Twilight's Journal: Among The Stars

by Twi-Fi

First published

Twilight can't get any work done because she can't stop thinking about a certain cyan pegasus. Rainbow Dash has insecurities. Things get a little heated up in Twilight's bedroom after she lets something slip.

Twilight reads a steamy journal entry she wrote sometime before...

Rainbow Dash is distracting Twilight from her astronomy work by being in the library constantly. Her mere presence is more than enough to induce naughty fantasies. One night Rainbow shows interest in her stargazing, and Twilight is overjoyed to share all of her astronomy knowledge with Rainbow. Little did Twilight know, Rainbow Dash is wrestling with her own insecurities. Twilight lets something slip as they talk things over.

Things escalate quickly into a steamy night of passion.

Among The Stars.

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* * *

I love the gentle curve of her fetlocks, those sharp angled hocks and that well toned flank. The gentle slope of her back and smooth withers, her strong neck, her pretty face, those big magenta doe-eyes... I've always found that cocky expression cute. I love how athletic and tomcoltish she is yet, she still keeps her femininity. It probably doesn't help that she has the most gorgeous smile that melts my heart every time. Stunningly pretty multi-colored mane and tail she never combs or makes a fuss over it like Rarity would, her mane is always a mess; windswept. I have and probably always will think it's cute.

As I stand here with my face pressed against my telescope, I wasn't actually looking at anything in particular. For the past week I've been trying to chart these stars but all I can think about... is her. It was most distracting, all week she's been coming here to read. She'd spend hours here just reading and tonight is no different.

Why can't she read her stupid books at her house? She knows this is a library and she can take books home with her, right? Doesn't she know she's a distraction? Probably not. I doubt she notices me like that, no pony else seems to notice me. I don't think anypony ever has.

I need to focus here and stop thinking about her cute flank, pretty tail and what lies beneath. I shake that naughty fantasy away taking a deep breath then return to my attention to the star in the telescope.

I have what appears to be a main sequence star here; possibly an A or B star. Hmmm, I'd like to look at the emission lines to see just how hot it's burning. Judging by the flickering in the luminosity I'd say there are some rapid changes in temperature. First though, I need to determine the distance of this star. I just need some measurements of the parallax shift. I can start here then observe again from Sweet Apple Acres, that should be a big enough angle... I'll do some measurements tomorrow to make sure. I can also look at the red and blue shift to determine if there are any satellites present, this calls for my big telescope.

I quickly realize a problem as I search my room for the big reflector telescope... it's downstairs. Why didn't I bring it up? Now I have to go down there.

Buck it! I can use that scope another night, I'll just use the spectrometer – don't tell me I left that down there too! I guess fate is playing a cruel joke on me today. That is, if fate is even a real thing...

I creep down the stairs into the library minding the last stair that creeks. I get to the ground floor and notice she's not there. A book lay open on the floor in front of a beanbag and a blanket that looks like it was tossed haphazardly aside. As if somepony got up in a hurry.

"Rainbow, are you in here?" I call out. I can hear hooves shuffle and the kitchen door opens and I see her smiling at me. Her eyes are slightly red. Has she been crying?

"Of course I'm here. I just got done reading a really, um thrilling part. I didn't want to disturb you up there so I went ahead and made myself some tea. I hope you don't mind."

No not really; however, I wish you'd go home. "No not at all. I just came down here to get my spectrometer."

"Spectro– what?" Rainbow says. It's the cutest thing when she cocks her head to the side. I feel my heart flutter.

"Oh just a little device that helps me determine what kind of elements a star is burning by letting me see the emission lines." Judging from her blank look, she understood none of that. "I'm doing science." I say, giggling a little. I see her face light up a little.

"Oh cool. Are you looking at stars?"

"I'm cataloging them. The star charts are out of date. The astronomy department at the University Of Canterlot has asked me to do it." I think it's best to leave out the part where it was actually them that was supposed to be doing it. Whatever, I like doing this kind of stuff. Besides, I can totally put a real activity in my schedule for after dark.

