> The Benefits of Friendship Come With Consequences > by LordBrony2040 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First Day Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Day Part 1: Twilight’s Little Discovery As always, it was at the cusp of dawn that the alicorn, Twilight Sparkle, awakened. Brought into the conscious world by the surge of power that accompanied the time between day and night. For a moment, the alicorn wondered what the slew of strange sensations assaulting her body were before her memory clicked in and filled the Alicorn of Friendship in on everything. The first thing was, of course, her wings. Even after possessing the things for the better part of a year, they were still in a semi-new state. Although useful now thanks to plenty of practice sessions led by Rainbow Dash, the former unicorn was certain it would take at least another year before they felt as natural as her four legs, tail, mane, and horn. The second was the strange blurry blue thing attached to her chest, what her eyes eventually identified as Rainbow Dash once they cleared. The little pegasus clung to Twilight’s chest, letting out tiny snores that showed just how tired she had been last night after the alicorn had finished with the pegasus. The cute and frazzled state of her mane brought a smile to Twilight's face, and the alicorn bent down to kiss her lover on the head while thinking if she wanted to keep the little pegasus asleep, or awaken her for a morning coitus. The third was the strange feeling further down that reminded the alicorn she had been referring to himself in the wrong sex once again. The monster that stood between Twilight’s legs twitched with its master’s awakening, demanding to be put to use despite the early hours of the morning. It also reminded Twilight as to the reason of Rainbow’s relative decrease in size, and that brought about another moan from the Element of Magic. This time, it had nothing to do with the thoughts running through his head of a bent over Rainbow squealing in pleasure as he rammed his spear into her inner folds. It had started off so innocent, the stallion told himself, remembering how he had ended up in this position: a male pony, sleeping with his friend, turned teacher, turned best friend, turned lover. Like everything in Twilight Sparkle’s life, it had begun with research, just innocent, simple research. It had been to answer a single question at the time: If she was an alicorn, why the buck was she still so short? It had been a year, a WHOLE BUCKING YEAR, and not a single inch of height had been gained! Cadence and Luna were as tall as the largest stallions! Then there was Celestia, a veritable giant to most other ponies! It only made matters worse when she investigated past ascended princesses like the one her Hearts and Hooves day book mentioned to find one of them had been able to look Celestia in the eyes! But Twilight? She barely topped any of her friends! Most ponies who met her thought the purple alicorn was actually some kind of royal child. They didn’t even let her get a cab in Manehattan for crying out loud! And she didn't even want to think about her celebratory trip to Six Princesses Over Equestria to celebrate the defeat of Tirek! Bucking special princess height chart for the rides! So being the Element of Magic, Twilight had devised to fix this by inventing a spell. It wasn’t a simple shape-shifting spell like what Luna used on Nightmare Night. This spell would be a complete transformation spell that would permanently, and irreversibly transform her from the tiniest of alicorns to somepony even Celestia had to look up to! But, after the primary formative process, the alicorn had decided to boost things up a notch and made it so the spell wouldn’t stop there. The magic would make her body far stronger and more in tune with her earth pony nature than she had been before, something that seemed to be a bit on the fritz since her rise to alicorn-hood. It would remake her body into a physically perfect specimen that any mare would have given their left legs for. Looking back, that little specification was probably why Twilight ended up changing into a wet dream version of himself. Or perhaps it was because he had been thinking of her brother at the time of the spell. The spell backfired and Twilight had to contain it before it spread beyond the Friendship Palace lab. So, she supposed something else might have gone wrong, but the alicorn had been in too much of a hurry making sure Ponyville would have survived the aftereffects to look too hard. The little pony in his embrace stired, and Twilight looked down at Rainbow Dash as she slowly came to. The disheveled tomcolt of a mare let out a low moan and slowly opened her eyes while smacking her lips, which got Twilight's mouth to water as he envisioned kissing her again. She pushed away from the godling, but only got half a foot before a pang in Twilight’s heart made him stop her from putting any more distance between them. Rainbow tried pushing away again, and let out the cutest sound of confusion before she finally looked up to the larger alicorn stallion smiling down at her. “Twilight?” “Hey Dash,” Twilight whispered as he suppressed his power to avoid a mana-filled Canterlot voice from blowing out the little pegasus’s eardrums. “Morn-well uh, actually it’s still my time so…um…you feeling okay?” “Mmmm, my uh, mare parts kinda hurt.” The information sent a shiver through Twilight’s body, and a dozen things happened at once. The Element of Magic stopped the suppression of his power and let the magic of Harmony flow through his body, causing his mane to become far more colorful with the streak of dark purple running through it while his wings altered in coloration as well. Rainbow found herself floating in the air upside down a second later. All of the lamps in the room turned on, and she saw the giant purple stallion sit up on his haunches. All in all, it wouldn’t have been that bad for the pegasus if Twilight’s newfound body part wasn’t waving right in her face. Then, the situation worsened when she felt Twilight touch her vagina with the tip of his horn. “Whoa! Twi! I like experiments, but no kinky stuff!” she squealed as the feeling from Twilight’s horn felt a quiver from her sex. Twilight didn’t respond as he ran his magic over Rainbow’s body to check her condition. From what he could tell, kinda hurt had been a bit of an understatement. Her entire vaginal canal was inflamed and pained, not to mention the soreness of Rainbow’s legs from being spread so wide with Twilight‘s weight pressing down on her. A dozen other little things cropped up as the diagnostic spell continued. They had nothing to do with the pegasus’s pain from their intercourse, but Twilight took notice of them all the same. The joints of Rainbow’s wings had a constant ache thanks to being dislocated years ago, her wing’s mana pathways were strained thanks to the overloads of several Rainbooms she had performed over the years, her back hooves had next to no feeling in them, and a dozen smaller injuries could still be felt by the pegasus with the rainbow mane. The state of his friend and beloved brought tears to Twilight’s eyes. “Rainbow…why didn’t you tell me you were in such pain?” “Uh, what’re you talking about?” Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow. For once, Twilight decided to skip the alliteration and just go straight to solving the problem. Thanks to the harmonic event that occurred when he and the others had opened the chest of harmony, his connection with the Element of Magic was total. In truth, it would be more accurate to say that Twilight was the Element of Magic. At normal levels of power, the alicorn could overpower Discord within a localized field. At his peak levels of power, like now, being referred to as a god wasn’t all that far from the truth. He still had an aversion for testing his limits, but helping his best friend heal was well within the newly remade Prince of Friendship’s power. There was no spell, no incantation or formula that ran through Twilight’s head. The alicorn simply drew on his source of his power and willed Rainbow’s body to become healed. It was magic in its purest form, which allowed Twilight to simply rewrite reality as he saw fit. He heard Rainbow let out a gasp as the effect took hold, and simply undid what were over a decade’s worth of injuries that she had probably stopped being consciously aware of. Cartilage reformed, primary feathers became pristine, a slight eye problem made from flying too much without goggles was corrected, a chip on her hoof, damage to the nerves on her hind legs, a bit of gingivitis, and the split ends of her mane were all simply undone by Twilight’s desire for her Rainbow to be healed. When it was over, Twilight spun Rainbow back until she was right ways up, then reduced his hold on her enough for the pegasus to flap her wings before letting her go completely. Although Rainbow was giving Twilight a glare for marehandling her with magic, with its work completed, the mare looked…divine. Not a single hair on her coat or mane was out of place. Rainbow’s whole body seemed to sparkle in the light of her room, and Twilight knew that he would never see anything more beautiful than what was lowing to sit in front of him at that very moment. For a moment, Twilight considered taking his mare right then and there. Then, Twilight noticed Rainbow’s frown, and the prince still felt the stab of guilt in his heart. He knew Rainbow hated it whenever Twilight marehandeled her with magic. It was a blow to her pride that the god could restrain her with a thought, damage to Rainbow’s pride brought about the worst kind of pain she could endure. “That was…whoa!” Rainbow muttered as she began to move one of her back legs. “Twilight, what did you do?” The alicorn looked away from his mare in embarrassment, and a little bit of shame. If Rainbow looked into a mirror, she was not going to be a happy little pony. “It was just a diagnostic spell, followed by a little-okay, a lot of healing magic,” he explained before recovering and looking back at the pegasus. “Rainbow, when I examined your body…Sweet Celestia, how did you even get like that?” He could understand some of those injuries coming from sleeping with a stallion as big as he was, but the others felt like they had been in place for years. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Oh please Twi, I’m an athlete, you tend to get a few nicks and dings every now and then…especially after crashes,” she said before looking back to her hind right leg. “Wow, I haven’t been able to feel through my rear hooves since I kicked that dragon. I…” She looked back to Twilight’s face, and the mask of bravado slowly melted as the mare’s eyes became more and more filled with thanks. They even watered a little. Seeing her frozen in shock with tears about to erupt. Twilight just reached forward and pulled Rainbow Dash in for a hug. “Th-thank you,” she managed to choke out before burying her face in Twilight‘s shoulder. “Don’t hide stuff like this from me Rainbow,” he whispered into the filly’s ear. “I’m your…” Twilight stopped himself, not sure how to continue. After one night and lots of sex, he was quite certain that the term friends no longer applied. But then…could they really call themselves a couple, or was it just some stupid fluke? Sure, Rainbow had said things the other night in the afterglow of sex, when passions and hormones had been calling at the shots, but now that she was back to normal- “Uh, right now, I think its coltfriend Twilight,” Rainbow told him as she nuzzled her face into his shoulder. Twilight’s heart rate increased at the thought, excited at the prospect. She called me her coltfriend, the alicorn told himself to confirm the fact. While he had to admit it was kind of silly, since he would be turning back into a mare inside of ten minutes when he reversed the spell, it still felt beyond wonderful to hear Rainbow Dash say those words when she wasn’t so high in a euphoria that listening to a geology report on the soil content of Ponyville would have sounded like a good idea to her. As for Twilight’s own assessment of the situation, now that his head was clear, being with Rainbow made a wonderful sense that hadn’t been there during their bout of passion last night. Rainbow was his best friend, and taking this further, while terrifying, also excited him to no end. He could picture them cuddling while reading a book, holding hooves while in flight, make-out sessions every night, and having the little mare wrapped in his forelegs every night was already turning him on to no end. The mental simulation continued, and Twilight could see the two of them spending their days together in their castle, or the clouds above it. Several images ran through the alicorn’s mind of Twilight and Rainbow eating together, sharing a bed, sharing their lives as they met the other pony’s family, frolicking in a field with an impossible number of flowers from far too many geniuses. But that was just their daytime activities. At night, Twilight would take his Dashie to bed and extract every single pleasurable sound a pony could make from the lips of the pegasus. The things she would do to that mare…the sexual experiments! He let out a moan just starting to calculate all the clean sheets they would need. Mmmmm sexy math. “Twilight, you wanting to do it again?” The alicorn opened his eyes, and noticed the sensation from down below had returned with a vengeance. But, as much as he wanted to feel the tightness of Rainbow’s inner folds around his member, Twilight knew he was running out of time to change back into a mare. He only had…well… Just how much time do I have? Twilight asked himself. If it was quick about it and worked hard and fast… NO! Stay focused Twilight! Although his power was at its peak now, Twilight’s time was preciously short, and had to be coming to an end. His eyes widened at the realization, and he looked around in vain for a clock. Don’t tell me she doesn’t have a clock in her room. He knew it was a holdover from where Rainbow used to live. Crafting solid clouds were hard and took up much more material because of their density, not to mention the upkeep they required. Most pegasi living in cloud houses just stuck with the bare necessities that were tailor-made for them. The other tribes even had a name for it: Pagean Living. However, seeing Rainbow’s room nearly barren aside from a single bookshelf and a few posters made Twilight feel a little depressed. Note to self, transfer funds from royal account to have Dash’s living space improved. He could explain it away as a reward to everything the Element of Harmony had done for Equestria, and if anypony complained, Twilight would tell them to shut the buck up and go save the country at least half a dozen times before they criticized anything he wanted to do for his fillyfriend. My fillyfriend, Twilight thought with a giggle chuckle. He was still a stallion after all…and stallions didn’t giggle, they chuckled. They didn’t get hot, they got horny, they didn’t glisten they sweated, they didn’t… Okay Twilight that‘s enough, the alicorn said before pulling back his power to talk in a normal voice. “Hey Dash, do you have weather duties this morning?” “Not till ten, why?” the pegasus asked after breaking their embrace and pulling back to look at the stallion eye to eye. Twilight smiled at his mare. She was just so beautiful. Even if her mane had still been scruffy with everything else, Twilight couldn’t help but think the rugged pegasus was the most desirable thing in Equestria and beyond. “Well, I’ve only got a couple minutes left to fix this. So I need to get back down to the lab and, and then…how does eating out for breakfast sound?” she asked, a little pleased at her sexy play on words. The dirty use of the aforementioned terms made Twilight give an internal squee for combining her love of languages with her new-found favorite pastime: bucking the hay out of Rainbow Dash. But, much to her disappointment. The sexual pun was apparently lost on the pegasus. She didn’t change her expression at all and just shrugged. “Okay, but where at?” Twilight sighed and tried the direct approach. “I was making a sex joke. I want you to come over to my lab in ten minutes, and ravish me after I turn back into a mare,” Twilight deadpanned. Then, something occurred to him, and a smile crossed his face. “Actually, since I’ll be short again, we could probably do each other at the same time. That should be real…fun.” Rainbow smiled back at him, her look becoming almost predatory as she did so. “Sure thing Twilight.” After he rolled off of Rainbow’s bed, a last minute worry had the alicorn look back to his mare, and examine her. He had fixed all the nicks, dings, bruises, pulled thises and cracked thats which had accumulated over the years, but there was always the chance of something else wrong with his mare that wasn’t related to the