> A Legend Is Born > by Shadowmane PX-41 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The First Day Of A New School Year > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Velvet and Starlight Sparkle opened the doors of the Ponyville Kindergarten, and helped their daughter, Twilight Sparkle through them. Holding her hands, Velvet and Starlight helped Twilight to walk, as her initial walking on her own skills needed... a little work. "I just hope we're making the right decision here, honey." Starlight turned to Velvet as they walked up to a receptionist's desk in the room. There was a bell used for calling the receptionist over, and Starlight used his free hand to ring it. "She knows none of the kids here. I'm a little concerned whether or not she'll be treated as a friend." "Oh, lighten up, Starlight." Velvet said in a playful tone. "They've all got roughly the same age and mental capabilities here. No matter how smart or stupid they are, they're all still only toddlers, and will gladly see Twilight as one of their own." "Will I get to study, like in Starswirl Village?" Twilight asked, her voice still higher, but not infant high. "Of course you will, Twilight." Velvet looked down and smiled at her. "And on the way, you'll be able to make some friends and play with them as well." "Fwiends?" This confused little Twilight greatly, back in Starswirl Village's Kindergarten, she was always isolated with her many books and pages, she'd never even heard of the concept of friendship before she moved to Harmony. "I dun get it." Velvet sighed. "Friends, your punctuation still needs a little work, my darling little Sparkle." Velvet was just playing with her daughter's cheeks now, an action which caused Twilight to giggle. "Don't worry if you mis-pronounce or mispell it. That's what this school is meant to teach you, as well as a few other important lessons." As Twilight and Velvet continued to play with one another, a receptionist with a white hairstyle walked up to Starlight. This receptionist was wearing some sleeveless clothes, making her look like an athlete of some sort. "It's nice to meet you, sir." She said, flipping up her sunglasses. "Do you want to enroll your kids here, or drop them off?" "Yes, please, ma'am. My name is Starlight Sparkle, and I would like to enroll my daughter Twilight Sparkle into your kindergarten." Starlight said firmly as Velvet walked Twilight over to the receptionist. "Alright, Starlight..." She was writing in a little book, to keep track of the students and their parents. "And Twilight Sparkle as the kid. Might I ask for your wife's name please? Just so we can make double sure that little Twilight has a mom and a dad." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Fleetfoot. My name is Twilight Velvet." She said as Fleetfoot wrote the name down. "Might I ask you something? Aren't you supposed to be a part of the Wonderbolts Athletics Team?" "Yeah, but they said I needed a break, said I was pushing my limits too far." Fleetfoot wrote Twilight Velvet underneath Starlight's full name. "So what better way to spend my off time, then making a little extra money on the side?" She finished writing the name and then closed the book quickly, causing Twilight to grin. "Alright, you're all set up, let's get Twilight to her classroom." Fleetfoot walked out of the desk and walked down the nearby corridor, with Velvet, Starlight and Twilight close behind her. There were many doors on their way, some having special nameplates, for the teachers' offices, no doubt. There were also some cartoonish drawings on a few doors, and some words drawn in crayon, no doubt to allocate the classrooms for the kids. "Can I ask you one more thing before we get there, Fleetfoot?" Velvet decided to say. "Sure, ask away." She grinned. "Out of all the part-time jobs you could have picked, why did you choose to be the principal of a Kindergarten?" Velvet had a look on concern and interest showing. "Don't tell Spitfire and Soarin this, but I personally love working with kids, especially babies and toddlers." Fleetfoot pulled Velvet close so that only she could listen. "Children can achieve so much in the future, as I've both seen and experienced. I just wanted to give them a little helping hand to achieving their full potential, as well as have a little fun with them at the same time." The four humans then stopped at a door with pictures around the oak frame. These pictures looked crude and childish, a sign that this was a classroom, Twilight's new classroom. There were also some plastic letters on the door, making the word "Twinkles." "Well, this is it. Twilight's new classroom for the next school year, the Twinkles." Fleetfoot took oiut a key and inserted it into the lock. "Sure it seems a little bit too much that we lock the classroom door when it's closed, but that's to make sure the kids are 100% safe, safe from anything that could do them harm." Fleetfoot unlocked the door, put the key back in her pocket and put one hand on the door, and the other hand on the handle. "Some of the kids might make a mad dash for freedom, so make sure you go in quickly." The door was hastily opened, and once they saw inside, Velvet and Starlight walked Twilight in, enabling their daughter to see the new utopia for her and any friends she might make during her days here. The room was lightly coloured all over, with every at least every basic colour being used. There was a nice stripey floor with shades of yellow and blue, a sight which made Twilight randomly let go of her parents' hands and begin to crawl all over it. Once she looked up, she saw the many activities and child-friendly furniture that surrounded her. There were at least 10 special chairs for the kids to climb up onto and sit down on, each one had a different design from the last, some chairs were occupied by some of the kids while the others were running around, squealing as toddlers would usually do, there were only a few sitting down on the floor and playing with toys and blocks, much to Twilight's surprise. There was only one bookcase, and it looked like no-one even used it, as they could play with one another instead. There were also a massive amount of beds in the corner with the bookcase, each one with different designs, so the kids could pick out which one they liked before being tucked in for a mandatory nap. As Twilight began to explore her surroundings, making sure not to collide with any of the other kids, Fleetfoot walked in and shut the door behind her. "Well, what do you think?" She asked Velvet and Starlight. "We've made sure the kids get what they expected: Nice comfy beds for naptimes, intelligible teachers to teach them right from wrong, and enough toys, books, games and blocks to keep them occupied for days on end." Velvet was the first to speak and break their silence. "I like what you've done with the place." She cracked a smile as she saw the room around her. "It's a lot different than the last time I was here." "Do you think we went a little overboard with the colours though? I mean I know it's supposed to soothe them, but I wonder if we used too much?" "Calm down, Fleetfoot. It's fine." Starlight looked around the rest of the room, looking at a few other playful little children. "I'm sure they'll find this place. to be quite a peaceful environment for them all." "Well, there's one more thing I have to do before I can let you get back to your house." Fleetfoot said as she began scoping out the room with her sharp eyes. "You've gotta meet Twilight's new teacher." Fleetfoot walked over to a white-skinned woman with flowing pink locks of hair. She was over at what looked like a changing table, cleaning up after someone's mess. She was wearing a nice white uniform and had her hair tied back in a ponytail with a pink hair tie. After she was finished changing the kid and set him down on the padded floor again, she turned round to greet Fleetfoot, Velvet and Starlight. "Hey, Twinkle." Fleetfoot greeted her colleague once she got close enough. "Not to interrupt, but I've got something to tell you." "Fleetfoot, not that I don't mind but I'd like it if you called me TwinkleSHINE in the future. It's gonna make it a lot more convenient to be able to tell me apart from one of the kids." She said back with a stout look and a roll of her eyes. "Sorry, I seem to forget that. Life of an all-star, you know." She said meekly with a few chuckles. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Twinkleshine said as she now noticed Velvet and Starlight next to Fleetfoot. "I just wanted to give you a head's up, another new kid's gonna be joining your class today, as well as the other 5 you arranged to invite." She pointed over Twilight, who was, as usual, flipping through the pages of the books on the shelves. "She looks so cute, the way her little hands keep turning the pages." Twinkleshine could not help but be smitten with little Twilight. "I hope her name is as cute as her appearance." "According to the data that Mr and Mrs Sparkle have given us, her name is Twilight; Twilight Sparkle." Fleetfoot said, answering the question. "Hmmm, not the name I was expecting, but I guess I'll take it." Twinkleshine walked over to examine her new pupil, who was in the middle of reading an interactive book with feelable surfaces for her to play with. "Hello." She said lightly, causing Twilight to pull her face out of the papers and look up to her new teacher. "I'm gonna be your teacher now. If you find that comfortable." She said in a sweet tone, making Twilight believe Twinkleshine was a kind and caring woman. "Who awe yoo?" Were the first words to spill out of Twilight's mouth. "Oh, silly me." Twinkleshine chuckled to herself. "I'm Miss Twinkleshine, and with me around, I'll assure everyone of your days here will be pleasurable, educational, and most of all, fun!" "Fun? Wat's dat?" Twilight asked, her head slightly tilted in confusion. "You'll learn, soon enough." Twinkleshine then turned back to Velvet and Starlight, with a smile beaming. "I'm absolutely certain that Twilight here will get a great education and get a great head start on her road to graduation day." "Okay, okay. Miss Twinkleshine, let's not pressure her now, not before the first lesson of the day." Velvet giggled to her as she walked over to the door with Fleetfoot and Starlight. "So, when does the class start?" "Usually it would be in 5 minutes, giving the kids time to get some free play in, but it's gonna start in 10 minutes today, since it's the first day." She smiled as she looked at the register. "We're only waiting on 5 other kids to come today." Fleetfoot opened the door and saw 15 more humans on the other side, five of them being the same height as Twilight, no doubt the 5 kids that Twinkleshine mentioned. And their parents, all sporting different hairstyles and clothing, were bearing smiles to see their kids off. "Speaking of which. Here they are." Twinkleshine looked at each of the kids at the door with a smile on her face. The only similarities between the five of them, was they were all wearing diapers and small t-shirts. Each shirt having a different picture on it. "Could you two call Twilight over? She's gotta see this." Fleetfoot asked Velvet and Starlight and they smiled, knowing that they would obey, gladly. "Twilight! Come to mommy. I want you to meet someone." Velvet called to her daughter, who was about to open up another book and charge through the pages. When Twilight heard her mother's call, however, she rolled her eyes before dropping the book and heading over to Velvet, making sure to time it right to avoid the playing students. "Twilight. I'd like you to meet the last 5 children joining the class today." Velvet said as Twilight stood up, with some help from Twinkleshine and Starlight, in order for her to meet the kids. "Twilight, say hello to: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy." Fleetfoot crouched down and tapped each one gently on of the girls gently on their heads in order, causing them to bear small, yet distinguishable grins. "I'm sure you and these girls will get along quite nicely together, or my name isn't, Fleetfoot Of The Thousand Footballs." She smiled before placing an open hand to Twilight's ear and whispering into it. "Don't ask why the Wonderbolts gave me that nickname, it's just the way they seem to find my footballing skills right now." The parents all had time to say their goodbyes to their respective children before letting Twinkleshine and Fleetfoot lead the 5 girls into the class, all of them passing Twilight as they went in. "Alright, Twilight." Velvet leaned down to her daughter's height and whispered into it. "We'll be back to pick you up at 3:00PM. It's gonna be a while for now, so you might as well make some friends and play this time, instead of letting books take up all your time your time. Twilight could only blush and hug her mother as she kissed Twilight on the forehead and got back to her feet and back up to Miss Twinkleshine. "Thank you for seeing us today, Miss Twinkleshine. I hope that Twilight has a wonderful time here." Shaking her hand, she went off to the door. Fleetfoot was saying her goodbyes to Velvet, Starlight, and the rest of the parents of the Mane 6, before they went back out the door and on their respective ways home. Then, once Fleetfoot made her way back to the reception, Twinkleshine shut the door, walked over to an open area of the classroom and clapped her hands in a rhythmic fashion to call the children over to her. No matter what the children were doing, or how loud they were doing it, they were still able to hear Twinkleshine's calling clap, and were all forming a semi-circle around her, the usual formation for kids in a kindergarten class. "Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the Twinkles!" Twinkleshine announced to all the children, who were now hanging on every word like moths drawn to a flame. "I'm your teacher, Miss Twinkleshine." She rapidly took and placed blocks down at a mind boggling speed, in order to spell it out for them. This was met by sounds of approval from the kids. "She sounds pwetty fun." Said a girl with poofy pink hair who was sitting next to Twilight. Turning to the confused looking purple girl, she said, "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie." Before turning her attention back to Twinkleshine. "I can absolutely guarantee each and every one of you the perfect education." Twinkleshine smiled as she pulled out a large ball bag from the cupboard behind her and set it down by her knees. "And with the things in this bag, I'm sure you'll find every lesson unforgettable." "So wat's in da bag?" Fluttershy asked as she raised her hand, another classic trait of a Kindergarten class. "All in good time." She lightly booped Fluttershy's nose, causing her to blush. "First I need to make sure that everyone is present and accounted for." She went over and grabbed a clipboard and pen, the clipboard had some sheets on it, no doubt to keep records of the students. "Daisy?" Twinkleshine called out after reading the papers clearly. "Hewe!" A small pink girl with blonde hair called out, her hand raised so that Twinkleshine could find her. "Light Breeze?" She called out another name on the list she was holding. "Hewe!" This time, it was a small grey-skinned boy with spiky