> Corpse party: friendship is ending > by Till_The_End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corpse Party: Friendship is Ending Twilight and her friends, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Lyra, and Bon-Bon were staying after school. "Alright, it's my turn to tell a story." Applejack said. Everyone turned their head to her, ready for a ghost story. "There was an old school here, 40 years ago. It was built before Canterlot High, it was called Crystal Elementary School. The school had an accident, a teacher has fallen down the stairs and her head landed first on the bottom step. After the school closed, that same teacher that hit her head, doesn't even know that she's dead. Every time there's a blackout at the school, at 7:00 PM, you'll hear knocking on the classroom door. Then the door will slowly open and the ghost of the teacher will stick her head in a asking 'Is anypony still here?' In fact it's almost 7 o' clock now. After Applejack's story, there was a crack of thunder and the lights went out. With that, everypony in the room screamed. Fluttershy fell over panicking. Rainbow ran over to her "Fluttershy pull yourself together." Rainbow said "B-but it was scary." Fluttershy said "Wow, that was a good one Lyra." Twilight said. "T-that wasn't me. I was just sitting here telling the story. This is a real blackout!" "Does anyone else hear that?" Bon-Bon asked "It sounds like it's coming from the music room." Lyra said Everypony stared at the door in silence, until they heard something. 'Knock knock'. Everypony's blood ran cold, the door slowly opened and they all heard a voice say "Is anypony still here?" They all screamed as the lights turned on. Their home room teacher, Miss Cheerilee, walked in the classroom, laughing. "GAH, calm down Shy, that's my chest you're grabbing!" Rainbow yelled. "Eep, s-sorry I didn't know what I was grabbing." Fluttershy said "Hehe, sorry fluttershy, I just couldn't resist scaring you girls. Now with all pranking aside, I think it's about time you kids head on home." Cheerilee said "Yeah, you're right... oh Bon-Bon, you're leaving tomorrow, right?" Lyra said "Yes... I'm... I'm going to miss all of you." Bon-Bon said, tears starting to fill her eyes "We will too, how about a picture to remember this moment?" "A picture?" "Yeah, I'll just send the photo to all of you, so we can remember this moment." "That sounds great, alright everypony, get in a group." Twilight said. 'CLICK' Lyra pressed the button to take the picture. "Oh, I actually found something online..." Twilight said pulling out a sachiko doll from her desk. "Wait... what're we doing?" Rainbow asked "It's a charm I found online. It said 'no matter how far they are, you'll always be close friends'. You see, we all have to grab a piece of the sachiko doll and say... ... 'sachiko, we beg of you' 9 times in your head. It doesn't matter if you mess up, you don't start over or it will fail. Okay, and... everypony got a hold on the doll?" Everypony nodded. "Alright, now once you say the phrase 9 times, you rip the paper." ... ... "Did every pony do it?" "Yes" everypony said "Okay, pull." With a rip, all 9 ponies had a piece of the doll. "Now keep it safe and with you, like in your wallet or purse." "I'll put it in with my ID card." Rainbow dash said "Perfect." "OHTHISISGREATWECANBEFRIENDSFORALONGTIMENOMATTERHOWFARWE-" Pinkie Pie was cut off by the building shaking. "I-is it an earthquake?" Rarity asked "Everypony, get under a desk." The entire building was shaking, the ceiling was creaking, lights were flickering. Then the desks just fell over and a piece from the ceiling broke. Then suddenly the floor under them broke, leaving a big hole and 8 students and a teacher falling in it... everything was black. Rainbow dash woke up and slowly stood up. She looked around for anypony and saw Pinkie Pie on the floor. "PINKIE, ow...." Rainbow dash said, limping with a twisted ankle. Rainbow dash shook Pinkie's shoulder "Ugh, five more minutes, Gummy." Pinkie sai "Pinkie, wake up." Pinkie jerked up to see her and Rainbow Dash in a strange classroom. Instead of the marble floor from Canterlot high and the brick walls, everything was made of wood and there were missing floor boards and all of the desks were toppled over, there were also many spider webs and cob webs. "Dashie? How'd we get here?" Pinkie said her hair not being as puffy. "I don't know, but we can just find the door and get out, okay?" "Okay" Rainbow and Pinkie walked around for a while, passing dead bodies and their dying wishes they wrote on pieces of paper. They walked, well Dash was flying a few feet high, but they found a room with something glowing in it. They walked in to find that the glowing object was on the other side of the room. The middle of the room was a 5 foot gap seperating to parts of the room. They walked out of the room and entered the other door. When they entered, the object jumped to the other side of the room. "Hmm...Pinkie, how about you stand right here and catch the object when it jumps to the other side." Rainbow said "Okey dokey lokey" Pinkie said Rainbow walked out of the room and entered on the other side. As she entered, the object jumped to the other side and Pinkie caught it in her hands. "Ooh, it's a key." Pinkie said "I guess we should keep it to see if it's any use to us." Rainbow said They walked down the halls