The Wizard of Oz (McCracken Version)

by sweetsweetlovebird

First published

A re-imagained version of the classic story of The Wizard of Oz with characters created by the great Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust.

Twilight Sparkle and her dragon Spike were about to celebrate the anniversary of the day they moved to Ponyville and meet their friends, but a terrible twister came in and swept them away in a cyclone and landed them in the land of Oz. Twilight and Spike must get back home so, and their only chance of getting back is to follow the yellow brick road, and see the wonderful Wizard of Oz. Along the way, they meet new friends, including a silly Scarecrow named Wander who wants a brain, a sad and slightly grumpy Tin Man named Bloo who wants a heart, and a Tough but Cowerdly Lion named Buttercup who wants courage. With new friends by her side, Twilight soon realizes that maybe she doesn't always need her old friends to use the Magic of Friendship.
MLP FIM belongs to Lauren Faust and Hasbro
WOY, FHIF, and PPG belong to Craig McCracken
WOY belongs to Disney
FHIF and PPG belong to Cartoon Network

Just Another Day in Equestria

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Chapter 1

On just a beautiful day in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle and her trusted Dragon Spike were heading over to Sweet Apple Acres after receiving a letter from their friend Applejack about something special.

"Aw, aren't we there yet?" said Spike. He had just woken up from a long nap.

"Oh Spike," said Twilight, "we've only been walking for 15 minutes. We're practically almost there."

She was right. For as they went up a hill, they were right above the orchards, and only a few feet away from the barn.

"Ok, we're here now, Spike," said Twilight. "Great!" said Spike, "Now I can catch some sleep in the hay!"

"No, Spike," said Twilight, "Don't you remember why we're here? Applejack whited us to come here for something very important! We don't have time to sleep in the hay!" "

Oh, alright," said Spike, "But, once we're all done with whatever Applejack needs our help with, then can I get back to sleep?!" "Sure you can, Spike," said Twilight.

As they enter the barn, they noticed everything was so dark. "Um, Twilight," said Spike, "Are my eyes closed, or is everything so dark?"

"If your eyes are closed, so are mine," said Twilight, "I can't see a thing."

Twilight then used her horn to try and lighten things up. Just then, a huge burst of balloons and streamers jumped right out, right all along with their friend Pinkie Pie.

"SURPRISE!!!" yelled Pinkie, as the lights lit up. All of their friends from ponyville gathered around in this small little barn.

Twilight and Spike were stunned. "I…I…I don't understand," said a very confused Twilight, "What's all this for? and what are all of are friends from ponyville doing in this little barn?"

"Don't you remember, Twilight you silly filly?!" said Pinkie, "This is the day you moved to Ponyville and met all of us!"

"That's why I sent ya that letter," said Applejack, "I didn't want to soil the surprise."

As Twilight walked further into the barn, more of her friends cam to greet her, including Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

"You shouldn't looked at your face!" laughed Rainbow, "It was priceless!"

"Oh, Rainbow Dash," said Rarity, "Must you always laugh at the pure shock of our dear friend on the anniversary of the day we all met her?"

"You haven't forgotten this day," said Fluttershy, "Have you?"

"Of course not!" said Twilight, "How could I Ever forget the day I met the most wonderful friends a pony could ever have. Thank you all so much for throwing this party. You really didn't have to do that."

"Oh Yes We Did!" yelped Pinkie, "We had to throw the absolute best friendship anniversary party EVER!" Everyone laughed at their cheerful friend.

Everyone gives Twilight the most lovely gifts. Applejack gave her a special apple with everyone's name on it. Rainbow Dash gave her a lightning bolt bracelet with her picture on it. Pinkie Pie made her a giant friendship cake with the symbols of the elements of Harmony on it, Spike at most of it. Fluttershy gave a small hair pin with a lovely flower on it. Rarity made her a dress, but unlike most of her dresses, this was a simple one, with a white top, and a blue shirt overall with white stripes.

Twilight was so thankful of all the gifts that her friends have giving to her. She gave a small speech to everyone on how grateful she was. "I just want to thank every pony for all of this," she said in tears, "I feel so grateful for all of the wonderful friends I have made since I've been here, and I would trade it for anything else in all of Equestria." Everyone clapped and cheered at her wonderful speech.

This happy moments was not to last long, however, for then they all hear a blustery wind coming. One of the ponies came in the barn and yelled, "TWISTER! IT'S A TWISTER! A TWISTER IS COMING THIS WAY!"