orange hair. Twinkleshine kept calling out names on the list. Every time receiving a "Hewe!" or a "Yes!" from the children. She was almost done, moving onto the final names. "Pinkie Pie?" Twinkleshine smiled, knowing she was almost there and about to begin the day for real. Pinkie was staring up to the ceiling for some reason, her mouth dropped in awe. "Oh, I'm hewe." Pinkie said, snapping out of her trance and returning back to her initial mind. "A little longer than I expected but, ok." She smiled back at Pinkie, then turned back to her register. "There's only one more name here... Twilight Sparkle?" Calling out the last name, everyone turned to the purple girl and waited for her response. Twilight didn't know what to do, she'd had register calls back in Starswirl Village, but here was another story. She had never been the last person to be called. "Uum, here." Her reaction was a little delayed and a tiny bit worried, but Twilight was still able to push it out, and as a reward, her class cheered for her. "Alrighty then. That's everyone." Twinkleshine put the pen and clipboard away and opened the bag to dip into the contents inside. "Now then. Fluttershy asked me earlier on what's in this bag here, well I think I deserve to show you all." She opened the sack wide and showed all the kids exactly what was inside. There were balls, each with a different lesson or activity drawn onto a small piece of paper attached to it. There were a few classic lessons on the papers such as "English" and "Math" and there were also a range of activities on the balls as well such as "Free Play" and "Drawing" The usual stuff. "These balls will allow us to create each day's timetable completely from scratch." Twinkleshine explained to her students as she showed them the balls and then pulled out a little rack from the bag to keep them on. "We'll randomly pick the balls out of the bag, and then place them on this rack in order from left, to right. That way, we can make our days exciting!" The class smiled at this little idea, leaving Twilight to ponder the limitless possibilities. She could get an entire day of studying if she was lucky, or maybe an entire day of this "Fun" she needed to discover.. Twinkleshine began dipping into the bag and pulling balls out, much to the excitement of the kids. In order, Twinkleshine pulled out balls that would make this day for them all: Finger Painting, Snack Time, Naptime, Math, Lunch, Free Play. "I hope you all got what you liked for today." Twinkleshine said as the children took turns to check the balls on the rack, making up their schedule for today. Most of them smiled, besides Twilight. She knew just by looking at this schedule, she wouldn't have time to catch up on her reading because of this timetable, and she was worried she might fall behind. "Well, I'm not gonna keep you waiting any longer. Let's get on with the schedule for today." Twinkleshine looked at the rack carefully started with the ball on the far left, Finger Painting. She opened up a locked cabinet and pulled out small child-sized pots of paint, followed by a stack of paper for the kids to slap their paint-covered hands on. "Follow me, everyone." Twinkleshine called to everyone, and they gladly obeyed. They tried their best at walking but only 2 or 3 could walk well, the rest of them had to crawl over. Twinkleshine had led the students to a large round table, one that Twilight could have sworn she saw earlier but had just forgotten about it. As Twinkleshine dropped the items in the middle of the table, all the kids were taking their places on the chairs around the table. They were all child-sized chairs, to account for their current ages and sized, and there were enough of them to fit everyone on. "First off, before we begin. I want to lay down a few rules for this particular activity." Twinkleshine said as she kneeled down to the students height to address the rules to them all. "First off, the paint is to be used for painting only. I know it does look inviting, but eating paint is actually very deadly for those who eat it." "Secondly. If someone asks for a colour of paint, you're to give it to them immediately." This time she sounded a little serious. "I've been to other Kindergarten classes, and I'd hate it if you act selfish and greedy like them." "If you break any of these rules, I have the authority from Principcal Fleetfoot to have the rule-breaker or breakers take a time out in the time out pen." She pointed to what looked like a play pen with more bars than usual and a higher frame so they couldn't attempt to climb out. "But I know how kind and obedient your parents have all made you out to be, so this should be no problem. So, are we gonna obey the rules?" "Yes Miss Twinkleshine." Everyone in the class said, they were only two or three, but they still wanted to remain in Twinkleshine's good graces. "Good." She smiled. "You may now begin." The pots of paint were all opened and the children each took a piece of paper from the stack, they then took each of the pots they wanted to use and began to dip their fingers in it. Twilight however, was just sitting there, confused on what to do, until she was nudged by a white girl with very curly purple hair. "Wat's wrong, Twiwight?" She asked her, as she was still finger-painting. "I dun know. I've never really done anyting like dis before at my old Kindergarten class." Twilight explained as she was examining the pots of paint that were still there. "Don't wowwy, about dat. I'ww show you," She said, knowing that no would not be an answer from this girl. "By da way, My name's Wawity. It's nice ta meet yoo, Twiwight." > This Warm, Loving Embrace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was eyeing the many choices of paint to dip her fingers into. At the same time, she was also identifying the actions of her classmates. She was always wrapped up in her books to take notice of what her classmates were doing back at her old kindergarten, and as such, she began to stall behind. "Hey, yoo kinds wook wike you'we stawing at someting dat ain't stawing back." Pinkie said as she noticed Twilight wasn't painting, like the rest of them. "Is someting wong?" "Huh? Oh, noting's wong." She said, snapping out of her trance and returning her eyes to the different paints. "I jus, dun know wat ta paint, I guess." "Weww, if yoo dun know wat ta paint, jus paint wiwdwy." Rarity came up with the suggestion as she turned to face Twilight briefly. "Jus dip youw fingews in and jus have fun wid it. It usuawwy wowks fow kids who dun know wat ta paint." "Otay den, I'll try." Twilight dipped her fingers into the purple paint and began to slide her fingers over the paper in front of her. She could see that she was painting something, at least. She smiled as she finally formed some inspiration in her head after painting a few lines. She had to dip her hands into a bowl of water to use a new paint colour, so as not to have two colours mix and ruin it for everyone else. Eventually, she added the final dab of paint and cleaned her hands once more. She then raised her hand to call the attention of Ms Twinkleshine, who was just admiring someone else's work before coming over to Twilight's painting. "This looks wonderful, Twilight." She said as she looked at Twilight's accurate painting of a purple flower, complete with the stem and a few leaves. "Have you finger painted before?" "No, actually. It's my first time." She said to her teacher. This left Twinkleshine awestruck. She'd never seen an infant able to paint that well, and she held her mouth open for a few seconds before closing it and regaining her composure. "Well, whether it was your first time