> P.G.A.D. > by MegatronsPen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Voyeurism > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy stared as she regarded Twilight with a bright, big smile, nervousness beading her brow as she nibbled at her lower lip, her hooves shifting on the spot as the uncomfortable yet overwhelming euphoria washed through her skin like tiny icy-like spiders nipping at each and every inch. Both mares sat on a bench within the center of Ponyville drinking an apple milkshake they had procured from the local corner store, with one mare being direct and forthright in their conversation, while the other meekly observed. “… and that was probably the most interesting aspect of it! The fact that a simple spell like that was difficult just infuriated yet intrigued me, you know? Actually… you probably don’t, I suppose? It’s just that… I’m a Princess now, so surely; completely, does it not make sense I have the capability to make water into wine?! It's just a basic transmogrification spell at its core.” “W-well… I think…” Fluttershy smiled at her friend as she struggled to contain herself, her rear legs shifting awkwardly on the bench. “Um…” Twilight interjected before Fluttershy head the chance to speak; lifting a hoof to reiterate her point. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy,” she sighed, “I just… don’t really understand why it did not work… any thoughts?” The meek mare trailed away into silence as she felt her entire body tremble. At the silence, Twilight tilted her head as she noticed how far away and awkward her friend looked, but then quickly dismissed the subject entirely. This was after all, Fluttershy. She was a naturally nervous pony, so it was no stretch of the imagination for Twilight Sparkle to assume that Fluttershy did not quite find this topic of conversation comfortable or intellectually engaging. A simple gesture was all it would take to show just how much Twilight felt sorry in regards to this. Lifting a hoof, she placed it upon Fluttershy’s shoulder, which elicited a further shudder and tremble from the pony. Concern was the first emotion Twilight felt. She was used to the mare’s shy demeanour, yet, within their group of friends the mare certainly opened herself up a lot more than when compared to strangers or casuals. There was something wrong with her and Twilight Sparkle was determined to help a friend. Adjusting herself on the bench, she drew herself closer to Fluttershy, who only gasped in surprise at the sudden closeness of the young princess. Drilling a firm gaze upon Fluttershy, Twilight affirmed her commanding tone of voice and leant in closer. “Are you sure everything is okay?” Fluttershy squeaked in reply, her eyes turning aside. “N-nmn-um, can you… take your h-hoof off of my, u-um… please?” “You can tell me anything, Fluttershy,” Twilight lifted another hoof to touch the other shoulder of Fluttershy and direct her gaze into hers, to reiterate her point, “and I mean that. You’re not normally this shy around even me; whatever it is, I won’t judge you or poke fun; or anything! We’re friends, so please, tell me… if not, then at least tell Rainbow Dash.” “T-T-Twiligh-ah…” Twilight felt her hooves fling away from Fluttershy’s shoulders at the pained—was it painful? She was not quite sure. Whatever it was, she was not comfortable with the noise Fluttershy had made. Something was definitely wrong. Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Is it Discord? What has he done now?” Shocked, Fluttershy felt her back straighten at the accusation. “No… N-no! I-it isn’t Discord… he’s been nothing but nice and friendly as of late.” Rolling her eyes, Twilight sighed. “I just don’t trust him. I know he’s reformed and I know I should give him the benefit of the doubt, but he is still a troublemaker, even if he is a friend.” Stroking the back of Fluttershy’s head and that mane of pink, Twilight smiled ever brighter. “So, what is the problem?” The touch froze up Fluttershy as the warmth within her stomach flared into an intensity that even Hyperion himself would wilt and melt under. A whine passed Fluttershy’s lips at first, yet by the time Twilight had stroked the mane a second time, the meek mare’s defences crumbled and her resistance became abruptly friction-less. Twilight watched in amazed awe as she watched Fluttershy’s hips convulse and her tongue loiter beyond her muzzle, the meek mare’s saliva drooping from that long organ that dangled from her mouth as moans of ecstasy and groans of agonizing pain wracked and shook at the mare’s throat. “F…Fluttershy?” Twilight finally managed to break out of her stunned disposition, her wings unfurling erect as a fierce blushed overtook her face, her eyes glancing about to make sure no one was within earshot of the sudden… What? What exactly was happening here? Fluttershy had to press her forehooves square against the bench’s surface between her legs to stop herself from doubling over as she rode out whatever sensation it was Twilight could not quite figure out. “Ahhhh… ah… ah… n-no… n-not a-again…” Twilight leaned in close, concern defeating confusion. “Are you okay?” Innocently, Twilight reached as hoof out to touch Fluttershy’s side, yet it only caused the mare to jerk away and spasm again into something far stronger; as if a tremor had made its home within her gut and shook the very foundations of the mare’s innards. Then the unexpected occurred, much to Twilight’s perplexed state. Twilight’s eyes widened as she shot her gaze from Fluttershy’s oddly contorted facial expression to her opening hind legs; that long pink tail swishing wildly as Fluttershy somewhat ground her rear into the park bench and then bucked somewhat awkwardly against it. “T-T-TWILIGHT!” Then she saw it. Twilight watched in a mixture of amazement and horror as she watched a thick liquid like substance erupt from Fluttershy’s hindquarter, coating the wood below her in a glistening sheen that caused Twilight’s nose to wrinkle, the musk catching the young princess off guard as a brightening blush grew upon her cheeks… She realized what had just happened, but she was not quite sure as to why. Twilight with her mouth ajar simply stared at the panting Fluttershy , whom seemed to bask in the afterglow of her orgasm for several seconds… The meek mare blinked rapidly, realization dawning on her as to whom just witnessed her embarrassingly sudden ejaculation. “I'm sorry!!!” Fluttershy flung herself from the park bench leaving Twilight Sparkle gawking as the mare ran away. > Happy Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours of yoga, seven cups of chamomile tea and several panic attacks prior to the weekly spa date with Rarity, Fluttershy felt she was ready to endure another torturous event where she perpetually struggles against her own body and mind. Unfortunately for most of the time she loses the fight in an often spectacularly explosive and messy manner, much like the event of that morning with Twilight Sparkle. However, thus far, she has coped rather well by avoiding the most obviously potential triggers such as the full body massage offered by the twin proprietors of the spa, or that therapeutic Jacuzzi she avoids like the plague. Stepping a single hoof into the warm, swirling water of bubbles… Kissing gently each and every inch of her with its invisible and gentle caress… Working her flesh into a state of catatonic enlightenment that— Breaking herself out of the self-destructive thoughts, Fluttershy felt a swell of heat under her tail begin to grow as Aloe worked a file against her rear left hoof. The grating of the rough surface and the expert strokes of the mare forced Fluttershy to focus on a spot above Aloe’s head, her teeth gnawing away at her tongue as she felt her mouth salivate wildly. The hooficure was tolerable and Fluttershy has had many successful escapes from this situation by placing her mind out of the gutter and reflecting upon more pleasant, less arousing thoughts as her body reacted as expected to the slightest of stimuli. “This is indeed the life, is it not Fluttershy?” Rarity basked in her relaxed state on a nearby chair as Lotus was working upon her hooficure with the same professional airs as her twin sister. While Fluttershy would most certainly agree with a nod, inside she was anything but relaxed. Her entire body teetered over the brink of catastrophic failure to control itself as each and every muscle tensed; as if somehow that would prevent her rising sexual frustrations from exploding out of control. “You cannot beat a good hooficure and a nice, long luxurious bubble bath!” Sighing aloud, Rarity’s eyes rolled back into her head as she lounged backwards into her seat. “I dare say I might even have a massage… what about you, Fluttershy?” Fluttershy squeaked internally at the idea, her eyes darting from that spot over Aloe’s head over towards Rarity. “O-oh, I can’t. I… have to tend to the hamster today at the school… he’s got an upset tummy and I simply can’t let the poor dear suffer like that while I’m here having a—" “Nonsense! You must the take time to be selfish, Fluttershy. I am sure the little critter will be fine if you spend another half an hour here enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Besides! This is my treat and I want you for once to relax. You are always doing things for other ponies and for your animals and I for one feel you deserve a little break from time to time.” “I… suppose I could spend a little more time here… j-just not a massage okay? I’m… a little…” Aloe looked up at Fluttershy as she continued to work, “It is okay, ‘Shy, I think I get it. You’re a little embarrassed about having another pony you don’t really know touch you, right?” Rarity blinked as she leant forward, looking at Fluttershy with a raised brow. “Really? Is that the reason why you keep avoiding it?” Lotus spoke, but kept her eyes on Rarity’s hoof as she elegantly worked the file. “It’s pretty common actually. You’d be surprised. Most ponies aren't comfortable with it.” “Y-yes… I-I’m just a little shy about… the whole thing…” Blushing heavily, Fluttershy merely nodded, happy that Aloe and Lotus gave her an opportunity to latch onto some kind of excuse. “I see...” Rarity nodded, frowning a touch. Such an expression lasted all of ten seconds however as Rarity clapped her hooves together excitedly, a bright smile coming across her lips. “IDEAAAAA!” Rarity sung out as she regarded both Aloe and Lotus. “Excuse me girls, would you be kind enough as to give us a little privacy?” The twins nodded, abandoning their work on the hooficure. “Sure thing, Rare,” Lotus nodded while glancing up at the clock hanging over the entrance to the spa, “it’s actually lunch time now so me and sis’ will go out for fifteen minutes on a short break. Help yourself to water and snacks.” Aloe nodded as both mares set off to depart. “See you girls soon!” Fluttershy sighed as she leant back into the chair, feeling herself relax fully as the twins departed and ceased that intoxicating hooficure. She was dangerously close to losing herself to her urges and fortunately, Rarity had unknowingly saved her from that embarrassment. “Oooooh~ Fluttershy, daaaaarling~!” Blinking out of her reverie, Fluttershy drew her gaze to Rarity who was standing beside the masseuse table close by, tapping it with a hoof while smiling brilliantly. “Come over here and lay down. If the issue is that strangers giving you a massage is a little too much for you then, allow me to be your gateway into relaxation!” Fluttershy’s stomach churned as the despairing sensation of dread gripped her tight. This was not good. “O-oh! Th-that’s okay, Rarity, you don’t have to—” “Ah-ah-ah!” Rarity shook her head, “I won’t take no for an answer. It is not as terrible as you are making it out to be, Fluttershy. Now, come along while the girls are out on their break. We are completely alone today so there is no reason for you to be shy.” Mentally sighing, Fluttershy submitted to her doom and trotted on over towards Rarity and the table, forcing a smile as she mentally attempted to prepare her defenses against the oncoming storm. Laying down upon the table, she crossed legs and settled her chin onto the fore, her eyes closing as she took in slow and calming breaths to steady herself. But such attempts were in vain, for Fluttershy gasped as she felt a set of hoofs rest unexpectedly upon her rump. “My word, Fluttershy! You’re unbelievably tense…” “W-w-well I’m…” Fluttershy struggled to speak without drooling as the hooves on her flank begun to knead the flesh rather firmly in response to the tenseness of the muscles located there, “I’m just… not used to… ah…” Feeling her eyes roll back into her head, Fluttershy’s feelings of impending doom melted like ice cream into a puddle of lust, as she worked her tongue against the inside of her teeth, her thoughts racing about in her head with all kinds of seductive thoughts. “We’re both friends here, Fluttershy so there is no need to be so shy about this.” Working the flesh about the flank, Rarity ran her hooves across Fluttershy’s back in slow circular motions, often changing up the pace and direction from time to time so that the sensations were not repetitive. The heat under Fluttershy’s tail was causing the mare to sweat, her mouth and throat feeling dry despite the sheer amount of saliva that collected behind her tightly lipped, lopsided smile. Rarity was right. This felt amazing. No, better than amazing… Fluttershy’s body relaxed as her rear legs shifted under her, her wings struggling to remain as tightly clenched to her form as it had previously been throughout the session. “There we go, I can feel all that tension just melting away! Isn’t this just divine, Fluttershy? You had nothing to worry about and trust me, Aloe and Lotus are better in their technique than myself, so I am can almost assure you their massages will be far superior to my own.” “Ah…” A soft moan escaped Fluttershy. “Y-yes… I s-suppose…” Undeterred by the moan, Rarity simply ignored it and focused solely on the task at hoof; for as far as she knew, Fluttershy was enjoying her efforts. Departing the flank, Rarity next to decided to work upon the mare’s shoulders. The moment Rarity had started to massage upon the area, she felt her friend’s entire body quake and shift into a slightly different, somewhat awkward position that pushed back against her working hooves. “Fluttershy?” Rarity simply stared at the back of her head with concern etched upon her features. “I’m sorry darling, was I too rough?” “D-don’t… s-s-stop… p-please…” Now it was Rarity’s turn to blush. She could not quite put her hoof on it, but Fluttershy sounded particularly… shaking her head and dismissing the thoughts altogether, Rarity returned to her efforts upon the shoulders. Maybe she was that good at being a masseuse after all? What little inhibition Fluttershy possessed was being massaged straight out of her by one of her best friends — a friend that was in fact turning her on like she had never experienced before. It was maddening. The mere thought of Rarity’s hooves working upon her body transformed something as