Apple Juice

by DragonflyDreams

First published

Applejack has problems when a certain unicorn returns to Ponyville, and confesses her undying love and lust for the country mare.

It's Hearts and Hooves day, and Applejack is preparing for an incredible night with Rarity. At least until another unicorn appears in Ponyville, confesses her undying love (and lust) for AJ, and just won't take "No" for an answer.

What does The Great and Powerful Trixie have in store for Applejack?

Answer: Clop, mare on mare action, and lots of saucy kinky stuff.
Read on if you like that sort of thing ;)

There is No Escape from The Great and Powerful Trixie.

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“Here you go Applejack, six beautiful red roses. I really hope Rarity likes them.” Daisy arranged the flowers in an elegant bouquet, tied it with a ribbon, and handed them over to the farm pony.

“These look incredible Daisy, thank ya kindly!” Applejack replied, tipping her hat and handing over twenty bits.

The country mare packed the flowers carefully into one of her many satchels, and then trotted off down the street. Hearts and Hooves day was Rarity’s favourite day of the year, and Applejack wanted to do something special for the mare she loved.

Roses were nice and all, but they didn’t compare to what Applejack had planned for her girlfriend once she finished work. Applejack smirked at the thought of her unicorn lover, dressed in saucy lingerie, lying spread out on the king-sized bed, awaiting the one of a kind pleasure that only she could deliver.

Rarity was far more experienced than Applejack in that department, but after having shared one single night together, there was no doubt in either of their minds that the two of them were meant to be. Rarity said that Applejack was like no pony she had ever been with. She was strong, yet gentle, bold and daring, and unafraid to take the lead despite Rarity being her first, and only, sexual partner. Applejack thought the world of Rarity too, she was playful, creative, and the most attractive mare in all of Ponyville.

On the way home, Applejack decided to pick up a few other items, adamant that tonight was going to be pretty damn fantastic for the two of them. She was browsing the shop windows, looking at all the different toys and accessories, when suddenly; the mare felt an odd itching, coming from just under her tail.

At first Applejack ignored it; she couldn’t exactly scratch her butt in public without looking as though she had worms or something. She proceeded to trot along, but the itching gradually grew stronger, and more intense, and then Applejack realised there was something very light, brushing right against her butt hole. It moved up and down, and formed small circles,

"Ha..hahaha!" Applejack couldn't help but giggle as she recognised the object; it was a feather.

Applejack shook her butt from left to right, trying to protect it from the tickling, but the feather followed her. Luckily, there weren’t many ponies around, just a few staring at a distance, wondering why the mare was spontaneously dancing in such an odd fashion.

“S…top!” Applejack couldn’t take it anymore. She leapt forward, then turned around and grabbed the feather in her mouth, finally stopping the torment.

“Oh Applejack, you are such a good dancer.” A familiar voice came from a nearby alleyway, and Applejack turned her head as she was approached by a blue mare; a unicorn, to be precise.

“Trixie! What in the hay are ya doing?” Applejack asked, shocked to see the unicorn back in Ponyville, let alone following her. The feather floated from her mouth and Trixie continued to levitate it above the earth pony.

“Just having a little fun AJ, don’t pretend you didn’t like it." Trixie winked, before adding, "The Great and Powerful Trixie knows what you like.”

“I didn’t like it!” Applejack stomped her hooves. Sure enough, the feather floated down and tickled her sides, back, and stomach vigorously, “Hahahahah!!! Get away from me!”

“Now, now Applejack, you are the element of honesty, you really shouldn’t lie.” Trixie smirked.

“I ain’t lyin'!” The mare kicked brutally, and the feather finally stopped. “Leave me alone!”

With that, Applejack turned and stormed off down the street as quickly as her four hooves could take her.

Trixie watched the farm mare leave, without so much as a backward glance.

"Hmph." She stook her nose up, then her eyes shifted sadly toward the ground.

“What was that all about?” Applejack wondered, as she made her way home. "That Trixie sure is a strange pony."

It would be quite a while before Rarity finished her shift, so Applejack decided to return to her own home first, to make herself a little more presentable and prepare herself for the evening. Pleasing Rarity had always been pretty easy for AJ, but tonight was Hearts and Hooves day; she had to make it extra special, she had to have some sort of plan.

Applejack had a shower and brushed her mane, then sat down and began to remove the items she had purchased that day from her saddle, listing them to ensure she hadn't forgotten anything important.

"Massage lotion, a blindfold, hoof cuffs, a harness, clamps, body paint, a paddle, a paintbrush, a pair of dice, a bike helmet, and a piggy bank." She recited, "Great! All set!"

"Oh, and the roses of course."

Applejack laid out the objects, imagining the amazing things her and Rarity would get up to with them. With Rarity’s creativity, and Applejacks stamina, the two would be going at it all night.

The country mare found herself getting a little sweaty at that thought. She vigorously shook her head; she had to save all that for the real Rarity. Besides, she had just had a shower!

In order to take her mind off the incredible evening ahead, Applejack decided to finish bucking the last of the apple trees in the orchard. There were only a few trees left, as the hard working mare and her brother had already bucked the majority the previous day.

Applejack approached one of the trees, lifted her hooves, and gave a sharp kick. Sure enough, a bunch of apples fell down, and into baskets conveniently placed around its trunk. Applejack enjoyed bucking apples, and it was a good way to relieve herself of this temporary sexual frustration.

For this reason, the mare took her time heading for the next tree. She first admired the magnificent red apples hanging from it's branches, then she turned, lifted her legs, and suddenly froze in her tree bucking stance.

“What the…?” Applejack cried, as she stood on her front hooves with the back half of her body lifted into the air. “What’s happening?”

Then Applejack felt her tail slowly levitating upward, and a familiar itching tormented her rump.

“Hahaha… STOP! Trixie stop!” Applejack laughed as the itching turned into a strong tickling, and the blue unicorn appeared from behind another tree.

“What’s wrong little cowgirl? Can’t shake your ass to get away this time?” Trixie taunted, “Look at you, completely helpless.”

“Ha…ha…haha…lemme go!” Applejack ordered as the mare approached her. True to Trixie’s word, Applejack couldn’t move anything apart from her head.

“There should be some law against unicorns using their magic to immobilize other ponies.” Trixie scoffed, “But there isn’t, which means I can pretty much do whatever I like with you.”

“Big Mac! Granny he… mmmmffhh” Suddenly, Trixie lifted an apple with her magic and shoved it forcefully into Applejacks mouth.

“Mmmmffff…mmHHHHMMMFF!!” The stubborn mare tried to scream through her apple gag.

“I’ll bet you’re wondering why I’m doing this?” Trixie asked,

"Mffuffmmfh" Applejack nodded, as the feathers stopped.

Trixie continued, “Applejack, I’m sure you remember the day we met? Me and you had that little lasso contest? I tied you up and stuck and apple in your mouth… just like this one.” She winked and pointed at the apple in Applejacks mouth, as the angry farm mare scowled at her.

“The second time I came to Ponyville, I forced you to be my servant, and make some apple sauce for my facial. When you refused, I tickled you helplessly until you gave in… remember that?”

Suddenly, Applejack’s eyes grew wide; Trixie certainly had done some pretty kinky shit to her.

“That’s right; I enjoyed toying with all of you guys, but none more than you, Applejack. “The unicorn then tilted Applejack’s chin upward with her hoof, and looked deep into the eyes of the country mare.

Then, Trixie’s tone of voice suddenly changed. She spoke softly, and rather... affectionately.

“Applejack, Since the day we met, I thought of nothing more than meeting with you again. I imagined doing all kinds of things with you, and us having all kinds of fun together.”

The unicorn stepped back a little, placed a hoof on her chest, and raised her voice once more.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is all alone in Equestria, and has chosen to be as such, until this very day. For this Hearts and Hooves day, The Great and Powerful Trixie returns to Ponyville, to claim the one pony she has lusted after for so many moons, and take her for my own.”

For a moment, everything was silent. Applejack could hardly believe what Trixie had just confessed to her, with a final “Mmmfff” she bit hard down on the apple, finally freeing her mouth.

But the mare did not scream for help this time, nor did she curse Trixie for restraining her. The two looked at each other, and their pupils grew wide. Neither of them either smiled, nor frowned. Trixie decided to take this opportunity, she leaned in closer, slowly bringing her muzzle to meet with Applejacks.

To her great disappointment, the country mare stopped Trixie in her tracks, and calmly stated;

“Trixie, I have a girlfriend. Why do you think I was carrying all of them… urm... roses earlier?

“W…what?” The unicorn’s mouth fell open at the news. She leapt backwards and blinked, as though overcome with disbelief “So… you do not wish to be with Trixie for this evening?”

“No.” Applejack replied, a little more sympathetically this time. “I’m with Rarity now, and we’re very happy.”

Trixie lowered her head, and looked utterly distraught. Suddenly, Applejack’s body stopped levitating, and was gently lifted down to the ground.

“I’m sorry.” Applejack tried to say, approaching the unicorn.

She reached out her orange hoof, in an attempt to comfort the depressed mare. Trixie turned away hiding her face, she didn't want Applejack to see her cry.

“It is fine.” She sniffed, “The great and… powerful… Trixie will… be leaving now.”

Applejack felt just awful, but there was nothing she could say, or do, to ease Trixie’s pain. She nodded and looked into the eyes of the unicorn, whose body was suddenly engulfed in blue smoke. This was from a smoke ball, which is what Trixie often used to make her fabulous exits.

Saddened, Applejack turned and headed back through the trees, she didn’t really feel much like bucking apples now that she had broken a ponies heart, on what was supposed to be the most romantic day of the year. She had to go and lie down, to clear her head, she couldn't allow this incident to spoil her and Rarity's evening.

Applejack stared at the ground as she slowly trotted along. The smoke behind her began to clear,


“What th….” Applejack turned, to find Trixie still standing there; she hadn’t left at all.

“It’s NOT okay! The Great and Powerful Trixie LOVES you! She DEMANDS that you now belong to her!”

Trixie cast her magic on Applejacks hind legs, and dragged her back across the ground. The earth pony called out for help, but was quickly silenced by another apple shoved violently into her mouth. Applejack scraped at the dirt, and looked back in horror as Trixie cast another spell, this time onto herself.

“Mfffmmfffpp!” Apple Jack tried to bite the apple, but it was so large, her teeth were stuck deep into it's surface.

She wondered why on earth Trixie had cast a spell onto herself, but didn't have to wait long for an answer.

Applejack watched helplessly as the unicorn pulled out another smoke ball, and threw it at the ground. This one let off a strange white gas, and as Applejack inhaled it, she suddenly became very, very drowsy.

The Great and Powerful Trixie Will Decide What Happens to your Body.

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“Uh… urmmh…” Applejack finally opened her green eyes, to find herself restrained in a rather peculiar position.

The top half of her body had been lifted off the floor, with her front hooves tied to a railing above her head. Her back hooves were tied in a similar way to two wooden poles, raising them slightly off the ground. They were all spread out wide, and the mares body was held upright at a steep angle. She wasn't uncomfortable, but every part of her was fully accessible, and this thought terrified the country pony to no end.

The room Applejack was trapped inside was pitch black aside from a minimal amount of light coming from a few flickering candles dotted around the area. Then, she heard that dreaded, taunting voice once more.

“My Dear Applejack, you've finally woken up." Trixie chuckled as she approached the helpless mare.

"No! Let me go! Some pony HELP!!!" Applejack cried.

"Go ahead, try and scream, I've sound proofed the entire building with my magic." Trixie Scoffed, to the earth ponies horror.

“Where am I? Trixie, let me go!" Applejack struggled in her bonds.

The unicorn chuckled, "Now why in Equestria would I do that? I came all this way to Ponyville, just for you. And now I have you."

"I’ve got to go! And meet Rarity!” Even in her desperate state, Applejack could think only of her girlfriend. What would Rarity do if she didn't show up on Hearts and Hooves day? She would be devastated, distraught, and heart broken.

“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Trixie sniggered, “While you were napping, I sent your little girlfriend a letter, informing her of your terrible case of Ponypox.”

“Ponypox? Wha?” It took the country mare a while to understand what was going on. Then she realised, “Rarity will never believe that!" Applejack shouted furiously, "Besides, she can tell mah hand writing!”

“Oh relax. The Great and Powerful Trixie is smarter than that." The unicorn assured her victim. "I signed the letter from your Grandmother.”

This actually calmed Applejack a little, “I guess Granny Smith never did write a letter to my girlfriend.” She concluded. “But, why would you do that? I mean, it’s awful enough you trapping me here against my will, and making me miss my night with Rarity, but if you want me to yourself, then why didn’t you just let Rarity think that I stood her up?”

“Oh darling." Trixie rolled her eyes, "You’re Applejack; the pony of great honesty and dependability. Rarity would never believe that you stood her up. She would go looking for you, and then, somepony might find you. This way, your family thinks your with Rarity, and Rarity thinks you’re at home with a highly contagious illness – I made sure to emphasize that on the letter, and politely asked her not to visit you for this evening."

Applejack was a little impressed, Trixie really had thought this through. It didn't make her feel any less angry about being captured and tied up though.

“Besides,” The unicorn continued, “I didn’t want you being all stressed out and worrying about that prissy little fashionista during your night with me.”