or not, it's still a great picture nonetheless." "In fact, this should go up on a wall for everyone in the class to see." She took Twilight's painting and hung it up on a nearby wall with a thumbtack, so that it wouldn't fall onto the floor. "I have high hopes for you, Twilight Sparkle." She kneeled down and pulled Twilight into a hug. While the other kids looked jealous that Twinkleshine was hugging Twilight, Twilight herself suddenly felt a warm and content feeling in her mind. She was in a state of perfect bliss for a few seconds before Twinkleshine finally ended her hug and let Twilight toddle back to the rest of the group. "Wat was dat?" Twilight smiled as she asked Twinkleshine quickly, before she could head back to the rest of the class. "It's called cuddling." She smiled and went back to the rest of her class, who were working hard in an attempt to make something that they thought could outdo Twilight's painting. "Behave well, play well with your classmates, make me happy, and there'll be even more cuddling for you later." "Cuddling..." Twilight cooed to herself as she dived her fingers into another pot of paint before dabbing it onto another fresh piece of paper. "I've nevew fewt happiew..." Soon there was an art gallery of kindergarten paintings, since the kids upped their efforts in painting. After the last painting was up, everything on the table was put away nicely and the foals gathered around Twinkleshine for the second thing on the timetable; Snack Time. Twinkleshine rummaged through the cabinets until she found what she was looking for. Some food that the kids could hold down. She pulled out enough cartons of milk and apples to feed the whole class, and she began distributing the food equally between the kids. "Hmmm, otay. I can work wid dis." Twilight said as she examined the apple she had received. She was rotating it in her hand and noticed that some other apples had stalks coming out of the top. She had to assume that Twinkleshine removed the stalks for them in the end, as none of the other kids' apples had stalks. She then wrapped her lips and teeth around the red apple and took a few nibbles. Her teeth were only just developing, so she had to take her time with the apple. She alternated between apple bites and sips of her milk. "So, whaddaya tink?" Applejack asked as she saw Twilight finishing her apple. "Dis is actually quite nice." Twilight said, in order to answer the question presented to her. "Wet me teww yoo someting." Applejack pulled Twilight in so that she could make a conversation. "I wive at a pwace cawwed Sweet Appwe Acwes, wid my mama Gwanny Smith and big bwothew Big Mac. I see dese appwes evewy day to da point whewe I'm stawting ta get sick of dem." "Really? But your name is-" "I know my name is Appwejack!" She called out in furstration, disrupting the class, who were in the middle of taking a few bites and sips. "Oops, did evewybody heaw dat?" "Applejack. I don't mean to scold children your age in front of your classmates, but it's rude to disrupt the class during Snack Time." She gave the cowgirl a stern look. "Now since I'm merciful, and that it's your first day here. I'll let you off with a warning for now. Should it happen again, I can send you to the time-out pen like that." She clicked her fingers in sync with the last word. "Sowwy, Miss Twinkweshine. I pwomise it won't happen again." She said, her head hung in shame. "I pwomise not ta outbuwst wike dat again." "That's good to hear." She smiled as she turned to call the attention of the whole class. "Now then, I know that a child's bladder is usually unpredictable at your age, so I'm going to check your diapers before you get your Naptimes. She went over to a register and picked it up, making sure to read the kids names perfectly before calling them out. "We'll start with a miss Pinkie Pie? Are you clean or wet?" She picked Pinkie up and laid her on the table to get a better look at her diapered bottom. "Hmm, It looks normal from the eye's view, but sometimes look can be deceiving." She placed a hand on Pinkie's diaper and felt a squish. "I knew it, no wet diaper can hide from me. Let me clean you up, ok darling?" "Hehe, otay, Miss Twinkweshine." She giggled as her teacher did the perfect routine on diaper changing. Twinkleshine pulled Pinkie's wet diaper off before powdering a new one and placing it under her bottom. She then binned the wet diaper before tying the three ends of the new diaper together to make it snug and secure around her bottom. "Alright Pinkie, you're good to go." She put her down by the cribs before attending to the next kid. "Alright, checking the register..." She looked at the next name. "Trixie? Are you clean or wet?" She pulled a blue skinned girl with lighter hair and laid her down on the table. "Da Gweat And Powewfuw Twixie is too mawvewous ta wet hewsewf!" She said with a slight pout as she was checked for wetness. "Alright then, little miss Great And Powerful." She smiled as she picked Trixie off of the table and set her down next to Pinkie. "You're clean, for now at least." "Towd ya." She said to Pinkie as the two of them watched the next children being checked for wetness/changed. "Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon. Come up here you two." She picked the two children up and laid them down next to each other on the table. The two toddlers began to talk to each other as Miss Twinkleshine proceeded to change the two of them. They made giggles as their bottoms were lifted up and put back down, and began to wriggle around in the new diapers once they were firmly wrapped around them. Miss Twinkleshine then proceeded to call up even more pairs of kids, checking each of them for wetness, and then changing the ones who were wet. "Don't be ashamed of yourself, Twilight. Not many children your age can hold it in." She smiled and set Twilight down with the rest of the class. "Now then. Next we need to see where you all want to sleep. Starting with Pinkie." She picked Pinkie up to show her the many cribs for her to sleep in. There were many different themes for Pinkie Pie to choose from, from a cloud design, to an animal skin crib, and even a water themed crib. Pinkie eventually chose a crib that looked like it was made out of candy. While the cribs differed in design, the mattresses, cushions, and even the blankets felt the same. Pinkie was laid down in the crib and tucked into the soft blankets. As she snuggled into the soft blanket, Miss Twinkleshine gave her a kiss on her forehead before she went to attend to another child. Trixie was next. She chose a crib that looked much like a calliope. She had the same love as Pinkie did, being tucked in, snuggling into the blanket, and then being kissed before Twinkleshine went off for another child. Eventually, all the kids in the class found the crib they wanted to sleep in, even Twilight found a nice crib to clock out for a while. In the end, Pinkie slept in the candy crib, Dashie had a nice cloud crib to nap in, Rarity slept in a nice looking ribbon covered crib, Fluttershy had the animal skin crib, Applejack had the crib with a fruit design, and finally, Twilight slept in a crib which looked a lot like an open book. The rest of the toddlers in the class had also found their ideal cribs, and were mostly asleep in the soft blankets, but if they weren't already, Twinkleshine wanted to make extra sure they were asleep. She went over to a cupboard and pulled out a box of pacifiers. She went over to the sleepy students with her box and was going to give each one of them a pacifier, to guarantee an undisturbed naptime. Going over each of the cribs, she distributed the pacifiers accordingly, making