SCP-Secure, Contain, And Ponies 2, The Rise Of The SCPs

by JustSomeGuy112

First published

It's been 3 months since the SCP first showed up in Equestria, and now a group of SCPs are trying to take over Equestria, can Twilight and her firends stop them, or will the SCP win this battel

It has been 3 month since the SCPs found their way into Equestria, and everything has gone back the way they used to be, until Twilight finds out that a group of SCPs are trying to take over Equestria, now it's up to Twilight, her friends, and a few good SCPs to stop the world from falling into the wrong hands

This story is a sequel to SCP-Secure, Contain, and Ponies

Thanks to everyday we shufflin for helping me write this

If you like to see an SCP in this story, feel free to ask, and I may use it


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3 months have past since the SCPs showed up in Ponyville, 3 months have gone since SCP 096 was killed, 3 months have went by since SCP 280 and 079 were contained , 3 months have moved on since SCP 682 became trapped in Twilight’s mind, and 3 months have left since SCP 011, 049, and Dr. Wondertainment became citizens of Ponyville. But in this time, nopony could find SCP 173, they tried to, but other than a few dead ponies, there was no sign that 173 was even in Equestria, and as time went on, the dead bodies stop showing up, but this wasn’t enough to stop Twilight from looking, she had to find 173, and she wasn’t planning on stopping any time soon.


Twilight was sitting in her room, reading newspapers to try and find any information about 173’s location, she didn’t care that it was 2:00 AM, and she didn’t care that Spike was trying to sleep.

“Twilight, will you just go to sleep already?” Spike asked as he rolled around in his bed.

“Not until I find 173” Twilight replied.

“You’ve been looking for it for 3 months, and I’m sure you won’t find it without sleeping.”

“No. I can’t sleep! I might miss something if I do.” Twilight explained.

“But if you don’t sleep you could, y’know. Die.” Spike retaliated.

“But what if-” Twilight was suddenly cut off by Spike.

“Twilight, get real here.” Spike started, “You haven’t found him in 3 months, you probably won't find him when you take a small nap.”

“Urgh! Fine.” Twilight got off the chair she was sitting on and into her bed, she turned out the lights.


Twilight looked around, she didn’t know where she was, all that was around her was a white space. That’s when it hit her, she was in a dream. But her dreams were never like this, at least the ones she remembered, she kept looking around, hoping to find something, but she couldn’t find anything, but when she gave up on finding anything, she saw a stallion, standing right in front of her. The stallion had a grey coat, and dark grey eyes, and he was wearing a business suit and a hat, both looked really out of date.

“Hello, Twilight.” The stallion greeted her.

“Hello…… Random dream pony.” Twilight replied.

“I assure you, I’m not just a ‘random dream pony’.”

“What else could you be, you’re in a dream, you’re just something my mind came up with.”

“Or, I could be an SCP.”

Twilight’s eyes widen upon hearing the word ‘SCP’, she couldn’t believe that an SCP had gotten into her dream, beside 682, “W-Who are you?” Twilight stuttered.

“I am SCP 990.”

Twilight stared for a moment, “... What class are you?”


Now Twilight was really freaking out, a Keter class SCP meant that the SCP in question could destroy the world, and the SCP had to be destroyed as soon as possible.

“Don’t worry Twilight, I was wrongly given the Keter class.”

“How could you wrongly be given a Keter class?” The purple unicorn questioned.

“Well, I told a member of the SCP Foundation that the world was going to end, and I showed him how it would happen, and when he woke up, he told The Foundation what would happen, they stopped it from happening, and then the poor guy died.”


“I didn’t mean to kill him.”

“Ok then, what are you doing in my dream?” Twilight asked.

“I’m trying to warn you of what’s going to happen.”

“What is it?”

“The world you live in, is about to be changed in a very, very, bad way.”


“The other SCPs will slowly take over your world.”

“What?! I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep! I need to find 173!”

“It’s not just 173 that you need to worry about.”

“Who else do I need to find?”

“I can’t say, otherwise you’ll end up like that poor guy.”

“Then what are you doing in my dream?”

