YHAY: The Mysterious Sir Elusive

by Dedmanbonez

First published

Elusive has survived 10 years in the hellhole know as Equestria, wearing the same raggedy clothes for 4 of those years. He WILL have new clothes!

Elusive Hunter is a human from earth who arrived in Equestria at a young age. He is armed with knowledge needed for survival and weapons training but his true passion is fashion! Only problem, he's a human in a world where humans are nothing but dumb animals. How will he overcome this issue? Read and find out!


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Roar a manticore, I hate those things so much. But that was the price I paid for living in the Everfree forest or to be more specific the Everfree Castle. I’ve lived there since my family “fell” into Equestria from our cottage in the middle of nowhere...I was six then ten years passed since. Both my parents are gone, leaving me with their equipment.

Both Lily and dad were into the survival thing but only mom did so for a living (ex military and an awesome hunter) and to provide food for the family. Dad was more of a home maker. Cooking, Cleaning, etc. Oh and he was amazing with needle and thread, all the clothing I owned back then was always handmade by either him or me and any food was caught by mom who always brought me along with her.

“You saw this coming, Lily, Papa. You knew I'd have to fend for myself.” I murmured as I finished off the dying Manticore before it’s roar could draw any other nasties to my encampment as mom called it. I just prefered to call it home.

Ten years ago

Mom and I almost fell prey to a dragon on the first day in this hellhole. Mom was tough and I was learning fast but we couldn’t take on a dragon, yet. We ran as that monster ate my Papa, not a tear was shed during our escape. We didn’t go near that cave for a full two years. During which we both trained to become what was necessary to survive in this enchanted world.

On our second year of living in this new world we found out where we were. This land was called Equestria and it’s ruling species were ponies that thought made me excited, I wanted to pet the pretty pony that was talking to her friend...IT WAS A UNICORN they’re real here!. I shook my head at how girly I was thinking. I took another look at the other pony to notice she had wings...A PEGASUS my favorite magical creature. If I didn’t want to go out then, I definitely wanted to now.

Mom stopped me and made a hush motion I gave her a “but why” face and she pointed behind them. They had humans in chains and I use the word human loosely they’re more like Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon (What I was a smart kid). They looked primitive enough to pass for them that’s for sure.

We had come across a few in our year here. Some were violent and wanted momma some women even wanted me, while others were docile and didn't care either way. We (more like mom) decided to live on our own and we discovered the castle. After she deemed it safe to live in we set up shop laid traps and various proximity alerts and I made a few adjustments to our clothes that were showing wear and tear.

Mom laid down the ground rules for our life in the castle one being that fires must be small enough to avoid giving away our location to predators or worse, Ponies. I agreed with her on all counts, I will not be a slave. I look at my reflection in a mirror and remember a history lesson mom gave me on our people. “This isn’t colonial America and I refuse to be a slave to a pony!”

“Well said, son well said. now let’s get some hunting done.” following those rules our lives went rather uneventful for the the next year. Until we were ready to kill us a dragon mom had reinforced twin sabers and I had dad’s katana and my own set of throwing knives and stars. Mom looked at it and said. “It was a good thing we had we had this stuff with us when we were dropped here. Survival would have been a problem otherwise.” I nod and we head to the accursed cave...time for some revenge.

Now we had been training for a full two years and one good thing about the castle is it spooks out any would be assailants or enslavers. Meaning we were somewhat safe in the castle. Training or no, we weren’t stupid enough to attack a dragon head on. My name wasn’t Link, Hiccup or Dragonborn. Hell I can’t even remember my own damn name. It was just a word to associate me with and since I had no peers I could speak with it was useless. The plan was to kill the thing in it’s sleep we had found studied it from afar and knew it had a soft underbelly that would be how we kill it, gutting.

The plan failed and it woke up angry. “Run honey, I’ll keep it busy so you can live!”

I had seen this episode before and wasn’t about to watch the rerun “Fuck that, mom!” I yelled as I bumrushed the dragon before she was fully aware and slashed her left achilles tendon. Her focus was solely on me, the one who was actively wounding her. Dragon or no an assault on the Achilles tendon is going to hurt like a hell. I had gone full berserker. If I was going to die, I would take this fucking bitch with me.

While she was falling to the ground in pain, mom was tossing acidic potions at her, making sure not to hit me. I had done a massive amount of damage to her legs in combination to the vials. But time was running out and I just didn’t care in my current state of mind. The dragoness came to her senses after the second vial. She gripped mom in a claw and began to crush her. The dumb bitch doesn’t see me as a threat, I’ll have to change that. By the time she grabbed mom, her legs were fucked acid plus an alchemically enhanced diamond cut Katana equals one paraplegic dragon.

Mom desperately struggled to loosen her hold of to no avail. If this kept up, she would undoubtedly perish. Slightly coming to my senses, I took action. Making a mad dash towards the bitches spine I used that momentum to do a savage spin. The shear force of that ungodly and impossible roll caused my mighty blade that I would later deem ‘Dragonbane’ from her tail to the nape of her neck. In my rage, I had completely taken a shit on physics. I would later learn how to do such feats without going primal.

The dragoness' grip had slipped causing mom to painfully flop to the floor. I, still not giving a shit that the bitch was now permanently paralyzed from the head down. Roar in a fit of rage that had not yet subsided and plunged Dragonbane into her cerebral cortex. I pull the blade out and flick the blood and greymatter from her (yes my sword is a she) and proceed to slash, gut, and stab the bitch long after she was dead; roaring a dragon’s roar. From what I had been told of the event, my eyes looked like the dragon bitch's.

Mom grabbed me. “Honey, that’s enough it’s dead! keep going and you’re no better than it or those native humans!” I turn to face my mother still worriedly hugging me. She was terrified, I could see that on her face but I didn’t care that bitch would pay for her transgressions and killing her wasn’t enough for me. I would make her very soul hurt by destroying the corpse. Mom looks in my blood lust filled eyes and does the only thing that could to bring me back to her. Mom disrobed and forced her ample bosom in my face, I cried “Shh, it’s ok honey. it’s dead and you’re not, now get a good look at me and enjoy.”

That night to calm us both from the shock of what had just occurred my mother, the only intelligent woman as far as I knew gave me a prize for my hunt like the wild humans do. She took my virginity. We both killed our morals to survive for two full years in this hellhole and mom..no LIlith refused to give in to her carnal desires with a native, so I was all that was left. We took everything from that cave and for the next six years my life with my Lilith continued as such we’d hunt skin and gut then eat our prey and then we “celebrated” as long as we could. Lilith insisted that I shot outside, not wanting to bring a child into this life of ours and I agreed.

Lilith and I refused to let ourselves become truly wild we lived by a code. Take only what you need to survive, thank the beast for it’s sacrifice, and carry on with life. The biggest part of our code was avoid any and all outsiders, no matter what. And so we did but sometimes we pilfered supplies from passersby, it was usually of the medical kind and a bestiary being the highest necessity.

For six years Lily and I lived a happy life together. Hunting, eating, sleeping, fucking. But that life would soon come to an end on the day after a ceremony the ponies of the adjacent town called “Winter Wrap Up” the day I hate most in the world, the day my Lily died. The anniversary of our lifestyle was approaching and I wanted to catch her off guard by making her something special a full week early. To pull that off I needed apples, her favorite fruit. I take a trip to the apple farm avoiding the nasties along the way the worst one was the coakatrice.

Out of everything in this world it looked the least like human legend...It was a fucking chicken. What the absolute fuck, these things were massive in human folklore so why is it so tiny. I dropped the subject when I noticed it could turn me to stone with one look. “I’ll be avoiding that and If I can’t I’ll kill it on sight” I had my trusty compound bow at the ready, not wanting to have Lily find me turned to stone.I should know by know that speaking of the devil summons him. flick and tango down I was taking no chances with those things, period.

Having lived here for most of my life meant I had scouted the place, and well. I knew what went down in at the farm by watching from the forest. There were four ponies living there with at least fifty humans for labor. I was about a half hour away. I had arrived at the farm and shot a rope arrow so I could pick apples from on high and avoid the local humans. I traveled from tree to tree using my bow and rope arrow as a detachable zip line on the taller trees to avoid being seen. after I take what I need, I take my leave with a small sack of apples. “Hold it right there, ya varmint!”

Shit I’d been made with no choice I shot a warning shot and quickly reloaded keeping aim at the orange mares head. Applejack was her name, I believe. I shook my head and remember the law of the hunter. Don’t humanize your prey don’t think about it, no matter what. The fact that I would open fire if she made one wrong move was made clear.

“Well I’ll be yer one of those rare humans from the zebra lands and y’all can use that weird bow! Take it easy feller, I don’t mean ya no harm.” She said as if trying to calm a wild beast. Well I guess that’s what I was to her.

“I’m sorry miss, but I need these apples.” I tossed her a satchel of gems as payment... and hush money. When I remembered one thing...humans can’t talk!

“Wait a apple buckin minute, did y’all just talk!” She said in disbelief. I can’t say I blame her if a pony started talking to me on Earth (I don’t say back home since I had spent most of my life in Equestria) I’d have thought I was going crazy.

She looked like she wanted to confirm it. “Now come on over here I won’t hurt ya.” She calmly said in her southern twang I found it refreshing to be talking to a pony, not to mention a gorgeous one like her!

I move closer and do something I had wanted to do for years. I scratched her ears and rubbed her belly a bit. “You forget things every day, you should be a good pretty pony and make sure this is one of them.” I said in a slightly menacing voice with a hand on Dragonbane. “Take the gems and leave me be, please don’t force my hand.” I said in a manner that wasn’t threatening at all but pleading. She did as I asked and grabbed it.

“I can’t take all this, it’s about twenty times more that what ya done took!” She said in a fit of brutal honesty. Good so not all ponies are scum then, nice to know.

“Then consider that my tab from now on, Applejack.” I said her name since she was no longer a threat in my book. I shook her hoof and a deal was struck since I’d pay for a years worth of apples and take what I need when I needed it and she’d keep track of what I took. I kissed both her cheeks in an adieu, that got her flustered.

“Look here mister, I ain’t no hoity toity Canterlot pony and you won’t be treatin me like one, ya get me.” I shook my head in understanding She was taking a talking human rather well or maybe this was just her business sense taking over her “common sense”. Either way I didn’t talk to her for too long and booked it in an alternate route to the castle. Applejack may be good but I don’t know about her Brother, Big Macintosh.

I decided not to tell Lily I had just been forced to take a shit on our code to avoid the fierce nagging that would persist. I arrive home to prep the best dinner we’ve had in weeks. “Honey, I’m...home” A manticore was tearing into Lily’s side. It wouldn’t enjoy it’s meal for long, for it would soon be our meal. Thwick and the fucker was dead via an arrow to the head. Another hunters rule...always go for the head, it’s less brutal.

“Nice shot, love.” Lily said in a gasp of pain. I understand that she was bit but It wasn't a big chunk I could suture it closed with the equipment we had in the...Oh GOD. it hit me she had been poisoned.

“Baby, I can help I just need to get the antivenom and you’re good.” I went to get the manticore antivenom we had on hand but she stopped me.

“Don’t leave me, love. I was poisoned by three of them look at the two on the floor.

I did and after I made a further assessment of her wounds while only one got a chunk of her to eat, they all managed to get some serious scratches on her along with all the venom that was pumping in her veins by now. It was too late. “You need to make this place more secure, okay.” She said in a voice I hadn’t heard in a long time, the voice of a mother. I stood by her side and pulled out my katana she shook her head knelt on her knees and I ended it. I stabbed her in the heart and gave her a quick death over the agonizingly slow and painful one.

I walked back to the farm holding her in my arms. I had to honor the number one rule for survival in the castle, no high flames. Applejack was still bucking apples and noticed me “Well howdy, mister human...Oh sweet Celestia what happened?!”

I needed her help so I played ball and gave her some info. I told where I came from, how I’d lived here almost all my life “I need a pyre for my.” I struggled to find the right word “Mate if you don’t mind and maybe some kind words from someone.”

“Well, I can help ya with the pyre. But as far as the words go mister human...What’s your name anyway?” I gave her the name that I no longer respect or remember and she agreed to say a few nice things for me.

Macintosh had helped me and Applejack retrieve the proper amount of wood for the pyre and he began to light a torch. “Big Brother this may sound sound strange, but let the human do it.” she didn’t actually ‘the human’ She said my name but as I said I discarded that on that day. It no longer held any value to me.

Macintosh gave her a funny look but looked at Lily and me and noticed we weren't theirs. His eyes were mostly on Lily filled with sadness at my loss. I’m just gonna assume he’s in on my charade. “Adios, my love.” I said in a low strained tone of voice and light the fire as Macintosh left me an AJ alone

“I’m real sorry about ya loss mister human. Knowing you ain’t no normal human I won’t leave ya here alone” She said and sat down next to me as I basked in the sorrow. That’s what a pyre is for after all to send the body on and take the remorse away from those that are left.

“Thank you AJ, I think I’d jump in with her if I were left alone.” I said while crying the only tears I’d be shedding for her, love or no sorrow could get me killed and that’s not what Lily would want. We both look into the fire but the light had drawn in another pony. It was the little sister, I think her name was Apple Bloom. She had a yellow coat and red hair and wore a bow, or was it a ribbon made into a bow? I don’t care.

“Whatcha doin, Sis?” Apple Bloom said with way too much cheer for my liking at the moment. But it felt good to have her around.

I opened my mouth then AJ shoved a hoof in it “She can’t keep a secret worth nothin.” AJ explained to me I removed the hoof from my mouth and began to speak anyway. I mean who’d believe a filly talking about talking humans.

“We’re having a pyre for my...dead mate. And before you ask she was taken from me by manticores. The word came out of my mouth like venom I once ignored them seeing them as more trouble than they were worth, but no longer shall I turn a blind eye to those fuckers! I put them below cocaktrice at kill on sight.

“Oh, well I’m sorry about your loss mister talking human.” She took it better than her sister had. “You look like you need a hug” I nodded and the both the girls hugged me while I sobbed.

It was a the longest night of my fourteen years of life. Big Mac came back out with the elder pony, Smith...no it was Granny Smith. “Well looks like ya got yerself a good pyre goin there, youngun. Who’s it for?” The elder asked respect and sorrow in her voice.

I was debating to myself on sharing my secret with the rest of the family. After all I’d be doing business with them anyway right? “It’s for my lover, her name was Lilith.” I said in a tone devoid of all emotion.

The elder nodded in confirmation and Big Macintosh’s brain crashed. “Well I’ll be darned, a talking human! I reckon you live in the forest what with all that gear on yer.” I nodded at the elders assumption. She was old and wise, I had no doubt that she had seen stranger things than a talking human.

Apple Bloom tugged at my shirt. “Hey mister human, why’d ya have the pyre here anyway?”

She asked in honest question so I gave her an honest answer. “We have...had a code, one of those rules was fires were not allowed to be this high.” Apple Bloom cocked her head in confusion. “It would compromise our camp to the nasties or worse ponies.” The last bit came out venomous and the poor filly looked terrified.

The innocent little filly tugged again for my attention. “Why do you hate ponies so much? We ain’t that bad!” She said indignantly.

“Ponies collect humans and shackle them for enslavement. They’re nothing but dumb animals to them and I can’t deny that. But I am not an animal, Apple Bloom.”

This time AJ asked me a question. “How do ya know our names anyway?” I had explained that I had cased this place as a potential means of food and gathering information on the outside world. “I guess that makes sense.” She replied.

We just sat there in silence staring at the pyre, just the four of us. Until a pink mare came along. “Ooh, whatcha doing Applejack? You’re having a bonfire and you didn’t invite your friends!” She reached into a hole and out came four other mares and a dragon. The monster hunter in me wanted to slay the foul thing until I saw it was about Apple Bloom’s age and calmed down.

And then the mare pulls out marshmallows from her mane and heads to the pyre. Needless to say I smack that shit out of her hooves and point at the still burning remains of Lily. “Oh, It’s a pyre I’m sorry ‘mister human’ and your secret's safe with me. Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye” How the fuck does she know my name or my secret? AJ looked at me and shook her head. I took that as “don’t question it” and went back to staring at the fire. Then Pinkie as I had dubbed her began to sing a ‘my heart will go on’ how the hell a pony knows a human song, I don’t know.

Big Mac had brought booze, a staple for this stage of the pyre. Seeing as everyone was good and sloshed and Spike the dragon was out of it, I started singing pirate shanties. The girls were too far gone to question a singing dancing human. Elder stepped in on the parts that needed an equine adaption. AJ and I had consumed enough booze to make a Valhallian warrior jealous. I think I could come to like the Apple family.

There was one pony who caught my attention. It was the white mare with a purple mane. She was on Applejack’s level as far as natural good looks came. But she was a bit prissy so I stayed near AJ singing, drinking, and making merry with my new friends.

Pinkie tapped me in the shoulder. “You’re a lively one. Wanna be friends?” Did I want to be friends with Pinkie, that was a good question. But with Lily gone I’d need friends and allies in Equestria or at least someone to “own me” I’d ask the apple family about that later.

After I gave it a good thought, my mind was settled. “Ok Pinkie, I’ll be your friend.”

“Ooh, ooh, how did you know my name?” I just blinked. That’s her actual name, seriously?

“Give me your birth name and I’ll give you mine.” I told Pinkie. I just had to know her full name.

Her face twisted a little and her mane deflated. “Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie Pie!” she said with a hop and her mane returned to it’s puffiness.

I gave Pinkie my name, she seemed happy to have an official meeting. As the fire died down, the other mares began to head home. Why Pinkie could pull them out of a random hole and not take them home the same way, I don’t know nor do I want to. I grabbed the now sleeping Apple Bloom and followed Big Mac to her room.

“You can stay here if yer willin to pull yer weight, youngun.” The elder offered to let me stay but I just couldn’t after remembering Lily’s last words. Even if I had taken a shit on most of our code. it was a two person survival plan not a one, so I had to adapt and adapt I shall.

“I’m fine elder, I’ll just return to my camp. I can’t run from my memories forever I have to deal with it, or they’ll forever haunt me.” I replied to the elder in a brooding tone. Great I’m starting to sound like one of those novels Lily used to….no I won’t let a ghost pull me down, not even Lily’s!

AJ, now sober enough to try to talk me out of it got my attention with a kick. “Y’all ain’t goin nowhere right now, it’s the dead of night and you ain’t got but the two arrows. Now you best be marchin on up those stairs and be getting some rest. We can go to yer castle later and settle the air but for now follow me, please!” AJ asked me in a worried tone. Either she really feels sorry for me or we bonded over the pyre.

“You’re the boss, AJ.” I said in defeat

“Yer darn tootin I am” She walked into a room and I followed. With one look around I could tell this wasn’t a guest room, it was her room! “Now no need ta get flustered, I just figured leaving ya alone tonight ain’t a good idea. Who knows what y’all might do with the grief of losing yer mate!” She’s right I might just have killed myself if I went home now.

“Ok I’ll stay but Lilith wasn’t just my mate, she used to be my mother before that.”

AJ’s eyes bulged right out of her head. “She was yer what now? That just ain’t right, partner!”

“Who are you to question our morals! We survived a living hell together. My dad died the first day we arrived in the accursed land. Eaten by a dragon so we could run. A dragon that I killed in cold blood two years later. I went primal and got lost in my rage, she pulled me back and that’s how we coped with our life here for a full six years...and then she...she.” AJ grabbed me as I fell to the floor sobbing at Lily’s loss yet again. After all the day was not yet over.

“Shh. It’s alright sugarcube, let it out. And I’m mighty sorry for saying what I done said. I had no right ta question how y’all kept yer sanity.” When I stopped sobbing for the final time that night, AJ cleaned herself off and went back to bed. “Are ya gonna c’mere, or do I gotta lasso ya!?” I took her words at value and got in the bed with her, it was not sexual.

An early rise to a new morning later and a full quiver of arrows (wooden) later. AJ and I were on our way to the castle (after morning chores). I'm glad that AJ kept an iron grip on my torso as she slept, otherwise I’d most likely be dead by the nocturnal creatures of the everfree. Two arrows and no sword, the fuck was I thinking. I gotta get past this grief shit before it kills me and Lily kicks my ass on the other side.

Apple Bloom wanted to come with us. Something about an ruin exploration cutie mark. AJ answered her with a tail smack to her forehead. “Big Macintosh take her to school for me, will ya? Oh and Apple Bloom not that anypony would believe you, but no talking about ‘Mister Human’s’ speaking alright.”

“I ain’t gonna tell nopony about your coltfriend, sis! Just like ya said even if I did nopony would believe me.anyway!” AJ and I both blushed at her sisters statement

“I’m not her boyfriend!”

“He ain’t my coltfriend!” The two of us said at the same time. Immediately after we looked at each other and laughed.

“See y’all like two peas in a pod! If he ain’t your coltfriend then he oughtta be!” Apple Bloom said not backing down. I gotta give it to her, this filly’s got conviction. But yeah, AJ is not my girlfriend.

I think of how to use this situation and decide to give AJ a playful smack on the ass. “Well, we better get moving. Don’t want the nasties on us first thing in the morning do you?” My southern accent just slipped I hadn’t heard that in years. I hope she doesn’t think I’m mocking her.

AJ walks past and smacks me in the face with her tail...harder than I smacked her, but still playfully. “You’re right. We best get a move on!” With that both AJ and I made a mad dash. Apple Bloom tried to follow us but Macintosh and the elder stopped her from pulling any shenanigans. When we were far enough out of earshot. “Did ya have ta smack me on the flank. I don’t know what that means to humans where ya come from but that also has some serious meaning to it partner.” AJ explained

“Well I had ta get ya movin somehow now didn’t I?” Great I’m still talking like I belong on this farm. “And besides you’ve got a lovely flank, i couldn't resist.” I said with a smile.

AJ blinked, and nothing more. She's taking this pretty damn well. Seeing as I just told her I was an alien just yesterday. I must’ve earned her trust somehow considering I’m not in a lab or some such shit. Lily your paranoia was in vain, at least where the ponies I had made my friends were concerned.

Speaking of paranoia, I'm glad I always have my weapon at the ready. A Timberwolf lunged at AJ. As soon as I felt it come it had an incendiary arrow lodged in it’s cranium via my bow. AJ looked at her attacker dying a fiery death and then to me. “Well if my mind weren’t set then, it sure is now ya just saved my life! Welcome to the family!” Aj hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I retrieved the Arrow but it was dead and needed new flint. AJ examined the arrow. "I done seen this arrow before!"

Without missing a beat I reply. "Yeah, and it saved you the same way too! I was a brat and you were a filly back then. that'll teach you to not listen to your granny!"

"It really is a small world, ain't it?" She sighs and I nod as I held my hand out to her.

I waited for AJ to get her bearings and then pressed on. The rest of the trip was uneventful and for that I was glad. The only other specialty arrow I had left was a flash arrow and those were an annoyance for me to make. As soon as we arrived we retrieved anything we could take with us. I left my valuables in safe in the lower levels I had fortified into a deathtrap should any uppity ponies find my home. Magic or no anyone who saw this would assume the princesses had cursed the room so only they could enter.

We were ready to return to the farm after our third trip and my area in the loft was ready for me when we got back. AJ wasn’t having that one. “You want him ta sleep in an area where our humans could mess with his stuff or him?! Think about it Big Mac he’s an intelligent human that survived eight darn years in the Everfree. One of the males gets outta line and he’ll fight back causing the others to join in!”

I’ve gotta admit, Macintosh made a dumbass call trying to get me to stay so close to the other humans...why would he do...oh. I whisper in AJ’s ear “I think he knows we slept together and now he want’s me away from his sister.”

AJ’s eyes widen at that “Big Macintosh, I’ll have you know that ain’t nothin happen last night. I was on suicide watch!”

Big Mac looked at AJ then at me “Dude, I just lost my lover! What the hell makes you think I’d have sex on the mind anytime soon? Truth be told if not for AJ I would most definitely have left this world last night. Now don’t you feel like an ass?!” I turn around to see an actual Ass behind me. “no offense there man”

This guy must have either had no fucks to give or have some sort of visual impairment. “None taken.” With that the donkey walked off.

Both AJ and the elder made Macintosh take all my stuff to the room next to Applejack’s. I offered to help the poor stallion but it was his dumbass moment and his punishment so he took it like a man, or in this case stallion. I now had my own room in a safe, loving home but I had to say this. "I'll bunker down here with y'all but I have to keep my place. It was her dying breath that I do so." They all understood my need to keep my place. I would end up staying at the farm three times a week.

Present time

A familiar whistle pierced the air. As soon as I heard it, I knew she was being attacked most likely with her friends doing their usual “crusading” thing. So I quickly dove into action, running towards the screams at full speed. I’d be damned if I was going to lose another loved one to those things. I got there in time to see the two current crusaders plus a former crusader atop a tree branch plus Dinky, great so she’s officially one of them now. She had been Crusading with them since Scoots got her mark and title. Since there were two unicorns and a serious amount of adrenaline, I didn’t question how they got up there.It wasn't Scoots, her body is still recovering from that thrashing she got from fighting that bugbear the other day. She killed the fucker but it cost her. With a broken hoof and wing, it had to be pure magic that got them up there. However their safe haven wouldn’t hold forever it was a waiting game and the fucking manticore knew it.

I reach for my side quiver….shit no arrows, looks like this is going to be sword play. Pulling out Dragonbane I howl since the other crusaders don’t know my secret. The soon to be dead manticore notices me and sees a better meal in my well toned (but not overly muscular like the humans on the farm) form. The stupid fucker thinks I’ll be his lunch! Sorry pal but it’s going to be the other way around.

Like a typical manticore, it lunges at me. I dodge and slice off the most dangerous piece of the beast, its tail. It howled in pain and anger. If its attention wasn’t on me before, it surely was now. We pace each other waiting for an opening. I gave it one and it took my bait. With a clean motion I lopped its head off. It was a flawless victory on my part.

With it now dead, I quickly looked over the body and noticed that he was in fact a she….and pregnant. Fluttershy would yell at me for this but good thing I’m not “her human”. I love her like a sister, but I would rather perform seppuku than deal with her overly protective ramblings about the rights of other creatures. Yet she stood there last time I recall a human being publicly “put down” for “aggression” no love for humans....hypocritical bitch.

Her tone towards humans would soon change if I had my way. And had my way I did two weeks later, I scared the shit out of her just by smiling. The poor thing was a whimpering mess. I patted her mane and cooed at her, she calmed down...until I spoke. Being the manipulative little fucker I am, I got her to keep quiet and join the ponies who knows Hunter’s Secret cadre. With that split second of being sidetracked done and over with. I got to deal with this.

I cross myself for the life of the unborn cub. While I hate manticores, the cub had no chance at life...I preformed a C section as quickly as I could. Luckily enough, I managed to save the cub and it was now my problem great, just great.

After realizing I had almost forgotten the CMC I make a catching motion. They jumped in my arms one at a time Sweetie Belle was the last one… she was terrified of humans ever since her encounter with one last year. She screamed in my ear as I caught her...little ingrate.

“Your Personal human I awesome! Not only can he handle that sword like a pro he took down a manticore like it was nothing! If not for my injuries, I might have been able to help.” Scootaloo proclaimed in a shriek that reminded me of Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in Equestria.

“I can’t believe what I just saw… that...huaman performed a C section on that manticore and succeeded!” Sweetie Belle said in a cowering yet shocked tone. roar the cub cried and that gave Sweetie's statement concrete evidence. Shit, this is bad I hope AB can come up with a good excuse.

I look to her. “Uh yeah, he may have some military training but remember he’s a service class as well and they’re usually smarter than regular humans. My guess is he saw the operation being performed on the farm and just copied it!” Thank you Apple Bloom, hopefully the reminder that I’m technically a service class human with some military training would throw them off.

Their filly minds grasped at that excuse, like an adult would all crusaders bought it, except Sweetie Belle. She saw me do it expertly without a moment of hesitation. Scoots was the only one not fooled but played along. She was on to me and I could do nothing. Sweetie Belle kept a suspicious eye on me (more like her only eye) too bad they couldn’t get her fixed in time the scar was gone but her eye was fucked, permanently. By the time she had gotten treatment the nerves in that eye were dead, at least they managed to fix her horn. Hell I’m the one that ran her into the hospital, her kicking and screaming the whole way. Thinking back I probably had her suspicions the moment I put her horn on ice, which is why she still has the thing.

“She’s on to me to me” I click in morse with my tongue to Apple Bloom.

“Oh hush, you. There ain’t no way she can be! I gave her a right proper excuse!” AB gave my paranoia no second thought

I’m just glad that morse code doesn’t exist here, there may be some similarities to hoof language but luckily enough for me the two are so inherently different that no one’s gonna catch it. The darn fools are just gonna think I’m makin music. I walked them back to Rarity’s house, not taking the chance of them doing something stupid when I left them. I stayed on point with the cub following my every move.

I guess I”m it’s dad now, I’ll have to sex it and have fluttershy give me the proper nutrients for it later. I can handle the meat and get milk from the cows (they love me) but the nutrients contained in mother’s milk would be a problem. I lifted the cub and found out that it was a she and put her atop my head she nested in my hair which at the moment was nice a poofy thanks to the shampoos and conditioners I get from Pinkie.

“Whatcha gonna do about that cub” AB clicked

“Who Missy, I’m keeping her. I killed her mother and brought her into this world. She’s my responsibility now.” I clicked but not all at once tongue cramps can be a bitch if you get them. AB smiled in approval.

We were out of the everfree and at Carousel Boutique in less than ten minutes. Looks like we made good time, Missy’s scent must of masked mine. I’d keep that in mind for later. The closed sign was up as well as a “humans prohibited” sign, I gave no shits and slammed the door open.

“What in the world is going on here!” The diva shouted at me. Since I couldn’t talk to Rarity I pointed at the filly’s then grabbed the frisby from Scoots and pointed in the direction of the Everfree. Rarity’s not an idiot she may hate humans but she knows I’m “clever” and got my point. “I What were you fillies thinking playing so close to the Everfree and then risking your lives to get a silly frisby back! What would you have done if Hunter weren’t there to save you!”

The diva addressed me in the new name I gave Applejack for my registration last year. It didn’t take much to bribe an official to fabricate my training papers and whatnot so I could continue to do what I do. Act like a soldier from time to time while being a “clever little human”.

“I’ll tell ya, at least one of us would be dead right now. Scoots and I done told them ta forget the darn thing but it had sentimental value to Dinky, so we had ta go get it. Scoots protected us for as long as she could but that manticore made her leg even worse. Lucky for us that I called for Hunter otherwise that branch woulda snapped and ya know the rest.” Attagirl, Apple Bloom. I’m glad I taught her how to assess dangerous situations the branch was probably her Idea to buy time for the rescue if not Scoots'.

Rarity blinked at AB’s matter of fact statement as did the others. “Young lady, where did you learn to think like that?!”

AB’s eyes were on me. The diva noticed and shook her head. She was most likely dismissing the truth. That’s when AB came up with a good excuse. “Hunter’s former handler taught me a lot about situational analysis before she left him in our care and left Ponyville to go back ta Canterlot, knowing her Hunter would be in good hooves.”

The marshmallow seemed to accept that answer “Ah, Midnight Blossom took a liking to you did she? That explains why you want to be a member of the Lunar Guard one day.”

The other members of the CMC’s mouths were agape I’m guessing this was the first they heard of Apple Blooms dream. Well to be honest I wanted to be a member of the Rising Tide, the best of the best of the Lunar Guard. However that was as big an honor as being in the Coming Dawn. I can dream but I know full well that a human will never be bestowed that honor, the Rising Tide are practically knights.

Dinky was about to say something most likely something stupid to ruin AB’s aspirations. I promptly covered her mouth….she bit me. I was losing blood but it wasn’t significant so I pass it off Missy jumps off my head and onto the nearby desk and licks my wound. Fluttershy came out of the next room in a dress, a damn good one but it was clearly machine sewn. I would love to get my hands on that fabric and make myself some new clothes, I had nothing but the shorts I was wearing. Good thing Lily had me make them adjustable up to three sizes higher.

Rarity escorted the fillies upstairs to the bath. Dinky was not looking forward to this, she hated baths from what bloom told me. Fluttershy’s eyes bulged out of her skull. “A baby manticore, now where did you come from sweetheart.” She cooed at Missy and Missy growled at her no doubt trying to “protect” her daddy.

“Missy that’s no way to treat my friend Fluttershy!” I reprimanded her. “I saved her by performing a C section after ‘putting her mother to sleep’. The bitch was trying to eat the girls so I did what I did.” Fluttershy hid under her mane a bit. She probably thinks I’m gonna let her go back into the Everfree when she can fend for herself! “I plan on keeping her but I’m gonna need the nutrients to do so.”

That made Fluttershy happy. She’s been trying to give me a pet since she found out I was sentient and now I have one. “That’s amazing news, Hunter. But should you really be talking right now?” I cock an eyebrow up and she does her usual shyness thing. “Um...I mean...what if Rarity hears you talking.”

I blew that idea off. “Rarity is so closed minded and her hatred of humans is so deep right now that I doubt she’d accept the fact that she heard me. So I’m good.” I said While Fluttershy was cleaning and dressing my bite wound. Apple Bloom is most likely giving Dinky hell for that right now. But as soon as I said that I passed out.

“Miss Fluttershy, what’s wrong with Hunter?!” I heard Apple Bloom worriedly ask as I came to.

“It wasn’t because I bit him was it?!” Dinky asked honest regret in her voice.

Without missing a beat Fluttershy answered them both. “No Dinky it isn’t. And he’s been poisoned by a manticore Apple Bloom. Before you ask it’s not fatal, since I gave him the anti-venom in time. But he’ll need to stay here for the night to rest and then he can go home.”