All of the ponies panicked at this, until Applejack got up to tell everyone to remain claim. "Now Listen Here, Everypony!" she yelled, "We All Must Get Down The Seller Together!"

Everyone all went under the speller as quickly as possible, everyone that is, expect Twilight and Spike. "Come One, Twilight!" Yelled Rainbow Dash. "I Need To Get Spike!" yelled Twilight, for Spike had decided to go into that apple family's house to use the bathroom.

Twilight ran as fast as to the house, trying to brave the wind. As she got in, she tried to warn Spike of the twist as fast as she could. "Spike!" she yelled, "Spike, We Got To Get Out Of Here Now!"

"But I'm Not Even Finished Yet!" yelled Spike. "There's No Time!" yelled Twilight, "There's A Twister On This Way, And We Have To Down Into The Seller With Everpony Else!"

But before they could get out of the house, it was shaking so hard that it knocked a window wide open and hit Twilight so hard on the head that she fell unconscious. They were too late, for they were all locked up inside a cyclone.

Once Spike finally got out of the bathroom, he looked outside the window in horror at they were up so high, right in the middle of the cyclone. He then ran over to try and wake up Twilight.

"Wake Up, Twilight! Wake Up!" he yelled, "You've Got To Get Up Twilight! We're Right In The Middle Of The Cyclone!" After a few more pushes and shoves, Twilight finally woke up. She couldn't believe they up so high inside the house.

"Oh, Twilight," said Spike, "I'm So Sorry. If I Hadn't Eaten Some Much Cake, I Wouldn't Of Had To Use The Bathroom, And We Would Be Safe Inside The Seller With Our Friends!" He felt really giltty for what had happen.

"Don't Worry, Spike," said Twilight, "We'll Get Back On Ground, Somehow."

"Can't You Use Your Magic To Get Us Down?" asked Spike, "I'll Try," said Twilight, "But There's Little To No Chance It Will Work."

Twilight used her magic as hard as she could, but the wind was too strong for her magic to hold up. She was right.

It didn't seem like they would ever get down….That is until they felt like they were floating on air.

"Uh, Twilight,' said Spike, "Why are we floating on air?" Twilight looked outside the window, and saw the cyclone going downwards. That's when she realized, "SPIKE," she yelled, "WE'RE FALLING!"

They held on to each other as tight as they could, until the house dropped down hard. "Is it over?" asked Spike, "Are we back safe on the ground in Ponyville?" "I don't know, Spike," said Twilight, "we better take a look outside and see."

Welcome to Oz

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Previously, on Chapter 1:

On just another day in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle and her dragon Spike were just celebrating the anniversary of the day they moved to ponyville and meet their wonderful friends. Everything was great, until a terrible twister came and swept Twilight and Spike away in a cyclone. They have now landed, but are they safe back in ponyville, or are they somewhere else?

Chapter 2

As Twilight and Spike opened the door to look outside, they saw the most beautiful colors they have ever seen, but unfortunately for them, it wasn't ponyville.

"Spike," said Twilight, "I don't think we're in ponyville anymore." "Ya think?" asked an annoyed Spike.

As they looked around, they noticed some small figures coming from a hill. "Do you see that, Spike?" asked Twilight, "They don't look like ponyvilles, but they're not as small as fillies." "Yeah, I see them too." said Spike.

As they saw the figures come up closer to them, they noticed that one of the figures was slightly taller than the rest. "I think the teller one is their leader." whispered Twilight.

The tall figure came right up to them and greeted them with delight. "You are most welcome, oh noble sorceress, to the land of the munchkins!" said the tall figure. She looked like an older pony, but she was walking on two inset of four.

"Where are we?" asked Twilight, "and who are you and these small figures?" "You are in the wonderful land of Oz," said the figure, "and these people are the small once again happy munchkins, and I an the witch of the North."

"You're a witch?" asked a puzzled Twilight, "Excuse me, but I've never seen a witch like you before."

"Oh, you ask that because I'm older looking?" asked the Witch. "Oh no," said Twilight, "I think you look really kind, and not mean and ugly like most witches."

Oh, I see," giggled the Witch, "That is because I am a good witch. Only bad witches are ugly. Speaking of which, are you a witch too?" "No," answered Twilight, "I'm just a normal old unicorn. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my dragon Spike."

"Are you sure you're not a witch?" asked the Good Witch, "then how did you ever manage to get that house to come here, and landed right on that Wicked Witch of the East?"

