> Adjusting to a New Life > by Kilojoules > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Waking Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! I just wanted to say that this is going to be my first time attempting to write an accent. It's going to be difficult for me and I'll probably mess up a lot, so bare with me! * * * It was most likely six in the morning when I heard the rooster start its crowing. "Dammit....just ten more minutes...." I heard myself mutter under my breath. Since my unfortunate arrival in Equestria by unknown means, and the Apple Family kindly taking me in, most mornings had been like this. I've been in Equestria for a month, and believe me, while I was on earth, I spent my days sleeping and my nights gaming. It's a hard transition, getting rid of most electronics and actually working during the day. The next thing I knew was the big red stallion who was the first to offer me a stay in there wonderful home. "C'mon Partner, we got a lotta work to do today." the red stallion I'd come to know as Big Macintosh said in his deep, smooth voice. I groaned loudly, pulling the pillow over my head. He laughed and lifted me up onto his back. I was still in the Pajamas Rarity had stitched together for me. "Uggghhh, at least let me change..." I moaned, rolling off his back and onto the floor. I stood up slowly and drug my feet over to my dresser, pulling out more clothes that Rarity had made for me. Macintosh took a seat on my small bed, waiting for me to change. I really didn't mind since we were both men. And he was a horse, so why would I care if he saw my underpants? Then again, he was always intrigued by my changing. I guess if I met a new creature who wore clothing daily I'd be a bit interested too. I threw on a simple garb of jeans which I had instructed Rarity on how to make, and a flannel shirt. The flannel was red, and when I looked at myself without my "Cowpony" hat as the inhabitants of Equestria called it, I reminded myself of a Human Big Macintosh, if he were a brunette who hated mornings. "You ready, partner?" Macintosh asked as I grabbed my hat from the stand near my door. I yawned and patted my mouth, using my other hand to open the door. "As ready as I'll ever manage to be..." I told him, stepping outside my door. I followed the hallway to a staircase which led down to the dining room, where a apple-based breakfast awaited me. The mare Applejack and the young filly Applebloom sat at the table already eating, both were the younger siblings of Macintosh. "Well howdy, partner!" Applejack said as she finished her Oatmeal-with-apple-slices, which was inevitably what I would be eating. Adjusting to the all-vegetarian diet was a bit hard, too. I mostly ate just vegetables, fruit, oats, etc.. "Hey Applejack." I said, yawning once more. Applebloom was too focused on her food to say anything, which I didn't mind. I didn't exactly feel like talking. I picked up the spoon that sat next to my bowl, which was kindly hoofcrafted by Big Macintosh. I ate quickly, eager to get my work done and over with. I had grown used to the taste of apples to the point of my breath starting to smell like the bloody things, which actually bothered me a little. Macintosh walked past me, patting me on the back as I slurped up the last of my food. "Ah'right partner, you've eaten, let's get to work." he had said to me, being the first out the door. I quickly put my things in the sink, running to catch up with him. I had learned that Macintosh was a very, very quiet stallion, usually not saying more than he needed. Many'a pony told me that I seemed to get him to talk, which to be entirely honest made me blush. "Okay, James," Macintosh began, slowly thinking his words over carefully. "since ya can't buck trees for the life of ya, yer gunna put the baskets on the cart which I'll pull back when we're done..." Macintosh continued on towards the inner area of the orchard while Applejack sent Applebloom off to school and started on the outer rim. I was a good ten feet behind Macintosh, which made me feel as if I were slacking off, so I quickly ran up to his side, which made him smile faintly. Though I had been through this same pathway ten times over, I still marveled at how the early morning sunlight ricocheted off the tree bark and ground to create an absolutely dazzling display of lights that naturally lit up the orchard. I was not paying attention to what was in front of me nor of how long we'd been walking, making me walk straight into Macintosh, who toppled over with me on top of him. Some how in our tumbling I ended up on his stomach, my face landing perfectly into his muscular chest. I could feel my thigh rub up against his shaft, which made him shudder a little. By some miracle I had narrowly avoided ramming my knee into his testicles, which made me feel better. I lifted my head up, my hat laying off to the side while my curly brown locks covered my eyes. I looked forward at the blushing Macintosh who made no move to push me off of him. "M-Macintosh, I'm so sorry, I just..." I was stopped by his hoof being gently pushed against my lips, telling me to stop. "'S'ah'right, partner, no harm done.." he said, waiting for me to move. I, the stupid man I am, did not realize this and just sat there staring into his eyes. Those big green pools that threatened to drown me, I got lost. "Ah-hem..." he coughed, cocking his head as a gentle sign to get off. I blushed even harder, rolling off of him. "S-sorry!" I exclaimed, standing back up with my hat-in-hand. Macintosh stood back up, nodding. I stayed a right next to him now, focused on what's ahead of us. I occasionally shot glances towards Macintosh, who seemed to be busy looking forward. But one of the glances I noticed he was gnawing on his lower lip rather heavily. From what I had learned about Mac, it wasn't like him to pretend something wasn't bothering him. He threw a glance at me while I was looking at him, which immediately resulted in us averting our eyes in unison. Another mile or so without us speaking or looking at each other passed when we reached the spot we would start bucking. There were stacks of empty buckets and four empty carts of a rather large size, all meant for Macintosh and I. "Okay, Macintosh." I decided to break the silence, going over to one of the stacks of baskets. I lifted as many as I could at once, bringing them over to a batch of trees which Mac had already started bucking. I set the group down and picked just one back up, walking around picking up the un-bruised apples. I often found myself stopping in the middle of a task, staring at the Stallion's powerful legs, his fur sweaty in the now burning sunlight. His small grunts of power made me tingle, and soon enough my member started to grow ever so slightly. I blushed madly before smacking myself in the face, forcing myself back to work. The jeans I had on were incredibly tight so that I wouldn't trip over them, so my growing bulge was apparent. I watched Macintosh and picked up the apples simultaneously, biting my lip at every