innocent into something sexually depraved. She wanted more. Fluttershy wanted to feel those hooves on her flank once again… She wanted to feel that muzzle under her tail and that hot, sleek tongue diving into her body one agonizing lick at a time! She wanted those lips locked about her clitoris suckling at her until she could take no more and ejaculate all over that open mouthed face of her best friend! Fluttershy whined, swallowing hard. Throughout this unexpected scenario, Fluttershy had maneuvered herself into an awkward position, leaning to one side as she laid there upon the table towards Rarity, so that she could allow enough room for one of her hooves to trail down along her body and reach down to the hot throbbing flesh that ached to be touched and demanded its swollen release. Crazed with little to no sense, Fluttershy parted her lips finally and released a shrill moan as her hoof lightly brushed the swollen nub of her clitoris only slightly, to which was more than enough given the height to which her arousal had soared to push her completely over the edge. "Ahhmnnn—hnnn!!" Fluttershy ejaculated as she rode out her orgasm, a spurt of liquid crashing onto the tabletop as she lifted her tail up, her tongue slipping out; completely lathered in her drool that ran down her chin and neck while her face was locked into an expression of searing bliss. Rarity throughout this had launched herself away from Fluttershy long before the orgasm had reached its peak; having realized just what Fluttershy was doing. Standing with her eyes wide and locked upon Fluttershy’s euphoric ridden face with a hoof hovering before her lips to stop herself from gasping in surprise, Rarity was completely unsure on how to react to what she had just witnessed from whom she considered to be a shy young mare. “…Fluttershy?” Rarity intoned in disbelief. Mumbling incoherently, Fluttershy felt her body flop against the table and her face fall against the slippery surface that was smeared in a mixture of her drool and vaginal juices, her tearful, blissful expression upon Rarity as she pleadingly gazed at the other mare through an intense blush. “C-can… I, u-um... ahnnn..." Fluttershy smiled weakly, hiding behind her now frazzled mane, "p-p-please could I-I have a—ahmmm… t-towel?” > Sonic Raingasm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been three days since the incident with Rarity. Three long, terrible days spent alone in her cottage, fearing the next moment when she would be rendered completely incapable of controlling her body and submitting to the consistent stream of perpetual bliss she experiences on a day to day basis. As awkward as the meeting with Twilight was, nothing, could compare to the embarrassment she felt when leaving the spa. Neither pony said a word, though Rarity did depart with a goodbye and a smile at least, so maybe their friendship was not completely ruined after all. But other things plagued Fluttershy’s mind other than the prospect of running into Rarity or even Twilight. She isn't entirely sure if her condition was natural or perhaps... magical in origin? Fluttershy certainly doesn't remember coming into contact with any Poison Joke as a young filly to cause this so... why? Why was she born this way? “Okay, let’s try this again.” Fluttershy broke from her thoughts as she leveled her gaze on Rainbow Dash as she spoke, noting the frustrated expression upon the face of the cyan mare. Both were currently enjoying the countryside air just beyond Ponyville’s boarders for a very specific reason other than basking in the glory that was nature. Today, was yet another day for Rainbow Dash to show off her new aerial manoeuvres to one of her friends and Fluttershy was more than happy to oblige, as after all, she had spent most of the last couple of days cooped up in her cottage festering away as she avoided as much stimuli as possible. Granted, she did orgasm at least three times when having a bath earlier in that morning, but, that might be because she masturbated in a vain attempt to try and curb off her body’s need to rile up another bout later on that day. It was hardly sound logic, but Fluttershy was willing to try anything to get through this meeting with Rainbow without falling into another awkward situation caused by her embarrassing condition. Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy delivered what Rainbow Dash eagerly awaited for. “Yey…” Fluttershy whispered. Rainbow Dash face hoofed. “Come on, ‘Shy! Louder! How many times do we have to do this?! Just raise your voice! It’s that easy!” “I’m sorry… I’m just not a good shouter… maybe if we get Pinkie Pie—” “Oooooh-no! No-no-no! We are NOT getting Pinkie Pie. Do you remember the last time she came along? I asked just you and her to be my cheering ponies. But what did she do? She took it on herself to invite half of Ponyville’s stallion choir!” Fluttershy nodded, smiling a little as she glanced up to the sky, remembering fondly of it. “It was really nice though. They all cheered in such a way with their beautiful voices, I felt I like I was going to cry.” And orgasm. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy, but I don’t exactly like listening to classical opera… singing-music whatever it is while trying to perform my awesome stunts. Now!” Rainbow Dash stomped a hoof on the ground, “one more time! Pretend somepony stole Angel, or something…” Fluttershy gasped, concerned suddenly for her bunny even though she knew it was just an example. “Oh my… I’d just cry if that happened!” Facehoofing, Rainbow Dash mumbled to herself. “For the love of—fine! The cheering works just fine. Right. Just try and be a little louder?” She beamed as she splayed her wings wide, crouching low as she readied to springboard herself into the air, “It’s going to be pretty difficult to hear it over the sound of how awesome this is gonna be!” With that, Rainbow Dash shot up into the air, bee lining straight for the clouds. “Yey…” Fluttershy squeaked out, smiling merrily as she kept her eyes locked onto the sky, pondering what death-defying stunt Rainbow Dash has devised to show her, even if Fluttershy always felt a little nervous whenever she watched the mare perform such feats. Watching as Rainbow Dash became but a speck in the sky, she observed as the mare looped-de-looped several times before heading straight down towards the ground at speed. “Oh my… that looks dangerous…” Shifting nervously on her hooves, she shrank back somewhat as she kept her attention on her friend's dangerous, headlong plummet towards the ground. Within several seconds Rainbow Dash was several meters from the ground and by this point, Fluttershy yelped out in fear and worry, calling out for Rainbow to stop before she crashed head first. But her fears were for naught, for as Rainbow Dash broke the sound barrier, the agile mare turned expertly about mid-flight and bounced back up into the sky at speed as her signature Sonic Rainboom propelled her, the resulting multi-spectrum shocked wave spreading out inches above the ground from the epicenter. Within that instant, Fluttershy realized her uneventful day had suddenly come to an abrupt end, for as the powerful force of the sonic boom thundered through her body and reverberated within her gut, Fluttershy doubled over and fell onto her back, her hooves moving out to clutch down between her rear legs and beneath her tail. Trembling like the grass to which she laid upon, she clenched her eyes shut as the painful euphoria of an orgasm threatened to rupture out of her. “N-nnnnoooo… ahhnnn, n-nnnno... n-not, again—AHNNNNNAHHHH!” Releasing a mere trickle of her fluids that pooled onto the grass, Fluttershy wilted and relaxed back into the plush greenery, her hooves lifting up to inspect the glistening sheen to which coated them. Panting and with her eyes half lidded in a droopy, lazy manner, she regarded the sky and the growing image of Rainbow Dash descending. With Fluttershy’s scrambled brain kicking into gear, in a flurry of hooves she quickly got up, desperately willing her heart to stop its thundering against her chest while attempting to steady her erratic breathing. By the time Rainbow Dash returned to her side, the cyan mare was wearing a triumphant smile upon her face, to which Fluttershy only returned with a simple: “Y-yey…” “Thanks Flutters,” Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof towards Fluttershy, who only responded in kind without thinking. She hoof bumped Rainbow Dash. Blinking, Rainbow Dash looked to her hoof, noting the dampness on it. “Huh. Did you step in a puddle or something?” At her own question, Rainbow Dash blinked, then looked up into the sky, “I don’t remember rain being forecast for today… in fact, it hasn't rained in days.” “Oh! I – um… I-I—oh my, I may had…” Fluttershy’s brain ceased working in its panic to think of an excuse. She blurted out the first thing she thought of. “Sneezed...” Rainbow Dash made a face and wiped the hoof against the grass. “Ew… you could had warned me, you know.” Smiling bashfully, Fluttershy nodded. “Y-yeah… sorry.” “That’s okay, it’s not like I’ll catch any diseases from you or something. It’s just snot,” Rainbow Dash turned, bracing herself to take flight once again, “alright! One more try!” “O-o-one… m-more try?” Fluttershy stammered, her eyes widening as her heart leapt up into her throat and her already wet nether region pulsed with a renewed and quiet anticipation. Rainbow Dash simply lifted a brow at Fluttershy. “Well, yeah? I gotta do it more than once to know for sure I got it down.” “I-I think you should maybe… you know? Have a break? You look… um… pretty worn out.” Shaking her head, Rainbow idly thumped a hoof to her chest. “I’m completely okay! I could do at least another four of those!” Fluttershy shrank back into her hair. “F-four?” “Anyway! Get ready to cheer!” And with that, Rainbow Dash flew off into the air to perform the exact same manoeuvre. A manoeuvre that Fluttershy knew would completely ruin her. One was bad enough. But two? Heck, what about the concept of maybe three and four becoming a possibility?! “I-I have to get out of here!” Fluttershy trembled helplessly as she splayed her wings and took flight, fleeing the scene before the second Sonic Rainboom had time to formulate, silently apologizing to Rainbow Dash for abandoning her. Hiding away in her cottage was fast becoming a favorable idea once again and that was exactly where she was headed. Unfortunately she had to fly through the center of Ponyville to get there. _______________ “How about… cutiemark… weightlifters?!” “I am not lifting weights, Scootaloo. A lady does not require physical strength to make it in this world,” intoned Sweetie Belle, mirroring her sister’s mannerisms as she stopped to turn at Scootaloo who was bringing up the rear. “Ya’ll do realize m’sis has got lots of strength an’ she’s pretty famous, righ’?” Applebloom frowned at her friend. “That’s beside the point!” Huffed Sweetie Belle. “Well then, how about cutiemark—” Applebloom interjected, pointing a hoof to the image of a yellow mare flying just over the rooftops of the village and coming their way. “Hey ya’ll, look, there’s Fluttershy! Why don’ we all go ask her for some suggestions?” “That is the best idea I have heard all day,” Sweetie Belle nodded to Applebloom as she took a few hoofsteps forward, ignoring Scootaloo’s glare, "let's ask her." As the trio sucked in deep breaths to call out for Fluttershy’s name, they were cut off by a thunderous roar that caused the trio to jerk their heads in the direction of the edge of town from which Fluttershy was coming from, their eyes widening as they marveled at the rolling shock wave of a Sonic Rainboom covering the sky above their village. Scootaloo was the first to cheer. “Oh! WOW! That’s a Sonic Rainboom!” Then a second, quickly followed suit. “Sweet apple sauce! Two Rainbooms!” “Oh-my-gosh, oh-my-gosh!” Scootaloo hopped up and down on the spot, “we need to go over there now! Rainbow Dash is practicing! I wanna see so baaaaaaad!” “Sounds like fun to me!” Sweetie Belle chimed with a nod as she noticed Fluttershy flying overhead and rather… erratically at that. And why was she holding her tail underneath her like that? Before the young filly had a chance to respond, she felt something warm and wet strike her on the face. Sweetie Belle was not the only one. Both Applebloom and Scootaloo blinked at each other as they felt the same thing. “Was that rain?” Scootaloo questioned, wrinkling her nose. “Please tell me this is not bird poop on my face girls.” Sweetie Belle turned to regard the other two crusaders, though noticed no such thing on the heads of her two friends. Applebloom wrinkled her nose as she wiped a hoof over her face to rid herself of the offending wetness. “Smells kinda funny. An’ it’s kinda warm, too...” Curiously, Sweetie Belle rubbed her face and sniffed her hoof. “You’re right, it does… but it smells kind of nice in a… weird way.” Scootaloo wrinkled her nostrils as she snaked a tongue out to lap up a droplet on her lip. “Huh. Whatever it is, it tastes nice.” > What Cummed First? