Loaded Concentration

by Detrail

First published

Warning: Story contains diapers, it's usage both ways and some sexual themes. Turn back now if any of those subjects offend you. Twilight has secured enough privacy to test a spell, however the effects may be unpredict

Warning: Story contains diapers, it's usage both ways and some sexual themes. Turn back now if any of those subjects offend you.

Twilight has secured enough privacy to test a spell, however the effects may be unpredictable.

Another day fulfilling my contractual obligation to hodgepodgeDL. So if you want to blame someone, blame him.
Edited by LunAnoN, and art was hastily stolen from Lphooves and heavily edited by me (damn that LP and his artistic talent!).
(If you want to see the original unedited version, go check out his gallery.)

Loaded Concentration

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The sun shined above the Golden Oak Library filling all of Ponyville with sunlight and warmed the tiny village. Through it all, one purple unicorn name Twilight Sparkle stayed hidden away inside of her library contemplating her next course of action. Exactly 3 days ago, Twilight had acquired a cursed tome of forbidden unicorn magic from the Canterlot Royal Archive. Knowing full well the contents of the book would be outlawed; she had sent Spike on a series of tedious tasks earlier that day while she examined the contents. While running through the book, one spell in particular caught her attention titled “Loaded Concentration.”

The spell itself was listed in the section designated for curses, and was marked as a high level spell. While this would normally be a deterrent for any sane unicorn, the description was something that intrigued the young mare. Using the spell would result in an increased level of concentration for the pony it was cast upon. This was something that intrigued Twilight, as recently she had received a new shipment of spells she has to review for Princess Celestia. The use of the spell would simplify matters, and at the same time make future research easier. After she had found the spell, she had set off to locate the ingredient which was oddly enough very easy to acquire, a simple foal diaper. While Twilight was unsure why the spell called for that, she knew that most spells didn’t make much sense in their demands until after they were cast.

She proceeded to reread the spell, making sure to follow the directions precisely. She noted down that on the lower half of the page was another spell. As per convention when a curse is listed, its counter is listed in close proximity. As a precaution, she memorized it just in case things went wrong. She placed the foal diaper on the ground, and readied herself. “Okay Twilight, this is a simple spell. If anything goes wrong I can just use the counter spell to fix it.” Twilight began to draw magic to her horn, focused on the diaper, and then on herself. A bright light engulfed the mare, blinding her. As the light cleared, she could see the diaper was gone indicating the spell had worked. Twilight jumped up, excited that the spell succeeded. Okay, now time to test and see if this spell works. Twilight began focusing on several of Celestia’s new spells at once, but found that her understanding and ability to concentrate on them had not changed. I guess it didn't work. Maybe I should go reread those instructions again. Twilight walked over to her table where the book was resting and sat down. As she did this she could hear an odd crinkle, causing her eyes to go wide.

Twilight stood up looking for the source of the noise, realizing it came from her rear. As she looked down she realized she was wearing a larger version of the foal diaper she had used for the spell. Whoops I must have messed up something in the spell. I better get this off quick before Spike gets back. Embarrassed, Twilight began to use her magic to remove the large diaper. As she cast her spell the diaper glowed purple, but after a few seconds the aura dissipated. Huh!? What’s going on? Twilight tried again, but with similar results. Okay… That’s fine I’ll just remove the tape by hoof. Twilight began to pull at the tapes, but try as she might she couldn’t get them undone. After a few more attempts she realized that the spell must have enchanted the diaper in some way. Just great! Why did I expect any better from a curse!? Celestia warned me to stay away from them. Twilight let out a sigh. Okay I just need to think, there had to be some way to get this diaper off. She began to wonder what to do, until she remembered the counter curse. Well it can’t make things any worse. Without hesitation Twilight casts the spell unaware of what will happen next. That same flash of light blinds her, and dissipates.