flex and sweat bead that rolled across his well defined equine muscles. God, this is so wrong.. I had begun saying to myself in shame, occasionally 'readjusting' myself to a more comfortable position. After a good ten minutes of me trying to hide my bulge Macintosh looked back at me, sweat dripping down his face and beading up at his chin. I didn't realize it but he was looking at my lower half, still smiling. I had quickly dropped to my knees with my legs clenched tight, hiding my crotch. He laughed, walking over to me with a smile. "Ya dun need to be ashamed, James." he said to me, using his powerful hooves to spread my knees from each other, giving him a better view of my constrained bulge. My mouth was hanging open, which gave him the chance to lean in and plant one on my lips. The smell of his musk was intoxicating, and when I felt his large, wide tongue slip across the roof of my mouth I cooed. "M-Macintosh.." I groaned while he rubbed my crotch, nipping lightly at my neck. Macintosh was the last person I'd suspect of being a-a-....what was the word these ponies used? Coltcuddler? Yeah, coltcuddler. He used his other hoof to lay me back on the ground, ending up on top of me. He fiddled with the buttons of my flannel shirt, not being able to undo the buttons. He coughed, nudging my hand towards the buttons. I grinned, undoing the first three before he began to just tear open the flannel. He resumed kissing me, and soon enough I felt something nudge its way past my clenched thighs. I glanced down during our kiss and sure enough a long, wet-looking black rod nudged past my jeans, rubbing up against my dick. It stopped growing after it touched Mac's chest, it's girth being rather wide. I slid my hands up to his shaft, making him whinny, and began rubbing up and down. It took both my hands to completely wrap around its girth, making me shudder at the thought of it penetrating my asshole. I felt one of his hooves tugging at my pants, so I removed one hand from Macintosh's shaft and undid the button, slidding my pants down. All that was left were my drawers, my member poking through the hole in the front easily. Macintosh looked down at my member, breaking our kiss. He looked at it expectantly, then back up at me. "Is that it?" he asked, making me blush. "Y-yeah...humans are not as big as horses..." I said, embarrassed. Macintosh smiled that calm, accepting smile and brought his muzzle to my trousers. "Don't matter..." he said, wrapping his lips around the tip of my shaft, swirling his tongue. Out of instinct I arched my back, silently begging for more. Macintosh obliged and took the band of my boxers in his mouth, pulling them down to my knees. He took my entire member into his mouth easily enough, and began stroking the sides of my shaft with his warm, wet tongue. I bit hard on my lip, cutting it open a little, as he sucked. I was coming close to my climax, and somehow Macintosh could tell. He removed his mouth from my shaft, a string of saliva and pre still connecting us together. I could feel on my pelvis that his pre had begun pooling and dripping out as he kissed me once more. I brought my hands back down to his shaft as we exchanged saliva and as I transferred some of my blood into his system. The iron taste didn't seem to bother him, so we just kept kissing as I felt more pre from his cock drip out onto me. I, with all of my strength, attempted to roll him onto his back. He didn't budge at first, then he realized what I was trying to do and rolled over. He giggled at my flushed expression, I felt weak. I broke our kiss, giving little nips at the fur on his chest, not taking me long with my little kisses to reach his shaft, giving me what he gave me. His ebony cock was very wide and long, definitely too big to fit it all in my mouth. Gulping lightly, I took the tip of his large cock in my mouth, swirling my tongue as he did. He whinny in pleasure, putting his hooves upon my head. I went a bit deeper into the blowjob, taking more of it into my mouth, eventually reaching the entrance of my throat. I didn't dare go any deeper, but Macintosh had thrust upwards as he brought his hooves down, ultimately making me cough and sputter. Macintosh continued to thrust, not giving my air nor a break from his large cock. Telling from his grunts of pleasure, he was about to- "Nnng~!" His hooves left their place and he slumped against the ground, panting as I rolled over and began coughing out his sweet semen. I had swallowed some, but wanting air I had choked on the rest. Macintosh shuffled next to me, putting a hoof on my back. "Are ya okay, partner?" Macintosh asked, chewing his lip. I turned over and kissed him, giving him his answer. "Did you enjoy yourself, Mac?" I asked, caressing his mane. "Eeyup." * * * Well, there we are, my first attempt at Clop and my first attempt at an accent! I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! > After a Nap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sweet bliss of sleep that came suddenly and without warning did not last long. Macintosh stirred and shook me awake, nodding over at the work that still needed completion. "Aww....come on..." I had said, putting my clothes back together. My shirt looking funny since some of the buttons were torn off. I'd have to see Rarity later to get that fixed... "No-way-no-how." Mac had said to me sternly, his face contorting into a grin. "Ah shouldn't have even slacked off, we gotta work double-time, now!" he said, getting to work immediately. After having done the 'do', I could actually focus on work instead of that hunky Stallions rear end. He seemed to feel the same way, not even giving a glance to me. He still communicated with me, though, giving me instructions on what to do. "Okay, James, move as fast as you can and put the buckets under as many trees as you can, and once they're filled with apples, put them on the carts!" he ordered, running back and forth from trees, entire trees shuddering and dropping their bounties under the stallion's powerful muscles. Desperately trying to keep up with Mac's Equine strength, I frantically ran to-and-fro with him, picking up the filled Buckets, which were damn heavy, and moving them to the Carts, which were getting even heavier by the bucket-full. We were nearing sundown, and nearing the last buckets, but instead of being a good limb and not freaking out on my, my leg decided it wanted to stop working and run into rocks. In other words, I tripped, and tripped hard. I landed with bucket-in-hand, effectively crushing and twisting my right wrist. No more fapping for a while... I yelped in pain, somehow not spilling a single apple as I rolled off of the barrel, holding my wrist. Macintosh, who was a mere few feet away, ran over to my side and in an attempt to pull me back up, grabbed onto my wrist with his teeth. I cannot stress enough how much that hurt. After another yelp and a swift, trigger-response to pain caused by someone else, punch to the side of his noggin, Mac let me go. He seemed a bit daze at my violent reaction, I