"I'm just going to assume that's egghead speak for yes."

I giggle a little. "Yes Rainbow, I'm looking at lots of stars tonight. I have to take several measurements and make some tricky calculations." I say smartly. I don't know why but I really want to share with her what I'm doing. I know she isn't interested in these things or any other academic pursuits. Still, I want to inspire her.

"So Twi, I – um, was wondering if – I know you're busy up there with your eggheaded stuff but..." Rainbow Dash trails off, I can see her uneasiness.

"Yes?" I ask trying to coax her into finishing her question.

"I was wondering if I could maybe look too?"

My heart stops... okay not literally but I feel an ache there. I never thought she'd ask. I let out an audible sigh. No work is getting done tonight but I can at least show her something I'm passionate about. "Of course. Let me get this bigger telescope out so you can get a good look." I reach out with my magic and grip the large barrel of the reflector telescope. As I lift it I fold the tripod carefully. Any sudden impacts could misalign the mirrors. "Rainbow if you could just grab that black box over there and follow me upstairs."

"Is that the spectrolizer thingy?" I almost drop the telescope suppressing a laugh.

"Spectrometer. And no, this is a surprise."

"You know I don't like surprises."

"Oh? Is that why you always read the last page of Daring Do first?" I tease.

"What? I only did that like once, maybe twice..." Rainbow Dash trails off and blushes a little. She's so busted, she does that all the time.

I look over to the book on the floor. Sure enough I can see the dust jacket of Daring Do but something seems off. The book is thicker than any of the Daring Do books I have ever seen. And I have them all. I smile as I begin to wonder what she is trying to read in secret.

"Which book are you reading over there, Rainbow?"

"D-Daring Do, again."

I see her blushing a lot now. "Hmm, it seems a lot thicker than the Daring Do books." I can see all the Daring Do books on the shelf, one is missing a dust jacket.

"Can we just go look at the stars?" She asks impatiently.

I ignore her as I look at the bookshelves. My sight rests on the romance section, I can see the all the books neatly sorted on each shelf, except one. The books are spaced out a little in an attempt to hide the fact that one book was removed from that shelf. Whatever. If she wants to secretly read romance I guess that's her business. It explains why she didn't check the book out. She didn't want me to see what she was reading.

Still smiling I carefully push the telescope up the stairs, following it very closely. I'm ready to catch it should I lose concentration. "Don't forget the box Rainbow."

Tonight really is a good night for stargazing. The sky is clear and the stars have never been brighter and the moon is only a crescent so not too much light pollution. I open the tripod and set my telescope down on the balcony. Rainbow sets the black box down next to me unsure of what to do with it.

"Just give me a second to find a star for you to see. I want to show you a good one." I locate it in a second, it's the brightest star in the sky. I reach out with my magic to adjust the scope, getting it centered. Now to focus it...

"Got it! Here, have a look." I back away from the scope.

I watch eagerly as the cyan pegasus lowers her heard to the eyepiece. I can't help but take the opportunity to look at her flank. Immediately my face heats up as I look at her lovely posterior. Why have I been thinking about her like this? All week she's been coming over and I've found an excuse to look at her body and fantasize over it. I've been obsessing over her as of recently. Especially her flanks and what lies beneath her tail. This is more than a crush, I've had those before. This is something else, I longed to be close to her, to feel her, to hold her tight, to kiss her and to share myself with her.

"So it's that ball thing I'm looking at?" Rainbow asks. I nod still distracted. "I don't get what's so interesting about that."

Her words sting a little as I come crashing down to reality, my fantasies fading. "Would it be more interesting if I told you that it's a massive ball of fire twice the size of Celestia's sun and twenty-five times more bright?" That seems to have perked her interest as she goes in for another look.

"It doesn't seem that big." She lifts her head with that same cute confused look.

"That's because it is so faraway. It's so faraway that the light from that star takes eight and a half years to reach us."

