> Perspectives > by DerpyStarlet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > (Un)Fortunate Events > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two friends are walking together into town. With no real destination, they just wander the streets making idle conversation as they glance into the various shop windows. They've reached a stilt in conversation though as they come across a Hastings, they head in because they have nothing better to do. They split up for a second because they want to go look at various things, but they both end up in the comic book isle. The first one there is Sky, he's in search of an issue of the My little Pony comic series. He had quickly grown enraptured by the series, even though he didn't much care for comics. He would have to call himself a pretty big brony, he has been for a while. There's just something about colorful cartoon equines that's so fascinating, that and their magic. Magical theory was especially one of his favorite subjects, even if he doesn't know a lot of factual information on magic. It was just theoretical thinking anyways, and that was his favorite type of thinking. Besides, he takes comfort in knowing that magic isn't a fully explored science anywhere that there is magic. Mike was just an aisle over in the graphic novel section, a particular Doctor Who book had caught his interest. Both friends were Whovians, but Mike was much more into it. Sky hadn't watched an episode in months, but Mike is all caught up with the series.. He loved travel through both space and time, especially when they were mixed. He always loved to speculate with Sky about theoretical time travel, paradoxes, and the whole nine yards. Mike carries the book over to the next isle where he had noticed Sky to be. He saw Sky looking over some comics and noticed that they were My Little Pony comics. He felt that he would never really get it, the whole brony philosophy. He accepted it, and he somewhat enjoyed that they could stand up for it like that. He just couldn't understand the mentality of it, how these things work. Sky had tried explaining it, and he was starting to understand. But whenever he started to understand, he lost grip of that insight shortly after. it was hard enough getting a good explanation out of Sky. Mike wouldn't say it to his face, but Sky was so hard to follow. It was hard enough understanding Sky as a person, much less the way he thinks. He tended to have a mostly followable train of thought, but some of his ideas were so out there. Sky looks up from his search to find Mike just staring at him, obviously deep in thought. Sky puts down the comics, he hadn't found anything he didn't already have. Which was saying something, considering he only had a few. Sky got up and Mike snapped out of his thoughts. "Well, I got nothing. What about you?" Sky asks, he's eyeing the book curiously. Mike holds the book up for him to see, Sky simply nods in understanding. "Good choice," he comments. "So... what do you think on the multiverse?" Mike asks as they leave Hastings with the book Mike bought. "What about it?" Sky asks nonchalantly. "Well, any thoughts in general?" Mike presses. "Well, I'm a fan of it. Though, I like to think more on how it works." Sky replies. "And how would that be?" Mike inquires. "Personally, I like to think of all the timelines of one world branching out, and then there's the dimensions defining how certain worlds work. Then there's all the different worlds that are separate, occasionally a couple will bump and have adverse affects on each other. Stuff like that, then there's the matter of fate, but that's for another conversation." Sky brushes off the topic. "What about fate?" Mike turns quickly. "Its nothing, just an idea." Sky is so quick to brush it off that Mike is even more curious. What could Sky not want him to know about fate? ~~~~~~~ Sky lays in his cot thinking about the events of the day, it was fairly calm. He had spent the day with one of his distant cousins, as well as one of his best friends. Though Sky knows that he still doesn't know Mike that well, which is normal. They have only known each other for, what? One? Two weeks tops. They had met during a family reunion and had immediately delved into deep conversation, they were already great friends. They both had in interest in science fiction, and they loved many of the greatest points of it. The fiction bit was invigorating, but so was the actual science involved! How could you not be friends with someone who cares just as much about the aethers reactions with the quantum framework of the universe? Yet there was still so much to learn about Mike, so many unknown variables. Sky knows he isn't one to talk, he himself is literally an enigma to most anybody. Its not that he hides his emotions or preferences, at least not intentionally. Sky seemed to have different personalities with different preferences though, and they were constantly rotating. And the things that can't be so easily defined were a question to even himself. Sometimes Sky didn't know how he felt about some things at all, he is just left confused. But he only seemed to have different personalities, Sky knows that it's just him picking up on others quirks because he doesn't know who he is. Really, he see's it as a sort of backup to having his own personality. When you don't know who you are, who do you act like? Not yourself, because you don't even know what that entails. All this didn't stop him from wanting to know Mike better, Sky usually knew others better than himself. Sky turns his thoughts away from Mike and to his tablet, it tells him that its just after ten. Way past his bedtime, but he didn't care. Sky often stayed up into the wee hours of the morning before falling into a very brief but deep sleep, especially during the summer. It might not be healthy, but he couldn't really care half the time. The half that he does care, he still doesn't care enough to stop. He usually spends his time reading fanfic after fanfic of My Little Pony, the stories were truly engaging. Some recent ones had provoked some thoughts and it got him speculating about some pretty deep things. Sky ditches these thoughts and pulls up google chrome on his tablet, around forty or fifty tabs pop open. Sky grumbles a bit as he sees this, he's been finding too many good stories to catch up to. He looks at the last tab for the story he will be reading tonight, its a short oneshot. Sky dives into his reading as quickly as possible and starts to lose track of time. It isn't long until he hears a small beeping, the beeping means its about three minutes till midnight. The beeping drives him crazy, especially since it might be all in his mind. When he questioned his brother about it, his brother didn't even know it was happening. He couldn't hear the sound even though it was so clearly from his side of the small shed they were staying in, and he doesn't have bad hearing at all. The beeping is quiet, but it isn't so silent that it shouldn't be heard at all. Deciding to take a break from reading, Sky grabs the root beer he managed to snag from the pantry just before going to bed. He opens the door lightly and closes it just as lightly, the brisk night air cooling him off from the stuffy shed. It isn't a bad shed, it even has air conditioning. Sky would much rather crack a window for some natural air, but then he'd wake up too cold. He pops the soda top and sits on the hammock. It should be midnight any time soon, Sky looks up at the moon idly. His thoughts are whizzing about, until he decides to just enjoy the sight. Sky's looking up at the moon with fascination when two long tendrils of energy seemingly shoot out of the moon towards him. "No, no, no! Yes, but no!" Sky's thoughts race as he sees the tendril shooting towards him. He has many thoughts regarding the event, and he gathers another thought once he sees the second tendril shooting off into the distance. He isn't the spells only target, but he can't find a reason in his mind why a spell searching for him would also search for another person. Sky only has time for one last thought, he spends it thinking on where the spell will most likely take him. He's more or less been waiting for this spell, but he never quite felt prepared for it to happen. He never knew anything specific about what the spell does, or when it would happen, or how it would happen. He only knew it was gonna happen sometime or other, and now all he could do was hope he was right in where it was taking him. It would be midnight any time soon, Sky looks up at the moon idly. His thoughts are whizzing about, until he decides to just enjoy the sight. Sky's looking up at the moon with fascination when two long tendrils of energy seemingly shoot out of the moon towards him. "No, no, no! Yes, but no!" Sky's thoughts race as he sees the tendril shooting towards him. He has many thoughts regarding the event, and he gathers another thought once he sees the second tendril shooting off into the distance. He isn't the spells only target, but he can't find a reason in his mind why a spell searching for him would also search for another person. Sky only has time for one last thought, he spends it thinking on where the spell will most likely take him. He's more or less been waiting for this spell, but he never quite felt prepared for it to happen. He never knew anything specific about what the spell does, or when it would happen, or how it would happen. He only knew it was gonna happen sometime or other, and now all he could do was hope he was right in where it was taking him. > Surprising Developments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike groans as he rouses from his slumber, he's very sore for some reason. He takes in a sharp breath as he feels a slight breeze, he must have forgotten to close the window. He decides it doesn't matter, because he doesn't feel cold at all. He does however attempt to snuggle closer into his blankets, but as he feels around he doesn't find any. He does however come into contact with a mess of hair, and he curls closer to the being for comfort. His shifting is noticed by the being and a clearly female voice speaks up. "Oh? So you've finally woken up?" Mike freezes at the voice as he realizes that nobody should be reclining on his chest while he's sleeping. His eyes dart open and he sees grass, he's lying outside. He jerks up and the figure that had been resting her head on his chest is sent flying away from him. "Ow..." she grumbles from somewhere to his side, but Mike is too busy trying to find out where he is. He can see a quaint old style town not far from here, it has thatched roofing and everything. Behind him he finds an ominous looking forest, a wind rustles its leaves spookily and he turns to the side he had felt the girl tumble off to. He looks to his side and scrambles away from what he sees, it's a pony. The pony has long dark brown hair with red tips, same with her tail. Her coat is a silvery gray, and theres a horn on her head. A gray unicorn, and her eyes are a striking blood red. She's brushing off some dust and shakily getting back up, she then looks back at him. Its a judging look, she's reading him. "So, I was right in guessing you're not from here either..." she sighs and then finally stops inspecting him to look him in the eyes. Mike is frozen in wonder, and horror at the creature before him. "I'm not a thing, I'm intelligent too you know." The pony says. Mike feels his mouth, he hadn't realized was gaping, snap closed. He didn't know how she had done it, but she had read his mind. `Maybe it's not surprising, she's a unicorn,` he thinks to himself. "I didn't read your mind, couldn't if I wanted to. I just know what your first immediate thoughts are going to be seeing another creature rather than a human talking, especially if its a unicorn." The girl pony just says matter of factly. Finally Mikes brain starts to catch up with him. "You're a pony." Mike says dumbly. "Gee, you don't say." The pony deadpans. "And... you can talk?" He asks. "I'll let you decide that for yourself," the pony replies. "Wait... you know about humans? Are there any here? Where are we? How did I get here?" Mike finally is snapped out of his stupor and the pony lets out a sigh of relief. "Finally, some worthwhile questions... let me start explaining the situation as I see it. First off, welcome to the magical land of Equestria. Tell me, does the word `brony` mean anything to you?" The pony asks. "You know about bronies?" Mike asks in shock. "I'll take that as a yes. Are you one?" The pony asks, completely ignoring his question. "N-no, I know nothing about... any of this." Mike gestures around and notices his hand, isn't a hand anymore. Its a claw, he leaps away from it and looks down at the rest of his body. After staring in shock, he recognizes he is now a griffon. His feathers are a golden color, along with his coat of fur. He looks up at a slightly annoyed unicorn pony, clearly frustrated at having her explanation interrupted. "Yes, you're a griffon, I'll get to that. Long story short, you and I were both human until... something, dragged us out of our world and into Equestria. Modifying our forms along the way, though I don't know to what extent we were transformed. I woke up here before you and found you lying next to me, so I figured if two strangers woke up in a random field and one is from another world, the other might be as well. Apparently you know nothing about Equestria, so I'll help you not get arrested or worse. If you get into fights with ponies however, I will not help you. Well... to some extent..." the unicorn gets a distant look, but snaps back after a second. "any questions?" She concludes. Mike just looks at her and wonders how she could have possibly figured that out so quickly, or how she could be so okay with it. `Of course, if she knows enough to help me she must be a brony. This must be a bronies wet dream,` Mike rolls his eyes at the thought, but then he thinks on her actions. `Actually, she doesn't seem excited or anything... she seems to be taking this in stride, like it's something she expected to happen.` he narrows his eyes. "You're pretty calm about this," Mike accuses. "I had time to get used to this before you woke up," the pony replies. "How can I trust you?" Mike asks tentatively. "You can't, but I'm really the only person you got. Nopony else will understand right now, and we have to be sure that they won't just lock you up as crazy. Really, we just have to gain their trust before we come out with this secret of ours. Which of course means integrating into society and gaining what passes as a normal life around these parts until we have the knowledge to get back home. However, this town isn't always... how should I put it? Boring? So, you shouldn't be too bored. I won't ask you to help with the information part... yet. I just need you to adapt to your surroundings, can you do that?" The pony stops talking and Mike just nods. He's not sure he could do much more than that anyways. "Okay, and one last question. Who are you?" The pony finally asks. "My names Mike" Mike finally speaks up. As the unicorn looks at him he can almost see something akin to a switch go off in her head. Her smile grows slightly wider and a joyful tinkle can be seen in her eyes. "My names Sky! Funny, I had, no wait have, a friend called Mike. But you should just call me Starlet! Starlet Mint to be exact! I wonder...? Nah, you shouldn't need a new name. I think griffons already have names like that, and if they didn't, I doubt anypony in Ponyville would know! Well, maybe Rainbow Dash because she had Gilda as a friend. But, then again, Gilda was her only griffon friend. Fluttershy knows a lot about all sorts of animals... I wonder if she knows griffons? Well, even if she did, she wouldn't comment about the name!" The pony, who had requested the name Starlet, stops for a second. "Probably," she adds before smiling towards Mike. Mike stares in wonder as the pony stops her energetic rambling. It wasn't like the slower and focused explanation earlier, it was fast and jubilant. Almost like it was a different pony talking. "Um... ok, Starlet, right? But you said your name was Sky before? I had a friend named Sky, but he was a boy." Mike comments, the unicorn seems to freeze at this. "Was his full name Skylar? With an A?" The unicorn asks. "Uh, yeah it was." Mike responds in surprise. "And, he was your distant cousin," Starlet asks, a look of fear coming upon her face. "Did you know him? Did he say bad things about me?" Mike asks in shock. "Ugh... no, no bad things..." the unicorn groans. "Well at least I know who I'm stuck with... but... he does need to know who I am," the pony mutters, ending with an exasperated sigh. "The truth is Mike... I... I am Skylar. We went to Hastings and hung out yesterday, and after that we went home. I was up when this happened, it was either midnight or close to it." Mike looks at her in shock, maybe it wasn't a her? "Oh, man. This is so embarrassing, and here I was thinking you were a girl! You kinda sounded like a girl, and to be honest. You kinda look like a girl, in a weird pony way!" Mike laughs and Starlet, a strangely feminine sounding name as he thinks on it, just looks nervous. "Well... I am a girl." Starlet replies. "You're kidding, right?" Mike asks in surprise. "Um, no. No I'm not. But, hey, at least you're still male!" Starlet cheers half-heartedly. "But, you're female." Mike says, trying to wrap his head around the situation. "Yeah, but it's cool. I mean, I'm actually really okay with that," Starlet laughs nervously. "We're you always a girl, and I just never knew?" Mike accuses. "No, well... not in that way." Starlet's gaze flickers to a hardened look of resolution. "Look, I don't really wanna talk about it. We should head into Ponyville and get our new lives sorted out first. There'll be time for idle chit chat later." Mike can hear a very distinct accent in her voice now. He knew that Sky was from the south, but he had never really heard him have an accent like that before. `Well, I guess it's 'her' know...` Mike sighs and follows his unicorn friend towards the town in the distance. His head was swirling with questions and thoughts, but he kept his mouth shut and just looked around him. He could see that the unicorn ahead of him was also taking stock of their surroundings. He sighed, `How can he- she, be so calm about this? Especially with whats happened to hi- her.' Mike thinks, though he's silently grateful that he had a calm mind to calm him down when he woke up and explain the situation at least somewhat to him. Who knows what he might have done had he woke up alone in his situation. ~~~~~~~ The truth was that Starlet was very worried about the situation, but not necessarily panicking. Her thoughts were on the more trivial parts of this, like what the transformation did. There were plenty of reasons to panic over this, but one big thing was that even she noticed her lack of cutie mark. She shouldn't get any bullying about it, except maybe from a certain two fillies. But she'll still get some unwanted attention over it. That, and Starlet can't be sure if magic can reveal them as `aliens` technically speaking. Speaking of magic, thats something she'll seriously have to look at. Luckily, she has a good vision on lots of ways it COULD work. No solid idea on how it actually does work, maybe she should practice. Starlet pauses in her walking and looks for a nearby pebble. Upon finding one she closes her eyes and wills it to move up with all of her might, she can feel it slightly hovering. She opens an eye and it falls to the ground, not even an inch off the ground. Aggravated, she tries multiple more times all with the same result. Mike watches in intrigue and fascination at seeing magic happening. Starlet glares at the tiny pebble, but then something clicks. She straightens her posture and pulls her hoof to her chest, pulling in a deep breath as she does so. As she moves her hoof out, she exhales and looks with calm resolve towards the rock. Focusing her mind on the motion, but not putting very much power into it at all, the pebble slowly raises higher and higher. Eventually, Starlet actually opens her eyes and smiles at the pebble as she commits the movement to memory. Mike looks in shock at the pebble moving in front of Starlet. "How did you know that would work?" Mike asks as he watches the pebble. "What? Calming down? Oh, that wasn't it, not entirely. I was putting too much magic into the spell, calming down helped me control the magic better." Starlet replies, not looking away from the pebble. "Yes, but HOW did you know what to do?" Mike asks. "Oh, I read about it." Starlet answers easily. "How can you be sure that you can trust what you've read?" Mike asks. Starlet blinks and lowers the pebble before dropping it. She turns to Mike with a curious look, "it worked didn't it?" She asks. "Well... yes, but-" Mike is interrupted by Starlet. "Its called experimentation, it might not be good for trying high level spells. But for something simple like levitation, it's perfect." Starlet smiles and picks up two larger sized rocks, spinning them around a couple times before picking up a third with a small smile. Eventually she turns to look away from them and at Mike without dropping the three stones, then she sets them into orbit as she thinks out loud. "We seem to have a certain instinct that allows for improved muscle memory, allowing us to adapt as our certain species quickly. We both took to walking and moving our different body parts quite easily... and if my current knowledge of magic is anything to go on... I have a substantial amount of arcane energies to work with. I wonder how much exactly? Though, even with the necessary magical stamina, I couldn't do more magic without extensive knowledge into the spell. Then again... I do have extensive knowledge." A twisted smile comes across her face as she powers up a big spell. Her horn flares and Mike steps back, Starlet stands there with her twisted grin gone. She flops to the floor and groans, Mike rushes over. "What happened?!" He asks in a panic. "Ow, okay, yeah no more untrained magic. Not only did the spell backfire, but I think I used way too much magic for it and had it explode in my face. This not only causing intense pain, but I think also magical exhaustion. Ow." Starlet winces as she tries to stand up. Another feeling of a switch clicking on and Starlet's brushing herself off, enduring all the pain. "I'm alright, I've been through worse," Starlet shrugs the mistake off and turns towards Ponyville. Mike lingers in concern for a second, but eventually catches up with Starlet, they're not that far out of town. As Starlet and Mike enter town heads start to turn, it was then that Starlet was reminded of one bit of information. "The last griffon here was a jerk, you'll need to act extra nice to gain the trust of the townsponies," Starlet tells Mike, he sighs and just nods his head. Content with his answer Starlet thinks of where to go, first stop will obviously be town hall. Now they just need directions, Starlet walks over to the closest pony. "Excuse me miss, might we inquire as to the direction of town hall? We're new to town and need to settle in." Starlet walks up to a seafoam green unicorn. "Oh, uh, sure. Its down that way and take a right at Sugarcube Corner. You shouldn't be able to miss that, it looks like a giant gingerbread house," the pony answers with a smile. "Thank you, Lyra. I'm sure we'll see you around later," Starlet says as she turns, slowly counting down to ten out loud. "Oh, well, see you two too!" She calls after them, turning around. Starlet continues her counting while Mike looks at her quizzically. "Wait, how did you kn-" Mike is interrupted by a scream from behind just as Starlet hits one. "How did she know my name?!" Lyra is looking after her frantically and Starlet quickens her pace with a smile. ~~~~~~~ Mike is watching as Starlet seemingly bounces through the streets, then he notices her change her walking style. Her pace did not change, but she is now obviously sashaying down the streets. Her hips are swinging, her steps are graceful, and yet she doesn't seem aware of the change. Mike follows her into the town hall and she moves to speak with the pony behind the desk. "Oh! you two must be new, welcome to ponyville! What can I do for you?" The pony is tan with gray hair, though she sounds young. "Hello Mayor, yes we are new. We seek shelter while we try and get enough to buy a proper home. There wouldn't happen to be a guest house in town, would there?" Starlet asks carefully. "Oh, yes there is! Are you looking to become citizens?" The Mayor asks. "Yes, could you be so kind as to help us sort that out?" Starlet asks. "Certainly, we just need to fill out some paperwork. Now, we'll start with you dearie... first things first, a name?" The Mayor pulls out a set of papers. "Starlet, Starlet Mint." Starlet tells her. "Now, where do you come from. You seem very cultured, possibly from Canterlot?" The Mayor muses. "Actually, no. I'm just from a very small town originally," Starlet lies smoothly. "I see, well you're very proper for a small town pony." The Mayor compliments. "Thank you, I do try," Starlet gives a small smile. "And... an age?" The Mayor asks. "Oh, um, sixteen?" It sounds more like a question. Starlet suddenly seems a little nervous, as Mike notices. `Why should she be nervous of her age? She isn't lying` Mike thinks. "Hmm... have you been greeted by a Pink mare yet? About a year or so older than you?" The Mayor asks as she looks up from the paperwork and fills out a little more stuff. "I'm sure we'll be seeing Pinkie before long." Starlet says assuredly. "Oh, you know of Pinkie? Well she'll want to know all about you... could you turn please? I need to get a look at your cutie mark for these papers." Starlet flushes red, but then turns anyway. The mayor seems to suck in her breath in shock, while Starlet turns back quickly. "You... you don't have one yet? Oh, im sorry! It must be a sore spot... I understand that it happens, I was just shocked. Here in ponyville, we're accepting of all ponies." The Mayor smiles encouragingly and Starlet tries to smile back. "Right, well, I've come to terms with it," Starlet chuckles nervously, Mike just looks at the two in confusion. He has no idea what a cutie mark is or what it means. `Apparently its on their butts? Is it supposed to mean something?` Mike makes a note to ask Starlet later. His thoughts turn away from strange marks once he realizes that the two ponies are talking about him. "This is Mike, he's from the Griffon Kingdom... he's sensitive about his past, and he doesn't like to talk about it, so I don't know exactly which part. He's... seventeen? Right?" Mike nods slowly, "Right. Also, we could really use a map of the area," The mayor writes down the information and then reaches below the counter. "Well, I don't have a spare map, but I can show you where everything is. It should be easy to find north, just look for Canterlot Castle and there you have it. Just south of here is Golden Oaks Library, you shouldn't be able to miss it. That place could be a valuable source of knowledge should you need anything, but not your only resource. There should be a bulletin board on the outside of the building, thats where ponies put help notices. I imagine that since you're new, you don't have a steady income yet. You might want to check that soon. The guest house is free for the first five nights, but after that, it's two bits a night and ten bits a week. It's just across the street. Any questions?" The Mayor looks up from the map and Mike looks at her in confusion. "No, thats about it. C'mon Mike." Mike follows dumbly after Starlet, barely managing to wave back at the Mayor before being pulled out the door. He wants to resist and say that he does have a lot of questions, but he just keeps his beak shut and follows in silence. ~~~~~~~ Starlet heads directly across the street to the guest house, trying to figure out the best course of action. `I should go see the library and catch up on basic Equestrian knowledge, such as history. Learn the laws, don't want to get thrown in jail for something trivial. Also-` that train of thought is cut short by Starlet bumping into an excited pink mass. "Oh, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was..." Starlet trails off as she recognizes the pony. "Oh, Pinkie... it's you, I almost forgot about that," Starlet says. "Oh, you're new! My name's Pinkie! But it sounds like you already knew that! What did you almost forget? Oh, but before I forget, I need to throw a party! A welcome to Ponyville party for the two of you! Since you know my name, what are your names?" Pinkie's rambling comes to a halt and she smiles widely to the two of them. "My name is Starlet Mint, and this is Mike." Starlet introduces. "Mike the griffon, has a nice ring to it. I never really understood griffon names, but I've never known many other griffons that well. I tried to get to know my friends friend that was a griffon..." Pinkie frowns as she recalls the memory, "she wasn't very nice. But you seem pretty nice, and its always nice to make new friends! Don't you think? Actually, I do know a pony named mike, but that's his last name, and it's a nickname. Is that just a nickname?" Mike takes a while to think on what she's said and slowly shakes his head, Mike is speechless. "I didn't think so... oh well, anyways" Pinkie continues on her rambling. `She can be a bit much to unsuspecting ponies... and griffons.` Starlet chuckles to herself. "Come by Sugarcube Corner tonight for your welcome to Ponyville party! Oh, but before I go, what flavor of cake do you two want?" Pinkie is sitting excitedly, her tail flitting about. `Tail flicking, twitching. Twitchy tail... Twitchy tail!` Starlet sees Pinkie isn't doing anything, and they're all standing in front of a house. Starlet pushes Pinkie further from the house and jumps away from where they were standing, pulling Mike along with her. Just in time to escape the impact of a potted plant where Pinkie had been standing, Pinkie stares at the plant with wide eyes. She gets up from where Starlet pushed her and looks up at the pony apologizing from the top floor. "Sorry, about the push, you were t-" Starlet is cut off by Pinkie. "You knew it was gonna happen." Pinkie says. "Well, yes, bu-" Starlet is once again cut off, Pinkie sweeps her into a giant hug. "I'm not the only one with a Pinkie sense! Though, I guess yours would be called a Starlet sense, but you knew. We could start a team! Maybe there are others with similar powers? We can start a group of ponies with powers that we can't explain! Then we can fight evil in the name of good and deliver vigilante justice and-" this time Starlet interrupts Pinkie. "Pinkie! I don't have powers!" Starlet yells. Pinkie pie blinks, "you don't?" She asks. "No, I don't." Starlet affirms. "But, you knew about the-" Pinkie starts. "No, I saw your tail twitching, but you were too caught up in talking about the party to notice," Pinkie Pie stops and thinks. "Wait, you believe in my Pinkie sense? And you know about it?" Pinkie asks incredulously. "Twilight believes in your Pinkie sense, I don't think it's that far fetched to believe in. Now, about that cake. You were talking flavors before we were interrupted. Mike, is there a flavor you'd like? Because I'm fine with whatever," Starlet sighs exasperatedly and then turns to look at Mike. "Oh, uh... red velvet?" His answer is more of a question, but Starlet accepts it. "That flavor fine?" Starlet asks Pinkie. "Oh, yeah! What about cookies? Or punch? Or-" Pinkie stops as Starlets hoof goes to her mouth. "Surprise us, your the premier party planner of ponyville. I don't have balloons on my flank, you do. But we do have things to do in the meantime, so we must go get those things figured out. We'll make sure we get to Sugarcube Corner later, ok?" Starlets eyes are pleading the party planner to leave. "Oh, ok! Great, I'll see you there!" Pinkie hops down the street and away from them, Starlet lets out a sigh. Starlet feels the familiar switchlike feeling and straightens herself up somewhat. "And, that there... was Pinkie Pie. Ponyvilles Personal Premier Party Planner. She can be a bit much at times, 'specially if ya don't know her that well. Y'all should get used to it fairly quickly, then she can be real fun. She is the element of laughter after all," Starlet explains to Mike, though it's clear he still doesn't quite understand what just happened. "C'mon, lets just get to the guest house," Starlet sighs and continues on, Mike follows. ~~~~~~~ Mike looks around the room, inspecting it. The bed looks a little small, but theres nothing to be done about that. He sighs and looks at the door, he's tossing around the idea of going somewhere. After Starlet got him situated, she said that she had some things to do. Mike is hesitant to do anything, mostly because he doesn't know anything about this world. But... he has wings on his back and he's been itching to see if they can actually fly. `It should be easy right? Starlet said something about enhanced muscle memory, so it shouldn't be hard right?` Mike thinks as he heads out of the guest house. Mike looks around him at the various streets and decides against flying for now, he instead decides to just take a walk. He'd heard from somewhere once that the best way to get good at doing something was to feel comfortable doing it at all. Seeing as he's not that comfortable with his body yet, moving around in it should make him a little more comfortable. Mike turns and walks down the street to his left, committing the turn to memory. He continues down that street until he comes to an intersection that he has to make another decision, he chooses right. He continues to turn down various winding roads until he stops in front of a shop that just happened to catch his eye, it looked like a giant gingerbread house. He remembers seeing it briefly on their way to the town hall Without bothering to even look for a sign, he goes in. His nose is immediately assaulted by the sickly sweet smell of tantalizing baked goods. He didn't have whatever was used as currency here, but he sure wishes he did. The rich and tasty looking treats must be quite expensive, especially with how good they smell. Mike is practically smushing his face against the glass before he realizes what he's doing, he shakes his head clear. `I gotta get out of here, it's all so tempting. I can come back later when I have some coin,` Mike sets his mind and turns to the door, but he's stopped cold by a familiar all too cheery voice. "Oh! Hey Mike! You're way early, the party doesn't start for a couple hours!" Mike turns around to see the same pink pony that invited him and Starlet to the party, she's behind the counter. Pinkie Pie was her name if Mike recalled correctly. She was pleasant enough, and certainly had extra energy for those around her. She was just a little, hard to handle, to put it gently. She was certainly fun though, and Mike didn't mind her. "Yeah, I didn't realize that this was Sugarcube Corner. It is an interesting building..." Mike replies. "So, whatcha doin' Mike? Are you enjoying Ponyville so far?" Pinkie grins widely from behind the counter. "It's..." Mike thinks hard about his answer. He hasn't seen much of the town, and what he has seen doesn't really give him an opinion on the town as a whole. "Different," Mike continues, "It's very different from where I lived before. It's nice, but it's not much compared to my old town" a twinge of sadness hits Mike as he looks at his claws, then he realizes how what he said could be taken. "I don't mean that in a bad way! It's just... I... I just have so many memories of there, but I don't really have anything here. I guess I'm a little homesick? I dunno, I'm sorry if I offended you," Mike jumps a little in surprise as he feels a hoof over his back. "I know what you mean, I felt the same way when I moved here. But I started making friends and it made me feel better, now it's like home here. Of course, the farm is and will always be my home too," Pinkie adds quickly. "And now you've got one more friend to help you adapt to Ponyville! Isn't that great?" Pinkie asks excitedly. All the cheer from before has returned to her voice, but in that small moment Pinkie almost seemed a little sad. He doesn't know why, but something about her seemed a little sadder. Or maybe it was empathy? Sympathy? Whatever it was, Pinkie was moving on like it hadn't happened. "Yeah..." Mike agrees. Pinkie just smiles and bounces back to the counter, Mike just watches the silly procession. "Well, I'll see you later at the party! Right now though, I have to get it set up! Oh, you wouldn't happen to have any Nitrogen Triiodide, would you?" Pinkie asks suddenly. "Um, no." Mike replies. He's not quite sure what it is, but he's sure he doesn't have it. "A shame, I'll have to borrow some from somepony, but who?" Pinkie trails off in thought. "What do you need... whatever that is, for?" He's almost afraid to ask. "Oh, no reason~," Pinkie smiles coyly, Mike starts backing out of the shop. "Ok, well... good luck with that," Mike smiles nervously as he backs out. Pinkie waves enthusiastically after him, Mike half-heartedly waves back. As soon as he's out of the shop Mike picks up the pace and heads off in a random direction, desperate to get away from the pony asking for strange chemicals. Then Mike thinks about it. `If she's asking for chemicals, she must know the dangers,` thinking of no better answer, Mike calms down. He continues on and realizes that he has no idea where he is, he lost track after that encounter. Mike lets out an exasperated breath, it was turning out to be a very long day. ~~~~~~~ Starlet looks up at the giant tree in awe, it was simply beautiful. After getting the two of them situated, Starlet had taken off. Not without making sure Mike was okay with it of course, he had simply waved her off to go do the things she needed to do. He had assured her that he'd be fine on his own and that he needed time to process all that's happened. This had led Starlet to follow the mayor's directions to the library for a little studying. Starlet pushes open the library door and Twilight is sitting at a table in the center, engulfed in her own studies. Starlet closes the door quietly and moves behind Twilight to get a good look at the paper, it was a research report on oddities of magic. Starlet's eyes bug out a little at this, but she calms down a second later. This report reminded her of something, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. Something other than the fact that her and Mike could be obvious magical oddities. Starlet watches Twilight deep in her work for a few seconds before commenting. "You didn't dot the 'i' in 'this'," Starlet mentions. Twilight looks at it and corrects it, she mutters a thanks before freezing. Her head whips around and Starlet smiles, "Hi," Starlet says calmly. ~~~~~~~ Twilight is staring at a unicorn who seemingly appeared from out of nowhere "Ahh! I-! You-! When did you get here?!"Twilight finally asks in shock. "A while ago. Truly fascinating stuff you were writing," Starlet comments reading some of it over before turning her gaze back to Twilight. "Oh, well I'm glad you think so," Twilight gives a nervous smile, obviously still a little shaken by the surprise. "Oh yes, I always wished to learn more about magic... unfortunately, the resources were never available to me," Starlet smiles as she looks around at the books, "I can see that isn't the case now," Starlet turns back to Twilight. "Never had a chance to learn? That sounds awful! Why not? Oh, are you new in town?" Twilight asks, the shock all gone from before. "Yes, my names Starlet Mint. A pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Sparkle... or would you prefer if I just call you Twilight?" Starlet asks politely. "Yes, please. But... you know me?" Twilight asks in confusion. "I'm surprised some ponies don't, what with a lady of your stature. You're a very well respected pony, Twilight. For various reasons. I'm sure you know what they are, so I won't delve into it. I also know that you're still just like anypony else, so you don't need to worry about praise or anything like that. I'm just a pony looking for some answers, what better place to look than a library?" Twilight is looking embarrassed from the compliments. "I haven't really done that much-" Twilight starts. "Oh please, you mustn't brag, but that doesn't mean you need to sell yourself short. Accept your accomplishments as what they are, just don't go overboard," Starlet smiles gently to Twilight and Twilight smiles back. Starlet then turns to look at the books around her. "Are you looking for any book in particular?" Twilight asks. "A book on the laws, that's all for now." Starlet says, Twilight searches around and then comes up with a book. "Here you go, Equestrian Laws. It lists them in accordance to region, as some places have slightly different laws." Twilight says, Starlet just looks at it nervously. Eventually Starlet closes her eyes and focuses her magic on the book, it shakily moves over to a table. Twilight is looking a little shocked at the struggle Starlet was having at using her magic, levitation was a spell most fillies could use with ease. It's then that Twilight also notices that Starlet had no cutie mark. "Thanks Twilight," Starlet says as she hops into a chair to read her book, Twilight doesn't respond. On one hoof, Twilight is very curious and concerned about these two facts. And about this mare to be honest, how does a unicorn get to be that old without much experience with magic? On the other hoof, if Twilight brings it up it might hit one of her deep rooted insecurities and cause her to go into a depressive state. Or she could get angry at Twilight and leave the library. Twilight doesn't want to hurt her, but she doesn't want to just do nothing. There must be some way that she can bring it up without hurting her, that way she can help. `Oh, she seems eager to learn. And more specifically read, maybe you can bring it up through that,` Twilight tries to walk up to her casually and start some conversation. "So, what do you need a law book for? A research project?" Twilight asks. "No, I'm reading up on this regions laws so I know if they're different from the region I used to live in. It's like you said, different regions have slightly different laws," Starlet answers without taking her eyes off the book. "Where did you come from before?"Twilight asks, Starlets mouth turns down into a frown. "I'd really rather not talk about it, Twilight... it's kinda personal..." Starlet says in an almost whisper. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pry!" Twilight feels sweat beading on her forehead. `This is bad, I haven't even brought up magic yet and I've already upset her. You need tact, Twilight! You need a plan! You need an opening! You need something! Think, Twilight! Thi-` Twilight's brought out of her thoughts by Starlet. "Twilight... is there something you want to know?" Starlet asks, her tone completely deadpan. "Why are you so bad at magic?" Twilight blurts out, her eyes go wide as dinnerplates as she realizes what she's said. `Brilliant job Twilight! Now I'm sure you've upset her! You saw how she reacted to her old home! Imagine how she'll react to that! "Oh, fet! I didn't mean to say it like that! I'm so sor-" Twilight starts but Starlet puts a hoof to her mouth. "Shh. Twilight, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it like that. To be honest... it's pretty much what I said earlier about lack of resources. I never really had anyone or anything to teach me magic before," Starlet casts her eyes down and away. "But, I should be able to figure it out if I read some of the books on how it works. I'll be fine," something about her tone didn't quite convince Twilight on the last part. "No pony to teach you? How... no, there must have... no one at all?" Twilights thoughts fall to this. `Thats awful, you have to drop the subject. She won't want to talk about it.