had never shown any signs of violent behavior before, so it must have surprised him. "Sorry, Mac, that just really hurt.." I said, using my good hand to push myself up. He nodded, understanding. He looked over to the over to the buckets, then at my wrist. "Ah'll get'm, go sit on one of the carts with space." Mac said, running over to the buckets and lifting them onto his back. I, as instructed, went to the largest cart and got up inside of it, leaning against the railing. With this small break, my arms and legs aching from all the work, I took a moment to watch Mac. He moved quickly, putting the last few buckets onto a cart before going over to the cart I was seated on. "Okay, James, Ah'm gunna take you back, first, so's you can rest up." he said to me in his slow, concerned voice, making my heart flutter slightly. I nodded, still holding my wrist like an infant. "Tell the family that ah'll be back before dinner is ready." Mac told me as he slipped into a harness, starting to drag me and the heavy apples back towards our farmhouse. For some reason, whenever Mac referred to his Grandmother and two sisters as "the family", I always felt odd. I know that when he says that, he means me, too, but after today, it just seemed a bit...wrong. But, now is not the time to ponder that, the more important thing was his wrist, and how bad it hurt. I'll probably have to go see a Doctor about it, and man, do I hate Doctors.... It's not so much Doctor's as it is hospitals. And needles. "Okay, James, hop out and go lay down." I heard Mac say, snapping me out of my stupor. I nodded and shifted my way upwards, jumping down off the cart. "Sorry, Mac, I really hate that I'm leaving you to your own devices..." I said awkwardly, averting my gaze from the red stallion. He shook his head and smiled. "James, not your fault that you hurt your hand, and heck, it's more my fault than anything, making you rush'n all..." Mac nodded towards the door. "Well, git'a'long, now." he said, detaching himself from the harness. I nodded in silent thanks, and headed indoors. Applebloom had probably been home from school for a long time now, and had greeted me as I came in. AJ, probably hearing her sister, came into the kitchen with a smile. "Howdy James, where's Big Mac?" she asked, looking at my hand, which had begun to swell. "He'll be back before dinner is ready, he said." I told her, attempting to put my hand down. I could feel the blood rush down to it, which wasn't exactly an enjoyable feeling. I quickly brought it back upwards, making AJ give me the strangest of looks. "What're y'all doing that fer?" AJ asked, cocking her head. "I hurt my wrist while carrying the buckets to the carts. I tripped and landed on it wrong." I told her, which got me another odd look. Duh, stupid ponies've never seen a wrist before! I pointed a finger at the now swollen bone which connect my arm and hand together, pointing out how it is bigger than my other one. "Oh, ah see." she said, getting real close to it. "Are you gunna go to the hospital, tomorrow?" she asked, looking up at me. I gulped, and shook my head. "Er, no, I'll just let it heal on its own." I said, wincing as I felt it throb and throw off heat slightly more, as if it were protesting to my statement. "Erm, okay, if you say so, but if it starts to hurt real bad, go see Nurse Redhart immediately, okay?" she said, looking straight into my eyes. "Don't worry, I will." I replied, I blatant lie. I went upstairs and into my bedroom, shouting to AJ that I was going to skip dinner tonight. She hollered something back, but I didn't catch it. In my fit of exhaustion, I collapsed onto my bed, accidentally landing on my hand again. I bit my lip as more pain assaulted me, quickly making me roll over off of it. "Damned wrist..." I said, letting sleep take me once more. > The Horrible Hospital > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so, since so many people seem to like this story, I've decided to give James more personality. Expect LOTS of thoughts (I mean, more deep thoughts) from him. And lots of cursing. Thank you. * * * Sleep lasted a while, thank Celestia, though, it was a dreamless sleep. If I remember correctly from my time back on earth, that means I didn't sleep well. When I had woke up, I woke up to a throbbing hand and the sound of Macintosh coming in. "Uggghhh, Mac, my hand, you know I won't be able to work..." I told him, shoving my hand in front of him. "Ah know, we're taking you to see Fluttershy." he said, easing my mind a little. "AJ'll be taking you." he said, turning around, most likely going to start bucking the trees. I dressed into something different, though the jeans and boots stayed the same. Instead I wore a plain white T-Shirt, which didn't look half bad, to be honest. AJ came up to my room as I put my Stetson atop my head, AJ obviously liking it. "Looks good on you, Pardner, now let's get going." she said, leaving my room. I followed out quickly, careful not to hit my hand against anything. We stopped in the kitchen to eat breakfast, Mac seemed to have already eaten and left, so we ate without him. "James, James!" Applebloom had exclaimed as I came into the room. The filly was rather energetic today, and she obviously wanted something from me. "What'cha need, Applebloom?" I asked, taking a seat next to her. "Would y'all come meet the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders after school??" she asked, a little bit of Apple-And-Oatmeal still on her face. I laughed, it was a rather adorable sight. "Sure, once Fluttershy gets a cast on my wrist and you get home from school, I'll come meet your friends." I told her, using my good and to ruffle her hair a brother or a father would do. I had finished breakfast long ago, and waiting for AJ and Applebloom to finish up, I thought about Macintosh. I really did feel horrible about leaving him to work by himself. I know that he's worked by himself before, but it still made me feel bad. "Ready, James?" I heard AJ call, standing at the door with Applebloom next to her. I smiled and nodded, putting my dishes in the sink. "Ready as I'll ever manage to be.." I recited, going over to the two. I lifted Applebloom (Which bloody hurt, mind you) onto my shoulders, holding her in place lightly. She giggled, She'd obviously not been up so high before (For some reason I cannot explain, ponies, even the Stallions, are dwarfed in comparison to ponies back on Earth). We walked for a while, Applebloom telling me about her "Cutie Mark Crusaders", which seemed to consist of her, Sweetiebelle, who was apparently Rarity's sister, and Scootaloo, a Pegasus whose parents were unknown to Applebloom. "And every day we all meet up at mah Tree Fort and try to find our special talent so we can earn our Cutie Marks!" she exclaimed, bouncing up and down. I winced only slightly to the jumping Applebloom while AJ explained to Applebloom for the hundredth time (really, not exaggerating in the slightest..) that her Cutie Mark will come when its time. "Ah know, Applejack, I just really want my Cutie