An Unexpected Consultant

by 2crazyrainbows

First published

A depressed boy is given a new shine on life by the impossible. Pinkie Pie.

A 14 year old teenager doesn't have it the greatest. Everything around him just seems to crumble away. He rarely sees his father, because he has to work on the road. His brother wounded up in prison and his mom and her boyfriend have to work consistently to keep the apartment in a neighborhood they all hate, so he could get an education and not end up like them. He wasn't the most emotionally stable.
Then the day came and he lost his closest friend.

An Unexpected Conultant

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I was walking home from school, depressed because I had just lost a friend and family member. I had been thinking about venting my problems through the internet with a story. I had been a closet brony, and I had been thinking about writing fanfiction. My friend had told me of this site called FIMFiction.

“It has such a great community, and you should totally put your first story there.”

I told him I would check it out when I got home. School had been tough, and the bullies weren’t helping. I was downright terrified to tell anyone but close friends about me being who I was. Whether it was fear of judgement or disgust, I didn’t know. I was glad to be getting home for the weekend, because I just wanted to go into my room and cry like a little girl.

I know that’s a bad simile, but hey, I had just lost a lifelong friend. I earned the right to cry. I didn’t cry at school or in front of anyone, ever. I thought I had a reputation to uphold, and I thought that crying, whether it be pain or emotions, would ruin that.

I arrived home, a few minutes later than usual. I threw my backpack on the couch, and walked towards my mom’s room to tell her I was home. She was crying. We all were, some of us just didn’t show it.

To those of you wondering, our family member we lost had been a dog named Honey. She was a sweet, calm, and was just down-right awesome. I had known her all my life, and she was probably my best friend. Over the years, she grew, and it wore on her. She used to be a happy, pudgy, playful dog. And she grew into a fat, lazy, ball of lard that just ate, walked, and slept.

When she was “sick” (as we called it) she had lost a considerable amount of weight. And she was even having trouble walking. She had grown deaf, and she couldn’t see very well. Deaf.. I guess she was a family member. It runs in the family, we all have hereditary hearing loss, which was a huge pain in school.

So I walked up to my mom and gave her a hug. Letting her share her pain with me. I was always the calm one of the house, and I felt like finally popping the cork and going on a violent, emotional, rampage through the neighborhood. Or just a painful run. For it was painful to do anything since the bullies don’t seem to let up.

After finishing talking to my mom, I went to my computer. It was an old laptop from 2009, and it didn’t have much for hardware. But hey, it was all I had. And plus, it had internet and music. I turned off the lamp, and turned on the computer. I took off my glasses and put my head in my hands. I just sat there, waiting for my computer to boot up.

When I raised my head, I noticed my hands were a bit wet. Tears. This was a surprise to me because I hadn’t cried in months.. Well, I cried at the funeral.. The computer was started up and it asked me for my password. I grabbed my glasses and typed it in. It was easy to remember, and since no one knew about that part of me, it was a great password.

Pinkie Pie

I know what you’re thinking.

How original

But again, I was a closet brony. Only a select few knew about me being into ponies.

When the computer finished loading my profile, I opened Chrome, and typed the address.

Suddenly I was met with a bright page, with stories lined up and down separate columns.

“Wow, this is.. Interesting.”

I browsed for awhile, reading a few stories. Then I decided it was time to work on my story. I opened up Google Drive, and made a new document.

“Hmm, what should I call it? I know..”

Losing a Faithful Friend

I began with the scenario, Rainbow Dash was killed by an unknown force and Pinkie Pie must cope with th-


I nearly fell out of my chair as I heard that voice. It sounded… Familiar.

“I said hey!”


“Oops, silly me, here one moment.”

I sat in confusion. What was that voice, and why did it sound so familiar?

Suddenly, a bright pink hoof shot out of my screen.

“AH!” I fell over this time.

“Oops, sorry!”

“It’s oka- Wait.. Pink hoof, familiar voi- PINKIE PIE!?”

“That’s my name!”

“What are you doing here? And how!?”

Pinkie looked at me with disbelief. “Have you met me?”

“Not really, not physically anyway.”

“Oh, well I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name?”


“Evan? That’s a funny name.”

“H-How? I mean, it’s not common.”

“Wait, I just remembered why I came here!”


“You were going to write a depressing story where Rainbow Dash dies!”

“And? It’s just fiction.”

“That’s what you think!”


“You see, ineverystoryyouwrite,” The pink pony went on about parallel universes and how everything I write has a potential to become true.

“Oh, well, I never thought of it like that..”

“Well duuuh! If you had, you wouldn't have written it!”

I was still in disbelief that a bright pink, magical pony was-

“I’m not magic.”

Pinkie, I hadn’t even wrote that down yet. Shhh.

“Oh, sorry.”

“Who are you talking to?” I looked around for another person.

“No-one.” Pinkie answered quickly

I looked as if I had just woken up, my hair a mess and unwashed. My eyes had bags, and I wore probably the largest frown in the nation.

Pinkie gasped.


“You.. You aren’t smiling?”

“No.. I-”

“That’s right! I was called here to help a boy with his depression and help him become more comfortable with himself!”

I waited.

“Well, tell me. What’s wrong.”

“I just.. I just lost a lifelong friend and family member..”

“What was this person’s name?”

“Her name was Honey, and she was my dog.”

“Oh.. That’s sad.. Where did she go?”

“She’s dead.. We had to put her down due to sickness and age.”


Pinkie sat for awhile. She had made herself comfortable on my bed, and seemed to now shift around like it was made of needles. She began humming a song I knew by memory, by heart. I could perform that song alone on stage in front of thousands of people.

I looked at her, and sang “I love to see you smile, smile, smile.”

She looked back, eyes wide. “It fills my heart with sunshine, sunshine!”

“Cause all you need’s a smile smile smile.”

“From this saddened friend of mine!”

I was confused. “Friend?”

“Of course, I’m everyone’s friend!”

I whispered under my breath. “I’m so glad my mom can’t hear, or else I’d be done for.”

“So, Evan.”


“I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“Lean closer.”

I followed her order.

She whispered into my ear...

“Now, are you ready to smile?”

I swallowed. What was she going to do? “Y-yes?”

Pinkie bounced off my bed, causing my blanket and pillows to go flying, and grabbed me in a big bear hug.

A hug from one of the happiest things on the living Earth can do a lot. It can say more than you could ever put in words. From that single hug, I realized. You always have the happy memories, and sad ones as well. But memories are what they are. Whatever you make them, and if you want to remember things as “the painful past” that’s entirely on you.

Your memories are framed in gold. You need to chin up, and keep those golden memories where they can thrive. In your heart.

You may lose a family member, a pet, or a friend. But just remember, you will always have your memories in your heart. For memories are eternal. Sure you can miss them, sadness is a part of losing something. Just don’t hang on it too much, and you can always look back at your happy memories.

Happy Memories

*BRZZT..BRZZT..* My alarm rang out through the room. I looked at the clock. I was running late. I was rushing to breakfast when I remembered it was Saturday.

“Wait, does that mean?”

I ran into my room and looked at my computer. The screen read,

Memories are Golden

I checked my shirt, which was black, and after a glance I could see pink hairs all over it.

“Heh, looks like it wasn’t a dream.”

I sat down at my desk, and re-titled my story to..

A Friend Framed in Silver and Gold

I was walking home from school, depressed because I had just lost a friend and family member.

Then the impossible happened…

A bright pink pony named Pinkie Pie put joy in the heart of a young depressed boy.