` Twilight's mouth betrays her thoughts, "I... I could teach you if you want..." Twilight beats herself up internally as she says it. `Great, you might as well just say goodbye because she's not going to want to talk to you again. If she's made it this far with an inability to use magic, she must hate people trying to help her. Thinking that because she can't use magic she can't be independent. Of course, you're not thinking that, but thats what she must think you're thinking.` Twilights about to say I'm sorry when Starlet interrupts. "Would you, please?" Starlet asks earnestly, Twilights caught off guard. "Um... yeah, I can teach you... just... give me some time to organize a schedule?" Twilights questioning the decision, but Starlet smiles happily and opens her mouth to say something. Suddenly Starlets mouth snaps shut and the sparkle in her eyes flickers and a bigger grin replaces her old smile, Starlet leaps to give Twilight a hug. Twilight is surprised by the gesture, but she returns it nonetheless. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll be the best student! What do I need for my studies? Wide ruled or academy ruled? Oh, academy, duh. Hm... do they sell pencils in Ponyville? Maybe I should just use a quill... I'll need a way to get this stuff, a job! I don't have a job yet! Sorry Twilight, I guess we'll have to wait for the supplies because I don't have any bits. Unless we can pull out a student loan... I'd rather not, but if we must..." Twilight had lost Starlet halfway through her rambling, it was so similar to a Pinkie style ramble. Twilight stops Starlet with a hoof to the mouth. "Starlet, we shouldn't need any of that. We won't be learning anything too difficult, just some simple stuff." Twilight assures her. "We'll get to the complicated stuff later, right?" Starlet asks in excitement. "We'll see," Twilight says. `She sure is enthusiastic about it,` Twilight thinks. "Wait, Twilight... back when you were apologizing..." Starlets brow is furrowed in thought, but then she just laughs nervously. "Heh, nevermind. I'm sure it was nothing," Starlet turns back to a joyful mood. "So, whens the first lesson?" She asks. "Uh... I need to organize a schedule, and pinkie's party for you will have me sleeping in a little later... so, how about the day after tomorrow?" Twilight asks. "Well, I need to try and get some bits so I can stay more than the three days in the guest house. Me and my friend were gonna go job hunting tomorrow and the day after... can we start in three days?" Starlet asks. "Sure, whenever is best for you." Twilight says. "Thanks, Twilight! You're the best!" Starlet beams a smile and then looks down at her book. She seems to speed read the last couple of lines and hands the book back to Twilight. "Here's your book back, thanks. I'll see ya at the party!" And with that Starlet bounces out the door. Twilight looks down at the book and thinks on the strange mare that just left. Twilight doesn't get long to think as Pinkie comes walking in the door, which is strangely calm. She's glancing behind herself a little, like she's watching for something. She shuts the door and locks it, and thats how Twilight knows there's something up. "Pinkie? Why did you lock the door? We're still open," Pinkie looks at Twilight and Twilight shudders. The look is cold and calculating, but then it turns to frantic and slightly worried in an instant. "So... you just met one of the new ponies? How was she?" Pinkie tries to ask casually. "She was nice, why?" Twilights looking at Pinkie skeptically. "Did anything seem off about her?" Pinkie asks. "She had insecurities about her magic, but that's hardly off. She seemed to have a pretty sad past, but I didn't pry." Twilight tells her, Twilight turns to the shelves to put a book away. "Did she know anything? Anything she shouldn't have known? Your name maybe?" Pinkie asks. "She knew my name, but she had a reason for it. I'm the element of magic, the last one in centuries, of course I'll have a bit of fame." Twilight shrugs off the question. "Hmm... I guess..." Pinkie considers the alibi. "What is this all about Pinkie?" Twilight asks exasperatedly. "She knew about the Pinkie Sense," Pinkie deadpans. "She knew? And she believed you too? How do you know?" Twilight asks skeptically. Anything involving the Pinkie sense that is not the sense itself is sketchy at best in Twilight's mind, though she had grown to accept the sense itself a little more over time. "She pushed me out of the way of a falling flower pot when I was caught up talking about the party. At first I thought she had a Pinkie sense too, but then she told me she didn't. At first I was confused, but then she explained that she knew about mine. Then I became more confused, and now she's suspicious. Maybe she's a spy pony! Probably a part of Celestia's special spy pon-" Pinkie's cut off by Twilight. "Pinkie! Not this again! And to think I was starting to believe you..." Twilight sighs. "But I'm telling the truth!" Pinkie pouts. "I'm not saying you aren't. I do think she knew about the Pinkie sense, and I do think it is a little strange. I also think that's all it is, strange! Not suspicious, or dangerous, or even underhanded! I think that she's had a hard time before she got here and that she's trying to be happy." Twilight tells her. "Oh, that's another thing. Her griffon friend seemed sad about leaving. Kinda like he hadn't wanted to leave, but had no choice to. He said he thinks he's homesick," Pinkie shrugs. "What? That doesn't make any sense, and he's a griffon? But, no... that doesn't make any sense, why would they be homesick if they left? If they didn't want to leave, why not just stay?" Twilights racking her brain over the questions presented to her. Pinkie is also thinking, but then she turns to Twilight curiously. "You mentioned an insecurity about magic?" Pinkie's eyes are once again cold and calculating, it sends a shiver down Twilights spine. "Yes, she wasn't that good at it. She told me how she never had anything to teach her much about magic, no books on magic or anypony to teach her magic.” Pinkie seems to think on this for a second, before she realizes something. "Twilight, she knew nothing about magic." Pinkie says simply. "And she was very sensitive about it, so don't go blabbing Pinkie." Twilight says sternly. "Twilight, you're missing the point. If she knew nothing about magic she must have been in a pretty isolated town, cut off from most knowledge." Pinkie tells her. "Ok, maybe thats why she left. To find out about more," Twilight says. "Twilight, if she was cut off from most knowledge then how did she know about the magical artifacts of great power and their bearers? For that fact, it makes even less sense how she knows about the Pinkie sense," Pinkie states. Twilights frozen, for two reasons. One is that all the accusations that Pinkie was making are spot on and have very little chances of explanation. The other is that the observations came from Pinkie. But, she almost didn't seem like Pinkie. She almost seemed a shade darker than Pinkie usually is, and even the way Pinkie is holding herself seems different. "Twilight, focus. Mysterious mare that knows things, what do we do?" Twilight snaps out of her thoughts about Pinkie. "P-pinkie? Are you alright?" Twilight was sure there was something wrong. Pinkie had her startling moments of clarity, but Pinkie was never the one telling others to focus. "Twilight, I'm fine. Now back to more pressing matters," now Twilights sure something is wrong, Pinkie is way too calm. But there isn't much Twilight can do about it except note it for later. "Fine, ok. Um... did her griffon friend know anything?" Twilight asks. "Well, no. He seemed kinda lost about everything. Almost like he didn't know a lot about how things work," Twilight looks up at the speed of the answer. Gone was the calculating coldness in her eyes, Pinkie had returned to the same joy and energy as before. She was currently bouncing around in thought. "Well... maybe they're not from the same place. There are plenty of ways she could know those things without knowing a lot about magic. They must have touchy pasts, and I don't want you digging into it." Twilight says decisively. "But Twilight-" Pinkie starts. "No. No buts," Twilight cuts her off. "Fine..." Pinkie sighs, and then she perks up. "Oh, by the way, here's your invitation to the welcome party for Ponyvilles newest guests! The party starts tonight at Sugarcube corner! Don’t miss it.” and with that Pinkie Pie leaves the invitation and hops out the door. Twilight just shakes her head and opens up the invitation, she find no additional information so she just tosses the invitation aside. Her thoughts drift to Pinkie Pie. While some things she did were predictable, such as the parties, even more of the things were so unpredictable. the only thing you could come to expect from Pinkie was the unexpected, and she delivers it with such frequency that it can be overwhelming. The most shocking thing about this encounter was how she acted, not quite so much the old Pinkie, but almost like a different pony altogether. Twilight thinks on these things for a while before pushing them out of her mind, she has a research report to finish. Twilight returns to her papers and continues her work. ~~~~~~~ Mike is walking through the streets, hoping to find some sort of landmark he might remember. He hasn’t found anything, though he has seen some interesting things. Unicorns using magic, mostly levitation though. He also saw some Pegasi moving clouds and just flying around. He noticed getting some weird looks, but he deducts that up to not seeing any other griffons around. ‘They must not be very common’ Mike decides as he looks around. He’s so caught up in looking around that he doesn’t notice when Starlet falls into step next to him until she speaks up. “So, how’re you liking Ponyville?” The mare smiles widely. “Oh, it’s… uh, nice. Really nice. Everypony is nice, the view is nice, everything overall is nice,” Mike says as he looks around. He turns back to Starlet and she’s not practically bouncing anymore, she’s walking calmly. “That’s good, I was worried about how you’d take our situation.” Starlet says. “It’s pretty surreal, but I guess it could be worse. I’ve pretty much come to terms with it…” Mike answers, hanging his head a little. “Well, that’s good. I was worried that you wouldn’t take it well.” Starlet chuckles nervously. “Yeah, I was worried at first too. Now I’m just… a little worried still I guess. just not at the same thing. Now I’m just worried about other stuff… like getting home.” Mike says a little downcast. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out,” Starlet didn’t look as sure as she sounded. There was a trace of doubt in her tone, and it didn’t bode well with Mike. “So, you ready for that party later?” Starlet asks. Mike’s stomach grumbles and he looks over to her embarrassed. “Well, I’m pretty hungry. I haven’t had anything to eat since last night,” Looking up to the sky Mike sees the sun is almost directly overhead, “It’s already about midday,” Mike says. “Right… oh, jeez. What do griffons eat? I imagine that you guys eat some sort of meat, but maybe you’re vegetarians here? What’s something that should be safe? What did Gilda eat? Oh, Pastries!” Starlet finally exclaims. “Um, Starlet? We don’t have any… whatever is used as money here,” Mike points out. Starlet goes back to thinking and Mike waits for her to think of something. “Oh, Pinkie!” Starlet looks around frantically and dashes off in a seemingly random direction. Mike chases after her quickly, not wanting to lose sight of his friend. “What the heck! Where are we going?!” Mike asks as he trails the unicorn. “Pinkie should be able to help us!" Mike follows at a much slower pace, just barely keeping Starlet in sight. He's not sure what Pinkie could do to help, but he's not as enthusiastic as Starlet about it. Starlet runs in and out of Sugarcube corner, then back to Mike. "She's not in Sugarcube corner, she must be out delivering invites," Starlet sighs and runs a hoof through her hair. Mike looks behind her and sees Pinkie bouncing down the street, how convenient. Mike points a claw and Starlet turns her head, she perks up at the sight of Pinkie. Mike rolls his eyes as Starlet darts after her, he walks over at a much slower rate. He watches as Pinkie gives Starlet two cupcakes and bounces away, Mike puzzles over where she got the cupcakes. He approaches Starlet and she seems to be looking after Pinkie sadly. "Starlet?" Mike asks in concern. Starlet turns to him with a wide grin, she hoofs over a cupcake. "Pinkie always has the answer, shes the perfect deus ex machina," Starlet laughs and bites into her cupcake, Mike just nods and does the same. "I guess so," Mike munches on the cupcake idly, still puzzling over how Pinkie got the cupcake. It tastes fresh, so it's not like she just has old cupcakes lying around. What type of pony carries around fresh cupcakes, just in case? He just drops the topic, `obviously thinking about that will lead to nothing but-` "An endless pit of insanity from which there is no return," Starlet chuckles to herself as she so perfectly finishes his thought. Mike looks at her in shock, she just smiles weakly back at him. "Sorry, just thinking to myself," Mike snaps out of his stupor, they couldn't have been thinking of the same thing. So then, what could lead Starlet to think something like that? ~~~~~~~ "Welcome to Ponyville!" Starlet looks around at all the decorations in awe as she enters Sugarcube Corner, Mike does the same as he follows close behind. Pinkie looks at them excitedly, "so? What do you think?" Pinkie asks. "Bravo, Pinkie. I'd have to say that this party is a smashing success!" Starlet says with a wide smile, Mike nods as he continues to admire the decorations. "Here try the punch!" Pinkie zips over and hands Mike a glass of punch, he takes it graciously. "Okay," he takes a tentative sip. He quickly downs the whole cup as he tastes it, he heads to the refreshment table to get more. Starlet looks over the party at all the guests, she looks back at Pinkie to find Pinkie giving her a strange calculating stare. Pinkie perks up and pulls Starlet to the snack table, Starlet doesn't dwell on it much. She must have been seeing things, Pinkie shouldn't be judging her. "You! How did you know my name?" I grin as Lyra walks up to me. "Lyra heartstrings, the famous Lyrist? Who wouldn't know you? I'm a fan of your work," Pinkie gasps and I turn to find her eyeing me once more. I raise an eyebrow and she looks away quickly. Seriously, it's almost as if she... knows something. I immediately dread the thought and ignore Pinkie, hoping I'm wrong. "But I... you... you do?" Lyra finally says in shock. "I do, you should ask Celestia if you could play in the grand galloping gala. I'm sure she'd let a mare with natural talent like yours play, it could be your big break!" I exclaim excitedly, talking rapid fire. I glance to the side to see Pinkie looking me over, I don't dare flinch. "... Oh my Celestia, you're right! I should do that! Why did I never think of that! I could be famous!" Lyra exclaims. "I know right!?" I nod vigorously, using both mine and her enthusiasm to ignore Pinkie. "Wow, you're really cool, you know that? Wanna come by the park and hang sometime?" Lyra asks, calming a little. "Would I!" I nod vigorously, still very excited for some reason. "Say, you could come to a meeting for my club!" Lyra says. "Ooh! What's the club?" I ask. "The Human Lovers Club!" I freeze as Lyra says this. My mood instantly takes a u-turn, I feel a click as I start to calm down. "I think I'll pass on that offer, I'm not too fond of the creatures." I reply smoothly. "You know what humans are?" Lyra says excitedly. "Yes, I don't much care for them. Sorry," I tell her, Lyra just waves it off. "No need, I understand. I've had worse rejections. It took forever to get my girlfriend BonBon to even think about me that way. She kept on saying, `I'm not gay!`. Can you believe that after one of those rejections I came home in a ripped tuxedo, wilted roses, and frosting covering myself? That wasn't even the worst!" I chuckle as Lyra laughs with me. "A tale for another time, you still gotta go see all the other guests." I wave to Lyra as she walks away and turn to find somepony else there. I greet many more ponies, Pinkie's gaze always hovering over me. I look back multiple times to find her quickly looking away, pretending to be preoccupied. I turn back around to find a peculiar brown haired earth pony with a hole in her hoof. "Heartbreak?!" I yelp in exclamation. Suddenly, I have a much worse feeling about all of this. > Just Act Natural > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How do you know me?" Heartbreak asks, I feel my mouth go dry as my brain panics. I can feel myself having a meltdown... *click* "Oh, I met this charming travelling hat salesman a while back. He told me all about you," I tell her, lying smoothly. "Oh, him." Heartbreak nods in understanding. "He gave me this hat," Heartbreak tilts her head so I can see her green hat. "You don't say?" I feign interest in the hat for a moment, still worried on the inside. "So you're the new pony? And that griffons your friend?" I nod, Heartbreak nods to herself. "I've never known a griffon before," Heartbreak says thoughtfully. Neither have I. I smirk at the thought, but then I notice Heartbreak looking at my bare flank. I cover it with my tail, but Heartbreak has a thoughtful look. "You don't have a cutie mark," Heartbreak points out.*click* "Neither do you," I shoot back, I immediately regret it. "What are you tal-" Heartbreak stops and looks at me wide eyed.*click* "What I meant was... yeah, sorry, bad comeback." I try, Heartbreak is looking at me judgingly. Pinkie Pie is also staring into me. I wilt under their watchful gaze and sigh at my slip up... *click* "I'm parched, do you want anything?" I ask Heartbreak. She shakes her head and I try to walk past her, but somepony runs into me. I fall on top of Heartbreak, knocking her over. I feel a burning in my side that subsides into sadness. My eyes tear up as the utter sadness is overwhelming. I feel it override my senses and I almost cry, until... I feel nothing. Suddenly, an overwhelming desire overpowers me. Heartbreak pushes me off and looks at me in concern. The pony who ran into me is looking at me helplessly, probably attempting to apologize. I get up and wipe the tears out of my eyes, then everything starts to focus. I look at the pony and all I feel is an overwhelming desire that I recognize, but it was never this strong. My foreleg twitches, reaching for something. I feel my magic grab at the knife in the cake, I feel a twisted joy as I look at my reflection in it. Death, torture, pain. All these thoughts bring pleasure, and I can feel the urge. I can put a name to it now, it's an urge to kill. I look into the knife with dark glee, then I notice something, someone is saying my name. I snap out of my trance and the knife clatters to the ground, it had been shaking in my weak magical grip. I look up to find Mike saying my name. "Starlet!" he says once more. "What?" I ask blankly, trying to take into account what just happened. I look down at the knife and jump away from it, panic striking me. What was I just thinking? How could I! I'm not a murderer, I hope. That feeling, it felt great. I can feel it tugging at the back of my mind, I shake it away. "Are you okay?" Mike asks, walking up to me. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I ask nonchalantly. "Because you touched my-" Heartbreak cuts herself off and I look over to find tears streaking her face too. I walk over to the snack table and grab a napkin, I bring it over and wipe Heartbreaks face clean. She doesn't relent, but she looks at me oddly. Eventually she takes the napkin and wipes her own face, the entire party is still looking at us. "We're fine everypony, just took a little fall and some dust aggravated our eyes. Go back to partying," I call out everypony seems content with this. "Yeah, dust..." Heartbreak mutters, walking away. Clearly lost in thought, I look after her sadly. Knowing full well that our stay here just got that much harder. "Dust? I didn't see any dust," Mike says. *click* "Shut it." I tell him, looking around quickly. Pinkie's stare is still on me, but it's too late to care. "What? But I-" he starts. "No, shut it. No one must ever know what we are. No one ever. I cannot stress this enough now. Deny, deny, deny. Only one exception, Princess Celestia. Colloquially known as the sun goddess. But I plan on talking to her soon, you" I point a hoof at him. "Will stay here." I say with finality. "When are you going?" He asks. "I don't know. But if I don't come back from my meeting with the 'benevolent' leader, don't come looking for me," I tell him. "Why would you go missing?" He asks. "No reason," I tell him. I don't need him any more scared about this than he is now. "What's with the accent?" He asks. "What?" I ask in confusion, completely taken off guard by his question. "You're speaking in a thick accent," he says. "I don't have an accent!" I say, a little loudly. Which earns me a couple glances. *click* "C'mon, let's go enjoy the party!" I say excitedly, I was having a great time up until I realized heartbreak was here. Jeez, that's actually pretty sad. Even if I know what to expect, she still brings the mood down. ~~~~~~~ Most of the party is over and almost everypony is gone, I'm starting to feel the fatigue of partying for so long get to me. "Hey, Star. I'm gonna head out now, I think I know the way back." Mike says. "Okay, I'll be leaving too before too long." I tell him, I look across the room and I find a couple ponies I know. Lyra is just about to leave with Bonbon, and Vinyl's packing up. Pinkie Pie is... oh crap, she's walking towards me. I can see her cold stare and it gives me chills. I look over and find the room mostly empty now, aside from some ponies helping to clean up. I turn and find myself nose to nose with Pinkie, I back up a little. "You, you've got a secret. And I know it." *click* "I haven't the faintest what you're talking about," I tell her, standing up taller. Pinkie looks at me in shock. "Did she just...? She did." Pinkie looks at me in shock, then she looks down at the floor and starts making a bunch of faces. She glances up at me a couple times, it's almost like she's trying to decide something. "Hmm, but that wouldn't explain... oh, right." Pinkie Pie mumbles. I can only wonder what she's thinking about. ~~~~~~~ "Did she just...?" Pinkie asks the other two with her. "Switch personalities?" Pinkamena asks idly. "She did." Pinkie says, looking over to Surprise bouncing around excitedly. "Quit talking out loud," Pinkamena says annoyedly. "I've told you, Twilight's already getting too suspicious recently thanks to us not being careful enough. We've managed to keep it a secret this long, I won't let it fall apart thanks to momentary stupidity. Even Surprise is careful, surprisingly." Pinkamena says. "Right, well... what do we do?" Pinkie asks, taking care not to speak the words. "We did say she had a secret!" Surprise adds. "Hmm, but that wouldn't explain..." Pinkamena glares at her mentally and Pinkie realizes her fault. "Oh, right. But, that wouldn't explain how she knows so much about all sorts of things. She seems to know a lot about the townsponies," Pinkie points out. "Like heartbreak!" Surprise puts in. "Exactly, she knew Heartbreak!" Pinkie exclaims. "No, like how Heartbreak knows a bunch about the townsponies." Surprise clarifies, Pinkie and Pinkamena stop at this. "She has a point, it does seem similar. Though, she tends to be more fluid at lying calmly," Pinkamena deduces. "Which one? One of them seems like a good liar, but the others don't seem as smooth." Pinkie says, they all think. "I don't think she knows about the other personalities," Pinkamena finally states. "Huh? Is that even possible? What makes you think that?" Pinkie asks. "Yes, it's possible. Don't you remember before you realized me and Surprise were here, we just tended to switch without seeming separate." Pinkamena points out. "Surprise and I!" Surprise corrects. "Whatever, anyways, she doesn't seem to realize she has it" Pinkamena continues. "Oh, should we tell her?" Pinkie asks worriedly. "I'm not sure if it could be detrimental," Pinkamena says thoughtfully. "So, no, just to be safe?" Pinkie asks. "For now," Pinkamena says. "What about her knowing all those things?" Surprise asks, both other personalities look at her. Then they look at eachother, Pinkie just shrugs. Pinkamena sighs and drags a hoof down her face aggravatedly. "Nothing, Twilight told us not to dig. We should try to ignore it as best we can, maybe we can bring it up later or something." Pinkamena shrugs and the three look at each other, blankly. "She already left," Pinkie points out. "Thank you Captain Obvious," Pinkamena says sarcastically. "Should we go after her?" Pinkie asks. "Why? We already decided we weren't gonna do anything." Pinkamena says halfheartedly. "Oh yeah," Pinkie says, Pinkamena snorts and turns away. Pinkie snaps back to reality and looks around at the clean shop before hopping upstairs to get ready for bed. ~~~~~~~ I look around me, how did I get this lost? If I had to guess, I'd say i'm somewhere in whitetail woods, but near the edge. It's really scarce of trees, and it looks like there's a clearing up ahead. I don't even remember how I got here, but I know I'm not scared about being lost. Sure, I'm in the woods at night, but it's not like it's the Everfree. In fact, I love the night. It makes everything a different kind of beautiful, which is nice. I'm not in any rush to get anywhere, and I'm not really tired. So, I just continue walking in these woods. But, as I said, the trees were thinning and the path I was on led me to a clearing. I was surprised to find a pony in the clearing, sitting at the edge of a pond. I walk up to the pony, it's an earth pony mare. She has a wavy pink mane with a red streak in it and a grey coat much like mine, she also doesn't have a cutie mark. Which is odd, but kinda comforting. I walk up to her and she glances up to see me, she snorts derisively before turning away. Her eye's are pink. "Hello, nice evening, isn't it?" I say, the pony turns back to me and huffs. "It's alright I guess," she has a slight accent in her voice, a southern accent. Not quite as strong as Applejacks, but similar. "So, what brings you out here?" I ask, trying to further the conversation. "Same thing as you," she says aggravatedly. "Oh, just wandering then?" I ask, slightly puzzling over her statement. How could she know why I was out here? "No, you stickhead!" I flinch back violently at the name. From what I know, which may not even be correct, it's a horrendous racial slur. Even if I'm not entirely sure it's that bad, I know it was meant to be offensive. "Honestly, must you stoop to such levels? Isn't it obvious the poor dear doesn't have the faintest clue as to what's going on?" A posh voice says. I look to the side and find another pony trotting up. It's another unicorn, this one a blank flank as well. She has a light lavender mane and tail, the mane has a headband in it and both mane and tail are obviously meticulously fixed into their beautiful wavy form. Her eyes are a light blue, the color of the sky. Her coat is the same gray as mine and the pony sitting by the lake. There is something certainly worth noting here, I just can't think of what it is. "Not my fault she's an idiot," the one by the lake grumbles. "Oh hush, she's not an idiot." The new pony looks me over and smiles, "just a little derpy," I smile back weakly. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what's so weird about this. "Oh, gag me. That's just another way of saying she's mentally challenged." The pony by the lake makes a circular motion in the air by her head with a hoof. "It's not the same and you know it!" The new pony scolds, before turning back to me. "Ignore her, she's always a tad grumpy." The pony apologizes. I wasn't too fond of the other pony, but this new pony seems so nice. "Whatever, you and your frickin' technicalities. They're all just stupid." The pink haired pony grumbles. "They're not stupid, they're correct." I look over to see another gray pony, this one with a dark blue mane and tail. Her eyes are a striking emerald, and I notice that she's also a unicorn without a cutie mark. "Though, I suppose there's no changing your mind." The new pony relents and trots up to me, sizing me up. Eventually she just turns to the nice pony, not even bothering to talk to me. "She's the base," the pony says, base what? "How can you be sure?" The nice pony asks, the new pony just gives her a look that just seems to ask if she even had to ask. "She's the only one with the complete original coat," the new pony deadpans. "That may be, but it doesn't necessarily mean she's the base." the nice pony interjects. "It's the one she defaults to, for as long as we can remember." The new pony shoots back. "Not entirely true, what about the other one? She's a pretty big in influence, and one of the oldest distinguishable," the nice pony counters. "But she's in control even less, and the coat doesn't match." What could they be talking about? "Okay, so if she is the base, why isn't she a he?" The nice one asks, I pause at this. How could anypony know that I was a guy before, technically speaking. The new pony just gives the nice pony a look and turns back to me. "You know why," eventually the new pony addresses me. "You have no idea who I am, do you?" She asks, I just shake my head dumbly. "Do you know any of them?" The new pony asks, I look at the other two. I don't know why, it's not like looking at them suddenly made me know them. At seeing my expression the new pony groans in defeat and leaves, "I'll be back, I need to grab the other three." She sighs and exits the clearing. We wait silently and eventually the other pony comes back. Dragging one mare, a pegasus, with long hair along the ground. The mare has a slightly darker and more blue coat than I do, but her mane is a light aqua color. The same color as her eyes and tail. An energetic pegasus pony is hopping along beside them, she has a dark green mane and tail with a bright blue streak in both. Her coat is a lighter color than mine, but still grey. Her eye's are the same bright blue as her mane. There's also a stallion trudging along beside them, with a darker coat that isn't tinged blue. His mane is slate grey along with his tail, but they both have a black streak in them. Even his eyes are grey, and they're very distant. "Okay, Starlet. I'm sure you're wondering who we are. Well, we don't quite have names, proper names, yet. Well, most of us, Sable being the exception. We do have common attributes you refer to us by. I'm thought," my brain stops to try and process this. I stare at the hoof Thought is holding out for me as I piece together everything, all of their actions. It all makes sense now. I shake the hoof idly as I think this over. "Actually, I have a name I would like," the posh voice speaks up. "I'm creativity, but you can call me Scarlet." She says, also holding her hoof up for me to shake. I make sure to remember that as I shake her hoof. "H-Hi. I'm Sable," the pony with the bluish grey coat speaks up, her voice shaking as she keeps a reasonable distance from everypony. "Hello," I say in an attempt to help her calm down, she just averts her eyes and shuffles her hooves nervously. No doubt wanting to get out of here and away from everypony. "Ooh, ooh! Me next!" The cheerful girl bounces over and shakes my hoof vigorously, "I'm joy! But you can call me Joyous! Joy for short!" I just nod and I can see the grumpy pony from earlier facehoof. The energetic mare puts my hoof down and hops back to where she was standing, so I turn to the pony that just facehoofed. "Yeah, whatever. Just call me Styre." I consider the name and find it oddly fitting for her personality. I turn to the last pony and he ignores me completely. "Umm..." I reach a hoof out to get his attention as I think of he best way to talk to him. He snaps his gaze at me. "What?" He asks, his voice is cold and demanding. My mouth goes dry and he snorts derisively before turning away. "Dissimulo," he says. "What?" I ask, I immediately regret it. "My name. Call me Diz." I just nod and he walks away. I turn back to thought who has a thoughtful look on her face. "Huh, latin... well, then my name is Sententia. Call me Stia for short." The pony formerly known as thought says, I nod and try to digest all this information. Eventually I gather enough of my wits to ask a question. "So, uh... why are you all here?" I ask. "Wish I knew. I'm just as surprised as you are to be honest. I just figured out what was happening a little sooner. Kinda hard not to figure it out when the only ponies around are blank flanks," Stia says, I feel my cheeks go a little hot at that. Why wasn't that a bigger indicator to me? We all practically look alike too! Except for mane, tail, and eye colors. "I'm trying to figure it all out myself, but this type of thing generally happens when someone faces massive emotional trauma." Stia says. "Emotional trauma? I haven't suffered any emotional trauma," I tell her calmly, I'm sure of it. "We just got ripped out of our world and you're trying to tell me you feel nothing? I can't exactly read your mind, but I know that we must be in pretty bad shape if this happened. Despite what we tell ourselves, we might have some serious damage." Stia tries to explain. It makes sense, but I'm not worried. We'll get back, things will work themselves out. It must have happened for some reason, but that can't be it. "I can try to think of some other reason, but I really think that's it." She pushes. "I'm fine, we're fine. There's nothing to worry about," I wave away her concerns. "Yeah Stia! Lighten up! Aren't you even a little bit excited about this?! We're on an entirely different world! I bet there's all sorts of great pony food!" Joy finally stops bouncing around to stare off in an undoubtedly tasty daydream. I ignore the odd interruption and turn back to Stia. "Yeah, tons of books and new things to learn. Twilight even volunteered to help us learn magic!" I exclaim. "That may be, but we should be worried about th-" I shush her by putting a hoof in her mouth. "Stia, calm down. You're overthinking this. We're obviously fine," Stia pushes my hoof away and gives me a stern look. "Fine, but if things start to look bad. Defer to my judgement," I nod and Stia sighs. She trots off and it leaves just me, Joy, Styre, Scarlet, and Sable in the clearing. I turn to Sable. Now that I have a better idea on who everyone is, I recognize her. She's how I used to be, and kinda still am. Well... `I` is a really hard term to use now. She's a major part of Skylar, but there's not really a Skylar anymore... there's just us, all a piece of Skylar. "I-I'm sorry, but I have to go..." Sable excuses herself. I'm tempted to stop her, but I stop myself. I don't want her to be isolated, and confronting her will just drive her away. So I'll let her become sociable on her own. "Wimp," Styre snorts before turning rigidly to the pond. "Styre, you've got to be nicer," Scarlet scolds. "Says who?!" Styre challenges. Scarlet gets ready to respond, but then she just shakes her head and decides not to argue with her. "Well then, it's only a matter of time before we wake up," Scarlet muses. "We're asleep?" I realize that I never even thought to question how they were all here. Of course we're asleep. "Wait, so if this is a dream... how can I trust if I actually have dissociative identity disorder like you're saying I do?" Scarlet grins ominously. Scarlet walks over to me. "Well, that is the question, isn't it?" Scarlet whispers as she passes by. I just watch her walk out of the clearing. ~~~~~~~ I open my eyes groggily, it was just a dream. "Or was it?" I freeze at the voice, but looking around I find no one. "Joy? Shut up." I recognize the voices now. The first one was Joy, the second was Styre. I gasp as I realize that it wasn't a dream, I do actually have an identity disorder. I stop to think about this and shrug it off. I'd suspected myself of one before this started, now I actually have one. In all, it's not that bad. Pinkie's already suspicious of me though, and I really don't want to be committed to a psych ward. I'll have to try and keep this a secret as well... The need for secrecy and amount of craziness seems to increase together. > The Pony Who Knows Something's Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *knock* *knock* I pull myself out of bed tiredly and drag my body towards the door. I open it to find Starlet at the door, she has this really wide grin on her face. I don't think it's right that some people get to be morning people, it's unfair. I groan and hit my head against the doorframe in an attempt to wake up more, it doesn't work as well as I thought it would. I would have just slapped my face, but I managed to restrain myself. I'm not sure how that would turn out, what with me having claws. "Hey, Mike! Hurry up and get ready! I have a lot to teach you today!" I pause, Starlet is acting really hyper for some reason. Did she have caffeine or something? "What about breakfast?" I ask. "Well, let's go to the board and see if theres anything we can do for a couple of bits! But, we have absolutely no money right now," I groan at that, but concede on the point. "Okay, I'll meet you at the front door," I tell her, she nods and hops off. Literally. How can she have that much energy without any food? I get dressed, my stomach grumbling occasionally. Once I'm convinced that I look decent, I head out of the building. I find Starlet sitting patiently by the door. "Okay, lets go look at that board..." Starlet nearly jumps out of her skin. She jumps away from me about three feet, panting heavily. "Oh, you startled me..." She starts trying to regulate her breathing, did I give her a panic attack or something? She starts to shakily get up and she is downright shivering as she walks over to me, she looks terrified. Why is she acting so odd this morning? She takes a deep breath and attempts to look me in the eye calmly, she fails. Horribly. "L-lets go," she stutters, moving stiffly in the direction of the town hall. She avoids my gaze and spends the majority of her time staring at her hooves or the ground in front of her. After a couple tense moments of unbearable silence between us, I speak up. "So, you said you had a lot to teach me?" I venture. I watch as she jumps slightly and takes a couple seconds to calm back down. "T-teach. Right." She looks around her at the ponies in the streets. "W-well first of all, Equestria is ruled by the two immortal alicorn princesses known as Celestia and Luna. Cadence is an alicorn and rules over the crystal empire, which I think is like a sub country... I don't know if Cadence is immortal as well, but I don't think so... sorry, I need to look more into some things myself, sorry... s-so, Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon respectively and also deal with the responsibilities of ruling a land." She starts out, getting a little more comfortable after a while of talking, but still not all that confident. "Twilight Sparkle is the princesses personal protege and her talent is magic, she's a naturally gifted unicorn. Though, I'm sure you know some of the mane six by now... and the ones you don't, I'm sure you will find out soon enough." She tells me, still shaking a little. "Are there any strange ponies in Ponyville? Any I should be wary of?" I ask. "Well, Lyra's got a thing for humans so don-" she starts. "She knows abou-" I am cut off by a hoof in my mouth, Starlet is glaring daggers at me. "Under no circumstances is anypony, especially not her, to ever, and I repeat, ever find out. Kapishe?" I nod and Starlets glare turns back to fright. She lets out a frightened yelp and takes her hoof out of my mouth. "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" What's up with her today? "So, uh, any other ponies?" I ask. "Oh, uh... well," she looks around at the ponies around us and her eyes lock onto a certain pony. The pony seems to be flirting with another pony, Starlet turns back to me. "Uh, that's Cloudkicker... you, uh, might want to avoid her. I know you're religious, so you might not like her type of teasing... she's really loose, and sleeps around a lot." I snort at this. "I didn't think there were pony prostitutes," she stiffens up at this, she turns to me slowly. "It's not like that," she growls pushing me back against a wall with an accusing hoof. "You just said she has sex a lot, I think thats exactly what it's like," I counter. Her hoof slams into the ground near my face, I flinch at that. "Don't pretend to know what it's like! It's not like that at all! There are rules! And morals! She's not just a... a..."her voice lowers as she realizes we were attracting a lot of attention. A pony pulls her off of me and I stand up straight. Starlet's accent had turned southern while she was talking. "Whoa there, okay, break it up. Now, what's the fighting about?" I look over and see Cloud Kicker, Starlet just grumbles. "You." I say, I hear Starlet applying a hoof to her face loudly. "Well, I'm flattered, but-" Cloud Kicker stops talking as a hoof is swiftly applied to her mouth. "It's not like that Kicker, and you know it." Starlet grumbles to herself a bit more before removing her hoof. Cloud Kicker looks at her thoughtfully. "You might wanna wash that hoof," she comments. "Even if I do know better, doesn't mean I'm gonna show it. Hey, how'd you know my name?" Cloud Kicker asks. "Oh, uh... Lyra! Lyra was telling me about her great friend Cloud Kicker," Starlet says, her voice lacking much enthusiasm. "Really? And you know enough to argue over me?" Cloud Kicker asks. Starlet grumbles, but then she stands up straight and attempts a straighter answer. "Actually, not knowing you that well is what caused the argument. He thinks you're just a mindless nymphomaniac without... morals..." she seems to stop and think about what she's just revealed she knows, her hoof collides with her face not a second later. "Aww, and you wanted to defend my honor? Well then, I must give you a reward for being so valiant." Cloud Kicker flutters her eyes sultrily and Starlet takes a step back. "Yeah... not happening Kicker. I'm ace." She shakes her head and Kicker pauses in her advances. What's an ace? "Pfft! Everyone's Kicker-sexual!" Cloud Kicker replies. "No one can resist my charm," Kicker says, shooting Starlet a seductive stare. "I must be the exception and not the rule," Starlet says dryly. "Must be, but if you ever have the urge... I'll be around" Cloud Kicker motions her hoof in a circle to represent `around`. "Will you even have time between all the other ponies you love?" Starlet asks. "I make time," Cloud Kicker replies with a nonchalant wave of her hoof. "Okay, well... the original point still stands. I was still trying to change this idiot's mind about how he sees you. Trying to prove you're not just a sex-crazed pegasus without morals." I say. "Actually... how come you don't think that about me? No, how do you know my life at all?!" Cloud Kicker goes on the offensive and takes a couple steps back, planting herself in a defensive position. Starlet just scoffs at the gesture and returns Cloud Kickers glare with a look of indifference. "You think there's no mention of the Kicker who saved ponies in Canterlot?" Starlet answers. "That could have been any Kicker, and even then, it doesn't go into my sex life!" Cloud Kicker challenges, other ponies are starting to gather around us. Pretty soon I'm on the inner ring of a circle, watching Cloud Kicker interrogate Starlet. Starlet's looking a little frustrated, looks like she might be caught here... "You think Lyra wouldn't mention a