> Whence the Wild Things Come > by Triaxx2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fluttershy Calls for Aid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One: Changelings attacked just as dawn broke, swarming over Ponyville, feeding on the love felt for Celestia's Sunrise. There residents fought back, but there were too many of them. Even Twilight Sparkle was overwhelmed. The strongest warriors were sent there, and they arrived just before she woke. Spike blasted one with Dragonfire, sending it to Celestia. It was all the warning she had, but by the time the Royal Guard was roused, they found the town too well defended. The only pony to escape was a small yellow Pegasus. A few changelings marched past the bushes where she was cowering. She fought down a whimper. Not just from fear, but also from Angel, prodding her in the side with his carrot sword. “I can't do anything. I'm just me. I can't Stare them all.” Angel thumped himself in the face with his paw. He grabbed her tail, then pulled her into the forest. Fluttershy whimpered, terrified of getting caught. Angel drug her into a clearing, and the pulled out a piece of paper. He stuck it in front of her. “Oh, but I couldn't. I don't want them to get hurt.” Angel's eye twitched. He rapped the paper in several places. “Umm... I guess.” Raising her muzzle to the sky, she sang. It wasn't a song, so much as a melody. It was a haunting, heart-wrenching melody. It carried into the sky, and spread amidst the forest. Ravens took up the song and passed it along. From out the forest, came the creatures she'd helped. The Manticore, who's paw she'd pulled the thorn from. A crashing noise accompanied an Ursa Major and her Ursa Minor cub. From the sky, came the dragon she'd stared down. She was surprised as Angel. Steven the Sea Serpent slid slowly from the swollen stream. Bunches of bunnies bounded beneath the brush. Ravens and Rocs roiled in the skies. Bears beat paths, carrying cranky Cockatrice and cajoling combative Chimera. Angel prodded Fluttershy. “Changelings have attacked my home. And they might come here next. We have to stop them... if that's okay?” she faded out at the end. Of course, at the same time, the Ursa Major smiled, provoking a shudder even from the dragon. A half-dozen changelings had heard the song as they patrolled the edge of the forest. And they popped through the brush, full of gusto and bravado. It took a moment for the scene before them to register. When it did, three of them fainted straight away. One turned and bolted. The other two found themselves with a minor incontinence problem. Then they followed the lead of their smarter compatriot. Fluttershy landed on the shoulders of one of the bears. Angel bounced on top of her. He raised his carrot sword and swung it forward. On the edge of the forest, three Changelings burst out of the brush, screaming. The others, those not engaging the Royal Guard on the north side of town turned to see what the problem was. It took a couple of moments, Then they were introduced to exactly what the problem was. The Ursa's exploded out of the treeline, and started gaining speed. Ten score of Changelings charged the Ursa Major. It was not anywhere near enough. The Ursa swatted them out of the sky with no issue whatsoever. Those who remained in the sky suddenly found themselves sharing it with one full-size, angry dragon. Fire flashed, and Changelings fell screaming from the sky. Down on the ground, Changelings charged, trying to close in and swarm the Ursa's under. Some made the mistake of trying to cross the river. Steven slid silently, submersed, sweeping the stream banks with the tips of his tail. Some struck into the water and were mopped up by the mighty Moustache. Those who made it before the Ursa found themselves facing a battle of bears. Bundles of bouncing baby bunnies burst out and fought back with barrages of bites against the brutal black beasts. Chimeras chopped into the flanks, heads bobbing and weaving and leaving no openings to exploit. A horde of Changelings tried to turn the tide with a timely flank, only to be stopped stone cold by a clutch of Cockatrice. Squirrels lined the trees, and launched acorn artillery, showing once and for all that Changelings are allergic to nuts. The tide turned against the changelings the moment the Rocs and Ravens swooped down on top of those defending against the Royal Guard. Some found themselves fighting Ravens pecking at any exposed bits soft and meaty. Others where picked and thrown amongst the guard. Some simply found Rocs landing on top of them, and pecking down. Wings flapped and blew apart the lines. Fluttershy and Angel led a bunch of bears to beat down the bristling barricade containing the purloined pony prisoners, and free them to fight for their homes. Powerful Pegasi pelted down amongst the raucous Ravens and ravenous Rocs. Unified Unicorns unleashed unhindered horn blasts against the love lunching lawbreakers unfairly undercutting the Ursa's. Earth Ponies explained enthusiastically extreme emotional distress. With the pony prisoners pulled from the precarious position of prison, the town turned the fetid flock of fowl feeling feeders away. The battle of Ponyville was won clear as day, shown that none could stand against the citizens of the sleepy town. Fluttershy's friends, fowl, feathered, fetlocked and free-roaming stood the battle against the beasts and lived to fight again. A feast was thrown, a party to celebrate a town full of friends, old and new, large and small. Powerful princesses arrived to attend as the party lasted from Dusk to Dawn and Dusk again. Fireworks flashed and flickered through out the night and the Party Cannon fired again and again, sounding the anthem of fickle freedom time and time again. Throughout it all the savior of the day shuddered in the spotlight, as proper praise was hurled upon her. Fluttershy sat at the Princess table with all her friends. She and Angel took pride of place amidst the mighty banquet. Celestia stood as her sister raised the moon. She flared her wings and spoke to all present. “This day we have one pony to thank for changing the course of the current of history. One pony who would not let her fear overcome her. Who called upon friends she had made to save those she could not alone. To Fluttershy!” she raised her glass high. And all the town and the creatures of the Everfree raised mugs and cups and voices. Fluttershy sought to sink slowly from sight and out of the spotlight,but there was Angel to stick his carrot in and send her squeaking up again. She raised her mug. “The Magic of Friendship.” she managed to whisper. Celestia knew she was going to, and her spell amplified the sound so all could hear. Fluttershy hid behind her chair.