"Woah. Twi, how do you know that?"

"Light travels at a constant velocity of three-hundred-thousand kilometers per second. Knowing that it's a simple matter of measuring its distance."


I laugh a little, glad she's showing a little interest. "Parallax. It's trigonometry. By looking at the same object from two different angles it makes a parallax shift and from that I can calculate the distance." Rainbow's eyes go wide and she tries to take in what I just said.

"Para– what shift?"

"I'll show you. Now close one eye and look at the moon. Now hold up your hoof and line it up with the moon so you can't see it. Got it?"


"Good, now switch eyes. You should be able to see the moon now and your hoof is no longer pointing at it."

"That is so weird."

"What happened is you lined up your sight with one eye but because your other eye is about two inches apart it sees the same object at a slightly different angle. The really cool part of that is it actually forms an isosceles triangle. The distance of your eyes is the base and the moon is the third point."

"That is so cool. For eggheads like you Twi." She giggles a little. Of course I find it adorable.

"Now, I will show you what this black box does. I think you'll find it pretty exciting." I use my magic to move it next to the telescope. It has to be close or it won't work well. Then I cast the spell to activate it, my favorite part. A beam of purple light extends out of the box and into the telescope. Rainbow Dash backs away slowly, wide eyed. The box glows purple then a second later it projects a large orb of light in the air.

"Hey, that's, that's the image from the scope!" Rainbow Dash exclaims with excitement. Even though the image is slightly blurred it is quite clear what it is.

"Just wait." I say happily.

Slowly the image becomes more distinct. The edges are more defined, it is clearly a sphere of blue light. However as the image continues to sharpen it takes on the appearance of a ball of fire although it radiates no heat of any kind. It looks convincing none the less, no longer transparent. It looks almost corporeal but if examined close enough I can still see through it.

"Wow Twi, this is amazing!"

"It's a magical enhancer. It will take the image out of my scope and enhance it well beyond any known scope."

"Where did you get something like this?"

"I made it." I say simply. "It really is a simple design. I use to use a spell to do it but that got tiring so I made this box with several enchantments to do it for me."

Slowly the amazed look on Rainbow's face changes to a somber one. I can't imagine why either. I got to show her something I love to do and was able to spark her interest. So why is she looking so somber? I feel the sudden urge to wrap her in my hooves and hold her. That's what good friends do when another is feeling down right? No, I know those feeling stem from something more than just simple friendship.

"Well thanks for showing me this Twilight. I guess I'll go home now and let you finish your work." She says gloomily. The brashness gone from her voice.

"Don't forget to put that romance novel back before leaving." I call out to her.


What? She's not going to even deny it? Now I know something is really wrong. Rainbow Dash doesn't read sappy romance novels and admit to it. I remember the shenanigans when she tried to read Daring Do in secret. No, she is upset. But why? We were having such a good time.

"Rainbow! Rainbow wait!" I run down the stairs skidding to a halt on the ground floor. Rainbow Dash gives me a confused look but not the cute one I like.

"Yes?" She says slowly.

"Rainbow whatever I did, I'm sorry."


"What's wrong? You were happy and now you are all depressed."

"I'm just really tired."

Oh really? That is not going to work on me, no way. "You're a worse lier than Applejack, Rainbow. Please, tell me what's wrong. Please help me understand what I did wrong."

"It's nothing you did Twi, it's me."

My heart aches a little at her words. What happened in that short time of awe with my magical enhancer to this sudden mood swing? Or has she been this was all night and I was just oblivious? "But you were having a good time up there with my astronomy equipment... " Her face goes red at those words. So, something did happen up there... "Rainbow please tell me what's wrong. You're my friend and I'd like to help."

"You would like that wouldn't you?" She says angrily. "Just another thing you're good at, helping ponies out."

"What? Rainbow, are you mad at me?"

"Maybe. I don't know. You're the genius! You tell me."