As she looks down at herself, she notices that she is still wearing the diaper. She once again tries to pull the tape off with her hoof, but to no avail. Combined with a growing pressure in her bladder, this all caused the purple mare to become more agitated. “ARGH! This is getting annoying! I need to get this thing off quick before I have to go.” Maybe I missed something in the book. Twilight used her magic to levitate to book off the table, and towards her. However, as the book reached the midway point between her and the table, she inadvertently dropped it. A strange feeling began to wash over her. For a second she actually believed the spell may have worked, until she realized the feeling was localized in her abdomen. She quickly realized something else was going to happen soon if she didn’t get the diaper off.

She once again used her magic to bring the book close to her. As the purple aura surrounded the book that strong feeling ran through her spine once more. Without control her tail lifted up, and a hot mass began to form in her diaper. The shock from her accident caused her to once again drop the book, and her bladder released. As this occurred Twilight was reminded of her successful attempt earlier to convince Spike to go out to the market and buy several items, along with another gallon of lemonade. A plan that only worked because she spent a better part of this morning drinking her previous gallon. It all rushed with a torrential force for the purple mare, who sighed in response to the relief her aching bladder received. Soon the front of her diaper became warm and squishy, and the back warm and mushy.

The speed of Twilight’s accident, as well as a combination of stress in an attempt to get the diaper off and relief induced by her accident, resulted in her delayed response to what had just occurred. As she began to collect her thoughts, her eyes went wide as the realization of what she just did sank in. Slowly the caustic smell began to fill the large library, as Twilight could no longer deny what she just did. D-did I just? The mare still in disbelief slowly ran her hoof against her used diaper, as she reached the front she pressed against the warm padding. This resulted in sparks of pleasure charging through her entire being. She quickly pulled her hoof away panting. She looked around to make sure no one saw what she just did. W-wow… I-I better get this off before someone… SPIKE! She was quickly reminded that her privacy was only temporary, and Spike would be back soon. She reached towards the book and began to flip through the pages, now without her magic she noticed that the page the spell was written on was unusually heavy. Wait the pages are stuck. Why do I have a bad feeling about this!? She managed to separate the pages, finding a note scrawled on some notebook paper, and quickly read through them. As she did an empty feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach, as she recognized the handwriting as Princess Celestia’s.

1) Further testing of the Loaded Concentration spell had shown exactly zero effect relating to its aforementioned claims. The actual effect results in cursing the victim by locking them in a large diaper, and although this is quite humorous it has little usage for use in our interrogation efforts in its current state. While the spell I located in that book of joke spells seems useless, this does give me an idea. This spell can be used in conjunction with a spell we currently use, that locks the wearer’s magic.

2) Testing has shown that the resulting combination binds the two spell together. This both seals the victim’s magic, and locks them into a diaper that can only be removed by the caster of the spell. An additional effect result in the victim suffering a temporary form of incontinence if they attempt any spell. With the duration of the incontinence being directly proportional to the amount of magical energy that would have been expended in the nullified spell. This has shown to be quite potent deterrent tool, and has been cleared for immediate use. Further testing will also be performed on the spell using Canterlot inmates.

3) Continued testing on self casting the spell has also been performed. Now due to the pony’s own magic being the catalyst for the spell the effects of the magic locking is nullified. But the remaining effects remain intact. Further research shows that unlike the usual case in which the spell can be deactivated when the caster removes the diaper this is no longer the case. Currently research is being performed in order to find a way to counter the spell incase of self casting.

4) It appears I have made a terrible miscalculation. Apparently unlike the case mentioned in notes 1 and 2, the process of self casting has terrible consequences. The key one being it converts the magical energy of the pony into ‘waste’ to be removed along with the induced incontinence. It has also been noted that the pony need not cast a spell for this effect, although the use of a spell will speed up and magnify the result exponentially. As of now, no cure has been determined. All subjects involved in the experiment has been detained until a cure has been determined.

5) Further usage of the Loaded Concentration spell has been banned, for fear of its conjunction with the magic nullification spell. Although a cure has been established, all records of this spell are to be hidden. This includes any and all records of the published book, Wacky Spells to Try at Home. These two spells listed together, are from this point on to be delegated as a curse and to be kept for archival purposes in the Canterlot Archive.

Secondary Notes: In case of self-casting this spell, the use of the Minor Curse Cancellation # 17 spell can negate the effects of the curse. Further testing will need to be conducted on effectiveness, but thus far it appears to be an effective cure.