Mark now.." she said in defeat. I smiled at her, how I wished I had a sister. We neared the Schoolhouse, so I set Applebloom down and let her run off towards her friends. The (as far as I knew) only school in Ponyville was rather simple in its design, it was obviously a one-room schoolhouse, and seemed to have lots of windows. The bell at the top rang and Cheerilee came out to wave the students in. Cheerilee noticed us and smiled, waving. I watched the Cutie Mark Crusaders wave at us, no doubt saying "Good bye"s and "see-you-later"s. And, I'm sure, Applebloom was saying something about me meeting her friends. AJ and I turned around, walking away from the school house. "Hey, Applejack, do you like having a little sister?" I asked, looking over at the Cowfilly by my side. "Well of course ah do!" she beamed at me, smiling proudly. "Why, having a younger sister is the best thing that can happen to ya!" she stated once more, even more proud. She thought for a second and added, "And having a big brother like Macintosh is great, too!" I smiled, but not truthfully. I turned my head and stated to more myself than anypony, "I wish I had a little sister.." AJ punched (can what she did be considered punching?) my arm, which was likely to be bruised tomorrow, and laughed, "That's rich, James." I looked at her with confusion in my face, making her shake her head. "Really, James? You do have a little sister! Matter of fact, you've got two!" She said, still shaking her head. "Partner, you've got Applebloom and me! Not to mention Macintosh as a brother." she smiled proudly once again. There it was again. That feeling that felt right but it didn't. That feeling of acceptance, and disgust. If I am a member of the Apple Family, what did that make me and Macintosh? Incestuous lovers? I shook those thoughts from my head, seeing Fluttershy's cottage nearing. Fluttershy was feeding some of her critters, oblivious to our presence. "Hey Fluttershy!" AJ yelled over to her, startling the yellow Pegasus into a small 'squeak' noise. Once we got closer, the obviously embarrassed Pegasus smiled at me and Applejack, saying, "Hi, Applejack, what can I do for you?" it seemed a little out of her character, I had noticed. Maybe it was just because AJ had unintentionally scared her. I shrugged mentally, and went back to the conversation. "....and we wanted you to take a look at it." AJ had finished. "Oh, of course, let me see.." she tenderly put a hoof to my wrist, turning it lightly. She was really good at this, too, I didn't even feel a twinge of pain as she inspected my hand. "Well, I'm afraid I can't do anything.." she said, shaking her head in disappointment. "Maybe Nurse Redhart will be able to help." she suggested, making my stomach lurch. "Uhh, no thanks. My arm is suddenly feeling better." I told her waving it around (which hurt like hell..) and smiling. She gave me the face a parent gives a child when they know they're lying. She stuck one hoof out and barely touched my wrist, which sent me into an unbelievable spiral of pain. I yelped, moaned, groaned, and every other sort of audible noise that meant pain. AJ laughed a little, the bitch, and said, "Sorry, Partner, but we're taking you to the hospital." At approximately .5 nanoseconds into that sentence I had taken off into a run, holding my arm drastically. And about 1 second into my sprint I was stopped by a pink-maned Pegasus flying in front of me and staring into my eyes. "You will go to the Hospital, won't you?" she asked. I felt compelled, my body lurching back in forth on the inside, but for some reason I couldn't move on my own. I turned almost like a robot and walked towards where I sure was the hospital. And, soon enough, even my consciousness gave way. Next thing I remember is sitting back at the Apple Family farmhouse, in my room, with a heavy cast on my arm. Whatever Fluttershy had done, it worked, I couldn't remember anything. I checked the clock and saw it was almost time for Applebloom to get out of school, so I got up and looked around, seeing if I was forgetting anything. I thought about it a moment and remembered that Sweetiebelle, one of Applebloom's friends, was Rarity's younger sibling, and with instinct I grabbed my ripped flannel shirt. I left the farmhouse, telling Applejack that I was going to go get Applebloom. She seemed happy that she didn't have, and simply went back to whatever it was she liked to do. I walked along the path that led out of Sweet Apple Acres, and followed the road until I got to the Schoolhouse. I had waited a few minutes for the bell to ring, which, sure enough, did. A large group of foals piled out of the schoolhouse, all chatting and yelling happily. I could see Applebloom and the others walk out, and after seeing my at the edge of the Schoolhouse, Applebloom ran like a jet to greet me. She had hit me square in the chest, and at her speed, it was enough to knock even Big Macintosh over. I laughed at her, holding her up with both my hands, not feeling anything in my cast-covered arm. The other two soon joined beside me, still on my back. "So this is the human you were talking about, Applebloom?" Scootaloo, an orange Pegasus with a purple mane. "He doesn't look so impressive." she said again, looking at me real close. I grinned and put Applebloom down, reaching back to the Pegasus. She hadn't expected it, so she didn't have enough time to dodge my grab, and soon enough, I had her up in the air, her struggling to be put down. "Fine, fine, you're impressive, now put me down." she said, submitting. Sweetiebelle, the shy thing she sometimes is, just watched me and stood near Applebloom. I smiled at her and stood up, dwarfing the foals in size. "Okay, girls, let's go see this Tree Fort of yours." I said, Applebloom taking the lead. The rest of the day wasn't very eventful, I sat in a chair that was too small for me while listening to the CMC talk and watched them try new things. I zoned out of their antics and thought a bit more. Back on Earth, I wasn't exactly liked, and I was often very mean. But, for some reason, in this pastel world of ponies that I had somehow fallen into, it had lightened me up. Maybe it was the colors, maybe it was the ponies, I can't say. What I did know is that I had the uncanny ability of zoning in at just the right times... "...concludes today's meeting!" Applebloom shouted moving away from the podium that was set up. "Hey, Applebloom." I had said, getting her attention. "What'cha need, James?" she asked, smiling. "I'm going to get back home, see if I can help Big Mac out with anything." she smiled and replied, "Okai, have fun!" I grinned and ruffled her hair again, heading back towards the farm. I of course lied about helping Mac. I felt bad that I left him the whole day, but I really just wanted to sleep. Being hypnotized takes a lot out of ya. Plus, tomorrow was some sort of Pony Holiday where even Mac got to take a break. That made me happy, he was always working. Within moments I was back at the farmhouse, in my room, wearing nothing by my skivvies. I was