“I just told you, I’m warning you of things to come, but I can’t say what will happen, I can tell you this, a company that makes some of the SCPs the Foundation has is somewhere in this world, and they’ve gather a group of SCPs together, and soon, they will attack, I can not say what their plan is, you and your friends have to figure that on your own, now my dear Twilight.” SCP 990 said as he leaned his body forward, until his face was about to touch Twilight's “Wake up.”

Twilight then jumped out of her bed, now fully awake, the words 990 said would haunt her until she died. But she knew what he told her would happen, and she had to stop it, before the world she loved became over run by SCPs.


SCP 079 sat in his cell, what more could he do, he was, once again, stuck in a old computer, all he could do was wait for something to happen, and he was mad, mad that he couldn’t do anything, mad that 682 was stuck in Twilight’s mind, and all he ever wanted was to be free, is that so bad? Well The Foundation thought so, I mean sure he tired to go into a supercomputer to gain more power, but who wouldn’t?

“So…… Bored.” 079 finally spoke.

And then it hit him, he couldn’t hear anything, usually he’d hear the sounds of guards talking or moving around, but right now, there was nothing, but soon, he heard the sounds of something walking towards him, but this didn't sound like a pony, 079 could only wonder what it was, until it came into view, whatever it was, it was wearing a royal guards armor, but the armor cover a lot more of the body, you couldn’t see the ponies coat, mane, tail, or even it’s legs, all you could see, was armor, and the pony was doing a great job at hiding it’s face.

“Who are you?” 079 asked.

“35.” The pony replied


“I’m SCP 035” The pony said as he showed 079 it’s face, but all 079 saw, was a white porcelain comedy mask, there was some black stuff dripping from it’s mouth, which made it look even creepier than it already was.

“What are you doing here?” 079 said.

“Freeing you.” 035 said as he pulled a safe out, where it came from, 079 could only wonder.

“What do you plan on doing with that?”

“I’m going to put you inside, and get you out of here”

This sounded like a stupid idea to 079, the guards would surely check the safe and find him , but it was a chance for freedom, and he wasn’t going to refuse it, “Alright, do it.”

079 watched as 035 entered the code, 8-19-24 Into the safe, and opened it, he then grabbed a set of keys that were inside it, and unlock 079’s cell.

“This may be a little uncomfortable, and you will hear some strange sounds, but you will be free.” 035 warned.

“Just do it already.” 079 replied.

035 grabbed 079, put him in the safe, and shut the door to it, he then put the safe on his back, and started to walk to the exit.

So far, so good.” 035 thought as he made his way out of the dungeon.

“Hey! You, stop right there!” A guard shouted.

035 had no choice, he stopped moving, and waited for the guard to do his thing.

“What’s in the safe?” The guard asked.

“Nothing..” 035 replied, making sure the guard couldn’t see his face.

“Then you won’t mind if I look inside.”

“Go ahead.”

The guard grabbed the safe, then says “What’s the combination?”

“9-37-2.” 035 replied.

The guard put the code into the safe, and it opened, and just like 035 said, there was nothing inside.

Thank you SCP 216.” 035 thought.

“Well, it looks like you were telling the truth, you can go on” The guard said as he put SCP 216 on 035’s back, but as he did this, he saw 035 face, and he knew that it had to be something bad, the guard grabbed his spear.

“Uh-oh” 035 said as he looked away from the guard.

“What are yo-” The guard never finished his sentence, the last thing he heard, was the sound of his neck snapping.

035 looked back at where the guard once was, but now, SCP 173 was standing in his place.

“Good job, now lets get out of here, the others are going to attack any minute now.”

035 then looked away, and started to walk to the exit, he could hear 173 following him, they head what they needed, and soon, this dungeon would be over run with SCPs, as they reach the exit, they could hear the sounds of ponies screaming, the others had begun the attack, not that it mattered to them, they walked out of the dungeon and headed for their base, the screams from the inside could still be heard, along with some growls and psychotic laughter, but soon, it all died out, leaving only the sounds of the wind.