I sit on my haunches taken aback. I feel tears are close. She is taking something out on me but what did I do? "I – I'm sorry Rainbow. I really am."

"Sorry for what? Sorry that I'm stupid? There I said it! I'm stupid!" She glares at me angrily.

I feel tears run down my face. How could she say something like that? "Don't say things like that, Rainbow."

"But it's true. I don't know anything about anything. All that cool stuff upstairs – how you just made that enhancer thing. You do it like it's nothing. All I'm good at is flying."

"It's not true! You are smart. A lot smarter than me. Sure you don't know all the text book stuff but you know about the stuff that's really important."

"What friendship? Just because I know more about it than you doesn't make me smart. It just means I wasted time I could have spent learning stuff."

"You're forgetting something important Rainbow... academics and being smart are different things. A pony can know all the science and magic in Equestria but if that pony doesn't know how to apply it then that pony isn't very smart."

An idea forms in my head. "I'll prove you are smart. First, you know all about weather patterns and atmospheric pressure. You said you are only good at flying... Yes you are a great flyer because you apply what you know about those things. Where I probably wouldn't be able to do it without a book in front of me with step by step instructions. If something didn't go according to the instructions I'd be at a complete loss where you would probably figure out a way to make things work."

"Yes but that's just a natural pegasus thing, we all can detect these things."

"Maybe, but I know you are much better flyer than most. It's not only because you are a better athlete, it's also because you figured out how to manipulate the elements to your advantage. That's something only The Wonderbolts do and I'm pretty certain they don't share those secrets... " I see Rainbow smile. Even if it's a weak one it's still nice to see.

"Yeah, I didn't realize you even knew that stuff about flying. I do have a couple tricks the common pegasus probably doesn't know. After flight school I made some discoveries about wind currents and aerodynamics."

"There's a lot of important theories out there that you seem to prove possible. The sonic rainboom was only a theory until you did it. Pegusi have done literally thousands of calculations on how to pull it off. But what good is theory? They had all the information right in front of them to do it, pages and pages of calculus. But, you did it! You may not know it but on that day you proved that all their math was wrong. You proved hundreds of mathematicians and theorists wrong that day."

"I – I did?"

"Yes you certainly did."

"It was kind of an accident."

"Yes doing one then wasn't your intention but you told me you knew of the theory before you did it."

Rainbow Dash sighs. "Okay, I guess I'm not stupid but I feel that way sometimes. I feel like I'm just not good at anything, you know. I know it's crazy talk. I'm good at a lot of things... "

"Yes, I know the feeling. Sometimes I feel stupid because I can't do somethings that should be easy. I've read tons of books on this subject but I still can't fully understand it. Heck I can't even express my true feelings for the mare I have a crush on." There's a moment of dead silence as what I just said sinks in...

How could I bee so stupid and just blurt that out? How? This is not how I wanted to tell her how I felt. I needed to do more research and ask Princess Celestia if romance is the same subject as friendship, a sub category so my letters would have some footnotes or a totally different category that needs me to write a completely different letter. Now that I'm blushing I doubt I can just play this off as nothing. Rainbow Dash could but I don't have that care free charm she does.

"Say what?" Rainbow asks with interest. Her eyes sparkle with mischief and her ears are up and forward.

"It's um, nothing. What I meant – was somepony I know is having trouble telling a mare she has a crush on her." My face feels really hot and I know I'm blushing worse than ever. My coat probably changed from lavender to cherry.

"Come on Twi, you aren't a good lier either. Who do you have a crush on?"

"I – um... well." I laugh nervously. My whole body is actually trembling from my discomfort. Rainbow knows this and is loving every second of it.

"Okay, describe this pony and I'll take a guess. You don't have to tell me if I'm right."

Oh few, what a relief. I just got to hold it together.

"I'll know." She flashes me a devious smile shattering my fragile confidence. Well, there's no getting out of this is there?

"Well, she's – she's charismatic, brash a little bit too self absorbed but I find that cute... "

"Hmm, Applejack?"

