Tale of the forgotten one

by RainMuffin

First published

After finding a group of newly found friends, he finds out that one of them has a very powerful twin! What happens when that twin is kidnapped and they must rescucue her?

A fan fiction about fan characters of MLP.
A young colt finds himself the center of attention in his new group of friends, and after being the loner for half of his school years he is awkwardly confused, but just as soon as he thinks he has the group figured out, everything changes. One of his friends long lost twin sister gets kidnapped because of a strange power she holds inside. Watch what happens he and his newly found friends make their way across equestria to find this young mare and save her from disaster!

Prologue-The beginning

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Tap. Tap. Tap. The sound echoes down the empty path. The shadows around this faint sound seem to be lingering, like black cats at the break of midnight. A lone mare walks down the cold-stone pathways, her white as the moon hooves making the faint sound on the loose mossy stone of the pathways. The mare makes a sharp turn right, making the soft wind hit her pale face. She pauses, but with the sound of the silence it pushes her onward. As her eyes scan the white walls intently as she walks along, they land on the large old wooden doors of Everfree Junior High, also known as the magic school by some others. The mare places her hand upon the doors large lock and silently whispers,“Door, door listen to thee. I only ask if you open for me.” The lock glows a faint violet purple, when suddenly sparks start to fly from the lock, as if its trying to fight back against the opening spell. Eventually the sparks stop flickering like fireworks and the door creaks open slightly. Sneaky, quick, and almost like a thief, the small mare enters the school, silently and unnoticed. She casts a glance around the large commons room. She shakes her head and makes her way towards the sets of staircases, two leading up, two more leading down.

Making her way down one of the descending staircases, she walks carefully as if to not disturb anything in the peaceful surrounding area. She pulled her cape closer, not feeling very safe in the seemingly empty school. The small girl tripped over a loose floorboard, almost falling, and she gasped, stopping dead in her tracks. She turns down the left side hallway and nearly caught her breath as she nearly ran into a boy about a head taller than her. She lets the breath she was holding fly past her lips as she releases it from her nerve-racked body. “Dear god, Brander! You nearly scared the fur off me!” the female nearly yelled, and she would’ve if she wasn’t trying to stay silent and hidden.
“Well not my fault you’re sneaking in Little” The male by the name of Brander taps his hoof.

“You’re the one who told me to come here in the first place!” Little growled at him. Brander places a hoof upon Littles head making her stop growling and sigh. “I got the papers you asked for anywho, she’s in your full custody now don’t know why you need these, she’s been living with you sense she was 3.” Little handed a file to Brander, who took it with a bit of grace to his movements.

“‘Cause if I don’t have these papers, the girl will be taken from my custody, and you know I don’t want that to happen Little” Brander looks down at the file while he says this, only to look up and to find the small mare known as Little gone.

School sucks

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Pain. Thats what I woke up to. I was sleeping peacefully in the warmth of tree bark, forever burning flames, and a blanket, only to find myself face planted in the mud below me. I sit up and rub my head as I look back up at my cozy branch and realized that wicked little demon was the one who pushed me out of my warmth. I growled as the wicked little devil sneered at me. I pushed myself off the ground and stood up, only to have my blanket fall flat on my head. I quickly tore it off my head and crumpled it into a large ball before throwing it at the little pain in the neck. The blanket-ball got the little son of a gun right where I wanted it to, and the miniature roasted marshmallow-for-brains went falling from the branch and landed in a shrub with a faint ‘thud’.

“Bullseye!” I exclaim rather jubilantly, doing a hoofpump.

“Humph… Lucky shot”, the demonic moron says, in his raspy little tone.

“How many bloody times do I have to tell you, LET ME SLEEP!” I yell at him, slightly angered from the fact that I was awoken from the most wonderful dream about pie.

“Well who else was going to wake you for school?”

“Uh...You happen to have a point. Sadly. Oh Jesus! What time is it?!”

“......10 minutes before your late….”
As soon as he rasps those words, I’ve started running to school. Little did I know, I really had over 30 minutes. The little demonic burden of all of my existence was just lying to get me gone. He really does hate me. I burst into the school and notice everyone is taking their sweet time. This is when I notice the time is all off from what the molten metal brained demon told me.
I sigh slightly, how do I live with the idiotic little trickster? No idea. Im about to walk to my first class when I feel something run straight into my back.
Oh god, here they come again,I automatically think as one of my ‘enemies’ has pushed me or something, but instead I stand up to find a apologizing mare about 2 or 3 heads shorter than me. She had little deer ears sprouting out the side of her head where normal ears should go and I was almost tempted to pull at them to see if they were actual deer ears. The mare stood up from the floor where she was sitting for some odd reason, I was about to ask her why she was saying sorry and what happened to those evil little devils who imitate my so called ‘pet’ until I realized she was the one who ran into me. I mentally face hoofed.