"Well," began Twilight, "we were back at home in ponyville celebrating the anniversary of the day I became friends with every pony, and then, a terrible twister came and swept Spike and I away and then…..Wait, what was that about a Wicked Witch?" Twilight went so long with the story that she nearly forgot about that last part.

"Oh, didn't you notice?" said a small munchkin with yellow hair and pig tails, "You landed this house right on top that meany old Witch!" as see stuck out her tounge.

Twilight went over to look at where the little munchkin was staring at, and she was in complete shock to find two feet with ruby slippers on them.

"Oh my," said Twilight, "I didn't mean for this to happen." "Are you kidding?" said a munchkin with red hair and red bow, "This is the best thing that has happened to us!"

"Yes, indeed," said the Good Witch, "This is a day of freedom for these dear munchkins, and you our their savor!"

All of the munchkins bowed before Twilight and Spike as if they were royals. "You know," said Spike, "I think I can get used to this." Spike loves the attention.

Just then, Twilight noticed some strange was happening to the Wicked Witches feet under the house. "Look," she said, "the feet of the Wicked Witch are fading way. Nothing's left exempt her shoes.

The Good Witch laugh. "The Old Hag was so dried up, she faded into dust," she said with glee, "as for her ruby slippers, they are yours to wear." A munchkin picked them up to give to Twilight.

"Oh, that's awfully kind of you," said Twilight, "but I can't just take something that use to belong to someone else who was powerful and evil."

"Oh, but the Wicked Witch was very proud to wear those shoes." said a munchkin with brown messy hair. "They have a magic power to them that we never knew, and you seem to be the only one worthy of wearing them."

Twilight blushed, and said, "Well, thank you. This is a lovely present." She put her front hooves in the slippers, and they seemed to fit perfectly. "Now I just need to find room for them at home with all the other gifts from my friends back at home…"

Then Twilight realized, and asked, "By the way, do any of you know with way Spike and I should go to get back to ponyville?"

"I have never heard of ponyville," said the Good Witch, "Is it a civilized country?" "Oh, yes it is," said Twilight, "It's in Equestria, where every pony, whether they be earth ponies, unicorns, or pegasi, they all are very much civilized."

"Well," said the Good Witch, "I'm not sure if there is a way back to this place you call Equestria. What do you say she should do munchkins?"

"Well," said the munchkin with pig tails, "Whatever you do, don't go east, it's practically a dead end there." "The South is the same," said the munchkin with the red bow. "As for the West," said the munchkin with messy hair, "That palace is ruined by the Wicked Witch of the West!"

Everyone feared just by the name itself. "She will make you her slave if you past here way," said a munchkin with glasses. "Her slave?" said Spike, "then there's no way we're going that way."

What about the North?" asked Twilight, "They North is where I run," said the Good Witch, "You are welcome to cross it, but I'm afraid we'll come to the same dead end just like every where else."

"Oh, what should we do, Twilight?" asked Spike, "Everywhere we would go is a dead end."

"You know," said the munchkin with pig tails, "You could always live here and stay with us. We would love to have you here with us always."

Oh, that's very kind of you," said Twilight as she was starting in tears, "but, this could never be home for Spike or I. We have friends and family at home that i'm sure are every worried by now, and if we don't get there soon, something awful is bound to happen to them.

As Twilight wept in tears, the Good Witch conferred her. "There, there, my dear, don't cry," she said, "I will use my magic to help shelve your problems."

"Oh, can you?" asked a now more happier Twilight, "How does it work?" "Now watch carefully, dear," said the Good Witch as she began to use her maid.

She took her pointy cap, and balanced it on the tip of her nose, and with the magic words, "Count, Twear, Twa, Hay, Presto!"

Then suddenly, her cap turned into a magic slate. The Good Witch then read what it said, "Take Twilight the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz."

"Who is this Wizard?" asked Twilight, "Why, he is the most powerful Wizard in all of Oz," said the Good Witch, "Even more powerful than myself. Of course! He can get you and your dragon back to Equestria!"

"That's great!" said a Happy Twilight, "but, where is the Emerald City?" "If you follow this yellow brick road," said the munchkin with the red bow, "It will take you straight to the Emerald City!"

"Wow," said Spike, "How long is it to get to the city?" "Oh, it's pretty long," said the munchkin "But it's also dark and terrible!"

Everyone was frighten by this. "Wow do mean dark and terrible?" asked a scared Twilight, "Don't worry, dear," said the Good Witch, "I will give you my kiss." "Yes," said the munchkin with pig tails, "No one would dare harm anyone who has been kissed the the Witch of the North."