“Night with you?” Hearing those words made Applejacks heart leap. “Trixie, you can’t, I ain’t single, I ain’t interested in you!” She shouted,

“Oh, but you will be Applejack.” The unicorn gave an evil grin, “Once I’m through playing with you, you’ll be begging me to fuck your brains out.”

Applejack gulped. Those words sent shudders down her spine, which Trixie seemed to notice.

Suddenly, the unicorn lifted her hoof, and flicked on a lamp which gave off enough light to allow Applejack to view her surroundings.
They were in a tiny stone room, with numerous shelves, book cases, and antiques. Applejack noticed that Trixie had assembled some items on the floor, and the very sight of them made her shudder even more.

A suitcase filled with bottles lay to her left, containing liquids of interesting colours. One was in a large vile, and it was bubbling so much the cork was shaking as though it was about to pop out. There was a small container of silver powder, and a brush close by, clearly used for applying the substance. Next was a strange rod that Applejack had never seen before, it had a circular end, and at first glance Applejack thought it was a kind of microphone. There was a tiny whip with tassels on one end, a few paddles, some rope, and a collection of feathers.

To the farm horses right, there was a small bucket filled with ice, and next to it on the counter was a large book.

“Why do you have a book?” She asked, “Don’t tell me you’re following instructions.”

“Oh silly little farm horse.” Trixie giggled, “That’s a spell book.”

“Spell book?” Applejack didn't like the sound of that one bit.

“Yes.” Trixie answered, “I bought it especially for you.”

The country mare’s eyes grew wide; Trixie sounded confident, she had everything planned out.

The unicorn used her magic to flick through a few pages, then stopped when she came to something useful.

“Here’s a little spell I’ve perfected over the last week.” Trixie added, “It’s called a sensitivity spell. In a matter of seconds, every inch of your body will tingle, and every touch, every single sensation you feel from then on, will be greatly intensified.”

Applejack struggled again, “Wha…no! Trixie… don’t!!!”

“Are you nervous?” Trixie smirked, then she scanned the books instructions with her eyes, before turning to Applejack, and casting the magic.

“Urhhh….” Applejack felt woozy for a second, as her body shook, and the spell was absorbed into her flesh.

True to Trixie’s word, every inch of her body, from her ears to her hind legs was tingling. She could even feel the cold air from the ice bucket wafting over her, and she suddenly felt extremely sensitive.

“Oh… boy….” Applejack panted a little, her body felt weak, but her mind was fully concious.

“How do you feel?” Trixie asked, “Helpless? Vulnerable? Completely at my mercy?”

Applejack just looked at her with a worried expression.

“Say it.” Trixie commanded,

The earth pony shook her head, “N…never.”

Trixie frowned, then gave a fake pout.

“You seem to be in a bad mood." She concluded, "Why don't we test out that spell?"

Trixie lifted her hoof, and lowered it to Applejack's stomach. Just the slightest touch made the earth mare gasp, the spell had worked, and was much, much stronger than she expected.

Trixie moved her hoof around in circles, causing Applejack to squirm and pant.

For the next few minutes, Trixie massaged Applejack with her hooves. She caressed her upper body, stroked her front legs gave her ribs a few light flicks, then made her way down to the mares lower half.

"Ooooh...urr... stahpp..." Applejack felt her eyes rolling back into her head as Trixie stroked down to her thighs.

The unicorn caressed one of Applejacks hind legs, moving slowly down it, rubbing gently. She came to her left hoof, and Applejack kicked,

"NO Trixie!"

The unicorn gave an evil smirk, "Forgive me dear, I forgot how ticklish you are."

She paused for a moment, enjoying the look of horror on her prisoner's face, then quickly brushed past her hoof, causing Applejack to yelp.

To the earth ponies relief, Trixie passed by both hooves and continued to feel up Applejacks other hind leg. The unicorn positioned herself closer to her captives body, and slowly massaged upwards, past her knees, up her thighs, and suddenly Applejack was once again overcome with dread when she realised where the unicorn was heading.

"N...NO!!!" She bucked frantically, as both Trixie's hooves and her face came closer and closer.

When the unicorn reached Applejacks mound, she paused, and gave a single, very light, very well aimed blow of cold air.

"OOOOhhh..." Applejack cried,

Trixie grinned,

Then the unicorn lifted herself up, and rested her hooves on Applejacks shoulders, gazing deeply into her eyes once again.

"My, that made you a little sweaty didn't it. Have no fear, the Great and Powerful Trixie knows how to cool you off.”

"Urggh..." Applejack was still recovering from the caressing of her overly sensitive body. She was thankful that Trixie had stopped when she did, but the mental torture was driving her wild, and she was dreading whatever the unicorn had planned for her next.

She watched in horror as Trixie levitated a single ice cube from the bucket, and made it float tauntingly above the earth ponies face. Applejack suddenly felt breathless. If the slightest touch from Trixies hooves drove her wild, what would this freezing cold piece of ice do to her poor defenceless body? Especially if Trixie placed it...

“No!” Applejack bucked as the unicorn slowly lowed the cube toward her chest.

“NO NO TRIXIE DON’T!" The ice finally made impact with her, "URGHHHH SO COLDD!”

Trixie slowly began rubbing the cube over the mares chest.

“It’s FREEZING! I can’t! Why are ya…! STOP! Urgghh!!”

Applejack became more and more frustrated. Trixie laughed manically, and then, the cube began to melt.

Water trickled down Applejacks chest, past her stomach, and onto her thigh.

“Urghhhh!!” The country mare struggled, the cold water travelling down her warm body was even worse than the cube itself.

Another drop of water made its way down, to the inner part of her other thigh, and continued to her hoof before dripping onto the floor.

"UH...Stooo...pppp" Applejack shook back and fourth, but the friction only caused the ice to melt faster.

Applejack looked pleadingly at her capture, and saw that Trixie was following the drips with her eyes. She then realised that this was a type of game; sooner or later, one of them was going to land on the most sensitive spot on her entire body, which had been made twice as sensitive thanks to Trixies spell, and the teasing massage earlier, which annoyingly left her body wanting more.

When another few drips missed their target, Trixie levitated another ice cube, and Applejack shook her head,

“No Trixie. No more ice!”

But as expected, it was no good, Trixie levitated the cube down,

“Uhhhhh!!!” Applejack cried, as the unicorn began rubbing both ice cubes over her torso. Two small streams of freezing cold water flowed down the mares body at once now. One joined and followed the path of a previous drip, while the other came awfully close to it's designated target.

“NO!” Applejack couldn’t bare the thought of that cold, touching her there, between her spread legs.

“My, that one landed millimetres away.” Taunted Trixie. “One more?”

Applejack frantically shook her head again, feeling extremely nervous as the cubes melted and numerous drops of water trailed down her legs. Trixie watched them, and finally a rather large one was right on track.

Delighted, Trixie levitated another ice cube, which was already half melted. She placed it onto the visible path of water, a little higher up, causing a few of it's drops to run down and follow the small stream created by the previous cube. The water flowed along and joined the other droplet near Applejacks lower stomach. The earth pony became more and more anxious as the iced water slowly came closer, and closer to it's target.

The country horse thrust her waist forward as hard as she could, and kicked brutally with her suspended legs.

The ice water trickled down, and Applejack felt the cold droplet finally reach her mound,

"OOOOhhhhh.....UrrrHHhHHH!!!!!!!" She moaned and gave the hardest buck of her life,

With a final thrust, the water was finally thrown off course. It hit the floor, causing the earth pony to sigh in relief, and causing Trixie to frown with great disappointment.

“You’re more stubborn than I thought.” The unicorn looked into the eyes of the mare, who was now panting exhaustedly with her head tilted backwards.

"You... you're... you can't do this..." Applejack struggled to speak, "L...let me go... I want.. Rarity."

Trixie looked hurt, she turned away for a moment, then back to her captive and gave another smile.

“Applejack, you don't seem to understand the situation. You belong to me now. I decide what happens to your body. And if you’re not going to cooperate, then the Great and Powerful Trixie is going to have to punish you.”

And now, The Great and Powerful Trixie is going to Punish you

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“P…punish?” Applejack’s voice was shaking, “Being trapped here with you is punishment enough!”

“How rude!” Trixie replied, “You really should watch that tongue of yours in the presence of The Great and Powerful Trixie.”

Applejack was about to respond, when suddenly she felt the ropes around her front legs slowly being untied by magic.

“Wh… you’re letting me go?” She asked naively, already knowing the answer.

“Oh no, silly farm horse. I just need you in a more suitable position.” Trixie replied. She then levitated a bench from across the room, and placed it underneath Applejack’s stomach.

The bench supported the earth ponies lower half, but left her upper half dangling over the other side. Trixie used the rope to retie Applejacks front hooves to the legs of the bench, and the mare was once again immobile. This time however, she was bent over, with her butt sticking up and facing her capturer.

Applejack suddenly felt her tail being lifted over her back, and became incredibly fearful as her orange ass was put on full display. She blushed, utterly humiliated.

Trixie laughed,

“What did I tell you?” She teased, “You are completely at my mercy.”

For a few seconds, Applejack could do nothing but listen helplessly to the sound of Trixie’s hoof steps. The unicorn trotted over to the bottles in the case on the floor. She slowly lifted each one, admiring them before settling on a pink bottle containing a bubbly liquid. Trixie then made her way back to her victims rump, also taking along the tub of powder, and the brush.

Applejack braced herself for the worst, but for a while, nothing happened. She could hear Trixie muttering, opening one of the bottles, and at times she could even feel the unicorns breathe upon her large cheeks.

The anticipation was killing her, “What... are ya doing back there?” Applejack asked, as she struggled once more.

“Just relax.” Trixie stroked Applejack's right butt cheek gently with her hoof. “I just need to inspect you a little.”

The sensitivity spell was as strong as before, and the slightest touch of Trixie's hoof caused Applejack to moan.

Trixie felt all around Applejack’s arse. She parted the mare’s cheeks, and blew into her crack, which caused Applejack to groan and blush intensely.

Then, Applejack heard another noise; the sound of liquid dripping onto Trixie’s hooves. The unicorn touched Applejacks cheek and began to rub in some lotion, it was pretty cold, but nothing compared to the ice earlier.

“Wh... What is that?” Applejack asked, afraid of the answer.

“It’s a special formula.” Trixie replied, “It will stop you from bruising.”

“Bruising???” Applejack’s heart leapt at that word.

“Yes.” Trixie stroked the mares butt again, rubbing a large amount lotion into her flesh. “You have been a very naughty little pony, and now The Great and Powerful Trixie is going to spank you.”


Applejack tried to kick and move her tail, but it was useless. Her bottom was so sensitive right now, she wouldn't be able to take a spanking.

“No… Trixie…” She pleaded,

“Are you going to beg?” Trixie sniggered.

The stubborn country mare frowned and shook her head.

“Well then.” Replied the unicorn, levitating the tassel whip for the mare to see.

She lightly brushed the soft tassels against Applejacks left butt cheek, then over to her right, and the country mare gave quiet moans. “Are you ready for your punishment?”

Applejack shook her head, “N... no.”

“Very well.” Trixie replied, and continued toying with the mares ass.

“Ohh… urhg… no…ahh!” The country mare tried to resist as the tassels found their way inside her butt crack.

Then, Applejack heard the container of powder being opened. She turned her head and watched helplessly as Trixie dipped the brush inside, allowing it to collect a generous amount of power. Applejack felt her ass cheeks being parted gently, and Trixie lowered the brush between them.

“What is… OOOOOOH!!” Applejack moaned, “no… NO no!”

Trixie brushed slowly up and down Applejack's crack. The powder began fizzing inside her. It stung a little, and caused the mare to try and shake her ass to get away from it.

"AAhh! Make it stop!!" She cried,

“It’s unbearable, isn’t it?” Laughed the unicorn, “It’s made from sour fruit and vinegar, it fizzes none stop, and I have plenty of it.” She shook the bottle, to confirm her statement. “I’ll bet if your ass was free, you’d be shaking it pretty good right now, I’d quite like to see that.” She applied more powder, then stepped back, admiring her prisoners backside.

“Urghh!!! Get it out!!!” Applejack shouted, "Please!!!!"

“As you wish.” Trixie replied, to the country mare's surprise.

Then, Applejack suddenly felt a wet, pointed tongue make its way between her butt cheeks. Trixie was licking out the powder. The touch of her tongue make Applejack shriek; she was so, so sensitive right now.

"Urhhhhggh" She moaned, there was no point trying to hold it in any more.

Trixie licked slowly, lapping all the way up to the mare’s anus, then down the other side, and between her legs. Applejack was relieved of the strange fizzing powder, but Trixie’s tongue was making her feel all sorts of different sensations.

"Uhh... Oooh....uh..."

She continued to groan as the unicorn lapped away.

“My, it sure is… fizzy isn’t it.” Trixie commented, “It's neutralised by water though." She took an ice cube in her mouth, and sucked for a while, then swallowed it along with the powder. She then walked around the bench and looked her victim in the eyes.

Now are you ready for your punishment?” Trixie asked again,

“Wh…. No I… you mean that wasn’t the…?” Applejack stuttered weakly,

“Tisk tisk, you insult the Great and Powerful Trixie.” The unicorn levitated the container again, and dipped the brush inside, taking a much larger amount of powder than before. Applejack watched in horror, as Trixie held out the brush for her to see.

"Oh no." Applejack started to panic at the thought of her ass being tormented by that horrible substance once more.

