
by stf1

First published

Lyra has always been thought of as a strange mare for her obsession with humans, but her latest discovery could be her big chance to prove them wrong. What she doesn's realize is the dangers she has gotten herself into.

Lyra has always been thought of as a strange mare for her obsession with humans, but her latest discovery could be her big chance to prove them wrong. What she doesn't realize is the dangers she has gotten herself into.

Dreams of Humanity

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"This isn't good, oh no this isnt good at all."

The mare began pacing in a nervous fever."I'm never gonna hear the end of this from Bon Bon. Especially after the big scene I made about it.

Quickly looking back at the specimen she began to look through a nearby book of animal anatomy." I cant believe she was right. this isn't a human bone at all. It's a monkey's femur!!"

"How could I be so dumb to think this was a human's!? All this research for nothing. It's gonna take me forever to find a new specimen."

BANG!! Startled by the sound of her door being slammed open, Lyra jumped and looked behind her. inside the frame of the door was a disgruntled Bon Bon with a large amount of bags under her eyes.

She began speaking in an annoyed tone,"It is five in the morning. You have been at this all night. I don't care if there is a human in this room, either work quietly or go to sleep."

"Huh," Lyra asked," What are you talking about it's only twelve", She said while pointing to her clock, which had been blinking the number 12:00.

"... Wait," Looking under the desk she was working on, Lyra noticed the clock had been unplugged slightly making the clock reset itself constantly.

"Oh sorry Bon Bon," she said nervously,"I guess i lost track of time. I think I'll go to sleep then."

"Good," Bon Bon responded,"And try not to sleep past lunch."

After shutting the door,Lyra could hear Bon Bon murmuring under her breath as she went back too her room.

Quickly jumping into her bed, Lyra couldn't help but think about the mistake she had made."Surely Bon Bon will understand, but what about everypony else? They're never gonna let go of this. Especially Vinyl, she'll probably remind me on a daily basis."

"Gah get it together Lyra," she began to say to herself,"Worry about this in the morning. Right now you need to sleep."

It wasn't long before Lyra fell asleep. After staying up so late it's no surprise how quickly she went to sleep.

There was an eerie darkness that was overtaking the land. "What is this place, where am I," Lyra asked getting no response," Guess I'm the only one here. How did I even get here?"

"Wait I'm still dreaming aren't I," She said with a sudden realization.

"Graaaooo..." Out of nowhere she began to hear what seemed to be a strange growling.

"Ok this place is creepy enough as it is," Lyra said in a surprised manner,"This would be a good time to wake up."

Lyra began trying to focus to wake herself up." Hhhrrrmmmph hhhhhhmmph," she groaned from exhaustion,"That didnt work at all"

"Graaaooo..." The growling was much closer this time. Through the darkness a tall dark figure began walking towards her, walking on two legs.It continued walking till it was standing a few feet from Lyra. Lyra couldn't help but stand in awe of what she was seeing.

"It's a human!! If this is a dream i sure hope i don't wake up from thi-" Lyra said before quickly having to jump out of the way. The creature had swung at Lyra with a monstrous claw barely missing as she jumped away.

After getting a closer look Lyra could tell that the creature was no human. Having black skin with enormous claws on each hand.

"GRAAAHH", The creature roared showing off its gnashing teeth, from a mouth that took over its entire face.

"Okay I take it back please let this be a dream, and please let me wake up soon," she said in a frightened voice.

"RAAAAAHH", The creature roared again as it began to run at Lyra. Panicking Lyra couldn't help but run for her life avoiding slash. after slash. Then quickly thrusting its fist into the ground, the creature knocked Lyra off her hooves causing her to fall to the ground.

"This isn't gonna end well," Lyra said as the creature towered over her. Lyra couldn't help put close her eyes and wait for the inevitable. The creature quickly did one last swing to finish her off

Lyra couldn't hear anything but silence. Then somepony began speaking to her,"That was close. It could have gotten messy there for a second."

Lyra opened her eyes to see a pale stallion standing in front of her.

" Wait who are y-,' Lyra began to ask before getting interrupted.

"Time to wake up Lyra"

Lyra immediately woke up breathing heavily. Looking around her room she could see daylight shinning through her window.