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sonic Rainbooms in quick succession had officially broken Fluttershy by the time she got home. She could barely get in through the door and run herself a bath to clean herself up let alone somehow manage to fly back without crashing. She had at least six body breaking orgasmic tremors all in a row before her arrival to the relative safety of her cottage; unfortunately managing to attain another two just by washing herself. It seems whatever had happened to her, the Sonic Rainboom for some reason or another experienced at such a close proximity had triggered off perhaps the worst spell of her condition since she started developing it as a filly. Fluttershy could not control herself nor could she understand how to stop it, even going as far as to filling the bath up for a second time and plunging herself into ice cold water. Nothing could stop the immense heat of her body. Her resistance was short lived when within her cottage, for her shy demeanour simply fell away as she submitted herself totally to her body’s demands. If she could not resist it; if she could not prevent it, she knew of one way that often stemmed away the consistent pain of being in a state of unbearable bliss. Confining herself to her room, Fluttershy opened up her bedside cabinet and drew out a rather large looking, egg-like circular object that she placed upon the floor. “Hahhhh… w-what am I-I d-doing?” Fluttershy’s eager expression was flustered red as she licked her lips in anticipation of the very concept of what she was about to inflict upon herself. If this condition of hers wanted to completely ruin her, then at least she would not give it the satisfaction that it was not caused by her own hooves. “Ahhhnnnn…” Parting her lips she lifted her tail and moved to squat over the object, giving it a little nudge with a hind hoof to activate its sensor, thus, turning it on. Closing her eyes, Fluttershy groaned: “C-c-can’t take it… a-anymore…” Moaning aloud long before she settled the outside lips of her throbbing, glistening nether against it, Fluttershy simply pushed herself upon the device until it slipped on inside of her. The reaction was immediate. Doubling over so that the front part of her body was jammed against the ground with her fore hooves splayed before her and her wings completely erect, Fluttershy stuck her rear straight up into the air and lifted her tail up and away as a single jet of fluid ruptured out of her, moistening her trembling rear legs. Her eyes clenched shut and her face displayed her unrestrained pleasure as Fluttershy felt her mind wander onto… her friends. Even though all rationality told her to stop; even though she knew she was heterosexual and would never love another mare in that way, her sex-crazed mind could not help but reimagine her recent debacles as of late in varying different ways. Instead of the bench, she squatted over Twilight Sparkle’s open mouth, ejaculating into it. Instead of massaging her body, Rarity was drinking up from the fountain of vaginal juices that spurted from Fluttershy's vagina in all too unrealistic manner. And Rainbow Dash? “M-m-make m-m-me… c-cum… D-Dashie… please—AHHHHHNNNN! Yes… make me, c-c—” Her hind legs wobbled as the toy inside of her continued to stimulate her innards; the egg’s unforgiving onslaught merciless and robotic in its ferocious vibration. The splosh of even more liquid running out of her and onto the floor below pulsed as she was overtaken by yet another— A knock on the door caused Fluttershy’s drooling mouth to regard the locked portal. “A-Angel… ahhh~ahuuuhaaa—I’m… b-busy…” A more frantic knock replied her. “W-what’s… w-wrong?” Rising up onto all four hooves shakily, Fluttershy’s numb and exhausted body struggled to keep itself up. “Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Fluttershy! You there?!” The blush drained from Fluttershy’s face as Pinkie Pie’s voice ripped her from her fantasies and firmly settled the mare into reality. “Oh… oh n-no…” Scrambling, Fluttershy moved towards the door in an intoxicated manner, leaving a slime trail of droplets behind her that still leaked from her nether. “A-Angel?” Fluttershy swallowed hard, trying to gather her bearings even as the egg inside of her shook at her core. “S-stall them… I-I’ll be down s-soon…” A simple, light double-knock on the door was all she needed to know. Angel got the message. Now she needed to get out of this situation. Clenching her eyes shut, she compressed her thighs and squeezed with all her might internally at the foreign object trembling within her. Normally after several attempts, the egg would fall out onto the floor, as it was an ability that Fluttershy had perfected over the years of using her most favorite of devices. This time however, it did not. No matter how much she squeezed; no matter how much she strained… It just wouldn't come out. But she was prepared for situations like this. Pressing her body into the ground, she lifted her rear up into the air once again; assuming the position for entry while moving her hooves down between her legs, reaching out to grab at the… Air. She tried again. Still air. Struggling to contain a coherent thought, Fluttershy attempted a third time to capture what it was she sought, but found no string hanging between her rear legs to grip. “W-where is…” Forcing herself to her hooves, she looked down underneath herself and between her hind legs, only to find nothing hanging there. “B-but-” Cut off from the sudden dilemma her eyes spotted a single white thread laced in a puddle of her own juices some distance away, which caused Fluttershy to wheel about and thrust her gaze squarely upon it in complete and utter terror. “NO!” She cried, a little too loud than what was intended. Straining harder than she had ever done before, Fluttershy squatted, clenching her eyes tight as she forcibly attempted to contract her vagina against the pleasuring device she could no longer remove from inside of her. But there was no luck. Panicking while fighting back against her own heightened sexual state, Fluttershy’s heart sank as she heard Pinkie Pie’s voice a lot closer than what she had hoped. On the other side of the door, came a squeaky happy voice that caused Fluttershy to run over to her bed and thrust her face into the pillow to cease her constant streams of panting moans that would had reached beyond the portal. “Hey! Fluttershy, are you okay? I could had sworn I heard you shout a moment ago. Is something wrong?” Fluttershy felt another orgasm rock her as she screamed her bliss into the pillow. It was just enough to muffle and prevent it from spilling beyond the walls of her bedroom. Drawing her face from the plush object which was drenched in her own drool after practically biting into it during her release, Fluttershy replied in a far too rehearsed response. “I-I’m fine… I’m feeling a little sick-” she coughed, “I…” She felt her legs buckle under her as yet another orgasm swelled, “ahhhhnnnahhhh-I… u-um… I’m okay! Just… c-could you um…” “That’s okay! We’ll come back tomorrow or something. Just rest a lot and drink plenty of fluids.” There was several moments of silence that had perked Fluttershy’s hopes, but then beyond the door Pinkie Pie gasped all too dramatically. “Why don’t I come in and tuck you in and make sure everything is okay? Maybe I could make you some vegetable soup? It is your favorite, right?!” “N-no! I’m okay!” By this point, Fluttershy was clutching at the pillow as tears streamed down her cheeks, knowing all too well where this was going. She could not let this happen again. She could not allow another friend to witness something as embarrassing as this! Suddenly, Fluttershy felt something dislodge. Much like a cork trapping the pressure of a bottle of champagne, she felt the egg pop out of her vagina and clatter onto the floor, releasing the built up pressure she had not expected to exist behind it. The release was almost too much, for Fluttershy uncontrollably screamed which only caused the mare beyond the door to rush on it uninvited in her panic to witness something quite remarkable. Pinkie Pie stood at the doorway with Angel at her side, who was pressing tiny paws into his face as he knew exactly what it looked like. Pinkie Pie, simply stared expressionless. Fluttershy flopped from the bed, landing upon her rear, panting hard while lifting her hooves up as if to defend herself. “I… I-I can explain I—” Pinkie Pie beamed, her eyes wide with excitement. “OH. MY. GOSH!” Pinkie Pie rushed over to the egg, poking it with a hoof. “I didn’t know you were pregnant!” Vinyl Scratch poked her head around the corner. “Wait, what?” > Anorgasmia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there was ever a moment for running away from her friends, Fluttershy was contemplating on doing so now. Aghast at the fact that yet more of her friends had witnessed this horrendously sexualized side of her life, Fluttershy drew into herself and blocked out the uninvited company from view by hiding behind a wall fashioned from her pink mane, while her hoofs were pressed firmly against her closed lids, as she struggled to keep her tears in check. Despite this sadness, she still basked in the afterglow of her intense orgasm that still pulsed within her gut; swarming through her veins in a torrent of hormones that perpetuated her rather blissful smile. After Pinkie Pie’s observation of the situation, the room fell into an abrupt silence that was only disturbed by the light drone of the now expelled 'egg' as it rocked side to side upon the carpet, awkwardly penetrating the silence. Throughout these intense emotions Fluttershy experienced that swung wildly from sadness to complete happiness, Pinkie Pie ecstatically prodded the 'egg' with a hoof, gasping as she looked up to Vinyl Scratch, who only just now entered the room with the biggest shit-eating grin she could possibly formulate at that time. “IT’S GONNA HATCH! Look-look! It’s moving! Actually… come to think of it…” Pinkie Pie lifted a hoof up to lightly tap against her lower lip as she pondered about a certain flaw in her logic, “I don’t think ponies lay eggs… but hey! What do I know? Maybe this is a pegasus thing... or maybe…” Pointing an accusing hoof at the cowering Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie gasped in alarm. “OR MAYBE you were secretly a chicken all along! And to think I didn’t even KNOW! My best friend. A chicken! Huh. Who woulda thunk?” Fluttershy simply said nothing, while Vinyl had long clamped a hoof over her lips to prevent herself from laughing. Still completely oblivious to the situation Pinkie Pie still marveled at the egg and its rather curious buzzing noise. “Hmmmm… I wonder what it’s gonna be? A boy? A GIRL?! Wouldn’t it be awesome if it is a boy because then you could call it Flutterguy! Or Fluttercolt! Or Flutterstallion… Or Guyshy! Maybe... Guyfluttercoltstallionshy!” Pinkie scoffed at herself, frowning, “actually the last one was kind of silly. Scratch that one of the list. But the others are definite keepers!” “Ahem,” Vinyl cleared her throat, which was somewhat mirthfully chuckled despite her attempt to prevent it, “Pinks… that isn’t an egg.” “Whatchu talkin’ bout, Scratch?” Pinkie Pie intoned with a strange accent, raising an eyebrow while facing the DJ with a sharp glance, a hoof pointing to the wet, sleek coated object upon the ground before her, as she continued. “It is egg shaped. Egg coloured. AND whatever is inside of there is trying to get out! See? It's moving about! Therefore, it must be an egg! And as we all know stuff hatches from eggs; namely baby things—so this HAS to be an egg! What else could it possibly—” “It’s a sex toy,” Vinyl deadpanned, “it just so happens to be egg shaped.” Pinkie Pie looked back to the egg, her eyes widening. “Oh... I see." She craned her head towards Vinyl, eyeing her suspiciously. "Soooooo... Fluttershy can't lay eggs?” Vinyl really could not hide her amusement much longer. Instead of bursting out into laughter, she released a chuckled as she shook her head. “No, Pinks, she can’t lay eggs. We’re Equine mammals, dude. We’re kinda not built for that kind of stuff you know? That’s a subtly different kind of plumbing if you catch my meaning.” “Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!” Pinkie nodded with realization, though frowning only slightly, “that’s a shame. I was gonna suggest Egbert as a name for a colt.” Fluttershy couldn’t find the amusement in Pinkie Pie’s ramblings, but she did finally manage to will herself to speak, even if was just barely above a whisper. “P-Please… c-can you, um… go? I-If that’s okay with you… I’m… um…” Finally, something else clicked in Pinkie Pie’s brain at exactly the wrong moment, completely ignoring Fluttershy's quiet request. “Oh I get it! You were masturbating! Whoopsie! Sorry for barging in on you like that; it must had been REALLY embarrassing!” Vinyl sensed the growing despair of the pony seated upon the floor, so she quickly moved into action to prevent Pinkie Pie for saying anything else… unnecessary. “Uh… Pinks, I think we should—” Intrigued by the device, Pinkie Pie nudged the vibrating egg with a hoof. “Kind of a neat little thing really. So how do you use it? Is it like a dildo? Do you just kind of stick it in and pull it out and then sort of repeat until you’re satisfied or do you—” Then something unexpected happened, which drew shocked faces from the DJ and the Party Pony towards Fluttershy, who was now glaring at them with the Stare, with tears streaming down her cheeks. “JUST LEAVE!” Fluttershy yelled as she wept, “I-I d-don’t want my friends to see me like this! I tried so hard to hide it and… and…” Dropping her face into her hooves, Fluttershy’s body trembled as the accumulation of the past couple of days of unfortunate mishaps, finally got the better of her. “I-I’m just a freak… I… I can’t stop it… I-I’m s-such a bad pony… j-just leave me alone…” The two mares looked between each other, unsure on what to say. “I can’t s-stop it… I-I try… a-and sometimes it hurts… I can’t take it anymore… I’m s-s-so, dirty… I-I don’t want my f-friends t-to see me like t-this…” Pinkie Pie had lost her smile and her usual happy demeanour. Seeing a friend like this was simply heart breaking for any pony, but it was especially more so for Pinkie. Only now did she realize her misunderstanding of the situation only served to harm Fluttershy in the end. She had unknowingly and innocently contributed to those tears... and that simply will not do. Approaching Fluttershy, Pinkie moved to embrace the weeping pony into a loving cuddle, gently kissing the weeping mare’s forehead tenderly as she spoke. “Hey...” Pinkie soothed softly, “don’t say that, silly filly. You’re not a bad pony and you are definitely not filthy. You're kinda clean all things considering you live with all kinds of animals but I digress—we’re really sorry for not knocking... it was really rude of us and it won’t happen again, but, you don’t have to worry about what think about you because we all love you no matter who you are or what you do. So cheer up, yeah? Can you turn that frown upside down for Pinkie Pie?” Vinyl opened her mouth to retort that it was Pinkie Pie that had barged on into Fluttershy’s cottage without permission, but she let this one slide. She simply observed the two best friends as her mind replayed the events and attempted to fathom why Fluttershy would think so ill of herself over the situation. Many ponies have been caught masturbating in the past and yes, while it is very embarrassing for the one committing the act and just as much so for the observer, Vinyl could not quite believe that this alone was the cause of Fluttershy’s sudden breakdown. But then again, this was Fluttershy. She can be rather fragile at times. Fluttershy merely glanced away at Pinkie’s kind words, gnawing at her trembling lips. “Why do you think you are a freak?” Pinkie Pie questioned softly with a smile, moving a hoof under Fluttershy’s chin so that she could grab her attention by shifting that gaze back to her own. “It’s completely natural to do it, you know. I do it almost five times a day! So that must make a super-duper freak.” Vinyl muttered to herself under her breath at that. “Maybe that’s why she’s so fricken happy all the time…” “I-it’s not that…” Fluttershy rubbed at her eyes with her hooves, looking up at Pinkie Pie’s smiling face. “I… have… this… uh…” Perhaps it was because Pinkie was one of her best friend, or maybe it was because the pony just had that type of magnetism about her to suck up all the despair surrounding her and replacing it with laughter and smiles, but no matter how sad or scared Fluttershy was; in almost any situation, Pinkie Pie’s smile always somehow managed to calm her down. “I-I’ve… got…” With her afterglow long since subsided, Fluttershy could almost think coherently again and so with a sigh she simply shook her head. “I just… don’t know how to explain this…” Pinkie Pie smiled. “That’s okay, you don’t have to talk about it if makes you sad… but, maybe talking to just us about it will make you feel a little better? Maybe we could even help you but whatever it is