The remainder of the note was torn. This was nothing unusual to Twilight, she was familiar with the experiments performed, and was quite familiar with it. Twilight had read through much of the princess’ research, and was certain it was Celestia’s signature and seal on the torn portion. Right now she needed to locate her books on counter curses, but as she began towards her book case that full feeling returned to her bladder and bowels. Oh no! I need to find that book fast! Twilight quickly grabbed as many books on counter curses as she could, and began to read through them. She flipped through book after book, but the feeling in her intestines began to exponentially increase.

She soon felt the pressure decrease slightly, and the warmth in the front of her diaper renewed. Oh! Ahhh~ That, that was nice. No! Focus Twilight! She threw the next book on the ground, and pulled up the next and began to read. All while trying to distract herself from her diaper and painful bowels. No! It’s not in this book either. I need to get the rest of my collec- At that moment the pressure was too great for the purple mare, and her tail lifted up once more. Wave after wave exited her anus and began to fill the seat off her diaper, the sheer force exhausted Twilight, and she fell on her ever expanding diapered rear. A squish echoed through the library. “Ah!~” Another feeling of odd pleasure washed over her, as she realized she was in serious trouble now.

Twilight began to panic, with every passing second her diaper continued to fill further, as it was pushed it to its limits. She continued to run through all of her books on counter curses, but as she continued to fill her diaper the smell in the small room continued to increase. Oh Celestia that smell! Twilight dry heaved from the putrid odor coming off her diaper. I am running out of options. At this rate I am going to pass out before I find the cure. I have no choice; I’ll have to risk it! The asperity of the smell grew too great. This forced Twilight to cast a spell on the growing diaper, which successfully neutralized the smell coming off it. As the air began to clear she was quickly alerted to the cost of her spell. The full feeling in her intestines increased, and her tail once again lifted up. Twilight closed her eyes and braced herself, as the bulk of it began to rush out. At first she was disgusted, but soon that feeling of relief washed over her. I need to keep looking! She continued to read through the books, until she had run out of research material. She began to worry until she looked up at the top shelf of her library.

Twilight remembered she moved most of her basic counter curse spell to the top of her library. Of course! I had a test on counter curses a few months ago! I thought I wouldn’t need them, and forget I left them up there! As she got up she was fully alerted to the sheer weight of her mess, as her diaper sagged. Taking a few steps forward Twilight realized how difficult this was going to be. She managed to make it to her ladder and began to carefully climb up. As she continued up further she felt her bowels fill once again, a result from her spell earlier. Not again! Come on just a little higher. As she approached the top she could make out the text on the books bindings, Introduction to Curse Reversal Volumes 1-5. As she continued up, she was only a bookshelf away. Her eyes went wide, as she heard a noise emanating from within her.

Then, without warning, it happened once again. She felt her diaper grow warmer and thicker with the mess entering it. Now her diaper began to push out past her thighs. As this happened Twilight’s center of gravity was thrown off, causing her fall off the ladder. As she began to plummet to her doom, wetting and messing herself partly out of fright, she subconsciously managed to cast a teleportation spell to save herself. However, instead of teleporting herself down, she teleported all of her books onto the library’s floor. A loud *squish* echoed through the library as Twilight opened her eyes to she had safely landed on her messy rear. Oh~ That felt... UGH! Why am I even thinking about that right now! While she was relieved the books made a soft landing for her, she swiftly realized that much magic was about pour out of her and into her sagging diaper.

She scrambled to find the books in the chaos of her library floor, while constantly being hindered by her diaper. She quickly began chucking books into a pile until that same unrelenting pressure had returned. This time the pressure was unimaginable for the little mare, as she immediately began to release wave after wave into her used diaper. Releasing both urine and poop into her diaper where she stood. While this staggered her, she continued to waddle through the library. Soon that became impossible as she had to crawl to get around. But no matter how much time passed her insides wouldn’t let up. She finally saw the books in a pile on the other side of the room. She tried to crawl towards them. While she had finally finished going into her diaper, she found she could no longer move any further.

