at his mercy, and was loving every moment of it.

M-Masterr~ Th-Thank youuu~

The pony slave moaned like never before, his master viciously thrusting into his ass. His member throbbed in the chitinous hoof that stroked him, he closed his eyes in pure bliss.

"P-Please Master..~ L-Let me stay like this f-forever~" The slave called out between moans, his dick was throbbing and he knew he was close.

"That's a good slave, always willing to get fucked whenever needed.~ You will make a wonderful addition to the hive.~" His master hissed in his mind, then added "We have decided on your new name, slave. From now on you shall be called Rembes. Do you accept this name, slave?"

Ember nodded eagerly. "Y-Yes master! We are now Rembes! We are a slave to the changelings, now and forever!"

"Good.~" Velars hissed, gripping his member tightly and stoking one last time as the new slave came, a long moan coming from him as he closed his eyes and spilled seed onto the floor of the cave.

After a few more thrusts, Velars came into Rembes, both moaning out in ecstasy as the slave felt his ass filled with the seed of his master. Slowly, the grinning changeling pulled out, cum spilling from his new slave's tailhole. The slave lay down onto the ground, in his own puddle of cum, spent but smiling blissfully.

Velars walked in front of him, hissing into his mind. "Clean up the mess you made, slave."

"Y-Yes master." Came the reply, Rembes opening his eyes and standing up again. Although he couldn't see it, the Rembes' eyes had changed to a glowing green, his pupils and irises indistinguishable.

He bent over and slowly started licking up his own seed, making sure nothing was left. After he had finished, he looked up at his master once more.

"Good. Now, clean master. Slaves should clean up after themselves." Velars hissed in his mind.

The slave obliged, once more putting his mouth on the changeling's cock and sucking.

Such had the pony once known as Glittering Embers began his new life, forever tied to the Changeling hive.