> The Mare-a-thon > by Darkhanos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To Ponyville! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ponyville, huh? I gotta say, nopony really ever goes there anymore,” said the conductor as he took the tickets from two stallions, looking to make some small talk. It usually helped him to pass the time on an otherwise tedious job. He noticed that the first stallion was a unicorn with a dark grey coat with a dark blue mane and tail with yellow eyes. The conductor cringed internally as he felt a strong aura radiating from his being. It was one that led him to believe that he was quite possibly military, and the calm, quiet demeanor only seemed to confirm his theory, “True. Nopony ever goes there unless they have specific reasons.” The dark gray unicorn replied simply, obviously not wanting to take the conversation any further. "Yup, he’s definitely military." The conductor thought to himself as he took what he needed and returned the stub to him. “Aw, come on, Shadow Spell! Lighten up a little! You’re gonna make the guy think you’re depressed or something with that kind of attitude!” said a steel blue pegasus stallion with a silver mane and tail, in a lighthearted tone and smile. The conductor couldn’t help but notice that he was holding a brown, rolled up paper bag. “Honestly, Jetstream, I may not be jovial all the time but that hardly means I’m depressed. I’m just more in control of myself, which is more than what I can say about you! It’s a wonder how you even became a Wonderbolt officer with that kind of attitude!” Shadow replied with a slightly annoyed tone, earning him a laugh from the stallion in question. “Maybe you’re right, but being serious all the time just isn’t my style, nor does it mean that I lack common sense. I just choose to ignore it!” Jetstream replied with a chortle as he took his ticket back. He looked at the conductor a little closer, seeing something very familiar about him, “Excuse me, sir. Do you have a daughter named Diamond Dust?” The conductor gave him a very surprised and confused look, “Why, yes I do! She’s a very big fan of yours, Mr. Jetstream! It’s a very big honor to meet you sir!” he said quite excitedly, almost overwhelmed that a Wonderbolt officer knew his daughter. “Ah! Thought so!” the pegasus said happily, “She has your eyes. She won the sweepstakes and she spent the whole day with me! She said that her father worked at the train station and…” “Jetstream, you’re keeping him from his job and you’re delaying our and everypony else’s departure! Now would you please be so kind as to cordially end your conversation so we can get going?” Shadow chastised. “What a buzzkill! Anyways, I was hoping to catch her before I left, but it looks like I won’t be able to. I’ll see you inside!” He said, giving the conductor a pat on the shoulder before making his way to his friend, “Seriously, Shadow, you could learn to lighten up a bit, we’re on vacation for Luna’s sake! This is your chance to unwind, and just relax ya know?” “I’m only doing this because of the insistence of Princesses Celestia and Luna, nothing more. Besides…if they wanted me to relax then why’d they make me come with you?” Shadow said with a wry smirk, earning him yet another laugh from the Wonderbolt as they entered the train and made their way to their private cabin, “That’s the spirit!” said Jetstream as he patted his back, “Look, I know that you don’t like meeting new ponies and that you think yourself as socially awkward, but shutting yourself out isn’t going to solve anything. It’ll only make things even worse for you. I know, I know, it’s nothing you haven’t heard before, but at least try to be a little more outgoing when we get to Ponyville, would ya?” Upon finding their designated cabin, they wasted no time in taking a seat and letting out a relaxed sigh as the soft cushion of the seat eased their muscles. “I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try.” Shadow responded as he stared at the ceiling, allowing his mind to drift in his thoughts. “That’s all I ask, nothing more.” He said with a small smile, “Besides, you’ll have me there along with you, and I’ll be sure to keep things interesting for you!”  he finished with a small chuckle. Shadow just rolled his eyes at his friend’s words. “Oh, joy. Just try not to piss anypony off this time. The last thing I need is to deal with any kind of drama that you started.” “Hey! I never start anything with anypony and you know that! It’s not my fault that some ponies are just a bunch of jackasses looking for trouble!” he replied indignantly. “Maybe but that doesn’t mean that you have to humor them either. There’s nothing wrong with walking away from pointless confrontations, Jetstream.” “Buck that! If there’s one thing I won’t tolerate, it’s disrespect. I don’t do anything to disrespect anypony and I don’t expect to be treated as such! Walking away from it would only encourage them to keep it up!” “That doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to exchange blows with them either. That attitude of yours is quite troublesome in most situations. Nothing wrong with verbally defending yourself either, but don’t throw the first punch. You know better than that. Anyways, just try to keep your cool, okay?” “Alright, I won’t throw the first punch, Shadow. But the moment they lay a hand on me that’ll be a different story.” Shadow let out a sigh, "I suppose that'll have to do. Knowing you, you'd still find some way to justify it." "Says you..." he mumbled. "What was that?" "Nothing." --------------------- The duo sat in relative silence, enjoying the steady and relaxing sounds of the train riding on its tracks. Shadow found himself looking out the window, allowing his mind to wander as he looked at the passing landscape. It often relaxed him and did wonders for his state of mind. Unfortunately, Jetstream's loud snoring snapped him out of his Zen, mildly irritating him. However, he didn't want to snap his friend out of his rest just yet. "Wish I could be that relaxed." Shadow mumbled to himself. Attention all passengers, we will be reaching Ponyville shortly. Please make sure you have all of your belongings when you depart The conductor announced over the PA. Upon hearing the announcement, the silver maned stallion stretched, letting out a series of satisfying pops on his stiff muscles and let out a yawn, "Alright, almost there." said Jetstream, getting up and getting his duffle bag. Shadow Spell did the same, gathering his own duffle bag. The train came to a complete stop, and the passengers made their way out of the train. Most were met by loved ones and friends, getting a warm greeting from them before they departed. Shadow and Jet stepped off the train, the Wonderbolt taking a deep breath of fresh air. "Ahh! Nothing like fresh air from the countryside eh, Shadow?" Asked Jetstream. A small smile tugged on the corner of Shadow's lips, the fresh air improving his mood already, "Quite. Looks like the Princesses were right about taking a vacation here." "Excuse me, Jet? You forgot your bag." The conductor called, offering the brown paper bag to him. "Oh, thanks. Actually, could you take that to Diamond Dust? It's for her anyways." He asked. "Certainly! I'll be sure to give it right to her!" He said happily then looking at his watch, "Well, Looks like I need to get ready to leave again. I'll see you around" "Thanks. Well, I gotta get going. Take it easy! C'mon, I gotta register at the hotel, Shadow." Said Jet, making his way to the hotel. With a nod, Shadow followed suit as the conductor went back to the train. Shadow couldn't help but notice that the town seemed to be lively, with all manner of ponies looking excited about something. However, this served to make Shadow tense up a little, seeing so many ponies out and about. A fact not lost upon Jetstream, "It's okay buddy ,they mean no harm." The silver maned stallion said "If you say so. Let's just register at the hotel already." Shadow countered. It was then that he noticed a blue unicorn mare wearing a purple cape and magician's hat, setting up a stage of sorts. He couldn't help but stop and admire her. He had to admit, she looked very pretty. Her violet eyes, her light blue mane and tail with an even lighter shade of blue streaks, the beautiful curves on her body and her generous bust size. He could only describe her... "...Like an angel from the heavens, eh, Shadow?" Jetstream asked with a wry smirk, "GYAH!!! Damn it, Jetstream! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Shadow berated, earning him a laugh, "It's not hard to when you're staring at some mare all slacked jawed and drooling!" He teased, "Oh, shut up!" "Can't say I blame you for spacing out like that. She's a real looker!" "Let's just get to the hotel already!" Shadow said, trying hard to hide his blush. "Alright, alright," he laughed, once again leading the way. As they were walking, Shadow risked one last glance at the mare. Much to his surprise, she saw him looking at her, to which she offered a smile and a wave. He swore he felt his heart rate skyrocket and his face burn all the hotter. "I hate to break it to you, but if you're that nervous meeting just one mare that catches your eye, you'll be in for a rude awakening here in a few minutes." Jetstream warned. "Oh? How so?" Shadow asked "OH MY CELESTIA! IT'S JETSTREAM THE WONDERBOLT!" A mare yelled, accompanied by a thunderous cheer from other mares soon after "Like that." ----------------- Shadow Spell couldn't get to the room soon enough, and promptly sat on the chair as soon as he entered the room, "By Luna's mane! They're relentless!" He chided. Jetstream hurriedly entered the room shortly after, the mob of fanmares shouting out his name. He was pretty sure he heard one of them saying that she wanted to bear his foals, yet despite the mob, the Wonderbolt couldn't help but laugh as he made sure the door was firmly secured with the locks provided, "What a rush!" He chuckled, then gave Shadow an apologetic look, "Sorry, Spell, but it looks like we'll have to deal with some of my fans for a while. Didn't think my fan base would be so big this time around." "That...was the most unpleasant experience I've ever had! How do you deal with such...demented mares?! I'd rather face the Minotaur infantry in combat again!" Shadow chided "Oh, come on now! They're not all bad! They're just...starstruck is all." Jetstream responded as he flopped on the bed. "Then why did I hear some of them say they wanted your foal?" Shadow deadpanned. "Maybe they think I'm handsome. I dunno." Jetstream shrugged, "Don't worry, the manager will have them dispersed in a few minutes." "Thank Celestia..." After a few moments of silence, there was something that came to Shadow's mind, "Hey, Jet? What was in that brown paper bag? " Jetstream responded by nervously chuckling and rubbing the back of his head "Well...ya see...it was..." -------------------------- The train was making its way back to Canterlot, with the same steady sounds of it riding the tracks. The conductor kept giving the brown paper bag a curious glance, his curiosity of its contents were beginning to get the better of him. "No. Jetstream said it was for my Diamond Dust, and I won't look!" he resolved to himself. Try as he might to focus on the tracks ahead, his gaze was once again drawn to the bag, his curiosity no nagging him like an itch begging to be scratched "Well...maybe just a peek" He got the bag, and not sure what to expect, he opened it slowly. Almost immediately, he regretted the decision, grabbing the contents of the bag as his mind struggled to believe what he was seeing: a scarlet, lacy pair of panties and a bra, covered in dried cum stains. The conductor was shocked beyond belief, which was quickly being replaced by a powerful anger welling deep within. An anger he never experienced before, its intensity so high that his eye was twitching and his body was trembling as he felt it course throughout his body. He gritted his teeth together, the image of the deviant stallion handing this to him was taunting his now restless mind. He took a deep breath, letting out the bestial scream of a scorned father "JETSTREEEEEAAAAAMMMM!" > Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you serious, Jetstream?!” Shadow yelled, absolutely furious at the stallion in question, “You handed the conductor, Diamond Dust’s father mind you, a bag containing her undergarments stained with your seed?! Are you really that stupid?!”  Shadow Spell glared daggers at Jetstream. His nostrils flared up, showing just a small fraction of the burning rage that was seething within him.   It wasn’t often that Jetstream saw his friend so livid at him; but when he was, it was like the Gates of Tartarus just opened its unholy gates. Shadow’s intimidating glare caused him feel like he was only an inch tall his heart started to palpitate. He was practically sweating bullets and  with a hard gulp he let out a nervous chuckle, “I-I…um…g-guess I didn’t think my decision through.”   “You think?! It would be a great inconvenience if I wasn’t able to get on that train because of some vendetta you caused! If that happens, I'll make *you* pull my chariot all the way back to Canterlot!”     Jetstream narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth the more Shadow went on, “Alright, alright! I bucked up! I get it! Now, can we please drop the issue already?! Bitching about it won't do us a damn bit of good at this point!" He said in an annoyed tone. He was normally a patient stallion, but there were still a few things that aggravated him. Harping and dwelling on mistakes and situations that were now beyond their control was one of them. As much as Shadow would've liked to keep ripping on him, he knew he had a point. If even Jetstream was getting annoyed, chances are that he was starting to take it too far. He let out a sigh, and sat back down on the finely crafted wooden chair. The thick cushioning already helped eased his tense muscles and helped him relax a little, "Fine. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Until then, try not to do something like that again." Had the stallions not been so focused on the disagreement at hand, they would've noticed that they missed several series of knocks coming from the door, "And here I thought we'd all changed so much!" A familiar voice said from the door. The stallions gave each other a quizzical look before it finally registered that there was somepony at the door, and from the sounds of it, it was an old friend of theirs, and she just heard every word of their conversation. Jetstream got up and walked to the door, taking a peek in the peephole to confirm their suspicions. A small smile grew on his face as he saw none other than Twilight Sparkle herself.  She may be a Princess of Equestria now, but she dressed comfortably. She was wearing a casual, light yellow blouse that seemed to compliment her slender figure, and simple denim blue jeans, "Some things never change." He said to himself as he opened the door, greeting her with a warm smile "Hey, stranger! Long time no see!" Twilight had a big smile of her own, "Yeah, it's been a long time, Jetstream." She said as she gave him a firm hug. After a few moments, she broke it and looked at him up and down, and started to giggle "Still with the t-shirt and blue jeans sense of style are you?" "Yup! Simplicity is a good thing I say."  He said as he stepped to the side to let her in the room. "Princess Twilight," Shadow greeted as he bowed to her,  "It's a pleasant surprise to see you here." "Oh, Shadow," Twilight said in a lighthearted tone, "You don't have to address me so formally. I prefer not be called princess. Just call me, Twilight" she said, motioning with her hand for him to stand. "I'm just following etiquette on addressing royalty, Twilight. Something *somepony* needs to start doing more often." He said as he gave Jetstream a small glare. "Hey, she asked not to be addressed formerly before, so I don't," the pegasus stallion shrugged, answering in his usual carefree tone, to which Shadow just rolled his eyes. "Wow, even when you're off duty you still dress so nicely!" Twilight giggled as she admired how well pressed his light grey, long-sleeved button shirt was, as well as his khaki slacks. She giggled a little more as she saw how perfectly tucked the shirt was in his pants, "Last I checked you were here to relax." "Yes, indeed. I have more casual clothes for later," Shadow said simply as he hugged her, "That's good. Princess Celestia and Luna just want to make sure that the both of you will unwind after such a trying assignment." Twilight informed. Almost immediately she regretted her choice of words. Shadow's eyes became disconnected, and he visibly tensed up as the memories of the 'assignment' came rushing back to his head. It was obvious that it was a subject that he didn't enjoy hearing about. One that caused him a great deal of discomfort. "Shadow?" Jetstream called out in concern as he walked to him. He placed a hand on his shoulder, and looked him right in the eye, "Shadow, it's okay. There's nothing to worry about anymore. The mission was a success." He said softly, "We did what we had to do. That's all there is to it." The contact broke the unicorn out of his little trance, and looked at his friend for a moment. He nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we did." "Then let's put it behind us for now. We'll deal with it another time." "I'm sorry, I..." Twilight was about to apologize, but was cut off when Shadow waved his hand, "It's okay. Like Jet said, we'll deal with it another time," Shadow said with a small smile to assure her of his claim, "So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" Twilight kept her gaze on the unicorn stallion for a few moments longer to make sure he was okay, then cleared her throat, "Well, I just wanted to inform you that I took care of your fans, Jetstream. They won't be a bother for a little while." "Cool, thanks!" said Jet. He really didn't mind the crowd of mares. It's just part of being a Wonderbolt, and most of the time, they mean well. "Thank, Celestia!" said Shadow, obviously relieved that he didn't have to deal with the menacing crowd of delusional fanmares. He already felt uncomfortable being around crowds, and those groupies didn't make it any easier on him. "I also wanted to apologize. I won't be able to host your stay here after all. Shining Armor and Cadence asked me to go to the Crystal Empire to spend the week with them. Since it's a rare event that we get to spend time with each other these days, I jumped on the opportunity as soon as it presented itself." Twilight said apologetically.          "Oh, sweet! In that case I say go for it!" Jetstream said. "I agree. We know how close you are with your family and it would be a shame if you missed an opportunity to spend time with them." Shadow Spell concurred. "Besides, with as much as you stress yourself out it'll be good to unwind and let loose over there. Just don't go too crazy with the booze like you did last time. You tend to get a little...freaky, to say the least” Jetstream said with a sly smirk on his face Almost immediately, Twilight began to blush fiercely, her face turning the darkest shade of red anypony has ever seen, “W--w-what are you talking about?” It couldn’t be! There’s just no way he could be talking about that night...could he? Jetstream’s scrutinizing gaze and almost mocking smirk only served to make her all the more uneasy. “Oh, don’t play coy with me, Twilight,” the pegasus teased, crossing his arms across his chest in a haughty manner with the ever present smirk of his, “The last time you were drunk you ran all around your new castle wearing nothing but your panties declaring your undying love for your new scepter. You even made poor Spike clean it exceptionally well after you had some...alone time with it.” he said, trying everything he could to keep from going into a side-splitting fit of laughter. He was trying to resist the overwhelming tugging at the corner of his lips. But alas,  he wasn’t able to suppress the snort that escaped his nostrils, opening the floodgates to his loud, rambunctious laughter. To say the princess was mortified would be a gross understatement. She looked like she was handed down the ultimate punishment by Princess Celestia herself, and could no longer bear to face the world again, let alone speak. Jetstream’s unflattering laughter only served to pour salt in the wounded pride, “B-but...how d-did you..?” Twilight was about to ask but was cut off “Tabloids…” Shadow Shadow Spell deadpanned, becoming increasingly annoyed with his friend’s absurd behavior, “It was...quite detailed. The photos were also of a professional quality.” “Priceless!” Jetstream said in between breaths, “I never thought you were that kind of mare, Twili..AUGH!!” he was about to say before he was abruptly cut off from Twilight hitting the back of his head with the force of a freight train. For a small mare, she could hit surprisingly hard; especially when angry or otherwise annoyed,“What in Tartarus was that for?!”  No sooner than he finished saying that, he was met with yet another hard hit to the back of his head. This time, Shadow Spell was the culprit.  “You know very well why, Jetstream!” Twilight shouted, clenching her fists and teeth together. “I hit you because you never know when to stop, and thus you forced my hand.” Shadow rebuked with a sharp glare. “But...y-you can’t just hit me like that! It’s no wonder why I can’t think straight!” Jetstream complained as he was tenderly rubbing throbbing his head. “As a matter of fact, I can!” Twilight said with a smug smirk. She reached into her canvas bag that had her Cutie Mark printed on it, and pulled out a scroll. The paper looked like it was beginning to turn beige, a mark of aging, but the scroll itself looked well preserved. As she began to unroll it, the scent of fresh paper filled the stallions’ nostrils the closer she brought it to them, stopping in front of their faces. Jetstream’s eyes widened in disbelief as that familiar scent triggered his memory of that  scroll’s origins. It couldn’t be that scroll could it? “No way, is that the contract we made when we were foals? We couldn’t be more than five years old at the time!” he said with a smile. Sure enough, the two saw the familiar words of the contract with surprisingly good penmareship for a five year old...even if it was written in purple crayon.  I, Twilight Sparkle, get to hit Jetstream and Shadow Spell as hard as I want if they act like stupid-heads and/or make fun of me! And they will sign this because that's what you’re supposed to do with contracts! I read that in a book! Just under the purple crayon was another statement written in black ink, I, Princess Celestia, hereby give Jetstream and Shadow Spell  permission to tickle Twilight Sparkle in the event that she abuses her contract by including, but not limited to: excessive hitting, using the contract as a means to hit them without just cause, and/or if she makes fun of  either of you. Her biggest tickle spots are as follows: her sides, her belly and the bend of her knees. Just below the last line of the text were the signatures of Twilight, Jetstream and Shadow Spell. Off to the right of the signatures was a red wax seal of Princess Celestia’s Cutie Mark, making this a legal and legitimate contract. “I remember that day,” said Shadow Spell, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “Princess Celestia thought that the contract between the three of us was so adorable that she just had to make it legal. At the time I just wanted an excuse to hit Jetstream without getting in trouble.” “So, as you can see, Jetstream, I can hit you like that, and according to the contract, I’m not hitting you excessively and I have just cause to do so.” Twilight said with a smug smile and tone to match as she crossed her arms. It wasn’t often that she gave such a haughty display of gloating, but after being humiliated by Jetstream, she allowed herself to savor the sweet taste of victory. Jetstream, on the other hand, could only grit his teeth and start muttering his dismay under his breath, lest he earn the ire of the Princess of Friendship again. “So when do you leave for the Crystal Empire, Twilight?” Shadow Spell asked. “I should be leaving right now. The train I’m on will depart shortly after I get there.” she responded "Oh?" Shadow asked curiously, "Then the train won't leave without you?" It was difficult to notice for those who didn't know him as well as Jetstream and Twilight did, but there was a hint of mischief in his voice. "No, it won't," Twilight replied, not quite catching the tone of voice as her mind was elsewhere. "Why?" "It's just...I think you're a little overdue," he whispered with a smirk, managing to walk up behind her. "Overdue for wha-" Her question was interrupted by a shriek of laughter as Shadow's dancing fingers slipped under her shirt to attack her belly. "Sh-Shadow!" she gasped out, struggling to resist and escape. Grinning like a madpony, Jetstream rushed forward, not wanting to waste the opportunity to get even with Twilight. He quickly and mercilessly started attacking her sides with his own skilled hands, their combined laughter echoing throughout the room. When they were foals, they were always together, spending their time with one another when time allowed them to be. There was always an adventure to be had within the vast walls of Canterlot Castle, always a book to read in its impressive library, and always a sunset to bask in as they enjoyed the friendship they forged with one another. It was a time they all cherished with one another, even when life put them on separate paths. They would often not see one another for years, and when they did, there was never enough time to catch up with one another. And so the stallions continued their tickle attack on the unsuspecting Twilight, the three friends once again bonding after too long. > Smoke and Mirrors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As much as Shadow Spell, Jetstream and Twilight would've loved to spend more time with one another and catch up, they knew that family was always a priority for her, and they respected that. Jetstream knew how she felt, considering how close he is with his own family, especially his younger sister, Starlight. Such is the way things in life go, and despite their painfully brief meeting, they were grateful that they at least had those few moments together. "Thanks for walking me to the station, guys," Twilight said, as she was preparing to board the now delayed train.          "No prob. It gave us an excuse to spend a little more time with you after all,"  Jetstream said with a small smile. "Not only that, it's the least we could do after fulfilling our contractual agreement," Shadow said with a sly smirk, which earned him a small glare from Twilight.   "Hey, remember it works both ways, Twilight. It's clearly stated in the contract after all," Jetstream teased.  "Anyways, have a good trip. Tell Cadence and Shining Armor I said  ‘hi’." he said as he gave her a warm embrace. Twilight returned the embrace, "I will, Jetty-Jet," she said.  “Just try to stay out of trouble. I know how you can get, hot stuff,” she said with a teasing manner. Jetstream blushed hard and shuddered as she said that.  “Uh...yeah, I’ll do that,” Seeing him blush and tense up like that wasn’t lost upon Shadow, but he felt it would be better to ask a little later what that was all about. Instead, he offered a smile, acting like he didn’t notice anything.  "Yes, have a good time with your family, Twilight. Give my regards to them as well." "Will do,  Shadow," she responded, returning the embrace. "Princess Twilight? The train is ready when you are," a brown pegasus stallion kindly informed. "I'm ready," Twilight informed.  "Bye, guys. Hopefully next time we'll be able to spend the whole day together." "We will one day, Twi. Until then, take care of yourself," said Jetstream. Twilight nodded, and entered the train, and almost immediately began taking off. Shadow and Jetstream watched the train take off, and ride until it was out of sight. "Next time we have a vacation, we definitely need to check with Twilight's schedule," said Jetstream as he began walking away from the platform. Shadow followed suit, walking beside his friend. "Indeed. Now, what was she implying when she called you 'hot stuff'? You've never been embarrassed by such terms of endearment before, so I'm led to believe that there's a story behind that," he challenged. His suspicions were confirmed when Jetstream once again blushed and visibly tensed up. "Damn it, why do you have to be so freaking perceptive?" Jetstream dismayed. "Don't dodge the question, Jetstream! Now spit it out!" Shadow Spell demanded. Jet knew that look in Shadow's eyes all too well. Once that spark was there, he would be relentlessly pushing the issue until he got the information he wanted. If that wasn't bad enough, he wasn't above exploiting his weaknesses to extract that information. The last time he tried to hide something from him, he wound up completely bound and tied upside down to a lamppost. All the while, he was getting a steady dose of arcane lightning magic on his most ticklish of spots until he finally spilled the beans. The bad part was that Jetstream had a tendency to wet himself when he was tickled too much, and him being upside down would've meant that he'd would give himself a golden shower in the worst of ways. The very memory made him shiver, and he knew that Shadow would do it again in a heartbeat to get the information he was looking for, a tactic he proudly called 'Creative Information Retrieval Techniques'. With a defeated sigh, Jetstream rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably as he began to recount the events of the night in question.  "It was a several years ago in Canterlot. I just won first place in the Wonderbolt Derby, just barely beating Spitfire and Fleetfoot.  After such a hard race and thankful that my long training period paid off, I decided to celebrate by going to the bar and just cut loose, you know? There were so many ponies there celebrating with and I got involved in several drinking contests with some fans of mine. Anyways, I ended up getting very drunk. Shitfaced, actually. To the point that I couldn't even walk straight, let alone fly home. So there I was, stumbling throughout Canterlot making a big fool of myself, singing incoherently and picked a fight with an alley cat...and lost." Shadow raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure how to react to such a ludicrous claim.  "...dare I ask how in the wide world of Equestria that happened?" Jetstream gave him a sheepish smile.  "Well, the damn thing stole my potato, haybacon and cheese burrito. I chased it to an alley and cornered it. Then it jumped on my face, knocked me down and...it wasn't pretty. As it turns out that pussy had buddies there too, and they jumped me. They really laid a beating on me." Shadow Spell gave Jetstream a dubious look, cocking his eyebrow as he looked at him in the most scrutinizing of ways. “You. Got your ass kicked. By a bunch of alley cats?” he deadpanned.         Jetstream blushed, obviously very ashamed from a soul-crushing, ego shattering and embarrassing loss from a bunch of feral felines. “...I was outnumbered, alright?! There was absolutely nothing I could do to defend myself!”         Shadow Spell facepalmed himself. “Jetstream...only things as ridiculous as that could happen to you. Anyways, we’re getting sidetracked. Get back on topic.” “Right. After my...run in with the demon cats, I cleaned myself up in the nearest fountain, and I noticed that Twilight’s house was nearby, so I decided to make my way there to rest up and take off first thing in the morning. When I arrived, all the lights were out, and I didn’t want to disturb Twi’s parents and Shining Armor, so I decided to sneak in through the window.” Shadow gave Jetstream a scowl.  “Breaking and entering our closest friend’s house. Nice job,” he said with a thick layer of sarcasm. He nervously cleared his throat.  “A-anyways, the window was already open, and for once, luck seemed to be on my side. I climbed in and tripped over the nightstand I didn’t realize was there, and to my surprise, nopony woke up from the noise. So I spot the bed, and climb right in. I say ‘Hey, Twi. Just crashing for the night.’ then I...well I cuddle with her. I throw my arm around her waist and place my head on her shoulder.” “Hm. Then what?” “Well, I hear some mumbling and we stay there for a moment, but then I noticed something off, so I ask, ‘Twi? Since when did you start wearing Tommy Hayfiger cologne?’” After a brief, uncomfortable silence and a gulp, Jetstream continued.  “Then I hear a voice  that wasn’t Twilight’s mumbling, ‘Cadence...you’re so beautiful...will you...be mine?’” Shadow’s eyes widened, and his otherwise stoic expression started to crack when an irresistible and overwhelming smile began to tug on the corners of his lips, and a snort escaped his nostrils in a vain attempt to suppress the side splitting laughter that was forcing its way out of his lungs. Unable to stop it, he let loose a very rare, and surprisingly loud fit of laughter. He was laughing so hard that he had to stop walking and clutch his gut as tears were standing in his eyes. “You...you were cuddling with...SHINING ARMOR?!” he asked between breaths. Jetstream’s unamused scowl was answer enough, thus forcing him in another fit of hard laughter. Jetstream’s eye was twitching in irritation. “Are you done yet?!” he growled. He waited until Shadow caught his breath and wiped his eyes before continuing.  “Anyways, I froze in place, and panic started to set in. So in as feminine a voice as I could muster, I answer, ‘Of course I will, Shiny. You and Twilight are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I would be honored if you were my stallion.’ Then I try to slip out of bed, but Shining Armor wrapped his arms around me, and he has this dreamy smile on his face.. Come to think of it he was still sleeping...but then he says, ‘Kiss me.’” he looks like he’s about to vomit as he struggles to say the next part, “Then he...k-k-kissed my freaking cheek and said ‘Mmm. So soft’ then kissed me again! I was flailing my arms trying to escape his grip! He’s a lot stronger than he looks!” Shadow Spell once again snorted, trying to suppress the side-splitting laughter from coming out again. “So...pfft...w-what happened...pfft...next?” Jetstream lowered his head in shame, his face now burning a pretty shade of crimson. “...Twilight walked in, and spotted me while I looked like I was about to die from embarrassment. She looked confused at first, but then it clicked in her mind what was happening. She gently removed his arms with her magic and I wasted no time in getting the hell out of that bed! Twilight takes me to her room and I say, ‘This doesn’t leave the house!’ Then she says, ‘Sure thing, hot stuff.’ From there, she tossed me a pillow and blanket, and I fall asleep on the floor.” Shadow couldn’t contain his laughter any longer, once again gripping his sides as he let loose another wave of merriment from his lungs. “Jackass…” Jetstream muttered under his breath, only to be hit with an arcane lightning bolt on his tickle spot immediately after. * * * After getting back into Ponyville and closing in on their hotel, Jetstream and Shadow Spell noticed that the air seemed to be filled with an excitement of some kind. Their suspicions were confirmed when they saw the citizens gathering at the Town Square. “Hmm. Must be a shindig of some kind,” said Jetstream. “Must be,” Shadow responded simply, “And before you ask; no. I’m not interested. Let’s just get back to the hotel and…” He was interrupted when the steel blue pegasus grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the Town Square. “Too bad. You’re coming with me,” he said “Let go of me, Jetstream!” Shadow demanded. “No. You’re gonna watch whatever is on display! After that, you can do what you want. That way, you can honestly tell Princess Luna that you actually went out. After all, we both know that she’ll ask you that question sooner or later. Best to get the unpleasant duties out of the way first, don’t you think?” Jetstream interjected. Letting what he said sink into his head, Shadow realized that he had a very good point. Princess Luna would indeed ask if he at least went out during his vacation. He didn’t like the idea of disappointing her. “...You win, Jet. I’ll go with you this one time. After that, I plan on going back to the hotel,” he conceded. “Hey, one time is all I ask for, buddy. Nothing more. The rest will be up to you,” Jet responded with a smile, happy that Shadow decided to go through with it. They arrived at the Square, and there was already a sizeable crowd that gathered around the familiar-looking stagecoach. “Wait a minute,” Shadow thought to himself. “Could that be..?” It was then that they both heard a voice echo throughout the Town Square. “Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of The Great and Powerful Trixie!” Almost immediately, there was a smokescreen that appeared for a brief moment, revealing the blue mare that they were looking at from a distance earlier. Shadow swallowed hard, a small blush spreading across his face as he once again found himself awestruck at her beauty. It didn’t make it any easier on his frazzled state of mind when he saw her outfit. She was wearing a purple leotard that flattered her figure exceptionally well, not counting where it was folded open at the cleavage area where her cape attached. The way it hugged her tight flank when she pirouetted as she appeared from the smoke cloud didn't hurt either. The magician’s hat was also a nice touch.  “Hey, Shadow? Isn’t that the mare that you were drooling over earlier today?” Jetstream asked out loud, earning a curious glance from several nearby ponies. Instantly, Shadow’s blush grew darker and with a swing, he hit the back of Jetstream’s head. “Shut up!” “Hey, it’s not my fault that your one-eyed trouser snake started to rob your brain of blood flow when you first saw her!” he teased further, earning him a glower from his unicorn friend. Before Shadow could say anything edgewise, Trixie gained everypony’s attention by firing off some impressive fireworks with her magic, thus beginning her performance. As Trixie went through her performance, Shadow's eyes found themselves tracing every movement of her body, every flash of emotion on her face, her every gesture as she called up magical illusion and illusion of magic alike.  Whether through true magic or just the magic of the stage, it was plain to any who looked could see that Shadow Spell was entranced. He wasn’t alone in this trance he found himself in. Most of the other stallions were in a trance of their own,albeit to a lesser degree, and the mares were awed by the quality of the performance. For his part, Jetstream found watching his friend to be more intriguing than the stage.  While Trixie was certainly attractive, had a good stage presence, and knew how to use her looks to catch the eye, Shadow's reaction was above and beyond what Jet had expected.  It was almost embarrassing to watch someone so obviously infatuated. As tempting as it was for him to crack a joke or otherwise irritate him by drawing his attention elsewhere, he ultimately decided against it. It was very rare to see him so enticed by a mare. It reminded him that, despite his immense discipline and his extensive training, he was still pony. From the looks of things, the show was about to end. It was confirmed when Trixie performed a graceful bow in the center of the stage. “Now that you have all been undoubtedly dazzled by Trixie’s sheer magical prowess, it is time for this show to close. Ta, ta!” With that, she unleashed another smokescreen and was nowhere to be seen. After a brief silence, the crowd applauded for a performance well done. “Well what do you know! She actually mastered that trick! This was a better show than I thought it would be!” a young, purple scaled drake wearing a black, button down shirt and khaki slacks commented happily as the crowd began dispersing. “I simply must agree! She’s shown so much more improvement since she turned a new leaf and dropped that dreadful arrogant attitude of hers!” an alabaster mare with a stylized purple mane concurred. Jetstream couldn’t help but notice that she was wearing an elegant, scarlet, strapless dress that exposed her back and had a slit that showed off her legs. It wasn’t a big slit, rather it started on the side of her knees down. That, and the drake seemed to be a little on the nervous side, and almost equally as well dressed as the mare. “Huh. Way to go, Spike.,” Jetstream said to himself, as he watched the two walk off together. To anypony else, it would seem like the drake was way out of his league, but to Jetstream, he could see that there would be a future between the two. “So, Shadow. What’d you think of Trixie’s exit? Personally I think she could’ve picked a better place to teleport than the back of her stagecoach.” “Yes, I agree. However, it wasn’t a mere teleportation spell. It also allowed her to change out of her clothes so that she could blend in with the crowd unnoticed.” “Oh? How do you..?” Jet was about to ask when he saw a mare with a familiar figure wearing a purple blouse and dark blue denim jeans heading to the local bar. “Oh. Clever.” “If you say so,” Shadow said, obviously unimpressed. “Hey, even I didn’t catch that and I never forget a face. I bet nopony would’ve realized what she did unless it was almost too late.” “You only caught on because I told you about it. I saw the transition the moment it happened while you were distracted by Spike and his friend when they passed by us,” Shadow corrected. “And you were only looking because you wanted another glimpse of her ass,” Jetstream retorted with a wry smirk. “Actually, I was trying to determine her skill level with that spell. If you haven’t mastered it completely, it only works for one layer of clothing...which can be embarrassing at times.” “So basically you’re hoping that she isn’t wearing a bra or panites then,” Jet chortled. “No, I can tell from here she isn’t, anymore than when she was onstage.” “Oh, so you were really looking then, weren’t you?” “...Shut up. I was wondering where she learned the spell that she only learned it to journeyman level, Jetstream.” Jet’s eye had a glint of mischief in it when he said that. “Well then, let’s go ask her!” he said, immediately heading to the bar she went inside to.  Shadow tensed up instantly, knowing exactly what his friend intended on doing. “Jet?! Oh, you are not..!” “You coming or what? It’s only fair to warn you that even if you don’t come with me, I’m asking her!” he teased, not slowing down. A wave of nervousness filled the unicorn, making his heart palpitate and his hands start shaking. With a groan, he reluctantly followed Jet to the bar. “You better not embarrass me in there!” “Aw! Where’s the fun in that? You embarrassed me, so it’s only fair that I return the favor, wouldn’t you say?” he asked, more of a statement than question. Before Shadow could retort, the door opened, filling their ears with a song playing on the jukebox. The bar seemed to be moderately filled, with neither too many or too few ponies around. The majority of the patrons seemed to be stallions, with the few mares that are present unavailable for those seeking to hook up. “Huh, imagine that. All the mares here are taken,” Jetstream said. “Wonder which ones that I could rut if I was really hunting.” “Jetstream, you just confirmed that they were all taken. That means they either have a coltfriend or a husband, genius,” Shadow retorted. “So? Soccer has a goalie, but that doesn’t mean I can’t score!” Jet laughed. Shadow Spell facepalmed himself from yet another absurd remark from him. “Not that I would though. After all, I wouldn’t want some prick trying to steal my mare either,” he said as he took a seat at the bar, with Shadow doing the same. The barkeep, a tall, well built gray earth pony with an eye patch walked up to the duo, “What are ya boys havin’ tanight?” the keep asked with a thick Trotland accent. “I’ll have a Buckweiser,” Jetstream answered. “A dirty martini for me. Shaken, not stirred.” “Comin’ right up, lads,” the barkeep responded, quickly getting their orders out of the way. “Thanks,” said Jet as he took his beer.  “Say, I don’t mean to be rude, but what’s the story with your eye?” The barkeep laughed. “It’ll take tha better part o’ the night ta tell the tale lad. Besides, I bet yer both lookin’ ta make use o’ yer Ding Dong McDorks on that lassie there,” he says, pointing to Trixie, who was sitting by herself on a table on the other side of the bar. She seemed to be perfectly content on being alone, sipping on her mug of hard cider. “Well, not me per se,” Jet acknowledged, “but my friend here took a big liking to her,” he says as he points to Shadow. The barkeep took a long, discerning look at Shadow, one that would normally alarm him if he was on a mission. “Well now. Me thinks ya’ve gotta chance with ‘er.  If only because yer pegasus friend ‘ere is more the risk taker than you lad.” “Hm,” Shadow replies simply, risking a glance at Trixie. Once again she catches him looking at her, then smiles as she brings her mug to her lips, another sip of the amber liquid. It was then that he started to really pay attention to the lyrics of the song currently playing on the jukebox. “Luna...if this is one of your dream messages, you’re failing miserably at subtlety” he thought to himself. “Man! Trixie is so hot!” a stallion comments. “What I wouldn’t give for ten minutes with her!” Shadow and Jet look to see a group of three pegasus stallions sitting nearby, and talking loud enough to hear over the jukebox. They were all wearing ball caps with the bill pointing to the left, along with some long denim shorts with the waistband below their flanks and wearing oversized T-shirts. Jetstream couldn’t help but roll his eyes at them for such a failed attempt of appearing tough. “You got that right, Hoops! She’s got a smoking hot body that’s just begging for attention! Her ass is so nice too! I mean look! It’s just begging to be railed!” another stallion commented. “Her rack is fucking great too! She’s got the perfect ass to tit ratio! Hey, End Zone, I’d say she’s on par with Rainbow Crash even,” the third stallion chimed in. “Shit! I wouldn’t go that far, Dumbbell, but she’s definitely on my ‘Mare I’d wanna buck’ list,” End Zone replied. “Yeah...let’s face it. She’s way out of our league. She already turned us all down after all,” Hoops said in a defeated tone. “Hell, she’s turned down every stallion and mare that’s approached her thus far. Makes me wonder what it’ll take to get in her pants,” Dumbbell said. The entire time the conversation was going on between the three stallions, Shadow Spell felt anger steadily welling within him for their apparent lack of respect for mares, especially regarding Trixie.  His hand clutched his drink to the point his knuckles started to turn white under his coat.  His eyes focused on his drink as he struggled to quell his anger. This fact wasn’t lost upon Jetstream, as he could feel the tension steadily oozing from his being, a really bad sign for those who incurred his wrath. However, when Jet looked at Trixie, an idea started to form in his mind, “Hmm,” he says thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. Shadow turned at Jet’s thoughtful sound, as much for the distraction of his own thoughts as for the perceived novelty of Jet being thoughtful.  “What are you thinking?” he asked, his grip on his glass relaxing. Jetstream once again looked between the culprits and Trixie, looking back at his troubled friend with his ever present smile. “Say, it’s painfully obvious why these three dumbasses haven’t gotten far with her, and I think I have an idea. Wait a sec…” he says, thinking for a moment longer. “...yup, definitely an idea. You go walk over there, and show those three kids how a real stallion should treat a mare. In my eyes, the only way to shut them up and get on their nerves at the same time is to succeed in your endeavor. Don’t you think?” Shadow was quiet for a long time, turning Jetstream’s words over in his mind.  “...I think you’re right,” he said at last.  “I think I’ll do just that.”  He stood up with his drink and walked over to Trixie.  He pointed to the empty seat next to her.  “Is this seat taken, miss?” he asked politely, respectfully. Trixie studied Shadow’s eyes and his overall body movement for a time, gauging his intentions as best as she could. She’s dealt with all manner of stallions trying to be smooth operators and sacrificing who they really are in an effort to bed her. However, instead of turning him down, like she’s done with so many more before him, she smiled. “No, not at all. Have a seat,” she replied. Jetstream couldn’t help but smile when he heard the collective, exasperated gasps of the three pegasi. “No...fucking...way! That loser actually got that far with her?!” Hoops dismayed. “But...HOW?!” End Zone said in disbelief. “All he did was act like a freaking gentlecolt?! That’s so fucking lame!” Dumbbell spat. “Yup. Unlike you jackasses, my friend isn’t a wannabe hard ass, and as such, he doesn’t try to act like somepony he’s not,”Jetstream said proudly. “Why don’t you kids just take it as a lesson learned, make like a tree and leave?” “Hey! Who you calling jackasses?!” Hoops yelled as he angrily approached. Jetstream got up as well with a confident, if mocking, smile, ready for a throwdown, Before he got too close to Jet, however, the barkeep pulled out a club and placed it on the Hoops’ chest. “I’d back up if I were you, lad. Ya’ve caused quite enough trouble fer me, an’ the local mares ‘ere before before. Now, if ya wanna keep yer teeth an’ wings, I’d suggest ya take a hike,” he said with a tone that could scare even the most fearless of ponies. If Hoops and his friends’ expression were any indication, it looks like he succeeded in putting the fear of Celestia in them. Even Jetstream was a little unnerved by his tone and icy look. “C-come on guys. Let’s get outta here!” Hoops said. Not wanting to risk injury, he signaled his friends that it was time to leave. And so, with the three gone, Jetstream turned his attention to Shadow.  Shadow, meanwhile, found himself at a loss.  While it had been easy enough to walk over here and ask for a seat, he had no idea what to do from here.  If he were on the job, there were any number of approaches he could take, but none felt right here.  He stared into his drink, wishing he knew how to break the ice.  Though he’d never voice it, he wished Jetstream would come over to lend a hand. There was an awkward silence hanging between the two ponies, neither one seeming to make an attempt to break the ice. “Mind if I join you two?" asked Jetstream. The pair immediately noticed that he was carrying a platter with an assortment of drinks. Among them were a mug of hard cider, a dirty martini and a bottle of Buckweiser.  "I brought drinks!" Shadow Spell couldn't be more relieved to see his friend come at his hour of need, the apprehension that was welling within him quickly subsiding. "That depends on Trixie, Jetstream," he responded. He then turned to Trixie. "How about it? Mind if my friend joins us?” Trixie gives Jetstream the same scrutinizing gaze that she gave Shadow earlier, however she raises an eyebrow. "You're not 2nd Lieutenant Jetstream of the Wonderbolts, are you?" "The one and only!" he responds happily. "Well, well, well! It's only fitting that a star of the Wonderbolts be graced with the presence of the Great and Powerful Trixie. Please, have a seat, my dear lieutenant." Trixie stated, more in a show of mock arrogance than anything. "Sweet!" said Jet, placing the platter in the center of the table, turning it to where their respective drinks were in front of them, easily within arm's reach. "Ah. How thoughtful, Jetstream. And you got us the right orders too," Shadow commented,  grabbing his drink. "Compliments of Captian Winkie over there," he said, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder to the barkeep. "He generously offered to put the drinks on the house." Shadow had a scowl on his face, "Honestly, if he was so generous, then why are you disrespecting him?! Calling him such names just because of his disfigurement is a brand new low for you!" Jetstream gave him a confused look, "Huh? I'm not disrespecting anypony! That's his name! He was a Captian of the Royal Navy, and he just retired! He's just doing the barkeep deal to pass the time. Hey, Captian Winkie! Thanks for the round!" he said as he raised his bottle to him in appreciation. "Think nothin' of it, lad! Consider it a thanks fer dealin' with those bampot fearties disrespectin' that bonnie lass!" the Captian replied. Shadow looked between him and this 'Captian Winkie' in mild surprise. "...So his name truly is Winkie." He deadpanned. "Yup! Captian Netherus Rodimus Winkie. Apparently one of the most feared Naval Captains in the Equestrian Military's history," Jetstream responded. Shadow Spell faceplamed for the umpteenth time tonight. "I don't know what's worse. The fact that that's his true name or the fact that you can say that with a perfectly straight face." Trixie had a blush creep on her face as the conversation went on about the Naval Captain's name. "Well, he must have very...eccentric parents," she commented. "You could say that," Jet concurred, then leaned, resting his elbows on the table. "However, that's a story for another time. I'm more interested in you, Trixie. That was a hell of a show you put on." Trixie smiled, and flicked her mane back with her hand. "Why yes, I do get that a lot. What can I say? I am one of the more talented unicorns this side of Equestria." Jetstream chuckles. "You've got great stage presence, that's for sure. And you definitely know how to use your looks and that amazing body of yours to captivate the audience. That way, all eyes are on you, whether or not they're looking at your magic. You're definitely a performer at heart, and it shows." Trixie gave a curious glance at Jetstream,  once again looking in his eyes. "Hm. You're certinaly more perceptive than you look. You strike me as a bit of a goof." "Ha, ha, ha! I am actually. And hey, I'm a performer too. Takes one to know one," Jet said as he took a drink of his beer." "Well, at least you're honest about it, Jetstream.  Most would try to mask that fact about themselves or try to act like somebody else entirely. I find your honesty about it refreshing actually," Trixie compliments, then turns her attention to Shadow.  "And what's your story?" Shadow gave a small smile, his previous state of nervousness now a distant memory.  "Forgive my inactivity. I'm Shadow Spell. I wasn't quite sure how to break the ice, Ms..?" A genuine smile began to tug at the corners of Trixie's lips. To see him relax and have such an honest respect about him intrigued her further. "Lulamoon. Trixie Lulamoon. But you don't need to be so formal with me. You can just call me, Trixie." "Trixie Lulamoon. That's a nice name! It rolls off the tongue nicely," Jetstream commented, then went back to drinking his beer. "I agree. It's a lovely name," Shadow agreed. "However, I was wanting to ask about that spell you used at the end of the show. The 'Teleport into Another Outfit' spell?" "Did you like it? It was a trick I picked up recently during my performance in Manehattan a couple of weeks ago," Trixie responded. "I did as a matter of fact. However, I noticed that you haven't quite mastered that spell yet," Shadow informed. Trixie's eyes widened slightly, a clear sign that he was dead on in his claim. "How did you know that haven't mastered it yet?" A blush started to grow on his face and he unintentionally stared at her breasts. "Um...W-well if you haven't mastered that spell yet, you can only get a single layer of clothes on. As...evidenced by...um..y-your..." Shadow found that he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence, so instead he cleared his throat and pointed at her chest to show her what he meant. Trixie looked down to see what he was pointing at, blushing hard when the realization.  "Oh. That." Shadow saw an opportunity to steer the conversation back on track.  "I use that spell quite a bit as a matter of fact due to my line of work. It's quite handy, but it can lead to...rather embarrassing outcomes of it isn't done correctly." Shadow stated. Trixie's eyes sparked it an ever growing interest upon hearing his claim, pushing past her earlier embarrassment.  ”Is that so? What's your line of work? It must be interesting if it requires that kind of spell often." "My apologies, but I'm not at liberty to say. It's classified," he responded with an apologetic smile. If Trixie was interested before, looked very much intrigued now.  