physical state Dash’s body was in. “Rainbow, hold still for a second, I just want to make one last scan before I go.” It’s not that I think Rainbow is…infected with anything, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, the alicorn told himself before alighting with the power of Magic once again. This time, he prepared a magic probe to examine the smaller details of his fillyfriend to scan for diseased or infections. Part of Twilight knew he was overdoing it, but…after what he had found out about Rainbow before, Twilight just wanted to make sure he didn’t have any distractions when it came time to reverse the spell. The alicorn’s magic surrounded Rainbow Dash again, and Twilight started from the top before doing down. Let’s see, brain is…featherless, he thought with a tiny crack of a smile. Throat…good. Hmmm, I could probably fit my…no! Bad Twilight! Stop thinking about shoving yourself down Rainbow’s throat…even if this is your last chance to see what it feels like to be given a…GAAAAH! STOP THAT! Okay focus, stay focused! Throat is fine, no infection. Lungs good…heart…very good. Well no wonder, she is a racing pegasus after all…and in love, I think. Oh please tell me she loves me like…come on focus Twilight. After banishing thoughts of himself and Rainbow on a date at Canterlot’s most exclusive restaurant, Twilight delved deeper into his pegasus. Okay, stomach is…wait, there’s something there. Not in the stomach but…it’s drawing nutrients from Rainbow’s body? Twilight asked himself before pointing his horn at the offending area. A dozen possibilities ran through the alicorn’s mind, the most prominent of them being: parasite. Reveal yourself, Twilight commanded with his magic as he peered inside Rainbow’s body to see…something. It was small, a tiny. little thing so miniscule Twilight didn’t know what to think of it at first. However, Twilight’s spell detected no malicious intentions, as he would expect from some kind of creature meant to steal food from a pony. It was…was… What is it? Twilight asked himself as he used his magic to probe for the answer. A flash of insight struck Twilight’s mind, and he saw a tiny piece of himself separate to enter into his mare and join with a tiny bit of Rainbow Dash. From there, the two bits combined into one and started to grow, slowly getting bigger, and bigger every second until… Twilight let out a surprised gasp as his mind was filled with the outcry of a newborn foal. The sheer impossibility of what he had detected had the stallion rearing up, and backing away from the confused pegasus. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? Twilight’s mind yelled as he tried to come up with an explanation for a pony who had only been a stallion for FIFTEEN MINUTES to impregnate a mare. Even if everything was working right, my…MY SPERM COUNT SHOULD HAVE BEEN BARELY IN THE MILLIONS! Twilight told himself as he grabbed the side of his head with his hooves. Of course, Twilight knew that it only took one being on target to…do what happened. “Twilight, what’s wrong?” Rainbow’s words brought Twilight out of his thoughts and he looked over to his fillyfriend. His fillyfriend, who had just conceived as of last night. His fillyfriend, who was currently, unknowingly, CARRYING THEIR CHILD! She doesn’t know… Oh Celestia, SHE DOESN’T KNOW! How long was it before mother's usually figured it out? He could wait to tell her until…Rainbow’s next scheduled heat! That would give him time to properly prepare, plan for possible outcomes, problems and…lie to the mare carrying their child about her condition. “I’m sorry Princess Twilight, but Rainbow Dash crashed into the castle while performing her stunts and…the force was too much for the foal,” the doctor told the mare as she stood beside Rainbow’s hospital bed. Twilight blinked as the mental simulation ended, bringing his plans to hold off on gently informing Rainbow Dash just what he had done to her. With her luck she would only…well… “We’re having a foal?” Rainbow asked, a bright smile slowly spreading over her face to make it as bright as anything Pinkie Pie ever produced. Although, Twilight had to admit that was probably wishful thinking. “W-What do you mean I’m pregnant?” Rainbow Dash screamed in terror. …Twilight gulped. “How could you do this to me Twilight?” the cyan pegasus yelled in anger. …Twilight felt her heart rate increase. “Now I’ll never be able to join the Wonderbolts!” Dashie cried as tears fell from her eyes. …the alicorn winced as the last scenario played through her head, with Rainbow Dash looking on with utter hopelessness. “YOU RUINED MY LIFE!” the pegasus shouted as she threw a lamp at the alicorn. …and Twilight winced as if he had actually been struck as her breathing rate increased.. “I HATE YOU!” …gasping for air, Twilight brought her hoof to her chest. “AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!” …she breathed out as quickly as she could, trying to do what Cadence had taught her. “Princess I’m sorry but…there were complications with the birth, I’m afraid your…” …and breathed in… “…foal didn’t survive…” “…friend Rainbow Dash didn’t survive…” …only to find…he couldn’t. “…foal and Rainbow Dash, both died during childbirth. I’m sorry.” I can’t breathe, Twilight told himself as he continued to clutch his chest while his mind continued with images of the funeral, all of his friends looking at him, glaring at him, blaming him… Stars danced in his vision and Twilight found his legs weakening while air refused to come. I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, Ican’tbreathe, Ican’tbreathe, Ican’tbreathe, Ican’tbreatheIcan’tbbreatheIcan’tbreatheIcan’tbreatheIcan’tbreatheIcan’tbreathe. The last thing Twilight saw before he fell was the blue pegasus rushing towards him, her mouth screaming his name. Rainbow…I’m sorry. > First Day Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Day: Part 2: Rarity’s Little Reaction Rarity awoke to a most unpleasant sound. As much as she adored living in a palace of crystal, with its unique decor and marvelous living spaces, the doors let out a rather ghastly ring when struck. The sound in turn reverberated in her ears for longer than was necessary and seriously had Rarity considering smashing all the bucking things to have them replaced with some simple golden doors adored with a few dozen jewels each. The fact that somepony was now pounding on her door like mad got the unicorn out of her bed so quickly she didn’t bother putting her sleeping mask back on her dresser, or even comb her hair. Still a little too out of it to even use the most basic magic, she stormed over to her door and ripped it open to see who had dared to disturb her beauty sleep. However, the sight that greeted her was so…wrong, that even the ringing in her ears became a distant memory when Rarity laid eyes on it. Standing on the other side of the door was…Rainbow Dash. At least, Rarity thought it was Rainbow Dash. She had the same hue to her coat and odd coloration to her mane, but aside from a little bit of disheveled hairs in her mane, the pegasus looked…pretty. Her coat was perfectly groomed and appeared to have somehow gotten a week’s worth of oil and mud bath treatments in the span of a single night, while her hooves showed signs of being fresh from a cleansing that made them shine to the point Rarity was sure she would have been able to see her own face in them if she looked down, and although she was no expert on wings, the rapidly moving appendages were probably in an even more pristine shape that usual. “Rainbow…Dash?” the unicorn managed to ask after rediscovering the ability to speak. It was also all she was able to get out before being grabbed by the pretty pegasus. “Rarity! I need help! Twilight! Come quick!” A second later, Rarity felt the world lurch, and she found herself screaming as the hallway zoomed by before Rainbow Dash came to an abrupt stop once they were in her room that made the unicorn wonder how she didn’t get whiplash. After she stumbled around for a few seconds, trying to right herself before she fell to the ground, the unicorn looked over to where the purple alicorn was laying unconscious on the floor, practically curved into a ball. On the other side of Twilight, Rainbow was frantically, if quietly, calling her name and reaching her hooves out towards the large mare before pulling them back before they touched. It was almost as if Rainbow was unsure whether her touch would help, or hurt the alicorn. The moment Rarity saw Twilight, she noticed what probably had Rainbow Dash so panicked, the alicorn’s measurements were off. Very off. Judging by the increase in length, and girth that Rarity could see from Twilight’s back, the princess had to be on equal size with Luna, if not a tiny bit larger. “Rainbow, what hap-” A deep groan from Twilight cut Rarity off, and made her head cock in confusion. The sound coming from the princess sounded nothing like the Twilight that Rarity knew… “R-Rainbow?” “Twilight!” …and as Rainbow wrapped her forelegs around Twilight’s risen head, the unicorn found something definitely wrong with what she was seeing. “What are…it wasn’t a dream, was it?” While Twilight’s mane was still in its usual bangs and flowing style, the alicorn’s muzzle had taken on a more filled out shape and was a great deal more…masculine. A second glance at the rest of his body showed a dozen tiny little signs that were concern with the Element of Magic’s changed face, all adding up to an impossible fact. Twilight Sparkle was a stallion. After gulping down the moisture in her mouth, Rarity finally managed to find her voice. “Wha…WHAT IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA IS GOING ON HERE?” The unicorn’s shriek made both the ponies in front of her jump, and Rarity discovered her calculations about Twilight’s new-found height were mostly correct. The…prince absolutely towered over the unicorn, so much so that Rainbow Dash’s hooves barely touched the ground as she continued to hug the much larger stallion. “Oh…well, me and Twilight are kind of a couple now,” Rainbow Dash told her. The answer to her question made Rarity’s whole body twitch, and she felt like somepony had just poked her in the ribs with a live wire. Once again, her whole train of thought just went off kilter, and Rarity found herself fighting to comprehend just what simple statement meant. “I don’t think that’s what she was asking about Rainbow,” Twilight’s odd voice sounded out at the edge of Rarity’s awareness. A couple…Twilight and Rainbow are a…well, I suppose it does make sense, she reasoned, actually glad for something that did fall in her realm of expertise rather than the odd gender modification spell that Twilight had apparently cast on herself for a reason that Rarity just couldn’t discern. Twilight and Rainbow Dash did spend a lot of time together, and homosexuality was so common among ponies that the usual term when asking about another’s mate was the gender neutral special somepony to avoid the awkward moment that came when a pony guessed wrong. “But then…it…you…why are you a stallion?” Rarity finally managed to ask. Is Rainbow Dash only into stallions, and Twilight did this to be with her? It was…Rarity couldn’t decide if such an action was romantic, or extremely disturbing. She had personally learned that changing oneself to try and attract a pony you were interested in was not the right thing to do; and Twilight’s actions went well beyond putting on some simple clothes! Twilight let out a nervous laugh, and Rainbow Dash kissed the stallion’s cheek. “Well, there was this little accident in my lab and I kind of turned myself into a stallion last night, on accident,” the alicorn said again as if to stress the point. A queen of gossip, the unicorn was able to take the latest piece of information, and fed it to the growing narrative in her mind. If Twilight’s transformation had been an accident… Then she, or he I guess, panicked, and ran to the nearest dependable pony for help, Rarity theorized, letting out a breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding since this whole mess began. Wait, but that doesn’t explain…what’s that smell? An odd musk in the air caught Rarity’s attention, and she inhaled deeply through her nostrils. This smells like… She looked back up at the large stallion and the pegasus that was hanging onto him, glancing at Twilight with a look she had seen in Spike’s eyes far too often. Then, she realized that Twilight had said he had become a stallion LAST NIGHT, and was in Rainbow’s bedroom THIS MORNING! “Sweet Celestia!” Rarity said as she reared up to point an accusing hoof at the couple. “THE TWO OF YOU HAD SEX!” She took a step back to keep her balance, and fell onto Rainbow’s bed; the bed that Rarity more than suspected her former princess and the mare personally responsible for saving Rarity’s life on two separate occasions had…copulated on. The bed she was now on… “Rarity?” Spike cried out dome somewhere down the hall. ..where her head had landed to find her delicate sense of smell assaulted by the same scent that permeated the room, only at a thousand times its previous intenisty. It…this…it… “What’s going on I heard Rari-T-TWILIGHT?” Spike’s voice shouted. “Spike!” Twilight said with her new voice. “This isn’t! Um…well, say something Dash!” “Why is Rarity trembling like that?” “It…IT’S IN MY MAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!” Whatever power had designed the Palace of Friendship was truly a wise and benevolent thing. Each pony had a certain room or area dedicated to their personal desires. For Twilight, it was a laboratory, along with another room with bookshelves built right into the crystal walls that they were still attempting to fill. Rainbow Dash’s adjustment was a large balcony that connected to all of their living quarters so she could come and go as quickly as she pleased. The castle contained a kitchen capable of handling any of either Applejack or Pinkie’s exotic needs, while Rarity had heard Fluttershy say one of the highest rooms that came with a skylight would be perfect for an aviary. For the unicorn, it was a spa-sized bathtub in a grand room that reminded her of a pegasi public shower house done in crystal. The pool of a bath even had a continuous enchantment which always kept it clean, warm, and smelling of roses. The therapeutic soak did wonders to calm Rarity’s mind as she did her best to cram her latest traumatic experience into that dark little mental box where she kept her memories of things like what her friends’ garish Gala dresses had looked like, what had happened on her first date with a Canterlot stallion, and all those other little things that were best left in the past. In fact, it worked so well, that by the time Twilight and Rainbow were done recapping things to Pinkie as she sat in the tub with them, Rarity wasn’t even thinking about how the…evidence of their act had filled her nose just minutes prior. “Sooooo,” Pinkie drawled as she looked between the two ponies on the other side of the bath while Twilight simply sat there with his forelegs wrapped around Rainbow, his head resting on hers in a total embrace that had Rarity wondering if she was blushing from the water, or the attention. “What did you want from Twilight in the first place then, Dashie?” Rarity found herself taking interest in the question when Twilight’s eyes suddenly widened, and he visibly tensed while Rainbow got a rather embarrassed look on her face. “Umm…yeah…well…” the pegasus managed to get out before she took a breath to stead herself and looked away from the others. “My monthly time kind of started yesterday,” Rainbow explained despite the massive blush on her cheek. “And I went to Twilight to see if she had some kind of magic to help me take care of it.” After hearing that news, a rather disturbed thought crossed Rarity’s mind as she looked at the pegasus’s embarrassment while Twilight kissed the top of Rainbow’s head. No…she wouldn’t just…not think of the long-term consequences of her…actions The internal debate on that subject lasted all of five seconds before it came to the obvious conclusion. Ooooooooh yes she would. “Rainbow, please tell me the two of you didn’t just do this to take care of your heat!” “WHAT?” both mare and stallion yelled at the same time. “I’D NEVER DO THAT TO HER!” The two Elements froze for a moment and looked at each other before they continued to talk, with Twilight taking the lead. “Rarity, I told you, I turned into a stallion before Rainbow Dash came to my lab! What happened afterwards wasn’t just some one-night fling!” The glare he gave Rarity made the unicorn gulp before she broke eye contact in shame for thinking that Twilight would have gone along with it, even if- “Yeah!” the Element of Loyalty agreed before she started to fly out of the water, and got as far as her haunches before Twilight yanked her back down, then wrapped the pegasus tightly in his forelegs with a large blush on his cheeks. “Rainbow, you