I could see blurs all the girls were here. One human swallows poison like a dumbass and he’s received by the six elements of harmony. I think back to Lily and realise how close that was, I’d do better to avoid close calls like that from now on and always remember to have an elixir on me. That stuff cures all ailments but it was a nuisance to make.

“He’ll have to what!” Rarity practically yelled in the royal Canterlot voice I had been unlucky enough to hear Twilight yell in at spike one day when I helped in the library. “I won’t have that thing anywhere near me or Sweetie Belle if I can help it!”

I was expecting Applejack or Apple Bloom to speak on my behalf but it was Fluttershy that did so. “Rarity, need I remind you that you are the element of generosity? Also that if not for this wonderful human, Sweetie Belle, your sister would be dead! Let’s face it out of the four of these fillies Sweetie would be the easiest prey with her limited visibility.” Fluttershy was in full “fuck you” mode defending one friend from serious harm by the hooves of another.

All Rarity could do was sigh in defeat as all five of her friends, the other two members of the CMC plus Scoots, and worse her sister; the very pony she was trying to “protect” from the “vicious human” shook their heads in disapproval at her statement. She had lost and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it. “Fine he can stay and heal, but he does so in a cage!”

Twilight brought in a cage she used for studying the more violent species from the everfree that I bring to her barely alive. I can pick myself out of this in no time and she fucking knows it, after all she read my file and Midnight Blossom was more than happy to agree to claiming to be my former handler...after all I saved her life and she owed me a life debt. Good thing she knew a guy and then boom I was hers and have been hers for about five years. I couldn’t help but laugh at the way they think humans age. I’m apparently half my fucking age.

After my small trip down memory lane I was out of it. I wake up at about one in the morning. Missy had taken my friendliness towards Fluttershy well and left with her according to the note that was under my bed. One thing I know about Rarity and Sweetie is they’re hard sleepers so I can help myself to some fabric. I break out of the cage and head to Rarity’s sewing area and proceed to help myself.

One fabric caught my eye it was rough like denim but smooth like suede and I immediately start the designs and got to work with a needle and thread. Unlike Rarity I don’t use a machine to sew period. Hand sewn is the best to me. Within three hours my ensemble was complete. I was pretty much wearing the Connor Kenway uniform with dark orange and black as the base colors and instead of it bearing the mark of the assassin, I had Applejack's cutie mark on it.

I stripped out of the shorts that were chafing me as is and put on my new clothing. It felt amazing I’m guessing that this was an engineered fabric but it could be less itchy. I’d have to work on that one myself since Madame Rarity refuses to make clothing for humans. As for right now I had to deal with the matter at hand, I was thirsty as a motherfucker and I would see that thirst quenched.

The sink was out of the question. The purification system was outdated and slightly noisy. It might wake them up and besides I didn’t feel like drinking water anyway. Opening the fridge I peruse its contents and find a glass vial containing what I was looking for, juice and it was grape, sweet! Grabbing the vial and quickly chugging it’s contents I finally quench the intense thirst I had worked up I was happy….until I read the note that was in the fridge.

“ Rarity, the contents of this vial are only to be consumed by you. This potion will make your features shine brighter and has been coded to your DNA, I have not tested it on anypony else but the samples of hair you left me have increased in their luminosity. It is with much importance that I state this once again. Do not allow anypony else to consume this potion. The possibilities are ranged and worse case scenario is their bodies reject your genes and their cells cease to function.”

I tossed the vial on the ground not caring if Rarity and Sweetie wake. My body begins to burn and I start a coughing fit. My eyes begin to fail me as I fall to the ground quivering in pain. It was like all my fibers were being unstitched and my very form was being resewn into something new. As this pain was coursing through me, I could only help but to mutter “Fuck you, Twilight Sparkle” in a soft pained voice. My goddess or no, she was the cause of this pain.

I don’t know how long I was sprawling about on the ground. To anyone looking at me I must’ve looked like a human that ate an avocado. For some reason the humans here can’t eat them but me personally I love guacamole. I thought of the perfect sandwich to distract myself from the pain when that stopped working I thought of how to “stabilize” Rarity’s new fabric for my own use. Oh the possibilities that stuff contained. It was some of the best fabric I had ever seen in Equestria, and it will be mine!

My eyesight returned to me in...damn I can’t even process how long it was. But when it did I could see and feel something wrong. I felt magic and saw an aura that wasn’t Rarity’s or Sweetie’s and the magic didn’t feel alien to me like it usually did. It fucking felt...right. I felt it building and suddenly became frightened, I had no idea on how to control this shit. Twilight never let me go near her magic books.

Trying to do something with the ever building force I remembered Newtons laws and applied them to this power. If I was assuming that magic was a like a bow string being pulled back and If I didn’t release it soon the whole damn bow (me) would break! I envision myself firing an arrow and swish a magic arrow shot out at one of Rarity’s Equinequinns ripping it and the wall it was next to in half.

If that didn’t wake one of them up I don’t know what will. With one look at the mirror that was next to it I could tell my features had changed...epicly. My eyes were now a vibrant blue and looked more like a pony’s than a humans’. My hair had become the same color as Rarity’s in both color and style.

The once punk hairstyle I had was now what Rarity’s mane would look like if she were a stallion. I watched in horror as my skin changed in texture it became fairer by the second great, I’m evolving into a pretty boy. If this is what my pokemon went through when they evolved, I’m so fucking sorry. This shit hurts like hell. I jested to myself at the pain and anguish both physical and mental that this change was causing me.

I noticed another physical change I was getting taller and my muscles were not getting bigger but rather becoming proportionate to my new size while maintaining my former build. Any and all scars I had were gone. I sighed in relief that I was still human, I was just a human that looked a lot like a Rarity that was possessed by Nightmare Moon.

By the end of the change my skin was as smooth as a baby’s bottom and my eyes were now a dark sapphire instead of the vibrant blue of rarity and my hair (I refuse to call it a mane) and new tail or was now amethyst in shade instead of brilliant purple.

I could feel myself losing my hold on the waking realm. This magic stuff was draining I reach out for a quill and some paper and instead it was encompassed in my black and orange glow. With little time left I scribed down a letter to Rarity. “Do not take me to a hospital, just get Twilight. If she asks...who am I kidding. When she asks, I’ve been spliced with your DNA. I survived and It was fucking Painful. Forever a lover of fashion, Elusive Hunter.” I laughed a bit at my name that now sounded like a pony’s. Thud and like that I was out of it.

Work It, Move That Bitch CRAZY!

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Ugh, I have the worst hangover in the world. This must be what mana poisoning feels like. Memo to self train extensively, but don’t overdo it. As I woke I noticed I was strapped to Twilight’s machine….I WAS STRAPPED TO TWILIGHT’S MACHINE, shit she’s gonna dissect me. I tried to use magic to remove my restraints...nothing.

“Spike take note! The subject Hunter, or Elusive Hunter as the note would have us believe. Possesses advanced capacity for magic after being “spliced” with Rarity’s essence and changes to his person are clear. The subject is no longer human, but a human/pony hybrid! I am now attempting to scope the ramifications of this discovery.”

I had read enough books and watched enough movies to know what that meant. But Twilight was my friend she wouldn’t just kill me for science...would she. I wasn’t about to give her the chance and knowing my luck AJ doesn’t know I’m in Twilight’s lab. “Look here Twilight I don’t mind you collecting data like this, so long as you don’t dissect or vivisect me!”

Twilight cringed, knowing her it was at the thought of vivisection of an intelligent specimen. “Don’t be absurd, vivisection of a sentient specimen is akin to torture and you’re Applejack’s precious Hunter! I don’t approve of such barbaric sciences. That’s what the machine is for after all!”

I had never seen this one before.. The wires were leading into a hub. Twilight pressed a button and it projected my form and vitals. Well I’ll be damned Twilight had invented the world’s first magic mediscanner. The trekky in me was indeed amused.

“Other than your speech and recognition capabilities, there’s one thing that’s bothering me, your vitals. You have a fever and by your heartbeat alone, you should be dead!”

I laugh at her dilemma and debated on telling her the truth. That not only am I spliced, but I’m from another world. Fuck it, Applejack might have to tell her to end this silly testing. “The reason for that is I’m an alien. I don’t mean I’m another liform when I say alien though, what I mean by alien is I’m from another dimension compared to the humans here I am hyper evolved. And don’t mind my vitals as long as my temp's not over 105 degrees Marenheit I’ll be fine but beyond that is brain damage and then death. Fevers for humans from my world are considered 100 degrees and up due to our normal temperature of 98.6 degrees.”

Twilight stopped me. “Spike are you getting this?” She asked excitedly

“Sure am, Twilight” Spike said in his usual “best assistant (next to me) in Equestria tone.

“Spike, bro. I don’t care what Twilight says the information about me being an alien goes to no one not even Celestia!” I shouted as I finally produced enough magic to break my restraints and removed the device from my body. It was futuristic for Equestria, but not for me. Twilight whimpered. “If word gets out about my being an extra dimensional being, then you have signed my death certificate. The quacks won’t stop until I’m dead and being studied by them for their little nobel. Not even you would be able to assure my safety in that case, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” I bowed to her.

Twilight bit her lip. “You’re right Spike don’t write down the extra dimensional part in the report to the princess and purge it from the experiment data! We can’t have the worlds only sentient human and our friend killed...not even for science!” good she got my point. “So tell me more about your world!”

That was a long but short story before I told her what I knew I stated that I was six when I had arrived to Equestria and had been here for about ten years. This caused Twilight to stir...oh right I forgot about the human aging. I hushed her and explained that part. After she calmed down I shared some tales of Earth with her, she didn’t probe me for too much information knowing I was a child when I lived on earth and my memories were few.

By the time I had gotten to the good bits spike had retrieved the other girls and we were all in the lobby area of the now closed Golden Oaks library that was rebuilt after the creation of the Castle and placed in a different area in town. “So you’re telling me you have a means of transportation that can exceed the speed of mach 10!” Twilight screamed in glee and RD frowned in disbelief that anything is faster than her.

I smile at what I was getting ready to say. “Yes, planes can fly faster than Rainbow Dash, but those are primarily for military use.” RD just scoffed at me.

Rarity was next to ask me a question. “Elusive, where did you get the Idea for your garb? It looks fabulous!”

I smiled at her and answered “You remember me telling you about our means of entertainment? Well I got this from a game.” I didn’t tell her the name or that I’d be making the tools of the trade. I didn’t want the looks that statement would come with. She took my rather vague answer and didn’t question it.

“I’m still mad at you for taking my fabric without permission!” The marshmallow states indignantly.

“Well what did you expect me to do? Go up to your room and say excuse me Madame Rarity, yes I gave you a title. That’s what you are to me. May I make use of your materials to make myself some clothing. You would have hit me with a magic blast or defenstrated me and you know it!” She didn’t deny it. “On a side note that fabric is extremely itchy, love.” I said with my accent sounding slightly distinguished, yet country like the rest of my family. Rarity remained silent to maintain her ladylike dignity. Everyone took my calling Rarity love as her calling everyone darling.

I didn’t have too many questions to answer since half of them already knew this stuff about me. The others were just amazed that Apple Bloom managed to not say a word about “her amazing human” well technically she didn’t since she brought me to show and tell once and I displayed my “cleverness” and combat skills for the class to see. The fact that I had “official” papers from Canterlot was once again my saving grace with those ponies.

After a few rounds of explanations, the girls were satisfied and I was free of the questions. I went to perusing the shelves and grabbed books ranging from “Magic 4 Foals” to “Advance magical encyclopedia” and I began reading the books I had coveted for two years. I put my photographic memory to good use and ran through over half of the books within ten minutes and put them back where they belonged. The organization here was shit, I’d have to introduce Twilight to the dewey decimal system, she’d absolutely love it!

Twilight looked flabbergasted. “There’s no way you could have read all those in ten minutes!” To prove her wrong, I teleported behind her and back to her, made a small ball of dark energy and implode it and then cast a zero gravity spell. “Okay, so maybe you can, but you might want to find one specific type of magic and excel at it”

I think for a minute and reply. “Got anything on enchantment, disenchantment, and combat magic?

Twilight’s eye’s light up at my decision. I could tell she was doing the math in her head to what role those skills would be needed for. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to become a paladin of sorts!”

My smile became visible and her suspicions were confirmed. Now that I had magic on my side, I had a chance at getting into the Rising Tide or better yet becoming a knight of the Lunar order! “You got it right Twilight. Apple Bloom wasn't the only one with hopes of serving Luna. Her goal is still Luna but mine is being a better Spartan for Etheria. Now that the cat is out of the bag, you should know that I'm a grand spartan."

Twilight grinned at my statement. “A human knight, now that would be a first! How exactly do you intend to pull that off, Elusive Hunter?”

Is she mocking me or being genuinely curious? “I have an idea.” She opens her mouth for an answer but I put my finger to my lips. “But that my dear, Is a secret!” Her mane got that disheveled look to it. I had forgotten who I was dealing with here, Twilight hates not knowing things. “I’ll tell you, but you have to pinkie promise to keep it between us.” With the promise made, I gave her my rough plan.

“That just might work, Elusive.” Twilight declared in a somber manner. She doubts my plan well she’ll eat those words soon enough. I sighed. “That’s a long road you’ll be walking on, you know that right?” I nodded my head while reading all three books at once. I love magic, now I know why Twilight uses it all the time.

I spent the next few hours in a warded room practicing my newly aquired magic. Twilight seemed frustrated and excited at the speed of my learning with magic. “It’s completely unheard of. In less than a day you went from novice spells to adept spells. Keep this up and you’ll be on advanced spells in a month!” She said gleefully I have the distinct feeling that she wants me to become her student.

“So what you’re saying is I won’t be needing magic kindergarten!” Twilight cringed at the mention of it. That just let me know that horrible things went on there and I’d never want to partake in them.

“There’s more than just three princesses, you know. If you were a pony I’d say your special skill would be combat magic. I’d say that I’m just what you need for a teacher! And quite possibly a liege lady. If you ever feel like leaving Etheria, let me know!” She whispered that last part. Too bad for her that I heard it, enhanced monster hunter senses for the win!

“Why Princess Twilight Sparkle are you trying to tell me something?” There she goes again with that look. “Yes Twilight, I would love to be your student. But as far as being your knight goes I can't just leave my duties in the Spartan regiment. They need me..” Twilight gives me a motherly stare. "Alright Scootaloo needs me. You know about me and AJ by now. Well Scoots is the matriarch of the herd and I can't betray my wife like that. Not even for you. You had your chance at me and missed it, princess. I will gladly be your student your friend and give you a dicking when you need it but I will not betray either my wedding vow or loyalty vow." I put all my honor in that statement and was rewarded with a beautiful smile from Twilight and roaring applause coming from the ether. Damn it, Etheria! Truth be told Twilight was always my goal. But that ship sailed long ago She is my goddess but I shall not sever the bonds I have made with the Spartans for a moment of happiness with her.

Etheria Poised herself for a regal statement. Sunny la Fatass hates that she outshines her but she's my princess/mother-in-law, what can I do? Mother dearest takes my statement home by pointing that I'm not just in a herd with Scootaloo but am married to her. Scootaloo is her adopted child and by extension I am her son. She goes on until any idea of taking me for her own leaves Twilight's head. "Make my Grand Spartan as grand as you possibly can. I plan on revealing him at G3. I shall come up with a way of displaying his power and he shall receive all accommodations for his acts of valor. All shall know the glory of Prince Elusive Hunter." That would give Tia in hysterics. She can't very well challenge this can she? The Spartans have enough power and number that they could secede and absolutely fuck the equestrian military up. We must've been smiling wickedly because Twilight looked frightened. Mother left us to our own devices after her statement.

We began to plan a training regimen for someone of my capabilities. My lesson plan would be a balance of adept and accelerated learning levels. I still found it funny that I made her gawk at my iteration of the basic spells. I mean why cast a fireball when you can put a twist to the beginners flame spell making a whirling flame of the same power level and use less mana. That was how I’d do magic from now on. Using minimal mana for optimal use.

Twilight told me that my statement was correct but most battle mages would find how I do things a little funny. Well, unlike them I’m not trying to be OP as a motherfucker. I’d take efficiency over flare any day of the week. I mean who do you think I am, Trixie?

Twi was still jumping up and down like an excited little filly. Damn, it’s insane how cute she can be sometimes. My eyes went straight to her flank then to her face. I was starstruck. Cut that shit out mind, she’s going to be teaching me more advanced spells. I can’t be going and sexualizing her can I? Even if we haven't done it in a while. Damn do I miss that pussy. She has to be doing this on purpose! As soon as I thought that “Hot for Teacher” started playing in my head. Ok I admit it, I’ve had a crush on Twilight since I met her but now ain’t the time or the place to start thinking about dat plot!

“Oh, before we go on I forgot to take a sample.” Twilight blushed a little, probably in embarrassment of forgetting to collect a sample from me.

I give her the goofiest grin I could possibly summon. “What do you need Twilight. I mean you can’t possibly have missed anything you took my blood, a small tissue sample, a urine sample, and a stool sample.”

Twilight got a look that somewhat mimicked Fluttershy. “What I need from you is a sperm sample, Elusive.” I take back that previous thought, I will indeed be thinking about that plot.

“Fine, you can have your sample. But you’re gonna have to ‘help’ me.” This got a rise out of her. So it was all right for her to make me her toy when she thought I was a "normal" human but she can't now that she knows the truth. Bump that shit, I know her every sweet spot.

Twilight looked like she was about to protest but she stopped. “Very well, I’ll...do it.” I removed my pants for her and holy shit, that’s a horse cock! Twilight’s eyes went wide. Well this is gonna be fun. And that’s how I got my first ever magic job….it felt different, but a good type of different. Twilight took the sample to another machine and said it would take a few days to analyze. The excitement of a new lifeform was still in her voice and she was still acting like a little filly. We fucked like maniacs as soon as the the machine started doing its job.

I spent the night at the library instead of the castle that night. Twilight had a lot of stress tests for me to do. She strapped me up to her machine again for a second scan this time she made a copy. With that we call it a day.

My training began the next day. “Since you seem to be able to speed read, We’ll be focusing on application of your...unique style for a combat mage. Today we’ll be finding out what your element is and then we’ll work on it from there.” I nodded at her and was ready to begin. She pulled out what looked like...It was a fucking crystal ball.

“Twilight, love. What does fortune telling have to do with anything right now?” I ask in slight frustration and curiosity.

Twi just grinned at my statement. “Oh so you’ve never heard of mana reading! This crystal ball is how we’ll devine what type of spells in your desired field you can learn. After all for what you want to do it will take a lot of preparation, Elusive.” She said to me as if she was happy I asked. Is this what having a teacher is like?

“Now I’m going to need you to focus your mana into the orb. And remember to clear your mind while you do it!”

“So basically I’m meditating and focusing my chakra into a focal point.” Twilight looked even more amused at my statement and nodded. I did as she said and the orb started spinning.

Twilight had a grin on her face, what wasn’t she telling me. As the orb was spinning, I could feel it expanding ebbing and flowing. As I was embracing the nice draft I felt while spinning the orb, I felt a burning sensation. Looking up I realized the orb had become a burning zephyr.

“Elusive, that’s absolutely magnificent!” Twilight said with mad glee and wonder clearly in her voice. Did I just make her proud? I really hope I did.

An idea sprung into my head as I watch the small star I had created. I move the ball with my mind in desired motions and started dancing as if I were in a rave. “Does this make me a firebender or an airbender?” I mused to myself, not actually caring. I’ve got fucking magic and I will master it!

Twilight was slightly irked and amused by my actions. Grabbing her for a dance, knowing full well she can’t dance. I settled for rhythmically hopping and skipping of a jump rope (the wind not the fire). When we stopped I rubbed her belly a bit. “Okay, you can stop playing around now!” She seemed somewhere between flippant and angry. “There’s a time and place for acting so silly and now is not one of them. Let’s get back to the lesson shall we?" She sounded like Cheerilee for a second.

“You loved it and you know it.” She shot me a glare but didn’t deny it. I hear her mutter “magic kindergarten” and my eyes turn to pinpricks. “Yes teacher!” I reply, doing my best to sound like a colt and not my new sexed up voice. In all seriousness, the six of them were gushing at my voice and looks. Shaking the thought out of my head, I notice that Twilight was crying and smiling at me.

“Elusive Hunter!” uh oh, she full named me. Twilight coughed “Sorry I got a little excited, let’s try this again. Elusive Hunter, it is with great pleasure that I state you’ll be focusing on the elements of wind and fire as well as your conditioning.” She’s really happy about this isn’t she?

I go along with the flow and bow to my sensei. “Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!”

Twilight smiles that beautiful smile again and bows “Hai!” Sweet, she knows Japanese. “Before you ask, don’t forget I spend a lot of time with books. I’m guessing you spent just as much time on the internet.” I nod in confirmation.

For the rest of the day, we focused on basics of wind and fire magic. The lesson was awesome, I would have preferred doing it without all the wires connected to me but thems the brakes. I think she doesn't want to risk me breaking the ward with a magic supernova. That and I don’t think Celestia would be pleased that somepony fucked up and created a nuclear fission.

I can’t help but smile at that thought, I would have to learn how to create a isolated white dwarf or maybe a mini supernova, oh how about a black hole. I could have some serious fun with that one.

It was all cool...until I noticed Twilight was staring at me in either amazement or horror. Did I say any of that out loud, ah horse apples. “You spend way too much time with Pinkie Pie for your own good, my dear student. But yes it would peeve her if you were to create another sun or overshoot it and cause a supernova.”

Great, she’s taking a breather. Maybe she’s done. “Now if you want to work with such spells, it will take discipline and time. Not to mention serious protection spells on both you and your area of choice!” My mind spoke too soon. I wonder if I should tell her there’s a heaven gate ward in my castle.

I head home to the farm since I hadn't been there in a bit. I was immediately assaulted with a flurry of hugs and kisses from Apple Bloom “Why in tarnation ain’t ya come by in so long! Ya usually check in with us everyday, I was worried ta death!” She hit me on the arm..or at least she tried. Her hoof was deflected by a small kinetic shield that I would have to recast. “What was that and why do ya look so different! Did miss Rarity give ya a makeover? Ya kinda look like her, you’ve even got a tail!”

“Darling, you have no idea!” I say in my new voice. Apple Bloom actually blushed. Well, now I know for sure that my voice is a mare killer, I’ll have to tone it down a little. “Long story short, I got spliced with Rarity’s DNA and am now a pony human hybrid.” Apple Bloom was booming at that one. “Oh yeah, it hurt like a mother in labor!” That stopped any questions she had cold...for now.

Big Mac greets me at the table with a beer. “Where ya been?” Ever the man of few words!

“Training and test with Twilight. AJ must’ve been really busy not ta tell y’all, AB didn’t even know! I’m gonna go see what’s wrong with her.” I said while finishing my beer.

“Eyup” Mac gave me his usual answer to good actions. Walking up to put a few things away,

Walking up the stairs, I hear a muffled sound. When I noticed it was coming from my room, I open my door slowly and I find AJ quietly crying in my bed. “AJ are you okay, Love?” She was a sobbing mess.

“Hunter, you’re okay! I done thought Twilight mighta pushed ya too hard when ya didn’t come fer lunch.!” She was wiping her tears. I couldn’t resist, I had to hug her!

*It’s not one of mine if there’s no sexytime every now and again so here it is Ifn ya don’t wanna read it then stop here*

“It’s okay love, I’m fine.” I scratch her ears a bit to make her feel better. I had become a staple in the life of the Apple family in these past two years and vice versa. I would move mountains to keep them happy. Especially Applejack! I love that mare! I Push her down on my bed and caress her lips with my thumb. Bringing myself closer to her, I kiss her passionately.

The feeling of her tongue caressing mine gave me a sense of pure elation. She moaned as my hands did their work and made their way to her nethers. If I wasn’t still kissing her, she would have moaned out loud. Her hooves reached towards me and brought me closer to her as I proceeded to get her off. One hand was caressing her from barrel to teats and the other was “entertaining” her pussy and clit. It didn’t take long for her to cum. Damn I love that O face of hers.

After taking a moment to enjoy her orgasm, AJ goes for my pants. I move to take them off. “Don’t you worry none cube, I got this.” She said in a playful tone. If my soldier wasn’t standing at attention before, I was now. AJ pulls down my pants and is rewarded with a dickslap to the face. “Whoa there partner! I ain’t forgot about ya!” She say while she gave my dick a kiss and continued to give me a hoofjob.

The hoofjob soon became a blowjob. The sight of her head bobbing up and down on my member was elating. I could feel her wrapping her tongue around a bit and damn was it good! “This here’s mine, ya hear me.” Oh sweet Luna that’s sexy. AJ went back to work, but I could take no more. AJ picked up on what I wanted and lined herself up so I could get a good view of the goods. My work on her honeypot began soon after, my tongue moving with expert precision. After all, I know what she likes we’ve been at this for over a year.

Applejack moans while she’s working my hard throbbing tool. That moan was enough to push me past the climax. Aj spat it out and gagged. “Tarnation, you shot out about as much as a stallion sugarcube! Maybe ya should let Twilight take some more a those test.”

She’s worried about me, how sweet! “Sugarcube, are ya sure yer alright? Yer cryin, did I hurt ya or did it just feel too good?” Shit, my emotions are unstable, I think I might need a minute.

“I’m fine, dar….love. I think the transition is causing me a little trouble. My emotions are going haywire.” I inform my precious mare.

“Are ya up to it or do ya wanna call it quits tonight?” That’s a good question. If I’m like this from just getting head (no matter how mind blowing it is) I reckon I don’t wanna know what would happen to me right now if I was ta mount her. One look at AJ made up my mind. She’s worried about me but she’s shakin her plot in the air. That’s it, she’s hurtin for it bad and I don’t think I can stop at this point. Damn is this what stallions feel when they think about stopping?

“Well sugarcube which is it, stop or go?” I just smiled and rammed my mighty rod into her wanting hole and got to work. Good thing I learned the muffling spell the other day. Albeit I learned it for assassination missions, but it sure came in handy quickly. Applejack was neighing and moaning gutteral moans while backing her flank up and down to my rhythm with reckless abandon. Another good thing was I cast it in the form of a bubble that encased the bed and the floor it rested on. Twilight would be proud of my application, until she finds out I used it for sex. Then she’ll most likely yell at me in her angry teacher voice which bordered on the royal canterlot voice.

There was no feeling better than having AJ’s fur rustle against my skin. It brought an elicit sense of thrill to my person. When I got bored of doing it pony style, I switched it to cowgirl to have AJ put some work in it. Applejack bent forward and kissed me as I grabbed ahold of her plot to plunge faster harder and deeper into her. It took some time to get used ta the feeling of having teats rub up on my lower extremities. A part of me still expects breast rubbing on my chest. Well that’s why we both have fun with a human or two every now and again.

Then a thought I couldn’t get out of my head emerged, Applejack as a human! Oh that thought brought me to the uncouth act of drooling (damn it Rarity, how many changes are your dna gonna give me!). Giving the amount of time and effort she puts into bucking apples, she would definitely be a brick house and knowing her, she’d hold nothing back! “Y’all right there, sugarcube? You seem distracted.” Here she is getting hammered and she’s still asking me if I’m okay. Are they sure her element is honesty and not kindness? It’s time to give her some reassurance.

I laid Applejack on the bed and grabbed one of her hind legs and proceeded to give her the business. Not before increasing the power of the spell. Giving how hard I was gonna plow her, she'd break the damn thing! As I was destroying her, I noticed the door was cracked. Did I leave it open? I must have since there’s no way anyone else is up here right now. Given the muffled sound of crying and whatnot. They’ll leave that to me, I’m sure.

Apple Bloom

I wonder what the hay is taken em so long up there, Hunter said he’d help me with ma project today! “Well I better go inside and start it up maself.” I walk in, grab a cucumber, and greet ma brother and granny.

“Youngin, ain’t you got homework ta finish?” Granny asked me in pure curiosity and no anger in her voice at all. I’m getting real good at profiling, even if I’m just usin it on ponies I know. Hunter says that’s the best way to practice it.

“Ain’t got no homework granny, just a project that’s due at the end of the month. Hunter said he’d help me with it today!”

Big mac took his attention away from his evening drink and looked at me like he was gonna ask me a question. “What’s the project on, little sister?” Yup, there goes the question. I am gettin good at this!

“It’s on centrifuge and it’s applications in both everyday life and combat!” I think he’ll give his usual answer to overly complicated situations. My brother ain’t no idiot but on the flipside he ain’t no genius either. Macintosh could help me with my math but this was applied physics, so he’d be givin me a nope.

"Nope, cant help ya. You're gonna need Hunter or pr... miss Twilight ta help ya." Twilight had insisted that the family of her friends just called her Twilight.

“Well, I’m gonna go get Hunter!” With that I headed up the stairs and to hunters room. There was a muffled sound comin from the other side of the door, is sis still crying? As soon as I cracked the door a little, my eyes are givin a view I wasn’t expectin, Applejack and Hunter were ruttin!

I couldn’t take my eyes off it, I was enjoyin what I was seein. Hunter was really poundin sis. She was clearly hollerin, but I could barely hear a peep! He must be usin some sorta spell. My fillyhood was feelin my excitement, I placed ma hoof down there and started to please maself. My eyes wouldn’t remove themselves from Hunter doing his thing. It ain’t fair, sis! Why do you get to be so close ta Hunter!

As I’m grinding and backing up into ma hoof, I notice that it just ain’t enough. That’s when ma train of thought went ta the cucumber! Mimicking sis, I licked and sucked the cucumber in rhythm with her suckin Hunter. I was really gettin into it, ma imagination had long ago turned the vegie into Hunter’s phallus. I couldn’t take it anymore and started pumping the cucumber into ma fillyhood, bent down into pony style. Hunter and sis where doin the same thing...wait a minute can he see me? As if to confirm ma suspicions, Hunter forces sis’ head down to the bed and points dead at me while he’s plowing her.

That point soon turned into a “come hither” point. Hunter put a blindfold on sis and what I’m guess to be a sound cancellation spell around me so I could continue what I was doin. Ma presence seemed ta make Hunter go wild, oh did sis ever love that. It felt a little weird watchin ma sister get her rocks off but I was too far gone ta care. He was on the edge and shot his load straight into sis wanting maw! I wonder what it taste like. Hunter patted me on the head with magic and blew me a kiss and told me ta leave with a gesture. Seein as I didn’t want sis ta bust us, I did as I was told and went ta ma room. I spent the rest of the day in heavy hoofed masturbation thinkin about what I had just seen.

Counting Stars

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Last week was fun! I managed to get past the accelerated lessons and am now in the advance lessons. And Twilight hit me with a menacing warning. “Elusive, your results are in from the samples you gave me!” My lovely teacher declared in a state of excitement. It was just funny it took two weeks for the results to be finished. “As I’m sure you’ve noticed, your physiology has changed completely. As far as which side of the race line you’re on my dear student.” Seriously, she’s pausing for effect, I’m supposed to be the dramatic one here!

“Twilight, ma cherie, get to the point please” I said in my usual cajun accent.

Twilight blushed a bit at my statement. “Sorry about that. Based off the data, I believe that you are more pony than human. Genetically speaking and not outwardly speaking. I don’t think you’ll be having any offspring with humans unless you splice them. And putting your relationship with Applejack in mind, you had best not inseminate her during her estrus cycle. It may end in with a foal! whether it’s going to be a pony or a human pony hybrid similar to yourself, I don’t know. The mere ramifications of what this data is implying..”

“Is absolutely astronomical, great scot!” I finished her sentence and added a little bit of Doc. Brown into it for shiggles. “But yeah I don’t think you have to worry about me getting AJ pregnant for a while! We’re really careful and I used the “protection” spell last week (her cycle)” Her head shot up

“So you two really are at that stage of the relationship? That doesn’t surprise me considering you two have know each other for two years and been dating for a year and a half.” She just said matter-of-factly. Twilight was more than my teacher, she was my best friend and confidant. Her opinion meant the world to me!

“Hey I wanna show you something. Do you remember the Doom Tree incident?” I asked her. It was purely rhetorical, I mean this is Twilight I think she’d remember one of the few incidents where the elements couldn’t be gathered. AJ had been tainted by the dark power of the doom apple, making her element unable to be used. If I hadn’t gone to save my woman, we’d all be toast!

Twilight shuffled nervously. “Yeah, I do. Why are you bring that up” Really, did she really just ask that question?

My outrage must’ve been on my face since she backed away a bit. My emotions are long since stabilized but there are some times when you just can’t keep a poker face! “How could you ask me that? It was one of the many times I did something to save this town and also another of the times when it was obvious that I wasn’t just “clever”, I was intelligent! You lot where out of it and if not for me, we’d be dead or turned into monsters. The point I”m telling you is, ponies are an ignorant mass that quite frankly don’t give a shit, no offence.”

She gave me a “none taken” hoof wave. I guess she can’t fight it since I made it obvious to her multiple times that I was intelligent. I really wanted to be able to rely on her and have easy access to updated information. I mean the library in my castle is awesome, but some of it is a little on the old side.Well ce qui est fait est fait, what’s done is done! After the drama had receded, I showed her the sculpting I made of “Queen” Applejack in all her beauty.

“Elusive, this is magnificent! Now I remember, it’s the anniversary of that day today! I nod my head as she was making the connection. AJ and I became one for the first time after that incident. I can’t help but laugh that our sexiversary is the same as our anniversary!

A customer came in looking for a book. and we both dropped the subject. “Excuse me, do you have a copy of Insurgent by Emerald Secret in yet? Lyra and I love reading Her books together and I’ve looked everywhere for this one” Bonbon asked.