thing or two about one of her best buddies? I chatted her up and the conversation turned towards her best bud Cloud Kicker ." Starlet's doing that thing where her southern accent takes a complete u-turn and becomes upper class, it throws Cloud Kicker off for a second. "Lyra wouldn't just say that much about me! You know more than could come up naturally in a conversation," crap, this can't end badly. "Is it any coincidence that I happened to be walking by when a fight about me should start? A fight I intervene and the new pony starts buttering me up? A fight involving the new pony in town that no one knows? Maybe I will ask Lyra and she'll confirm telling you those things, but she'll probably be brainwashed when I find her!" Cloud Kicker accuses. Everypony gasps as they all seem to figure something out about Starlet. Whatever it was, it can't be good. Starlet's looking around and noticing the accusing glares aimed her way. "I hardly know regular magic! Much less brainwashing! Twilight can vouch for me!" Starlet retorts. "So? the perfect disguise, a blank flank unicorn with not much magical talent. Trick everypony into a false sense of security, then hit them when they're not expecting it. And you could've gotten to Twilight too, is that your evil plan? It may have been a good disguise, but it's over now. Changeling." Cloud Kicker declares. What's a changeling? Why do they think Starlet is one? "Cloud, you're being paranoid. I haven't hurt Lyra or Twilight and I'm not a changeling," Starlet tries to reason. "The gigs up. Surrender now and I'll kill you quickly," Cloud Kicker threatens. This is quickly turning bad, but there's nothing I can do to help. ~~~~~~~ "I will not die today, Cloud Kicker," I reply resolutely. "So be it," Cloud Kicker lunges at me, thankfully, I know my skills. As the creative side, I have an eye for detail. As such, I'm able to dodge most of the attack. But I'm also at a terrible disadvantage, Cloud Kicker has military training. She knows krav pega and I can hardly fight, this leaves one option if I want to live. Fighting dirty. I feel that urge rising inside me, but I try to suppress it as best as I can. It doesn't change the fact that it's there, and looking around I see items I could use to kill in a variety of ways. I ignore the thoughts and fall back away from Cloud Kicker. I'm taking a lot of hits, but I manage to keep my vital parts in tact. Cloud Kicker lunges for a decisive blow and in a fit of fear I grab a rock and swing. *thud* The rock connects and Cloud Kicker lands on the floor. For a split second I think she's dead, then she groans and coughs before struggling to get up. I sigh, only to be cut off as I hear a scream behind me and see somepony running at me with a knife. I panic and as he reaches me, I turn the knife on him with dexterity I didn't think I possessed. Everything freezes as he stares at me in shock and looks down to find a knife embedded in his chest right where his heart should be. The crowd is deathly silent as the stallion falls to the ground unmoving, then I feel a tingling in my hooves. The sensation is wonderful, and horrible at the same time. The feeling it gives me, the feel of killing. I look at the body and feel no remorse, only satisfaction. Then I feel something else, a hoof collides with my head and I stagger back. Then another hoof, and another. I fall to the floor as Cloud Kicker towers over me. Cloud Kickers back up and I can't evade her attacks now, so I buck her weakly in the one place I can think. Right in the baby-maker. Even if it was a fairly weak kick, it's enough to give me the pause I was looking for. I can't run away, she'll catch me. I can't hide, the law will come after me. I can't fight, I'll lose. I'm in a corner and there's no way out. I stagger to my hooves. My head a fuzzy blur. Between the thrill of bloodlust and the head injuries, I can't think straight. I look over at the stallion, dead at my hooves. Then I look at Cloud Kicker, already recovering. My magic weakly grabs hold of the knife and I brandish it, the cutlery shaking in my weak magical grip. Cloud Kicker snorts at me and is about to go after me when a figure steps in between us, it's Lyra. "What are you doing, Cloud Kicker?!" Lyra yells. "I'm killing the changeling!" Cloud yells back, not taking her eyes off of me, "before it can get to anypony else," the circle around us was rather wide, making sure she did not have to worry about them. But she tries to step in front of Lyra and Lyra stops her. "Starlet is not a changeling! Look at her wounds!" I take a second and look at my own wounds, letting the knife clatter to the floor as my concentration shifts to the pain I'm starting to feel. Cloud Kicker is starting to see where she was wrong, her shoulders and wings sag as the realization hits her. We're both torn away as a quiet voice speaks up, barely loud enough for us to hear. "He's dead," my head turns slowly to find Mike looking at me in shock. As everypony starts to process this, ponies start screaming. My urge to kill fades to a fear of being caught. "Scarlet, what have you done?" Starlet asks, I look to her mentally and try to think of an answer. I just shake my head and all the other personalities look at me mentally with various expressions. Sable is having a panic attack and scared out of her wits by me. Joy is considerably less joyful and more shocked at me. Thought is looking at me like I'm a monster, and so is styre. Diz is shocked, but seems to be ignoring me and focusing on the body. Starlet looks like she hasn't quite processed it yet, I ignore them and snap back to reality. Cloud Kicker took the initiative and is trying to calm everyone down while authorities arrive. I gulp, looks like I'm in deep trouble. Trouble I can't lie my way out of. ~~~~~~~ I wait in the police waiting room, I don't have a real reason to. Actually, no, I do. I'm waiting for Cloud Kicker, no doubt she's feeling a little shaken up by this. The officers have already dealt with me, I'm free to go, charge free. The kill was labeled as self defense, as well as brandishing a deadly weapon and fighting Cloud Kicker. Cloud Kicker would have more fines, but I finally convinced them I didn't want to press charges. The stallion I killed had a sister who came in. In between sobs she explained how her brother, Seasalt was his name, carried the knife with him ever since the changeling invasion. Him thinking I was a changeling, he reacted violently. She wasn't mad at me, or, at least, she says she isn't. I can still tell she blames me partially, I don't blame her. I liked it, no one knows, but I liked killing him. I can't deny that now, I like killing. But, it's obvious Starlet and the other personalities don't feel the same way. Lyra is waiting for me outside. She doesn't want me to see what she has to say to Cloud Kicker, but she wants to make sure I'm alright first. Physically, I'm ok. Some nurses and doctors came in to stitch us up. Cloud Kicker was mostly fine, aside from a nasty cut I gave her with that rock. I was in a much worse condition, but not so bad I had to be hospitalized. I'm supposed to take it easy, but I probably won't take it as easy as they'd like. Cloud Kicker gets up and I intercept her, she looks at me guiltily. Neither one of us say anything for a while, until I speak up. "I'm sorry," I offer, Cloud Kicker looks at me in shock. "No, I'm sorry! You didn't do anything. I was being reckless and I hurt you in the process!" Cloud Kicker responds. "Yeah, but I forgive you." I reply. "I don't, I got a pony killed..." I flinch at that, theres nothing I can say that would make her believe otherwise. When she gets to believing something, it's hard to tell her otherwise. Especially when there's lots of truth laced into her belief. But even if I can't I gotta try. "Cloud Kicker, it wasn't you. It was me, it's not like you wanted to kill anypony," I try to comfort her. "I wanted to kill you," she points out. "Yeah, you did. But you didn't, and even if you meant to... I forgive you." I respond. "Why didn't you press charges?" She asks, in hindsight it might have been a good idea. "Well I don't have any bits, but I don't need yours. You were just trying to protect everypony. You're intentions were good, if a little mislead." I assure her. "But, I hurt you! Bad." Cloud Kicker exclaims. "Eh, it's not that bad," it's doesn't hurt too much... just, a lot. "The docs said you'll have to take it easy, is your job physical at all? Because if it is, then you won't be able to work for a while, meaning I just cost you some money," Cloud Kicker points out, I stop to think about this. "Well, I don't have a job, or bits... but I'm sure I could find something on the board not involving hard labor... I gotta, or else I'll just have to go without food or shelter for a while." I attempt a jovial smile, but Cloud Kicker is looking at me in shock. Her face turns to one of guilt and horror. "Noponies going to starve on the streets on my watch! I'll give you bits, you may not want to press charges, but I owe you much more." Cloud Kicker insists. "Well... it would help a lot. Thanks, friend." The title doesn't go by her. "Oh no, I couldn't be your friend. Friends don't hurt each other," Cloud Kicker reasons. "That's not true, think about Rainbow Dash..." Cloud Kickers eyes widen, "and her friends." I finish, making her calm down a little more. I shouldn't reveal anything I can't cover up, but I can still make her think about it by saying the right things. After all, I'm creative and good with details. "How many times has somepony you love hurt you, or maybe you hurt them? There may have been ponies you intended to hurt because of a misunderstanding, but don't you still love them? Especially after you realized you were wrong?" Cloud Kicker shows an obvious reaction to my words. Considering her past, I'd be surprised if she didn't "Love is all about pain Cloud Kicker, we just have to decide who we want to suffer for. I'm willing to suffer a little to be your friend, we can call our scuffle a bonding experience. How about you?" I offer her my hoof. "I'll have to remember that... yeah, I think I'd like to be your friend." Cloud Kicker lightens up a little. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised you'd want to be near me, even asexuals fall for a Kickers irresistible charm." Cloud Kicker jokes, sidling up beside me. I giggle and roll my eyes at her reaction. "Yeah, that's it." We walk out of the station, Cloud still pressed against my side lightly. She's taking care to be gentle, and avoiding big wounds. I may have not had to be bandaged up much, but I've still got bruises everywhere. I wince as I step and my right forehoof sends pain shooting through my leg, apparently I'm pretty sore too. Lyra notices us and Cloud Kicker leans away from me and avoids Lyra's gaze, she rubs the back of her head. Cloud Kicker flinches and removes her hoof from the bandage on the side of her head. We walk over to Lyra and she stands up, she turns to Cloud Kicker. She doesn't say anything for a long time, then she smacks her upside the head. "I'll talk with you later." She threatens. She turns to me and instantly starts fussing over my wounds, making sure I'm okay. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a little sore," Lyra stops fussing over me and I find myself on the receiving end of a hug. It would've been nice if not for the fact that I'm still hurting. "Still sore," I hiss, wincing at the pain. "Oops, sorry. I was just worried for ya, didn't like seeing my new friend all battered." Lyra offers sheepishly, I smile at the title. "Well... I'm fine, the docs just say I should take it easy... so, no work for me today. How about I hang with my two friends. Actually, speaking of friends, where is Mike?" I ask. "He went on without you, he looked like he was pretty shaken up by what happened and just needed some time to think," I sigh and nod at Lyras response. It was about what I'd expected. "So, hows about it? You wanna go hang?" I ask my two newest friends. "Yeah... let me just have a word with cloud. It might be a while," Lyra says. "Take your time," I sit down and watch as Lyra and cloud head back inside the building. It's not long before I jump from a ponies voice. "You," I turn and find Pinkie Pie, "I wanna talk to you." "Well, you are, so... congratulations?" I throw my hooves up in mock joy and she pauses. "Oh, I guess we are talking, silly me!" Pinkie does a total 180 and she's back to a calculating stare. She seems to be looking for something, but whatever it is... I don't think she found it. She growls and kicks a hoof before finally speaking up, "I know your secret. And I don't think we're all that different. I'll see ya around." And with that, Pinkie Pie is off. After a while she starts bouncing as her usual self again. A chill goes up my spine at her words, what could she have meant? Did she notice how I like killing? Does Pinkie Pie make `those` types of cupcakes? Whatever it is, it sounded ominous and I don't like it. "Okay, I get it..." I turn around and find Cloud Kicker walking my way wih Lyra right behind her. I smile as a devious idea comes into my mind, why not have a little fun with them? "Wow, you two are already back? I thought you had more stamina than that Lyra," Lyras brain finally catches up to what I'm saying after a while and she attempts a response, but Cloud Kicker cuts her off before she can get anywhere. "I tend to have that affect on ponies," Cloud Kicker buffs her hoof on her chest and looks at it idly, Lyra glares at her. "We didn't do it," Lyra says pointedly. "Well now that's just unbelievable, did you show her `the thing`?" I ask Cloud Kicker, putting extra emphasis on the thing. Cloud Kicker catches on and joins in. "Oh, that `thing`? No, I didn't show her yet," Cloud Kicker teases. "What thing? What didn't you show me?" Lyra asks. "Oh, nothing. I'm sure Cloud Kicker will show you eventually," In truth, there is no thing. But I'm not gonna let her know that, and neither is Cloud Kicker. At least, not yet. "I'm just surprised you didn't have make-up sex, I think you're losing your touch Cloud Kicker." I joke. "Nah, we just came back out to see if you want to join in." Cloud Kicker jokes, earning her a bump on her head. "I think I'll pass," Lyra shoots me a look. "Oh well, it was worth a shot, c'mon Lyra," Cloud Kicker starts walking back in, only to receive another bump from Lyras hoof. "We're not banging," Lyra replies. "Of course not, but I have an image to maintain. If people start thinking I work out my problems diplomatically, it'll be that much harder to solve them with banging later," Cloud Kicker reasons. "You're incorrigible," Lyra scoffs. "It's one of those traits that makes me so darned endearing. That, and my irresistible charm." Cloud Kicker says, snuggling up into Lyras side teasingly. "Uh huh, sure it is," Lyra says sarcastically before turning to me, "You seem to be adapting to Cloud Kicker rather well. Better than some ponies at least," Cloud Kickers ear flicks and she turns her head to me. She doesn't have a glare or anything, it's just a puzzling look. Like she knows somethings strange, but she can't quite figure out why. "So, where to first?" Lyra asks. "I dunno, I'm still not that knowleadgeable on the town. Where do you want to go?" I ask. "I'm pretty hungry, haven't had anythinv since early this morning." Cloud Kicker says, stretching her wings. I look up and find the sun about midsky, meaning it's about noon. Meaning, it's lunch time and I haven't had anyhing to eat. My stomach lets out a low growl and I blush a little as the two look over to me. "Food sounds good," I add, Lyra nods and looks around. "How about Sugarcube Corner? It's not exactly a healthy lunch... but I could go for some baked goods. Bonbons good at candy, but sometimes I just want some cake." Lyra suggests. "Yeah, sounds good," Cloud Kicker agrees, I just nod. A thought pops into my head, I wait awhile before asking it. "I heard Rainbow and Pinkie were an item, is that true?" I ask. "Nah, they had a thing a while back, but they nixed it on good terms. They're just good friends now. Apparantly the boss had her eyes on Applejack, they've got a good thing going now." Cloud Kicker answers, this is cause for a pause. I think about it, but then decide it doesn't matter too much. Rainbow and AJ being together is just a small change, but I also have to wonder what else is different. "Right... what about you Cloud, got any special someponies?" I ask. "Yeah, but it's open, so I can still spread the Cloud Kicker love." Cloud kickers ear flicks once more and she looks over at me with that same puzzled look, but she doesn't say anything. "That's cool," I offer nonchalantly, Cloud Kicker just nods and turns back to the road. "We will have words later," a voice growls. I look around, only to recognize Styres voice in my head. "I was wondering what happened to you all, you were being oddly quiet." I think to her. "We were doing damage control in here, after what you did. It really messed some of them up," Styre explains aggressively in that southern accent that contrasts my high society tone. "It's hardly my fault, it was self defense," I brush off her comments. "Like hell it isn't your fault! You killed him, the only reason I'm not gonna grind into you now is because you need to stay focused. Stia was saying we shouldn't switch control so much, so you're in control for the time being. We'll talk more about everything later," Styre growls before she leaves me alone, I let out a sigh. Lyra notices. "You ok Starlet?" She asks. "Yeah, just thinking about some things," I lie. I guess it wasn't that much of a lie, I am thinking about some things. "It wasn't your fault," Lyra soothes, I was going to ask her what she is talking about until I remember the stallion I killed. It's not exactly what I'm thinking about, but it's close enough. "It kinda is, I gave reason for Cloud Kicker to attack me. Which, in turn, made everypony think I was a changeling. Thus giving the changeling weary pony a reason to attack. It may not have been only my fault, or even mostly my fault, but it's still a little my fault." I reason. "What did you do to make Cloud Kicker think you were a changeling?" Lyra asks gently. The same thing that keeps on earning me weird looks from her, is what I wanna say. Instead I say, "I may have made a couple comments about things she didn't think I knew. After what happened with her..." I caught myself before I said mother, "and the `mother` of all invasions by the changelings. I imagine she'd be pretty cautious about that sort of thing," I still put emphasis on mother to drive the point in. By now, I'm positive Cloud Kicker knows somethings up. She notices the stress I put in the word, but she decides to say nothing. No doubt we'll be having a word later. "And how did you know them?" Lyra asks curiously. "Well, you told me some of it, and this town talks." I motion out and Lyra nods understandingly. Cloud Kicker is still eyeing me, I just ignore it. "Jeez, Cloud Kicker. You thought she was a changeling just because she talked about you?" Lyra scoffs. "Yeah," Cloud Kicker answers absently, she's focused on me. She has that same puzzled look, like she still can't quite figure me out. We make it to Sugarcube corner and walk up to the counter, Pinkie Pie greets us excitedly. Cloud Kicker orders me a muffin, a bagel, and a pretzel. When wenget the food I shoot her a grin. "You sure you don't know me better?" I joke before idly taking a bite of the muffin. True to her word, Lyra ordered a piece of cake. Cloud Kicker ordered a muffin too, but she also has a toasted sandwich. We all dig in, but I get this eerie feeling of being watched. I look over my shoulder at Pinkie and feel her giving me a calculating stare, our eyes meet and she smiles creepily. I shudder and turn back to the meal, Cloud Kicker and Lyra are talking about something or other. I still have this feeling of being watched, and I probably am being watched. We finish and Pinkie rushes us out, "Sorry! But we have to close early, I've got somethin that needs taking care of!" We all just agree not to question it, it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. ~~~~~~~ I wipe my forehead with my right claw and look out at the garden I just weeded. It might be menial labor, but bits are bits. And we do need bits. I'm just wondering where the other half of my `we` is, even if I'm not entirely sure I want her here. She killed another being, that's not something I can just overlook. Sure, it was self defense, but that doesn't change the fact that she has blood on her hooves. And all of this happened from her defending that lecher that tried to kill her, all because they thought she was a changeling. Whatever a changeling is. I collect my pay and add it to my steadily growing pile of bits, I head back into town. I've got enough bits for the essentials for now, I can do more work tomorrow. Maybe even get a real job and get a steady income. It's nice doing small tasks, but we can only do small tasks for so long. I don't like the idea of an extended stay, but we should prepare for one anyways. Now that I've got some time, and Starlet's off doing god knows what, I should learn a little more about this world. Starlet seemed pretty adamant about having me know the way things work, so I change my destination to the library. I arrive at the library and just about have a heart attack at the dragon that opens the door, it takes me a while to get a hold on my bearings. "Let me guess, you've never seen a dragon before?" I just shake my head and he chuckles. "Lots of new ponies are pretty surprised when they see me too. Can you believe one thought I was gonna eat her, it took an hour and a half for Twilight to convince her I wasn't dangerous." He chuckles some more and I just puzzle over the oddity before me. "Can you breath fire?" I ask him. "Yep!" He gives me a demonstration and I clap, honestly impressed. "Thank you, thank you," he bows and opens the door more to let me in. "So, what did you need?" He asks. "Umm... what books do you have on griffons?" I ask. "Griffons? We got a couple, let me fetch them for you," he goes to fetch the books. "Hey, I never caught your name." I tell him. "Oh, it's Spike! Nice to finally meet you Mike," Spike says. "You know my name?" I respond in shock. "Yeah, you are the only griffon in town. That, and something about your friend sent Twilight into a fit last night. Something about a schedule." Spike waves it off and gives me a stack of books. I thank him and start reading. After a while of reading, another set of ponies walks in. "Oh, you're here Mike," I turn as I hear Starlets voice. She's with three other ponies, one I recognize as Cloud kicker. The pony that fought with Starlet. I also vaguely recognize the pony we asked directions from yesterday. The third pony I recognize as one of the mane six, but I don't actually know who it is. Starlet is covered in bandages and seems to have a limp, I wince in sympathy at the sight. "Yeah, I'm here." I respond. "Oh, did you already go to the board and stuff? Sorry I couldn't work with you I-" she starts. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. You do your ting and I'll do mine," I tell her, she nods hesitantly. "Well, I must say that Pinkie sure has been acting weirdly." The third pony says. "You can say that again Twilight. She had rushed us out earlier, said she was working on some project," the other pony I don't know says. "Project? She asked if I had any... Nitrogen Triiodide? Yeah, that stuff, she asked for it yesterday." I tell them. "Nitrogen Triiodide?" Cloud Kicker asks in confusion. "Wait... isn't that...?" Twilight starts. "A highly sensitive explosive?!" Starlet finishes, she and Twilight share a look before rushing out. I just stay there with the two other ponies and we all share a look. "Starlet's an egghead?" Cloud Kicker asks, he other pony just laughs at the question. ~~~~~~~ "Pinkie!" I exclaim becore bursting into sugarcube corner and marching in, Twilights not far behind. "Stop!" Pinkie exclaims, I'm already almost halfway across the room. Twilights at the entrance to the room, she hasn't set a hoof in the door yet. "I've filled this room with tiny explosives," Pinkie says. "Why have you done that?" I ask her. "umm... why did we do this again? Oh, right! To catch the spy!" I can hear Twilights facehoof from behind me. "Right, so if I-" I place a hoof down and pull it back as pain shoots through my hoof from the resulting explosion. "This room is filled with explosives, why?" I ask as I nurse my hoof. "To stop her!" Pinkie declares. "Stop who?" I ask. "The spy!" Pinkie insists. "What spy?" I push. "The one that's been doing spy things!" Pinkie responds. "You're mad," I set off another explosion as I try to place my hoof down. "Ow..." I nurse the hoof again. "She saved me from a falling pot!" Pinkie insists. "That's a good thing, wait..." I stop as I realize something, she thinks I'm a spy? "But she did it by using her spy knowledge!" Pinkie insists. "Would you rather be hit by the pot?" I ask. "Maybe," she mumbles. "Really?" I ask. "I was raised on a rock farm, I've dealt with worse," Pinkie waves a hoof at me. "Okay, well I'm gonna go." I try to turn around, but only cause more explosions. "I'm actually surprised you made it this far in," Pinkie says. "Well why aren't you getting hurt?" I challenge. "Trial and error. Mostly error." Pinkie shows me her blackened and bloody hooves. "Pinkie, I saved you from the flower pot." I deadpan. "Oh yeah... well, now I've got you!" Pinkie exclaims. "I'm not a spy. And even if I were, how would you get to me?" I ask. "Well, I'll clean this up!" Pinkie says. "And then I can run. Besides what would you clean it up with?" I ask. "The broom!" Pinkie cheers. "Wait do you mean this broom sitting on the wall in the hallway?" Twilight asks, Pinkie frowns and nods. "I feel kinda stupid now..." Pinkie admits, "this was all really expensive..." I try to step forward to reassure her, only to be reminded of the explosive floor. My wounds are slowly increasing. "Pinkie, I'm pretty sure a broom wouldn't work in cleaning this up." Twilight says. I look at this around me and I get an idea. "Twilight? Do you remember the cloud walking spell?" I ask her. "Yes, why?" She answers. "How exactly does it work?" I ask her. "Well, it enchants the body to give it a sort of lift, thus lightening the pony. It also makes so clouds condense around the body enough so they don't fall through," Twilight explains. "Would that work here?" I ask, she looks around and a look of realization crosses her face. "Maybe, I'll try," She flares her horn and I prepare myself for the magic. I feel the spell engulf me and then dissipate. I look around and tentatively place my hoof down, there is no explosion. I sigh and start to walk around the room. I stomp a hoof to test and am greeted by an explosion, sending more pain shooting through my hoof. Okay, no stomping. Twilight is dealing with Pinkie, so I start to figure out how to clean the stuff. Twilight eventually cleans it with her magic, But it takes a while. "Pinkie, I'm not a spy." I assure her. Pinkie shoots me that same calculating stare as before. "Then how did you know Twilight has used the cloud walking spell before?" Pinkie accuses. "I'd be surprised if she hadn't," I respond. "And how do you know about it?" Dang, she's got me there. Thankfully, Twilight bails me out before too long. "Pinkie stop it! Can't you see she's had a rough time already? And now she's hurt herself even more trying to help you!" Twilight tells her, Pinkie looks at Twilight dejectedly. I look at myself and find that the explosions did a lot more than I thought. The other two are too busy arguing to notice, but I look at the blood pooling beneath my feet. That's a lot of blood, shouldn't that be bad for me? "Hey, girls? I think we have a problem..." I trail off as I try to find where all the blood is coming from. My body is going numb, but I notice that my hooves are bleeding and it looks like the explosions reopened some of my stitches from the fight earlier. I look up just in time to see the other two look over to me and see their eyes widen before I feel myself falling. I don't remember hitting the floor because everything was black, but I do remember somepony yelling. ~~~~~~~ I wake up to the sound of steady beeping. I attempted to open my eyes, only to close them from the massive headache the blinding white light is giving me. I groan and I hear a shuffling of hooves towards me. I open up my eyes, this time prepared for the brightness. I look around and find out that I'm in a hospital. I groan again and facehoof as I realize this. "Hey Starlet, you ok?" I look around the room and see who all is here. Mike, Cloud Kicker, Lyra, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie are all here, and they're all looking at me hopefully. I smack my dry lips and find a glass of water floated to me, I take it graciously. "I dunno, I think I'm fine. What did the docs say?" I ask them, putting down the empty glass of water. "They say you're fine, just had some blood loss. They already healed you up, mostly. There's still a couple less severe wounds and you'll be pretty sore for a while. They say you should take it easy for the next couple of days after you get out of the hospital, which should be sometime tomorrow if all goes well. "No, that can't do, I've gotta work to earn bits and stay alive," I insist. "Starlet don't worry about it, I've got you covered for the next couple of days," Cloud Kicker insists. "No, I can't take your money Cloud Kicker," I tell her, waving a hoof. "You're not taking it, I'm giving it to you. Besides, it's not just my money," Cloud Kicker explains. "We pooled our bits a little to help you and Mike. We gave it to Cloud Kicker because she was so adamant about making sure you're well," Twilight explains, looking at the clock. "I hate to just leave, but I am very busy. So, sorry about that. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. Also, be sure to tell me when you're feeling all better and I can set up our lessons," Twilight adds, backing towards the door as she speaks. "Alright, Twilight, thanks for everything," Twilight nods and dashes away. "I've gotta go help Twilight too," Pinkie trots towards the door, but she stops before she leaves and turns around. "Thanks a lot Starlet," Pinkie says before walking out the door. She seemed really... distant. Like she was a different mare. "I wish there was more I could do, but visiting hours are almost up." Lyra says. "And only one of us can stay... Cloud Kicker already coaxed us into letting her be the one to stay with you. You get better Starlet," Mike says. Sure enough, a doctor walks in and tells us visiting hours are over. The other two ponies leave, leaving me and Cloud Kicker alone. We don't speak for the longest time, then Cloud Kicker breaks the silence. "How do you feel?" She asks. "I've felt better. I'm pretty sore and my hooves ache, but aside from that I'm pretty good," I respond. "That's good..." we both go quiet. "What do you know?" Cloud Kicker finally asks. "Honestly? not that much. Just some things about certain ponies," I admit. "And I don't suppose you're gonna tell me how or why?" Cloud Kicker asks. She doesn't really ask, it's more of a statement, because she knows the answer. "Nope, sorry. But I can assure you that I have only good intentions, I'm not a danger," I tell her. "I know. I have known. I can see that, especially when you hurt yourself trying to help Pinkie," Cloud Kicker sighs and slumps down. "It's not like I'm one to talk, I wouldn't tell even the ponies closest to me about flight camp..." she mumbles. "And you still haven't told a lot of ponies? Have you?" It's more of a statement than a question. Cloud Kicker looks at me in surprise, then she just nods. "We all have secrets that we don't want others to know, this just happens to me. But how about this... if I'm on my deathbed, I'll tell you as much as I can. Right now, the best I can do is assure you that my intentions are purely good. Do you trust me?" I ask her hopefully. She takes a couple of seconds to indulge this and then she hesitantly nods. "I think I can trust you," Cloud Kicker smiles weakly. I sigh and lean back into the pillow. "Get some rest, if you need anything I'm right here." Cloud Kicker says. My stomach lets out a loud growl and I look at the wall clock. "Some food would be nice please." I say, Cloud Kicker chuckles. "Sure thing," she leaves to go get me some food. I let my mind wander while I wait. A stray thought comes to me, things are going well. > Crusaders Make Decisions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wait, so you're telling me theres another pony you want to let into the club. Another mare? Not a filly?" I ask the three founding crusaders, tilting my head slightly. "Well, yeah. But it won't be like HB! This one actually doesn't have a cutie mark," Applebloom says. "Why, you got a problem with that?" Scootaloo challenges. "No, besides... in the end, I really have no say in the matter. If you wanna let in another mare, you can. I'm honestly surprised you all still have time to crusade, what with your various apprenticeships." I wave a hoof around in a general motion of all. "I'm not! We make time! Besides, if anyone would understand the importance of friendship it would be our mentors." Sweetie Belle nods happily. "Besides, you've got mentors too, and you still make time to crusade with us. And you already have your cutie mark," Applebloom points out. That was true enough, I hadn't really done anything about my cutie mark since I got it. I don't know what to do with it to be honest, I just know that it's my first clue to the rest of my life. Sure, Rarity helps me with a little bit of modeling practice here and there, and I occasionally help whenever she needs me to model Appleblooms work. Applebloom is finally past just making adjustments and into making some dresses and other clothes, Rarity is teaching her some more complex designs now. Fluttershy has been teaching me and Sweetie how to train our voices. She's been helping Sweetie fine tune her singing and helping me train my voice so I sound more like a filly and how to keep it like that. I've even joined in a bit of the singing, because she says it helps. I'm nowhere near as good as Sweetie Belle, but Sweetie Belle doesn't believe me. Sweetie Belle still struggles with her stage fright, along with Fluttershy. They both froze up when I suggested an audience. "Well, yeah... I'm just wondering what makes this mare so special. There was that one stallion a while back that didn't have a cutie mark and all you did was harass him about why he didn't have one. You never mentioned letting him in," I point out. "We were not harassing him!" Applebloom argues. "You don't think, "what caused you to not have a destiny?" Is a little rude?" I ask. "Nope, it was really rude!" Sweetie Belle says happily. I just facehoof at her answer. "Learning from others mistakes is how you prevent making them yourself," Scootaloo says. "It's not my fault if Sweetie Belle doesn't understand the concept of subtlety," Scootaloo defends. "Besides, he was just passing through. This mare's here to stay. That, and... there was something interesting about her and her griffon friend..." Applebloom says, her hoof on her chin in thought. "Griffon friend?" This was new, I hadn't heard about a griffon in town yet. "Yeah, Scoots had us spying on her and apparently Pinkie thinks she's a spy. Misses Cloud Kicker seemed to think she was a changeling spy." I digest this information. "And you want to let a supposed Changeling spy into the club because...?" I ask. "Because she's not a spy." Scootaloo says. "What makes you so sure? Pinkie is usually right in that weird Pinkie way of hers, like she knows something we all don't. Cloud Kicker has dealt with spies and Changelings before, she usually knows best on those things." I reason, Scootaloo shakes her head. "She's not a changeling, Lyra had to point that out to Cloud Kicker. And she's too sloppy to be a spy, she's working way too hard to interfere with their lives. Even if she was trying to gain their trust, she wouldn't go to such extremes for all of this. Plus, if she were a spy, she would need talent at spy things. She doesn't even have a cutie mark. It would be more trouble to hide a cutie mark than the benefits would allow a spy. A high risk low success rate scenario is not the sort of gamble a secret operation would call for if she were a spy. It would be more advantageous to just show the mark and play it off as not spy related. That, and she's in the hospital because she tried to save Pinkie from herself." Scootaloo sighs and shakes her head. "I should have questioned Sweetie Belle when she asked for dangerous chemicals..." she mutters. "Um... I see your lessons with Twilight are paying off, but... could you maybe dumb that middle part down?" I ask, she groans. "It doesn't add up is what I'm trying to say, she can't be a spy." Scootaloo responds. "Okay, but you were just saying somethings up with her. If she's not a spy, what is it?" I ask in confusion. "It's a mystery!" Sweetie Belle says, "she's got a secret and we're gonna figure it out!" Sweetie Belle giggles excitedly. "Weren't you girls telling me about how exposing secrets got you in trouble before? You told me not even a week ago." I point out. "Oh, right... well, if it's a mystery it's ok! Because solving mysteries is objectively better than revealing secrets!" Sweetie Belle nods, content with her logic. "It's not about how you word what we're doing, it's about what the secret is. If we solve a mystery she doesn't want solved, it's no better than revealing her secret." Scootaloo counters. "This isn't about the moral justification of our actions! Theres no way to know what the secret is until after we reveal it!" Applebloom interjects. "Appleblooms right. We shouldn't focus on the if we should or not. We're doing it, that much is clear. We'll have to decide what to do after we know what the secret is, right now though... all we have to worry about now is how to find it out," Scootaloo adds in. "And your solution is to let her join the group?" I question. "Yes!" Sweetie Belle answers. "Well, and we want to help her find her talent. Actually mostly because we want to help her find her talent, finding her secret is something of a side goal. Speaking of side goals, do you guys know where I can find a chimi-cherry-changa?" Sweetie Belle asks. "A what?" Scootaloo asks, we all look at her in confusion. "A chimi-cherry-changa" Sweetie Belle replies. "What in the hay is that?" Applebloom asks. "I dunno, It's on this list of things Pinkie said I need to find and bring to her by the end of this week." Sweetie Belle pulls a list out of her mane and shows it to us. The sad part is that her pulling things out of her mane is starting to grow on me and I don't even question it anymore. Ponyville has become more weary of Sweetie Belle now that she's Pinkies apprentice. I think everyone is just holding their breath, waiting for all of time and space to collapse under the sheer Pinkie-ness. I keep hearing mention of a `last time there was more than one Pinkie`. Whenever I hear it, the person the comment is directed to cringes at some nearly forgotten memory. It sends chills down my spine just to think of it. "Sweetie, some of this stuff sounds pretty fake, what the hay is a kumquat?" Applebloom asks. "It's a fruit," Scootaloo answers, finally walking over to take a look at the list herself. "No, most of it looks pretty legitimate. I have no idea how you'll get half of it though," Scootaloo says. "I'm more concerned about why Pinkie Pie needs a crystalline icosahedron die with the numbers etched in katakana," Scootaloo says, looking up from the list. "What does that even mean?" Applebloom asks, scrunching her nose up in confusion. "It's a twenty sided dice with fancy foreign writing instead of numbers," Scootaloo sighs. "Well, why didn't you just say that?" Applebloom asks in frustration. "Because thats whats written on here... and Twilight had me doing geometry a couple days ago. Nothing too advanced, just working with sine, cosine, tangent, advanced shapes, circumference, and all sorts of equations relating to them." Scootaloo says with a wave of her hoof. I'm not even gonna pretend to know what half of that is. "And how did you know about the foreign writing?" Applebloom asks. "I was reading up on some eastern culture before I was Twilights apprentice," Scootaloo brushes off. "Nerd," Applebloom scoffs. Scootaloo shoots her a glare before smirking devilishly. "Fashionista," Scootaloo shoots back, Applebloom gasps. "You take that back," she demands. "Admit it, you're good at fashion. And you like it, I see it in your eyes when you make a great dress," Scootaloo teases. "I do not." Applebloom huffs, "I'm an apple, a hardworking mare." Applebloom declares. "You're a filly, not yet a mare," I input. "Y'all know what I meant," she grumbles. "Cognitive dissonance," Scootaloo mumbles, "cognitive dissonance!" she exclaims louder. "What?" We all ask. "You're a great example of what Twilight was teaching me about last time, cognitive dissonance. I wasn't exactly getting it all, but now I think I understand it better." Scootaloo explains, without really explaining anything at all. "But what is it?" Applebloom asks. "Cognitive dissonance is when your beliefs or actions start to conflict with new information you're taking in, and you take steps to reduce the conflict. You can accept it, undermine its importance, or reject it. You're rejecting that you like making dresses because it conflicts with with your belief in menial labor being more important! Your fancy schmancy dressmaking is dissonating with your rugged farm work." Scootaloo exclaims. "This explains so much, I need to look at the rest of my notes and see if I can work more of it out," Scootaloo says excitedly. "Wait, we're getting off track. We need to figure out how we're going to ask the new mare to join," Sweetie Belle says, getting us back on topic. "Why do we need a plan, why don't we just ask her?" Applebloom asks confusedly. "Sweetie Belle is right, we can't just ask her. For one, we haven't even met her personally. Two, we need to be subtle," Scootaloo said that last word a little louder and with more force while turning her gaze to Sweetie Belle. "Which is why you, Star, will tell her," Scootaloo points a hoof at me and I jump a little. "M-me? Why me?" I stammer questioningly. "Why? Partially because I don't trust Sweetie Belle with subtlety anymore. Partially because you also have experience with secrets people don't want to know so I trust you to be completely unbiased in your wanting her in the club. I want to help her get her cutie mark too, but I can't deny the fact that I'm really curious as to what the secret is," Scootaloo admits. "I never said I wanted her in the club," I tell her, she gives me a look. "But you do, don't you?" Sweetie Belle asks. "Well, yeah, I guess..." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "Well then, I don't know what all the fuss is about," Scootaloo throws up her hooves in dismay. "Fine, do I go ask her now?" I ask. "Okay, there are a couple problems with that. The first being she's currently in the hospital." Scootaloo says. "Why's she in the hospital?" I ask in shock. "Didn't you hear me say it earlier?" Scootaloo asks annoyedly. "Ah... no." I admit sheepishly. "She blew herself up a couple of times not long after getting the tar beat out of her by cloud Kicker, trying to save Pinkie," Scootaloo explains, I nod as I take this in. "So when do I ask her?" I ask. "Tomorrow, that's when she's released. At least, if I heard that doctor right. It's hard to tell from outside the window in a tree," Sweetie Belle pipes up. "So that's how you found out..." Scootaloo mumbles before turning to me. "Another problem with your plan is you don't even know what she looks like, or sounds like, or anything besides what we've told you. We'll have to direct you to her and how to approach her." Scootaloo says. "I thought I was just asking her to join?" This is getting too complex. "Well, you are, but we need to make sure she doesn't have a reason to reject you." Applebloom says. "If she wants to reject the invitation, isn't that her choice?" I ask. "Well, yeah, but we want her to accept it. We need to make it appealing, not revolting," Applebloom responds. "Basically we need you to dress up in a cute dress and use that filly-like adorableness you've been practicing with Rarity and guilt her into joining our clique!" Sweetie Belle nods vigorously. "And this is why you're not in charge of subtlety," Scootaloo groans. "Though, it might not hurt your case if you wear a cute dress," she nods to herself. "Oh, I've got the most darling dress you can wear!" We all turn to Applebloom who realizes her mistake and blushes. "Erm... yeah," she continues lamely. I swear, I'll never get used to that Manehattanite accent Applejack taught her for whenever Rarity gets high profile clients. "Okay, well then... that takes care of that. Anything else?" I ask. "No, we'll reconvene tomorrow and follow through with the plan." Applebloom says. "Cutie Mark Crusader Recruiters!" We shout out together. ~~~~~~~ I sit awkwardly on one couch as Applejack and Rainbow Dash kiss on the other. Applejack notices my nervousness and breaks off the kiss long enough to talk to me. "Why don't y'all tell bloom an' her friends that dinners just 'bout ready," I jump at the opportunity presented to me. "Okay," I dash out the door and leave the awkward atmosphere behind me. Once I'm out the door I stop and take a deep sigh. I still haven't gotten over the idea of Applejack and Rainbow Dash being together. Or the fact that not that long before I came into the picture Pinkie and Rainbow Dash had been an item. Despite my inner turmoil over the matter I set out on the path to the Crusaders club house. Maybe it was just the fact that I never got into the shipping part of the brony fandom is the reason that I can't seem to wrap my head around their relationship. Maybe it's my own troubles in love that keep me from understanding this development. I can hardly even think of a concept like love right now, despite the fact that it's a concept so deeply entwined into ponies lives. It's part of the entire basis of their lives, love and tolerate. I can't even start to think about love, making me the oddball. Not that I needed any help in that department. It's probably a combination of both reasons, but whatever it is... the point still stands, I can't wrap my head around their relationship. It just won't register in my brain, it's a surprise every time. Maybe someday I won't look at love And feel puzzlement, or envy, or hate. Maybe one day I can look at a couple and feel something positive instead of brood over my own failures. Maybe one day I can feel love myself, and leave all bitter memories behind me. But that time is notime soon. Not with the scars so fresh and a reminder on my flank. Speaking of that horrid mark, it caused quite the commotion yesterday. That mare, something happened. I felt the burning, and when I looked back I could see the anguish. Then, she stopped hurting. I could still feel the pain, but she looked emotionless. She got up and I was saved from that horrible sensation, tears still streaming down my face. She just checked her reflection in that knife like she had messed up her makeup and then calmly defused the situation. She lied for me. She lied for me, and I just went along with it. There are so many things that shouldn't have happened that did. That mare is suspicious, there's something different about her. Though, I'm not sure it's bad. Word got to Applejack and rainbow, and, in turn, me about what happened with her and Pinkie. Apparently she got herself in the hospital trying to protect that pink ball of energy, which even I have to admire. She's good in my books, for now. Just because she's a good mare doesn't mean I trust her though. Lyras pretty good too, but I wouldn't trust her for almost anything. Rainbow got word of something her friend Cloud Kicker had done to the same mare and had ran out to go find her. Apparently Kicker had fought the poor mare, managing to do some damage before coming to her senses. Rainbow tried to find her, only to come back and find out Cloud Kicker was looking after the same mare in the hospital. Apparently, they put aside their scuffle and are really good friends. Rainbow just grumbled and decided it could wait for now when she heard that. I personally am not too fond of Cloud Kicker. She's an okay pony, but she's too sexual. I can hardly even think of sex without nearly losing my lunch for the last two weeks. She even loves too much for me. I can hardly think of regular love, here's a mare who gives the word love out like hearts and hooves day candy. Okay, maybe that's a little unfair, but honestly. She's trying to pull that whole polygamy thing off, and she uses the term love for anyone she talks to more than five times a week. Maybe it's just the fact that she tried to seduce me and I promptly flipped out and almost simultaneously lost my lunch, or the fact I can't even think about love, or the fact I think she's a hedonist, or the fact... actually, I'm pretty sure it's all of these things. If I continue listing what puts me off about her, I'll be up all night. Point is, we don't talk much. Good thing, else she starts saying she loves me too. According to Rainbow, this new mare is friends with Lyra too. Lyra I'm also inclined not to like. Maybe it's that I don't like the way she walks? Or maybe It's her UNHEALTHY OBSESSION WITH HUMANS? Oh, yeah, that's it. Lyra and Cloud Kicker are friends, so maybe theres some sort of connection there? Except for one thing. Derpy is Cloud Kickers friend, but she also loves her. Not just the kind of love Cloud Kicker has for her friends, but love like a lover. Which... is kinda the same thing five times out of ten for Cloud Kicker... ew... anyways, Derpy's got the hots for Cloud Kicker and I can't bring myself to not want to be friends with Derpy. Even if I have yet to get to drawing that picture. I'm sure that if I wanna find anything out about that mare I should become her friend, and if she hangs out with Cloud Kicker and Lyra... well then, that means tolerating those two. After all, if I play my cards right, I could have a griffon friend. How cool would that be? I actually don't know, but I bet it'd be pretty cool. It sounds cool, just think to yourself how cool `griffon friend` sounds. I shake away the stray thoughts as I hear the Crusaders in their club house. I hush up and press my ear to the door in an attempt to hear what they're saying. "Okay, well then... that takes care of that. Anything else?" I hear Scootaloo ask. "No, we'll reconvene tomorrow and follow through with the plan." Plan? What plan? Darn, it seems like I only caught the end of the meeting. Why wasn't I invited? I don't do a lot of Crusader things, and my status as a Crusader is a closely guarded secret, but I'd like to think I'm kept in the loop. "Cutie Mark Crusader Recruiters!" I stumble back in shock at the shout and end up falling onto my rump. Recruiters? Who are they recruiting? And for what? I shake off the nagging questions and decide to just do what I came here to do. I knock on the door and it opens up not seconds later. "Hey, Applebloom. Dinner's almost ready, you all should come in and get cleaned up." I tell her, she nods and looks back inside to confirm that the others had heard. "Okay, c'mon, let's go!" They all race inside and I hang back a little. Not on purpose, just because I don't posses the endless energy these kids do. That, and anything more than walking is like rocket science and I end up eating dirt. Walking is the cleaner, easier, and safer method of transportation. I make it back to the farmhouse and breathe in the wonderful smell of freshly baked bread and various apple products. I wash my hooves and make it into the kitchen just as Big Mac puts the last dish on it. The table is chock full of goodies and I can feel my mouth slightly watering at the sight of it. All four other crusaders are already sitting together on one side of the table. Big Mac takes the head of the table and Applejack and Rainbow Dash sit together on the side adjacent to the Crusaders. I take the end opposite of Big Mac's and Braeburn sits next to me and Applejack. Leaving one empty seat next to Rainbow Dash and Big Mac. That's another thing that threw me for a loop, Braeburn. Him being a coltcuddler drove Granny Smith right off the farm. The farm doesn't quite seem the same without Granny Smith. I never really noticed her when she was here, but now that she's gone... the absence just seems all the more noticeable. Of course, she's just in Appleloosa, but nopony really wants to go visit. She wants nothing to do with Applejack or Braeburn because of their orientation. And Big Mac doesn't want to go visit her while she's like this. I'd go visit her, if not for the fact that her reaction put things about Dib into perspective. With a family so focused on tradition and `the way things oughta be`. I really sympathize with Dib about his family. He must feel really torn about this whole thing with granny, he's sure to have caught word about it by now. Especially with his situation, cryptozoology and all that. It shouldn't be too bad though. He's not gay, as far as I know, and I'm sure his parents would be understanding. Then again... these are the same parents that send him away for a week every year so he can do some `proper farm work`. Or however the hay they worded it. Maybe I'll ask him about it next letter, sounds like it might be a good topic to bring up. Just in case he needs someone to confide in, I gotta let him know I can listen if he needs. I brush away those sober thoughts and turn my attention to the meal. I take a bite and savor the flavor. "This is good AJ," I tell her. "Glad to hear it, and we're glad you could join us," she responds with a grin. "Yeah, I haven't put much real food in the house yet," I admit. "I understand completely, you're always welcome here," Applejack smiles. I nod awkwardly and turn back to the food, her smile falters a little and I hear her let out the tiniest of sighs before digging back into her meal. A light conversation picks up as Applejack asks each crusader in turn how their apprenticeships are going. Sweetie Belles on the fast track to becoming Pinkie Pie 2.0. Scootaloo's an athletic egghead. Applebloom speaks about her dressmaking in detail, then finishes it lamely by saying it was `ok`. I never thought she'd get into dresses, but I can understand her reluctance to accept it. Really, it makes sense. Sweetie Belle has stage fright still, but entertaining other ponies is what Pinkie does and I imagine part of what she'll teach Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle will get over her stage fright eventually and sing. Scootaloo is an athlete, but there's this egghead side to her. If she hones in on this she could use her smarts to perfect the art of performance. Precision tricks and intricate contraptions to help her performance, all once she realizes her capabilities. Applebloom is good at building and manual labor, but she's also got an eye for design and small details. Dressmaking is honing that precision and making her efficient and objectively more creative than if she hadn't ever made dresses. Really, they're the same old Crusaders, just with an extra twist. Of course, knowing what they're good at does nothing to help me. And even if we haven't made much leeway, I do appreciate their help in trying to find my talent. I'm convinced it probably has something to do with art and drawing, since it was so important to me in the past. Even if I haven't been able to do much recently. But, who knows? Maybe we'll find something I can be even better at, at least then I won't suck at everything. "I don't know, there's just something about this whole thing that rubs me the wrong way. Cloud Kicker doesn't act on impulse alone, and while she might have made a mistake... I don't think it was unfounded. There was a reason Cloud Kicker thought she was a changeling, and I want to know what that was," Rainbow Dash says. I immediately latch onto the conversation, were they talking about the new mare? "She's had a rough day, don't go harassing her," Applejack says sternly. "C'mon AJ, I've got a little more tact than that," Rainbow argues, Applejack nods sarcastically. "Sure ya do, Sugar," Applejack says blandly before eating a spoonful of mashed potatoes. "Wow, your lack of faith in me is surprising," Rainbow holds a hoof to her chest in mock sadness. "Sugar, you thought I wouldn't notice you underneath that cardboard box just because I couldn't see you. I think I'd remember if I left a box laying around," Applejack deadpans, I just facehoof at the stupidity of it all. I immediately nurse my head because I hurt it, I need to practice facehoofing more. Fat lot of good the last hoof exercises did me though, maybe I'm destined to be clumsy and uncoordinated forever. "You almost didn't," Rainbow Dash counters. "Right, cause I wasn't just playing along," Applejack rolls her eyes. "Exact- hey!" I just shake my head and everypony else chuckles. "You're lucky you're cute," Applejack chuckles, tousling Rainbows hair. Rainbow just scrunches her nose up and blushes. Somebody gag me, I don't think I can stand much more of their mushy crap. "It's a good thing Twilight's helping Scootaloo with actual studying," Applebloom says, shaking her head as well. "Yeah, yeah... laugh it up," Rainbow grumbles. "I mean it Rainbow, don't go harassing her." Applejack adds sternly. "I won't, yeesh..." Rainbow says. She might not, but Rainbows right. There's something off about that pony, and apparently I'm not the only one noticing. I continue to eat and think of a way to find out the new ponies secrets. A stray thought comes to me, wasn't I the new pony not that long ago? How did I feel when they were trying to find out my secrets? They're still trying to find my secrets out, and it annoys me to no end... but, this is different right? Her secret can't possibly be as bad as mine, can it? Maybe I should rethink this... > Dim Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the hay Scarlet?!" Scarlet stumbles as Styre pushes her, she huffs and dusts herself off. Stia doesn't look happy at Styre for that, but she doesn't object. "I don't know what you're yelling at me for, I saved us. I've been the one helping us this whole time because you all suck at lying and keeping secrets," Scarlet retorts. "You didn't have to kill him!" Styre yells back. "It was an accident!" Scarlet hisses. "We all saw you break down at the party. We couldn't feel that sadness, but we saw you feeling it and then not feeling it," Styre retorts. "So?! That doesn't mean I made him come at me so I could kill him!" Scarlet argues. "You liked it," Stia speaks up softly, Scarlet freezes at this. "What makes you say that?" Scarlet asks cautiously. "The way you stared at the body in morbid fascination, and the knife in a similar manner." Stia declares. "You monster," Styre says in shock. "Okay, I liked it. So, what? You're telling me you didn't feel it? That thrill in a kill?" Scarlet tries to persuade, Styre backs away a little in disgust. "Scarlet? How could you?" Starlet gasps from beside Diz. Diz just raises an eyebrow, continuing to say nothing. Joy seems to be trying to comfort Sable, whose rocking quietly turned into shaking while desperately trying to hold onto Joys hoof while crying manically at Scarlets admission. Diz just continues his stoic indifference, but he does seem to be leaning away from Scarlet. "How could I? You forget, I've done nothing but help you since we've got here." Scarlet spits acidly. "She's got a point, and while she isn't in the right... arguing isn't going to help any," Stia points out. "Like hell it won't help, she killed another living and sentient being!" Styre argues. "But arguing won't bring him back, will it?" Stia asks, a little more forcefully. "No..." Styre grumbles. "Thank y-" Scarlet is cut off by Stia. "No, I'm not helping you. Actually, right now I'm quite cross with you. You've done an adequate job of keeping suspicion to a minimum up until that little stunt, now we've got blood on our hooves. Do you know how complicated this is going to make our eventual meeting with Celestia?" Stia asks, pacing in a frenzy. "Calm down, Stia. Everything is under control," Scarlet tries to soothe, Stia turns on her. "Under control? Under control?! Everything is most definitely not under control! Under control is not having a fight in the first place. Under control would require us not to be in a hospital. Scarlet, in one day you managed to kill a stallion, get the tar beat out of you because they think we're suspicious, then blow yourself up multiple times!" Stia yells in a frenzy. "I only had to fight because Styre slipped up, I killed him in self defense, and I was trying to save Pinkie. My actions are what kept us alive and keep other ponies trusting us," Scarlet retorts. "You don't deserve their trust..." Starlet speaks up, Scarlet looks at her in shock. "I know they don't remember... except Sable, she knows. I don't know why, or how... but I can see it in her eyes, she remembers. She remembers seeing you break at the party, she knows what that feeling is. She and I know what the urge to kill feels like, but actually killing someone..." Starlet shakes her head. "So you know that feeling? You know how great it feels," Scarlet counters. "Yeah, I know the feeling. I know it's great, and I hate myself for feeling that way... it's wrong and I know it, but I can't help liking it." Starlet spits venomously. "It's not wrong, it's just a way of life" Scarlet reasons. "An illegal and immoral way of life," Starlet exclaims, close to shouting. "But you want it, don't you?" Scarlet asks cautiously. "Yes..." She whispers, Scarlet smiles a small happy smile. "No, don't..." Sable whispers from her position on the floor. "I'm not planning on it... but it would be a lie to say I don't want it a little," Starlet mutters lowly before looking back up with cold eyes, "I don't want to be a killer," she growls. "I don't plan on becoming one." Scarlet answers slowly and concisely. "You expect us to believe that?!" Styre interjects, Scarlet turns to her slowly. "Yes. But it doesn't matter if you believe me," she scoffs. "Ok, with that taken care of," Stia shoots Scarlet a look that assures her that the conversation is only over for now. "How do we delegate time in control?" Stia asks in an attempt at changing the topic. "After Scarlet was in control and we stopped talking to her we seemed to be pretty well off." Joy points out. "We could switch control every day, and offer help if they need it. Instead of just taking over and dealing with it for them," Joy suggested. "Why not take over if we know?" Styre asks. "She's right, it's too much of a hassle to take over everytime and more ponies will start getting suspicious. So, tomorrow..." Stia looks us over carefully and thinks on it. "Joy, you get control tomorrow," Joy lets out a cheer and Styre grumbles a little. "Ok, glad that's taken care of..." Stia says before just turning and walking away. ~~~~~~~ I lay awake in bed, thinking. I've been just lying here for a while. I woke up a while ago and never bothered to get up, I've got a lot to think about. My thoughts drift to the day before, to the fight I hadn't even attempted to stop. I had been struck with shock and allowed Starlet to take a beating for it. That pony Cloud Kicker must have had training, because her moves were quick, strong, and precise. Starlet held her own surprisingly well, despite it only being her second day in these strange bodies. Then... that man... stallion? Yeah, he came at her. Then she killed him, in one brief movement. I could have stopped her, helped her, stopped the stallion, helped him, prevented it all... but I didn't. I just stood in the crowd, stupefied. I shake away the thoughts and curl up in my bed. I feel myself drifting to sleep in the comfy sheets. Leaving todays worries behind... I sit up, I'm not tired. I sigh and get up. I make my way to the bookcase and look over everything. I pull out a horror novel, a genre I like. I take the book out of my room and into the lobby, where theres a glass door I don't remember. Outside there's a thick layer of snow. I lean back in a chair and delve into my novel, reading with vigour. I stop as I hear a door opening, I look at the glass door. It's locked. I shrug it off and return to my book, until I hear the sound again. I look up and in the glass door I see a terrifying sight. Starlet is standing there with a crazed look, she's holding a knife that glints in the light. She moves the knife to her neck and makes a slicing motion. I throw a blanket over my head and start screaming my head off, scared out of my wits. "What?! What's wrong?!" Someone runs in yelling. I peek out and look out the door. No ones there. "There was a pony... with a knife... outside..." I point outside and the pony goes to investigate. "That's impossible, because then there would be hoofprints in the snow." I hear the pony inform me. I get up and find the snow clear of prints. The pony looks at my book and holds it up. "This probably doesn't help things," he says good naturedly. "R-right..." I say, relieved. The pony leaves and I pick the dreaded book back up. I'm getting worked up over nothing. I step behind my chair and towards the bookcase to put the book away. *squish* I shake off my claw as it lands on something wet. I look down and find a puddle of water with snow in it. That pony must have tracked water in here when he went outside to check. Except... he never went outside, he came from one of the rooms. And he never stepped behind the couch. There didn't have to be hoofsteps outside because Starlet wasn't outside. There is more than one entrance, she came in earlier. I didn't see her outside the glass door, I saw her reflection in the glass door. Which means she was right behind me... "Tsk, tsk, tsk... a little late now, isn't it?" I turn to find Starlet inspecting her knife. She glances up at me and I'm paralyzed with fear. She lunges and I clench my eyes shut. I await death in all its gruesomeness, until I realize it's not coming. I look up to find Starlet frozen mid-lunge. I scramble back away from her and bump into another pony, a dark navy blue unicorn. No, pegasus... unicorn with wings? "Fear not, for you are safe from the terror. It is all in your head," she assures me. "All in my head? Do you mean... this is a dream?" I ask in wonder. "Indeed, it is not yet the season for snow." The pony says. "So then... what are you? My subconscious?" I ask her. "No, I am your princess. Princess Luna of Equestria. Have you never seen me? Understandable, considering you are a griffin. You must be new to Equestria, let me welcome you to my Sisters and I's domain." The princess? I bow out of respect. "Wait...but, you said this was a dream." I tell her. "Indeed, the dream realm is also my domain. I keep the dreams of my subjects peaceful, though... there is rarely need to. However, your dream is interesting. I haven't seen a nightmare about a... a killer in a long time." Luna says, trotting up to the frozen form of Starlet. She taps the knife and looks into her eyes. "Who is she?" Luna asks in interest. "A friend. Her name is Starlet Mint," I tell her. "A friend? Why would you dream of your friend doing such a thing?" Luna asks. "I don't know... maybe it has something to do with the fact that she killed somepony..." Luna gasps. "She truly is a killer?!" Luna exclaims in outrage. "No! Well... she did kill someone... but it was self defense! He came at her with a knife," I tell her she calms down a little. "I see... and why did he come at her with a knife?" Luna asks. "I'm not quite sure of it all. They said something about how they thought she was a changeling," I offer. "Why would they think that?" Luna asks. "I don't know... um... what's a changeling?" I ask cautiously. Luna looks at me in slight surprise before smiling sweetly. "A creature the form of a pony, but looks more like a bug. It has a hard shell and thin wings,and also has the power to take on the form of other ponies. They're philouphages, and very dangerous." I digest this information and watch as her horn starts to glow. "What's a phil- phi- that thing you said?" "A philouphage?" Luna asks. "Right, philouphage" I repeat. "It's an emotion eater. Emotions are their food source, love specifically" she explains. "Oh..." why did they think she was a changeling? Her horn stops glowing and Starlet starts moving again, I scramble away. She looks from side to side, then up and down. Eventually her eyes pass over me and land on Luna. "Princess," she bows quickly. "I assume this is his dream, correct?" She asks, Luna nods slowly. I look over to Starlet and notice something different, her eyes. Her eyes are emerald green, they're also cold and calculating. She picks up the knife and shoots me a look, but she says nothing. She walks over to Luna and swings, the knife passes right through the princess. "You... what is the meaning of this?! How dare you! You dare assault the throne?!" Luna screams in outrage. I balk at the sight, but Starlet stands her ground. She looks deep into the princesses eyes and snorts. "How dare I indeed." She turns to me and looks me up and down. She steps up to me and I back against a wall, I cower under her watchful gaze. "Why do you fear me?" She asks. I don't dare answer, but I glance at the knife. "Ahh, that. Merely a tool, and even then it's just a construct of your mind. Returning it does nothing," and with that she plunges the knife into my side. I gasp in shock, waiting for the pain. It never comes, instead the knife sinks into my being and disappears. I look at the spot in wonder as Starlet turns back to a livid Luna. "What justification is it if you know a weapon isn't real to attack me with it? The intent is still there!" Luna seethes. "Yep, you're the real Luna alright," Starlet concludes, I look at her in confusion. "You doubted my existence? And how does plunging a knife through me validate that?" She asks with slight intrigue. "Well, mostly the way you acted. Mike here, has never met you. He'd never be able to base a construct off you so perfectly, but that's not what I was wary of. I was worried your sister might have taken your stead, which isn't exactly an ideal situation for us." Starlet explains, Luna seems to have calmed down considerably. "Praytell, what might your situation be if you don't want my sister to know?" Luna asks. "Oh no, she almost definitely already knows. But the dream realm isn't an ideal meeting point." Starlet says. "That wasn't my question." Luna calmly points out, Starlet seems to pause at this. She looks Luna straight in the eyes and just stares for a while before she makes a small frown. "She hasn't told you yet? You think she'd learn after last time." Starlet mutters, it doesn't go unnoticed. "Told me what?" Luna asks a little frantically. Starlet seems to be debating something, and Luna looks almost anxious. "Perhaps she doesn't know? Oh, that's not good at all..." Starlet mutters. "Doesn't know what? I demand to be informed!" Luna stomps a hoof to emphasize. Starlet looks at the hoof, then at her face. She sighs and seems to be thinking of what exactly to say. "We're not of this world. Much like another from a while back, I just don't know how much..." Starlet says bluntly. "Not of this world...? She kept me out of the loop again?! ...I will have words with my sister..." Luna declares. "Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm." Starlet responds, Luna looks at her curiously. "You, I was informed you were attacked." Starlet nods slowly and concisely. "On what grounds?" Luna asks. "Changeling suspicions." Starlet responds quickly. "I see, and do you know what a changeling is?" Luna asks. "A pony-like creature with anatomy resemblant of a bug including a hard chitinous carapace, thin wings, and even fangs. They're philouphages and built for espionage due to their form shifting abilities." How could she know all that? Is that how the show describes them. "I thought as much. You claim to be from outside of this world, yet you know so much about it. Apparently you know my mannerisms, previous circumstances involving outsiders, and even creatures citizens of equestria rarely see if ever. Your friend here obviously doesn't know any of the things you do. Is this correct?" Luna asks. "It is." Starlet replies with caution. Why is she revealing all this when she told me all that junk about secrecy? "Why reveal this to me?" Luna asks. "Because I trust you. To maybe help me, and not compromise our social standing." She says simply. "You trust me? Why is that?" Luna asks, a curious expression on her face. "Because your a good pony with a sound head and enough compassion. Your sister is a great ruler, but I don't trust her to be as benevolent with potential threats to national security," she scoffs. "Well, if you were a threat, you would know. But, what do you need from me?" Luna asks. "I need you to look after this feather brain, if it turns out I'm not able to for any reason at all." I tell her, she looks surprised. "And... why wouldn't you be able to?" I ask hesitantly. "I don't know, it's a contingency plan. Just in case." She replies, I don't like that answer. "I have duties as a princess, I cannot simply babysit," Luna responds. "I don't need you to. I just generally need you to keep him out of any trouble he might find from not knowing this world. For example, if Celestia deems me dangerous then I need you to protect him from her. I doubt she'd just try and take him out, but I need you to keep him out of public eye should things go awry. Please?" Luna seems taken aback by the offer, I am too. Why would things go awry? "Very well, I'll do what I can." Luna tells her. "That's all I can ask for," Starlet bows slightly and then rights herself. "Was there anything else princess?" "Oh, yes. Your eyes." She says intensely, scrutinizing the color she had apparently noticed a change in too. "My... eyes?" She says, puzzled slightly. "Were they not red before?" Luna challenges. "Oh, that... it's more of a state of mind in my dream," she defends. "And what state of mind would that be?" Luna asks. "Diplomacy? Tact? Strategy? Something of that sort," she waves it off with a hoof. "I see..." Luna says in intense thought. "If that's all, I would like to take my leave." Starlet declares. "Yes, certainly." Luna's horn flares and Starlets eyes change back. "Princess, so glad you can join us!" Starlet flings herself at the princess, only for her newly appeared knife to pass through harmlessly. She continues to swing in frustration and Luna looks at her with annoyance. "I see your view of her hasn't changed much," Luna notes. "She was... different. Almost like she was a different person entirely..." I tell her, Starlet stops her assault and freezes. "Hmm... she is a peculiar one... I will take my leave now as well." Luna looks around and with a flare of magic from her horn the scenery changes. I'm now in a pleasant forest with bright sunlight seeping through the thin leave layer above. Birds chirp and other animals speak softly, the chorus of the forest eases my nerves. "Pleasant dreams young griffon, I do believe we will meet in the waking world soon enough." And with that she was gone. I wait for something else to happen, but nothing else is forthcoming. I take a second look around and sigh before slumping to the soft floor of the forest clearing. > Bright Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I lift myself from the mattress and sigh, what a crazy dream. Strange... I usually forget my dreams by now. Was it real? It must've been... but how can I be sure? There's only one person I know I could ask. And I'm not sure I even really want to talk with her. I get out of my bed and into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and adjust my feathers that got ruffled in bed, making them look neater. Once I'm satisfied with my efforts, I leave the room and just start walking, hoping I can find a good place to eat. I see a cafe off to the side and I decide it's a good a place as any, and Thanks to those jobs, Cloud Kicker and the others, I've got plenty of bits for a while. I'm directed to a seat by a waiter and he tells me a waitress will be with me soon, so I look at the menu. I decide on a waffle with mixed berries, along with a glass of apple juice. Apparently the apples are fresh from somewhere called Sweet Apple Acres. "May I take your order?" I glance up at the waitress that just spoke and stop to stare. She's got a coat that's a lovely shade of light pink. Her mane is brown and long, not quite wavy, but not quite straight. It's got three stripes, the first is a long pale lavender. The second is a shorter pale mauve that compliments the first color nicely. The third and shortest stripe is a bright orange, bright but still pale in comparison to her eyes. Her eyes are a striking and bold orange, a beautiful and deep orange. It takes me a second to realize we're both staring at each other and I can feel a small blush rising into my cheeks. I glance at my menu and remember my order, but I say something else instead. "Oh, um... what do you recommend?" I ask her, my eyes drawing back to her. Maybe it was just a trick of the light, but her cheeks almost seemed a shade darker than the rest of her pink coat. "For breakfast? I recommend the spinach and mushroom quiche, with a side of... milk? No, hot chocolate." She says with a hoof to her chin contemplatively. "Hot chocolate? But, it's not cold out," I say. "Oh, I know. But I just think hot chocolate's good regardless." She smiles a tad sheepishly and I look back at her with a growing blush. She chuckles nervously and my heart skips a beat as my eyes dart around nervously. My wings stiffen outward and I look back at them a bit aggravatedly. Stupid foreign limbs, they haven't acted up until now. I grumble a little and look back to find her looking at me a bit awkwardly. My heart is beating quickly and my face flush, warm feelings floating in my mind. "I guess I'll have that then." I say, handing her my menu. "Good choice," she says with a slight chuckle. She accepts my menu and looks over what she wrote. "I'll be back soon with your drink," she says, turning away a bit quickly. Almost like she's eager to get away from me, my heart lurches and drops suddenly at that thought. Starlet said there was a bit of animosity against griffons because of the last one, but are we really that hated? I feel a strong sense of emptiness enter my body. But, at what? I'm missing so much, it should be hard to pinpoint what. Except, nothing has or is bothering me, yet. I do notice one thing though, when the waitress returns the feeling lifts slightly. I stare a tad longer than I probably should as she leaves and once she's gone I look into my hot chocolate absently. I've never felt this before, but I have a guess at what I'm feeling. Is this love? But, I like humans, not... ponies. Right? Why won't the answer come to me? It should be easy, a simple yes... But, I'm suddenly not so sure. It's almost like... like I'm looking through a distorted window. What I'm seeing and what I know is on the other side are conflicting. I look and I see a pony, but I know she's another living being just like me... is this what homosexuals feel? This conflict? Seeing something you love and you know it's wrong to love it, but you love it anyway? She comes back and I can't hide that fluttering feeling, I avoid eye contact and she wordlessly hands... hoofs? Hooves? Gives me my food. I turn to find a delicious and warm meal, my stomach growls and I reluctantly dig in. The waitress lingering on the forefront of my memory the whole time. She was right, everything's delicious. ~~~~~~~ I groan and blink as bright lights blur my vision. My body feels sore all over, and remembering yesterday I realize why. My head darts up, only to fall back down as a stiff pain adds to my already growing headache. I close my eyes in a futile attempt to soothe my nerves. "Whoa, there. Calm down, tiger. It's nice that you're finally awake, but doc says you gotta take it easy." I crack an eye open and turn towards the voice and see Cloudkicker walking over to the bedside. "Ugh... doc? Time Turner, Stable, or Redheart?" I ask. "Redheart..." Cloudkicker answers, she's giving me that look but she doesn't comment immediately. "Most ponies don't know Nurse Redheart's a doctor," Cloudkicker finally says, I groan and flop away from her. "Can the twenty questions wait until I get some food in my system?" I ask my mouth salivating slightly at the thought of food. "There's a tray on the bedside table." I turn and find a tray not that far away. I reach for it and find myself falling a few inches short. I look at it quizzically and close my eyes in concentration. I feel the soft hum of magic and open my eyes to see the tray wobbling chaotically in my magical grip, I concentrate more and the tray wobbles towards me. I set it down as carefully as possible and smile wide at not having dropped anything. "You weren't kidding about being bad at magic..." Cloudkicker mutters. "Hey! I'm trying, ok!" I place a hoof against my head as I feel a slight headache. I shovel some food into my muzzle. Even though it's just hospital food, it tastes great to my hungry stomach. A couple seconds after I finish it off I hear Cloudkicker speak up. "Better?" She asks. "Much! Thanks!" I say cheerily. My headache having mostly retreated and my eyes finally acclimated to the bland and bright colors of the hospital. The sterile smell is slightly disconcerting, but nothing too unpleasant. "Okay... and, Starlet? Even if you can't tell me everything, I'd still like to know as much as possible." Cloudkicker says. "Okay! Ask away!" Cloudkicker nods and I smile cheerily. "Okay... how about your family?" Cloudkicker starts, my smile falters slightly. She notices. "Oh, Sorry... sore spot?" She asks. "No... at least, it shouldn't be. We were Cool. I mean, Yeah my mom and dad divorced and my mom remarried and this new stepdad tends to push me to be things I don't want to be and now they're both trying to get me to be something I don't wanna be and they don't understand me at all and I'm afraid of being who I want to be and I live in fear thanks to them and some days I just get so frustrated and scared and I never act, but we were Cool." I say happily, never skipping a beat. "I mean I still see my dad and love them all. And me and my brother are close, even if we do butt heads occasionally." I falter at this, "well, at least, we did. I don't even know if we'll see each other again," I banish my melancholy and just smile happily. Cloudkicker is looking slightly frazzled, concern etched on her features. "Do you, uh... wanna talk about it?" She asks. "Um... no, I guess not. I don't think there's anything else to talk about." I say with a smile. "Okay, I'm just saying I can understand family problems, if you ever need to talk about them." She says. "Oh, Yeah. I guess you would... but, I don't have any family problems." I tell her. "But, you just... nevermind," she shakes her head and I wait expectantly. "Okay then... question two, why should I trust you?" She asks. "Huh? I thought you already trusted me." I ask with a tilt of my head. "I do, but I wanna know why I should." She says. "Oh... hmm... I dunno, I guess you shouldn't. I mean, logically speaking. But thank you for trusting me anyways!" I cheer. "Yeah, because that's reassuring..." She mutters, I just smile innocently. "Okay then... how did you feel when you killed that stallion? Did you regret it?" My mind skids to a stop and my smile drops. "B-but, that wasn't... I didn't..." I start. "Let me handle this real quick," Starlet says forcefully taking control. "No, no I don't. But I'm not happy about it. While not the right thing, I won't deny it wasn't the wrong thing. And other factors notwithstanding, it's just a sad instance of wrong place, wrong time." Starlet answers coldly, obviously a little heated about the event. She almost immediately shoves me back into control and I sway slightly in disorientation. "O-okay," Cloudkicker responds, I flash her a nervous smile. "I'd rather just put that behind us," I say quietly. Cloudkicker nods hastily and I smile brightly once more. "So, when exactly can I leave?" I ask eagerly. "Redheart should be back shortly." Cloudkicker responds. As if on cue, the door opens. When the pony walks in I realize it isn't Redheart, but Lyra. "Hey, Lyra!" I say. "Starlet! You're up!" Lyra exclaims, rushing over to me. I smile as Bonbon walks in behind her more quietly. "Hey Bonbon," I say, she stops and looks at me. "Whatever she told you, don't believe it." Bonbon replies. "You're not the greatest marefriend ever? Okay then." I chuckle as her jaw drops and she tries to stutter out an answer. "Thanks," Lyra drops down and whispers to me conspiratorially. "Heh, anytime" I chuckle. "Hah hah, you two." Bonbon finally replies blandly. "I see that you're a great deal like these two, should I be scared?" Bonbon asks. "Hmm... maybe..." I say, tapping my chin thoughtfully. "I don't have Cloudkickers charm or Lyras obsession so it should be fine." I say waving a hoof. "No one has my charm," Cloudkicker boasts. "Obsession? I don't have an obsession." Lyra defends. "Yes, Lyra, you do." Bonbon says simply. "And what is that?" She asks. "Humans," I reply. "You know? Have you already tried recruiting her?" Bonbon asks accusingly. "I'm Sorry you had to hear all that." She apologizes. "Oh, no, I knew what they are. I'm just not a fan of them." I clarify, she looks at me a little curiously before relenting. "Yeah. Funny, most ponies don't know about them," Lyra says. "As shown, I'm not most ponies." I say, Cloudkicker sighs and leans against the wall. Everybody looks over to her. "Something wrong?" Lyra asks her. "She doesn't understand me, but she's trying to." I say. "Why are you so fascinated by her? You don't get this way over anypony else." Bonbon points out. "It's because I'm an enigma, for multiple reasons. And because my actions seem contradictory and illogical," I say. "That true?" Lyra asks. "Yes," I get a look from Lyra at that comment and stop talking sheepishly. "Something like that," Cloudkicker answers. "And how do you know this?" Bonbon asks me. "Because Cloudkickers my best friend, and I have to know what's concerning her to help!" I reply cheerily. "Best friend?" Cloudkicker asks in surprise. "Of course! Who else would look over me at the hospital and wait for me to get better!" I reply. "You don't want me as a best friend." She says. "Stop with the modesty! I don't know a mare more worthy!" I flinch at the word and see Cloudkicker flinch as well. She stares at me hard and I can't help but nervously chuckle. Her eyes sharpen and then she finally relents with a sigh. I need to be more careful with my wording. "Okay, what was that?" Lyra asks. "What was what?" I ask cheerily. "That look, you two shared a look." Lyra points out. "Don't worry about it," Cloudkicker speaks up, I nod hastily in approval. "That was the look two best friends share." I say, Bonbon gives me a deadpan look. "Starlet Mint? We have some tests to run before you leave," I nod happily and my friends leave me in peace, I smile widely at the nurse. ~~~~~~~ I was released from the hospital without trouble, just told to take it easy. Bonbon left to go open shop and now I'm left alone with just Lyra and Cloudkicker. We're headed to the park to just hang and maybe have a picnic, it is getting to around that time. "Hello, miss!" I turn to my side to find a filly in the most darling little dress that I can't help but feel I should know... "Hello! Who are you?" I ask excited to meet somepony new. "My name's Star Soar! It's nice to meet you." she says. "Oh, funny. My name's Starlet! It's great to meet you too!" I cheer, offering a wide smile. Cloudkicker and Lyra are a bit to the side, waiting for me. I can see them watching us, but I also see their hesitance to intervene. "Do you know my friends? They're the ones standing off to the side awkwardly like dorks!" I giggle and wave a hoof in their direction. Star soar looks over at them and I do to. "Wha- dorks?!" Cloudkicker exclaims, abandoning all pretense of pretending not to listen to our conversation. "I'm not a dork! ...am I?" Lyra asks, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Yep, they're both big dorks. But that's okay, that's part of what makes them so gosh darned endearing!" I whisper to her, she giggles and seems to ease a little. "Yeah, I know Lyra. She's misses Bonbons marefriend. And Cloudkicker is Dinkys moms special somepony. And Blossomforths. And sometimes-" Cloudkicker interrupts before she can go any further. "Yeah, thanks kid. Glad I've got a reputation with the younger generation..." Cloudkicker groans. "Yeah, You're like Scootaloos third favorite pegasus!" Star announces. "Well, that's reassuring. Wait... third? I know Rainbow dash, but who's the second?" Cloudkicker asks. "Twilight introduced her to the Daring Do series." Star explains. "Of course, I'm second place to a fictional character and the mare thats larger than life. Eh, all in all I could be faring worse." Cloud Kicker says, brushing a hoof against her hoof. "Silly! You're her third favorite 'Pegasus'. I'm sure you're much farther back on her list than that." I say with a giggle, Cloudkicker drops the hoof and shoots me a very annoyed look. "Thanks. I really needed some reality." Cloud Kicker says, sarcasm dripping from her tone all the while. "You're welcome!" I cheer, turning back to Star Soar. "So, what's up?" I ask. "Huh?" She asks, tilting her head slightly. "Well, you approached me with what I assumed was a purpose. And since we were speaking of her, I assumed you know Scootaloo and thats why she keeps on looking at us from that tree waaaay over there!" I explain, Star Soar blinks as she processes this. "They're... they're in a tree?" Star asks, turning around to find them. "Well, Scootaloo is behind one. If the others are there, I haven't seen them yet." I shrug, Star Soar still trying to decipher which tree she's behind. She doesn't need to search any longer because Scootaloo peeks her head out and meets my eyes. Her fur seems to go a little pale as she darts back before guiltily stepping out and walking towards us. "What happened to subtlety?" Star Soar asks. "Oh hush." Scootaloo shushes. "Have you asked yet?" She adds in a not so quiet whisper. "I was about to!" Star turns to me, but I beat her to the chase. "Yes, but I'm the seeker. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7-" I start counting to 50, but I'm stopped before I get too involved. "What?" Star Soar asks in confusion. "Scootaloo was hiding, I thought we were playing hide and seek. 8,9,10,11-" I explain, continuing where I was interrupted. Only to get cut off again. "We're not playing hide and seek." Scootaloo says. "Not if you keep on interrupting me we aren't. 12,13,14,15-" I'm interrupted again, so I continue to count quietly. "Will you forget about hide and seek. We want to ask you to join our club!" Scootaloo shouts. All eyes turn to me, I look at the two of them, but I don't say anything. I don't say anything for a while. "Well?" Star Soar asks. "Do you have anything to say?" Scootaloo asks, I raise my hoof and wait a second. "50. Ready or not, here I come!" I look at the two fillies standing before me in turn, their mouths agape. "... you guys are terrible at this game." "Forget about the game!" Scootaloo exclaims. "Aha, so you admit there was a game!" I accuse. She closes her wings slowly, as well as opens and closes her mouth wordlessly a couple of times. She eventually turns and hits her head with her hoof a couple of times before turning to Star Soar, ignoring me entirely. "You're on your own, I can't handle anyone relatively like Pinkie right now, it's too early in the morning..." Scootaloo says, walking towards Sweet Apple Acres. "It's nearly noon!" I yell after her. I hear a very loud groan as her head droops. Star looks at me in surprise. "So, uh..." she trails off. "Yeah, sure." I tell her. "Huh?" "The Crusaders, I want in." "Just like that?" "Just like that." "It's just... with Scootaloo..." I snort at that and laugh a little. "With Scootaloo I was reminded entirely too much of Twilight, she needs to loosen up a little." I tell Star. "Hey, I think we were gonna get some lunch, you wanna come with? Or maybe go grab Scootaloo and meet us in the park for a picnic?" I offer. "Oh, uh, yeah. Great, yeah, sure, I'll go get her. See you there?" Star says. "Yeppurooni!" I watch as she trots off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres and we head the other way. "So, you're a crusader now?" Lyra asks. "Apparently!" I smile at her happily and continue walking. "And that doesn't concern you or anything?" Lyra asks. "Not really." "...ok, cool. Congrats" Lyra says. ~~~~~~~ "Spike! Thank goodness you're here! I need help!" I shout to the tiny dragon as soon as the door to the library opens up. "What? You need me? You sure you don't want Twilight?" He asks, scratching his head in confusion. "Yeah," I nod vigorously. "Uh, OK." He turns to yell into the library. "Hey, Twilight! I'm going out!" I hear a crash accompanied by a scream and multiple thumps. Perplexed, I try to look past him into the Library, but he just closes the door. "Okay, what is it you need help with?" He asks. "A girl." I say quickly, eager to get to work as soon as possible. "A... a girl?" he asks nervously. "Yeah," I nod vigorously. "Uh, you sure you want me? And not say... Rainbow Dash?" He asks, chuckling nervously. "No, Spike. I need some help, from man to man. You're really the only guy I know." I explain. "I don't know if I can be all that much help..." "Come on, Spike. I just need a little help in winning her over, nothing huge. Come on, bro, you gotta help," I beg. "R-right. Nothing big. Uh, Okay... I guess, first, I should know who she is." Spike says. "Uh... well, she's got this light pink coat, and a mostly brown mane that kinda does a little curly flip on the ends." I start. "Mostly brown?" He asks, raising a brow. "Well, there's this cascading sort of stripy pattern in the front, it's actually really beautiful. It goes from light orange, to pale maroon, to pale grey, from the inside outwards. The light orange is like her eyes, but dulled. Oh, right, here Yes are this really vibrant orange." I explain, picturing her in my minds eye. "Lots of earthy colors... is she an earth pony?" "No, a Pegasus. Oh, and she wears glasses." I add. "You sure remember this all very well." He snickers and I blush. "I haven't been able to get her out of my mind." I defend. "Wow, you got it bad. Okay, well, why do you need help? Did you try just talking to her?" "Well, I did talk to her... but I'm not sure she thinks too highly about me..." I say, rubbing my neck nervously. "Why is that?" "Well, I heard the last Griffin in town didn't go over so well with everybody else." "Oh, right..." he taps his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I think we need to consult an expert..." he decides. "Expert? On love?" I ask. "No, expert on showing ponies you're not who they think you are. And I know the perfect pony." Spike says, stroking his chin thoughtfully. ~~~~~~~ I am so done with love. I could understand seeing it in a couple places, but I seem to be seeing it everywhere today. It was bad enough last night at AJ's, but now I seem to be seeing love everywhere. Every time I come near a couple I have this incredible urge to regurgitate, and to avoid doing just that I try to steer clear. Even seeing a couple makes me feel a little queasy, I must still be having some sort of adverse reaction to love. I wasn't entirely comfortable about AJ and RD, but I tried to stand it. Now... there's just too much love. I see another couple and balk, thankfully I find my destination is nearby. I walk into the shop and find myself greeted by a very familiar pony. "Oh, Heartbreak! Is nice to see juu!" I smile nervously to Subtle Brew as I make my way to the counter. "Hey," I reply awkwardly. "How have juu been? Have juu found te balance yet?" She asks. I sigh. "Not exactly... I don't suppose you have anything that can help with slight nausea?" I sigh. "Hmm... I can make two. Te Ginger tea is good for te nausea and Also indigestion. Then there is te special Germane Chamomile, good for nausea and anxiety." She says, tapping a hoof to her chin while looking at the ceiling. "I think I could use some of that chamomile," I say, letting out a sigh of relief. "Did juu eat someting bad?" She asks, long tendrils of magic busy at making some tea and also packaging some. "No, just... I guess you could chock it up to me not being adapted yet," I say, looking out the window. I see another couple and turn away with a groan. Subtle brew follows my gaze and turns to me with a knowing smile. Oh no, if she even insinuates... "I tink I know what te problem is." She says, a coy smile as the water boils. I can't really stand more fortune cookie wisdom, even if it was correct. Which I can almost guarantee it won't be. "Is te nausea possibly from a boy?" She asks, I recoil as my nausea kicks in. "F-f-fet no!" I exclaim, she frowns. "A girl?" She asks. "I think I need a bucket." I say, withholding the urge to projectile vomit. "Is nothing to be ashamed of. Is strange to me, but juu are free to love who juu want." She says. "I don't love anyp-p-pony" I exclaim before she can go farther. "Truly? Nopony?" She quirks an eyebrow at me. "Nop-p-pony." I affirm. "I was sure there was te one pony. A colt if I recall." She says. "No, I never loved anyp-p-pony." I reiterate. "I was not privy to juur entire situation, but I do know juu got in some trouble for te colt. Te farmponies cousin?" She says. She's... talking about Dib? "Well, Yeah. But that isn't love, I liked the kid, sure..." I say, rubbing my neck. "Are juu sure? From te sound of things juu went through a lot for te colt." She says, checking the water. "Yeah, there were some pains here and there... but it's cool though, he reminded me of... well, me a little." I tell her, a small smile at the thought planting itself on my face. "Pains?" She asks, preparing the tea cups. "Some say, love hurts. There is famous saying, true love is finding those worth hurting for. Would juu hurt for te colt?" She asks, placing a cup in front of me. I stare at it blankly, digesting what she's told me. Truth is, I had hurt for Dib. Multiple times, trying to help him. Was that love? No, love was... love is... what is love? Is it really as simple as she makes it to be? "Honey?" "Huh? O-oh... Yeah," i pick up my cup gently with both forehooves and hold it while she puts some honey in it. I think on Dib a little more and find my nausea over love receding to the back of my mind. My current confusion overshadowing it. "I see juu are thinking, and I have other customers. But, juu should know, I don't think juur as lonely as juu claim." I watch her leave to go help some other customer and I think on her words. Much more helpful than I had expected, even if it still sounded like a fortune cookie. I finish my tea in thought and head to the counter once more where Subtle Brew is selling tea to another pony I don't know. The other pony leaves and I step up. "Juu are leaving?" She asks. "Yeah, the tea was good." I comment. "I is glad Juu like it, I have been practicing without hay just for juu!" She says cutely. "Oh, um... Thanks, I guess." I say awkwardly. "Juu want me to read juur tea leaves?" She asks hopefully. "No, I'm good." I say, she just shakes her head sadly and uses her magic to grab my extra bag of tea. "One day," she sighs wistfully. I hand her the bits and take the bag and put it into my saddlebag. "Juu have a great day! Hope to see juu later!" She says. "Yeah, you too," I say awkwardly. Thoughts still barely lingering on our conversation, but I'm jarred out of these thoughts by a certain baby dragon. "H.B.!" I turn to find him running towards me with none other than the new Griffin behind him. "We need your help!" Spike says as he comes within talking distance. "Hey, Spike. And... Mike, was it?" I ask. "Yeah, and you're... Heartbreak, right?" He says, cocking his head in thought. "H.B." I say, he looks at me weirdly and I sigh. "What did you want Spike?" "We need your expert opinion on something." He says. "And what might that something be?" I ask, caution creeping into my voice. I wasn't aware I was an expert on anything, my hooves don't even work right and my cutie mark is a fake. "Well, see, Mike likes this girl and..." my caution turns to unbridled rage at Spikes bodacity to even insinuate I'm an expert on anything, but to actually insinuate I'm a love expert? "Spike?" I interrupt. "Huh, what is it H.B.?" He asks. "I'm feeling generous, so I'll give you a couple seconds headstart before I strangle you," I seethe. He notices me glaring daggers at him and waves his claws in a `don't kill me` motion. "No, Wait, let me explain!" He exclaims hastily. "Is this some cruel joke? Did Twilight put you up to this?" I ask icily. "No!" "What then? Just to mock me, make me a spectacle, an amusement for you to laugh about with the new guy?" "No!" "Then why come to me for LOVE advice!?" I fume. "We don't need love advice!" I pause at that. "You... don't? But you said-" I'm interrupted by Spike. "I didn't get to finish!" Spike huffs, composing himself. "Ok, so Mike and this girl. He likes her, but he thinks she might not like griffins thanks to a griffin we had in Ponyville a while back." "Oh, right, Gilda. Hadn't even thought about how she could affect him..." I say idly. "How do you- never mind. We need ideas on how to either change her view of him or see if she doesn't have any prejudice after all." "... why exactly did you think this was my area of expertise?" I ask him. "Well... because... reasons! Look, we're in crisis mode here, you gotta help us!" Spike says exasperatedly. "And what is it that you want me to do?" I ask pointedly. "Well... we were hoping you would know." Spike says. "Unbelievable." I exclaim, rolling my eyes. "Again, what made you think I'd be a good p-p-pony for this?" I ask. "Well, I figured you're the best pony I know for proving you aren't who ponies think you are." Spike says. "Spike... your intentions, however wrong, are nice. But I can hardly ma-ma-anage my own social life, and I can't even do that right." I snort derisively. "Manage?" I hear the griffin mutter. "it's a speech impediment, okay?!" I yell, he backs up with his front claws up. I groan and turn to spike. "Look, why can't you find somep-p-pony else?" "Well, I don't know any stallions really aside from big mac or mister cake and neither would be very helpful..." he says, numbering them off on his claws. "Why not?" I ask incredulously. "Big mac isn't one for relationships. Cake is working." "If you want a stallion, why come to me?" I ask bitterly. "Well, you may not be a stallion, but you aren't really a mare either. You'd never see rarity wearing a hat like that, would you?" I blink and look up subcosciously, and though I can only see the brim I know he's right. To an extent. "Ok, fine..." I run a hoof through my mane idly, looking over Mike. "Uh... I don't suppose you could just ask her and take the risk?" I say, Spike smacks his forehead. "Right, stupid question..." I sit down and rub my temple gently with hoof. Okay, so the direct way is out. The next best way is... "we need to observe how she reacts to being near you, or seeing you." I tell them, holding my breath. "... see! I knew it was a great idea to ask you!" Spike says. I let out my breath, relieved. ~~~~~~~ "Tia!" I shout as I enter the throne room. "Luna? What's the matter?" She asks calmly, no doubt she's doubting the urgency of the issue. "The matter? The matter is that I thought you were done keeping me out of the loop!" I seethe. "What?" "Don't pretend you don't know, I know you do. You knew last time, and you know this time, and..." I look at my sisters blank look. "Truly? You do not know?" I ask, skeptical. "I don't think so, but I don't know what you are refferring to. What seems to be the problem?" She asks, genuinely concerned it seemed. "Oh, it's just a mare... Starlet Mint, she's not of this world. I guess I just assumed you knew because of last time with Heartbreak." I sigh, unfortunately Celestia doesn't relax. She actually tenses up and her face turns slightly red. I brace myself, something bad is bound to be coming. "Where is she?" Celestia asks brusquely. "Ponyville, but there's no need to be brash!" I exclaim. "Luna, I know you want to help, but I think I know when my ponies are in danger." She turns away from me to the guard beside her. "Assemble a team, bring me the mare known as Starlet Mint into custody and then transport her here. Be ready to use force, she could be extremely dangerous. But I want her alive, take all precautions necessary." > Solar Prominence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bye!" I call behind me as I leave work for the day. I think I hear a response... I don't know, I'm not really paying attention to them. My mind is on something more concerning to me, one of the earlier customers. A Griffin, very recognizable. It helps that he's the only Griffin in town, but even if he wasn't I'd know his face anywhere. Because even after he left, I saw his face frequently. Whenever I had a second to think, he was what I thought about. His face lingers at the forefront of my thoughts, and despite any attempts to tell myself otherwise... he is pretty cute... OK, really cute. Even now I can see him, looking at me with nervous eyes and a slight blush... Wait, what? I snap out of my fantasy in confusion, that doesn't sound right... He's a Griffin, strong and valiant! Right? Fierce and brave! Right? Never wavering, a man of action! ...Right? Where did that even come from? I open my eyes and I can still see him, He's not looking at me though. He's talking to that dragon, Spike. That wasn't my fantasy, He's Actually here. I find He's much closer and look at my hooves in shock, they were pulling me towards him almost unconsciously. He turns to me and my heart tongue catches in my throat, my eyes go wide. I'm nailed to my spot by his gaze, what am I doing? "Oh, Uh, hello... you're the girl from the cafe, right?" He asks. My tongue goes dry as I try to answer. "Y-yeah." I answer, trying to calm my racing heart. "So, Uh..." he trails off. He must be really confused by why I came over here... I don't even know why! "Sorry, I'm sure you were doing something. I just thought I'd say hi again," I laugh nervously, trying desperately to sneak away. "No, It's fine! It's fine... so, Uh..." he trails off and I continue trying to sneak away. Spike nudges him and he glances at him briefly. I pause, did they share a look? The type of look two best friends might share? This is great! I don't know Spike that well, but I know Twilight. If he's Spikes friend then I can meet him through Twilight! She'd gladly help... maybe. Actually, would she? I don't have much more time to think on this because he speaks up. "I'm Mike, what's your name? I don't think I caught it." He says politely. "F-feather Scribe" I stutter, holding out a hoof expectantly. He reaches out with his claw hesitantly and bumps it against my hoof. His claws feel surprisingly soft, but cool, sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine. "Hey, Feather. We were gonna go to a picnic with Twilight in the park. You want to come?" Spike asks. "Yes!" I yell excitedly then I calm down. "I mean, yeah... sure... sounds cool..." I shut my wings, which had flared open rather embarrassingly. "Okay..." Spike says awkwardly, "come on, let's go." He says. We head in the direction of the park. I struggle to not brush against Mike as I walk, he doesn't seem to notice. ~~~~~~~ "H.B." I turn at the sound of a familiar group of rambunctious fillies. "Hey, girls." I offer a wan smile as they come closer. They've got their wagon filled with various foodstuffs. "Are you grocery shopping? You said your house still needed real food, right?" Applebloom asks. "No, I did that earlier. Most of it anyways..." Spike and Mike kinda halted all that stuff I was doing. "Then what's with all the food?" They ask, pointing at my filled saddlebags. I blink and look at the similarities between our loads and squint at them. "I could ask you the same thing." I scrutinize. "What, this? We're having a picnic in the park! Cloudkicker and Starlet entrusted us with the task of getting food." Sweetie Belle exclaims proudly. "Oh, fan-f-f-fetting-tactic..." I mumble. "Something wrong, H.B.?" Applebloom asks. "No, other than Twilight sent me on the same errands for the same reason." I grumble. Bookhorse apparently had research today she had to finish before she could join us at the picnic we'd constructed to changes that one mares mind. Twilight had agreed, then given me the `suggestion` I get the food and she'd get the other stuff. I have a feeling she really kicked me out because she didn't want me to see her research. If she doesn't want me to see it, chances are it involves me. And if it involves me and she doesn't want me to know... well, let's say I'll be more than a little ticked. No. Bad H.B. if Twilight was conducting research on you, she would tell you. She's your friend and she knows you hate it when she does stuff that concerns you and doesn't tell you. Chances are she genuinely had research to finish and she was politely suggesting you were in her way. After all isn't that all you're good for around here? Getting in the way? Shut up, Gothbunny! But, there is a little truth in that. Sometimes it seems like that's all I do. I'm hardly a contributing member to society. "H.B.?" Scootaloo asks. "Huh?" I look back up at them and remember I was having a conversation. "Oh, did you say something?" I ask. "Yeah, I was just saying that we should combine our picnics! I'm sure Kicker would agree, and Starlet!" Scootaloo says excitedly. "What about misses Lyra?" Applebloom asks. "Eh, you and I both know she's not the important decision making pony in the group." Scootaloo says, waving a hoof half-heartedly. Applebloom taps her chin before shrugging. "Uh, girls, I don't know if-" I don't get to finish because I'm cut off by they're deadly cute eyes. Oh, no. Oh nonononono! Fet, H.B., we're going critical! Crisis situation, initiating Defcon 4, no, 5. Attempting to cut off visuals to negate visual stimuli. Attempts failed. Incoming audio transmission, brace yourselves! "Pleeeeeease?" We've lost control of the situation... individual H.B. is down, I repeat, individual H.B. is down. Negotiations have failed, defeat is imminent. ~~~~~~~ "So, uh, H.B.?" "Yeah, Spike?" "Why did you invite them to the picnic?" "Because I'm bad with kids." H.B. hangs her head and Spike just looks at her curiously. I ignore her momentarily and turn to Mike. He seems to want to ask me something, but he seems just as distracted by something else. I look at the Crusaders, who offered to make the sandwiches in hope of earning their cutie marks. Twilight is talking animatedly with the new pony I don't know. Feather Scribe was her name, supposedly she's a fairly new author. Sterling and inspirational, that's what Twilight called her writing. Cloudkicker is on my right side, eyeing the new mare that's joined our group. Lyra is on the other side, talking to Mike animatedly about her club, not really realizing he isn't listening to her at all. I nudge her, she looks at me. "What?" She asks. "Might want to tone it down a bit, Lyra. Looks like you lost him," I point at Mike who turns over to us. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I just... have a lot to think about." "Oh, wow, sorry. I, uh... guess I can get a little excited at times." Lyra looks over at H.B. who gives her a deadpan look, Lyra averts her gaze to Cloudkicker. Cloudkicker hasn't turned her gaze away and I can see her wings twitching. "So, you wanna tap that?" I ask her in a whisper, she glances at me for a second before turning back. "Oh, gods, yes. Do you see that choice piece of flank?" Cloudkicker says, I chuckle at her response. "Well, it looks like you've got competition." I say, pointing out Mikes wandering gaze that seemed infinitely stuck locking onto Feather. "Hmm... well then, I guess it's just a matter of waiting." "Kicker..." I warn. "What? Is a threesome so bad?" She responds innocently. "No, but Mike won't go for it. I don't want you pestering him about it." I say, jabbing a hoof for emphasis. I nurse the hoof afterwards because I'm still sore and some of the cuts still hurt. "Hey, be careful." Cloudkicker says, laying a hoof on my withers. "I promise I won't pester him... too much." She adds as an afterthought. "What about your rules?" "What about them?" She asks in confusion. "One of them was that you don't sleep with friends, right?" I point out. "That's for first friends, not friends of friends. Besides, you would know that the rules are less than concrete, they're like suggestions." She points out. "Right, well, go easy on him." I say. "Okay. And I know you're just looking out for him, but you can't tell him not to accept. Just like you can't keep me from asking." Cloudkicker says, pointing out Mike and Feather talking animatedly as Twilight slips away. I smile at the sight, a small and slightly sad smile. Then I perk up, there's no reason to be sad. "I know, I just don't want you to annoy him about it. He's very... faithful to his beliefs." I say, smiling as Twilight walks up to us. "I think I'm starting to see some sort of ulterior motive to this picnic," Twilight says, glancing at Mike and Feather. "Well, we weren't a part of whatever that may be. All we know is the Crusaders brought H.B. back with them and then our picnics were combined. It's not a bad idea, though." Lyra says. "It's a shame Bonbon couldn't make it." Twilight offers. "Eh, she's out making the big bucks. She's got better things to do than sit around and just hang all day." Lyra says. "But Lyra doesn't. So she can sit around and hang all day!" I giggle and Lyra sits up. "Hey, I-! Actually... screw you, I'm sure I have better things. I just... need to think a sec..." Lyra says sourly. "Oh, lighten up! You're just waiting, I can understand. After all, I'm waiting so I can get back to work too," I tell her, wincing as I flex a hoof in example. "Ouch. Yeah, I guess." She says sympathetically. "Okay, we have the sandwiches made!" Sweetie Belle announces. "It would have been easier if H.B. didn't keep on squishing them." Applebloom mutters. "I am right here." H.B. exclaims incredulously. "It's not my fault I have shaky hoof syndrome..." she says indignantly, but she hangs her head a little. "C'mon girls, leave H.B. alone. The important thing is, she tried." I say, H.B. doesn't Thank me, however. She does the opposite, she shoots me a small glare. "C'mon, let's dig in." Twilight says from beside me. We divvy up the sandwiches and sides between everybody present and slowly chat dies down. "So, Starlet. Where are you from?" H.B. asks. I think about it for a while. "Whinneighsota." I say before taking a bite and watching her eye twitch. I swallow and laugh, H.B. growls slightly and I stop laughing. "No, I'd rather not say. But I'm sure you know for a fact I'm not from whinneighsota, being from there and all." I tell H.B. she looks away from me and just eats silently. "So... Feather." I say, "what do you do again?" I ask, smiling sweetly even though I remember clearly. "I'm an author." She says after swallowing the bite of sandwich she had taken. "And what have you written?" This, I didn't know and was genuinely curious about. "Fantasy, my most... well, known novel is about a pony who travels between world's. It's called Fragments." She says excitedly. "Wow! That's Cool." "What do you do?" "What?" I ask in surprise. "What do you do?" She repeats politely. I look back at my blank flank and sweep my tail up to cover it. Her ears lilt and I it looks like she regrets the question a little. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." "No, it's fine. I just... wasn't expecting it. I..." what do I do? All my hobbies from before are inadequate because I don't know how to do any of them now. I can't write, draw... I can still read though. "I like to read. And learn. In fact, I love it. Without a real... talent, I like to learn about all sorts of things in hopes of finding what I'm truly good at." I tell her, cheering up once more. "Hey, that's just like us!" Sweetie says. "You two don't like reading." Scootaloo points out. "Yeah, but we like learning. And we're always looking for our talents!" Applebloom points out. "It's almost like you were always a crusader!" Sweetie Belle says, I smile even wider and a small blush plants itself on my cheeks. "That's her!" "Subdue her!" I try to turn towards the shouting, but before I can I feel immense pain. It engulfs my body and I cry out, collapsing back away from the food and onto the grass. I writhe in agony before I can feel myself being restrained. "Hey!" I hear Cloudkicker yell, but I'm unable to pay attention properly, I'm on the verge of blacking out, but it's almost like I'm being forced awake. I feel a ring slipped over my horn and hoofcuffs placed on my hooves. The pain subsides, leaving me hurting all over, but it's not a squirming pain. The pain is throbbing now and I whimper as some ponies pick me up. "What are you doing?" I can see Cloudkicker getting ready to leap to my rescue. "Starlet Mint? You are under arrest by Princess Celestia," I can't say anything as I slip from consciousness. > Solar Eclipse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What? Why!?" I yell, the guards just ignore me, probably because they know who I am. Well then, they should know they've bucked with the wrong mare. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I yell, the guard swings around with his wings outstretched, wielding a spear. "Back up civilian! This doesn't concern you!" The guard yells. Or they're just stupid. I rush forward and weave my way around the spear, taking the guard by surprise. I knock his hoof and then attempt to hit his helmet before he gets his wits about him. He blocks my hoof and knocks me back, distancing himself while he regains his composure. "I said this doesn't concern you," the guard threatens, not letting his eyes leave me. "Thunder, she's subdued. Let's just go." One of the other guards says. "Fine," he says, turning with a snort. "No you don't!" I shout, rushing forward once more, I barely notice another guard intervening. I manage to halt my forward motion and avoid blunt force trauma to the head. "Stop if you know what's good for you." The guard threatens. "Tell me!" I demand. "Kicker! Stop." I pause as I hear a familiar voice. I hadn't picked her out in all the action, but now that I've heard her I know who this is. This is the princesses personal division of the gendarmerie, saved for special projects. So then, why do they want Starlet? "Tell me what's going on." I command her, she shakes her head briskly. "You know I can't do that. Now stop, before I do something I really don't want to." She says. I back off. They take off, but they don't take their gaze off me until they're a good way away. If that's the gendarmerie, and not just any division, but the Solaris division, then there's no way I could have taken them. I did manage to take ONE pony by surprise ONCE. The chances of getting an opening again are nil. I'm good, but not nearly that good. I wouldn't want to anyways, even if they're specially trained to work solely for the good of their mission. If I try to interrupt that... well, they will disregard and or demolish any obstructions. "W-what?!" Lyra asks, I don't hesitate in taking off after their cart. I hear a commotion behind me, but I don't pay it any attention. My mind is focused on getting to Canterlot castle as fast as possible. "Hey! Kicker!" I groan, but don't slow down. If Dash is serious about talking to me, she'll catch up. "Yo, Kicker! They're looking for Starlet!" Dash says as she pulls up beside me. "You don't say..." I grunt. "Oh, so... you know?" She says, looking ahead and seeing the cart. "Is that her?" "What do you want Dash?" "Well, first off I'd like to know why the royal guard was looking for Starlet." Dash says, crossing her hooves. "Well, if I knew that I probably wouldn't be tailing them." I growl. "Right... well, look. I promised AJ I wouldn't pester her or you about earlier, but I do want to talk." Rainbow says. "If this isn't talking, I don't know what you want." "Look, I'm just trying to figure something out. Help me out here." "Get to the point, I'm kinda busy." I say. "Right, so... you attacked Starlet-" "If this is about me being a hypocrit for making assumptions about ponies and nearly ending their life for it, I'm not in the mood..." I warn. "What? No! This doesn't have anything to do with flight camp. I mean... the situation is similar... very similar... Actually, I guess I do kinda want to say that. Just, not now. In fact-" "The point, Dash" I say pointedly. "Right. I don't think you were wrong. Or, not wrong, but I don't think you made an assumption. Well, you did, but I don't think it was entirely wrong. Or... something" Rainbow finishes lamely. "What are you trying to say Rainbow? That I'm right? Because one, that's a very evasive way of doing so. Two, I'm not. She is a regular mare." I say with a little more force than was necessary. "I know. It's just... there was a reason, there's always a reason you do what you do. I just don't know what it is." Rainbow explains. "Are you trying try to ask why I thought she was a changeling?" I ask, suddenly understanding her ramblings. Rainbow nods excitedly, motioning to her nose like a filly. I sigh, but try to keep my flying pace. "Look, maybe Applejack was right, boss. This mess is our problem," I say. Rainbow stares at me for a long while, I just turn my gaze to the quickly retreating cart. "Of all the..." Rainbow grumbles something incoherent. "fine, but hurry up. We're losing them." Rainbow says, pulling along beside me. I look at her in confusion. "You're coming too?" I ask. "You're my friend, she's yours, and a friend of a friend is my friend too. That, and I have some concerns." Rainbow says. I don't argue, her company is welcome. There's a certain relief in having Rainbow Dash with me, even if she can't really fight as well. She exudes this sort of air, it feels like confidence. It also makes you feel a little better about yourself. It's slightly empowering. ~~~~~~~ "Oh no. Oh, no no no. This is bad. This is very bad. What could they want with her? That's the gendarmerie, Solaris division nonetheless!" "Twilight! What does that even mean?" I ask her, barely holding it together myself. "The gendarmerie? Those are the ones who uphold the law, right?" Lyra says thoughtfully. "What? Like police?" I ask her. "Wha- Oh, right. You're new to equestria, right? No, we have police. They're more of a specialty task force, sent to uphold specific laws and such... or to take out special assignments for the well being of Equestria. Within Equestria though, they don't really leave the country at all." Lyra explains. "What's the Solaris division?" I ask, but Twilight answers me instead. "The Solaris division, gendarmerie. Celestias special task force of commission officers, The Gendarmerie is technically a fourth branch of the armed services, but in practice it has a strong tradition of independent operation, and their members only serve as soldiers in times of crisis. Not the Solaris division. Hoof-picked by Celestia, these soldiers are called in to act in the name of protecting and preserving harmony in Equestria. That was the watch commander and her squad." Twilight explains. "And that means..." "That means that for some reason, Starlet was a threat to the order and harmony in Equestria." Twilight says. "Twilight... this sounds awfully familiar-" H.B. says. "I know what it sounds like! I just... she wouldn't... not again..." I look between the two, lost. "But, she hasn't done anything wrong!" I exclaim. "No, but there isn't much I could do. Maybe..." I see Twilight pull out quill and scroll, Spike standing off to the side. Feather is looking visibly shaken and huddling next to me. I lay a wing over her subconsciously, she gasps and looks at me. I scoot closer and she leans into me, I try to think of what I could do. Nothing comes to mind. Besides, she told me to stay out of the public eye. Meaning, I can't really interfere. Let's hope she can dig herself out of whatever hole she's dug herself into. "So... was Pinkie right?" "Huh?" It was applebloom that had spoken. "Pinkie?" Lyra asks. "Pinkie said she was a spy. Was she right?" Applebloom asks. "no, the Solaris division wouldn't be called for this if she were a spy..." Twilight says. "Are you saying Starlet is more dangerous than a spy?" Lyra asks in shock. "Potentially. See, a spy would still go through normal means of trial, but the Solaris division works directly under Celestia. Who is above the normal justice system, though she rarely executes that power." Twilight says, measuring her worry. "When was the last time she used that power?" I ask. H.B. glances at her, Twilight stumbles on her answer. "It's... hard to say." She answers. Does that mean it was a long time ago? "Their operations often remain under the public eye, so as not to cause panic." She explains. "Well, we just let Cloudkicker run after them. What will happen to her?" Lyra asks incredulously. "Could you have stopped her?" Twilight asks pointedly, Lyra rubs her neck slightly. "That's what I thought. Besides, Cloudkicker has tremendous knowledge and pull with the guard. She must have known who they were. She's not oblivious to the danger, just ignorant.".Twilight snorts, gaining control of the situation once more. "No wonder she and Rainbow get along so well." H.B. says half heartedly. "You guys don't give her enough credit. She sees the danger, but she still heads into it!" Lyra says excitedly, the revelation tempers her excitement a little. "What about Mike?" H.B. says suddenly, turning to me with an accusatory glare. "M-me?" I ask in shock. "You're the one who's known her the longest." Lyra reasons. "If anyone had an idea what would be happening, it should be you." Twilight points out. "I-i..." I can't deny those facts, but the whole situation has left me equally confused. Feather steps to my rescue, thankfully. "Hey, girls! Leave him alone, can't you see He's confused by this too." She nuzzles me quickly and my wings puff out for some reason. She stiffens and pulls away slightly, I mouth my thanks and she just nods quickly. "Yeah, Sorry, but I don't know." I look at the small group and stand abruptly. "Where are you going?" Twilight asks. "A walk." I say with a sigh. "I'll go with you." I smile as Feather stands up too. "I'd like that." I say softly. ~~~~~~~ "Ow..." "Well well, look who's decided to wake up." A voice says, I look up and find two stallions dragging me. They're dressed in the armor of the Royal guard. Immense pain washes over my immediate fear, I hold back tears as the jostling sends jolts of pain through my body. I can't even pinpoint any specific pain because it's washed into an overall pain that seems to numb other feelings. "I... I didn't do anything." I cough, attempting to clench my gut as pain jolts through my body. The guard behind me hits me in the back with something and I spasm slightly before going limp. Pain is blinding me, the light from outside blurs as my head spins. Finally, we stop. I feel myself being tossed onto the floor and I finally clench my gut. I gasp, the tumble took the air out of my lungs. I look up weakly and see something that freezes me in fear. It's Celestia, and she looks... a weird cross between anger and disgust. I whimper as I try to look down and away. "No! Look her in the eye! Challenge her!" I hear Styre yelling. "No, let's try and reason with her," Stia argues. "She doesn't look very fun..." Joy says. I don't do anything, I'm not any of them, I just want this to be over... I feel Magic lift me me up, I scramble to my feet and try to hold onto the ground. I tuck my legs in as I leave the ground and float towards Celestia. I look at her, the look of disgust never leaves her face. I notice, however, that Luna's in the room. She doesn't even attempt to move or intervene, though. I can feel my brain being picked apart by Celestia and whimper again, she ignores me. I feel a surge and Luna leaps to attention. "SISTER-" Luna starts yelling. "SILENCE!" she cuts off, "you will soon see." Celestia says annoyedly. I'd probably be actively fighting this if I weren't so sore, or bound by the Magic currently holding me. And if I was Styre, or maybe even Scarlet... I feel myself being torn from my body by the magic and finally being freed of the pain. This brings both relief and fear. This is it, she's gonna finish me off. "Seven?" Luna asks loudly, I open my eyes and see her gawking at me, then she turns away. I follow her gaze and my eyes meet with a gaze I hadn't expected to see. Styre is looking at me in shock, at first, then anger. "You couldn't do anything other than cower?! Our life was on the line and you were gonna accept it?!" Styre yells. "On the contrary, your life wasn't on the line. I gave you a voice, do not make me regret giving you a say in your fate." Celestia warns. "Oh, well la-tee-frickin-da. What am I supposed to be, thrilled?" Styre asks, Celestias anger flares. "Styre? Quiet." I turn to see Stia stepping forward to talk. "And you must be the base personality." Celestia assumes. "No, the base is the one still in the body" Stia says matter of factly. "I was under the assumption she was just the one in control at the moment." Celestia frowns darkly. "No. That would be her," Stia points at me and I cower away, Celestia ignores me and turns to Diz. "I see there is one stallion in the mix." Celestia points out, gauging his reaction. He doesn't react, she turns to Scarlet and her mood darkens significantly. She turns back to Stia with a dark look. "I will make this brief. My sister has decided that you should be given a chance... I'm obligated to provide one to you now. If I find that you are threat to Equestria AT ALL, you will be terminated. Do I make myself clear?" Celestia asks bitterly. "Crystal." Stia says neutrally. "Good, now, how did you get here?" "We don't know," "Might I remind you that your existence relies solely on your cooperation." Celestia warns. "I do not know and I have nothing left to say on the matter." Stia insists. "... I don't like you. Make no mistakes, I think you're all threats." Celestia says, narrowing her eyes at each of us in turn. "Then why give us a chance?" Styre asks. "I wouldn't. You've killed a pony, you've shown you're mentally unstable, as well as impulsive. But my sister has demanded you be given a chance. So that's what you get. A chance." Celestia states venomously, heavy emphasis suggests that the amount of chances is not up for negotiation. "That was self defense!" Styre argues. "The point still stands, you're capable of murder." Celestia says, flaring up her horn once more. "I will not leave your mental instability unattended, though." She says as she uses her Magic on me again. This time the Magic feels restricting, like I'm trying to be squished into a hole too small for me. I hear strained cries of distress from the others, Starlet seems to be very confused. It doesn't look like she's feeling the same thing. Then she lurches violently and I know she's not feeling the same thing, she's feeling something much worse. Suddenly, the doors slam open as Celestia's magic flashes. ~~~~~~~ "No, we're not going in there!" Feather insists. "What? It looks