sure to listen to what colour the kids wanted. Eventually she came to Twilight, who was asleep already. She placed a purple pacifier in Twilight's mouth, and let her toddler's nature take its'' course. She kissed Twilight once more before giving pacifiers to the rest of the Mane 6. ""Wat's dis amazing feeling of warmth I feel?" Twilight whispered to Twinkleshine, as she woke up for a brief moment. "It's love, Twilight." She smiled and Kissed Twilight's forehead again. "You're being loved." "Love, feels wonderful." She cooed once more as she put the pacifier back in her mouth and ventured off into her toddler dreamland. Twinkleshine took the box of pacifiers back to where she found it, making sure not to make much of a noise and wake the children, and while there was some slight snippets of slight noise, it wasn't awake to wake the children. "They're all such cute little rascals." She said as she sat down on a chair to watch the children napping. "Especially that Twilight girl. She seems the cutest out of the whole class, even though the others are pretty cute as well." She looked at the clock before looking back at her class. "I actually can't wait until they wake up from their nap so that they can have more fun with each other." > A Lesson In Numbers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the light returned to the Twinkles classroom, it had already stirred some of the sleeping children, but not all of them. Once she had noticed some students were still asleep, Miss Twinkleshine gave them a little pat on the forehead to help them wake back up. For some reason, she always seemed to favor Twilight, since she'd seen that Twilight was pretty well co-ordinated, so she left Twilight to get a tiny bit more sleep as she attended to the rest of the kids. "Good afternoon, everyone." She said as she gently awoke the children from their slumber, rubbing their still drowsy foreheads to help them up. "I trust your naps helped you get your energy back?" Some of the children made their responses, but the others just nodded. As for Twilight, she was still asleep, even through all the awakened voices. Twilight was a heavy sleeper once she got into a nap, that much was certain. Eventually, Twilight had awoken from her nap, she stirred a little and made light noises as she rubbed her eyes open. It was hard for her tiny eyes to adjust to the light, but when she did, she was met with Twinkleshine, who in turn, was looking down at her with a happy smile. "Afternoon, Twilight." She smiled as she wrapped her hands around Twilight and gently lifted her up and out of her crib. Twilight felt a mixture of drowsy and happy when she finally got out of that crib. "Afternoon, Miss Twinkleshine." Twilight responded lightly with a smile. "Was it a nice nap?" Said the teacher to the child, both of them getting a sense of trust, and welcome thoughts swirling in their heads. "Ooh, yes. I think it was divine." Twilight smiled as she did her best to recall her dreams. "I dreamt that I was a princess of my own kingdom, watching over all the people and animals whilst I wore the most shiniest of jewels." "Yoo wemembew aww dat?" Dashie asked, with a curious look on her face as she was brought up to Twilight's elevation. "I can't even wemembew fawwing asweep." "It's not that hard." Twilight said as the two of them were checked for wetness. "You just have to keep thinking about your memories to remember them." "Well, I can see how that could distract one's body." Twinkleshine said as she finally felt Twilight's shame in the form of a wet diaper. "What does that mean?" Twilight asked as she looked down at her moistened diaper and blushed as the realization had hit her. "Don't be ashamed of it, Twilight. It's a natural thing." Twinkleshine said as she got the rest of the kids out of their respective cribs. "It's something that kids your age are meant to have. You'll get more control of it when you grow up." "Well... Okay then." Twilight smiled as she accepted Twinkleshine's logic. Sure she was quite a capable young toddler, but even Twilight had to put up with the fact that her bladder control was just as weak as the rest of class. "Now then, let's get the wet ones changed." Twinkleshine placed all of the kids with wet diapers in a single file line, as she couldn't change all of them at once. "Twilight, I'll start with you first. Come on up, darling." As Twinkleshine removed the wet diaper from Twilight's bottom, Twilight felt a sense of naked shame, she blushed a little more until she felt a brand-new, powdered diaper touch her bottom. Once it was wrapped up nice and snug, Twilight giggled as she was let down to the rest of the room around her. "Thanks, Miss Twinkleshine." Twilight smiled at her teacher as she went over to the nearby books and picked out a book for her to read through whilst she waited. She found a fairytale involving a girl with a red hoodie and an anthro wolf who disguised himself as the girl's granny. Once everyone was changed into cleaner diapers, Twinkleshine gathered them into a semi-circle once more, so that the next activity on the row of lesson balls was taken into account. It was entitled Maths, Something that Twilight was looking forward to. "Alright then, my little Twinkles. It's time to teach you how to count." Twinkleshine said as she got something from behind her to demonstrate. "Do you see what this is?" Twilight raised her hand, waiting for Twinkleshine to answer her. Twilight wanted to be the first kid to get the answer and explain to everyone, but for some surprising reason, there was no reaction from Twinkleshine. "Twilight, I didn't mean it as a question. I was showing it to the class." She said as she finally noticed Twilight had stopped. "I'll ask a question once I'm done explaining. THEN you can answer it." "Okay." Twilight said, hanging her head a little as she allowed Twinkleshine to continue with her explanation. "As I was saying, this is a ball, just a regular ball." She showed it so that everyone in the class had a very good look at the ball on display, she then reached back for another. "But when I pick up another and place it here, I now have two balls." "Alright now. Can everyone in the room say one?" She asked, looking at the kids eagerly. "It's not so hard. Go on, give it a try." All of the kids tried piecing together the word one with their mouths, but their lack of teeth was making it a little bit harder for them. As much as Twilight had been saying one, almost to the point where it felt ridiculous, Twinkleshine waited for the rest of the class to say one. "One!" Said one of the students. They all stopped and looked in the direction of the toddler who had said one. It was Fluttershy, standing up (With great difficulty) so that she could address her teacher directly. "One, um... Does dat count?" "Yes it does, Fluttershy. Well done." Twinkleshine commended Fluttershy for saying that one word. "You've earned a gold star for your knowledge." Twinkleshine walked over to a chart which Twilight swore had been made whilst she and the class had been napping. "Now listen up, my little Twinkles. This chart is important." She said as she placed a star on Fluttershy's row, which was underneath Twilight's and over Silver Spoon's. "This chart can only be filled with golden stars, which are earned through good behaviour." "Once it is filled with 10 of these golden stars, the child with the ten stars can play freely for one session, no matter what lesson or activity is scheduled." She explained further. "Since Fluttershy here was smart and said one straight away, she gets a star to start with. Nine more and she can do whatever she wants during a later