you say, we Pinkie Promise we will never tell another pony or judge you.” Vinyl nodded along with Pinkie’s words, finally agreeing with her. “We wouldn't exactly be any good as friends if we didn't try and help you. I apologize for laughing earlier as well. It was just… well, ya know… unexpected.” Glancing up to the two mares, Fluttershy released a sigh and steeled herself for the onslaught of questions that was to come. She had not told a single soul since she had developed the condition, as Fluttershy has expertly hidden it for all these years and yet, only now as the triggers were getting worse, she was finally contemplating in confiding with somepony about it. Was there ever going to be such a perfect opportunity as now? “I’ve… got, um… a condition called—oh my, this is so embarrassing to say… um… Persistent, Genital… um, Arousal… Disorder…” Pinkie Pie looked absolutely confused, however a slight gasp from Vinyl Scratch drew both the ponies’ eyes onto the DJ, who looked visibly stunned at the confession from the meek mare. “You’re kiddin’ me right?” Fluttershy was not quite sure what to reply in response to that. “U-um, n-no?” “Wow. That’s just weird. It’s like we are on two opposite ends of the scale,” Vinyl commented with a chuckle, which only drew even more confused glances from the pair. Shaking her head, Vinyl lifted her signature glasses up and away from her deep magenta eyes that almost appeared red from a distance. “I’ve got Anorgasmia.” Both ponies remained perplexed as they regarded Vinyl. Sighing, Vinyl rubbed a hoof on the back of her head as her cheeks lightly flushed a shade of red. “I can’t exactly... orgasm.” > Nymphomania > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch had left, Fluttershy was both physically and mentally exhausted. With Pinkie Pie constantly asking questions in regards to her condition and Vinyl Scratch trying to deter the pink mare from causing any undue attention towards it, Fluttershy was stuck in the middle of a minefield of potential orgasms that could had erupted from every little detail spoken. She did her best to block out the conversation. At one point, the pink mare was best describing how to help Vinyl’s rather unique situation, by almost showing her how to masturbate correctly; including a rather detailed lecture that included rather complex diagrams, pie charts and photographs containing very unnecessary images in regards to her wide range of sex toys she owned and used frequently to attain her state of heavenly bliss. Fluttershy did mentally question why Pinkie Pie would carry around such a portfolio with her, but then she remembered this was Pinkie Pie. Nothing ever made any sense with her. Finally after much turmoil, Fluttershy kindly requested that her friends leave, for she felt a little too ‘worn out’ by the whole fiasco. However, the truth of the matter was she was entertaining dark and sinister thoughts instilled by her growing sexual frustrations to which she was unsuccessfully keeping at bay, for her fantasies swirled about in her mind depicting many, many ideas that she would not normally consider in entertaining. Such as Pinkie Pie thrusting her muzzle under Vinyl’s tail and licking ravenously at the mare’s vagina, attempting to seek that elusive and fabled orgasm of the DJ, while Fluttershy herself pounded into the pink mare’s flank with her giant, throbbing penis, or the idea of having these two mares licking at her vagina, their faces drenched with her fluids as they lick up every last morsel she could possibly expel. Fortunately, her friends departed safely from her cottage without further incident despite these wild thoughts swarming about her head and when they were safely beyond the edge of her property, Fluttershy broke into a full gallop through her cottage, exiting out the back door; weeping as the tumultuous, arousing fantasies persisted in their relentless attack against her crumbling defenses. At one point during her blind gallop into the direction to which she did not care to register, Fluttershy entertained ending it all there and then by running headlong into a tree, as she came to the terrifying conclusion that these consistent orgasms was twisting her into a sexual deviant. After all, she had just imagined herself as a stallion rutting wildly into the flank of one of her best friends… and liking it. Eventually, all five of her friends were joining in on her little day dream; erupting into a full blown orgy to which Fluttershy excitedly imagined as they begged and pleaded with her to make each and every one of them scream, as she pumped her hot, sticky fluid into their hot, glistening marehoods; filling them up until the semen almost comically spurted out from their bodies to splatter all over the floor. “NO! Stop it!” Fluttershy screamed, tears clouding her sight as she shook her head wildly from side to side, trying to rid herself of those depraved thoughts. Hardly looking where she was going, she galloped flat out through a familiar orchard until finally the inevitable occurred. Fluttershy felt her forehooves fold under her as she tripped and stumbled over a rock, coming to an abrupt and painful stop on the plush green grass as she landed face first upon the ground, And it only served to produce one reaction... Another intense orgasm. Wild eyed, Fluttershy rolled onto her back while her hooves flung to between her rear legs to press against the drenched folds of her vagina, pushing against it as if to try and contain the flow to which seeped out of her like a stream. “I… I…” Somewhere between weeping in despair and moaning in utter happiness, Fluttershy drew her eyes down across the length of her own body as it trembled in its soul destroying euphoria, noting her nipples erect and longing to be sucked upon, "... I'm, s-so... horny..." This was nothing like before. This felt great. Her body wanted more. No… she, wanted more. “I… c-can’t, take it anymore… I n-need, to… t-to... cum, m-more...” Fluttershy relented with a whimper as her hooves began their slow circular motions upon what ached to be penetrated by a thick, long— A thud in the distance interrupted Fluttershy’s masturbation, causing her to yelp in surprise and rise to her haunches rather quickly. The mare turned her head left and then right in search of whatever and wherever that strange though familiar sound was coming from. Attracted towards the noise, Fluttershy cantered forward, her half lidded sultry gaze still spilling their tears as her body painfully demanded further stimulation. “W-what am I… doing?” Fluttershy questioned as she rounded about a particularly large apple tree, pausing dead in her tracks the moment she spotted Applejack bucking at a tree not too far away, "I can't stop myself any more..." While a portion of her mind screamed out for her to flee, her legs only took her towards the mare. By the time Fluttershy was within earshot of the apple farmer, Applejack paused mid-buck as she spotted the approach just out of her peripherals. Ceasing her harvesting activity, Applejack turned to regard the shy mare with a beaming smile. “Howdy there, sugar! What are ya’ll doin’ way out—” Applejack’s face slipped into a deep rooted concern as she regarded Fluttershy’s teary face and trembling body, causing Applejack to sprint the rest of the way towards the crying mare, “Fluttershy! Are ya alright? What in tarnation happened?” “Ah… Applejack… p-please...” Applejack placed her hooves on to Fluttershy’s shoulders, “It’s okay, Fluttershy, Ah’m here. Jus’ tell me wha’ happened.” “T-touch me… please...” Fluttershy whispered. “Pardon?” “T-touch me...” Applejack blinked. Did she just hear that right? “Come again?” “Yes!” Fluttershy moaned, her eyes firmly upon the wide emerald eyes of the confused farmer as the normally shy mare in an uncharacteristic moment of strength threw her hooves up to wrestle Applejack to the ground, taking the the stronger pony entirely by surprise. "Please, make me cum again!" Fluttershy almost squeaked in her excited arousal. Upon her back, Applejack could not quite believe what was happening as Fluttershy stood over her rather menacingly, her forehooves firmly upon Applejack's chest to pin her to the ground. “Please, Applejack… I-I can’t take it anymore,” Fluttershy groaned her words as she licked her lips and dipped her muzzle down close, “you… you girls keep doing these… things t-to me and I—ahnn—p-please..." Fluttershy dropped into a trembling whisper, "k-kiss… m-me...” Blushing heavily, Applejack parted her lips in an attempt to say something to the crazed mare, but found her mouth quickly locked into a fierce battle with wet needy lips smothering her own while an invading tongue plundered inside of her mouth, writhing and slipping noisily over her own. Fluttershy moaned wildly into the kiss, while Applejack simply flailed her hooves to try and push the mare off. With her wings fully erect and her vagina dribbling her arousal down her hind legs, Fluttershy broke the kiss with a gasp, panting heavily as a string of warm spittle connected the mares' lips; Fluttershy's tongue loitering out of her mouth as saliva drooled down to smother the tip of Applejack’s nose. “Please, Applejack… please, m-make it go away… this feeling... make it come out... touch me... kiss me... lick, me...” The hot, sultry whispered words from Fluttershy caused the farm pony to cease her struggles and gaze half lidded emerald eyes up at the flustered and blissful expression looking back at her, while blushing heavily herself. “F-Fluttershy... wh-wha—” Smiling, Fluttershy dipped her lips to brush against Applejack’s neck, inflicting a restrained moan from the mare as she nipped the flesh with her teeth. “M-make me... c-cum...” > Safe Word > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl Scratch plonked herself onto her couch with a long drawn out sigh, her head leaning back against the plush pillow behind her as she surrendered to the comfortable prison. “Good afternoon, Vinyl! Did you manage to find Pinkie Pie?” Came a voice from the open kitchen doorway, which was located a short distance behind the couch. The scent of freshly made waffles and the sizzling sound of eggs intoxicated Vinyl’s senses, her mouth salivating in anticipation. “Yeah…” Vinyl replied in a half arsed manner, not really wanting to get into the specifics of what she exactly saw in Fluttershy’s cottage, even though the image of the mare consistently orgasming was still unfortunately firmly cemented in her subconscious, playing all kinds of tricks on her body. “Stupid, sexy Fluttershy…” Vinyl muttered to herself, eyeing the ground as she grumbled to herself. “And what exactly is wrong with you?” Came the semi-annoyed tone of Octavia as she wandered on over from the kitchen, balancing a plate of waffles and eggs on an upturned hoof. “If anything it is I that should be the one that is grumbling. You again did not take out the rubbish bin or even attempt to clean up this mess you call our home, so in the end, I had to do it,” Octavia in passing gave Vinyl a rather stern glare at the emotionless tinted glasses upon the DJ’s face, “when you clearly knew I have quite an important gig coming up in Canterlot soon to practice for.” Seating herself next to Vinyl, she settled the plate onto her lap and dug into it without saying another word. Vinyl placed a hand to her forehead, groaning as she only now remembered what it was that had been irritating her all day. “Awww, man, I’m… I’m real sorry, Tavi, it just completely slipped my mind, you know? I’ve got this party to plan with Pinkie Pie for Princess Twilight Sparkle’s birthday and I just totally focused on that when I woke up this morning.” “Well then, it is nice to know where I stand when it comes to things of utmost importance,” replied Octavia somewhat monotonously, still refusing to even look at her partner. “Look, I’ve had a pretty shitty day too, okay?” Snapped back Vinyl, leaning up from the couch to frown over at Octavia, “you have no fricken idea what I’ve been through and to be perfectly honest, right now? I really need to get off real bad.” Octavia blinked at that, turning to regard Vinyl with a mouthful of waffles, merely tilting a brow as to portray her curiosity on the subject, her eyes trailing down the mare’s length to inspect the hardened nipples. “...It’s nothing.” Vinyl crossed her forehooves over her chest and huffed a touch. After swallowing her food, Octavia placed the plate aside and simply leaned closer to the DJ with a look that could have melted steel. “It is clearly not nothing, Vinyl. You are particularly aroused and I can tell, so don’t even attempt to hide it from me. What happened? And do not lie because I will know.” “Jeez, you sound like my Mom…” “Vinyl…” Octavia warned. “Alright, fine! Jeez, don’t get your tail all up in a twist,” Vinyl sighed aloud, rolling her eyes as she submitted to her fate, “me and Pinkie ran into each other when she was on her way to visit Fluttershy at her cottage. So I tagged along to talk about the setup for the party… unfortunately, Pinks being Pinks, she decided to wander into the cottage uninvited when there was no answer… in short, we both ended up finding Fluttershy pretty much midway through a rather intense orgasm… it was really awkward. There, are we happy now?” “And that turned you on, I take it?” Vinyl regarded Octavia’s twitching eyebrow. A slow grin bled across her lips. “Hey… you’re totally jealous!” Indignant, Octavia scoffed, turning her head away. “Don’t be absurd, I am not jealous.” “Dawww, is Octy all jealous because her little Scratchy got a kick out of another mare masturbating? It’s not like we don’t watch porn together, you know.” “That is besides the point! And I am not jealous! I am merely disappointed with you,” Octavia stood up from the couch, huffing aggressively through her nose, “I mean, that poor mare is probably so embarrassed she will more than likely lock herself away in that cottage for a week, if not more! I do hope you apologized.” “Of course I did and… eh… I don’t think so. Oh yeah, want to know the coolest thing though? She’s got P.G.A.D.” Surprised, Octavia sat back down, her mouth agape at the news. “What? Are you sure?” Vinyl nodded. “Said so herself. Had it since she was a filly.” “Vinyl! That is hardly what I would consider ‘cool.’ You know full well it is a terrible disorder. That poor dear…” “I’m not so sure. It seems like her condition is not as bad as some I’ve heard of… anyway. She seems to control it kind of well; moving on… what’s for dinner? I’m starving.” Octavia frowned. “Nice try, Vinyl.” “What?” Vinyl held up her forehooves into the air defensively. Octavia returned to the question at hoof. “So, Fluttershy DID turn you on?” It was Vinyl’s turn to stand up from the couch, almost growling. “Alright-alright! Yes! I’m extremely turned on right now and can you blame me? She was moaning and cumming all over the fricken place and it just reminded of last night, that’s all!” Octavia blushed. “O-oh… I see.” “Look, you know you are the only mare for me. But, you have to admit though, Fluttershy has one hell of a plot.” Chewing at her bottom lip, Octavia nodded, smiling somewhat. “Okay. I will let you off the hook this time. But… at least allow me to return the favor from last night.” Vinyl’s ears perked, her tail swishing at the prospect. “But I thought you said you had a ton of practicing to do?” Octavia stood and approached Vinyl, moving a leg up to brush a hoof through that electric blue mane. “I do. But you worked on me for almost two hours last night… it was quite breathtaking. You are quite an expert with your tongue, Vinyl, despite your crude mannerisms and ways of speaking. You made me orgasm. Twice. I felt like I was dying…” Octavia’s voice became sultry and sweet. “It was amazing.” Vinyl was not entirely sure if she would boast or humbly accept this fact. “Well… yeah. I like seeing you make that face you do when you cum, you know? Of course I am gonna put the effort in.” Octavia brushed her nose against Vinyl’s, retaining that sensual tone of voice from before as she spoke in a hot whisper close to the other mare’s lips. “How about I return the favor? Go and get ready.” Vinyl did not need to be told twice. Quick as a flash, she crossed the living room towards the spiral staircase in the corner of the room to the upstairs bedroom. Once there, Vinyl rushed over to the four poster bed, jumping onto it with a slight giggle as the elation and excitement filled her chest and caused her to lick her lips in anticipation. She hadn’t achieved an orgasm in almost a week. Summoning her magic, she flung her glasses from her face and placed her forehooves behind her back as she summoned the fluffy pink hoofcuffs that were haphazardly discarded on the floor next to the bed amongst a pile of records, affixing them to herself appropriately. “Don’t forget to put on the ball gag...” Octavia called from downstairs. With her forehooves now trapped behind her, Vinyl rolled her eyes as she shouted on back. “But I hate that thing!” Vinyl whined. “Vinyl! You know exactly why we use it!” The distant voice replied in its irritated muffle. “Oh, fine! Fine… jeez…” Looking about the room from her perch upon the bed, Vinyl spotted the blasted device nestled atop of the bedside cabinet. Levitating it over, Vinyl parted her lips and mouth to receive it as her magic worked to tie it firmly into place about her head, the large red ball filling her mouth to muffle the sounds. “Unfortunately, Vinyl, you do not come with a volume control. The last time we did this, the gag broke, remember?” Octavia had entered the room, her voice now clear enough for Vinyl not to strain her ears to understand what was being said. “Mmph?” “Lyra heard you. Remember?” “Mmmmoophhh!” “Yeah. She lives across the street. That is how loud you are.” Twisting her head, the DJ regarded the cellist with lusty eyes, for she was adorned in a full body, black PVC catsuit, her face wearing a domino mask for the added allusion to her role in this situation. “Now then…” Octavia sighed, her eyes closing as she sucked a deep breath between clenched teeth. “I really do hate doing this, you know, when I can’t orgasm either.” Vinyl nodded and moaned as saliva drenched the ball gag, her head pressing firmly into the bed as she stuck up her rear as high into the air as she possibly could, her tail lifting up and away to reveal her already wet marehood. Octavia giggled. “Are you that turned on Vinyl? Well... Okay then, let us get started. Do you want the nipple clamps?” Vinyl nodded, moaning against the bed as she shook her flank in the air side to side. Octavia blinked. “You want one on your clitoris too?” Vinyl nodded again. “As fetishes go, Vinyl, it’s funny the one that gets you to orgasm is the one that I actually enjoy doing to you. You are a very frustrating mare.” Frowning, Octavia glanced about the room, “now, where on Equestria did I put that whip?” ____________________ 24 Hours Later Octavia opened up the front door, wincing painfully as the sunlight burnt her eyes. “Can I help you?” Lyra stood at the horizon, her eyes half lidded with blue rings under them. “Can, you, please, stop? It happened again!” “I’m…” Octavia blushed, “I’m sorry, Lyra it just kind of—” “I… don’t care. You realize, whenever you do whatever it is you are doing with Vinyl, we can hear it.” Lyra glared. Blushing redder, Octavia nodded her head. “Yes, and I apolo—” “And, if I can hear it. Bonnie can hear it.” “I’m… I’m sorry if it makes her uncomfortable, we will try—” Lyra lifted a hoof, silencing her. “I don’t think you understand. I want you to stop because if you don’t, I won’t get a decent night sleep because Bon Bon keeps trying to screw me! I’m at the end of my tether! Just stop! I mean, I love sex but I can’t take anymore!” > Friends With Benefits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Hours and 32 Minutes Ago Applejack stared up at her friend she thought she knew all about. Fluttershy: the shy and kind mare who couldn't even lift a hoof to defend herself against any bully. Now she was practically demanding something that she would never have expected to hear from the lips of her best friend. The desire in Fluttershy’s voice—no, the intensity of that kiss had numbed what sense Applejack had left, especially if you consider the unfortunate circumstance where by how badly in heat Applejack had been over the past few weeks without fully satisfying her needs. Applejack never gave in to her urges, for her stalwart work ethics prevented her from pursuing a relationship in any shape or form, thus opting to be the dependable pony everypony thought her to be. However, gift wrapped before her was a very tempting solution to her problem in the guise of a pegasus, who appeared to be lost in a nymphomania. Applejack could only think of this as a blessing in disguise. After all, Applejack could only masturbate so much to the idea of her brother rutting her straight to the moon, before she started to question her true feelings towards Big Macintosh. Applejack shook her head and turned away from Fluttershy, who was attempting to dip her head for another round of hot, heated kissing. The very incestuous thoughts caused her voice to return the sultry tones of which Fluttershy had been whispering previously. “Fluttershy, please… we can’t… Ah don’ swing that way… an we’re both friends, it just isn’ righ’…” Fluttershy’s lips touched Applejack’s cheek instead of its intended target, the wet closed orifice trailing up to nudge off that stetson from the mare’s head, allowing her access to one of Applejack’s ears to which Fluttershy groaned erotically into. “I-I don’t either… b-but I need you, Applejack… please…” Applejack gasped as she felt those lusciously plush lips envelope her twitching ear into the soft, velvety confines of Fluttershy’s mouth, causing the farm pony’s body to squirm below the domineering mare as waves of excruciating bliss pulsed from her ear as submitted to the sensation of Fluttershy’s hot saliva massaging her flesh. “But Ah…” Applejack murmured, “we can’t…” Why not? What was stopping her? Could she take advantage of the situation and fulfil her own needs while satisfying Fluttershy’s desperation? But that isn’t what friends do… right? Come to think of it, which would she prefer? Seduce Big Macintosh to satisfy her needs; her biological brother and suffer the eventual repercussions or submit to Fluttershy’s advances; a close friend of no relation, allowing the mare to do with her as she pleased? As Applejack internally lamented and battled with her own weakening resolve for either scenario, Fluttershy took the initiative and slithered down Applejack’s body, catching the orange mare complete by surprise as she ran that long tongue from its original assault upon the saliva soaked ear, straight down over Applejack’s face and lips, leaving a glistening slug trail in its wake that crept down the centre of Applejack’s underbelly. Applejack released a moan as she felt her eyes flutter to a close, fully relaxing and submitting to the inevitable as Fluttershy pressed her lips to one of Applejack’s nipples, capturing the erect nub into the moist prison of her mouth, sucking on the tender flesh like a hungry foal. Fluttershy’s eyes remained firmly affixed upon Applejack’s face AS she observed the reactions she was obtaining from her efforts, noting with a smile that with each suckle Applejack’s brow wrinkled and her lips parted, releasing a heavy pant. “B-bite… bite it…” Applejack whispered, her glistening emerald eyes peering up at Fluttershy, her tongue snaking out to moisten her lips as they became dry. “Please...” Fluttershy gave in to her desperate partner's plea as she gently tugged on the orange nipple with her teeth, giving the rock hard button a red bite mark. After giving Applejack her desires, she pressed on but not without leaving a parting kiss and a flick of her tongue as she teasingly pulled away, smiling to herself. Applejack’s eyes widened as a frown came to her lips. “Why d-did ya’ll stop?” The farm pony’s longing for the mare only increased the longer she stared at her. What Applejack did not know was that Fluttershy’s body trembled as she fought back yet another uncontrollable orgasm that was spurred on by her friend’s rather satisfying expressions. Fluttershy had to pause for a moment to gather herself before breaking into a deeper, more seductive smile after several deep breaths to steady her urges. “I wanted to see you, um… beg,” Fluttershy admitted with a nervous giggle as she idly reached a hoof down to carefully stroke at her own vagina, shivering as she released a small amount of juices that seeped onto the grass. How many times has she reached her climax now? She had lost count. But her true intention here was not for her to attain her own orgasm… Fluttershy wanted to watch Applejack reach her own. “That’s just mean,” Applejack frowned as she crossed her forelegs over her chest in a huff. “Ah didn’ know ya’ll were such a little ol’ tease, you know that? An’ here Ah thought you were innocent, when ya’ll nothing more than a… a…” “A… b-bad pony?” Fluttershy whispered back. “…is that what you think of me?” Applejack shook her head as she detected a shift in the once pleasant mood. “N-no! No, Fluttershy, Ah didn’ mean it like—” “I… I-I don’t care,” Fluttershy licked her lips. “call me, a-anything you want…” Fluttershy drew her eyes from Applejack, repositioning herself to sit between Applejack’s hind legs, regarding the folds of the mare’s private parts hungrily which were already glistening with a moistness she longed to taste. “I’m… I’ll be anything you want me to be even a… bad pony… if you want?” Swallowing hard and licking her lips, Fluttershy moved to press a gentle kiss to the erect clitoris above the opening of Applejack’s body, creating a shiver and a needy groan from the farm pony that brought yet another seductive smile from Fluttershy’s lips. Applejack merely nodded. Teasingly, Fluttershy did nothing else to stimulate the area. She simply pulled back and stared at the waiting vagina in longing, giggling whenever she saw the wet, fleshy folds twitch in anticipation. At the lack of action from the other mare despite her consent, Applejack propped herself up on her elbows to regard the mare. “F-Fluttershy? Somethin’ wrong?” “S-say it.” Fluttershy drew her hooves up to pull at the flesh to either side of Applejack’s vagina, spreading it open so she could observe the intricacies of the mare’s private parts with a peculiar fascination, causing Applejack to collapse onto her back again as a mind numbing shudder overtook her. “Tell this... this b-bad pony what to do to, Applejack.” “Ya’ll mean… l-like… uhm… lick me?” Applejack strained her neck to look over herself, blushing heavily and averting her gaze when she noticed just what Fluttershy was focusing upon rather intently, becoming somewhat self-conscious at the intensity of the stare. “Louder…” Fluttershy demanded, a slow smile spreading over her face. “L… Lick it...” Applejack whispered in embarrassment. “Clearer. L-louder…” “Ah, don’ want anypony to hear.” “Louder!” Since when was Fluttershy this... sadistic? Applejack did not care how loud she was at this point. Her need to be satisfied far outweighed any rationality. At the top of her voice, Applejack shouted. “Lick me! Lick me until Ah cum!” Applejack’s body squirmed in its longing. “Ah’m beggin ya, Fluttershy! Ah can’t take this anymore!” Mercilessly and without warning, Fluttershy dipped her head low and pressed her lips roughly to Applejack’s erect clitoris and sucked in the hot, moist flesh, stretching as far as it would allow into her mouth. With the object of her utmost desire now trapped in her wet cavern, she attacks it, ravenously writhing the sensitive area in erratic, circular motions which caused an immediate reaction from Applejack. A blissfully intoxicated, lopsided grin, hoof-in-hoof with a surprised gasp captured Applejack’s face as the abrupt attack caused her hips to buck and her eyes to roll back into her head. “S-stop! Th-tha’s t-too much, F-fluttershy!” The farm pony flung her forehooves down to rest on the back of Fluttershy’s head as her tongue worked frantically on her clitoris, her eyes bulged from their sockets, her body quaked under the onslaught of intense waves of euphoria erupted from her core, her rear hooves flailed at either side of Fluttershy’s head as she instinctively spread the rear appendages as wide as they could possibly go. “F-Fluttershy! S-stop! Ah-Ah… Ah can’t, take tha’ m-much! Ah’m too—” Fluttershy did not listen. In fact, the tongue that writhed against the captured button only increased in its ferocity while a hoof was implemented to massage the folds of Applejack’s vagina in a counteractive movement of slow, monotonous and gentle circular motions compared to the intense erratic nature of her tongue. “P-pah-leeease… Ahn~!” Applejack gnawed at her own tongue as she trembled against the build-up of pressure climbing within the pits of her stomach; an odd yet inviting sensation arcing across her flesh like tantalizing spiders; a tesla coil that was perpetually rising to the point of its explosive discharge that would assuredly rip her apart. Fluttershy worked her inexperienced magic upon her friend, neither of the mares noticing the multi-spectrum contrail fleeing the Orchard from behind a nearby tree as Fluttershy’s spare forehoof massaged at her own clitoris in desperate side to side motions upon the tender and swollen flesh, causing her own bodily juices simply pouring out of her as one orgasm after the other shot off in rapid succession. Writhing amongst the grass and lost in her bliss, Applejack tilted her head back and arched her back as much as she could as she felt her end converging far too quickly than what she had anticipated. “S-slow down…” Applejack struggled to breathe as she whined and moaned. “Ahhhh’mmnnnn… c-close! Too… sensitive!” Fluttershy just grinned to herself. “Fluttershy… s… stop!” Applejack’s breathing quickened as she felt the muscles of her legs and stomach tighten, her orgasm reaching critical mass as she shook her head from side to side, spraying her golden locks across her blissfully pained features. Knowing this to be the case, Fluttershy slipped her hoof deep into