interesting. You've lived next to it practically all your life and you mean to say you've never gone in?" I ask, slowly getting closer to the ominous forest. "Of course not, no pony goes into the Everfree! Not willingly! And certainly not for a stroll!" "No one?" "Well... there's that zebra. And twilight and company... but thats it!" She insists. Good enough for me. "See, they're fine." I say. "Something always happens! And that's if you take the path, not just waltz in unawares." Feather argues. "Look, you don't have to go. I'm taking a walk to take a break from that... town." I'm really trying to take my mind off what happened. I promised I would lay low and thinking about it might cause me to break that promise. "Besides, I was a bo-" I pause, do they have boy scouts in equestria? "I won't get lost, I know what I'm doing." I say decidedly. "Oh..." Feather takes a glance at the forest, then the town. "Alright, but only because I'm afraid something will happen if I leave you." She says, moving a little closer. I don't object. We head deeper into the forest, and the forest slowly starts getting darker. I start to see that the tree cover is too thick to fly through, which would make any sort of escape much harder. I try not to show how scared this fact makes me, because I don't want to look weak in front of feather. I hadn't thought much of the forest until I entered it, now it sends a sort of unease through my body. I wouldn't admit it to her, but I'm glad she didn't leave me. "Wait. What's that?" I look at where feather is pointing. It looks like some sort of... building. Or, at least, the ruins of a building. I take the lead and head towards it. It looks like it was maybe a more modern building than the ones I've seen. It is made of actual bricks, that's why I could recognize them as ruins. I walk in and look around, there's no roof, but most of the walls are intact. "Watch out!" Feather pulls me back before I can fall into a giant hole in the floor. I fall back with her, staring wide eyed at the Hole. "Uh, Thanks." "No problem," she gets up and brushes some dust off her coat. "What is it?" She asks, I follow her to the edge. "It's a hole." "I know, but why is it here? I can't think of any reason there would be a hole in the middle of a building. Especially not one this deep." Feather says, squinting to see the bottom of the hole. "How deep is it?" I ask, unable to see a bottom myself. "I dunno..." she picks a rock up and drops it down. We watch it until it disappeared and then listen to hear it land. We don't hear anything. "Wow... that's... that's pretty deep." I say, she just nods uneasily. I look at the whole for a while more, then I look around the room. Various papers line the floor, along with various other debris. I spot something on the ground, lying on some papers. I pick it up and turn it over in my claws. It appears to be a turtle made out of some sort of green stone. Maybe it's... jade? "Mike! Come look at this!" Feather exclaims. I tuck the turtle into my feathers subconsciously and turn towards feather. She's leaning over what looks like a stuffed bear. "What is it?" I ask, strutting over. I look at the Teddy bear, it's a little beat up, but otherwise looks fine. I reach down to pick it up. It blinks at me. ~~~~~~~ "Starlet!" I lift my head slightly at Cloudkickers voice. I can't summon the strength to get up, but my ears perk a little at her being there. "Cloudkicker? You know this mare?" Celestia seems equal parts surprised and annoyed. I see a shadow fall over me as Kicker places herself between me and the sun goddess. I look up weakly, cloudkickers outline protecting me. "She's my friend! What have you done to her!?" Cloudkicker snarls. Celestia looks at Cloudkicker unamusedly for a while before answering. "I helped her," she says, disgust barely apparent in her tone. "Your `guards` could've killed her! She's hurt!" Cloudkicker yells. Celestia looks at Cloudkicker calmly, but I can sense a strong anger boiling up. Her Magic seizes me and lifts me up, it starts burning into my skin. I can feel it pulling at my wounds, pain shoots through my body. I feel paralyzed in pain before... relaxation. The burning leaves a warm radiance in it's wake and the pain subsides to a soothing pulse. I still feel a little sore, but I'm not in horrible pain. I get up and shake the tiredness out of me, looking at Celestia with a little reservation. "Damn Magic..." cloudkicker mutters. I walk up to Cloudkicker and she immediately lays a wing over my back protectively. "You Okay?"she asks quietly, I nod hesitantly. My gaze doesn't move from Celestia. She has a decidedly neutral gaze, no doubt only because Cloudkicker is here. "What did you do?" I ask, taking note of the lack of ghostly figures of my other personalities. I can't even hear them. "I healed your wounds," she says shortly. "Not that... before..." "Before the intrusion? I kept my ponies a little safer." She narrows her eyes slightly and I nod, backing away slowly. "You are free to leave, Starlet. We have rooms ready for you and your friend. Here are tickets for the first train back to ponyville tomorrow morning. Please, have a pleasant stay." Luna says, Cloudkicker takes the tickets for me. I smile graciously at Luna and she returns the smile. We turn and leave the throne room, I let out a deep sigh as soon as I escape Celestias judging glare. "Uh... so... can we stop by the holding cells? I left something, or, rather, somepony, there." Cloudkicker asks, I chuckle lightly and nod. ~~~~~~~ I jump back in fear. Screaming. "What is it?" She asks. "It moved!" I yell, she stares at it. It turns it's head and looks at her. "Oh, wow, that's nifty. It must have an enchantment on it. I've heard of animation spells, but never really seen one." Feather says, inspecting the Teddy bear up close. It doesn't seem to mind. She pokes it with a hoof and it just stares at her. Her hoof hangs in front of the Teddy bear. After a second it pokes her back. "It's creepy," I tell her, rubbing my claw as if to get rid of some unforeseen residue. "I dunno, I think It's kinda cute." She says, I just roll my eyes and look around the room again. There are a couple other objects on the floor, but after seeing the bear, I'm not sure I want to touch anymore. "Hm... maybe we should head back," I suggest. Feather gets up and nods, her previously concerned expression returning. "Yeah, this place does give me the creeps." She heads towards the door and I follow. A brown blur runs past me and I almost stumble back, looks like the bear didn't want to be left. "Aww, Hey there little guy. Mike can we keep him?" Feather turns to me, the bear perched atop her back. I ponder the question briefly. "Sure, I don't see any harm in that." I shrug, wondering slightly why she asked for my permission. We make our way out of the forest, I guide us because remember the path. We're a good ways into the journey back when I hear a voice. "I trusted a Teddy bear, when I should have let it be." I look around quickly for a source to the voice. "Did you hear something?" I ask Feather. "Hear something? No. Did you?" "I... I think so?" I brush it off, this forest really is unnatural. It's just the forest getting to me. I hurry our pace to get out faster, I don't want to spend another minute in here unless I have to. ~~~~~~~ The small tinkling sound of a bell sounds in the throne room. Celestia sits on the throne, Luna gone to take care of their guests accommodations. A pony walks through the throne room doors in traditional butler garb. He is aged, but he's very energetic. Nevertheless, he maintains a composed demeanor as he approaches the throne. He has a White coat with light brown mane, and eyes a darker brown. “Good morning, Princess, how may I be of service?” The butler asks. “Hello Mr. Deeds. It is good, but it is not quite morning.” Celestia points out. “It’s always morning somewhere.” Mr. Deeds replies. “That it is,” Celestia chuckles. It has been a long while since she’s heard him say that. It has been quite a while since she’s had a need for him, but this seems to be a special occasion. “I need to ask you to do something.” “What is it?” “There is a pony staying in this castle. One by the name of Starlet Mint.” Celestia says, making sure that her guards are all posted outside the doors and not inside. She turns her head back to Mr. Deeds and looks him in the eye. He doesn’t look unnerved at all, he just waits patiently for her orders. “I need you to make her kill you.” > In The Shadow Of The Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ms. Mint?” I look up to see a butler, he looks like he works in the castle. ”I’m sorry.” “Uh, yeah. That’s me.” I get up slowly, still kinda sore. Celestia may have healed my wounds and lessened the pain, but there’s still a dull soreness. ”Why are you sorry?” “Your presence has been requested.” Cloudkicker looks up at the butler suspiciously. Rainbow just looks at all of us in turn, confused at all of our reactions. The butler doesn't have much of a reaction, but I know I look more than a little apprehensive. ”Because I cannot do this for you.” “O-Okay…” I respond hesitantly, heading towards the door. ”That is… Disappointing, to say the least” My forward motion is halted as a figure darts to the door opening before I make it very far. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Cloudkicker warns me. ”Let me reiterate, I cannot do this for you on my own.” “I have to.” I tell her, trying to walk around. Her outstretched wing stops me as I attempt to walk past her. ”Explain.” “No you don’t, just have him tell them you’re not interested.” She pleads. ”Alone, I’m not sure I could convince Ms. Mint to kill me specifically for any reason. The only things I could do to heighten the success rate would not be likely to work. There is, however, some way I could do it. Might I suggest we use SCP-053?” “It could be the Princess… You can’t just say no to either of them. Besides, she said she’d give me a chance. She wouldn’t lie, would she? She was an element of harmony once, honesty is an attribute." I tell Cloudkicker. "053? She's... Oh, Yes. She is nearby." "If she was a portrayal of the elements, wouldn't she have been nicer about all this?" Cloudkicker counters, I sigh and stop pushing against her wing. "if you would oversee her delivery, I could take out this task. But there are other ways, that's just the simplest." "They're the elements of harmony, not niceness." I say despondently. I push one final time and I'm met with little resistance. I leave the room and tag behind the Butler as he leads me through the halls. I wonder what they need me for? "Thank you, Mr. Deeds. That plan is perfect. Let me fetch 053, then you can fetch Starlet." ~~~~~~~ Starlet has a point, but something seems very wrong about this whole situation. I don't know what it is, but something is setting me off. Maybe it's the way the princess acted around her, it's different than I've ever seen her. It's... wrong. I don't know why, it just is. Different than she's ever handled a "threat", she didn't even treat Chrysalis like this. What even is it that's convinced her that Starlet is such a threat? From what I know of her, She's usually very understanding. The benevolent leader, goddess of the sun, Solar Diarch... and she's worked up over one pony? Something else is going on, something I don't know about. I can't react until I know the whole story. I glance at Dash to remind me of that lesson. There's nothing keeping me from watching them though. I get up and Rainbow Dash looks at me curiously, she doesn't get up though. "I'm gonna go see what's going on." I tell her. "Oh, well... that's Cool, then. Can I Uh... can I stay here? I'd rather not get acquainted with the castle holding cells again so soon. If you're not back in an hour or so I'll come find you." Rainbow responds, to which I nod and head out carefully. I start walking down a hall, pondering where they might have gone. My ears prick as I hear what sounds like yelling, preceded by a crash. Starlet can wait, it sounds like someone else needs help. I careen down the halls towards where I thought the sound is. I turn a corner and veer at the sight. Blood. There was so much blood. It was the first and foremost thing out of everything, just because there was so much of it. Red was such a bright and obscene color, making the amount of it splattered against the once pristine white walls obnoxious in its declaration. The clang of a knife hitting the floor echoes through the hallway. I don't remember if the knife fell first, or if I pinned her against the wall first. I'm not sure it matters, the point is that it happened. I looked into her eyes and didn't find what I expected. There wasn't disdain, or hate, or venom. She looked, confused at first. Like she was trying to wrap her head around it. Then she looked scared, there was a sickening fear in her eyes that spoke louder than any words she could have said. "I... I killed him." She mutters, horrified. "This way!" I hear distant yells coming down a hallway and my ear swivels to hear. I look at Starlet and she looks down at my hooves holding her down. Her face grows more panicked. I turn towards the voices and immediately curse my distraction, it cost me. I hear the knife scrape the floor as she stands over me, wielding the knife menacingly. I prepare a counter attack for when she thrusts the knife. She doesn't. She just looks at me in fear, just like before. A second later she collapses to her side after getting hit with a bolt of Magic, the royal guard is here. "Cloudkicker! Are you Okay?" I turn to find another one of my cousins in the royal guard. I turn back to Starlet and look at her Twitching body in shock. She's a murderer. But, she couldn't be. She just isn't the type... but, isn't that the point, it's always the ponies you wouldn't suspect. "I'm fine, everything is under control. More so now..." I say. "A murder. There hasn't been a murder in Equestria for years. Two, precisely. And there hasn't been one in Canterlot for five..." she says, shaking her head. I glance at the body before looking away, I can't handle thinking she did that. "She's gonna hang, for sure." I turn to my cousin slowly on that. "Hang?" I whisper, more to myself than anything else. "Well, there hasn't been a hanging in a while... I think the law on it's different now. Lethal injection, I think it's called? It's different, still a death sentence though..." my cousin says, looking only slightly shaken. "Death... sentence?" I whisper, clearly more shaken than she is. This isn't right. Not just the fact that She's a killer, but... everything! I should be able to handle this. How could I ever have trusted her? "Cloud? You alright?" I jerk my head up and look at my cousin, still distracted. "She's in the dungeon. We have three guards posted to look after the body. Everything's good here, we know it was her. You're good here, you should go back to your room." I nod distractedly, Until I remember. A key fact. I need answers. "N-no. I need to see her." I say Determinedly. "Cloudkicker..." "I need to see her!" I demand, she backs up and raises her hooves. "Fine. But you won't have long. The princess will want her dead as soon as possible. By the end of today, I imagine." ~~~~~~~~ I messed up. I... I don't know what happened. That... that FILLY. She saw, she... I'm not quite sure what happened... I killed that Butler. I know that much, but I haven't heard hide nor hare of any voices aside from my own. Scarlet, Styre... all just silent, even after that... that... that event. I couldn't let Cloudkicker even be suspected of murder. I realized that when she had me pinned, why would they suspect the mare being held down? "You." I turn at the sound of her voice. It chills me to the bone, her eyes glare daggers into my soul. I flinch Away and cower at a distance. "I trusted you." She growls. I look through the bars behind her and see the guard behind her looking a little concerned. It can't be for cloudkicker though. Probably one of the rare times the guard is more concerned about the murderer, rather than the pony in there with her. "Yeah..." I mutter, trying to turn away. "Well?! What do you have to say for yourself?" She shrieks. "I'm sorry." "Bullshit!" I flinch back at her language. She's breathing heavily and erratically. I shudder a little and attempt to look her in the eyes. I... can't. I'm too scared. I hurt her, and she has all the right to hate me. "You've been lying to me since you got here!" Her eyes widen at that. "You owe me answers... or was that a lie as well!?" She returns to shouting at me. "Oh... n-no, it wasn't a lie..." I quiver hesitantly. How will she react? I just killed a pony, and She's right. I have lied to her. She might think this is a lie. "Tell me then." ~~~~~~~ "So, what do you think of Starlet?" I ask Twilight. "I don't know. I can't think of a reason she'd be captured by the Solaris division. Other than being a dangerous Magic user with malicious intent... she doesn't even have a cutie mark!" Twilight responds. "Could she be hiding it with Magic?" I ask her. "No, She's incapable of such spells. Also, there's no such magical signature on her. I checked." Twilight says, shaking her head. I Wait a second, a question gnawing at the back of my mind. "When you first dragged me to Celestia she mentioned that she was glad you found me for her. If you hadn't have found me, would she have sent the Solaris division?" I ask her. Silence. I turn to Twilight, and she looks uneasy. "Twilight..." I warn. "I don't know HB, Okay? Yes? Maybe? She did think of you as a threat to equestria." Twilight answers uneasily. "Do you think that's what's happening here?" I ask. "I don't know, HB... I hope not, for her sake." Twilight answers. I nod half-heartedly. I ponder what she might have done to "those" nine to deserve this. If that is what happened. If so, she got off a little easier than me, she didn't get branded... and if not, then what secret could she hold? "Let's hurry up and get home, I have some organizing we can do today." Twilight tells me. "Come on Twilight... shouldn't I be learning friendship with Flutters or something." I grumble slightly. "Oh, come on HB. You know Fluttershy is busy today. and I kinda left the Library kinda messy, so I need the extra help. I already told Spike he could go see if Rarity needed his help." Twilight explains, not turning to me once. She does turn her head to tell me her last point, "besides, you've organized the books before." I sigh deeply, as these are all valid points. It's not like I was doing anything today, probably just going to go back to my house or something. Figures something would come up on my day off. `Oh, come off it HB. It's not like you're really working at all.` I roll my eyes at myself. "Yeah, Okay..." I say half-heartedly. Twilight kinda pauses at that, confusing me momentarily. "Okay?" She asks. "Yeah. Okay. What?" I ask in confusion. "Oh, Nothing. I guess I'm just used to fighting you on everything." Twilight says hesitantly. I'm about to comment on that indignantly, but Twilight's saved from my tirade at the last second. "Twilight!" I turn to see Feather flying towards us gently. Mike not far behind, strolling along slowly. Some sort of animal is walking beside him, but I'm at a loss for what it might be. I turn to Twilight, her eyes locked on to the figure besides Mike. With the look she's giving it, that doesn't seem like a pleasant surprise. "Uh, Yeah... Feather?" Twilight asks, forcing a small smile at the Pegasus while Also not tearing her gaze from the figure. As it and Mike draw closer I realize what it is. It's a Teddy bear. And it's moving on it's own. "You won't believe what Mike found in the Everfree!" she exclaims. "What's that?" Twilight mutters, her eyes even wider now. "He found a weird building. Or, What's left of one... anyways, we found this adorable little Teddy Bear inside. It must have an animation spell on it, because it decided to come with us." Feather explains excitedly. "Yeah, animation Spell." Twilight copies, only barely listening. Her eyes snap to Feather suddenly. "Everfree? Animation spell?" Feather nods and Twilight turns to the bear nervously. "Do you know anything about taking care of stuffed animals animated by Magic?" Mike asks as he walks up to Twilight. "Er... there may be something about it in the library." She offers. "You can come with us, that's where we're headed." I offer, saving Twilight from her sudden onset of awkwardness. "Okay, Cool." Mike says, scratching the Teddy bear between its ears. It runs Away from him and cuddles up to Twilight. She flinched back slightly at first before realizing it's not going to hurt her. She cautiously looks at its innocent gaze before relenting and petting it on the head herself. The Teddy bear eventually moves Away from Twilight and looks at me. It seems... pensive. At least it doesn't hate me. It moves around to look at my mark, I move to keep it from doing so. It eventually stops and decides it doesn't care for me. It goes back to Feather and cuddles up onto her leg. I shiver slightly at how creepy the bear is, but Also at how it acted. It obviously sensed something about me, because it didn't try cuddling up to me like the others. "Come on, let's get to the library." Twilight says, pulling ahead of the group. I pull up beside her to find a slightly concerned look gracing her face. "I don't like that look Twilight." I tell her, she glances at me briefly. "It's Nothing..." "Don't you, it's Nothing, me. I know darn well when things aren't going how they should! And your face is saying something isn't right about this. Now spill." I command, not bothering with the semantics of the situation. "That bear doesn't have any Magic on it. I don't know how it's animate, but it's not because of Magic." Twilight explains. "Twilight. Just because it's not Magic doesn't mean it's impossible. It could just be advanced animatronics." I scoff. "Animatronics?" She asks. "Robots, Twi." I say, tapping my skull with a hoof. I quickly place my hoof back on the floor after almost tripping. Months of being a pony and I'm still bad with my hooves. "I know what it means." She snaps lightly. "But it's not that simple. Take..." she looks around for something before eventually picking up a good sized rock. "Everything in equestria is saturated in Magic, even foals. This rock has infinitely more Magic than that bear does. You, surprisingly, have even more than this rock." "And you have even more than me, right?" I continue sarcastically. "Not the point!" She snaps. "Right, Yeah, Okay. I get it, magic's in everything. But what does this mean?" I ask her, slightly understanding her dilemma. "It means that... that bear, is foreign to the Equestrian magical field." Twilight continues. "Well, it is from the Everfree." I suggest. "Uh-uh, that can't be it. The Everfree is unpredictable, but it still well within the boundaries of the Equestrian Magic field." "Okay, then what defines the boundaries of the Equestrian Magic field?" I ask impatiently. "Well, there kind of aren't any..." Twilight says with no degree of uncertainty. "You're kidding me. There's got to be some sorta boundaries. Like... the atmosphere or something. Where does Magic stop working? Nightmare Moon never escaped the moon on her own, that should mean there's no Magic in space, right?" I tell her. "More like preventative Magic. If you think about it, HB, Celestia can move the sun and Luna can move the stars." Twilight offers. It takes me a moment to get what she's saying, but when I do I look up. it's not like I expect to see any stars or anything, and I can only barely see the moon. I still look, dumbfounded at the extent of Magic here. "Wait, then how is this bear Magic free?" I ask in surprise. I remember our current company and look back at them, but They're too caught up in playing with the bear. "Exactly." Twilight says, looking at the bear for herself. "It looks like Magic is attempting to interact with it now, meaning it only recently came into contact with the Magic field." Twilight whispers worriedly. I nod hesitantly, understanding her concern now. We both look back, only to find the Teddy bear smiling at us. I don't think anyone could be prepared for how creepy that thing is. I just hope it's not as dangerous as it is creepy. > Secure, Contain, Protect. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I drag my hooves through the dirt as I walk slowly Away from my home in the Everfree. I slept terribly last night,hardly getting any sleep. I'm not sure why, but I was on the edge about that bear. I didn't think much about it, but when I did anxiety welled in the very pits of my being. Almost like something in me just didn't like that bear. I can't recall ever thinking anything malicious outright, but I definitely didn't feel right thinking about that bear. `What the hell's my problem?! It's just a bear...` I tell myself, kicking a rock idly. `A very creepy bear that has a will of its own.` I continue, shuddering slightly at just the memory of it's emotionless unmoving eyes. After I left Twilight's tree house I tried fervently to forget that bear. After an hour of Feather, Mike, and even Twilight getting all friendly with the thing, I was thoroughly aggravated. With Twilight gushing over that damn bear, I had to clean up the library on my own. She so owes me. Or, maybe I still owe her? No, absolutely not. What they've put me through? Not to mention the sheer amount of times they have completely disregarded my very simple and not at all unreasonable requests. Twilight can organize her own fetting library. Especially when her `Special Research assignment` I had to help her clean up is more than likely about me. Twilight got to some of the other books before me, but judging by the topics of a few books I put Away it's kinda obvious what the others were probably about. The books all had something to do with strange Magic, whether it be a straight up Magic manual or a history book on magical locations. The worst part of the ordeal is that she didn't even try that hard to cover it up. I didn't dare say anything in front of Mike or Feather, but she is definitely going to hear what I have to say. Which will probably consist of a lot of yelling thinly veiled threats and useless semantics that won't Actually solve anything, just make me feel better. And once we get past that step, maybe, MAYBE, we can discuss this `research project` and just how many more of my simple requests she's ignoring this time. Heck, maybe this time I won't get sent off to somepony I don't want to spend time with to learn something about friendship. Only ponies I've yet to learn from are Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. Pinkies already planning her lesson out, so that leaves Flutters and Dash. Dash is the only pony I can really expect something to go wrong with. But I'll have to see how that conversation goes. Hopefully Spikes home. He should be, its too early to have gone anywhere. By the time I get there they should both be up at least. At least, with what I know about Twilight's strict schedule. After living a couple months there, I think I'd know enough about it. Fetting early risers. At least I was already up... mostly because I couldn't get any sleep. I managed to get an hour or two, but Nothing substantial. Another thing to be thankful for is the fact that at this time the likeliness of another pony intruding on any conversation we have is near nil. Doesn't change the fact that my early arrival was unintentional. I certainly don't like it, but at least there's a silver lining. A couple. Actually, that's surprisingly happy looking. At the thought I perk up a little, still moving sluggishly, but I'm sure that if I were to look into the mirror I'd look a little livelier... Gosh, I'm so tired that I'm Actually a little excited. Like when you stay up all Night and once you get past the dreariness you get a little burst of energy. Then of course I'm going to crash, no doubt hard... maybe I should ask Twilight and spike for some of their coffee. No, Wait, no handouts. I'm still cross at her. Maybe if I ask for it before I confront her? No, that's wrong. I'm not happy with her, but I'm not a jerk. Maybe I'll stop by Sugarcube corner or something afterwards. If I make it that far, I'm falling asleep on my hooves and I only just barely got into Ponyville. I wonder how Dib's doing nowadays? Does he still go by Dib even back home? Maybe I should write him a letter sometime. Regardless of my hesitance to believe what Subtle Brew said, I do know I care about that kid. I pause as, looking up, I see Golden Oaks just a bit off. I sigh aggravatedly and prepare myself for the coming confrontation. I knock on the door lightly and hear a bit of rustling and Twilight yelling behind the door. After a few seconds the door opens. Just as expected, I look slightly down and find Spike looking at me in surprise. "Who is it, Spike?" I hear from across the room. "It's, Uh, Heartbreak-" I glare at the tiny dragon, "Er, I mean, HB." He corrects. I hear clopping as Twilight crosses the short distance to the door. "Hello, Twilight." I say icily. "Hello?" Twilight says, obviously oblivious to the connotations my tone portrays. "I have some words for you. About Your research project." I continue, hoping she'll take the hint. "My research project?" She says looking up in thought. "Oh! It's perfect you're here, you're exactly the pony I need to help me!" Twilight finally says. "Gosh darn it Twilight! Get a f-f-fetting clue! Stop doing `research projects` about me behind my back!" I yell. Twilight's taken aback. "What are you... Wait, you thought it was about you?" "You know darn well what I'm talking about!" I retort. "HB, the report isn't about you." Twilight says. "I don't care if it isn't about me! Wait, wha-" I take a moment to catch up to what Twilights Actually saying. "It- what do you mean it's not about me? It's very obviously about me!" I huff. "I get where you're coming from, I wasn't very clear in explaining my project. Scratch that, I never explained it. But the point stands that it's not about you." Twilight explains calmly, insistently, but reasonably so. "Strange Magic? Who else could it be about?" I ask, unconvinced. "First off, I'm not researching strange Magic. It's abnormalities in Magic. And as for the who, it's Star Soar." She explains, inviting me in. I blink in surprise at that, What's this about Star Soar? "The new crusader?" I ask, taking a few slow steps into the library. Twilight shuts the door behind me and nods. "Well, new in the most relative of terms." I correct. "That's right. She's been a crusader for a while now. And if you'd recall, She's already gotten her cutie mark." Twilight continues. "Yeah, SHE..." I say, exaggerating the pronoun. I roll the word around in my mouth, hesitation apparent in my voice. I had tried not to come off as shaky, but I was still adjusting to the term. Twilight frowns lightly at me and fixes me with a hard stare. "You be nice to that Filly." Twilight warns growling slightly. I raise my hooves quickly in defense. "I didn't mean it like that." I defend. "I mean it. Nothing but respect." Twilight snaps. "I know, I know... it's just... different to me. I'm just adjusting to it." I explain, she nods slowly. It's not the sort of nod that shows understanding or compassion, but a nod that both warns and accepts that I'm agreeing to a binding agreement. I decide to drop the topic and instead return to her report. "So what sort of magical anomaly is Star Soar?" I ask, still not sure why this particular pony was the topic of her report me. Believe me, I'm grateful, but Also really confused now. "When Star got her cutie mark her eyes changed colors." Twilight explains, my eyes widening a bit. "They weren't always pink?" I gasp. Twilight shakes her head lightly in response. "How did they change?" I ask. "I don't know; ergo, research." Twilight says, pointing a hoof to the small study desk Twilight was probably seated at before I came. "And I did mean you are just the pony to help me. You know the library well enough and I believe I can trust to be more than a little scholarly in our endeavors." Twilight says. I open my mouth to answer, only to be interrupted by a loud banging against the door. I frown at the door, of course we'd be interrupted. Spike opens the door to reveal a frantic Rarity holding a swatch of fabric beside herself nervously. "Twilight! Something terrible has happened!" Rarity exclaims, brushing past Spike rudely. "What, what is it?" Twilight asks, suddenly very concerned. "See for yourself." Rainy holds out the fabric. The seemingly normal fabric without any noticeable flaw whatsoever. I move my eyes over it a couple times to see if I'm missing something, but I can't seem to find anything wrong. "Fabric?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. "No! Well... Yes, but not just the fabric. Look at the bottom edge!" Rarity directs. I roll my eyes and direct my vision towards the bottom edge like instructed. "It's got a jagged cut." Twilight says, unsure of the observation herself. "Exactly!" Rarity exclaims. Mr and Twilight Wait for her to expound, but she seems to think this is explanation enough. "Right, well, I'm too tired to deal with the element of prissy right now. You have any coffee brewed, Twilight?" I ask, turning abruptly towards the kitchen. "Yeah, you know where the fixings are." Twilight says, I'm surprised she didn't comment on my comment. "This is serious! And you, Twilight, you're gonna let a comment like that go?" Rarity pouts. "I don't agree with how she said it, but I do agree with the sentiment. I don't get what's so bad about this." Twilight agrees. I nod to myself in quiet celebration as I shakily pour myself a cup of coffee into my HB proof cup. I walk back into the room, already feeling the energizing effects of the coffee take hold. "Probably just more honking from this towns favorite drama queen." I say unenthusiastically. "I-! Honking?" She stops whatever she was going to say in order to properly question the turn of phrase. I tap my own skull, right where a horn would be placed. "Horn, useless noise. Both go ha-ha-hoof in h-hoof." I shrug. "I'll have you know that I don't have a horn, I have a Belle. And I'll wring yours!" Rarity retorts. I look into her glaring eyes, slightly impressed. Touche. "Girls, Break it up." Twilight warns. I Hmph and turn Away from Rarity, drinking my coffee silently. "Now, Rarity. I don't understand, what's so bad about this fabric being cut badly? You can just cut excess off Until it's straight. Wouldn't take too long. Or use too much." Twilight suggests. "My problem isn't that the fabrics cut, it's why the fabric is cut that way." Rarity continues. I turn back to her and roll my hoof in a `go on fashion` causing Rarity to huff in annoyance. "I didn't cut that, my fabrics been stolen!" Rarity exclaims. Something instantly seems off to me. "That's terrible! Do you know who could've done it?" Twilight asked, concern finally reaching her eyes. "Any other clues, maybe?" Twilight asks. "Well, the best I can figure is they came in through the window, despite my locking them after Feather and that new Gryphon, Mike, left last Night." Rarity says. "Why do you think it was a window?" Twilight asks, tapping her chin in thought. "Because the window at the front of the shop was left open." Rarity replies, distressed. "What were Mike and Feather doing at your shop?" I ask in suspicion. "Well, Mike had been admiring my shop from the outside. It had been a rather slow day, so I invited them in to look at my wares. We ended up talking about a lot of things, including that adorable Teddy Bear of theirs. Ridley, I believe they called it." Rarity says, a sparkle of adoration in her eyes. She shakes her head lightly and coughs into her hoof, looking a little flustered. "Ridley?" I question. "I agree, it is a bit peculiar." Rarity concedes. "I like the name." Twilight defends. "But for a Teddy Bear? Come on Twilight." I say, bewildered. "Have you reported the fabric missing?" Twilight asks changing the subject. "I did, but there was the strangest of commotions when I got there. Nurse Redheart was there reporting her own crime, it must have been pretty serious considering the amount of officers that were called in to help her specifically. It took a while for them to get to me, but whatever it was must have needed the attention." Rarity says, she seemed nervous just thinking about it. Redheart must have been more than a little frantic. "I'm sure that the police will take care of the robbery as soon as possible." Twilight assures her, putting a comforting hoof on Raritys haunch. "I sure hope so. I'm not as worried about the fabric.missing, so much as what was so dire that it had to be stolen. I'm afraid this might be too much stress for me today." Rarity says before throwing her hooves up in despair. "And the days only begun!" She continues. "You can take the day Rarity. It's a Tuesday, I'm sure everypony can wait a day to have their fashion needs tended to." Twilight says. "Oh, I am Darling. I needed to close up while the officers investigated anyways. I was hoping you would join me on a trip to the spa to relieve some of this stress?" Rarity asks hopefully. "Sure, Rarity. I'll come with you." Twilight decides, heading over to her abandoned desk to clean up her studying mess. "Heart-" luckily Rarity realizes her mistake before she finishes. "HB," she corrects "would you like to come with us?" "Tch, No Thanks. If I wanted to go lay in some mud I'd go to the farm. At least then I'd smell of apples." I say, rolling my eyes. "Scalding remarks aside, you do seem to need the treatment. Those hooves could use a hooficure, and your coats looking a little pale." Rarity notes. "Says the marshmallow." I jab, Rarity reels back before glaring at me. "Well at least I'm soft and sweet! Unlike you, you... thistle!" Rarity insults. "Thistle?" I ask, raising an eyebrow questioningly. "Yes, a thistle! Jagged and bitter!" Rarity confirms. "Right." I say, unsure what to think of that. "Well, you two have fun with your... thing. I'm gonna stick around here for now." I say, turning from the door. "You can help me study when I get back, HB." Twilight says as she leaves the library. "What, but-!" The door slams before I can give her my two cents. "Ugh... fetting Twilight." I guess I'm helping her study now. I'm still not doing anything, but I don't really want to do that. At least the project sounds interesting... In theory. Magic is like a science here. And like any `interesting` science project it seems interesting in theory only, once you get down to the bulk of it you find out it's long division, calculus, and hundred dollar words. Not that long division and hundred dollar words are all that hard... it's just that the sheer amount of them can make the work a tedious monotony. Well, if I'm going to be helping I might as well see what she has so far. ~~~~~~~ Abnormalities in Magic (Draft-third rewrite) Report by: Twilight Sparkle Magic is a very common resource, not to mention a valuable asset in many parts of Equestrian life. Especially so if you're a unicorn. To Earth Ponies and Pegasus as well, but in a less direct way. More on that later. Magic as a whole is generally easy to figure out, we. As Equestrians, have a lot of the science of Magic figured out. Magic is very much a science, despite many claims at it's `religious and holy` power. Being a science Magic is not unpredictable, it has certain things it will and will not do, as well as certain ways it does and does not work. But even general Magic is divided into separate types that have different rules than others. In example, Cutie marks use a passive Magic inherent in a pony and dormant Until outer and inner stimuli react with the Thaumic energy signatures given by temporal leylines in such a way that gives pony the intended Cutie mark. That's all that the passive Magic for Cutie marks do, or rather, all it should do. Here we come to the heart of the matter, divergence.certain magical processes work certain ways, but every once in a long while there's a divergence. Something different happens. These divergences are abnormalities in Magic, changing or adding effects that don't belong. In the previous example of passive Magic granting a Cutie Mark, there might be another change of any kind. Like say, a change in eye color. Such abnormalities aren't expected, but their not necessarily bad. Rarely are they dangerous. Our bodies are natural stabilizers, along with the constant harmonic magical energies that flow through the leylines and maintain balance. Due to the nature of such abnormalities not being inherently bad, most go unrecorded. This lends itself to the lack of resources on the subject and a distinct need for documented research. Starting with the history, the earliest documented case is technically a folktale. A folktale with a very high likelihood of being true. (Addendum: confirmed by Celestia. Heavy editing needed before submittal) The folktale speaks of a Pegasus warrior without the ability to fly. Asserted Pegasus Magic was not present, in it's place was Unicorn Magic of the same type. The wings still acted as the directory limb, as poised to horns for Unicorns and hooves for Earth Ponies. (Addendum: unconfirmed rumor citing unreleased scientific journal stating core as directory agent and hooves as flow points. Edit where needed.) Folktale states that the pony still performed weather related magics with the effectiveness of a Pegasus, but using the means of a unicorn. The Pegasus was also supposedly able to use low level unicorn spells with less precision than unicorns. (Addendum: theoretical analysis suggests that an activation criteria for the unicorn Magic to be used required motion, thus lowering precision. [Addendum: disproven. Naturally deficient due to disinterest.] ) Other instances include the more modern Pinkie Sense. (Addendum: Possible removal at a later date. Not enough empirical data to accurately describe or support any abnormality in the ability. Possible mutation enhanced by temporal manipulations and high levels of arcane energy. Unconfirmed.) Many more folktales of strange things happening with Magic, rarely is there a documented case. Most abnormalities documented aren't Actually reported as abnormalities in Magic, they tend to be misfiled as possible magical effects for unrelated spells. After being disproven as an effect of a spell the documented case is dismissed and either junked or put into filing to be `sorted`, often meaning forgotten. This is why abnormalities in Magic seemed so impossible and fictitious, but truth is that they happen more often than one would imagine. Still not a whole lot, but enough that if we want to continue in our understanding of Magic, we need to Understand it's abnormalities. (Addendum: Revise with facts and figures possibly hiding in the royal archives. Unconfirmed.) ~~~~~~~ I look up from Twilight's report. While interspersed lightly with magical jargon, a surprising amount of that made sense. Pegasi with unicorn Magic? I'll have to ask Twilight more about that later. Maybe when I come back to help with the report. No, I don't know for sure that I want to help. I won't be dragged in by science thinly veiled with intrigue. I won't say for sure I don't want to help though... There's a knock at the door that startles me. I turn towards it, confused. It is unlocked, isn't it? I move towards the door in confusion and open it. "Oh, it's you, HB. What are you doing here?" Mike asks, I kinda look at him in confusion. "It's a public library... for that matter, why are you knocking? They're open." I reason. "Oh, Yeah, I guess so... I dunno, it's just... this IS a library, but it's also a house? I guess I'm just trying to be polite." Mike says sheepishly. "Well... don't." I say simply, annoyed. "Noted. Listen, have you seen Riley?" Mike asks in concern. "The Teddy Bear?" I ask, a little suspicious. Mike nods and I shake my head in reply, "Not since last Night, no. Why?" "He's gone missing. I don't know where he could have gone, so I'm checking all the places he knows. Feather is looking elsewhere." Mike says, looking over to Spike who's just joined the conversation. "What's happened?"Spike asks, oblivious. "Ridley's gone." "The bear? You sure he's not just... doing bear things?" Spike asks. I facehoof, rub the spot in pain, and then take the time to smack him lightly upside the head. "Ow!" Spike says, rubbing his head where it collided with my hoof. "Ignore him, he's being stupid." I grumble. "Hey!" Spike exclaims indignantly. Nonetheless he vacates the room in the direction of the kitchen. Speaking of, I need more coffee. I head after him to get a refill and Mike follows, stopping just short of the doorway between the main library and the kitchen. "So you two are sure you haven't seen him?" Mike asks again. I grunt a no and shake my head, pouring another cup of coffee. "I'd love to help you look for your doll, but I've got plans." I tell him. "Oh really?" Spike asks, unimpressed. "Yes, Really." I retort, more than a little aggravated at Spikes insertion into the conversation once more. "What plans might those be?" Spike challenges. "I need groceries." I say matter of factly. "I forgot some things last time, but I know what I need this time." I spent the time to remember the list, going over it at least twenty times. I better remember everything. "I'll come with you! I can search for Ridley while you get your groceries!" Mike offers. I turn to him with a hard stare, but I can't find a good reason for why he shouldn't come. "Fine. Whatever. Here's your mug, Spike. We're going." I say, placing the mug on the counter and heading to the market. I imagine Twilight will be expecting me back at the library when she returns, so I have to be quick in putting the groceries away after I get them. I trot at a steady and cautious pace, still not entirely comfortable with my hooves. Also not entirely comfortable with the Gryphon beside me. He isn't as caught up in my presence though, he's looking around. Presumably searching for that bear of his. I spot a certain Pegasus ahead of us, I turn to Mike but he's facing the other way. "Hey, your girlfriend ran across the path up ahead." I tell Mike, poking him in his left wing to get his attention. "She did?" He asks, snapping his head forward. "Wait, no, she's not my girlfriend!" He denies, blushing. I roll my eyes at his antics, slightly sick and agitated. This was not a conversation I wanted to have. Who's with who, and all the awkwardness of love... it makes me sick. "You knew who I was talking about, but whatever." I grumble. Mike just looks ahead forlornly. "She went to the right, just before the market place. Go chase her and get out of my f-fetting mane." I mumble, Mike doesn't bat an eye at my pseudo swear or insult, he just leaves. "Jeez, I'm gonna need some tea when I get back." I realize I left all my teas back home, and I'm going back to Twilights. If I want my own tea, I'll have to get more from Subtle Brew and Earl Grey. I let out and exasperated sigh and attempt to rub my temple. Fetting hooves. "Ridley?!" I hear the exclamation and turn my head in interest. It was Mike, and he was looking at his two Teddy bears. Well, looks like he found it. Hold on... it, not them... "Why are there two?" I mutter to myself. Turning back to take in the scene. I walk over to the group, I realize that Feather and Mike are Actually standing quite a ways Away from the Teddy Bears. The first Teddy Bear, Ridley, seems to be guiding the second Teddy Bear. The second Teddy Bear looks much the same as the first, but all the stitches the would normally be on the inside are on the outside. It's a mauve color, but it doesn't look fluffy like the first Teddy Bear. that color looks awfully familiar... "That's the stolen fabric." I realize, Mike and Feather both turn to look at me. "Stolen fabric?" Feather asks quietly. "Someb-b-pony. Broke into Rarities shop last Night and took some fabric." I point to the new Teddy, "that fabric." I say. "Guess that solves that problem. Well, more like it answers a question." I correct. The Teddy Bear is walking in jerky movements, like a broken robot. The first Teddy Bear looks at me and pauses, I instantly grow nervous and my stomach clenched lightly. The second Teddy Bear sees the first and follows it's gaze, it's head turning mechanically towards me. It pauses and takes a step towards us. Towards me. It takes another step, and another, but that's not the part that makes my stomach drop in dread. No what did that was much more foreboding. There was a kick. Not a normal kick, but a kick from inside. Followed by a slight wriggling inside the bear that makes me uneasy. Like something alive was in there. The plaza is deathly quiet as ponies start to notice Ridley and the new Teddy Bear. A slight murmuring breaks the silence as the Teddy Bear stops, but whatever is inside it continues to wriggle. The wriggling stops. There's a long second of silence. And another. And another. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding in. Mike moves his claw as if to take a step forward, my head turns to him. I shake my head at him, but he just looks at me in confusion. "Ridley? He asks, his voice piercing the murmurs. His claw hits the floor and the seams on the front of the new Teddy Bear break. Mike jumps back, his wings flared as a hoof breaks through the fabric. It's a small hoof. Too small to be anything more than a foal. I cover my mouth as I realize this. Nobody screams, I realize only after a few moments that Nopony is Actually close enough to see the small hoof. Feather and Mike are stuck with similar looks of horror. "Is that...?" My head snaps to the side to see a pony trotting closer quietly, oblivious to the danger this Teddy Bear could pose. The Teddy Bear notices, leaping for the mare. The mare screams, but the noise that follows is worse. There's a high pitched cry, like that of a baby multiplied by ten. The bear claws open a decent sized wound before a unicorn manages to shake himself out of his own shock long enough to hit it with some Magic. The Teddy Bear turns it's attention from the now bleeding mare to the unicorn. "Ridley!" Mike cries, I turn to look at the other Teddy Bear to realize why Mike had said the name. The Bear is gone, only the new Teddy Bear is present. Mike's cry had made the new Teddy Bear very aware of what it had so intently sought out in the first place. Mike and Feather took to the air quickly, but the Teddy Bear wasn't concerned with them. The hoof sticking out of the front is gone, but I can see the glint of an eye at this angle. I have a strong urge to vomit, I might have if there wasn't such a large lump in my throat. The bear leaps for me. I hear a scream. I didn't know it was my own until I saw the Teddy bear freeze inches from my face, a soft green eye from inside the seem looking at me lifelessly. The eye blinks and I scramble Away and onto my hooves. I look around the Bear and see it held in place by a golden glow. I back away quickly, hyperventilating. The Bear is quickly enveloped in magical flames that burn as bright as the sun. I look away and notice somebody behind me. I follow her pristine white legs up, already having seen the royal horseshoes. My eyes meet with Celestias and I quiver. Nightmares come to mind and I remain, frozen in fear. My heart is racing, but I feel the rush of air as two ponies land around me from each side. Celestias harsh look turns neutral as her gaze flicks to either side of me. I look over and see Feather on one side, not knowing whether she should come any closer. What I had assumed to be another Pegasus is Actually Mike, looking at the princess, a little intimidated. "Where is the other Teddy Bear?" Celestia asks me calmly. I open my mouth several times but no words come out. "You mean Ridley?" Feather asks. Celestia turns to her in interest. "You named it?" She asks, slightly surprised. I back Away slightly, but Celestia glances my way with a look I know means I should probably stay put. "Yes, he's a nice Teddy Bear, he had Nothing to do with this." Feather defends. "On the contrary, I'm afraid to say he had everything to do with this. Fortunately, I was already escorting CloudKicker and Rainbow Dash home when I heard the shriek." Celestia says. Through the sheer terror I note a name unmentioned. "What was that?" Mike asks, gesturing towards what remained of the Teddy Bear. A pile of ashes undisturbed on the ground. "It was a construct made by the first bear to resemble it. Less dangerous, but still too dangerous. Now, who brought the bear here?" Celestia asks. "I... I did, but SOMEthing told me not to, I should have listened." Mike says. "No, WE brought it here. It's not just your fault." Feather says. "Just you two?" Celestia asks, glancing my way once more. "Was there anypony else at all?" She asks. "No, just us..." Feather says, ears laid flat. Celestia notices and raises her muzzle to look in her eyes. "Calm yourself my little pony. Nopony is in trouble, I just need to know a few things. When did you find this Teddy Bear?" Celestia asks. "Yesterday, sometime in the evening I think." Mike says. "Hm... and you mentioned a warning?" Celestia turns to Mike. "Yeah, as we were walking back to Ponyville I heard someone say something about not trusting Teddy Bears." Mike says. "Did you hear any such thing?" Celestia asks, turning to Feather. Feather thinks on it, and then shakes her head. I feel my tail twitching and sweat forming on my brow. Celestia thinks for a second before a thought comes to her, she turns to Mike slowly. "Did you find a jade carving of a turtle?" She asks seriously. "Y-yeah... I did. But what does this have to do with-" Celestia cuts him off and turns to me. Her eyes seem to portray a slight annoyance, but she seems to trust that I'm not responsible. "Heartbreak," I grimace at the name and she notices, "fetch Twilight and ask her to meet us at the library." Celestia commands, no room for argument. Not that I'd dare argue with any God... I nod and turn around, trying to keep the fear out of my features and the quivering out of my steps. I get a few steps before Celestia calls after me again, "and Heartbreak. I expect you present as well." I gulp and nod. "Yes, Celestia." I get a few steps before I realize I didn't say princess. That's probably a bad move on my part. I don't dare show that I noticed my mistake and make for the spa. ~~~~~~~ I sit uncomfortably next to Twilight. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with Twilight, or the seat. In fact, it's where I sit when I read in the library. Not necessarily the same seat I read to foals in, that brings uncomfortable memories of it's own, but a simple seat that does it's job. No, I'm uncomfortable because Celestia is sitting across from me,and even if she doesn't show it I know she's judging me. I fetched Twilight from the salon, she wasn't too far into her spa treatment. She was rather cross with me when I suggested she come with me to the library and was about to brush me off, I'm sure. Then I told her who the request was Actually from. She was Actually a little nervous and aggravated at me for that. Not that she said so, but Twilight tends to act differently if she thinks I'm at fault. I didn't dare say anything more, too busy feeling queasy about this very meeting. Twilight managed to ease up after I threw up and had an improptu panic attack as the library came into view. I'm trying my best not to look at Celestia, forcing my thoughts to be about her. An image burned into the front of my mind continuously surfaces. An image familiar to many of my nightmares, the image of Celestia before she destroys me. Or, before she would have destroyed me, had Luna not been there. I turn to glance at Spike as he walks into the room with a tea tray, pink apron adorning his chest. He gives everyone present a mug, mine being a sippie cup I'm capable of using. My mind finally finds something else to think about as I turn to Spike with a grimace. He didn't have to make it that apparent I'm bad with my hooves. I still take a tentative sip out of it, not daring make a scene. I don't hear any mention of my drinking cup and assume that either no one noticed, or no one cares. I'm fine with either. I look over to Mike and Feather, both sitting next to each other. Mike has a wing around Feather as she leans against his chest. I grimace and turn to look at Twilight and finally Spike, who takes his seat between Celestia and Twilight. "So, Princess, you wanted to see me? Er, us, I suppose." Twilight asks, gesturing at everypony else. "Indeed. It has come to my attention that certain... items, have come to light. Items I'd rather not be known to all of Equestria." Celestia explains. "I'm Sorry, but what items?" Twilight asks. "What do you know about what transpired this morning?" Celestia asks. Twilight blinks in surprise before turning to me. "Something happened?" She asks, quirking an eyebrow at me before turning back to Celestia. "I was not aware." "Hmm, indeed." Celestia says, gazing at me slightly before turning to Twilight. "There was a disturbance in the market district of Ponyville. A... Teddy Bear, as it were, attacked multiple ponies." Twilight's mouth moves open and closed several times before she can speak. "Ridley?" She asks, turning to Mike and Feather. They look Away, slightly ashamed. "No. A different Teddy Bear, but the two are not unrelated. You see the first Teddy Bear creates copies of itself." Celestia pauses a second, "copies is a bit inappropriate. They're perversions of the original, but in the image of the original." Celestia corrects. "I'm afraid I don't Understand. This Bear is... building more bears? Out of what?" Twilight asks. "Stolen materials." I say before I can stop myself. Celestia looks at me, not saying anything. I wilt under her gaze, but continue. "It was made out of Raritys stolen fabric..." I say in a near whisper. "What about that hoof? This bear was made out of Magic, it must have Magic it can use to make an illusion of a hoof." Celestia is shaking her head before Feather stops speaking. "Magic, no... I didn't want to say anything, but your bear doesn't have any Magic in it. That's why I was so worried about it at first. I don't know... my worries just kinda faded Away as I interacted with it more." Twilight says nervously. "I'm afraid Twilight's right, the truth is darker than that. That was no illusion, that hoof was real. There was a foal inside that Teddy Bear." "A foal?" Twilight gasps. "Wait, no Magic. How is that possible? It was alive!" Feather exclaims. "That's Actually part of the reason I need to talk to you. That bear is an anomaly. Like together said, it's impossible for a Teddy Bear to be animate without Magic." Celestia says. "I should've known something bad would happen! I should have told somepony! I shouldn't have let my guard down..." Twilight exclaims, Celestia turns to her with a sympathetic smile. "Even if you had told somepony, it wouldn't work. The bear Also has the effect of getting anypony it interacts with to trust it. That's how it gathers supplies, and part of why it's so dangerous." Celestia warns. But... I never trusted it. Maybe I just didn't notice it's effects? No, it Also didn't make any attempts at interacting with me, but why? "You said foal before, where did the foal come from?" Twilight asks, causing Celestia to pause. "Do you know of what transpired at the hospital last Night?" Celestia asks. My stomach makes a not as my mind turns to what Rarity said about Nurse Redheart being at the police station. "N-no..." Twilight answers. "I'd rather you keep it that way. What transpired there was not pleasant. The mare affected is in a serious condition." Celestia answers as her head points down. "Mare affected...?" Twilight mutters before gasping. "You don't mean...? You couldn't mean...! I think I'm going to be sick..." Twilight says, magically lifting over a trash can. What could Celestia mean? Wait... no, she couldn't mean... could she? I can feel bile rising in my throat as sickness forms in my stomach. To think that someone would do that to a foal, or a pony for that matter... I look at everyone else to see various amounts of curiosity on their faces, thankfully they don't seem to intent on thinking about it. I swallow the bile and force the thought away. I don't need it haunting me. "You mentioned the Jade Turtle?" Mike asks, "how does that tie in?" "This is where I need to explain something. I Also have something to ask of you four." Celestia starts. "Now, this Jade Turtle of yours is also an anomaly. The Teddy Bear and the Turtle are both anomalies, and these anomalies are called SCP's." "SCP?" Twilight asks quietly, Celestia still hears her. "Secure Contain Protect. Or in the case of talking about the anomalies, Special Containment Procedure. I have been handling the task of containing such anomalies for a long time, but the task generally only requires containment." Celestia answers. "I need to ask you four to help me Secure, Contain, and Protect. Secure anomalies I don't have track of, such as SCP-1048." Celestia says. "What's SCP-1048?" Mike asks. "The one you call `Ridley`." Celestia answers. "Oh, Okay... but... you said he's dangerous, right?" Mike asks, a little worried. "Extremely so. That's why I asked all four of you. You already know about SCP's, and if possible I want to keep them Away from the innocent life from Equestria. I Also believe you all will be capable of doing this. Your work will not go thankless, of course. I will offer a monthly stipend, courtesy of the crown, along with this job." Celestia says. "So... all we have to do is catch a couple anomalies? That doesn't sound too hard..." I suppose. "Well, that isn't all. I will also require more research on the less dangerous objects. I will send Twilight the details when all is said and done." Celestia says. "Of course, Princess. I was Actually already making a report about magical anomalies before thi-" Celestia cuts Twilight off before she can finish. "I don't want to burst your bubble Twilight, but these anomalies aren't Magic related. In fact, most aren't inherently Magic at all." Celestia corrects. "Not magical?" Twilight asks, her eyes gently shining. "I'll do whatever I can to help." Feather says nervously. "I like science and anomalies and stuff. Plus I need bits..." Mike says, "count me in." I notice as all eyes turn on me, I freeze. "Y-Yes, Princess." I stammer out. Celestia frowns almost imperceptibly, but she nods anyways. "Very well. I shall send Twilight the details when I have them prepared." Celestia gets up to leave, but Feather speaks up. "Princess? You said you brought Cloud Kicker and Rainbow Dash home, but what about Starlet? She's the reason they went to Canterlot." Feather asks, it's something I had wondered about as well. "Ms. Mint was executed late last night on account of murder, as well as attempted murder." END OF ACT I > Zero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light. Something I was only partially surprised to see. The light fades, and with it comes a shadow of confusion. Another thing I hadn't expected. Change. Initially I was confused, but the events of the previous day come rushing back to me. I had died. My death was just, and I don't feel bitter about it... it was a little unbelievable to me that I'd so easily lose control, Especially now that the voices are seemingly gone. But if I am that dangerous, I got my just desserts. Light was not surprising because of my estranged view of the world. Some people might see heaven, or goodness as being light. I am not one such person, or pony. I see light as power, and power as inherently evil if exercised in such a way as light is. It's a tricky, quiet evil that might seem good at times. Darkness isn't like that... it lurks, observes, hides. All seemingly menacing activities, that in actuality aren't evil. Light would sure love it if no one trusted darkness though. But there are varying degrees to everything and seeing all light and all darkness as all good or all evil is a very two dimensional way of seeing the world. Seeing this light gave me a sense of comfort. Not at what lied ahead, but that I might have been right. I was not deserving of a good end, and if light was my damnation, so be it. What did surprise me was change. Change was different, impure. It was strangely morally neutral. Not by virtue of being gray, but by being any and every conceivable color. Even some inconceivable ones. Change is imperfect, impractical, it's mortal. What really threw me off was feeling. Pain, both emotional and physical. But not a searing torment deep in my soul, a subtle and rising sense of despair. This was all I needed for proof, I would not be spared so easily. My eyes flutter open as my head pulses in pain. The light is both painful and intoxicating to me as it stabs at my headache and I feed off it's warmth. I push myself away from the light shining through the trees and into the shadows of the dense forest. I shiver slightly at the loss of warmth and become painstakingly aware of how damp my fur is. I try to rub Away the water and warm me up, but my hoof is just as slick as my coat and isn't much help. I focus my Magic and pick up a nearby pebble, light enough that I don't struggle to control it. The glow of my Magic illuminates the area around me, the parts not lit up by stray beams of light. Light from outside the trees is few and far between, and the details shown by my glowing Magic affirms where I believed I was. This is the Everfree forest. I whimper once more at this revelation, still shivering from gentle breezes. At least this light proves that it's still day, I wouldn't dare think of what it would be like if it was Night. One things for certain, I need to get out of here. And go where? The question is cause for pause. I was executed by Celestia herself, surely news will spread quick. Anyone who doesn't know what I did will in a matter of days. I'm definitely not welcome anywhere, but I'd rather live in hiding than in the Everfree. I get to walking, my legs shaky. I try to walk Away from the Canterlot mountain range, barely visible through most patches and completely covered in some. It takes the better part of a couple hours, I can see the sun starting to set as I notice a break in the trees up ahead. I use my last burst of energy to break free of the forests confines. My once wet fur now dried in clumps and matted in places. I whisper success to myself as I enjoy the last fading moments of light. "Oh, my..." my ear twitches as I hear a sound that's both beautiful and terrifying. I'm not equipped to deal with anything beautiful, so the sound of another pony puts me in a terror. I jerk my head up and back away quickly, a whimper escaping from my mouth despite my attempts at silence. I look dead into Fluttershys eyes, attempting to calm my heart but dreading what she might think of me. Her eyes read alarm, but mostly concern. She gulps and I flinch instinctively, slowly opening an eye to peer at her in the ensuing silence. I'm sure that I'm a pitiful sight. "Oh, I'm Sorry. I... I didn't mean to frighten you." Fluttershy says softly. "Are you Okay?" She asks. I look at her timidly, a little confused. "You... don't remember me?" I manage to squeak out weakly, my fear giving a little. "Remember? Do I know you?" She asks. "I came to Ponyville a few days ago... with a Gryphon." I offer. "Oh... well, welcome to Ponyville." She offers, smiling weakly in an attempt to console me. "No, no, no! There was a welcome party and everything!" I say franticly. My gaze turns to her, "you were there!" I exclaim. "I was?" Fluttershy asks weakly, taking a step back. I notice, through that simple motion what should have been painfully obvious. I'm scaring her. "Yes!" I exclaim before covering my mouth. "I'm Sorry." I mutter before turning Away from her to think on this. Did she erase me? Celestia? Did she erase who I was? Am I still me? She could take away every other personality of mine... "Excuse me..." I look back at Fluttershy and find her right next to me. I fall away from her in fright, my heart racing a little. "I'm sorry I don't remember you... but you look like you could use some help. Or a friend." She offers. I look down at my fur, matted and dirty. I stumble to my hooves, finally feeling the extent of my exhaustion as I stumble forward. Flutters catches me gently, but firmly. "Uh, Sorry. I'm a little exhausted." I admit. "That's Okay. Can you walk?" She asks. "Yeah, just give me a sec." I say, standing still as my head spins lightly. As the spinning stops I nod, "Okay, I'm good." "Do you have a place you're staying?" I pause to think. "I don't think so... I can stay at the guest house though..." I tell her. "The guest house?" Fluttershy thinks for a second. "Let's go to my cottage and get you cleaned up first." She offers. I just nod and she points me in the right direction. We walk slowly towards her cottage, Fluttershys right wing tip touching me lightly on the back to keep me stable. I stumble a couple of times. Not out of uncoordination, but sheer exhaustion. Eventually we can see her cottage coming closer. The walk seemed impossibly long, but it couldn't have been more than ten minutes tops. This feeling only perpetuated by Fluttershys silence, which was both a gift and torture. I don't know what we could've talked about, but I feel like anything would have been better than nothing. The silence felt like judgement, even if it did give me a chance to think. No doubt that's what we're both doing. "Here we are." Fluttershy says as we near the cottage. I look at it inquisitively. I haven't had a chance to see it up close yet, I only knew it from the show. Animals peer at me strangely from their perches and burrows, stuck deciding whether I should be sized up or hidden from. They settle on keeping their distance. I'm sure that my haggard sight must have been intimidating despite my apparent friendliness with their caretaker. I smile at them despite myself, it doesn't change their opinions in the slightest. "Here we are." Fluttershy says as we walk up to the door. She opens it and I let her walk in first. I slink in timidly behind her, still under scrutiny of the animals. One animal stands out among them though, a white rabbit I can only assume is angel. "Angel, this is my guest..." Fluttershy trails off as she searches for a name she doesn't know. "Starlet. Starlet Mint." I offer, Fluttershy nods thankfully. "And I'm Fluttershy. I'm Sorry we didn't introduce ourselves, it must be strange for a complete stranger to invite you into their home." Fluttershy apologize, her attention drawn from Angel for the moment. "It's Okay, Flutters. I'm really grateful." I tell her. "Oh, it's quite alright. You looked like you could use some help." Fluttershy responds. She turns to Angel once more, "Angel, be a dear and draw some hot water while I fetch my shampoo." Fluttershy asks nicely. She waits for some sign that he heard her, eventually Angel grunts and hops Away to go do what was asked of him. Fluttershy smiles, turning to me apologetically before leaving to go accomplish her own task. My ears prick as I hear Fluttershy mutter to herself as she walks away. "Flutters... that's a nice nickname." ~~~~~~~ Rarity was a mare. It was a fact she was very proud of, but not necessarily one she showed off. Had she been a Stallion, she was sure she would be proud of it and showed it off. But being a mare, Rarity was comfortable with not flaunting it. That's not to say Rarity was entirely modest, no. She did love to flaunt her stuff and show off her beauty. But that had Nothing to do with her pride as a mare. Rarity loved dresses, but she loved suits equally as much. Fashion was fashion, and clothes were clothes. Rarity loved looking beautiful, and she used clothes as an outlet. She wasn't against suits, not at all. She had just decided, pardon the pun, that they didn't suit her. Just as she had the capability to decide her own fashion from others, she deigned also not to limit others fashion to her choices. Many ponies saw it as acceptable, even proper, to limit the fashion choices of others. Many of these ponies are ponies she admired, such as Hoity Toity. As such, Rarity had deemed that she would be the better fashionista, even if this hadn't garnered her as much fame. After all, why should a colt be limited to suits if his fashion sense tells him a dress fits better? Vice versa for mares. It was this particular thought that Lyra had left Rarity with as she worked on her new commission. The commission being for the seafoam unicorn herself. It was her only order she needed to get done and was sure to keep her busy well into the Night. It was very last second, seeing as Lyra needed it for the next night, but she had accepted it readily. After all, she had nothing better to do. Besides, some of her best work came to pass in short timeframes. Rarity hummed a tune lightly, remembering the conversation well. She probed the depths of her memory for any clue as to who the lucky pony could be. ~~~~~~~ The door at the front of the store opened, setting off the light tinkling of a bell above it. I turn and look out the door over my workroom to what little part of the sales floor I can see. I set down my boring paperwork, eager at the thought of a distraction from the tedium that is paperwork. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique! Where everything is sleek, chic, and unique." I call out as I pass through the door to my sales floor. My eyes scan the floor for motion and I eventually come across the pony who must have set off the bell. "Lyra, so nice to see you. What can I do for you, Darling?" I ask, walking over to her with a delicate smile. "Hey, Rarity. I've got kind of a big favor to ask. And I can Understand if you can't do it." Lyra says nervously. "Nonsense, darling. I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle. What is it?" I ask patiently, more than eager to help with whatever it is. As long as I don't have to do that dreaded paperwork. "W-well... I have a date planned for tomorrow, but I don't have anything to wear." Lyra says, rubbing her foreleg nervously. I can feel myself dragging her towards my workroom before I knew what I was doing. "Then we haven't got time to waste! Let's get you measured first, then we can discuss styling." I tell her. She doesn't argue as I set her in the center of the room and float a measuring tape over to her. "So, tell me about the lucky pony!" I ask happily as I jot down notes of the current measurements. "Uh... well, They're really nice... and they used to live in Canterlot just like me." Lyra starts, she sounds a bit hesitant and nervous. "In fact, I knew them from my school days in Canterlot!" Lyra adds, the entire sentence had a strange sort of emphasis in it. Like this fact was very important in comparison to everything else. "Them, Darling?" I ask casually. Seeking more for a name than anything. "We are speaking about one pony, aren't we?" I ask, just making sure. Lyras reaction speaks less of a mild embarrassment and more of shame. Despite her smile and blush, I can tell by the drop of her eyelids that she feels some sort of judgement. I instantly feel bad for the small joke, I hadn't meant to hit a sensitive area. "Y-yeah. They just..." Lyra trails off, straining to find some sort of explanation. I stop writing and set my hoof on her side. She looks at the hoof and then traces it back to me. I smile gently back to her in an apologetic way. "I didn't mean to offend you, Darling. I was only curious." I tell her, she nods. Her eyes betray her unease despite her awkward smile. "I know, Rarity. I'm just having a difficult time getting over myself." Lyra says. "I haven't exactly gone on a date before." I balk at this. "Never?" I question, astonished. "Never. I was always busy with my studies and music. Or, at least that's the excuse I tell myself. It's probably something more to do with how socially inept I was before I came here." Lyra says, her eyes dropping as she drew small circles on the floor with her hoof. I still her hoof by wrapping it in the measuring tape. "Hold still, Darling." I command gently, scribbling measurements down as I make my way to the other side. "And I don't blame you for feeling that way. Canterlot is a much harder place to exercise your social skills. Much less gain any where you may have been lacking." I tell her. "The Canterlot social structure is flimsy at best, rickety and broken at worst. It's based on the popular getting the spotlight and getting more popular, whereas the spotlight is popularity. Spontaneity in the system is all that allows others to ever rise, even if briefly." My thoughts flick to my moments in the spotlight. When I was one of Canterlots elite. "Of course, it's all based in superficiality, no substance to it. And don't get me started about the fashion!" I realize I've been ranting and clear my throat. I turn to Lyra sheepishly and she just smiles at me, joy once more gracing her eyes. "Something tells me you're very familiar with it." Lyra says, laughing lightly. "Just a skosh. I had my time in the limelight, but I wouldn't say I'm ready to have another try at it so soon." I tell her, rolling my eyes at the thought. Maybe one of these days I'll try and make a name for myself there again, but no time soon. "Well, lucky you. I was never very popular in my old school." Lyra admits, the harsh tone to her voice betraying bitter memories. "Something tells me this is more than a lack of social skills." I comment gently. Lyra sighs and just shakes her head. "It's... it's Nothing." She says, I sigh and nod. Not that she can see my nod, but some stones are better left unturned. "Well, darling, I'm done with your measurements. If you'll follow me." I tell her, setting the measuring tape down on my workbench and placing the measurement notes beside it. I pull a binder off my bookcase and turn to Lyra. "Now, how would you like your dress to look? A white might be nice to accentuate that beautiful streak in your mane, but the color might not mean what you want. Now a gold might be better, a bit more brash. The color would certainly match your eyes well, and if it was a shorter dress it would certainly show off yo-" I look up from my notes to show Lyra an example of the color gold I was thinking but I halt myself. Lyras biting her lip as her cheeks glow red, her eyes once more showing shame. I close the book and take a step towards Lyra reassuringly. "I'm Sorry, Darling, but are you Okay? Do you not like the color?" I ask, searching for some sign as to what I did wrong. "N-no... I... this was a stupid idea. I'm Sorry for wasting your time." Lyra says, turning Away. I float a ponnequin in front of her, blocking her escape and lay a hoof on her back. "Lyra, you've been on edge the whole time. Something is obviously not okay. I want to help you, but I can't do that if you won't help me. At least give me something to work with." I ask her reassuringly. Her eyes dart back and forth before landing on my own. She looks Away a couple of times before finally stuttering out an answer. "I-I, Uh, didn't come here for a dress... I was hoping you could make me a suit." She squeaks out meekly. It can't be the only thing she's on edge about, what with all this Canterlot business, but it's a start. "Oh. Is that all, Darling? Here, hold on a sec..." I float the first binder away and trade it for my other one. "I'm Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. but, now that we're on the right track, how did you want the suit?" I ask her, keeping my face neutral. "You're... you're not weirded out? You're not interested in my choice?" Lyra asks cautiously, I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes. I swear, and ponies call me dramatic. "Well, Darling, I'm going to assume you're talking about why you want a suit. In which case my answer would be, not particularly. I am, however, very interested in what you want your suit to look like." I tell her, trying not to sound snarky. Lyra blushes, the relief in her eyes showing that She's thoroughly embarrassed instead of ashamed. "Now then, I'm thinking a traditional black and white, reminiscent of sheet music. Maybe a bit of gold trim?" I say, showing her a picture of a traditional suit. "I suppose? I don't know, I don't know anything about fashion." Lyra admits. "Okay then, let me see..." I set the book down and grab a third binder and flip through it wordlessly. Eventually I find the page I'm looking for and show it to her. "Which color do you like more? Out of the four there, just tell me which corner you like best?" I ask. On the page are four samples of fabric. Lyra looks at them for a second before turning to me in confusion. "They're all black." She deadpans. I fight the urge to drag a hoof down my face in aggravation. "Well, YES. But only in the loosest of terms. They're different types of black, and fabric for that matter. Feel them, maybe that'll help." I tell her, she feels all four strips carefully, judging them individually. "What do you think?" She takes some time to consider it, even feeling every single one a second time. Then a third, surely she has to know which one truly feels the best. After all, she'd have to wear it. I watch her hopefully, and eventually she raises her eyes to meet mine. As she does I can see the look of pure confusion on her face and abandon all hopes of an answer. "You know what, don't answer that." I tell her as she opens her mouth. I don't know exactly what she would've said, but I bet it would have been something along the lines of `They're all fabric.` I flip a couple pages and find the whites. Surely she'll notice the difference in these. One has a bit of a more yellow to it, while one's a bit more tan colored. They all very much look white enough to be considered a form of white. "How about these." Just the Same as the others she looks at them, she even feels them too. I look at the prying hoof hopefully, surely her hoof will know the difference? "They're all-" "On second thought, how about I work on the design. I'm sure you're very busy preparing for tomorrow." I cut her off before she can finish and Lyra nods in relief. "Thanks, Rarity. I'm sure whatever you make will look great." Lyra assures me, causing a faint surge of pride as my posture straightens a bit. "Well, be sure to tell your date who made you look so good." I joke, Lyra laughs along. "I'll tell her." Lyra says as she finishes laughing. I blink once just to make sure I heard her right and turn to Lyra. "Her?" I ask politely. Nevertheless I can see her mood drop as panic draws across her face. "I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I was just making sure I'd heard clearly." I apologize immediately, not wanting to upset Lyra. The damage was done though. "Yeah, HER... I'm a filly fooler." She responds, absolutely downtrodden. She sits down with a thump, looking close to tears. I sit myself down beside her and lean against her coat reassuringly. "There's Nothing wrong with it, Darling. We all like who we like." I reassure her. "But there is something wrong with it! Why do you think no one liked me in Canterlot?" I make an Oh with my mouth, but I don't say anything. "I didn't feel Okay with myself Until I came to Ponyville and met BonBon." Lyra continues. "Is she your..." I can't bring myself to say date in case I upset her, but she gets the gist. "My date? No. I did have a crush on her for a while, but she's painfully straight. Besides, she's got a coltfriend. Candy Cream. Lucky bastard." Lyra mutters before shaking her head. "No, I'm happy for her, but it took a while to get past that." Lyra corrects herself joylessly. "Lyra. It's Okay if you like mares. The ponies in Canterlot are unbelievably judgemental, not to mention rude and uncouth. They don't really know what they're saying, they're just agreeing with the money. The money just happens to be highly prejudiced." I tell her hotly, growing a little aggravated at them myself just by saying it. Lyra looks at me and I smile at her. Her face is surprisingly neutral, her eyes scanning my own. I maintain that same smile until she speaks again. "Why are you okay with this? With me?" Lyra asks. "You're the straightest pony I know." was that meant to be a compliment? I'm going to assume so, for her sake. "Why should I disapprove of who you love just because I don't feel the same way? And what does it matter if I'm straight, or for that matter what does it matter if you're not? You're looking for love, why should I wish you anything but good luck?" I ask her, rhetorically of course. She understands and nods as she takes in this information. "Th-thanks, Rarity. You've helped a lot. And you're helping me with this suit too. I don't know how I'll ever repay you" Lyra says gratefully. "Bits, preferably." Lyra turns to look at me and I just laugh gently. "I'm kidding of course. The only payment I need is the cost of the suit." I tell her. I float the measurements over and do an estimate in my head. For some reason my estimate yields an uneven number, seventy-three, so I round down a bit for convenience. "Does sixty bits sound fair?" I ask. "Sixty? Are you sure that's right? That seems a bit... cheap." Lyra asks uneasily. I wave my hoof in dismissal. "Of course I'm sure, Darling. Are you doubting my math?" I ask in a serious tone. It's an underhoofed method I find myself using too often, sometimes ponies just don't want to take the deals I give them. "N-no. Sixty bits it is, then." Lyra says, fishing out her bits. She counts out some bits and I take them graciously. "Is that the correct amount?" Lyra asks. I start to count them off in my head. `54,55,56,57...