can’t,” the unicorn managed to hear the alicorn say through barely parted lips. The pegasus took one look behind her for some reason, and cleared her throat before looking back towards the water in front of her while blushing. “Right…sorry Twi.” “Well I think it’s about bucking time!” Pinkie declared in a somewhat angry voice before she reached over to a conveniently placed spring and pulled on it with her hoof. A second later, there was a large popping sound, and Rarity looked up to see a large banner unfurl. The large piece of cloth had a picture of Twilight and Rainbow drawn in a strange mixture of watercolor, and some other style Rarity couldn’t identify. It looked a little more professional than Pinkie’s usual work. As for the picture itself, the two ponies depicted were curled up around each other, with Rainbow’s head laid across Twilight’s stomach. A peaceful smile was written across both their slumbering faces as the last embers of a camp fire were barely depicted crackling below them. However, before Rarity could get too wrapped up in the beauty of the picture, Pinkie pie exited the water and whipped out a large point to smack it against the banner where Rainbow’s face rested on Twilight. “Does this look like an alicorn to anypony? Nooooooo? That should tell you how long I’ve been waiting to throw you both a congratulations on finally figuring out you two belong together party!” “You have got to be kidding me,” Twilight mumbled. Then, for some reason Rarity couldn’t explain, Rainbow Dash raised a hoof a second before she asked her question. “Pinkie…why does that banner say TwiDash Group?” “…that’s a good question Dashie,” Pinkie replied in a completely serious tone with a look Rarity had never seen on her face before she brightened back up almost immediately. “So can you guys wait until I’ve got some new banners made to tell everypony you’ve finally gotten together?” A smile crossed Twilight’s face, and a light chuckle escaped from his lips before he nodded at the party pony. “That sounds great Pinkie. I’m going to need some time to adjust to this whole thing anyway, and…” The alicorn paused and looked down at Rainbow with a worried expression for a moment before his grip on the pegasus visibly tightened. “Twi, I’m into you too and all, but I kind of need to breathe.” Almost immediately, the larger alicorn’s eyes widened, and he withdrew his forelegs from around Rainbow and simply held onto her shoulders while mumbling apologies to the smaller pegasus. “Sorry, I just…sorry Rainbow. I didn’t hurt you or anything, right? You’re getting plenty of air, the water’s just fine too, right?” That’s…odd, Rarity commented to herself as she watched the prince fret over his most loyal friend and lover like she was made of the most delicate of glass and Rainbow fend off his attentions with leaving Twilight‘s loose embrace. With the strangeness of Twilight's oddly overprotective actions apparently sailing over Pinkie’s head, the party pony simply jumped back into the bath with a cannonball that turned Rarity’s hair into a total mess from the wave of water it created. Completely ignoring the scowl Rarity was giving her after she came up for air, the pink pony spun around and faced the new  couple. “I can’t wait to tell all our friends, like Fluttershy, and Applejack, and Discord-” “Did some pony call my name?” The familiar voice that came out of nowhere made a shiver of fear run up Rarity’s spine. However, by the time it had reached her mouth, it had become a dejected groan instead of the scream it should have been just a few meetings with the horrid creature prior. “Ooooooh nooooo,” Twilight groaned in a deep voice that seemed to be oddly meant for it. A second later, the most terrifying, and annoying, as well as unbelievably clashed up mix-up of animal world fashion that Rarity had ever had the displeasure of knowing appeared with a puff of smoke. He was in the middle of the bath, simply standing on the water. “Why thank you for calling me Pinkie Pie,” the spirit of chaos said before looking back towards Twilight…and just freezing in place. “Discord,” Twilight growled. The draconequus let out a tiny snicker. “Oh this…” “Discord, I’m warning you.” “…this is just too perfect,” Discord continued as he floated up away from the others with tiny bit of laughter escaping from his mouth. A second later, Twilight launched himself into the air, up to within a few feet of the draconequus to glare at the creature…and Rarity learned the real reason Rainbow Dash had been sitting in front of Twilight the whole time they had been in the baths. Her eye twitched, and all the unicorn could think was, I thought water was supposed to help with controlling erections. “NOT ONE WORD DISCORD!” “So…many…jokes…mind…overloading!” the spirit said as a spark shout out from his head to fall near where Pinkie and Rarity were soaking. Then, the sound of a tiny puff of smoke made her look over towards Pinkie as the earth pony pulled a card that was just floating in front of her to read it. “Wow Twilight, I guess Discord isn’t the biggest dick in Equestria anymore.” Twilight looked down to the pink party pony with his mouth hanging open, then seemed to finally notice the massive hard-on he was sporting. “PINKIE! What are you-waaa!” And while trying desperately to cover himself, forgot to flap his wings, causing Rarity to once again experience the joys of having a soaked mane. “What? It was funny,” Pinkie asked before another card appeared in the air for her to read. “That cock. Does Scootaloo know you and her daddy are attached at the hip now?” “Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted before she flew up to glare at Discord while putting her hooves on her hips. As soon as the pegasus got near him, the draconequus stopped his laughter, and just stared at her. “Don’t you joke about Scoot-my eyes are up here you weirdo! Stop looking at my-you better not be staring at my crotch.” A second later, Discord closed his mouth and looked up to Dash’s face. “Yeah, but you’re not who I’m looking at,” he said while shaking his bead before looking back down to the alicorn with slightly widened eyes. “Um, Twilight, you should probably know something about a-uh, little package Rainbow is carrying.” What? Rarity asked herself, going from annoyed at the pony next to her to feeling a small amount of dread creep up her spine. Twilight was much more vocal in his response. “WHAT? How could you…YOU CAN TELL?” he screamed, sounding much more like a mare than he had all morning. “Well you don’t get to be me without learning to notice even the smallest of details,” he replied with a shrug. The air began to hum with power, and Rarity watched as Twilight’s horn lit up with its magical glow. “Discord, I swear on the Tree of Harmony, if you utter a single syllable to her, I will rip your magic from your body, stick it in a jar, and have you spend the rest of eternity as-” Before Twilight could finish, Discord held out his hands in a placating gesture. “Whoooooa there Twilight! Down boy! Free bit of advice, careful with those new male hormones of yours, they’ll drive you crazy,”  he said as he floated away from the pegasus. “And I’m not even going to try touching this one." Then the mismatched creature looked around the room for a moment. “Um…Muzzle Tov,” the Spirit of Disharmony said before snapping his claws. As he did, a garment that was offensive to Rarity’s sense of taste appeared over Twilight’s head to cover the alicorn’s horn and eyes before Discord snapped his fingers again to disappear in a puff of smoke. With the antagonizing spirit gone Rainbow let out a growl, then lowered herself to snatch the T-shit off of Twilight’s horn and spread it out. As the pegasus’s eyes ran over the front of the shirt, Rarity read the back to herself in a low tone. “T-Shirts don’t count as talking.” A second later, Rainbow Dash flipped the clothing  around before she lowered herself to Twilight’s level completely. “Hey Twilight, what’s this supposed to mean?” The question was asked without any malice or sarcasm to be heard, announcing them as genuine confusion. Rarity’s eyes widened when she saw the writing on the front part of the shirt. Equestria’s Most Unexpected Father. Rarity’s trained eyes noticed it even seemed to be sized for Twilight's new body properly. As for Twilight, the look on his face told Rarity more than his largely separated words ever could. The stallion’s eyes were widened in fear as he looked up at the innocently confused pegasus. The clenched shoulders and slightly bent knees spoke of shame, and his trembling lips told her that there was a flood of other emotions that was barely being held back so that he could speak. “Rainbow…I…it’s…I…we need to talk.” The two ponies disappeared in a flash of light, and Rarity found herself swaying a little too much in the giant tub as the water adjusted to fill in the space left vacant by the alicorn. As the motion subsided, the unicorn simply stood there, staring at the empty space where her friends had once been. “Hey Rarity…is Dashie preggers?” Pinkie’s simple, flat and even question made Rarity stand in the bath, replaying everything she had heard since Rainbow had awoken her from the unicorn from her slumber, feeding it into her mind as it constructed the answer bit by bit, the same way she had done time after time with the local town gossip. The conclusion was rather obvious. “Yes Pinkie…I think she is,” Rarity responded in the same shocked tone that Pinkie had asked. As soon as it was said, Rarity’s mind went into overdrive as to just what that could mean for…everything. Rainbow Dash, an unwed mother… While Twilight and Rainbow would no doubt make their relationship public, a mare with a child on the way was bound to raise questions when no discernible father could be found. The media storm that would come about if a Element of Harmony, a national hero and future Wonderbolt were to be thought of conceiving a foal out of wedlock without the father to even be part of anything… Try former future Wonderbolt, she told herself. Then there was the path that existed if Twilight revealed himself to be the father of Rainbow’s foal. It was so…different than Rarity had ever heard of, that she had no idea where that path would lead! The magic to turn a mare into a stallion was unheard of. Even Trixie hadn’t been able to comprehend it while wearing an object rumored to make unicorns on par with alicorns! But, Rarity did know how ponies reacted to different. A zebra had been ostracized from the community for years because of that. “You can’t tell anypony about this Pinkie,” Rarity mumbled as she looked over to her friend. “Not a single soul. Do you understand?” Pinkie raised an eyebrow in confusion. “But, how will everypony know what to bring for Dashie’s baby shower?” “Not. A. Single. Soul.” Rarity stressed as she glared the pink pony down into a crouch. “Understand?” The earth pony gulped, but recited her little rhyme and Rarity backed off before apologizing for her cold ferocity. Then, after taking a cleansing breath, she got out of the large bath and grabbed a towel with her magic. “Now, I am going to go find where our friends winked off to and see if either of them needs a sympathetic ear. I think it’s best if you go around town and find out how many ponies are scheduled to have the Council of Friendship settle their disputes this afternoon and see if they can reschedule. Something tells me Twilight won’t be holding court today.” “Okiee Dokie Loki!” As she left the bathing room, a stray thought entered Rarity’s head that the seamstress latched onto out of a need for some comfort ability. I wonder if Rainbow Dash would like some maternity dresses.    > First Day Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Day Part 3: Dash’s Little Confession As was the norm whenever Twilight teleported her, Dash was a little thrown off by the sudden change in…everything. The trip she just been on was especially discombobulating, as she went from being surrounded by water in a room that reeked of roses with a heavy atmosphere thanks to the temperature and moisture, to standing in the middle of the council chamber that was a comfortable room temperature without any weird smells or water. It took a minute of stumbling to regain her balance after the change in the air caused her to drop from it, as well as loose her grip on the shirt Discord had left. The stupid, senseless shirt that seemed to freak Twilight out to no end. Dash didn’t get it though. Just because Twilight had banged her as a guy didn’t make the alicorn any less awesome in Rainbow’s eyes. Although if Twi made a 'who's your daddy' joke, Dash was going to geld him. Still, getting poofed around without any warning did kind of annoy her, and she looked up at Twilight to tell him that. The sight of the soaked alicorn made Rainbow Dash need to make a conscious effort to hold onto her anger. Although she would never tell the stallion, because it would totally make him as uncomfortable as Tartarus, wet Twiguy was by far the hottest thing Rainbow had ever seen. The way the water made his coat glisten showed the her the alicorn stallion was the perfect mix of fitness and finesse. He was big, but not overly juiced like Bulk Biceps. Flexible as a flier, but not too scrawny like a mustang pony. Then there was his wings, giant things that were probably powerful enough to make their own tornado. And when she had felt the power in his body the other night when he banged her until it hurt…she had wanted to stay with him holding her in his forelegs for days. Since then, the pegasus’s hunger for the alicorn mare had only grown. As soon as Twilight was back to normal, Rainbow planned on ravishing her princess to the point of immobility to pay her back for last night. Rainbow shook the images of a sexually exhausted ‘Princess’ of Friendship out of her head before it could make her a whole different kind of wet than what she was right now. Then the pegasus looked over to the alicorn and let her irritation show. “What the hay Twilight?” “I…I…I’m sorry!” her coltfriend cried as she lowered herself until they were on eye-level. Dash recoiled in surprise from the tears in Twilight’s eyes, but the alicorn just followed her as she attempted to back away. “I didn’t think there was enough time…to…I didn’t think at all! I just saw you and-and, I just…I just…” The feel of a cushion struck her back legs, and Dash found herself sitting down as Twilight continued to advance, eventually coming to the foot of Dash’s crystal throne. Then, he just slumped over before talking in a voice that was more squeaks than words. “I’m sorry Rainbow. I never meant for this to happen!” When the alicorn had finished just pulling in on himself until he was practically cowering from the pegasus, Rainbow finally managed to fight through the confusion of what the hay was going on and rolled her eyes. “It was just a stupid teleport Twilight,” she grumbled, making the alicorn look up at her with widened eyes. “Not like you haven’t done it before. Discord’s right, those stupid male parts are driving you nuts.” “Um…Dash?” Rainbow shook off the leftover effects of the teleport and Twilight’s sudden…whatever the hay that was they just went through. She looked down at the cushion on her throne, a little damp from the water that had clung to her coat when Twi had winked them out of the bath. “Hey Twilight, do you know what time it is? I need to…get to work,” she grumbled at the end while looking away from the distraught alicorn. As it had for the past few days since moving into Twilight‘s Castle, the thought of her job brought up a myriad of emotions that the pegasus knew were best shoved to the side. She knew it wasn’t right for her to be feeling them, not after everything that had happened, but she just couldn’t help it. “Dash what’s wrong?” Twilight’s voice brought with it the wave of guilt that Rainbow always felt after her little surge of pettiness for feeling dissatisfied with her situation. She shoved that down into her gut too. Twilight didn’t need to be dealing with her stupid junk, he had his own problems at the moment. “It’s nothing Twilight,” the pegasus assured him before flexing her wings for takeoff. The fluidity of their motion was still pretty surprising to her, and just helped pile on the guilt. Twilight had fixed years of built up nicks and dings Rainbow had so long she was barely been aware of them, and here she was... “And, can this talk wait till I’m done with work? I need to get going before I’m late.” Right as her hooves left the chair, Rainbow felt the familiar tingling of Twilight’s magic, and found herself held in place by the magical god. When she looked back down to glare at him, the alicorn remained resolute. “What’s the deal Twilight?” she demanded. Twilight’s expression shifted back and forth between an angry frown and guilty concern, like he couldn’t decide what to be. Finally, the stallion took a calming breath, complete with