As she looked back the diaper she realized it was worse than she had imagined. It was now dyed a vibrant saggy yellow from all of the urine she expelled and was a thick lumpy brown from the sheer volume of her mess. She was certain it was far too big and heavy for her to get any further while it was anchoring her to the ground. Then she began to feel a burning inside of her. Something she had been ignoring ever since this literal and figurative mess started, but she could no longer keep it up. Ahhh! Forget this! The mare quickly flipped herself on her back squishing further into the messy diaper. “Oh~” she moaned in pleasure. She then took her hooves and began to rub her warm diaper against herself. Each one bringing more pleasure than the last. “I am, I am… Ah~” It didn’t take much effort, all of her rubbing against the ground made her transition into joy that much easier.

Twilight’s body spasmed and bounced, the process driving herself deeper into her full diaper. This only multiplied the intensity of the orgasm, and caused her thoughts to become hazy. Now the blissful mare was filled with conflicting thoughts, but in her inebriated state decided to voice her opinion. “Y-you know I-I think Ii-” Before she could finish her statement she heard the door open and footsteps approaching her. While she would normally have tried to do something. Right now she was far too elated to do anything more than soak up the happiness she felt.

As the footsteps reached the library she was greeted with the face of her confused assistant Spike the Dragon. After a few seconds of seeing the library in disarray, and Twilight smiling while wearing a giant filled diaper the little dragon began to laugh at the mare. “Hahahaha! Oh my gosh! Twilight you should see the look on your face. Also what are you wearing!? You look ridiculous!”

Hearing the ridicule Twilight was snapped back to reality. “Hey Spike that is not funny! Help me get those books.”

Spike continued to laugh, “Are you sure you don’t want any help changing into a clean diaper?”

Twilight's face turned red at her assistance statements, “S-Spike! Get me those books before I give you a punishment you will really regret!”

Spike’s laughter bellowed on unwavering, “Oh yeah like what? Are you going to make me your personal diaper changer?”


Three months had passed since Twilight used the Loaded Concentration curse. Now Twilight was sitting down in the main room of the library reading another book, smiling intently. While she had managed to escape her diaper, and deactivate most of the effects of the curse she wasn’t completely cured. “Ugh! Twilight! Come on! At least tell me when you need a change before it gets this bad.” Spike walked into the main library. He was carrying with him a purple diaper bag embroidered with Twilight’s cutie mark, and holding his nose.

Twilight looked down as she realized her once white diaper, that Spike changed her into a few hours ago, was now sagging and possessed both a yellow and brown tint. She had been left completely incontinent as a result of the spell. Apparently even though the Minor Curse Cancellation # 17 spell had negated a bulk of the effects. She, just like the other subjects, was left completely incontinent. In addition to that some slight effects of the Loaded Concentration curse still lingered, requiring Twilight to have to change several times a day. She had gotten so used to it that by this point she was no longer affected by the smell. In fact she rather enjoyed not having to get up while reading, or while working on a new spell to go to the bathroom; among other things. At times she was so invested in what she was doing she would forget to change. This further annoying Spike, as he had to check her diaper frequently. As she sat back her diaper squished under her, causing her to smile and exhale sharply. “Um, Spike! Tell you what... since you have been such a good dragon how about you let me handle this one, and you can go to Sugarcube Corner for a treat.

Spike was overjoyed to hear this, “Oh thank you Twilight!” The dragon left the diaper bag with the mare and ran outside the library.

As he left Twilight laid back in her diaper causing its contents to press further into her. She readied herself as she had grown quite accustomed, over these past three months, to what she was about to do. Once again in a rhythmic pattern she rubbed her hoof into her diaper sending waves of pleasure running through her. It only took a few minutes for the pent up mare to find release. She began to pant in an attempt to catch her breath. “Looks like I was right. I do like diapers.” The mare continued to breathe heavily until she could no longer keep her eyelids open. As they began to close she could hear the footsteps of her assistant returning to main room. I forgot to change, and he hates changing me while I am asleep. Spike is really going to be mad. Maybe I can get him to try diapers one of these day. The mare concluded her thoughts as she fell into peaceful slumber.