Applejack’s marehood; the appendage slipping in and out with ease thanks to the natural lubrication of Applejack’s arousal had provided. All the while Fluttershy’s tongue and lips continued savagely attacked the clitoris with an intense pace that had started to strain her jaw. Applejack’s entire body violently convulsed as a scream moaned out of her throat. “Ahhhhnnnnnnnnnnn~Ah’m ahah… Ah’m c-cuming!” With one desperate scream of madness, Applejack felt her hooves thrash into the air and her body rock up against Fluttershy’s lips, grinding her vagina up against the mare’s mouth as she felt one of the most intense of orgasms she had ever experienced in her entire life rush from her body. Fluttershy released Applejack’s clitoris from its velvety prison, moving to cover Applejack’s marehood with her lips to happily receive the gush that filled Fluttershy’s mouth to over capacity, causing Applejack’s secretions to practically drool from the mare’s lips as she struggled to drink down the overflow. “Drink m-ahhhh… Ahnn! F-fluttersh-ahnnnn!” Applejack struggled to keep her head up from the ground to observe and bask in the glorious erotic sounds and visage of her best friend gulping down each and every morsel of her juices. With a wet pop, Fluttershy removed her lips from Applejack’s still dribbling cavern to quickly get to her hooves. Panting and moaning all the way, Fluttershy quickly scrambled to straddle her flank over Applejack’s face, the mare’s juices trickling down Fluttershy’s neck as with one, loud final gulp, the mare had swallowed up the last of what was trapped within her mouth. “O-open your mouth, Applejack, q-quickly… I-I don’t think I can-ughnnnyaaaaa!” By the time Applejack had even parted her lips and weakly manoeuvred herself to receive Fluttershy’s cum. Unfortunately, it was already too late. The flow of Fluttershy’s orgasm erupted in a spray of liquid that covered the farm pony’s face, causing Applejack to squint her eyes shut as it soaked into her golden locks and orange fur, staining her face with a glistening sheen. Fluttershy rode out her orgasm while rubbing furiously at her own vagina, restraining a scream that vibrated within her mouth as yet another climax came upon its rise, causing spittle of Applejack’s juices to froth and drool from the corners of her lips while Applejack simply laid there with her mouth wide open, ready and waiting. With an erotic groan, Fluttershy blissfully grinned up at the sky, now only taking slight notice of the almost faded spectrum contrail, all but ignoring its implications. “I’m such a… s-such a… bad p-pony…” Fluttershy giggled amongst the moans as her hoof worked furiously on her clitoris. “B-but I… I like this f-feeling… it’s going to—I feel so… so much pressure inside—I want… to c-cum again… it’s so close!” Applejack, unable to open her eyes thanks to Fluttershy’s cum matting her face, simply chuckled weakly up at the mare, attempting to coerce the mare’s attempt of another eruption. “Release it, sugarcube. Ah’ll drink it all up for ya.” “I-I’m cumming!” Tinkle tinkle... Applejack’s face faulted as she felt something wet strike her face in a suspiciously steady jet, her mouth quickly closing as the odd, dry taste of ammonia touched her lips. Fluttershy’s eyes widened, her face contorted in horror as all sexual desire was purged from her within an instant. Quickly, she looked down aghast between her legs to confirm the ‘situation’. Neither mare made a move nor a sound as Applejack laid there awkwardly with her mouth and eyes firmly shut as the stream of Fluttershy’s hot urine struck Applejack right between the eyes. That strange build-up of pressure was not an orgasm, after all. Fluttershy felt tears come to her eyes as she realized what it was she had just done. “I’m… I’m so sorry!” Lifting a hoof, Applejack frowned and tilted her head to the side to spit out what little of Fluttershy’s urine she had accidentally collected in her mouth. “Let us jus’ pretend this part never happened, 'kay?” _____________________________ The Present Rarity yawned as she used her magic to adjust her glasses, her eyes focused squarely upon the sowing machine as she worked tirelessly on her next masterpiece for her brand new line of winter attire. Despite it being two seasons early; when inspiration struck Rarity, she could not hold herself back. Almost every other job that she was working on at the time was dropped regardless of its importance just to expel the idea from her mind before it had the chance to disappear entirely. Humming a random melody to herself, Rarity’s sewing machine ceased as she heard a series of persistent taps from the front of her Boutique, her eyes blinking wide as she looked to the clock hanging on the wall just to her left. It was barely eight-thirty in the morning. Surely it must had been a rather desperate customer in urgent requirement of her keen eye and expert— BANG BANG BANG BANG! The once polite taps had transformed into a constant bombardment upon the front door that caused the portal to shake violently within its frame, forcing Rarity to rise to her hooves rather quickly from her workstation and storm her way across her boutique. BANG BANG BANG BANG! “It is quite rude to be knocking in such a manner this early in the morning regardless of your urgency… please wait one moment!” Rarity announced indignantly, her eyes glaring daggers at the door as she used her magic to unlock it and swing it wide open. “How may I help… you?” Quickly Rarity’s demeanour changed to concern as she noted the rather frazzled Rainbow Dash, who appeared dejected in her posture and forlorn face, her eyes puffy and red whilst her lower lip slightly trembled. Rarity gasped. “Rainbow Dash! Whatever is the matter?” Concern for her friend threw Rarity to the mare’s side, placing a hoof to Rainbow Dash’s shoulder in an effort to comfort the mare. “You look simply dreadful, darling!” Rainbow Dash lifted her head to stare deeply into Rarity’s eyes, her lips parting slightly as some kind of incoherent noise drew out of her. However it would seem Rainbow Dash could not formulate what it was that plagued her, so instead, she merely directed her gaze to the ground before Rarity’s hooves. “Please, come in off the street and sit down on the couch, Rainbow Dash. Whatever it is, we do not need to make a scene.” Rarity turned, attempting to head back into the Boutique. “I will make us some fresh hot chocolate while you relax and gather your—” “I’m,” Rainbow interjected as she remained firmly rooted to the spot, even as Rarity attempted to guide her inside; speaking monotonously as if stating a fact, “I’m gay.” Rarity’s eyebrows lifted higher than anypony thought possible. Slowly, Rarity turned her head to stare at Rainbow Dash, entirely flabbergasted. “Well…” Rarity started, although entirely unsure on how to follow up on one of her best friends coming out of the closet on her doorstep. “That’s… good? That you’ve come to admit that fact about yourself, Rainbow... but please, do come in before you say anything m—” “And I’m…” Rainbow Dash blurted. “I’m i-in love with Fluttershy. I always have been.” At this point, Rarity’s mouth had become completely slack jawed, the gossiping fashionista completely unable to say another word. “I’ve…” Rainbow Dash’s voice broke as she forcibly pushed out her heart through her throat. “I’ve always loved her but I-I thought it would never happen… you know? I thought she was into stallions; she told me she was… that’s why I never made a move and now I feel like such a idiot.” Rainbow Dash clenched her eyes shut as she bit her lower lip, turning her head away from Rarity who could still not wrap her head around what was happening. “Well…” Rarity chimed awkwardly, trying her best not to sound too shocked about the situation at hoof. “I’m glad you told me this, Rainbow Dash. It must had been eating you up… but why tell me? And now of all times? Surely something must had transpired to cause such a reaction?” “I-I saw something.” Rarity finally managed to force Rainbow Dash into her boutique by practically dragging the mare in before closing the door behind them. “Saw what?” “I… couldn’t quite believe it when I saw it. I still don’t want to, but it just… it just isn’t fair.” Pressing a hoof to her closed eyelids, Rarity sighed, becoming as frustrated as she was confused. “Rainbow Dash, don’t take this the wrong way will you, but I am about to explode here with anxiety; so please, just spit it out already.” “I saw Applejack and Fluttershy having sex in the orchard.” Rarity fainted at this point. > Sophophilia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Rarity had recovered from her momentary lapse of consciousness, she was seated at the dinner table with a hot of mug of coffee nursed between her hooves while she stared at the downcast expression of the rainbow coloured mare opposite her. For the past half an hour she watched Rainbow Dash slip in between a barrage of emotions that tugged at the fashionista’s heartstrings. From the happiness when Rainbow Dash fully realized her emotions towards Fluttershy and her sexuality when they just little fillies, to the then-realization that Fluttershy openly admitted to Rainbow Dash many, many years ago, that she was very much into stallions and not mares, thus crushing the cyan Pegasus’s dream of them ever having a relationship. “I was happy you know…” Rainbow explained through a choked sob. “When she told me she wasn’t into mares. I kind of… had… you know? That feeling you get when it’s never going to happen?” “Closure.” Rarity intoned softly, struggling to keep her own tears in check at the distraught nature of Rainbow Dash, who often hid her softer side from her friends as to not look so ‘mushy,’ so seeing Rainbow Dash spill out her soul was almost too much for Rarity to bare. “Yeah… that…” Dropping her eyes to her hooves that were upon the kitchen table, Rainbow Dash stared at them for quite a bit of time before speaking again. “I… I was happy, you know? Knowing that I’d never have a chance with her… but then… why? Is it me? Am I not good enough?” Rainbow Dash broke into tears, sobbing into her hooves. Never once in her entire life had Rarity seen Rainbow Dash so awkward and never once had she seen the mare cry as much as she did now. However, Rarity knew full well with the true source of those tears and it was caused by the scene that was unfortunately witnessed by the mare barely twenty-four hours ago. It was something Rarity knew she could not correct or change, but she could at least try and comfort Rainbow Dash, feeling it was her duty as a friend to try and quell that sorrow from a mare she often considered a rather strong, somewhat emotionally reclusive character. Swallowing hard, Rarity reached out to place a hoof atop of Rainbow Dash’s head as she sobbed into her arms. “Rainbow Dash, I… can’t possibly fathom what it is you are going through right now and I know… I know this is a bit of a shock, but maybe Fluttershy was always into mares and she only just discovered it fairly recently?” Sniffing, Rainbow Dash forced a rather sardonic smile across her lips as she lifted her muzzle from her tear stained forelegs. “Yeah… no kidding…” Rainbow Dash’s smile fell oddly sour. “And with Applejack, of all ponies… who needs enemies when you got friends like that.” Rarity shook her head, simply aghast at what she just heard. “Rainbow Dash! Don’t say such things! I am almost one hundred percent sure Applejack had no idea of your feelings towards Fluttershy, so don’t insinuate for a second or even think Applejack would do that to hurt you! Applejack would never do such a thing even if she did know your feelings for Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash’s bottom lip quivered as she clenched her eyelids shut. “I just… I’m… It’s just seeing them two like that just really hurts and…” With every type of emotion struggling to consume her features, Rainbow Dash slammed her hooves down onto the table hard. “It’s just isn't fair!” Rainbow Dash angrily snapped. “Why her?! Is it because she’s some big, strong earth pony? Is it her hair? The way she wears it in that stupid braid or her stupid hat? Or maybe it’s because she’s got that really strange accent? Am I too tomboyish? Am I not girly enough?” Rarity stood to her hooves, panic settling in as she rounded the table to go and comfort her friend with an embrace. “Rainbow Dash, please, listen to yourself… this isn’t like you at all. It isn’t nice to say such things about a pony that is your friend. I’m sorry that your feelings are not returned by Fluttershy, but can’t you just be happy for them?” Rainbow Dash pushed Rarity back to break the embrace, stunning the fashionista as equally as that fierce glare she was given by one she would call a close friend. “Happy for them?” Rainbow Dash spat harshly as she stood up from the chair, practically glowering at Rarity even if she still shed tears. “How can I be happy for them when Applejack is off bucking the mare I love? Would you like it if Twilight Sparkle was off bucking someone you loved?” Returning the glare and its ferocity, Rarity stomped a hoof down onto the ground. “Rainbow Dash, you are being overly dramatic about this situation and clearly you not thinking straight! I understand you are very upset about this but you simply cannot act this way. Twilight would never do such a thing knowingly and you know that! How could you say such a thing? You just need to calm down before you say something you will regre—” “Calm down?!” Interrupted Rainbow Dash. “But I love her! It just isn’t fair! Why can’t she love me? I’m quicker than Applejack; I can fly too! I’m definitely more awesome than her and I’m way more than twenty percent cooler than she’d ever be, so why would Fluttershy go and do that with her?!” “I never thought you were this childish, Rainbow Dash, to not notice that maybe, just maybe Fluttershy has fallen in love with Applejack!” Rarity pointed a hoof to do the door, “I will not talk to you when you are this dramatic. You are saying some very hurtful things and I can only thank Celestia that none of our friends are here to listen to your backstabbing comments. We’re all friends! You cannot simply say these things about ponies like that! I want you to leave and come back when you have cooled off so we can talk this over like civilized ponies.” “Y-you’re taking her side?” Rainbow Dash gawked for a moment, but quickly took the hint and trotted for the door. “FINE! I can see exactly where your loyalty lies! How dare you call me disloyal! At least I am not the one turning their back on their friend!” Rarity felt a sadness well up as the hurtful words fully sunk in, causing Rarity’s voice to choke. “Rainbow Dash, I’m not taking sides! I am simply trying to mediate this before you blow it out of proportion. I know you are hurt, but you have to take into consideration their feelings.” “What about my feelings?!” “Rainbow Dash, please… just calm down. I can’t know what it is you are going through but you just have to accept that Fluttershy and Applejack might be in love!” Rainbow Dash trotted straight out of the kitchen and straight out