“No, we don’t have it yet. It’s so high in demand that we can’t get a copy. Even Canterlot castle is having trouble getting that book.” Twilight says in despair, I can’t help but snicker at that since I’m Emerald secret. I decided to copy a few books from Earth and the Divergent series was one of them. Hell I even wrote books based off my decisions in Mass Effect and Dragon Age and a few other things. It was a good source of income to add to my bank roll (not that I needed it but it’s good to not pay in treasure all the time). I’m just happy I keeped my enchanted diamond dog mask that does something similar to masks in Majora’s mask. Company post the stories and doesn’t reveal my “identity” and they keep twenty percent. Stories from Earth seem to be very popular for some reason.

Bonbon lowered her head and began to walk out with her ears and tail drooping. Well I can’t have that now can I? I quickly magiced the door shut before she could walk out and walked up to her. I spend enough time with Lyra to think of Bonbon as a friend. I give her a hug and a scratch, she liked that but was confused. Reaching in to my pack, I grab the book I was going to give to Twilight and magically change the autograph from ‘To Twilight with love.’ into ‘For my precious friends Lyra and Bonbon, Love Emerald Secret!’ and hold it behind my back.

“Here you go, mon ami. My latest book with an autograph in it made for you and Lyra!” Twilight’s mouth was agape, I don’t know if it’s because of the secret I kept about Secret or the fact that I just talked to Bonbon. “Mais oui, you heard me speak. And yes Lyra was telling you the truth the whole time!” I had been friends with Lyra since I was ten and she was twelve. She always loved humans and I guess it’s my fault that her fascination skyrocketed. But Lyra has always been good to me and I have helped her out on a few occasions.

“My business partner….is...a..human? I thought she was joking when she said that three years ago! Well thank you for the book, Hunter.” She said as she began to walk out. Twilight read between the lines and got that Lyra already knew about me and was connecting every little weird thing she was doing with humans and realizing she was researching for me. I’ll have to have a stern talk with her about leaving Lyra’s research alone. The thought of the talk alone scares me, I dare not think of the face she’ll make at me! Celestia forbid!

“Allow me to give you my full name. Elusive Hunter is my name, and fashion monster hunting are my game!. Vous rencontrer est toujours un plaisir!” I spoke French in my full sexy voice and I meant every word, meeting Bonbon is always nice. I kissed her hoof and bid her adieu. Bonbon left the library with a hop and skip, I think Lyra’s going to have a very passionate “reading” session tonight.

“What?” I asked as Twilight, my friend and teacher had that look on her face once more. I could feel a barrier go up around the library.

You’re EMERALD SECRET. How could you keep something like that from me, I love your books !” With that kind of outburst, I don’t think it would be wise to say that their pirated from earth. She’s crying, yup, I’m not telling her that part.

I reach down to give her a hug “I’m sorry Twi, I won’t do it again!” She looked like she needed reassuring, I bent down and kissed her on the muzzle. She blushed a bit at my action, but I could tell it made her happy. Getting back to subject, Twilight began a lecture on advance theory. It was actually kind of fun, but I guess that could just be my thirst for knowledge talking.

With the lesson done, I was free to walk around Ponyville. Most ponies had heard of my splicing by now, so I didn’t even bother hiding my tail, It just didn’t feel natural doing that! I checked my watch to find it was about 1:10. Apple Bloom gets out of school in at 2:30, I can pick her up and do something fun with her! But what in the world will I do for a full hour and twenty minutes!

I continued to struggle with my thoughts on how to quell my boredom. I didn’t want to study and get too far ahead of Twilight’s lesson plan. That left me with a whole lot of nothing, that is until I noticed Carousel Boutique! I’ll pay Madame Rarity a visit then, she might like entertaining a gentlecolt caller.

As I was beginning to knock on her door, I noticed I had nothing to give the belle dame. That just won’t stand! Making an about face, I noticed discarded fabric in the recycling. The fabric was mostly shades of green and there was some white in here as well. However it had been tainted with some black dye! It was then that inspiration hit me, I grabbed the fabric ran to her back yard and pulled out my kit for some sewing fun!

WIth the assistance of magic and a song about stitching the lines of friendship, I had made a jacket and pants for myself (which I’m now wearing) and a dress for Rarity. My jacket had the assassin’s emblem on it and was mostly that monochrome fabric along with the accents of greens. The light and dark greens went well with the monochrome theme I was going for. I figured I needed to give a little more to my clothing, so I added the assassin’s hood and put a small spell on the jacket so the colors would flow like an alicorn mane.

With a quick thought I made a new emblem and placed it on both my jacket and the dress I made for Rarity. I called the emblem the Forlorn Alicorn. The Alicorn was faint and and it looked like it he was hugging me with his wings. As far as the spell I cast, it looked like the Alicorn was doing it.I fine tuned the spell so the colors wouldn’t flow unless someone or somepony was wearing them .

I did something similar to the dress but gave it a shining effect along with the flowing. It was like something out of a gangster movie! I could definitely see a madam of a speakeasy wearing something similar.The dress only possessed the Forlorn Alicorn. I know Rarity hates green, but she’ll find intrigue at what I had done with what she had thrown away….I hope.
It would accentuate her curves and edges (IF she wore it that is) and I could feel an erection coming from the thought of her in one of my works. Careful Elusive, this is no place to rub one off! I licked my lips at the thought of Rarity sexily walking to me in this dress.

Shaking off my naughty thoughts, I head back to the front and enter the boutique. Rarity was at the door as soon as she heard the bell. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique where every garment chic, unique, and magnifique! Oh, why hello Elusive! To what do I owe the delight of your visit?” Rarity asked me, I had been talking with her a lot since the splicing and we both have come to enjoy one another’s company.

“Rarity, ma chérie. I was just walking around town and inspiration hit me. I hope you don’t mind but I used your discarded fabrics to make what I’m currently wearing.” Rarity made a motion for me to spin for her and I complied. She gasped as she noticed the colors were flowing and the Forlorn Alicorn.

She gave me a twice over and I could tell she liked what I had done with her “ruined” fabrics. I could feel her hoof moving and tracing my jacket, I hope she likes what I made. “Darling, this is amazing. How did you get the colors flowing like that, I simply must know!” She didn’t seem peeved at the green in my ensemble. Well here goes something!

Taking a deep breath, I pull out the dress that had been neatly stored in my pack and presented it to Rarity. “This is for you, Mon ami. I hope you give it a chance and not throw it away since it’s my first pony piece and I plan on making myself known in the fashion world using my chosen name as a mystique!” She looked at the dress that looked like I had spent weeks on it instead of ten minutes.

She grabbed the dress from me in a polite manner with wonder in her eyes. “This is lovely Elusive, merci beaucoup! Nopony has ever made an original piece for me!” She said as she hugged the dress to her face. I guess she can tolerate green so long as it’s not the main color, or maybe she just loves the design or the fact that it’s my first pony piece. Rarity goes to a dressing screen to change into the dress I gave her. “Now dear Elusive I need you to be a gentlecolt and not peak, no matter how tempting it may be” I gave a bow. I never really understood Stallions fascination with watching mares put clothes on. She’s naked most of the time anyway. If she were human however, I might have an internal struggle. I just have a feeling that Rarity would be Stupéfiant if she were a human.

Rarity stepped out in her new dress not even a second after I had finished my thoughts. True to my earlier thoughts, the dress did well in selling her feminine traits. The flowing of the colors did well on her as well. I think I’m going to work this spell in most of my clothes from now on it looks amazing!

“Once again you’ve found beauty in something I discarded, darling. If this didn’t look so stunning I’d be mad that you gave me something green knowing my aversion to the color!” She said as she stood in front of the mirror while standing on her hind legs to get a full view of the dress.

Taking advantage of the situation, I gave Rarity a hug from behind and kissed her cheek. “Vous regardez étonnante.” I complimented her looks and grabbed a brush in my black and orange aura. “May I?” She nodded and I brushed her mane and tail.

I motioned to the living room area and made a universal dance with me gesture. Taking Rarity’s hoof and placing a hand to her waist, I began to dance with her. As we stepped to our dance floor music of harmony surged from within me, however instead of me singing it came out in the form of appropriate music from an anime I loved as a kid played in the air. We danced to the full length and it was quite fun. I’d have to spend more time with Rarity. Despite what AJ thinks about her, I like her!

By the time the two of us had finished our dance, it was time for me to stop by the school and get the girls (so they don’t do anything stupid). Placing my hood upon my head, I head for the door. “Wait a moment darling!” Rarity called out to me. I adhered to her request and was given a brief kiss on the lips. However innocent it may have been I pulled in for a longer one. Rarity didn’t seem to mind as My lips pressed against hers. Our tongues began to dance with one another and what was once innocent became passionate. We moved to the couch, not once separating from one another. I placed my hand on her waist but fought the urge to sneak it into her dress. As we continued to make a passionate embrace the door opened.

“Hey sis, do you mind if the girls come….in?” Luckily the two of us had managed to separate in time to spare her the embarrassment. “Rarity, why are you wearing green? You hate green!” Good she only spotted the dress andot my hand running down it, safe! Or at least that’s what I thought but I could tell from the sour look AB was giving me that she saw our embrace.

“Sorry guys, I just remembered that I got a lotta chores ta do! Hunter, let’s get movin!” The girls just nodded in understanding, not knowing that her excuse was utter bullshit. Bloom grabbed me by the tail and pulled me out of the boutique. When we were out of sight of the boutique, she just gave me a death glare. “Rarity, really Hunter! What the hay were ya thinkin Spike is yer friend.!”

Oh pas de l'enfer, this filly did not just talk to me like that! “Hold it pettit, I think you’re forgetting I’m older than you and I am not your servant! For starters we both know that Spike has a snowballs chance in Tartarus of getting Rarity. And you’ve been avoiding me for the past two weeks, you are going to tell me what’s eating you and I mean now.”

Apple Bloom’s head ears and tail drooped in shame and at this point I don’t give a fuck. I’m not about to have a filly tell me what mares I can and can’t make time with! My stare was uncaring, if she wanted to act like a bitch, then I’d treat her like one. She kept walking in a downtrodden manner and didn’t stop until she reached her room. The rest of the family saw this and I could tell they noticed my scowl as she walked up, now crying.

They shot me a look that screamed “The hell happened to her?” I took a deep breath and sat down. “I yelled at her and gave her a stern talking to!” Before Applejack could say anything, I told her why. “She caught me making time with Rarity and got all uppity about it. The breaking point was when she got the gall to use Spike as an excuse for going off on me!” They nodded, all knowing that Spike wasn’t getting Rarity.

Applejack looked me in the eyes and put her hoof on my hand tenderly. “I know yer fixin ta herd hunter. But Rarity of all ponies? Do ya honestly think that’ll work? I mean she’s so darn high maintenance, she wouldn’t last a day in the farm! But if that’s what ya want, I’m with ya on it.” She said with an immense amount of love. Damn, I love this mare!

After my full disclosure of the events leading up to my almost getting into Rarity’s pants er dress, Mac had gotten out of his chair to head up to give AB an earful . I stopped him with magic. “No, that’s mine to deal with, you dig?” Anger was building and I could tell my eyes were doing that thing they do when it happens. Mac just gulped and gave me a head nod.

AJ kissed me on the cheek and smacked me on the ass as I made my way to the stairs. Elder just winked, I wonder what she meant by that. Maybe she knows something I don’t. I dropped the subject and walked up to Apple Bloom’s room. I could hear the muffled sounds of her crying, well this is gonna be fun.

*Sexy time, skip to all I could remember if you don't want clop. But it's almost half of the rest of the chapter*

I opened the door and walked to her silently. Holy Shit she wasn’t crying, she’s moaning. Apple Bloom is fucking herself and crying at the same damn time! “That’s it boy, get it! That’s the stuff. Ooh, Hunter” She cried in a mix of pleasure and sorrow. Shit, did I cause this? I felt my erection grow. Hot damn, is this a show or what!

Bloom mounted the dildo that looked a lot like it was molded from my cock onto her headboard and began to back into it at a wanton pace. The whole time she was moaning out how good the things I did to her were and oh was it kinky. I came to the realization that I could take no more as I watched Apple Bloom pleasure herself and soon grabbed my dick and began stroking it. With each moan from Bloom’s lips, my pace became faster and harder.

Apple Bloom started grinding into it and her breathing became erratic as she did. It didn’t take me long to start pumping my hips to the sight before me and instead of masturbating, it was more like I was fucking her! “Ooh shit, fuck me, rut me, make me your bad little filly Hunter!” I couldn't take it anymore and walked in the door

“You want this so bad little filly, don’t you?” Apple Bloom gasped my name but didn’t’ tell me to leave. I stroke her mane and look her in the eyes as I’m saying this. Her eye’s were focused on my dick, she definitely wanted it. “I’ll serve you whenever you want pettit, but you’ve got some growing to do before I ‘make you my bad little filly’. That outburst of yous was childish and I can’t have that in a mare in my herd. I was going to ask you about joining soon but know you can wait for me to woo Rarity”

She rose her head and her ears perked at the mention of my wanting her in my herd. Said ears drooped a bit when I said she’d be the third entry and not the second. Apple Bloom offered to help me, but I just wasn’t having that. I want to earn Rarity’s affection the proper way, any way but my own would just feel cheap. Speaking of which, Rarity might want to talk about our little make out session.

Bloom hugged me and started rubbing her head on my chest, nuzzling with care to demonstrate her affection. I just can’t help but see the cuteness at the fact that she’s using a human show of affection. As far as I’m concerned, my business with Bloom is cool. I highly doubt she’d have that kind of outburst again. I let the embrace go on for about ten minutes

After enjoying the cuddle with Apple Bloom, I severed our connection and headed for the door. “Wait Hunter, don’t leave! Stay with me.” The last part was so sweet and succulent that I could feel an erection coming just from her voice. I thought it was nothing, and then I caught a whiff of that sweet musky smell. She’s in heat, that explains everything. Well I guess I can forgive...I.MUST HAVE HER!

My brain was filled with lust at the scent of Blooms pheromones, talk about a delayed reaction. I try my best to resist, but I’m back on the bed and caressing her before I knew it. According to my studies filly’s usually go into heat around a year or two after they get their cutie marks or when they turn fourteen, Bloom had achieved the later of the two. Another funny part is that the first heat cycle is extremely intense and can rouse even the purest of the pure. I’d say I’m doing good when you put those facts into play.

Bloom had the biggest smirk on her face that was filled with sexy confidence. My member had long ago become fully erect. It didn’t take me long to get used to a horsecock and boy did AJ love it! At this point, I’m hoping that Bloom will love it as well. Bloom was hoofing me with vigor as my mind lost all resolve to leave and gained the desire to fuck her silly. As she hoofed up and down the full length of my cock, I panted a bit and she smirked again. I’m not about to let a filly take the lead here, I don’t care if she’s only two years younger than me!

“Suck it, Bloom.” I flatly said and she answered with a wanting sigh. AB kissed my chest and moved down slowly until she reached my cock and gave it one as well and paused and licked around her lips. That little cocktease!

She licked the underside of my dick, giving me a jolt of pleasure. “You ready to have your world rocked ain’t ya, big boy?” She said sexily but ever sexier at the last part. Bloom put the tip in her mouth and started circling her tongue around it while slowly taking more of me in her mouth. She stopped when she got about a fourth of the way down my length (I’m big, even by stallion standards). I guess it was just too much for her to...Oh wow!

Much to my surprise, Bloom deepthroated me my entire length but never sacrificed skill for immersion. Oh putain oui, this is so~~ fucking good! She went up for air then came back down to about half length and bobbed up to a fourth while cupping my balls with her hoof. I went for her pussy and she smacked my hand with the other hoof. * slurpy pop* “Umah. Don’t distract me Hunter, this feels way too good as is for you to be doin that to me!” Wait, she’s getting off on giving me head? Estrus or no, it’s rare to find a mare that genuinely loves giving head without reciprocation. With that said she got back to bobbing on my cock and I did as she said and enjoyed it.

Bloom kept going like my dick was the best thing since Celestia rose the sun. Oh dear Twilight did this feel good. I’m pretty close to blowing. She must’ve felt the tension in my dick or balls, because her pace upped around then. Bloom wriggled my dick in her mouth every other motion, careful not to let her teeth touch me at all. Within a few minutes, I blew my load and she swallowed every bit of it. How the hell did she get this good?

‘“I’ve been practicin in the pens for a month. And before ya ask, Granny was with me the whole time and she only let me suck the docile ones that we planned on sellin or turnin inta ‘warm ups’ as ya call em after all even you need a break some time” She gave me all the explanation I needed so I didn’t bother asking. “Now how about I get back to our fun eh?”

Bloom cleaned my member, licking with love and care and began rubbing her fillyhood on it when all traces of semen were gone. She moaned and I groaned at the feeling of our connection, yet I was still trying (and failing) to fight this urge. This is just plain cheating! the good news is her pheromones won’t be this strong next time, that coupled with the fact that this is a mare town will give me ample time to learn to control my urges. However, this fact does nothing for me at this moment. I am going to destroy this little filly for anyone but myself, she’s mine!

Before she could orient herself I grabbed Bloom and brought her juicy fillyhood straight to my face and got to it. Bringing my tongue to her clit I began to flick it with it and without missing a beat, I brought my fingers to her fillyhood and began tracing it. “Two can play this teasing game, Petit amant.” She groaned in protest, wanting nothing more than for me to eat her with a burning passion. She must be punished for teasing me.

After I believed I had teased her enough, I got to the main event and started to do things seriously. I’m sure her moans could be heard by everypony in the house since I forgot to muffle the room. Truth be told, I'm surprised AJ hasn't beaten the door down and dragged either ABb or myself out of the room by our hair while yelling at the other. I”ve been watching too many telenovelas with Fluttershy. Speaking of which, I hope she’s recording My Sweet Mares so we can watch it together.

Snapping myself out of reverie, I’m serarnated with Blooms orgasmimic cries. I’d say she was more than ready for what was coming next “You ready for this, lover?” Like I even needed to ask that! My question was rewarded with her pussy in my face. “Okay, it was a stupid question. On to the main event!” As I plunged into Bloom’s budding flower, the door opened and I was blasted by a bolt of magic and that was the last thing I could remember

“Whew, that was a close one there, eh Twi? I ain’t got no problem with those two goin at it, but I’m sure they woulda regretted doin it like that.”

“It’s not a problem Applejack. Hunter is my student and friend and I care a great deal for him. It would have been a shame for him rut Apple Bloom in a heat frenzy. A first time is important and it shouldn’t be wasted in a frenzy!.”

Ugh, great I’m going through this again. At least I was saved from fucking AB. She’s not ready to be my little lady just yet. I attempted to get up and was greeted with serious binding spells. Sacrebleu! Was I in that much of a frenzy for Bloom? Either way these restraints just won’t do, off they go! Twilight wasn’t aware that I studied how to discretely break wards and enchantments.

Prodding at the spell with the lockpick of mana that I had envisioned, I began to work at loosening the bonds so I may slip out without alerting the girls. It helps that they were having mare talk and were completely focused on that. The two kept talking about some event going on in the town soon. SInce they were so engrossed in their chat, I upped the intensity of my prodding of the spell. Oh if only Twilight knew I was using her as a test subject for my mana picking technique.

It was kinda embarrassing to see them jumping like little fillies. And then I found out why, a party rivaling the Gala was going to be held here in Ponyville and all three princesses want us in charge of the catering! There’s going to be a citywide party featuring Luna and I have nothing to wear. This SHALL NOT STAND! Within minutes I was out of the binding spell but I took care not to shatter the spell. After all the point of mana picking (™ pending*not realy*) is to discreetly get out of the spell and I did that just fine, not bad for a first run on a spellcaster other than Lyra!

Positioning myself directly behind the two, I slap their luscious flanks and squeeze them both. “Hello Ladies!” I say letting my sexiness out of the bag in an attempt to rouse one them.

“How did you get out of that binding without my knowing, that’s impossible!” I just smiled the wickedest smile I could summon and did my usual Xelos impression and was rewarded with two bops on the head. “Please tell me Elusive, I’m curious.” Damn it, that look is so unfair! I sighed in defeat and told gave her the details in how it worked. I didn’t feel like speaking about it so I just wrote it down for her.

To mana pick you need good mana control not spell casting, since this process is not a spell but just mana. Concentration is also key in the picking, if you put too much into it you shatter the spell and alert the caster. On the flipside however if you put too little mana into the pick it will break and there is a chance that the mana will become disoriented. But the caster will not catch on unless you keep breaking it. So long as you only mess up once or twice, you should be good. You’re most likely thinking. “Why don’t I just cast a spell to unbind myself and run?” Well Twilight, you are naive. If somepony puts a spell of that caliber on you to keep you bound, they most likely have bad things in store for you. That’s why I made this method to allow me (and I guess now you) to get the drop on anypony who bares ill intent. Oh yeah! This letter will self destruct in about ten seconds, so I’d put a barrier over it if I were you!.

Her eye’s widened and she actually put a spell barrier over the paper as it self terminated by the ink evaporating into the air and the paper atomizing itself shortly after. I just laughed my ass off and a few seconds later, she joined me followed by AJ. The three of us spent a few minutes laughing as we exited the room. Bloom was in her room in a quarantine spell to stop me from trying to rip anypony who got between us apart, smart idea Twilight.

“I need a beer!” I proclaim in full honesty. My debacle with AB was something I didn’t want to think about considering I needed warding of that magnitude. I just hope AJ will let me have a drink

“Y’know what? I could go for a cold one myself.”

“So how about it Twilight?” The two of us asked in unison as we walked to the bar that was on the other side of the glass door. Twilight gave a mmhm and walked with us to share a “few” cold ones. Into my tavern we went. I love coming in here at night. I had built it to give a clear view of the night sky and the morning one when I feel like it. The glass was enchanted so it could “capture” the brilliance of the stars at night and the room was set to always be a specific temperature. After all, what’s the point in drinking if it’s cold or you’re baking for that matter! Of course none of us could afford hangovers so we all consumed the potion for preventing that from happening and after that, the drinking commenced! Under the night sky, we talked whilst drinking amongst friends with the crisis averted and the day ended. I’m staying away from Apple Bloom for the rest of the week!

Rise of the Doom Tree part one

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Sweet Apple Acres 200 years before establishment.

A lone pony walked in the medow of leading to the Everfree forest, enjoying his solitude. The pony was holding a seed of sorts. "This soil is rich, this land is good. I believe that it shall serve my plans well to plant it here. No pony comes near here anyway based off the intelligence I’ve gathered! To believe that in a few hundred years, my kind shall rise once more more from the ashes just as the mighty phoenix! She thought she could stop me, Bah! That Princess may have killed my queen and the rest of my people with her but I’ll laugh last when I emerge from the soil and make that Alabaster Bitch pay. All hail Yggdrasil!” And with that the mare thrusted the seed into the ground and vanished with it, her essence seeping into the very soil to recuperate.

Sweet Apple Acres 1.5 Years before present time

Water splashed on my face. Ugh, it’s still raining, I actually spent the night here most of the week. Granny wanted me here for the reunion saying that I was as much of an Apple as any of them. In the past six months, I’ve done a lot for the family physically and financially. This family had grown on me and I on them. The funny part was I couldn't have my room to myself because a few family members stayed due to the horrible rain. Leaving me to sleep in the funhouse, a pen full of humans not fit for work or breeding.

The girls and guys here have one job, fuck the shit outta whoever they're told to and they usually do it well. I didn’t even care much since I spent a chunk of my time here anyway. My side job at the farm is making sure the females are satisfied since some humans and ponies are just shitty lays. Speaking of lay, I was laying next to Clementine, a popular girl men would line up for her like crazy by looks alone...then they’d immediately about face when the caught a whiff of her. She’s perfect with a cute face ample tits and ass and damn, those hips! She’s definitely a crowd pleaser. It’s too bad that she’s infertile and most human men are appalled by the smell of such a woman. With me not being a human from this world, I found her scent ravaging and gave no shits that she couldn’t conceive. That wouldn’t stop me from tapping that...if she let me and she did! “Fuck yes!” I said to myself and did a fistpump.

I stayed in the barn since I had no intention of getting my ass soaking wet. Besides I've got a veritable sex goddess right in front of me. Work would be a no go because of this natural rain coming in from the sky. Pegasi tried to clear it but the weather ain’t going nowhere. That’s what happens when they make too many “perfect” days weather magic overload and bam a whole week of nonstop uncontrollable rain. That’s right, these clouds were like everfree clouds. Dash's fill-in didn’t heed my letter I warned her she was overdoing it. I had to do it in Zecora’s hoofwriting to make it believable.

The letter read as follows: “Dear Rainbow Dash, Captain of the Ponyville weather team. The towns weather has been wonderful and as the sun is concerned hasn’t missed a beam. For better circumstances I do yearn, but the lack of rain and drooey days has caught my concern. Trust me from situations past, this situation needs remedied and fast! Dear rainbow my warning you must head, for if not the consequences you shall reap indeed! Sunny days are not always meant to be. Trust one from the Everfree!”

I tried to warn her and I gave Zecora the heads up before I sent the letter to Dash of course. This wasn’t even her fault since she had been in the hospital for about a month because of her crash. I read her chart (discretely). The bones in her wings were shattered and would take at least three months of therapy and medical attention before she’d be back on the job even with the potion Zecora and I brewed to aid her bone (Re)growth! I had been slipping her Daring do books and going to visit her, so getting her the letter wasn’t a problem. No offense but if I left it to that mail mare, it wouldn’t get to her in time. Not that it mattered since the bitch currently in charge didn’t make it rain city wide for a month and brushed off her (and my) suggestion that it rained a little more often.

My guess is after this, that bitch is getting fired or demoted. A lot of ponies were inconvenienced by this, so it doesn’t surprise me that the cloudsdale weather is paying for Dash to get the best treatment to expedite her release. Truth be told, I’m surprised that the town’s weather team didn’t know better themselves. Letting the thought die, I get my fill of Clem’s scent and look around for an umbrella or coat of some sort. While I love spending time in the funhouse, I got shit to do at the castle. I love the Apple family but I need to get back to my other job, monster hunting.

There wasn’t anything I could use to protect myself from the onslaught of the rain. Taking a moment to weigh the pros and cons of just running to house versus just straight walking. “Considering I’m going about 100ft walking would be better than running since running would just make me wetter. Thank you Mythbusters!” There’s another Idea for making some money. I think I’ll put that one in the maybe pile for now. It was pouring out there so I decided to wait it out for a bit, hoping it would slow down to a sexy drizzle knowing full well it wasn’t going to stop until tomorrow. Checking outside revealed it was still pouring I walked out of the funhouse ten minutes later and kept a calm pace to the house humming a mashup of Singing in the rain and Umbrella. Dancing the whole time since I love the fucking rain every now and again .

My humming quickly turned into singing and I felt a surge come through me and the rain slowed down. Oh boy, here comes a song of harmony. Humans and ponies came out there shelters with umbrellas! One of said ponies was AJ who sang (most of) the umbrella parts while I took singing in the rain. I was rhythmically kicking and splashing while doing some tricks with my umbrella. Everyone was matching said tricks with little to no effort and having fun doing so. So much fun that nopony noticed that I was happily singing with Applejack, who had easily become one of my best friends in the past six months Everyone except me and Applejack went back to what they were doing, harmonizing magic is funny that way.

Much to my surprise, the rain calmed down after I was done getting my glee on...literally. “Well that was kinda fun, sugarcube! I know what you were singing but what the hay was I singing?” Applejack asked me

“The name of the song is Umbrella and I can’t believe everyone just matched my choreography. Harmonizing magic is awesome!” The performer in me made a fistpump at what had just happened. Maybe I could make some bits off doing this type of stuff...nah, but it is fun to do every now and then! AJ chuckled while rolling those sexy green eyes. Damn she can be so cute sometimes! I’ve tried hitting on her and so far, nothing. I can live with being her friend for a while, but I can see me and her being a good couple.

I shook the thought off and headed for my castle since I now had an umbrella courtesy of the performance. It’s still funny how when a song of harmony is concerned that ponies just don’t question it. In fact I bet that in an hour all of them will swear that AJ was singing with a stallion.

“Where ya goin, sugarcube? We're having breakfast in the house and last I checked, you was parta this here family!” Was that indignation coming from her? No it was tenderness. She wants me to stay and with a warm stare like that, how can I say no? Placing my hand on her shoulder, I walk in the house with her (but not before leaving my shoes at the doorstep. They were way too muddy and waterlogged. A hot meal of Apple Cinnamon waffles with a side of zap apple jam, potato’s o'brien, eggs and...holy shit Smith made me bacon! I’d voice my happiness at this if we were alone but the seeds were saying here until they could get back on their hooves, so that was a no go. I could give her a hug and a kiss, that might be enough to show it.

“Yer welcome Hunter. After all ya done did yesterday, I figured ya’d have a big appetite.” The seeds were looking at Smith like she was going senile for speaking with a human like it was a pony. She’s barely fifty, you dicks! And most humans can comprehend emotion and body language. *Yes, I made her a bit younger considering what family we’re talking about I'd assume Apples breed young.* I'm going to be stuck with these guys for at least six months. Considering that their home was destroyed due to an earthquake that measured a six on the scale and they weren't covered for seismic damage, I gave them some slack. Walking to the table I greet Babs and Bloom with a kiss of there cheeks. I'd like to greet them with a smile, but native humans can't smile. As for Big Mac, he got a head nod and returned said head nod. I took my seat between Smith and AJ, picked up the proper utensils and began eating.

It goes without saying that the seeds were surprised to see a human with manners such as mine to be here on the farm. Bab's mother Red Delicious, a delicious red unicorn took to staring at me as I ate. A few minutes later and she's still staring. Ok what is she looking at? I'm eating carefully, so there ain't nothin on my face. Then she got up and I got a good look at her flank, damn does she have an ass on her! That ass was so good that Booty Wurk started playing in my head. As she waked my way, shakin that ass, I whistled the hot damn whistle at her. I noticed her cutie mark when I stopped focusing on that ass. To my surprise it was a coat of arms made of crossing toothbrushes that had apples on the ends. She’s a dentists! "Cousin Applejack, I'd like to inspect Hunter's teeth if you don't mind." She declared in a bit of excitement and in her country accent no less.

I opened my mouth before AJ could say anything and wagged a finger at red to come. She came to me and took a look at my teeth. She grabs a camera."Not a single cavity and plaque levels are acceptable, this mouth is immaculate! Hs dental hygiene is better than most ponies and I'm sad to say my family is in that bracket. These bicuspids are amazing and then there's these canines, there bigger and sharper than any human I've ever seen. The spell indicated that there are no signs of tampering with them either. If I had to guess, I'd say they were about as sharp as a dragon’s fangs!" My kin looked at me with concern, no doubt about it they were looking for signs of anger in me. I tend to get as ferocious as a dragon when I get angry and right now, I'm not angry at all. I'm getting to monopolize the time of a total cutie!

About thirty minutes later, Red reached in her bag to give me a lollipop or something. Lollipop, I was right. I laid one on her as soon as she turned to me. I slipped her a little bit of tongue and she reciprocated! That was way better than a silly lollipop. Everyone else had been long gone since she got into her scientific mode. "Hunter you naughty boy, you. Well that's it for now be sure to floss and rinse regularly. Why am I telling this to a human? Force of habit I guess." I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at that. "Hunter, follow me to the cellar, please. I have some work for you big boy." In the week she had spent here, she had borne witness to my strength. I made Big Mac look like a foal by carrying triple his workload and finishing in a third of the time. Being a monster hunter (and subsequently part dragon) means you must have speed strength durability and intellect.

Delicious flat out raised her tail straight up, giving me an amazing view of the goods and cooed at me then bent over. "Come get it, hurry boy!" Man, she's horny. Hubby must not be giving her the business. She attacks my dick with a sensual magic grip as soon as my pants were off. I dont care if she’s married, if hubby ain't tapping that, then I will! She is too damn hot to not be getting any. As I moaned and groaned from the sensations she was giving me, Red was touching herself like a madmare. The illicit sounds of her cries and sighs drove me wild. As she continued the effort on my crotch, I started moving my hips in the magic cocksleeve. Which wasn’t bad in my book. But it's not what I want! "What's the matter big boy, want some apple pie? Speak up if that's the case! I know you can talk I heard you helping Babs and Bloom with their homework. If you don't speak, it means I'm crazy...I don't want to be crazy!"

I had been caught. And she's right, I do want to devour the warm apple pie that’s directly in front of me. She won't tell anypony, she’s family. "This feels good, but it ain't what I want. Please come here and give me some of that Red Delicious pie." My dick got bigger and harder, it’s been a bit since I fucked a pony.

"I knew it, I'm not crazy!" She started dancing and waving her ass around in the air. Wasn't much of a surprise to me that her concentration broke and the sleeve disappeared. While she continued her "not crazy" dance, I began stroking my cock. Delicious kept doing her dance so when her ass was in position, I grabbed it and in to that delightfully warm wet and tight hole my cock went. That got her to pay attention to me.

Delicious gave off a surprised yelp that quickly turned into a pleasured moan. It didn’t take her long to start backing up into me with an epic need for my mighty dick, a need that I would be a dumbass not to satisfy. Thanks to Lyra, I know that a unicorn's horn is an erogenous zone, so I put my years of experience with her onto another. I began teasing her horn in a gentle motion. A small flick here with twirl and a lick every couple of thrust. As I began to stimulate her clit with my free hand, her horn glowed and a small blast came from her horn. I wasn’t expecting her to horngasm that quick!

"This is so embarrassing. Hunter you're a naughty boy!" I find it funny that you're saying that with an O face on. And your voice is proving your enjoyment. "Where did you learn all that anyway. Not many non-unicorns now how to handle a horn like that." Without giving her my life story, I tell her about Lyra my best friend (with benefits).