The unicorn smiled, then returned to Applejacks backside, held the cheeks open with magic, and began to bring the powder down into her crack. Then, the country mare finally gave in.

“No… stop!!" She took a deep breathe and swallowed her pride, "I… I’m ready… for… mah… punishment.” Applejack bowed her head, submissively.

Trixie grinned. “Good little cowgirl.”

To Applejacks horror, Trixie continued stroking her but cheeks for a while with the tassels on the whip, as though preparing them for what was to come.

Applejack panted, and braced herself for the worst.

Then, Trixie did it.


Right across Applejack’s left cheek.

“Owww!!!” The mare cried out,

*Wack* *Wack*


It hurt more than Applejack had expected, but the pain was so fast and sharp, and it didn't last for more than a second each time.

*Wack* *Wack* Wack*


The mare could do nothing but cry out in pain as Trixie spanked her again and again. Trixie then switched to the other side of the whip, which struck even harder.

“Owww!! Trixie, please no mo….”

*Wack* *Wack* Wack*

“This is what you get for not cooperating with The Great and Powerful Trixie!” The unicorn exclaimed as she hit Applejack harder,

*Wack* *Wack* *Wack*

Tears formed in Applejack’s eyes. Her overly sensitive rump was getting sore, she couldn’t take much more.

*Wack* *Wack*

“Trixie! I’m sorry! Please stop! Please!”

*Wack* *Wack*

“Beg.” Demanded the unicorn.

*Wack* *Wack* *Wack*

“Please. No more!” Applejack obeyed without hesitation this time.

*Wack* *Wack* *Wack*

"Trixie! No! PLEASE! Have mercy!*

*Wack* *Wack*

"Please! No... no more! I can't take it.. I'm... beggin' ya!!!"

Trixie paused for a moment, realising that Applejack was now properly crying. She gave the mares backside a gentle stroke with her hooves, as though trying to sooth it a little. Then, Applejack felt something hard and pointy just above her anus. She snivelled a little, as Trixie's horn circled around and around.

"" The farm mare pleaded exhaustedly.

Trixie continued to tease Applejacks butt hole with her horn.

"Who's been a bad pony?" She asked,

Applejack felt her heart racing, she knew she had to please Trixie, or else the unicorn was going to do something terrible to her.

"I...I've been a bad pony." She said helplessly, "Trixie, please don't..."

"You have." Trixie taunted, "But you're going to be cooperative from now on, aren't you?"

"I...uh...uh..." Applejack was struggling to disguise the fact that Trixie's horn was actually stimulating her.

"If you're not, then The Great and Powerful Trixie will have to punish you again." The unicorn threatened,

"N...No..." Applejack said through moans,

"No what?" Trixie's horn stopped moving, and pressed a little against Applejack's butt hole.

"Urrrghh! No... I... I'll cooperate." Applejack surrendered.

To the earth ponies surprise, Trixie relaxed her horn, and whispered.

"But I won't do that, until you want me to."

"I don't... I won't ever want ya to!" Applejack shouted through tears.

Having Trixie toying with her body and stimulating her was one thing, but being penetrated by any unicorn apart from Rarity was just out of the question. It didn't matter how much Trixie teased her, she would never want that. She would never ask for that.

Trixie actually took the news rather well, “Okay, Okay,… shhh… don’t cry." The unicorn walked around to the front end of her victim. She lifted her hoof, and wiped away one of Applejack's tears.

Then she added, "Trixie doesn't like seeing you upset Applejack. But have no fear... Trixie knows how to cheer you up.”

Applejack's eyes widened as Trixie levitated a large feather and waved it around mockingly in front of her face.

"" she whimpered. "Not... that."

You are at the Mercy of the Great and Powerful Trixie

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“Come on Trixie! Just let me go and I won’t tell anypony, I swear!” Applejack began to sweat anxiously, as the feather danced around in front of her face.

Trixie laughed as she one again untied and repositioned the mare’s body. Applejack could do nothing but panic as she was flipped over and placed down on the bench, which now supported her back and neck. Her front hooves were then spread and tied to the bar on the wall behind her.

Trixie glanced down at the ground, and her horn began to glow a bright blue light. Applejack watched in terror, as the two short poles that her legs were tied to before suddenly started twisting and growing out of the ground. They rose to Trixie’s eye level, then stopped, and the unicorn attached Applejacks legs securely to them once more.

“Come on Trixie, enough is enough! Just let me go!” Applejack was horrified now that the entire front of her body was completely exposed and vulnerable.

Trixie scratched her chin for a moment, as though seriously contemplating Applejacks plea. Then she laughed and replied coldly, “Not. A. Chance”

At those words, the feather was bought down onto Applejack’s snout, which was still suffering from the effect of the sensitivity spell.

“Achooo!!” The country mare sneezed as Trixie brushed the object across her nose,“Hehe…Achoo!!!”

The feather then found its way down to Applejacks neck, causing the earth pony to rock her head back and forth in a pathetic attempt to rid herself of its delicate touch.


The feather moved faster and kept switching sides so Applejack couldn’t avoid it’s terrible tickle.

“Trixie stop!” Cried the mare, as the feather twisted and curled downwards to her neck, then brushed over her chest and found a very sensitive spot just below Applejacks front hoof. Then, the mare completely lost it.

“Ahhahaha NO! hahahahahaha!” She cried.

“Oh my, think I’ve found a weak patch.” Trixie seemed incredibly pleased with her discovery.

She brushed the feather softly against Applejack’s right pit, then moved it over to work on the other.

“HAHAHAHAHA!!!! NO!!!” Applejack thrashed about as the tickling became faster, her flushed face was dripping with sweat.

“Hmm… this is interesting.” Trixie taunted, “But let’s make it twice as fun.”

To Applejacks horror, Trixie then levitated another feather, which was slightly smaller, but firmer than the other. She bought them both down and tickled below both of Applejacks front hooves.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!” The pony was gasping for breathe, she rocked her body from side to side, but as she tried to escape the one feather, she ended up pushing herself closer toward the other.

Applejack eventually gave up and stopped stuggling, realising she could do nothing but lie there and take it.

“AHHAHAHAHAA… Stop… please!!” She whimpered,

“Oh, begging won’t do you any good this time.” Trixie smiled,

“Then what… Do… HAHAHA… ya want?” Applejack asked, barely able to speak.

“Oh, You’re laughter is enough.” Trixie teased.


Applejack was hysterical. For a good few minutes Trixie tortured her with the feathers, she made them switch sides, then tickled Applejack’s pits manically. Finally, the earth pony cried out at the top of her lungs.

“HAHAHA…Please!!! I’ll DO ANYTHIN… STOP!!!”

At those words, the feathers paused, and Trixie looked up at the face of her exhausted victim.

"Alright. I want some information.” She demanded.

“Wh…what… information?” Applejack asked between pants.

Trixie grinned evilly. “I’m going to ask you some very personal questions.” She replied, “And you’re going to answer them. If you refuse…” She started the feathers again.


The feathers stopped, and slowly headed up Applejacks front hooves. It tickled, but it was nothing compared to before. As they trailed back down, the country mare suddenly felt extremely nervous.

Trixie wasted no time, “When did you first discover you like being tied up?” She asked.

“Wh… I don’t like…” Applejack started to say, when suddenly the feathers moved down to her pits again. They circled above, as though waiting for their queue.

“You’re a terrible element of honesty. Don’t lie to Trixie!” The unicorn seemed genuinely angry.

After watching the feathers for a few more seconds, Applejack sighed and submitted, “I was … playing with Rarity, years ago, and we got in a bit of a fight. We were arguing about… ribbons… and she… tangled me up in them and… I couldn’t move and…”

“It made you wet?” Trixie interrupted, as her eyes locked on the area between Applejack’s legs.

Applejack blushed and nodded. To her horror, the feathers started again.

“What does Rarity do to you that makes you enjoy her company so much?” Trixie sounded very annoyed.

“AHAHAHAAHAA… she… she’s just… I duno!!”

“LIAR.” Trixie lowered the two feathers down to Applejack’s ribs, causing the mare to squirm and thrash about. She then levitated a large plume, and began brushing Applejack’s stomach as the other feathers slowly made their way down to her waist.

“Ahhhahahaahahaa” Applejack realised she had no choice but to tell Trixie whatever she wanted to know, but she wasn’t going to like the answer.

“She… she’s imaginative, she… does stuff that no pony else would… AHAHAHHAHAHHH!!!”

“What stuff? WHAT STUFF?” Trixie started to shout.

“Ahahhaha…. She dresses up and, we role play and… she teases me.”

At those words, the feathers stopped, and Applejack had a minute to catch her breathe.

“Oh, so you like being teased do you?”

“U…uhu… by… Rarity.” Applejack confirmed.

Trixie looked offended. She paused for a moment, then made her way around to Applejack’s head. She lifted a hoof, and stroked her mane, then started the feathers up again. They brushed slowly, lower and lower, down Applejack’s thighs.

“Tell me… what you do to Rarity.” She asked, to the country mare’s surprise.

“Whatever she… wants… Haha!!!!!” The feathers were heading down the mares legs, toward her extremely ticklish back hooves.
“NO TRIXIE NOT THERE!!!” She cried, “Please!!!”

Trixie made the feathers slowly circle around Applejacks ankles. Applejack watched in horror as the unicorn then lifted another bottle. She dipped one of the feathers into it, “Itching potion.” She explained. “Now tell me what you do to Rarity,”

Applejack gulped, “We uh… I like to pretend she’s a damsel in distress, and she dresses up, and after I save her, I make her do stuff…”

“What KIND of stuff?” Trixie was getting impatient; she started lowering the feather with the itching potion down to Applejack's right hoof.

“I make her dance for me!” Applejack cried, “She’s such a sexy dancer! And then I put apple sauce on her until she complains that it’s making her coat sticky. Then I make her beg me to lick it off, and if she don’t comply, I put more on her, in worse places.”

Trixie laughed, “Oh that is kinky... but I think we can do better.”

Applejack began to sweat, she could see the feather now circling just above her hoof, ready to start tickling her mercilessly at any given second.

Trixie lifted another bottle and held it above Applejacks bare stomach, “Hold perfectly still dear.” She warned, “If you move around, your hoof will come into contact with that feather, and we don’t want that to happen, now do we?”

She tilted the bottle, and a tiny drop of the liquid formed at its tip. It grew in size, and Applejack braced herself for the worst.

Then, the droplet fell, and splashed onto her stomach.

“Urghghghghhhh!!!!” Suddenly, the tingling sensation which had taken over the mares entire body since the sensitivity spell, became much, much stronger.

The liquid was cold, and Applejack desperately wanted to buck it off, but she couldn’t move - not with that feather millimetres from her hoof.

“It’s a special peppermint tingle potion. If feels bad, but it tastes delicious.” Trixie licked her lips, “It will drive you insane, unless it is removed.” She winked,

“Ughghghghhhh…” Applejack groaned, it was even worse than the fizzing in her butt crack earlier.

After a few mere seconds of trying to endure the tingling, the earth pony could take no more.

Please get it off!” She cried.

“I will.” Said Trixie, licking her lips, “But as I am doing so, you are going to tell me all about your little private time with Rarity. If I am not satisfied, I will stop licking, the potion will stay on your stomach, that feather will come down, and you will be driven insane.”

“Uhhhr… I… I’ll tell ya.” Applejack complied,

“Perfect.” Trixie lowered her head and slowly began licking the peppermint potion off Applejacks body,

To her dismay, Applejack found herself moaning and panting again, but she knew she had to tell Trixie whatever she wanted to know.
“Me and Rarity dress up, and act out scenarios where, shes the damsel in distress, and I’m the hero come to save her…urgh… then after I save her… uhhh she has to repay me by… ooooh… doing… whatever…I… urrghh.. want… ohhh fuck Trixie….”

“So you cover her with Apple sauce? Where do you put it?” Trixie didn’t miss a beat.

“I… put it all over her. I make her take her clothes off, one at a time… uhh n she begs me not to put it …. Ahhh on her coat… but I do… urhghh…. The more she takes off… the more I put it…”

Talking about Rarity was really making Applejack turned on. She hoped Trixie didn’t notice; but she did, of course.

“Why you… uhhh wana talk about… Rarity…. Urghhh…” Applejack asked,

“Oh, I’m just curious.” Trixie grinned, “I’m wondering what makes her so great, and what makes you enjoy her so much. Maybe I’ll have to pay her a visit sometime, and see for myself.”

“No!” Applejack cried, “You wouldn’t… not… Rarity… uhhhrgh…”

“Shhh.” Trixie didn’t answer, “Now, tell me where you put that apple sauce?”

“On her chest…” Applejack answered, “On her hooves… they’re sensitive…urggh.. because.. manicures… ohhhh Trixie no!!”
Trixie’s tongue was getting lower and lower down her stomach.

“Where else?” The unicorn asked.

“On her rump…” Applejack replied without hesitation this time.

“Then you lick it off?”


“You’ve still got a few minutes.” Trixie warned the country mare, as she stopped lapping.

“I put it between her legs and make her lift her skirt and beg me to lick it off.” Applejack said quickly, hoping that would suffice.

Trixie then gave one final long lick, right down to her mound, then she lifted her head and stared down at the country mares most private area.

“You mean, here?” She asked, grinning.

“Y…yeah.” Applejack answered, feeling utterly defeated.

Then, to her horror, Trixie levitated the bottle of the peppermint tingle potion, and held it just above Applejack's most sensitive area.