his silly little exercise, and gulped down his nervousness. “I said we needed to talk Rainbow, and…if I hold this off, then it will just make things worse,” he told her before sighing. “But…well…something tells me what’s on your mind isn’t what we need to talk about so…I need…no, I… Please, tell me what’s wrong Rainbow.” “Twilight, if you don’t let me go I swear I will turn on the rainbow and-” The alicorn’s eyes widening in horror stopped the pegasus before the terrified words left his mouth. “No! Rainbow, whatever you do, do not activate your harmonic magic! If…Celestia! I don’t even want to know what will happen to…um, just…please don’t do it.” A second later, Twilight lowered her to the ground, and the magic surrounding the pegasus dissipated. However, what Twilight had said kept her grounded with more power than even the alicorn could muster. She may not have been the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but Rainbow could tell something was going on. Something that made Twilight think using their new magic was a bad idea. “Uh…what?” “Just…I don’t know if there are any side effect to, oh pony feathers! I teleported you!” he nearly shouted in a panic before pointing his horn at the pegasus a second before it lit up and Rainbow felt a weird tingling in her midsection. It stopped not long after, and Twilight let out a loud sigh of relief. “Still developing normally,” he mumbled before sagging forward to the point where his face was resting on Rainbow’s legs. “Sorry if I startled you, it’s just...I can’t believe I used a seventh circle spell on…you.” “Okay Twi, what’s going on?” Rainbow asked, confusion overcoming her annoyance at the whole thing. First Discord showing up, and Twilight freaking out about...well, he had been afraid of Discord learning about his problem. Although, the dragon...serpent...lion goat thing, had kind of backed off when Dash had stepped up for her coltfriend, so she really didn't see the problem. It actually left her feeling better than she had in days...not counting last night of course. Nothing could make her feel better than last night...with the possible exception of doing mare-Twilight of course. Twilight looked up at the mare and gulped, drawing Rainbow's full attention. “I…um…asked you first, remember?” he replied nervously instead of answering. “You tell me, and uh…I’ll tell you. Deal?” The offer had Rainbow Dash frowning. She hated when Twilight pulled that kind of junk. The alicorn knew she wasn’t just going to take off if he needed help with something, and was milking the situation for all it was worth. But if there was something up with Twilight, then she did want to know about it. Even if it meant airing her own dirty laundry. Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath to steady herself as she thought about just where to start. When she really thought about it, the problem had started weeks prior, if not months…maybe even years… Ever since putting on that stupid necklace. But, Rainbow hadn’t really noticed it until the previous week. Well, that might not have been true. After learning about her…way of learning, Dash figured that she might have figured things out a bit before then. It was just that she hadn’t wanted to admit it to herself…or her friends…and especially Twilight. Not after everything the alicorn had done for her. Just thinking about it made Dash feel like a total loser. Why does it half to be Twilight? Rainbow Dash asked herself as she looked down at the concerned face of her lover. She would have rather talked to Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie…hay, even Rarity would have been a better choice to talk things over with about her problems than Twilight Sparkle. At least the unicorn might have understood a bit of what the pegasus was going through. But Twilight? Just having the thoughts that were going through her head and being in the same room as the alicorn made Rainbow feel guilty. Still, she was cornered now. Twilight wouldn‘t simply turn and walk away. He would dig until finally finding out the problem, and that would only make things worse. So, she decided to just get it over with and take the lecture now instead of later. “They didn’t call me to fight Tirek,” she finally mumbled, beginning where she had first become aware of the reality of her situation. The alicorn resting his head on her legs shifted, and Rainbow looked down to her princess turned coltfriend. “What?” he whispered, confused as ever. It wasn’t a surprise that Twilight didn’t get it. None of her friends would. “The Wonderbolts,” Rainbow mumbled to help clarify things. “When you were gone, they came by Ponyville and grabbed up a few ponies that had been at the academy with me and got the reserves too. But...they didn’t pick me. I thought it was…well, maybe the princess had something special planned for us and that box. Then, Tirek showed up and…you know.” One of Twilight’s hooves brushed the pegasus’s cutie mark, and the alicorn looked up at her with tears in his eyes. “Dash, if I had known Tirek was coming, I… Princess Celestia, she told me to hide and not tell anypony about what was going on. I didn’t want to hide it from any of you! I didn’t mean to abandon you! I-” A gentle hoof to the lips stopped Twilight before he could guilt himself out of control. “That’s not what I’m talking about Egghead,” she told him before pulling the alicorn back to her, and letting him rest his had on her stomach as she slouched further down on her throne. “And I don’t blame you for that, nopony knew that Discord had turned rat.” Although, Rainbow felt like she should have seen it coming. Loyalty was her thing after all. The fact she didn’t have a…disloyalty sensor, or something, made the pegasus wonder if the Element was really supposed to be hers, or it was just the leftover thing that got handed out because nopony else was around. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Twilight let out a low whine and looked away from the pegasus for some reason, and Rainbow ran her hoof across his mane to help calm the alicorn down. Right, talking to Twilight, focus on her Rainbow. “What I’m talking about is…well…is this it for me?” “What do you mean?” he asked after a moment without looking back up, his voice low, almost tired, or maybe confused. “The Wonderbolts,” she mumbled. “They got every pegasus who had a chance of fighting, and attacked Tirek. I even heard Derpy was there of all ponies! DERPY! But, they just left me, the greatest flyer in Equestria, back in Ponyville!” A sigh escaped from Rainbow’s lips, and she looked up at her cutie mark insignia that had been put into her throne, then back down to the council setup, moving her gaze from throne to throne as she spoke. “That…or after that, it just got me thinking. Applejack has her farm, Rarity’s got her business, Fluttershy has all her animals, Pinkie’s got her party thing, and you’re a princess,” she said before the stroking of Twilight’s mane stopped abruptly. A frown crossed her face as she looked down at the male pony princess. “Well…you know what I mean.” The words made Twilight chuckle, and he kissed his lover’s stomach. “On the princess thing, yes,” he agreed. “But, the rest…no idea.” The pegasus shook her head. She never had been good with the long kind of explanations. It was best to just cut to the end of it all. “I’m a weather pony, and that’s all I’ll ever be.” Rainbow’s depressed tone got Twilight out of whatever he found so interesting about her stomach, and he yanked his head up so quickly Rainbow was thinking the alicorn might have gotten whiplash. “What? Where in the hay is that coming from?” he asked with a frown, his voice turning angry. “From right here,” Rainbow shouted as she threw her forelegs out to point at the council chamber before looking back down at the alicorn. “This…this is what I’m supposed to do with my life? Sit in a stupid chair and listen to ponies argue with each other while we find a solution? Everypony else gets to have their dream, but I have to give mine up to...what? Help with yours?” The alicorn recoiled from the venom in the pegasus’s words, and Rainbow felt the guilt stab her in the gut while her frustration built. “And then I just feel like a total plot because you…you helped me get into the Wonderbolts in the first place! You introduced me to Daring Do books! Because of you and your stalker level knowledge about AK Yearling, we met actually met the real Daring Do! You showed me that I’m not some stupid jock whose only talent is flying fast. And last night, for the first time since I moved into this castle, no…for the first time in a long time, I…I felt like I really belonged here!” she shouted as the last of her breath left her. “Rainbow, I-” Dash didn’t allow the stallion to finish. She picked herself up into the air as the tension mounted to keep from going crazy. But even the familiar flapping of her wings didn’t help that much. “Then I think back to all that…junk that’s happened since we all got together!” she grumbled. Memories of the bridge in the forest flashed through her mind, along with those of a costume hero, and the incidents at Rainbow Falls. “And it’s like my whole life, every little thing has been trying to tell me ‘hey Rainbow, you can’t have your dream, but everypony else can have theirs’ and it just makes me want to SCREAM!” As her last word echoed throughout the chamber, Rainbow looked down at Twilight while he stared up at her. The tightness in his eyes and clenched jaw made her groan at what a selfish jerk she was being. She was the Element of Loyalty, the pony who stuck with her friends…no matter what. But what’s so wrong about wanting something for myself? Rainbow wondered. When she sat back down on her throne, Rainbow gulped and prepared for the guilt trip that Twilight was about to lay on her. “Why…why didn’t you tell me you felt this way?” he asked, barely above a whisper. Rainbow couldn’t stop from frowning at the alicorn. “Because you’d just guilt-trip me into staying…just like you did when we were qualifying for the games,” she mumbled at the end while turning her away from Twilight. She didn’t want to be angry at the stallion, but… “Fluttershy will be sad, and Pinkie will be all abandoned, and…you! What kind of pony sleeps with somepony, then up and runs off?” Just thinking about doing something like that to Twilight made Rainbow want to throw up. “I only said what I did because I know how you are Rainbow!” Twilight said in a pleading tone, confusing the pegasus. She had expected something a bit more…authoritarian. “Whenever you see something you want, you put these blinders on and just ignore everything else while trying to get it! I wasn’t trying to guilt you into anything, I was trying to make you see how bad you would feel if you actually did join the Wonderbolts relay team! “And to be honest…I don’t think they deserve a pony like you!” he went on as his tone darkened. “They threw away one of their own teammates to win a race! And then there was everything you told us about the Wonderbolt Academy! Those ponies…they rewarded that Lightning Gust pony for getting other ponies hurt and nearly getting all of us killed!” Dust, Rainbow Dash mentally corrected Twilight while doing her best to keep herself in check. Seeing her friends nearly get killed like that…it hadn’t been the first time Luna had needed to visit her dreams, but the nightmares Rainbow had gotten from that incident, nightmares where she hadn’t caught up to the girls in time, those had been the worst of her life. They still put a bit of a shiver down her spine. “And they didn’t even call her on it until you said something!” Twilight went on, his rage clearly showing as he grit his teeth. “And that wasn’t the first time those ponies have let us down! Remember when Spike went feral? You and Fluttershy were able to face him down, but them? They cowered inside a oversized tin can! You fought Nightmare Moon, Discord, the entire changeling army, storm goblins, pirates, picked a fight with Celestia’s evil twin, and a dozen other things that would have sent the Wonderbolts running for the hills!” The mention of what had happened on the alternate world made Rainbow Dash flinch. Her Celestia hadn’t been very happy about that and the bruise getting rammed by a rainbow pegasus left on both her and her counterpart. It wasn’t like Rainbow had known the two of them shared a health meter! “I just don’t understand why a pony as amazing as you would want to lower herself to being on the same level as a Wonderbolt when you’re already so far above them!” Twilight exclaimed. Rainbow gritted her teeth and glared at the alicorn. “Well of course you don’t understand!” Rainbow yelled back. “You got everything you want! You got your palace, you got you wrings, you got-” “DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I WANTED THIS?” Twilight shouted back at her, the alicorn’s wings unfurling to their full length as he did so. His shadow swallowed the smaller pegasus, and Rainbow found herself pushed back onto her throne by the simple force of Twilight’s presence. Then, as soon as it had appeared, Twilight’s commanding aura just up and disappeared, and the alicorn slumped back down. He sighed, and looked at the ground. “I never once thought I was going to be a princess, Rainbow.” He sighed, and shook his head a little before looking back to her with tired eyes. “I thought, if anything, I was going to be the next Starswirl,” Twilight began. “I didn’t care about making friends, or politics, or political connections. All I ever wanted to do was study magic. Then I met you and the others, and all I ever wanted was to stay in Ponyville. Then I just figure out a magical spell, and I’m a princess? For months, I was terrified becoming an alicorn would separate me from you girls, and when I finally came to accept that would happen, I looked around to see all my duties included were smiling and waving! I was ready to just toss you girls aside to be a…a figurehead! “Then Tirek came along and offered to trade you girls for my magic… “That was my revelation Rainbow, when I earned my key,” Twilight went on, he voice beginning to crack. “You…all of you meant more to me than my magic, following Celestia’s orders, even all of Equestria meant nothing to me compared to your safety!” Rainbow gulped and moved over to where the stallion was standing to nuzzle him in the shoulder while the tears glistened in his eyes. She knew the terror of almost losing her friends all too well, and the part of her that knew she needed to watch out for her friends was kicking the pegasus in the plot as hart as it could because she hadn't seen that Twilight was going through the same thing. “It’s okay Twilight,” she told him as calmly as she could. “We’re still here. We made it through. You saved us like you always do.” A second later, one of the stallion’s foreleg’s reached around to pull Rainbow into a half-embrace, and she found that Twilight hadn’t lost any weight since last night. His new body was as heavy as a bull. “No I didn’t,” he squeaked pathetically as Rainbow fought her way out of his steel grip. “I messed up, just like I always do. I’m such a screw-up. Twice! That was the second time I nearly cost all of you everything! More than Twice! It was-Hmmmph!" When it came to shutting up his colt/fillyfriend, Rainbow decided that she liked using her lips rather than her hooves. It was even still early enough for her to taste the leftover mint from Twilight’s toothpaste inside the stallion’s mouth. Well, more than likely, it was one of those enchanted brands that kept going all day. Princesses probably had butt-loads of stuff like that. After all, Twilight needed clean teeth for when she, or he, smiled and waved. The first kiss was followed by another, and Rainbow found herself backing up as Twilight pushed her back onto her throne to continue the make out session. By the end of the fifth kiss, Twi had his hooves up on her chair’s foreleg rests, and Dash could see his erection returning. Dash didn't blame him. She wanted Twilight too. A part of her was shouting at the pegaus to just take him right on the council chamber's floor. They didn't have that much longer till Twilight was a mare again, so she needed to enjoy every bucking second of that monster cock he had. As for Twilight, the panting stallion licked his lips and gulped. “What were we talking about again?” With Twilight’s rod pointing right at her, it took a moment for the pegasus to clear her mind and answer the question. “I was... I...um... I was telling you how much of a loser I was,” Rainbow managed to get out before Twilight started glaring at her again. “You are not a loser Rainbow!” The words coming from the sort of princess who had saved the world on three separate occasions and would say anything to get a smile from his friends made the pegasus roll her eyes. “Then why does everypony around me have their entire bucking life worked out, and I just have a stupid job as a