> A face you'll never see > by Sir_Elton_lunar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “On the girl's brown legs there were many small white scars. I was thinking, Do those scars cover the whole of you, like the stars and the moons on your dress? I thought that would be pretty too, and I ask you right here please to agree with me that a scar is never ugly. That is what the scar makers want us to think. But you and I, we must make an agreement to defy them. We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means I survived.” I close the book I've been reading for the past three hours waiting for my target. My target is the C.E.O of a world-renowned weapons manufacturer for multiple superpowers. He has been selling weapons in hopes of starting a fifth world war. I swear those weapons companies make a killing off of the wars.The last two world wars have left the world in a dire state by crushing what use to be known as the United States of America, and other major countries. They fell one by one until a small country finally decided to end all violence of the world. That small country was once a small war base in the pacific islands. During the fourth world war they won their independence and invaded all of the surrounding islands all the way to Japan and Korea. Once they took over Japan, their tech skyrocketed to unbelievable levels. They developed futuristic hacking technology for their intelligence department. They also outfitted their soldiers with weapons that didn't use a explosion for the propulsion system, but used magnetic technology which worked by using superconducting electromagnets. All in all they made a handheld Gauss gun. With this technology they ruled their territory with an iron fist, but they needed more. They invaded more and more countries in till the other countries swore loyalty for their 'freedom'. With the whole world under their thumb they became the police of the world. But none of that matters now. We are all humans, we all are greedy. The oppressed countries bribed others for their technology and weapons. With the new tech, they finally gained some backbone against their oppressors. That's when the arms war started, and guess who made a killing off of it. You guessed it, my target. Apparently when you sell weapons to an enemy country you piss people off. Those people have lots of money, and guess what that money is used for? Killing, and that's where I come in. My name is Drake but everybody knows me only as 'Raven'. You don't need to know what my face looks like, so I'll explain my attire. I wear a black and red cloak and a hood all the time. Under my cloak I wear a black long sleeve shirt with a white under belly. On my left sleeve is a double 'V' going down my arm. On the bottom of my arms I have gauntlets made of titanium, and under my right arm's gauntlet is a custom made hidden blade with a poison dart system. I also wear a pair of black jeans with a dagger strapped to my left thigh. This all you need to know about me for the time being. Now shut up, my target is here.           I watch through my scope as my target talks to his assistant in his office. I check my watch to see the time: 7:55. They should be here any minute. I look back through the scope but I adjust downwards to see the street level. There they are. On the street were multiple executives climbing out of their vehicles. One such executive looks at his watch, then tap it as if it was broken. I mentally no. As if reading my mind, the slick man looks back up and starts towards the door. I look back up to the office to see the target transfer to the conference room and is setting up. Not two minutes later his assistant walks in and tells him something. He starts to hurry up what ever he is doing. Is that what I think it is? "Sir, there is a bomb in the conference room! I repeat, there is a bomb in the conference room!" I yell over the earpiece. I scan the offices for my employer to find him walking to the conference room anyway. "Sir, the target is leaving the building. Do I have a go on the shot?" I follow the target through the building waiting for my go. As I wait for the go I hear static through the earpiece, but this isn't normal static. It almost sounds like somebody is talking, but I couldn't hear whoever it was. I tear out my earpiece and zoom in on my target to find him looking directly at me and smiling. "Oh, shit." I jump up and throw my rifle over my shoulder running from whatever the man had planed. I'm glad for my free-running lessons from that man in the white robes. He was the man who taught me how to survive in this world and how to kill. He never took off his hood, so I could never see who he was. I knew though that faces in this world have power. As I run I can't help but look back, and what I see causes my eyes to widen. Behind me was a midnight-black attack helicopter with a minigun spinning up. I swear, adrenaline is amazing. I run so fast that the helicopter couldn't even keep up with me. That's what you get for sending unmanned aircraft to kill an assassin like me. My type of assassin isn't your everyday assassin who wants money. I am part of an order of assassins who choose a select few to train them to kill. I was recruited 12 years ago when I accidentally killed a contract of the order.       I look to ahead to see that I'm running out of building, but there was something off. As I was running I could see a glow from the edge of the building and growing. I look back to see the helicopter gaining on me and warming up the mini-gun as well. I decide to take my chances with the glow and what ever goes with it. I run full speed jumping over vents and walls without losing momentum. Soon I reach the last building, without looking back I could feel the sights burn through my skull. I needed to run faster, faster to live. I reach within a few feet when I hear the guns fire. The pain was horrible, yet I was still running. I knew that even though one got me, if I stop I am dead for certain. While getting closer to the glow I hear the static from earlier, but this time is could make out words. "Princess Twilight! You have something that belongs to me! I hear a powerful voice but it still was mostly static. I stop just at the edge, looking down I see a portal of some sort. It was multi-hued with the colors of the rainbow. I look as if it was rotating like a vortex with a light in the center. I turn around to see the helicopter warming up to fire, so I did what any sane person would have done. I jumped into the swirling mystery portal having no idea what would happen. I'll tell you, jumping into an unknown portal to escape certain death. It sucks to be me. I am currently being flung across space and time, for all I know I'm off to a world filled with little cute multi-colored ponies. As I pass through the portal I hear a different voice this time, this one sounds feminine . "As princess, I believe I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria! That is the role I am meant to have in our world! The role I choose to have! But I didn't defeat Tirek on my own. It took all of us to unlock the chest!" Oh god, I'm going crazy! My thoughts were cut off when the light at the end becomes too bright for me, so I had to close my eyes. The last thing that goes through my mind is my mentor and the night that we first met. I was just a boy when I first killed somebody. I was walking down the street heading toward the gas station for a candy bar when a drunk man stormed into the store. "Whersh tha money?!" I heard the man yell at the cashier. I hid behind one of the refrigerators hoping to avoid notice, but before I could get there my foot hit a corner, sending me sliding across the floor. I look up to see the drunken man looking down at me. I could smell his breath from here, and it smelled horrible. It smelled as if someone left milk out in the hot sun for two days and then poured in week old scotch. His teeth were almost green with a yellow tint. I felt like I wanted to throw up. He then pointed his knife back at me. "Whash’re you doin’ here, kid?" He said to me, getting closer to me with the knife. While I was trying to hide I failed that the man slashed the cashier, who was currently bleeding out on the floor. I was so angry that this man would attack a defenseless man in cold blood. I was so angry that while the drunken man was digging through the money of the cash register, I wrenched the knife from his hand holding it to my chest. While holding the knife the man held his hands up in a surrender. "No, hold on now there, shonny! Don’ do anythen’ rassh!" He started to back up slowly while keeping an eye on me. While he was eyeing me, he failed to notice the body behind him. I saw that if he went any farther then he would trip. In a blind rage, I charged, watching him trip on the body, just like I thought. It felt as if time itself slowed down. I could hear every heartbeat in my ears and the man’s stench-filled breath. I tightened my grip on the knife, running at him full speed, not planning anything. When I came within a few feet of him, I cried out with something that I didn't even know I had in me. I felt the blade pierce the skin, going into something soft, and I pushed harder. I felt something give when we finally hit the ground. The man gasped in pain as we lay in his blood. After what felt like an eternity I finally stopped hearing his breathing, and blood no longer pulsed out around the knife. As I lay there breathing in the stench of death I heard the doors open. I whipped my head, expecting the police, ready to explain why I killed him, but instead there was a man in white robes with the hood pulled up. It was blocking his face. "You, boy. Did you kill that man?" the man asked. I tried to stand, but my legs failed me halfway. Before I could fall the man ran up and grabbed me. "Take it easy, boy, you've had a rough night." I felt the man pick me up and start walking out of the store. "Where are you taking me?" At that point it was hard to keep my eyes open. I felt the man shift my weight again. "You’ve taken one of my contracts, so you're in my debt. Because of what you did tonight, I’m taking you back to our HQ. You can repay your debt." I finally realized what he meant by that. I was to forget my life and I repay my debt to him -- by killing. I soon find myself in a field of flowers nearly as far as the eyes can see. If it wasn't for the 'I have no idea where I am' feeling, I would actually enjoy the view right now. I was just about to set out when screams fill the air. They sound close. It sounds like it is a bunch of girls. I run to the tree line for the shadows and cover from whoever is screaming. Not long after I climb up one of the trees I shoulder my rifle and scan the area through the scope. I scan for what seems like hours but the work pays off when three girls come running out of the tree line with what appears to be a pack of wooden wolves. Holy shit! Are those wolves made out of wood and twigs?! My mind froze for a split second trying to process that information, but I snapped out of it when the girls started screaming again. I look through my scope to line up my sights on the wolves to see that the girls are not entirely girls. One of the girls had burnt orange skin with purple hair and- Is that a tail! Ok this world just keeps getting crazier and crazier. She is also wearing a simple black leather jacket with dark green shorts. Huh, so she's a tomboy I take it. The next girl was a bit taller but had a more muscular build. Her skin was a beautiful pale shade of olive, and her hair/tail was brilliant amaranth. She was wearing a lime green shirt with jeans rolled up to her knees, and on her head was a light crimson bow. Right behind her was the last girl, who was pretty close to being those wolves' dinner tonight. Her skin was light grey but had splotches of dirt. Her hair/tail was grayish mulberry with light grayish rose streaks. She was wearing a dark pink jacket with a light pink and white striped shirt under it. She was also wearing a butter yellow skirt with a few stains of mud on them. All in all, these girls have been playing rough all day.I line up my sights with closest wolf to the girls. They would never hear me fire. "Ching" I watch as the wolf's head explodes into little splinters all around the girls and the other wolves. I fire three more times, each shot taking a head with it. I look to the last three wolves looking around to try and find the one who killed their brothers. To bad I'll never give them the chance. I put my finger back on the trigger and fire two more times, watching the heads explode with each shot. I watch as the last wolf moves behind the girls, blocking my shot. I know there is no way around this, but if I can get close enough where I can use my dagger I can end this quickly. I stand up and sling my rifle back over my shoulder while I move from tree to tree barely making a sound. As I start to near them I look to find that the wolf is now advancing on the girls. Shit, I need to hurry. I start going a little faster trying to make as little to no sound. I soon make it to the tree overlooking the girls and the wolf. I climb higher to move into a better position to kill this thing. I watch as the wolf finally letting its guard down enough to where I can kill it. Seeing my chance, I let go of the branch that was supporting me. I fall like a shadow falling from the light, without a sound. I flex my wrist to unlock my hidden blade as I feel towards the wolf. I relaxed all of my thoughts and muscles at the last second to reduce the sound I make on impact. I didn't really mean to do it but with training like mine you learn a few reflexes. I rear back my arm as soon as I come clear of the trees cover. I look down to see that the wolf was finally making his move, and a bit too late on his part though. I push forward with my blade aiming for its skull, but my blade only went half way . I plant my feet on either side of its head and push prying my blade free, yet I am getting a strange feeling that I'm missing something. I turn back to talk to the girls when I feel an horrible amount of pain from my left calf. I look down to see the wolf's teeth embedded in my leg. Without even thinking I grab my dagger and slash repeatedly at the wolf in till it finally lets go. I pull up the pants leg to inspect the damage. My calf has been shredded from the bite itself but was opened even farther with the fighting. If I didn't get help soon I would die of blood loss. I look back towards the girls to watch them inch away in fear. Not the first time that's happened. It doesn't matter if they fear me or not, I'm about to die. "Excuse me, could you point to me where the nearest hospital is?" All three pointed in the direction of a castle made out of crystals. "Thank you. Now, could you help me get there? The wolf bit straight through my leg and pretty soon I'm gonna die." I ask while walking in the direction they pointed out to me. "U-U-Uh o..k?" I look over my shoulder to see the three following me. I turn back limping to where I hope is a hospital. "U-Uh s-sir are y-y-you ok?" I turn to my right to see the little red head with a concerned look in her eyes. I smile back at her. "Don't worry short stack, I'll be fine once I reach a doctor." I reply with a playful smile. She glares at me before she remembers that she's afraid of me. I laugh at her attempt to be brave towards me. "Do not fret young one. If I wished to hurt you, why did I kill the wolves." I give the most warm smile I can muster. She seemed to perk right up at my statement as did the other two because they wanted to walk with us too. I start to feel weak all of a sudden and losing my balance. Crap, I thought I had more time! "How close are we to the hospital, short stack?" It better not be far. "It just a little ways down the road there." I look to where she was suggesting and saw the sign. I start to limp/hop faster to the hospital hoping to make it before I pass out. I make it to the sign when all of a sudden my face meets the ground and my arm is wrenched behind me. "Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle go call for help! I'll keep this thing pinned!" I couldn't see my attacker because my face is currently eating dirt. Ok! I've had ENOUGH! I twist my body to throw off my attacker, and I then grab their arm and twist it behind their back. I stop to realize that the person I'm holding is a beautiful woman with sky blue skin and rainbow colors in her hair. "Oh you want to play it like that then." She then unfurls her..... Wings! WTF is going on here! I shove her away from me in hopes of a little space to hop. I hop towards the hospital calling out for help, and just my luck the blue bitch lands just shy of the door. "You're not attacking anypony on my watch." She said while taking a stance. I don't have time for this. I un-sling my rifle from my shoulder and aim it at her in hopes of intimidating her. "Back off! I am in need of medical attention." I hold my ground waiting for her to move. "How do I know that you won't kill anypony once they helped you, and what can you do with that? Are you going to swing it at me?" She had a good point but my leg was throw off my judgement. I aimed my rifle up looking to see if nothing was in the way and fired. Her face went pale now knowing what this baby can do. "Now, can I please see a doctor?! I'm about to die here!" I shout at skittles. I throw down my weapon and start walking into the building. As soon as I make it inside I fall to the floor, not being able to stand anymore. The doctors and nurses rush to help me off the floor and on to a bed. One doctor tried to remove my hood, but before he could I grabbed his arm. "If I find out that anybody touched my hood I will feed you to Cerberus myself." With the first threat I've made on this world and it has to be a doctor trying to help me. I watch as they stick an I.V in me. The last think I saw before the darkness took me was a girl with purple hair with a dark pink stripe going through it.       > Chapter 2 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------          “Scars are but evidence of life. Evidence of choices to be learned from...evidence of wounds...wounds inflicted of mistakes...wounds we choose to allow the healing of. We likewise choose to see them, that we may not make the same mistakes again.”         "Mistakes my ass." I grumble while shutting the magazine. I lay my reading material on my lap surveying my room. The hospital was nice enough to give me a nice cozy room. Well, I say room even though it feels more like a cell then anything. It had nice pearl white walls with some soothing pictures here and there. To my left was a window revealing a small little town. We're not in Kansas anymore toto. Chuckling at my comment I continue to look around. A little ways off there was a tile missing in the roof. Good a possible escape route. To my right was the door which was made from oak wood, and most likely being guarded. I look down my bed to find out that it came with a little extra feature. A god damn pair of shackles!         "Damn it. I need to get out of here. Now time to find out if they took my pick." I search the secret pouch hidden within my left sleeve. To open the pouch you have to tug the pouch a certain way to loosen the hold. I pull the pouch to feel a small metal pick fall into my hand. As I start to work on picking the lock I could hear muffled voices coming from just outside my door. I decide that talking wouldn't be the best option for me, so I started to work feverishly to unlock the shackles. During my little escape attempt The voices outside began to increase in volume leaving me to believe that an argument was taken place between the voices. How hard is it to unlock these dam- *Click* "Thank you!" Wait, damn I said that to loud. With my little outburst I could the voices stop. OH SHIT!! I pull the cuffs off looking around for my weapons. I continue to look around when I hear the click of the door being opened. It only took me a split second to decide what to do. I rush forward to the missing tile, and taking my chances I reach up with my right hand grabbing on to the edge pulling myself up. I reach up again to latch on to a thick pipe leading over head. I look around to find the area of the ceiling was closed off for maintenance. With my free hand I swing to the right to grab another pipe suitable for my weight. I began to inch my way to what I assume is the way out when I hear a gasp come from my room. Halting my movements not daring to even breath, thinking that I was found. “CAPTAIN,” the voice said. The voice sounded feminine with a regal and commanding tone. I start inching my way down again fearing capture. Soon I make it to a split in the ceiling, but thats not the worst of my problems. As I was leaving the voices behind the regal one had a hunch that I escaped through the ceiling, so she commanded her soldiers to try and see if I was up in here. Needless to say, they have some form of technology that allows them to shoot lasers. One of the lucky bastards managed to land a decent hit in my shoulder rendering my right arm useless. The shot went straight through the muscles and veins, and I knew that if I was to make it out of there I needed to adjust my position. With my right arm hanging uselessly, I moved all the weight I could to my left arm. With my new position I tracked, what I guess is about a hundred feet, through wet pipes and darkness. I soon found a light coming from a space from which another tile had been removed. Finally! As I near the opening I slow my pace down to a crawl fearing that anybody near the opening can hear me. I inch towards the entrance to hear a voice from below. I press myself back as far as I can hoping it was enough. “Excuse me nurse, may I ask you a question?” The voice sounded masculine but also like he was in pain. Duh, you’re in a hospital. “Certainly Mr. Bones.” This voice sounded feminine and had a helpful tone. Must be a nurse. This isn’t good, I need them out of the room now. “Can I go for a walk?” Please say yes. Please say yes. “But the doctor’s orders are for you to stay in bed, so no.” God damn you woman. Why can’t you let the man go for a walk. It’s not like he going to die today. “The doctor said today is going to be my limit, so please… let an old man have one last breath of fresh air.” That’s it old man, just put on a little charm. “Very well sir, but I need you to sign a waiver just in case.” Wow, she does not want to get sued. “For you anything, Nurse Redheart.” I can no longer hear her voice so I assume that she is gone. Now I wait. Not even a minute after that thought I hear the door open. “Ok Mr. Bones, I just need you to sign here….here… and here.” After a few sounds of a pen scribbling on paper I hear a grunt coming from the man. “Ok, now get me out of this damn room,” The man said. I wait for what feels like forever while the nurse helps the old man out. I stay there for an extra minute just to be sure. Making sure no one was in the room I let go of the pipe and twisting my body to match an olympic diver. Just as I am about to hit the floor I pull my feet forward, straightening my body in the process. As soon as my feet touch the ground I relax my muscles to lessen the sound of the impact. I crouch as I evaluate where I am. I am in a similar room to mine, but this one was a little different. It had the same white walls,paintings, and door. I look to the bed to notice the lack of shackles. Ok, it looks like I was the only one who got the ‘special’ treatment. The thought reminded me of my leg. Looking down I expected lots of scar tissue, but to my surprise my leg was perfectly fine. The only thing that indicated that I even got hurt was the pink spots that looks an awfully lot teeth marks. I tear my gaze from my healed leg to look for any medical supplies for my shoulder. Looking around the room I came across some flowers on a table near the bed. I made my way over to the letter to hear shouts outside the room and getting closer. My first idea was to jump back up into the ceiling, but were cut short by the pain in my right shoulder. I look out the window to find that I’m on the 3rd floor facing towards the right of the town. I rush back to the cabinet to take any medical supplies it had to offer. As I ransack the cabinet I hear the voices getting louder and closer. I could barely hear the words but what I heard was enough to kick my ass into high gear. “Captain, these are the last rooms of this floor.” I start to take anything that could fit in my pockets at that point. I rush back to the window to formulate a plan, for how to fall and not break my bones. I sigh after I plan my descent. I really hate myself! I take a few steps back, planing how to kill the person who made velocity. I hear the door next to my room break as the people invade that room. “Sir, this is the last room.” Shit! Well, it’s now or never. I rush towards the window hoping that whoever rules this world is watching because I don’t want to become a pancake. As I near the window I look behind me the same time the door is busted in. I turn my head back towards my goal, not catching sight of the person who broke through the door. “Halt! In the name of Princess Celestia!” I give the person the finger as I jump to bust through the window. As I break the glass and fall, the air felt like static electricity all over. As I fall I look back up to my window to see a man with a couple of guards crowding the window. I also notice a faint glow coming from the hands of some of the guards. As I watch them the feeling of static increases while a burning sensation comes from my shoulder. I look to my shoulder to see the tissue starting to fix and mend itself. Through the static and burning I twist my body to point my feet at the ground waiting for the impact. As I near the ground the static increases ten fold, and so does the burning. I look up to see a woman with bleach white skin and a beautiful cream colored dress. Her eyes were of the most beautiful shade of magenta, but what got me was her hair. Her hair was made of a blend of the most alluring colors , ranching from pink to turquoise. She had wings like an angel with their defined look and power. After shaking my head trying to clear the thoughts from my mind, I look to see the ground close in at an alarming speed. I glance over my shoulder to see the woman holding her hand out to me with the same glow as the guards. The static returned with a vengeance. I could feel my body shaking with energy, and it was so intense that it almost hurt. I close my eyes as I see the ground close in on me planning my moves after I touch the ground. As soon as my feet brush the ground I snap my eyes open. I then twist my body with the momentum of the fall to lessen the impact. I stick my left hand out planting it on the ground, and moved my body so fast that only a trained eye would see what I’m doing. I pull with the hand on the ground, making me launch forward. I pull my knees to my chest as I roll forward. As I start to lose momentum I wait until my feet are at an appropriate point to uncurl from my position. I uncurl my feet starting with my left so I land with my right. As soon as my right foot touches the ground I spring forward using the momentum to lead me to a standing position. My body then acts on it own as if this was what it was meant to do. After about 30 minutes of sprinting I slow my pace to a jog. I put my hands on my knees while trying to relax my breathing from running so long. As I rest I realize that I’m in a forest surrounded by large trees with vines hanging from their branches. The trees look like regular oaks but there was something off about them. I don’t have time for trees. Most likely that woman has already sent her people to find me, so I need to get away from here. I reach into my pockets to see what medicine I  had ‘borrowed’ from that room. After a good 30 minutes of looking and remembering, I organize the bottles into certain groups dealing with certain symptoms. Done! Finally! I lay my back onto a tree a little ways away from my makeshift campsite. As I lay there I hear a twig snap behind the tree I was laying on. I spring forward raising my fist to try and scare off anything that might want to take a bite of me. “I know you’re there! Come on out if you don’t want to get hurt.” I wait until a rustle in the bushes catches my attention. Leaning down I pick up a good sized pebble and chunk it into the bushes. “Ow” I raise my fist again waiting for whoever was in the bushes to come out. Figuring they been caught they began to move towards me. Just before I jump into the bushes my world turns to blue. As I was blinded by the blue my hurt arm was wrenched behind me once again. Knowing who it was I roll forward knocking off the attacker. I jump back while looking to the person that attacked me, and my doubts were put at ease. My attacker was the rainbow woman from before. “You! Why do you like attacking me so much?!” The woman just stares at me like she wanted to kill me. “You attacked those kids!” She is an idiot! “Are you serious! I never attacked them, and did you fail to notice that I was bleeding out and I had my back to them. If I wanted to hurt them don’t you think that I would be facing them!” I was seething with rage from her thinking that I would dare attack those children. Her look soften and she also had a crimson hue on her cheeks. “S-Shut up!” She raised her fist to a fighting position. I was about to oblige her when she smirked and pointed behind me. I turn around to see a boot fly in my direction. My training kicked in at that point. I grab the booted foot in midair using the momentum to send the culprit flying into skittles. I step back to gain some distance from the two while they try and untangle themselves. Then I feel a disturbance in the air. Acting on instinct I duck just as a pink bolt flies over me and crashes into the other two. Ok, anymore….good- “You, hold it!” Are you kidding me! Anymore surprises?  “You sir are a brute! how dare you attacking our friends.” I not even going to turn around. I tense my muscles readying them for another run. “Don’t you even think about running! I put a barrier with multiple layers. There is no way you’re getting through that.” I smirk, giving her the finger while I started running. I feel the static return, not as strong as that woman but definitely stronger than those men. I glance over my shoulder to see that she has her hand stretched out towards me with a smirk. When I started running again I could hear a couple of gasp coming from the women. I soon make it to the so called barrier that the woman talked about. I reach my hand out to feel the purple wall. I was surprised when the wall turned to water with my touch. I held my breath as I started forward into the barrier. As soon as my hands were submerged my world was filled with pain. The pain was worst than anything that I’ve ever felt before. It felt as if someone lit my entire body on fire and then dipped me in a tub of oil. I decided that the only way to get rid of the pain was to push through. After what felt like forever (30 seconds) I finally made it to the other side. I wipe my forehead trying to rid the sweat off of my brow. I look back to see if they were following me. When I didn’t see anyone I turned around and ran.                           > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One month later                  I look through my binoculars scouting the royal castle. I look from the gates to the gardens, and then to the floors above. While scouting I counted 75 guards. 25 are spread out in the garden. Another 25 are posted outside of the palace but inside the walls. The rest are pegasi patrolling the air around multiple floors of the castle. The castle itself was built poorly in war designs, but very beautiful in cultural aspects. The castle’s foundation was built upon crystal caves, and if that wasn’t bad enough on one side of the castle’s view is blocked because of the top of the mountain. “These ponies seem to have no experience with war. That just makes this easier.” I lower my binoculars looking down to a map of the castle grounds that I ‘borrowed’ from Princess Twilight’s castle. The first floor was mainly a greeting hall which then moved into the throne room. I look to the second floor map to see what to expect. After looking all the way to the top floor I find what I’m looking for. In a room directly down the hall from Princess Celestia’s room was a research room which happens to have all of my gear in it. I fold the maps to fit in my suitcase’s secret department, planning to slip by unnoticed. “Here comes the thunder,” I grab my suitcase while I jump to the building next to mine. Looking around I scout for pegasi patrols. I run across the rooftops while taking a fake tail (custom made) and strapping it just above my waistline. I adjust the fake ears as well trying to get them to stay still. Soon I reach my drop point into an alleyway leading to the streets. I drop my suitcase into a dumpster while I swing my body over the edge. I scale the building making it to the alley when I hear a noise from behind me. I whip around bringing my knife up to a fighting position, but I was meet with a mare no older the 17 staring at me in fear. I realize the fear was from the knife, as slowly as I can I sheath the knife. I come out of my fighting stance to make me look less frightening to the girl. I assume that she was still afraid of my but her gaze turned from fear to curiosity. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” I look to the mare again to notice that her hair was a deep hazel nut brown. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. Her skin (or now as I found out, is fur) was a alluring slick shade of midnight black. Her appearance was almost stunning to look at. The only thing that kept my jaw from dropping was because she looks as if she hasn’t eaten for days. It was then that I notice a scar running across her throat. “.....” Can she not talk? “Umm… I’m sorry to ask this, but can you talk?” The look on her face says it all. She sat down and curled up, and then proceed to cry. Me being a sucker for crying women I just had to help her. I check my watch to see the  time, 10:46. Crap crap crap! I’m almost out of time! I run to the dumpster and grabbed my suitcase. I then wrenched it open trying to find what I needed. I find a slip of paper and a few bits. I glance over my shoulder to see the mare still crying. I sigh as I’m about to take a big risk. I reach for my pen writing a note to the mare. “Miss ?, It has come to my attention that you are mute, but I offer you a choice. I will admit that when I first saw you I had to keep my jaw off the ground. I will aslo like to say that I see the scars that you wear but do not let them hold you down. Now on to my choice. I will give an address to my safehouse in Stalliongrad. If you choose to go there you need to have the password. Once inside I ask you to make yourself at home. If you decide not to go then I need you to burn this note and throw it away. The password for my house is *********** and for the address *** ****** **** **. I have one last thing to write before I leaves this with you. Do you want to learn how to make those scars fade? Sincerely Raven I place the note beside the mare as I pack up everything. I walk out into the crowd casting one last glance to the mare seeing that she is reading my note. I face away from the mare as I continue to walk towards the castle. While walking I decide to survey the area looking for possible escape routes, for when I leave the castle and worst case scenario happens. I decide on a roof escape since most of some of the castle windows are level with the roofs of the buildings. I soon make it to the castle gates with multiple escapes and scenarios playing through my mind. That is the curse of being an assassin. You can’t stop think of escapes and stuff like that while on a job or not. “Halt! Do you have an appointment?” I look to the guard on my right and reply to him with a friendly smile. “Why of course sir. I believe it is under Mr. Ravenclaw.” I wait patiently as he checks the appointments. I feel the other guards gaze on my but I do not pay heed to it. “Alright, here’s your name Mr. Ravenclaw. I will lead you to the throne room.” I step back as they open the gates. I follow the guard to the front doors watching as a servant opens them for us. I thank the servant as I pass him and step into the greeting hall. The guard leads me up the stairs leading to the throne room, but before we enter the other guards’ view I push my plan into action. “Oh dear, this is not good.” I halt and back track while pretending to scan the floor. “What is it sir?” I mentally grin. “Oh it seems I dropped my coin pouch on the way here. Could you possible help me in locating it. I am sure that I dropped it somewhere between the stairs to in here.” I scurry around some more to try and convince the guard to ‘help’ me. “Very well sir, but we need to hurry. Your appointment is in a couple of minutes.” I start to lead us back towards the stairs watching for anymore guards who decided to show up. “Here you take the left, I’ll take the right,” I told the guard. I watch as he moves forward to look for my ‘coin pouch’. I look around for any extra guards patrols. Satisfied that none were watching, I move my right hand to the back of my left side grabbing my knife. I slowly walk toward my prey as he is distracted. I raise my knife to a striking position, and plunge. I grab his mouth to shut out any screams or cries for help as I drag my knife across his throat. While cutting my thoughts drifted to the mare with the scar. I shake it off and finish. During his final moments of life I drag him to a maid closet a little ways away from the kill site. I throw him into the closet while I look around one more time. I walk in closing the door behind me. I come out of the closet in a full guard’s uniform (I even managed to clear out the blood stains). I head back towards the stairs to try and reach the top floor. After about ten minutes of climbing I hear voices coming down the stairs. “Really Shining I have no problem with your sister. She’s the one that came on to me.” I look around for a hiding place. I spot a nice one, but it was already too late. I snap to attention hoping to appear like a normal soldier. “Sir!” I salute the captain of the royal guard, but I don’t know who the other man was. “At ease private.” I took my leave as I started to climb faster and faster. Shining P.O.V “Hey Flash.” I call to my subordinate. “Yes sir?” I recall the guard we meet on the way down, but I can’t shake this feeling. “Do you remember that guard we passed awhile ago?” I look forward to the throne room doors. “Yes sir why?” We stop just outside of the doors to continue. “Did he seem weird to you?” I look to the other guards posted outside finding nothing wrong. “No sir, but he did seem a little jumpy to me.” I sigh. “I don’t know who he is, but I’ll ask the Princesses.” I turn back to the doors and push. Raven’s P.O.V  10 minutes later I reach the final step of the stairs coughing. I now see why they use magic for everything. I try to righten my breath enough to walk to a chair. I sit in the chair for a little while trying to not pass out. I stand up determined to walk to my goal. I turn down the hallway to see a big set of doors with a sun emblem on them. Must be Princess Celestia’s room. I walk forward to stop at a door just a little ways down from the sun doors. This door didn't look all that special compared to