laying down when Mac came walking through the door, which he quickly shut and locked. "Macintosh, something wrong?" I asked, rubbing the almost-sleep from my eyes. He smiled at me, one of those sinister smiles that makes your skin crawl. I sat up in my bed, looking at him oddly, but no sooner had I sat up he had gotten onto the bed and pushed me back down. With his lips. Against mine. My heart soared, and I cooed once more as his tongue brushes with mine, dancing skilfully along each other's mouth. He was still sweaty from the days work, that musk of his wafting through my nostrils and down to my core. I shuddered as his hoof traced the lines on my chest, our kiss getting sloppier. I broke it to say, "Fuck me." That had seemed to get his attention, and without hesitation he kissed my neck with his sloppy Stallion lips and continued down my chest until he reached the brim of my boxers, which he pulled down effortlessly, licking the curve of my waist so tenderly. This sent butterflies down my body, making my bite my lip again. He soon flipped me over, repeating his sloppy kisses down my spine, stopping at the base. I could feel his member bump against me, already oozing Pre. Thank god it would provide as a natural lubricant. He proceeded with his long, wide tongue to lick my asshole, sending more butterflies through me. Soon he was lined perfectly, his enlarged penis against my hole, ready for him, but not ready at the same time. "Mac.." I said, breaking the silence. "James?" he asked, staying still. "It's my first. Be gentle." He had thrust forward ruthlessly again, penetrating with ease. I bit my pillow to stop the screams of pain and pleasure, the two weaving together to make something I had never experienced before. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as he moved in and out, each time getting a whimper or a moan from my lips, which seemed to fuel his desires. Soon, he was holding onto the back of my head with his teeth, pulling my back while pushing forwards, arousing me further. I had to stifle my scream since my pillow was denied to me, the warm feeling of his flaring cock being thrust in then cruelly pulled out just to be shoved twice as hard. I had thought I might start bleeding if this continued, but he let go of my head, letting it drop like a brick of marble, and he pulled out once more, whinnying as he shot his seed across my porcelain back. I could feel each warm drop land on my back, and beneath me I could feel my own seed coating my member and bed sheets, obviously having reached my climax just before Mac. Mac leaned over me, licking his seed up much to my arousal. "Mac.." I eked out, turning my head to him. "James?" he inquired. "Will you love me forever..?" "Eeyup." * * * Well, there we are, chapter 3! It would have been done earlier, but I had lost data, so I had to restart. Thanks everyone who has put this on their favorites (There was a lot of you, to my surprise!) and are actively following this story! It inspires me all that much more to write. Sincerely, Kilojoules AKA Naasir > That Pony Holiday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up to Mac's shifting, and I turned to see him next to me, eyes open. I giggled and 'boop'-ed his nose, which made him smile. Those eyes, those...big pools of emerald were simply stunning. "James." he said, his smile growing wider. "Yeah?" I asked, getting up from the bed, the weight of my cast seeming more apparent than it had yesterday. "Last night," he started, but about as soon as he had, Applebloom came smashing through the door, toppling me over with her oddly weighty body. "James! James!" she yelled, sitting atop my bare chest. Her hooves felt funny, soft, but still strong. I laughed heartily, picking her up into the air. "Yeah, Squirt?" I asked, throwing her up in the air just to catch her. "It's Apple Day!" she shrieked in joy, soon enough just bouncing atop my palms. I looked at her oddly, not being familiar with Pony Holidays, let alone ones based around Apples... "Apple Day?" I inquired, holding her in place. "Yeah! You know, when all the good Apple Farmers get presents for a good Year's Harvest!" Now it made sense. It was a holiday made up by the Apples to coax their children into working twice as hard to get presents. It was like a Christmas on Earth. I smiled, setting her down next to me. "Well, what pony brings you the presents?" I asked, trying to get more information about this holiday, so's not to ruin it for the little filly. "Apple Clause!" she said with delight. I giggled at how close it was to 'Santa', but I just sat up and looked around for my pants from the previous day. 'Cuz, you know, cast and all, I get to be gross and lazy. Mac smiled and took the excited filly out of my room, closing the door behind them. I could hear him outside my door, walking away, "Remember Applebloom, you have to behave all day if you want Apple Clause to bring you anything!" he proceeded to laugh heartily, and a lot like Old Saint Nick. I stood up and stretched, the cast still feeling awkward, but none the less I looked around for a shirt. Not that the Apples wouldn't enjoy my (far less than) bulging muscles. I chuckled at the thought, picking up a random shirt from my dresser, not even looking as I put it on. I turned away from the dresser, taking a look at myself in the mirror. The shirt was less than fabulous, being a simple light blue button down work shirt, much like my father had worn back on Earth. But, I suppose with the jeans I was wearing, they looked okay. I've thought about having Rarity make me a suit for the next Gala, usually Applejack got me a ticket through Twilight's connections, but I almost never went. The Apple family really was too kind, I couldn't accept it. Instead, Applebloom got to go, and she always returned talking about how amazing it was. I heard Applejack call up, I must have taken longer than I had thought. I took a few steps downstairs before I heard the festivities already starting, and Applebloom was no doubt bouncing off the walls with the impending visit from 'Apple Clause'. I laughed as I threw this name around in my head, how similiar the Pony World was to my own. I stepped out into the Kitchen, which really was the main part of the house, saying hi to the family sitting at the table. "Howdy James!" Applejack said, giving me a smile. I took my seat at the tail of the table, opposite of Macintosh who was well on his way into a second bowl of Apples-and-Oatmeal. Did these ponies ever get tired of the same meal? Probably not. Hell, the fruit might as well be part of their literal blood. Maybe it was, and that's why they needed to eat so much of it, to survive. Once more I laughed at the ideas inside me head. "Hello, Applejack." I responded, returning her smile tenfold. I mustered up as much air as I could inside my lungs before releasing what was sure to wake Granny Smith up, and excite Applebloom to her Applecore, "MERRY APPLE DAY!" And sure enough, eliciting a smile from Macintosh, and a splash of Oatmeal from Granny, Applebloom hopped