"Wow, weird dream. I don't think i'm pulling another all nighter anytime soon.


It was 6:00 in the afternoon. Lyra knew Bon Bon probably wasn't happy she slept past lunch. Lyra began walking down the stairs hoping Bon Bon wasn't home yet. Only to see her in the middle of the room. She had been packing food and a blanket into a wicker basket.

"My you're up early", Bon Bon said sarcastically,"Did you lose track of time again?"

"Hahaha, very funny," Lyra responded in the same sarcastic tone."You don't need to remind me how long I slept."

"Next time go to sleep at a normal time," Bon Bon responded.

Lyra couldn't help but notice the all the supplies Bon Bon had gotten together.

"So what's all of this for," Lyra asked, "Are you planning some kind of picnic or something?"

"Not exactly." Bon Bon said while she finished packing," There is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight. The meteors will be flying so close they'll practically light up the sky."

"Wait why wasn't I told about this," Lyra questioned.

Annoyed Bon Bon began glaring at her. "I told you at least a hundred times this week.

"Sorry Bon Bon," Lyra apologized,"I must have been too into my research to notice."

"Well I packed enough for you anyway, and I'll be leaving soon so you should get ready," Bon Bon said putting the basket into her saddlebags.

"Sssss, Yeah about that," Lyra said nervously

"Oh you have to be kidding me Lyra," Bon Bon snapped,"You've been like this all week. You can take a break from your "research" to have a little fun for once."

"It's not like that Bon Bon," Lyra protested,"I can't just stop now. I know i'm on the verge of a breakthrough."

"You've been "On the verge of a breakthrough" all week," Bon Bon remarked,

"I know Bon Bon," Bon Bon said with a sigh,"But you can't just-

"Lyra," Bon Bon interrupted,"If you really think that you need this time to work then go ahead." Heading to the door Bon Bon looked back and said," but this all night and all day research had better come to an end." Then Bon Bon left leaving nothing but the sound of the closing door.

Levitating her bags to herself Lyra couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend."I've got to find something by tonight. I know where I have to look. I have to go to the Everfree Forest.


The Storm

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"So this is it?" Lyra said walking through the dense foliage, vines and plant-life that was the Everfree Forest.

Lyra had been scaling through the forest for only a few minutes, yet it had already started to turn dark out. Despite the fact the mare was alone in a deep dark forest when the sun began to fall, Lyra continued through undaunted.

"I can't believe everyone was so afraid of this place." Lyra said sarcastically," I could see how Lily would be afraid of a place like this, but I'm not sure what doesn't scare that mare."

Continuing through the forest she couldn't help but observe the forest around her. "I don't see what's so dangerous about this place. Nothing here but trees, grass, a rock, some leaves and timberwolves." Lyra paused for a second to her sudden realization," TIMBERWOLVES!!"

Out from behind a nearby tree a pack of three timberwolves began running towards her. Startled by the wolves Lyra used her magic to hurl a nearby rock and hit one of the wolves, causing the branches and limbs that were it's body to scatter and fall apart. With the other two closing in on her Lyra had no choice but to flee.

Lyra began swiftly running through the forest. Dodging the branches and jumping over the logs Lyra looked back to see the timberwolves getting closer."Okay I take it back this forest is as bad as they said. Lyra said whilst looking back at the timberwolves hoping the forest would forgive her for mocking it.

The timberwolves began to slow down to her surprise. "Ha," Lyra laughed as she continued running," Try to keep up next ti- WAM!!"

Out of nowhere Lyra ran into a large tree that blocked the trail, knocking her to the ground. "Ow, I need to watch my mouth while in this forest." Lyra groaned while holding a hoof to her bruised skull. Slowly the wolves began approaching her staying low to the ground and growling.

"Guess I have no choice here," Lyra said as she stood up, "I guess i have to fight my way out of this." Quickly one wolf ran towards the mare and pounced at her. Thinking fast Lyra swiftly turned around.

"HA", She shouted as she bucked the timberwolf, causing it to fall to pieces. Turning around she could see the surprised look on the last wolf's face.

With a smirk making its way across her face Lyra asked,"So, would you like a turn?" Unlike most timberwolves this one was smart enough to run from the overconfident mare, whimpering as it fled.