Red rolled over and took the top in a position that showed me everything. If I wasn’t at full mast already, I am now! " Your apple pie is ready. Please dig in!" I noticed the door open as soon as my dick entered her. I was outta her and had my pants back on in seconds and grabbed something heavy and started "working" before whoever came in could get a peep show. Delicious used magic to make the room smell of apples...the actual apples and not hers. Turns out it was Babs and the other crusaders who need my help try for a woodsman cutie mark. It's obvious what their damn talents are but they keep denying them.

"It's cool that Rarity let me come since Hunter's coming. But how'd you know AJ would let you borrow Hunter? "

Bloom and Babs asked me with respect right in front of the other two Crusaders and their heads tilted. "Hunter's got multiple fields of training but his best skill is being able to live in hostile environments. Ain't nothin gonna keep us safer than having Hunter with us!" The other two couldn’t deny that logic. I went to my room to get my stuff, but the fillies had it all on their backs. After I was suited up with my armored clothing, Dragonbane, my bow and a decent array of arrows (both normal and specialty) and a light set of rations, we were ready to go.

"We ain’t goin too far into the Everfree. In fact I'm not taking you more than two klicks in." I clicked to Bloom. She started to protest but stopped when she saw the death glare I was giving her. After a klick and a half north east, I saw a tree that I coulda sworn has been dead since I landed in Equestria. How in the hell is this thing so full of life now? The Apple's tried uprooting it, that didn't work. Twilight and a group of Canterlot's finest tried magic healing, nada. And to top it off Zecora and I tried alchemy and alkahestry of to no avail. And that was last month! Way too late for that to have done anything. Strange looking apples were on the tree.

The fillies were hungry so Bloom went to buck the tree. Being the survivalist I am, I destroyed the fallen apples before the girls could eat them. Bloom pulled me away. "The hay is wrong with you, Hunter? We were hungry and thems was perfectly good apples!"

Chuckling at her comment. "No, they weren't. What they are is unknown and you never ever eat unknown food. This tree has been dead since your great grandpappy started this farm fifty years ago According to smith. Those apples look really weird, lets assume they're poison or cursed. Eat the rations you got and tell your friends what I told you."

Bloom lowered her head in defeat, knowing my logic was sound and did what I said and relayed the info to her friends. "Hunter senses danger from those apples, we should just eat what we got." Nice touch with the last part. The girls frowned a bit they seem to find those apples alluring. I on the other hand, find them disgusting. I grabbed an apple for examination and took the girls to my castle, which was at least three kicks away from that damned tree. I had Bloom tell them that this was my lair and to respect it. She also told them that the place was riddled with traps, so don’t touch anything that looked too important to be left alone.

The girls were napping on the bed I left out for them and i was examining the strange apple.The apples seemed to have a spiral design on them. When I cut it open it had a green fluid oozing out of it and it smelled putrid. Scoots didn’t seem to think so since she dove for the apple in my hand. I subdued her by pressing hard on her pleasure nodes in her wings. Channeling mana into my arm I threw the nasty thing at about 250 km/ph at a tree about 5 yards away. The apple was destroyed but thanks to Scoot’s moaning and the interruption from the CMC, I was horny as a motherfucker . My pressing quickly turned into full on caressing and i started kissing her nodes and bringing a hand down to her honey pot. Oh boy, did that get a reaction out of her

When I removed my hand Scootaloo bent over and put her ass in the air. “Come on boy, let’s have some fun!” Holy shit! She was inviting me to fuck her. The girls weren’t waking up anytime soon and Scoots was about a year younger than I am. There’s no way I can let this chance go to waste. She was waving her ass in the air for me so I’m sure she’s done this before. I put my cock in her face. “Okay, I’ll take care of you. But you gotta do me too.” Wait the way she’s talking to me...does she know? Wonderful, two ponies find out about me in one day. Am I doing a crap ass job at protecting my secret! She must’ve seen the worry on my face. “Secret’s safe with me, Hunter. I've been onto you since day one, won’t even tell Bab’s or Bloom that I know if that’s what you want. Just treat me like a mare and not like a filly. I happen to be of age.” So she’s been in heat already. One look at her pussy and I knew she wasn’t in heat at the moment. But I also noticed that she was by no means a virgin.

Scoots went to work on my dick and I got to work on her pussy. She was sucking like a vacuum and her tongue was twirling around my dick every other motion. As soon as i put my fingers in the mix, she started using her wings to assail my balls. It tickled but it also felt good. Seeing as time was of the essence, we both came to a silent agreement...it’s time to fuck. Scoots got back in that position and made it clear that this was how she wanted to get it. Ponystlye it is then! My now rock hard cock was at the entrance of her soaking wet pussy and it was time to rock!

Grabbing her flanks, I began to put my weight into it. After Scoots made it clear that she wanted it rough. Didn’t take us long to match each other’s rhythm and soon after that I began looking for ways to make her feel better. This had to be done quickly after all. I’m pretty sure the other three Crusaders would have a heart attack from the show of sexiness Scootaloo was giving me. “How you feeling hot stuff?” I just hope the answer is nothing short of amazing otherwise my pride as a “comfort” human (even though i’m just a part-timer) would take a serious blow.

“Why do you even need to ask?” She had a look on her that said ‘I wanna switch positions’, so I let her do so and damn am I happy I did! She took up a cowgirl position and started kissing me with a passion. “You’re way better than the dumb colts at the orphanage! Give...me...MORE.” I reminded her to keep her voice down, I don’t want to deal with that train wreck. There I was laying supine while Scootaloo had her forelegs on my chest as she was bouncing on my dick with a desperate need to orgasm. I was right there with her, I needed to get this done and fast. Grabbing her flanks, I put more gusto into it.

Scoots was grinding harder and I was thrusting faster. We needed to come..soon. At this point we’re both neglecting form for speed. A few more bumps and grinds and boom went the dynamite...for her at least. I could feel her ministrations, good for her but I still hadn't got mine. In a need to reach my own climax, I started pumping harder and faster. I was not about to be denied a second time. Scoots eyes were rolling to the back of her head as I put it into overdrive. She was most likely in a state of continuous orgasm. Her breathing quickly turned into gasp and her wings stiffed even more. A few thrust more and bang... I had reach climax. A part of me wanted to do more with her but I let sense drive me instead of lust, now was not the time to rutt like an animal.

I spent a moment to admire my work, I had thoroughly fucked Scootaloo up. "This ain't love Hunter. But if you keep giving me the business like that, it might just become that way." She said while emptying the evidence out of her love hole. As soon as that's done, I pick her up and walk down to the shower room for more fun and a clean up. But before we got to that I had Scootaloo leave a letter for the soon to be awoken girls and I set perimeter security to max.

One very fun shower later the girls were eating a salad of flower petals. I don’t know how ponies can stand that stuff. Looking at it from their perspective, the same could be said for humans and meat, I guess. "Have a nice showa with Hunta, Scootaloo?" Babs asked while wiggling her eyebrows in a position that only we could see. Well fuck me sideways, she saw us fucking!

Pulling babs downstairs to be out of earshot, I raise an eyebrow. "How long were you watching ya little voyeur" My cajun accent slipped and I think I might be blushing right now.

Babs grins. "Since da blowjob. And I gotta say, you’re a beast. And I mean that in a good way. It looked like she was fellin pretty good too. You plan on makin her your dame?"

I had to think about that one for a bit. Do I honestly want her to be mine? Can I commit myself to this filly; no, to this mare. I started weaning towards no but then I noticed that the thought of her and somepony or someone else was pissin me off. I don't love her yet, but I'm starting to entertaining the thought of a relationship with Scootaloo.

"I can see promise in her. But I don't plan on committing just yet." She gave me a smile and a pat on the back.

"It ain't neva too early ta get workin on dat herd. I wish ya luck, man." Babs gave me a warm hug after that statement.

When we came back up the gilrs were talking about something that had them beam. Scoots wasn’t the type to tell them what went on, so I went to Bloom and patted her on the head and pointed at the sun.

"Well girls, we're burning daylight. Let’s get back ta explorin!" Bloom declared in an excited manner. I was getting ready to take point and then Sweetie screamed. It looked like a monster was preparing to attack her an arrow to the head fixed that.

Sweetie looked at the dead creature then to me and ran into my arms and cried. "Thank you Hunter, you saved me!" Good, she’s not so naive that she couldn’t see it was it or her. I patted her on the head and pointed back at the castle. I need to examine this thing and the girls will be safe inside the castle than in the courtyard.

After I retrieved my arrow, it was time to get some answers to what the fuck this thing was. Taking a close look at the thing it looked like...it can't be, can it? After a second look at the creature, there was no denying that it was at some point a pony however gnarled and wicked it looked. The creature was once a pegasus, it appeared to be undergoing a metamorphosis of some kind before I dropped it. I give no shits about what it was, at this point I'm more worried about what it was becoming. I hadn't seen anything like it in my eight years of living on Equestria. More research would have to be done on the subject. Perhaps I could have Twilight dissect the carcass. Taking one last look, I noticed the head wound was leaking green ooze instead of blood. But what could’ve caused something like....oh sweet Luna, the apple!

After I locked the thing in holding cell that was enchanted with a security ward that made the cell into a virtual quarantine zone. It was time to get the girls the fuck out of here. This time however, I grabbed a small arsenal and we took the quickest route back to the farm...in the opposite direction of the tree. We reached our destination in about ten minutes and I immediately grabbed Fluttershy, who was tending to Winona and had her call Twilight and relay the information of what went down

Twilight arrived about ten minutes later since I had Fluttershy say the words possible new lifeform. "Where is it Fluttershy?" Wow she didn’t waste any time. I had to hold in my laughter at the fact that Twi was on Fluttershy like white on rice. Pulling her away from Fluttershy since she was quivering, I cleared my throat and pointed toward my lair. Once Twilight got the point that I was the one with the 20 on the creature, she eased up on the manic look.

"You know where it is hunter? Take me to it, boy!" Is she seriously shrilling in joy? This girl needs to put down the books and relax for a bit. Grabbing my gear once again, I take point in the expedition to my lair. Much to my chagrin, Fluttershy came is with us. A dead formerly pony body is the last thing I want her seeing. Sweetie is probably gonna have nightmare about the creature but Shy is gonna be worse when she sees its carcass. After about three minutes of walking outside of the farm grounds, I notice a brown and an orange figure. A smirk was building on my face as I pull a flash arrow out of my quiver and fire it at the direction of the bush.

The girls jumped out and conked each other on the heads and gasped. They both had a "what the hay" look on their faces. The of them got thoroughly chewed out by Twi and Shy. Both of them marched back to the house with their tails between their legs...literally. With that done, the march continued.

Twenty minutes later, we arrive in my lair. Twilight is still doing that jumping thing she does when she gets excited and Fluttershy is shivering a bit. "I wonder who set this containment ward up? I seem to find new things each time I come here." Twilight tried to take down the field...nothing happened. She kept trying and still nada. Her face was scrunched up and she was getting aggravated. I was tempted to keep watching, but this was getting sad. When she stopped trying I placed my hand on the console and a ping could be heard. Twilight’s face was priceless.

Twilight blinked a few times and stared for a minute. "It would appear that Hunter has a master key of sorts embedded in him, fascinating. I'm assuming Hunter put the creature you spoke of over the phone earlier further in." Careful with the assumptions, Twilight.

Just to make my silent point, I pressed another panel and the table the carcass was laying on rose from the floor. Twilight was no fool she put up wards around us just incase what ever it had was contagious. She began her analysis which was restating what I already knew so I tuned it out. Oddly enough Fluttershy wasn't terrified of the stiff at all. I gave her a weird look.

"I'm not scared of a corpse, Hunter." Wow, I have never seen her put on such a deadpan attitude before. I think I like this side of her! This was going to take a while. After I was certain that they would be safe, I went to retrieve an apple for Twilight to examine. This time however I stayed to the trees and made it there and back in five minutes.

Twilight noticed my return. "Oh, you're back. What do you have there boy? Come on show me" I had gotten used to being talked to like this but come on! I handed her the apple and sliced it open so she'd connect the dots and confirm my theory...that she would state was hers and technically, it would be. She wasn’t going for the apple. The wards must be shielding them from its allure.

"Twilight, I need you to take some notes for me, please" Twilight grabbed a pen in her magic and I handed her a blank scroll. I tuned out her repetition of my autopsy and continued not to care until she got to the good stuff. "Subject shows signs of internal injuries, its bones appear to have been in a state of contortion prior to its...termination. Subject also appears to possess fangs and a thicker hyde. The green ooze that was seeping from its head appears to have coagulated, meaning that the ooze was its blood. Seeing as the subject was clearly once a pony, it would appear that the strange apple forced a transformation into a more predatory species. The subject however was clearly denied the chance to complete its metamorphosis."

"Based off the evidence laid before us, I'd say it was a good thing the subject was terminated before said metamorphosis could be completed." Wait, did Fluttershy just approve of me killing the creature? "Off the record, well done Hunter. Sweetie might be dead if not for your quick response."

Twilight gave Fluttershy the quill and scroll. "Thank you for your expertise Fluttershy, I'll take it from here." She gave Fluttershy ample time to prepare to scribe. "Also based off the data acquired, it is most likely that the apple contains a mutagen or parasite of sorts within it. Thanks to Fluttershy's autopsy, it has been confirmed that the subject had ingested the apple. The apple also seems to possess an alluring aura to it. Those weak of will may fall victim to it. The best course of action would be to quarantine the area surrounding the source of these apples and if it cannot be understood then it must be destroyed. Analysis on unknown creature formerly of the pony race as performed by Fluttershy, bearer of the element of kindness and Princess Twilight Sparkle."

With that done, I tossed the body and the apple in the incinerator and escorted the ladies back to the farm. Not even 1500 and we had just done an autopsy on an unknown creature. I don't know how this could day get any stranger!

Strange Tree not even five minutes later

A beautiful mare emerges from within the tree, exiting the center as the tree rippled like a rock had been thrown into a pond. The mare gasped as life returned to her and looked up to see a tree that bore great fruit. With the tree full of apples thanks to the mana rich soil of Equestria, she could now enact her plan. The mare smiled a devious smile and cackled two words. “I’m back!”

Rise of the Doom Tree part two

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Oh how good it is to be back! I remember my last battle with that sun-assed bitch. My queen was lost and I was the last of my kind, I barely made it out alive. "But that was then and this is now!" I cackled to nopony in particular. The blessed tree bears fruit, my plan may yet still come to fruition. Ponies find the apples produced from it to be irresistible. It is with this that I shall build my army! Or at the very least that was the plan. I haven't seen a pony come near the tree since I had risen.

"Perhaps now would be a good time to gather information. It must have been quite some time since I began my slumber." The tree itself was hidden deep within the forest, perhaps nopony has found it yet. That would explain why I don’t feel any of my kind nearby. There is no need to worry though for soon my kind shall rise and take this land for our own! I continued to walk about in search of ponies I could garner information from and yet I find nopony. How much longer will it take!

Twenty minutes later

It was a long walk but I finally found signs of civilization. What was once a barren meadow was now a town booming with life. Ponies walked about in their small town, smiles strewn upon their faces. They seemed to live a worry free life! Now is my chance, I must learn what I can. I look normal enough and it has been a few hundred years minimum. Times must have changed I must know what has occurred before I can make my next move.

“Excuse me miss, are you coming from the Everfree? That area is on a tight lockdown due to some sort of monster trouble right now. You’re lucky you got out of there okay.” The Mare before me stood with stature, she must high in the guard.

“Yes I was traveling from the next town over and got lost. However I saw nothing out of the ordinary miss…”

“Oh forgive me, I didn’t give you my name. Name’s Jazz Apple! But you can call me Jazz.” Oh my, looks like I haven’t lost my touch in the years gone by! Perhaps I can gain my knowledge from this mare and have a little fun while I’m at it. The guard seemed to be brimming with enthusiasm.

"Hellon Jazz. My name is Misty Breeze, could you tell me where we are? I have a bad sense of direction." I asked the guard while laying on a bit of honey. To add to the presentation I went so far as to scratch my mane nervously.

“Well you’re in Ponyville, sugarcube. The home of the Princess Twilight Sparkle and the elements of harmony." So the elements have been reassembled... wait did she just say Princess Twilight Sparkle? There's another one of those alicorn bitches to deal with?! Well that is great, just great! We hardly survived the battle last time, how am I to secure victory with these conditions?! An extra princess I could work around if I had a large enough force. However the elements of harmony? One good blast from them and my vengeance is ruined. I must gain more knowledge of what's going on, but how? Ah, that will do!

"Pardon me Jazz, but what can you tell me of Equestria if you don't mind my asking." Jazz looks a bit confused, best tread cautiously. Being suspicious is the last thing I need right now. “I do not hail from Equestria and would like to know more of it. I’ve never been in a land where ponies are the majority!” Jazz is still smiling, perhaps I managed to 'save my bacon' as the griffons once said.

“A foreigner huh? Well the ponies of equestria are watched over by the the Princesses Celestia of the sun, Luna of the moon, Twilight of friendship and magic, and Cadence of Love. The last of which who rules over the Crystal Empire, a small fiefdom on the edge of Equestria’s border. The Princesses care for all their subjects and don’t care none about what race they are. In fact if you look over there ya can see Ponyville Castle, home of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

How did I miss that! Wait a minute, a princess actually lives in this little hicktown? When she said home I thought she meant born here. Is there something wrong with her or something. Or is there something special about this town. Maybe sun-ass knew where I was and had this Twilight Sparkle placed in town to await me and ruin my plans. I’m going to have to come up with a new plan if that’s the case! Easy Misty, don’t let your paranoia kill your revenge.

I took a breath and killed my internal rant so I might have clear thoughts. I must know more of this. Methinks that this Twilight Sparkle is the one that ordered the lockdown. If this is so then the Sunny one must not know of my presence. When I took another look at Jazz, I noticed she was perusing my visage. She was drawn in by my teal eyes and quickly gazed upon my blue coat and black mane. I could tell she got lost at my flanks. She was definitely not looking at my vapor cutie mark. Mayhaps a distraction is what I need in order to rethink my plan.

“Pardon me if I am being too forward, but do you wish to engage in coitus with me?” I say unto the blushing Jazz with my head tilted. The poor thing was in hysterics. Perhaps I should make this easy on her. “Take me to your bed, if that is what you wish. I would not mind tasting your essence.” Blunt and to the point however it seemed to work. The lovely pegasus grabbed me a flew off to where I assume to be her home.

Within minutes she had blitzed us away to a quaint little farm. We touched down near a barn. Jazz opened the door for me and motioned for me to enter. As I did so, I found myself immersed in how immensely different the inside looked from the outside. The interior was immaculate, the bed looked as soft as a marshmallow and even the lighting gave off a calming aura. There was one thing that was off putting about it however. It felt like this was a male’s space and not a female’s. Even though she is clearly found of mares this place smells of a male...in a good way. Like it was his sanctuary.

Jazz noticed my observation of her space. “Yeah, this place belongs to a pretty cool guy. It was his man cave of sorts. I ain’t changing nothing since it’s pretty zen as is and he put a lot of work in making that way.. He gave it up so I could live here and he even gave up his actual room in the house so other members of the family could have a place to stay. He’s an amazin guy with a heart of gold.” I’m beginning to wonder if she admires him or has an unrequited love. Either way she immensely respects the stallion. Goodness, I would as well if he indeed gave up his space out of kindness.

Tired of beating around the bush, I move to the bed. “Come here and show me what you can do, my strong guardmare.” I say, the sex clearly in my voice.

Jazz wasted no time in taking my summons and was at my side on the bed within seconds. She hesitated for a moment, perhaps she is intimidated by my form. If that is the case I’ll have to take the initiative. I gave Jazz a kiss to move things forward. whilst I am enjoying my time with her, I want to feel a heated embrace now! Jazz was taken aback by my brazen actions. Thankfully her stupor only lasted for a moment and she returned the kiss with great fervor!

Our tongues made a dance of intricately burning passion. It had been far too long since I had indulged myself in carnal desire. I could feel her wing massaging my back as the heat of our embrace grew. It was not long before I used some magic to tease the same wings that were massaging me. That elicits a heavy moan of satisfaction from Jazz. I continued teasing her like this for a while however I soon felt something wet on my horn and my concentration wavered. Jazz was fellating my horn and oh did it feel so good!

My body shuddered and I could feel my climax coming, it wouldn’t be long before I climaxed from hornplay. She continued to work on my horn as if it were a phallus with expert precision. If I wasn’t sure that Jazz was into both mares and stallions before, I most certainly am now! My moans grew louder as my body spasmed in orgasm. My hips started shaking and backing up into nothing in particular. I need something in me at once!

As if she read my mind, Jazz ceases playing with my horn and moves to a drawer and pulls out a….oh my that is quite the lovely double-header. “Ya look like ya could use a bit a this, honeydrop” She said unto me as she inserted one end into her and hoofed the other end as if it were the real deal. It was clear to me that she wanted me to suck it and quite frankly; i wanted to do so anyway.

As I made my way to the other end of the dildo, the door opened and both our heads shot to the door. It was just a human so I continued what I was about to do. “Hold up, honeysuckle. A better option just came up.” Jazz stopped me from sucking. “Howdy Hunter, want a piece of this action?” The human just looked placid as any human would. Jazz took the dildo out of her and waved her flank in the air and gave me a wink. I suppose she wants me to do the same. He does look rather good. His build was medium if I had to guess but his face was rather attractive...as well as a few other things. I gave into the mixture of Jazz’s peer pressure and my own desire and waved my plot in the air as well.

The human Jazz addressed as Hunter licked his lips and… did he just smirk? I must be seeing things! “Come and get it Big guy!” Big, I’ll be the judge of that! There is no way that this human could be a better option than what was about to happen.

Hunter moved to Jazz and went in for cunnilingus but Jazz stopped him. “As much as I’d love ta have ya ravage me, I think my friend here needs it more. Give her the business ok?” Is she having a conversation with that human? Either way it seemed he understood since he nodded his head and removed his… Oh my! His frame deceived me. Hunter’s physique was quite nice despite how average he looked with his shirt on. There were a few scars on him that were clearly made by the beasts of the adjacent forest. As I was looking at his muscles he was sliding off his pants and oh my was I not expecting that! His member was impressive, but it was still not as big as the dildo. However he could provide a warmth that the foul piece of plastic could not!

I soon felt his tongue work on my nethers with pinpoint precision, his hands fondling my teats. I was screaming in ecstasy while he was worshiping me. Why don’t stallions take care of mares like this! What he’s doing now more than makes up for his “shortcomings”. As he played with me, I used some magic to stimulate his member. Hunter gave my horn a flick and made a “tsk” noise. It became clear to me that the price of the pleasure Hunter was offering was complete and total control of this interaction.

However addled my mind had been, I couldn’t get Jazz out of it. She sat a mere matter of meters away from me with a look of anticipation on her face. She must feel lonely. Seconds after my revelation, I begin to stimulate Jazz so the both of us are enjoying ourselves. Moments later, I felt Hunter enter me and my concentration broke once more. Hunter was thrusting rather gently and here I was expecting primal sex. Either way this is rather nice!

Hunter flips me so we can see each other’s eyes. If I did not know better, I would say a smirk was building on his face. He kisses me as our embrace grows. With every thrust bringing me closer towards the ecstasy that was building within me. Jazz was laying there next to us, taking great pleasure in watching Hunter work on me. She was really going at it with that dildo! She came close enough that I could feel her breath on me, it was quite exhilarating.

He increased his pace, he must be getting close. Close as he may be it matters not, because I am just as close. With a final pound I felt my body spasm as I was given a sweet release that I hadn’t had in quite some time. Hunter couldn’t resist the clenching of my walls were giving him and he soon climaxed as well. I could not help but feel sad as he pulled out of me and made his way to Jazz. One per customer it would seem.

Jazz seemed content with fellating him with great fervor. The deeper she took him into her mouth, the faster she went with the dildo. Seeing as I am still not content, I think I shall join them! I reach for the other end of the dildo and bring it toward my winking hole, Hunters seed still leaking out of it. As soon as it was within me I thrusted towards Jazz hard. I am quite sure that the sounds the three of us were omitting were resonating within the shack and could undoubtedly be heard from the outside. However at this point I just cannot seem to care about anything but sex at the moment. After all it has been at least two hundred years. As our paces synch, Hunter climaxes once more. He made the effort to gleefully thrust his still erect member inside Jazz’s mouth and she seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it.

At this point it was clear that we all wanted more. “Where’d ya go Hunter? Twilight needs your help!” A voice called out in the air and Hunter reluctantly pulls out of Jazz’s mouth. A pout was clearly visible on her face. Did that voice say Twilight as in the princess? I must… Jazz grabs me by the hips and pounds harder and faster than before. I suppose I can wait. Canterlot wasn’t built in a day as they say.


Damn it Twilight, you have the worst fucking timing! I wanted more out of Jazz and that little hottie she brought with her! Well, I don’t want to leave Scoots out there hollerin. I walk out of the barn and look for Scoots. If she’s playing courrier, I don’t reckon it’s a good idea to be fooling around with these mares no matter how beautiful they are. Maybe I could pop a quick one out with Scoots but If I go back in there, I’m definitely not getting out of there till morning.

I didn’t even bother putting my pants on. As soon as I found scoots her eyes went down. “You want some help with that, papi?” Not knowing if we were being watched or not I gave a simple nod yes as she walks with a sexy shake of her ass. “Better hurry though. It might be urgent but then again, it might not. Wouldn’t be the first time she's blown something out of proportion.” She’s right though, it has to be quick. Those girls got me too worked up and this ain’t going down on its own. I’m not about to run around with a hardon in the middle of the everfree.

Scoots and I had a quick romp about a klick away from the castle and damn was it good! I really need to consider locking her down. We head to my castle, which Twilight had turned into some sort of command center due to its proximity to the tree. Scoots announced our presence and Twilight turned to face us.

“Scootaloo and you brought Hunter with you! Guards, I’m sure you’ve met Hunter before. He’s the one who...neutralized subject zero. Either way I’ve gathered you all here for your unique skill sets.” I took a second to look at the guard’s cutie marks and there’s no doubt that all these guards are killers and hunters! I just hope they don’t catch on to me. “What I need from you is to track down any and all of the mutated ponies so that I and my team of scientist may come up with a cure. I am not naive however, if it comes down to you or them...do what you must. Hunter here will be accompanying you during your hunt, he knows the forest like the back of his hand and is in possession of interesting tools needed for such matters. You are dismissed, good hunting.”

I went to my room and got geared up for a long run in the Everfree. Twilight stopped me with her magic before I could leave though. “Keep an eye on them, Hunter.” It’s a good thing that I help out in the library every now and again. Twilight knows that I’m ‘perceptive’ and doesn’t talk to me like a stupid animal, most of the time. She treats me more like an intelligent warhound. Taking her request to heart, I grab a few non-lethal rounds and make my way to the hunters. Just great I’ve been demoted from warhound to hunting dog!

I gave a brief sigh then caught up with the other huntsmen. Hopefully Twilight gave them protection against the allure the apples seem to have on ponies. Otherwise this won’t be pretty at all. The huntsmen were gathered close in a tight formation, weapons and traps at the ready. These guys have obvious chemistry. In a bid to see how good these guys were, I took to hiding and tailing them from afar. Basic hunting tactics.

“Hey guys, where’d the human go?” The hunter with the pack containing some kind of chemical was the first to notice I wasn’t there. She paused for a moment in thought.“This is the Everfree, maybe Hunter became Hunted!” The red mare with a bear trap for a cutie mark and scar on her left flank joked. Do these guys have no common sense at all. I mean come on, Twilight made it a point to advertise that this was my playground.

“I highly doubt that, Punchline. The princess was pretty insistent that we’d need him on this mission. I’d guess he’s scouting ahead or something ain’t that right boss?” This one was a pitch black pegasus with grey eyes and what looked like lighting bound in a coil for a cutie mark. If I had to guess he’s the demolitions expert and he was looking at a golden unicorn with a spear for a mark. Goldie carried herself in a calm demeanor. She kept a keen eye on her surroundings as well

Our eye’s met. “Are you quite done testing my crew young man?” Wait a minute did she just address me as pony? “You’re not the first of your kind me and mine have run into and you most likely won’t be the last. So what’s your assessment, since the princess thinks so highly of you?”

What the actual fuck? How many people are going to out me this week anyway?! I jump out of my hiding spot with as blank a face as possible while tilting my head in confusion. “Looks like the bosslady was wrong, pay up Tesla.” Punchline says to the black pegasus. He hangs his head low and removes an item from his saddle bags.

“Aw man, I really liked this one too! Treat her well okay?” He was on the verge of tears. What in the world was he giving up anyway. With a better look I could tell the item was a stiletto and a nice one at that. There was an engraving on it that said ‘to Tesla with my love, Bianca’. Okay now he’s really crying.

My conscience could take no more. “Hey you, Punchline right? Give Tesla his knife back. And you..”

“Golden Ray.” Of course, her names actually Goldie!

“Right. I can see your team has chemistry and you’re seasoned hunters. But none of you are that good at tracking are you? There’s a trail going that way. See that print over there is… It’s a trap! Weapons live NOW!!” The golden squad didn’t question my orders and weapons were drawn and stances readied. We were surrounded they were coming on us fast. As one was stupid enough to lunge at me, I kept Twilights request in my mind and gave it a roundhouse kick to the barrel and followed through with a blow from the back of Dragonbane. Then I fired a net arrow to keep the thing contained. The others didn’t seem to care much about killing something that used to be the same race as them.

Golden wielded a lance composed of pure light, impaling anything foolish enough to come near her. Punchline made use of some sort of cryotic flamethrower. I’m guessing that the pack she wore on her back contained something akin to liquid nitrogen on steroids. The poor things never stood a chance. Atleast I wasn’t the only one trying to bring some of them in alive. Punch gave me a wink and got back to flash freezing specimens. Tesla was in heated aerial combat, weaving past the now ferral pegasi… Feral that’s it. There’s is no way that a bunch of feral beast came up with this trap there’s gotta be an alpha of sorts.

“Guys I think there’s an alpha amongst them coordinating their assault. If we can take it down then the others will.”

“Either drop like flies or be easier to take down. Why didn’t I think of that!” Punchline finished my sentence.

The four of us took to perusing the battlefield for the alpha. During that time, both Punch and I managed to bag a few more specimens for Twilight. We were about to just slaughter them completely until Goldie noticed a faint glow from a unicorn. Tesla and Goldie blocked its path and I used a bolas arrow to hogtie the varmint. Punch followed up by blocking it’s mana flow with a bit of ice. Their organization fell to pieces as per our theory. It wasn’t that hard to pick off the few survivors.

With an ample amount of specimens for Twilight, we agreed on RTB. Punch and I had a small conversation on how to increase the efficiency of her weapon. I’m gonna have fun working on that one! Goldie was her usual quiet self according to Punch and Tesla. I wonder what she does in her free time? “You guys got an opening in your team?” I asked in curiosity. Punch and Tesla hesitated. I just stood there waiting on some sort of response.

Goldie turned to face me and sighed. “Why is it always me who has to be the bad guy? We do have an opening, but the slot isn’t for a human. Hunter you must remember while we are hunters, we are also scientist. My team is sent into dangerous environments and are expected to act in the name of science. A human would be seen as non-crucial personnel and we’d be a laughingstock.”

I gave an understanding look and shut up for the rest of the walk. Well most of it. “So no humans huh. What’s the rule on canines, and no I don’t mean a house dog.”

Goldie had a thoughtful look on her face. “A diamond dog would be useful for tracking purposes but they’d need to have some proficiency in the scientific world. I take it you know one.”

Her statement was close but not quite right. “Better, he’s a duskwolf!” They all went silent at the mention of a dusk wolf or fenrir as the D dogs call them. “I can assure you that he is as competent as I am and has skills in various form science mostly in alchemy.” Goldie gave a look that said she’d make it happen if I could deliver. Fenrir are few in number but tale of their prowess has gone far beyond the dwellings of the dogs.

We touched down at base about ten minutes later with the specimens in towe. We brought her a total of five creatures,Twilight was absolutely elated! Unfortunately for me, her team has a few pompous assholes in it that kept treating me like garbage whenever Twilight was out of sight and earshot. "Hey, how about you show Hunter a little respect? He's responsible for half of these live captures!" Punchline came to my rescue just as I was ready to put on my "clever human" facade to put them in their place. "Come on Hunter, let's leave these girlfriendless losers who aren't even on the research team to their chores." Punch raised her tail for me to accentuate her point. The two were drooling like idiots and sporting erections. I licked my lips and smacked her ass to let it jiggle. Her tail stayed up bu4 I blocked their view.

Scoots saw the little show we put on and angrily ran off with me in the opposite direction Punch was going. " Tu yo cama ahora!" Damn, she’s jealous. I guess it doesn't help how close they are in age. I don’t know much Spanish, but I know you, me, bed, now when I hear it!

Scootaloo and I got a full hour of uninterrupted fun before a pair of lab coats burst into my room ready for a rutt. I was about to glare bit Scoots did it for me. She is scary when she's mad!


As I woke from my peaceful slumber in Jazz’s embrace, I could feel a force building within. The seeds are being sewn. Soon vengeance shall be mine! A part of me faltered as I saw Jazz happily sleeping next to me. As I gaze upon her beautifully silly sleeping self, I think pensively. "I am truly sorry for the havoc I am about to wreak upon your world, sweet apple. Know that this is not personal." I will make bright ass pay for her past transgressions. But for that I require an army.

