Soft and Wet

by Detrail

First published

Warning: This story contains diapers, diaper usage, and underwater female masturbation. Young Lemon Patina is off from work today and decides to spend that time at the beach, alone. What depraved actions will she perform? That is for you to find out.

Warning: This story contains diapers, diaper usage, and underwater female masturbation. If these do not appeal to you, then please do not read any further. Young Lemon Patina is off from work today and decides to spend that time at the beach, alone. What depraved actions will she perform? That is for you to find out

I wrote this smutty story for some weirdo as an apology for combining his fetishes into this new fetish. I apologize in advance if you suffer the same fate as this poor anonymous soul.

Art and edited by Lphooves (this is all pure coincidence don't think any further about it.)

Soft and Wet

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Summer descended upon the small city of Ponyville. This was quite evident to the citizens, the once cool and dry air turning hot and moist. The birds echoed their calls, butterflies dotted the horizon, and the heat ran rampant in the small town. It soon grew too much for the ponies that inhabited the town, their search for comfort becoming a high priority. On this day one such mare prepared her own escape from the heat.

This little mare went by the name Lemon Patina. She possessed a light cream coat, brown eyes, and light brown mane. On her flank was her cutie mark; a welding hammer entwined in a heart formed out of metal. Today the mare wouldn’t have to attend her usual job at the Ponyville Metal Forming Co., much to her delight. Although she loved her job, and also being a welder, she needed a break from the heat of the day. Many methods to escape this warmth existed, but this mischievous young mare had other plans in mind. As the sun rose higher in the sky, she gathered her bag and began her trek.

Lemon’s destination was the beach, quite far away from a fair that was taking place in town. The fair was quite popular this time of year, and all the ponies in Equestria were excited to attend. This distraction was exactly what the mare needed to pull off her plan. Early that morning, Lemon boarded the train and headed off towards the beach. As she arrived, her senses were soon bombarded with the sights, sounds, and smells that surrounded her. As she approached the sand, she inhaled the air, quickly noticing the saturated smell of salt water. The mare gazed out at the blue ocean and the bright sun shimmering off its surface. Using her right front hoof to cover her eyes, she walked out onto the hot sand. The cool breeze rolled in, carrying with it the dry sand. As she scanned the beautiful visage, she noticed that nopony else was there. Alright, Lemony. This is a bit nerve racking, but it’s going exactly as expected. Now to get ready! The mare continued through the sand, her bag in tow, until she reached a small changing room. As she opened the door, the naked mare carried her bag in and closed the door behind her.

Lemon put her bag down and scanned the humid interior. It was a small, brown, wooden room with a fixed bench and light. Oh boy! I cant wait! the mare excitedly thought, as she began to review what she was about to do. The sudden noise of a zipper being opened cut through the quiet air. The first thing the mare did was pull out a red beach towel, placing it over the floor. Lemon then removed a small rectangular box, a small bottle, and a large soft rectangle, all pure white in appearance. The mare opened the folded rectangle, a loud crinkle coming from it. It was a large and thick diaper she unfolded, positioning it on top of the large towel. She opened the small white box, removed several moist foal wipes, and used them to clean off her coat. As she positioned herself over the opened diaper, she used the small white bottle of foal powder to powder herself. Finally ready, she taped herself up. As the four tapes were sealed, she was secured into her cushy prison.

Lemon slowly sat up, her diaper crinkling with each movement. She reached her hoof out to her opened bag. Reaching in, she pulled out a green folded up piece of cloth. As she unfolded it, it was evident that this was some sort of swim diaper. She then reached for the Velcro tabs that were still secured on the green diaper and tore them off. As she did this, several lengths of string attached to the swim diaper came free, all of which were untied. She placed the open green diaper in front of her, picked herself up, and carefully positioned herself on the swim diaper. Lemon pulled the front up, grabbed the tabs, and resealed the cover around her diaper. Then, using the string, she tied them. This ensured the seal around the waistband and leg guards.

Lemon stood up. Her once noisy diaper was silent. She pressed the diaper against herself to ensure the cover was effectively secured. As she did, the once vibrant crinkle was muffled by the cool waterproof cover that surrounded her. The cream colored mare grabbed her towel, folded it, and returned it back to her bag. Now assured that that cover was snugly secured around her diaper, she collected her bag, and exited the room.

As Lemon left, she observed her surroundings to make sure no one could put a wrench into her plans. Satisfied that no one was there, she stepped out onto the burning sand. Having worked with hot metal all of her life, she was unfazed by the hot sensation touching her hooves; she proceeded out towards the shimmering horizon. During her walk towards the shore, her once smooth and precise movements became mildly hindered by the diaper she was wearing. Upon noticing her own gait, she let out a chuckle. Well, nopony ever said you can get what you want without some difficulty.

Passing over the hot and desolate beach, Lemon finally arrived at her destination. As she looked out at the cooling visage in front of her, Lemon was filled with relief. Her mind was inspired by the vast information she was processing, and she began to formulate her thoughts of it all. I can't help but be humbled by it all no matter how many times I see it. The vastness of the ocean, the vastness of the land, and the vastness of every living being. Lemon closed her eyes, her mind at peace. Right now, just standing there, she was happy. After a few seconds, a mischievous smile formed on her face. Well, time to do what I came here for.