weatherpony?” she demanded as she looked away from the alicorn. She hated letting Twilight see her like this. “Rainbow-” “Look, I got to get going, or I’ll be late,” she mumbled before taking to the sky to fly over Twilight. Thankfully, most of the water had dropped off of her, and some high speed flying would take care of the rest. However, before Rainbow could kick things into high gear, her brain reminded her Twilight needed some help with something too. It was the whole reason she had agreed to talk to Twilight about her selfish little problem. So Rainbow sucked in a breath and looked back down at the alicorn. “Um…what was it you needed to talk about, anyway?” The question made Twilight’s eyes go wide, and the gulp he made was the most nervous thing Rainbow had ever heard. “Oh…I…um…there’s something…oh pony feathers, this is so wrong,” he mumbled as he shook his head at the ground. Oh…Rainbow thought to herself, her eyes widening. She understood had Twilight so nervous. It wasn’t everyday a mare asked to stick her penis in another pony. “Well you’re only a guy for the day so, sure. I’ll stop in at lunch for a quickie.” “W-WHAT?” the alicorn yelled as his wings extended in an explosion of motion. Rainbow giggled at Twilight’s blush and the accompanying wing-boner. “What? I love having sex with you, and this is the last day I’ll get to enjoy it,” she said before zipping down to plant a kiss on the tip of Twilight’s muzzle. "Well, stallion you." When the alicorn squeaked at the contact, Rainbow leaned in closer to whisper into the stallion’s ear. “Hey, maybe we can make it a blowjob,” she suggested with a grin on her face. “I never even gave one of those to Soarin.” Another kiss got Twilight shrinking in on himself, and Rainbow smiled at her alicorn before flying out of the Crystal Tree Palace, or…The Palace of Friendship…or whatever the hay it was called, feeling better than she had since Twilight yanked her into the council room. Her job might have sucked and her destiny might have been a cruel joke that existed for the sole purpose of crushing her dreams, but the silver lining of Twilight Sparkle’s smile, laughter, and passionate sex that would probably leave her walking funny for the rest of the day after lunch made it bearable. > First Day Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Day Part 4: Twilight’s Little Realization “Well, that could have gone better.” The little bit of flexibility Twilight’s wings had regained came to an abrupt end, and he spun around to face where Rarity’s voice had come from. All the while, wondering how the unicorn had found her so quickly, not to mention caught up after Twilight had teleported himself and Rainbow Dash away. As the unicorn’s mane was a mess of colors, flowing freely in the air without the need for wind, Twilight made an estimated guess that she had simply used her harmonic magic to augment her natural unicorn abilities and either locate her friends and hid herself with the magic of friendship, or just teleported after Twilight and made herself invisible. Both were well within the fashionista’s power these past several days. Although the unicorn’s words were said without malice, Twilight’s ears drooped. “How am I supposed to talk to her after something like that Rarity?” he mumbled. The thought that Dash considered their friendship, the connection they shared to be what stood in the way of her dream...Twilight wasn't even sure how he should take that! Why couldn't the pegasus just see how amazing she was without a bunch of nameless ponies to prop her up? Why can't she see herself the way I see her? As a beautiful, brilliant mare whom always put her friends before herself and was an inspiration to everypony she ever met. Long since before Twilight had become an alicorn, her usual goto train of thought whenever things go bad had been: What would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do? And it had continued on as he still stood in his new palace. It was what had allowed him to follow through on Dash's offer. It was what led her to best best night of his life. What allowed him to finally admit the desire he had for the cyan pegasus. Before answering the alicorn's question, the unicorn’s hair went back to normal, and she moved closer to put a reassuring hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “It’s alright Darling, we all…choke from time to time.” Twilight moaned and lowered his head even more from the imagery the unicorn’s comment brought up thanks also in part to timing. Why did Dash have to mention blow jobs? Twilight asked himself as his mind summoned the image of the little pegasus with her mouth wrapped around his phallus. By his calculations, she wouldn’t even be able to fit half of the thing residing between his legs into her mouth before it went deep enough to trigger a gag reflex. But, from some of the research erotica Twilight had read as part of her self-imposed sexual education, a mare taking a stallion’s reproductive organ into her mouth was one of the greatest acts of submission a mare could partake in. The fact that Dash was willing to do this for him made Twilight’s mouth water with desire for his little pony. Why the hay did Dash have to report in to work? Heats lasted longer than a day if they weren't satisfied! The two of them could have spent Twilight's last hours as a male, fully exploring every sexual act a heterosexual couple could do! Twilight didn't mind admitting to himself he wanted her more than ever, with all the possibilities playing throughout his mind. “-even listening to me Twilight?” Rarity shouted in the stallion’s face, making Twilight rear up and the unicorn back away with a surprised shout. The mental image of Rainbow with her mouth wrapped around the stallion’s phallus at the forefront of his mind disappeared in a poof, and Twilight let out a cry of surprise when he noticed Rarity was nearly muzzle to muzzle with him before backing off to regain some person space. After getting himself under control, he looked down to the wide-eyed unicorn. “Rarity, I…um, something wrong?” “Doesn’t that thing ever go down?” she mumbled just loud enough for Twilight to hear, getting a heavy blush from the stallion before looking back up into his eyes. Then she just went on as if she hadn’t noticed Twilight’s condition. “Pinkie made breakfast. Do you wish to join us before we get to work today?” Twilight groaned as he shifted his legs around to block Rarity’s view of what was going on downstairs, and let out an embarrassed whine. “I um…that is, if you don’t mind the…problems I’m having.” “Well I’d hardly let a little…ahem, something like that keep me away from a friend in need Darling. Even if all can do is listen to your problems and help you work something out,” Rarity told Twilight before turning around and leading the way out of the council chambers. As he followed Rarity through the doors and deeper into his palace, Twilight noticed something odd about her that he hadn't before now: the unicorn was hot. Not in the same super athletic way Rainbow was of course, but she had a definite attractiveness about her that few mares could hope to match. Not to mention the shape of her plot was… Oh come on! Twilight shouted at his sex drive before it could summon up mental images of Rarity being impaled on his cock, crying out in ecstasy as they had sex belly to belly while Twilight's height allowed for him to give her a horn job at the same time. More than likely, the unicorn wouldn’t last nearly as long Rainbow, but she would still make a fine lover if Twilight could get her into the bedroom. Okay first off, Twilight told his hormones that brought the image of the sexy unicorn laying in waiting upon his bed, her hindquarters raised in presentation. Rarity isn’t interested in me that way, and I AM NOT CHEATING ON RAINBOW JUST BECAUSE OF A FEW STUPID HORMONES! Besides, Rarity is probably one of those mares who likes to do everything all gentle, I like it rough and… an image of his cyan pegasus bound to his bed, completely at the alicorn’s mercy made Twilight bite his lip to keep from whimpering with desire. Why did he have to get so into that series of bondage erotica? The full S&M was a little too overboard for Twilight’s taste, what with the crops and actually doing physical damage to his friends, but the idea of being in complete control, having his little Dashie be at his mercy as he stroked her mane and ran his hooves across her cutie mark, showing her that she could trust him completely…the mental images that brought to mind made Twilight whimper with need. In his mind, Dash squirmed helplessly in a harness made to restrain her wings and legs. She struggled in futility, completely under the alicorn's power while he pushed himself all the way into her, earning a cry of pleasure from the pegasus. “-again, aren’t you?” Just like before, Rarity’s words pulled Twilight out of his mental world, where Dash was bound as Twilight took her from behind, getting a squeal from the pegasus that demanded he do it harder and faster until the while bed shook with the force from the alicorn’s thrusts. Twilight came to a halt, and it took a minute to process what the unicorn had said. “You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?” his memory supplied, to which Twilight could only nod. Much to his relief, Rarity smirked, then let out a giggle. “Well I guess it’s true what they say. Stallions really do think about sex every ten seconds.” “Rarity,” Twilight whined at the false assumption. There was no real evidence to suggest the male ponies thought about procreation or physical pleasure more so than their female counterparts. Even if I can’t get these thought’s of Dash out of my head, the alicorn told himself. But that was only because of his new experience! It was only natural to think about having more sessions of intercourse with his fillyfriend since they had only done it twice so far. And with only a day left to experience phallic stimulation, Twilight should have known his mind would have been going over all the possibilities open to him, the positions, oral stimulation, anal… Okay, that one probably wouldn’t work too well, he realized while imagining Dash bent over while the alicorn tried to shove a cock five sizes to big into her rear. “And ten,” Rarity counted knocking Twilight out of her sexual fantasies once again, much to the alicorn’s embarrassment. “You’re doing it again, aren’t you?” Judging by her sly smile that appeared a few seconds later, Twilight’s whine was all Rarity needed for confirmation. Still, the unicorn didn’t seem to be all that judgmental about it. “What’s wrong with me Rarity?” the male princess mumbled. “Honestly Darling?” she asked with a little smirk. “I’d be surprised if you weren’t at least in a mare’s heated level of arousal. Everypony is a little like that once they’ve had their first pleasurable taste. As long as it was a pleasurable one, at least," she added at the end, leaving a sour ring in Twilight's ears. So this is normal? Oh thank Celestia! I thought there was something wrong with me, Twilight told himself before a thought occurred to him. His tongue as a male was quite a bit bigger than when he was a mare. Twilight wondered if that would mean he could pleasure Dash more with his mouth now, or after he turned back. I should do an experiment, he realized. Dash had said she was going to get him off with her mouth after all, it would only be right that he returned the favor for her. I wonder how she tastes? Will it be different when I’m a mare? Females are supposed to have more sensitive senses, maybe I could include a comparison study later on? “So…what’s it like?” Rarity asked, bringing Twilight out of his thought once again. He was a little proud of himself at catching her words this time. “Amazing,” the alicorn sighed. “Even fully aroused, Rainbow is such a tight fit that she stimulates every bit of my-” “GAHHH! NOT THAT!” Rarity shrieked as she spun all the way around, reared up on her hind legs, and threw her free legs up as if to physically shield herself from Twilight’s words. When the exclamation managed to stop the stallion from talking, Rarity got back on all fours and let out a long breath, visibly relaxing as she did so. “I meant, what is it like to be a stallion?” Twilight felt like smacking himself in the face. Of course that’s what she meant you idiot, the alicorn thought. Rarity wasn't some kind of voyeur, no matter how many romances novels she probably read! Or who she gossiped about...or... Actually, now that Twilight thought about it, she did kind of fit the voyeur profile... But the alicorn supposed the unicorn knew where to stop. As for her question, it was an interesting one. Now that it was posed to him, Twilight found himself thinking about stuff that had gone on so far. He noticed there was a definite difference in the way he had been acting and feeling compared to just a few days ago. Of course back then, his best friend wasn’t developing an embryo in her womb thanks to a combination of her egg and his sperm. But Twilight knew that hadn’t been the only difference in what he now was compared to his past. “Well, there’s the perspective for one thing,” he began, starting with the simplest thing he understood. “I know I’m the one whose gained a foot or two, but to me, it looks like everypony else has just shrunk. It’s…kind of odd.” Twilight didn’t want to mention how it left him thinking just how cute it made Rainbow seem, or how he just wanted to hold her down and… Come on focus. Comparison, what else is there? “Then there’s the emotions,” he went on. “Everything’s more…I guess, intense is the right word. When Discord showed up, I never felt so angry in my life than when I thought he was going to laugh at Rainbow being…um…” Twilight stopped, unsure if he could continue. Now that I actually think about it… Rarity never had said that she knew that Rainbow was… Once again, Rarity came to the alicorn’s rescue. “Carrying your foal?” she supposed. “How does that work anyway? Isn’t it a bit early for…well, anything?” Twilight cleared his throat, already feeling the embarrassment building. “You saw how Rainbow looked this morning?” “Yes, it was quite…odd,” the unicorn admitted, obviously a little put off by the memory. However, since she wasn’t pulling out her fainting couch, Twilight just went on. “Well, after we spent the night together, Rainbow complained about a little soreness, and I used my harmonic magic to heal her of some old injuries. Then, I did a last minute check to see if there was anything wrong on the cellular…oh no,” Twilight mumbled to himself as the facts reviewed themselves inside his head. Using powerful magic on the mothers of unborn foals was dangerous in the extreme. The more powerful the magic, the greater the danger. The earlier the exposure was, the more pronounced the effects were. Some fillies off easy with some stunted growth of their mana pathways, while others had the complete ethereal half of their biological systems completely rewritten. Twilight had even read of cases where ponies were born with unicorn horns or pegasi wings, but possessed earth pony magic. “Twilight? What’s wrong?” Rarity asked hesitantly. And I just used the most powerful magic known on the egg and sperm that makes up my baby, the alicorn mental screamed as his eyes widened in panic. Just what all could that mean? How bad was the damage? No…bad wasn’t a good enough word. Terrible? Horrible? Crippling? Catastrophic! THAT was the word he needed! This is a total catastrophe, Twilight mentally shrieked at the ceiling. What if their foal ended up being born like Scootaloo? The flightless filly was already a sad enough sight to Twilight’s eyes, but to have a foal of her own that was destined to such a fate would… No, it would be worse than Scootaloo! Twilight told himself. Considering the amount of magic that Rainbow had been exposed to, and the stage of their foals development, Rainbow probably had some kind of monster growing inside her at the moment! “This is a complete disaster! It could even be another Tirek, or another Discord!” he wailed in panic. “What are you going on about?” Rarity mumbled with a pensive frown. “Hey! How come Tirek gets rated lower on the disaster scale than me?” the draconequus’s disembodied voice asked. Twilight’s thoughts seized up, his panic managed to put itself on hold, and a second later, he turned to where he could feel the unnatural spatial distortion that accompanied Discord’s particular brand of magic a second before the mix-and-match creature appeared. “I’m reformed now…for real!” he said while pulling out a white version of Applejack’s hat and sticking it on his head. “Or…permanently. Well, I at least won’t be messing with the ponies at any rate. Now, about this defamation of my Chaotic Good character.” Almost on instinct, Twilight summoned his harmonic magic. An instant later, the hall was alight with his white glowing mane, as the wings that had been in a permanently