The Good Witch then planted a kiss and Twilight's forehead. Twilight somehow felt safe and secure now with it. "If you look in this mirror," said the Good Witch holding a mirror, "It has left a shinning mark on your head."

Twilight look in the mirror, and saw that the mark was a very rainbow like mark. "So it has," said Twilight.

Now feeling safe, Twilight felt it was time to head straight to the Emerald City. "Well, Spike, said Twilight, "I think it's time for us to fellow the yellow brick road and see this Wizard." "I couldn't agree with you more, Twilight," said Spike.

The munchkin were and little sad to see their hero go, but they knew she would be happier back at home with her friends. "Goodbye, munchkins," said Twilight, "Thank you for your help!" The munchkins then waved goodbye, and headed back into their houses.

"Goodbye, my dear," said the Good Witch. "Thank you," said Twilight, "Thank you so…" but before she could finish, the Good Witch vanished into thin air.

"W…Where did she go, Twilight?" asked a puzzled Spike, "I don't know, Spike," said Twilight, "but I'm sure she was grateful for helping us."

The they heard a rumbling sound. Twilight laughed, "Are you hungry again, Spike?" she asked, "I guess so," said a bashful Spike.

Twilight giggled, "It's ok," she said, "So am I. Let's pick up some of this fruit from the trees, and then start heading our way."

As they picked up some of the fruit, Spike noticed the ruby slippers on her front hooves. "You know, Twilight," said Spike, "Those shoes fit you perfectly." "I know," said Twilight, "It's as if they were made especially for me."

As she said this, neither of them knew that at the moment, the Wicked Witch of the West was watching them right this moment. "Made especially for you," she sneered, "Miss Goody Two Shoes! Just Because you killed one Wicked Witch, don't think the other one can't see what you're up to!"

She was watching them throw her magic crystal ball. "I'm watching you, Miss Goody, Goddy," she said, "Go on, walk down the yellow brick road, I'll be waiting for you!" as she cackled evilly.

"Ok, Spike," said Twilight, "This should be just about enough for us to get through the journey. Now let's go to the Emerlad City to see this Wizard!"

"Right behind you, Twilight!" said Spike.

A Scarecrow needs a Brain

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Previously, on Chapter 2:

Twilight and Spike have landed on the land of Oz, and accidentally dropped the house on a Wicked Witch of the East, and saved the helpless munchkins. Now with the magic ruby slippers, and the Good Witch's kiss to protect them from the dangers ahead, they embark on a journey to the Emerald City to see The Wizard of Oz to get them back to Equestria.

Chapter 3

As Twilight and Spike walk down the yellow brick road, things seem to be going in the right direction, that is until they come cross a cornfield and see that there are two pathways with yellow bricks.

"Oh no," said Twilight, "There's two paths with yellow bricks. Now which way do we go?" "I don't know, Twilight," said Spike, "I can't even sense which way smells like emeralds at all"

"Maybe that way is the right way," someone said from a distance. Twilight and Spike heard this and tried to look around to see who said this, but all they saw was a cornfield, a few crows, and a Scarecrow pointing in the right direction.

"Spike," said a confused Twilight, "Do you know who said that?" "No, Twilight," said a just as confused Spike, "All I saw was that scarecrow, and scarecrows can't talk."

"Or maybe the left way is the right way," said by the mysterious voice again. Once again, Twilight and Spike saw no one but the scarecrow, but then, they noticed something funny about it. It was now pointing the left direction.

"That's funny," said a even more confused Twilight, "Wasn't that scarecrow pointing the other way before?" "Yeah," said an also more confused Spike, "I thought it was pointing the other way too."

"Of course, people do go both ways!" said once again by the unknown voice, but this time, Twilight and Spike saw who it was who was talking this whole time. It Was The Scarecrow All Along!

"Spike," said a very surprised Twilight, "That Scarecrow was talking!" "Wow!" said an even more surprised Spike, "And I thought Scarecrow couldn't talk!"

Then the Scarecrow nodded, and then shook his head right after, and then nodded his head again. "Are you doing this on propose?" asked a now curious Twilight, "Or can't you make up your mind?" asked Spike.

"That's the trouble with me," said the Scarecrow, "I can't make up my mind. I haven't got brains at all. Only strew." He showed the drew in his head.