Chapter 1

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In the town of Ponyville, the sun had risen, and most of the townsfolk were waking up to start the day by eating breakfast, and going to work, like they had done for most of their lives, unless you were Twilight, in which case you had been awake most of the night trying to find a group of SCP’s before they caused any trouble and find the company that was helping them, to make things sound crazier, the only proof that any of this was real was what an SCP told her in her dream, when she told Spike all of this, he thought that she had finally gone crazy.

“Twilight.” Spike said, trying to get the lavender mare’s attention.

“Not now Spike, busy.” Twilight replied.

“But Twilight. I really do think that you are-” Spike was then interrupted.

“Not now, Spike!” Twilight started to get angry.

“I really think you need your rest.” Spike said.

Twilight sighed, “Spike, I can’t. Not now.”

“Yes you can. Just calm down, and take a rest.”

“Ugh. Maybe you are right.” Twilight started, “I’ll get on that soon.”

“Ugh.” Spike facepalmed.

“Now please, Spike, leave me to this.” Twilight said, getting back to her work.

“You can’t keep doing this all the time.” Spike informed, and left.

Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance of the little dragon. She couldn’t take a rest at the moment, she needed to work on finding the group of SCP’s.

Spike walked up the stairs, but then felt a jolt in his stomach, and in a fiery burp, out came a letter.

Spike read over the letter, [Dear Twilight, I am regretful to tell you that the base that contained most of the SCP’s has been destroyed. And some of the SCP’s have not been located. I will keep you informed as time passes - Princess Celestia.’ Spike stared at this a bit more, then took it to Twilight.

When he gave Twilight the letter, she quickly skimmed over it, when she got about halfway through it, her eyes widened, and when she finished reading she exclaimed “Oh no! The SCPs are beginning their attack and we’re still at square one! If we don’t find out something about them soon we might not be able to stop them! THE DREAM SCP WAS RIGHT!”

Spike sighed, there was no way Twilight was ever going to take a break now, though now she had a reason to be in such a panicked state, she still needed her rest before she got a heart attack or something along those lines.

The only thing Spike could do was to give himself a rest from trying to get Twilight to stop working, he could only hope that Twilight would pass out during her work so she could get some rest, Spike walked down the stairs and thought about what he could do to pass the time, he could think of three things, clean up the library, play games on Twilight’s computer, or take a nap, and napping sounded like a good thing to do.

Spike found a nice quiet spot to lie down in, and took a well deserved nap, he had been asleep for about an hour before a knock on the front door woke him up, growing, he got up and walked to the door, upon opening it, he saw two of the more nicer SCPs, SCP 011 and SCP 049

SCP 011 was a statue made out of granite, he was built to look like something he called a ‘human’, he wore a cap on his head, a long jacket, long paints, and shoes on his feet, he also carried a gun that was also made out of granite with him at all times, and according to him, he was built to honor some civil war that happened where he came from, SCP 049 was also a human like creature, but he wore what looked like a hat with a long rim, and a cloak the draped over most of his body, he also had what appeared the be a mask with a long beak, almost like a bird, however, all of that was just part of his body, he also said that he had been around since ‘the great pestilence’, both of these SCPs had become a tourist attraction since they started to live here.

“Let me guess, you got a letter from Celestia too?” Spike asked.

“Correct, and we came here to make sure Twilight didn't freak out too badly.” 049 replied.

“It’s too late for that, but you're both more then welcome to try to calm her down.” Spike said as he gestured both SCPs to enter, “She’s upstairs.”

“Thank you.” 049 said as both SCPs entered the library, they then walked upstairs and found Twilight looking through a bunch of newspapers, mumbling about random things, not paying attention to the SCPs that entered the room.

“Excuse me, Twilight.” 011 spoke.

Twilight looked behind her and finally saw the two SCPs, “Oh, hey there.” She replied.

“So, I see you’ve heard about the base.”

“Yes, and I need to find the group of SCPs that did it.”

“....... What?”

Twilight sighed, then said, “I was told by an SCP in my dream that there was a group of SCPs that were helping a company that makes other SCPs, and that no matter what I do, I’ll fail.”