"What? No! I mean, maybe."

"Nice try, keep going."

Darn it. "She's got these stunning eyes –"

"How is her body, especially her flanks?" Rainbow rudely interrupts me. If possible I blush even more from her bluntness.

"She has a great body, well toned and cared for, n-n-nice cute flanks... prismatic mane –" I clap a hoof over my mouth. I said way too much. That spark in her eyes says it all. She knows...

"If prismatic means colorful... and I know there aren't too many mares around that have a colorful mane... " Rainbow trials off looking me over. "Is this mare you have such a huge crush on happen to be standing right in front of you?"

My heart stops, sweat is dripping down my face. I can't even tell my brain to move the necessary muscles to move my mouth; let alone the words to reply. I see Rainbow Dash moving closer to me but I am unable to move. She is so close I can feel her breath on me. She smells so good. What happens next nearly shuts my brain off completely as she pushes her lips against mine. They are so soft. It's only for a second, a quick peck but it's everything I had hoped it would be.

"I – I've had a crush on you Twi for a long time. Why do you think I've been in here reading everyday? It's just to be around you but you are always busy with your egghead stuff to notice."

"So you decided to read romance novels?" I tease, I'm starting to ease up a little. I finally start to realize she likes me too.

"Well, there aren't anymore Daring Do books coming out, not for a while. I had to read something and the romance novels were more... um sensual." She blushes a little. She leans in and plants a kiss on my lips again. This time I'm not so shocked. She is very passionate as she pushes herself into me. Her tongue comes forward into my mouth. I don't deny her as she makes my fantasies come to life. She tastes sweet as candy with a hint of spice, better than what I imagined. I wrap my forelegs around her, pulling her into an embrace. It feels right to hold her like this. We break apart and she peppers my neck with tiny kisses making me tingle and gasp. "Romance novels taught me about this and also this... " She runs her tongue along the entire length of my neck. I can't help but moan, I have never in my life felt anything so amazing.

"Rainbow –" I stop as she nibbles my ear. Oh wow! I feel myself heating up down there. I can smell my musk, my arousal. She puts her snout against my neck and inhales deeply. She nuzzles me gently before kissing up my neck.

"You think my flank is cute huh? Why don't we go upstairs for a better look?" I oblige without question, the hormones rushing though me are in total control.

We enter my room, full of blue light form my magical enhancer, the orb of blue fire still being projected above my balcony. I never turned it off. The blue light hits Rainbow Dash giving her a glow like look. I know it's due to the darker blue of her coat reflecting the lighter blue light from the orb that isn't absorbed by her coat.

Rainbow faces away from me as she shakes that cute plot of hers. What a tease. She lifts her tail for a second, giving me a peek at her hidden winking treasure. I go wild with lust and desire. If I wasn't wet before, I'm soaking now.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I know this is moving too fast, we should go on dates and get to know one another. Those thoughts of ration are pushed back farther as I tell myself to just go with it. Something I'm probably going to have to get used to anyways if I get into something serious with her. Rainbow Dash is a mare of spontaneousness, she just goes with what's happening. Something I should do more of. My days are planned to almost the minute from sunrise to sunset: that's just the way I am, planned and organized. I need to live a little.

With that I approach Rainbow and embrace her tightly. I kiss her on the cheek then down her neck. She moans a little as I nibble her ear. I'm glad I convinced myself to go with the flow, this is truly a fantasy. I whisper in her ear, "I want you." Then kiss her on the lips.

Rainbow pulls away. "Twi, are you sure? I know I'm moving kinda fast, I'm a mare of action. But if this is too much I'll slow down for you."