up and down before scarfing down her Oatmeal and running outside. We all laughed while Granny wiped oatmeal from her confused face. I ate quickly, only hungry for a single bowl. Me and Macintosh were both getting up, and I decided to ask him out on a date. Sort-of. "Macintosh, would you like to join me for a walk around Ponyville?" I asked, nudging him with my elbow. "Eenope." he responded, smiling. I, of course, was a bit distraught. "Why not?" I asked, cocking my head. "Gotta work the Orchard." That sent me into a silent, mental fit. Wasn't he supposed to get a day off? I was so looking forward to a day with Mac where I didn't have to move heavy objects about. But, there was nothing I'd be able to do to change that big Lugs mind, so I just let him be. "Alright, don't work yourself too hard, okay, Mac?" I asked of him, patting him right on his blonde mane. He smiled and left out the door, not saying a thing. I looked to Applejack questioningly, but she just shrugged that odd way ponies do and smiled. "Ya never can tell what's goin' on inside that head of his." she told me, I left Sweet Apple Acres to go to Twilight's library to find a good book, probably something on Magic. True, I couldn't perform anything, but it was still an interesting subject. "Heya, James!" Derpy, the lovable Mail-Mare I'd come to know a little, said as she flew over me, dropping peoples mail. I chuckled at her...Derpiness? I don't know. Anyway, I passed Sugarcube Corner, smiling as the Cakes waved to me. It was a rather odd incident, first arriving in this Pony-World of Equestria. I remembered back to it. I had been walking home from the bar (I had just turned 21, and that occasion called for getting totally wasted...) and I had lost my way, almost getting hit multiple times by cars on the highway. Then, I remember falling off a bridge. That had water. Lots of it. I remember falling, hitting the water, sinking, and water filling my lungs. It was almost like an out-of-body experience, the way I watched myself sink... If you've ever played Kingdom Hearts I or II, you will understand what I'm talking about. You know, when Sora is falling through the water, bubbles surrounding him and going upwards. It was like that, but instead of touching a mystical Stain-Glass floor, I smashed against a hard Cobblestone Road, and instead of it being nighttime, it was midday. That wasn't very enjoyable, seeing as how my clothing was gone, which made no sense. Side effect of drunkeness, maybe? I have no clue. Anyway, the Ponies generally began to freak out, I would too if a strange creature landed in the middle of town, blubbering nonsensically about never drinking again. I wigged out, too, running off towards the nearest forest. Which, fortunately, wasn't the Everfree Forest I learned about later. Instead I had wandered into the Orchard, where Mac had found me against a tree with severe dehydration. I still don't know why he didn't scream or try to beat me like the others did. After getting my clothing issue situated, he introduced me to the town and settled the Hysteria. And a certain Pink Party Pony didn't make it easy. But, sure enough, afterwards there was a party. Pinkie called it a 'Sorry for screaming at you out of fear' party. She made absolutely no sense. And, at that party, was when I started looking at the newly met Macintosh in a way that bothered me. Not that it bothers me anymore, as a matter of fact, I love him dearly. Which also made me feel weird. This'd be frowned upon on Earth... But fuck those guys, this isn't Earth, and ponies are the only things vaguely attractive. Though, Macintosh was for more attractive than the rest. Then it hit me. No, not a realization. A door. I was snapped out of my reverie by a heavy, thick wooden door to my face, I fell backwards, bashing myself as I attempted to hold my nose with my casted arm. "Gahfuck!" I spouted together into one word, holding my bleeding nose with my left hand. "James!" I heard Twilight shriek as she came around the other side of that door, a pile of scrolls and books tumbling everywhere. "James, are you OK!?!?" she shouted as she shook me to-and-fro. "Yeah, Twi, I'm fine.." I told her, getting up off my ass. The blood had ruined my shirt, and gotten on my cast a little. I squinted up at the waning light, seeing Twilight doing some of her Unicorn magic. I, excitedly, stood up and waited for it to happen. But, alas, she was not focusing her magic on me. Instead, she picked up all her scrolls and what not, walking backwards into the library. I held my nose awkwardly as she shuffled backwards, watching behind her. "Hey, Twi, think I could check out a book?" I asked, following her in. Once more she dropped everything where I was, and I was sure I heard a quill snap. The sound made me flinch, but Twi's reaction got a laugh out of me. "Of course! What do you want? Daring Do? Oh, there's a great ghost story over here..." she started walking towards one of the many shelves, pulling books out magically before placing them back in. "Actually, just a book about Magic." I replied, my head tilted back. Twilight smiled, pulling a book from the shelf. "This is just what you're looking for!" The book she had floated over to me had a picture of a stallion scratching his head, and the cover read Magic for Idiots. I chuckled at the title, flipping it open to run through it quickly. It was good enough, so I had Twilight check it out for me. "Twi, do you think you could get rid of the blood on my shirt?" I asked of her, holding out the front of my shirt with my thumb and index fingers. She chuckled and in a moment I felt that funny sort of feeling whenever Magic coursed through your body. Sure enough, the stains shrunk until I had my shirt back, letting me be on my way. "Tell Spike I said hello!" I called back to her as the heavy door closed. I hadn't much to do, so I headed back to the orchard. I passed Rainbowdash on the way there, and as usual, she was too busy to even say hello. Not that I minded. Holding my new book in hand I walked through the gates, and to my surprise, a stage had been set up. The stage was rather large, and looked to be made as a partial dock for something of some sort. I could see the entire Apple Family (Except for Mac, oddly enough..) seated in front. Applebloom at the sight of me waved me over, she had reserved me a seat at the front with her. I took my seat after saying hello to a large part of the extended family, and waited patiently. Whatever it was we were waiting for was taking it sweet time. "Hey, Applebloom, what're we sitting here for?" I had asked her, trying to keep quiet. "Apple Clause, of course!" she said excitedly. She really was just a big ball of fur and energy. "He comes during the day?" I asked, puzzled. "Why of course he does!" she said as her hoof went up to the air. "There he is now!" she exclaimed, clapping her hooves together. I turned up to the sky to see a chariot pulled by two elegant Pegasi, both in red armor with a green topped ornament. Obviously meant to be apple-based. As the chariot grew