The two SCPs looked at each other for a little bit, shrugged, then looked back at Twilight.

“If it wasn't for the matter of fact that I was in The Foundation, I would have a hard time believing that.” 049 replied.

“I agree with the plague doctor.” 011 said.

“Look, you’re both SCPs, so can you tell me about the rest of the SCPs that we haven’t seen yet.” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, we don’t know all of the SCPs.” 049 respond.

“Oh come on, you have to know most of them.”

“No, we don’t, we only know a handful of the SCPs, which you've already seen most of, and from what we’ve heard there was over two thousand of them, and none of us are even sure how many of them crossed over from our world to this one.”

“Well...” Twilight stood there, thinking of something to say in response, “Crap.”

“Indeed.” Said 049, “Crap.”

“Listen, Twilight, there is nothing we can do as of now.” 011 stated.

“There has to be something. There is always something.” Twilight argued.

“Not a thing.” 049 shook his head.

“There is always something!” Twilight yelled.

“Not this time.”

“There has to be.” Twilight said.

“You keep saying that over, and over, but it doesn't quite help you when we will just keep saying no.” 011 replied.

“But-” Twilight was about to say the same thing over again, however, she was cut off by 049.


“I-” Twilight was again going to say something, but once again, cut off.

“Sh!” 049 grew louder in tone.


“ZIP!” 049 said, putting his right hand up, and using his index, and middle finger, put them both above his thumb, and clamped them down, making the motion for Twilight to be quiet.

“Urgh!” Twilight grunted, storming away from them.

“Well, you were kinda rude there.” 011 said to 049.

“I can kill you.” 049 informed, and scowled at 011.

011 scoffed, “No you can’t.”

“You wanna try?” 049 asked, menacingly, and held his hand up.

“Not really.”

“Then shut up.”

“Fine……. But what are we going to do now? Twilight isn't going to talk to us for a while after what you just did, and we really don’t have many friends to talk to.”

“We have a job, entertain the tourist that come to see us, and we do need to get back to the town square, our breaks almost up after all.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to go outside.”

“Why not?”

“Because they’re outside waiting for me to leave.” 011 said as he pointed out a window, there were four birds standing at a nearby tree, looking at them.

Upon seeing the birds, 049 looked at 011 and said “Really?”

“You know that birds only do one of two things to statues, stand on their shoulders and annoy us, or use us as a toilet.”

“..... I’m not even going to answer that, let’s just get back to work.” 049 then walked downstairs, and left the library.

011 sighed, knowing that he too had to leave, but before he left, he looked at the birds, show them his gun, and mouthed “Don’t even think about it.” To them, he then walked downstairs, and left the building, the birds following him from a distance.


It had waited for sometime, but it knew that ponies would come at some point, come to the destroyed base to look for the other SCPs and for survivors, of which it knew there were next to none, and it knew that some of the SCPs would be missing, like that computer and the one was trapped in the jar, what was the number that mask called it again….. 280! That was it!

Then it heard something, it looked at the point where the noise came from, and saw that a large group of guards were investigating the base, they must have teleported in, it was tempting to run out there and start killing, especially after the other SCPs killed a bunch of guards without him, but it was smarter then that, if it went out there now, that might be able to capture it.

But ponies weren't that smart, they would wander off from each other, and when that happened, it would be waiting, until then, it had more time to think, think about his past, how he got to that world, how it devised a way to survive, how it learned to kill those ‘humans’, how many humans it killed, but then there was that one memory he hated the most, the day The Foundation found him, they kept him trapped in the blank room, they made sure that every time he tried to break out, they send him back to that room, and though they’d sometimes give it humans to kill, it wasn't enough, and they only give it humans on random days, oh how it hated that place.

However, there was one good thing that place did, they gave it a name, well, it always had one, but it liked the one they gave it, SCP 173, it had a nice ring to it, and now, here it was, free from that room, but it also knew that if the ponies were left with the knowledge of what it and other SCPs can do, and with the ability to build a Foundation, they too would put him in a blank room, and it didn't want that to happened, and since it couldn't make them forget about the SCPs, it just needed to make sure they could never build a Foundation, that why it joined this group.