She leaned towards Shadow, placing her hand on her cheek. "Really, now? Well, I won't ask about your job...yet. However, I will ask if you're open to talking about how you cast that spell." Shadow nodded, "As a matter of fact I am. I can even offer you some tips if you'd like." "I'd like that, thank you!" She responded happily. Jetstream smiled as he leaned back on his chair. He wasn't following the discussion as soon as it started to drift into the technical aspects of spellcasting. However, what he was enjoying the most was seeing Shadow Spell actually enjoying himself for once. It was a stark contrast to his borderline anti-socialism,  but one that he wouldn't mind seeing more often. To see him so invested in a conversation, with his crush no less, was a nice change. Not only that, but Trixie seemed equally as interested in the conversation, taking on everything he was saying with mounting interest. It was evident that they were warming up nicely to one another, and nothing else seemed to matter to them. They were in their own little world, everything else now a distant worry for them. Jetstream let out a relaxed sigh, perfectly content on staying silent and watching his friend be happy. If things go well enough, Shadow may very well be spending some alone time with her. "That would be awesome. Maybe a good rut is what he needs to smile a little more. A real connection for once,"  he thought to himself. After a time, the conversation started to shift to another direction entirely. "Tell me, how long have you two been friends? You two seem quite close to one another," asked Trixie, now shifting her attention to both stallions. "Since we were colts," Jetstream answered. "We spent so much time together that most ponies thought we were brothers. To me, he is in all but blood. He's spent enough time at my house that my parents and little sister consider him a part of the family." "Yes, we've spent our foalhood together and stuck with one another until we graduated high school. From there, we had our paths set before us, with Jetstream heading to the Wonderbolts and I to the Lunar Guard," Shadow said. "We maintained contact with each other as often as we could, until one day, Shadow told me that he couldn't keep a correspondence with me for reasons he couldn't get into. I myself was getting very busy with the Wonderbolts, so I couldn't keep in touch with him either," Jetstream stated. "You two were separated at one time? When did you two find each other again?" Trixie asked. "We can't really go into detail with that," Jet responded. "Suffice it to say that it was unexpected, but at the same time, it was like finding a part of myself again." Trixie gave Jetstream an incredulous look. "Wait, you get sent out on missions as well? I didn't think the Wonderbolts did missions of that nature." "We do, but it's not very well known among the public," he informed. "You see, there's two Special Operations Units in the Wonderbolts: The First Aerial Response Team, which deals with saving civilians from unnaturally strong storms, and The Pegarescuers, an elite unit of Wonderbolts that fly into combat zones to rescue fallen members of the Royal and Lunar Guard. I managed to get on the First Aerial Response Team and stayed there for a few years, then I qualified for the Pegarescuers. Been there ever since." Trixie looked at Jet in utter disbelief. "But you still perform in shows and participate in the Wonderbolt Derbies though. How can you do that and be part of the Pegarescue?" "We' don't get deployed often, which isn't a bad thing in my opinion. The less we are, the better Equestria is as a whole I say. The extra time gives me a lot of opportunities to perform in shows and whatnot. We still train to stay in form though," he answered. "Huh...I'm sorry but you don't strike me as such. It's hard to imagine you as a Special Operations type pony," Trixie stated. Jetstream once again laughed. "Not all of us are stoic and uptight, Trixie. No offense, Shadow." "None taken," Shadow responded. "You're certainly more than meets the eye, Jetstream. It's painfully obvious that you're a goof, and you're so honest about who you are. You're definitely not a typical, stuck up soldier boy. Neither of you are. I like that actually. There's not a lot of stallions like that these days." "Well, we certainly try," Jetstream responded happily. "We may be elite members of the Equestrian military, but that hardly gives us the right to be unpleasant ponies," Shadow concurred. Jetstream was about to take another drink of his beer, only to find out that he was out.  "Huh...didn't realize I finished already." "Doncha worry, lad. Gotcha another round fer ya," Captain Winkie said, handing him another beer. "Ah thanks! " said Jetstream, handing him some bits. "So how long are you boys in town?" Trixie asked. "We've been placed on a two week vacation, as per Princesses Celestia and Luna," Shadow answered. "Yup! Tonight's just our first night," Jet confirmed. Trixie had another glint in her eyes, licking her lips and biting her lower lip. "You boys want to go back to my place? Since we're being so honest here, it's only fair that I return it in kind. It's been a long time for me, and I try to enjoy my life to the fullest. I haven't met any stallions worth my time, and you two are indeed very intriguing. So how about it? I promise I'm mare enough for the both of you." Needless to say, Shadow was caught off guard, and gave her a confused and shocked look. "Is she saying what I think she's saying?" he thought to himself, the message and overall tone eluding him. Jetstream, on the other hand, grinned, as if he expected such a question to be asked. "So, sounds to me like you want your pink fortress to be breached. Well, lucky for you that you have two Streamin' Semen Trucks with full tanks and ready to blow their load."   Trixie responded to Jetstream's comment by giving him a sultry, half-lidded gaze, and placing her hand on his thigh, slowly rubbing it up and down. "That sounds delicious." It was then that Jetstream noticed the confused look on Shadow Spell's face. With his earlier show of confidence with Trixie, he almost forgot that he doesn't face this situation often. He was even willing to bet that this was Shadow's first time being in this situation outside his line of work. Jetstream leaned closer to Trixie, resting his forehead on hers. "Hey," he whispered, "Shadow's a little confused about what you want. Give him a more direct invitation to get him past his confusion.” Trixie looked at Jetstream with a knowing smile, nodding in confirmation on his request. She turned to Shadow, scooting her chair closer to him. She then rested her forehead on Shadow's and placed her hand on his thigh, giggling when she felt him tense up from her touch. "You know,  I'd really like you and Jetstream to come back to my place with me. It wouldn't be the same without you there," she whispers in his ear, giving it a sensual nibble shortly after. Shadow was shivering in delight as Trixie nibbled in his ear, a pleasurable tingle running down his spine. "Hah! I-if you insist, Trixie, I'd be happy to oblige your request." "Good. Let's get going then. The night is young and I intend to enjoy myself with the two of you," she replied, giving him bedroom eyes. "Well, then lead the way, Ms. Lulamoon. Damn, no wonder you address people like that , Shadow! It's actually pretty neat!" Jetstream chimed. Shadow rolled his eyes at his statement.  "It's a more proper form of respect, Jet." "I know, I know. It can also be condescending as hell when the more arrogant pricks do it," Jetstream responded. "Speaking of 'doing it', let's get out of here," Trixie suggested, standing between the two stallions. She linked her arms in theirs, and the three of them headed out of the bar.   > Backstage Pass for Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The walk back to Trixie's stagecoach, although silent, was indeed interesting. The anticipation of what was to com wasn't lost to either of them, and it only served to heighten their excitement for the upcoming act. Shadow, as aroused as he was getting, couldn't help but feel a little nervous about the whole deal. He took a look at Jet to see him wearing his ever present smile, and walking confidently. It was as if he didn't have a care in the world, and that nothing could sway his playful, if goofy, demeanor. Though he wouldn't admit it out loud, he was very glad that Jetstream was with him. There was something about his confidence and his generally carefree attitude that seemed to take the edge off his apprehension, if only a little bit. Finally, the stagecoach was in sight. Though it was a relatively short distance between the bar and Trixie's residence, it felt unnaturally long. Perhaps it was the anticipation that was welling within them that made it seem longer that what it really was, but now that they were here, it didn't seem to matter anymore. "Welcome to my humble abode, gentlecolts," Trixie stated. "You two should be honored. It's rare for me to give stallions a backstage pass," Trixie said slyly as she opened her door. Almost immediately, their nostrils were filled with the scent of apples and cinnamon thanks to the candles that were burning within the place. She walked in, and used her magic to ignite some more candles, better illuminating the living area. It was furnished with a small couch, big enough to seat three ponies, a twin sized mattress further in the back with a nightstand and a wardrobe on the opposite wall. It was surprisingly roomy inside, despite how small the outside of the stagecoach looked. The stallions walked in, standing in the middle of the living area to take in their environment. "Oh, yeah? Somehow you don't strike me as a humble mare," Jetstream said in a lighthearted tone, "But you did manage to make quite a catch with the two of us. I'll give you that. After all, how many mares get to say that they got to go to Pound Town with a Lunar Guard and a Wonderbolt officer?" “Must you be so crude, Jetstream?” Shadow asked in a pained voice. “We should be taking this seriously, shouldn’t we? Not...joking about it?” As much as he tried to be firm, it was plain from his wavering voice and slightly widened eyes that he was still unsure how to handle the situation he found himself in. Giggling, Trixie removes her blouse, revealing her large, luscious D-cup breasts to the lucky stallions. She walked over to Shadow in a seductive gait, swaying her hips noticeably more as she kept a hungry, half-lidded gaze upon him. One would say that it was a predatory gaze she was giving him, with a glint of lust and mischief burning within her marvelous violet eyes. It was enough to make even Shadow Spell freeze in place, staring at Trixie in awe. He knew she was an attractive mare, but the way she was looking and walking towards him he couldn't help but be captivated by her. It was, without a doubt, the sexiest thing he's ever seen a mare do to him. It was also the first time a mare has done this to him without him hiding behind some character he was required to play, or some façade he had to keep for the sake of fulfilling his mission objective. No, she was lusting after him for who he truly was, and that thought alone was enough to make him feel lost, confused and vulnerable. There wasn't a protocol to follow, no set of directives to guide him. This was the first time that he would do something like this as the real him, causing his mind to become nothing more than a frazzled mess, threatening to shatter into a thousand peices. Kneeling in front of him, Trixie unbuttoned and slowly unzipped his pants while keeping that same half-lidded gaze upon him, "My dear, Shadow, you need to follow Jetstream's lead and relax a little. Perhaps some music will help out." She says. She cranes her head to the stand where her radio was at, lighting her horn to turn it on. "Hmm...what a coincidence that song should be playing," Trixie commented as she pulled out Shadow's rapidly stiffening pride. She took a moment to admire it, while Shadow shuttered from her touch, licking her lips as she saw his glistening precum on his head. She licked his shaft from base to tip, and drew circles on his tip with her tongue, lapping up all of his precum and swallowed with a gulp while locking her eyes with his. "Unh!" Shadow moaned. Feeling her tongue on his member felt good, but what really gor him going was how she looked at him with heavily-lidded eyes. If he thought that gait was sexy, then look she was giving him now would forever redefine the very definition for him. Smiling at the entranced expression Shadow was giving her, she slowly took his throbbing length into her hungry lips and wasted no time in bobbing her head to the beat of the song. "Damn, girl! You've got some well-trained gag reflexes! You can take a meat pole very nicely!" Jetstream chimed in. "Jet!" Shadow growled, glaring at the pegasus, "Shut your damn-Uh!" "Ha, ha! I rest my case!" Jet teased as he took off his pants, revealing his semi-hard member to Trixie, "You said that you were mare enough for the both of us. So far, you haven't shown me you could. You weren't bluffing, were you? No shame if you were, you're only pony after all." Trixie, without missing a beat, skillfully stroked Jetstream's shaft while still giving Shadow head. Once he's hard, she gives him a smug look, "Still think I'm bluffing?" She asked, immediately taking Jet's cock in her mouth. For a time she switches back and forth between the two stallions, skillfully sucking on one while stroking the other without any loss in rhythm. "Ngh! Gotta say, you whistle a pretty good tune there, Trixie." Jetstream said as she was deepthroating him. He snaked his hand to Trixie's breast and gently caressed it, eliciting a soft moan from her. "Mmph!" Trixie's eyes had a mischievous spark as she felt Jet's member twitched in her mouth when she moaned around it. Apparently it felt good for him. She wondered if Shadow would respond in a similar manner if she did the same to him. That look wasn't lost upon Jetstream. If that spark in her eyes were any indication, he deduced that she wanted to try the same thing to Shadow. His thoughts were confirmed when she switched over to him. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he grazed his index finger over her hardened nipple. Then, without warning, he pinched and twisted her nipple firmly. "UMPH!" Trixie moaned in surprise, sending a vibration through Shadow's member, while unintentionally adding more pressure on it. It was only for a brief moment, but by the time her senses came back to her, she looked fearfully in Shadow’s eyes, worried that she hurt him. Much to her relief, she heard him inhale sharply and felt his member throb in her mouth. Seeing as it felt so good to him, she bit down on it, taking care not to cause injury to him, then proceeded to bob her head. As sagacious as Shadow was, even he couldn’t form any coherent thoughts at this point. He could only manage to make unintelligible sounds as the pleasure that was coursing throughout his body reached new heights; making way for a more primal lust to take over his mind. In a manner that was completely unbecoming of him, he grabbed Trixie’s head and started to thrust his member vigorously in her mouth. The first thrust caught her off guard, and she gagged as a result, but she quickly incorporated her movement to accommodate his thrusting. As surprising as the change of pace was, the that fact that Shadow would let out an animalistic snort every so often was more surprising still. He was becoming more bold and more aggressive. He was taking control. The very thought in itself was making Trixie hot, and combined with the stimulation on her breast, it made her hungry slit all the more wet. She was moaning passionately as she sped up her bobbing head, making the blowjob even sloppier. Seeing the chemistry between Shadow and Trixie, Jetstream released her breast and removed her hand from his hardened member, then placed a hand on Shadow Spell's shoulder, breaking him from his trance, “Woah now, I think it’s about time we changed positions. Wouldn't want you to get drained just from the prelims now." After getting a hold of himself, Shadow was taking deep breaths, utterly surprised how much different he was. However, that feeling quickly passed, "Um, what do you have in mind?" "I'll tell you what I want," Trixie interjected. She sauntered to her couch, climbing on it on all fours, making sure to stick her flank out. Then she slowly moved her tail, revealing her glistening, wet sex to the two stallions. "I want both of those cocks in me. Right now!" Shadow blinked a few times, staring blankly at Trixie, utterly perplexed at her statement. Just how in the... "...wide world of Equestria could she take two blood engorged mayonnaise cannons at the same time?" Jetstream chimed in with a sly smirk. "Dammit, Jet! Cut that out!" Shadow snapped, immediately regretting his outburst, "I'm sorry, I'm just..." "Oh, I know. You don't know what to do and Trixie's voluptuous body isn't making it easier on you." "...Yeah. So...what should I do? Isn't there some sort of SOP to follow?" "Nope. There never was. Just sit on the couch like I do after a long day." "Okay...then what?" "You get the one that's winkin'. I'll get the one that's stinkin'." Jetstream said with a grin. Shadow Spell couldn't resist the powerful urge to facepalm himself after such an absurd phrase, "...You're an idiot, Jetstream." "Come on! Hurry up and get on the couch before you kill the mood for all of us!" Jet urged the nervous unicorn. Shadow did as Jet said, though slouching on the couch in that way wasn't the most comfortable way for him to sit. This was definitely way outside his comfort zone. He was just grateful that Jetstream wasn't a vindictive or otherwise vengeful pony, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do this at all. However, the gravity of the situation weighed down on him when he saw Trixie mounting him, once again causing his heart rate to skyrocket. He'd been mounted before, but before it was always just a means to an end. A way to complete his mission objective. At those times, his mind and heart had never been into it. But here, right now, there wasn't a mission to complete, no persona to hide behind. The most different part was he actually felt a genuine attraction to her...one that she seemed to reciprocate. Trixie smiled, when she saw the nervous look he gave her. She'd seen such a look before, so she decided to help ease his tensions a little so that he would better enjoy himself. After all, the more he liked it, the better it would be for the both of them. She placed her moist marehood on Shadow's hardened member and slowly started grinding her hips, coating her love juices along its length. She giggled at the way Shadow shuddered from the stimulation, and grinned as he stared blankly at her breasts as they gently swayed with every slight movement she made. She lifted his chin so that he could meet her heavily lidded eyes, and a sultry smile that could melt the heart of any stallion, "Do you like that? Trixie is eager for your lovely pride to be inside of her." she whispered seductively, slowly moving her muzzle to his until her soft, moist lips met his. She moaned in his mouth as she steadily moved her hips faster, her wanting slit getting all the more wet. Shadow's breathing became erratic the more Trixie moved her hips. The way she was kissing made him melt further, his inhibitions gradually withering away, quickly becoming a distant memory. Losing himself in the moment, He slowly ran his hands up and down her sides, wanting to explore her gorgeous curves. Even here, with all of this still registering in his mind, he found himself lost once again. It was one thing doing this without feelings, without any consequences he’d have to worry about, and without any remorse for using the mares he’d ‘hit and quit’ so to speak. Again, he’d be faced with the reality that this wasn’t Agent Spell compromising an enemy agent, or gaining access to an informant. This was Shadow, discovering what it meant to make love. Trixie giggled, grabbing Shadow’s hardened member and lining it up with her entrance, “Good, you look a bit more relaxed than before. Now, on with the show…” she said slowly lowering herself on onto him. “Uhn!” Shadow moaned as he felt Trixie’s inner walls forming to fit his erect member. He resisted every urge to hilt himself into her. Instead he chose to focus on feeling his cock penetrate Trixie deeper, and deeper, until his entire length was in her. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and placed his hands on her soft, perfectly rounded flanks. He gave them a firm squeeze, thrusting upwards a little harder than he intended to. “Hah! Oh! You feel so good!” Trixie moaned happily. She didn't know if it was because it's been a while, but she seemed more sensitive than before, and the fact that she could feel Shadow's girth scraping against her inner walls was making her more expressive than she normally was. Either way, she wanted more of his glorious cock. She accelerated the pace her hips, her body wanting to take Shadow Spell deeper as she gave him a naughty, hungry look. As the passion between the two ponies was growing more intense, Jetstream simply stood back and watched. At first glance, it looked like he was getting off on watching his friend and his crush take each other to the proverbial 'Pound Town', as he so fondly calls it, but in reality, he couldn't be more happy for Shadow Spell. Tonight was the first night in a very long time that he allowed his mask to fall, and show his true self. There was finally a spark in his seemingly dull golden eyes, as if he was awoken after a long, long slumber. Seeing that, gave Jetstream hope for his friend. His thoughts, however, were cut short, his senses coming back in full force when he saw a bottle of lubricant floating before his eyes. If that wasn't enough, he saw Trixie giving him a stern 'what the hay are you waiting for?' look. Jetstream chuckled, "I can take a hint. I was just enjoying the show." he said as he applied a generous amount of the slick lube on his hard, throbbing member. "One does not simply look at Trixie getting pleasured. Trixie expects you both in her at the same time! Trixie does not like repeating herself!" she said sternly, then her expression softened, shattering the act from before, "Though, Trixie would appreciate it if you add some lube to her before you enter." "No prob!" said Jetstream in a lighthearted manner as he approached her. She moved her tail up and to the right to give him access to her, to which he hovered the bottle of lube just above her plothole, "Let me know when." he stated, squeezing the thick, slick liquid on her. After a generous amount, she nodded, indicating for Jet to stop. "Okay, Shadow, now stand up with her." Shadow Spell nodded, standing up with his member still in Trixie. He kept his hands on her flank to ensure he had a good grip on her, and she, in turn, slung her arms around Shadow's neck to keep from falling. Jetstream moved her tail to the side, and lined his lubed member to her exposed plot. He pressed his tip against her, causing Trixie to tense up a little to prepare for the insertion. Noticing this, Jetstream whispered in her ear, "If it's too much, let me know. I'll take it slow for you until you adjust." Trixie nodded in confirmation, "Okay, I'll let you know if I can't handle it. Go ahead..." she encouraged. Jetstream pressed his member against her plot a few times before he felt some penetration. Trixie tensed up momentarily, but as he promised, he penetrated her slowly, inch by inch until his entire length was in her. "Oooh!" The unicorn mare moaned when Jet hilted her, taking a moment to get used to feeling two, thick, rock hard cocks in her holes. She could feel the two cocks rubbing against her membrane that separated her marehood from her plot, making her tremble in pleasure, "It feels so divine! Go, my lovely stallions! Rut my brains out!" Even though they couldn't see each other, Shadow Spell and Jetstream were thrusting in and out of Trixie in perfect sync, "Hah! Ngh! Oh! Ahn!" "Woah-ho! Looks like she likes it!" Jetstream commented, "Let's drive this naughty mare wild!" "But how?" Shadow asked, "Do you mean go faster?" "Exactly! Pound that mare as fast as you can!" he answered, thrusting his hips as fast as he could. Shadow followed his lead, and also thrusted faster. Wet sloshing noises, the sound of their bodies clapping and Trixie's now wild moaning were resonating throughout the stagecoach. "Unh! G-getting...closer." he grunted, not letting up on his relentless pace. Trixie, though she couldn't form a coherent sentence, had a mischievous glint in her eyes. She wrapped her hand on Shadow's horn, and rubbed it from base to tip, as if she was jerking it off, which earned her a loud moan from him. Not missing a step, she fired up her horn, encasing Jetstream's wings and flight muscles in a pink aura of magic, stimulating his most sensitive areas of his wings. "Dah! Oh you little...Mmm! Oh you're good!" Jetstream complimented. Before he could do anything else, he noticed that Shadow was snorting like an animal again. Shadow could feel the pressure in his shaft becoming too much, the extra stimulation of his horn job was making his climax seem to approach all the faster. Getting lost in the heat of the moment, Shadow pressed his lips against Trixie's. Very surprised from the unexpected gesture, her eyes widened, her body tensed, yet her mouth parted so easily and her tongue was so eager to meet his. She didn’t offer any resistance, and unexpectedly deepened the kiss, moaning in his mouth as she did so. He returned the kiss with equal fervor, not losing the rhythm of his thrusting the entire time. With the pressure too much to handle now, he buried his entire length deep in Trixie, moaning loudly in her mouth as he released his seed in a series of spurts. At this time, Jetstream reached for Trixie's horn, pinching the tip with his index finger and his thumb, "Two can play that game, Trixie!" Trixie's eyes widened when she felt her magic congest at the base of her horn. With no place to go, her magic cascaded back down into her body, amplifying her sense of touch significantly. Everything felt so much more intense, and the fact the Jetstream was still thrusting while she was all the more sensitive made the pleasure feel all the more surreal. "Ah! Ngh! Oh!...I...I'm..! HAHHH!!!" Trixie moaned, squirting her love juices all over Shadow Spell's member as she reached her climax, unintentionally digging her nails into his fur. Not enough to draw blood, but definitely very firm. Trixie's inner muscles constricted around Jetstream's cock at the same time she reached her climax, "Hnghn!" He moaned, the sudden tightness bringing about his own orgasm. When the last of his seed was spilled, all three ponies flopped onto the couch, drenched in sweat and other bodily fluids, breathing heavily from the exertion and from such a hard release. Jetstream had pulled out, rolling on his back with a satisfied smile spreading across his face. Shadow and Trixie, however, were still facing each other, looking deeply in one another's eyes. It was like they couldn't bring themselves to look away, as if doing so meant that the other would disappear. It was a strange experience for Shadow, feeling such a connection again after shutting his heart out for such a long time. It felt foreign, but familiar at the same time. His heart was beating a little faster the longer he stared into Trixie's gorgeous eyes. In the back of his mind, he wondered if she was at all bothered by him, however, she didn't exactly pull away or break eye contact either. Taking a chance, he moved his head closer to hers, and she, in turn, did the same motion, closing her eyes as their lips came closer...and closer, "Alright!" Jetstream said eagerly as he stood up with his proud erection, effectively breaking the moment between the two ponies, "Who's up for round two?" Before Shadow Spell could chastise his friend for having such a terrible sense of timing, his stomach let out a very loud, unflattering growl, shamelessly demanding that it be fed. A dark blush grew on the poor stallion's face, utterly embarrassed and unable to meet the others' eyes. Jetstream let out a very loud, boisterous, and irritating fit of laughter, while Trixie could only utter one simple phrase, "Oh, my..." > Cheap Labor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning sun was creeping over the horizon, painting the skies a purple and orange hue as it graced the land with its life-giving warmth. The early morning light crept through the window of the stagecoach, stirring Jetstream from his peaceful slumber. He let out a yawn, stretching his stiff muscles until he felt a series of satisfying pops throughout his body, feeling somewhat sore from the aftermath of last night's activities. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and saw the chaos that was now Trixie's living room. Her couch was on its side and full of cum stains, the furniture was flipped over, and the radio was smashed to pieces... Wait how the hell did that happen..? he mused to himself before he winced from a sharp pain on his upper back and left wing. Confused, he spread his wing, only to find the antenna to the radio stuck between his feathers. Then it occurred him: They were playing Nude Twister, just to add some variety to the night. It was to the point where both Trixie and Shadow Spell lost their balance and fell, making him the winner. As a prize, he got to request whatever he wanted from Trixie, and blurted out, "Go all out on me while Shadow watches." Much to his surprise, she did indeed go all out on him: by her charging at him and tackling him to the ground, breaking the radio and the nightstand it stood on. Then she straddled him and rode him harder than he'd ever been ridden before. At the time, it was hot as hell, but now he was paying the price for it. “Meh. Nothing I can’t handle.” he thought to himself. His thoughts were cut short when his stomach let out a loud growl, much like Shadow's did last night. He looked to see if anypony heard him, but he found that he was the only one awake at the moment, and then found a most interesting sight. He found Trixie and Shadow sound asleep, holding each other tenderly as they slept, not unlike any couple he’s seen throughout his life. Jetstream couldn't help but smile to see his friend in such a peaceful and comfortable state, sleeping as if he didn't have a care in the world. A state he may not see again for a while. Jet silently walked to his heap of clothing and picked up his pants. He retrieved his cell phone, setting it to silent and turning on the camera. He walked back over to the sleeping pair, angling the phone so that it would capture both ponies' faces. When he was satisfied with the screenshot, he snapped the camera, capturing the two perfectly as they cuddled. He'd save it for later, it was sure to come in handy somewhere down the line. His stomach let out another growl, indicating that it needed some nourishment. He gathered his discarded clothing, got dressed and silently left the stagecoach in search for some breakfast for everyone. The scent of fresh morning dew filled Jetstream's nostrils as he took a deep, refreshing breath. To him, it felt so much better than breathing in the air in Canterlot, or any other city for that matter, because the air here actually smelled and felt clean. Unlike having the scent of asphalt and exhaust from the train fill one's lungs, he could smell the fresh, natural vegetation the quaint town had. The only other exception to him would be Cloudsdale, which to him, is a close second on his 'Places with the best fresh air' list, if only because it lacked any sort of vegetation. Speaking of scents, he could smell a faint aroma of delicious, mouth-watering fresh, baked goods, off in the distance, making his stomach growl yet again. He took another deep whiff to determine where the source of the enticing smell was. To his delight, it wasn't too far away. “Alright! That saves me the trouble of having to look around for breakfast!” he mused to himself. He spread his wings, and took to the air in the direction of the wonderful aroma. He didn't do more than a few flaps before his left wing seized up due to his wild night, and he face-planted on the ground. He fell hard enough that his legs went over his head, doing what most athletes dub 'the scorpion tail'. With a patch of grass stuck on his forehead, he groaned, "Ow...my pride." After making doubly sure that nopony saw his embarrassing fall, Jetstream took off on hoof, following the same, mouth-watering aroma until he arrived at a gingerbread house. He couldn't help but smile at the irony: a bakery made to look like a sweet treat. Not exactly an original idea, but funny nonetheless. Were it not for a particular organ demanding to be fed, he would have admired the building a little longer. As it stood, he would have to admire it another time. Pushing the swinging door open, Jet found himself in a spacious room filled with the orange hue of the rising sun. To his surprise, the simple wooden tables stood empty, indicating that he somehow beat the breakfast rush. Choosing not to question his luck, he noticed that his sense of smell was being overwhelmed with the scent of so many warm, tasty, confectionary goodies coming right out of the oven and put on display for the customers, which he suspected would come soon, to browse and buy to their heart's content. There were dozens upon dozens of different treats to choose from, and they all looked and smelled so delicious! Jetstream couldn't imagine a single pony who wouldn't be able to find what they were looking for here. It seemed that even the pickiest of eaters would find something they would enjoy here! He'd visited a lot of bakeries during his time as a Wonderbolt, some of them even living up to their reputation and more. This bakery, however, seemed to be on par, if not equal, to many of the larger bakeries throughout Equestria. One would never think that baked goods of this quality would be found in such a town like this. As he was looking at the pastries, and trying to decide on what to get the others, he noticed a pink mare with a white apron coming out of what looked like the kitchen, carrying out a tray of fresh baked apple turnovers. He offered a friendly smile, and waved. "Good morning." The pink mare stopped, her voluminous, curly pink mane bouncing at the sudden movement of her head, and gave Jetstream the biggest smile he's ever seen. However, her smile and friendly expression soon dropped to a more shocked, surprised one, as if she just discovered some money in her pockets. Then she let out a very loud, surprised gasp. "You're new! I know everypony's face in this town and I've never seen your face before, so that means you're a new face in town! Of course I like seeing old faces too, not that there are that many old ponies in Ponyville, but I've seen their faces before, and I just love meeting new faces!" She said in a very fast, excitable pace that most would find difficult to keep up with. Before he could get a word in edgewise, he was caught off guard when she practically vaulted over the counter and gave him a very big, if unexpected, hug, "Welcome, welcome, welcome to Ponyville Mr. New Face! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm really, really, really happy to meet you!" Although he was caught off guard with the hug, it wasn't the first time he'd been in this situation before, the only real difference being that he normally got this kind of reaction after they find out who he is, rather than beforehand. Then again, *normal* seemed to be a relative term when it came to this bubbly mare. It's not to say that her enthusiasm and positive, if excitable, energy was unwelcome. He rather enjoyed such happy meetings, unlike a certain unicorn he knew. He had to suppress his laughter when he imagined how mortified Shadow Spell would be if he was in his place, which would undoubtedly cause a very awkward situation very quickly. He chuckled as he cast those thoughts aside, and politely returned the hug. "I'm Jetstream. The pleasure's all mine, Pinkie Pie." "Jetstream? Where have I heard that name before?" Pinkie asked out loud. "Oh, yeah! You're that one Wonderbolt my friend keeps talking about! She really likes the way you perform in your shows, but she's also pretty sure she can beat and outperform you. She's in the Wonderbolt reserves after all, but then again she keeps saying that she's unbeatable in the air. But I think she's right! She is really, really, really fast, and I mean that she flies really fast, not fast in bed," she giggled. "Your friend's in the Wonderbolt reserves? What's her name, and more importantly, how big are her boobs?" Jetstream asked with mounting interest. "Sorry, but I made a Pinkie Promise not to tell you if I were to ever meet you. And you don't ever break a Pinkie Promise! It's the only thing that's more important than breathing! You break a Pinkie Promise, you may as well stop breathing!" "Oh, it’s that important to you? Must be a hell of a promise then. Wait, if it's more important than breathing, why are you breathing now?" "Because I made a Pinkie Promise to myself to not stop breathing unless I'm swimming! Or need to keep from smelling the smelly smell of something that smells smelly!" Jetstream stood there for a moment blinking as he tried to comprehend her reasoning. "...good call. So, how big are your friend's boobs again?" He asked shamelessly, a question that was met with an incredulous expression from the pink mare, "Hey, I'm only asking for aerodynamic purposes...for the most part. After all, if she is claiming that she could beat and outperform me, then big, bouncy and attractive tits could actually be a big disadvantage to her...and me too if I’m trying to sneak a peek. " "Hee, hee, hee! I can't tell you that, silly! That's kinda like me asking you how big your best friend's iffy stiffy is! You wouldn't know something like that unless you’ve been in a super duper wild party!" Pinkie stated with absolute certainty. Jetstream let out a nervous chuckle, and rubbed his neck while avoiding eye contact with her, "Yeah...heh, heh...wouldn't know anything about that at all. I totally didn't have a threesome with some random, horny showmare with my best friend in her stagecoach while he went all out on her. We didn't trash the place at all, and I certainly didn't rail her in the stink hole while he got her moist cave . Nope. Not at all..." Pinkie blinked a few times after hearing that strangely specific and detailed denial, then giggled. "You're funny! Not that I'd have thought less of you if you did. I totally would've found that hot if you did get kinky like that." "You would?” he asked, somewhat surprised from her answer. While unexpected, it wasn't an unwelcome sentiment in the least. He just couldn't picture a seemingly hyper mare such as her being so open to such things. Just goes to show that one shouldn't judge a book by its poofy, voluptuous, and busty cover, "Heh, that's strangely reassuring. Thanks" "No problem! Now, normally I’d chit-chat your ear off and even give you an invitation to a super awesome ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party and possibly get you to 'pin the tail on the Pinkie', but I really do need to get back to work, because I’m only gonna be here half a day because I have pressing matters to attend to! And you know what happens when you don’t attend to pressing matters, don’t you?” “Oh, yeah. I know all too well what happens,” he said, “The matters don’t get attended to and the next thing you know, everything starts to pile on you one right after the other when you still have to take care of the original pressing matter! Even when you finish that, you’ve got so much crap you’ve gotta take care of that you don’t know where to begin, and then you start to feel so overwhelmed that you start to stress over the tiniest details, which causes you to binge on sweets for an entire day and even with all of that sugary goodness in your belly, you get so royally pissed off because at that time you realize that you just wasted an entire, freaking day doing absolutely nothing , that you either wanna scream from the top of your lungs, punch the nearest inanimate object or find the nearest person of the opposite gender and buck the living hell out of them to relieve the stress you’ve accumulated because nothing relieves stress better than a really hard, fucking orgasam!” Jetstream ranted, emphasizing the last three words with three hard hip thrusts. The pink mare just stared blankly at the stallion as he went on an all too familiar style of ranting, “Say, do you know Twilight Sparkle? You sounded a lot like her just now.” Jetstream’s ears perked up at the mention of his close friend, then he had a mischievous smirk tug at the corner of his lips, “You mean the unicorn mare with the rose colored streak on her mane and tail that loves to read? The mare that stresses out and panics when things don’t go according to plan or if the answer she's looking for isn’t in a book? And did she try just a little too hard to show Princess Celestia that she was a good student before she became the Princess of Friendship?” Pinkie’s eyes lit up as he gave his answer, and hopped up and down “Yeah! Yeah! That’s her to a tee! It's sooooo neat that you know her!” “Know her? I dated her!” he proudly proclaimed, sticking out his chest as if he accomplished some amazing feat. The party mare let out a loud, surprised gasp at the sudden and unexpected revelation, “YOU DATED HER?! YOU’RE KIDDING!” “Actually, yes I am kidding. I didn’t date her at all!” Jetstream revealed, unable to control his fit of laughter. “Oh, you big meanie!” she giggled, giving him a playful push on his shoulder, “You really had me going there! For a second I thought Twilight may have actually tried some tube steak, but I guess not! Maybe she should so she could just relax and enjoy herself for once." "Yeah...tried that, but there were some unexpected complications that I won't go into." "Okie doki loki! But how did you know her? I mean, I know she's from Canterlot and all, but I always thought that she was a bit of a loner in those days?" "We actually grew up together in Canterlot. My dad was the captain of the Royal Guard at the time, and I would frequent the castle with my mom to visit him a lot. That's where Twilight, my friend Shadow Spell and I all met each other. It was a bit awkward at first, but we ended up becoming real good friends with one another. Even back then she always had a book stuck in her muzzle." He chuckled. "Ooo! That's interesting! Funny how she never mentioned the two of you before though." "Just Twilight being Twilight I suppose. She was pretty swamped with all of her assignments from Princess Celestia and all. We all lost contact with each other at one point too, so I'm not at all surprised she didn't." Jetstream answered. The then looked at the clock on the wall, "Ah, I'd better get going. Could I have a half dozen cake donuts, tree apple turnovers, and a few strawberry cupcakes please?" "Coming right up!" said Pinkie, moving with impressive gusto and gathering the pastries with years of practiced proficiency. She places a couple of cardboard boxes in a plastic bag, and handed it to him, "Here ya go! Don't worry about the charge, new customers get their first order on the house!" Jetstream blinked, "Erm...are you sure? I don't mind paying you know." "Don't be a silly Billy! Of course I'm sure! I wouldn't offer otherwise!" she said with a big grin. "Heh, that's awesome of you, thanks! See ya later!" he said, waving his hand as he stepped out of the bakery. Shadow Spell cracked open his eyes as his consciousness slowly came back to him. The scent of sweat and cum filled his nostrils, but strangely, he wasn't repulsed by it in the least. If anything, it only served to remind him of what an incredible time he had last night. He let out a yawn, and moved his neck from side to side, getting several satisfying pops each time. Upon feeling a sudden heat leaving his chest, he looked down to see Trixie peacefully sleeping and cuddling with him. He smiled, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. She opened her eyes, smiling softly, "Hey, you." she said, cuddling closer to him. "Good morning, Trixie. Did you sleep well?" "Mmm-hmm. Well enough, considering you two trashed Trixie's house," she said wryly. "You can thank Jet for that. He tends to get a little wild if you let him. He means well enough, but he's a bit of an idiot I'm afraid." Trixie smiled and cuddled closer to him, “He isn’t that bad, but he is a bit of a goof. Not unlike a couple of loyal fans of mine. He does confuse me a little though.” Shadow chortled, “Confusing? He’s a lot of things, but confusing isn’t one of them. He’s just a simple stallion; what you see is what you get.” “Trixie isn’t so sure. She knows an act when she sees one, and Trixie can’t help but feel he’s putting on a front, or a mask. The way he was just watching us while we got started rubbed me the wrong way, almost as if he was planning for that moment.” “Oh?” Shadow asked with mounting interest, “I can see through an act too, but I really don’t think Jet has the capacity to successfully pull one off on me or anypony else that he considers a friend. Trust me, he’s just a simpleton. An honest, occasionally annoying, but well-meaning simpleton.” “Well, he did manage to get you past your initial reluctance in meeting me, and he did manage to pull you out of that awkward moment we were having at the bar last night. And let’s not forget that he did help you get past your defense mechanisms when we got down and dirty. Not bad for a simpleton, if Trixie does say so herself.” Of course, none of that really occurred to Shadow until she mentioned it. Thinking back, Jetstream was being so annoying that he just wanted to shut him up, therefore he humored him; if only to spare himself of his incessant rambling that he seemed to be doing on a more frequent basis. What didn't sit well with him was the thought that somepony as intelligent and observant as he could be so easily manipulated by somepony he considered to have an inferior intellect. There’s just no way that Jet was that cunning, so how would he miss such a thing? No, it couldn’t be like that. Ever. He shakes his head, “I think you’re looking too much into it. Trust me, if you know him as well as I do, then you’ll realize that you’re giving him too much credit.” Trixie giggles, “Perhaps Trixie is. But since Jet isn’t here…” she said with a mischievous smile as ran her hand down his chest, and then wrapped her slender fingers around his morning wood. Hearing Shadow inhale sharply, she started pumping his member to make sure it was as hard as it could be. Shadow moaned softly as she worked on his shaft, getting lost in the moment as he let all coherent thoughts leave his mind. He leaned forward to met his lips with hers. Her mouth seemed to part easily enough, and his tongue eagerly invaded her mouth, meeting hers much like an old friend. Smiling, Trixie rolled on top of him, moaning as she deepened the kiss, and grinding her hips against his hardened member, coating it with her love juices. After a time she broke the kiss and gave him a naughty grin, and a sultry, half-lidded gaze. She then left a trail of kisses from his chest, down his torso, and finally stopped when Shadow’s erect pride was in front of her face. She grabbed it by its base with one hand, and gently cradled his ball sack with the other, as she circled his glans with her tongue. For all of his discipline, Shadow couldn’t help but let out a throaty moan as he felt his most sensitive of parts being stimulated so skillfully by such a beautiful mare. He locked on her eyes, and could swear that she had a mirthful expression on her face when she heard him moaning from pleasure. She took it a step further and took more of his pride in her mouth. “Hah!” Shadow moaned, throwing his head back as the showmare bobbed her head up and down. Every once in a while, she would stop and lick his tip a few times before taking it back down her throat. Trixie then took his cock out of her mouth and lightly sucked on his sack, taking one ball fully in her mouth as she continued pumping on the shaft, “Do you like that? You should be so honored that The Great and Powerful Trixie deems you worthy enough to pleasure her divine body. Now, sit back and enjoy…” The two ponies then froze and looked at each other in wide eyed shock when they heard a series of hoofsteps approaching the stagecoach. Before they could react, the door opens. “Good morning!” Jetstream said happily. “I was just in town and…” The pegasus was stunned silent when he saw Shadow and Trixie looking at him in a surprised manner, with Shadow’s veiny cock in her soft, slender hands, “Well I was gonna say that I got breakfast for us, but it looks like you two found some already,” he chuckled. “I’ll just place these on the table and head back to the hotel room. Call me when you two are ready to clean the place up.” Jetstream walked over to the fallen table, picked it up, placed the pastry boxes on it, and left. Two hours, thirty minutes, a blowjob, a quickie, a cup of tea, another quickie and a phone call later, the three ponies made quick work of the disaster area and made it look like nothing ever happened to the place, save for the radio that now had a wire hanger for an antenna. "Well, Trixie must admit that you two clean up rather good for a couple of stallions,” said Trixie. “Yeah, it’s part of our boot camp. We had to keep our barracks tidy or else there would be hell to pay,” Jetstream responded. “Quite. It was most unpleasant,” Shadow concurred. “It’s a shame that you have to leave so soon. Will you be in Canterlot anytime soon?” Trixie gave the unicorn a sad smile. “Trixie isn’t sure what her schedule is. She just takes it as it comes and hopes for the best.” She then reached for Shadow’s hand. “...I had a very good time with you. Thank you for that.” Shadow squeezed her hand and offered a bitter smile. “The pleasure was mine, milady. May our paths cross once again. Until then, I wish you the best of luck.” Jetstream had a sad smile of his own, seeing his friend genuinely sad to see another pony leave was a rare occurrence. Needless to say, it caught him off guard to see him take the initiative and give her a soft kiss on her lips, one that she happily returned. After the kiss broke, they looked into each other’s eyes for a time, not wanting to let go, but knowing that their paths led them elsewhere. Without another word, each took a step back and turned heel, with Trixie walking back to her stagecoach and Shadow Spell heading towards town. Jetstream caught up to his friend, matching his pace with his. “Don’t look back, Shadow. You’ve already said your goodbyes, and the more you look back, the harder it’ll be for you to move on. It sucks, but trust me on this one.” “...I know, Jet. I’m just now realizing how painful it really is to walk away and never look back.” Shadow responded, his voice betraying his otherwise calm demeanor. Jetstream let out a sigh, “Yeah, but unfortunately it’s one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. Anyways, let’s get the hell out of here.” Of course, if Shadow was paying more attention, he would have noticed a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth. Trixie entered her stagecoach, pressing her back against the door and let out a sad sigh. It wasn’t often that a stallion left her feeling this way, and though she didn’t feel as strongly about his pegasus friend, she was thankful for his help nonetheless. If not for him, things may not have escalated to where they did. Taking a chance, she looked out the window and saw the two stallions walking away at a steady pace, gradually walking out of eyesight. “Come on, come on…look back. If what we had happen between us meant anything to you, then please look back…” she pleaded to herself, watching vigilantly to see if Shadow would grant her wish. Each passing second made her heart wrench all the more, a frown replacing the hopeful smile she had only moments before, until finally, just as she was about to give up hope, she saw him look over his shoulder towards her. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, letting out a happy giggle as she wiped the tears that were standing in her eyes. She didn’t think her heart could ever soar so high before. Either way, she now had all the more reason to visit Canterlot within the next couple of weeks. Jetstream let out a chuckle, “I knew you couldn’t resist, you big softie." “..Shut up, Jet.” The stallions walked into town, with Shadow still a little downtrodden about Trixie and Jetstream walking at a leisurely pace with his hands behind his head, basking in the relaxing atmosphere that seemed to surround Ponyville, despite the little hustle they had going on at this hour. At least until he heard a familiar voice in the distance… “Pleeeeaaase, please, please?! We could really use your help, Thunderlane! We’ll give you room and board, but my sisters and I need help back at the farm to reach our quota!” "Huh, that sounds like Pinkie Pie.” Jetstream mused to himself. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw the pink, bubbly mare pleading with a dark gray pegasus stallion. “I told you I can’t, Pinkie! What part of no don’t you understand?” Thunderlane replied, walking away from her. Seeing the concerned expression on Pinkie’s face, Jet made his way over to her, “Hey, Pinkie, is everything all right?” “Jetty! No, this is really bad! My mom and dad had to go away on business, and my sisters and I need an extra hand or two to help us reach our quota! Time’s running out and we fell behind!” “Damn, that sucks! If you need help…” “Jetstream, a word please?” Shadow interrupted, practically yanking the pegasus away from the mare, “What do you think you’re doing?” “I’m trying to offer Pinkie Pie some help!” Jetstream answered somewhat defensively. “How did you meet this, Pinkie Pie? I’m going to assume that you only just met her today and that you barely know her.” “You’re right, Shadow, I did only just meet her at the bakery where I got breakfast this morning, and I don’t know her. But she does seem like an honest mare and if the desperation in her eye is any indication, then she’s in need of help! I’m not going to deny that from a pony, even if I’m just a stranger. I’m going to help her.” “And what kind of farm does her family run?” Shadow asked. “...Let’s go ask her,” Jetstream said, walking back to Pinkie, “excuse me, but what kind of farm does your family run?” “We run a rock farm, and we harvest gems to sell them to the merchants to make ends meet! I won’t lie, it’s really hard labor, and we can’t pay you any money, but we can offer room and board and three hot meals until we catch up in maybe a couple of days!” Pinkie answered. “Hm. Sounds like a rotten deal to me. I would expect some financial compensation if that were the case.” said Shadow. “Not to me, it doesn’t. So long as I’m fed and have a bed to sleep on, I’m good. You can count me in, Pinkie.” Jetstream said. Pinkie let out a gasp and gave the pegasus stallion a big hug, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!” Jetstream chuckled, “I think I have an idea.” “I think it’s a foolish decision, Jet, one that I don’t approve of.” Shadow said more coldly than he intended to. “I’m not asking for your approval, nor am I asking you to come with me. You wanna go off and do something else? Fine by me.” Jetstream responded in kind, “So, when do I start?” “Would right now be too soon?” Pinkie asked sheepishly. “Not at all! Lead the way!” he said happily, eager to get started. With that, Pinkie led the way, with Jetstream following closely behind her. Shadow took a couple of steps towards the hotel room, the idea of just leaving his friend behind to do hard labor by himself beginning to gnaw away on his conscience. He let out a small grunt and jogged over to the parting duo, “Wait. I’ll come too.” “Great! Thanks so much!” Pinkie said happily. Jetstream smiled, “So, what changed your mind?” “The thought of you swinging a hammer, a pickaxe or anything that requires finesse worries me. Somepony is gonna need to watch after you, because of your careless nature.” Shadow answered. Jetstream chuckled, "We'll just see about that, Shadow Spell." > A Good Day's Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Spell was hunched over and breathing heavily, his fur all clammy from being drenched in sweat due to a mixture of the hard labor and the hot, unforgiving sun beating down on him as they worked the fields. It was all he could do from just flat out falling to a knee and possibly passing out. The only thing that was keeping him up was his twenty pound sledgehammer he was using to prop himself up. Jetstream walked over to him with a smug smile. “What’s wrong, Shadow? You’re acting like you’ve never worked a day in your life!” “...Not like this…” he replied breathlessly. “Well, this is what real work is like. Don’t let your ego get in the way and try kill yourself. Go get some water and cool off