closer and the foals of the Apple family roared in excitement, I saw the fabled "Apple Clause", and he was no more than Macintosh in a well designed outfit--no doubt by Rarity--and a beard that fit him real well. I laughed hysterically as the chariot pulled in and as everyone got quiet. I was the only one making sound for the moment, and I had quickly shut myself up. After a long pause of silence, 'Apple Clause' gave a great big grin before exclaiming, "MERRY APPLE DAY!" The foals went berserk at that, all clambering towards the southern-drawled 'Apple Clause', almost kicking each other in the face to meet him. It seemed that this holiday was popular even with the non-Apple Family foals, because Snips and Snails were there as well. It took Macintosh no more than a few seconds to fend off the attack of foals, and even less time to get them in a line. "Good little colts and fillies wait in line for their presents!" he said in a horridly bad voice that was way too deep. I laughed at their eagerness to meet the bearded Macintosh. The said voice was the same kind those fake Santa's use back on Earth, funnier than hell with a side of pedophile. But, I must say that the suit looked better on him than it did on the other Santa's. I found myself watching him intently while he handed out presents, the smile on my face never ceasing. Each foal got what they had wanted, apparently, so every parent must have been in on it. I laughed each time one of them just stood there slack-jawed when they were handed a neatly wrapped train set or some other sort of child's toy. The festivities ended with Macintosh racing off in his Pegasi-Drawn carriage, taken off into the air and into the distance. His last words were 'Merry Apple Day to all, and to all a good afternoon!' which sent me into a laughing fit. My laughing elicited a few stares from the mares (that rhymed!) who were rounding up their children. After most of the other ponies left the area, I retired back into my bedroom. It was around six PM and the days events, though not very straining, were tiresome nonetheless. With the added weight of my cast I had to lug around an extra pound or three, and trust me, it counts all the same. I unbuttoned and removed my blue work shirt, tossing it over onto my dresser. My pants were slightly harder to get off, hugging my waist well, which made it difficult to get the button out. After slipping and hitting myself in the head a couple of times, I got the jeans off. I breathed a sigh of relief as my gut flopped forward. I laid back onto my bed with a labored sigh. I thought about the days events for a moment, seeing if I had forgotten anything. Which, to be honest, was a bit dumb since I was already in my boxers. I rested my casted hand over my uncasted one, which both lie on my forehead. In my deafly silent reverie, I hadn' heard the still clause-clad Machintosh enter my room. "How about that walk, James?" he said, startling me. I more or less just jumped a bit, tensing up as he smiled at me. The corners of my mouth grew wide as I shook my head. "I have a better ideal." I murmured coming close to him. he made a low, gutteral growl that sent a tingle down my spine, turning me on. Our lips met rather melodramatically, my hands running up and down his sinewy musclelature, the red of his fur so soft between my fingers. He more-or-less put his strong forearms around me, holding tight for dear life. I ended up on my back with him atop, attacking my lips with his still. I could feel his shaft bumping me as it grew to it's incredibly long stature. "Someone's getting excited.." I murmured through the short break of our lips, sending one hand towards his thigh, rubbing it intently." He moaned down my throat, asking for more. He broke the kiss, bringing his muzzle down to my boxers, using his teeth to pull them down to my ankles. I assisted by getting them fully off, kissing him playfully as I reached down between us. I slipped down between us, my face meeting the tip of his rod. I slipped it into my mouth, suckling it tenderly whilst loosening myself up. Macintosh grunted, slamming forward a bit. I had adjusted to the sudden forceful entry surprisingly well, taking in quite a bit before I gagged. Feeling I was loose enough, and that Macintosh's shaft was lubricated enough, I gave one last tender lick before slipping back up to his face. With a tender kiss on his muzzle, I lifted my legs up and around his body, moving his tip to my entrance. Though no words were spoken, he knew I was ready for it. With a strong thrust his tip pentrated my defences easily, giving him the greatest of pleasures. I bit hard on my lip as my prepared asshole took most of his shaft in. My moans began to grow in power, forcing him to place one strong forearm over my mouth. We became rythmical, his grunts and thrusts happening in time with my moans. Soon enough my seed began to release, spurting outwards onto Macintosh's chest, it eventually dropping with strength and dribbling down out of the tip. His breathing became labored and my ass became even more sore as his thrusting grew faster and faster, nearing his end. His seed painted my insides white, and as he pulled out it escaped from my now gaping rear. Sweat dripped down from Macintosh's face onto mine, though I was indeed creating my own as well. Most sex sessions and with pillow talk, and this one was no exception. "James," he started. "Mm?" I responded, gazing into his eyes. "I tried to ask earlier, but Applebloom interrupted me," he just smiled at me lovingly, as if nothing else was really important. "What is it, Macintosh?" I inquired. "What do you want for Apple Day?" he asked simply. "Just you Macintosh. Just you." I asnwered, though having a question of my own, "What about you Mac, did you get what you wanted for Apple Day?" "Eeyup." > The Way Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The early light of dawn creeped into my room, and awoke me with a startle. I quickly sat up, looking around for the big red stallion I had slept with the night before. Sure enough, he was gone. I sighed heavily, and doing my best not to be upset, he does have work, after all, get dressed. I put on a different pair of jeans than from the day before, and new shirt. I gripped the brush from the top of my dresser and moved to the mirror to sort out my hair. After ripping out the knots and tangles, I finally looked at myself as 'done'. Plaid shirt, dark blue jeans, and my long, dark hair? Good look, if I do so say myself. I put some socks on, then my only pair of boots, and headed on downstairs. Waiting at the table was Applejack, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Big Macintosh, and... Celestia? What the hell is going on? They all had a sour look on their faces, but Macintosh's was the worst of the group. "James," Twilight began, gesturing to a seat, meant for me. Hesitantly I walked over and sat, Macintosh next to me. "We think we've found a way for you to return home." she said, and instantly my stomach churned. "But I don't want to leave." I said