Rise of the Doom Tree: Finale

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Within a few days, I could sense more of my kind. While it is good that they are amassing, the barricade this Twilight Sparkle had raised has all but halted my progress in raising my army. If I am to have my revenge, I must find another way of adding to my number. The local princess is said to be intelligent, she will thwart my plans if I dawdle. Perhaps I could sneak the apples into baked goods, but how would I do that. It's cider season. All I need to do is get a few of my apples in the batch and wait. The apples are so busy gathering apples from the trees they can access due to the barricade.

Since I was currently lodging here, all it took was some slight of hand and every sacred apple I could carry (about 10) was in the batch. It pained me to take action on a plan with such random results but results would come however long it took. My hope is to get more than just drones but an army of drones would suffice if nothing else. Celestia must have been thorough in hunting down anypony with the proper genes. The drones will listen to a highbreed such as myself but a queen would would work much better and also allow for breeding more intelligent kinsman. Either Way, this plan will take a while to enact. Of course, it doesn’t help that Hunter and his scientist friends keep “tagging and bagging” my kindred. Hunter may act like a normal human but I believe he may very well be straggler from the humans of old! There’s no telling what he could think of if that were true. He might even be able to speak. I must remember to take him alive so I might have him to aid in fixing my former allies.

A part of me wanted to merely raze all of these ponies to get back at Celestia, I shook that off as quickly as it came. Why kill them when I can convert them? Even if I fail, it will be glorious seeing the pained look on her face as she slaughters “her little ponies”. I have been repeating this process throughout the week and hope to see results soon. I must remain in the Apple family’s good graces and work hard at retrieving apples. I sat down in the main house and removed of one of the sacred apples I had stashed in my bag and devoured it whole. I can’t have anypony discovering my identity due to carelessness.

“You look plum tuckered out, Misty. I hope you didn’t use too much magic. Mana sickness is the worst!” Red delicious walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of milk for herself. She spoke in a thick country accent rather than her city accent and continued to do so with me. She must feel comfortable around me I’ve only ever heard her talking like that to Hunter. Delicious had taken a liking to letting Hunter brush her daily and even did so once in front of me. I like Delicious, she’s logical and down to the point. Her husband however, not so much. If things were different, I could even call her friend. But I mustn’t ponder on such things. It is far too late for me to turn back.

“Yes I have been working hard. I find myself humbled being presented with such hospitality. Your family is truly one filled with the warmest of hearts and I am most grateful to them for extending their home unto me. Even if I am staying with Jazz, I must earn my keep. Such is my way.” As the words I had spoken echoed in my mind, I realized I wasn’t lying to Delicious and was truly happy here and grateful for the kindness shown to me. However this realization changes nothing. I must avenge my people and show little to no mercy in doing so. If I must slay the apple family, then they shall go quickly and without pain. I owe them that much. In the few weeks I have been here I have found myself attracted to Jazz. I am quite certain it is love but I cannot allow myself such a leisure. Perhaps we could find happiness if things were different but alas they are not.

Hunter entered the kitchen for a glass of water and thirstily chugged it down. “Good day, Sir Hunter. How goes your beast hunt?” Hunter directed my gaze towards the screen door he entered from. I fell slack jawed to the sight before me, Hunter had bagged five of my kindred and one of them was an alpha hunter. In the three weeks I have been here I’ve learned not to question the marvels Hunter is capable of. Why he chooses to blend in with these poor excuses for humans, I will never know. I wiped the anger from my mind and whistled. “Sir Hunter did you catch those yourself. Your skills are most impressive.” Hunter gave a nod and walked to his crudely constructed buggy and pedaled away. That clever little bastard!


I have a feeling that Misty knows so there’s really no point in me going beyond the usual “clever human” act. I’ll talk to her if she calls my bullshit but otherwise I’ll keep to the act. That mare has shown an unusual interest in me since last week. I’ll have to deal with that bridge when I cross it, I gotta take these mutates to the crew. They took over the lab and I gave them full access to my equipment. I trust the E.W.S,T. far more than i trust Twilight and it helps that I know they won’t try to confiscate the advanced tools from the “stupid human”. I may be giving Twilight less credit than she deserves but I am not about to give that girl unrestricted access to anything in my castle.

I’m glad I showed Tesla my old man’s Harley. I was able to reverse engineer a small engine that stored kinetic energy built up from pedaling via a crystal and dispersed it throughout the machine. It’s really alarming how quiet we managed to get it. I found myself back at basecamp before I even noticed. With the help of my bike, I made a thirty minute walk in less than five. “Hola, Hunter. You know where to take the specimens.” Scoots came closer to me. “Five of them. Please don’t go taking unnecessary risks.” I rose my eyebrow at her when I noticed Twilight heading this way. She squealed in delight at my bringing more live specimens for her to study. The team didn’t have much time to capture their own due to the headway they were making on research. Not a single pony has come up with a cure yet in these past few weeks but science can be a bitch that way. I started thinking about Louis Pasteur and various others that had gone through similar strifes.

It sucks that all I’m good for right now is tagging and bagging since I can’t talk around Twilight but I’ll live. Smart as I may be, I’m no geneticist so that went well. The most I could do at this point is offer a different perspective. I really hope these five help with the effort. The blockade seems to be working a little too well. They have to make the best of what we got for now. Those five were an annoyance and a half, their alpha was a crafty little fucker and what’s worse, I think the mutated are getting smarter or just better at avoiding detection. These mutates are primal and more attuned to the everfree. If I hadn’t lived here pretty much all of my damn life, I’d have been in for more than I could handle. As soon as I was at the team’s room, the door opened. “Wow Hunter you look like shit. Maybe you should take a shower. I’m sure your girlfriend could help you with some of that stress while you’re at it.” Punchline had been teasing me and Scoots about our “secret love affair” since the incident a few weeks ago. Her teasing me was a fun distraction from the aggravation of being stuck and she was an adult. She knew where the line was and not to cross it.

“She’s too busy aiding Twilight and the other scientist to have a little afternoon delight.I bagged y’all five specimens. Twilight and the others are probably analysing them as we speak. How are the modifications to your stasis gun holding up.” It was a good idea to give them a soundproof room for their living quarters, too bad I didn’t think I’d need to soundproof their lab. Lyra had soundproofed and warded anywhere that had a bed. At least I can talk to them here.

“Adding a rotator cuff to the blaster really helped my dispersal system. I find that it’s using far less cryotic fluid to freeze targets than it did before. And switching from that heavy pack to these lighter cylindrical cartridges does wonders for my mobility.Your otherworldly ideas are coming in handy for all of us. Keep this up and you might not even need that cursed item to turn yourself into a wolf.” Punch took a softer tone in her look. “I may tease you about being with a filly, but you two have good chemistry. At the very least you should find some way of telling her she’s doing good. Have either of you used the L word yet.” I heard the door opening so I shook my head negative. A full force smile was on my face when I noticed it was Scootaloo.

She gave me a hug and kiss. “I meant what I said about not taking too many risk. If you go out to hunt again, take one of them with you. I worry when you go out there alone so please don’t do it as much.” Scoots is sounding like she’s aiming for me to wife her with that one. If it were possible I might even do it. I give her a kiss on the forehead for her honest statement and walked out. Punch was right, I needed a shower or better yet a bath and I wasn’t the only one working to the bone. As I walk into the lab, I see my target. That little purple Alicorn needed some rest and relaxation. Her mane was a mess and there were bags under her eyes. That girl was running on fumes and unfortunately so was I. We both needed a day off before we make a fatal error. I draw closer to her with stealth then grab her and make for the bath all while fiddling with her horn. Not enough to be sexual, but just enough to ruin any chance of concentration. By the time I stopped making her my bitch, the bath was drawn and bubbly.

Twilight took a sniff of herself than of me. “You’re right, we do need a bath. Let's get in.” And there i was naked in the bath with Twilight, The woman i revered as my goddess. I couldn't help staring at her luscious body. It took an immense amount of will to fight the erection that wanted to happen and in the end, I failed. “My my Hunter, do you want to play?” Well shit, she noticed. Sorry Scoots but there’s no way I’m getting out of this one. And I don’t think I want to either. “Do it Hunter, I need this.” My hand went to Twilight’s crevice without hesitation and started working her over. Her horn light up so I’m sure she soundproofed the room. Her sweet moans were echoing through the room and it just made me harder. Twilight not being as innocent as one would think knew full well that I was losing it and brought her head my way and got to work on me.

Twilight put Scoots to shame. Just her tongue caressing me felt heavenly. However much I liked seeing her head bob up and down, this wasn’t about me. Twilight needed a lay and she needed it now. I try to push her away but she insisted on sucking me. She must not have had any dick in a long time considering how feverishly she was attacking me. Twilight used her magic to caress my balls and that’s when I lost it and started fucking her mouth. She had a look of enjoyment on her face and I feel her in my mind. ‘Go on Hunter, do it until you blow!’ An immense sense of jubilation washed over me as my dick bottomed out in her throat and I could feel Twilight enjoying this. I noticed water splashing about behind her. I was rewarded with the view of Twilight fucking herself with a dildo composed of water. So she’s the type that gets off on getting you off. Once the distraction of Twilight’s “aqua boogie” was out of my head, I realised one thing. I was fucking the throat of my chosen sovereign and she was loving it! Worthy or not, I'm Gonna take this moment and own it!

After a few minutes of wild throat fucking I gave Twilight exactly what she wanted. My hot jizz went sliding down her throat and she swallowed every last drop. Holy shit that was hot. Thanks to my youth and how often i screw in the farm, I was ready for more. “How much more do you have Hunter?” I pulled out my hand and she was delighted. Twilight didn’t know everything about me but she knew I was smart enough to actually understand her and that worked to my advantage at times. I lifted Twilight up to about the height where our stomachs touched and I dropped her onto my length slowly then pinned her to the wall and began to make love to her. She rose her head for a kiss and I gave it to her. I couldn’t care less that she guzzled my cum down less than three minutes ago. ‘Faster, rut me faster!’ I heard her in my mind again while I was kissing her and stroking her mane. If she wants the hammer, she’s gonna get it!

As per Twilight’s request, I picked up the pace and fucked her like a maniac while revelling in her pussy. If this is how an alicorn feels like then no wonder males don’t exist. They fucked until the died! I could feel her tighten around me and my crotch got damper. Twilight had the goofiest grin in the world on and it was obvious she came her brains out. Just not giving a fuck I smiled sadistically and plowed her harder and faster producing agonizingly gleeful rolling orgasms for her to the point where her eyes rolled to the back. I don’t even think she saw me smile and if she did, she was far too busy coming her brains out. Five minutes of this and I blew load number two and slowed my assault.

This time it was Twilight’s turn to smile wickedly. She tossed me to the ground gently and started riding me like a wanton whore. I found myself moaning and groaning while she made me her toy. Damn did the script flip quickly or what. Her teats were in plain view, I couldn’t resist and she fucking knew it. While her soft mounds of flesh were smaller than human breast they were still nice to fondle. But her teats were plumper than they should be. Must be an alicorn thing. While one of my hands was busy playing with her teats, the other was working on her clit and she loved it. “That’s it you naughty boy. Keep it up! Play with me while I play with you.”

Punchline In the Lab

“Those two are taking a long ass bath. Did they fall asleep of something I can’t hear squat.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes at me. “That’s because they’re fucking like maniacs and Twilight probably soundproofed the room and masked the scent.” She said in a blunt and uncaring tone. You’d think she’d care that her boyfriend was in there getting busy with a princess. I don’t care how young and active she is, there is no way she can be cool with this. “He’s herding and Twilight is his alicorn of choice. He’d give his damn arm for a chance to plow her and there’s nothing I can do about that. I also have to remember that he’s a comfort human so anypony that can pay his premium gets their hooks in him. Needless to say he does a lot of fucking and the act alone is just that. But he’s probably in there worshipping his goddess. Could you blame him for that?” I couldn’t argue that logic at all. If I was in his place and into mares nothing could stop me.


Twilight surprised me by slamming my dick in her ass and enjoying it. For a moment i let myself forget what she used to be like. She probably took playing with herself to an artform so there’s no wonder why she’s so bold and adventurous. She backed into me like her life depended on it and we were fucking a storm. I was well beyond six shots and would be sleeping it off most likely with her. As we cum simultaneously Twilight looks at me deep in the eye. “We need to get going Hunter.” She got off me and gave me that goofy O face she had as she slid off my dick and my seed leaked out of her. “O..One more for the road okay Hunter?” Damn my dear goddess is a horny little devil isn’t she? Not like I'm complaining though.

The last round had her screaming in the RCV and I’m damn sure everyone in the castle heard it. That voice defies all logic and magic. “Oh fuck..Oh fuck...OOOOH FUUUUCK. FUCKING DESTROY ME HUNTER! BY ELYSIUM, YES!” She was exhausted and slightly embarrassed not wanting anyone to see us right now. Twilight blinked us to my bed and we continued for a bit longer until we both lost consciousness. I think I was still inside her when I dropped. She must have cast a spell on me my count of orgasm’s was about twenty! But then again I could just be too fuck drunk so I dismissed the number.


It’s about fucking time those two got that stress out. They are the only ones I suspect of barely sleeping and working til the wee hours. Looks like Twilight wore Hunter out something good and vice versa. If those two sex maniacs became a thing I don’t think we’d be seeing much of them at all. But at least they’d handle their fucking business. I giggled a bit at my unintentional pun rubbed one out and got back to work.

A few days later

Twi and I had a bit of fun here and there and we both avoided overworking ourselves like Scoots had asked. We’d be of no use to anyone if we couldn’t think straight. We only had to fuck ourselves to sleep once after that Sunday. I have a feeling that Twilight will be paying my premium a lot from now on. Scoots has been out sick for the past couple of days and multiple reports of ponies getting food poisoning have come across Twilight's desk. There had been an increase of mutated sightings around town and the team had to cease their attempts at a cure and run patrols. The guard wasn't prepared to deal with the mutated but we are. Twilight saw fit to deem me an official member of the team thinking I'd just be some extra muscle.

The mutated are getting smarter, more organized. Our old tactics were starting to lose effectiveness and we were forced into brute force. we were having issues dealing with the sheer numbers and realised we’d have to start killing if we wanted to survive. Another day went by and Scoots was at the castle but something looked different about her. She looked deadlier, I could see it in her eyes and apparently so could Goldie. The team was ready to point weapons at her (myself excluded) “Stand down, she’s different. Scootaloo came to me willingly and I think know where all of these mutated are coming from!” The team stood down by Twilight’s command and I sighed in relief. With weapons and abilities powered down, the team stepped closer to Scoots.

“Fascinating her body seems to have adapted the mutation and made herself stronger without losing her sense of self. When did you eat an apple Scootaloo?” Goldie asked in pure intrigue.

“Never, I know what those things do to you. But I had been eating a lot of apple pies specifically ones from the Acres. Hunter I know you might not want to hear this, but I think Misty Breeze might be like me. What’s worse is i think she may be the mastermind. Poor Jazz. You lot claim the apples cause mutation, well Twilight and I have concluded it’s just the opposite. The apples force evolution into something far stronger than a normal pony. I have become a predatory pony” She opened her mouth to reveal razor sharp teeth and what’s better, she started flying. “My wing deformity is gone guys. I can fly. The turn of events for me is rather mui bueno but I understand that others weren’t so fortunate.”

Scoots went on to state that she had given Twilight samples of her DNA and it appeared she had a unique genetic marker that the enzymes in the apple seemed to amplify. It was the only thing that the mutates lacked. Scoots might be the key to solving our problem and I’ve seen enough movies to see how that ends. Twilight was in the main lab so it was safe for me to talk. “Scootaloo, you need to get out of here right now. Once Twilight files that report Celestia and her science team will take over and they might stick you in a lab and not let you out. That is not me being paranoid, it’s the truth. Trust someone who would be in a similar jam. Run.” The team nodded their heads in agreement and Scoots shot off like a rocket.

Sometimes, I hate being right. Not even three hours after Twilight made her report Celestia came in and took over. I was not happy having her and her people stomping around like they owned the place. Someone had asked where the “prime subject was” and I could tell they were talking about Scoots. I wanted to deck the jackass but that wouldn’t end well for me. “Now look here. Scootaloo is a valued member of my research team and she gave me more than enough samples to at the very least concoct a stabilizing agent. Since at this point, I don’t think a cure is possible.” Twilight defended Scoots with vigor. They could down talk the team all they wanted but Twilight was a princess and they were government employees. Badmouthing her would not be wise. As if things couldn’t get any worse Celestia stepped into the room.

“So you let her go then. I know what is going on and am saddened that you didn’t tell me sooner. If that tree exist then one of those things must have escaped. This time I will finish what I started. Those foul warped excuses for ponies shall not be tolerated! Twilight, gather the elements at once. We shall purge this epidemic right now!” I get the idea that Celestia ain’t telling us everything. Using the elements is a bit extreme and worst case scenario, could kill the mutated. This bitch ain’t playing around! But Scoots is among the mutated….no she’s evolved. I hope the elements won’t hurt her. I gotta find her and get her the hell outta dodge now! I pulled Goldie aside and begged them to keep working on a cure with something Scoots gave me as she was leaving...a feather. I don’t need a feather to remember her by because I’m gonna save her!


It worked! I can’t believe it worked! My plan to dispense the sacred apple via baked goods worked. I could feel an army of drones, alpha predators, a Chevalier, and what’s best a Queen albeit a partially formed one but with her I can control the greater number of drones. Perhaps even convert them into proper kinsman. I am but a vassal but now i have a queen to serve. I can sense her, she is close. I follow the scent and was surprised by who it lead me to… Lady Applejack. Or i suppose it would be queen Apple jack now. I grabbed hold of my new queen and teleported to where I had been slowly amassing my army. Within this small grotto in an untouched section of the Everfree, my army… Queen Applejack’s army was ready to begin the assault. All they needed were encouraging words from their queen.

Applejack seemed disoriented and befuddled. I can use this to my advantage and warp her allegiance towards my people. Whisper in her ear and ensure that I keep her in the proper mind set. I can’t have her siding with Celestia. A second surprise was waiting for me at the throne in the form of the chevalier. I saw a pegasus with orange feathers and fur and a purple mane. Her teeth were now razor sharp and I could sense her killer instinct. I believe her name was Scootaloo. While my queen was a jumbled mess, chevalier Scootaloo seemed to of sound mind and body. “You little punta, I knew you were behind this! Do you know how much pain suffering and destruction you’ve caused!” She was angered and righteously so. It would not do me well to have the leader of my army to be this angry with me. I could attempt to order her disposal but they would never follow that order. She is the only chevalier amongst them and it would appear that she is so through noble birth. My mind was raging at the thought of being outranked by this upstart but at the same time I was glad that some of my kinsman survived to pass on the gene.

“What is done cannot be undone, Chevalier Scootaloo. You and all who stand before the queen are now of Spartan decent, you must come to terms with that and lead our Spartans to victory lest we perish. You have one choice and only one; FIght or die.” Scootaloo let that marinate in her head would hopefully soon realise that I was right. Attacking the solar bitch before she attacked us was our only option. With our superior speed and strength, we could easily take the towns adjacent to the forest and use them as a hoofhold. It would be all too easy to do so and absorb their numbers into our own.

“No, that’s a stupid Idea. I don’t know if you realise that Equestria is a world power and has four alicorns ruling over it and immensely powerful allies and would eventually destroy us elements or not. It would be in our best interest to hold our current position and open the floor for negotiation. You got extremely lucky with me and what few alphas there are here. Let’s not forget that we have no queen. Applejack is merely a proxy and you know it! Que demonios, how do I know all of this?” I went on to explain the nature of the sacred apple to all that could process it. Scootaloo was correct, intelligent troops were not many in number. I counted ten, including scootaloo and that was not enough to deal with the roulette of adding to our numbers could be disastrous, even with Applejack as our queen. She wasn’t a proper queen and would need to constantly eat the apple to keep her from reverting.

“If we are going to burn for what we are, then so be it! But we shall not taking it lying down. Chevalier Scootaloo,- I implore you to at the very least to prepare a defensive line. Celestia will not allow negotiations. Trust me when I say that that bitch will see us destroyed.” Chevalier Scootaloo didn’t question me when she saw the fear in my face and quickly began to mobilize the troops. She didn’t want to die anymore than I did and since Applejack is one of us, they won’t have the option of using the elements. Celestia won’t risk massive area spell so close to four pony filled towns. Meaning it will be a battle and she may take the field herself. If I fall, it shall be with dignity!


I can’t believe what I just saw! Misty was one of them the entire time! She must’ve masked herself with magic somehow . As if things weren’t bad enough the putain took Applejack and she seemed different than others who have consumed. I am so glad I learned how to hunt and track. These tracks aren’t Scotts’, but they are plentiful. I covered the tracks as I went to make it a little harder on Empress Fatass to follow them. But who am I kidding once she finds out that Applejack is amongst the infected she’ll go berserk. Why did you do this misty, you’re a good girl. So why? All I could do was guess that Celestia had wronged her to the greatest extreme and knowing what I do of her old self, I won’t argue. She may try to hide it but is a vapid cunt. I don’t care how much she changed after her sister left she committed almost as much horrors in the name of her ponies as Nightmare moon did in the attempt to usurp her.

I could hear Celestia’s roar. It was time for me to kick it into gear. I didn’t even bother removing the tracks anymore and ran like hell, not caring what danger lay ahead in wait. After dashing like mad for five minutes, I found a grotto that I was quite surprised I had never seen before and was flabbergasted by the sheer number of mutated. These things had pack mind and know my face well as one that captures and kills their kind. Tread softly hunter. Scootaloo was rallying them and they all seemed to respect her. If she has some position of power among them then I should be safe. “Scoots, Celestia knows about Applejack and is probably on the warpath as we speak. That bitch has a serious fear of the unknown from what I’ve read in my archives and you need to run now!”

Scootaloo and nine others turned to face me. The nine’s mouths agape. Staring at the talking human as he runs to what I’m assuming is their commanding officer. “Negative, Hunter. Retreat is not an option. Celestia will hunt us down to the last man and kill us all, Applejack included. I’m not just being paranoid here Hunter. Misty shared her memories with us and we know for a fact what will happen if we don’t hold the line.”

“Take me to Applejack and Misty, now! We don’t have much time left and I’d rather not see hundreds of innocent ponies get slaughtered just because they’re different.” Scootaloo ordered one of the nine to take me to the queen’s chambers and not take no for an answer. I was taken to a tree that was hollowed out similar to the way golden oaks was prior to its destruction. My mind wandered to the fact that the royal library was open for public use while a new library was being built for the public. I got back on topic when I saw Applejack though. She was wearing a green parka with a golden trim that covered her face and seemed out of it. “What have you done to her Misty? It doesn’t even look like she’s in there!”

The soldier took an offensive stance. “Leave us, now!” She did as she was asked and left. “I knew it, you’re a human of old! I do not know what is going on with her. She has the gene to be a queen but her mind is rejecting it. Why would she do that! our people need a queen and she is it. Without a queen to aid us and help the drones evolve, we are doomed.

I pat Misty on the head and scratch her on the ears. “No, you’re doomed either way. Lady Fatass is on her way here and will most likely drop a small sun and scorch our asses with it. Maybe I can help you though. Applejack won’t take the role of queen right?” Misty shook her head affirmative and didn’t even try to mask her terror. “I think I can help you get a queen since AJ clearly ain’t gon do it. C’mere Misty, meditate with me.”

A look of apprehension was on her face. “What in the great name of mars will meditating solve?” Mars huh, so they’re Spartans. Neat.

“I’m going to guide you through the realm of ascension and then you are going to use that alicorn magic to help me snap AJ outta this stupor so we can stabilize your “sacred apples” to the point where you don’t get mindless beast from just about anyone who eats them. Fatass can’t justify attacking another alicorn or a people that pose no threat to Equestria. But you must swear to defend Equestria or at the very least the innocent.”

Misty shook her head but knew she had no other choice. It was ascend or die and she clearly didn’t want the latter. She sat down and I could see the mana trickle from her sea green jagged horn. It was good that her disguise didn’t change much of what she was. She’d need that sense of self in order to ascend. “Let the mana flow through you but don’t cast any magic. Just center yourself. Feel your very existence and strip yourself of anything that doesn’t make you who and what you are.” She was skeptic at first but she seemed to be getting the hang of it quickly enough. Some unicorns have to meditate daily to keep their mana aligned or just to not lose themselves in the immense power they posses. I’m just glad that I took to joining Lyra in her meditations and took it further by finding the realm of ascension. I of course didn’t ascend but I let myself enjoy its tranquility.

Misty was struggling a bit. She must be having a hard time letting go of her vengeance. “If you want to enter the realm of ascension you must strip yourself of all petty thoughts such as revenge. If you somehow made it there with such feelings, you would risk forever losing the access to the realm or worse, death and becoming a hollow shell of what you once were. Trust me Misty, revenge isn’t worth losing yourself. Let it go and save your kind that reside in the present instead of avenging those of the past. You must let go or hundreds, if not thousands of ponies will die this night. Be they equestrian or spartan. They will die just the same and your pettiness will be what caused it. Find your inner peace and come with me to the realm of ascension.” Celestia’s forces had found the grotto and battle had begun. The clock was ticking and if Misty couldn’t ascend, we’d all be dead. Her head was swerving back and forth as if ebbing and flowing to a beat. That was a good sign she was feeling the energy and that meant she had let go. All that was left was for her to reach her epiphany so she might ascend.

“Mortars! Magic team intercept. We can’t have this grotto burning down. Linemen hold the line. These ponies haven’t seen battle in ages and are ill equipped to handle us. Don’t let their magic scare you! Bombardiers, deploy first wave aim for the unicorns. Magic is their only advantage on us. All other Airmen cripple their pegasi none shall advance. We must hold this line.” I could feel Scootaloo’s authority from here. I don’t know if it was destiny or luck that Scoots was a fan of RTS but it would play in our favor. She would buy us the time we so desperately needed.

Twilight Sparkle’s ascension was predestined and came effortlessly. But to drive one not prepared to ascension in a short time was practically impossible. I could sense Misty had entered enlightenment and it was now time for me to give her the final push and open the door. I let myself slip into the realm I so loved being in. Here in the realm of ascension, all knowledge was accessible to those that knew how but I wasn’t here for that and couldn’t risk Misty getting distracted like many a unicorn have been before. Misty stood behind the gate it wasn’t quite open for her. It was like the door was unlocked thanks to me but the chain was still on. I focused on the gate and cracked it just enough that Misty wouldn’t give in to despair. Of course I could have opened the gate for her but that is not what ascension, true ascension is about. I am not like Fatass who practically shoved Twilight through the door after it was clear she could do it but it would take more time than she liked. Misty would have to do this part herself and I had no doubt that she could.


With Hunter’s help I had reached the realm of ascension and had rid myself of my petty desires. But now I find myself at the door and am slightly terrified. If I cannot ascend than we are all doomed! Nay, I shall not let my own fears be the reason for the end of an entire race. I shall finish my journey and may this gate be damned. “I fear not the gate for there is no gate! Begone foul illusion!” I was rewarded with the presence of a smiling Hunter. “Thank you Atreyu. Now I must make the final step and rise anew!”

“I am proud of you but please don’t use that name again. I haven’t gone by it in almost two years.” I nod and apologize of what happened during my confusion at having my mind assailed by so much information. I walk to the light and return to my body.


I sense a disturbance in the balance. Somepony is ascending...NO IT CAN’T BE!!! “Enough I will end this now!”


Before me stood an ascended Misty Breeze and I couldn’t be any prouder. I had managed to guide someone to ascension in less than an hour! I doubt I could repeat those results though. Lives were in the balance, mine included. Misty stood taller than Celestia and was bulkier as well. Her entire body was made of ether and I couldn’t help but gawk. “Thank you for aiding us. We shall help you in regaining your friend. However I suspect she is more than that to you. So go sweet prince and kiss your princess. True love’s kiss shall be what awakens her and removes the taint from within her body.” Well I’ll be, Snow White was my favorite fairytail and now I get to be Prince Charming. After that thought entered my mind, I realised Misty had taken a little more from my mind than I thought she had but that was the cost of helping her ascend the way I did. Her voice echoed and boomed the way a wraith’s did in Stargate Atlantis. Only hers was very pleasant.

“How much did you take from my mind, Misty?” I was deadly serious. She went on to explain that she took nothing and I merely gushed a bit of myself into her mind and a mental link of sorts had been formed from the residual energy of the ascension plain. I was skeptic at first but she opened her mind to me to prove it. A loud scream of outrage could be heard from ghd distance getting closer.

“Perhaps you should kiss her before Sunny le Fatass gets here.”

She was right, I don’t want to have lead Misty to ascension just to die here. I move to AJ while staring in her eyes all the while and say something that I would damn sure repeat to Scoots if she’s still alive. “Je T'aime” After my love was confessed, I kissed her passionately and a few seconds later the kiss was returned and the element of Honesty I had been wearing on my neck below my shirt since I discovered AJ’s condition glowed. Seconds later it was on the neck of its proper owner and glowing something awful.

“I love ya too, Hunter. And you had best tell those words to Scootaloo, that girl would die for ya. Sorry poor choice a words. C’mon princess. Let’s giterdun!” I love this woman and all the country that comes with it.

Misty teleported us to the battle ground and took a deep breath. “ENOUGH. THIS BATTLE IS OVER!” All ponies and I mean every last one of them halted and dropped their weapons. Celestia was pissed. “Greetings and bienvenue Princesses Twilight, Luna….and Celestia. I am Misty Breeze….No that name no longer fits” I thought as hard as I could and gave her a name “I am Etheria, queen of the Spartan Empire. Know that I bear you no ill will for what you have done to my ilk in the past but I shall never forget the atrocities you committed to them. Twilight Sparkle, gather the other four elements. I need their assistance in fixing problem that needs to be addressed. Applejack know that we shall move the sacred tree once it has been cleansed of the hatred I corrupted it with. And I suppose I owe Jazz an apology while I’m at it.”

Celestia wasn’t happy that Twilight was complying but there was nothing she could do. Etheria was an alicorn now and that essentially made her a princess of Equestria as far as her little ponies were concerned. If she raised a hoof against her in war, it may very well lead to a civil war and that is the last thing she wants. I can feel her glaring at Etheria and oh shit, she’s glaring at me now. Does she know my part in this? Or does she just feel the ascendant energy that I’m sure rubbed off on me. One problem at a time, Hunter. One problem at a time.

One month later, the Spartans were considered as a military faction lead by Princess Etheria. Etheria didn’t like being bumped down to princess but I told her it was better for her in the long run to just become apart of Equestria and be less work for her. Thanks to the elements drone was now considered a rank and not a sub race and the apples from the tree no longer call to ponies to eat them. The apple still serves as a converting agent but now only works on those willing to accept the change. When I told Scoots how I felt about her she said “ You damn well better!” and accepted her role as the matriarch of my herd. Etheria was given the grotto as her realm and it surprisingly expanded to form a city state of sorts. I suppose the Everfree itself was making a statement to Etheria and Celestia. Not even she would dare challenge the spirit of the forest knowing it would end badly for her ponies should she do so. Willing ponies with the gene have gathered and are being prepared by the Great Ten (Scootaloo and the Nine). It was a long ass month of transitioning but Etheria promised to keep ponies the fuck away from my castle by claiming it hers due to it being in the Everfree and none could contest it. The ten knew of my secret and kept it to themselves and I continued to aid Zen Healing in the ways of enlightenment. One random event gave me a best friend, two wives and a group of people I’d trust with my very life Spartan or not. Life tried to kick me in the nads and I kicked back.

She's My Winona

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It’s been about six months since the “Doom Tree” incident and most ponies have gotten over it. They still give the Spartans a wide berth being the racist assholes they are. It’s like Zecora all over again! My assistance hasn’t been needed in the grotto in a few months and I'm still surprised they haven’t named the place. Some ponies look at the Spartans with fear of their eating meat. The reaction was similar to what the thestrals must have gotten when Luna returned. Based off my research when Luna was banished the thestrals went into hiding. Lady Fatass made it seem like they were similar yet different. She was actually correct according to Etheria. With my duties for the Spartans done, I had more time to focus on the farm and my actual job. I don’t think my customers were happy I was off the roster because a princess bought my exclusivity rights. Or at least that’s what Smith told them. Jazz made up with Etheria and transferred to her guard. Hell she even eat the apple. Unlike her cousin, she didn’t have the genes to be a queen and was fine with being an airman. I’m just glad I got my barn back, workstation and all.

I found some enjoyment in fixing the wagon. The wheel had been getting stuck lately and Mac asked for my opinion after seeing my bike. As soon as I took a look at the wagon, I knew what the problem was. The entire undercarriage was fucked. “Well fuck.”

Biggs showed up as if on cue. “Is it that bad Hunter?” I don’t know if he was being serious or trying to get me to see the bright side. But I was not amused and gave him a look that said so. “Ok. So it’s bad any idea how bad?”

I take a deep breath “You ain’t gon like what I got ta say Biggs, but Imma say it anyway. I know this belonged to yer daddy and you treasure it but it’s gone. The amount of time effort and money it would take ta fix it would be a serious hassle. I’d have ta rework the entire body just to fit in a new system fer yer axles. It’s getting scrapped, Smith and AJ already signed off on it. I’ll give ya some time alone to say yer goodbyes.” A part of me gawked at how outrageously Cajun I just sounded in the worst way but that part didn’t matter at the moment, I had work ta do!

