> The Love of a Changeling > by Crystal Draco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Changeling's Love is all I Need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a snap, I slammed the ground, cracking my exoskeleton in many places. Blood began to seep through the cracks. Searing pain ran down my neck as I lifted my head. I struggled to my feet and began my walk toward the hive. Each step sent a wave of agony through my body. Step by step, I made my way toward the hive. Upon arriving, I gasped in terror. The surface structure had collapsed, leaving a pile of black rubble. Using what little magic I had, I started tossing the rubble away, desperate to get to the underground. Each piece I moved made me weaker, and before long I would have no energy left. Finally, I uncovered the hatch into the tunnels. I threw it open and descended into the hive, the hatch shutting above me. The tunnels were dark, as most of the lamps lighting the depths had gone out. A few remained lit, and I grabbed one off the wall. Walking through the winding tunnels, I discovered most of them had collapsed. Fear rising inside me, I became more desperate in trying to get into one of the hibernation chambers. Each path I took was blocked by rubble, sealing in any changelings that may be alive. I found one path unblocked and entered the massive chamber. To my dismay, most of it had collapsed. I hobbled around, praying to find something, anything, telling me there was still a living changeling inside. Many of the pods were empty, as most changelings had come to the invasion. The one's that weren't empty were crushed. I checked each crushed pod to see if the changeling was still alive, but to no avail. After searching for what seemed like hours, I collapsed on the ground, my energy gone. What a fool I had been trying to invade Equestria. I was aware of their power, and I proceeded anyway. Now my foolishness is going to cause the extinction of an entire race. I'm no queen, I'm a lowlife who couldn't even preserve the life of one changeling. I don't deserve the crown I wear. As I was about give up, I noticed a faint green light. It was shining through the rubble in such a way it hit the ground near me. I looked for it''s source to find a filled pod, completely intact, blocked by a wall of rubble. I crawled over near it to find a sole changeling sleeping soundly within. "Re-release," I whispered. The changeling's eyes shot open, and it opened the pod. He dropped to the ground, landing on all four hooves. The changeling was a worker, one who wasn't built or trained for combat, but knew how to deal with our building material. He quickly moved the rubble blocking his pod and laid his eyes on me. He gasped, and rushed forward. "My Queen! What happened?" He helped me up as I explained. "The invasion of C-canterlot was a failure. M-most of the changelings were lost when they defeated us, and the hive fell to ruin." His expression turned to one of sorrow. "Wh-What is your name?" "Lightning Buzz." "Lighting, could you help me to the main chamber?" "Of course." He placed his leg underneath me and helped me stand. He acted as a crutch while we walked. "Are there any other survivors?" "All of the chambers-" I was cut off by a cough. "All of the chambers I've tried were blocked with rubble I c-couldn't move." We arrived in the main chamber and stopped in the center. "Lay me down." He lowered me to the ground, and I lay on my side. Another cough racked my body, this time accompanied by blood. "Your highness-" "D-don't call me that. I Don't d-deserve to be a queen. I failed, and my changelings are paying the p-price. I devoted myself to providing for you, but I can't even d-do that." Tears began to trickle from my eyes. Another cough, and with it, more blood. "Chrysalis, you are more of a queen than ever. You've given your life to helping us, and that is worth everything. Everyone fails at one point or another, who cares. I'm still here, so you did something right. A queen is not defined by her failures, a queen is defined by her devotion to her subjects. To me, your the best damn queen there could be." A smile grew on my face. Even when I had given up, my changelings still believed in me. "Lightning, come here." He approached, and I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you." I let go as coughs rattled me again. I felt my breathing starting to slow, and the pain starting to numb. "Your highness!" "Don't worry about me. I wouldn't survive these injuries with help, so don' trouble yourself." I saw tears begin to form in his eyes. "I want you t-to do one last thing for me." "Anything." I grabbed his hoof with both of mine as a single sob escaped his lips. "Be the best d-damn changeling king that ever lived." I let go and dropped my hooves back to the ground. He knelt down to my level, and I stared him in the eye. I coughed again, weaker this time. My eyesight began to blur, but I didn't break contact. My breathing grew shallower, and I still held eye contact. I saw a tear streak down his cheek, but his face was firm. As I drew my last breath he whispered one last thing, "I will do my best. For you, my queen." Smiling, I closed my eyes, and let the cold grasp of death take hold of me.