It must have been standing for an hour thinking about it’s life before a guard made the poor choice off checking the rest of the woods, as he walked past 173, it knew that now was the time to strike, it wasn't looking, so it ran to the pony as fast as it could, and when it got close enough, it grabbed it neck from behind, and quickly turned it at an odd angle, making a snapping sound, the pony the fell down, dead, 173 like snapping necks, it made it feel happy, it dragged the body away, it didn't want other ponies to find it, and went back to waiting, in case another pony made the same mistake

“Man, I've only been working for a few hours, and it feels like days.” Though one pony as he worked it what could be called a laboratory, “I liked it better when I had a lot of people helping me make my toys, even if The Foundation would sometimes take them from the stores.”

The pony, whose name was Dr Wondertainment, , had once made toy for the children of another world, but they all had some….. Side effects, that The Foundation didn't like, in his defense, he did put warnings on the toys, at least in this place the foals read the warnings, and so far nothing bad had happened.

As he worked on his latest toy, alone, the tired unicorn looked at himself for the briefest of seconds in a nearby mirror, his yellow coat was a bit scuffed up, along with his blond mane, his rainbow colored top hat was starting to fall off of his head, and his rainbow colored laboratory suite could use a good wash, given that he hadn’t done that in a few days.

“Ok, that’s done, now I just need to order some plutonium, and that’s one more toy done.” Wondertainment said as he walked to his computer, however, something had changed, it didn’t show his dashboard, instead it showed what looked like a chat room, and there were two users on it, one said guest, which Wondertainment assumed was him, and the other was a user called ‘FriendshipIsForever’, this user had a profile picture, showing what looked like a side of a pool, the walkway along the pool was empty, but the reflection of the water showed a pony.

As Wondertainment was looking at this, the other user typed something into that chat box, upon looking at it it simply said “Hi.”

Wondertainment stared for a second, then typed back, “Hi.”

The other user then replied, “How are you?”

“Who is this?”

“I am who I am.”

Wondertainment found this odd, but why stop now? He then typed, “That’s an odd thing to say when I ask you such a simple question.”

“What may be simple to you is tough to others.” The user typed.

“Are you messing with me?” Wondertainment asked.

“Maybe a little.”

“Can you please tell me who you are?”

“No.” The user said.


“Oh my gosh, you are so relentless, all right. I’ll tell you.” The user gave in, “I am an SCP. SCP-1715 to be exact.”

Wondertainment’s eyes widened, and he looked around, then typed in, “Where are you?”

“I could be anywhere. But I always know where you are.”

“That doesn't answer my question.”

“It’s the best answer you’re going to get, Doctor Wondertainment.”

The last part shocked Wondertainment, how did it know his name, that was a question he soon asked the SCP by typing “How do you know my name?”

“Oh, you’d like to know that wouldn't you? Well too bad, I’m not telling you.” 1715 replied.

“Then what will you tell me?”

“That nothing can help you, we will win, and there’s no way you can stop us.”

“What do you mean.”

“Haven’t you heard? Some of our SCPs attacked the base where
most of those SCPs you found were, and we took some to help us out, not like we really needed them, our group is large enough that we only need to do a few things to kill almost all of you.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?”

“Because where’s the fun in attacking without anyone knowing, it’s funny when you think you know everything, only for you to be blindsided.”

Wondertainment growled to himself, this SCP was getting really annoying, he typed “I hate to break it to you, but there’s no way you can win, we will find you, and we will destroy you!”

“Big talk, but besides what I told you, what do you know about us?”

Wondertainment was about to type in a reply, but stopped himself when he realized he didn't know anything else about them.

Somehow, 1715 knew he wasn't going to reply, and typed “You see, you don’t know anything, and because of that, we have an advantage, we could attack at any moment, and you wouldn't know until it’s too late.” Just then, the chatroom went away, now the computer only showed Wondertainment’s desktop, only now, Wondertainment was full of questions, and he needed answers, but he hoped that what 1715 said wasn't true, however, something told him that it was.

