> Twilight's Tyranny > by 117isabrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s Tyranny Episode one Chapter one By 117isaBrony and BronyGalxD You know the story of my faithful student Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Yet you do not know the story after their time. The Elements of Harmony have taken new places in the lives of six new ponies. Pink Thread and her friends will go through many changes, good and bad. Will they overcome these bad changes or will they fall to the darkness as my most faithful student has? This is their story… Pink Thread: My Little Pony, My Little Pony, Aah Aah Aah Aah BACKUP SINGERS: My Little Pony Pink Thread: I thought I knew what friendship should be BACKUP SINGERS: My Little Pony Pink Thread: But then you all shared the truth with me Light Shield: Protecting my friends Cheery Flash: Doing stunts Journey Hooves: Lending a hoof Beta Hart: True to my heart Kind Heart: Flying kindness Pink Thread: It's an easy feat! All: And magic makes it all complete, yeah my little pony Pinks Thread: Do You Know You're All My very Best... All: Friends!!!! --------------------------------------------- Pink Thread’s P.O.V --------------------------------------------------- WE START OUR STORY OFF WITH OUR HERO LEARNING ABOUT FRIENDSHIP BY HER FOSTER MOTHER, PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE… ‘Why is she teaching me this? I really don’t care!’ I thought to myself. My mother, Princess Twilight Sparkle, was talking nonstop about friendship and junk like that. ‘I already have four really good friends, and she knows it. All I want to do is stitch up that tare that basil has bef- “Pink are you listening? This is really Important!” Mom said “ Yes Ma’am. I am,” I said with a bit of shock in my voice. “ Then can you tell me how we defeated sombra?" “ Um, Uncle Shining Armor threw Aunt Cadence and hit Sombra?” I asked lamely “*Sigh*, no Pink! Spike and Cadence managed to get the Crystal Heart to the stand and sent him back to where ever he came from,” Mom said as she looked at me in my eye with a stern look. “Oh…” I said as my mother sat down by my side. Then my foster mother said, “ I know you think this is really boring, but these teachings will save your life one day.” “How do you know?” “Haha I don’t know, I just want to protect you, my little filly!” “But I am 15 years old! I am not a filly anymore” I started with a bit of anger because I do not enjoy being called a filly. “ I know darling. How about we end the lesson here?” “Alright Ma’am.” As I around to leave, my mother called out “Oh and Pink Thread?” I stopped dead in my tracks at my mother's sudden statement… “Y-yes Ma’am?” I stuttered because when ever she does that it make me nervous,”W-what is it?” “We are having dinner with a important friend of mine and her son.” My mother Smiled warmly, “Her son is around your age, I do believe!” “Oh alright. I will wear my best dress to dinner then,” I started because I knew as the foster daughter of as princess I must look my best in front of important ponies. “Oh no no no, this is not some dinner with a diplomat! This is dinner with my friend Trixie” My mother explained in a hurry. “Then I don’t have to attend?” I said reluctantly. I really don’t like people I don’t know. Ever since I could remember I had a fear of people I don’t know. I guess it came with being orphaned when I was very little. Thats how my mother came to foster me. She found me on her step, so she took me in. “Of course you do! Trixie is one of my closest friends!” Mom said with a bit of shock in her voice. “Yes ma'am," I agreed, " May I please be excused I have to go stitch up Basil now. I will be down in time for dinner." “Alright…” mom looked at me curiously. Then as she got up to go to her study she said, “Oh and remember Pink Thread, don’t forget to use your fabric not Rarity's when you patch up Basil!” “I know Ma’am…” ---------------------------------------------------Basil’s P.O.V-------------------------------------------------------- ***Takes Place While Pink Thread And Twilight Are Having Their Lesson *** I was in the kitchen with my Uncle Spike. He was teaching me how to make his famous nachos. Yet I could not pay attention, as I had a bit sized hole in my arm, and I could not keep the fluff stuff in. It was driving me nuts! “Basil?” Uncle Spike asked with worry in his voice, “Are you Ok?” “Oh yeah, I am! Why do you ask?” I ask looking at him. “ Well… that hole in your arm looks about the size of a ruby now!” Uncle Spike took my arm in his clawed hand, and he looked at me with concern clearly plastered on his face, “When is Pink going to sew this up? “I don’t know, to be honest.” I look down with tears in my eyes,”Sometime I feel Thread should have a better assistant than just a cloth rabbit!” At this point I was full out crying. Not very manly, I know, yet I was only seven. “HAHAHAHAHAHA!” “What is it Spike!” I asked angrily, “If you have something to say, please say it!” “Hahaha! oh Basil, you sound like me when I was a baby dragon. I was like that when Owlicious came to live with us! I thought Twilight had replaced me, so I