"NO... Please!" Applejack begged. She shut her eyes tight, and whimpered.

To the farm ponies relief, Trixie returned the bottle to it's place in the case. She instead took her hoof, and gently brushed down Applejack’s stomach, then lightly down between her legs.

“OHHHHHHH” Applejack moaned,

“You are pretty wet down there.” Trixie commented, “I wonder, is that from me, or is that from... Rarity?”

Applejack gulped as Trixie spent a few seconds inspecting her,

“Either way, you’re in desperate need of some attention.” The unicorn concluded.

“Ohhh fuck.” Applejack cried, “No…”

The earth pony tilted her head back, and closed her eyes, expecting the worst. It was true, she was really wet down there, and her clit was throbbing like crazy. She really did need some attention, but did that mean… this was almost over?

For a few minutes, nothing happened. Applejack's heart was thumping, she had no idea what Trixie was going to do to her, but she knew it wouldn't be anything quick and simple.

“But, that will just have to wait.” Trixie smiled, “You didn’t think I was going to miss out your hooves now did you?”

At those words, the feather circling Applejacks hind legs lowered and the mare found herself crying with laugher,

“Ahahahahahahahaaa!!” Tears streamed down her face, “NO HAHAHAHAHHAHAA YOU SAID… IF I TOLD YOU… NOOOO!!”

“Oh please, haven't you learned? The Great and Powerful Trixie is not that predictable.” The unicorn said proudly.

Applejack couldn’t move her hoof away from the feather, and it was driving her insane.

"Hhahahaha! STOP TRIXIE! HAHAHA Please!!"

Trixie lifted a scrubbing brush, and the country mare shook her head frantically as the unicorn applied it to her other helpless hoof.

“Please… no… not… HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Trixie tickled Applejack's hooves violently with the objects. The feather was light and fast, and the brush was firm and inescapable. After what seemed like hours, Applejack was on the verge of blacking out, she could barely breathe, and was about to faint with exhaustion. Her face was red, her mound was throbbing, and every inch of her body was tingling like crazy.

Trixie didn't want her victim passing out, so she allowed the mare to rest for a few minutes. She wiped Applejack's forehead with a nearby cloth, and gave her a drink of water from another of the bottles. As Applejack caught her breathe, the unicorn made a dramatic announcement.

"And now, The Great and Powerful Trixie has something extra special planned for you." Trixie bellowed, "Do you remember when you said you enjoy being teased?"

She levitated the plume, and made it hover above Applejack's soaking area.

The farm pony weakly opened her eyes, “No… Trixie... please….”

The unicorn grinned at her helpless, restrained, and turned on victim,

“The slightest touch down there will drive you wild." She wiggled the feather, "The Great and Powerful Trixie is going to stimulate you, but it won’t be enough pressure to give you the release you desperately need. You’re going to have to beg Trixie for that.”

Applejack shook her head, and pleaded through tears,

"No...I won't... Trixie please... don't do this..."

"Are you ready?" Asked the unicorn, as she slowly lowered the plume to meet it's target.

The Great and Powerful Trixie Knows what you Need

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“No, Trixie please don’t” Applejack couldn’t bear the thought of it; if that feather started touching her down there, she would quite literally go insane.

Trixie narrowed her eyes, enjoying her victim’s state of panic for a few more seconds. The unicorn felt herself getting wet as she watched Applejack squirming hopelessly. And then, the feather was lowered.

“Please Trixie…noooo…..OOOOOooohhhhh” The earth mare moaned, “OOOOooohh…. Ohhh Trix….sto…oooooh”

Trixie was lightly brushing the plume over Applejacks cunt; it was barely touching her flesh, but the contact was sending rapid shocks right through her entire body. Trixie chuckled as she tormented Applejack’s most private area. The more she stroked, the more Applejack moaned, and the more she moaned, the more the outer lips of Applejacks cunt parted, giving Trixie access to her more sensitive inner lips, and her throbbing clitoris.

Trixie avoided Applejack’s clit at all costs. It was erect, and desperately needed to be touched, but she was going to make it wait.

“OOOOhhhhhhhh” Applejack’s eyes rolled back into her head as Trixie brushed all around her the outer parts of her cunt. She panted heavily, unable to do anything to stop the torment.

After a few minutes, Trixie levitated two small pointed feathers, and began dancing them either side of the mare's opening.
"Urgggghghhhh!" Applejack struggled in frustration, Trixie was teasing her so bad.

Then, the earth mare felt the tip of one of the feathers finally enter the inner part of her cunt. It stroked delicately downwards, then brushed against the entrance to her soaking vagina.

"OHHHHHHH!" Applejack moaned, as she felt the tip dip inside her ever so slightly. Trixie laughed and removed the feather, and the country pony whimpered. "Trixie... please... I need it."

“Shhhh.” Trixie replied, “Trixie knows what you need.”

She brushed the second feather slowly upward, getting nearer and nearer to Applejack's clit.

"OHHH Trixie, please, just do it... PLEASE!!!" Applejack cried, her eyes opened wide, and she gasped, as the feather finally reached.... no.

Trixie stopped millimetres away, then slowly stroked the feather back down.

“NO!!! OOOOhhhhhhhhhhh” Applejack cried, as Trixie repeated the process the other side. “Oooohhhh sto…p…this….oooooohh is……. torture….” She gasped,

“Torture, is it?” Trixie laughed, as the continued stroking the feathers everywhere aside from Applejack’s clit. “I wonder how much more you can take, before you beg me to fuck you?”

“OOOOOhhhhh” The feathers were insane, they kept getting so close, and then stopping. Applejack felt like she was going to black out; she wanted to black out, but with all that was happening to her body, she just couldn’t.

Trixie was enjoying every second of the process. She evilly tormented the inside of Applejack's cunt, trying different movements and techniques with the feathers. Trixie would flick them, twirl them, stroke them, and dip them ever so slightly into her captive, and listen to her moans of frustration when they were removed.

Finally, Applejack could take no more, and she started to beg.

“Please. Trixie Please. Just… just do it. Do whatever it takes… please.”

“Are you asking the Great and Powerful Trixie to fuck you, Applejack?” Trixie said calmly,

“I… I can’t take any more…” The country pony sobbed, “I don’t have a choice.”

“Say it.” Trixie commanded, pausing the feathers for a moment.

“Trixie… Fuck me. Please… I’m beggin ya.” Applejack obeyed.

The unicorn smiled, “I knew you’d come around.”

For a moment, Applejack felt relieved; she was finally going to get her release, and this whole thing was almost over. Suddenly, Trixie raised the spell book, and Applejack watched fearfully, as her private area turned black for a second, then reverted back to it’s original colour.

“Wha….what was?” Applejack asked, afraid of the answer.

“Oh, I don’t want this to be over in a matter of seconds.” Trixie smiled, “So I cast a spell, which allows me to fuck you like crazy, and do whatever I want with you, for as long as I want.”

“Wha…” Applejack didn’t understand,

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will decide when - and if - you reach climax." The unicorn explained.

Then, Trixie dipped one of the large plumes right into Applejack's vagina, and started gently fucking her with it.

Applejack thought she would explode the moment anything entered her, however small and soft it was - but she didn't. The feather continued to stimulate her, and she couldn't get her release.

“OOOOoooohhh!!!" She cried..."Wha....this is..... Ohhhhhh!"

The feather was pushed deep inside her, and came out soaking wet, Trixie laughed mockingly. "What's the matter? No orgasm? How absurd!"

"Ohhhhh... urgghhh..." Applejack panted as the feather was thrust repeatedly in and out of her opening.

Once it was completely drenched from her juices, Trixie levitated the large green bottle that stood out boldly among the others in the case. It was bubbling like crazy, and when Trixie removed the cork, the mixture inside frothed out as though it had been dying to escape. Trixie then lifted a small syringe, and took a small portion of the liquid.

“This is something I made myself, by combining all of my favourite potions." She explained, "When applied to your genitals, it fizzes, it tingles, it tickles, it stings, and it sends shocks bursting through your body. Why, a drop of this liquid would bring a pony to orgasm immediately, if they weren't under a Climax Denial spell."

Applejack gulped, and watched in terror as Trixie positioned the syringe above the very tip of her clit. She gave another, huge, evil grin, and Applejack once again started to plead and sweat.

"Please Trixie! Have mercy! Please I beg you, don't do this, I'll do anything! Fuck me please!!"

To the earth ponies surprise, Trixie opened her mouth wide, and dripped the syringe of potion onto the tip of her tongue.

“Mmmmhahrmm..” The unicorn groaned as her tongue sparkled, and turned to a bright shade of green. Then, she put her head between Applejack's spread legs. “And now… to apply."

“No.” Applejack cried out as Trixie pointed out her tongue and approached her.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHFUCCCCCCCCCCCKK” The potion was terrible, and Applejack felt as though her body was about to burst.

Trixie licked slowly up the inside of her cunt, when she reached Applejack’s clitoris, the pony screamed out at the top of her lungs.

“OOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh!” Trixie flicked her tongue from one side of the clit to the other, and began rubbing it gently.

Applejack was dripping wet, “OhhhhOHHH…Ohhhh!... "AAAHHHHHH FUCK!!!!!"

The farm pony could barely breathe, she just kept screaming and screaming, while Trixie lapped and lapped for what seemed like forever.

"AAAHHHH FUCK TRIXIE!!! AHHHHH! OOOOOOHHH FUCKKK!!" She cried out, but Trixie showed no mercy.

She licked down to Applejack's opening, stuck her tongue inside, and began wiggling it up and down, getting faster and faster.


Applejack cried out, Trixie had found her G spot, and was tapping at it with her tongue.

The farm mare could do nothing else but scream, over and over, as Trixie ate her out. The potion was fizzing inside her, and her mind was going wild. Trixie moved her tongue in and out of the mare, then sucked on her inner lips and brushed them with her tongue.

Applejack was going insane. Her head was spinning; she had never felt anything like this before. Her body didn't feel like her own now; she didn't control it. Trixie's tongue was firm and strong, and the unicorn knew exactly what she was doing. She licked furiously at the mares cunt, fucking her with the tip and applying just the right amount of pressure on her clitoris. If the room hadn't been sound proofed earlier, Trixie knew that Applejack would have screamed the roof down.

When the unicorn was finally finished, Applejack struggled to catch her breath.

Then, the farm horse submitted completely.

“Trixie, just fuck me. I’m begging you - I need it. I'll do anything, just... fuck me right now.”

Trixie loved hearing Applejack speak those words; she wanted this, she really wanted this. She wanted to be fucked so badly, and Trixie was going to be the pony to give her the release she needed.

The unicorn looked lovingly at her captive, then she stepped back, readied her horn, and started circling Applejack’s vagina, causing the country mare to moan gratefully. Then, Trixie began to enter her.

Suddenly, the wooden door to the room flew open, bolts and all, and a furious white unicorn stood in the doorway.

“Trixie, WHAT are you doing to my girlfriend?” Rarity shouted, “When you said you had a cure for Applejack’s over-active libido, this is NOT what I had in mind!”

"W...wha..." Applejack looked up weakly, "Rarity..."

Trixie didn’t panic. She removed her horn from Applejack's body, glared at Rarity in annoyance, then simply re-closed and bolted the door with her magic.

“How did you find us?” She asked, calmly.

“Why, it’s hearts and hooves day!" The unicorn replied dramatically, "I simply searched far and wide for my beloved Applejack, and finally, my heart lead me to her.” She suddenly looked angry again, “Oh and also because this building is the only one that's glowing from the outside.”

“Darn.” Trixie cursed, “Must be a side effect of the sound proof spell.”

“Did you really think I wouldn't check that Applejack had ponypox? Please darling! I own so many role-playing outfits that include gas masks, surgeon masks, even scuba masks! Do you really think I would let ponypox prevent me from seeing my darling Applejack on Hearts and Hooves day?”

"I suppose not." Trixie rolled her eyes, "Especially since you can't keep up with her sexually. If she was ever ill you'd be over there in a second, to play chess or something and call it a 'lovely evening'."

"What... going... urghgg... on..." Applejack asked weakly.

"Darling I'm so so sorry!" Rarity approached her lover, "I should have spoken to you! When Trixie found out that we were dating, she wrote a letter informing me she had become a professional sex therapist - something I'm seriously starting to doubt. She asked me about you, and said she could help tone down your sex drive... just a little."

"Oh but now you see Rarity dear, I actually did just that." Trixie retaliated, "Right now our sweet Applejack is currently under a strong spell, which makes her unable to orgasm."

"What?" Rarity looked horrified, "What do you mean?"

“Only the Great and Powerful Trixie can undo the spell. And if she does not, then poor Applejack will never get her release. And even if you did find a way to *ahem* 'turn her off' for tonight...”

Rarity looked completely insulted by those words, but Trixie continued,

“...she would never be able to mess around with you again. Being sexually stimulated, but unable to climax, is just the worst kind of torture. You can ask her that for yourself.”

Rarity was furious, she stomped her hoof. "Undo the spell." She demanded.

“I will.” Trixie said, “The cancellation spell is in this very book." She levitated the spell book above her head, "But first my dear, Applejack has told me some things about you tonight, and well, she has made me a little curious.”

“Curious? What do you mean?” Rarity was getting angry now, she stormed forward toward Trixie. The unicorn then made the floating spell book glow a bright orange light.

