Champions of Equestria

by sun god leto

First published

With the threat of war becoming more and more of a reality, Celestia pulls out a last resort and leaves the choice to use it to her former student and fellow princess Twilight Sparkel.

When war threatens Equestria from two places at once Celestia fears the worst and decides to bring out Equestria's last resort and leaves it up to her former student and fellow princess of equestria Twilight Sparkle to decided if using it is worth the risk it holds. But with her friends by her side Twilight is more than confident that they can make this work.

Takes place just before season 4 starts
M rating for violence, gore, and language

The Name Game

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Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I write this letter to you not as your former mentor, but as a fellow princess of Equestria. My sister and I fear that darker times are fast approaching our subjects. A recent misunderstanding has put a strain on our relations with Gryphon kingdom and the nation of Minotaur’s. We fear that war may soon be upon us from both sides and if we aren’t ready, many will fall. Our soldiers are no match in terms of numbers and if we are to be attacked from both sides at once, I don’t doubt that Equestria will fall. This is where I must ask you and your friends who bear the elements of harmony to help defend Equestria from terror once again. Though I am sorry to say that the elements will not be enough to stop on coming war. A thousand years ago Starswirl the bearded began researching a form of magic that had been long forgotten known as “Summoning magic”. Starswirl recorded everything he learned about this form of magic in the book I have sent to you with this letter, though I am afraid it has taken damage over the past one thousand years and some of it is no longer legible. He told us that should the fate of Equestria ever come in threat where the elements could not be used to still use this form of magic with extreme caution. He said that if this is handled without careful thought this could be both the saving grace of Equestria and its downfall. I cannot think of anypony who more thoroughly plans things such as this out than you Twilight. And so it is after a very thought out decision that I give you this book and leave it to you to decide if the risk is worth the possible cost. The fate of Equestria once again rest with your hooves.


Princess Celestia

Twilight must have read this letter a hundred times by now, the words ingrained into her very mind that she could almost quote it word for word. It was an early morning when the letter and book that was mentioned in said letter, now the sun was sinking back into the horizon as the afternoon ticked by on the clock. All of her friends had gathered in her library since noon and were all given a chance to read the letter for themselves. All of them were stunned silent at first when they first read it for themselves before they began pondering on what to do.

“I’m still confused twilight. What does this have to do with any of us? We’re not soldiers or leaders.” Rarity spoke up and Twilight replied shortly after.

“Princess Celestia mentioned all of us for a reason. I think she thinks this is something that we can only do together.” She said as she looked over all of them before looking to the book on the table and the opened letter that laid next to it.

“Well she really isn’t giving much of a choice in terms of whether or not use this thing.” Rainbow Dash spoke up as she stood up from her seat around the table. “If we don’t do anything Equestria is done for. If we do this we still have a chance to make it out alive. This isn’t about if we’re doing this or not, it’s about who’s willing to go through with it.” She stated and Applejack nodded her head in agreement.

“I hear ya’ and I’m all for going through with whatever this spell is.” She said before looking around the table. “If any of ya’ll want to back away from this, I for one will not judge you.” She said as she looked back to twilight.

“As if I were to simply watch Equestria fall into ruin because I was too much of a coward to do something.” Rarity said as she now joined the other two of her friends.

“Count me in, no more Equestria means no more parties. Unless I throw a goodbye party for Equestria…” Pinkie said as she bounced up from her seat with a smile on her face like always. All eyes were now turned to the timid yellow Pegasus who was shaking like a leaf.

“Um, I don’t know about this. I mean it seems like such a big responsibility…” she quivered as Dash walked over and gave her a friendly hug.

“It’s okay Shy, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” She reassured but the yellow pony quickly shook her head.

“No! I’ll do it! I won’t be scared of saving Equestria! If anything I’ll do it for the animals.” She said as she managed to control her shivering as she stood up and gave a determined smile at her friends.