"We are moving fast but I don't care. I want it so bad." That is all she needed to hear as she pushes me onto the bed forcefully. She rolls me on my back then lays on top of me. She kisses me deeply, her tongue in my mouth. She breaks the kiss abruptly and pushes my forelegs apart pinning me down. My heart beats rapidly as she kisses and nibbles down my neck. Shivers run up my spine as she kisses the soft fur of my belly. Her legs no longer pinning me caress my sides. She makes her way to my perky teats. She takes one in her mouth and sucks gently. The feeling is so – "Ohhhh! Mmm, Rainbow." She pushes my hind legs as far apart as possible.

Rainbow Dash examines me as I lay there fully exposed I shiver with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. She moves her snout in close to my marehood, I can feel the heat coming off her as she inhales my scent. "Oh wow, you're all wet... Let me help you with that." She moves forward and I tense up. "Relax Twi, this is going to be a ride."

"It's my first time." I blurt out. Stupid me! No mare wants to hear that two seconds before starting.

"It's mine too Twi. Don't worry though, I've read two and a half romance novels." I raise and eyebrow. "What? Those things are pretty much a 'how to.' I got this!" She seems confident. I do my best to relax then I give her a nod.

Rainbow exhales her hot breath over my marehood, I'm winking hard. She licks close but purposely keeps missing the target. I groan as she licks my inner thighs. I buck my hips in desperate anticipation.

"Woa, what happened to cute nervous Twilight?"

"She got really really horny."

Rainbow Dash smirks. An electric shock surges though my entire body as her tongue connects with my nub mid wink. Before I have time to process the sensation completely, her tongue runs the entire length of my slit. Then again. I moan loudly as she licks again flicking my sensitive clit. She pushes her tongue inside me forcefully. "Oooh Dash! Mmmm, ugh, ugh, yes!" Her tongue expertly explores my inner walls. I'm winking hard on her, my juices are puddling on the bed as she laps away inside of me. I scream out in pure bliss as she hits a sensitive spot. I'm about to hit my peak, the feelings are so intense. My eyes start to roll back and my whole body starts to tense up. "Yes! Right there! Dashie! Never stop! Ugh, ugh, UGH, OH MY –"

Stars and other celestial bodies are flying through this galaxy at thousands of kilometers per second. I don't know where I am but I can sure feel myself flying among the stars. I feel so light, so renewed, so good. The bliss. I'm flying, soaring though the air as something warm holds me tightly, I feel so warm and snugly. Wow, I feel amazing.

I just experienced the most powerful and intense orgasm of my life. I open my eyes to Rainbow holding me tightly, she smiles when she sees my eyes open. Her muzzle is soaking wet and still dripping with my juices, I can only imagine what the sheets must look like.

"You alright Twi? You lost consciousness after you came... all over the place."

I smile, "that was unbelievable Dashie." She blushes at me calling her Dashie.

"Guess I was that good huh?"

"The best." I kiss her cheek. I'm slowly recovering from my high. The room smells of musk, it's kind of arousing, that smell. The smell of mare. The air is thick with it, I can almost taste it, Mmm the smell is making me horny again. I kiss down her neck then nibble her ear making her moan a little. I whisper in her ear, "it's your turn." I roll on top of her with ease. I kiss her on the lips tasting myself a little, turning me on more. I kiss down her belly and stop at her teats to suck. She inhales sharply and moans. Pleased that she is liking it I decide to move to her inner thighs, I lick down them stopping right at her winking sex. The sight is arousing, her soaking nethers, her pulsing labia exposing her swollen clit just begging for attention. I take a second to inhale in her scent, the musk is strong, it ignites my senses like fire to xylene... immediately I'm dripping wet. The smell alone is almost enough to get me off again but I must press on. Apprehensively I move my muzzle closer, the musk only intensifying. I time it perfectly, mid wink I place my tongue on her exposed clit. She moans loudly as I work my tongue in circular motions over it. Her mare cum tasts tangy, acrid and sweet. I want, no I need more. I lick the entire length of her slit starting from the the bottom and stopping at her love button. I make sure to flick it hard.

"Oh Twi! Hmm, oh, don't stop!

