Twilight Sparkle Brushes Her Teeth

by Foalfree Press

First published

All twilight sparkle wants to do is brush her teeth when her toothpaste goes missing

All Twilight Sparkle wants to do is brush her teeth, but her toothpaste goes missing.


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It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle woke up to the sun shining in her window. She groggily hopped out of bed, put on her slippers, and walked to the bathroom. Her reflection showed a scraggly maned unicorn. She picked up the brush with her telekinetic energy and brushed it through her tangled mane. When that was done, Twilight's mane was much neater.

She reached out for her toothbrush next. It was small and the color of Twilight's coat. It had been given to her by Doctor Colgate when she last visited the dentist.

Twilight set the toothbrush down and opened the mirror cabinet in front of her. She searched the inside for the tube of toothpaste, but it was nowhere to be found.

She grumbled to herself as her groggy brain tried to process the lack of toothpaste in the cabinet. She slowly walked to the door and called for her number one assistant.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled, "Where is the toothpaste?"

When no answer came, she stalked back to her room where she just knew she would find him still sleeping. As she reached the room, she noticed a small slip of paper in the place of where the tiny dragon would be. There was a hastily written note in Spike's claw writing.

Dear Twilight,
I went to help Rarity with gem digging today. Be back later.

Twilight put the note down and harrumphed. She had forgotten about Spike's commitment to Rarity today. She would have to find the toothpaste herself.

She walked back to the bathroom, and decided to double check the cabinet first.

"Let's see here... Contacts, glasses, extra floss, mouthwash. Ink? How did that get in here?"

She closed the cabinet. No toothpaste. She searched the drawers next.

"Mane brush, more floss, comb."

Still no toothpaste. She was getting frustrated now. She looked in the last cabinet underneath the sink, desperately hoping she would find the toothpaste.

"Soap, shampoo, more ink, cleaning supplies, perfume.... No, no, no!"

The toothpaste was nowhere to be found. Twilight was beyond frustrated at this point, but she could not deny that she needed the paste.

"If I can't find it," she said, "I'll go but some!"

It wasn't her first choice but she was running out of options. She walked to the front door, and departed into Ponyville. She walked down the dirt path to the center of town. That's where the dentist office was located. Surely they'd have some of the paste

She arrived at the center of town. It was busy with all the ponies going to work. She spotted the office and trotted towards it, happy that her quest had come to an end. A big "Closed For Renovation" sign taped to the front door met Twilight's gaze. A small picture of Colgate was in the corner with the words "Don't forget to brush!" written next to it.

Twilight's eye twitched. She would have to go to the general store and hope they had what she needed. She stomped down the street to the Ponyville General Store.

A small bell jingled as she walked in. Assorted knicknacks were covering the shelves, and the strong smell of sweets and paper bags filled the air. Twilight walked up to the cashier. He was an elderly gray earth pony with white hair. She tapped on the counter to get his attention.

"Excuse me sir?" Twilight spoke,"Do you have any toothpaste?"

The elderly clerk had a look of confusion on his face.

"You want moose lace? I don't think we have that," he said.

"No, no. I want toothpaste," Twilight said a little louder.

"Some hoof paste? I think we have that,"

The clerk pulled a tube of hoof moisturizer out from underneath the counter and handed it to Twilight. Twilight politely set the tube back on the counter.

"No sir," she said much louder than before, "I want TOOTH PASTE."

The buck seemed to get the message this time.

"Oh! You want tooth paste!" He said.
"I'm sorry Miss, we're all out."

There was a very long moment of silence at these words. Twilight muttered a thank you and slowly walked out the door. The soft sound of a bell could be heard as she left.

Twilight was running out of options. She paced down the streets of Ponyville. The Pharmacy was her last hope. She entered the white building and trotted to the hygiene section. The wooden shelves were almost bare. There was one single tube of the much eluded paste on the corner of the shelf. Twilight's eyes lit up at the sight of the tube. Just as she was about to reach out for it, an aura of pale blue enveloped the tube.

Twilight gaped as the precious item was hauled away by a passing unicorn. Twilight had come too far to give up now.

"Um, excuse me, Miss?" Twilight started," I really need that toothpaste, so if you would maybe be kind enough to-" Twilight was cut off mid sentence.

"Are you asking me to give up the last tube of toothpaste?" The unicorn asked indignantly.

"Uh, why yes ma'am. I'm sorry it's just-" Twilight was cut off again.

"Why would I give it to you?" She asked with a snobbish snort. "I saw it first so it's mine." Twilight was getting irritated at this point.

"I'll ask politely one more time, ma'am," Twilight said through gritted teeth. "Please give me the tooth paste,"

"Get lost!" The unicorn harrumphed. She began to walk away when Twilight grabbed the tube with her own magic. The unicorn looked startled for a minute, but tugged back against Twilight's magic.

"It's mine!" The unicorn shrieked.

"No, it's mine!" Twilight practically screamed back. She tugged forcefully on the magic, yanking it from the other mare's grip. The mare fell backwards into a shelf, and shrieked.

"Help, assault!" She yelled. A passing police pony heard the scream, ran through the door of the shop, and tackled Twilight.

"NO!" Twilight yowled, "I'M INNOCENT! INNOCENT!" The police pony dragged the thrashing mare through the door and into the police station.

A few hours and one bail later, Twilight stumbled back into her home. She had wasted the entire day trying to get one simple tube of toothpaste, and had ended up being charged with the assault of a mare.

"She deserved it though..." Twilight mumbled to herself. She went to her room and collapsed on her bed. She lay thee in complete silence.

A small creak disturbed the still air.

"Twilight!" Spike called, "I'm home!"

When there was no answer, Spike cautiously made his way into Twilight's room.


"Spike!" Twilight screamed. She kept out of the bed and tackled the baby dragon.

Spike jumped into the air, terrified at Twilight's startling behavior.

"You will not believe that day I've been having! I was running all over town trying to find toothpaste! The dentist office was closed, the general store was out, and-"

"TWILIGHT!" Spike shouted. "I took the toothpaste with me earlier today when I went to Rarity's. I didn't have time to brush my teeth here because I woke up late."

Twilight stared at Spike, laughed once, and screamed into her pillow.