"Well," said Spike "How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?" "I don't know," answered the Scarecrow, "But I've heard some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?" "Yes," said Twilight, "I guess you're right." She looked at Spike with a smile, as he got annoyed by this.

Oh, excuse me," said Twilight, "We haven't meet properly now, have we?" "Why no," said the Scarecrow.

Twilight Bowed and said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my dragon Spike." "Mighty nice to meet ya, Twilight and Spike," said the Scarecrow, "The Farmer who made me called me Wander."

"How do you do, Wander?" asked Twilight. "How do YOU do?" asked Wander. "Every well, thank you," said Twilight. "Oh, I'm not at all well," said Wander. "Ya see, it's really very tedious being shock up here on this pole night and day."

"Oh my," said Twilight, "That must be awfully dreadful. Can't you get down?" "Down?" asked Wander, "Well, Ya see, I'm, well, I'm," he was pretty stock on that pole.

Then Twilight went behind him to help. "Well there," she said, "Let me help you." "Oh, that's very kind of you," said Wander.

As Twilight look around to see what would bring him down, she couldn't find a thing. "Oh dear," she said, "I don't quite see anything that would help." Of course, you know I'm full of any brains at all," said Wander, "but if you just bend the nail down in the back, maybe I'll slip off of it." "Oh yes," said Twilight.

As she did that, Wander fell off the pole, he lost a little of his stuffing in the process. "Whoops!" said Wnader, "There goes some of me, I guess!" As pick it up, he laughed.

Does it hurt?" asked a worried Twilight, "Oh no," said a happy Wander, "I just keep picking them up and putting them back in again!" As he put of of his stuffing back in, he jumped with glee. "MY IT'S GOOD TO BE FREE!"

But lost his footing a bit, and tripped and fell, which really worried Twilight, and screamed as she ran over to him. "Did I scare you!?" asked Wander, "Oh no," answered Twilight, "I just thought you hurt yourself."

But I didn't scare ya?" asked Wander, "Of course not," answered Twilight, "I didn't think so," said a disappointed Wander.

Just then, a crow comes by and starts to caw at Wander and Twilight. "Boo! Scat!" as Wander was trying to scare off the crow, but to no a vale. The crow just simple pick out a piece of strew out of him, and flu away.

"Ya see?" said Wander, "I can't even scare a crow. They come from miles around to eat my field and they laugh at my face. Oh I'm a failure, because I haven't got a brain!" as he cried.

"Well," asked Twilight, "What would you do with a brain if you had one?" "Do?" asked Wander, "Well, if I had a brain, I could learn all types of different languages, know every street in every place, learn the most complicated words in the exiclopidia, find a cure for all fatal diseases, and….well, do anything really!"

As he said all of this, he danced around and by the end of it, he fell, and lost some of his strew again. "That's wonderful!" said Twilight as she ran to help him, "If any of the scarecrows back in Equestria can do that, the crows would be scared to pieces."

They would?" asks Wander, "Where is Equestria?" "That's where Spike and I live," said Twilight, "and we're soon desperate to go back home, we're going to the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz for help."

"You're going to see a Wizard?" asked Wander. Both Twilight and Spike nodded. "Do you think if I went with you two to see the Wizard, he would give me some brains?" he asked.

"I don't see why not," said Twilight, "but even if he didn't, you'd be not worse off than you are now." Then Wander thought, "Yes, that's true."

"But maybe you better not," said Spike, "We've got some danger on ahead of us, including a Wicked Witch if we crossed her patch."

"A Witch?" asked Wander, "I'm not afraid of a Witch. I'm not afraid of anything!" But then he looked around and whispered to Twilight and Spike, "except a lighted match." "I don't blame you for that," said Twilight.

"But I'd face a whole box full of them for the chances of getting some brains!" said Wander. He then pleaded with Twilight. "Look, I won't be any trouble, because I don't eat a thing, and I won't try to mange things, because I can't think! Won't you take me with you?"

As Twilight thought of this, she looked at Spike, who shook his head no liking the idea. The she turned to Wander, who looked at her with big puppy dogs eyes. And the she answered with a loving small, "Why, of course I will." Spike face pomed in shame by things.

Wander jumped with glee. "HOORAY! WE'RE OFF TO SEE A WIZARD!" As he finished, he fell again. Twilight tried to help him up to his feet again.

"Well," said Spike, "You're not starting off very feel." Twilight glared at him for his remark, but Wander simple said, "Oh, I'll try. Really I will."

"To Oz?" asked Twilight, "To Oz!" answered Wander, and they all shipped down the right path of the road.

