I Dream

by NorthStar-Studios

First published

A series of short poems of what each the mane six dream about.

A series of short poems of what each of the mane six dream about.

Written By: Gleaming Ember
Cover Art By: Gleaming Ember

Also check out audio readings on my channel: Gleaming Ember

Twilight Sparkle

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I Dream

Twilight Sparkle

I dream of a time where I am worry free. A place that I can relax and gain knowledge from the oldest libraries. Thousands of books on millions floors. Where everyone is put in a particular order. Authors whose souls are written in the pages. So that my eyes could wonder through the glorious words that engages.

I dream of schedules filled with on time activities. Where not a single one has changed from other festivities. Checklist after checklist galore. Where I know not a single one will be ignored. Things organized with every desire. Everything perfect to the smallest one required.

I dream of days of old, when the Princess and I did magic untold. I learn far beyond anything I could imagine. For this is my greatest passion. Magic flowing through my blood and veins. Makes me feel strong in my heart thats filled with flames. The burning determination to learn more. Always makes me feel that I can spread my wings and soar.

Rainbow Dash

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I Dream

Rainbow Dash

I dream of when I am racing across the sky. Feeling the adrenaline coursing through my body to my eyes. A test of strength, stamina and speed. A place built for true destinies. A time to take risks and enjoy the ride. Moving swiftly far and wide.

I dream of crowds cheering my name. All at once for winning the game. I feel encouraged and enlightened. My mind and heart softly brightens. The competition that pushed me to the test. So that I can be the best.

I dream of heroism and greatness. Everyone looking upon me with great entertainment. I do tricks and flips in all good fun to prove that I am the one. A great a leader and flyer without any doubt. Where I am Wonderbolt who is fierce and proud.


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I Dream


I dream of a land filled with apples trees that have all thrived. Standing big and tall with great pride. Their apples shining and growing in the sunlight. Without any disturbance when it is night. A farm that is my safe heaven, that I will protect from any invasion

I dream of the sun rising over mountain to be free. Where my apple orchard glows below with glee. I will work hard until the sun sets. That is when I will put myself to rest. For I have made a promise that I will forever keep, that I will be true to myself and never cheat.

I dream of more honest world. where lies die so that only hard work is earned. A trusting place filled with only love. So that I know my family could be taken care of. A time I know in my heart when nothing could go wrong. So, that I know we could always be together and stay strong.

Pinkie Pie

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I Dream

Pinkie Pie

I dream of chocolate milk falling from cotton candy clouds. Oh, won't Discord be proud. Frosting covers the ground like a blanket of a snow. The trees around are covered with cookie dough. Sweets growing like wild flowers in an open field. I cannot begin to imagine what I feel.

I dream of music and dancing. Balloons being set free in the sky while prancing. Friends and families having fun with great games and more. All them being entertained across the board. No one is alone during this amazing time because if they are that would be a crime.

I dream of seeing smiles everywhere in sight. Thats when my heart would take flight. Laughing and playing all around me, that is what would make me so happy. My eyes would fill with hope and love. I would then pray to the heavens above. Do not end this world of light and wonder. For I never wish to see a single tear fall from another.


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I Dream


I dream of a paradise that is peaceful and quiet. A place full beautiful emerald green forests. A vast waterfall sprinkling crystal water. It would always be a nice warm summer. Tranquility in a soft bed of flowers. Blooming gracefully after the harsh winter showers.

I dream of a sanctuary where I know my animals will be safe. No harm would come to them with each and every embrace. I watch over them like angel from above. As they play with all their love. I will promise to never let them know the word fear. For no matter what I will always be here.

I dream of a time where there is no greed. All my worries and fears are gone and I am freed. No pony dreams of control and power. Oh, if only we there, never again would I have a reason to cower.


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I Dream


I dream of my days of living in the grand capital city of Canterlot. Where I am successful and being with sophisticated ponies quite a lot. We where fancy clothes and finer things. I see myself wearing necklaces, earrings and shining rings. As we all sit down and drink a cup of tea, I am happier then any pony could be.

I dream of being surrounded by beautiful art. It all has a place in my heart. Tapestries hanging around me as they show me stories of the past. I only hope they will always last. I know one day I will so them all my amazing fashion. I will be greater then I ever have imagined.

I dream of a world that will be more forgiving. Where every pony is always sharing. I know that selfish ponies only live in a world of cruelty. Thats when we must show them generosity the key of keeping friendships which is the greatest beauty.

Princess Luna

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I Dream

Princess Luna

My dear sister, I now understand what life should truly be. It is something that is not given to thee. It is earned by those who have hearts stronger then the sun and moon. I know what is false and what is true. I promise you sister. I will not let them be taken by jealously. I will protect their dreams and make sure they become heavenly.