“I’m sorry daddy, I’m so sorry.” I gave Biggs the room and went into the house, it was time to brush Delicious. I had been spending most of my free time in the house since Clem was murdered by Hercules when he went mad. There were at least ten humans that were slain by that brute, some of them were even friendly to me. Needless to say I took Dragonbane and killed him slowly after slicing his precious arms. All Herc had going for him was his strength and his dick. There wasn’t much in the upstairs department to begin with before he went mad. Needless to say, all the humans had to get shots excluding myself since I kept myself well medicated. I find it funny that the drug that kills the fever of madness is acetaminophen a pill that I have plenty off and know how to make! It was a good thing I had pharmaceutical knowledge force fed to me! Their version was liquid for some reason though. Logic would state that it is a liquid with the same properties as said drug and I confirmed it when I asked Delicious about it. I’m not afraid of shots but the needles they use are flat out too big. I also highly doubt I could catch the madness but it was a good idea to pop some pills for a few days just in case.

Biggs was in there for a full two hours and I just hope he got it out of his system. It kills me that I gotta replace his daddy’s wagon but it’s gotta be done. As I was drawing up plans for the new wagon, I noticed Applejack rustling up sheep. Winter was close and wool would be needed for clothing for both ponies and humans. Or more accurately she was guiding them into a pen while Winona ran them down. That girl has never missed a step when it came to potential profit. Seeing my girl work made me happier for sure but looking at Winona definitely was an added bonus. She stood at about five foot ten with dirty blonde hair and a well taned tone. Her eyes were green like Applejacks and she even had the freckles! It didn’t take long for my eyes to wander to other places though. She had strong legs and a firm ass from all the field work she does and was at least a 34DD cup. Oh God, she’s bending over! I couldn’t stop staring at her.

“Eyeing Winona huh Hunter. Ya got good taste. Just remember ta tell that granddaughter of mine that yer interested before ya do anything, okay.” I nodded not once looking away from the spectacle in front of me and took a good look at Smith, she was just as beautiful as her granddaughter. She must of noticed my staring because she was putting on a small show for me. Applejack and Winona were playing around in the yard now that the work was done and damn if they cared anyone was watching them. I could see Applejack’s goodies now and my mind went crazy. I fought it by remembering winter was coming and I needed to add insulation to every building in the farm that acted as housing. I might as well fit the new wagon for winter while I’m at it. I’ll need Good Seed’s help though. Carpentry I can do to a point but I need his expertise as an architect to know where to put what and how much for maximum efficiency. As far as the material went, I’d be using straw. We have a shitton of it and it would work as insulation and was absolutely free of cost for us. I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction to hearing me talk.

Three Months Ago

It was June tenth that I noticed Goody staring at me as if he were studying me. I just drank my milk and tried not to pay it any mind. However that hay yellow earth pony didn’t make that easy. He was tailing me (rather clumsily) everywhere I went short of the shitter, my barn, and his room. Something seemed off the last time I was with Delicious so I looked only to find a goddess damned hidden camera! Red swore it wasn’t hers and the others wouldn’t violate anyone’s space like that so that left one person, Good Seed. He can’t have it here due to paranoia, the Apples are the most trustworthy ponies in town. At first I thought he liked watching videos of him and his wife fucking but when plugged it into a computer all I saw where videos of me and Delicious. The thought of him being into seeing his wife ravaged was prominent in my mind. That thought was destroyed when I found his notes. He really was studying me. The videos only had me grunting humming and other various noises but I never spoke in them. I get that I’m “clever” but what does this fool want from me. He’s fucking obsessed. Imma need to have a word with Delicious when I get a chance, this needs to stop.

Delicious had a few choice words to say about the camera being anywhere near where the magic happens. “You were Fucking recording me you half a horse! I cannot believe you would do something so invasive. I don’t even want to look at you right now, Get out of my sight!” Ouch, she is not happy. Looks like he’s gonna be sleeping on the couch for a few days. Needless to say, I kept some of the footage and would most likely be enhancing the video quality on my laptop in the barn. Delicious is delicious afterall.

A few days later and Goody was still on the damn couch. No one talked to him, even his daughter. I couldn't help but take pity on the man. There he was at the table miserably staring at a glass of scotch. If I don’t do something about this he could turn into an alcoholic. Goody turned his head to me when he noticed he wasn't alone. “It would seem I got what I deserved, I saw the disgust in Red’s eyes. I should’ve just asked her upfront what was going on but instead, I had to be all sneaky. I can’t believe my marriage is going to end because of this. It’s all your fucking fault! Don’t give me that blank stare shit, I know you can understand what I’m saying at the least.”

He had me there and the bad part is I damn well knew he did. “For the record, your marriage is not over. Red is just waiting for you to get your head out of your ass and be the man she married. That’s right, I can talk. You sir are going to go ask your wife on a date and romance her all over again. Make her feel like a filly again. And yes, I am sleeping with your wife and that most likely won’t change.” Goody gave no response at all but I could tell he was listening to what I was saying. He and I have similar expressions or so I’ve been told by Delicious. A part of me was wondering why I was helping him. I could have her all to myself! That thought was killed the second it popped up. Delicious is my best friend (with extremely pleasurable benefits!) fixing her husband will not compromise our relationship in the slightest.

“You’re right Hunter, I’m an ass and I need to earn back her love. I’ll do what needs to be done to rekindle this flame and earn my family’s respect back!” I spent most of that week helping Goody come up with his baby I was wrong speech and insisted that he he end it with a proposal to renew their vows once he was in her better graces. All Good seed needed was to stop being such a paranoid fool and open his heart more often. Goody later used his skillset to help me build my own bar that attached to the house.

Present Time

I didn't have to look far for Goody. In fact, he was two steps ahead of me and actually made designs and calculations. Magic insulation only kept you so warm. Goody and I got to work gathering the appropriate amount of insulation for the human barn. While we mostly have ponies, humans also make good farm hands. Is it weird that I’m acting as if I’m not a human myself? It's nice that I don't have to hide myself anymore, at the house at least.

A few hours into working on the barn and we were almost done! The humans that dwell there understood we were doing something important and for the most part stayed out of our way. I’m not sure if it was intuition or respect for me, but either way we got the barn nice and insulated in under a day! Things that can be achieved in Equestria with a good song are just incredible. “What’s next on the agenda, Hunter?” That was a good question. We finished our task rather quickly with the help of some farm hands and hoofs Insulating the actual house would be more problematic Since we’d have to tear down the drywall to add the insulation.

“Let’s call it a day brother, we made good time with the barn but I don’t think the house will be as easy. I reckon it’ll take at least a few days considering the size of the place.” Goody shook his head and hmmd. With that we went about our days as usual. I noticed Winona through my peripheral vision and plastered my sight on her. She was enjoying lemonade while lounging on a pool chair in the nude. If I didn’t know better I’d say she was…. Yup, she’s definitely tanning. I moved to her slowly not wanting to startle her. When I was near I made myself known in the least alarming manner i could. I hummed a song. Winona turned her head to see who was approaching her. She flipped and spread her legs when she noticed it was me while….smiling? I must be imagining things. Winona spread her lower lips while licking her upper ones, that was an unmistakable invitation to fuck her senseless and I was gonna take it!

My pants where off before I made it to her. I went to work on her body as soon as I could. One hand was groping one of her breasts while the other was massaging her leg and I was kissing her neck, slowly making my way down. By the time I made it to her treasure trove, a thought came up. ‘Just remember ta tell that granddaughter of mine yer interested before ya do anything.’ Damn it, I can’t do this. With a sigh, I regretfully got up and began to leave. I wasn’t too surprised when Winona grabbed my arm in anger…”The hell you doin’? Don’t go blue beaning me, get the hell back here and finish what ya fuckin’ started partner!” Either that’s my conscience or she can talk. I dug deep inside and realised that I killed most of that a long time ago so she must be talking.

“You can talk, Winona? Holy shit! I figured I’d find a terrestrial human eventually but I didn’t think one would be right under ma fuckin’ nose!” I must really be in a southern mood today. Needless to say the quilt was gone and my boner was back. Who knows when I’ll find another human like me if I ever do. I ain't about ta let this chance slip.

I had so many questions to ask her but she put a finger to my mouth before I could say anything else. “We can play twenty one questions later, Hunter. Right now yer gonna fuck ma brains out. Ya feel me?” Oh I feel her and soon enough she’ll be feeling me! That was exactly what she wanted too since she tackled me and hopped on top of me before I could change my mind. Winona licked her lips and started sucking my dick like there was no tomorrow. It was only proper for me to follow suit and get to work on her.

Winona A few hours later

Got damn, that was fun! Hunter really knows how ta turn a girl out. His reaction to me talkin was real cute though. I don’t think I can sit back and let Applejack have him to herself anymore. I was aware of him since he got here but I wanted to play with him a little before I pounced but my urges got the better of me. What am I some school filly? I’ve been wantin ta jump his his bones for the better part of a year now! I'm just mad that I had ta resort to those tactics to break his willpower and make him fuck me. Well, looks like it's time ta put a damper on things. “I know we’re gonna have ta tell Applejack about this but do we need ta do it right away? I’ve been wantin ta tell ya about me for a long time, I just couldn’t work up the gumption ta do it. And for the record, I was actually tanning earlier.” I saw the look on his face I thought it was guilt for a second but I realized that he had nothing to feel guilty about, I did. After all I came on damn strong knowing full well what Hunter was to Applejack.

“Don’t feel guilty Winona. You should feel no guilt at all for what you did. You were lonely and saw what could be your only chance with one of your own kind. Speaking of which, what generation are you? How long have you been in Equestria?” I went on ta tell Hunter that I had been here my whole life and was actually the second generation. My mother had fallen into Equestria somehow and she was pregnant with me at the time Papa Apple found her and took her in. AJ and I were thick as thieves in no time flat. Hell, she’s only three years older than I am! They noticed we didn’t age at the same rate humans here seemed to. They just didn’t care. Mama blended in as best she could and I did as well but I may as well tell her the cat’s outta bag.

“Wait. Your mother’s still alive and they haven’t questioned it? Well then again they did just roll with it for the most part when I came to them. Y’all coulda just told em, the Apples are good people.” He was right about that one. And there wasn’t a damn thing I could say about it. “I would very much like to meet your mother, Winona.” He said while clasping my hands in his. I musta been blushin up a storm, cause he just grinned. Hunter let go but I grabbed his hand and lead him to momma, smiling with my eyes the whole way there.

Momma was shorter than me. She was a small thing standing at about 4’9”, she say says my height came from my daddy and short people ran in her family. We had the same hair color and similar looks that ended at the eyes, hers were pale blue and her skin was pale. Momma didn't really look her age

Hunter bowed and kissed momma’s hand. He also reintroduced himself. Momma was pleased by his gentlemanly actions and was enjoying meaningful conversation with Hunter. “So let me get this straight. Your family were doomsday preppers and you were the medic and technician as well as being in charge of maintaining clothing.” Hunter noded Momma was just happy she had someone to speak the maiden tongue with. I can speak it myself but I butcher it according to her. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she wanted him for….and thought killed. That was a stupid idea momma has a thing for Mac and has expressed wanting grandchildren from me before she was forty five. I got about eleven years ta go but still I wouldn’t mind if it was Hunter. “It’s nice ta have someone so well rounded but what field do you excel in? Besides hunting and tracking, I mean.” I was kinda curious at that one myself.

Medicine I always had a thing for science. Papa was a mechanic and Lily was a soldier so I decided to learn what I could to balance the scales so to speak. Surviving eight years before I came to the farm helped me improve my skills. I would like to change the subject, if you don’t mind.” He spoke in plain old english that time and momma and me understood why. His time alone with his loved one and remembering her death must still bring him pain.

Momma and I took over the conversation and talked about how we lived on the farm and other daily matters. Hunt just sat there and listened. I wasn’t looking forward to what was gonna happen. Applejack I could handle, what I’m scared of is the newly empowered Scootaloo who is also the Matriarch of the herd. Imagining all the horrible things she could do to me were driving me insane. That is until I realized that it’s Scootaloo, the most she’d do is beat my ass. “I’m ready to face the music if you are, Hunter.” He nodded. “Let’s git r done.” I musta said that nervously cause Hunter’s hand was on my shoulder the whole damn walk to the house.

Scootaloo In the Grotto

“Pay up!” I shouted while laughing my flank off. AJ groaned and emptied bag full of her private stock of cider and Hunter’s Apple whiskey. Hunter raised a brow at me. “Don’t judge us, you’re the one who had a romp with Winona of all possible humans.” I turned my attention to Winona. “So you’re like Hunter, huh. I’m gonna assume your mother’s the same. Iris has always been nice, I’ll have to talk to her now that I know I can. I’ve had a long day, who’s up for turning up?” Hands and a set of hooves were up. Luckily Etheria gave hunter a similar setup to his bar at the farm. I liked this one better though.Must be in my nature.

Draught Keg was behind the counter today she greeted hunter with a bit more enthusiasm than the three of us would have liked. “Hey guys. You look like you’ve had a long day, milady. Your drinks are on the house.” Hunter is not going to like that. He usually insists on paying. He didn’t make a single motion against Draught’s statement. “Mojito for Hunter, old fashioned for Lady Scootaloo, and a sex on the beach for Lady Applejack. What will Winona be having?”

“Cum fuck me quickly.” Winona didn’t even flinch as she made the order while staring into Hunter’s eyes. Hunter himself did a spit take. “The drink, fool. However I wouldn’t mind you.” She was going to be serious competition for any human that wanted his time, I could tell. Poor Angel Bunny never stood a chance! I mean she’s just a little girl and is built like one to boot! If I was a betting mare and I am, my chips would be on Winona for the win. The two were on the dance floor enjoying a dance while AJ and I were having a few shots.

“They’re having fun. I’d step in but EDM ain’t really my thing. You gonna cut in, Loo?” I gave AJ a negative and stated that I was fine watching those two beautiful humans shake their tails on the dance floor. I was just too damn sore for dancing. By Etheria, I might not even be up for a “dance” with AJ and Hunter tonight! Knowing AJ as well as I do however. I know full well she’d make it happen if she wanted us bad enough. Luckily enough my herd mate took the cue and locked my tail with hers.It was Winona’s time to get down. The pair joined us at the bar and began smiling and laughing freely. After all, the grotto was one of the few places where they were safe to be themselves and not put up the “clever human” act. I have to save that I enjoy seeing Hunter have someone like Winona he can talk to. Hell, who knows what those two could get into in the coming future. But I hope that for Winona’s sake it ends with a child. I can tell by looking at her that she wants one. Shit, AJ and I have had that look on our faces a few times and we know it’s impossible for us to have his spawn! They left the bar probably booked it for either the barn or his castle. You get yours, Winona. You get yours.

AJ whipped tears from my eyes. “I know sugar cube, I know. The best we can do is hope he beats that foolhardy rule of Lily’s out of his head so Winona can have what she truly wants.”

“It just really gets to me sometime, you know. The fact that we can’t have his young. But winona can and hell. So can Angel when in a year or two.” AJ raised a brow at me on that one. “Oh, he didn’t tell you did he? Angel is just like him. She fell in alone near his castle Hunter took her to Fluttershy and you know the most of it. She can’t talk though, she’s deaf. She and Hunter use something called sign language to communicate.” She got the point that it was a human equivalent to hoof language and didn’t ask about that. She also knew that Hunter had absolutely no childhood and had gained some childish fun from Angel. He’d always had a goofy smile on after he came home. AJ also told me that he’d sometimes beat one out or pound a few off in her most likely while thinking of someone else. It didn’t look like there was any pain in her mind from finding out who those rough nights really belonged to.

“I wonder if Angel knows that she’s got our Hunter bewitched? Seriously I don’t mind the poundings he gives me sometimes. But he cries a little after and silently apologizes to me. Now I know why. Nother’ round Draught” AJ put a few bits on the counter. She wasn’t drinking from anger or sadness either, “To Winona and Angel. May they be blessed with a bundle of joy from Hunter.” This time it was my turn to wipe tears away.

“Mierda. Why couldn’t he have been born a pony?” I said in jest. AJ gave me a stern look then broke out laughing. “Hunter ain’t the only one that can have fun tonight amore’. Shall we go to my home?” I flung my wing over her shoulder and we walked out. Keeping this from Bloom was going to be a pain and a half but it was doable. “You ready, mi dulce de manzana?” That got a smile out of her. She gave me a hug and a kiss and I flew off with AppleJack in towe.

You're My Angel

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“Where’d he go? I know Hunter’s got some skills but there’s only so long he can hide from us.” Applejack was serious about finding me this year and would most likely raise hell if I stayed at the farm. Why do ponies have to care so damn much? I just want to be left alone and get this damn day over with and then I can go back to being my happy self. I managed to evade AJ who had Jazz and even Etheria in tow. They were hell bent on making me have fun today. Why in the fuck does July 21st have to be some damn game of hide and seek?!

It may be a good idea to get out of the farm before they manage to recruit Twilight. One alicorn, I can hide from. Hower I'm sure my luck would fade with two of them concentrating. Woah! As I was about to shout, Scootaloo hushed me.

“Don’t worry Hunter, I don't like today either. You're not the only one who lost something on your birthday.” I had almost forgot that today was also her birthday and also the day she was put in the orphanage.

The two of us cuddled together and enjoyed the day our way, in solitude (mostly). “So I'm gonna guess you're the reason Etheria’s here with Jazz.” My orange lover gave me a mmhmm while buried in my chest. “Can't she sense your presence? You know, the whole Spartan princess thing and the connection you have with her as her Knight general?” I asked out of genuine concern and my dear Scootaloo knew it. That got me a small kiss as a reward. It was her turn to have the concerned look on her face. The look said it all and she was right. If we stayed here any longer, we were gonna be forced to have a party we didn't want. In a bout of perfect timing, a certain mailmare crashed into a barn on the other side of farm and the posse that was after us changed their directive. “Can you fly us out of here my love?” I felt a little stupid for asking in the first place.

She just smiled at me. “Of course I can, mi amore. But where to?” I smiled and off we went to Fluttershy’s. I love the fact that Scootaloo is strong enough to carry me and fly unhindered. If I tried this shit with Dash, she'd get a whole lot of nowhere. We arrived at the home of the pegasus I like addressing as my big sister. I had always wanted one and landing here and befriending her granted me just that.

Sis came out as soon as we touched down. Scootaloo and I were welcomed with the warm smile of Fluttershy. Not even seconds later; I was welcomed with a tackle hug from her resident human Angel. Fluttershy gave my assailant a stern look and she went back inside, her head hung a little low. Sis got straight to the point. “You can hide here for a while but it won’t stop the apple family from hunting you down. They take birthdays of their family members seriously. My advice is you leave town and celebrate on your own terms.” She had a good point there. Quite frankly, I have no Idea how long we can hide from Etheria what with Scoot’s connection but luckily it’s a two way lane. However there is only so far you can run from an alicorn which is one reason I do my damndest to blend in and avoid Sunny la Fatass.

“Thanks sis, I kinda like that idea. How about you, mon amour?” Scootaloo just smiled at me warmly and that’s all the answer I needed. We were going to have some outta town fun, I’ll have to make up to the other girls. “I’m sure they’ll leave well enough alone if we leave a note with sis that says we took a romantic getaway. I have no idea where we’re gonna go though.

Fluttershy chimed in on that one. “I’ve already made reservations for a week at Hotel LeBlanc in New Orleans! Fleur de Lis owed me a favor and I knew you had always wanted to visit there. I figured it would be a good birthday present.” Both Scootaloo and I both started smiling in happiness. “I had originally planned on going with you, little brother but I don’t want to rain on the parade. The only condition I have is that you take Angel with you. You two aren’t the only ones with birthdays to celebrate.” I facepalmed. First I forget about Scoots sharing a birthday with me and now I find out it’s Angel’s too. I turned to Fluttershy to realize that her birthday was also this week. The end of it to be precise

“Wow that makes us thirteen fourteen and fifteen! And to top it off you’ll be nineteen in a few days, right? Why don’t you come with us?” Right after I asked, she hands me exactly three tickets for an air chariot service New Orleans was halfway across the country so these were fucking expensive. I’d try to let them have a girls night but I think I was an important part of the point in going. She most likely wanted some alone time with me and Angel. “I’ll make this up to you sis. Anything you want.” That earned me a smile and a kiss.

“Angel, are you ready to go? The plan’s changed just like I thought it would! You’ll be having fun with Hunter and Scootaloo.” She lowered her voice once angel was closer and clearly ready wearing a yellow skirt with pink tennis shoes and a white shirt that I shit you not, had her name on it. She signed that she had everything prepared as soon as she was in eyesight “I figured I wasn’t going to go anyway and the big easy is a very noisy town, so I’m perfectly fine staying at home. Scootaloo, would you run angel to the pharmacy. She seems to have forgotten something pivotal, her damn medicine.”

“Why do you only have a backbone at times like these? You can be confident in front of everyone here or when you’re doing your job but not when others are concerned. I don’t want that nasty stuff!” She signed furiously. Scoots was with Fluttershy and me on this one. Angel can hate her medicine all she wants, but she needs it to live.

“Better idea, go to Zecora and tell her to get the stuff I was working on. It’s essentially Angel’s medicine but it doesn’t taste like shit. Make sure she gives you the aparatus I made to go with it…. It’s called an inhaler. Angel, you’ll be breathing in a vaporized version of the medicine instead of drinking it.” That got her to smile. Scootaloo motioned for Angel to get on and she did without hesitation. They were out of sight within seconds.

“It’s quite fascinating that her genetics allow her to be strong enough to do that, even at her size. As a geneticist, I find the Spartans to be quite the wonder and hope that I’ll be allowed further study of their capabilities.” She noticed the way I looked at her. “Don’t look at me like that, Twilight isn’t the absolute authority when it comes to science. My expertise in biology makes her look like a complete novice! I have a PHD in biology, genetics to be specific and what does she have? Absolutely nothing but a massive brain and a degree from Celestia’s school. It really annoys me when people up and disregard my advice in lieu of Twilights...and I’m ranting again. Sorry Hunter.” She kissed me flat out on the lips and walked back inside...with her tail straight up! I know she’s pretty much my sister but keep in mind what I did to my mother. I followed her in without hesitation. We don’t have much time.

About fifteen minutes later Fluttershy was a heavily panting, cum dripping, pussy winking mess. Looking at my work made me proud. Hell, I wanted more but knew we didn’t have much more time. My pants were almost back on before I heard the sexiest thing I’ve heard in awhile. “Hunter more, please! Fill my lonely little hole with your gorgeous pole. Make me shiver and whimper by the might of your shaft.” That got my engine revved again.

As I was about to reenter her depths, the door slams shut. “While I appreciate all that you've done for us Fluttershy. We have to go, now.” Scootaloo wasn't angry in the slightest. In fact she was calm about it. I could feel no jealousy coming from her. Fluttershy whimpered as I put my clothes back on back on but understood that if we were going it had to be now. She tried to get up to bid us adieu but to no avail. The only musk in the air was the sex we just haid, so I'm certain she's not in heat. Fluttershy was just plain old horny...for my dick. Against Scootaloo’s wishes, I started to lustily reach for Fluttershy. My pole wasn't done with that hole. I needily looked at Scootaloo. “Hunter, you can fuck me in the chariot. But if you want to avoid the Apples we must leave, rapido!” Scootaloo was correct. If we were going it had to be now. I breathed a small apology for essentially blue beaning Fluttershy and left with the girls. My bike was outside complements of Punchline who was staying at the castle while on leave. I would have a little fun with her but something about Punch drives Scoots to severe jealousy. So we are mostly platonic. If she buys me nothing can be done but thankfully she hasn’t done that.

Fluttershy was out of her stupor and saw us off as Scoot’s took the skies with Angel and I revved my now fully mana powered and thus mostly silent engine with Punch riding bitch. Thanks to the modifications made, we made it to the service not long after Scoots touched down. I gave Punch a hug and thanked her for bringing my bike. It’s kind weird how ponies can ride that thing but I digress. The three of us made our way to the designated port and found sturdy looking….SPARTANS?! They were supposed to be normal diurnal pegasi. We’ve been busted. Not one to miss the drama, Etheria emerged from literally nowhere. That girl has gotten good at popping out of the ether.

“Did you really think you were going to get away without me sending you off properly? Hunter my dear friend and Scootaloo my Chevalier, I am utterly devastated that you would deem me unworthy of a farewell.” She started crying but we didn’t take the bait. Those were clearly crocodile tears. The young blood sought to comfort their princess and shot us, or more accurately me glares. I gave them a look that screamed I’ll fuck you up and they winced in fear. In their defense my eyes were going draconic without my approval.

I take a breath. “Look Etheria, we need this. We want to be able to celebrate on our own terms. Scootaloo and I both have dealt with great loss on our birthdays. Mine was more gruesome but that is not the point” Scoots looked at me funny. “Love, my father was eaten by a dragon in front of my eyes and let’s not forget that said dragon became a permanent part of me.” My eyes were glowing at that point and I gave no shits.

“Perhaps you should calm down before you cause a scene Hunter. You of all people should know how problematic it would be if you went on a rampage here of all places.” Etheria had a point but I was never a fan of today and I was being driven off the rails. “These Spartans are to be your attendants. These ladies have shown themselves capable of handling most situations and they are of New Orleans. The town most likely won’t be the same as you remember it on Earth, Hunter.”

I conceded. She most certainly had a point. No matter how similar it was, It was not the Big Easy I remembered. I got a good look at our security detail and they were quite the lookers. Quadruplets and by the look of them, natural Spartans. They were older than Scoot so they had little more in the size department. But unlike them my wife was a Chevalier and only fourteen meaning she wasn’t done growing. “Scootaloo, this is my gift to you. These girls are yours to command and by extension Hunter’s. The Chariot and this specific port also now belong to you. The chariot will be adorned with your cutiemark the moment you receive it. For now my mark stands alone. It is a royal chariot and will grant you access to even the palace port.” Etheria pulled in for a hug. “Happy birthday my chevalier and to you as well Hunter.” Etheria sounded almost motherly when she addressed Scoots. That got a small smirk out of her. Our luggage was loaded in the chariot driven by four pegasi and we made our way in.

Before we took off Scoot got things in order. “Sound off!” The girls gave their names in an orderly fashion. Black Sash, Blue Bonnet, Red Ribbon, and White Lace. Their names were pretty straightforward and cutie marks indicated that much as well. Funny how that tends to happen. Scootaloo and I made a small bit of time in the first hour. All we did was be a little too lovey dovey, but it was fun. The rest of the flight was spent being close to one another. Angel was looking out in wonder and i couldn't help but chuckle a little, the fact that she didn't get out much was showing.

The flight was taking its toll on the girls so I suggested a layover. I can't even fly and I could tell they were tiring. The girls powered through using controlled glides and their powerful Spartan wings. I'll give em one thing, they know how to ride a current. The winds were fair for the summer near a mountain area. According to gps, the closest town was called Briarwood. Scootaloo used the phone on the chariot to call in to the (and I shit you not) Hilton. She and I would have a suite to ourselves while the others would get the security suite, which adjoined to ours.

Angel actually looked the place up on the terminal. “This town is actually quite nice according to the terminal. Any chance we get to look around, Hunter?” I gave her a warm smile.

“We'll be there for a few hours at best. You and I can take a look around if our schedule allows it. But trust me, you'll want to get some rest. We'll be arriving in New Orleans by evening and that town has a unique nightlife.” Angel pouted a bit but understood. The girls touched down at the lz about five minutes later and we were checked in and in our respective rooms rather quickly. A part of me was wondering how much of this was real service and how much was the “royal treatment” but whatever.

True to the name, most of the buildings here were wooden or wood like. Angel was curious about the town and truth be told as was I. I came up with a game plan as soon as our party was alone. “We'll be here for the next four hours so I think you four should sleep in shifts. Sash and Ribbon, you come with us. Bonnet and Lace get some sleep and swap out in two. That sound good Scoot?”

“That sounds good, darling.” She said while grabbing onto me and kissing my cheek. “Two guards at a time should be fine. This town is barely the size of Ponyville.” Scootaloo appreciated my line of thought and so did the girls. Scoot and I went on a bit of a date while having Sash and Ribbon tail us at an appropriate distance. There were cute little shops all around town but one got my attention.

The outside of the building was quite the feat. It looked like a dragon and the entrance was clearly the mouth. There was a plate that at one point had words on it but it had clearly worn off. While beautiful, it's clearly in need of refurbishment. The building gave the rest of my party the creeps and that was no small feat. However it had the opposite effect on me.

I found myself being drawn closer and closer still until I placed my hand at the mouth. A female voice called out to me. “Oh ye of dragon soul. If entrance is what you seek then you may do so.. alone.”

I turned to Scootaloo eyes glowing and filled with not anger but need. “This seems to be important to you for some reason. Go, miamore. Get the answers you need.” Sash started freaking out about how it was her specific duty to be by my side but Scoots tried to shut her down. Sash looked as crestfallen as you'd expect from a soldier that was literally told to fuck off and I just couldn't stand that look on her.

I begged for Sash’s entrance as softly as I could, didn't want to risk onlookers hearing the human talk. “Your guard may come, unarmed. No harm shall be done to you sweet child.” Scootaloo was pissed that I didn't ask for her but she's a big girl and can deal with hurt feelings. I wasn't about to get this girl in trouble on day one. The mouth opened for Sash and I and we entered, Scoot tried to sneak in but the teeth blocked her entry. “Only those permitted may enter.” She sounded more like a mother chastising a child than angry. A flurry of Spanish profanities could be heard from behind me. She was not happy but oh well.

The inside of the building looked newer than the out yet the furnishings kept true to the design outside from first glance. With a deeper look, I noticed the furniture was marble. The inside was surrounded with fireproofing runes. Immensely strong ones at that. Twilight would have a field day but I've seen these runes in my castle and books on how to prepare them. My guess is Luna either had a dragon lover or best friend cause it was in her wing. I could tell by the glowing that they were getting almost daily use. This was clearly a place of study and practice of magic and by the look of things,draconic magic.

“With all this there ought to be a dragon here. I wonder what’s taking the one with the motherly tone so long?” By that point we had been looking around for about three minutes. I had found a book that seemed like it had me in mind. It was titled ‘Controlling the Beast Within’ and that was something I was in need of. Control, as if. The fuck was that? I must be losing my mind.

A lady dragon appeared before me but for some reason I didn’t want to harm her and neither did Sash. She stood taller than me and looked like a teenage dragon but I could tell that that was absolutely false. She had hips for days, amazing legs, an ample buxom and oh sweet Twilight her scales were so beautiful! This was the first dragon I had ever seen with multicolored scales. Red seemed to be the strongest color but the majority of her face was black almost appearing to be a mask. The rest of her face leading down to and slightly beyond her lovely chest were pink however. The colors blended so magnificently that Sash and I were both awestruck. For the first time ever, I think I want to fuck a dragon and by the looks of it so does Sash.

I found myself glad that my blind hatred of dragons was gone. It was toxic and would get me killed one day. “I assure you, you are most certainly not losing your mind. This is your fifteenth year of life, yes?” I shook my head. Were this a few days ago my blade would be out and I would strike without hesitation. However I felt a kindred feeling towards this dragoness. It didn’t take me long to recognize her voice though.

The dragoness before me is the voice that welcomed me in. “What purpose do you have with my lord?” Sash asked with almost no hostility. Being addressed as milord was going to get weird for me.

“Sash from this moment you are to address me a boss, understood? While I may be lorded through marriage; I would rather you treat me as someone more relatable than a lord. At least when we are alone.” Sash called be boss while blushing, mostly in embarrassment. It would take her some time to call me that without hesitation. The Dragoness giggled at that while clearly trying and failing to contain her amusement at the events unfolding before her eyes. Referring to her as the dragoness was starting to feel both rude and old.

“My name is Carmen Flameheart. If you’re wondering why you feel so familiar to me, the answer shall come soon young student. I plan on teaching you well in how to control your draconic abilities. Depending on how deep the soul within you flows, you might even learn to use flame magic in the coming years or even flight!” That one had my interest. I could imagine a romantic flight with Scoots and it was amazing. In my head at least. “The first thing you need to do is call forth the persona the dragon left imprinted on you.” I tilted my head in confusion. “While I’m sure you’ve already figured you were slightly draconic, you have more dragon in you than you think. You’ve lost it a few times yes? Blacked out during battle to find yourself victorious leaving corpses in your wake? That is the dragon within protecting you from threats you yourself cannot handle. To truly understand you must bring her out while you are aware.” Her? How does she know so much? She must of stopped reading my mind or I must’ve stopped telecasting my thoughts. Carmen was merely smiling at me.

“How do you know so much about me? I haven’t told you a thing.” Carmen went on to explain that she was commuting with the soul within me but for the sake of sanity I’m going to refer to it as a persona. Also for the sake of my sanity, I’m not going to dive into the how part just yet. The thought of one vessel possessing two souls sounded off to me but two as one felt more accurate. She gave me a long lecture about diving within and bonding that I summarized into one statement thanks to my gaming nerd habits on earth. “I art thou, thou art I.”

Carmen was ecstatic at my statement “Correct, absolutely correct. Now that you’ve realized that you must get her to do the same. She is no longer her own and you no longer the boy you once were. Your lives were forever entwined the moment you drove your sword down for it didn’t just kill her it melded your two souls. Show me your blade.” I held out Dragonbane and presented it to her. “There was a lot of love in this. It must have been in your family for generations, it’s been reforged once or twice. Allow me to reforge this for you once more, Hunter. A dragonkin should have a weapon that can handle his mana. I won’t take long. I merely need to give it my fire.” Her fire was just a pretty as her scales. I couldn’t take my eyes away from her until Sash forced me to avert my gaze with her wings. She was right I could hurt my eyes that way.