A Tin Man needs a Heart

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Previously on Chapter 3:

On their way to the Emerald city, Twilight and Spike come cross a talking Scarecrow named Wander who wishes to have some brains, so he comes along with them to see the Wizard as well.

Chapter 4

Twilight, Spike, and Wander started to walk along the road into a forest. Little did them know, the Wicked Witch of the West was watching them through her crystal ball.

She was cackling at Wander's fear of a lighted match earlier. "So That's what you're scared of now are you?" she sneered, "A lighted Match? Well, I have just found myself some wicked inspiration. A Big Birthday cake, just for the Scarecrow, with A Thousand Candles!" as she laughs evil.

Back to the new friends, Spike was feeling tired and hungry. "Can we please sit and rest of a little while?" he asked. "Sure, Spike," said Twilight, "We have been walking for quite awhile now."

They found a nice shady spot to sit and eat. Twilight got out some apples for everyone to have. "Here's an apple for you, Wander," she said as she offered him one. "Oh, no thanks," he said, "I don't eat, remember?" "Oh that's right," she said, "I forgot."

As Twilight and Spike were finishing up their food, Spike noticed a strange noise coming from a distance. "Do you guys hear that too?" he asked, "Yes," said Twilight, "But what is it?"

"It sounds like a creature in pain," said Wander. They walked up to listen closer to the noise, until they found out what it was along.

"Why, it's a man." said Twilight, "A Man made out of Tin." "But why would a Tin Man be in a forest all by himself?" asked Spike. "Maybe, we should ask him ourselves," said Wander. "That's a good idea," said Twilight as she went up to the Tin Man.

Excuse me sir," she started as she slightly bang on him, "Is it you who has been groaning?"

"Yes," answered the Tin Man, but he be nearly speak, "I've been groaning for over a year, but no one has heard me or come to him me."

"Well," said Wander, "What can we do to help?" "The oil can," answered the Tin Man, "My joints are rusted so badly. I can't move at all."

Spike grabbed the oil can that was hiding under the tree. "Here it is," he said, and the gave it Twilight. "We do you want us to oil you first?" she asked, "My neck first," answered the Tin Man.

As Twilight oiled the Tin Man's neck, it doesn't sam to be doing anything. "Nothing seems to be working," she said. Then Wander got an idea. "Maybe," he started, "if we move the neck a little bit, it will feel movable again."

"That's a great idea, Wander," said Twilight, "and you said you couldn't think," said Spike. Then Wander started to move the Tin Man's neck side to side a bit until he could finally move it on his own.

"Oh," said the Tin Man, "That's feels great. I can finally move my neck around again." "Where next?" asked Twilight. "My arms and legs." he answered.

"Ok," said Twilight, "I'm oil the joints, and Wander, you move he arms, and Spike, you move his legs."

As Twilight oiled every last joint, Wander was moving the arms up and down, and Spike was moving the legs back and froth, until the Tin Man could finally move on his own again.

"Oh, thank you," he said with big smile, "I feel like the same way I was just over a year ago before I got bought by the rain."

"You stood like that for a whole year?" asked Spike. "Yes," answered the Tin Man, "If that old Wicked Witch of the East jaded turned me into Tin, I never would have been stuck like that for a year."

"Wait," said Wander, "You mean you weren't always made of Tin?" "Yeah," answered the Tin Man, "It's a long story, but I'll tell you if you want to know." "Oh yes," said Twilight, "Please do."

The Tin Man began< "If feels so long ago, but I still remember that day that I was created by my boy, Mac. I was his imaginary friend. He called me Blooregard Q. Kazoo, Bloo for short.

We were like two peas in pod, we were so inseparable, we never thought we would be apart. *sigh* Boy were we wrong.

Mac had a mean, stupid older brother named Terrence who was so jealous of us being friends and seeing his brother happy that he went to the Wicked Witch of the East, and offered her two dollars and a quarter to get rid of me.

So one day, while Mac and I were building our tree house, when all of the sudden, an axe became magical, and cut off my left arm."

As he said this, Twilight, Spike and Wander all gasped at this.

Bloo continued, "Yeah, I thought it was the end of me at that point, but then Mac took me to a tinsmith to make me a new armed, and it worked like new. I thought that was the end of our troubles, but the the Wicked Witch of East got so mad about this, and then the next day, that same axe came to me and cut off my right arm."

"Wow," said Spike, "This Witch meant business." "She sure did," said Bloo as he continued.