“Alright, WHO THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU?” I immediately ask. The girl seems to freak out slightly.

“U-uh Brandi, I'm a Honers music and magic student here,” she replies in a very big fluster it seemed.

“Right… Well nice to meet you. I’ve got to get going. Class doesn’t wait for anyone,” I respond quickly, then start walking towards my first class.

“A-Ah yes! Bye, person..” she shouted across the commons room as I trotted away.What a weird way to start the day. As soon as I enter first period, a harsh voice cuts right into my ear like a knife cutting butter.

“And where were YOU at, Mr. Ignis?” Mr.Newton shouts in my ear.

“I-I was in the hallway, when this girl was bloody sitting on the floor and that slowed me down!”

“Why she was in the hallway, I will never know, Mr.Ignis. Report to your seat and start working. Now!” Mr.Newton yells and I hurriedly get to my seat and start working on the Warm-Up. A ball of paper hits me in the back of the head I've already gotten into trouble once, I don't need to get picked on and let alone blamed by these bloody delinquents. I pick up the ball of paper and stuff it in my desk, only to have another one thrown at the back of my head, then another, and another, soon I can hardly feel them and I’m just watching the chalk move along the board, boredly.

“Mr. Ignis! Are you going to answer the question or not? Johnny has 4 apples. Billy has 3. If they combine their apple piles. what is the circumference of the sun?” the teacher rasps. That makes no sense! my mind wonders to why he even asked that, is our teacher really that stupid?

“Mr.Newton, that question is irrelevant to the information you have just given me. Therefore, I cannot answer the given question, as the proper requirements to answer said question are not present,” I reply, and instantly Mr.Newton is dumbstruck. And angry.

“MR.IGNIS, SMART MOUTHING ME WILL GET YOU NOWHERE IN THIS CLASSROOM QUITE RAPIDLY. So please, move to the corner or you may answer the question. Only multiplying everything, including the answer, by 5,” Mr.Newton quickly and angrily says to me, a smirk on his face.
I sit in class, silently for the rest of the period until the bell rings, and I'm the first one out the door, only to be held back by Mr. Newton and let go, only after everyone else was probably halfway to their next class. I raced out the door only to run straight into the opening door of the other class room.

“WHY THE BLOODY BLUE BLAZES DO ALL YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SUCH BLOODY KLUTZES?!” I shout angrily. I get up and I storm down the hall angrily until I reach magic class, I enter the classroom right before the bell rings to signal ‘late’ and I’m counted as on time by the only nice teacher in this school Mrs. Hayes. I plop down with a faint thud into my seat, next to a mare with brown mane which weirdly had blue and pink streaks running through it. She looked up at me then back down at her paper on magical squirrels and which ones can be tamed and which ones can't. I stretch slightly and get to work, this being the only class I can really work lightly without worrying about getting the answer wrong. Suddenly I hear Mrs. Hayes clap her hands.

“Now students! Today, we have finished up our lesson on majestic and magical animals, and now it is time to learn how to BE an animal!” Mrs. Hayes says with a slight hint of happiness in her voice. What?! These classes are getting crazier by the minute! “Now let me demonstrate! hm… Mr. Ignis? Would you be our volunteer for this demonstration?” I gulp slightly, lets just hope this isn’t a painful spell.

“Y-yeah… I guess,” I say nervously, as I trot to the front of the classroom.

“Now dear, just relax, you shouldn’t feel a thing!” Mrs. Hayes says happily and reassuringly. I then hear her start to say what sounds like a heap of mumbo jumbo, but really turns out to be some sort of sentence as her horn glows a faint purple. “Spirits spirits of thine divine animals, make way to this child for all thee’s heart's wish, No pain, no fear, no, not even courage, but to see as a creature, and to know its life.” That makes no sense… I thought that, until I realized everything's smaller, my classmates are staring down at me, their mouths open to a ‘o’ shape. I feel small, vulnerable, until I realized I was not just any animal but a small dragon instead. I spread my arm out only to find wings attached and I start to flap them lightly, only to be lifted 4 inches off the ground and landing with a hard thud to the tile floor.
As I try to say something, all that comes out is a small roar followed by a huge flare of deep orange fire. Awesome! But also… not awesome. I can’t do much as a tiny little dragon. As if upon my command, the spell releases itself from me, and I turn back to normal, shaking my head like something was in my mane. God the transformation to a dragon was peaceful but back is just plain painful!

“Wow… That was incredible… Painful return though,” I say, absolutely in wonder.

“Indeed, but you need to be more experienced in the transformation process, or else it would just be painful.”
The mare I saw when I enter spoke up and said that. For some reason people are speaking to me, directly or not, that's just plain weird. Little did I know, that this day was just about to get weirder.