did stupid tricks to get Owlicious kicked out!” Spike answered. “L-l-like what?" “Well, I tore up one of Opel’s toy mice, and I smothered it in ketchup to make it look bloody and blamed it on Owlicious, so Twilight would make her leave!” The teenage dragon replied. “Then what happened?" “She sat me down and gave me a lecture about how I was her number one assistant." “Oh.” “At least I think thats what she said?” “So what will happen if I tell mom Uncle Spike?" Pink Thread said in a teasing manner as she entered the kitchen. “You wouldn’t dare, Pinky Thread!” The dragon teased. “Don’t call me Pinky Thread, Uncle Spike! If you dare too again, I will tell mom that you keep staying up at night reading those… those magazines! Pink Thread threatened. “And how do you know about that, young mare?” Spike said blushing. “A simple spell mom taught me.” “Oh” “So, are you done with your lessons for today, Pink?" I said, trying to stop the argument. “Yes I am and you're coming with me, B," Pink Thread said as, she grabbed me with her magic, ”And I am going to finally patch up that hole! I wouldn't want my number one assistant to be dropping stuffing everywhere! “Oh come on! It’s not that that bad! I protested. “Yes it is Bays, you got fluff in my nachos!” Spike said with a mouthful of nachos ***Pink Threads room*** Pink Thread sat me down on her bed as she got out her thread and fabric to sew me up, so I don’t become unanimated.. “This won’t hurt one bit, Ok?” Pink Thread said,”If you're good I’ll take you to Sugar Cube Corner!" “Really!” I asked before I realized how child like that sounded,”I mean, if you want too…” “You’re funny, Basil…. Whats on your mind?" She asked looking at me, "The only time you do that is when you are trying to prove something to me. What is it?” “Um nothing…” “Basil?!" “Nothing really!” “Ok… any way lets fix this up… After she was done sewing my arm back up, we went downstairs to see a mare and stallion. The mare was talking to twilight… “Buck me” Pink said. “Pink Thread come here and let me introduce you to my friend Trixie! Twilight said nodding towards us. The stallion look at us. --------------------------------------Journey Hoofs P.O.V.------------------------------------------------- I saw the most Beautiful mare I have ever laid eyes on…. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------Journey Hoof P.O.V.------------------------------------------------- When my mother told me we were going to meet her old friend and her friend's daughter, I thought it was going to be a dull, boring visit. I have never had guessed that we would be talking to Princess Twilight Sparkle herself! Or that I would be staying in her castle, or even standing in the main hall. Or I never would thought I would meet a mare so beautiful as Princess Twilight Sparkle's foster daughter, Pink Thread. She herself had a royal aura. Pink thread stood as tall as a princess, But one would have thought so looking at the daring glint in her eyes, or her shy way of smiling meeting some new pony. "Pink Thread, this is Trixie and her son Journey Hoof,” Twilight introduced us. "Nice to meet you," My mother said bowing slightly. "Nice to meet you, too Mrs. Trixie," Pink Thread said with a shy like voice, also bowing. "Introduce yourself, Journey," My mother prodded me with a cuff to the ear. "H-hello princess," I stuttered embarrassed, "My name is Journey Hoof,” I bowed as a commoner should do in the presence of royalty. “Please, I am no Princess Mr. Hoof,” Pink Thread said in a smug like voice, then she said in a sincere way, ”I am just like anypony else. You can call me Pink Thread.” “Sorry, Prin- I mean Pink Thread.” “No need to apologize Mr. Hoof,” Pink Thread said smiling at me. “Um, O-Ok then,” I said like an idiot as I started blushing. My mom and the Princess smiled at each other. This made me blush even more. “I almost forgot!” Pink Thread gasped, “I promised Basil a treat from Sugar Cube Corner, is it ok if I take him mom?” "Yes you can thank you for asking me before you left Pink. Oh, and while you're there bring back a chocolate silk cake with you for dessert.” Twilight said, “Why don't you bring Journey with you? What do you think about that Trixie?" Princess Twilight asked my mother. “Yes Trixie thinks that is great idea Twi," my mother said using what I bet was twilight's nickname. "Journey go with Pink Thread,” My mother said in that voice of hers. Luna I hate that voice. It’s the one she gets when she does her “I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” “Ok,” I said simply as I was sort of scared that I would embarrass myself in front of Pink Thread, but it would give me a chance to get to know her better. I waited as Pink Thread went to get Basil from her room. Whoever that was. So then I asked the Princess... “Who is Basil?” “Basil is Pink Thread’s assistant,“ Princess Twilight said knowingly. "Those two, as in Pink Thread and Basil, have be like brother and sister since Pink got her cutie mark." “Oh...Um ok... So where is the...uh…bathroom...Princess." Down the hall, and please call me twilight Journey” “O-ok and Thanks” As I was walking to