"Wow," Lyra chuckled, "If kicking wood is this easy then i should get a job at Sweet Apple Acres."

After continuing through the forest Lyra came across a long, old bridge that led even deeper into the forest."Welp," Lyra gulped," Guess this is where it gets interesting.

Bon Bon had finally made it to the top of the hill where all the best spots were. It was already dark so she had to find a spot soon. Scanning the area Bon Bon started looking for a spot to sit.

While looking she could see all kinds of ponies there. Twilight and her friends were all sitting together, while Twilight inspected her telescope and the multiple books she had brought with her.

Nearby she could see the flower trio of Rose, Lily, and Daisy sitting on a mat with illustrations of flowers on it. Lily was passed out on the mat with Daisy fanning the unconscious mare, while Rose confusingly inspected the small bug that landed on a flower she held.

"Hey Bon,"

Bon Bon turned to find a familiar face. To her side she saw Vinyl Scratch and Octavia on a music themed mat.

Vinyl called again as she waved at Bon Bon."Bon! We got a nice spot over here. Come join us."

Bon Bon joined the two and walked over to them.Setting her basket and other supplies down Octavia asked, "So where's Lyra at? don't tell me she's still sleeping."

"No no," Bon Bon reponded," She's awake but she said she didn't want to come. Said she was going to have a breakthrough in her research or something."

"Holy crap she's still at that," Vinyle asked while chuckling." I thought her freaking out over that bone she found was a breakthrough on its own."

"Can we not bring up the bone incident," Bon Bon groaned.

"Come on," Vinyl responded," You have to admit it was pretty funny. I mean that dude didn't know what hit him when she tackled him. Then when his marefrie-

"Could you please not Vinyl," Bon Bon aksed.

"Aw don't be a stick in the mud Bon," Vinyl mocked.

"Actually i think I'm with Bon Bon on this one." Octavia remarked," I think it's about time that died off. The poor mare gets mocked enough as it is.

"Yeah I guess I could give her break," Vinyl responded.

Looking through the sky Vinyl couldn't help but notice the lack of space rocks and asked, "So when is this asteroid storm or whatever supposed to start.

"It might be in a few minutes," Octavia responded," There's no way to know for sure when it will happen, you can't schedule things like this.

"Well guess We"ll be waiting." Vinyl said while she plugged in her headphones," Tell me when the storm starts."

After a few minutes the meteor shower had begun. Everypony watching was awestruck by the light show it made. With how close the meteors were, it caused them to shine with a rainbow of colors that lit up the night sky.

You could hear all around in amazement with an "oooooh" and "aaaaah" and the occasional "waaaooooh"

"I can't believe Lyra is missing this," Bon Bon thought to her self," Wherever she is i hope she can see all this.

Something must have happened cause there seemed to be some fright coming from Twilight. "Watch out everypony!!" Twilight shouted.

Looking to the sky Bon Bon could see four meteors heading straight for them. Each a different color, red, green, blue, and white.

Panicked sounds could be heard from the hill, with Lily letting out an earpiercing screech as the red and green ones flew by only a few feet away from the hill.

The red one was the first to hit, landing deep in the Everfree Forest and letting out a loud bang as it landed as well as an explosion of color.

The green one also landed in the forest closer to ponyville, but gave off little noise or color.

The blue and white ones continued through the sky, then both Landed far away across Equestria.

After the event ended the panic began to calm down. Twilight was writing a letter. Likely to alert The princesses. Lily and Daisy both fainted while Rose fanned the unconscious mares. And "My leg, oh my leg," could be heard from the crowd.

"That was.... AWESOME!!," Vinyl shouted in excitement," Woo, yeah more lasers!!"

"Bonk!", Octavia had hit Vinyl, causing her glasses to be crooked on her face.


The forest had been barraged in an explosion of light from both meteors. Lyra couldn't help but sit and be awestruck as she was surrounded by light and color.

After a minute the light dimmed, but a red glare could be seen shinning from one part of the forest.

Through the light Lyra could the see the shadow of a familiar figure
"Haaa, A human!!" Lyra gasped, I better get a good look at this one. this is the breakthrough I've been looking for."

The silhouette began to disappear and Lyra began rushing towards it as fast as she could.