of the Carousel Boutique without another word, huffing angrily through her nostrils. “Rainbow, please don’t do anything you are going to regret! Rainbow?!” Rarity called out, giving chase, but by the time she had come to the open front door, Rainbow Dash was already gone from view. Releasing a heavy sigh, Rarity lowered her head. “What have I done? I think I said too much.” _________________________ Twilight Sparkle stirred under the covers of her bed as she giggled mischievously, her hooves running across the sleek slender body below her, making a pointed note to run her tongue up and down the length of the spine several times to get a taste of her lover. With a fore hoof firmly between her legs, rubbing in slow circular motions upon her throbbing clitoris, Twilight Sparkle moaned and drooled as she sucked in the musky scent of her own sexual juices that flooded her senses, before exhaling in a long and pleasant sigh that drew out sultry words of seduction. “I have waited weeks for you and I can’t wait any more…” Twilight Sparkle opened the large tome, turning to the first page with an excited tremble, her vagina excreting copious amounts of fluid to lubricate her hoof’s insertion into her own body. “I must know what is inside of you. I need to smell you… feel you...” As she turned to the second page of the tome, Twilight’s horn sparked into a dull glow to allow her to best read the hoofwritten words of the greatest of unicorns that ever lived. “Ughhhh… Starswirl the Bearded’s own private journal, all mine to read as much as I want…” Licking her lips, she thrust her muzzle against the first page and drew in that wondrous scent that only books could ever provide to get Twilight Sparkle off. “Well,” Twilight groaned as she slipped her hoof deeper inside of marehood, “not that you have a choice in the matter… because I am going to read you from cover to—mmmmmmm, cover… word, for—urhhhhgnnn~every bucking wor—” “Uh… Twilight?” Twilight froze, her eyes wide. “… Spike?” “Um… what are you doing?” “Oh…” Twilight removed her hoof from inside of her and quickly planted her flank down onto the bed, just as she used her magic to whisk away the bed sheet that fortunately covered her entire body. “Reading… that’s all.” “Your face!” Spike exclaimed with worry. “My face?” Twilight lifted her still drenched hoof up to touch at her cheeks, accidentally smearing her own juices all over her muzzle as she attempted to detect what it was that was causing Spike to look so worried. “Your face is red! Do you have some kind of fever? Maybe I should go get Nurse Redheart or something and… and why is your hoof wet?” Spike inquired with a blink. “And what’s that smell?” “Oh—uh... I-I… I was reading and then I—um, to be perfectly honest Spike I was...” Twilight’s raging blush and nervous disposition caused Spike to approach, and fortunately, Twilight quickly formulated a rather ingenious response. “I was doing… girly things!” “Blech!” Spike recoiled in horror, eyeing the bed and then the book. “Girly things? What kind of girly things?” Twilight jumped on her opportunity with a very large smile. “Very girly things. Actually, Spike, could you do me a favor and run to the store for me? We’re out of milk.” Spike nodded. “You don’t have to tell me twice! I can’t stand it when you do girly things…” He shuddered. “Just, please don’t make a mess today and tip more water on the bed sheets… we've gone through four sheets in the last two days because you keep tipping water on it! Maybe put the glass down on the floor this time or something? We don’t have an endless supply of bed sheets you know…” “Of course,” Twilight nodded, laughing nervously as she avoided eye contact, “I’ll do just that.” Unfortunately, the spot below her flank was already soaking wet. Not that she would tell Spike that, of course... instead, she silently prayed for Spike’s forgiveness. For the sheet just like her vagina, was only going to get wetter by the time she had finished indulging in her masturbatory literature. > Dominatrix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first time in weeks, Fluttershy slept through the night peacefully and without interruption by her condition. She awoke feeling fresh as a daisy and as energetic as a bee. She even awoke to the pleasant discovery that she did not find her bed sheets drenched from her own nightly orgasms, as there was nothing more embarrassing and somewhat annoying for the mare to have to peel herself off of the bed every morning. However this time? There was no need. She slipped from the covers and straight into the shower with little to no bother or worry to tidy her bed. It set an upbeat tone for the rest of Fluttershy’s day, even though she could feel the niggle of the uncontrollable stimulation rising within her pelvis from time to time. She chose to ignore it and while that tactic had not recently worked in her favor, Fluttershy was stunned for a second time to realize that it was actually working. It was as if she had learned the ability to switch herself off from the alluring sensations, even though she knew it was present within her in some type of capacity, lurking like a shark in murky waters ready to strike out of nowhere. As the day advanced into the late afternoon, she attended to her duties to her animals friends by feeding and changing their bedding, to even having the time to cook herself a nice hearty meal for one pony and a nice extra special salad for one tiny, grumpy rabbit… all without a hitch. She felt normal again. Perhaps her recent moments of madness had passed? Maybe the worst of her week was finally over, even though she knew there was still some awkwardness to contend with, concerning what she and Applejack had committed. Fluttershy shook her head as she immediately expelled that thought with a little startled yelp, her hooves working to clean the dish and salad bowl in the soapy water of her kitchen sink. “L-let’s not think about that, okay Fluttershy? You are having a very good day today so we don’t want to spoil it by thinking of anything too—um…” She whispered with a faint blush, “naughty.” Lifting the plate out of the water to place upon a draining rack, Fluttershy blinked as she heard three knocks upon her cottage’s front door. “Strange.” Fluttershy glanced to the clock upon the wall, noting it was almost gone past six. She gave the clock a confused expression as she made her way through her cottage towards the front door, for she knew exactly who it was on the other side without having to look. The three little elegant knocks; not too loud or too quiet, but just right, was most assuredly administered by only one pony she knew of. Although, Rarity did always knock in a particular fashion. A bright smile spread across her lips as she opened the door, regarding one of her best friends who stood there mirroring back the same smile almost a little too perfectly. Regardless of the apprehension in Rarity's eyes, Fluttershy ignored it for the moment, as she wanted to continue and bask in her very uneventful day. “Rarity,” Fluttershy’s warm and gentle voice spoke, her good mood only shown by a slight volume increase to her speech, “it is so nice to see you, but I didn't expect a visit, you’re normally quite busy around this time.” Rarity shook her head with a chuckle. “Come now, darling, surely I am allowed a minor vacation from my duties from time to time just to visit a friend.” “Oh, of course! You do work so very hard. Would you like to come in? I can make some of that tea you like, if that is okay with you?” Fluttershy stepped out of the way to allow her friend entry, smiling as she followed the pony in with her eyes. Flutterhsy’s heart skipped as she noted Rarity’s shapely flank in passing and quickly rooted her gaze to the door to which she occupied herself in closing. Why was her eyes drawn there? She had never once in her life ever thought of ogling any of her friends like that in the past so, why now? Of course, the moment she posed the question internally, her mind flashed back to the rambunctious sex that apparently she can't quite seem to forget. “That would be exquisite Fluttershy, but to be honest, I have come here because I… feel as if we need a long conversation about some things. And truthfully? I am very busy. In fact, I am trying to create a new set of designs for the winter season and I have been unable to create anything, because my mind is a whirl with questions I feel only you could possibly answer.” Fluttershy turned to blink at Rarity, a little surprised. “Only me? Oh, well, um—well, I’ll do anything I can to help. That's what friends are for. But I’m afraid I don’t know much about fashion.” “Oh please, Fluttershy, we both know somewhere deep inside of you is a fashionista like myself longing to break out! Besides, you made quite a good model so surely that must account to something. But… that, is not why I am here.” Rarity lost her smile as she turned to face Fluttershy, sighing somewhat shakily and breathing somewhat erratically. As if a great emotional burden was weighing her down and clogging up her lungs. Concerned, Fluttershy moved forward, genuine worry displayed in her eyes. “Has something happened? Whatever it is, I am sure we can work it out together with the others.” Rarity swallowed hard as she avoided eye contact for a moment, somewhat mumbling to herself. “That’s kind of the problem, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy looked more confused than ever. She even went as far as tilting her head. “Um, sorry?” “I don’t know where to begin,” Rarity began with yet another long suffering sigh, “this is just too much for me to take in. But... Fluttershy, are you and Applejack special someponies?” Fluttershy nearly spontaneously combusted then and there as a fleet of emotions sailed straight through her heart and invaded her thoughts. “W-wha-what?” Fluttershy squeaked as her eyes widened and all color drained from her face. “I…um… n-no? I mean we’re—um, just friends?” Rarity narrowed her eyes a touch. “Just friends?” Fluttershy nodded, shifting nervously on the spot, her bottom lip being gnawed on by her teeth as the concept of being caught sent a tremble throughout her body. Does she know? How could she? As Fluttershy ping ponged between questions and theories, she did not notice the sad smile upon Rarity’s face and the gentle hoof now resting upon her shoulder. “Darling, you don’t have to be ashamed about your relationship. Neither of you do. It is perfectly fine to have sex—” Fluttershy whined in a somewhat terrified way at the word. “—with the pony you love. However, perhaps discretion is best advised for next time? Don’t indulge yourselves in public displays of a voyeuristic nature when somepony can catch you, okay?” Rarity blushed a little. “But still! This is simply so scandalous! I never ever even conceived of the notion of Applejack or yourself were into mares! All those times you turned down those dinner dates with the stallions I arranged for you, you could had just said you were into mares! I have quite a few number of friends in the fashion world that swing that way and I would had been happy to have arranged a date more to your liking.” Fluttershy was almost hyperventilating at this point. “We… I…” Fluttershy could not bring the words out of her mouth, her brain muddled by the revelation that somepony had seen them and that one of her best friends knew. “We’re n-not… special someponies…” Fluttershy whimpered in a whisper, trying to hide behind her hair. Rarity's eyes widened. “You’re not?” Fluttershy shook her head, doing her best to steady her heart and emotional state with a few simple breathing techniques that at times would bring her under control from a panic attack. “OH.” Rarity nodded slowly, blushing even more. “Oh. I see… you two are just... say no more. Regardless, Fluttershy, there is no need to be ashamed. We all need sex from time to time. Even I am not too impartial to sticking my flank up into the air for a good rutting.” “P-please…” Fluttershy almost pleaded with Rarity as the same fire in her belly that erupted with Applejack sparked inside of her once again. “I… I don’t think I can talk about it.” “Fluttershy, it is completely healthy to talk about sex and if you ever need to talk about anything, don’t hesitate to ask. We are friends after all and if you want a more adult conversation, I’d be more than happy to oblige. I’m not as prim and proper like most ponies think I am. I too have my… quirks.” Rarity however, knew she was going to have a difficult time explaining this all to Rainbow Dash. But that was for another day. “I’m terribly sorry to intrude and interrogate you like this Fluttershy, but I just had to get this off of my chest. It was distracting me from my work. But now I feel a lot better and I best be off home to start on my current project. But know that your secret is safe with me, so do not fret.” Moving to the door, Rarity’s smile faltered when she noticed the mare was not moving. She was barely even breathing. “Fluttershy?” Rarity’s heart sank. “Oh. Oh, darling. Fluttershy? I’m so sorry. I was only trying to help and I, really need to stop poking my nose in my friend’s business, don’t I?” She placed a hoof to her forehead, lamenting. “I’m such an imbecile. Please, Fluttershy, you do know I am not being mean, right? I was just trying to help but I… I often ruin heart to heart situations like this. My mouth tends to go off without me at times.” Releasing a hot and heavy breath, Fluttershy spoke very quietly. “Y-you like h-having your flank in the air, r-right? W-why? If you are okay w-with answering, that is.” Rarity blinked. “Oh. This is rather sudden. Here I was talking about us talking discussing sex like adults and yet here I am being embarrassed by the first question.” Chuckling, she replied, though she averted her gaze when doing so. “It is because I have a penchant for being… dominated in a certain way.” “Oh.” Fluttershy nodded, stepping aside. “Thank you… for coming to talk to me. It was nice of you. I feel a lot better now.” “Anytime, Fluttershy.” Smiling, Rarity nodded and moved to open the door, but was instead pinned right up against the wood of the portal as she felt a set of hooves lay on either side of her flank and something shift under her tail. “Fluttershy?!” Rarity, alarmed and confused with her face crushing against the door stole a quick glance back to notice through the strands of her perfectly combed tail the blissful face of dominance dipping out of sight and the immediate sensation of a long, thick tongue penetrating her body. Gasping, though still struggling to push back against Fluttershy’s weight pinning her against the door, Rarity clenched her eyes shut as the tongue had started to writhe and wriggle in and out of vagina. “W-what are you doing?!” Rarity gasped, trying her best not to enjoy what was actually a very good display of Fluttershy’s skills with the tongue. A skill Rarity assumed Fluttershy could not possibly possess. “This… this is not what I meant when I said I’d—ahhhnn~” Rarity’s eyes rolled back as her eyelids closed as her words were cut short when she felt an intense, warm suction clamp around her clitoris. With each writhe of the tongue; with each wiggle and each press upon theswollen clitoris - as each time she was invaded and dominated, Rarity had started to feel herself relax and succumb. “F-Fluttershy, p-please… n-not like this. R-Rainbow Dash, she—” With a wet pop, Rarity felt the assault end. With an almost grunt of displeasure, the fashionista desperately tried her best not to sway and stumble as she turned to open her eyes a fraction to regard Fluttershy, who stood before her panting, a hoof already down between her legs, playing away with her own vagina as the mare licked at her lips, gazing back hungrily. Swallowing hard, Rarity felt herself almost be drawn into those eyes. She could feel her heart leaping in her chest and the need to kiss those glistening, wet lips with her own. Within an inch of kissing the other mare, Rarity was halted by a hoof to her lips. Disappointment was evidently shown within her eyes and just as she was about to question what was wrong, Fluttershy spoke. “I’m curious,” Fluttershy lent over to whisper in Rarity’s ear as a mini-orgasm plowed through her system, causing the mare to moan and body to tremble, as she whispered huskily, “in the idea of being assertive again, i-if that’s okay with you? Because… I'm really horny right now and it's all your fault." > Stay Out Of Her Shed... Cutie Mark Crusaders?