Being Immortal Doesn't Mean You Live Forever

by yeah i dont have a life

First published

Luna is forced to make decisions- and face memory.

After the death of Princess Celestia, Luna is named Queen. The Crystal Empire is under attack yet again, but when she goes to the empire, old memories sink. It could be the last of Queen Luna.

This is everyone for now, but when we get deeper I might change it up a bit, depending how I feel. It won't be mature though, the highest it will be is probably mid teen if I decide to change it up. :D

To Have Caputured

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A black mare with a beautiful mane that reflected the night sky, even in the lightness of day, stumbled in her hoofsteps. A long journey takes toll on physical health no matter how powerful the self is. The black mare raised her purplish black head. At the very top a long horn stood, the very tip having a faint glow, but slowly losing power. At the small surge of mystical energy, the night mare gasped. It was all to much for her, as she couldn't even lift up her large feathered wings.

She remembered who she was doing it for, her older sister, the sun ruler. She had died a mere 2 years before, as a year seems like a month to immortal alicorns, to the dark force trying to take up her land. After the funeral, since there was no more alicorn princess besides the mare, she was named queen, the first to ever rule over the land.

"Being immortal doesn't mean you live forever," the beautiful mare whispered to herself, but in a way that would seem as a mantra to a passing stranger, but no one would be in this beautiful arctic cold.

She tried to stay up, in which she barley succeeded in at the thought of her beloved sister, giving her strength once again, as if the mere memory of her dear sister fueled her physical strength.

She walked for about a mile or so until she saw a peek of what looked like a black crystal. She shriveled at the dark thought, but still struggled to go on. After of what seemed as long as her imprisonment that grew from jealously long ago, she saw of what became of a crystal empire, now into a maze of black gems, and dull ponies in shackles who once brought the most light to her dear land. She looked up to what seemed as a neon green and red castle covered in matched black crystals.

A deep voice called from above whispering, "Luna, how pleasantly surprising to see you."

The dull ponies looked up to the black mare, one even shouted, "An alicorn!"

Ignoring the statement, Luna replied to the dark voice,"I can't say the same."

The voice laughed, "Well, my apologizes," a black and green crack came upon the night sky, surged with power.

The shock came down her spine while her eyes gave out.

The black mare's eyes opened to hooves walking. The little light that was in her area burned her night bound eyes. She stood up, the rest helped her gain energy. She tried walking forward, but shackles held her hind hooves, which made her look back. She was in a large cell that held her against the wall. She sighed and sat down, forgetting why she was there.

"Hello, my love," The dark voice spoke once again.

The memory came back in a flash. The voice had struck her with lightning, making her to faint. She looked up to her captor, or at least his eyes.

"It really has been a long time, my dear Luna."

Luna stood tall, "And what do you want, Sombra?"

"King Sombra to you!" He spat out to Luna. A gray stallion emerged with dark eyes, blasted with green and red, all with a matching black mane. At the front stood the long horn which in a way resembled Luna's horn, but gray with a redden tip, showing as a scar of darkness. Luna had a scar too, but on her cutie mark. A black splash, showing that she was once too consumed by an evil darkness.

"Well, Sombra," at that point he rolled his eyes, " do you want me here besides the obvious?," Luna grumbled.

Sombra's eyes flashed at a great light, " Luna, dear, I just want you to be on my side."

Luna's eyes glowed to that statement, mumbling. A second after, her eyes matched Sombra's. Luna gasped falling to the cold hard ground. She whispered, "Sombra, she is evil, even on our standards. Don't make me bring her back."

"My dear Luna, even I know that when you do bring her out, even you don't have full control. All it would do would bring her on my side," Sombra laughed, as he already planned the whole thing out.

Luna quickly got up, her mane getting faster of the flowing process, "You coward! You yourself need help, the Great Sombra! And to call yourself king!"

"I just want to rule with you. Together, we rule Equestria in eternal darkness. All of these pathetic ponies will look up to you, and will appreciate your night."

This got Luna's attention, her eyes glowing even more, " Night and Day are mine now. I will not fall for your tricks." But after her second sentence, she was breathing heavily, as if speaking mere words was draining her sanely conscious energy.

Sombra gave a long laugh, "You are trying to hold her back, aren't you? You don't want to give up to my excellent reasons. She won't hold back, Luna, let it go. Celestia isn't here to be your burden. You are free."

At that point, Luna was panting, trying to not give up to her dark side, trying not to be played, trying not to relive her memories with the gray stallion. She was twisted with both emotional and physical pain, trying to hold back darkness that has always been her one true fear, the one thing that held her back from her beloved sister for a thousand years, "I will not give up to your cruel forces, Sombra."

Sombra grinned at the pained mare, "How delightful. To think, you can defeat your other. Just delightful."

It was too much. The torture. The pain. The memories. Luna started to glow. Armor appeared on her chest. Her frame grew. But all the while, she still had the eyes. The ones Sombra forced her to have. Luna eyesight started fading. She panted all the more during transformation. Luna eventually lost consciousness.