"So after that, we went back to the tinsmith to make another new arm. Much like the other, it worked like new. But then the Witch continued to use the axe against me, and cut off my head."

"Your head?" asked a frighten Twilight, "How did the tinsmith fix you with that?" "Hw did you know the tinsmith fixed my head too?" asked Bloo, "Just a guess," she answered as Spike rolled his eyes.

"Away way," as Bloo continued, "My head was fixed to have me still be me without changing anything. We thought THAT was the last of the Witch's doings, but then she used the axe one last time to cut off my whole body. The tinsmith helped one more time and made my body all out of tin."

"So," said Wader, "Now you can moved just as well as ever!" "That's true," said Bloo, as a frown came cross his face, "But the tinsmith forgot to replace one last thing."

"What was that?" asked Twilight, "My Heart," answered Bloo, "Without a Heart, I have no feelings. Without feelings, I can't love. So I last all of my love for Mac, and didn't care whether I was his best friend or not."

"Wow," said Twilight, "That was a very sad story, Bloo." "Yeah," said Bloo, "So then, I walked away on my own into the forest to find a way to see if there was a place for anyone without a Heart can live, just as the rain came in, and stuck right on the spot where you all found me.

As much I hated being there, it gave me time to think of how much of a biggest lose of life, the lose of my Heart. When I was with my best friend, I was the happiest imaginary friend in the world."

"All the same, said Wander, "I still what a Brain. A fool wouldn't know what to do with a Heart if he had one."

"A Brain?" asked Bloo, "Brains aren't the best thing in the world. Brains don't make you happy like Heart does."

"Well then," said Wander, "Why don't come along with us to the Emerald city to Wizard of Oz. I'm going for some Brains." "And Spike and I are going to see if the Wizard can send us home to Equestria."

"Do you think the Wizard could give me a Heart?" asked Bloo, "If he is as powerful as everyone saids he is," said Twilight, "I'm sure he would."

Bloo thought about this, and the he made up his mind. "Alright then," he said, "I'll come with you. I'll do anything to get a Heart and be with my best friend again!"

To Oz?" asked Wander, "To Oz," said Bloo, as the all continued to walk down the yellow brick road.

A Lion needs Courage

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Previously in Chapter 4:

Twilight, Spike and Wander come a cross a sad Tin Man named Bloo who wants a Heart so that he can have feelings again and reunite with his best friend Mac, so he joins them on their journey to the Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz.

Chapter 5

As the friends walked deeper into the forest, Spike started to get worried. "Uh, guys," he said, "Do you all notice that the further we go into the forest, the darker it gets?"

"You're right, Spike," said Twilight, "I don't think I like it either." "Do you know if there are any dangerous animals in here, Bloo?" asked Wander.

"Not always," answered Bloo, "But sometimes, people come a cross lions, tigers, and bears." Then they got scared.

"Lions?" asked Twilight, "Tigers?" asked Wander, "And Bears?" asked Spike, "Yep," answered Bloo. "They can be here if you cross their way."

The now frighten friends continued to walk forth, until they heard a loud, "ROAR!!!" They all stopped scared to death. "Was That A Lion, Tiger, Or Bear?" asked a scared Spike, "I Don't Know!" answered an also scared Bloo, "Maybe We Should Turn Back Around!" said Wander.

But before they even could, a lion jumped out right in front of them and roared at them. It scared them all so much that Wander, Bloo and Spike all fell to the ground, and Twilight ran behind a tree. She was so scare that she didn't even think to use her magic on the lion.

The Lion got up, and asked a fight from all of them. "Come On!" she roared, "Put 'Em Up! I Wanna See Ya All Fight Like Boys, Or Are You Too Scared To Get Hit By A Little Small Lion Girl?!"

She kept on teasing them, starting with Wander as she began to punch him making his strew come out. "Hey!" he said, "Stop That! You Making My Strew Come Out Loss!" "Knocking The Stuffing Outta Ya, Aren't I?" she sneered.

Then she turned he attention to Bloo, and started punching him as well, this time, browsing his tin. "Hey!" she said, "Knock It Off!" "Knock It Off?" she asked with glee as if he meant latterly to 'Knock It Off', "Ok, If You Say So!"

"That's Enough!" yelled Spike, "He Meant To Stop It! Beside, Don't You Think You've Done Enough To Them?" The Lion then looked at him. "Ya Know," she said, "You're Right. I Am Done With Them. Now I Wanna Mess With You!" as she started to chase him down.