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were both deeply immersed in yet another debate on what else they could possibly attempt to attain the cutie mark. Of course, at this point they were running out of ideas and ponies to ask. Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found and nopony seemed to know where she had gotten to. Applejack on the other hoof was too busy to offer her help, despite already providing the Crusaders a myriad of suggestions in the past. Pinkie Pie kept offering the same ideas they had already done, including some more obscure and sometimes downright confusing schemes that none of the Crusaders were willing to discover exactly what it entailed. They had no idea what twerking was and did not want to find out, because it sounded quite painful. Rarity had gone who knows where, but Sweetie Belle did happen to mention her sister had a date with a customer, so that ruled her out. It left only Fluttershy and for whatever reason, the cottage was locked up tighter than the gates of Tartarus on the eve of a season five premier of My Little Human. “Well, phooey! What’n tarnation are we gonna do now?” Applebloom complained, looking to Sweetie Belle since it was her idea to ask her sister and her friends in the first place. “Don’t look at me, this was my only idea. We’ve really exhausted a lot of options.” Scootaloo on the other hand was still knocking on the front door of Fluttershy’s cottage. “Fluttershy! Open up! We need help crusading!” She called out. Applebloom placed a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “Scoots, Ah don’ think she’s in. Ya’ll be knockin’ on that door for ten minutes now.” “But that makes no sense; I mean she’s always here. I mean, her animal friends practically live here with her. Where else could she be?” Sweetie Belle lifted up a hoof. “Oh! I know! The Spa.” “Nah,” Scootaloo shook her head, attempting to knock the door for eighth time now, “Fluttershy would never go by herself. She only ever goes with the other girls.” Applebloom tilted a brow at Scootaloo. “An’ how do you know that, Scootaloo?” Blinking, Scootaloo blushed heavily. “I just do!” Sweetie Belle placed a hoof in the other hoof, determination lacing her brow. “Alright girls, we need a new plan. Any ideas?” “Well, Ah’m kinda gettin’ a little hun—mph?! Quickly, Scootaloo placed both her hooves against Sweetie Belle and Applejack’s muzzles, silencing them. “Wait! Did you hear that?” “”Mphwha?” Applebloom replied, straining her ears to listen out for whatever Scootaloo was talking about. Annoyed, Sweetie Belle removed Scootaloo’s hoof and narrowed her eyes to glance about the area. “Well? I hear nothing.” “There! Again!” Scootaloo quickly hopped on her scooter and fluttered her wings to cause her to zip around the side of Fluttershy’s cottage. "Can't you hear that?" The other two Crusaders protested as they followed Scootaloo, pretty adamant neither heard a thing. But it was not until they had met up with a frozen Scootaloo starring in the general direction of a particular tool shed at the back of Fluttershy’s garden did they too hear something was not quite right. They too froze in place, eyes wide as they looked between each other. They could hear somepony or something groaning out; and in pain no less and... something they could not quite distinguish. It sounded like as if something dull was slapping against something wet and after each strike? Then came the throaty, almost ominous sounding groan soon after. Sweetie Belle hid behind Applebloom, trembling. “W-what is it?” Applebloom shook her head, attempting to place herself behind Scootaloo that was still staring out at the ominous tool shed shed. “Ah-Ah don’ know an Ah wanna know, girls,” Applebloom whispered, as she moved to tug on Scootaloo arm, “c’mon, let’s get out of here.” Scootaloo shook her head and looked back at them with excited eyes. “What if it is somepony or something attacking Fluttershy?!” She whispered back in excitement. “That isn’t something to look happy about!” Sweetie Belle complained. “We should go get an adult!” Scootaloo waved her arms about excitedly still. “Don’t you see? If we can go save Fluttershy, maybe we can get our cutie marks as Rescue Ponies! Or something.” Applebloom frowned. “Ah don’ know… what if it’s a timberwolf, or a… somethin’ nastier?” “We can handle it.” She indicated with a hoof, “follow my lead!” And with that, Scootaloo hopped off her scooter and threw herself to the ground, crawling on all fours with her stomach flat against the ground towards the shed and more notably, towards the window on the side of it. Sweetie Belle whimpered to herself while Applebloom worriedly looked on, taking their time to summon up their fading courage and following their friend until they were all situated underneath the same window. “Alright,” Scootaloo whispered over the much louder noise of moaning and something distinctively slapping against something at a much hurried pace. “Sweetie Belle, get up on Applebloom’s back, while I go on yours. I’ll try and see what it is that is going on and then we can formulate a plan of attack.” Applebloom crossed legs in a huff. “Why have Ah got to be the bottom?” “Because you’re a stronger earth pony.” Sweetie Belle nodded, though protested about her position in the stack. “And why do I have to be the middle? Surely an elegant pony such as I—” Scootaloo shook her head. “I’m the lightest here and besides, my wings can kind of help with the weight.” Sweetie Belle and Applebloom huffed, though nodded in agreement. Just as they were about to get into position, they heard a voice. “P-p-pleeeeeease stop, i-it huuuuuurts!” Sweetie Belle gasped, pressing her hooves against her lips as she recognized the voice. “That’s my big sister!” She panicked, running around on the spot. “Someone is killing my big sister!” Tears crept up in her eyes, as she started to sob uncontrollably. Applebloom grasped Sweetie Belle and shook gently, jamming a foreleg over Sweetie Bell's muzzle to muffle her cries. “Calm down! How in tarnation can you tell that its—” “No! P-Please, Fluttershy… i-it’s too big… it’s gonna r-rip me i-in... EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” “Wait a minute, Fluttershy is killing Rarity?” By the time Scootaloo had glanced back and realized it, Sweetie Belle had long since fainted in Applebloom's arms. “Aw horseapples!” Applebloom groaned as she shook Sweetie Belle. “C’mon! Wake up, Sweetie Belle, this ain't a time to take a nap.” “You’re killllllllllllinggggggggg meeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Scootaloo paled. “We so need to go get an adult.” Applebloom glanced back to Scootaloo, trying to get an unconscious Sweetie Belle on her back. “Like who?” Scootaloo quickly pointed towards the center of town. “Who else? The Princess, of course! Come on, Applebloom, let’s get out of here before the same thing happens to us.” “Ah’m right behind ya! Kinda… go a bit slow, Sweetie is a little heavy… an’ don' tell her I said tha’ when she wakes up.” > Filth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy’s shed is what she liked to consider her secret stash of… well, let us just say embarrassing implements she often subjected herself to in a vain attempt to control her rather persistent little problem that was somewhat growing on her. However, as of right now, it had become a dungeon of wonderful blissful torture for a certain unicorn that had unfortunately awoken a sleeping beast of relentlessness. Trapped to Fluttershy’s lack of mercy and guided into a shed of erotic horrors that would make a pony blush to the point of ruptured blood vessels in the cheeks, Rarity had found herself face down on the dirty wooden floor with her forehooves tied behind her back and her rear stuck straight up into the air, her tailing submitting to gravity’s allure to cascade down her back, mixing with her mane. Tears wept from her eyes as she panted heavily from the hot pain searing into her ass from the six inch vibrator trembling within her rectum, the mock testicles at the base the only anchor to prevent her body from accidentally consuming it during her pleasant contractions. But this was not the only reason why Rarity was lost in a euphoric state of rapture. It was not the physical world that appeased her desires and had rendered her to submit to Fluttershy’s enforcement—no, far from it. The floor to which she was forced to push her face into, was dirty. The vibrator in her ass that was once in her mouth not moments ago, was becoming dirty. The tongue to which hung from her mouth and was smeared with who knows what grime that was littered on the floor of the shed, was dirty! She felt dirty and she loved EVERY minute of it. “Ah...ahh… ahhhhh~” Rarity could barely moan, let alone speak. She was gone. Her eyes were glazed as her mind drifted off into a far away place even she did not quite understand where. But one thing was for certain. Rarity wanted more. “Th-this may hurt a little...” Fluttershy’s whisper, saturated with a glee Rarity could not describe; that come from the lips of mare she once knew to be so innocent and kind, was in fact, somehow teasingly kind and just a touch sadistic, as Rarity felt something cold and hard press against the glistening folds of her labia. But nothing happened. “Do you w-want more?” Rarity nodded the best she could, her broken groans the only reply Fluttershy was going to get. “I… I never really understood why I bought this thing,” Fluttershy lifted her forelegs and moved to wrap them about Rarity’s waist, drawing her flank higher into the air so she could position the strap-on dildo’s tip for entry, “n-never thought it’d come in use… I-I want to hear you beg for more, Rarity… please? I-If you don’t know, I-I won’t put it in you… y-you like pain, right? Well… it’s really big and I am not quite sure it’s going to fit…” “P-p-plah-leazzee…” “Hm?” Fluttershy teased. “F-f-fuck m-m-me,” Rarity slid her vacant eyes back along the length of her body, trembling at the mere sight of Fluttershy towering over her, “m-missttresss…” “Hehe,” Fluttershy blushed, her body quaking as a mini-orgasm washed over her momentarily at the mere concept of Rarity’s submission to her dominance, “m-maybe Iron Will was kinda right…” The shy mare leaned a touch forward, pushing the tip into Rarity’s vagina, attaining an immediate reaction from the mare below by means of an elegant yelp that transformed into a throaty groan, their eyes entrapped by each other’s gaze. “D-don’t be shy… look them in the eye.” Violently and with no thought to how it would feel, five inches of the nine inch strap-on ploughed into Rarity, causing the mare to buck her rear legs, her face contorted into agony as she panted and screamed. Fluttershy, with her forehooves wrapped purposefully around Rarity’s waist, lifted the mare’s flank so that Rarity’s rear legs simply flailed in the air, unable to escape as Fluttershy drew her hips back and slammed them forward in an awkward rhythm. “F-flutshhaaaah!” Longing to push off of the ground and to remove her face from the dirt, Rarity struggled with her bonds but to no avail. No matter how hard she tried, she only grew more tired. Her best friend was brually fucking her with a strap-on dildo while a vibrator was trembling her innards like nothing she had ever experienced before and best of all? She could not stop it. Rarity was completely helpless and it felt breathtaking. Despite Fluttershy’s lack of physical stimuli she herself was lost within her own rapture. Her condition, accelerated by the sheer thrill of what she was doing was causing the mare to experience wave after continued wave of orgasm beyond her control. Each thrust of her hips was as desperate as the last, her hot and heavy breaths wisping past an open mouth that giggled and moaned, her coat covered in a light sheen of sweat as her efforts begun to take its toll upon her. “St-stallions m-make this… l-look so-ahhn~easy!” “Pl-plahleaaze, Flf-lut-shy, ah! I-it hurts!” That it was. The brutality of Fluttershy’s thrusts with such a thick implement forcing its way in and out of Rarity’s vagina had caused it grow red, raw and somewhat a little swollen, increasing its sensitivity and thusly at the same time, decreasing Rarity’s capability to bear with the pain for much longer. “Th-then, release, R-Rarity,” Fluttershy looked to Rarity’s rump and with a single leg holding Rarity’s flank up, she drew back her hoof and slapped as hard as she could against Rarity’s flank, bruising where it has struck in its sickening slap that drowned out their collective moans. Rarity’s eyes widened as she yelped, her rear legs locking up as her mouth flew open wide with an earsplitting screech as Fluttershy struck mercilessly once again against the bruised area. The amalgamation of senses had overridden Rarity’s body once and for all, forcing her orgasm out far harder than she had ever experienced before. Rarity tried to screaming, but nothing came out of her wide gaping mouth save the rush of air that escaped her lungs all at once. Then with a desperate gulp of air, she repeated the action until she could breathe once more, her body falling limp moments later, succumbing to exhaustion. Fluttershy released her, giggling as she drew back and allowed the strap-on dildo to slip out of Rarity’s vagina, a flood of fluid leaking out of the mare as Fluttershy allowed Rarity's body to slump onto the floor heavily. Leaning her head down, Fluttershy gripped the vibrator’s ballsack and pulled the buzzing instrument from Rarity’s rectum, the dry and lubricated state of its penetration causing a minor prolapse to protrude from Rarity’s anus, to which caused Fluttershy to blink as a trickle of blood dribbled from the orifice. “Um… oh my… is it supposed to do that?”