up positioned also changed coloration at the tips before becoming nimble enough to move again. “What are you doing here Discord?” the alicorn demanded in anger. For his part, the draconequus put his hand and claw as if to catch any attack that Twilight might fling. “Hey now, time out a second here,” Discord said before snapping his talons. A poof of smoke on the wall beside them drew both of the ponies attention, and Twilight found himself staring at the oddest mirror he had ever seen. It was rectangular in shape, with a black frame. However, the disturbing thing abut it was the glass. Although the surface was reflective, it was as dark as Rainbow’s sunglasses. “Now before you flay me or something, your little fillyfriend never did figure out those little hints I gave her. And as for the why, well…I give you exhibits A through D in my defense,” Discord said as a rectangular wand appeared in his hand and sounded off a click. A second later, the mirror display an oddly drawn image that seemed to move, despite the fact it simply looked like a colorful painting. My little pony My little po~ny “And skip the intro,” Discord said as he clicked his wand, changing the picture. A second later, the display showed an animated Rainbow Dash talking to Applejack in what looked to Twilight like one of her barn's cellars. “Hey AJ, guess what?” the cute little cartoon pegasus exclaimed. “Jut a second RD, let me just put up this cask of highly alcoholic cider,” the farm pony said as she reached down to grab the small keg, only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash. “Are you kidding? Crack that thing open! I got something to celebrate! Me and Twilight are fillyfriends now!” The news seemed to actually make Applejack’s face brighten even more than the colorful animation did as she smiled. “Well alright, RD! About time if you ask me!” she exclaimed before reaching over to snag some glasses that had come from…somewhere. “Let’s get so smashed that you’ll be waking up in the hospital tomorrow!” “Good thing I don’t have a quickly developed foal inside me or anything!” Rainbow replied as they clinked mugs together before Rainbow threw hers aside, then picked up the whole keg to chug it all down in only ten seconds flat. As Twilight gaped at the scene, the picture changed to reveal the alicorn in his real body, pacing around his bedroom in a panic. “How am I supposed to tell Rainbow I got her knocked up?” she yelled to the ceiling. “I can’t even tell our friends! It’s a good thing Discord didn’t just show up and drop enough hints for Pinkie and Rarity to figure things out, so now I have to deal with the whole thing on my own!” Then, the alicorn in the moving picture stopped and scratched her chin in thought. A second later, her face changed to one of excitement when MP-Twilight obviously came up with an idea. “I’ve got it! I’ll concoct an overly complicated plan with a thousand little things that make it impossible to go right to set up the perfect situation in which to tell Rainbow Dash that I was stupid enough to have sex without a protection spell and seeded her! And when even the littlest thing goes wrong, I’ll just keep putting it off, over and over again until Rainbow is in her third trimester!” Tired of Discord’s magic mirror making him look like a complete plot, Twilight charged his horn with a spell, and wiped the offending thing from existence before whirling on Discord. “First off,” Twilight growled. “Applejack doesn’t have any cider in her cellar! She sells out every year! And I would never do something like…well…I would have gotten around to telling everypony eventually! And Rainbow should have been the first to know!” The Spirit of Chaos looked at his destroyed mirror, then gave Twilight a withering glare. “I’ll have you know I was waiting for the Soarin shotgun wedding scene, it was by far my best work.” With Discord giving no apparent care to the danger he was in, Twilight prepared to blast him halfway to Tartarus to show the bucking draconequus just how utterly ticked off he was, when Rarity cleared her throat and drew the alicorn’s attention. “Actually, Darling…perhaps…and I can’t believe I’m saying this… Perhaps Discord has a point,” Rarity mumbled. Twilight blinked at the unicorn’s words. The surprise running through his body actually made the alicorn lose the grip he had on his magic, and he just stared at the unicorn for a moment before his brain managed to reactivate. “…what?” Twilight asked, still barely able to comprehend what he had just heard wile his body returned to its normal form; albeit still male. A second after the question was asked, Rarity looked over to the chaos spirit to shoot him a glare. “Don’t get me wrong Twilight! The way Discord went about it was completely…uncouth. But…maybe you do need a bit of help with this,” she said as she turned her gaze back to her friend. “It isn’t every day that the stallion is the one who has to tell the mare about a foal on the way.” The glare Twilight shot the unicorn made Rarity back away. “Are you completely insane?” Twilight shouted at the mare. “Do you think so little of me, that I would act like that for something like this? Do you honestly think I would run around like some stupid little foal, only caring about a bucking checklist when Rainbow needs to be told about what’s going on?” “Well…now that you ask…no,” she admitted before Twilight rounded on Discord in a fury. “And you! How dare you pull your stupid little stunts about something like this!” the alicorn seethed as she tried to hold down his anger at Discord to manageable levels. “The only reason I haven’t seen just how much I can do to you with my magic is because I need a consultant to help me see how bad things are!” As Rarity’s face switched to one of confusion, Discord’s became a little pensive for a few seconds before he replied to Twilight’s angry outburst. “Bad how?” Discord’s question brought up the problem that the alicorn had been thinking about before his appearance, causing the pony to flinch. After taking a few breaths to calm down, Twilight let out one long sigh, and fell onto his hunches with a sigh that came off as more of a groan. Discord was the last creature on the planet he wanted to talk this over with, but the only one who might be able to offer any answers. “This morning, before I had even thought about what I was doing, or what could have happened because of what I’d done!” Twilight exclaimed at his own stupidity. “I exposed Rainbow to the full power of my Element.” He sighed and looked over to Rarity. “That’s why she looked so…the way she did Rarity. I healed years and years of-no, that’s not a good enough description.” Healing magic worked like quick regeneration of lost cells and damaged tissue. What Twilight had done went beyond that. “I exposed Rainbow to so much magical power that I rewrote reality to make her be in perfect health. That’s the kind of magic I exposed our genetic material to before I found an embryo forming inside of her!” Going by the wide-eyed look on Rarity’s face, he didn’t need to explain things any further. Which made sense, she was a unicorn after all. That tribe knew more than the others about the dangers when it came to the mix of magic and the unborn. “Oh dear.” With Rarity shocked into silence, Twilight looked back to Discord and grit his teeth to try and reign in his anger. “And since you’ve already seen what’s going on in there…I need you to tell me if my baby is okay,” he said, his hooves visibly trembling from the effort of actually having to ask Discord of all things for help. “Welllll,” the draconequus drawled, at least until shot a blast of magic past him that ricocheted off the crystal to smack him on the back of the head. Not being in his harmonic state, the attack only seemed to annoy Discord, as it was supposed to. “Fine! But I’m doing this for Rainbow Dash, not you. So nah!” Rarity recoiled as Discord’s tongue extended a good three feet as he stuck it out at them. “Guh!” she mumbled while back up away from the red thing before she looked up at him with a scowl. “Whatever excuse is good with you.” Since he knew his world was about to be shattered, Twilight took another calming breath and looked up to Discord. “So…what’s wrong with…our baby,” he managed to say while blocking all the possibilities from running through his head. “Other than it has you and Rainbow Dash for parents?” Discord asked rhetorically in an insulting tone, earning a scowl from Twilight before he shrugged. “No idea.” As the tension building in Twilight was frozen by his confusion, the alicorn cocked his head to the side. “What?” In response, Discord was covered with a strange light for a moment that completely obscured Twilight’s vision of the draconequus. When he could see the creature again, Discord was wearing a strange blue uniform with a small alien insignia on its chest. “Damnit Twilight! I’m a draconequus! Not a doctor! I don’t know anything about healthy ponies, what with your wings and horns, and those cloven feeted leggy things!” With his patience for the spirit’s antics wearing thin, Twilight stood back up and shouted. “THEN WHAT GOOD ARE YOU?” “Hmmm, that’s a good question,” he replied before tapping his chin as he looked up at the ceiling in a thoughtful pose. Twilight seethed at the jester, who was trying to make light of the situation. His patience for such things had run out five minutes ago. “No!” he shouted. “No more jokes! No more games! No more…whatever the buck that mirror-thing was! You either find something helpful to do, or GET LOST! Because I don’t have the patience to deal with you right now!” “Okay, okay fine, geeze, try and help a pony out, and this is what you get,” he mumbled before snapping his fingers and disappearing in a puff of smoke. The two ponies stood alone in the hallway for a moment before Rarity looked over to her friend. “So, that could have gone-” “Not. One. More. Word. Rarity,” Twilight grumbled. After a minute of silence, Rarity motioned for Twilight to follow her to the dining room where Pinkie was probably waiting. As he watched the unicorn’s plot move from the perfect viewpoint, the alicorn wished he could get in the proper mindset to enjoy it, or at least go back to having sexual fantasies about Rainbow Dash. Unfortunately, whatever lingering presence that his mare had left to drive Twilight to such thoughts had disappeared with the alicorn’s latest revelation about the future foal’s exposure to harmonic magic. To top that off, Twilight was still well aware of Rainbow’s mindset about everything that was going on; her feelings of worthlessness. It’s not like I meant for any of this to happen, he thought. He didn’t mean to be such a huge impediment to her dreams. The fact he had added a foal on top of it all made Twilight feel even worse about everything. But…if it keeps her here… he told himself slowly as he considered the other implications. A pregnancy, even one where the foal was going to be…problematic, Twilight knew he could use that time to his advantage. It would give Dash a reason for staying in Ponyville without impeding her dreams of being a Wonderbolt too much. It buys me the time to work out a real relationship, he realized. We could…I could figure things out. I could show Rainbow how important she is to all of us. How she doesn’t need the Wonderbolts to be amazing! How she’s better without them! How her real place is here with us! With things put into a better perspective, Twilight looked down at the unicorn walking beside him. “Um, Rarity, about the foal,” he said, doing his best to keep his voice steady. “I need to be the one to tell Rainbow about it. Everything about it.” “Of course Twilight,” she agreed evenly as they walked into the dining room to find Pinkie waiting for them with a tray full of donuts. > First Day Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Day Part 5: Twilight’s & Rainbow’s Little Realizations Twilight stared at the equations with a feeling that he had never experienced when it came to numbers before: seething hatred. “Oh come on!” the alicorn shouted as he glared at the evil math looking over him on his extra-deluxe-sized blackboard. After a sugary breakfast with Pinkie and Rarity, in which the alicorn had agreed with the unicorn to see if ponies were willing to wait on the council’s solutions to their problems, Twilight had gone back to his lab to see where he had gone wrong with the height increase spell. Considering everything that had happened, hours of late nights must have taken their toll on the alicorn when he had been a she up at 1AM, processing the information by himself since he really didn’t want ponies stumbling in and asking questions, Twilight figured that it wasn't a surprise something had gone wrong. And she had been so excited during the final check, so the alicorn wrote missing something that time due to emotional distraction. Sure, Twilight could have just told them what was going on with the spell and worked on it during normal hours, but…he really didn’t like the idea of lying to his friends. Keeping secrets was much easier. Like…with when he had all the alicorn magic and could have protected his friends from Tirek and Discord instead of giving them busy work that kept them out in the open long enough for the draconequus to swoop in and snatch them all up in one go… “It’s not like you knew that Discord had turned rat.” Twilight let out a whine at his memory of Rainbow Dash trying to console him for the latest in his long line of screw-ups. Which of course turned to the memory of her kissing him, and Twilight soon found himself wishing he had taken it further. A cutie mark caress, a little more tongue, and he could have picked the mare up to carry her to his room and… “TWILIGHT!” Thoughts of putting himself in the pegasus were shattered by the shouting dragon, standing beside him. Twilight jumped into the air, his wings keeping him aloft with a few flaps for a few seconds to keep the alicorn from landing on his plot. At least it did until his lower midsection was completely soaked by a mass of ice cold water courtesy of the bucket carried by his number one assistant. The shock of the freezing liquid jolted what lecherous thoughts remained in his body out of the alicorn. Then, he fell to the ground on his plot and turned to the little purple dragon. “Thanks Spike.” Okay Twilight, back to the chalk board, he told himself while looking over to the spell. The equations were balanced, the math was spot on, the number 69 gave him an idea about what he and Rainbow Dash could do once they were back to being the same sex. He was actually pretty curious about his stamina as a mare. Although he was pretty sure that Rainbow would be the one giving more than getting if… “Spike,” the alicorn said before another splash of water drenched him, making the stallion let out a long sigh in-between shivers. He had read that cold showers, or at least water, was the proper deterrent to arousal. The science behind the reason was simple, the exposure to the cold water made the body react by drawing in the warm blood and moving it to crucial parts of the body to preserve heat. Twilight’s phallus had its own place to go to stay warm after all. However, what Stallion Secrets and Other Things had neglected to mention was that once the body had gotten over the initial shock of the arctic blast, things could go right back to normal five minutes later. It also might have dealt with Twilight’s erection, but the thoughts of the stallion taking Rainbow in the council room, of impaling her on his hard-on while he sat on his throne, holding her close while she let out tiny whimpers of pleasure and keeping her on his lap while the council held court to pass judgments on disputes between friends who brought their problems to Twilight and the others…those things did not vanish in a burst of cold. But, as distracting as thoughts of Rainbow being completely in his hold were, they were better than the images of the pegasus looking so sad and torn between her dreams and her friends. He didn’t blame her for being so confused and conflicted, having faced the same problem not too long ago with his ascension. It had come down to a choice of his duty as a princess and obedience to Princess Celestia, or having faith in his friends to help him with his burdens and see things through. The fact that he had chosen poorly gnawed at him still. Everything may have worked out, but I was the one who made it all go wrong in the first place, he told his memory of Dash as she tried to comfort him. “It’s not like you knew that Discord had turned rat.” Twilight sighed and shook his head. If Rainbow knew the truth… He didn’t know what she would do. Although, flipping tables, drenching him in rain, breaking up with him before they could even go on a single date, moving to Cloudsdale and raising their foal on her own as she tried to find a real stallion to spend the rest of her life with because Twilight’s betrayal of their trust