She stepped forward, the cool waves crashing against her hot hooves. She continued in further as the heat from her warm body abandoned her for the much cooler ocean water. As she submerged herself deeper, she was reminded by thoughts of her own job. She envisioned a piece of iron, filled with imperfection, being heated until it was red hot. Then she saw the same piece being struck over and over again until it was granted flawless form. Finally, that same hot iron was quenched in cold water. As she pictured the steam that rose from the metal, she let out a sigh. Right now he was left feeling bliss. She was relaxed more so than she had been in a long time. Lemon began to float lifelessly, her cooling body left at the mercy of the waves.

Left in her dreamlike state, Lemon was brought back to her senses by warmth surrounding her loins. She shifted her weight, positioning herself so she was floating vertically in the water. She brought her hoof over her diaper and gently pressed on it. Her waterproof cover may have cooled like the rest of her, but it insulated her still warm diaper. She ran her hoof back and forth, pressing the last bit of heat against herself. She continued this until even her diaper became as cold as the water that surrounded her. Soon she was filled with that same bliss once again. As the cool ocean breeze crashed against her face, she closed her eyes. She felt her very being meld with the world around her. The air, water, my body, and diaper are all cool. I can no longer tell anything apart. I am part of it all, drifting and floating away.

For a time, she continued floating like that until a new sensation caught her attention. Her entire body was soaked in the water that surrounded her, but her crotch was completely dry. The swim diaper made a watertight seal, keeping her diaper dry. This new sensation caused that smile to once again dot her face. She began to concentrate now as she approached the epicenter of her grand plan. Okay I just have to relax. Let go, just let go~ As she inhaled and exhaled the cool sea air, hot urine exited her system and poured into the cold, thirsty padding surrounding her. “Ahhh~” she sighed, as more of the hot liquid entered her diaper. Soon after the padding in the front became saturated, the warmth followed the curves of her diaper towards her rear. The heated urine now soaked every inch of her once cold, soft diaper, turning it hot and squishy.

Lemon once more brought her hoof over her diaper and pressed into it. Her loins heated from the contact, and the cool water surrounding her hot diaper began to warm. She spent a moment taking in the cold water, warm sun, cool ocean breeze, and her hot diaper. She remained there weightless, her thermoreceptors being bombarded with so many signals of various degrees. Pressing harder against the hot padding, she ran her hoof downwards slowly. As she did, jolts of electricity ran through her body, causing her to twitch. As she felt the stimulation decrease, she stopped and switched directions, restarting the electrifying sensation.

At first it was slow, but she began to pick up speed. Her only limiting factor was the resistance the cold ocean water placed on the rhythmic movements of her hoof. The friction of her hoof on her soggy diaper and her contracting muscles caused her to begin to pant and heat up. The only thing keeping her little body from overheating was the cold ocean water lapping the warmth off of her. Her eyes had long since closed; instead a vague image of her running filled her vision. The faster she rubbed the faster she ran. She could finally see it; the finish line neared. Her speed quickened. No matter how tired she became she needed to cross it. She ran as fast as she ever had. Almost there! Just a little further! She was mere inches from it, everything within her reach. She could feel it. With one final motion she jumped forth. The world beneath her sank as her mind flooded with endorphins at an intensity the little mare was not accustomed to. The sheer force of pleasure caused her to spasm as she gasped for air. The spasms continued, each one bringing more joy with it. As her convulsions subsided, the mare fell back into the water, her body floating horizontally. Floating there, she finally opened her eyes to gaze at the setting sun. Her mouth remained opened as she continued to pant. “To-today was… a gr-great day~”

Lemon once again closed her eyes and let her brain soak in the pleasure that was slowly drowning her; her warm diaper, cool water, warm body, and cool sea air. She opened her eyes, taking in the beauty of that sunset as she drifted towards the shore. After a length of time that seemed to stretch on indefinitely to the mare, her head brushed against the soft sand of the shore. Lemon saw that her time was up and turned around. As her hooves collided with the sand, she pulled herself out of the water and back onto solid ground. The buoyancy provided by the water gone, Lemon became fully aware of the weight of her heavy diaper, fully soaked in her urine. She walked a short distance, picked up her bag, and returned to that small changing room. The sound of ripping Velcro, tearing tapes, and movement of wet wipes could be heard. The mare exited the room, bag in hoof, still toweling off the sea water from her wet mane. Lemon returned back to the train station and began her trip back home. As the sun continued to drift down, the hot day descended into the cool night.

After a few detours, Lemon had managed to return back to her home. Throwing her bag on the ground, she returned to her room exhausted. She sat in her chair as she reminisced over the day’s events. This really was a great day. She stopped for a moment as she sniffed the air. Man I smell like salt water. Might as well take a shower and head to bed. Reaching her bathroom, she turned the water on. Too bad I can’t have fun like that everyday. She was about to place her hoof in when she noticed the water pooling in the tub. Seeing this, a sudden idea filled her head as the sides of her mouth contorted into a smile. Well, it may not be exactly the same, but I am not complaining! She quickly grabbed the stopper, threw it into the drain, and turned on the larger tub faucet. As water filled the tub, she galloped back to her bag and opened it. She reached in, grabbed a new diaper with her mouth, and closed the bag. She gingerly trotted up the stairs, giggling the whole way. Looks like I am not going to get much sleep tonight!