There was one thought that didn’t hit me until Carmen was done reforging Dragonbane. How much time had we spent here? Sash must’ve been on the same thought because she looked at her watch and to our surprise not even five minutes had passed since we entered. This room must have some time alteration magic or is another dimension or something. I wasn’t aware dragon magic could do that. Must be that ancient magic. Carmen handed me the newly reforged Dragonbane. Her blade was now blood red and had runes all over it. Carmen said the runes would allow Dragonbane to hold a spell and handle the strain of my mana. She also went on to say that if I hadn't had this done she would have shattered eventually. If that had happened I would have lost something very important to me. With that statement I gave Carmen the best bow I could muster. “Arigatou gozaimasu.” My Japanese was horrid and my half japanese father always said I should try harder on that end of my heritage and not just my cajun roots. Even though I spoke the more proper french. Carmen returned the bow and gave me a key.

“That key contains magic that will allow you entrance to this place and by connection me. Place it to any door and you will find yourself with an entrance to Root Core. Please visit me often, it gets lonely here.” I agreed to visit as often as I could.

“Miss Carmen, there is no way someone as beautiful as you are is lonely. There is an entire town of...ponies.” Sash sunk her head in shame for failing to see the obvious. She’s only been a Spartan for a few months but she knows how it feels to get those looks of fear when all you want is a friend. “What about New Orleans or the Dragonlands?” Carmen explained that she had been more or less banished from both and neither of us asked why. The forlorn look on her face was enough to tell that love had something to do with it. My guess is something similar to the opera with the same name as her. Sash took a breath and smiled “Carmen, we are your friends and we shall return frequently. Right,...boss?” I shook my head in the affirmative. I had plenty to learn here and perhaps a chance to make a friend or something more of Carmen. Being the Cajun I am, I go straight to Carmen and kiss her goodbye and smile at her as I leave. I’ll have to meditate and work on getting the name of my persona within.

When we left ten minutes had passed. Scootaloo was pouting. “Did you get your answers sweetheart?” All I gave her was a smile. “ You look happier than I’ve seen you in a while what happened.” I told her everything since I don’t want to be in the practice of lying to my wife. “ You’d better keep that promise if she’s that lonely. Don’t you dare abandon her after you get what you need, estoy claro?” I replied with a yes ma’am. She was very clear in stating I am to make her feel loved and appreciated. If Carmen was willing to put up with me then there is no way I will ever let her feel lonely ever again. I open my mouth to ask if she’s sure about me becoming closer with her. The description I gave her made it very clear that I wanted to fuck her. “Hunter, it’s not like you’re trying to put a ring on her finger. I don’t care if you have a little fun with her just remember who your queen is.” I looked around and we were in the clear so I gave Scoots a kiss filled with my love and passion. We almost got lost in it but the girls gave us a nudge. It was time for the switch.

When we returned to the hotel Sash and ribbon went to their room and Scoot and I went to ours. If Sash was my guard in specific, that would mean she’d have to be on my detail whenever I left Ponyville. Meaning if I went on a date with Angel, she’d have to come and get no sleep whatsoever. Scoot just wanted to rest a bit herself but I remembered how horny I was before and then after I met Carmen. I’ll have to take care of that solo but first I have to cancel my plans with Angel. Sash needs sleep and that was a fact. That chariot is a four pegasus job and she needed her energy since this is our only stop.

When I crept into the other room I was greeted with a lovely sight. Angel was masturbating and was she going at it. My dick couldn’t take it anymore I had to get off. As I whipped out my dick, I noticed she was sniffing something. One good look and I knew she was using my hair bandana. Holy shit, Angel is slicking to me. Then I started hearing my name but Angel can’t speak. “Hunter, I love you. Please say you love me too.” I’m not losing my mind, Angel’s thoughts are being projected. She must be an esper I don’t think she’s know’s what she’s doing.

I slowly walk to her and prod her with my manliness. “je t'aime aussi Angel” Her eyes bulged but she didn’t think twice. She forced my member in her womanhood before I could react. There was no blood at all and truth be told i was kind of disappointed that I wasn’t her first.

“You’re wrong I tore it myself. I’ve always loved you. Why am I bothering, he can’t hear my thoughts.”

“Actually I can. You’ve been projecting your thoughts out to me this entire time. You’d think an esper would notice when they’re using their abilities.” We didn’t stop during this exchange. While I needed to inform her of the changes she’d be going through, we both had a burning need to fuck the other's brains out. As we were going at it, I noticed a certain guard of mine was watching us with one eye. This needed to end. No matter how good it was a serious distraction for the girls that needed sleep. My hand slithers downward to Angel’s nethers and reaches its target, her clitoris. That got an immediate reaction out of her between the fact that she had been playing solo for a while and I had been pounding her since. This girl is a lightweight compared to Winona. Angel tossed herself on the floors, breath unsteady. “Go take a bath and we’ll discuss the esper matter later. I’ve got some books to go get that may help you.” Sash was up and at'em as soon as I mentioned books. The stern look I gave her did nothing to deter her resolve in her duty so I rolled with it. She can get some rest in Root Core what with the whole time distortion thing going on and I need a little more studying on this persona of mine. I need to get her name and stabilize my condition as soon as possible.

Soon the key was in the door and we were in Root Core. Carmen gave a knowing smile. “The book your mate needs is on the table but please stay for lunch. And yes, Sash may have her nap here. Also before you ask, I am in fact an Esper as well which is why I was banished. I used my ability to help people and on one such occasion I allowed myself to be blinded by someone I cared for. He killed my betrothed in the name of love and a feud between families started.” Carmen went on to state that she was labeled as the instigator of the event that caused both families to lose their heir apparent and that is what lead to her banishment. They demanded blood but her family ties got her an exile instead. We were glad that she chose to share this and pushed no further. However I did ask if she would take on Angel as an apprentice. Thankfully enough, her answer was yes.

“In one day I have made two students and just as many friends! Bring this Angel to me and keep her here until you arrive at your destination. The amount of time spent would give her a few days worth of training. She won’t have mastered her abilities since that takes years. But she will have a lid on the situation as you would say and that should be enough for her to communicate to people she trust at least. You may want to wash off while you are here Hunter. Should your wife smell you, I have no doubt she’d be angered.” I explain the open door policy that Scoot and I have and bring it home by saying I would never intentionally lie to my wife and meaning every word that came out of my mouth. Carmen was moved. One thing got me though, Angel doesn’t have Dragon’s blood or soul within her. But I wrote that off as Carmen doing a favor of a friend. She seems like the type that likes lost souls. That made me wonder what was up with Sash but that was hers to tell when she felt like it. I was not going to push for that.

After following Carmen’s instructions, I had a chat with Scootaloo. “Winona is gonna be livid. But in all honesty, I saw this coming. I take it Angel is the last addition to your tribe?” I wanted to give the affirmative but it’s not just my decision to make. I’d have to run it by Winona and that was a fact. At the moment all I’m doing with angel is exploring possibilities. Having a tribe meant having a family and I would love for Angel to be apart of that family. The six of us checked out and set off to the Equestrian version of my hometown and the girls home. “You girls are free to check in on your relatives if you want when we retire to the hotel. But once again, in shifts of two. New Orleans is a big town and we will need you with us.” Scootaloo gave an order with full authority. I gave that same order to Sash and she gave me a yessir. Scoots had a look on her face and I realized I forgot to elaborate.

“She works for me, not you. As you know, Etheria assigned her to my protection detail when I leave town. She also stated that my orders are priority.” That got her to smile and giggle a little bit. It might not be this particular trip but in the time to come I would be making Sash earn her way. Danger seemed to have a strange fixation with me.

We took off soon after the exchange of orders and we took in the sights for a bit. At the pace we were going the module predicted we’d be at our destination at about 1900 hours. I personally hope we get there before sunset since it would be busy as all get out if we didn’t. New Orleans has a serious hustle and bustle about it. Memories of the sounds of the town came flooding back. It was a shame I didn’t have that long to be there and most of my memories are fuzzy but sounds of a band playing was clearly there. I started happily singing When the Saints Go Marching In. The girls must’ve heard me cause they chimed in through the comms. Their harmony gave us some entertainment while inflight. The girls actually beat the damn estimation and had us their by 1700. Both I and Scootaloo were very impressed. I used the key and retrieved Angel but not before having some small talk with Carmen. She gave me a list of things to get for her since I was in town and I had no problem with getting any of it since I was gonna anyway.

After landing in the royal port, we decided to take a trolley the rest of the way and take in a few sights. Not even five minutes in and a commotion could be heard. “Stop thief!” A pegasus took off and that was enough to get me to jump out and put my new toy to use. With a flick of my wrist, bows were in my hands bound by gloves and I took aim. I shot each wing at the base and tethered him to the ground with my new bindcaster that I designed to bind heavily armored creatures such as dragons or Spartans and Lamia. The thief attempted to get out but those binding links are magically reinforced by the Spartan Archmage herself. If he kept trying to force his way out he’d lose his wings and that is exactly what Scootaloo told him. He gave up and accepted this fact after feeling the bind’s pull. I felt slightly dickish for shooting a pegasus in the wings, but it had to happen. The guard came in and to my surprise, they were dogs.One male and one female. The male was guard D.Williams while the bitch was...I can’t believe it! In one day I’ve met and befriended someone named Carmen then I meet a guard named K.Sandiego. The K couldn’t be for what I thought it was could it? The Equestrian New Orleans was truly a place of equal opportunity. Dogs would never make the cut in the Canterlot guard. The binding lines became normal bindings as I swiped what was now a wristlet and one of the dogs whistled at my invention.

“Where do I get me one of those? You have no idea how much paperwork we fill out for having to shoot down fliers who attempt to escape arrest.” The bitch of the pair asked while not even hiding that she was impressed. Must be a fellow techie.

“You don’t yet. The bindcaster is in its prototype phase and currently under development by Spartan engineering. Hunter here has the only working model that I know of. And trust me I’d know, I’m the Chevalier of Princess Etheria.” She didn’t fling that around as often as she should but the fact that she has four guards. Well, five in they eyes of an outsider. Screams that she’s someone important. “Do you require us to come to the station for a report? If so, You may find us at Hotel LeBlanc. As a matter of fact our luggage is already there.” The guards bowed and took the perp away and I got a round of applause for stopping a thief. The shop owner went as far as to give me a big ol basket of beignets. I hadn’t made these in forever so I had to eat one while it was fresh. I had to cover my mouth since eating beignets always made me smile out of delight. The shop owner wasn’t surprised when I hugged her at all. Guess I didn’t do a good job of containing my delight. We were off to the hotel after that I just can’t believe the trolley actually stopped for us. Heroism has its perks I guess. We arrived and checked in around the time the guards got there for the report. They arrived with who I’m guessing to be their captain. She’s oozing ‘I’m important’. She was a quadrupedal half dragon by the looks of things. Her pony roots were clear to see. The red in her scales were similar sheen to Carmen’s then I noticed her name T.Flameheart. No way that is a coincidence.

“It ain’t, Hunter. She’s Carmen’s Kin. I’m attempting to shield our minds from probing. I don’t think she’s as powerful as her though. She’s clearly trying to read our minds. Scootaloo, do something!”

Scootaloo just smirked at me and we did what we had been trained to do in this situation. Think the most scaringly violent thing we could to cause them harm for prodding where they weren’t welcome. Captain Flameheart flinched. “Serves you right for trying to probe a Spartan. We have training in telepathic deterrents. I wouldn’t advise you attempt that again, you will be hurt if you do and I’ll see to it that you lose your position for a possible attempt at a breach in national security.” She came on with full authority. Oh sweet Twilight, I am so hot for my wife right now! The captain did a double take and apologized vehemently. She took the group statement made an order for about a dozen bindcasters and left. Considering the long day we had, we retired for the night and allowed the girls to reach out to their family. Engineering is either going to love or hate me when I get back and they receive this order. I’m also going to have to be careful around the guard captain if our paths should cross. Either way that is a problem for another day.

The Girls Are Back In Town

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There was a torrential downpour the day after we arrived. The worst part is that it couldn’t be deterred. There had been a bit of a dry spell going on with cloud production and the city hadn’t had a good rain in weeks. I wanted to go a date with my wife and wife candidate but, c'est la vie. As I resigned to a mundane day of netflix (or more accurately movies from my laptop) and possibly no chill. Scoot didn’t seem disappointed in me but I felt like I had to prove that my interest in Angel went beyond physical. There was something deep inside that pulled me closer to her similar to how I felt when I first met Scoots. I’d have to have a professional, namely Lyra check my theory though. She was second in all her classes only to Twilight! For the meantime I decided to put my theory in the closet

As if on cue my two lovely ladies show up and cuddle next to me. Angel on my left and Scootaloo on my right. They both looked outside and sighed. “Mierda, there goes any chance of going out. That storm is bucking massive. At least the City’s getting all the rain it needed. From what I can tell they had been trying and failing to make decent storm clouds for weeks. It’s odd considering this is a port town.” Her words gave me a bad feeling. This storm has the makings of a damn hurricane!

“Sash, I need you.” My lovelies didn’t seem very happy with my sentence but oh well. Sash was standing in front of me within seconds. “I need to speak with a voodoo priest preferably of Zebra descent or training. Do you know of one. I would prefer Zecora but I will not drag her from the comfort of her home if not necessary”.

Sash immersed herself in thought. “The most prominent one is Nashi, she fits your criteria and has been known to ward off all kinds of bad juju. As you would say, she treads on the light side. I can set up a meeting but we’d need transport and I’m not sure what effect a talking human would have on her, boss.” I smiled the biggest smile I had since I got here. Sash had finally gotten used to just calling me boss and she had yielded results to my request. Somebody give this girl a cookie! Angel did just that and I realized I was screaming at the top of my mind. Sorry. Angel gave me a angelic smile and nuzzled her head to my chest.

“Set up a meeting with this Nashi, I’ll find us some way of transport. Sash you are dismissed.” Sash smiled grabbed a jacket and ran off. It was way too crazy out there for even her to fly. I take a look in my bag of holding and found my goretex jacket and pants. Now all need to do is pull my bike out my ass and I’m golden. Then I noticed something that I didn’t want to overuse. I had a key that could open a portal to any door I’m familiar with. I didn’t want to assume Carmen would be alright with me using Rootcore as a waystation though so I just went and asked her permission. I also had to clear something up.

As I entered the building, Carmen was having some fun with her tail. “In or out Hunter. Either way I’m finishing what I started oooh.” I took her invitation and watched as she masturbated with her tail. Please turn around, you have a nice ass but I wanna see it all. I forgot that when you enter you throw privacy out the window. Carmen flipped herself around and stepped it up a gear. I stood in awe as she was absolutely wrecking her poor pussy with that tail. As she lay there supine, tongue lolling and sex dripping. My manhood rose to the occasion in seconds and my mind was wondering what dragon pussy felt like. “If you want it, take it. I am quite lonely and no, I am not in season. You and Scootaloo were considering this anyway so come on.” But she wanted to do that with me. “Then grab her And no Angel is not on the menu. That girl is practically my daughter and would probably reel in disgust.”

As much as I didn’t want to look away, I went back and grabbed Scoots. Scootaloo wasn’t surprised by the sight before her eyes and was just as mesmerized as I was. Needless to say the three of us had some fun! I was personally curious if Scootaloo would be allowed entry now or was merely permitted out of Carmen’s horny state of mind. Either way, that was a problem for another day one turn to my back revealed my answer anyway. My wife was gone and most likely had her mind wiped of the experience. Miss nosey pants confirmed and beckoned me for more, which I gladly gave.

After the deed was done Carmen gave me the OK so I went and did that after about an hour of basking. “By the time you return, you'll have a workshop. It will still be apart of Rootcore but it is your domain where you may tinker as you please. However I ask that projects I request take priority.” That seems fair, sensei. I assume I'll be getting more lessons on harnessing my inner dragon. She was silent. That told me all I needed to know. My tutelage was on permanent hold until she gives me her name and I personify on command. A part of me was sad but nothing can be done about it. “That is of course until it can be. Now go, Hunter!”

Punch was slightly disappointed that I took my bike. But hey, I need it. Now that I have a place to work on things that’s not in plain view, I’ll have to make a transport vehicle. Something like a jeep or a hummer. Oh sweet Twilight!, I could even try to make a tumbler! Lyra, Punch, and I are so gonna nerd out! “Baby steps Hunter. Start with the Jeep. Then try your arrow-mobile. My dear Spartan Sniper.” I’m not a. I start then stop when I realize she’s right. I am indeed a Spartan. I laid down the basis for their training and oversaw their tech and weapons development and am responsible for assuring their way of life, merde! I grumble when Carmen giggles at my realization. I need to get Etheria on a conference call when I get some time. Working with my wife is one thing but working under or above her is a bad idea with a capital B. I bid Carmen adieu and ride out in all my mana powered wonder. Oyaji would be proud of what me and my friends had done with his bike.

I port back to the Garage for our suite and head back to the room surprised to find Scoot and all of the guards in full rig. I’ll have to get with the armory and help them make some sort of carbon nanofiber armor. The thick Spartan armor would just get in my way with my fighting style. Being a sniper striker combo makes weaving tucking and rolling important. I’ll see if Etheria wants any others trained in my fighting style later. “Da hell y'all be doin? Hope y’all be knowin ya ain’t gotta come right.” They just blinked and I was a little surprised at what dun came outta my mouth. Shit even in my thoughts.

“I’m just gonna assume you being here is causing your accent to slip. Happens to me too the closer I get to mexico.” My sweet orange latina chimed in and would be correct I guess. Imma have ta fix dis. Dis jus ain’t how I talk. Thought I had dat shit beat outta me. One shake of my head and I’m back to normal, in my thoughts at least. “Look I appreciate the sentiment. Really. But this was an appointment for me and me alone. If y’all still want to come then it’s gon be on standby outside. I don’t want to to spook a voodoo priestess by bringing a bunch of buff soldiers. Scoot as my wife you may come with me. Sash shall be mediating. Bonnet and Lace , stay with angel. Please keep her safe.while she ”

The girls give me the Spartan salute and sits next to angel who is not happy at being benched for this but she doesn’t have wife status yet. She put on a sour face but that’s what she gets for not respecting my privacy. Angel steps back and lowers her head in shame. I can see what looks like a tear forming. Don’t go getting soft on her just cause you’re banging her. Oh, so we’re in speaking terms at the moment. How about you give me your name? Yeah, not doing that until I deem you worthy of it. What our dear Teacher failed to mention is if I give it to you too soon our soul could burn out and this body would become a husk. Still feel like asking my name? She faded out Cheshire cat style toothy smile and all. How she did that in my mind, I do not know nor do I want to.

I come to my senses by the time we reach what I assume to be our destination. The fact that she took over without me noticing wasn't even a concern for me. She's part of me and wouldn't do anything to intentionally harm us or ours. My mouth drops and my heart skips a beat. I know that bayou...I know that mansion! “Sir we are about two miles off course. If you don’t mind me asking, why are we here?” It can’t be… I have to know.

“Girls, we’re making a detour. I have to go to that place. This is very important to me, Nashi can wait.” Scootaloo made a concerned look at me. “I’ll tell you when we get in...if I’m right.” Sash made a motion for me to get on but Scoot wasn’t having that and so I mounted my wife...no giggity involved. I may have kissed the nape of her neck while she was flying but she didn’t even flinch. Luckily enough it was more a glide than a flight to get to the point. The girls seemed weary of the mansion but Loo and I didn’t hesitate. Must be some local thing. They forced themselves to land after we did. They had a job to do after all.

The mansion itself was definitely a classic french design. Primarily black with hints of purple and a symbol most familiar to me. The bow of Sagittarius with a fleur as the arrowhead. Seeing my family crest has pretty much confirmed my suspicions but I still have to go in there, it could just be somepony’s cutie mark. The second I get to the door I am confronted with technology that doesn’t exist on the planet. “What is it, honey?” I give her a visual answer by waving at the door. Ten years may have passed but I’m still me so facial recognition on the cameras should kick in right about now. The girls look confused when the door opened so I pointed to the camera. “State of the art camera with facial recognition software.

Loo was giving me an “I'm waiting” look. Adorable as she is, I would rather not piss her off. “Remember how my house fell here with me? Well this is my ancestral home on my mother's end of the family. Come in and you'll see portraits of my family members. You'll even get to see a young me!” That was all Loo needed to hear to be in the door. She always was curious about my family. As promised portraits of my family were strewn across the mansion. I stopped at a specific photo to pay my respects to one of the strongest women I have ever known. A tear formed at my eye and Scoot wiped it away. She was actually worried about me. It’s time for me to keep a stiff upper lip. “That one over there is Lilly and my father. I hadn’t been born yet. You and I will have to take a portrait and have it displayed on the main foyer. It is tradition for the master of the household to have a portrait of them and their spouse.” By the time I finished that sentence, a genuine smile had adorned my face.

“You want to make this place our home? What about the castle?” My smile turned into a grin and I told her my plan. This land would serve as a housing for Spartans and be our home in the big easy. All I needed to do was to purchase the land properly which shouldn’t be a problem seeing how superstitious the people in the area were. I mean sure, some of those superstitions are warranted but this one was not. I grabbed Scoots’ necklace and pressed the gem. It took a second but Bonnet responded.

“How may I help you, Lord Hunter?” So prim and proper! I guess that’s bonnet for you.

“Bonnet, I need you to acquire the land on what I assume is still called Boniface Bayou. It is my ancestral home and I Will see it owned by its proper master which normally would be me but you’ll have to put it in Scootaloo's name since I’m a human and all. Take the appropriated amount of funds, overpay if you must but please get me this land. It is pivotal not only to me but to my…” I take a look at my wife “OUR vision for the future of the spartans. This land shall be the first Spartan outpost take your sister and Angel with you. Angel make sure they don’t scam us and Lace throw Scootaloo’s and if you must your family’s full weight on this matter. I will not lose this manor.” Both Scoot and dismissed her at the same time.

Scoots looked deep into my eyes. “We have an appointment to keep we gotta go meet Nashi, Hunter.” She said with the most softest and caring tone possible. She was right though I had made an arrangement to see a voodoo priestess and they do not like to be strung around.

“Actually I took the liberty of calling her. There was a working phone already. Nashi said she would make her way here since the storm had calmed down. I’ll need you to open the gate though boss” How long was I out in memory lane for her to make a fucking phone call and more importantly how did Sash make a fucking phone call? Sash handed me a note that was in Japanese so of course she couldn’t read it. It read.

Dear Hunter. This should be around the time you find your home. I have taken the liberty to link your phones up to a line (discreetly of course) I’m sure you and your Spartan techs can come up with a solution later but for now your home is slightly on the grid. The house is run on a solar and lunar gemtech system. DON’T FUCK WITH IT. WATASHI WA SHINKENDESU. The last part was written in blood.

“Hunter why do I smell your blood, mia more?” How in the fuck is a letter written in my blood and why does it smell fresh? Too many problems for one day Probably someone fucking with Starswirl's time spell. That time Twilight went to the past/future was hilarious. I said as much to my wife and we shrugged it off. I guess it was important that Nashi meet us here. “So papi, where’s the master bedroom?”

I grabbed her and ran upstairs while yelling “Welcome home girls. Claim a room and it’s yours so long as it doesn’t have a picture of me in it. That is my old room that I will be clearing out tonight we are checking out of that hotel as soon as the property clears which should be soon considering how ponies probs don’t want to deal with it anymore. With that said Scoots and I vigorously christened our new bedroom. She and I would most likely be spending months at a time here so we need to make it homey later on. The visitor must have put in an equestrian bed as well cuz that shit was the perfect softness. If I ever find this fucker I’m either gon’ deck em or kiss em. “Fuck that was great.” A little after our tussel, A boat containing two Spartans a human and a zebra arrived. Nashi’s address must be close to realitor’s or they had a fateful meeting either way they were in a boat sporting...Scootaloo’s cutie mark and my family crest how in the hell did they…? Nevermind it was probably the interlopers doing. I walked to the console to open the gate for the girls and our esteemed guest.

I considered using the wolf mask but then decided against it. Attempting to fool a voodoo priestess is never a good idea so I informed my wife (like a smart man) that I would just be me for this interview. Nashi stood taller than your average zebra or pony for that matter. She was nowhere near alicorn sized obviously but she was still rather large. Nashi was adorned with golden bangles and a bone necklace. Upon her back was a beautiful staff that was made out of what I assume to be dragon bone and to finish it off there was a skull atop the staff. The mare herself looked like...oh shit she looks like Zecora only a little darker in complexion. Her strips looked more like black and grey than black and white.

“Are you quite done eyeraping me, Hunter? Yes, I am aware of you. Your...interloper warned me of you. And before you ask, I cannot recall their appearance.” Well fuck a duck. Guess that would be too easy then huh? “Are you going to sit there and stare at my lovely tail or are we going to talk about this instance of bad voodoo? Also I believe your wife is glaring at you.”

Purple Haze

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Nashi carried herself in a fabulous manner. She had an aura about her that screamed ‘I know my shit’ and quite frankly that’s what we needed. Since the subject known as the interloper told her of me that saved me some time. “Nashi, I suspect there's some bad juju going about the town I need your help to detect and destroy it before we have a hurricane worse than Katrina” Author: (Emphasis on the Kat.)

Nashi's eyes went big for a moment like she only half believed the information the interloper about me. It was more likely at the ramifications I was implying. Either way, this was some serious shit I was throwing down and it made Nashi think. “You think a dark shaman has appeared and using their arts for insidious reasons?” I gave her the affirmative. It was either that or more likely some fool that is playing with powers they couldn't possibly understand. Zecora often told me such tales and I took them to heart. We spent several hours talking about how to go about finding the source of this disturbance. What I came up with was a combination of shamanry and magic. Finding a capable unicorn was all that was left for me to do. I'm not going to be able to find a Twilight or Lyra and I'm not about to pull them into this. Time to call Etheria and get a mage over here.

A single phone call was all it took. “Ah, hunter. You need a mage in the Orleans? I shall find a capable mage for you but what do you require of them, my dear?” I respect Etheria too much to give her anything but the full explanation. By the time I was done repeating myself, I was awarded yet another gasp of horror. “I’ll expedite a mage’s deployment to your team. I’ll find the most capable mage I can find and teleport them to you. I’ll get Twilight to help me if I can’t do it myself, They will be yours to keep.” I also inform her that we acquired my ancestral property and the intended use I have for it. That gets an happy little giggle out of her. Here I am stating that I am not a Spartan yet I am clearly looking out for Spartan interest. There is no running away from the title I’m gonna be (discreetly) given amongst their number. Within three hours time I find a cute little Spartan Sorceress sitting in my lap and giving me a little grind. I or rather Scoot lets her finish her little tease since Etheria dropped her harmlessly on my dick on purpose. Why does she keep showering me in pussy. Not that I’m complaining.

I look at my wife who seems to be enjoying the show and I just full on fuck the cute little thing. She’s just eeping and squeaking while adorably backing that ass up on me. I had plenty of time to stare at her bountiful ass and peek that cutie mark. She was violently darker than Twilight and the mark she bore was what appeared to be a magic staff with some sort of crescent moon-shaped gem as the catalyst. As a matter of fact she was holding said saff in her front hooves. Etheria sent me a motherfucking Sorceress! Sorcerers use a catalyst to add to power and efficiency of spell casting. They say that even earth ponies or pegasi can be a sorcerer but the only clan with said knowledge was wiped out by Sunny la Fattass for picking the wrong side. Of course that’s what the books in all libraries save my own said. I had a journal of a clan member dating back no longer that two years prior to my arrival so I knew better.

I am so happy that Etheria reached out to find them. Having a member of the Darkmoon clan on my side would be an absolute godsend. Either way I had to finish her inauguration onto the team “Open your mouth and swallow every last drop. I’ll take it as your oath of loyalty to me.” The quadruplets looked a little jealous why would they...oh fuck I haven’t fucked them at all just had them make the standard fealty oath! Oops. Her wanting maw opened right up and my seed shot right into her mouth. Little cutie didn’t have enough cause she dove right in for more and we let her have it! That was by far the best head I’ve ever had and I think Loo knew it too. She looked like she was in deep thought on how to step her game up.

She looked straight at me, not Scootaloo. “I, Midnight Essence daughter of Moondrop Matriarch of the Darkmoon clan do hereby swear my heart body mind and soul to you my master Hunter. May this mark upon my very own cutie mark show that I AM UTTERLY YOURS. Everything I am now belongs to you. And before you ask This is not slave contract and cannot be undone master.” It was subtle but I could see my family crest within her cutie mark. She’s mine now and nothing can be done about it. Loo Raises an Eyebrow but I had a suspicion of what she was doing.

“I knew what I was doing. Do you think I’m an idiot that would fuck anything that walks. Your clan was in serious trouble of extinction and you just eternally bound yourself to me to concrete some sort of deal made with Etheria. Please don’t forget that I am her council as well as her friend and that I also have access to one of the oldest libraries in Equestria. I’ll treat you as a lesser herd member when we are not in mission. For those of you not in the know Nighty here just married herself to me in a way that binds her very soul to mine...forever. The Darkmoon clan are not mortals and this vow is basically marriage.” Nighty blushes and Angel and Loo get a little mad. “This was this Moondrop’s price for the clans aid in this and future matters, I presume?” She nods her head.

“Yes, mas…” I look at her intensely. “Darling this is a political marriage to ensure the safety of our clan from the celestial sisters. Before you ask how that works, Scootaloo. Etheria has officially Adopted you making you a princes as well as her chevalier. They will address me as your wife should the question be asked until a point in time that Hunter be made public.” Wow they thought of everything, huh? Nighty goes on to state that she was briefed on thee matter at hand and would start working on a detection spell as soon as I gave her a room. I knew what room she was getting the instant she started the ceremony. I’ll throw her in my aunt’s old room. It’s big enough that she can make the adjoining room into a lab and close enough that she can drop in if she’s feeling lonely. Loo accepted the political marriage but Angel seemed a wee bit pissed. Well it ain’t like she’s got say in the matter anyway. Love the girl but she needs to get used to the fact that she’ll have to share me with others if she ever wants to be in charge of the human end of this tribe.

I walk Nighty to her new home away from Ponyville. “This is your abode my dear. We’ll make it more...homey later right now i need you to get working if there’s anything you need for the magic end of your task give bonnet and lace a holler ok?” She nodded and started writing herself a list of things needed for the project. Needless to say, Sash and Bonnet fired up the airboat and they were gone for the market with Nighty in hoof. Once they were gone, Loo and Angel gave me a look.

“So Etheria is my mother now. Being named a princess is going to be a pain. The girls lost it when I was name Chevalier and war hero. Now they’re really gonna go loco! As for this little arrangement. I know that it had to happen to get the clan’s help. I’m not mad that she is in the herd nor that she got in so easily but I think Angel might have a problem with it and if she does... “ Loo inhales “She needs to grow the fuck up!” She says in spanish and I say in Japanese. The language barrier doesn’t really matter when you have someone Invading your mind. Both Loo and I looked at one another. Good Angel wasn’t violating our minds. Hopefully by the end of this trip she’ll have matured enough to take the position that’s in front of her.

The girls and Nashii managed to make it back before the storm hit again. This one was bad enough that I had to put the house into hazzard mode. The girls all whistled at that feature and I merely smiled in victory. Told ya dat would come in handy baa chan. Preppers one naysayers none. Due to the state of the storm Nighty cast an AOE spell that would work as a lightning barrier that attached itself to the runed poles that we all had set up across the property and manor propper.

Believe it or not the shape made was a pentagon centered at the manor. “Imma guess that’s for protection against more than lightning. Nighty dear” She blushed at the name but showed no sign of not liking it. Loo was smirking her happy little smirk. Either she’s planing her fun with Nighty or she’s giggling at my name for her. Hard to believe that the cute little thing in front of us is at least as powerful as an archmage of the tower. I can see why Celestia wanted to crush them and by all that I can tell thought that she did. I want to be there for the reveal I think Mother in law already knows that though.

Nashi approached me in full shamans dress. She wore glorious red cloak adorned with gold and a mark that was stunningly familiar. “Who are you to Zecora? That is the mark of her School. I’m gonna assume you have some familal relation due to looks.”

Nashi shook her head in approval. I am her mother. And before you ask I had her young and rhyming is her curse not mine. I won’t bother you with detail you already know but my curse is to never see her again.” Zecora’s father did something beyond stupid and of course was killed for allowing himself to be a vessel for such an evil being. Nashi and Zecora were forced to kill him but before they could give him peace the demon gave them two sets of curses one of which matched The two mother and daughter pair were now eternal but they could never be toghter for long without causing great pain for each other. Zecora’s minor curse was the rhyming thing (which is beautiful when she reaches orgasm) and Nashi A major Curse. Should she give birth that child would have the worst luck. It would share a less version of curse but she would never be allowed to lay eyes on it after birth or it would perish. Zecora told me this story one night but never told me her mother’s name or her whereabouts.

“Would you like me to inform Zecora that you’re doing well for yourself since apparently the two of you can’t even pick up a damn phone or write one another?” She glared at me. “Really holy shit that demon was dick! Look, I’ll drop her a line on your well being and since I’m setting up shop here I’d like to offer you a job as the Spartan Shaman. I would assume that the Darkmoon clan doesn’t dabble in voodoo?” Nighty shook her head no and I reached my hand out to Nashi. “Should we survive this shit you’ve got a job and a home here. I hear your hut has seen better days if there’s anything of personal value there we can retrieve it at once.”

“That boat is my home Sir Hunter.” My eyes go wide. “I shall take you up on your off...ah!” I give her a hug to end all hugs

“Pick a room that isn’t taken and it’s yours. I’ll drop Zecora a line and let her know she’s not welcome in New Orleans. We’ll take care of your loyalty oath later. Bigger fish to fry.” Nashi nodded her head and handed Nighty a bottle of clear liquid. I’m assuming to have been imbued with pure good juju. NIghty had been working on a type of scrying spell that would deliver the alchemic properties of Nashi’s potion and make it airborne so it could either find and tag the problem and make it visible to only us or outright fix the problem and tag the fool who we would either be imprisoning or outright murdering. The royal guard was stretched so thin here that all that was needed was for the Spartans to have one big win to lay claim to the big easy and I would deliver that win for no one fucks with MY city and gets away with it.