I've studied anatomy quite thoroughly in the past, surely I can use that information now. I was and still am a bit kinky like that, nothing like a good scientific digram of a vagina to get things heated up down there... But this is the real thing. This is actually happening, I'm going to make her cum all over my face and I'm going to swallow as much of it as I can.

With a bigger feeling of ambition, her moans only intensifying that ambition, I plunge my tongue inside her. The slick velvety walls contract beckoning me to enter her further. I explore her tunnel with my tongue, looking for a particular spot, the spot that will send her to Couldsdale and back before she knows what hit her.

"Twi – Ohhhh! Twi, swing that sexy plot over this way! Mmmm, yes, oh keep going!"

Something clicks in my mind as to what she wants. Happy to oblige I swing myself around, doing my best to keep my tongue inside her. I lower myself, my marehood is inches from her face as I can feel the heat from her breath. I moan into her pussy as her tongue goes to work on mine. From this position I can't get in as deep but I push my muzzle into her as hard as I can. Rainbow begins to buck her hips against my face, her moans turn to grunts. The vibration from her grunts against my marehood add to my pleasure, I'm getting close.

"Oh yes, Twi! Oh –" She's cut off as she plants her face back into my nethers. Her tongue enters me and goes to work on my sensitive sops. I suppress the urge to scream and push into her harder. I won't last much longer. Her soft smooth tongue rubbing and massaging inside of me... I'm on the very edge when I find it... her G spot. I run my tongue over it with force. Her walls close on me hard then open again. Her marehood pulses on my tongue rapidly as her juices come gushing out. I pull my tongue out so I can swallow as much as possible, still some gushes out onto my face but I don't care. I like the fact her cum is on me and inside me. The thought pushes me over the edge and I let myself go, my body tenses up. My marehood pulses hard on her tongue, my body trembles uncontrollably and my mind goes blank, without a care in Equestria. Rainbow's tongue presses hard into my clit as I ride out my orgasm, intensifying it. I cover her face in my cum as she tries swallow it. My body finally stops shaking, little spikes of pleasure still travel though me as I come down. There's only one thing I feel in my chest in this orgasmic afterglow... love.

I turn myself back around and roll off of Rainbow. She snuggles up close to me, still panting slightly. I give her a nuzzle and a kiss on the cheek. "You were amazing Dashie."

"You too Twi. What can I say, those romance novels have great detailed sex scenes." She nuzzles me back.

It feels so good to have her snuggle up next to me after sharing such an intimate act. I feel so loved that somepony would do those things to me, make me feel that way, make me feel so... special. I used to think no pony looked at me that way or wanted me. But like with parallax, I needed to see things from another angle. Like why a cute pegasus would never leave my library... and I'm glad she didn't.

"I love you. Dashie." I say affectionately and kissing her cheek again. Rainbow nuzzles into me deeply.

"I love you too Twi."

* * *

With mixed feelings of love and arousal I laid my journal down. The whole thing played out in my head as I read it. Our first time was pretty intense and it's only gotten better. I still couldn't believe I wrote that almost six months ago. We've been happy together ever since that night; with plenty more exciting nights that followed.

I never did find out if I should study romance or if it counted as a sub category of friendship or not. For the time being I decided it was best to keep what Rainbow and I do between us. I simply wrote the princess explaining the star charts were going to be delayed slightly and that I found a special somepony. Hopefully she doesn't put two and two together.

I doubled the romance section of the library so Rainbow has plenty of sources of inspiration and 'how to manuals.'

Feeling a stir, I looked down at a cyan prismatic pegasus snuggled tightly against me. She stirred again then slowly awoke. Her eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light.

"Twi, what are you doing? Why's the light on? Go to bed." Rainbow Dash said slightly annoyed.

"I'm just reading..."

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" Rainbow asked. She seemed a little more alert.

"Yeah I guess."

Suddenly Rainbow was on top of me. All the tiredness gone from her eyes, they sparkled and gleamed with brilliant ideas. She looked me directly in the eyes and smiled. "Let me help you with that."