again and this time, they found the main entrance doors. "Alright, we can get out." They both grabbed the door "Okay, Pinkie, on three...one ...two...three." They both pulled, but that didn't seem to do anything. "What? W-we can't get out?" "Oh come on, Dashie. There is a way out of here, we just have to find it and stay positive." Pinkie said with a toothy grin. Rainbow smiled back at Pinkie, they walked around again and went up to the third floor. They searched for anything that would help, but all they found was a bucket with blood, intestines, and maggots in the bucket. As they were leaving Pinkie spoke up "Hey dashie, do you have any of that cream to wipe on your butt?" Pinkie said Rainbow gave her a funny look and said "I think so... here." Rainbow said giving a bottle of cream to Pinkie. "Thanks Dashie." Pinkie said running in the girls restroom. "Pinkie...you're so random." Rainbow said, as she said that, she heard a voice... Bon-Bon's voice. She didn't know what a Bon-Bon said, but she knew it wasn't good. "Okay, ready to go Dashie?" Pinkie said showing up out of nowhere. "Gah...okay, let's go." As they were walking rainbow yelled in pain and fell on one knee. "What's wrong?" Pinkie asked "I think I twisted my ankle when I fell in the hole from our classroom." Dashie said still in pain. "Oh, that can't do. We will just find the infirmary." Pinkie walked, Dash flew but the ankle still stung, to the infirmary. After a few minutes, they found the infirmary room. It was locked, but Pinkie pulled out the key and used it on the door and it unlocked. "I knew it would work" Pinkie turned her head to Rainbow Dash "Alright, I just need you to lay down on one of those beds and I'll see if I find anything." Rainbow did as she was told, it didn't take long for Pinkie to show back up with materials. Pinkie wrapped tape around two planks of wood around Rainbow's ankle. "That should do it." Pinkie then checked her wallet where she put her Sachiko piece...it was gone. Pinkie smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong?" Rainbow asked. "I lost my Sachiko piece, I think I dropped it in the bathroom, be right back." Pinkie said exiting the infirmary. Rainbow Dash was just laying on the bed, waiting for Pinkie to come back. Suddenly the air became thick and there was a black most forming next to the bed. It wasn't anything that Rainbow has seen before, the mist soon engulfed Rainbow's body. Rainbow's body started to hurt, like she strained every muscle. Pinkie Pie was walking down the hallway towards the stairs that lead to the 3rd floor. As she was walking, something fell in front of her. It was the lower half of a female student, the student's intestines were still inside. "RAINBOW DASH!" Pinkie yelled, running back to the infirmary. Rainbow was lying on the bed, the mist still engulfing her, she felt her chest being crushed. She heard Pinkie screaming, it echoed in her head many times, until Rainbow fought against the mist and jumped out of the bed. Rushing to the door, she noticed the door was covered in black hair. As the most got closer, Rainbow was teeing off pieces of the hair. The hair was somehow pretty strong, but rainbow managed to pull off the hair and open the door. Rainbow ran down the hall and dropped to her knees and threw up. A few seconds later, Pinkie walked up to Rainbow Dash. "We...we aren't going to get out of here." Rainbow said "Cheer up Dashie, we will-" Pinkie was interrupted by Rainbow. "DAMMIT PINKIE, YOU ALWAYS SAY WE CAN GET OUT WHEN WE CANT AND WE'RE GOING TO DIE. YOU EVEN LEFT ME IN THE INFIRMARY WHERE I ALMOST DIED! YOU ALWAYS THINK ABOUT WHAT TO DO AFTER WE GET OUT, BUT WHAT IF WE DONT GET OUT. WHAT WILL WE DO THEN, HUH?!" Rainbow yelled at Pinkie. Pinkie's hair deflated and Rainbow noticed the sadness in her eyes. "Pinkie...I'm so...sor..." Rainbow tried to say, but for any known reason, she couldn't apologize. "No...it's okay Dashie..." Pinkie said forcing a smile, her hair was still straight. "I-I think we should split up, you know cover more ground that way." Rainbow tried to speak again, but she couldn't. Pinkie slowly walked towards the third floor, while Rainbow went the other direction. Rainbow wanted to go back and apologize to Pinkie, but it felt like something was holding her back. 'That was the first time we fought...was it?' Pinkie thought as she walked down the hall. Then Pinkie heard a strange sound, she slowly walked towards it. She didn't want to, but something was making her walk towards the noise. Rainbow finally forced herself to go back and apologize to Pinkie. She walked through the 2nd floor hall before going to the third floor. As she walked to the third floor, she thought she heard Pinkie. Rainbow walked into the girl's bathroom and knocked on one of the doors. "Pinkie? Are you in here?" Rainbow asked. She opened the doors one by one until she opened the 4th door. What she saw surprised her and horrified her...Pinkie was hanging on a noose. "PINKIE! Hold on I'll get you down." Rainbow pull on the rope, but it seemed to make it tighter on Pinkie. "Dammit...." Rainbow said before spotting the bucket she saw before. She went up to the bucket and fought the urge to throw up, she emptied the bucket and ran back to where Pinkie was....the bucket fell from Rainbow's hands and she fell to her knees. She stared at Pinkie's lifeless body hanging on the rope.