Nighty starts to incant and her eyes go black and she starts levitating. All the while her horn and staff are glowing. The fact that Nighty was an actual unicorn and therefore was more attune to spellwork gave her a bit of an advantage and apparently marked her as a trophy to have for everyone in the clan who thought themselves worthy. Giving her to me to wed for the good of the clan eliminated that issue. Moondrop is one spart little witch. Incantations can take a while but they are superior by far to standard unicorn magic.

Another reason why Sunny la Fattass saw to their destruction. Believe it or not Humans created this version of magic and used it quite well before Bitchlestia killed all human Spellcasters in their sleep and practically enslaved all ponies that carried the knowledge. This however was about three years prior to the Nightmare uprising and fifty before her banishing. Celestia likes to paint herself the hero in that story. Newsflash, she ain’t. It was her evils that broke poor little Luna enough in mind and soul for the Nightmare to ensue. Amongst the human sorcerers slain was their leader and her lover...Merlin. I wonder how often Luna reminds Celestia of her evils. She can say she did it for her little ponies. Which she did but I don’t think the humans were going to betray them. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to use this form of magic since I’m in no way shape or form magical. The dragon soul think is a ki thing I believe. Either way, I digress.

By the time she was done incanting. I think she chained multiple spells together. The liquid was out of the bottle and had become what appears (to us at least) to be a purple mist. Jet black mare with red eyes wearing a badass red cloak with gold lining and she’s got acute fizzly purple fucking aura. I was desperately trying not to laugh at my bride and I succeeded but Loo could see the laughter in my eyes and she was doing the same thing. Angel on the other hand was not so subtle and broke out laughing. The mist went to work while Nash and NIghty meditated and I assumed melded minds to keep a voodoo and arch spell working. By the look of things it was mostly Nighty doing the work while Nashi eased her load by keeping centered and calm.

It’s close to midnight and the rest have nodded off but I remained vigilant along with Sash should Nighty or Nashi require assistance. “Got it! It would appear that some idiot disturbed a tomb of someone of untold power and the spirit is enraged. I have calmed the it for now but you must make haste and find the thief at once! Either return the relic or kill the thief either shall work to calm the spirit. Yeah, I don’t care how bad this guy fucked up. I ain’t delivering him to a afterlife of suffering to appease some asshole that took it out on everyone.

“Nashi we’ll get the relic but you are going to fucking exorcise this prick! I will not have some ghost threatening all life in the city over some stupid fucking relic!” She informs me that she can do that and we (combat trained personnel) get moving. I put on the wolf mask as soon as we get moving I don’t have time to explain a talking human or have Loo speak for me. This is my op and I’m taking fucking lead! Thanks to Midnight’s spell tracking the idiot thief and the relic (that he thankfully still had) was child's play. Apparently the relic actually belonged to his family and was an urn containing the ashes of his mother. The spirit was madly in love with her when he was alive I guess and stole it and killed himself.

I noticed a.. Damn that’s a high quality magic gem adorning the urn. I explain what his counter thievery has caused and that I had a shaman and a arch spell caster on the job to deal with that fucking asshole “Is that Gem worth anything to you at all? He said no. “I need the urn for now but shall return it when we are done dealing with this asshole. I’ll take the gem off the urn as payment for my people vouching for you with the guard and making sure nobody comes for your head. Don’t worry the Celestial guard won’t be in charge much longer the Spartans are in town and will be able to better equip the guard to protect its citizens.” He ask for my name as I leave and i tell him. “Link. I work with soon to be crowned princess and current Chevalier Scootaloo and her team of Spartans.”

Loo was seen in the background. “Spartans! We have what we came for. Move out! You can get your urn back at Boniface Bayou in a few days when the weather finally clears up. Also, you should have gotten some magical or spiritual help before you took it back you fool!” WIth that we were officially out of that piece and forcibly gave peace to the spirit that caused this mess. The gate to Tartarus actually opened for this fucker. That tells us that he was not at all pleasant in whilst living. The dude came to pick up the urn that now had a different gem on it since the old one was now apart of Midnight’s staff which had curved around the gem to make it float within the center. The old crystal now fused into the staff. Adding the gem must’ve increased the tier of the staff epically. Dude’s name was Lafayette Bon Temps he was a Hippogriff that owned few business around which were failing due to the curse.

Due to this he offered me a lot of property in the area that I just told him do give discounts to Spartans on since he’d be paying Loo and I taxes. I’ll have to inform him later if he can keep his mouth shut that is. Oddly enough those businesses were in a mostly abandoned area that I knew as Bourbon Street. That’s one more problem dealt with in the big easy. Now all we gotta do is integrate the Spartans into the town which shouldn’t be hard since tales of Lady then but princess now Scootaloo and her valiant team Lead by LInk the Shadow Wolf had been regaled across the town. Tia begrudgingly relinquished her hold on the town she barely cared for anyway to Etheria made it the fiefdom of Scootaloo and by extension myself. It wasn’t my intention to become the Lord of New Orleans but laissez le bon temps rouler!

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Being a lord with a fiefdom has a lot of benefits and annoyances. It’s been a month since we dealt with the spirit and set up shop propper. The bayou has a few guard houses across the perimeter and land it surrounds has been fortified as well and designated Spartan HQ. At my request, San Diego Williams and Flameheart are now amongst our number. The two I thought were dogs were actually shadow wolves and came out as such after tales of Link spread throughout the city. I guess I lessened a stigma that was once present by saving the day as one. I don’t personally see why people are so scared of them. Shadow Wolves for the most part want to be left alone. Yes they have scary abilities but they only use them in defense. I’d blame it on equine racism but this one doesn’t just go to ponies. Since they weren’t ponies, They didn’t need to be imbued. I’m not quite sure if they could be anyway. Celestia only hired them in the day guard to give point to her forced unity. She may talk a big game and mostly mean it (as much as it pains me to admit that). But it don’t mean shit if you don’t actually commit and see it through. Which is what I’m doing now.

Oddly enough Equestria’s New Orleans is at least five times bigger than mine and Etheria fucking knew it. She dropped a state on me and Loo essentially. Author: [For those of you who know the Big Easy (most likely better than me) Imagine the sections of each district in the city as a city.]The Ponyville Crew is saddened that we’ll be gone for a minimum of half a year but we have to be in state to make all these changes. We’re not quite at the level were our new home can run itself. I’ve been working on making my jeep and looking for a means to power it other than internal combustion at Carmen's request. The only reason Fattass cared about this city was to deny possible assets to the multiple neighboring countries. I however had no such intention. I had a plan to open up port and allow proper business and trade at a fair rate, there is money to be made! If they won’t trust Celestia, they should start to trust Etheria. Loo and I could make that call and Sunny couldn’t stop us...outright that is. She threw a wrench in the works named Blueblood. Or so she thought. Blueblood was straight up team Spartan and he had Loo’s back. He was being completely honest and helpful too. So helpful that I thought he wanted my wife. Turns out I was wrong. Blueblood was so into stallions that I couldn’t help but laugh at my earlier fears. He was visiting a certain shaman for her gender potions (discreetly) But I noticed that real quick. Nashi was bound to client confidentiality but I figured it out easily enough.

One night I saw Blue heading for dinner and I joined “him”’ for discussion (as Link of course) “So how you likin’ ma town, cher?” I say in as thick a cajun accent I can produce to a surprised Blueblood as soon as we are alone in our room.

Blue gains his soon to be her composure pretty quickly. “Sir Link, that is a rather...intimate way for a straight male to speak to another male.” Male my ass. You’re one potion away from being a full on mare. She’s sweating anyone else wouldn’t notice it or the fear coming from her but I’m currently a shadow wolf and that is my bread and butter.

I give her a tooty smile. “Cut the Crap Bluebelle. I know what you’ve been up to despite Nashi’s tight lips I can smell your imbalance. You’re what, a potion away from being female, cher? Look, I come to you as a friend. You been good to my Loo and I appreciate that. I’ve done all in my power to keep your private affairs private. A friend of my love is a friend of mine.” I say in french while letting my accent do its thing. She seems to calm down after that.

“Thank you very much for that. However it is as you say, I am one potion away from being irreversibly female as I want. But I just for the life of me can’t think of a name. Or rather I couldn’t until you gave me one! Merci Beaucoup!” She kisses me on the cheek. It’s a good thing we are in a Spartan VIP dining area with private rooms. “Speaking of secrets, ditch the mask Hunter. Did you think I wouldn’t notice that the picture with Hunter is more prominent than the one with Link? It’s obvious who her true husband is.” She’s bluffing and she couldn’t remove it if she tried.

“Cher, you alright? Cause it be sounding like you confusin’ me for ma wife’s pet. Do I look like a Human to you? Name one of those little critters that can do this.” I turn into pure shadow and wrap around her. Feeling her fear rise for a second then drop when she realizes that I would never hurt her. I could tell from her heart that she had a smug look of victory.

I removed my mask. I wasn't really worried,this place was run by Spartans that wanted the civilian life and opted for the reserves. So they all knew full well who I fucking was anyway. That and the rooms here were warded for complete privacy. We could fuck in here and no one would be the wiser. “How long have you known and why don’t I have a Celestial sized headache right now?” I had to know this right now.

“You and Loo have allowed me to just be me. None of that Canterlot bullshit. When my assignment is over I won’t be going back! Mother may have known about me but she didn’t encourage me to go for my desire to be my true self like Loo and Etheria did. She never bothered to stop and get to know the version of me that I had become and wanted to show to the world. I will be in need of property in New Orleans if you don’t mind. I’ll ask Loo of course but I need you both to say yes. And no, I will not blackmail you.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that. Her own Daughter couldn’t even be herself around her. She may be a bitch, but she's not a fucking bitch. I'm sure she supported Belle in the shadows but that just wasn't enough! Celly has some work to do! “If you want to be close to the nightlife, I’d go with Bourbon Town it’s growing quite nicely considering it was merely a street not even a month ago. Keep in mind that no matter where you go it’s either going to be lively during the day or the night. If you pick Bourbon you can have a home built from scratch and you won’t be too far from port. You could even have the house reduce sound outside if you’d like. Either way, I think the French towns are what you should consider. I may be a little biased though.” She was nodding and smiling after I was done speaking. I think I sold her on it

It didn't take long for a buzz to reach our door and we were greeted by the owner of the establishment. Staff sergeant True Aim. I didn't care that much since she's actually related to one of the Knights of the round and knew to keep her mouth shut. Privacy is important for VIPS, after all. She served us our food and began to leave. “True aim, have you spoken with your father since your arrival? You know how he gets.” She smiles at me sincerely but rolls her eyes at the thought of her overprotective father. Iron Sights can be a bit ...overbearing when his daughter is concerned. He was livid when she left and opted for the reserves. However he couldn't exactly stop her from leaving Ponyville and making her own life here as a weekend warrior and owner of a badass restaurant. Personally, I think she's a shoe in for the Michelin Star. That and I need to inform him to back off before he loses her completely.

We eat our dinner and make small talk. Must've been there for the whole damn lunch hour but that shit was bananas! Best Gumbo I've had in a while and the poboys ain't bad either. I'll see if Aim wants to franchise later. That should be a worthwhile investment. Look at me oyaji, I'm conducting business. The walk back to HQ/home was quite fun. Belle put a lot of ass in her walk and swished her tail a lot. Truth be told, I pulled her into an alleyway and fucked the shit out of her newly attained but not quite fertile pussy. She was insistent that I get rough with her. She fucking loved it! We were late and reeked of sex but we didn't care. There was a whopping two people with the right to say anything to us and I know they wouldn't. Loo allows me to play, she knows I'll come home to her after I've had my fun nd the same goes for Midnight. And oh my damn was that fun. She may have just gotten it but damn she knew how to use it. The rest of the night goes smoothly Loo was out cold and comfy so I chose to go to Midnight instead. Only to find her sleeping at her workbench. Gently, I pick up my wife and place her in bed. While she does have a place in our emperor (2.5×king) size marital bed, I understand her need to be close to her work. She was still asleep but managed to grab me and pull me in with her. "Hunter, love you." That really made my night so I kissed her forehead and gave my reply and slept in her bed.

Believe it or not there were little to no uppity nobles in town. I highly doubt they'd be stupid enough to push their luck in what's becoming the second most militarized town in the country. That and Link and Loo's reputation for being no nonsense rulers are beginning to spread. I have no doubt that we'll have to deal with petty or mundane shit eventually. Today however, is not that day. Court was held and went rather well. Local nobles (mostly knighted warriors!) Came by to introduce themselves to lady Scootaloo and Lord Link. One might think that my masks may have some downsides and they would be correct. Due to my wearing these masks; polymorph magic and potion will never work on me short of the masks themselves. However there is one positive side effect that hasn't quite hit me and would be beneficial moving forward. According to Nashi and Zecora, there is a chance I could gain truesight (the ability to see past all illusions). I don't know if I want it though there are a few people I call friends that I suspect aren't on the up and up.

The fact that a coronation was in the works was a tough pill for the both of us to Swallow. Eventually we would have to grow roots here and leave Ponyville. If only there were a quicker way to get to and from such distances. A teleportation circle would be nice but I don't wanna make something like that permanent in my house and I think Sash would kill me for the security nightmare it would make. I haven't even had the time to tap that wonderful ass of hers and most likely won't until things slow down. I don't have time to fuck four mares right now. The sisters have been hinting at the fact that they want dicked down but we just haven't had the time.

I take my mind off the distraction of how each of the sisters would handle in bed to see and feel Loo lovingly holding my hand and nuzzling me in between audiences. "I love you. And yes those four would make an entertaining night." Loo knows me too well. Travel train. Magic. Quicker…..MANARAIL! I can use ambient mana and passive spellcasting combined with gem infused ore to make special tracks that would power the train similarly to a maglev. That's perfect I'll talk my idea over with the girls and work on prototyping. Perhaps I could use a smaller version of this system for my jeep. That would work. The new engine I'd design for the Jeep would make a great proof of concept for the Manarail engine! Loo was looking at me with concern I must be doing that maniacal laugh I tend to do when I'm brainstorming. "I'm doing it again, aren't I?" Loo giggled gently. In my hands was an orange quill and a notebook she must've put those there when I was in my reverie. Another look and I noticed an obviously war hardened pegasus mare that looked sorta like Loo.

"Dear, I'd like you to meet my aunt. Thrill seeker. She's the last bit of blood I have. Before you ask she was a POW I had mother flex her muscles and get her out for me. New Orleans is a big place and we were in need of a vizconde and she has a legal background. As you can see, she has been Imbued and is royalty like myself. It seemed fitting to give her the title. And before you ask, she will be going through mandatory therapy and until Hollow clears her, her rank and title mean merde."

So this is Scoot's aunt. I took a good look at her. I know she's her aunt but these two look way too much alike! Two loo's. Je suis au paradis! She is stacked. If that's what Loo's gonna look like later down the road, then got damn! "You done eye fucking my aunt? I know she's beautiful, but I'm right here!" My wife pouts. I nip that in the bud and explain that I was merely checking out my future and told her I liked what I saw. Both of them blushed furiously at that. I might wanna be careful if Seeker was a POW she probably ain't used to positive Male attention. I don't need her thinking I'm lusting after her. While that would be fun, that is a bridge I don't think I think I wanna cross.

"Seeker, I could have sworn...nah never mind." I don't want to open that bag of worms. 'Why not you may very well be right you know! If this bitch is hiding something from our wife then we deserve to know!' Look here dragon soul. There are some things that people just don't want to know no matter how bad they think they do. I'll use your words dear. You can't unring a bell, capiche? She sighed In defeat knowing I was right and chose the path that wouldn't hurt our beloved. I have a feeling that it would kill her more than me if that action hurt Loo. "Does it have to be Hollow Loo? Y'know she's obsessed with studying us right?" I'm trying and most likely failing to keep the irritation out of my voice. Hollow point was crazy. Damn good shrink, but crazy as fuck. The bitch tried to put me under surveillance and I caught her under our marital bed more than once. "Hold up, don't I have a restraining order on that putain? Please tell me you didn't waive."

The look on her face confirms it and I start screaming in Japanese! "Loo if it hasn't been set in stone then undo it. I refuse to be anywhere near the crazy bitch who raped me!" My mouth spat out my thoughts before I could censor them. And The smile that was on Loo's face turned into a scary one. I'm breaking a sweat as I'm surrounded by six mares that care a great deal for me and the other five were mirroring Scoots. Shimata, I just signed that bitch's death certificate didn't I? 'Yup, you sure did! How you kept that one under your belt for so long was beyond me.'

"Que? Did I just hear that right Aunty? It sounded like my Husband just confessed to being raped."

"Yes dear, it would appear to be the case. And Hunter lose the mask. I was briefed on your Identity by my niece." I sigh and take it off after being outed for the second time in as many days. After taking another look at Loo she was stone cold pissed and was making her way to the phone. Oh no please, no! Don't tell me she's calling who I think she's calling. I felt a hoof pinch my neck and I was out like a light. Great, a pony Mr. Spock!

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Not even three hours later every princess is front in center. Sitting atop thrones that were made in case of their appearances. I of course was wearing my Link mask. In front of us was Hollow Point, clasped in irons and crying while awaiting a punishment. Etheria was angry but Cadence was furious. Rape is the antithesis of love. She's in a state of pure terror. Truth be told, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

"Please I beg of you. Forgive me Lord Link! I wasn't myself that day and my fascination with you multiplied to unacceptable levels. I'm truly sorry about what I did and intended to apologize.I even turned to the clergy for salvation. Long have I prayed for a chance to make it right." Celestia was standing next to me and focused on keeping me calm. An angered shadow wolf is a scary thing. Etheria had to hold Loo while the other alicorns kept my sorceress in a force bubble. I’m not saying she’s more powerful than four alicorns, she would have finessed her way out if not for the sheer magical might. Hollow Point was an absolute mess and I couldn’t bare the sight of it. Loo got loose of Etheria and was ready to stab her. It was at that point that I stopped talking to Celestia and leapt into action without thinking. A look of untold horror was painted on Loo’s face as she saw her blade go through the right side of my chest. Others thought it wasn’t as bad and could be cured with greater healing spells but Loo knew full well that my heart was on the wrong side of my chest. I was as good as dead.

There was a pregnant pause in the air as my consciousness left me I could hear agonized screaming from everyone in the room. And I mean everyone. Death by my own wife how ironic is that, killed by the love of my damn life. Discord is laughing his ass off somewhere. I know it’s cliche’ but I saw the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel only to be pulled back down by the dragon side of me. “NO!!!” I roared as I came back. How did I. I know for a fact that I was in elysium so how did… Resurrection spells don’t exist there hasn’t been a priest of Sol in ages and Luna’s diary said Celestia herself was unable to cast resurrection spells. It requires a shit ton of faith and requires the blessing of a god that is far beyond the power of the ones standing in this very room! Well shit I think I know who brought me back. I am claiming the shit out of her now! “Thank you Hollow. I suppose I should be thanking your god as well huh, my little priestess?” She beamed while I ruffled her mane and kissed her forehead. “With the alicorns as my witness. I, Link Bravewolf. Do hereby declare you my appointed priest of Perscephone. Having an actual Priest in the party will do wonders. I also claim you as mine. You are to be here and teach others the ways of her path. I shall also give you a name befitting of your role as a priestess of Perscephone. Your name is now Izanami.”

I step closer to Izanami to see her just a little scared of me. However I feel more shame of her past actions and joy that she was able to revive me. “Just to be clear. Was that Revivify or Resurrection?" I know full well what spell she used but I am making sure that these idiots leave her alone. A god of life and death has given Izanami great power and it will be put to use but what do I have to play in this? I’m clearly the catalyst in this power coming forth but that is a question for later. It ain’t my place to question a god of the realms beyond. The ones that live in the mortal plane however. I stare at Etheria and her head goes down, ears splayed and tail drooping. The same for said wife that killed me in the first place while attempting to kill Izanami.

“Lord Link. I used raise dead on you, not either one of those. Lady Scootaloo stabbed you in your heart and you died instantly. Since the only damage was your heart and I’m not that powerful yet. My goddess has blessed me with the knowledge but I’m not quite there yet. I used raise dead on you, my king of darkness.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. I gave Izanami a quick look that told her to shut her fucking mouth and it looks like she got it right away.

Her body went limp and her eyes turned pure black. Whatever this was it was not mortal magic Izanami began to speak in a voice not her own “The gods have plans for Link and do not want him dead quite yet and since this one had enough faith to cast the spell, I have chosen her as a conduit for my power. I am quite certain that this is the beginning of the new age of gods so take heed daughters and new ones. You’ll need the help of quite the Hunter in the time to come. That time is a ways off but he shall play a role in the salvation of your little ponies. And no dear child, I will not talk to you directly through her again. You and your sister chose to stay in the realm of the mortals and rule in equestria to guide the ponies and I believe that you have done well in this. Alas my time is short. Scootaloo please forgive Izanami of her trespasses against your husband for he has forgiven her long ago. He merely chose not to forget. Also a reminder, his death was your fault young lady. Not my Priestess’ so consider any punishment you were going to attempt to befall her paid in full with his revival.” Izanami gasped and a dark flash struck the room I caught her without fail.

Loo was speechless. She had been told off by a goddess who had both the life and death domains and I was giving my former rapist the princess carry. Something I haven’t done for her in awhile. She wanted to retort but knew that was fucktarded. Perscehpone would wreck her shit by sneezing. She is one of the most powerful Gods out in existence the few above her could be counted on my hand. I hand Izanami over to a guard and tell them to take her to the best room available to offer and to have the kitchen have a feast ready for her. That spell was gonna hit her like a charter bus and from what I’ve read, magical hangovers are a bitch and they leave you with the worst case of the munchies! I stated that last part out loud and All spellcasters nodded their heads.

“Now, I appreciate the fact that y'all dun come here on my account...ahem. Pardon me my accent slipped. And Cadence, breathe. I have forgiven her for what she did. She didn’t flat out rape me by the way. I’m not going into details because I ain’t pressing charges. You heard your great aunt, this shit is done. Put it behind you cuz it ain’t your business. Let’s talk about happier things please.” Cadence begrudgingly gave up. She knew that I was right and just rolled with it. We carried on with the day and decided to call up a few higher ups in the church of Perscepone and informed them of the events that unfolded. Minus the rape info. We spun my death as an attack on someone that grievously wronged us gone wrong. Which wasn’t lie. During this, I sat closer to MIdnight and opted to not be in my place by Loo’s side. I love her but she killed me and the little bit of fear I had in me was going to take a few days to reside. I held Midnight’s hoof while avoiding Loo’s gaze. I just can’t look at her at the moment. Not just because she killed me. My heart still ached a little at that but it was more for the fact that she was going to murder Izanami in cold blood without so much as a trial. That was not the Loo I knew and loved. That was a Loo that would be sleeping without my company until she apologized to the new death priestess.

It sucks that she had to be the death priestess since there had already been a life priestess elected. I think it’s bullshit. We bore witness to a goddess using her to deliver a message and they give her the title of death. Knowing Izanami, she’d be thrilled at it. I just realized the name I gave her! Was that my doing or the god’s? The gods had a part in that. The name is fitting of that fine piece of ass though! Don’t give me groans you know you wanna hit that again!’ I don’t give a shit if she was right or wrong, I’m not giving her the satisfaction of an answer. I just get up and head to a door. I need to leave for a bit maybe Carmen can get my mind off this for a bit.

"Greetings Hunter. What brings you here? Today is usually a day filled with court for you." I tell her everything. Her eyes went wide at the mention of Persephone. "A goddess of such power bestowing such power to one so young and seems to have plans for you at some point. That is quite a lot to take in."

She noticed that I still looked a little shook from my death and immediately offered me something that always calmed me down, herself. In this case, Carmen was my rock. She held me tenderly while I cried. I may have looked fine to the others but once I took that mask off my terror was there. I died by my wife and was currently terrified of her. Carmen made a bath and stripped my clothes off. We got in the bath and she started sucking my dick. All my troubles left me as my manhood entered her glorious mouth. She was a master at this as well. Her head would Bob up and down and her tongue would wrap around my dick sending chills down my spine. I don't know what it is about Carmen but I have no problems wearing my emotions around her. Not that I don't love my girls but I can let go of everything when she's around. ‘Do you feel a little better now, Hunter?’ She didn’t even need my answer as she pulled her mouth away and hopped on my still erect rod.

I had a good afternoon with Carmen and she even helped give me a few ideas for my prototype engine. I’m gonna need Punch for this and Carmen nodded. I trust her with access to my mind, she won’t prod unnecessarily. I would just use the portal but I’d be tempted to make a personal stay. “Hunter, I gave you that present for this exact purpose bring her to your lab if you need her and spend a little time with the Apples. I’m sure they miss you. If you can’t handle seeing Scootaloo just yet, I’ll send a message through either a salamander or my daughter.” I sighed. As much as this pain I’m feeling is hitting me. I gotta man up and tell Loo I need my space for a bit. Maybe I should bring Izanami with me. She’s the only shrink worth a damn I know of. Do priest pertain their previous job set when they join the clergy? “Yes they do, my dear student. But I believe you should save the therapy for after you’ve had your moment alone and do it with her. As bad as you feel, I can guarantee you she feels worse.” I had to concede her point. Loo is ride or die as far as I’m concerned. I need to talk to her first. Carmen smiled as I ran for a door.

My mask was obviously back on before I touched the door. After exiting my office in the city hall, I make a beeline for the throne room to see a forlorn looking Loo with Etheria at her side trying to cheer her up. No one notices me enter since I’m in shadow form. I use that to get as close to Loo as I can and notice that I can’t move that far. Within seconds I’m bombarded with light and have spears of light pointed at me. “Chill the fuck out y’all, It’s me. Nice enchantment Midnight but make me the exception to the spell please. Also Loo I need to talk to you. Family only please.” The guards left but the sisters remained. “Scoots, you killed me and I’m gonna need some time to get over that. You and I shall undergo therapy with Izanami when I return next week. I’m gonna spend some time working on the Jeep and visiting the fam. I am by no means mad at you. Do you understand?” Loo shook her head, not trusting her voice to give away the fact that she had been crying for hours.

“Pack a bag Midnight. You’re gonna meet my people.” Loo pouts a little bit. “I also need her to power the battery I’m running the Jeep off of. I have big plans but the first step is the Jeep” Midnight follows me and we head home. Loo looks like she wants to say something but thinks better of it. Midnight does as I instructed her and gets her B.O.B. that I insisted we all made with essentials tailored to our roles in the house. Taking Midnight also gave her a chance to meet Zecora who is just as skilled in the field as Nashi but has a slightly different take on it. Zecora had wanted to meet Midnight ever since the purple haze incident but we were just too damn busy. This is trip of convenience as well as healing. Sash and only Sash joined us. We got away with only taking her sInce I brought a magical powerhouse like Midnight. One trip to the nearest door and we were back at my castle. Took me a minute to find Punch but once I did, she hugged me and then smacked me. Word must’ve gotten out. “So, does my favorite little changeling want to help me make some awesome tech?” Her guise dropped to reveal her true form. In front of me stood a “false queen” as some in her clan have referred to her as. Her chitin was blue, she eyes of gold and her mane was crimson red. She was a head shorter than Chrysalis and had a calming air about her. I about laughed my ass off when I heard her real name (Mystique) for the first time. I Mean come on she looks just like a pony bug version of her.

“I get a chance to help with tech from your world mixed with magic. Hell yeah I want in! Little suggestion though. Let’s start with the bike since its engine is smaller.” Why the sam hell didn’t I think about that shit! What an awesome Idea. I give her the plan and tell them we start tomorrow, I’ve got some apples and maybe an Angel to go see.

“Don’t you worry none, sugarcube. He just needs some time to get his mind right and I’m sure he’ll come home to ya. Well yeah, I’d love to have him hear but his place is with you. Look here missy, Hunter dun chose you for a reason. After this all washes over he will be back with you and y’all can get some therapy. Well I gotta go sugar cube...I love you too.” AJ was both happy and sad to see me. I got both a kiss and a slap when she turned around. “Take whatever time ya need ta get your mind right but don’t leave here alone for too long, ya hear?” I give AJ a big smile as she walks away from me, swishing her tail a little more than need be. [sexual healing by Marvin Gaye plays in the background if that ain’t a good enough warning than damn] After a few hours with AJ, Smith, and Delicious, I find myself feeling a little lighter. Perhaps Marvin was right in some manners. That did get some of my frustrations but there are some things that sex just can’t heal no matter how hot that shit is. As I walk out the door I see Babs and she hoofs me over to the CMC clubhouse. I follow her and notice she’s putting on a show for me by swishing her tail out of the way long enough for me to get a good look at that beautiful flower of hers. Doesn’t take a genius to guess that she wants a dicking and I will enjoy this!

“Aight Hunter, here’s da deal. I ain’t used to doing this so you gonna have ta lead the way. It ain’t my first time but I’ve only done it once, so take care of me?” Babs was blushing up a storm. Oh sweet Twilight she’s too cute. Good thing for me she’s more mature than Abby, otherwise this wouldn’t happen.

“Okay then. But I’ll be clear here. My relationship with your mother isn’t going to stop because of this. If you’re okay with doing the same guy your….” She kisses me with vigor. I let myself get into it and have my fingers do their thing while I’m making out with Babs. Fucking a mother and daughter. Damn son but I guess you do that already with Smith and AJ, huh? You can either stay out of this or ride the pleasure with me. Your choice. Oddly enough, I could hear her masturbating but that wasn’t enough. Come here and I’ll fuck you. I felt her on my dick not even seconds after I said that. My dragoness began sucking on my dick with gusto! She wanted me bad! I took that time to put Babs in position for a 69. Good thing she’s a few years older than Bloom. Otherwise, this might not have worked.

As Babs clumsily took my throbbing member in mouth, my other half was going at it with expert precision. Babs was horrible at this but the dragoness within me on the other hand. ‘oh sweet Twilight suck that dick!’ I thought out to her in what sounded like moaning. I almost pouted when I couldn’t feel her anymore.

‘Time to fuck. Get her in position and pound away. Make us cum our brains out.’ It was odd I could see her lining herself up with Babs to paint a target for me. I know that this is in my head but I’m still feeling two different sources of pleasure and that act helps me out a bit. I spent a little time teasing them both and neither of them appreciated it. As if in sync the thrust backwards on me and take control. “Get on the floor. I’m taking charge!” They say in unison. If I didn’t know better I’d say she took her over but that’s not how this works so I kill the thought. Babs is already drunk on dick and is moving those hips with reckless abandon. She’s close time aid that. I reach for her and by extension dragon me’s clit and began a full assault. They both whimpered and sighed as they began to tremble and finally climax. I however was not done and got back to taking them to pound town. As I finish I hear them say in unison again. “I love you, Hunter.” I’m pretty sure Babs’ folks know full well what just happened and don’t care. Goody can’t keep up with Red’s libido and Considering I fucked Babs for about the same time I spent with my little fourway. I’m certain she’s got her mom’s sex drive.

I take in the consequences of what Babs just said. Is she okay with being apart of what I have with her mom or does she want more? I’ll discuss that when she’s a little older. Being old enough to fuck and wise enough to make a life choice of that calibur are two entirely different things. I’ll ask her when she gets her Cutie mark. She’s my age but I’d still feel better about it if she had one. As for my Dragoness. 'I love you too. You and I are one.’ I heard a contented sigh at that statement.

A new day came and that meant it was time for me to get to work with the girls on designing this engine. It took us a week to get a working model for the bike and it worked like a charm. Now upscaling is a bitch and it took us a month to finish the Jeep to a point where I was certain we had a good build. I returned to Scoots after the first week and we did indeed get counseling from Izanami. I’m still not completely over the fact that I died by her blade but I’ve forgiven it. Loo had more pep in her after hearing those words from me. This is where things got interesting. “Lady Loo, do you have anything you would like to share with lord Hunter?”

Oh boy, here comes the landmine. “I get that you were scared of me and mad. But did you have to cut me off completely like that? No letters no phone calls, nothing! It’s almost like you were trying to make me feel guilty or something. Well news flash, I can’t possibly feel any guiltier than I do right now! If not for Izanami, I would have lost you forever. And that thought alone has been in my head for..” I reach down and hug my wife.

“Loo I was never mad at you. Scared of you for a bit. But not mad. Loo I had to cope with the fact that I died and I chose to drown myself in my work...amongst other things to get my mind right. Yes dear I heard AJ’s side of that phone call. She didn’t know I was there til the end of it. If you want the truth I was slightly disappointed that you would just kill a citizen just like that. I thought you were better than that dear. I was only riled up because I was Link at the moment. But like the Goddess said, I forgave her a while ago and was going to ask the clergy about her journey and accomplishments.” I go on to explain that I did make a few calls and visits and Izanami had touched quite a few souls and made their lives the better for it. In my mind she has attained redemption. Loo was crying a little during the hug but all together it was about what you’d expect. We had two sessions a week with Izanami during that month. I was putting three days a week towards getting the jeep in working order and within another two we had a working Jeep.

I drove around the block to have all the girls whistle. “So this is your Jeep, huh? May we have a ride?” I open the doors for the girls Midnight offers Loo the front seat to which she takes gladly. Nashi is sitting in the back with Midnight and the girls are in the bed. [He made a Gladiator. This was rather inventive for him since the vehicle did not exist when he was on Earth.] “You even made it orange with purple interior! That’s so sweet.” What better way to show her I was fine now than to make it based off her colors. While the Jeep and Bike are done it’s gonna take years to get the manarail online. But who doesn’t love a challenge, yeah?