“Then it’s settled.” Twilight spoke up as she rose from her seat at the table and levitated the book with her magic over to her. “I’ll need some time to study the book and everything in it to make sure everything is perfect to ensure nothing bad will happen because of this. For now I want all of you to go about your day to day business and be sure to keep this a secret.” She said to her friends before adding a final note. “Pinkie promise to keep it a secret.” She said before her friends smiled and preformed the pinkie promise. “Good. I’ll have spike send for all of you when everything is ready.” She said smiling softly as she gave each of her friends a hug as they all left, leaving her to study the book.

The following day:

The six ponies gathered outside the ruins of the castle of the two sisters where Twilight had asked them to meet, telling that she was now ready to use the spell in the book. She said that the spell required a large empty place to preform and they couldn’t exactly do this in Ponyville Park. This was supposed to be a secret assignments. As they searched the castle they found that the ruined throne room was more than big enough for them to proceed.

“So how exactly does this spell work Twi?” AJ asked the young princess who looked back to her friends.

“Well from what I could gather from the book, the spell summons someone or something using the magic that resides in all ponies. It isn’t exactly hard to perform at all actually, all that we need to do is draw some symbols on the ground and then use a large amount of magic to activate it.” She explained.

“That’s it?” Dash asked.

“Yup, well the problem is that the book is so old and damaged that it doesn’t tell me anything about the names given. All that’s in here is a bunch of names and the symbols for them. But other than that we’re going into this blind. But take a look here…” Twilight said as she pulled out the book and pointed some words written on the page. On the page were lines of names written next to each other with symbols next to them.

“Garen, Sanguine Garen, Commando Garen. Wait are these the same pony or not?” Dash said looking to Twilight who shook her head.

“I’m not sure, I want to say they are but I get a gut feeling that they may just act different. Like here, this Dr. Mundo he may be a simple doctor but there’s also a Corporate Mundo, he might own a hospital as compared to just being a doctor.” She explained as the other began looking through the names.

“So what, we just pick out a name at random?” Dash asked and Twilight sighed.

“I’m afraid this is all we have to go on. We’ll have to choose based off of their names alone.” She as the group began going through names.

“Oh Rarity here’s one you might like!” Pinkie said happily as she pointed to a name.

“Gentleman Cho’Gath?” Rarity asked as she examined the name.

“That’s the one!”

“Both a warrior and a gentleman at the same time? That does sound rather ideal for me. I wonder if he’s handsome.” Rarity said as her mind began to run away with her as she dreamed up the perfect gentleman.

“Hey AJ how about this one for you.” Dash said as she pointed to another name on the page.

“Braum? Why do you think that one fits me?” Applejack asked who smiled a bit.

“Well it sounds like a strong name. It sounds like it belongs to someone tough and willing work kind of like you.” Dash said as he friend began pondering the thought.

“What about you Twilight? Have you already picked a name?” Fluttershy asked her friend who nodded.

“I did, I picked Vel’Koz, something about the name and how its written makes me think it could be some form of life we haven’t meet yet. Just imagine it, the chance to study a new life form for the first time!” Twilight said smiling gleefully as Fluttershy chuckled.

“What about you Dash? See any that stick out to ya?” AJ asked and Dash shook her head.

“Not really, none of these sound good to me.” She said.

“What about this one. Nightraven Fiora.” Fluttershy said as she pointed to the name on the page.

“What’s a Nightraven?”

“It’s a type of raven, a bird. So maybe this one can fly?” Fluttershy said which lightened Dash’s thought on the name by twenty percent.

“What about you Fluttershy?” Rarity asked the yellow pony who shook her head.

“I haven’t found one yet.” She said before pinkie pointed to a name.

“Oh! This one! Pick this one!” She said as the yellow pony looked at the name.

“French maid Nidalee?” The shy pony spoke out loud.

“Yeah! If you had a maid she could help you take care of your animals.”

“Um, that’s not what a maid is for pinkie, you’re thinking of a vet. But the name Nidalee does sound nice…” Shy said smiling.

“Well that just leaves you Pinkie, have you found one?” Twilight said as all eyes fell on the pink pony.

“I sure did.” The party pony said pointing to a name.

“Dragon Slayer Pantheon?!” The five ponies all nearly yelled at their friend who only nod.