` I smile a little to myself as I notice there are no more bits. "Sixty! Perfect, Darling." I tell her, smiling widely. I must admit to feeling a sinfully wonderful tingling deep in my chest at doing something so deceitful. But, then again, I'm not the Element of Honesty. "Come back around noon tomorrow. I should be almost done by that point, then I can fit it more accurately. Then you can go on your date looking as dashing as ever." I tell her, she looks much happier now than when she came in. "Thanks, Rarity. You're the best." She tells me as she heads towards the front door. "I do try, Darling. Have a Wonderful evening." I tell her. There's a small chime of a bell above the front door to my shop and all is quiet again. I stand for a while just to watch the door idly before I turn to my design table to get started on the suit. It has been a while since I designed a nice suit, I hope I'm not rusty. ~~~~~~~ Despite the second or third runthrough of the conversation, it allowed her no more insight than the original conversation. She'd just have to wait until tomorrow to see who the mare is. "A first date. Such a precious experience. I hope it goes well, I don't want to have to use the basement again so soon." Rarity tells herself, "it would only be the right thing to do though." Rarity continued to herself, not worried about anyone hearing her. Sweetie was at their parents and her shop was closed. It was officially a safe place to think these things, as well as do any planning she needed. A stray fly dances through the air, annoying the fashionista. She pauses her work and waits for it to land. It lands next to the design of the suit she is making, she moves her hoof above into and attempts to squash the pest. She succeeds, but takes note of a small indentation left by her hoof. "Tch," Rarity clicks her tongue and inspects her hoof before continuing. "You have to be more careful, Rarity. You don't want to chip a hoof." She chides herself. Rarity looks at her finished design of the suit and how much She's already gotten done. "I suppose I can allow myself a little time for preparation. Just in case the date doesn't go well." Rarity tells herself, moving Away from her work room and towards the sales floor. The sales floor was Also her living room when not during work hours, justifying the couch and chairs towards the center that surrounded a coffee table. She walked right past the entire setup and towards the closet. In the back of the closet was a tiny piano. Rarity looked at it fondly, playing a small tune on it. As the tune finished the sound of a soft click could be heard as the wall behind the piano gave way and slowly swung inwards. Rarity entered the secret door and shut it behind herself. ~~~~~~~ "Huh?!" I jolt from bed in a cold sweat, rubbing my temple a little. "Ow..." I say, looking around a bit. "Where am I?" I ask myself, disoriented. I look at a birdcage illuminated by the light shining through the window and a memory comes back. "That's right... I'm at Fluttershy's," I say, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes gently with the side of my hoof. She had insisted upon my staying at her house after helping me bathe. Something about how exhausted I was and that I wasn't in a state to walk into town. I was too exhausted to remember much after that. I was nearly falling asleep on my hooves. I must have fallen asleep and Fluttershy put me in her bed. Then there's that dream... it felt... important. I remember a lake, and a... pony? No, six ponies. And me, then... gah, it's already fading. It was just a dream, what could have been so important about it? I lift my head at the smell of... eggs? Is Fluttershy cooking breakfast? My heart rises at the thought, she's been so nice. I have to repay her somehow. First I'll have to find a job or something. Baby steps Starlet, baby steps. I push the soft blankets I'm lying in off of me and hop out of the bed. I look around the room and spy a mirror. I look in it quickly and decide I looked nice enough. I don't want to intrude and just start using her brush or anything. I pull the sheets up neatly and make the bed nice before turning to the door. I grip the door knob shakily with my magic and open it, smiling lightly at the act. I make my way gently down the stairs and into the room, taking care not to disturb Fluttershy. I look at the two plates, one already filled with scrambled eggs. "Uhm..." I start, unsure of what to say. Fluttershy glances back at me and smiles brightly. "Oh, good morning. Did you sleep well?" She asks politely. "Great... you didn't have to let me sleep in your bed." I tell her, she raises an eyebrow curiously. "How did you know it was mine?" "The room felt lived in, but what really sold it was the brush by the mirror. It... had your hair on it." I say hesitantly, just noticing how her mane looked just barely unkempt. It still looked the same as always, just a little more frazzled. "Oh, of course." She says, laughing softly. "I hope you don't mind, but I made us breakfast." She says, keeping an eye on the pan lying on the stove. "Thank you very much." I say, trotting over to the plate next to her. It held scrambled eggs, I admittedly prefer sunny side up. "Is this mine?" I ask. "Huh? Oh, no. This ones yours, um... could you please move?" She asks, I back up hastily as she moves the pan over the plates and slides my egg onto the plate. I glance past her shoulder and look at the egg. It's sunny side up. "And here's some toast." Fluttershy says, dropping two pieces of toast on both of our plates. "H-how did you know I preferred sunny side up?" I asked cautiously, Fluttershy blushes a deep red. "Oh... erm... it's my talent. Knowing the unspoken wishes of animals, it's part of the reason I'm so good with animals." She admits, I nod and take a bite of toast. I look at the bread in surprise. It tastes normal, but better than any toast I've ever had for some reason. I look at the fork and try to control both it and the knife with magic. I raise both, but only the fork comes down. I look at the knife in confusion, but it doesn't budge. It remains stuck... pointed at Fluttershy. I look into my reflection in the knife and yelp, jumping away from the utensil. "Starlet?!" Fluttershy exclaims in concern. That wasn't my reflection I'd seen. I had seen a light lavender mane with light blue eyes. That was the visage of Scarlet. "Th-that's... impossible. Celestia got rid of them." I say, shaking slightly. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asks in concern. "I think so..." I answer shakily, placing myself back in front of my plate. I avoid the knife and just pick up the fork, continuing the lovely breakfast Fluttershy has cooked. Fluttershy just looks at me in concern for a while before finally accepting my answer and continuing her breakfast. She still seems to have a look of worry over what happened, but she doesn't seem ready to assault me in questions any time soon. Breakfast was heavenly. I tried looking into my reflection on the knife once more, but I just find myself looking into my own scared eyes. Fluttershy seems very mindful of how I'm acting, skirting around the subject. "So... what brings you to ponyville?" She asks. "I didn't really have any intentions other than escape the Everfree." "Oh, right..." she says, with the decency to look a little embarrassed. "What were you doing in there anyways?" "I... nothing. I just... woke up there." It was true, I had woken up there. I'm still a bit clueless. "You don't remember? Oh my, what do you remember? From before, that is." "It's... kinda personal." I tell her, rubbing my left leg with my right hoof uneasily. Is one morally obliged to tell another pony of their psychopathic tendencies? Maybe morally... but I think I've shown my morals to be lacking recently... "Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to dig, I was just thinking I could help..." Fluttershy apologizes. "It's fine. You're fine. I'm just being sensitive." I tell her, getting up from my seat and floating my plate to her sink. I leave it, as are her instructions. It doesn't make me feel any less guilty about it. "Thank you Fluttershy, for everything. I have to go, though." I tell her, bowing slightly. "You're leaving?" She asks in surprise. Was she... expecting me to stay here? As enticing as that sounds, I have some questions that need answering. Something feels off about this place. I'm not an expert on magic, but I've been around it long enough to get a feel for it. Ever since I've woken up the magic has felt... strange. surprisingly fluid and stable, things I pick up don't wobble as much. At first I assumed it was just my enhanced learning capabilities, but those seem to have stunted when it comes to more advanced magic and only apply physically. I'd imagine it was natural talent increasing, if not for the feel of the spell. "Uh, yeah. I appreciate what you've done, but I don't want to intrude at all" I tell her politely, she nods hesitantly. "Of course, my pleasure." She says. "I'll see you around," I tell her. We shoot each other a small smile before I leave. I look up at the sun and see it's a good deal into the morning. If the sun's position is to be trusted... Time to head into town. I start off at a slow pace, giving me time to contemplate what has happened. Fluttershy was plenty nice, but... she didn't remember me? I made sure to invite myself to as many ponies as possible at that party. This has to be something to do with Celestia. But, she killed me. Didn't she? Maybe not... but why wouldn't she? I committed crimes against equinity, she had every right. “Well, howdy!” I stumble as I hear the shout from just ahead of me. I focus my vision forward and make out an orange figure not that far ahead. It’s Applejack. “Uh, hi,” I reply awkwardly as Applejack comes closer. “Don’t think I’ve seen y’all around here. Ya new to town?” She asks sociably. “Yeah. Got here not too long ago." I reply. "Fancy that. Well, welcome to Ponyville. Hope y'all enjoy your stay." She says with a tip of her hat. "Yeah... I hope I do too." > A Wake, and Hurting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't believe my ears. Executed. I nearly lost my footing, but a reassuring wing over my back stabilizes me. I look to my side at the wings owner, feather. I'm sure my expression was a weird mix between nausea and confusion. "Murder and attempted murder?" Twilight asks. "Indeed, she brandished a knife with her magic and killed one of my servants. When help arrived she had Cloudkicker pinned down and was prepared to kill her." Celestia explains. "I... I think I'm going to go home." I mumble, stumbling towards the door. "I'm gonna go with him." Feather says. I look at her with what I hope looks like thanks, she nods in understanding. It's not even noon, and it's already been a very long day. ~~~~~~~ SCP's. I should have known. The Builder Bear, the Jade Turtle, all of it. I noticed, but I didn't know. But why? Why here? It's all too... coincidental. "She's gone, you can relax." "Huh?" I turn to look at Twilight and she rolls her eyes. "Celestia. She's gone. You look like a deer in the headlights when she's around." Twilight explains. "I can't help if she gave me PTSD..." I mumble to myself. "Yeah, whatever, I think I should go home." I tell her. "Okay, it looks like progress on my research paper has halted for now anyways." Twilight says. "That's what you're going with?" I can feel myself growing angry. "A pony dies and all you can think about is research." "Sorry, but I don't feel all that attached to a random servant of Celestia's. Yeah, it's sad, but it doesn't affect me." Twilight argues. "Not him you idiot! Starlet." I almost shout. "The murderer?" She asks in surprise. "Why should I feel sad about her?" Twilight asks. "Because she was our friend. More importantly, she was Mike's friend." I push. "She was a murderer, Heartbreak." Twilight pushes. "It's HB and you know it! Using my name in that way doesn't make me want to see your point. It's actually really underh-h-hoofed." I tell her. "Besides, she was our friend before she was a murderer." "Well, HB, she was still a murderer in the end." Twilight says. "What if it were Rarity?" "What?" Twilight asks in shock. "What if Rarity were executed?" I ask. "Rarity’s not a murderer." Twilight says definitively. "But if she was?" I challenge. "But... she's not, so there's no point in pretending she could be." Twilight argues. This approach isn't working, Twilight doesn't do the what-ifs. I bat my brain around in thought before an idea comes to me. "How do you know?" I challenge. "Know what?" Twilight sighs, obviously trying hard to humour me. "That Rarity is definitely not a murderer." Twilight freezes at the thought. "Think about it Twilight, what are the traits of a sociopath?" I ask her. "Er... I imagine they don't fit in with society well." "Wrong. It's the opposite. They fit into society extremely well. Rarity could very well be a sociopath who murders ponies, and you wouldn't know. Think about it..." I wrack my brain for moments in Rarities life that could point to her being a murderer. "Uh... Rarity doesn't come from wealth. In fact, I believe she was quite poor growing up, and I know that poor kids are bullied often. Say these bullies are especially cruel, though. Now say one day Rarity runs from said bullies, but these bullies are especially tenacious. Rarity is so sick of being bullied, so sick of being scared... so she isn't. She fights back, but she goes a little far... she kills one of them. Then another, and then they're all dead. To cover her tracks. Even a little filly could take down three older ponies easily with magic and a blunt object. Oh, and the element of surprise. Do you know Rarity to be a lady that's afraid to fight? I sure don't. Isn't that a little peculiar? A pony so bent on staying clean, being rid of filth? That she'd partake in any act of roughhousing at all is a scandalous thought, but there it is. Rarity isn't afraid to kick a manticore, and she never quivers in fear at a tussle. Do you know why I think Rarity isn't afraid of monsters, Twilight?" I challenge, leaning in close. Twilight's legs are quivering as she thinks more and more about what I've said. "W-why?" She asks, almost regretfully. "Because ponies like that stopped being scared of the monsters under their bed a long time ago. They stopped being scared when they realized the monsters were inside themselves all along." I say, pointing my hoof at Twilight for added effect. "Are you so sure that Rarity couldn't be a serial killer? Or Rainbow? Or Fluttershy?" I ask. "F-fluttershy?" Twilight whispers to herself. "Anyone's capable of murder, Twilight." I finish. "It's just a matter of how far you’re pushed..." "I-is she? I mean... you know a lot of things, are you trying to tell me something?" She asks fearfully. "No. I just want you to think. If Rarity or any one of your friends was, or is, a murderer, what would you do? Would you care?" I ask her. She averts her eyes and doesn't speak for a long time. "I'll talk to Mike next time I see him." Twilight finally says. "Thanks, HB..." her thanks falls a little flat. Almost like she doesn't honestly know what to say, and that's just her only thought. I shake my head and ignore it, Twilight's thoughts are her own. Whose place is it to try and dissect them? “Whatever, I’ll see you later Twi.” I tell her, she doesn’t respond. ~~~~~~~ “A wake?” I ask. “It’s a form of funeral.” Feather explains. “I know what it is, but why would I go?” I ask in confusion. “Because you’re Starlet’s friend, aren’t you?” she asks. “I thought so… But that just makes me less sure. Why would I go to a wake for the pony she killed?” I ask, offended she’d even suggest it. “I don’t know, but don’t you care? It would be an act of good faith.” She insists. “Look, I’m going. You’re more than welcome to join me.” She says. “I don’t have anything to wear…” I tell her. “You look fine, but it’ll be in about an hour, so we’d have to leave soon.” She insists. I sigh and nod my head, looking back inside my room briefly. Seeing nothing I could really need I sigh and follow Feather out. “It’ll be okay, Mike.” “I know, it’s been two days and I still haven’t gotten over it. It was for the best, I just can’t believe I didn’t know. That I couldn’t help…” I tell her. “You couldn’t have helped him, you weren’t there.” Feather says. “No, not him. Starlet. No one’s evil without reason. I should’ve been able to help her.” I insist. “It just doesn’t make sense. I didn’t know she was so… deadly.” I shiver at the nightmares such thoughts bring. Feather lays a wing over my back, a gesture I’ve found increasingly comforting. I stop as I bump right into another pony, I stumble slightly and feather steadies me. “Terribly sorry, was in a bit of a rush, didn’t see you. I’m a little early though…” I look at the brown earth pony as he dusts himself off. He has a spiky mane and an hourglass cutie mark, he looks up at me through his 3D glasses. “Oh, hello!~ Isn’t that interesting…” His voice sounds familiar, but I know I’ve never seen him before. “Oh, yes, that’s right! I had a thing, I need to do. I like things, don’t you? See you, very soon I imagine! though, that’s relative…” the stallion moves away, mumbling to himself about something or some other. “That stallion,” Feather mutters before turning to me. “Ignore him, he’s a bit of an eccentric.” I just nod dumbly, not quite sure what to make of the clearly mad pony. The rest of our walk is a bit more serene, even if it’s not a terribly long walk. I notice the wake long before we actually arrive, there’s a large crowd of ponies. Everyone turns at our arrival, but quickly turns away as they see me. I’m not sure if they care or not, and that makes me uneasy. I look up at the casket and notice it’s closed. Aren’t the caskets usually open? “Maybe this was a bad idea…” I say, starting to backpedal away. Feather flares her wings slightly behind me, halting my motions backwards. she pushes me forward with her front hooves and sits us down near the back. “I’ve only been to one funeral before…” I admit, Feather turns to me. “Who for?” She asks politely. “My great grandma.” I tell her. That funeral was fairly recent. A bit before I arrived here, in talking colorful horse land. I frown, I don’t mean to be bitter about the fact I’m here, but the fact is that I’m not home. I’m in a foreign land I know nothing about and one of my newest friends is dead… “I’m sorry to hear. Were you close?” Feather asks. “Close enough for it to hurt.” I tell her, she winces and I sigh. I extend my wing over her and she accepts it. “Sorry… but it was a while before I came here. To escape that grief, and then this.” I gesture with my other wing. I look at the wing disinterestedly, at least I can move it efficiently now. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Feather whispers. “It’s not your fault.” I release her from the hug and just pay attention to the procession. The procession draws on longer and longer, until eventually we all move with the casket to the grave. There’s a pile of dirt off to the side of a large hole. They lower the casket into the grave, the older pony who was conducting the ceremony drones on about how precious life and death is. Eventually, he stops talking, and ponies start leaving. Everypony leaves, but Feather. I don’t know why I stayed so long, I just sat there watching the grave. “Am I late? Oh, I am!” I turn to see the same brown coated pony from before, the one with the hourglass cutie mark. “Stupid hooves! Not good for TARDIS control.” He mutters to himself. My head snaps to him, that voice, that hair, that mark. Feather humphs, but I stand up. “Doctor? THE Doctor?” I ask in astonishment. “Whooves, Doctor whooves. How did you know?” Feather says. “That’s what ponies call me. That’s what I call me. Why do I do that? I rather like it.” He says, half to himself. “Oh, you! You’re the griffon from before! Wait, how far off am I? When did we last meet?” He asks. “In the street, earlier today. You were wearing your 3D glasses.” I tell him. “How do you not remember?” Feather asks. “Well, I’m not used to hooves.” He says, staring at the appendages. “All I know is I was off, but luckily not too much.” He says. “Off?” Feather says. “In time, He was gonna be here earlier. Well, relative to right now.” I explain. “Wrong, no… right.” He turns to me curiously. “How do you know that.” He asks suspiciously. “Plenty of people are late, Doc.” I tell him. Most just don’t do it by years. “Right…” he says. “Doctor Smith.” He says. “I work with the Ponyville Morgue.” He says, pulling out a piece of paper. “It’s blank.” I tell him, only glancing at it briefly. Feather looks at me weirdly. “What do you mean, it says he works at the Morgue.” Feather says, looking at the paper. “Well, that is interesting.” The Doctor mutters to himself, looking at me. “Mike, It’s not blank.” Feather says. “Psychic paper.” both me and the doctor say in unison, he narrows his eyes at me and continues. “Only allows you to see what you want.” He explains. “Why are you here, Doctor?” I ask hopefully. His eyes brighten up and he turns to the grave. “This! Notice anything strange?” he asks. I look closely, the ground over the grave is still bare of grass, but it’s level. The pile of dirt is gone, they’d been able to put it all back in the grave. The gravestone isn’t exceptionally strange, just a plain slate grey. “Nothing's wrong with the grave.” Feather says annoyedly. I can’t help but agree with her, there’s nothing strange that I can see. “Where’s all the dirt?” The doctor asks. “In the grave, where it’s supposed to be.” “But surely if someone- somepony. Ponyisms are fun.” The doctor says. “Ahem. If somepony were to bury something, surely not all the dirt would fit back in the hole?” he suggests. I blink slightly as I catch onto what he’s saying. I walk up to the grave and look at the bare earth, I prod it gently before laying my claw on it. “We didn’t bury anything.” I whisper, a chill going up my spine. “Precisely! however, there was a dead pony... supposedly. question, did you see the body at all?” he asks, walking around the grave inquisitively. I shake my head, the funeral was closed casket. “Right, well, I think we have ourselves a body to find.” He says cheerily. I can feel myself getting excited, despite my reservations. This is the chance of a lifetime! “We? There’s no we, we’re not going.” Feather says decisively. “Really?” the Doctor pauses and turns to look at us. “Suit yourselves.” he shrugs. “I’m going.” I say, turning to Feather. She has a stunned look on her face, like she can’t believe what I agreed to. I give her a quick hug before moving towards the Doctor. “You can’t be serious.” She says. “He’s a madman!” she hisses. “With a box. I’m going.” I tell her, flashing a smile in her direction. “Be back soon, it’ll be like we weren’t even gone.” She huffs frustratedly, but doesn’t further attempt to stop me. I smile and turn to the doctor. “Well, where are we going?” I ask. “The one place we know the victim to be!” “The past?” “The p-” The Doctor stops and blinks. He turns towards me and narrows his eyes. “Precisely.” He reaches behind himself and pulls out his screwdriver and places it in his mouth. He points it at me and it buzzes, I just stand still. He pulls it out and looks at it. “Hm…” He puts the screwdriver away and turns away, “Come on then… what’s your name again?” “Mike.” “Of course, it sounds human.” He mutters. “Come on then, Mike.” I repress a squeal of joy and follow the doctor, this day just got a bit better. ~~~~~~~ “It’s bigger on the inside.” I note, as we step into the TARDIS. “Yes! Yes it is!” He says, spinning towards me and pointing. “That’s absolutely correct! Except it’s not! But nevermind that.” He says shrugging. “So, the reports seemed to say yesterday… Let’s go there!” I just nod approvingly and take a seat on the floor behind the doctor. He starts the TARDIS, but I don’t hear the tell-tale sound of it actually taking off. The doctor turns and he heads towards a bag on the far side of the TARDIS and rummages around. He pulls out a familiar device and his intentions become clear. He points the screen at me and it begins searching. “That’s the species matcher, isn’t it?” I ask, much to the doctor’s annoyance. “It could be called that, yes. But how would you know what this does.” He questions irritatedly, reading the screen. “Completely griffon! You’re impossible!” he says exasperatedly. “How impossible? Like it’ll take you a couple of minutes?” I ask. He blinks, before turning away to think. “Hm… Maybe. No, my priority right now is that butler. I’ll worry about you later.” He says. “Aye aye el capitan.” I say with a mock salute. “Now, if I pull this…” I can hear and feel the TARDIS starting to move and I hold onto the bar next to me lightly. “Geronimo!” He shouts. “Allons-y!” I reply, he turns to me and smiles widely. A smile I’m surprisingly happy to return. I can feel the TARDIS settling beneath me, my excitement is rising. Real time travel, even if it is only yesterday. “Okay, If I landed where I think we did…” The Doctor throws open the doors to the TARDIS and I look past him. “NO, of course not.” I look at the gigantic throne room we’re now standing in. The TARDIS sits right in the center, which makes it stand out all the more. “We’re on time though.” I look over to see the Doctor putting a tiny pocket watch away somewhere, presumably the same place he puts his sonic screwdriver. “What time would that be?” I ask, a bit of a while before sunset. And before day court is over, the murder happened just after sunset.” The Doctor says. “Well, then where is it?” I ask. “The murder? Just down one of these halls…” He says, looking at the various doors lining the rooms walls. “No, day court. Isn’t that handled in throne rooms?” I ask. I’m not all that clear on how equestria works, but i believe I learned enough from history to figure how day court generally works. “Yes… it would be…” he pauses, shaking his head firmly before walking towards the large entrance doors of the throne room. I follow him out of the throne room and through various halls. For a moment I even think that maybe we’re lost, but eventually the doctor stops and bristles, pulling out his sonic screwdriver quickly. “Get down.” He whispers. We duck behind a plant, and in the distance I can see Starlet being led by a butler alone. “Do you feel that?” The doctor asks. “Feel what?” I ask. The doctor goes silent, pointing his sonic screwdriver across the scene before ending up pointing it at one specific location. “Her.” He says, pointing to a pair of eyes peering out a door next to Starlet and the butler. But at the same time I notice Starlet brandishing a knife and attacking the butler ruthlessly. I turn away, feeling sick. How could she do such a thing? “Hmm…” The doctor says gently, still peering down the hall. I peer back down the hall in time to see Starlet get pinned to the wall by Cloudkicker. As we watch on, the Doctor clicks his tongue. I glance over at him and watch his eyes following the body. As they start to take it away he motions for me to follow him as he follows the dead body of the butler. “Where are they taking it?” he asks absentmindedly. As we follow the guards along their twisted hallway path towards an unmarked door, we duck behind a corner once more as the guards knock on the door. Celestia pokes her eyes out and looks down at the body of the butler with… is that joy? “Thank you,” We can hear her say before taking the body and turning to dismiss the guards. The guards salute her before walking back down the hall. “Doctor, you can come out now.” The Doctor laughs a bit before stepping out from the corner. I follow him shortly after. “How’d you know, Celestia?” He asks with good humor. “I saw your box. And what’s this? A new companion? And a Gryphon at that. Making the rounds are we, Doctor?” She asks, quirking an eyebrow. “Quite. I’m just puzzling about that body you have there, because it seems that I can’t find it later.” The Doctor says in a questioning tone. “I’d assume that would have more to do with this ponies will more so than it has to do with me, Doctor. It is quite unfortunate that such a thing could befall the citizens of Equestria after such a long period of peace.” The princess says. “If this pony were to ask for cremation, why hold a wake?” the doctor asks pryingly. “I don’t know Doctor. Maybe to show the community that this death will not pass without notice? Maybe because you’ve told me that I am to hold a wake for this pony. Either way, it has to happen.” Celestia answers with sorrow tinging her tone. “Ah, that… well that does complicate things.” the Doctor says a bit sheepishly. “Quite, Doctor.” Celestia answers. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a criminal to deal with and apparently a wake to set up.” the Doctor says nothing as Celestia gets up with the body of the butler. “If you don’t mind, I didn’t catch the name of your newest assistant.” “It’s Mike.” I say finally. “Mike.” she says, rolling the name off her tongue. “Well, Mike. I’m sure that I’ll see you around if you’re working with the Doctor.” She says with a hint of finality before turning and walking away. Once she’s out of earshot the Doctor speaks up. “Something's not right,” He says, I look over to him. “What?” I ask. As far as I could tell, her logic seemed adequate. “That’s supposedly the first murder in Equestria in hundreds of years and yet she isn’t surprised one bit.” He states. I look at the hallway that Celestia had just walked down in leaving and realize that he’s right. She almost seemed to handle us like we were just regular business. “Come on, we need to get back. Something isn’t setting right with me and I need to ask Cloudkicker what happened between her and Starlet.” the Doctor says. “Cloudkicker?” I question. “She was the one that caught Starlet first, she might know something.” the Doctor says. I nod and follow him as he leads us back to the throne room. The whole walk I think about Celestia. Having interacted with her twice, I’m not sure what to make of her. Clearly she’s friends with the Doctor in some way, but… there was still something different about how she acted. Something off. > One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gap between zero and one is infinitely greater than the gap between one and two. It's something most ponies don't realize. That first step between not having, and then having can mean the world to someone. It's that feeling that's crushed my heart and left me as a sobbing mess. Big things can seem so little from a different perspective, a farther one from here. That must be why ponies walk by carelessly. I must seem so little compared to them. Maybe I am? Why would I be important… My heartstrings feel so brittle, I'm surprised they haven't snapped yet. My will has, my mind has… most importantly my hope has. I watch blurry figures pass by idly as tears continue to well in my eyes. There's a stagnation of motion at the center of my vision and I try to focus on it. It isn't long before the purple and white blob becomes recognizable. “Lyra?” sure enough, the voice of exactly who I expected it to be speaks up. I wipe my eyes and then my nose with my suit sleeve. Immediately regretting the action with Rarity watching me. “Sorry, I didn't mean to mess up your suit… it's a nice suit…” I trail off, looking down at the snotty sleeve disparagingly. “Nevermind the suit, darling. How are you?” Rarity asks in concern. I hear a shuffling and look over to my side to see Rarity settling in beside me. She makes a face as she settles onto the dirty floor, but she endures it. This act of genuine compassion makes more tears well into my eyes and I choke back a sob. I obviously don't deserve such compassion. “I'm fine.” I say, not convincing her in the slightest. “Darling, I'm not calling you a lyre…” she pauses slightly to revel in her pun, which actually manages to draw a smile from my face. “but, you're lying there, looking as sad as I have ever seen any pony.” she points out. I look down at my dirty coat, and even dirtier jacket. I grimace slightly and manage to pull myself up. “Yeah… I'm sorry. It's just been hard.” I tell her. “Oh, most definitely. It's never easy. But I'm proud of you for taking the leap. You might not be so bad at this dating thing after all, or even with fashion. I love your little addition to your outfit.” I tilt my head slightly in confusion. Noticing my lack of understanding, Rarity slowly points towards her ear gently. I reach up to my own corresponding ear and my hoof brushes against a petal. “Oh, no. This wasn't my doing. I didn't actually get this until just a while ago.” I smile lightly at the memory. It was a really sweet gift, I suppose I was just too engulfed in sadness to realize. “Oh? From one of your friends?” Rarity guesses incorrectly. “Um… I'd like to think we're friends. She was really nice to me, even before my date.” I think back on it with only a tinge of sadness. “I have no idea who she is though,” I admit. “No Idea? That is… peculiar.” Rarity says. “It was.” both times. ~ It was a bright morning, the sun up seemingly earlier than usual. Not that I'd know a lot about that, I'm usually up later, not earlier. Yet somehow, surprisingly, the town is already up and ready to attack the day. Keeping with the bright theme, Applejack is setting up her apple booth. She and all the other vendors are chatting amiably. Such happiness seems to illuminate the area further, almost surreally. The pegasi clear some stray clouds that must have drifted in from the Everfree over night. There are even a couple foals playing nearby. Everything is so bright, so happy. Today is definitely looking up. The world's happy and so am I. Sure, I'm nervous as all tartarus, but I'm still happy. Today's the day. The big event. Big event? I'm making this out to be much bigger than it has to be. It's just a date. My first date. Maybe it is pretty big. I arrive at Sugarcube corner just as their opening up and the succulent smell of fresh baked goods lures me inside enticingly. “Hey, Lyra! What's the occasion?” Pinkie asks enthusiastically. I snap out of my stupor at that. “O-occasion?” how would she know if there was an occasion? “You're up before ten o’clock, there must be an occasion.” pinkie says playfully before turning serious, “unless you're not Lyra.” she says. “Well… I have a date…” I say, rubbing my fetlock self consciously. “Oh, who is she? Do I know her?” Pinkie asks excitedly. “Her?” I mutter quietly. “is it not a her?” Pinkie asks, tapping her chin. “Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't make assumptions! Sexuality is a careful topic! I'm so sorry!” Pinkie says in a panic. “is it a him, or a they?” she asks nervously before adding another, “oh, or a xi I suppose.” “xi? They?” I question, slowly growing confused. “Some ponies don’t identify as male or female. Or maybe both male and female.” Pinkie supplys. “It’s a she… I was more startled by how you knew, more than anything.” I say carefully. “Well, I always figured you'd go out with Bonbon. I mean, let's be honest. You two are perfect for each other. But then she started going out with that stallion and I realized it wasn't meant to be. At least… not right now.” Pinkie says. I cringe a little at the mention of Bonbon. “Oh, okay.” I reply, still a little unsure about how Pinkie knew about my staggering homosexuality. “So, what can I get for ya!” Pinkie finally asks. “Oh, um…” I take a look at the filled glass case that makes up the counter between Pinkie and I. Looking at all the various muffins and sweets, it's almost a little overwhelming, but eventually I settle on a cherry muffin. “I'll take a cherry muffin.” I eventually decide. Nigh instantaneously, Pinkie presents me with that exact muffin. The gesture was so quick I had to take a step back at first before gently lifting it with my magic. “Thank you, how much do I owe?” I ask graciously. “No charge. It’s on the house, just go have a great date later on.” “Will do. And thanks for the muffin.” I say. “Anytime!” Pinkie says, waving me off. “Oh, wait!” I pause and look back to see pinkie rummage under the counter before pulling out a box of what looks like chocolates. “Give that filly some chocolate. Fillys love chocolate.” Pinkie says seriously. “Personally I'm indifferent towar-” “FILLYS LOVE CHOCOLATE.” Pinkie asserts. “O-okay.” I nod hesitantly, taking the box in my magic as well. “Thanks, I guess.” “You're absolutely welcome.” ~ “Thank you so much Rarity.” “Again, it's no problem dear.” Rarity says for the fifth time today. I can't express how much it means to me. However, Rarity continually assures me that it's unnecessary. “Now go, have fun on your date.” “That isn't for at least another three hours.” I assure her. Getting fitted had taken an hour. Longer than I expected, but a good way to waste time. “But, I should go finish getting ready.” I tell her, bowing my head slightly as I depart. As I turn away from the shop I'm met with a curious gaze. Some pony I'm not sure I've seen before. I'm not Pinkie Pie and I certainly don't remember everypony in Ponyville. But a fully grown pony without a cutie mark is extremely rare. So rare in fact that I have never actually seen any pony like that. Until now, that is. It isn’t long before our mutual curious gazes drive her to walk closer. I feel my own curiosity drawing me closer as well. “Hey, you new to Ponyville?” I ask politely. “You could say that. Yeah.” She says, tapping her hoof to her chin as she looks at my suit. “Well, welcome to Ponyville.” I say. “Thanks…” she says, still looking at me oddly. “What's the occasion?” huh? “You're awfully dressed up.” “Oh, this? It's nothing.” I say, a bit embarrassed. She nods once before looking around slightly. “You sure?” she says. “I'm not… fingerless.” “What?” “Nothing.” she says quickly. “So, Lyra was it?” “Err, yeah.” did I tell her my name? I must have. “What's with the chocolates?” she asks, pointing towards my haunch and the accompanying box. A suit I can write off as me liking them regularly. “I'm going on a date.” I admit. “Oh? With whom?” I blink slightly at the turn of phrase. She had purposefully avoided ending her sentence with a preposition, something only a handful of ponies I know do. All of which come from Canterlot, my old home. Did I go to school with this mare? I'm sure I would remember such a distinct mane, but maybe the red tips are recent? My mind struggles to find a pony similar to the one standing before me, but I can't think of any. “A friend of mine, from Canterlot.” I say. “Really, huh.” she thinks a bit before looking around slowly. Her eyes once again land on me. She leans in close, her face becoming uncomfortably close. Is she trying to kiss me? She stares hard and I blink, my cheeks growing red. She nods once before turning around abruptly. “Need more information…” she says, moving her head from side to side in search. She pauses and glances back at me. “Thanks a ton. Nice to see you again.” she smiles widely and bounces away in a similar manner to Pinkie. Again? ~ “Lyra?” “Minuette. You got a sec?” I glance around the empty waiting room at the dental office. “Sure, it's not everyday you come by. What's up?” Minuette uses her magic to tidy up her work area. “You remember our schoolmates from Canterlot, right?” I ask. “Of course. I was class president.” Minuette remarks proudly. “Was there a grey unicorn with brown hair?” “Grey unicorn?” she asks herself. “No, there wasn't. Why?” “Because there was this unicorn I met today that I thought might have been a former student as well. She almost seemed to know me…” I Muse, Minuette thinks for a moment. “What was her cutie mark?” Minuette asks, bringing to mind all the grey unicorns she knows. “She didn't have one.” I say. “No cutie mark? How old is this mare?!” “Our age. About.” I shrug. I felt more sympathetic than curious about that fact. To have lived so much of your life aimlessly… “The poor thing…” Minuette says, “but she wasn't at our school. I don't know any fillies that didn't get their cutiemarks at our school.” “Okay.” I kick the floor lightly as I think of alternatives. “Thanks anyway.” I offer a wave as I turn away and leave the building. I can't really spend much more time on this, I have a date to go on soon. ~ “Lyra?” I falter in my steps slightly, every muscle urging me to keep running. That falter is all it takes to send me falling to the floor, but some pony manages to catch me shakily in their magic. “Woah, it's okay, I gotcha.” I glance up at my savior as she plants my hooves firmly on the floor. I sniffle and wipe my tears on the sleeve of my suit. “Y-you. It’s you.” I gasp, trying to stop my crying. It's really unsightly, and I hadn't planned on sticking around outside initially, I just wanted to go home and stop existing. “Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?” she asks looking me up and down. “oh, no… the date…” she mutters. I can't help but whimper and nod at the fact it's so glaringly obvious. I don't know why I stopped, I just want to go home. I make my way away from her coldly and cast my head downwards. “Lyra, are you okay?” she asks once more. I try to ignore the stupid question, I don't want to deal with anypony. As I take another step forward I feel something place itself between my ears. I summon my magic and pull it into my eyesight. A flower. Looking back I see the unicorn giving me a smile before politely ducking her head and turning away. I almost stop her, but my eyes tear up. I place the flower back behind my ear and collapse where I stand. After such a horrible afternoon I don't know how I deserve any kindness. I cry into my sleeves unabashadley. ~ “Who are you?” I ask myself idly. A new pony in town that I haven't actually met yet, she does seem to be all over the place. A situation the old me would have liked to take advantage of, but I suppose it's of no matter now. She's a good pony, assumedly, and that means I shouldn't kill her. She hasn't done anything, and my few moral principals hold me back. “Still, Rarity, she certainly is active. She interacted with Lyra, had Twilight help her, and worked out a place to stay before noon. Not to mention afterwards… all the while I haven't seen her, and I believe I caught wind that she's evaded Pinkie thus far.” I turn all this info over in my head. “Twilight seems to think there's something off about her… definitely something to look into. Later, though. I have a client to see tonight.” I say, grinning sinfully. I reach back and tighten my saddlebags as I get ready to depart. I leave my boutique, but I should be back soon enough. I just have to pick the dear up and bring her back, then she and my basement can be very acquainted. After all, a canterlot pony must have something worth keeping as a trophy. I make my way under the dim light of ponyvilles streets after dark towards the ponyville guest house. I see the guest house in the distance, but as I get closer I see a pony leaving. I duck out of sight quickly, hoping I wasn't seen. As chance would have it, I wasn't. But, surprisingly, the mare I'm looking for is the one that just left the building. This certainly complicates things. “Where are you going?” I ask quietly as I follow her silently through the streets. She makes a turn out of town and my suspicion level rises, she's heading directly for the Everfree. I follow her for a while longer before we come to a stop. I wait a moment, looking around for whatever made her stop. Eventually it makes itself known. “What do you want?” the mare asks worriedly. I almost step out, thinking she was referring to me, but another mare makes herself known. “I'm not sure,” she says, brandishing a knife. I hold in a gasp, what is happening? “If it's money you want, you can have it. Just leave my family alone.” she begs, tears starting to fall. The mare with the knife pauses and turns to the mare she's talking to slowly. From this angle I can tell who she is, even if I have never seen her before. This is the new pony in town. “I really couldn't care less about them. Or money. I haven't much use for it.” she admits, waving her knife in her magic as she talks. “Then what! What do you want!?” the mare cries. I can sense what's coming a lot sooner than she can and I tense up at the thought. “Just tying up some loose ends. You see, you've hurt my friend Lyra terribly.” the grey unicorn thrusts the knife quickly and the other mare gasps as it pierces her chest. “Whoops, guess I've done the same to you.” the mare loses consciousness, I don't think she's dead yet, but with a wound like that death isn't far behind. I haven't got a mare to kill anymore, that job was done for me. But now the question of what to do with the new mare. She's a killer, that's obvious… but should I kill her? To be frank, her reasons were much the same as mine. But she isn't like me, there was no passion in the kill. It was quick, Pointless. Does that make her worse? Is she worth killing. “Wait.” I'm startled at the sound of my own voice. I watch as the new pony tenses up and turns to me curiously. I levitate my own knife out of my bag for security and the other unicorn raises an eyebrow. “Rarity? This certainly is a surprise.” she says, lowering her knife. I take note of the gesture and do the same with my own weapon. “I suppose I stole your kill then, sorry.” she says, bowing her head. “You're… Sorry?” I am thoroughly confused about this mare, which is exciting. “Yes… I suppose I am. Well, you needn't worry about me. I suppose I have overstayed my welcome. I'll see myself out.” I look at her confusedly, then her knife shoots up. I flick mine up quickly to block an oncoming attack, but it never comes. Instead, her knife is lodged firmly in her own chest. She chuckles lightly, coughing lightly. Blood seeps into her grey coat as it seems to grow even blander from a loss of blood. I watch wide eyed as this mare's life drains from her, taken by her own hooves. I continue to stare at the body for a while longer before I get my senses about me and put my knife away. I abandon the body's, timberwolves will clean them up soon anyways. I ponder what I'd just seen, who was she and why would she kill herself? She didn't seem at all out of control of her own actions. I make it back to the boutique, empty hooved, yes… but is it possible that I may have gleaned some higher knowledge from this? Who was she? Are we so different?