“One more step, and it bursts into flames.” She threatened, "As does your sex life... and Applejack's mind." Rarity stopped in her tracks.

Applejack gasped in horror, and began pleading again, “No Trixie please, don’t!"

“Don’t worry Applejack, the Great and Powerful Trixie still loves you, and so, she will grant you your release. So long as Rarity behaves herself.”

“Wh…what?” Rarity couldn’t help feeling a little concerned by that statement.

Trixie continued, “The Great and Powerful Trixie could not possibly fuck you in front of your own girlfriend. She is above such things.”

Applejack and Rarity looked at one another in disbelief; of course Trixie wasn't above doing something like that.

The blue unicorn paused for a moment, glancing at the exhausted farm pony tied up on the bench. Then, her eyes shifted toward Applejack's rather beautiful girlfriend, who didn't yet realise what a dire situation she was in.

“You do it.” Trixie said to Rarity.

“What….?” Rarity looked both shocked and disgusted.

“I want to see you perform.” Trixie replied, “Fuck Applejack, right now, in front of me.

You will Obey the Great and Powerful Trixie

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“What…” Rarity’s cheeks suddenly turned scarlett, “You’re not… serious?”

Trixie frowned, insulted. “How dare you question the great and powerful Trixie? Just for that, I might turn this book to ashes right now.”

“Urrghhh… NO!!!” Applejack suddenly shouted, she still desperately needed to orgasm. “Just.... do it Rarity....!!”

Her lover was stumped for a moment as she tried to think of another way out of this predicament, but judging by the huge grin on Trixie’s face, that evil unicorn wasn’t going to compromise.

“Applejack…. You can’t be serious?” Rarity asked in a worried tone.

“Please.” Applejack begged, “You don’t… urgh… know what…uhh she… argh fuck me right now PLEASE.”

Rarity couldn’t stand seeing her partner in such distress, whatever Trixie had done to her must have been unbearable. Applejack needed to climax, and Rarity needed to help her. She had to fuck her, and after that, she was going to kick Trixie’s flank.

Rarity gave a final glance at Trixie, swallowed her pride, and reluctantly made her way between Applejack’s legs.

The earth ponies mound was dripping wet and fully open, revealing every sensitive part of her inner cunt. Rarity lowered her head, while Trixie gave an evil cackle. She approached Applejack’s opening, and inserted her horn.

“OhhhhhH!!!” Applejack gave a loud moan of relief when Rarity entered her.

Rarity paused for a second, and then slowly thrust her horn deep into Applejack, causing her lover to moan even more. She pulled out, then thrust back in, and Applejack’s juices poured down onto her face.

“Ohhhhhh!! Fuck!!!” Applejack cried, to Trixie’s sick pleasure.

Rarity thrust in and out, getting faster and faster.

“Harder!! Harder, don’t stop! Ohhhhh!!” The earth pony was enjoying this; but the spell upon her genitals still hadn’t been removed, which mean that Trixie was probably enjoying this as well.

Applejack's eyes rolled back into her head, “Fuck me.... Rarity” she groaned, – Trixie didn’t like that plead quite as much.

It was then the blue unicorn noticed that there was a white light coming from Rarity’s horn. Only small rays of it were visible for mere seconds when Rarity pulled out of her lover.

“What is that?” She asked, but the two continued in their act; neither of them replied.

“OHHHH FUCK!!” Applejack moaned as the glowing horn was thrust into her over and over. Rarity had slowed down the pace, allowing Trixie to see what was going on.

Rarity’s horn was vibrating, and Applejack was loving it.

“Ohhhhh my… Rarity… OHHHHH” She started screaming,

Rarity was pumping her horn, tilting her head to make sure she hit Applejack’s G-spot. There was so much cum dripping down her face, which she would normally wipe off, but right now she had to focus on Applejack’s needs.

Then, Trixie spoke up.
“Swallow it.” She commanded.

Rarity paused, causing her lover to groan in frustration. After a moment’s hesitation, the unicorn realised she had no choice. Trixie still had full control over Applejack’s cunt, she had to obey her for now; she had no choice.

Rarity wasn’t a fan of swallowing cum, but she had done it a few times for Applejack, in the privacy of their own bedrooms. She blushed vibrantly as she opened her mouth and let the juices drip down into it. For a few moments, Applejack was groaning; she hated that Rarity had been made to stop.

Rarity felt ashamed as she gulped down Applejack’s cum, she shifted her eyes to Trixie, to see if she was enjoying it, and indeed she was.

“All of it.” The blue unicorn demanded.

Rarity knew what she meant; half of Applejack’s cum was dripping onto the bench just below her mound. Rarity obeyed without question this time, wanting to get this over with so she could continue pleasuring her partner.

She lapped up the juice off the wooden bench, and then raised her head and stuck her muzzle between Applejack’s legs. She licked, and sucked. Applejack moaned, and Trixie laughed.

“Ohh… Urghgh…. Ohhhh…” Applejack now made quieter noises, she wasn’t getting quite as much stimulation as she needed any more.

Rarity swallowed her last mouthful of cum, and then looked toward Trixie for approval.

To her horror, the blue mare was now sitting on another bench, with her body upright, and her back hooves on the ground. Her legs were open, and she was rubbing herself, and watching them intensely.

“You… may… continue.” She said, as her own cunt became wetter and wetter.

Rarity said nothing, she lowered her head, and thrust hard and deep into Applejack.

“Ohhh! OHHHH! OOOHHHH!!” The earth mare moaned gratefully; she might not be able to orgasm, but Rarity's thrusting was at least giving her some form of relief.

Rarity made her horn vibrate again, and Applejack’s moans turned into screams once more as the horn became more and more intense.


The pumping became faster, and Applejack felt as though she was on the verge of explosion.

After a while, Rarity was growing tired. She wondered how long it would be before Trixie released the spell. Her horn began to vibrate intensely, and she thrust faster than before, giving it everything she’d got.

“OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! RARITY OHHHHHH!!” Applejack started screaming. “RARITY THAT’S SO… FUCK…. AHHHHHh!”

Trixie didn’t like when Applejack called Rarity’s name. It made her angry, it ruined her pleasure, it made her want to….


Applejack’s mound glowed a black light, then reverted back to it’s original colour, and the earth mare came buckets into the face of her lover.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHH!!” She screamed as the most incredible orgasm of her life took over her body. It lasted a good few seconds, and wave after wave of her juices soaked the bench. Rarity stepped back to avoid drowning in cum; something she wouldn’t have dared to do whilst her partner was under that horrible spell.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH OHHHH OHHHHH OHH…..” For a good few minutes, the earth mare screamed, thankful to have finally reached her climax.

“OHHHHHH….ohhhh….” She moaned, as her body became light as a feather. “Thank…. You… Rarity.”

At those words, the earth mare passed out.

Rarity sat down, painting exhaustedly. She was surprised to find a cloth floating next to her, but took it without question to wipe the cum from her face.

She looked over at Trixie, who was rubbing her own clit, whilst glaring back at her with a creepy smile.

Rarity was far too exhausted to kick the mare’s flank right now. She just wanted to get Applejack out of here, she could beat Trixie to a pulp another day.

The sweaty unicorn tried not to look at Trixie, who was now moaning as she beat herself off. She wanted to untie Applejack, but in all honesty, Rarity was afraid – she was so weak right now, she wouldn’t be able to defend herself if Trixie pulled anything else.

“C...can I release her now?” The unicorn asked through pants.

Trixie kept rubbing herself for a moment, then gave a quiet, relieved moan.

Rarity felt disgusted, but she sat there until Trixie finally acknowledged her question.

The blue unicorn gave a content smile, and began mocking Rarity in a relaxed tone. “Look at you. Your body is a mess, you smell of sweat and cum, and you can barely stand.”

“Wh… does that turn you on?” Rarity asked; Trixie seemed to be enjoying seeing her in this state.

“I liked what you did with that little vibration spell, very clever.” Trixie licked her lips. "Very clever"

“Wh… what are you?” Rarity didn't like this at all. Why wouldn't Trixie just let her go?

Suddenly, the white unicorn felt something touching her neck. She hardly had time to respond, before an iron collar was clamped around it.

“What…??!?” Rarity suddenly found the energy to leap to her feet in horror. She saw that the collar was attached to a thick chain, which was held to the wall by a metal loop.

Mustering all her strength, Rarity tried to cast her magic in an attempt to remove the collar, which caused Trixie to chuckle.

“It’s no use.” She taunted, “Even if you were strong enough to cast a spell, that leash prevents you from using magic altogether.”

“WHAT?” Rarity couldn't believe her ears.

“In this room, you are nothing but an earth pony without strength, not unlike your little girlfriend here.” Taunted Trixie.

Stubbornly, Rarity tried again, but true to the blue unicorn’s word, her magic just wasn’t working.

After a few more attempts, she gave in, and looked up at Trixie with eyes full of fear.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked,

“It’s still hearts and hooves evening.” Trixie answered, “we have three hours to midnight, and Applejack has made me VERY curious about you. We are going to have some fun, you and me."

Rarity gulped, she turned her head to her earth pony lover, who was still completely passed out on the bench. Trixie must have put Applejack through such horrible torture, and now she was the evil mare's new prisoner. What in Equestria was Trixie going to do to her?

The Great and Powerful Trixie is in Full Control!

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Rarity panicked,

“Trixie, what in Equestria do you think you are you doing? This has gone far enough! I demand that you let me and Applejack go, right this instant! If you don’t, then I’ll tell Twilight, and she’ll tell Princess Celestia, and then you will no doubt be banished to the Everfree Forest for your crimes! You are going to be in so much trouble whe….mmfmffhhh!”

Suddenly, Rarity was gagged by a scrunched up ball of material, which was forced deep into her mouth.

She moved her jaw around, and tried to push the cloth back out using her tongue, but it was held in place by magic, and wouldn't budge. As Rarity struggled to un-gag herself, the unicorn suddenly felt a rope tie itself tightly around her lower waist, it rested against her back thighs and knotted at the bottom.

Turning her head, Rarity noticed that the same rope had already also been tied around the thin base of her tail, it had probably happened while she was busy giving Trixie a piece of her mind. It trailed over her back to form the loop around her waist.

“Mffmmffhhhh.!!” Rarity stomped and thrashed about, as the rope was then pulled between her legs.

Trixie grinned evilly as she tied another knot, in a very particular place. She then levitated the rope, which to Rarity’s horror followed the path of her private area, applying a small amount of pressure upon it. The end was then hooked through the tight loop at the base of her tail, and levitated over to Trixie.

“You are not going to whine your way out of this one.” The blue unicorn smirked. “I am going to remove your gag, and you are going to behave yourself.”

“MffuffhhH!!” Rarity frowned; a little pressure on her genitals wasn’t enough to break her.

To the unicorn’s utter horror, Trixie grasped the rope in her right hoof, and gave a little tug. The knot she had tied earlier was instantly pulled downward and held in place directly over Rarity’s clitoris.

“MHFHFFFFF!!!” The white unicorn moaned through her gag,

The harder Trixie tugged, the more pressure was applied to the area, and Rarity felt her entire body fall victim to the unicorn who now had full control over it.

“I said: you are going to behave yourself. Do you understand?” Trixie asked,

Rarity shook her head stubbornly,

Trixie tugged harder on the rope, and held it in place for a few seconds.

“MMMFMFFHHHHH!!” Rarity moaned.

Her head tilted backwards, her lower body hit the floor, but nothing could stop the horrible knot that was now stimulating Rarity. It was now applying a much greater amount of pressure to her most sensitive area; and she could do nothing to prevent it.

“Are you going to stop struggling and listen to Trixie?” The evil unicorn asked her prisoner, enjoying watching her squirm.


After a few more seconds, Rarity gave in. She nodded weakly, and Trixie stopped tugging.

“Good. Now, no more complaining.” Trixie removed the cloth from the unicorns mouth, causing her to cough and splutter a little.

Rarity said nothing; her eyes were fixated on the rope in Trixie’s hoof. She knew that that evil unicorn could pull it again at any given second, and send her body into a helpless, submissive state.

There was a moment of silence as Rarity recovered. Her clit was now throbbing, and she felt weak and vulnerable. To her utter horror, Trixie gave a slow, wide, grin. The blue unicorn stood upright and leaned backwards against the wall, resting her front hooves on the window ledge. She spread her legs, and then spoke to her new victim.

“Come here.”

Rarity timidly walked over, every step caused the rope to press a little against her crotch, but she tried not to let this show. She stopped in front of Trixie, and nervously looked up into her eyes, dreading what the unicorn had planned for her. She noticed that Trixie was sweating from head to hoof, and her cunt was open and dripping with cum.

“You hungry?” Trixie asked, and then pointed down to her wet mound.

Rarity gasped in horror, “You.. you can’t be serio…” She paused when Trixie lifted the rope again.

“All I have to do is give this a little tug, and you’ll be in the same situation as your little girlfriend was earlier” She grinned, “I can decide exactly how much pressure is applied, and how long it will last. It's pretty difficult to orgasm when there's a thick rope pressing against you, but I can bring you pretty close, maybe I'll even try a little spell...."

"No!" Rarity gulped, "No... I... I'll do it."

Rarity gulped, and for a few moments, she just stood there looking at Trixie's crotch. Her face glowed a bright red, as Trixie's thighs parted even more, giving her full access to the wicked unicorn's area. Rarity knew she had no choice; she had to do this, for her own sake, and for the sake of her beloved Applejack.

