
by RikaChan

First published

I'm useless. What's a unicorn without her magic? Nothing. Useless.

I'm a useless unicorn. A unicorn who can't use magic. Useless. Sometimes I just want to kill myself. I'm absolutely useless.

Chapter 1

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I'm useless. Absolutely, utterly, useless. What's the point of living? There is none. So why live? I stare down at the fall before me, wondering what will happen after this. Will it turn into complete darkness? Will I go to heaven or hell? What will happen?

I suppose it's time to find out... I think to myself.

I jump as my whole life flashes in my mind.

I wake up & yawn while rubbing my eyes. What time is it? I look at my alarm clock. 8:30?! I'm late! I was meant to wake up at 8:15 this morning! I'm going to be late for Princess Twilight Sparkle's Coronation Ceremony!

I run out, grabbing a snack while I slam the door. I was going to be the only pony not at her coronation ceremony! If I had gone at 8:30, then I would have gotten an okay seat, but now I was going to arrive at 8:45, so I probably would get a horrible seat! I gallop as fast as I can, still hoping for a seat near the front.

She looked out the window.

"Finally, it's my coronation day. I've waited to so long for this. It's now my rightful time to rule. Now everypony shall obey me!" Twilight Sparkle laughed & danced around the room. It was now her turn to rule.

Twilight heard a knock on her door as someone called "It's time for your coronation Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

She turned around and walked towards the door, a huge grin plastered on her face. She couldn't wait. Opening the door, she saw that it was a beautiful pegasus with a light yellow coat and a baby blue mane stood there. She had the most beautiful ruby red and emerald green eyes, but it was weird because one was red and one was green. Twilight stood there for a while, shocked.

"Hi," she managed to squeak.

"Are you okay your majesty?" she asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, thanks."

"Well, um... Right this way, my lady." she led her away out onto the balcony, where Twilight was meant to make her opening speech. As she walked outside, she saw thousands and thousands of ponies staring at her, expecting her to say something.

"Um.." Twilight had memorized everything that she was supposed to say 2 minutes ago, but now she couldn't remember a singe word. "Hi."

Everypony stared at her like she was crazy. This was her speech about her becoming a princess, and all she says is hi?

"" She breathed in deeply and breathed out, and decided to try again. "So, Hello everypony, and welcome to my coronation. I am princess Twilight Sparkle, and I am now the princess of magic. I would like to give special thanks to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and of course, my mentor, Princess Celestia."

As Twilight called out every single one of their names, they all blushed and beamed with delight, especially Celestia, who was glowing.

"These ponies have all helped me achieve this goal and have supported me in coming this far, and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. So thank you... Thank you everypony."

Everyone stomped their hooves and the crowd just went of like a huge sudden firework explosion that had just been let off. Twilight bowed and walked downstairs then outside to see her friends. Applejack was the first to run up to her and hug her, saying "You were great!" and "Wow Twilight!" and just more fabulous compliments.

"Thanks guys, I'm so happy it's over now, but now there is only one thing left to do, and that is to-"

"Celebrate!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "I have a party planned at sugarcube corner, we just have to get there as soon as we can!" Everypony laughed as this was typical Pinkie.

"Um, excuse me?" I looked up at Twilight, holding out a piece of paper and a pen. "Would you mind signing this for me? I really admire you, and I wish I could be like you."

"Of course!" said Twilight as she signed it and gave it back to her. She wrote with her magic, so I stared at her in amazement, her levitation was so precise and not at all shaky, giving her a beautiful result. Twilight noticed me gaping at her, so she asked me, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, um... I guess I'm just amazed at your accuracy with magic."

"Oh?" Twilight raised an eyebrow. "But all unicorns learn how to use magic, telekinis to be precise, when they learn to read and write. Can you..." gasping, Twilight realized why I couldn't use magic. She took my piece of paper and ripped it up, and then took my pen and destroyed it but making it burst up into flames. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash all stared at her in shock, as they had not understood what just happened and thought that she had randomly just destroyed my things.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Shouted Rarity at the top of her lungs. "What do you think you are doing?!" She was the only one who understood what had just happened, but she did not believe that it was the right thing to do just because I was different from everypony else. "How could you just do that to this poor innocent pony?!" Rarity jumped in front of me and took a protective stance, as if Twilight was going to attack me.

"But Rarity! She can't use magic!" Everyone gasped, but not because they thought she was despicable, but the exact opposite, it was because they felt sorry for her.

"That's even more the reason to not do that!" Fluttershy was standing up for me even though I was a complete stranger, and she was going against her best friend...all just for me. I was shocked how against Twilight these ponies could be, I thought they were best friends for ever and could never disagree. Just then Twilight did something unbelievable.

She ran away, but on the way, she shouted "I Will come after you, you outcast!!!" Everyone in the crowd just stared at her, as they had not seen that conversation earlier so they did not know what she was talking about, but soon they all just forgot and continued with whatever they were doing before.