the bathroom I bumped into someone, that was tall. What I did not expect to see was a dragon. He was purple with green spikes, he was also wearing a white turtleneck with black jeans. I bet he was as tall as Princess Luna. " Oh I'm so sorry sir!" I said as I stepped I stepped aside. He just glared at me and walked away. When I was done in the bathroom, I made my way to the front hall past the library, the kitchen, and someone’s bedroom. When I got to the front hall I saw Pink Thread waiting there waiting for me with a stuffed rabbit on her back. And Mom and Twilight was nowhere to be seen. “Uh… you have a dragon running around here.” I said looking at her for an answer. “Oh you mean Spike? If he glared at you it was because is too over protective of Pink Thread." The stuffed rabbit said. “The rabbit is talking?!” I said while taking a step back in shock. “Well that’s mean! And for your information my name is Baesil. Pink Threads number one assistant!” “When I was small, my mom gave him to me as a present, then he got a hole on the side of the head so I patched his head and somehow I lost control of my horn and enchanted the patch so he became animated. It's also how I got my cutie mark." She said “Oh” “yeah” Pink Thread said as she looked away blushing. She was walking towards the door but then she suddenly she stopped in mid-step When I looked over at her she looked really shaken up. “What’s Wrong?” I asked. “Nothing” She said then she carried on. ---------------------------------------------------Cheery Flash’s P.O.V.-------------------------------------------- Whenever I’m stuck on a piece of music I bake and bake and bake. Cookies, pies, cakes, pudding, bread, cupcakes, and custard. But on this piece I’ve been stuck on for days. one week, 6 days, 9 hours, 39 minutes, 54 seconds to be exact. in that time I’ve baked 9 loaf of banana bread, 5 cakes in the flavors of chocolate, banana, strawberry, vanilla, and blueberry, also made 5 bakers dozen of doughnuts glazed,9 bakers dozens of cookies, and 15 bakers dozen of different kinds of cupcakes. I was just putting my signature touches on the cookies that just came out of the oven, when my mom and Mrs. Cake came into the kitchen. And behind them was one of the grimmest ponies I’ve ever seen. he was an earth pony, His mane and tale was red with white stripes, and his coat was pure white. He looked like he saw some bad stuff, and behind him was the most cutest filly! I guessed that she was his sister because they looked like they could be twins! Yet I knew that they weren't. “Cheery this is Light Shield and his younger sister Shining Light” Mom said bouncing. “They will be staying here until Light will be able to care for his sister himself” Mrs. Cake said to me which I returned with a puzzled look. “It’s nice to meet you Light ,Shining,” I said looking at both at them as I said each of there name. “Shining is going to take a nap in your room if you don’t mind Flashy,” Mom said walking past me followed by Shining Light and Mrs. Cake. “No problem mom!” I said with a smile on my face. It was just me and Light Shield standing in the kitchen looking at each other. The glaze he was giving was make me uncomfortable, so I turned back to my cookies. He looked at all the baked goods than at me. then he suddenly asked: “Did you bake all this?” His voice was not what I thought. I imagined it to be gruff like my granpappy, no it was as smooth as honey. “Yes” “Why?” At then I put down the frosting and looked at him and… laughed. He looked at me like I was crazy. “Why are you laughing? He asked. “I don’t know HAHAHA” He took a step back. “I bake when I am stuck on a piece of music ahah." “Ah” “Would you care for some cookies?" I said still chuckling. “What kind?” “The ones I am frosting are sugar cookies in the shapes of the elements of harmony." " I did a report on them for school last year." " Then you have to know that my mom is the..." " ...Element of laughter, Pinkie Pie, yes I know. And I'll take one that looks like the element of kindness if you don't mind Cheery Flash." " Here you go, I think I'll eat one with you Light Shield." I said taking one that looks like the element of magic, and leading Light Shield to the dining room to eat the cookies. " So where's your mom and dad Light?" I asked. When he heard me he almost choked on his cookie. " Are you ok?!" " I'm ok, and to be frank, I don't think it's any concern of yours Cheery Flash." " Ok I'm sorry I asked." When I said that my best friend Pink Thread and a pony I never saw entered SCC. " Hay Cheery Flash!" Pink said, " meet the son of one of my moms friend Journey Hoof, Journey this is one of my best friends Cheery Flash!" " Nice meet you Journey, and this is Light Shield, both him and his sister is going to be staying with us! Oh and light this is pink thread and basil!!" " Nice to meet you!" Both Pink Thread and basil both said. Journey just looked at him with shock " Nice to meet you..." > Rewriting Twilights Tyranny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A note: I am rewriting thing story! I want to make it better! If you have any tips let me know!