Arriving finally to the crash site where the creature was she was amazed to see-

"Wait what?"

Welcome to the Jungle

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Arriving at the crash site Lyra hid behind some bushes and trees just outside of a clear and wide area of the forest were the meteorite landed.

Observing the crash site Lyra found no sign of the human she saw. However there was something else that caught her eye.

Standing next to the meteorite was another pony. Looking closer Lyra saw the pony was a Stallion. More specifically a white stallion with blue eyes, a red mane and a red satchel to his side.

He appeared to be casting a spell on the meteor, causing it to shrink.

" Wait, what?", Lyra questioned," That's not a human, and is he shrinking that thing?"

"Of course I'm not a human," the stallion responded to Lyra's surprise," And have you ever tried carrying a full sized meteorite around? Those things weigh a ton."

Shocked by his response Lyra asked," Wait you heard me?"

To immediately be responded with," Not sure how I could miss it with you yelling in the middle of an empty forest. Also did you hit your head or something, cause I don't look anything like a human. Humans don't even live around here. I'm not even sure if monkeys could live here.

Surprised by his response Lyra jumped from the bushes and trees and immediately made her way to the stallion and asked," Wait what did you just say?"

"What?" he questioned.

"What you said just a second ago"

" Full sized meteorites are hard to carry?"


"It's hard to miss you if you're yelling in the middle of the forest?"

"No, not that either," Lyra responded with a groan," The one about humans. How they don't live near hear."

"Yeah," he responded," Humans couldn't possibly live near here. It's way too close to an urban area and this forest doesn't have the best living conditions."

"Wait you know about humans?" Lyra asked in an excited squeak.

"Of course," he responded," They're not really the most interesting find. No magic, no wings, their best achievement so far is building a bunch of stuff."

Lyra began to send the stallion a barrage of questions ranging anywhere from what a humans features were, to what their their diet consisted of.

"Waoh, woah there slow down," he asked," I don't know that much about them other than what I've found from the things they left behind from things like ruins."

"So you've never seen a human?" Lyra asked

"I haven't seen them up close, but they do have illustrations that would give me an idea of what they're like."

"But you know for sure they're real?" Lyra persisted

"Yes they definitely exist", he responded, "I'm surprised to find someone this interested in humans. What makes you so into humans Harper?"

"Well it's obvious that human craftsmanship can be seen all over-" Lyra paused to her realization," Wait did you just call me Harper?"

"Yes", he answered," Ponyville is known for its residents to have names that are closely related to their special talent. You have a harp on your butt, and I've always liked the name Harper so i called you Harper."

"That's a pretty weird way of thinking you have there," Lyra responded with a chuckle," That would be like me calling you Spyro cause you have a Spiraling cutie mark."

"Spyro?" he said in confusion," How would you get to that conclusion? I don't look anything like a purple dragon."

"Wait do I," he asked while he began to expect himself.

"Purple dragon?" Lyra asked.

"Never mind," he responded," This has been fun and all but I'm gonna have start leaving," He said while putting the now shrunken meteor into his satchel," I need to get to the other meteorite before something happens to it."

"Wait you're leaving?" Lyra questioned

"Of course i have to," he answered," Do you have any idea how rare meteorites are in these conditions?"

"Not really," Lyra responded, "But it can't be that rare."

"Well considering how this is the first time they actually landed in one piece they're pretty rare, and I don't want to stay any longer in this forest than i already have."

"Why not?" Lyra asked

"These meteorites give off a magical aura that-" He responded before being interrupted by a familiar howl.

"AWOOOOO," A howl could be heard nearby as a large pack of timberwolves made their way for the two ponies. There were more than a dozen timberwolves, much too many for the two to fend off.

"We should start running," he said gazing upon the upcoming pack

Quickly the pair ran through the forest. Making their way through the forest Lyra asked," Why are there so many of them? I've never seen this many timberwolves in one place before. How did they even find us."

"It's the meteorite," The stallion responded while running alongside her," Not many ponies know it but meteorites are made partly of magic. Those trails they give off as they fly through the sky are not from their deterioration. Those trails are from the magic inside them. The reason the glow with different colors is from the type of magic energy inside them.