session." "Weawwy?" Fluttershy asked, looking quite perked up and intrigued by what her ears had been listening to. There was no way that any one of her age, not ever her, would ever pass up an opportunity to play and be the toddler that they truly are. "Yes. But that will come soon, in time." She said as she returned to the ball that the children had been primarily been focusing on. "Can anyone else say one?" "One!" Came from many other children after that, in a rapid chain of consecutive responses. There was Dashie, Lyra, Twist, Scootaloo, Rarity, Diamond Tiara, Sweetie Belle, and then Pinkie, to put a long chain of consecutive responses short. "Well, looks like I'm hearing a lot of progress." Twinkleshine smiled as she pulled out another ball from behind and placed it next to the first one. "But now, how many balls do I have?" This got the students to calm down a little and think about the sudden change that Twinkleshine had just made. And while Twilight knew the answer, she decided not to raise her arm this time and wait for one of the others. "It's alright, class. This is why you're here, to learn about these sorts of things." Twinkleshine smiled as they all sat down once more. "When you add one to another, it becomes two. Now you, I'd like to hear you say two." "Two!" A voice said, it wasn't Twilight nor any of the students who had answered before. It turned out to be a little girl with double-toned, spiky blue hair. "Just wike da numbew of tuwntabwes my dada uses ta mix his beats." "Wow, Vinyl. That was impressive." Twinkleshine's jaw dropped for another time today. "You've learned the word two straight off the bat." She said as she planted another golden star on the chart, this time on Vinyl's row. "Tanks, Miss Twinkweshine." Vinyl smiled as she waited for the rest of the kids to follow suit and say two as well. "Well then, it seems she's finished announcing her success." Said Twinkleshine as she was eager to hear the rest of her class. "What about the rest of you? Can you follow Vinyl's example and say two?" "Two!" Came from many of the other children, desperate for adoration and gold stars. They knew something as valuable as gold stars would not slip out of their fingers like sand . Once everyone had said it, they all sat back down and waited for Twinkleshine to continue. "Well now, you all seem to be catching on now. Well done." She commended all the kids once they had sat down. Even Twilight had to admit, she felt a little happier with the fact that she didn't have to be first to answer everything. "But take one more ball, and then what do you get?" She said, keeping that smile up as she addressed all of them once more. This time, Twilight didn't even bother to answer, as she knew she had to wait for someone else to answer. But to her surprise, everyone else in the class was confused. They could get one and two down, but this next number intrigued them. "Well. I guess I expected no reactions here. Not to worry." She said as she decided to put the toddlers at ease with some calming words. "When you add one to two, you get three. I'll say it first, then you. Three." "Thwee!" Came from the enitre class, almost in a perfect unison, save for those who said it a tad earlier or later than the rest. Twilight was the only one who said it precisely, but that was expected, the other children were still toothless. "Well now. I think you're all getting the hang of this." Twinkleshime smiled as everyone in the class listened well. "That's right. You're learning fast, aren't you?" "Well, I think now's a great time to recap what you've learned." Twinkleshine thought of a great idea to root that lesson into their minds "I'll count upwards from one, just repeat what I say, alright?" "Otay." The class giggled, all except for Twilight, who had said it normally. You see, since her teeth were just beginning to grow, she was able to say words with a little more control so that others could understand her easier. "Alright then, just repeat after me." She said as she began the process. "One..." "One!" Came from the class, remembering what they had learned. "Two..." Twinkleshine continued on with the next number in the sequence, keeping her composure as she held it for the others to answer. "Two!" The children responded one more time, keeping up with the stuff they had already learned. They were fine with remembering the stuff they had learned. "Three!" She said, letting off a big cheer at the end to here an excited response from the class. "Thwee!" The class all cheered, happily exclaiming the final word and ending the session. Everyone in the class was excited, even Twilight had to admit, this was pretty fun. Learning like this was really gonna get Twilight's hopes up for the rest of her term here. "There we go, now you've learned it. And in a record time as well." Twinkleshine smiled as she put the three balls she had been using to demonstrate back away where she had found them. "You can also count with many other things like toys, blocks, you can even count with your own fingers." She demonstrated for everyone as she got back onto her knees. "Go ahead, try finding something around the room that you can count with." She got back up to her feet and leaned against the wall. "I'll let you all look around and find something to count with." She said, dispersing the students that had gathered around her. Quickly after the group had dispersed, they were instantly enamored with things to count with. They used a wide variety of things to count with, namely blocks and dolls, all the usual things. The only one who was using their fingers was Twilight, just remembering that she had fingers to count with. "Weww, I tink dat was a good wesson." Dashie said as she and her friends regrouped with Twilight. "So, now we know how ta count. ta thwee." "Why don't we twy wid each othew?" Rarity got the idea after she noticed they were a group all along. "Wet's see if we can get anyting bettew dan thwee." "One." They started to count up together, remembering closely what everyone else had been saying. "Two." They continued, keeping the integrity of their lesson in check. "Thwee." Everyone said, even Twilight was starting to let the silliness get to her. "Awwight den. Does anyone ewse know wat comes aftew thwee?" Rarity asked the group, hoping that someone would give her an answer. "Dat's easy. It's umm..." Pinkie started, but then stopped with a brief pause as she didn't know the answer to the question at hand. "Uum, howd on, it's wight on da tip of my toungue..." "Four." Twilight said, showing a hint of smugness as she revealed the answer to the rest of the group. "The answer's four." "Fouw? Nevew heawd of it." Fluttershy said as she lightly addressed the rest of them kindly. "Don't worry. You'll learn it another day." Twilight said, making Fluttershy feel more at ease with the pink-haired toddler. "Weww den, wet's weawnpway." Applejack said, crawling over to the nearby scattering of dolls. "Weawnpway?" Rarity asked. "Yeah, it's a mixtuwe between pwaytime and weawning. Pwetty cwevew huh?" Applejack explained. "Oh, you mean Learnplay." Twilight said, saying it properly. "I get what you mean, Applejack." "Weww, awwight den." Dashie said, following the rest of the group as they went over to Applejack as well. "I guess dewe's noting wong wid weawning and pwaying at da same time." And with that, the six of them sat down at the dolls. Remembering what Twinkleshine had taught them, they proceeded to count the dolls they had, and even play with them during counting sessions. There was no denying it. These six would do great things together once they grew up. That much was certain. > Deep Secrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, Twiwight, whewe do yoo wive?" Rarity decided to ask once they had some time to talk to each other inbetween their learnplay session. "I used ta Live in Starswirl Village with my mama and dada." Twilight began to explain, as it was one of the only memories she remembered having at that time. "We had a happy life there until Dada got a new job in this town." "Wat do yoo mean by job?" Rarity decided to ask as she tilted her head curiously. "Mama and Dada always tell me that a job isn't for children of our age." Twilight said. "She said only when we grow up and become older, then we can get these jobs." "I tink a job sounds icky." Pinkie said as she stood up on her wobbly legs to address the group together. "Besides da howwibwe wowk, yoo dun get ta tawk ta peopwe as yoo do it. Wat a cwuew ting ta have." "Evewybody is onwy a toddwew fow a whiwe." Flutershy said, remembering some words her mother imparted to her. "If yoo dun have fun and pway now, yoo may nevew have a happy wife watew. "Yeah, widout da fun pawt, what's da point in being a kid?" Dashie said, clearly in an excited tone. A dead giveaway that she was going to stick true to her previous statement. "Hehe, alright, Rainbow Dash. I get what you're saying." Twilight said as she was taking everyone's words into account. "Everyone has ta be the kid they are today, before it's too late." "And how exactly can they be the children they are, without getting something to eat inbetween?" Said Twinkleshine, butting into the conversation. This time, she had a tray full of fruit and drink, no doubt for the children. "Oh, hi, Miss Twinkleshine." Twilight said, turning to face her teacher. To which the rest of kids by her turned as well. "I thought, I'd bring you girls something to replenish your energy and give you more time to play." She said, setting down the tray in the middle of the group. "Take whatever you girls fancy." The six of them no longer needed any prompting. They looked closely at all the fruits and drinks on the tray and picked the ones they liked the look of. Once they got their foods, they spread themselves out so they could lay their choices out with lots of room. "Alright, girls. If you need any more food, don't be shy to call on me." Twinkleshine took the tray back up and went over to another part of the room, so that she could serve the rest of her class. After she had left, the girls shifted their positions from sitting on their diapered bottoms, to lying on their fronts, so that they could look at each other and eat at the same time. The girls had chosen quite selective selections of food, besides Applejack who had chosen an apple and some apple juice. No surprise there, but Twilight had taken a pear, Rarity had chosen grapes, Fluttershy had an orange, Dashie had a banana, and Pinkie had a plum. Their drinks were all juice cartons, with a wide range of flavours. "So, Pinkie, can I call you that?" Twilight said as she started to spark up what seemed like another conversation. "Yes, Twiwight. I'd wove it if yoo cawwed me dat." Pinkie giggled as she took that nickname to heart. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Twilight asked, taking a bite of her food after she had posed the question. "Actuawwy, yes, I do hsve a few sistews." Pinkie said, washing down her bite with another sip of her drink. "I have thwee sistews dat awe a coupwe of yeaws owdew dan me. My sistews awways hewp me out when mama's not thewe. Dey'we vewy kind ta do aww dat fow me." "My sistews, Swate, Gwanite and Maud awways give me aww da wove dey can give, and awe vewy good at teaching me tings." Pinkie said as she decided to go on and on and on. "Dewe was dis one time, whewe we wewe pwaying hide-and-seek, and I accidentawwy ended up in da cookie jaw as my hiding spot. It took dem fowevew ta find me." She giggled. "Either that is one big cookie jar, or Pinkie was a really small infant back in those days." Twilight thought in her mind as she kept listening to Pinkie's memories. "I wonder if anyone else here has some secrets..." "Dat's one impwessive stowy, Pinkie." Dashie said as Pinkie finally finished her story. "But not aww of our stowies awe happy..." And as if time was once more as accurate as it was, Dashie heard some muffled giggles from the wall. They sounded young, yet they were also slightly older than her voice. This caught Dashie's attention and she climbed up the nearby bookcase, so that she could see the cause of the laughing. Her friends were right behind her, seeing what had Dashie on edge. "Dashie, wat's wong?" Fluttershy said as she too looked out the window to see what all the commotion was about. "Dem again..." Dashie said as the rest of friends looked out at the sight in front of them. There was a garden area, that was split in half by a wooden wall, so that both the Twinkles and the next door class had an equal area to play in. This didn't agitate Dashie though, the playing children on the other side did. "Big kids..." She said, a rare tone of fury in her voice, which was surprising for a child of Dashie's age. The children looked no different from Twilight and her friends, besides the different sized clothing and shoes. But the big difference, was that these children weren't wearing diapers. "Rainbow Dash, what's wrong with these kids?" Twilight asked as she tapped Dashie's shoulder to grab her attention. "I've never seen you angry at something before." "It's just dat dese kids tink dey'we so much bettew dan us." Dashie turned to face Twilight, so that the two of them could discuss Dashie's fury. "Dey awso said dat dey thought dat deiw toddwew yeaws wewe a cuwse." "Yeah, dey tink dey'we so gweat because dey can use da po-tty," Rarity said, in a mocking tone as she now looked at those other children outside with a scornful look. "And because dey weaw pants." "And dat dey dun have ta cwaww wike us." Pinkie said, joining Dashie's side as she too now noticed what was different with these children outside. "Wawking's not onwy tiwing, but it huwts as weww. Cwawwing's much mowe convenient, and fun." "Dey make me sick." Dashie said as she turned back to the group, who were now sitting down, comprehending what they had just saw. "Not onwy can dey do mowe tings den us, but my mama was wobbed by big kids when I was onwy a week owd." "Really?" Twilight said, feeling sympathetic for Dashie, but at the same time feeling curious. "I'm sorry, Dashie. Nobody should be stolen from, according to my mama." "It's awwight, Twiwight. Dis stuff happens now and again, ta evewybody at some point. Dat's what dada awways towd me" Dashie said as she now felt a little bit calmer now. "Anyways, don't wet it compwetewy wuin youw day." "I'll keep that in mind." Twilight said as she climbed back down the way she had climbed up. Once Twilight had reached the padded floor, the others decided to follow suit, saving their frustrations for another day. They made it back to their food and had just enough time to finish it all, before they could start the last thing of the day. When Twinkleshine had noticed that it was time for the last session of the day, she waited for the children to finish eating whatever food and drink they were consuming before cleaning up the mess afterwards. After all the trash had been cleaned up, she let the class get on with whatever they wanted to do. Pretty much all of the class went off to do the fun things they wanted to do. Even Twilight and her group followed suit and began playing also. Some of the children even went over to Twinkleshine if they wanted to play dress-up, since they couldn't dress themselves. To the children who did dress up, Twinkleshine was