the others, but when you find out the technology hidden behind this door you would cry. I grab the knob only for it to shock me. I grumble as I reach my hand up to do it again. I grab the knob again to be shocked once more, but this shock was a lot less painful. I wait there holding on to the door knob looking like an idiot waiting till it stops. After the shocks stop I open the door. Inside was a research table lined with my gear. The hidden blade, sniper rifle, and my phone were taken apart piece by piece. I hurry over the the blade so I could fix it and the others. After what feels like forever I manage to put my hidden blade and sniper rifle back together. My phone though is a different story. I throw all of my phones parts into my suitcase and headed for the door. Once through the door my attention is drawn once again to the golden doors. I look to the guards outside of the doors to see what rank they were. I then check my own rank. This is totally uncalled for, but I want to mess with Celestia. I grin under my helmet as I start to walk to the doors. I call to the guard on the right of the doors. “I am here to take you post. You’re relieved.” I look to see if he bought it. The guard breathes a happy sigh and starts to leave when the other guard stops him. “On whose orders are you here?” He’s not as dumb as he looks. “I am here under the captain’s orders.” I hold my breath as the guard tries to see if I’m telling the truth or not. The other guard starts to grow nervous beside him, shuffling from one foot to the other. After what feels like a lifetime the guard lets up. “Ok then. Your orders are to stand there until relieved. Is that understood?” I mentally sigh as I walk over to my post. I wait a minute or two for the other guard to walk out of hearing range. I then raise my right arm pointing at the guard as I ready the poison dart. “What are you doing?” I chuckle out loud as I fire the dart straight into his throat. I watch as the guard tried to tear out the dart only to start foaming at the mouth and fall to the floor. I peek inside Celestia’s chambers to see if sunbutt was in her room. Satisfied I lift the body of the guard of the floor and onto my shoulder. I lay him on the floor as I grab a chair and position it to face the door. I look around for a piece of paper and a pen. I find some on Celestia’s desk right next to some shipping records. I reach for the paper and pen but my attention was drawn back to the shipping papers. I set the paper and pen aside as I shuffle through the documents. I come across mostly boring shipments, but one caught my attention. I put all of the other papers aside while I scan the paper in my hand. While reading over I came across weapon shipments from Equestria to a place named Draconika. In the shipments where lists of different types of magic enhancements in huge amounts. While checking the papers I hear a door close outside. I fold the shipment paper and place it in my bag with my rifle. I grab the paper and pen that I sat aside earlier. I write a quick note, and then pinned it on too the guard in the chair. I walk past the chair catching one last glance at the note. I grin as I walk to the balcony doors. I open the doors to reveal a less satisfying sight. In front of me was the city of Canterlot with its snoob nobles. I grab the rail as I jump of the balcony. Dear Celestia,         You need some better guards, and you might want to check the maid closet under the stairs on the first floor. Maybe this will teach you a lesson not to steal my stuff and then lock it in your castle. I hope you have a wonderful day.                                                         Sincerely Raven                                                         > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Maybe I should find another doctor; one who realizes the importance of my scars.”         I laugh as I overhear the couple behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see the couple glaring at me. I wave a friendly greeting as I turn around. I started to read the newspaper from which I had come across as I switching trains.  I was walking to the train that would take me to Stalliongrad when I heard some mumbling over by the ticket booth. With my train scheduled to leave in a few minutes I decided to check it out. It turns out that the crowd was talking over the newspaper. I shove my way through the crowd trying to see what the commotion was about. As I laid my eyes upon the paper I chuckled. The paper looked as if the pony just set it, but it read. “Is Canterlot safe?! Are the Princesses safe?! It has been reported that an unknown suspect infiltrated the Canterlot Castle. While killing only 2 guards we have yet to determine what their purpose was. A maid claims that while cleaning the top floor she happened across an open door. Later found out that the door was a research lab in which contained alien technology found on the fugitive dubbed ‘Blank’. We have reason to believe that ‘Blank’ was behind the break in, but we are not certain. It was also reported by the royal guards that the body of one of the deceased guards was found within Princess Celestia’s chambers. On the guards body was a note clearly written for the Princess, so begs the questions. “Is Canterlot safe?! Are the Princesses safe?! My thoughts were cut of when the whistle was blown, signaling the arrival to the next station. I stand up grabbing my duffle bag and scarf. I throw my scarf over my shoulder as I walk out of my cabin. I wait in front of the doors as we approach the platform. I glance over my shoulder to check for anything unusual, and I was meet with only the couple from earlier. The man was holding his, what I’m guessing is his girlfriend. The mare in question was also holding on to the taller man, yet something felt off. I turn back towards the doors continuing to wait. Soon the platform comes into view, but something catches my eye. I focus on the window’s glare to see a knife behind me. I stand perfectly still as I watch the blade rise. I pay no heed as I continue to look forward. I close my eyes as I expand my other senses. I could smell the lemon soap the woman used this morning, but I could not smell anything from the man. “Put your hands in the air and turn around slowly,” said the mare. I open my eyes as I turn around to see the face of the mare. I am meet with only the mare with the man nowhere to be seen. I focus on the mare as I try to expand my senses again trying to find the man. “Where is the man that was with you?” I stop looking for the man to instead focus on the mare. Her coat was brilliant shade of azure with a star speckled cape on her back. Ok, what is with this world? Even a month here and I’m still getting used to it. Now this world decided to punch me in the face. I standing here getting mugged by a mare, with a fuck star cape!! “ Have you never heard of a mirage. Now, The Great and Powerful Trixie demands your money!” Now she just pissing me off. “If you’re so great and powerful then why are you mugging me?” I see her resolve start to crack as I see the knife tremble. I decided to add fear into the mix. I move my right hand just a few inches away from her face so what I’m about to do will just scare her. “The Great and Powerful Trixie demands that-” I tense my hand letting the hidden blade spring forth. Her look changed from confused to fear in record time. “You really are desperate to try and rob me. Do you even know who I am?” I only watch as Trixie shakes her head. “I am the black assassin from which you’ll never see, I am the shadow that infiltrated your Princesses’ castle. Above all, I am your worst fucking nightmare!” I smirk as I watch her visibly tremble with wide eyes. I look behind me to see the platform approaching even closer. I turn to look at Trixie to give her one final message. “You can tell the guards about me, but I warn you. When I regain my foothold everybody will fear the name ‘RAVEN’.” I turn around as the doors open. I feel the cold northern air brush past me, filling the cart with a chill. I step forward moving my way through the crowd as if I was water. About half way I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Excuse me sir, but you have to come with me.” I turn around giving the guard a smile. “Could you tell me why sir? I need to hurry back to my family.” I watch as the guard waves to another guard over to us. “I wanted to talk to you about the train you just got off of. As you were leaving the train I saw that the mare behind you looked terrified, so I wanted to ask if you are the reason.” This is going to be fun. I mentally sigh. “No sir that was not me. I believe that she and her coltfriend were sitting together, and I overheard some disturbing things. It sounded to me that the coltfriend was mad at the mare, but before the argument turned to blows the whistle blew. I grabbed my things and waited by the door, but I think that the stallion threatened her before the train stopped.” I watch the guards waiting to see if they bought my fake story. I wait there with the guards stern glares as they try to peer into my soul and find the truth. After what feels like an hour the guards let up, but they still glare at me as one of the guards spoke. “I am sorry for wasting your time sir. We’ll be on our way.” I wave to the guards as they left. As soon as they were out of eyesight I rush towards the exit trying to find my way back into the city. After a couple of hours wandering the city trying to shake anybody who was following me off. I soon find myself in front of a brothel in the lower parts of town. I walk in welcomed by the smells of jasmine and sex. I smile as I walk up to the front desk welcomed by the smiling face of Night Love. Night was an Earth pony with a cream colored coat and a black mane with a hot pink stripe going down the middle. Her eyes were beautiful crimson. “Hey Night, did you see the paper,” I ask as I walk up to hug her. “Yeah, I can’t believe you actually did it. I haven’t seen you in little under a month and I find out that you invaded the castle. You made mom so proud.” I smile grew into a grin from that little slip of information. I pull away from the hug to see the boss lady walking down the stairs with a man. Even though I showed up here only a few weeks ago I still call her ‘Boss’ even though her name is Primal Love, but everyone calls her Mom. Anyway you looked at her she was the definition of beautiful. Her long flowing hair was a alluring shade of black. Her coat was the same color as her daughter Night’s, but her’s has a more silken texture. She is the owner of the brothel which was named from her first lover, which was Night’s dad, ‘Slutty Tricks’. “Oh you’re back already Raven? I saw what you did in the papers and I have to say, I’m impressed.” I grin as I walk up to hug her. “Didn’t I tell you that my order trained me well. I also hate to cut this short but I’m tired and want to go to bed.” I pull back from the hug as I start to climb the stairs heading for the 3rd floor, but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I look back to see that the hand belonged to the Boss. “I just wanted to tell you that a mare came through earlier with a note from you.” She puts on a slutty look. “Did you bring home a girl?! Why aren’t you the charmer.” I nudge her hand off while I roll my eyes. I continue up the stairs hearing screams of pleasure at every floor. I shut out the moans as I walk down a hallway on the 3rd floor heading for the last door on the right. I knock three times waiting for my A.I to answer. As soon as my knuckle lifts from the door on the third knock a little flash comes from the peep hole. I hear a woman’s voices come from the hole. “Password?” I smirk at the door knowing Ady could see me. I brought Ady with me when I first came here, but back on Earth before the portal I shut her off. I knew that if I had her on that someone who was looking hard enough could detect Ady’s output. “Really Ady? I’m too tired to deal with you. *********” I hear the lock disengage from the inside. “Welcome back Raven. How was your visit to Canterlot?” I hear a playfully voice call behind me. I look back as the door shuts to see a glowing woman looking back at me. I sigh as I walk down the hall way leading to a set of stairs. As I walk up the stairs Ady starts to ask more and more questions. After reaching the door to my room steam was rising from my ears. “Ady! I appreciate your curiosity but I have a guest, so please set the oven for a pizza. Please tell me when dinner is ready.” Without looking back I could feel Ady bore holes through my skull, but I pay no heed. I walk down my hallway towards the living room passing the bathroom and then the kitchen. Before I enter the living room I walk into my room setting my bag down on my bed while I take my cloak off. I look up to see my half naked body in the mirror. I set my cloak down as I looked back to the mirror to see my scar ridden form. I look to my face to see my short black hair frame my sea green eyes. I look farther down to see the scars that cover more than 95% of my face. The only smooth parts of my face where the bags under my eyes and the front of my chin. I look farther down my neck to my chest to see nothing but scars and reminders. My eyes start to water as my gaze glides over my toned upper body. I see scars years old but still pulse with the pain of my past. I tear my gaze away from my body heading towards my closet, but a thump catches my attention. I whip my head to the doorway to find the mare on her knees with tears in her eyes as she stares at me with wide eyes. I launch to the side landing in the bathroom. I roll around slamming the door as I yell to the mare. “Go back to the living room!” I wait for the mare to leave as I try to calm my nerves. After a while I peek out of my bathroom to look out to my room. Satisfied that the mare went back I out of the bathroom while I close my bedroom door. I turn around heading towards the closet and begin to search for a long sleeve shirt with a hood. Not long after I come across a shirt that looks just like my black and white shirt, but this one was red and white instead. I slip the shirt on as I start to walk out of my room. I make my way towards the living room when Ady stops me. “Hey Ravvy I heard someone yelling. Is everything alright?” I ignore her and continue to walk ahead. Soon I reach the living room to find the mare sitting on the couch thinking that the ground was very interesting. I walk past her heading to the recliner in the corner. I slowly sit while I watch her looking for anything unusual. I watch her for what feels like forever before I clear my throat. She looks up to me with a tear stained face and bloodshot eyes. I look to my watch checking how much time I have before dinner. I look back up ready to talk to her. “I am glad that you decided to come.” She nods. “I am also sorry for what you had to do before you got here. I would like you to write down your name for me.” I reach down to the coffee table pushing a pencil and notepad towards the mare. I watch as she takes the pencil and writes down her name. She lifts up the notepad showing me what she wrote. Nyx “That is a very beautiful name. Now tell me what your real name is.” Her expression turns to shock. I keep a neutral look as I respond. “I’m not as stupid as you think. Now I will ask again. What is your name?” I put a stern tone into the last few words. I wait as she hesitantly reaches for the pencil. I watch as she starts to write again, but longer this time. I reach for the pad as she raises it. Nightmare Moon, but please call me Nyx. I look to the mare to see her start to sweat as I glare at her. “Thank you for being honest.” Apparently my remark surprised her as she went wide eyed and nodded. “Since you answered one of my questions, I’ll let you ask one yourself.” I hand her the notepad. What is your name? I smile as I begin to stand. I moved my way to in front of her to sit down on my knees by the coffee table. “My name is Chris, but I would like it if you called me Raven,” I reply warmly. She smiles and starts to write again. What’s your next question? “How did you get that scar?” I watch as her expression drops. I could feel my heart string being tugged. I wait as she writes down her memory of the scar. I glance at my watch to see that dinner will be ready soon. I looked back up to see Nyx set the pencil down, and was crying. When I was ripped out of my last body I was tossed into Canterlot ally. When I awoke I found myself surrounded by three men. I tried to run, but I was beaten down by one of the men. I begged them to stop but they wouldn’t listen. I started to fight back when one of the men finally lost his nerve and brought out a knife. He told me to keep quiet or else. I didn’t listen. He brought the knife to my throat and dragged it across, cutting through the skin. After that they had their way with my dying body. The only reason I’m alive right now is that I was pumping magic into the wound as they raped me. After they left I awoke a day later with this scar and finding out that I can no longer talk. I look back up to Nyx to see her crying into her hands. I stand up and make my way around the coffee table as I climb on to the couch. I reach my arms around her as I pull her into a hug. To my surprise she rammed her head into my chest as she silently cries. I pull her closer and start to rock back and forth trying to calm her. I rest my chin on her head as we rock. Soon her trembles turn into shakes, and then into slow breathes. I look down to see her asleep still holding me in a bear hug. I try to pull away but she seems to pull even harder. I give up and decide to just go with it, so I lay down with her on top of me laying her head on my chest. I soon feel my eyelids start to feel heavy, so I let sleep’s embrace take me. “Dinners ready Ravvy….. Ravvy?”                                 > Chapter 5 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I awoke when I began to feel something start to shift on me. I open my eyes to see the most beautiful sight in the world. Nyx was asleep with her head resting on my chest with her mouth open slightly. While she laid there I could see the morning sun’s light catch her form, and turning it into a masterpiece. I could feel my heart rate pick up as I watch Nyx sleep, but all good things have to come to an end. “Ravvy you have a visitor.” I look to my right to see Ady there with the biggest smile while she watched us. “Tell them to give me a moment.” Ady nods as she blinks away. I look back to Nyx to see her still sleeping, so without waking her I pick her up and carry her towards my room. I open my door to see my room was still in disarray with some maps and other trash on the floor. I sigh as I try to navigate my way through the minefield. As I make it to my bed I see that my bag is still there, so I pick it up and toss it out of the way. I lay Nyx gently down on my bed while I pull the covers up. I was about to turn around but a can caught my foot, and I fell to meet the ground. Acting purely on instinct I rush my hand forward onto a clean spot. I stop my momentum with my hand as I look back up to Nyx to see her still sleeping. Wow, it must take a lot to wake her up. I slowly lower myself to a clean...er spot out of the way of the minefield. I make my way to the door but look back to see Nyx on my bed happily asleep. From where I stood it look as if the was a diamond in a room of gravel. She just looked so beautiful while she slept, yet the trash was horrible. I start to clean as much as I could without make a sound so I could meet the person at my door. After a little cleaning my room look less like a minefield and more like a teenager’s room. Satisfied with my work I made my way towards the door wondering who it was. As I make it to the door I look out the peep hole to see a shady looking man with a trench coat and sunglasses. I mentally laugh at the man for being so obvious about what he was doing, but I needed to get serious. I press a button on the side of my door to allow me to talk with the man without opening the way in. “Can I help you?” I watch as the man jumps out of his skin as he watches the door. He soon rightens himself as he approached the door. “Yes, is this the place I can find Mr. Raven.” I watch as he nervously shifts from foot to foot. I close my eyes to slits becoming suspicious of the man. “Depends on who’s asking.” I watch as the man reaches inside of his jacket to withdraw an envelope. “I heard that a new assassin has made himself known. I would like to acquire your services.” I slowly pull back from the peep hole to unlock the door. I open the door to see the man flinch as he looks at me. Luckily I'm still in my clothes from last night. “Come in.” I move aside waiting for the man to enter. He takes a shaky step forward to then hurry inside as if he was afraid of me. Oh wait, he is. I grin as I shut the door. I turn around and start to walk towards the living room when a voice stops me. “Ravvy who is it.” I whip my head the the A.I giving her a glare. “Ady, I need you to shut down for a little bit. This is a business meeting.” I turn and head to the living room, not catching Ady sticking her tongue at me. I make my way into the living room watching as the man darts his eyes around looking at everything but me. “So.” The man jumps at the sound of my voice. “What is the job that you want me to do?” I watch as the man grabs the envelope and hands it to me. I slowly reach out taking it from his hand as he clears his throat. “In the envelope you will find all of the mission’s information, and if you have any questions ask me now.” When he first started to speak his voice was shaky, but as he continued to talk his voice became more stern. I open the envelope and pull the papers out. Scanning them I come across times and places, for what I guess is the target. On the last sheet was a piece of paper with a picture clipped to it. The paper listed the criteria of how to kill the target. I then look to the picture to see a young woman with a purple coat and a darker purple mane with a light pink stripe going through it. Under the picture was the targets name, ‘Twilight Sparkle’. “So you want me to kill a princess? And not only that. You want me to sneak into her castle and plant false information to frame her of being a traitor.” I watch as the man begins to sweat. I remember back to when I first got here, I remember hearing a story about Nyx and some things call the Elements of Harmony. I grin knowing that this was a chance for revenge for Nyx. “How much are you offering?” I wait as the man take out a old version of a cell phone and dials a number. After a short conversation between him and the person on the other end he hangs up. “My boss says that he will give you 13 million bits and protection from anybody who would try to harm you.” I think it over in my head trying to find any loopholes in the job. 13 million bits is a lot, but where would I put it. I’ll worry about it later. The target is a princess and a young one at that, so not much experience with assassinations. The protection will come in handy later when I become more well known. I’ll take this job, but I need to know some things first. “Ok, I’ll take the job.” I watch as the man relaxes in the seat. “I need to ask some things though.” The man seemed to understand as he nods. “First, how long will the protection last? Second, I need some materials for a project of mine. Last, can you but all of the money in my bank account?” I wait for the man finish his response. “To answer your first question, you will have our protection as long as you're alive and continue to do jobs for us. For the materials, yes we can acquire any that you need. As for your last question, we will transfer all of the money straight into your account. Anything else?” I shake my head as I stand up and wave the man over. I walk towards my door opening it for the man. I watch as he walks out of my door looking back at me. “My boss expects her to be dead by the end of thee month.” I give him a nod as I slowly close my door. I turn around walking towards my room while I callout for Ady. “Hey Ady you can come out now.” I hear a buzzing sound come from behind me. Without looking I continue walking. “What’s the job this time Ravvy? Can I come this time?!” I glance behind me to see Ady with a hopeful expression. “It all depends on when and where I can get a good shot on her. If we are in a good spot I’ll think about it.” I could almost hear her squeal behind me as I make it to my room. I open the door the see Nyx standing in the middle of my room undressing. My eyes are drawn to her upper chest. I face heats up as I see her taking her shirt off. She was about to work on her pants but then sees me. Her eyes go wide as she silently screams at me. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of her alluring orbs. They looked as if they were shaped by a god. They looked just the perfect size, and they also looked sort but firm with little cute pink nipples. My thoughts were cut off when I see her extend her hand while the door when sailing into my face. “Ravvy! Are you ok?” I keep my eyes glued to the ceiling even as I feel the blood flowing from my nose. I wait there laying in a small pool of blood until my door opens again to show a angry Nyx. She looks away from me as she steps over me and walks to the kitchen. I pull myself up feeling the blood start to flow again. I put my hand up to my nose as I use the wall to stand up. I make it into my room still holding my nose. I walk into the bathroom as I remove my hood. I look into the mirror to see blood covering all of the lower half of my face. I start up the sink washing all of the blood off while I grab a towel. I walk back into my room heading for the closet. I reach inside to grab my bag and throw it on my bed. I take out everything in my bag starting with my rifle. I lift up my right arm to inspect my hidden blade for cracks or rust. Satisfied I move on to my rifle looking to see if the Nano-space capsule was still working. I then moved on to inspect the rest of the rifle. After inspecting the rifle I move on to my other equipment. A hour or so later I finish inspecting my equipment and move to my closet. One of the papers said that she spend most of her time in Ponyville, so I need to wear my prototype. I move all of my clothes to reveal a chest. I open the chest to find my prototype active camouflage cloak. The cloak looked just like my regular cloak but this one has a face mask to conceal my face when I activate the cloak. I reach for the cloak and put it on as I callout to Ady again. “Ady?!” I hear the buzzing sound behind me again as I walk over to my desk. “Yes Ravvy?” I open a draw to reveal a keypad. I enter in the code as Ady looks to see what I’m doing. “You’re going with this time. I need you to maintain your primary connection in the brothel while you’re with me. Before I unplug you I need you to tell Boss that I need more food up here for Nyx.” I wait for a couple of minutes until Ady appears again with what looks like a copy of my rifle. “I’m ready to kick some ass boss.” I nod to her as I unplug her from the main hard drive, and then plug her into an access port in left gauntlet. I watch as Ady appears again but in a smaller form, and the good thing is that she can’t move away from me in this form. I pack all of my stuff back into the bag except my rifle. I press a black button on the bottom of the rifle. I watch as my rifle begins to compress itself as if a black hole was inside the middle of it. Soon my rifle collapsed into a small little cube big enough for me to slip it down my pant’s pocket. After I pack all of my equipment I head towards the kitchen, and what I see stops my heart (again). Nyx was in a little pink apron cooking, and from the smell I can guess stir fry. I walk up behind her and take a big inhale trying to take in that delicious smell. Apparently I surprised Nyx because with my little stunt caused her to tense up sending the stir fry right into my face. I scream as the boiling hot vegetables comes in contact with my face. I jump back trying to rid myself of the hellfire on my face. I finally manage to wipe all of the water from my face as I sit on my ass. I notice Nyx holding up a towel trying to offer my it. I graciously grab the towel as I smile and nod to her. “Thank you.” I wipe my face preparing for the talk I was dreading. “Listen about earlier.” I watch as Nyx’s expression turn a little sour. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for walking in on you. It’s just that I had a business meeting and forgot you were here. Oh wait, I never told you what I do for a living did I?” I only watch as she shakes her head. “I’m an assassin.” I watch as her eyes grow wide in surprise. I laugh at her action. “What? Did you think that I worked in the brothel?” Her cheeks took on a redden hue as she smiles sheepishly. I laugh even more as I watch her blush. Soon I get my laughing under control while she sits there blushing. I clear my throat as I start to calm down. “I wanted to ask if you have forgiven me?” I watch her shake her head. I sigh as I stand up and grab a sheet of paper and a pen. “What can I do to make it up to you?” She sits there for a minute before taking the pen and scribbling down her thought. I pick up the paper after she’s done to have my face grow hot. Take me out to dinner. I look back to Nyx to see her blushing like no tomorrow. I lay the piece of paper down as I head towards the door mentioning her to follow me. As we walk to the door I tell her about the job. She went wide eyed when I mention who the target was, but she stops us before we reach the door mentioning to a pen. We stand there for a couple of minutes as she writes. Soon she hands me the pad. I would like it if you didn’t kill her. I need to know you won’t kill her! “I’m sorry I can’t promise that, but I will try. If I don’t come back Boss and Night will take care of you. Ady will also be in contact with this room, so if you need me go to my desk and tap four times.” I turn around grabbing the handle but was stopped when I feel some arms wrap around me. I turn around to feel a pair of lips press into mine. It caught me by surprise so much that I fell on my ass with her still kissing me. I sit there for what feels like forever as I hold her close to me. I pull back regrettably but I need air. I look down to see a red face Nyx panting while she still hugged me. I watch as she grabs the pad and begins to write feverishly. You will come back to me, or I swear to Tartarus that I will hunt you down and kill you again. I pull her even close as I run my hand through her mane. “I promise that I’ll come back.” I stand up with her still hugging me. I pull her away just far enough to look into her eyes. “Don’t worry. I have something to come back to now.” I lean down to kiss her again, but I was stopped by Ady. “I’m sorry to interrupt but we need to go Ravvy.” I look down to see Ady tapping her foot on my arm. I sigh as I give Nyx one last peek on the lips. I pull away from her and turn around from her heading out of the door. I wave to her as I walk down the stairs. I soon as I turn the corner I drop my hand and walk faster. I make it to the door and open it to see Night on the other side. “Hey Night I need to ask a favor.” Her surprised look softened when I call her name. “S-sure Raven. What do you need?” I point behind me mentioning towards my room. “I’ve got a assassination and I need someone to keep Nyx some company while I go kill some people.” Night nods as she slips past me heading towards my room. I continue towards the front door when I was stop by Boss. “Raven you just got back. Where are you going now?” I glance over my shoulder to see the boss lady walking down the stairs. “I’ve got to kill some people, so I’ll be back by the end of the month if not sooner.” I turn around heading for the train station. I buy my ticket from the man in the booth as I make my way to the train. I walk up to the platform just as the train pulls up. I look around feeling the cool Stalliongrad air before I step onto the train heading for Ponyville. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Ring*         “Hi welcome to Sugarcube Corner.” I was meet with a pink bullet stopping just shy of my face. Too close! Too close!! I try to push the pink demen way as her mouth seemed to fly off of her. “Ohmygosh!youranewpony!IknowyoranewponybecauseIknoweveryponyinponyville-” A orange hand finds its way onto the pink demen mouth saving everybody the torture. “Ah might sorry for that.” I nod to her as I walk past them and head for the counter. I wave to the man at the other end of the counter. I sit down as the man walks up to me. “What can I do for you sir?” I nod to the man grabbing a menu. “I was wondering if you could point me to nearest bar. I’ve been looking for a while, but I can’t find one anywhere.” I watch as the man strokes his chin in thought. “I think there is one across the street actually.” I look behind me to see a little sign on the other side of the the ‘Live Wire’. I face palm as I hear the man laugh. I rub the back of my head as I thank him and head back outside. As I open the door I look to my left down the street to see the target walking towards the store I’m currently walking out of. Ignore her as I walk across the street heading towards the bar. I glance behind me watching the target enter the building. I turn back around entering the bar. Twilight’s P.O.V “Hello Mr. Cake,” I say as I walk into Sugercube Corner. I see Mr. Cake turn his head and smile. “Hello Princess. How may I help you.” I smile back at Mr. Cake as I walk up to the counter. “I was wondering if I could have a blueberry muffin to go please?” I reach for my coin purse, but I was stopped by Pinkie. “Hey Twilight guess who I saw! I saw a pony with no tail! He was also wearing strange clothes.” I look to Applejack for some help trying to pick out what Pinkie said. “Ah think she was talken ‘bout a feller that just past through here. He had no tail and was wearing strange clothes. He had ah hood up to make him look all spooky like. He also looked like he had some type of armor on his arms.” My eyes widen as I remember the man who Rainbow told me attacked the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Do any of you know where he is?!” I hear Mr. Cake clear his throat behind me. I look back to see him pointing to the bar across the street. “He just came in asking for directions to the nearest bar.” I rush to the door hearing Applejack and Pinkie ask me what was wrong. I ignore them as I run across the street into the bar. As I ram into the the door I watch as everybody in the bar looks at me. I blush as I walk towards the bar counter. The bartender starts to sweat as I approach. “C-c-can I h-help you p-princess?” The bartender’s eyes dart to everywhere but me. I put on a stern expression that Celestia has been teaching me. “I need to know if a pony has come in here wearing a black and red hood. As well as armor on his arms. Have you seen him?” I glare at the bartender waiting for him to break. As I wait I see him keep darting to the bathroom. I realize what he’s trying to tell me. I nod as I head towards the bathroom. “I would like it if everypony left please.” It was more of a command than a suggestion. I look to the bathroom as I hear everypony leave the bar. After the bartender left I walk to the bathroom opening the door. Raven’s P.O.V I open the door to the bar watching as some people looks back at me. I know this song and dance. If I just do what I came here to do then I can finish this job. I walk to the counter waiting or the bartender to serve me. As the bartender walks up to me I look back to the door making sure I had time. “What can I do you for?” I look back to the middle aged man to see him holding up a glass for me. I shake my head at the drink. “I’m here for information.” I look around making sure no one was listening in. “I want do know where the tallest building in Ponyville is.” I watch the door over my shoulder waiting on the bartender. “Well, I guess I would say the clocktower. It’s just down the road to the right if you turn right at the door.” I nod to him walking away heading to the bathroom. I open one of the stalls as I tap my left gauntlet twice watching Ady start up. “How is the bug working?” Ady’s eyes glaze over for a second before responding. “It’s working perfectly, but it appears the targets on her way over here.” Just as she said, I could feel a change in the air as if it was being sucked back towards the bar room. Damn I thought I would have more time.  “Ady activate the cloak. It’s time to see if it works.” I close the toilet and sit down as I hear a shuffling in the next room. She must have made everyone leave. I grin as the cloak starts to take effect. I watch as my world turns black as the face mask makes its way into position. It only lasted a second then I was meet with a white light. As it fades I could make out a hud in my view. Sweet! It’s just like playing those games back home.  My child like glee was cut short when I hear the bathroom door open. I hold my breath as the target inspects every stall stopping at mine. Well, I hope this thing works. I watch as the door turns a purple hue and swings inwards. I wait as the target looks directly into my eyes, but then turns and stands there looking at me until I unintentionally twitch my foot. The twitch sends the target to snap her attention to my foot. I ready my wristbow but remember what Nyx asked, so I stand ready. I wait as her attention seems to drift away, and soon enough she turns back and heads out. I let out the breath I’ve been holding and deactivate the cloak as I make my way towards the window heading to the clocktower. Twilight’s P.O.V         I was sure I saw something in that last stall but when I checked for magic there was none. I bite my thumb in thought as I make my way outside heading towards the barkeeper.         “Excuse me, but did the pony I’m looking for talk to you.?” The barkeeper turns around surprised for some reason.         “Um, yes princess. He asked me where the tallest place in Ponyville, and I told him the clocktower.” I nod to the barkeeper as I begin to head back to the library. As I walk through town I keep my eyes open for anypony who looked suspicious. I soon make it back to the library calling out for Shining Armor.         “BBBFF?” I hear a sound come from the 2nd floor as well as a door opening. I watch as Shining makes his way down stairs in nothing but his P.Js.         “Ugghhh, Twilight why did you wake me up so early?” I stare blankly back at him. “Shining, it’s almost noon.” I watch as his eyes fly open as he ran for the stairs, but he was stopped when he noticed I haven’t moved. “Is something wrong Twilly?” I nod and wave him back as I take a seat. “You remember that pony we found a month ago with the strange features?” He nods. “Well it appears that he is in Ponyville looking for a high position for some reason.” I watch as my brother’s face goes from thoughtful to fear. “Twilight, I’ve been hearing rumors that a noble has paid somebody to assassinate you, but I do not know who. With this stranger here and asking for a high vantage point leads me to believe that he is the assassin.” Wow, I had not thought of that. “I heard that he was heading to the clock tower. Maybe we could send some guards to capture him since he doesn’t know he’s been had,” I say as I pull out a map of Ponyville. I point to the clocktower showing Shining. He nods his head as if he was the assassin. “Yes, that clocktower has almost a 360 degrees view of Ponyville. If I was an assassin then I would definitely pick there.” I nod while Shining heads up stairs to do something. I begin to stand up when there is a knock at the door. I go to answer it when Shining comes down the stairs in his uniform. “Man that was quick. Did you use magic to put that on?” I watch as Shining opens the door to show a dozen guards ready for combat. Shining then steps through making all of the guards form a semi-straight line. “Alright men listen up! I believe there is an assassination order on Princess Twilight. After some investigating we have determined where he is going to be. He will be in the clocktower in east Ponyville setting up his equipment, so we’re going to surprise him. I want Kicker to take the pegasi up to the top while Shatter leads the earth ponies and mages. After we secure him take him to the jail while I contact Princess Celestia. Alright men let go catch us an assassin!” The men roar as they march down the street towards the clocktower. I follow close behind as we make our way through the town. I look around to see people look at us confused. Soon we make it to the cafe across the road from the clocktower. Shining cast a spell letting him look to the top. “He’s there. I see something in the window pointing towards Princess Twilight’s castle. Alright, pegasi you fly up on my signal, the rest of you lets go.” I watch my brother and his team move up on the building. He signals to the pegasi to go up. After they get into position Shining signals to the rest. Lt. Shatter lives up to his name as he crushes the door and storms in. As the the last men goes in I look up to see the pegasi hang on the window waiting for their moment. I wait there watching the pegasi as they wait as well. *BOOM* I watch in horror as a giant fireball rises from the window taking the pegasi with it. I fall to my knees as I watch the top of the tower burn. He knew! He knew I would find out and planted a trap for us. No, the trap was meant for me, but other ponies had to pay my price. Wait…. Oh Celestia, Shining!!! I rush towards the burning  building indenting to find my brother. I watch with sick satisfaction as the guards storm the clocktower. I pull up my newspaper watching the target as she waits for my head. The funny things is, is that she doesn’t realize that I’m four tables to the right of her. I count down in my head waiting for those C4 charges that I set to go off. I also heard what the man from earlier said about me being in there. Yeah, what he saw was a hologram by Ady of my rifle. Five…...four……three…….two….. I look up from the newspaper at the last second to see the targets expression. One. *BOOM*         I watch as the target’s face widens in fear as she slowly falls to her knees. I calmly put the newspaper and a few bits on the table as I walk away, for I already killed the target mentally. Now all that was left was to kill her physically. I grin as I walk towards a hotel a bit of a ways down from the clocktower but close enough to my second option, a small hill on the outskirts of town. The view point was perfect for the castle, and with a few hill on sides of me it will be harder to determine my position. I open the door to see the hotel manager smile at me when I enter. I give a wave as I walk down the hallway towards my room. As I open up my room’s door I hear the front door kicked in. “THE CLOCKTOWER IS ON FIRE!!” I hear somebody yell from the front, but I ignore them and close the door. I sit down as I activate the nano-space capsule letting my rifle grow in my hands. I check it over one last time before I set up on the hill. There was a slight problem with the targeting system but I got Ady to fix it. Speaking of Ady, I tap my left gauntlet twice waking up Ady. “So what did you think of today’s performance Ady?” I watch as the A.I stretches and yawns. “Well, setting up those traps was kinda hard, but nothing I can’t handle. Other than the whole tower exploding thing them today was a good day.” I nod to her as I stand back up activating the nano-rifle. I open the door to see no one in the hallway or the lobby. I open the front door and head towards the hill when a buzzing comes from my pocket. I reach in and take out my new/old phone. The phone looked like it was from the 90’s, but hey a phone is better than no phone. I open the phone to hear a yelling man on the other side. “What the hell do you think you’re doing blowing up the clocktower!! I hear Celestia’s student was near the explosion. Is she dead?” I sigh as now I have to explain my plan to an idiot. “No, that bomb wasn’t meant for her. That bomb was meant to scare her and take care of any extra  protection, so no she’s not dead.” I hear the man scream on the other end, so I just hang up. I sigh as I walk towards the hill. On the way I see the target running down the street with a azure haired man hanging in mid-air behind her. I turn back deciding to run instead. I make it to the hill side just before sunset. I start to set up when for some reason Nyx comes to mind. I remember the kiss we shared and felt as if I was taking advantage of her. I mean she just got raped not to long ago and I offered her a new life, but I think this is going way too fast for me. I’ll break it to her when I get back, but I need to set up now. I set my rifle down getting a good shot in any of the windows on this side of the building. I am lucky enough to see into her bedroom and one of her guest rooms. Wait. That man she had with her could be important, so she will probably stay with him. I need to get her back here. I pull out my phone to try and get a hold of my employer. “Yes, who is this?” “It’s Raven. I need a favor to get the target back to the castle.” I look back through the scope to spot a wall eyed woman delivering mail. “What do you need?” I smile as a plan forms in my head. “I need you to give a wall eyed mare a note that says, This is Raven if you don’t want anymore people to die then meet me in your bedroom at noon tomorrow. I need it delivered to her tonight.” I wait as I hear the man yell to another person. “Very well, I’ll see to it right now. Is that all?” I groan as the man puts and annoyed tone in his words. “Yes that’s all, now bye.” I hang up the phone as I finish setting up. After I was done I tap my gauntlet waking up Ady again. “Ady I need you to lock the bedroom and guestroom windows as primary targets.” I watch as Ady’s eyes glaze over. Afterwards I set down the rifle I walk down and head for a tree to sleep. “Ady wake me at 0800.” I ignores her response as I fall asleep. > Job #13485 (Chapter 7) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         “Ravvy….. Ravvvy!” I open my to see Ady waving her hands in front of me. I groan as I sit up and that’s when I notice how late it is.         “Ugghh… Ady, what time is it?” I rub my eyes in an attempt to speed up the wake process. “It 01130.” I shoot up and stare at Ady as I run towards my sniper spot. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?!” I reach my spot and look through the scope to see if the target was in her room. Whew, she’s not there. I still have time. I look back to Ady grinning as I hatch the second part of my plan. “Ady, is there a phone on the target or in her room?” I look back through my scope to try and spot one, but I find nothing. “There is one on her person, but it will take some time since she’s so far away.” I nod as I watch Ady blink out of sight. I look to my watch to see the time, 01154. Almost time. I look back through my scope aiming down to street level. Not long after I see the target walk towards the castle with a tear stricken face. “Ady, how’s that phone coming along.” I continue to follow the target as she leaves my sight and enters the building. I also see 5 other women walk towards the castle. Two of them were the ones I saw yesterday, and right next to them was Skittles. I look to the other two women, but stopped when I hear Ady beep in. “I am connected to her phone, and I can also hear everything she says too.” I nod and look back through the scope and look into her room just as she enters with the other 5 women behind her. “Ady call her phone. I want to have a little fun.” I grin like a mad man as I hear the ringing of the phone. I watch as the target pulls out her phone and answers. “Hello?” I ready into firing position. “Yes, is this Twilight Sparkle.” I see her clamp her hand on the phone and looks to the other women. I guess she put me on speakerphone because they all crowded around her. “Yes. Who is this?” I grin as I look at the women. “My names Raven. Perhaps you’ve heard of me.” I watch as the targets eyes go wide. “What do you what? Where are you?” “Oh you know, around. I just wanted to ask some thing princess.” I put a child like tone into the last few words. “What is that?” I plant my finger on the trigger guard. “I was wondering if you could ask your friends to move back, and don’t even think about putting up a barrier. You remember what happened last time don’t you?” I watch as the purple hue fades from her hands, and tells the others to back up. “There, thats better. One last thing before I go. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted, and you really need to close your windows more often.” I watch as she turns toward the window and widens her eyes. Her hand starts glow a purple hue as the windows take the same hue, but I never gave her the chance to close them. Time seemed to slow down as I pull the trigger watching her chest explode. I watch the life go out in her eyes while she fell to the ground. I could hear the screams from my spot. I watch the others rush towards her as I reach under and press the button to collapse my rifle. I turn around casting one last glance back as I start to run towards the train station. I sigh as I grab my ticket for the train. I walk towards the train when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look back to see a blue fist fly my way. Shit, no time to dodge. I feel the fist connect with my lower jaw sending me to the floor. I roll with the momentum heading towards the train, but again my face had an appointment with the ground. I look back to see a lasso around my feet. I activate my hidden blade cutting through the rope as if it was paper. I continue to run when I feel a chill go down my back. I look back to see a butter yellow devil chasing me. I look back running as if the devil himself was chasing me. (A/N I think he is. Heh heh) I see the train star to move down the tracks. I glance back over my shoulder to see the five women chasing me with a passion. Who the hell are these people?! I pump my legs harder as I see the train leave. I weave my way through the last few people as if I was air, but the women were not having such luck. When I was running I swear I felt something rip, but adrenaline really numbs any pain. Soon I near the end of the platform as the women were just getting past the people. I jump aiming for a ladder but I land on the railing of the caboose. I feel something crack in my chest area but ignore it. I twist over the railing as gracefully as I could as I watch the other women reach the end. I watch as skittles takes a running start as she jumps into the air after me. She is really starting to piss me off! I flick my wrist readying my wristbow. I raise my right arm taking aim at her head, but the train hit a bump and rocked. My shot messed up as shot at skittles, but still landed a blow. She dropped like a stone in water. When she landed on the ground I saw my bolt sticking out of her wing. I smirk as the train starts to pick up speed leaving them behind. I turn back and open the door to see that I was in a storage cart. Well, it’s better than nothing. I climb to the top of a stack of boxes and slowly drift off to sleep while I ask Ady to alarm me if anything happens. Rainbow’s P.O.V I start to cry from the pain of the bolt in my wing, and from Twilight’s death. I open my eyes watching that smug bastard enter the train. I’m just lucky that trained rock or I would be dead too. I remember how he aimed the weapon at me so causally. He held his arm straight but relaxed. It felt like time had stopped when he aimed at me. When the train rocked and threw him off I thought that was my chance to get him, but I was so wrong. I look down to see my blood start to form a small pool. I slowly drift off into unconsciousness knowing Twilight’s killer was still out there. Raven’s P.O.V         “Hey Ravvy, it’s time to get up sleepy head.” I open my eyes to see, yet again, Ady’s face looking down at me. I yawn as I sit up into a more comfortable position.         “How much longer till we enter Stalliongrad?” I rub my eyes as I jump down from my position.         “From my calculations. We are still 6.2 hours away from the city.” I nod while Ady blinks away again leaving me alone. I reach into an inside pocket of my cloak drawing out my rifle/cube. I activate the cube letting it morph into my rifle. I look over my rifle multiple times just trying to pass the time. I twist my rifle to try and look at a certain spot when a roaring pain comes from my ribs. I pull up my shirt to see a purple line going across my chest. “Ady! I need you to do a-” I start to cough up a storm. I sit there coughing nonstop as Ady blinks to life. “Ravvy are you ok?” I pull back my hand to see a red tint on my gloves. My eyes widen at the sight of the blood. “I need you to scan my ribs to see if theres a puncture.” Ady’s eyes glow for a minute as she checks my ribs. “Well, one of your ribs are broken, and came very close to puncturing your lung. Other than that you’re good.” I nod as I rest my head back on the crate while I activate the rifle. This is going to be the most boring six hours of my life.  I feel the train start to slow down as I beat Ady in chess with fruit as the pieces. I sigh as I stand using the boxes to help me. I open up the door to be hit with a snow filled air in the face. My face sure likes attention. I turn to look ahead of us, but I couldn’t see a thing. “Ady, activate the face mask so I can see in this blizzard.” I hear a click as the mask slides on to my face, but instead of the normal hud I was meet with blue, red, and green colors. “Damit Ady. Why am I seeing this?” I hear another buzzing sound and watched as the colors faded into darkness. “Hold on give me a second. This is still a prototype you know.” I sigh as I stand there blinded by the stupid A.I. Soon the darkness fades away leaving golden brown hue on everything. I watch as the blizzard slowly fades from existence leaving behind a snow covered train station. I grab the railing and jump off, tucking into a ball and rolling forward on contact with the ground. After the roll my chest burst with a new fire of pain. I grab my chest as I rise and set off towards a good doctor. With my broken rib walking half a mile feels like walking 10 miles with weights. I walk up to the doctor’s door knocking three times. I wait for a little bit before I hear a lock disengage from inside. I breath a sigh of relief when the doc shows his face. The doc was a middle aged griffon with a missing wing on his left side. He used to be a soldier before he became a doctor during the last war. I think he said it was about 15 years before I came here. It was a bloody war between the ponies and griffons. The ponies had magic and numbers, but the griffons had technology and tactics. “Hey doc. I was wondering if you could patch me up.” I deactivate the face mask so he could see who I was. When the face mask was removed his face grew into a huge grin. “Ahhh there is my good drinking buddy. What did you do this time.” His voice reminded me of a russian man from home. “Broke one of my ribs.” He nod as he waves me inside. We walk through the doorway and were meet with the thick smell of vodka and herbs. I watch as he grabs a claw full of herbs and started to crush them while adding others to the mix. “You know. Those stupid mages think that magic is the answer to injuries. That is a load of shit I tell you. You need to let the bones mend themselves or they never strengthen. Sure when they use their fancy magic to speed it up, but it just makes the bones weaker.” I only nod as the old soldier gives me a lecture. I remove my cloak and shirt as he finishes the remedy. He looks back to me and cringes. “Sheesh, I can never get used to those scars of yours. I remember when a man came to me back in old time. He had a broken leg from jumping off a building. I remember laughing in his face as I put the bone back into place. Ahh those were good days.” I wave my hand in front of his eyes to try and catch his attention. His eyes come back into focus on me as he looks the purple mark on my chest. I feel him poke the sensitive skin with his claw in multiple places around the mark. “Da, you’re lucky as usual. The rib is broken but no punctures. I can fix this with a homemade remedy.” I watch as he disappears into a different room to come out with a vial. “Here, you drink remedy. It will help with process.” I nod as I pull the vial from his claw. I uncork the bottle to be meet with a minty smell. I pull the vial up and start to drink. At least it taste like it smells.  “Why are you beat up? You look like you took a great slug to the jaw.” I rub the sore spot on my chin. “The person that hit me was weak, so it only left a mark. She really wasn’t that strong.” Rainbow’s P.O.V I feel a twinge go down my spine. “My ‘somebody-is-testing-my-strength’ sense is tingling.” Raven’s P.O.V “Honey I’m home!” I shout out hoping Nyx heard me. I see her walk around the corner with a glare on her features, but soften when she sees me. Oh I’m so about to hate myself.  “Nyx, can I talk to you in the living room?” She nods as she turns around and heads towards the living room. I walk in behind her while she sits on the couch. “I wanted to talk to you about the kiss before I left. Then after that I’ll tell you about the job.” Her expression turns to a confuse one. “Look I know you enjoyed the kiss, so did I. I just think that this is going to fast. I still want you here, but I think we should get to know each other before we go that far again.” I watch as her expression dropped. I could also see tears forming in her eyes. “Here, I have an idea.” She looks up to me hopefully. “I’ll take you out on that date, but we go as friends. OK?” She nods. I smile as I stand up and head towards my room, but I stop in the hallway looking back into the living room. “Hey.” I look as she watches me. “You can take my room. I’ll sleep on the couch.” She looked a little restrained, but soon got and walked into my room. I walk back into the living room and lay on the couch. “Ady, set the coffee please.” I hear a buzz come from my arm. “I’m still in your arm stupid.” I groan as I rollover trying to get comfortable. “Just wake me up then. I’m going to sleep.” I pull my hood father down as I drift off to sleep wondering about the date.                 > Chapter 8 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  I awoke to a vibration in my pocket. I sit up and casually reach inside of my left pocket to see Night calling me.                   “Hello,” I yawned.                   “Raven, get your sorry ass up now! The royal guard is here looking for you! I think somepony must have tipped them off.” I jump up and run to my room to wake Nyx. I bash the door open to see Nyx still sleeping on my bed. If the guards weren’t here I would just let her sleep. I rush over to her as Ady blinks to life on my arm.                   “What’s going on Ravvy?” I shake Nyx awake while I explain the situation to her and Ady.                   “The royal guard is searching the building for me. We need to leave now!” I pick up a random bag and throw it at Nyx while I run to the closet.                   “Go to the kitchen and pack as much as you can. I’ll pack clothes and whatever else we need,” I ordered Nyx. I turn around as she runs towards the kitchen. I start to shove whatever piece of clothing I could find on the floor as I call for Ady again.                   “What do you need Ravvy?” I continue with my ‘organized packing’ as I tell her what I need.                   “I’m going to put you in the titan prototype. It’s too dangerous to leave unprotected. I want you to stay hidden inside the titan and stay there until I call on you.” I finish packing the bag while Ady nods. I throw the bag onto the bed not caring if it spilled as I ran the wall behind the chest in my closet. I press the hidden button and wait as the door slides open to show a pole going down to the basement. I grab another bag for my gear. I can’t leave a single piece of tech for the ponies. I start to shove prototypes into the bag until I hear Ady shout at me.                   “Ravvy they’re on the third floor and moving fast.” Damn they’re fast. I grab the last piece of tech just as Nyx runs into my room straining to hold her bag. I grab her bag and place it onto the bed while Ady explains the situation to Nyx. I grab the food bag plus the tech bag as I hear footsteps below us. I rush over to pole carrying two of the bags with me while Nyx grabs the last one.                   “Nyx you go first. Just grab the pole and slide down. When you reach the bottom tap the pole twice and then back up. I’ll hold the fort here until you do.” I watch as she nods and starts to descend. I wait there for Nyx to reach the bottom, but someone had other plans. I hear the front door creak from an impact that I guess is the guards. Good thing that door has reinforced steel in it. I smirk as I knew that you need a lot of muscle or magic to break through that door. I decided not to take my chances as I grab the pole hoping Nyx is far enough.                   I close the false door when I hear a small explosion from the front, and a large thud somewhere far off. That must be the door. I start to descend when I feel a small vibration in the pole twice. I smile as I start to pick up speed knowing Nyx was out of the way. I see the floor at the bottom just as Nyx peeks her head in to see if I was coming or not, but when she saw me saw flew back. I land with a large thud, sending dust everywhere. I rush past Nyx heading towards a tall stack of boxes covered with a sheet. I reach the stack while Nyx gives me a questioning look.                   “This isn’t a stack of boxes my dear. This is technology from my world. It’s still not finished, but it is still very dangerous. Behold the XT-16 Titan.” I pull down the sheets to revel a half finished robot. The robot stands at 20 feet tall and has 6in thick titanium plating. On the top there is a little camera that allows the pilot to see when inside. Beside the Titan was a 40mm cannon that can shoot 90 rpm. Standard cannons are semi-automatic, but mine has a three round burst fire. It has a range of 20 to 56m, and one of my favorite enhancements, 40mm explosive rounds. It can also house an A.I, and guess who that is.                   I climb up to the cabin while Nyx stares wide eyed at my creation. I pull a panel off as I take Ady out of my arm.                   “Alright Ady, you ready?” I watch as a single blink comes from the chip. I’ll take that as a yes. I open the A.I port and inject Ady. I watch as some of the lights come on signaling that Ady was in and kicking.                   “Ady, I don’t want you to move unless you have to. This thing is still only half finished, so no joy riding. Last, if anybody comes to close activate the camouflage system. I want you to stay here and wait until I call you, ok?” I watch the titan give a full body nod. I nod to Ady as I climb off heading towards Nyx. I snap my fingers in front of her getting her attention.                   “Can you lift the sheet back over the titan, please?” She nods as the sheets take on a darken hue. As she finishes with the sheet a thud sounds off above us.                   “Sir, I found something!” I grab the bags as I run towards the door with Nyx hot on my heels. I open the door and wave Nyx through just as the first guard lands at the bottom.                   “You! Halt!” I flip him off as I slam the door and run after Nyx down a secret tunnel Boss showed me when I first got here. The tunnels lead to a small cave on the outskirts of the town. I look back to see the guards break down the door and start to chase us again. After about 10 minutes of running I see Nyx start to run out of breath. I glance over my shoulder to see the guards close behind. Knowing that if Nyx started to fall behind she would be caught. Well, this is going to suck.I grab Nyx’s waist and haul her onto my shoulder without losing speed.                   “This is you last warning. If you do not stop we will fire!” I look to Nyx to see her panting from the run.                   “Nyx, can you put a barrier around us until we lose them.” She nods as her horn starts to glow again. Not moments later I hear the leader give the order to fire. Without looking back I will my legs to go faster. I hear buzzing sounds around us as Nyx’s barrier deflects their magic. Soon I see light at the end of the tunnel, and I look back to check on the guards. I see the guards panting and starting to lose speed as they chase us. This is why I love my mentor for training me to almost superhuman limits. I smirk as I try to pick up speed one last time while I pull ahead of the guards. I burst from the tunnel to see a carriage ready to go with Night in the driver’s seat.                   “Come on! We don’t have much time!” I nod to her as I open up the door and practically throw Nyx into the other seat.                   “We’re ready, go!” I grab the side of the carriage as I feel the whiplash. I reach into my pocket and pull out my rifle as I open the back window. I aim my sight to the opening just as the first guard pops out. I pull the trigger as the guard readies his magic. I watch as his chest explodes and coats his fellow guards behind him. I pick of the last of the guards to see reinforcements put up a barrier around their wounded. I smirk as I charge my rifle to put more force behind the impact. As simple shot would have only 600 Newtons, but with a charged rifle it goes up to 1000 Newtons. Even though it doesn’t matter, but my bullets relies more on momentum and velocity rather than force.                   I pull the trigger as I watch my bullet shatter the shield like glass and kill three guards. I suppress the guards until we make it far enough to where they can’t follow us. I sigh as I pack up my rifle and lay down in my seat. I look to Nyx to see her asleep with her head on the door. Man, she looks so cute. I shake my head trying to get rid of the red on my cheeks.                   “Hey Night, where are we going?”                   “We’re heading to my cousins’ place in Ponyville.” My eyes widen at the mention of the town.                   “U-uh, are you sure we should be heading there? I mean I just killed a princess that lived there.” I wait for awhile for Night to respond.                   “As far as I know there is nowhere else we can go, so suck it up.” I groan as I wait for my doom.   3 days later                   “How much farther?”                   “We’re here now keep quite. There are guards everywhere.” I lock my lips up as we make our way to wherever we’re going. After awhile the carriage pulls to stop as I peek out of the window. I look around to see if anything has stopped us, but I was stopped when Night opened the door.                   “Come on quickly, so nopony will see you.” I nudge Nyx to try and wake her. She moves a little but still manages to stay asleep. I sigh as I lift all of the bags and strap them to my back. I move my arms under Nyx’s head and knees and lift her to my chest. I could only watch when Nyx snuggled up into my chest as she let out a content sigh. I shake my head as I follow Night into the building, but not before I could look at the sign. ‘Aloe & Lotus Day Time Spa’. As we enter we are greeted by female twins. The twin on the right had a pale rose coat with a cerulean mane and tail. The twin on the left looked the opposite of the other with cerulean coat and a pale rose mane.                   “Hello Night. It’s good to see you again. How is aunt Love?” Night shakes her head as walks up to the twins.                   “Aloe, Lotus it’s so good to see you!” I watch as Night wrapped her arms around the twins and give them a bear hug. I laugh as the twins’ faces turn blue and pink. Night sets them down while I calm myself down.                   “Oh, what’s this? Did Night bring home a stallion?” I watch Nights face little up like a roman candle while the twins give me a seductive look. I ignore them and look down to Nyx to see her still asleep. Wow, that run must have taken a lot out of her. Once the spa twins see what I’m looking at their look goes from lust to disappointment.                   “Well ladies, as much as I enjoy your company I want to put Nyx down on a bed.” I watch as the twins blush while they start to walk towards another room.                   “We are so sorry! We have been terrible host. Please come with us, we will show to the guest rooms.” I follow then until a scream comes from the other side of the room. Before anybody could react I feel static in the air and throw Nyx up into the air as a magic beam impales itself where my head once was. I whip around arming my wristbow when I see the one of the women that chased me down the last time I was here. Oh…..Shit….. I catch Nyx as she falls to the ground to see the purple haired woman fire up her magic again.                   “Lady Rarity, what is the meaning of this?! You will not assault a friend of our cousin and in our own shop no less.” I watch as the twins start to push the woman out, but am stopped when the woman started to speak what was on her mind.                   “You heathen I’ll kill you for what you have done. You will rue the day you killed Twilight Sparkle!” I watch as the twins look back at me in fear. I give Nyx to Night as I walk towards the group of women. I watch as the twins part ways and hide behind the furious woman who was trying to kill me with her eyes.                   “Do you want to know why I killed her?” Rarity nods as I sigh.                   “I killed her for money.” Rarity’s eyes widen with surprise and anger. I nod to her as I turn around, but I felt a tug on my hood. I turn around to see Rarity’s horn take on a dark purple color.                   “Let’s see what you look like under that hood.” My eyes widen as I feel my hood being pulled off.  After my hood falls off I see the twins empty their stomachs while Rarity look green in the face.   Rarity’s P.O.V               Dear Celestia! What kind of monster is he? His face is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. I steel myself so I don’t throw up. I hear the monster say something but I was to fixed on his face until he pulled his hood up.   Raven’s P.O.V                   “Night, I want you to go to the guest room and lock the door and don’t come out until I say so. I won’t hurt them….physically.” The twins shudder as I hear Night walk away. I pull my hood back up as I head to what I guess is the kitchen. I look over my shoulder to see the three women still there shaking like wet dogs.                   “Ladies?” All of them snap to face me with fear in their eyes.                   “Would you please join me for a glass of tea?” I wait for the women to walk to the kitchen only to see them fly by me. I smirk as I walk into the kitchen shutting the door behind me.   > Tea Time > --------------------------------------------------------------------------  “Aloe, what types of tea do you have?” The mare shook violently as she pointed across the room.                   “W-w-we h-have strawberry, l-lemon, mint, a-and k-kiwi.” I walk across the room and open the cabinet. Inside were a variety of flavor that Aloe listed. I grab the box labeled mint, but thought twice as I turn back to the mares.                   “Which flavor of tea would you three what?” Rarity speaks up for the shaking mares as I lay all of the flavors on the counter.                   “N-none for m-me, thank y-you.” Without my smile faltering I look to Rarity with a stern gaze.                   “As I asked before, what type of tea would you like?” The mare visibly flinched at the tone of my voice. After her not responding I decided to pick for her, but not for the twins. I set my stern glare on the twins as they begin to shake like leaves.                   “What would you two like?” I add a sweetened tone to my voice to try and lessen their nervousness. They relax a little, but not much.                   “I would like kiwi if you please,” said Lotus. I nod to her and look to Aloe for her answer.                   “U-um, lemon please.” I grab all of the respected flavors, lemon for Rarity, and begin to boil water.                   “Now, down to business shall we. I would like to ask you a question. Do you think that I am evil?” I see Rarity’s anger return with a vengeance.                   “YES!” I twitch my wrist in annoyance from Rarity’s outburst. I calm myself as I look into the mare’s soul.                   “How do you think that I am evil?” I watch as Rarity gains a little self control as she readjust herself in her seat, but never losing that fire in her eyes.                   “From what you told us, you are evil because you kill for money!” I sigh out loud as begin to enlighten the mares on my opinion.                   “Yes it is true I kill for money, but have you ever thought why do I do it?” I continue before she can reply.                   “The reason I kill is because of people like you. I kill to protect people like you. Sure killing a princess for a noble who just wants personal gain looks like it is bad, but it is not. The reason I say this is because even though I killed her does not mean that the noble will gain what they truly desired. It may sound weak to you, but I will fight for my opinion.”I look to see the three mares confused on what I said.  I take a deep breath before I continue.                   “Let’s look at this from a different angle. You see me as a soulless dick that kills for money. From my point of view I am trying to keep alive and help those who need it. You want to know something?  I slightly enjoy killing my targets. Do you want to know why?” I see all three mares shake their heads.                   “Well, you convinced me so I’ll tell you. The reason I slightly like killing people is because I know that if I kill them I raise my chances of live and passing on my order’s traditions. My order helped me when I needed them most and vise versa, so killing some princess for some noble is none of my concern. As long as I live to see the next day I will do anything my client ask me to do. Now I believe we are done here.” I hear the whistle from the tea pot behind me. I ignore the three mares as I make my way over to the teapot, but not before giving them a final warning.                   “Just because Night asked me too I won’t kill any of you. I want you to swear on your live that you will not tell anybody of Nyx or my location. After that Rarity can leave, but I need to talk to you two.” I watch as the mares do this weird thing were they cross their hearts and attempt to put something in their eyes. I blink at the confusing ritual before me.Ok, that’s new. I nod to Rarity as she quickly pushes her chair in and runs for the door.                   I look back to the twin just as a loud bang comes from the front. I gaze upon the twins as they begin to sweat. I decide to continue with the talk.                   “I want to start over with you two. I know that out of the short time that we have known each other you two fear me. I wish to dash these fears, for I am staying with you. I would also like to apologize for my behavior today, and hope that you will continue to let me stay here.” I bow slightly in front of the twins trying to wedge myself in their good graces. Both of the twins take on a sinister look as I raise from my bow. The both respond at the say time.                   “How well do you give a massage?”     ??????? P.O.V                   I turn away from my temporary companion as I charge a communication spell. I wait for about three seconds before my subject answers.                   “How may I be of service ma’am?” I chuckle at Commander Moonlight Fury’s dedication towards me. I clear me throat before I respond.                   “I need you to take a little bit of information to Princess Celestia.”                   “Yes ma’am! What do you need me to deliver?” From the tone of his voice I could almost see him saluting.                   “Tell her that you have required the assassin Raven’s phone number. The number is ***-***-****. I want you do deliver the number as soon as possible.” I smile as my plan starts to fall into place.                   “Yes ma’am, anything else?” I go through my black list on potential threats. I smile as another plan forms in my mind.                   “Yes, after you give Celestia the assassin’s number tell her to call him and ask for him to come to Canterlot. She will most likely lead from there.” I wait for the Commander to respond.                   “It shall be done, Fury out.” I feel the commander’s magic disconnect from mine as I lay back down smiling from my well thought out plan. I love being a queen.     The next morning                   I awoke to the sun’s light in my eyes. God dammit, I can never wake up on my own, can I?” I grumble as I make my way into the bathroom while I start to undress. I turn the water on as I grab my phone and select a song. I step into the warm current just as the guitar into starts to play. I hum to the solo as I let the water roll down my scared body. I star to sing along with song as the vocals start.   Every time that I look in the mirror All these lines on my face getting clearer The past is gone It went by like dusk to dawn Isn't that the way Everybody's got their dues in life to pay                   I start to wash my hair with some of Aloe’s shampoo. God this smells so girly. Yeah, I know nobody knows Where it comes and where it goes I know it's everybody's sin You got to lose to know how to win Half my life's in books' written pages Live and learn from fools and from sages You know it's true All the things you do, come back to you Sing with me, sing for the year Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear Sing with me, if it's just for today Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away Sing with me, sing it for the year Sing for the laughter and sing for the tear Sing with me, if it's just for today Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away Dream on, dream on, dream on, Dream until your dream come true Dream on, dream on, dream on, And dream until your dream come true Dream on [7x] Sing with me, sing it for the year Sing for the laughter and sing it for the tear Sing with me, if it's just for today Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away Sing with me, sing it for the year Sing for the laughter and sing it for the tear Sing with me, if it's just for today Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away                   I turn off the water as I finish the lyrics to the song. I reach for a towel but feel nothing except air. I turn around and poke my head out of the door to see Nyx in my room.                   “Hey Nyx, could you get me a towel please?” I watch as she jumps up like a startled cat. She turns around to see my damp face and hair. She stood there for a second before smirking and walking out of the door. That dirty little… I sigh as I open my door and rush over to the closet to see if there are any towels on the shelves. To my luck there was one on the top shelf….                   “Fuck.” I look up to see the self resting about five feet above me. They are fucking earth ponies. How the hell to twins put them up there?! I grind my teeth as I reach out and grab the shelf closest above me. I test the weight to see if I could climb up. Once I was satisfied I pulled myself up and grab the next self when I hear a ringing come from my room.Really?! Somebody has to call me right this second?! I grab the shelf with the towels as I start to ready myself to sprint once I’m on the floor. I snatch a towel just as I release the shelf. As soon as my feet brush the carpet I sprint into my room trying to wrap the towel around my waist.                   I stop in the middle of my room trying to remember where I left my phone. I run for the bathroom to see it resting right next to the sink. I grab my phone and answer as fast as I could.                   “Hello, this is Mr. Claw speaking. How may I help you?” I hear the last thing I would have guessed through the speaker.                   “Yes this is Princess Celestia. Is this the phone of Mr. Raven?” I sat there for god knows long opening and closing my mouth like a fish. I slap myself wondering how Celestia got my number. Might as well see how this plays out.                   “Yes it does, I am Mr. Raven’s assistant Epic Tale. How may I help you?” I laugh mentally but keep a stone a face.                   “I would like for your boss to come to Canterlot to discuss a job. When will he be open?” I guess it’s time for some trolling.                   “Let me see…. He is busy all of next week, something about assassinating the Griffin emperor. After that He will be assassinating a noble in the Minotaur lands, but he is free tomorrow and the day after. Should I schedule an appointment today or tomorrow?” I smile as I let Celestia play with the false information and plan what to do.                   “I would like for him to be at the castle at noon sharp.” I frown from her demand.                   “I’m sorry princess but Mr. Raven does not like when someone gives him an order. He says that he goes for walks-… very enthusiastic walks when he is angry. I will schedule for a meeting tomorrow at noon, and thank you for choosing us to be you assassins. Have a kill free day.” I hang up the phone and fall down on the ground laughing. After my chest started to burn I pick myself back up still chuckling. I look to my phone again and call Ady hoping everything is well. On the second ring she picks up.                   “Hey Ravvy, how have you been?” I give a happy sigh knowing She was safe (never let her know that I actually care for her. I have to keep up my rep).                   “Ady, how is the titan?” I keep my stone face as I cross the room and open a bag with clothes.                   “And hello to you too jackass, and I’m fine for your information.” I hear Ady give off what hears like a sigh.                   “The Titan’s fine, but the guards found it. I held them off as best as I could with what systems I could. I’m currently in a wagon on the way to Canterlot.” I feel my blood start to rise in temperature as I crush the wooden post under my fingers. I calm myself before I talk about her situation.                   “That’s unexpected, but it’s ok. I’m on my way to Canterlot for a meeting with Celestia,” I tell Ady.                   “Really?! I guess I’ll see you soon. Goodbye for now Raven.” I sigh as I hear the phone disconnect. I set the phone down as I pull on my cloak. I walk to one of the bags in the corner with all of my weapons except my hidden blade and rifle. I reach in and pull out my grapple gun for those fast escapes. I search around some more and find some smoke bombs of ancient design. After getting all of my gear in check I strap on my hidden blade and try out the wrist bow for any defects. I then pick up my rifle cube off of the nightstand. I open my door and turn around shutting it, and proceed to pin a note on it. After finishing I walk down the stairs and out the door heading towards the train station (again).                     Opening the door I’m greeted with fresh spring air. The feel of it was a strong sense of peace and calm. As I was walking down the street I spot a construction crew working on the clock tower. I smirk under my hood as I walk past the café. Stealing a glance, I look into the café to see Rarity and her friends hanging out. I see Rarity look up and spot me while I wave hello to her. Her eyes grew wide as I continue to walk down the street. Soon I come across a couple walking together down the road heading towards me. The man had an apple red coat and a hay yellow mane while the woman had a light purple coat with a light rose colored mane. I nod to them as we pass and I could hear what they were saying.                   “Have you ever seen that stallion before?”                   “Eeenope.” I ignore them and walk a little faster. I make it to the train station and buy a ticket while boarding the train in record time. I sigh while relaxing into my seat. With nothing to do for the next six hours I start to think.               Even though I have already scoped the entire city I feel like Celestia is planning something. I need to scope the city one last time before I enter the castle. I think that I will go to that donut shop that I saw when I was last here. I also need to call in some favors with Primal to see if she can get me out if things get hairy. I rest my head on the seat closing my eyes hoping sleep would take me.                     I step out of the train to see the busy streets of Canterlot. I look around for someone to see if I can ask them for directions. I soon found this middle aged woman wearing a business suit. I asked her which why to a doughnut shop. She points me down a road to the east of the castle. After a little while I come across the shop. The woman told me that the man who owns the store is named Doughnut Joe, and his shop also serves as a café. I open the door and see man’s best creation, the glazed cream filled doughnut. My mouth waters as I gaze upon the ultimate doughnut. I look up to Joe to ask him what he wants for that doughnut.                   “How much for that one?” I say as I point to the god doughnut. Joe looks down to see where I’m pointing, and I swear his face light up.                   “74 bits.” You could hear my jaw hit the floor from outside.                   “74 bits? For a doughnut?” Joe’s face goes to a hurt look.                     “This friend is now mere doughnut! This is the prime example of what any doughnut should be. I glaze it four times over and injected vanilla cream straight from Nieghtly. This is why it cost 74 bits.” I grumble as I hand him the correct amount of bits and walk out a happy man. The first bit was divine, and creamy. The flavor was explosive with the smoothness of the glaze but also with the sweetness of the vanilla. I swear I cried when I got to the last bite. It was so beautiful that I didn’t want to eat it, but I was hungry.                   After eating the god doughnut I started walking towards the castle with time to spare. As I was walking I could see the people looking at me in different ways. Some were fear and disgust, but some were of respect? I didn’t get that memo last night. Soon I make it to the front gates to be halted by the guards.                   “Do you have an appointment?” I nod and point to my name on the poster next to us. The guard nods as he guides me in leaving the other one behind. You think that they would learn from the first time. My thoughts were cut off when 30 archers popped up on the wall aiming for me as I walked. I stand corrected. I make my way inside with the guard on the way to the throne room.                   We stop in front of two huge golden doors leading to what I’m guessing is the throne room.                   “The Princess will see you now.” I nod as I make my way over to the door and open it steadying myself for the storm.     > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walk into the throne room with swords pointing at my back. Upon the throne was the sun-butt herself. I remember the first time I saw her, and frown at the memory. I walk up to the throne but do not take a knee. As I stare sun-butt in the eyes I could hear the guard behind me.                   “Show some respect and bow!” Without taking me gaze off of Celestia I respond to the guard.                   “Touch me and I will make sure Cerberus will have a new chew toy,” I reply coldly. I feel the guard back down while I smirk at the princess.                   “Is this the best you could do princess? I figured that the first time you would learn.” I watch as sun-butt’s face turns from shock to rage.                   “Guards! Leave us!” I look around to see the entire guard file out of the doors but not before shooting me dirty glares. I smile and wave to them as we left, going as far as flipping them off. As soon as the throne room doors were closed I could feel static all around my body. I turn to look at the sun-butt and see her horn lit up while she glares daggers at me.                   “That’s not going to work. Do you not remember? I’m immune to magic, so you can’t harm me that way.” Her horn slowly starts to die down as she stands up and starts to walk towards me. Now that we aren’t in the air I can see that see is at least a foot taller than me, plus the horn.                   “Why did you call me here, and how did you get my number?” My questions halt her approach just shy of my range.                   “From where I received your number is not important. What is important is the reason I called you here today. I would like to ask you if you knew the assassin that killed Princess Twilight Sparkle.” OH SHIT, this is going to suck. But wait, I reveled my name to the other women in that room, so why haven’t they contacted her. Unless they already have…..                   “I am the one who shot Twilight Sparkle, so what are you going to do about it?” I try to calm my beating heart as I observe the princess. I swear I have never seen so much rage in someone’s eyes before. On pure instinct I flick my wrist and bring up my hidden blade just as a blur of white stops just short of the blade. Not even a second later my eyes adjusted to the blur and to my surprise it was a rage filled Celestia. How the bloody hell did she do that?                   “Now here is what is going to happen. You will call off your guards and allow me to leave, or you can call them in to attack but sacrifice all of their lives.” The princess spit in my face as she whips her hand around to try and catch me off guard, but I was ready. I grab her hand and use her own momentum to send her across the room sliding into the doors. I watch as the doors fly open sending Celestia sliding across the floor. I laugh at the sun-butt as she picks herself off the ground. I calmly walk towards one of the windows while guards point their crossbows at me.                   “You know Celestia; I haven’t had a good fight in years. But I have a schedule to keep and people to recruit, so I’ll leave you to your own devices. I turn around to face the princess as I crouch slightly pointing my back to the window.                   “Don’t you dare!” I smirk at the princess as I reach into one of my many pockets grabbing my grapple gun.                   “Oh I dare.” I jump back just as the princess charges forward trying to grab me. I flip her off as I shoot the grapple gun. I watch as she gets smaller and small as I speed off towards one of the towers. I slow down the grapple speed so I can detach. As I was falling I pull a detonator out of my pocket and press the trigger.   *BOOM*   I smirk at the princess for not noticing the C4 that I planted in her throne room. I fire the grapple gun once more when I feel static in the air. I look behind me to see Celestia flying at break neck speeds towards me. I look below me to see a construction crew working on a new building, but that was not what I was paying attention too. I saw a big container with what looked like foam. That is most likely where they throw away all of the packaging foam. I take my chances and release the grapple hook from the wall of the building. I glance behind me to see Celestia gaining on me. I twist around to have my back is facing the ground. I then pulled out my nano-rifle and aimed it straight at her head. I watch as she put up a barrier around her as she continues to gain on me. I smirk at her stupid choice to get closer to me. Anti-magic rounds sun-butt. Let’s see how you like this. I aim through the scope and pull the trigger just as a strong gust hits my shoulder, sending the bullet straight though her barrier then through her wing.                   “Bye bye sun-butt.” I turn back around just in time to see the container about ten feet away from me. My eyes fly open as I try to twist around once more, but I only made it only half way. I fall into the pit only hit my head on the side. In that second my entire world decided to start ringing. I grab my head as I try to look around for a way out. In the middle of the ringing I hear a metallic ring go through my head. I look to my left to see a big dip in the metal, and a body fall from it onto the ground.                   “Well that fucking hurt.” I grab the dip while the ringing started to subside, but not by much. I pull myself out and roll out of the container onto a soft pillow. I pick myself to see that the pillow I landed on was Celestia. I look from the weird angle in her arm to the dip in the metal. That had to hurt. I hold my head as I start walking away not paying attention to the construction workers around me as they try to help Celestia.                     I hold my head the entire train ride back to Ponyville. I grumble as I step off the train in pain. I walk through the market when an interesting figure catches my attention. It was a Pegasus with a light crimson coat with a short brown mane and tail. Going through his hair was a single white strip running down the middle. I watch as the man pays for his supplies and starts to walk off towards the outskirts of Ponyville. Since he has peeked my interest I just had to follow him. As I follow him through Ponyville all of my training kicks in an instant. I follow him through the mildly crowded blending in with the crowds when needed, and I hide behind corners as well. Soon we make it to a small house just on the edge of town with a small shed beside it.                   I made my way to the side of the house as the man made his way inside. I look around and spot a window a few feet away from me. On my way over I activate my active-camo just as I peek inside. I watch as the man sets his food down and begins to undo the bandages around his head, but from my angle I could not see his face. After finishing unpacking his food he sets off to another room. I decide to take my chance and slowly open the window while trying to remain quite. Once inside I look around to find myself in what appears to be a kitchen. I look around one more time before I start to sneak into the hallway. Once there I could see a light on the other side of the hallway. Before I take another step I feel a change in the sir pressure above me. I sigh as I deactivate the cloak and slowly stand.                   “I know you’re above me so come on down.” I hear a creak before a thud behind me. I turn around to see the man once before, but something surprised me. His right eye was a normal brown, but his left was a black with a sick green iris. As I look into his eye I feel static running down my spine. We stand there for what feels like hours until the man’s face becomes confused. Now I get it.                   “That eye of yours, it has magic doesn’t it?” The man nods as he readies himself for a fight. I raise my hands in a non-threatening manner.                   “Listen, I don’t want to fight. I see that you are somewhat skilled in stealth, so I would like to ask you a question.” I see the man slowly lower his fist but not all the way. Before he could react I snap my wrist bow and aim right between his eyes.                   “I would like for you to become an assassin and work for my cause.” The man did something that threw me for a loop, he talked.                   “Why should I help you?” It took me a good few seconds to respond.                   “I see that you are troubled by that eye of yours. I do not judge you, for how can one freak judge another.” He narrow his eyes at my statement.                   “I have scars covering more than 90% of my body. It looks so bad that even the people I care for are disgusted with my appearance. I would like you to join me so that we show the world that even though we are freaks, we are dangerous freaks.” I lower one of my hands to indicate a hand shake. I wait for the man to agree to my offer. I was just about to run when I feel a pressure around my hand. I look down to see the man giving me a hand shake.                   “My name is Crimson Feather, and I shall join you.” I smile as I lower my wrist bow.                   “My name is Raven, and thank you for joining my order,” I said as I let go of his hand.                   “I just want to ask one thing.” He nods for his confirmation.                   “Would you join me when I leave here and find a base for our order?” I don’t want the spa because it would be the worst place for assassins to live. He nods to me as I turn around and start to leave.                     After leaving the house we had a small stroll through Ponyville on the way to town hall. Upon reaching town hall I asked Crimson if he could scout around Ponyville for a base. I enter the building just as Crimson walk down the street. I walk through the old style building while I make my way to the manager’s desk. The mare sitting looked up to me but just nods her head and lets me past. O….K….. weird. I soon find myself in front of a dark wooden door with a sign on the door.‘Real state’ I open the door to find an older mare sitting at her desk with a few stacks of paper around her. She looks up to me as I enter the room, and I could hear her grumble under her breath.                   “Great, more paperwork.” I smile to her as I walk up to her desk. She puts on a smile to but I could tell it was forced.                   “Hello, I am here to ask if you have anything available.” I watch as her right eyelid twitches.                   “Of course, how can I help you?” I laugh mentally at her discomfort.                   “I would like a house for 5 or more with individual rooms and a study as well as a library.” I watch as the gear turn in the mares head.                   “We do not have a house like that, but you can pay a construction crew for that.” I groan at the work I have to go through when an idea popped into my head.                   “Do you have a home on a field, so I can add to that home?” I watch her go through some papers before a smile came to her face.                   “Yes we do have a home like that. It is on the edge of Ponyville, but you can add to the house as long as it stays within the property.” I nod as I reach into my pocket to draw out a check for the mare.                   “How much will the property be?” The mare looks down to her paper and cringes.                   “It is half a million bits.” I nod as I write the correct amount onto the check and hand it to her.                   “Thank you; now follow me for the deed.” I follow the mare into a vault with all sorts of documents as we head to the deed to my new house.                     “Night can you come here please?” I wait outside of the kitchen as Night excuses herself and walks to me.                   “What is it Raven?” I say nothing as I show her the deed. Her eyes light up but I quickly shut it down.                   “Night this house is only for me and those of my order. You and Nyx will stay here until I can find somewhere safe for you both.” I turn around and exit out the door before she could say anything else. Outside was Crimson leaning on the door frame since I asked him to wait for me.                   “Are you ready to start your new life?” I watch him nod as we start to walk back to our safe house. On the way there we heard some yelling from one of the alley ways.                   “Crimson take to the roofs.” I walk into the alley as Crimson starts to climb the building. I make my way to the sound of the voices when I feel my foot bump something. I reach down to find out that it was a body. This can’t be good. I hurry my pace, but on the way I found more bodies lying on the ground unconscious. I soon find the sound of the noises as I spot a young man cornered by what I guess is about 4 mercenaries by their build and equipment. I look to the roof the find Crimson with a sword out and ready. I hold my hand out telling him to wait. I walk into the alley light scaring the young man even more. Before the men could react I lunge forward with my hidden blade and kill one of the men as I signal to Crimson with my free hand. The last three don’t know what hit them as Crimson dropped from the roof while driving his sword into the head of the mercenary unlucky enough to be there. I quickly kill one more with my wrist bow while Crimson impales the last one with his sword from behind. With all of the men dead I look back to the young man to see him aiming a crossbow at me.                   “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” I step closer only to have a bolt cut me across the cheek as the young man reloaded.                   “I won’t miss a second time.” I put on a warm smile as I take a knee in front of the young man. The young man had a dark grey coat with a spiky black mane and tail.                   “If I wanted to hurt you, don’t you think I would have already done it?” The young man fights with himself as he slowly lowers his crossbow. I nod as I stand back up and turn to leave, but I was stopped by the young man.                   “Who are you?” Without looking back I responded.                   “I am Raven, and this is Crimson. We are assassins.” Crimson and I start to leave again, but once again we were stopped by the young man.                   “I am in your debt. You just saved my life, and I could never repay that. Would you take me as one of your assassins?” I look back at the young man wondering what he could do for me. I notice the bolt sticking out of the wall as well as the unconscious bodies in the alley.                   “What is your name?”                   “Arrowhead Midnight,” he replied. I nod to him as I reach out with my right hand. As he took my right hand I explain his new life to him.                   “You are now an assassin of my order. You will obey my orders and you elders. Is this understood?” I watch Arrow nod while Crimson pats him on the back and nods.                   “Now come with us to see your new home.” I walk with my new assassins towards are new base and their new life. I wonder how they are going to like hell week.                                   > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I look in front of me to see a slightly run down building with chipped of red paint. Where a door was once was now an open space into the house. From the front there was a three story tower on the right side with an opening at the top for a 360 degrees view.  Other then the house itself the land around was beautiful. From behind the house you could see for miles and miles. Just behind the house was a huge field with nothing but short grass and flowers. Beyond that there was a tree line that lead into the everfree forest.                   “Crimson,” I said as I wave him forward. Once he was shoulder to shoulder with me I spoke to him.                   “It will take a lot of work, but I think that this will become a fine establishment.” He nods while I turn around to face Arrow.                   “And what do you think Arrow? Did I do a fine job for a base?” I watch as he inspects the house further going as far as climbing up the tower for some reason. Once he was done inspecting the tower he makes his way down and to us.                   “It can defiantly use some work, but other than that the house is very suitable for defense. I would like to ask for the tower as my living quarters.” I nod to him while all of us walk inside to call dibs on our rooms. Once inside I burned the layout into my head. Once you walk inside there is a doorway to your left a few feet away from the front door leading into the kitchen. On your right there is a larger door way leading to a bathroom. Further down the hall way opens up to a large living room with a two story high ceiling. The room itself was circular in shape and on one side had stairs leading to a singular door looking over the room. The layout of the door caught my attention instead of the other rooms. I walk up the stairs laying my hand on the railing along the way. Once I was in front of the door I turn around to see the whole living room below me. The whole room looked as if it could hold around thirty people or more.                   “This is where we start. It may not be big but it is defiantly worth the effort to fix.” I smile as I dream of the future of the order which I now call ‘The United Shadows’. I open the door to see a room… no not a room a future. Even though the room was bare I could see all of the uses of space. The room unlike the living room was a square shape instead. On my right was a double window in which I could push outwards. On my left was a doorway leading to a medium sized bathroom. I hear a knock on my door just as I was looking through all of the space in my closet. I look back to see Arrow in my doorway with a crossbow strung to his back.                   “I’m guessing this is going to be your room.”                   “Yes, would you do me a favor Arrow? I need you to find Crimson and wait for my in the living room.” I watch as he nods and walks away to carry out my task. As I wait I call Ady to see how she is since I wasn’t able to save her in Canterlot.                   “Ravvy? Thank goodness you called. I heard the explosion from the castle and I was worried.” I smile at her concern for me.                   “How are you Ady? Are you still in Canterlot?”                   “No, luckily the idiots who were transporting the titan forgot magic binds. Once they were asleep it was only a matter of crushing them. I am actually in the area known as the white tailed woods.” I tap my gauntlet to bring up a map of Equestria to see where she might be. I look from the white tail woods to my position when an idea comes to mind.                   “You are actually not that far from me. I’ll put up a beacon for you to follow.” Good thing about these ponies is that they don’t have technology great enough to find my beacon.                   “Ok I see it on radar. I’ll be there in a little while.” I hang up and walk out of my door to see Arrow and Crimson in the living room looking up at me. I put my hands on the railing as I look upon my two new friends.                   “This is what I need from you. We are just starting this guild so we need more people. What I need from you is a list of people whom you deem would be a good asset to our cause. While we are doing this I’m going to have a construction crew working on the house to bring it back to tip top shape. Now let’s go get some new people. We meet back here in a week to show the people what they are dealing with. Once that is all finished I will start to train all of you personally for duration of a month.” I finish my little speech at the bottom of the stairs with my back facing the front door.                   “Come let us carve a new future for this guild.” I turn around and start to walk out of the door with Arrow and Crimson behind me.     Raven’s Pov                   The first person I sought out for was in Ponyville. His name was Frozen Ace and he apparently teaches runic magic. I learned about him from the spa twins when I asked for shady individuals in Ponyville. From what I have heard he is a young unicorn with a silver coat. His mane is a medium length green, and apparently he wears a black trench coat and a stetson. I shake my head trying to form a plan as I walk into Ponyville community college. I walk up to the mare manning the front desk and ask her where I might find Mr. Ace. She then directed me to a class room a little ways from the front desk. I thanked her as I open the doors to see the man sitting in his desk writing a report of some kind. I look around to make sure nobody will bother us as I close the door and make my way to the man. Without taking his eyes off of the paper he responds to me.                   “Lessons are over. If you wish to learn wait until tomorrow.” I stand there waiting for the man to realize I’m still here. Once he looks up I see that his eyes are actually two different colors. His left eye look as if it had no color just an iris. His right on the other hand was a startling red. I stare into his eyes (A/N No homo) trying to find what makes him tick. What I see is plain boredom as if he wants more with his life.                   “Now that I see you’re not one of my students, how may I help you?”                   “My name is Raven, and I only wish to have a word with you.” As my name left my mouth I see a spark in his eyes.                   “Oh, and what does the infamous assassin want with me?” I look around once again to see if anybody was listening.                   “I am recruiting for my order right now, and I wish for you to be a part of it. As you can see I am not from this world, so it would make sense that I need help.” I stand there for about ten minutes as he thinks it over in his head.                   “And what would I gain from this ‘order’ of yours?” I pull out the memories of my mentor explaining to me the benefits of joining.                   “If you join you will do jobs that are assigned to you. You will receive 90 percent of the whole pay, and the other the percent will go to the guild. You will also be given a room at our base which is now being renovated just outside of town. Anything other than that you can ask me if you need it.” I stand there again for another ten minutes as he finally makes up his mind.                   “I will join you, but I ask that I choose my jobs.” I nod to him as I offer my hand to him. I wonder how Arrow and Crimson are doing.     Arrow’s Pov                   Instead of searching through Ponyville, I decided to take my chances in Canterlot. Once there I went to a shady little bar on the other side of town. I asked the bartender where I might find crazy people willing to join me. He then told me a little story about these two bat pony twins, who everpony thinks that perform incest, and also told me where I might find them. I thank him while I leave and head for some apartments down the road. Once I made it to the apartments I fish out the slip with the apartment number on it. 408. I search around for the room number when I come across a beautiful bat mare. She had a shimmering black mane with a silk like grey coat, but what really caught my attention were the leathery wings on her back. Wait, could she be one of the twins.                   “Excuse me Ms, but are you by chance Silk Shadow?” The mare’s eyes narrow at me as I stand there.                   “Who wants to know?” I could see the venom falling off of those words. They sent a shiver up my spine.                   “My mentor sent me to ask you and your brother a question.” I make no move to get closer. Anypony could see that you do not want to mess with this mare. She stands there next to the trash can eying me.                   “Who is this mentor of yours?”                   “The assassin Raven,” I respond calmly. The mare’s eyes grow in size as she starts to walk off.                   “Follow me.” Without another word I follow her to the room in which she and her brother currently reside. I stand there as she tells me to wait and disappears through the door. After a little bit of shuffling in the room the door is opened by a stallion. I could see why they are twins. The stallion had a grey mane with a black coat instead of his sister’s.                   “Why did Raven send you here?”                   “May I come in and talk about it?” The stallion, who I guess is Silk Knight, closes the door and speaks to his sister. I stand there just as the door opens with Knight standing out of my way. Taking it as a sign I walk into their room when I feel cold steel against my throat.                   “Now spill it before I cut your throat.” Not taking my chances at swallowing I instead slowly breathe in through my nose.                   “My mentor Raven extends his hand in an offer to join our order.”                   “And what is this order you speak of,” Knight said behind me as he closes the door.                   “The United Shadows, but we only have three members including myself.” I hear snickering behind me from Knight.                   “And why should we join your cause?” I remember what the bartender told me from earlier.                   “Because there will be no one trying to hurt you or hunt you, you both know what I’m talking about.” I feel the blade drive further drawing blood. I look to Silk’s eyes to see nothing but sorrow and rage.                   “Don’t you ever say that again or I will castrate you right now.” I shut my mouth as a hand lands on my shoulder.                   “If I were you I would leave.” I shake my head and continue to glare at Silk.                   “Fine but if you truly wish to join then come to this address in a week at noon. Raven will be there personally to welcome any who come.” I hand Silk a piece of paper with the time and address of our base. I feel the sword let up just slightly when silk grabs the paper. I slowly turn back around and head out of the door to find the next recruit.     Crimson’s Pov                   Unlike Raven and Arrow I sought the help of mercenaries. I went to a bar not too far from where I saw Arrow enter an apartment complex. As I entered I saw that this was actually a mare’s bar. How could I tell? Well, there were mares everywhere, and no stallion to be seen. I walk through the bar earning stares from all of the mares in there. I make it to the bar and sit down just as the bartender walks up to me.                   “Honey, you have to be either gay or crazy to walk into this bar.” I nod to her as I point to the vodka behind her. As she leaves to get me my drink I grab the notepad in my back pocket and begin to write.                   “Hey you are honey, and that will be 3 bits.” I slide the notepad over to her as I lift up the shot glass.   ~I am here looking for mercenaries~                   “Sorry honey, no mercenaries here.” I take the notepad and write my response.   ~Horseshit, I worked in the guard. I know where all mercenary spots are in the city~                   “Fine, who are you looking for?” I write one name that I remember on the notepad.   ~Coco the Pegasus~ The bartender scratches her chin in thought.                   “I think that she is at the Prancing Horse. I don’t know about you, but that name just doesn’t make sense.” I nod to her as I stand and walk out, but not before a mare stops me. The mare had a two toned mane with a light amber coat. Her mane had light crimson and yellow streaks though it.                   “Hey there hot stuff. You have some big balls to walk into an all mare bar. I think that’s a little hot.” I watch as the mare tries to make her move on me. I side step her only to have my arm jerked back. I look to my arm to see that the mare grabbed my sleeve. I have had enough.                   “Let go.” Barley a whisper, but the tone of my voice made her let me go. I walk out heading to the Prancing Horse.                     After an hour or so searching I finally come across the Prancing Horse in a rundown part of the city. I walk into the bar this time to see shady dealings going on. In one corner I saw a stallion selling drugs to a mare, at the bar I spot a mare slip a pill into a stallions drink, and then I see a Pegasus in the other corner laughing her head off. I’m guessing that’s Coco.I walk up to the crazy mare when I see her look up at me.                   “Oh, are you another stallion looking to get some of this?” I watch as she pokes her chest out while grinning like a fool. I feel my face heat up as I avert my eyes. I grab my notepad and write down while trying to look calm.   ~I am here on business~                   “And what type of business is that.” That goofy grin never left her face.   ~I am here to heir you to our order~                   “Ooo… Are you an assassin? That’s sooooo cool. If you pay me right then I’ll defiantly join.” I slip her the piece of paper telling her where and when to go. Celestia she’s crazy.   1 week later   Raven’s Pov                   I look out of my window to see the construction crew working on more attachments to our base. The good thing is that they finished the quarters yesterday, so the recruits will have a place to stay while training. I turn back from the window to see Crimson leaning on my doorway looking at me.                   “Is it time?” He nods while I walk towards him. I place my hand on his shoulder as I walk past him. After I pass him I look down onto the living room to see all of our hard work stand/sitting in this room. I scan the crowd looking for those who will stay after training. I bang my gauntlet on the railing trying to gain their attention. Once all of the voices died down I began to speak.                   “All of you that are here today I thank you for coming. I will spare you the business slogan and get straight to the point. I have called you all here to ask you one simple question.” All of the people in the room look at me with wonder, respect, fear, and going so far as….. lust?                   “Are you truly ready for the hell I am about to but you through? With what I am about to teach you, you will be able to change the world.” I stand there as shouts fill the room until they began to beat their hooves on the ground making the whole building vibrate.                   “Now that you know what I want, I will train you to sharpen the skills you have, or I will drive those skills into you. Don’t worry I will train each and every one of you myself since even these two do not know as much as me.” I spread my hands signaling to Arrow and Crimson.                     “I don’t care if a mare and a stallion are in the same you. You will all learn that the one next to you is now your family. I want all of you to get a good night’s rest because tomorrow is the start of your training, and I warn you the first week is the worst. I am going to teach you the exact same lessons that my mentor taught me when I was younger, dismissed!” I watch as all of the recruits leave and head to their respected living quarters. I turn back to my room to look out of my window to see the titan right outside.                   “Ady you’re here! Good now, there is a garage that the construction crew build last week. I want you to go in there and stay there until I get the appropriate tools to build the rest of the titan.” The titan gives me a full body nod as it starts to walk off. What I failed to notice was the red lights instead of blue.