Closing her eyes, Rarity approached Trixie, stuck out her tongue, and gave a timid lick.

“OOOOOHHHHH” Trixie cried,

Rarity glanced up in confusion; Trixie was exaggerating her moans - she had barely touched her.

“Keep going!” The blue mare demanded,

Before she knew it, Rarity was forced to lick all around Trixie’s mound. She gave sharp little reluctant laps, feeling utterly disgusted with herself.

This time, it wasn't enough,

“LICK ME PROPERLY, YOU FILTHY LITTLE UNICORN SLUT.” Trixie pulled at the rope, causing Rarity to moan and obey.

She licked harder and harder, more and more furiously, brushing the tip of her tongue up and down Trixie's opening. She flicked it over Trixie's clit, doing whatever she could to please the unicorn.

“OOOOHHH I CAN SEE WHY THAT EARTH MARE LIKE’S THIS SO MUCH.” Trixie gasped; Rarity was actually really good at oral.

The poor unicorn continued to lick Trixie out as best she could. If she paused, or made a wrong move, Trixie would tug on the rope, forcing her to do better.

All kinds of thoughts were going through Rarity's mind: “This is horrible, what am I doing? How can I escape? What about Applejack….”

Then, Trixie came, right into her mouth. This reminded Rarity of the situation with her girlfriend earlier... and then, she remembered something else.

“Swallow!” Trixie commanded, pulling on the rope.

“OOHHH” Rarity moaned as she lapped up Trixie’s cum. Then, she stopped.

“What are you doing?” The blue unicorn asked frustrated, preparing to give the rope another hard tug.

To Trixie's Rarity looked up at her with half open eyes, and gave a weak smile.

“Oh Trixie, I’m sorry it’s just… you taste so… good.”

“What?” The mare was not expecting to hear that at all.

Rarity continued, “I’ve never tried another female unicorn’s juices before, it’s just so… mmmmm…”

She licked Trixie out thoroughly, appearing to enjoy every last drop of her cum. Trixie couldn’t believe it, but moaned as Rarity proceeded to eat her out.

“You really are a filthy slut.” Trixie insulted the unicorn, as her eyes rolled back into her head.

Rarity dipped her tongue into Trixie’s vagina, and pushed it inside. She swirled the tip around the inner walls, causing the blue unicorn to moan louder than before.


Rarity didn't stop, she licked inside Trixie, and then asked her capture a very unexpected question.

“Trixie, darling, I was wondering, would it be okay if I… fucked you?”

Trixie froze, was this really happening? Was Rarity really enjoying this? Applejack had mentioned that her girlfriend enjoyed being a damsel in distress, but this... this was just...

"Please." Rarity gazed deep into Trixie's eyes, and the blue unicorn nodded.

Rarity looked happy to have been granted permission to enter the mare, she smiled gratefully, then lowered her head and pushed her horn inside Trixie.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Trixie had never felt anything so incredible, as Rarity pumped in and out of her body, she began to realise why Applejack loved her so much.

“Oh Rarity...this…ohhhh….is…. so good…” She panted,

Rarity's thrusting became faster and deeper, and Trixie's moans turned into screams. Rarity seemed to be enjoying herself too,

"Say my name." She commanded, and Trixie obliged,

"Rarity, FUCK ME RARITY!" It felt as though her mind was melting, she didn't know what was going on any more, but she was loving every minute of it.

"You like this?" Rarity asked, as she tilted her head, making sure to hit all of Trixie's spots.

"OOOOHHH YES,... IT'S.... OHHH RARITY!!!" Trixie had never felt this way before, it was pure heaven, pure ecstasy, she didn't think sex could possibly get any better, and then Rarity paused and looked the blue unicorn in the eyes once more.

“If you think this is good..." She licked her lips, Then you should let me vibrate my horn, just like I do with Applejack.”

Trixie's eyes widened at the thought.

"Applejack say's its out of this world; the most incredible sensation she has ever felt. It drives her wild, and I'm the only unicorn who know's how to do it perfectly. Let me do it Trixie, let me do it to you." She bowed her head, "I want to taste wave after wave of your juices, hear moan after moan, as you have the most powerful orgasm of your life." Rarity lowered her tone to a whisper. "Please, let me."

Breathless, Trixie gave a weak nod, Rarity seemed almost as turned on as she was at this point. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity; she couldn't possibly turn it down, besides, she still had the rope to control Rarity if anything went amiss. Trixie had been clenching it tightly whilst Rarity was pleasuring her; she didn't loosen her grip at all.

It took a lot of effort, due to her bodies weak state, but Trixie slowly cast the spell, and the collar around Rarity's neck started glowing. Rarity smiled gratefully as the collar was removed and gently lowered to the ground, and then, her own horn began to glow as she was once again able to use her magic.

The metal collar was suddenly thrust back past her at the speed of light. It clamped tightly around the neck of the Great and Powerful Trixie.

The mare gasped in horror as she was suddenly unable to use her magic. She tugged hard on the rope, but Rarity was too quick; she untied the knot around her tail, causing the whole thing to fall apart before her body was taken over by the sensation.

"!" Trixie fell to the ground.

She could barely stand, she was on the brink of climax, and now completely magic-less.

Rarity controlled the chain which held the blue unicorn to the wall, she pulled it backwards, so that Trixie couldn't take more than a few steps toward her.

"That was far easier than I thought it would be." Rarity smiled as she unravelled the rope and levitated it above her, along with a few feathers, a couple of brightly coloured bottles, the tasselled whip, and most importantly, the spell book.

Trixie's eyes grew wide as she pulled at her chain, " you wouldn't..."

Rarity then approached Trixie, with a menacing smirk upon her face.

Scratch That; The Great and Powerful Trixie... is in Big Trouble.

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Trixie tried to struggle, but the collar held her firmly; she was unable to take more than a couple of steps in any direction.

Rarity watched her helpless captive, and gave a huge, taunting grin.

“Trixie, you have messed with the wrong unicorn.” She informed the ‘great and powerful’ mare.

“Wh… what are you going to do?” Trixie stuttered a little in fear.

The blue mare began to panic as she realised the severity of her situation. She cursed herself for being fooled so easily; her over-active libido had really gotten her in trouble this time.

Rarity bought the spell book down, and took a look through its pages. After a few seconds, she seemed to find a spell that she rather liked the look of, “Ah, here we go.” She announced.

Trixie braced herself, preparing for the worst as Rarity’s horn began to glow a blue light.

However, to Trixie’s surprise, nothing seemed to happen, at least, not to herself.

Suddenly, Applejack’s body started to glow, and the ropes holding the earth pony began to untie themselves, as her body was levitated above the bench.

The two unicorns watched as Applejack slowly opened her eyes, then blinked a few times, stretched, and flicked her tail.

“Wh… what happened?” She asked, Rarity lifted her girlfriend down to the ground gently, and stroked her mane in an affectionate, comforting manner.

“It’s alright dear, you’re safe. Trixie did unspeakable things to you, and you passed out with exhaustion, but I found a spell in this book which rejuvenates the sexually exhausted. It says it’s a spell for couples who want to go at it all night, but just don’t have the stamina.”

Applejack thought for a moment, and then simply replied, “Hey Rarity… we should probably keep a hold of that book.”

Her girlfriend blushed, then giggled a little, and kissed Applejack’s forehead.

“Wait a sec… what about… Tri…” The farm mare began to ask.

As Rarity shifted a little to the side, Applejack noticed the blue unicorn, restrained by the metal collar and looking incredibly sorry for herself.

Rarity put a hoof around her girlfriend, and bragged menacingly,

“Trixie is our prisoner now, my love. That collar prevents her from using magic, and from moving around too much. I thought you would like to help me teach her a lesson, now, how should we punish her?”

Applejack smiled and approached Trixie, delighted to see her looking so helpless.

“Trixie, you went way too far this time!” She scolded the mare, “You kidnapped me, tortured me, and abused me, and now… it’s time for payback. Rarity, cast the sensitivity spell!”

Trixie gulped, “NO… No please… wait a second, we can work something ou…”

Before the unicorn could finish her sentence, Rarity cast the sensitivity spell and Trixie’s body became weak. It was incredibly difficult for her to stand upright, as her whole body was tingling and sensitive.

Applejack then leaned forward, gently brushed her girlfriend’s mane aside, and whispered something into her ear. A large smirk came across Rarity’s face, and she cast the rejuvenation spell once more, only this time, upon the ice bucket.

Over the past few hours, as expected, the majority of the ice in the bucket had melted. However, once Rarity cast the spell, it refroze and stacked up in small cubes, filled the bucket, and then continued to pile up like a small mountain.

Trixie was both confused and afraid; she knew that Rarity and Applejack were smart, creative ponies, and right now, they both wanted to punish her. Just thinking about what they had planned was driving the unicorn wild. Then, one of her captures spoke.

“Stand over the bucket.” Applejack commanded.

“Wh… what?” The Trixie questioned nervously.

“Stand over the bucket.” Repeated the farm mare, even more sternly, “Or do I need to give you a spanking?”

Trixie gulped. Her body was extremely fragile and weak, and because of the collar, she couldn’t walk more than a few feet. She was completely at the mercy of Applejack and Rarity, and they wanted vengeance. Maybe if she did what they said, they might go a little easier on her?

Trixie took a few shaky steps to the left, and positioned herself over the ice bucket. The top most ice cubes were mere millimetres away from her stomach, and the cold air on her overly sensitive flesh made her gasp and try to stand upright to avoid it, but in her weakened state, this was a huge challenge.

Then, Rarity said the words Trixie was both expecting and dreading,

“No, that won’t do, take a small step forwards.”

Trixie’s eyes grew wide, and she hesitated, to Applejack’s dismay.

“You heard my lady, a small step forward.” Applejack grabbed the tasselled whip that Trixie had used on her own rump earlier, and frowned as she struck it against the bench, threatening the mare.

Trixie whimpered, and said nothing, then slowly took a tiny step forward. The top of the ice was now in line with her lower stomach. She looked up hopefully, but Rarity raised an eyebrow, implying that she wasn’t in the least bit fooled.

Trixie didn’t need instructing further, she lowered her head submissively, and shuffled forward a little more. The blue mare gave a moan as the tip of the ice cube mountain was now just below her mound, and the cold air wafted upward, causing her body to spasm at its touch.

“Ohhhhh….that.s….c….cold…” She cried, and shuffled a little.

But Trixie didn’t dare step out of the way of the ice, for Applejack was still holding the whip, and Rarity still had the dreaded spell book. For now, she just had to obey.

“Now here’s what we’re going to do.” Applejack approached her victim, who was still moaning and trying to arch her body away from the ice bucket.

“Me and Rarity are gona have some fun with your helpless, overly sensitive body - and you’re gonna stand there and take it. If you step away from the ice bucket, you get punished, and if you move around too much and lower your rump… well, I think you know what will happen then.

Trixie looked nervously between her legs, at the moment, the ice was so close to her mound that the tiniest movement would create contact. However, if she could endure whatever torment Applejack and Rarity had in store for her for long enough, then the pile of ice would begin to melt, and she would eventually be free from it.

Trixie breathed heavily, and found herself becoming gradually more and more aroused by the ice cold air, and then, her captures approached.

Applejack grabbed a plume and held it out underneath the blue unicorn’s chin, forcing her to lift her head to avoid it’s ticklish brush upon her sensitive neck. Meanwhile, Rarity used her magic to lift Trixie’s tail.

For a moment, nothing happened. Trixie looked into Applejack’s eyes; the farm mare was scowling at her, but also had a wicked grin upon her face. Rarity seemed to be studying Trixie’s flank, but the blue unicorn dared not turn her head to try and see what was going on back there.

Suddenly, Trixie yelped when she felt Rarity touch her, but when her rear end lowered slightly toward the ice bucket, she immediately retained her upright position.

Applejack sniggered, “Don’t move.” She reminded the unicorn, gently brushing her chin with the plume.

“OHhh.. Apple…jack... did I tell you that… I’m sorry… urghh…” Trixie could now feel Rarity repeatedly touching and tormenting her rump, she blushed intensely at the thought, she wasn't used to so having much attention back there.

Applejack stroked Trixie’s neck with the plume, then whispered tauntingly, “Sorry ain’t gonna cut it.”

Over the next few minutes, Trixie felt Rarity parting her butt cheeks, feeling around them, playing with her flank, it was pretty humiliating and arousing, but nothing could have prepared the mare for what was to come next.


“No!!” Trixie exclaimed in horror.

That noise was all too familiar to the unicorn. It was a device which Trixie had purchased some time ago, and one she had on display when she had first taken Applejack prisoner.

Trixie had purchased the gadget off an odd mare, with an orange coat and a bright curled mane, which was streaked the colours of fire. The mare told Trixie that the object was a “one of a kind sexual stimulation device” and that it was not of the Pony world. She had asked for a high price, and in return also taught Trixie exactly how to use it. Trixie called the item her ‘lightning wand’, as it gave small volts of electricity which varied depending on its setting.

“It took me a while to figure out how to use it.” Rarity informed the others, “I’ve never seen anything quite like this before, even my own horn can’t produce electric volts.”

“NO… RARITY… APPLEJACK, NOT THAT, PLEASE!” Trixie whimpered in terror.

She had used the object on herself many times, but barely made it past the 2nd setting. It was so powerful, so stimulating, and sometimes, downright unbearable.