for a little bit,” Jet said, taking off his sweat drenched shirt, revealing his well muscled upper body. He walked up to a nearby boulder and put his chisel on it, beating it in with small taps from his hammer to set it in place. Then he swung his sledgehammer, a resounding sound of iron clashing with iron echoing the area with each successive hit driving the chisel deeper in the stone until it split in half. He smiled when he saw an assortment of rubies, sapphires, and emeralds within it. “Nice!” he said, wiping the sweat from his brow. Shadow grit his teeth together and straightened out his posture. “No. If you can do this, then so can I!” he claimed, walking to a somewhat smaller boulder. He did what he saw Jetstream do, and eased the chisel into place. Then the brought up the sledgehammer and tried to swing it like Jet did, but he missed. He tried to swing again, and this time, he made contact with the chisel. However, it didn’t have that same resounding cling that the pegasus managed to get. So he tried again, and again, but was only able to swing the sledgehammer a few more times before he tired out again. “You’re not letting the hammer do the work, Shadow. That’s why you’re getting gassed out too quickly,” Jetstream offered. “How do you mean? What am I doing wrong?” “Your hand placement for one. You’ve got one hand on the bottom of the handle while the other is just under the hammerhead. With that placement, you’re using all arms and not the weight of the hammer itself. For another, you're not standing square with the rock. You're in an isosceles stance, which isn't good. If you miss with that hammer, you're gonna end up hitting your leg, which is bad news. You've gotta stand square and keep your back straight. Let me show you.” Jetstream placed his right hand just under the hammerhead, and his left on the bottom of the handle. He stood square with the rock, keeping his back straight and squatting a tad, like he was about to sit. He then lifted the sledgehammer above his head, and slid his right hand down the handle, moving the hammer forward and hitting his mark with that same resounding cling. “See? By squaring up with it, I get the leverage I need for the swing, and by working your hand placement like I did you take full advantage of the weight of the hammer, letting it do most of the work instead of you. You don’t really even need to use your arms at that point, thus conserving energy. Though, if you want more power, you can utilize your hips, like so.” Jetstream once again swung the hammer, but this time put his hips to work, thus making a louder cling, then took advantage of the bounce, resetting his hand placement and swinging it again. Shadow stared at the Wonderbolt, completely perplexed at how he was explaining the task more articulately than he would have thought to hear from him. Who would have thought that somepony that acts so foolhardy could actually have a little know-how in this line of work? “...Duly noted.” “Oh, fellas!” Pinkie sang out. “How’s it going? Do you guys need anything?” “It’s going okay, Pinkie. I split open several rocks and hit the jackpot with this one!” Jet said proudly. “Oh, WOW! That’ll put a big dent on our quota!” she said, gathering the precious stones in her basket. “And how about you, Shadow?” “I think I’m about to pass out from heat exhaustion…” Shadow said dryly, feeling a sour taste in his mouth from being outperformed by his friend. “Well why didn’t you say something sooner?” Pinkie giggled. “I’ll have Marble bring you guys some water.” “Thanks, that would be most…” Shadow was cut off when he saw the pink mare pull a megaphone from her mane. “MARBLE! WE NEED WATER OVER HERE!!!” she yelled unceremoniously, causing the stallions to cover their ears. “...She’ll be here in a minute. In the mean time, why don’t you boys take a break?” said Pinkie, happily skipping back to her post. Spotting a nearby tree, the stallions walked over to the shade, setting down their hammers and letting out a relaxed sigh. A small breeze blew over them, cooling off their hot, sweaty bodies significantly, bringing them much needed relief. “Thanks for coming again, Shadow. But I think it’s safe to say that you got in over your head on this one,” Jet chucked. “Well, thank you, Captain Obvious,” Shadow deadpanned, causing the pegasus to let out another bout of laughter. “Nopony’s fault but your own. I’m normally not one to gloat, but that’s what you get for thinking me an incompetent fool.” “Uh-huh. Just keep talking, jackass.” “Hey, don’t be mad because I’m pulling a you on you,” he chuckled. “Besides, every summer when we were growing up, I used to go to my grandpa Forge Hammer’s place and I normally did manual labor for him working the forge. That and my martial arts instructor owned a rock farm too. He implemented working the fields as part of our training, so I already have experience in this line of work.” “...Touché, Jetstream. Touché.” Just then, a mare with a light gray coat, a long, straight, dark gray mane and purple eyes approached the two stallions with a tray holding two tall glasses of water, her old fashioned, striped work dress gently flowing with the wind. It was common knowledge that farmers tended to be a little on the traditional side of fashion, but until you saw a dress like this, it’s easy to forget just how traditional a feel places like these gave off. The young mare had a small smile on her face, though her eyes gave away how nervous she truly was. Apparently she didn’t deal with strangers much, or quite possibly, members of the opposite gender. “Um, h-hello, gentlecolts,” she greeted. “I brought you two some water…” she said, but went wide eyed and blushed upon seeing Jetstream’s naked, sweaty, and muscular upper body. “Um, h-here you go.” she offered the tray with extended arms, and averted her eyes as she did so. “Oh, thank you, ma’am,” Jetstream said with his usual chipper attitude, grabbing a glass and taking a long drink. Shadow did the same, but chugged his glass as if he was dying from thirst. “Ahhh, that’s some good stuff. If I may ask, what’s your name?” he asked, seemingly oblivious to the mare’s plight. The mare kept her eyes averted, but gave him a polite inclination of her head. “I’m Marble Pie. It’s nice to meet you, Mr…?” “Name’s Jetstream, but you can just call me Jet, if you want,” he said. “And this poor, unfortunate unicorn is Shadow Spell. Don’t mind his gloomy attitude, he’s just not big on the whole eye contact thing,” he chuckled. “I’m not amused,” he said. “Thank you for the water, Miss Pie. May I trouble you for another glass?” Shadow asked. “Yes, of course, Mr. Shadow Spell. Would you like another glass too, Jet?” Marble responded. “If you don’t mind, sure,” Jet answered, handing her his now empty glass. “I’ll be right back,” she said, scurrying off a little too quickly. “Hm. Cute mare. Too bad she seems a little on the nervous side.” Jet stated as soon as she was out of earshot. “That’s because she obviously doesn’t deal with many stallions outside the farm, and you being shirtless really threw her for a loop. Put your shirt back on, you knave.” Jetstream laughed, “Jealous or what?” "Hardly. Just because I don’t have a body like that doesn’t mean I’m insecure about what I have. Aside from that, it hasn’t affected me in my line of work anyways." "True, true, but then you're not exactly an up-close-and-personal, kind of pony either. You do much better with that stealth bullshit than I do." “No, you think?” he replied dryly, “It’s kind of a requirement to be a Special Agent.” “Yeah, too bad you can’t blend in out here. You stick out like a sore thumb with all that gasping for air and shit,” he said with a small chuckle, then leaned on his hammer much like he was earlier making gasping noises. “Oh, shut up!” Shadow replied indignantly. He picked up a small rock and threw it at Jetstream, only for him to catch it despite the close range. “How predictable,” Jet chuckled. Shadow rolled his eyes. “Just put your shirt back on before Pinkie thinks you’re trying to seduce her sister.” “So what if I am?” he replied jokingly with a wink. “Then be working in a different part of the farm from me when her other sister finds out.” “Oh? You mean that grayish-purple mare with the hazel eyes? The one who’s been eyeing you since we got here?” he says, pointing his head to the mare in question. As Shadow looked to see who he was talking about, he caught her stealing a glance at him, which caused her to quickly avert her gaze and go back to her task of collecting gems. “...No. I mean the one who carries the pet rock around.” he responded, pointing at the gray mare with the purple mane. She was petting a small rock before placing it in her pocket and returning to work. She turned to a particularly large boulder, placing each of her hands on either side of it and with little effort turned it to rubble. “...woah.” said Jetstream in wide-eyed astonishment. “I see the gravity of the situation is finally sinking in.” Shadow commented. “Oh, that’s not it at all. She’s pretty damn cute herself!” he said as the mare turned to look at the stallions, pausing for a time before she went back to work. “You willing to risk that grip if it turns out she's overprotective? Pretty sure she’s the oldest sister.” “Heh, heh, sorry, but I can’t help but think of those hands around my yogurt slinger.” Shadow chuckles, “Alright, now imagine that hand doing to your yogurt slinger what it did to that rock and get back to work.” “Ooo! It looks like Maud really likes you, Jetty! She was giving you ‘the look’ while she was showing off!” Pinkie said excitedly, seemingly coming out of nowhere. The two stallions looked to each other in confusion, but decided not to question it. “Wait, what do you mean ‘the look’?” Jetstream asked in confusion, “She looked like she was staring at a backed up toilet.” “Great, thanks for the mental image, Jet.” Shadow deadpanned, “But Pinkie...are you sure it’s appropriate for Jet to be working shirtless in front of your sisters?” “Oh, sure it is! Marble and Limestone have been…” Pinkie said, moving her hand as she tried to think of the right word, “Shall we say… ‘repressed’?” “...and having him shirtless helps with that...how?” Pinkie giggles, “You’ll see!” she says in a singsong voice before skipping away. “...alright…” Shadow replied nervously, getting back to work. Just then, Marble returned with some more water, though she seemed a little flushed in the face, and breathing a little heavier than usual and still averting her eyes, “S-sorry I took so long. I had to take care of something else real quick.” “No worries!” Jet replied, taking another glass of water. Even while he was drinking, he could catch her stealing a glance now and then, “Thanks again.” “Yes, thank you very much for the water,” Shadow said, handing his empty glass to her. “No problem. I-I’ll get started on lunch now,” Marble stated as she grabbed the glasses and once again left in a hurry. The stallions watched as she made her way to the house, once again stealing a glance at them before entering the house. “Hey, Shadow?” Jetstream called out, “You don’t think that Pinkie meant that her sisters ...you know, want the don-?” “Shut up and get back to work.” Shadow said a little hurriedly. Jetstream just finished splitting yet another boulder, letting out his breath as he set his hammer down, “Whew! I think that’s the last of them in this area.” he said as he stretched his exerted muscles. “I think you’re right,” Shadow concurred. “Thank Celestia. I don’t think I could’ve handled another one anyways.” Jetstream laughed. “Dude, you only did like, six rocks!” “I did seven! Get your numbers right!” Shadow shot back. “Oh, you did seven rocks. Well, that changes everything! I have been remiss!” he responded, once again laughing, causing the unicorn to glower at him. His laughter was stopped abruptly when he heard some sniffing behind him, “Hm. You smell like a sedimentary rock.” A monotone voice said. “WHA-?!” Jetstream jumped, completely started by the mare’s sudden appearance, “Damn, girl! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Now it was Shadow’s turn to laugh hard. “Lunch is ready. Take a bath before you come to the table,” Maud said simply as she retreated back to the house. “I think you should take a bath first, Jet, and while you’re at it, find a clean pair of boxers.” Shadow teased with a smirk. “Oh, shut up!” Jetstream shot back. “Hey, don’t get mad at me for pulling a you on you.” “...touché, Shadow. Touché.” With that, the two stallions entered the house, ready to bathe and feed their hungry stomachs. Meanwhile, Maud returned to her room, closing the door firmly shut behind her. “So? Whaddya think? Aren’t those two perfect for this?” Pinkie asked excitedly. “They both seem...adequate,” Maud responded. “The pegasus won’t be a problem to convince. The night unicorn might be...less accommodating.” “Oh, he’ll do it! Trust me on that big sister! I bet they can even make your day, even if this is really supposed to be for Marble and Limestone.” “I admit, the pegasus tickles my fancy. Not too bright, but his body is quite...intriguing.” Pinkie giggles, “Who says we can’t have a little fun either? We can totally have a ‘Pie Sisters Sex Party’!” “You mean...an orgy?” “Tomato, tom-mah-to. But first and most importantly, we need to get Marble and Limestone’s cherries popped first! Actually, I don’t know why they call it a cherry, or why they say ‘pop the cherry’, because cherries don’t pop! That’s just silly! I think they should say…” “What about Marble and Limestone? Will they be ready?” “Oh, they totally will! You saw how Marble was staring at Jetty when his shirt was off! She rushed in the bathroom and did a little ‘manual stimulation’ get it?” Pinkie giggled. “Limestone did too, but she didn’t see the unicorn with his shirt off.” “See? Their bodies are eager to experience the joy of coitus! They just need a little push! Both the girls and the guys!” “One question. Do you think the guys would let Boulder join us?” Pinkie giggled once more, “Ooo! Kinky!” > The Flavor of Pie Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After sunset and a filling dinner served by the Pie sisters, Jet and Shadow sat in front of the empty fireplace as they each sipped at the drinks of their preference. It was rather surprising to both that there was so much high quality Sweet Apple Acres cider available - their surprise much to Pinkie’s amusement - but weren’t ones to refuse such high quality beverages to slake their thirst. While Jet had happily accepted hard cider, Shadow had taken a soft. He’d never developed a taste for alcohol, and the one time he’d let himself get drunk, it hadn’t been pretty. Leaning back into the sofa, Jetstream let out a relaxed sigh. “That was fun!” he proclaimed smugly, knowing that Shadow was close to closing in on himself again and that the surest way to stop that was to needle him. “Fun?” Shadow demanded snidely, turning to glower at Jet. “How are you not sore?” He winced, rubbing his neck where turning it had caused a brief spasm of pain. “Oh, but I am!” Jet replied teasingly. “In all the right ways! Kind of like Trixie was when you were done with her-” Shadow’s hand clenched convulsively, crushing the empty can of cider. He blinked, pushing the thoughts that triggered such a reaction from his mind. “So...there’s going to be more of this tomorrow?” he asked morosely. “More than likely,” Jet confirmed happily. “And the day after that...and the day after that…” The groan that issued from Shadow’s mouth as he lay back on the sofa was somewhere between frustrated and resigned. “I just hope I’ll be able to take a hot bath at some point…” “That can be arranged!” Pinkie Pie piped up perkily as she pranced into the room, her sisters following along behind. Maud walked in calmly, with Limestone all but stomping in behind her. Marble, for her part, was trying to hide behind everypony else. “Hey girls!” Jet called happily, turning to look at them over the couch, whistling appreciatively as he saw they were all dressed for bed. Maud, Limestone, and Marble were in matching, color-coded nightdresses that fit their not insubstantial curves quite nicely, the thin fabric managing to accomplish the delectable combination of complete modesty with zero actual concealment. Pinkie wore a similar nightdress, though where the others’ went all the way down to their knees, hers stopped just below her hips and swayed with her every bouncing movement. “Did you need something?” “Well...there is one itsy bitsy, teeny weeny thing you could both help us with,” Pinkie wheedled. “As long as it’s not too strenuous,” Shadow grunted sourly. “Don’t be such a buzz kill!” Jet chided, elbowing Shadow playfully in the side. He then turned back to Pinkie and Maud. “So what do you girls need?” “We’re all out of cream frosting,” Maud replied sedately, her voice the same monotone Shadow and Jet had been hearing from her all day. “So we were hoping to milk your throbbing meat shafts to get your supply to smear all over our breasts before licking each other clean.” For a full minute, both stallions were stunned silent, whether from the content of Maud’s statement or the monotone of her delivery, one couldn’t be certain. Shadow was the first to speak up. “The fu-” “-ck yes!” Jet finished eagerly. “...as if Jetstream's absurd euphemisms aren't bad enough to deal with.” Shadow rolled his eyes. “No offense, but as appealing as that sounds, I'm afraid that I'll have to decline.” “Excuse us, ladies.” Jetstream pulled Shadow by the arm to the corner of the room. “Dude! What the hell is wrong with you?!” he asked in a terse whisper, as not to be overheard. “I'm. Sore. What part of that don't you understand?” Shadow responded in kind “Then toughen the hell up! You are not gonna be a cockblock because you can't handle a full day's work!” “Oh, shut up! If you want to bed them so badly, then do so. Just leave me out of it!” “Uh, newsflash, Shadow! They asked the both of us to help them out! That means that it's either both of us, or none of us! And I need some action!” “We just had a threesome with Trixie not even twenty-four hours ago, Jet!” “Stop living in the past!” Shadow facepalmed himself, “You’re incorrigible.” A thought occurred to Jetstream. “Say, can one of you girls help the weenie loosen up before we-” Maud punched Shadow hard near the base of his spine. “Gyah! ...say that’s better.” Shadow was leaning back and forth, finally relieved that the bothersome pain was gone. “Good. Now fuck me.” Maud demanded with the same, bland monotone voice. “Woah, woah, woah! Hold your horses, Maud!” Pinkie interjected, “We said that we'd let Limestone and Marble have dibs on the guys!” “It would benefit them more if they saw how it's supposed to be done.” “Oh, you silly filly! There's no real method to follow! You just gotta be nice and wet and make sure that the stallion’s iffy stiffy is really stiffy and slick too!” “Neither of which is the case as yet,” Maud pointed out blandly, gesturing from Jetstream and Shadow to Marble and Limestone. Pinkie bit her