> Harmonic Element Book 1 > by The Wesconator > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Note: this is an alternate universe, so this is not meant to be completely in sync with MLP FIM, as characters and events may be off. On with the show!) Love is like a roller coaster. It has many twists and turns, and you don't know what to expect next. This story focuses on a group of friends who shall undergo this process. It follows Harmonic Element, a young stallion who is best friends with the Elements of Harmony. While a certain day is approaching, he will have to guide his friends through almost every outcome possible. He shall tell you: Hello, reader. I am Harmonic Element. Before we get to the actual story, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was a young colt when I went on my own. My parents had taught me enough that they decided that I could take care of myself. So, I gathered my things and set off to live life my way. I had tried to go to public schools, but I was ridiculed by my classmates. Mainly because I made my own choices, so I wasn't up with the fad. Or what ever they say. So I was a colt walking around different towns and cities, trying to fit in. I was about ready to give in and be a hobo. Then, I saw it. A brilliant rainbow flash spreading out everywhere. The fog in the distance cleared, and then I saw it. A new town to check out. I had never been there before, and I was super excited. My little legs carried me to a large sign. "Welcome to Ponyville" I read. Huh. This place seems interesting. And so begins the adventures of Harmonic Element. As I wandered on, every seemed really peaceful. I found myself a quiet little cave near a couple of houses to reside in. I was able to get a job delivering sweets from Sugarcube Corner. That's how I met Pinkie. After I got the job, she came bouncing down the stairs which apparently led to where she slept. I wasn't looking for a house, since I had my cave, so I didn't bring it up that much. Pinkie seemed like your typical caffeine and sugar addict with a side of pink. Make that all sides of pink. I still to this day don't understand how her heart has not had any medical issues. You'd think the poor pony would have been dead by now. So we became friends and I learned how to bake. I didn't get paid much, but I used a lot of the bits to get quills, ink, and paper. I had taken interest in writing and drawing, which became a major point in my life. A few weeks after I met Pinkie, I came across a farm with this huge Apple orchard. Apples were never my favorite, but I had them once in a while. There I came across another filly, Applejack, and became her friend, too. It was just the three of us for a while, until I bumped into Rarity. She was the kind of pony who can't get dirty or she'll cause a scene. Next, while going for a walk in the woods, I saw a little Pegasus filly helping a rabbit get food. I said to myself, "okay, let's say hi and make a friend." Big mistake. "Hi." I said. "AAAAAAAAH" she screamed, and jumped in the lake. I helped her out, apologized, introduced myself, apologized again, and offered my friendship. She accepted meekly. I had a pretty good life going for me. Four friends, a "house", a job, and paper and writing materials. I drew what different animals and scenery, then sold my drawings to passersby for one bit each. I only made a few bits a day, but I was happy. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked through Ponyville, I couldn't help but notice how happy everypony seemed. Heart and Hooves Day is coming up soon, and everypony is awaiting the big party me and Pinkie are planning. Speaking of Pinkie, she had tackled me. As I got to my hooves, she pulled out a giant bag of balloons. "HERE! I NEED YOU TO INFLATE ALL 1,000 OF THESE IN LESS THAN 10 MINUTES!!" "I can't do this in 10 minutes! That'll take 10 hours at least!" "You gotta take five at a time, silly!" She grabbed five and immediately blew them up. She tied them together and strung them to the doorway of the library. A rainbow blur flew past us, followed by a few popping sounds. "As, buck these cheap as hay balloons!" Rainbow Dash said angrily. "Go slower." I suggested. "I tried that! I tried every trick in the book! They are crap balloons. They don't listen to me." "You tried TALKING to balloons?" "I said I tried every bucking thing in the bucking book!" "Have you considered using your mouth to blow air into the balloons' insides, causing the rubber to expand?" "Who to the what now?" I facehooved. "Have you tried BLOWING IT UP?" I asked forcefully? She started at me. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I was so focused on getting the balloons inflated quickly that I didn't think of that." We got a lot of the decorating accomplished, and I had a very important question for them. "Pinks, Dash, c'mere." They followed. "Say, Heart and Hooves Day is approaching. Do either of you like anypony?" They paused for a moment, not understanding what I was asking them. "LIKE like?" The understood. The stood motionless, wide-eyed, as if they were hiding something. "NOPE." They said quickly, and then they dashed of in different directions. I grew suspicious. I needed to know what they were hiding. Maybe Twilight could help me. I turned around and walked into the library. I knocked and Spike answered. "You here to see Twilight?" "Yes. Tell her this is urgent!" "Alright. Sorry, I was just repainting the door." The door shut. I could hear what Twilight shouted at Spike. "Not now! I told you this magic needs proper concentration." "Well, tell him I'm very busy!" "Urgent?" A loud clattering was heard. The door flew open. "Yes!? Urgent!? Friendship!?" She fell over backwards. "Have a seat." She mumbled. ~~~~~~~~ "So, Rainbow and Pinkie are hiding something, and we have to get to the bottom of it?" "Yup. They obviously like someponies, and we have to find out who they are." "Could we ask?" "They'll never talk. We have to monitor them. Follow their every moves. Find the information." "Isn't that stalking?" "Isn't what stalking?" Pinkie appeared out of nowhere. "Nothing." We covered up. "Smooth." Spike remarked sarcastically. "Shut up." I said to him. He snickered. He likes to get the best of me. He doesn't like that Twilight has me sometimes do his work. It's like Owlowiscious all over again, but not as extreme. No "fake dead mouse" scams either. I have recently started living in the basement of the library. It has a small amount of room, but big enough for my stuff. There is a desk, so I could work on my novel. Yes, I'm writing a novel. Rainbow flew in, causing a whole shelf of books to fall over. "Oops." "Come on, Dash!" I said. "You always do this!" "Well I'm SORRY I can't control my speed sometimes." There was a knock at the door. "See, Dash, that's the correct way to enter somepony's house." "Shut up!" "Both of you, QUIET!!" We faced the angry Twilight, who was one step closer to a flaming mane. "Come in." She opened the door. Applejack wandered in, not looking her best. "Hey, Jacks!" I said. "Why the long face?" (Author's note: I apologize for the horse joke.) "Well, ah was trottin' up to buck apples, when ah got a great glimpse of Ponyville." "What's so bad about that?" Spike asked. "Ah saw how happy everypony was with somepony else, and it made me realize: AH HAVE NOPONY!! NOT A SINGLE PARTNER!! AH MEAN SURE, FRIENSHIP IS GREAT AND ALL, BUT AH WANT TO LOVE!! AH WANNA FEEL LOVE!! AH CAN'T HAVE THAT, SO AH WENT, CRIED FOR AN HOUR, AND CAME HERE FOR HELP!!" She fell over. We all leaned in at her and stood there with wide eyes. "Yo, Applejack." Spike said. "You alright?" "No." She replied and sat up. "Ah don't know if anypony truly loves me." "But what about us, and your family?" "Not like that! AH mean the Heart and Hooves Day kind of love!" "Let this sink in." Rainbow Dash said in a reassuring tone. "Sometimes, you gotta take action. Be bold, and decide this for youself. Don't sit around and wait on an opportunity like this!" She put her hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "Maybe you already know this pony?" Applejack sat there frozen, Dash's words flowing through her mind. And heart. Her eyes glowed a blinding flash of pink. She blinked and the pink wore off. She got up and ran home, saying nothing. We all stood there motionless. Fluttershy walked in. "um, Twilight, I, uh, have a book to return." She saw us standing there and tried to get our attention. I blinked once and was free of shock. Everyone else moved too. "did I, uh, miss, something?"