“That’s the one.” Pinkie said smiling.

“Pinkie that sounds kind of dangerous doesn’t it? I mean, what if it take one look at spike and tries to kill him!?” Twilight argued but Pinkie shook her head.

“You’re missing the point guys. If this one can beat dragons that means he’s more than strong enough to protect Equestria.” Pinkie said in a rather serious voice that almost never came from her. Though the other didn’t like it they did see her reasoning.

“Well I guess we can explain that dragons aren’t who we’re fighting.” Twilight said, finally giving in to her friends wishes. “Alright then, does everyone have a name?” She asked aloud and all of her friends nodded their heads. “Okay then we’re ready to get started.” She said as she pulled out some chalk that she had brought with her to draw the symbols with on the ground. The process of making the symbols took less than five minutes at most, the finished product being a magical circle seal with six smaller circles with the symbols on the edge of the bigger circle.

“Alright that’s finished. Everyone step into the circle with the symbol of the name you picked out.” She said as her friends did as asked, each of them stepping into their circles. “Okay now once I cast this spell there is no going back, if you want to back out, this is your last chance.” She said but none of her friends made a move to back away from this, even Fluttershy had a look of determination to go through with this. “Alright then, here goes nothing.” Twilight said as her horned flared with magic.

A beam of pure magical energy shot forth from her horn and into the air above their heads, the magical stream swirling around above them in the form of the circle that was on the ground below their feet. The magical seal below them began to glow with a blinding light as Twilight put all of her magic into the spell. As the last of the need magic left twilight’s horn and was now swirling around above their heads the magical seal was glowing with a faint purple hue much like Twilights magical aura. Soon the swirling magic above their head poured down into the center of the larger seal and it began to glow even brighter until all the magic in the air was sucked into the seal and the glow ceased. Before anypony could move to question if something was wrong the six ponies were engulfed in pillars of magical light that shined from the smaller circles at their hooves. Though none of the ponies could see it, the symbols below them began to appear in front of the column of light that engulfed them, facing into the larger circle. Soon another set of pillars of light erupted up from the larger circle in front of the symbols facing into it. Shortly after the columns of light ceased and all magical glow from the seal was gone as the ponies came face to face with six Champions that they had summoned.


First appearances are everything

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“I say! I’ll have you know I am a true gentlemen through and through you cheap perfume wearing equine!” Cho’Gath roared as he adjusted his monocle as he continued to argue with Rarity.

“Cheap!? I’ll have you know this perfume is the most popular brand amongst the upper class and most sophisticated of ponies! Not that a horrid creature like you would know anything of such things!” Rarity whipped back at the beast while the others watched them go back and forth.

“Do ya think we should stop em?” Applejack asked aloud to be answered by the large man standing next to her.

“Nah, let them quarrel a bit more, let your friend get over the initial shock of what Cho is.” The said as leaned against his massive shield that was a bit bigger than half his size. “Besides it’s always funny to see gentle Cho get upset and let lose like this.” He laughed as he continued to watch the other two fight.

“Are ya sure? He looks about ready to get physical with her.” AJ pointed out to which the man chuckled.

“Don’t worry about it, since she summoned him, he can’t do her any harm.” He explained as he looked over to the others gathered around, taking note that two were studying each other very carefully.

“Such fascinating evolution…” Vel’Koz mumbled as his eye studied the purple alicorn intently while her eye studied him just as much.

“I could say the same to you. What are you? We don’t have anything like you in Equestria.” Twilight asked as Vel brought a tentacle to what could be assumed to be his chin.

“Equestria? I have not heard of such a plane of existence before…” His echoing voice spoke. “Certainly isn’t a field of justice that the League occupies.”

“Field of justice? What’s that?” Twilight asked.

“You are a summoner yet you do not know of fields of justice or the league of legends?”

“No I am not. What are they?” Twilight asked causing Vel’Koz to pause.

“Hmm, interesting…” He mumbled as he began share his knowledge of the league and what it was for while other carried out conversations around them.

“So you can’t fly?” Dash asked the woman dressed in armor, her blade hanging on her side.