Sombra released evil laughter. His plans with Luna were complete. His plans with Nightmare Moon were just starting.

Nightmare Empire

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A tall, slender mare emerged from a once beautiful queen, sighing, as if the much weak Queen Luna was the only thing that held her back, which was because Luna did it for Celestia.

Sombra bowed down to the land's moon nightmare, "My true queen. Nightmare Moon."

Nightmare Moon spat, "What do you want Sombra? I'm not going to take over the Crystal Empire again, weak fool."

Sombra knew she was going to say this, it was all planned out, "I was just thinking, since you are ruler of the land, thanks to her," the gray stallion nodded his head to Nightmare's cutie mark, "Why not expand even more? That old mare who called herself a princess is dead now. Nopony is here to hold you back. You will have your eternal darkness. The element bearers are gone for good."

"There is still a bit of a problem if you want me to join your forces though," Nightmare hissed, "That weakling, Luna, is gaining strength. I am losing connection of her body. I need to get my own.......... but then Luna will be free." She sighed, "But now, just get me out of these shackles."

Sombra just rolled his eyes while he used an unlocking spell on the cuffs to set Nightmare free. After removing the cuffs he mumbled, “I’m surprised your burden didn't put the unlocking spell on herself. Perhaps even weaker than usual. She was trying to repel you, yet not enough strength in total.”

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes, ignoring the statement, “ Looks like some redecorating has been going on since my last visit….. it’s just hard to remember, Luna is fighting her way back.” Her cutie mark flashed black, instead of the usual purple on Nightmare. Luna was coming back. It never took long for the mare to gain strength, but all her years have worn her down, making it harder to rest. Nightmare Moon was stronger though, but a small pain grew on her side, and her purple cutie mark background turned to a black matching her coat color.

"Then you are right," Sombra grumbled deeply, "We need to find a new body for you. But while we do so, we must convince Luna that you are still with in her, a dark force that consumes her mind."

"Do you know anypony that is too useless to your forces?"

Sombra walked over to a black tinted window, in which he looked out into his now corrupted empire, his slaves roaming around on his dark land, the arctic wind in the breeze, "Take your pick, Nightmare. I just want you to remember that you will owe me, just in the slightest of chance, you know?"

All Nightmare Moon did though was roll her eyes as she looked out on to the landscape. Anypony wouldn't do though. They would have to be not too strong but tall, even through the conditions of Sombra's control. Though she could control the size, strength, and other aspects (including gender), it took away from her strength, and she needed all of it to enslave the total of Equestria. After scanning the crowd, she spotted a mare that went through her specifics. After picking her target, the black mare didn't talk about her future victim, but her present one, "I was thinking, the Shadow Forces might be able to help deal with Luna. Plus, it will create another dark side to her."

"Are you suggesting we go to the Everfree? Hmm, you would have to go there yourself, though it won't be a problem for you to go by. The Kingdom of Friendship is long gone, after Twilight's death. Just because I was stuck in the arctic for endless years doesn't mean I didn't have the power to spy on everypony."

"I think it is a little cliche that they kept the same banishment for you, I would of thought that the arctic would be no place for you, since you did find a way out before. But, may I ask, Twilight Sparkle and the other elements are dead?"

Sombra gave a quick chuckle, "Oh, she became a princess too. The Princess of Friendship. Even her small town, Ponyville, was turned into a kingdom. She also had this weird tree caste after a fight with Tirek. And the elements are back at the Tree of Harmony. A lot has happened since your time."

Nightmare Moon looked out to the window yet again, spotting her next victim. Using her black magic, she pointed down to the mare that had meet qualifications, calmly saying, "Her."

Sombra nodded, walking out to tell two of his dark corrupted guards to go out and get the mare. He used his black beams to create a reflection of the mare, while the guards nodded and walked out the door. He turned back to his fellow villain and gazed off saying, "Do you want to go ahead and go into your new body, or go get the shadow forces first?"

"I would much rather prefer getting the forces first than to let Luna escape. For it is too risky. I won't let the forces consume her yet, because I would be just a mere soul," She walked away from the window, facing away from Sombra.

Sombra nodded in agreement, "I will keep the mare here for while you are away. How many days will you think it will take you to get back to the Crystal Empire?"

"How long did it take Luna?"

"About two weeks or so after she stated her plan to come."

"She was obviously weaker when she arrived at your doorstep..... Hmm, I will say about a week. I'll use my magic to come back at key parts. I can't teleport the whole way back here."

"Of course, if you need anything before you go, then just tell me."

"I'm going to need your best guard come with me. Along with a small supply of food and water. I can just multiply it."

He walked to the nearest guard, whispering orders. The guard nodded and went off to finish his tasks.

Nightmare moon sighed deeply. She was back, and nopony was going to stop her now.