happy to dress them in whatever they wanted. Most of the girls dressed up as princesses, no surprise there. "So, Fluttershy, why is the word 'shy' in your name?" Twilight asked as nicely as she could. "Umm, weww... It's u-uh, pwetty sewf-expwanatowy." Fluttershy said, turning her head so that it looked like one of her eyes was covered by her hair. "I'm scawed of pwetty much anyting new." "So, if that's the case, why aren't you scared of classrooms?" Twilight said, then facepalmed as she now remembered that she was scared of anything NEW. "Wait, you were at a different school as well?" "Umm, yes. But how did yoo know about dat?" Fluttershy asked, turning her head back to Twilight, showing both of her eyes once more. "Just a hunch." She said, blushing a little, seeing as she new that Fluttershy was curious on how Twilight knew about Fluttershy's previous school. After this little conversation, Twilight decided to take a walk on the imaginative side and went over to Twinkleshine for a quick dressing... Twilight looked down upon her flourishing kingdom with a smile. The sky was blue, the land was plentiful and magic, and the world seemed at peace. In the town, people were either buying/selling stuff, working their jobs, or just being themselves. The world seemed to be a in a harmonious state with Twilight ruling the land, and with her faithful advisors: Applejack, who tended to the gardens. Rarity, who made Twilight's formal wear. Pinkie, who was Twilight's jester. Rainbow Dash, the captain of Twilight's guards. And Fluttershy, Twilight's own personal bard, Twilight seemed to be one of the most prominent rulers of the whole childish land. However, that all changed when the Diamond Democracy attacked... Their numbers were pretty large, despite all their armour and weapons being childish. Led by a queen with a bad case of greed, known only across the kingdom as Diamond Tiara. She was also a prominent ruler, and a fantastic strategist. Legend has it, that she brought down an entire kingdom, just for blowing up the dungeon underneath it. The ruler of this new kingdom wanted Twilight's so badly, due to the fact that her lands were quite plentiful and ripe with food and water, that she would not rest until it was hers. And with her one and only princess, Silver Spoon, she would wage an attack which would shatter Twilight's defences in a record time. The two kingdoms went at it with everything they had, firing a whole array of childish artillery upon the ground forces that assaulted each castle. Many lives had been forced to nap once they had taken excessive damage, but the two leaders would still be a wake and ready to deal the fatal blow. After many days and many nights, the two rulers eventually discovered that they were equal in wits, size, power, and imaginations. So the question was, what to do? Until a great idea hit Twilight during their most recent meeting. A declaration of unity, to wipe the bloodstain of the childish documents of the two lands for good. Eventually, after tiresome debating, Queen Tiara found that Twilight's proposition seemed like a good idea in the end. So, she gladly went along with the idea of combining the two kingdoms in the end. Once the two towns had been united as one, Queen Tiara and Princess Spoon went off to join Twilight's ranks. The two regal rulers, and the 6 honourable consorts, were now looking down upon a new world with happiness and grace. Eyes that looked upon the weak and poor with charity, buffness that would prevail through any future battles, and imaginations so active, that no-one else would compare with them... "So, Twiwight. What do yoo wanna do today?" Diamond asked as she looked down upon the grand kingdom they owned together. "How about a game of Tag to pass the time?" Twilight suggested, remembering that they all needed some fun before they all grew up. "Whadda yoo say, Siwvew? Yoo wanna join in?" Diamond turned to her partner as if to grab even more followers into their little game. "Ah, awwight. I'ww pway awong." She said, coming in closer to the group. "Wat about you girws?" She then turned to face the rest of Twilight's friends They didn't even need to be answer. They merely smiled, nodded and joined in split seconds. Within a few seconds, the entire group was ready to play Tag. "Weww, I tink Twiwight shouwd go fiwst." Diamond said as she placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "She's shown da couwage, da heawt, and da knowwedge ta begin." "Any objections?" Twilight asked to the rest of the group, in case they had different opinions on Twilight being it first. "No? Well then, let's get started..." Twilight only gave the group 10 seconds to run before she began to chase them. Once the time was up, Twilight charged towards Applejack as fast as her little legs could carry her. She landed a good tag on Applejack, before she ran the other way, to avoid a tag-back. The entire group was playing very well, moving very quickly and using the environment to their advantage. Eventually, Applejack struck Silver, who struck Fluttershy, who struck Dashie. This chain went on for a while. Even so, the group liked it, very much... Once the day had come to an end, Twinkleshine called the class into another semi-circle, so that she could end the day and give some closing remarks. All the kids dropped what they were doing, so that they could listen to Twinkleshine and what she had to say. "Well, class. It's been fun meeting all of you, but I believe that it's now the end of the day." She said, waiting for the children to reach with sad 'aaww's. Once they did, she got their attention back. "But this isn't the end of it all. Now you've all got to get home to your parents and get some sleep for the day ahead of you." She went over to the door and opened it, where all of the children's parents were waiting for them. Even Twilight Velvet and Stardust Sparkle were here. They had all been waiting patiently to take their children home for the night. "Well, I won't keep you waiting any longer, see you tomorrow, kids." She said as she dismissed the group to re-unite with their parents. They all moved as fast as they could on all fours, and hugged their respective parents once they made it to them. Once Twilight made it back to Velvet and Stardust, she heard a barking noise which she remembered all too well. the two parents parted, so that Twilight could see the noise of the barking behind her. It belong to none other than her favorite puppy, Spike. Spike ran up to her, and she brought him into a cuddle. Twilight was happy to see Spike again, and she was rewarded with Spike licking her happily. "Did you have a good time, Twilight?" Velvet asked her daughter after Spike finally got off of the giggling Twilight. "Oh yes, Mama." She said, looking back at her friends, who were reuniting with their parents in hugs as well. "I made these friends that you were talking about." "Well, that's wonderful. Twilight." Velvet picked up and then nuzzled her daughter, causing her to blush. "So, was it a good first day at school?" Stardust asked as the two of them walked out of the establishment, with Twilight being carried the whole time and Spike following close behind. "Yes. Yes it was..." Twilight said as she fell into a deep sleep into her mother's arms. She had had a busy day at Ponyville Kindergarten and needed to rest her energy for the next day. It had been a very pleasurable experience for Twilight and all of the friends she had made today. She finally knew that there was more to life than just reading, and it would be sure, as sure as the sun and the moon orbit the earth, that Twilight's term was only going to get better from here.