Twilight saw her favorite dragon being chased by the Lion, and that's when she had enough of this. "STOP THAT!" she said, then used her magic to push the Lion to a tree. "Don't You Dare Hurt Spike! It's Not Fair For Someone Like You To Go And Attack A Little Dragon!"

Then when she got closer to the Lion, she noticed that the Lion started to cry. "I DIDN'T BITE HIM!" she cried, "No," said Twilight, "but you tried to."

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PUSH ME ON THAT TREE WITH THAT HORN OF YOURS!" The Lion cried. "Of course she used her magic on you," said Wander. "It was the only way to stop you from hurting Spike," said Twilight.

"BUT DO YOU THINK OF HOW MUCH MAGIC MIGHT HURT ON SOMEONE ELSE!" cried out the Lion, "But don't you even think how other people feel when you push them?" asked Bloo.

"I'M A LION!" she cried, "I'M SUPPOSED TO STRICK FEAR INTO THE HEART OF OTHERS!" As she said this, she fell to the ground crying her heart out. "Why," said Twilight, "You're nothing but a Coward."


As Buttercup cried more and more, and then Wander thought, "Twilight," he said, "Don't you think the Wizard will help her find some courage?" "That's a good idea, Wander," said Twilight.

She then went up to Buttercup and tried to cheer her up, and said, "Why don't you come with us? We're going to the Emerald City to see The Wizard."

"Why are you going to see a Wizard," asked Buttercup who stopped crying, "Well," said Twilight, "Spike and I are going to see him to get us home to Equestria." "I'm going to see him for a Brain," said Wander, "And I'm going to see if her can get me a Heart."

"If you come with us," said Twilight, "I'm sure we can get you some courage so you won't be afraid anymore." Buttercup was a little unsure at first, and said, "Do you know for sure if the Wizard can help me?"

"Well no," said Twilight, "But I think it's worth a try, don't you think?" Just as Buttercup was going to answer, they heard some rumbling.

"Oh No!" said Buttercup, "What is it?" asked Spike, "The Manticores!" she yelled, "They're Coming This Way! Come Quick! We Have To Get Away From Them As Fast As Possible!"

They all ran as fast as they could to get away from the manticores, but then they reach a ditch in the middle of the road. "Arh!" yelled Buttercup, "I Forgot About The Ditch!"

"What Should You Do Now?" asked a frantic Bloo, "Well," said a franc Twilight, "We Can't Just Stay Here And Like Those Manticores Get Us!"

Then Wander thought, "I've Got An Idea! Twilight, You Can Use Your Magic To Chopped Down That Tree, And Then Make Sure It Falls Straight Down To The Other Side Of The Ditch So We Can Cross It!"

"That's A First Rate Idea, Wander!" said Twilight, "and this guy thinks he can't think," whispered Spike to Buttercup.

Twilight narrowed herself in the right position to cut off the tree in the right angle for it to fall on the other side. She then used her magic, and thankful, the tree fell right on the other side for them to cross.

"It Worked!" said a very happy Spike, "You Did It, Twilight!" "I may have used my magic to help us, Spike," said Twilight, "But it was Wander who thought it up."

"Well then," said Bloo, "Good Job, Wander." "Awww," said a bashful Wander, "It was just a thought."

Then they all walked in a single file line, but before they could make it to the end, the manticores gang up on them.

"ROAR!!!!" yelled Buttercup, which stopped the manticores for a least a moment for all the friends to finish crossing. Good one, Buttercup," said Wander, "They'll stop the!"

Once they got to the other side, the manticores started chasing them again, but before they could get to the other side, the tree to get them a cross snapped into two, and left the tree and the manticores to fall.


"We're your friends?" asked Spike. Then Buttercup turned and blushed, not even thinking of what she just said. "well," she said, "You did just help me get away from those manticores like you cared about me, didn't you? So, that makes us friends, doesn't it?"

"Of course it does," answered Twilight, "But now the question is will you come with us to the Wizard?" "You Bet I Will," answered Buttercup with glee, "I think with the five of us all to together, we can stop any creature that comes in our path!"

As she said this, the Wicked Witch of the West was watching them and heard what Buttercup said. "Just you wait, you pesky Lion," she said with a sneer, "You haven't seen nothing yet. A Wicked Witch with my talent for vitalness will make those manticores look like a sunday school picnic!" She laughs evilly.

"Alright then," said Twilight, "I think we're all ready for anything now, so let's move forward to the Emerald City and see the Wizard!"