"That still doesn't explain why we're being chased by dozens of timberwolves," Lyra said looking back to the massive pack.

"I was getting to that," He answered," Meteorites contain a sentient form a magic. More specifically the type of magic involved in the creation of golems. Timberwolves, being wooden golems, are naturally attracted to the aura it gives off."

Continuing through the forest the two began approaching the bridge that went into the forest. Close behind them the pack was closing in. Crushing anything that made its way under their feet.

"We just need to make it over this bridge," the stallion exclaimed," They won't follow past there.

Over the bridge Lyra could see a familiar face. One of which wasn't the most friendly. "Oh no," she said with a worried look.

At the other end of the bridge was a timberwolf, one smarter than the rest of its deceased pack. Seeing its chance for vengeance the wolf began knocking away at the beams of the old bridge, soon making the bridge fall over. then the wolf ran by leaving what looked to be a smirk at the frightened mare.

"This isn't good", Lyra said as the pack began to surround the two. Closing in on them the timberwolves caused them to edge their way to the cliff where the old bridge once stood.

"Do you trust me Lyra?" The stallion asked as he began transcribing strange symbols into the ground.

"I'm not sure I have a choice," Lyra answered

The pack began making their way closer and closer to the two when the stallion said," Good."

Only a few feet away from the two the wolves were readied to pounce. Lyra couldn't help but close her eyes and wait for the worse.

Then feeling a hoof come around her she heard the stallion say," Better luck next time,"

Immediately the stallion stomped the ground filled with the inscriptions he had made causing a large flash of light to blind everything around them. Once the light dimmed the wolves could find no sign of the two and carried on to do whatever it is that timberwolves do.

Blinded by the light Lyra couldn't see anything but white.

"Did it work?" she asked,

"I'd say it worked pretty well since you're still here with me, and in one piece as well," he answered," Although i think your eyesight might have been affected."

"How can you tell?" Lyra asked.

"Well," he answered," You are kinda talking towards a tree right now."

"This won't be permanent will it?" Lyra asked nervously.

"Don't worry it will clear up in a few seconds."

After a few seconds Lyra began to regain her eyesight. Once she could see clearly she saw they were at the entrance to the Everfree Forest.

"How did we get all the way back her?" Lyra said surprised at the distance they traveled.

"I teleported us." he answered

"But how could you have possibly done that?" Lyra questioned," We're miles away from where we were, I'm surprised you could teleport yourself let alone another pony."

"That's why i had to use runes," he answered

"Runes? What are runes?" Lyra asked.

"Well to summarize it," he answered," They're basically magic symbols that can help you cast difficult spells. You're quite the lucky mare. The last time I teleported with someone a distance that large, They ended up halfway across the country."

"Welp that was quite a night," the stallion said while stretching," Guess I'll be on my way then."

The stallion began walking away till Lyra stopped him,"Wait," she said as she rushed in front of him." I could really use help on research I'm working on, and I think you could help."

"Plus I kinda owe you a life debt," she said while pointing back to the forest," If you need a place to stay you could stay with me."

"I don't know," he said putting a hoof up under his chin," Offering a complete stranger entrance to your home is somewhat reckless, and I'm not sure I can help that much with your research."

"Oh come on, please," Lyra began to beg," The things you know about humans could be the very breakthrough I've been working for weeks to find."

"Hhhmm," he hummed as he thought to himself." Well you do make a compelling argument."

"Soooo," Lyra questioned.

"Alright I'll go with you Lyra." he answered.

"Yes," Lyra shouted with joy," Wait, you called me by my real name. I never told you my name."

"I know," he responded," Your name is printed right on your saddlebags," he said while pointing to her bags," I was only messing with you when i called you Harper."

"Speaking of names," Lyra began speaking as they made their way back to Ponyville," What's yours? I never got it, or would you prefer Spyro,"

"No, no," he said while chuckling," My name is Crimson"

"Crimson Warp"


Back inside the forest wreckage of a brutal battle lay scattered across the area. With piles of wood, limbs, and branches of the once massive pack lay dead on the ground. Inside, footsteps shake the ground with each step. A tall dark figure slowly walks through the dense forest. Silence spreads and is broken by an eerie dark growl.


Meet Crimson Warp