Trixie couldn’t tell when the object was going to touch her, as Applejack was still forcing her to look forwards, and using the feather whenever she didn’t comply.

She began to sweat, as the buzzing continued, wondering when it was going to make contact with her poor flank, and then…..

“Hold on a sec there Rarity.” Applejack interrupted, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Rarity was almost too caught up in her ordeal to understand what Applejack meant at first, but then she realised, and turned to the spell book again.

Trixie could do nothing but whimper and tremble, as her genitals were taken over by Rarity’s magic, and she cast was under that evil, wicked, climax denial spell.

Now, Trixie was truly helpless, and her punishment could continue, for as long as Applejack and Rarity wanted it to.

Trixie knew there was no point in begging for mercy, but she did it anyway.

“Please Applejack.” The unicorns wide eyes were full of fear. “We can talk this over, I can make it up to you… please!”

Applejack said nothing, she seemed to be struggling not to chuckle at her victim’s despair, and continued to hold the feather firmly in her mouth.


The Great and Powerful Trixie cannot take Any more!

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Just the sound of that terrible device made Trixie’s whole body shudder and sweat simultaneously.

The mare was standing, frozen in place by fear. Applejack held the plume beneath her chin, tilting Trixies head upwards to meet her own. Trixie understood; Applejack wanted to see every her reaction, the tears in her eyes, her quivering lip, and the intense look of horror upon her face as her girlfriend did the unspeakable to her defenceless, raised rump. Rarity was holding the electric wand to Trixie’s flank, preparing to give Trixie the punishment she deserved, for kidnapping and torturing her girlfriend.

Trixie had no choice but to give Rarity full access to her behind, for if she lowered her body even a little, her nether regions would come into contact with the tip of the pile of ice which overflowed from the bucket beneath her. This sensation might be bearable, if she wasn’t under that dreadful sensitivity spell. Trixie’s entire body was weak and tingling, and even the waft of the cold air from the bucket was making the mare gasp and want to come.

However, Trixie was unable to get any kind of release from this treatment, as the sensitivity spell was not the only magic that she was cast under. Rarity had also performed the climax-denial spell, meaning that no matter how desperate Trixie was, her body was unable to reach orgasm.

Trixie was completely at the mercy of these two mares, who were seriously pissed, and wanted to punish her.


“Oh please!! Just do it! I can’t take any more!!!” Trixie scrunched her eyes, the suspense was too much for her to handle.

Rarity simply chuckled, and Applejack smiled at her girlfriend taking delight in the torment of the unicorn, who had previously enslaved herself.


Then, the farm horse gave a small nod, and the electric wand made contact.

“YaaahahhhhH!!” Trixie’s front body instinctively arched as volts of electricity hit her right butt cheek.

It stung, and shot straight through her, making the unicorn spasm. This made the lower half of her body drop, and she instantly felt the top ice cube touch her most sensitive area.

“OOOOOHHHH!!!” She half screamed, half gasped, and immediately retained her upright position, whimpering and panting.

The two gave Trixie a moment to catch her breath, and then Applejack spoke up,

“How was that?” She mocked her prisoner,

“T…terrible!!” Trixie said tearfully,

“In that case, you’d better toughen up a bit.” Applejack showed no sympathy, “We’re just getting started.”

Trixie gulped, and then Rarity continued,

“The wand was on its lowest setting, I can’t imagine what would happen if I turned it up a notch…”

“NO….No please!!” Trixie panicked,

Rarity slowly made her way around to the front of their captive, and held the electric wand up for her to see. She moved her hoof to the switch, which could turn the device from the first setting - a mild shock – right up to the 3rd setting, Trixie didn’t even want to think about what that would be like.

“Please…Rarity…” She started to beg, “Please… no!!”

Rarity grinned manically, and touched the switch lightly with her hoof. Trixie shook her head,

“Rarity please!!!”

The glamorous unicorn took a moment to soak in the distress upon her panicking victims face, Trixie looked as though she was about to burst into tears as she stared intensely at Rarity’s hoof, which was about to activate the switch to make her torture even worse.

“Please Rarity!! I’m begging you, don’t turn it up! Please, I can’t stand it!!!” Trixie started to cry, and Rarity rolled her eyes.

She removed her hoof, and Trixie felt relieved for a few seconds, before Rarity winked at her and added,

“In due time.”

As Rarity returned to Trixie’s rear end, the blue mare could do nothing but whimper. She found it so hard to look at Applejack, but the farm horse made sure she did so, by wiggling the plume around, causing Trixie’s body to jerk from its ticklish touch.

Trixie soon got the message, and raised her head looking deep into Applejack’s eyes – if she didn’t, Applejack would tickle harder, and then her body would once again hit the ice.


Trixie didn’t even try to plead this time, she had completely given up, and just stood there, awaiting the next shock.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” She cried, as the wand touched her right butt cheek this time,

“Ohhhh!!!!” She couldn’t help it, every time Rarity zapped her, her body arched and her mound hit the ice.





The torture went on for a while, as Applejack was enjoying Trixie’s body jerking up and down. Sometimes, Rarity would take pauses, so Trixie never knew when the next shock was coming. Rarity would position the wand at various places on her rump, so she never knew where the next shock would be coming from either.


The volts shot through Trixie's sensitive body, and the unicorn was growing incredibly weak. No matter how much she tried to resist, her most sensitive area was forced against the ice over and over, and the sensation, although unbearable, was making her desperate for a release.


Then, Rarity placed the wand a little lower, between Trixie’s hind legs. The unicorn could feel the vibrations in the air, just below her most sensitive area, and stood as upright as she could to avoid the wand.

Trixie's eyes began to roll back in her head, as the thought of that device touching her there drove her wild.

Then, contact.


This time, Rarity held the wand firmly in place, and Trixie squirmed. Her rump moved from left to right, then hit the ice, then shot back up, Rarity laughed.

“Applejack, come and see this!” She beckoned her girlfriend, removing the device at last.

Applejack looked Trixie dead in the eyes.

“Don’t you dare move, or there will be consequences.”

Trixie knew better than to move, she whimpered and braced herself as Rarity held the wand up between her legs once more. When Applejack had made her way round to Trixies exposed rear, the white unicorn applied the electric wand once again.

“AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Trixie’s body spasmed – she couldn’t get away from the horrible shocks.

She lifted her rump, then bought it down, then left and right, but Rarity held the wand firm.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” The unicorn cried as she shook her rear end.

Rarity and Applejack were both laughing,

“That’s right.” Applejack peered around the unicorn’s body, “Dance for us Trixie. Shake that plump, blue ass.”

Trixie blushed in humiliation, but she obliged, and moved her flank around as shock by shock went through her body.

The ice brushed against her mound, causing sensation after sensation as her ass cheeks thrust from side to side.

Rarity started to move the wand upward, and toying with the unicorn’s backside, she slowly trailed it up her ass crack.

“AAHHHAH” Trixie cried as small jolts of electricity entered her, but she didn’t dare stop shaking her rump.

When Rarity reached her anus, she simply held the wand in place, and Trixie screamed and screamed.

Her mound was now frequently rubbing on the ice, and it was so cold, she couldn’t bare it. The torment continued for a while, and the unicorn was going out of her mind. Then, Rarity removed the wand from her anus.

Trixie panted, and her body dropped. Of cause, this meant that her private area rested on the ice.

“OOOOHHH!” She moaned, but didn’t try to raise her body, she was exhausted, and needed a moment to recover.

After a minute, Rarity walked around to the mare’s front, and gave her some instructions.

“Now Trixie, it appears to me that my girlfriend enjoys the sight of your flank wiggling from side to side. You are quite the dancer my dear.” Rarity teased, causing her captive to blush with embarrassment.

“So here’s what we are going to do.” The unicorn continued.

Having regained her breath, Trixie managed to arch herself up a little, finally giving her mound a break from the cold touch of the ice cubes. She listened carefully to Rarity.

“You are going to wiggle your rump, for my girlfriend’s amusement.” Rarity smiled,

“You will do whatever she tells you to, and continue until she is pleased.”

Trixie said nothing - there was no point in saying anything - she simply nodded at the order.

“If you stop without permission, or you do not dance to the required standard…” Rarity continued, “Then you will be severely punished.”

The white unicorn held up the electric wand once more, and moved her hoof to the switch.

“If Applejack is not completely satisfied with your performance, then I will switch the wand up to its second setting, insert it into that lazy ass of yours, and MAKE you dance properly.”

Trixie’s eyes widened, she gulped, but again said nothing.

“Do you understand?” Rarity demanded an answer.

“Yes.” Trixie replied submissively, "I... understand."

Rarity did not move to her captive’s rear, she stayed in place, holding the wand before Trixie’s face, to remind the unicorn of the consequences if she did not dance to the required standard.

“This must be incredibly humiliating for ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’” Rarity mocked her captive. “Is it?”

Trixie blushed, “Yes.” She replied obediently,

“Yes what?” Rarity asked again, lifting the wand in a threatening manner.

“This is incredibly humiliating for The Great and Powerful Trixie.”

The blue unicorn blushed, and Rarity smiled.

“Applejack, you just sit back and relax, Trixie is going to dance for you. You just tell her when she is to begin, okay dear?”

Applejack sat down, “Aw Rarity, you sure know what I like.”

The two exchanged loving glances, and then Applejack gave the order.

“Alright Trixie, shake that butt.”

Trixie lifted her rump, and began to wiggle it left and right, she glanced at the ground, which angered Rarity. “You will look me in the eyes when you dance.” She demanded,

Trixie obliged.

Her face was a bright crimson, as she wiggled her rump left and right, up and down for Applejack’s amusement. The farm horse egged her on,

“That’s right Trixie, shake it! To the right! Now the left! Now wiggle!!”

Trixie did everything Applejack told her to, whilst staring into Rarity’s eyes.

“Now down!” Applejack demanded, and Trixie braced herself for the freezing touch of the ice.

As soon as it made contact with her most private area, Trixie’s rump shot back up from the sensation, and she gasped loudly, realising her mistake.

“I didn’t say up.” Applejack scolded.

“I….I’m sorry it’s just… the ice!!” Trixie whimpered,

Applejack was not happy, “I-didn’t-say-up!” She repeated.

“S…SORRY!” Trixie looked at Rarity, then at the device, “I’m sorry! I’ll do better!” She assured them, then proceeded to wiggle her rump as hard as she could.

To the unicorn’s relief, Applejack sat back and enjoyed the show.

As she danced, Trixie found herself crying from the embarrassment, she had never been humiliated like this before.

She wiggled up and down, and didn’t dare stop.

Applejack chucked happily at the display, and then Trixie began to get tired. She slowed down, and eventually came to a halt, panting and desperately needing a break.

“Up!” Applejack demanded, and the unicorn wearily lifted her rump, but it simply dropped, her body was just too weak.

“I think she’s getting tired Rarity.” Applejack informed her partner. “How do you suggest we remedy that?”

Trixie gritted her teeth, “No… no I’ll dance!! Please! Don’t put that… thing inside me… I’ll… dance!” She pleaded through pants.

Rarity held up the device, “You weren’t told to stop.” She informed the mare, you know the rules.

Trixie gulped and closed her eyes, “Oh no no! Oh Celestia NO!!”

Rarity moved her hoof, and turned the wand from it’s first setting, to it’s second.

Trixie began to cry, “Please Rarity! Please! I’ll do whatever you want!!”

Rarity raised an eyebrow, and was about to walk around to Trixie’s rear end, when suddenly Applejack interrupted.

“Rarity, I think we should give her another chance.” The farm horse said, to both of the unicorn’s surprise.

“Wh…. Are you sure?” Rarity asked,

Trixie’s face was overcome with relief, “Oh thank you Applejack! Thank you so much! Thank you!” She bowed her head.

“No problem.” Applejack grinned, “And I’ll even help ya to dance.”

“Thank…..wait… what?” Trixie didn’t understand,

Than, Applejack reached for a nearby container, which was all too familiar to the blue mare. It was the one which contained the fizzing powder, that she had used on Applejack’s rump earlier that day.

Trixie gasped, “Oh… no Applejack! Wai…”

It was no use, Applejack unscrewed the lid on the container, licking her lips in delight. She dipped in one of the larger brushes, coating it with powder, then made her way around her prisoner, and positioned herself at Trixie’s rear.

Rarity was curious, she looked around to find Applejack holding the brush in her mouth and lowering it down.
Trixie knew it was no use, but she began to beg.

“Please Applejack, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything, I never meant for things to get so out of hoof. I just liked you! I liked you a lot! Please don’t do this!” She cried,

“Aw, that’s sweet n all.” Applejack replied, “But you’ve been a bad pony Trixie, you need to be taught a lesson.”

Trixie whimpered, and took a deep breathe, as Applejack parted her butt cheeks and lowered the brush.

“OHHHHH!!!!!” The powder fizzed intensely, and Trixie didn’t hold back this time, she thrashed about, stomped, and wiggled, trying to relieve herself of the stinging sensation.

“Stoop…NOOOO!” She cried as Applejack applied more powder, brushing up and down her crack, “AHHH GET IT OUT!!!”

“Terrible, isn’t it.” Applejack taunted the mare, by repeating the words Trixie had spoken when applying the powder to her own rump.

“Ohhhhh!! Get it out!!” Tears were streaming from the unicorns face, “Please get it out!!! Ohhhh!!!”

“And how do you propose I do that?” Applejack asked, continuing to brush. “I’m not licking your flank Trixie.”