lip as she considered that. Glancing over at Marble and Limestone, she noticed that while Limestone was raring - practically roaring - to go, Marble was about a few seconds away from hiding. Also, Limestone seemed a little too aggressive, and might get a bit too rough. Not only that, Pinkie couldn't deny she did want a turn. "Well...I suppose..." “We’re in agreement, then,” Maud confirmed. “Since I had to fix him up, I get the unicorn first.” “Don’t I get a say in this?” Shadow voiced in concern. “No,” the stoic mare replied. Without missing a beat, she grabbed Shadow by the shirt, clenching her fist in such a way that escape was virtually impossible, and used her surprisingly considerable strength to push the stallion back until they toppled on the couch. She then straddled him, and almost forcefully pressed her hungry, longing lips against his in the most passionate, desperate kiss he had undoubtedly ever experienced. Shadow could only fall back in surprise. While not the most aggressive approach he’d ever experienced, it was far more forceful than he expected. All he could do was let Maud take the lead, struggling to gather his mind. It was almost as if she was sucking the air out of his lungs. While it wasn’t an inexperienced kiss in the least, it definitely felt out of practice. However, it didn’t take long for the mare to find her rhythm, rough and desperate as it was. She slung her arms around the night unicorn’s neck, moving her hips against his rapidly hardening shaft. She didn’t even wait for his member to be fully hard before she shamelessly reached into Shadow’s pants and pulled it out, stroking it somewhat roughly. Maud just stared at the penis as she continued to rub him off, “Cock. You are a cock. Gray. You are gray. Like a cock. Which you are. Cock.” Pinkie Pie giggled, “Oh, Maud, you’re so poetic even when you’re lost in the thralls of coitus!” “...You call that being lost in the thralls of coitus?” Jetstream asked, clearly confused. “Duh! Can’t you see how happy she is?” Pinkie replied. “Happy?! She looks like she’s enjoying herself as much as a normal pony enjoys a damn root canal!” “Oh, she loves those, too!” Jetstream blinked, “...really?” Shadow found himself staring down at the mare in his lap, roughly stroking his shaft. As he stared, though, she looked him right in the eye. “As much as I like rocks, they don’t make good sexual partners. They don’t respond much. You aren’t a rock, so stop sitting like one and respond.” “As you wish,” he responded simply, much like he would on full bravado. Following the precedence that she set, he grabbed her dress by the collar and ripped it open in one go. Her supple, perfectly rounded breasts fell free, her nipples already perked up from the little they’ve done. Not wasting a moment, he pinched her nipple on one breast between his index finger and thumb, while latching his mouth on the other. “Mmm. The stimulation of my nipples is making me feel...hot. I can feel my clit swelling in a most shameful manner.” Jetstream had to bite his tongue to keep from bursting out in laughter at her monotone dirty talk. It was both sexy and almost absurd at the same time, however, one stern look from Limestone was all it took to shut him up. “RRR! Why don’t you just stick it in already and get it over with?!” Limestone complained. “Because there’s more to it than just sticking it in and going to pound town.” Jetstream responded, “Contrary to popular belief a mare doesn’t...you know what? Just sit back and watch the show. You’ll learn a thing or two.” While the discussion was going on, Shadow decided to take Maud’s words - the only response he was getting - to heart as far as how to give her more of what she wanted. Sliding his free hand slowly down her belly, he found her swelling clit and began to gently tease it with his fingertips, knowing just how sensitive that part of the anatomy was. “Mmm. That feels good. Don't stop.” Although her tone betrayed her words, the fact that she was wriggling from his soft, calculated touch was proof that there was truth to her statement, not to mention that there was a puddle of her love juices forming on the couch, removing all doubt. “Dandelion Wine was very good at clitoral stimulation. You’re not half-bad yourself.” Shadow’s eyebrow raised at her words. While not nearly as prone to bouts of competitiveness as Jetstream could be on occasion, it felt to him that Maud had thrown down the gauntlet. “Really?” he asked challengingly. “We’ll just have to see if I can raise your opinion of me.” He began trailing his finger around her clit teasingly, not quite touching it before suddenly applying gentle pressure, only to pull back and stroke her nether lips. He worked a rhythm, but mixed up his stimulations so she couldn’t get used to them. Up above, he released her pinched nipple to squeeze her breast, occasionally flicking her nipple up and down rapidly with one finger. Pinkie giggled. “Ooo! He's teasing her a lot!” “I'm getting bored already!” Limestone complained. “Aw! You don't wanna take a look at Maud getting her brains rutted out while learning a thing or two?” Pinkie gestured to the stoic mare. “But I'm not learning anything!” “Hmm...I have a suggestion, then,” Maud started. “As good as Shadow is at this, and as hot as he's making me, I think you and I should take the stallions to different rooms with Limestone coming with me, and Marble going with you. Limestone is more of a hands on learner anyways.” “Not a bad idea, Maud,” Shadow murmured, gently releasing her, though giving her more sensitive areas one last squeeze for good measure. “Though you might have to hold her down so I can get her ready. From the sound of it, she’s liable to try and jump me dry, and that would just hurt her.” His eyes lit up as a sudden idea hit him. “Though if visual stimulation doesn’t do anything for her, maybe we should blindfold her. I know from experience that makes the physical stimulation all the more intense.” “Heh, heh, going with the ole blindfold fetish of yours then, Shadow?” Jet chimed in. “It's not so much my fetish as much as it is making Limestone’s arousal a priority.” Shadow responded. “Uh, I'm right here! Stop talking around me like that!” Limestone growled. “...maybe some bondage would be in order too. She's way too aggressive, possibly due to sexual repression.” Jet facepalmed. “If that was an attempt at humor, it's a poor one.” Shadow rolled his eyes. “It wasn't,” he deadpanned. About to retort, Shadow paused, actually giving Jetstream’s words some thought. “Hmm...while not what I would normally use for someone’s first time, you may actually have a point there. The problem there would be how to keep her still without hurting her or risking her injuring herself-” “Hey!” Limestone shouted out angrily, slamming her fist against the wall. “What did I just say? Talk to me, not around me!” “Fine,” Shadow responded intensely, standing up to stand over her. “I’ll tell you exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to tie you down and blindfold you, tear your clothes off your body and stimulate your every sensitive point until you can barely think from pleasure. Then I’m going to take your blindfold off and fuck your sister right in front of you so you can see what it feels like, before doing the same to you.” Limestone’s face paled slightly, but her expression tightened, “Then let’s go.” Jetstream chuckled when he saw a blush spread across Limestone’s face. It would seem that, in this case, her belligerence was bravado after all. The same, however, couldn’t be said about Marble. She was all but hiding behind Pinkie Pie, looking as if she was ready to run for the hills. Shadow turned to Maud. “Do you have some bindings and a blindfold I can use? That will work better than trying to work it makeshift, and if nothing else it’ll feel better than rope on her wrists.” “I have an assortment of such things in my room, yes.” Maud answered, “Dandelion Wine was fond of such...kinky activities.” You do?” Limestone asked, raising her eyebrow. “How come I’ve never seen them?” “You never asked to see them. I am very good at hiding things.” the stoic mare replied. “Come, Shadow Spell. We’ll educate her as thoroughly as possible.” She grabs the night unicorn by the wrist with her considerable strength, nearly dragging him to the room. “H-hey! Don’t forget me!” Limestone yelled indignantly. Jetstream had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from laughing. He turns to Pinkie and Marble, “So...what now?” Pinkie frowned as she glanced between Jetstream and Marble. “Hmm...I think maybe we might have overdid it getting Limestone ready for your friend there. She looks a little horritized...or should it be traumafied? Either way, we need to slow things down a bit. Come on!” Grabbing both Jetstream and Marble by their wrists, she dragged them back to her bedroom before slamming the door. Marble instantly let out a startled squeak before dashing to the furthest corner from Jetstream and huddling behind the desk. “Sheesh! You have a tighter grip than I would’ve guessed!” Jetstream complained, rubbing his wrist and moving it in circles to work the strain out. He wasn’t lost upon Marble’s nervousness. It didn’t take a genius to realize that things weren’t going so well at the moment, and as such, Jetstream was trying to think of a way to break the ice without terrifying the poor mare. This was entirely new territory for him, since he never had to deal with shy mares before. “Heh, sorry for the awkwardness. Would it make you feel better if Pinkie and I just let you go at your own pace? No pressure or anything…” Pinkie put a finger to Jetstream’s lips to shush him. “Jetty, I know you mean well, but letting her go at her own pace is why she’s as old as she is and can’t even meet a stallion’s gaze, let alone hold his hand or kiss him. She could give my friend Fluttershy lessons in being shy. At least Fluttershy talks to her animals.” Leaning in, she planted a warm kiss right on Jet’s lips before pulling back. “You’re right to be gentle with Marble, but we are going to need to push her.” Reaching over, Pinkie grabbed hold of Marble’s wrist and plopped her down in Jet’s lap. Marble predictably froze up as she sat straddling a stallion for the first time in her life, muzzle to muzzle with him. “Now you just be gentle and loosen her up,” Pinkie instructed, wrapping her arms around Marble from behind and holding her tight, nibbling on Marble’s neck and getting a startled moan out of her. Jetstream’s jaw dropped as he saw Pinkie nibbling on Marble’s neck, completely stunned that she’d do that to her own sister. However, the increasing pressure he felt in his pants was evidence enough that the sight was also strangely hot. He shook his head a few times to snap himself out of his daze. Pinkie just gave him an opening. He had to take it now. First thing’s first, he had to get Marble to relax. He started by gently running his hands up and down her curvaceous sides, and locked onto her eyes for any sign of discomfort or uncertainty. Most of all, he was paying attention to her body language, to see if she would relax any. He wouldn’t proceed further until some of her tension was alleviated. Marble let out several startled squeaks from Jet’s ministrations, her cheeks turning even brighter red as she felt his hands so familiarly on her body. She wriggled in his lap, whether to get more comfortable or to try and escape it was impossible to tell. Pinkie got a surprised yelp out of Marble by bringing her hands up to blatantly grope her sister’s breasts, followed by a pleased moan. Under cover of the moan, Pinkie hissed at Jet, “Kiss her, dodo!” Jetstream gave Pinkie a brief sheepish grin before doing as he was instructed. Leaning forward, he met his lips with hers in mid moan, muffling the sound as his tongue gently caressed hers. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, but a gentle, almost caring, kiss. One that was slow, but deliberate. Lust fueled, but controlled. He slid one hand behind her neck, and gently deepened the kiss, gradually adding more passion to it with each passing moment. Marble’s moan turned into a startled gasp, but she soon relaxed into it, leaning into the gentle kiss as Pinkie continued her encouraging ministrations. After a time, she gently slid one of Jet’s hands down to Marble’s shapely rump, squeezing it through Jet’s hand to silently encourage him. Marble’s trembling was all the evidence Jet needed to take things from there. It wouldn't be long now before the initial awkwardness would pass. A few more minutes...then we can really start. “H-hey! Take it easy with the buckles!” Limestone demanded. “It's pulling my fur!” “Don’t fight it. Just let it happen,” Maud replied, fastening the buckles on her wrist. Shadow, for his part, had to remind himself that it wasn't a thinly veiled threat. It was just Maud’s unreasonably dispassionate voice. “Are you guys finished yet?!” “I just need to secure your right leg.” Shadow replied, making a concentrated effort to place the strap just above her hoof so as not to cause any possible chafing and/or restrict blood flow. “I told you we should have blindfolded her first,” Maud pointed out dryly. Shadow rolled his eyes. “And I told you that from experience I know that she would have just struggled more. It’s hard enough getting full extent binding as-ah!” The final click indicated that she was strapped securely to the bed, her limbs tied to each of Maud’s suspiciously well placed bedposts. “There we go.” Maud turned to Shadow. “I hope you don't mind the audience,” she said, making a sweeping gesture with her hand to her rock collection on the many shelves that decorated all sides of her wall. Shadow raised an eyebrow. She would consider inanimate objects as an audience? “Well...it wouldn't be the first time I've done this while under surveillance,” he said, deciding it would be better to just humor her. “Good. I like to be watched. It turns me on so much.” she replied, straddling her legs across Limestone’s torso, blindfold in hand. The sight was enough to make Shadow look on with vested interest. “H-hey!” Limestone protested, “I thought Shadow was supposed to-" “Shh…” Maud shushed gently, leaning forward to tie the fabric across her sister’s eyes, (which had the added effect of having her reasonably large breasts pressed against Limestone’s face). She turned to Shadow, gesturing to Limestone. A clear indication that it was time to for him to start. Not wasting any time, Shadow made his way to the bed, analyzing his approach much like he would any other objective that was assigned to him. He’d told Limestone that once she was tied down and blindfolded, he would tear her clothes off before stimulating her every sensitive point until her mind went numb from pleasure, but she would be expecting that first...and once blindfolded, the greatest pleasure came from the unexpected. As such, he moved in, tracing the curves of her body with a single finger through the thin nightshirt that in truth concealed nothing, following every hill and valley of her figure as he teased and tantalized her, randomly jumping from one spot to another, determined to make her all the more eager for what was to come while not yet giving her what she thought she wanted. Every slight touch, every slight gesture was having its intended effect and making the eldest Pie tremble with equal parts pleasure and anticipation, her breath becoming more shaky as his deft, well-practiced hands ventured further down her body. “Hm. She’s more receptive than even I would have thought she’d be,” Maud said, her voice devoid of any emotion as if she was making a dispassionate observation. Perhaps she was. Jetstream was usually the one who could discern such things. He always did concern himself with unnecessary distractions. “Ahh…!” Limestone moaned. It took Shadow a moment to realize that he was already tracing her outer lips with a single finger, using the lightest of pressure. The technique was so well practiced, he hardly had to think about doing it, and it happened on its own when his mind wandered while thus engaged. Seems I’m prone to such distractions from time to time as well, he mused to himself. Trailing his other hand back up, his fingers found Limestone’s nipples practically cutting through her nightdress on their own, and knew his gentle ministrations had left her as sensitive as he could possibly make her. It was time to change gears. Surrounding his hand with silent magic so Limestone wouldn’t feel any contact, Shadow reached up and gripped the neckline of the front of her nightdress and gave a hard yank. To her senses, it would seem as though her nightdress had suddenly decided to tear itself open in front to expose her intensely sensitive body to the cold air that now caressed her hot flesh. “Ah! What just happened?! Is there a ghost here?!” Limestone gasped in dismay. Shadow faced Maud and held a finger to his lips, indicating Maud was to stay silent just now. A silent glow came to his horn, pale grey and faint so it did not actually add to the light in the room. Limestone suddenly felt her body assaulted by hands, tongues, and hot breath on her breasts, her belly, her nipples, her inner thighs, her ears, her rear, and her nethers, feeling fingers spreading her nether lips as a tongue plunged in, as though she was being simultaneously stimulated by five different stallions at once, all of whom feeling exactly the same if she was able to focus enough to realize that. Now that gentle ministration had made her as sensitive as possible, it was time to drive her absolutely wild with intensity. For Maud’s benefit, the hands, lips, and tongues were visible as a faint grey glow, though the light would not penetrate Limestone’s blindfold. Limestone was moaning loudly, the combined stimulation driving her wild; arching her back and shaking her head from side to side while mumbling incoherently through the thralls of passion. Every so often, a particularly intense surge of stimulation would make her scream in pleasure, though it sometimes sounded like half a curse as she tried and failed to act as tough as she thought she should, her resistance slowly breaking down. Maud, keeping true to her word, remained silent. However, seeing the ministrations her sister was getting made her equally hot, if her hand snaking its way to her marehood was any indication. It was made all the more evident when Shadow heard the faintest of wet sounds coming from her. Good. That’ll be one less task for me to worry about. But for now… Shadow mused to himself “Rut me!” Limestone demanded earnestly. “I can’t take it anymore! Just rut me already!” Smirking, Shadow withdrew his magic from stimulating her before pulling the blindfold off her. “I told you what I was going to do,” he whispered as he moved to behind Maud, his voice a balance between seductive and menacing. “Tear your clothes off, drive you wild in pleasure…” His hands snaked around Maud, one grasping her breast firmly while the other plunged fingers into her folds. “And then rut Maud’s brains out while you watched.”