“For the last time, I am not a bird. Nightraven is a title and nothing more.” She groaned.

“Okay, Okay, sorry I asked. I just thought that since your name was the same a bird I just figured…” Dash said as she scratched the back of her head.

“Did you not read anything but my name from the summoners guide book?”

“Well the thing is that the book is over a thousand years old and most of it is ruined. All Twilight was able to get out of it was how to summon you guys and what your names were.” Dash explained which caught the duelist’s attention very quickly.

“Wait, you’re saying that you summoned all of us here, not knowing anything about us, and going off our names alone?” The duelist asked to which Dash nodded. “So you have no idea who we are or what we’re even capable of?” Again Dash nodded her head again. “Great, we’ve been summoned by a bunch of meddling ponie-“ The duelist stop when she realized the full meaning of what she was saying. “Wait a minute you’re a talking horse!” She exclaimed pointing a finger to the rainbow Pegasus.

“Well yeah, do you not have ponies where you come from?”

“We have horses but they can’t talk or have wings. Much less be able to cast summoning spells.” Fiora said as she recovered from her initial shock as the two began make small talk about the worlds they came from. Next to them sat a pink pony facing a man in a set of armor that put the royal guards to shame. A massive spear clutched in his left hand and an equally massive shield strapped to his right arm.

“So do you like cake?” Pinkie asked the giant warrior who was taken aback by her question.

“Um, what type of cake?” He asked as he looked down to the cheerful pony.

“Any kind of cake.”

“I like angel food cake.”

“What kind of frosting do you like on it?”

“Usually plain vanilla.”

“Have you ever tried it with pink lemonade frosting before?”

“No I haven’t, is it any good?”

“Not a clue but we can both find out. I work at sugarcube corner so we can bake as many cakes as we want!” Pinkie giggled as she bounced up.

“You know, I always wanted to be a baker…”


“Yes, a baker.”

“This is perfect then! I can teach you how to be a baker then! My name’s Pinkie Pie by the way.” He Pinkie said smiling up at the man of war.

“Pantheon, but I guess you already knew that.” The Artesian of war said smiling behind his helmet as he looked over to another pair who were next to them on the summoning circle.

“You smell of many animals…” Nidalee said as she took in the yellow pony’s scent who was a little scared of her.

“W-well I do tend to the animals of ponyville…” Fluttershy managed to get out as the huntresses eyes lit up.

“You take care of animals? You don’t fear them or see them as a threat?”

“Not at all, I love all kinds of animals big and small. Animals having feeling just like us ponies so I treat them as such.” The yellow pony said smiling which the huntresses returned in kind.

“Finally, someone else who understands. Most of the people from where I come from fear the wilderness. They would sooner burn down the forest rather than save it.”

“Oh my, that sounds horrible!”

“It is. That’s why I joined the league, to represent the wilderness and to protect it from anyone who wish to do it harm.”

“Um, what’s the league?” Fluttershy asked before Twilights voice yelled out over everyone else’s.

“Alright everyone listen up!” Her voice echoed in the ruins gathering the attention of everyone. “Good, now that I have your attention, my name is Twilight Sparkle, one of the four princesses of Equestria, the world you are all now a part of.” She said as she walked out before the group, Vel’Koz following behind before facing the crowd.

“And I am Vel’Koz, The eye of the void.” He said as he looked out amongst the ponies in the group. “My fellow champions of the league, I’m afraid that this is no ordinary summoning like we are custom to.” He said.

“What was your first clue squid brain? The fact that ponies summoned us or that this isn’t our world?” Fiora sneered at the floating eye.

“Charming as ever Fiora.” Cho’Gath mumbled before Vel’Koz spoke up again.

“As I was saying, we have not been summoned her to decide a debate between Demacia and Noxus. We have been summoned forth to save this nation of Equestria.” He spoke, causing the champions to look at each other before Twilight spoke up.

“Equestria is on the brink of war from two nations at once and we stand no chance of winning this war by ourselves. So this is why you have been summoned here, you are a last resort option for us to defend ourselves.” She spoke to the champions who listened to every word she said before Braum raised his hand. “Yes?”