“Ohhhhh!! But you have…to get it out…PLEASE!!!” Trixie was going crazy, she struggled violently, stepping away from the ice bucket.

This annoyed Rarity, but the unicorn simply levitated some rope, and tied it around the base of Trixie’s muzzle. It was tight enough to hold the unicorn in place, but not so tight that Trixie as unable to speak – Rarity still wanted to hear her begging for mercy.

“Ohhhhh!” She cried, “OHH IT… STINGS! HELLLP!”

“What can we do?” Taunted Rarity, “How can we get it out?”

“I don’t….ohhhh!!!.... know!!” Trixie scrunched her face, and shook all over. “OHHH PLEASE! JUST DO SOMETHING!!!”

As her body thrust downwards, Trixie suddenly had an idea.

“The ice!” She exclaimed! “Use the ice! Ohhh PLEASE!!”

“You want us to use the ice on your flank?” Rarity asked,


“Hm… I dunno.” Applejack continued brushing, circling Trixie’s anus.

“PLEASE!” Trixie begged, “Please! I’ll do anything you ask! Please use the ice!”

Rarity levitated a half melted ice cube, and passed it down to Applejack. Trixie felt relieved when she saw Applejack place the brush and the container on the floor beneath her, but the powder still stung, and it was deep inside her crack.

“I don’t know if you deserve this.” Applejack took her time, as though contemplating whether to use the cube.

“Ohhhh…Applejack…please!!” Trixie spasmed and sobbed.

“You’d better be grateful for mah kindness.” The earth mare replied.

“I am!! Ohhhh SO…GRATEFUL…oh thank you! Ohhh!!” Trixie assured her, stomping her back hoof, dying for the ice to relieve her of the terrible stinging sensation.

Applejack took her time, she waited a few seconds, then slowly placed the cube at the very top of Trixie’s crack.

The cold was intense, and the cube began to melt further upon touching Trixie’s tingling rump.

A large drip trickled down, it seemed to stop at her anus, then another, Applejack rubbed the cube, and Trixie moaned repeatedly.

Rarity levitated another ice cube, and Applejack began rubbing them in Trixie’s crack, she placed one on her anus, and gave it a gentle push, so it was held in place by Trixie’s hole.

The unicorn gasped as the ice began to melt and drips trailed inside her, but she didn’t dare shake the cube off – not after Applejack had been so merciful as to relieve her of the powder torture.

“Thank…you!...Thank you” She repeated over and over,

As the drips trailed down, a few of them fell between her legs, and this drove Trixie wild. She needed to come so badly, but she dared not bring this up to her captives.

“OHHHHHHHH!” She moaned as a big drip reached her mound,

Applejack continued to apply more and more ice to her rump, and the unicorn did her very best to look grateful.

“Hold still.” Applejack ordered, as she bought a larger ice cube and trailed it down Trixie’s crack.

“OHHHHH!!” Trixie moaned, she couldn’t help but arch her back, as Applejack put pressure on the cube and traced it down, then held it in place beneath her legs.

“OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Trixie tried to hold it, but her mound was pounding - she needed a release.

When Applejack moved the ice cube a little further, it touched Trixie’s throbbing clit, which was poking out, having been desperate for attention for quite some time, and it was that touch which drove the unicorn wild.

She tried to hold it, but sweat dripped down her face as the cube was held in place, then, the unicorn couldn't take any more.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” She screamed and kicked her legs, tossing the cube from her anus and causing Applejack to step back to avoid being hit.

The water fell from Trixie’s crack onto the floor, and her body collapsed. She fell onto the ice bucket, which only intensified her need for climax.

She lay over it with her rump in the air, and meekly looked up into the eyes of Rarity.

Trixie moaned, over and over, “Ohhhh… please… I need to come.” She begged,

Rarity and Applejack stared at their victim coldly.

“You failed to cooperate with us Trixie.” Applejack said, “Even after I was so merciful to relieve you of the fizzing powder.”

Trixie’s eyes filled with tears, as she realised the consequences of her actions. She wanted to black out, but she couldn’t, her mind was fuzzy, her mound was throbbing, and she had never felt so helpless.

Rarity lifted the electric wand, switched it on, and made her way around to Trixie’s rump.

The Great and Powerful Trixie... Surrenders.

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Trixie had never felt so helpless. Her weak body, which was still under that wicked sensitivity spell, had completely collapsed, and the blue mare was now lying with her nether-regions rested upon the ice bucket, leaving her poor, vulnerable rump raised high for Rarity to torture.

To make matters worse, Applejack had tied a rope around Trixie's muzzle, which was now attached to one of the wooden poles in the center of the room. Applejack tied the knot tightly at the base of the pole, forcing Trixie's head downward, so that the mare was trapped in a submissive, begging position. Rarity used her magic to secure Trixie's tail in place, trailing it upward along her back, exposing her dark blue anus.

Trixie tried to beg, but the words could barely be made out between her heavy pants and moans. The cold pile of ice cubes was now in full contact with Trixie's throbbing mound, and the sensation was unbearable. She was extremely desperate for a release, but the evil climax-denial spell - which could only be undone by Rarity - made it impossible for her body to comply. The buzzing of the terrible electric wand, which was now on a higher setting, went straight through her, and she braced herself for more punishment.

"Are you ready?" Applejack asked tauntingly,

"Please... ohhh... Apple... uhhh...." The unicorn could barely speak, her body was tingling all over, and the shear cold of the ice was driving her crazy.

"She's ready Rarity," Applejack glanced at her partner. "Apply the wand."

"" Whimpered the helpless blue mare.


"AHHHH!!!" Even in her exhausted state, Trixie let out a scream when the device made contact with her flesh, her body spasmed, but Rarity held the wand firmly in place.


"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Trixie let out another loud cry, Rarity was now circling her anus.

Trixie's backside was jolting from left to right one more, beyond her control.

"You've been a bad pony Trixie." Rarity teased, "A very, very bad pony."

"AAAHHH...I'M...SO....AHHHHHHHHH!!" Trixie couldn't speak, she let out cry after cry as her ass was electrocuted repeatedly, she couldn't bare to think how it was going to feel, when the device finally entered her.

"Ready... almost...." Rarity said in a soothing voice, as she gave the wand a steady push.

Trixie didn't know what was more painful, the electric shocks shooting through her, or the electric wand slowly making its way into her very tight hole. Tears streamed down her face, as Rarity forced the instrument inside her.


Shock wave after shock wave took over the mares body, which was going crazy out of her control, she wanted to buck, but didn't have the strength. It was so painful, and yet it was bringing the unicorn more pleasure than she had ever felt in her entire life.

"AHHHHHHH OHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Trixie cried and moaned at the same time, as Rarity started fucking her with the wand, getting gradually faster and faster.


"What was that?" Applejack asked, lifting a hoof to her ear, "Didn't quite catch that."

"I AHHHH.... NEED TO...AHHHH... COME!!" The blue mare tried to say.

"Silly Trixie." Applejack replied, "The wand is already in your bum. I think she wants it harder Rarity."

To Trixie's horror, Rarity started pumping faster, and her body began jerking up and down, which in turn caused her mound to grind repeatedly against the ice below.

"I NE...AHHHHHHHHH...TO... OOOOOOOOOOHH....COME!!" Trixie screamed at the top of her lungs.

"What? Already? But we're having so much fun." Applejack smirked.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Another shock caused the blue mare to lose control of her body, as it thrashed furiously out of control.

"OHHHHH!!!! AAAHHHHHH!!! OHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Trixie had given up now, she cried out over and over, as Rarity penetrated her with the wand, letting her body move however it wanted to.

Rarity began jiggling the object about, causing the tip to wiggle about inside Trixie's rump. Trixie panted heavily, as tears and sweat dripped down her face. Her mane was tattered and wet, her body was shaking, and her eyes were rolling backwards.

"AHHHH.......Ohhhhh....ahhh.....ohhh..." The mare began to lose consciousness, she could now see not one, but two Applejack's gazing menacingly down at her bowed head.

The buzzing of the device suddenly became fainter, and she became incredibly dizzy.

"Ohhhhhhh...." Trixie gave a last moan, as her eyes shut, and her head hit the ground.

Rarity gave the electric wand a steady twist, and removed it from Trixie's anus.

"Oh no, has she passed out?" The glamorous unicorn asked her partner.

To their relief, Trixie's nose then began to twitch, and then her eyelids opened just a little.

"Not quite." Applejack grinned.

The two stood in place, giving their captive a breather, and Applejack was even kind enough to pour some water into her panting mouth.

After a few minutes, Trixie raised her head as much as she could. She was still in position, with her head tied to the pole, and her backside raised upwards over the bucket of ice. Her body was still tingling, and she still needed to climax.

"" She said weakly.

Rarity and Applejack looked at one another with raised eyebrows.

"Applejack, do you think she's learned her lesson?" Rarity asked.

"I'm not sure." The farm pony replied, "Think I'd like to hear it from her."

Trixie's eyes widened hopefully... was it over?

"Y...yes" She panted."

"Yes what?" Rarity gave a threatening frown,

"I've learned... my lesson." Trixie tried to assure them, but the two didn't seem impressed with that answer, so she took a deep breath and continued. "I'm so sorry Applejack, I'll never, ever kidnap you, or anypony, ever again! And I certainly won't do anything like this! I'll behave from now on, I swear, please forgive me."

Tears appeared in the unicorn's eyes once more, as she wondered if her response had been good enough. There was a short pause, and then Applejack spoke.

"I bet you'd like us to release you from that climax denial spell now wouldn't you?" The country mare asked.

"Please." Trixie made eye contact with the both of them.

Applejack shuffled her hooves against the ground, as though contemplating whether or not Trixie deserved any mercy. Rarity intervened, she looked the blue unicorn straight in the eyes and gave a simple, all too familiar instruction.

"Beg." She commanded.

Trixie blushed and shifted her gaze toward Applejack, who nodded in agreement. Then, the unicorn lowered her head to the ground in complete submission. ""Please, please let me come. I need to come, desperately, my body is at your mercy. please undo the spell, I can't take any more."

Applejack seemed pretty satisfied, but Rarity wasn't; she was determined to drain Trixie of what little dignity she had left.

"Tell me," She demanded, "how do you feel, down there." She then motioned with her hoof to Trixie's genitalia.

Trixie gulped, "It's throbbing." She answered, "It's throbbing so, so much." She paused, trying to think of what to say, to please her unicorn capture. "'s wet, really, really wet, it needs to explode, it's unbearable. Please...."

Applejack sniggered, and took a few seconds to think up another embarrassing question, to bide their time.

"How does that freezing pile of ice feel against your clit?" She asked, "I can see it poking out there, it must be very, very sensitive."

Trixie didn't hesitate to answer this time, "Yes, it is." She replied, "It's so, so cold, but I can't move away, I'm so weak, please Applejack...."

"I must say darling, you have a very plump rear end." Rarity commented, taking a final good look at Trixie's ass.

"Th... thank you...?" Trixie replied.

"Did you enjoy shaking it for us? I think Applejack enjoyed it a lot."

Trixie didn't know what to say, she had to choose her words carefully, one little slip up, and the two would punish her further.

"I'm... I'm glad that, I was able to please you, Applejack." She prayed to Celestia that was the response they were looking for.

"And you have a pretty kinky imagination." Applejack added, glancing at the various equipment around the room. "Do you ever use these objects on yourself when you are alone?"

"Yes." Trixie answered shyly, "most of them."

"You must be very lonely." The mare commented, Trixie at first thought this sounded like a cruel comment, but she then wondered if perhaps Applejack was trying to come to some kind of understanding toward her behavior. She didn't have time to think it over however, her body was dying for a release, and she couldn't bare it anymore.

"Yes, I am... Applejack, Rarity... please... the spell." She pleaded.

Applejack continued to admire the objects, showing them to Rarity and commenting on each one. She lifted a feather and gently tickled her lover's neck, Rarity giggled, and the two began messing about for a few minutes, watching them was making Trixie sweat heavily with lust.

"Please!!! You can have whatever you want!!! Just please undo the spell! PLEASE!!!!" She cried.

"Anything we want?" Rarity's eyes lit up at the thought.

Trixie just nodded, she couldn't do much else.

"Anything?" Applejack asked,

The blue mare nodded again, and wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or horrified when Rarity began levitating the spell book once more.

"Then, I think I'll take this." She smiled,

Trixie panicked, "F...fine! Yes! It's yours! She agreed. "but please release me first!! Please Rarity, you can have the book! You can have the book and whatever else you like! Just, let me come!!!"

Rarity grinned, and flicked through to a certain page. Then, her and Applejack turned, and began to walk over to the door.

"No..." Trixie was about to cry, when she noticed Rarity's horn glowing a bright light.

"We'll take the book." Rarity continued, "And we'll also take.... you."

"Huh...." Trixie didn't understand, she gazed up in confusion, as the pair opened the door, and began to make their way outside.

Rarity looked back at the weak unicorn, lying half-passed out on top of the ice bucket

"Come and visit us next week." She ordered. "Shall we say, Wednesday?"

Applejack then smiled and gave a flirty wink toward Trixie, who finally felt her mound slowly being released from the climax denial spell.

That wink had done it, and before Trixie could come to terms with what had just happened, she felt her entire body overcome with relief as it gave in to the longest, most extreme orgasm, she had ever experienced in her entire life.

The End