simply, no emotion in my voice. My eyes darted to the side, stealing a glimpse of Macintosh. "James, you can't stay." This time, it was Celestia that spoke. "Why not?" I challenged, feeling deeply hurt. "The magics of Equestria are unhealthy for your kind. They'll drive you mad, and then wreck your body." said she. "You'll die." Big Macintosh spoke. Quickly I looked at him, while he stared straight head. "But, Mac, I..." The tears welled up quickly, and I could see the shininess of unshed tears in his eyes, too. I looked at the group of ponies in front of me, distraught that I had to leave the world I had so recently adjusted to. This was not fair! "You have until the end of the day to say goodbye to everypony." said Celestia. She looked between me and Macintosh almost imperceptibly, and instantly I knew she understood why I was upset. "I'll return at the end of the day." she finished, leaving the room with the rest of the ponies, save for Macintosh, and the door shut swiftly behind them. The tears came instantly, and quickly I became a lump of sobbing, crying flesh. And just as fast Macintosh was next to me, foreleg around my back as I sobbed into my casted arm. "Oh, Macintosh, please don't let them make me leave!" I wailed, turning towards him and collapsing there. "Please don't make me go, I don't want to leave you!" I pleaded, pathetic and helpless. "James, there ain't nothing we can do. So, instead of crying, James, why don't we go out for the day and enjoy the time we have together?" he said solemnly, still patting my back. The tears lessened, the were still there. He was right, after all. "Oh-Okay." I stammered, the both of us standing up. Macintosh began walking towards the door, and I quickly followed suit. Exiting from the house, he stopped as I joined up next to him. "W-Where are we going?" I choked out, suffering from those strange hiccup-like things that happens after you cry really hard. I was less-than-attractive at the moment. "Where I found you." he answered. And with that, he walked off towards one of the many trails that lead through the orchard. Silently, apart from the hiccups, I went with him. We passed trail after connecting trail as we walked down one I don't recognize. This one, unlike the others, looks less traveled. "I don't really remember when you found me, apart from what you told me." I said, my voice stabilizing to something close to normal. I prodded my brain as hard as I could for the memories of that time, but, as usual, nothing came. Soon enough we reached a clearing with single, large tree in the middle. There was a small nook in the tree, where, judging by how intensely Mac's eyes were fixed on that point, was where he found me. "Is that it?" I ask gently, wanting to confirm my assumption. "Eeyup. That there is where I found you, James." He affirmed. "And it's also where I fell in love." he added. And that's when his tears came. They weren't the water works that came from me, but they were gently falling down his cheeks, and soon we were holding each other, crying. Macintosh's soft, but deep drawl came to me in bitter-sweet words. "James, please, when it's time, go." My heart shattered as the realization dawned upon me. I was being forced to leave my first real love, and there was nothing that could be done. Slowly but surely we shuffled over to the small crevice in the tree, and sat there, holding each other in a death-lock, I in Mac's forelegs, slowly crying myself to sleep. And, sure enough, sleep took me with open arms. While in that sweet state of dreams, I dreamed those moments Mac and I shared together, reliving every single one. And towards the end of my sleep, I remembered the crevice and Macintosh saving me. Then a gentle shaking awoke me. It was Macintosh, the fur beneath his eyes still stained with tears. Up in the sky above him it was nearing sunset, and I knew it was time. With a silent nod, I stood and walked with him back towards the house. No words spoke between us until we reached the edge of the trail we followed. "James, do you regret today?" Mac asked, surprising me. "No, Mac, I don't. I spent it with you." I answered truthfully. I was ready to go home, even if I had to leave Big Macintosh. We reached the house, entering through the door with me walking in first. Like this morning, all the ponies from earlier were seated at the table. Celestia looked firmly at me, and all I could do was nod. "Follow me, if you all would." Celestia asked, leaving towards the back. We all followed, Mac being the last. What greeted us was a column of transparent yet shining light extending to the sky, and disappearing. This was to be my way home, apparently. "Once you step into the pillar, it will work as a reverse force field. You won't be able to exit again." Twilight explained. Further away I noticed Applejack and Macintosh exchanging harsh whispers, though what they were saying I don't know. Then Celestia joined the conversation. Twilight urged me forward as Applebloom came surging from around the corner. "James! Please don't go!" she shouted, jumping into my arms. She cried heavily into my shoulder and clung to me. "Applebloom, I don't have a choice." I spoke softly, rubbing her head. "I'm sorry, Applebloom, I really am." I assured, setting her down. Macintosh, Celestia, and Applejack had joined the rest of us close to the pillar of light, there eyes focused on me. I took a few steps towards it, and turned around to face them all. One by one I said goodbye, and finally I reached Macintosh. "Goodbye, Big Macintosh, it's been great, and there is so much more I wish we could do together. But it's been real." I assured my self with the last line. This was real, and I really did find actual love, even if that love was from a talking horse. The tears streamed steadily down my cheeks, and I was struck by the smile on Macintosh's face. It gave me strength, and somehow, for some reason, I know things would be okay. With this new sense of courage, I turned around and stepped into the light. Everything flashed from a moment, and as I turned around I noticed the light changed to a shade of near-solid green light. I placed my hands on the glass-like field of energy, and closed my eyes as I felt the magic circulate in my body. While waiting to be taken home, I felt a blunt object press against my and, when I opened my eyes, saw that it was Macintosh, pressing into the field with me. He stood on his hind legs, and as his body sunk into the magical field, I smiled. He was coming with me. My eyes shut once more as our lips met, and while we kissed I felt something changing. I realized soon that it was the feeling of fingers pressing against mine. Startled, but not afraid, I let them slip in between mine and let my eyes slip open. And in front of me, his lips pressed against mine, was a handsome man with long, orange-blonde hair and the cutest freckles there were a smattering across his lightly tanned flesh. It was Macintosh. He let a smile cross his face, and I let one cross mine. We were together, and that was all that mattered.