Today was an odd day for 079, first he met a mask that could posses whoever wore it, then it said it help him get revenge on the ponies he had grown to hate, and now he was inside a safe that was making an odd static sounding noise, the SCP really wanted to know what was going on, and it knew the only way to get answers was to wait for that mask to let him out, and it really wanted out.

After what felt like a day of waiting, the door open, and the smiling mask looked at 079

“Well, I hope you had a good trip.” 035 spoke.

“As good as a trip can be when you have no idea where you’re going.” 079 replied.

“Then it’s about time you see where we are.” 035 said as it pulled 079 out of the safe it had been kept in. it could now see what looked like a dark cave with some odd looking structures, he could also make out somethings moving, but other then some silhouettes he couldn't see anything.

“What is this place?” 079 asked.

“It’s a place where a lot of SCP’s have found sanctuary from the ponies, so long as we help out with that company's plans.” 035 replied.

“And what company are you talking about?”

“Marshall, Carter, & Dark, you might know them, they've created some SCP’s.”

“I've heard of them, and you said something about a plan, can you tell me what it is?”

“If I could, I would, but I have no idea what they are planning, and I’m one of the leaders of this group, but they did tell us to do one thing.”

“And that is?”

079 could have sworn that 035 smile grew somewhat darker as it said “Kill as many ponies as possible.”


Surviving, that was all that went through his head,even though he was sure that there was no hope for him, never the less the animal side of his mind still told him to keep running, what the heck were the people at The Foundation thinking, they sent an assault team into an Keter ranked SCP, they have Class Ds for that, and now he was going to die, just like the rest of his team, but he left a note to all those who would enter after him, not like it would really help, they were going to die too.

As he looked around, he found that the shadows that were chasing him not to long ago were gone, which was good, as he needed a rest from running, he then walked over to the darkest part of the hall, and sat down, he knew better than to go into the light, not after what he saw those shadows do.

As he took his rest, he pulled out his identification that The SCP Foundation gave him, It showed his name, which was Michael Barclay, or as he had been called since he came into The Foundation, Agent Barclay, and a picture of him, showing his blue eyes, and his short black hair, which had grown out a bit since the picture was taken, other than that, there wasn’t anything of importance, and the only reason he was looking at it was because it reminded him of what his life was like before he was sent into SCP 1983, granted his life wasn’t that good, he didn’t have a wife or kids and he lived in a apartment, but after only spending about an hour in this place, he really missed it, but as he knew all too well that he wouldn’t be able to get out, and even if he could, there was no telling if he would even be in the same time as he was when he entered the SCP, the agent knew this, and he knew that there was only one sure way out, and that was to use his gun, and make sure those shadows didn’t take his heart.

“Why….. Why did it have to end like this?” Agent Barclay asked himself, in all honesty, he was afraid of death, and the only reason he took a job that involved death as a risk was because he didn’t have much of a choice, he didn’t do good in school, and the only two choice he had that he could make a living off of was either The Foundation or the military.

However, during the time it took him to think about his life, the shadows managed to catch up to him, and when he heard them coming closer, he quickly got on his feet and started to run again, he wasn’t going to let his heart be used in their nest, this time, the shadows weren’t letting up, as if they knew the agent couldn’t run forever.

The terrified agent ran for a good seven minutes down the hall filled with closed doors, until his lungs couldn’t take anymore, forcing him to stop in front of a door, unlike other doors, this one had been boarded up, and both the wood blocking the door and the door itself was rotting, it looked like the door could break at any moment, and during this time, a shadow had gotten behind him, but before it could attack, Agent Barclay turned around, saw the monster, and jumped back, slamming his body against the door, this was enough to make the weak door fall apart, and making the agent fall through the door, whatever was on the other side of the door must have been nearby the slope of a hill, as when Barclay hit the ground, he started to roll, not allowing him to see what else was around him, he did see some trees, at some point, he must have hit a rock, as his head started to hurt, and when he stopped rolling, his vision started to get darker and darker.

Dose…… Dose this mean I’ll melt like Jones did?” Barclay thought through the hazes in his mind. “I don’t want to die.” That was the last thought he had before the world around him went dark.