“I am sorry but I do not understand how you were able to summon us seeing as that you are ponies still.” He said to which Vel’Koz answered.

“From what I can gather, each of these ponies poses an amount of magical energy to maintain the summoning spell that summoners from the league that we are used to. They are not just ponies either, some have wings and the ability of flight while other possess a magical amplifier in the form of a horn on their heads. And apparently the more powerful of their race possess both.” Vel’Koz explained o his fellow champions.

“That’s kind of racists.” Dash voiced out.

“Don’t take it personal Dash, they just don’t know any better.” Twilight said and the rainbow pony nodded in understanding. “As I was saying, you champions were summoned here to help us protect our land. As soon as Equestria is safe you can return to you own world and hopefully we will not need to call upon you again.” She said as the champions looked at each other before turning back to the princess.

“And who exactly are we fighting?” Fiora asked.

“The Gryphon kingdom and the nation of Minotaur’s.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that we’re fighting mythical creatures…” Fiora said with a slight chuckle before the artisan of war spoke up.

“Do you have dragons in this world?” He asked causing Twilight to swallow hard.

“Yes but most of them are peaceful here so long as no one gets greedy and tries to take their horde of gems. Going off your name I’m sure you’ve dealt with your fair share of bad dragons, but here it’s different. I even have a friend that lives with me as my assistant who is a baby dragon, so don’t even think about touching him.” Twilight said starring down the larger man dressed in armor who simply gave a nod.


“Good, I’m glad we could sort this out quickly. I need to inform Princess Celestia that the summoning spell was a success and introduce her to you all. Please wait here, I don’t want you all to go out and give ponies heart attacks. Why don’t you try and get to know each other better while you wait?” Twilight said smiling as she began making her way through the door.

“Twilight you can’t be serious! How can you expect me to get to know this, this, this, Beast?!” Rarity argued which Cho’Gath snarled at and Twilight sighed.

“Just try Rarity, give him the benefit of the doubt at least.” Twilight said giving her friend a small smile before going out the door leaving her five friends and the six champions to their own devices. For the first few minutes all of them sat in silence with exception of Pinkie pie and Pantheon who were discussing baking recipes and ideas.

“So Braum…” Applejack finally spoke up to her champion who was leaning against his shield. “…What is that thing you’re leaning on?”

“What this? It’s a door!” Braum bellowed as he held up his shield with a grin.

“Why do you carry it around with you then?” AJ asked, not knowing the earful of stories she just cursed upon herself and all those present.

“We since you asked, let Braum tell you a story…” Braum said with a wide smile while the other champions groaned.

“Here we go again…” They all groaned in unison as Braum got all of them to sit before him as recounted the tale of a poor trapped troll boy and the unbreakable door that he uses as a shield now.

Canterlot Castle, Celestia and Luna’s private study:

Celestia sipped on a cup tea as she looked over a massive map of Equestria with her sister of the night as they began to make plans. War would be upon them soon and they wanted to be well defended and move their subjects to safety quickly. The larger cities on their borders would be targeted first more than likely and smaller towns would be seen as weak points. Trying to evenly spread out their forces was no easy task with so few ponies in the guard at the time and initiating a draft would still take time to get the ponies they needed. Time that they sadly did not have the pleasure of having. As the two sisters conversed a swirl of smoke and magic flowed through the air and in front of them before merging into a letter. At the sight of the scroll Celestia instantly grabbed it with her magic and unfurled the tie before reading it. Luna watched her sisters’ facial expression and her eyes as she scanned the letter before giving a sigh that held no expression for its self.

“What is it sister? Did Twilight use the spell?” Luna asked before Celestia nodded.

“She has and it was successful, she has brought fourth six champions that the book had named and request our presences at our old castle.” Celestia said as she rose from her seat.

“Why does she need us there? Are these ponies a possible threat?” Luna asked as her sister walked out on to a balcony that over looked the castle courtyard.

“They’re not ponies.” Celestia said before unfurling her wings and taking off into the sky.