had completely destroyed their friendship and turned her away from mares of all tribes forever was hardly out of the question! In fact…it was a certainty! Another wave of cold water washed across the alicorn, and looked over to glare at Spike’s third, and final empty bucket of water. “I wasn’t even starting to get hard Spike.” “Yeah, but you were starting to panic,” he countered in an even tone. “And I’m supposed to keep you focused on that.” Twilight looked over to the chalkboard and sighed at the problem it represented. “Twiguy, my feelings for Rainbow…Dash’s guilt, and her pregnancy,” he said, listing all the problems that were quickly piling up as he sat back on his haunches. “Whatever happened to the days when all the weird problems just waited their turn and came up one at a time?” He missed those days. “Ugh, can you please not mention you putting a foal in Rainbow?” Spike pleaded, which got an unapologetic look from the stallion. The last thing he was going to do was ignore his biggest problem. When the baby dragon noticed the raised eyebrow that Twilight was giving him, he let out a groan. “Look, I think it’s great you finally figured out you had a thing for her and she…liked you back, but I’m barely dealing with the fact you’re a guy right now and…I’m way too young to be an uncle.” The mention of Rainbow’s name started the familiar fantasizing process in Twilight’s mind, and he quickly shook it as hard as he could to try and fight it off. Thankfully, it worked this time before Rainbow could do more than give him an amorous smile. It also left him with a little headache, and feelings of dizziness. “How in the hay do you deal with being male and crazy about another pony?” Twilight asked with a sigh. “I mean…I’ve never seen you get…you know.” Twilight felt an odd sense of role reversal as Spike gave him a raised eyebrow. “I may have a thing for Rarity, but I’m still a baby dragon Twilight,” he told the stallion. “Hay…to be honest…I don’t even know how my stuff really works. If anything, you're the one who is supposed to be doing the birds and the bees explanations." “Well don’t look at me, I’ve read books on pony anatomy and I’ve barely got a handle on my own equipment,” he mumbled before going back to the chalkboard. Just focus on the math Twilight. Math will save you. Good old math, its simple strait forward…and full of phallic imagery… Why in the hay did the first ponies have to make the number one look like an erect penis? The alicorn jostled his head again. NO! Focus Twilight! Math isn’t like sex. One plus one just equals two in math. Outside the chalkboard, one plus one equals two-point-one, which impossibly increases on its own until its three at the cost of the second one’s dreams, because…GAH! Just focus on the math! “Okay here we go,” he started again for the twentieth time in the last five minutes. All he needed to do was get through the equation. He had done that before. Inside the last hour even! In fact, he was doing it right now! Twilight ran through the numbers as they added, subtracted, divided and multiplied. He squared roots, carried tens, navigated fractions, fractals, and a other stuff that had nothing to do with his Dashie’s cute little flank that was so adorable he wanted to clamp onto it with his hooves and never let go. Then, after forty five more minutes of continuous algebra, empathy, calculus, quantum physics, and a multitude of mystically mathematical equations, Twilight came to the same conclusion he had before. The same one he had back when he was a she, and checking the board multiple times before its first casting. The spell was absolutely, positively, perfect. Even if he had gotten distracted during its casting, nothing about it said that a minor slip-up, or even a major one for that matter, would have turned Twilight into a stallion. By all his figures, any error in the spell would have affected his height instead of his gender. But instead of becoming something so small that even a breezie would look down on him, or a pony big enough to step on a full-grown dragon, Twilight had turned into a male. It just didn't make any sense! A frustrated yell escaped the stallion’s lips, and he barely stopped himself from rearing up and smashing the offending, senseless and overall useless math into the next millennium! And that was another thing that was wrong! His tempter! His stupid male, testosterone fueled temper. Twilight knew he could argue with the best of them, knew he could be as stubborn as Applejack when the situation allowed for it, and he knew what it was like to be angry thanks to various things in his life, but… Since becoming a stallion it was just so easy! When Discord had been about to break the news to Rainbow, Twilight had been ready to beat the draconequus into a bloody pulp. And the spirit’s reappearance had quickly drudged up that experience and added to it with Discord’s stupid insults so much he had turned on Rarity! Stupid bucking male brain…how does Big Mac make it look so easy? Twilight wondered. He would have asked, Mac was good for advice after all, but… Going to the farm meant Applejack seeing him like this, and Twilight preferred to keep the circle that knew about this as small as possible. “You okay Twilight?” The stallion sighed and turned to look at his little brother. “Yeah, it’s just…I can’t figure out how this stupid spell turned me into a stallion, and if I can’t work that out, then changing back is going to be…difficult.” If worse came to worse, he could always ask for Celestia’s help, but…the explanation that would involve wasn’t something he was looking forward to. Spike frowned at Twilight, although he could tell it was in confusion, not anger. “Can’t you just overpower it with that new rainbow stuff you used to beat Tirek? I’ve seen you guys playing with it the past couple of days. It’s really powerful.” “I used my harmonic magic to boost the spell in the first place, so overpowering it isn’t really much of an option without the others,” he explained. “And with Rainbow Dash being pregnant… I’ve already exposed our foal to more magic than anypony in the history of the Equestrian race, if the whole of the Elements were channeled…” Twilight didn’t even want to imagine how horrible it would be for the child. He looked back up to the mystic formula and sighed. “So, unless I can figure out what went wrong and how to fix it…I might be having to get used to thinking about sex with Rainbow Dash every ten seconds for the foreseeable future.” Or, at least a week. Yes, a week to work it out by myself, and if I can’t…I’ll ask for help from the princess. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Spike looking over to the water pails. “Something tells me we’re going to need more buckets…and ice.” Two hours. Two agonizing hours. Two incredibly agonizing hours. That was how long Rainbow had found herself gathering the clouds on the outskirts of Ponyville’s farm community for the rainstorm that was scheduled later tonight. She hated cloud recycling, it was so much harder than the usual bucking and production of the stuff; and Rainbow Dash made a mental note to give whoever had invented the bucking thing a hard hoof to the face! Unfortunately, the work was slow enough that she couldn’t enjoy her flight, or need to concentrate it at all really. Which meant her eyes wandered a lot. After a few minutes she knew Carrot Top had exactly 120 carrots planted in every row of her six row field, angel bunny was apparently sneaking out of Fluttershy’s house to extort carrots from the other rabbits around Ponyville, and Big Mac went to the edge of Sweet Apple Acres to play with a homemade doll of some kind that looked awfully familiar. So, after learning about the deep, dark secrets of about thirty odd ponies, rabbits, and seeing Discord just standing around an open field with a small box in his hand that was following her movements in an awfully suspicious way… Wait a second… Rainbow Dash thought before she looked over to see the draconequus just standing there on the edge of her vision. Oh bucking hay, what does he want? For a moment she thought about just ignoring him. He was 'reformed' after all...again. But, the last time Discord had tried to do something helpful, Fluttershy had considered checking into a mental hospital when all the animals started actually talking to her instead of doing their weird animal stuff that she usually just translated. Then there was the time he tried to help the CMC get their cutie marks and nearly blew up the town. With those incidents in mind, she dashed through the air across three fields and right in his face. “Okay, Discord, what’re you doing here?” Rainbow Dash demanded, preparing to call on her harmonic magic if he tried anything too suspicious. “Really?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “At least Twilight waited until I made him angry do get all threatening posture on me.” Rainbow frowned at the Spirit of Chaos. “Well I’m not as nice to monsters who stab ponies in the back and make Fluttershy cry!” the pegasus growled. The comment got a wince out of Discord. “Low blow Rainbow Dash.” “I haven’t even started with the low blows,” she said with a frown. “Now, what do you want?” Discord let out a loud humph and crossed his arms, the weird box with what Dash identified as a lens on the end disappeared in his hands as he did so. “For your information I…um…ah! I came here to see if you wanted some non-pony to talk to about that little issue of yours.” “What issue?” the pegasus growled. After tapping his chin for a moment in thought, a light bulb appeared above the creature’s head, and Discord reached behind his back. When he brought his hands back out, both of them were covered by sock puppets. The left was obviously Rainbow Dash, complete with a badly made mane, and the purple one with a miniature toilet paper roll in place of a horn. “Hey Twilight,” sock-Dash said. “I’m feeling like a loser because, despite all the things I’ve done. Plus, I’ll never be able to do what I really want to do with my life if I just stay around here all the time.” Sock-Twilight shook her head. “Don’t you know you’re not supposed to be a hero Dash? I need you to stick around and play as my backup singer while I hog all the glory, the princessness, and everything else?” Rainbow Dash glared at the offensive sock puppet, then looked up to Discord, deepening her expression of displeasure with a snarl. “Hey!” “What?” he asked he went back to crossing his arms. “That is what you are after all, Twilight becomes a princess, and you all follow her around. She gets a castle and you all…well, most of you move in.” “Well it’s not like she means to,” Rainbow Dash shouted in the draconequus’s face before backing up a bit and crossing her forelegs. “Besides…she needed us. She was lonely, and the palace is…okay, it’s really stupid and more gaudy than Rarity, but Twilight didn’t build it, and I can deal with stupid looks. I'm dealing with you after all." A flick of Discord’s wrists removed the puppets, which disappeared with a couple of pops as soon as they were in the air. “Ah, so you should just go ahead and forgive Twilight for all his little mess ups as long as it’s an accident, huh?” Rainbow let out a long breath of air. “Look, just…shut up! And you’re getting me off topic anyway! Now tell me what the hay you were doing here?” “Ugh fine, if you insist,” Discord mumbled before the strange box with the lens appeared in his hands again. “I’m taking recordings for the use of future bribery and blackmail.” The fact that Discord had just come out and said it in a completely even tone actually brought Dash’s jaw down for a few seconds, and she had to shake herself to recover. “SAY WHAT?” “Take a look at what I’ve got so far,” he said before taking out a small box from the larger one and snapping his fingers summon up another box with an odd mirror that didn’t look all that much like a mirror. “Sorry for the low quality. Twilight broke my HD one.” Then, he put the smaller box into a slot the larger one had. Dash took a moment to glare at Discord, then turned back to look at the moving pictures that looked a lot like her and her friends as a cutsie song began playing. “Hey, how come Twilight’s not a…oh, never mind,” she mumbled when the purple pony teleported in on screen and spread her wings. It was stupid, but…Rainbow supposed she had earned a break, what with the storm almost completely ready before lunch. With that done, she could spend the rest of the day napping, or just hanging with Twilight in her castle. The later made her cheeks burn as she thought of what she had promised the alicorn. A blow job was something Sorin had wanted, and the reason Dash had kicked the stallion to the curb all those weeks ago the Games had ended. He was…well, aside from looks and fame, the stallion didn’t have all that much going for him. Sorin was obsessed with food, especially apples, and…pretty dumb. Box of rocks dumb. Not like Twilight. Speaking of which, Rainbow thought as the picture changed to her and Twilight waking up in her bedroom. As the images began to move, Rainbow Dash looked over to Discord with a glare. “What the hay is this?” “Oh well, you see, first Twilight is using his magic to get rid of all those little problems you built up over the years…surprised you didn’t ask me about that really, I would have given you a hand,” Discord told her. Rainbow let out a humph. “As in, those things Lyra keeps asking you for every time your in town? No thanks.” The draconequus grabbed his chest as if Rainbow had stabbed his heart, then looked back to the picture box. “Oh, and now your big ol’ prince is scanning you for any other problems he might have missed and…Oooooo a panic attack. I wonder what all that was about?” “Since you already know, why don’t you tell me?” Rainbow growled through clenched teeth. Discord let out a nervous laugh, and backed away. “As much as I’d love to…Twilight did kind of threaten my continued corporeal existence to keep me from blabbing. So…ask him.” The pegasus glared at the draconequus for a few more moments, then let out a long sigh. “Oh, well…thanks,” she said reluctantly. "For the heads up I mean." In truth, Rainbow hadn't really thought about why Twilight had passed out, just that she did and was fine afterwards. “Um…” Discord paused and took out a book entitled How to Talk to Ponies. “Ah, you’re welcome. Wow, I’ve been waiting to use that one!” “Buck. You.” A few page turns later, and the draconequus let out a gasp before he looked over to Rainbow Dash with hesitation. “Okay. But…” he paused and gave the pegasus a coy look. “Please, be gentle, it’s my first time.” An eye twitch, and a hoof to the chaos spirit's face later, and Rainbow was rocketing off towards Ponyville. She needed to find out what the hay was going on. “Okay so,” Twilight mumbled as he looked at the covered table in front of him that he had floated out to the balcony. As soon as Rainbow Dash came back for lunch within the next few minutes, they would have a nice, calm discussion…and explain how he had just ruined her life. The alicorn shook his head. No, No! I did not ruin her life. I’m here for her…we all are! We’ll get through this together, just like we always do! He raised his head to look at the table. He needed to concentrate on something else. So, he went over the food checklist again. Everything on the menu was Dash’s favorite, made by Pinkie, with Rarity’s help in regards to the non-alcoholic cider. She had crushed the apples in her own magic to make a small cask's worth, and exhausted the palace’s supply of apples in doing so. As for the non-liquid food, Pinkie had prepared numerous cakes, muffins, a pie, and a few other things that she knew how to cook that didn’t fall under her pastry chef title, such as a healthy salad, some bread sticks, and even a pizza that she said had Rainbow’s favorite toppings of alfalfa and pineapple. It figures that Rainbow would be a health nut, Twilight thought to himself with a smile as he looked over the hay topping. At least he wouldn’t need to talk the little pony into giving up anything beyond hard cider. “Let’ s see…next is…how to break the news,” the alicorn mumbled to himself as he went down his mental checklist. Twilight cleared his throat. “Rainbow Dash, you’re pregnant.” Too direct, Twilight told himself before thinking of something else. “Rainbow…remember the wonderful time we had last night? Well, I might have miscalculated my sperm count and you were exposed to… No, too scientific.” Knowing Rainbow, she would be asleep before Twilight got to the word sperm. “Rainbow, I love you,” he said before hesitating. Wait that’s… Did he love Rainbow, or was it a infatuation? The Alicorn of Love had said they were hard to discern, and while one was considered to be the best thing in the world, the other was a lie that usually led to heartbreak. He really needed to consult Cadence on the matter before doing something like that. She was the expert after all. He tried a few other ways, breaking it slowly…asking about her day, the old ‘you’re pregnant, pass the butter’ line, but…none of it just seemed right! Even Pinkie’s ‘Congratulations on your unexpected foal Dashie!’ banner was a better idea than what Twilight could come up with! All of his ideas had Rainbow panicking and hating him for the rest of his life! Not to mention the odds of him actually choking up midway through were…sixty-five percent! And that was just telling Rainbow she was with foal without her freaking out about everything! When it came to telling her about the magical contamination, those odds jumped to…eighty-seven percent! How in the hay was he supposed to tell Rainbow Dash everything with an eighty-seven percent chance of messing it up? Twilight let out a scream of frustration at the situation and…turned around when he heard the balcony door behind him open. “Rainbow?” “Sorry Darling, it’s just me,” Rarity said as she stepped out into the afternoon air. “I came to see how it was going and…heard you yelling.” Rarity’s comment about how it was going got a confused frown from Twilight. “Going? Rarity, Rainbow isn’t even here yet.You need to go before she comes and gets the wrong idea." With his luck, that was probably a foregone conclusion. “Twilight, it’s one o’clock, if Rainbow Dash was coming, she would have been here by now.” The mention of the time made Twilight go ridged, then look around for a clock…in the empty air. When he realized the foolishness of his action, he looked back to the white unicorn. “Maybe she's taking a late lunch?” “Twilight, there might be the possibility that she’s not coming,” Rarity suggested. He shook her head in response. “No. We um…made plans.” There was no way Rainbow would just ditch him. While several ponies saw the pegasus napping and thought she was lazy, Rainbow was always there when she made an appointment to be. It was part of who she was. Twilight turned to look over balcony’s railing. The only reason that she would be where she said she would was if… “Something must have happened to her!” the alicorn exclaimed in a panic before turning to face the unicorn. “Rarity, we have to go find her. Get Fluttershy, and AJ, call out the royal guard! We can-” “Twilight.” “-begin with a basic search pattern and…ARG! Why did I have to push choosing the members of my castle's guard back to next month?” “Twilight.” “Okay, so it’s just the five of us and…Pinkie Pie!” the alicorn exclaimed. “Rainbow Dash told one time that Pinkie has this weird…Pinkiness that allows her to just find anypony she wants no matter where they hide! HEY PINKIE PIE!” “Yeah Twilight?” Twilight barely kept himself from yelping in surprise, and Rarity reached up to rub the section of her forehead between her eyes as Pinkie Pie just came out from underneath the table that Twilight had set up. The alicorn was just thankful he had decided to be fancy and put a table cloth on it so Pinkie just didn’t seem to appear out of nowhere. “Pinkie, I need you to find Rainbow Dash, and come back and tell me where she is.” “No problem Princess Twiguy!” A second later, the pink pony zipped down the balcony and through the door leading to her room, then came out the one leading to Twilight’s the moment her own door shut. Twilight frowned at the display and opened her mouth to ask Pinkie what was going on, or if she forgot something, but Pinkie beat the alicorn to the punch. “I found her! I found her! I found her! I found her!” Rarity cleared her throat, getting the party pony to stop reciting her chant. “And where would that be Darling?” “Oh, Dashie’s in the hospital.” The world lurched, and Twilight felt as if his castle decided it just didn’t want to have a balcony anymore. At least, that’s what he thought it was until he impacted the crystal and gold floor from his legs giving out from underneath him. No, she can’t be. Oh please no, don’t let her be hurt, please don’t let her be hurt. Rarity said…something, but Twilight didn’t much care to listen. Too many things were going through his mind. Too many possibilities of what it could be. The foal’s magical contamination? An accident with the weather? Dash trying to pull of a stunt and getting hurt? A new enemy? It did seem to be about that time since they were settled in after all. Each option made Twilight all the more panicked, and brought a mental kick to his head. What have I done? I should have told her. Why didn’t I tell her? I’m such a bucking idiot! Please just let her be okay. I don’t care about anything else, just let my Rainbow be alright! She finally understood why so many ponies said ’you’d better sit down’ before delivering bad news. It took all of Rainbow’s strength to remain sitting up on the bed-chair-thingy that doctors liked to use in their little offices. Still, she was Rainbow Dash, a little startling news wasn’t going to take her down. She wasn't Twilight Sparkle for crying out loud! So she took in a deep breath, and looked up to Dr Stable. “Are you sure?” “The test is magical based Ms Dash,” the stallion replied. “Accuracy is always one hundred percent. You don’t need to worry about the foal though. The spell falls well within the safety preview for a developed embryo.” Rainbow licked her lips and gulped. “Do you know what it is?” she asked. It was a simple question. She could handle simple. “It’s an embryo, not a fetus,” the doctor told her. “As for age, I’d say about…” “Six weeks and three days.” That was the next to last day of the Equestria Games, when she had slept with Soarin for the last time before he came back to wave his cock in front of her face the next night expecting… Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick. Dr Stable looked up from his chart. “Well, it’s a little underdeveloped but…that does fall within time-frame of conception, yes.” The pegasus gulped nervously. “How…um…is it…okay,” Rainbow asked as she looked down at her stomach in worry. Six weeks…oh Celestia! I was… I had a foal in me when Tirek attacked me! When he drained my magic! That’s bad, right? That has to be like, really bad. The Worst Ever! “Well the placenta seems a little weak, but…as far as I can tell, your foal is healthy, if developing a bit slow.” “Slow?” Rainbow exclaimed in a panic. “Does that mean there’s something wrong? Tirek, he drained me! Did that hurt my foal?” The doctor put a hoof on the panicking pegasus. “Settle down Ms Dash. We’re aware you went up against that monster and ran some extra tests, remember? There’s no side effects from the mana drain that we can see. Your foal is just taking its time is all.” Rainbow let out a relieved sigh and leaned back, placing her forelegs behind her as she let the good news seep in. She felt ready to collapse from sheer relief. “Thank Celestia…or Twilight, really.” I take back every bad thing I ever thought about you Egghead. “Now, since you had only one guess as to the time of conception…I take it you know who the father is?” the doctor asked. “I only bring it up because having his family’s medical history would help stave off any complications that might develop later on.” For the third time since coming into the hospital for a comprehensive mystical checkup, Rainbow Dash’s body froze. Her eyes widened, and her chest seized. She hadn’t thought about it thanks to the Tirek thing, but now that she knew her foal was more or less fine… It hit her that she was with foal. Soarin’s foal. She was having Soarin’s foal… Oh no…what am I going to tell Twilight? Rainbow Dash thought as she watched the possibility of finally having a relationship with the alicorn shatter piece by piece. > First Day Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Day Part 6: Twilight and Dash’s Little Relationship Drama “Is that Twilight Sparkle!?” “Why is she a stallion Mommy?” “Get back everypony! I’ve seen this kind of disease before! To cure it, I’m going to need three gallons of custard, two dozen fish sticks, five pounds of salt, a sonic screwdriver, and the collected works of Benny Hill.” Twilight frowned and looked over to the ‘Hooves’ family, although it was Derpy’s crazy, self-proclaimed doctor of a stallion that drew his attention the most. Rushing through the town to the hospital had pretty much blown the secrecy surrounding his gender problem and he had attracted a great deal of comments about the situation. But the last one was the only thing that actually gave him pause for a moment. It also helped that he, Pinkie, and Rarity had actually made it to Ponyville General. On the cusp of running in and finding out what was wrong with his fillyfriend, Twilight found himself frozen by the possibilities that had nearly brought him into a second panic attack in just one day while doing his best to ignore the splitting migraine that had been building since before lunch. “Sorry Time Turner, but I’m the resident weirdo here!” Pinkie exclaimed as she pointed a hoof at Ponyville’s other loon. “And I say we can fix Twilight’s problem with three cups of jam, a jar of honey and-” Whatever oddity Pinkie was concocting was cut short when the hospital doors opened, and a blue pegasus walked out with a large folder tucked under her wing. She stopped in the middle of the doorway and blinked a few times in confusion. “Hey girls, um…what’s going on?” Her tone was…flat. Not really depressed, but a far cry from the Rainbow Dash that Twilight knew. It was as if somepony had just flipped off any emotional expression in her voice, but left the pegasus completely fine otherwise. Despite the oddity, Twilight could feel the tension leak out of his body at the appearance of Rainbow. In less than three seconds, his eyes ran the pegasus over, looking for any odd blemishes, a cast for her legs or wings, anything that might tell him why she had gone to the hospital. When he found nothing, Twilight turned to frown at the pink pony, who was still arguing the merits of using cotton candy to undo a magical sex change with the clockmaker. “Pinkie…why didn’t you tell me Rainbow wasn’t hurt?” the alicorn growled at his friend out of the corner of his mouth. For her part, Pinkie Pie blinked in confusion for a few seconds, then rolled her eyes. “Because you didn’t ask, duh!” she explained as if it was the simplest thing in the world. “Besides, telling you what Dashie was doing in the hospital would have violated Pinkie-doctor-patient confidentiality!” Luckily for Pinkie, before Twilight could blow his stack, Rainbow volunteered the information. “I was getting a check-up, and um…” she closed her mouth and looked around at the crowd that had been gathering. It didn’t take a genius to figure out it was Twilight who was attracting the most attention; even with Time Turner and Pinkie having a heated debate over the medicinal properties of muffins and cupcakes. Twilight let out a disgruntled sigh and looked around at the large herd. “Yes I’m a stallion! No, it’s not a contagious disease! Yes, the court will be closed for the rest of the day while I deal with this, and NO CLOUD KICKER! I AM NOT INTERESTED IN BANGING!” The excited smile on the amorous pegasus’s face fell, and she lowered herself back into the crowd with a dejected, “Awwwwwww.” As the large group of ponies began to disperse, he looked back over to the pegasus. Rainbow’s face was like a pony who had a poorly drawn map, and no compass. She looked lost and maybe a bit confused, but without any real panic. Twilight knew the feeling. He had experienced the same thing after learning of Rainbow’s condition and had been pretty out of it until Discord reared his misshapen head. He approached her tentatively, and licked his lips. “Rainbow I…I’m sorry.” For three agonizing heartbeats, there was nothing. Rainbow just looked in Twilight’s direction with a blank stare that didn’t seem to focus on anything. Then, she looked up at him with a small smile. “It’s okay Twilight. I…um, I think I need to go lay down. I’m going to be in my room.” While Rainbow took to the air at what was possibly the slowest speed he had ever seen the pegasus move when she wasn’t keeping pace with her friends, Twilight simply stood on the ground. A knock in the ribs got his attention, and he looked down to Rarity as she leaned in close to speak out the side of her mouth. “Go after her.” “But Rainbow said-” Twilight managed to say before Rarity’s raised eyebrow cut him off, and the alicorn took to the sky to follow her friend. Catching up to the pegasus was easy, trying to find a topic of conversation…not so much. After a good minute of travel in silence, Twilight pulled alongside his fillyfriend and looked over to the folder in her foreleg. “So…are those your test results?” “Yeah,” Rainbow replied as she carried herself through the air. “You want to um…translate them for me?” Twilight licked his lips at the hesitation in Rainbows eyes, but managed a reassuring smile. “Sure,” he told her before taking the folder in his magic and opening it to see what all was inside. It was more than just the standard checkup report. Apparently, Rainbow had gone in for a full mystic medical review…or had gotten one after the doctors noticed signs of her pregnancy at least. Either way, she had the tests done to find out what Twilight had been too slow to tell her. There was also a lot more inside than just the information about her pregnancy. Rainbow Dash had gotten tests done on her body, and Twilight found several pamphlets explaining what expectant mothers would experience once their bodies started making them ready for the foal. Twilight had a feeling Dash was not going to like the extra weight, possible nausea, bloating, or the sensitive teats. Although the fact that she wouldn’t be able to fly at all towards the end of her final trimester was probably going to drive the pegasus nuts. Multiple papers went over Rainbow Dash’s physical condition. Of course, the complete elimination of all her old sores and various injuries had raised several red flags, but Twilight could see from the scribbled notes that Rainbow had managed to explain them away with the old Magic of Friendship reply that pretty much shut their demands for an explanation down. Everypony in town treated the Elements of Harmony like some kind of state secret, or something a bunch of shadow ponies would come in the middle of the night and take you away for if questions about them were asked. The hospital didn’t even keep the original copies of the test results if all the scribbled notes were any indication. He did make a mental note to stop by the hospital and try and explain away some of the fears that the doctors had. Then came the report on Rainbow’s pregnancy and her unborn foal. Twilight’s throat seized up at the top of the page. Numerous notes on Rainbow’s various tests talked about magical contamination linked to the foal, most with question marks that probably meant the doctors were simply asking themselves, but those were simple notes for the doctors themselves. The page in front of him was the one that would actually tell him what was wrong. A lump of fear formed inside of Twilight’s throat, and he shut the folder without reading a single word. Focus on Dash right now Twilight, the alicorn told himself. The pegasus was the one who needed him right now, the one he could do something for. The foal…Twilight had been aware there were going to be problems from the get go, he could deal with a faceless terror like that. Actually seeing what the problem was… Twilight knew that would make him go off in a whole new direction of panic that he was not wanting to deal with right now. “Well, everything looks…pretty much like I expected it too,” the alicorn told her. “You’re perfectly healthy. Of course, there’s some questions as to why your body is lagging behind in the preparing for the foal, but…well, we know that’s my fault.” Rainbow looked over and smiled at the alicorn with those same lost eyes that just said she was going through the motions. “It’s okay Twilight. Still plenty of time for me to…get ready,” she said before looking back down at the ground. The guilt that smile hit him with nearly made Twilight drop from the sky. By the time he had righted himself and gotten the nerve to try and start a conversation with her again, they landed on the palace balcony. “You always do this,” he said after touching his hooves to the ground. “I saw it in the throne room, in Cloudsdale, every time we faced a crises! You see me get scared, or upset, and you just clam up and act like everything’s fine so you can make me feel better!” “Well what am I supposed to do then?” she demanded, a bit of the pegasus’s fire finding its way into her voice. “I’m the one that… Look, just…leave me alone. I need to rest. Doctor’s orders and junk.” Although Twilight doubted Dash’s condition was advanced enough for her to need any extra downtime just yet, the comment did give him pause. If he asked for Rainbow to stay, it would just end up making him sound like a complete plot. She was the one carrying the foal, she was the one who needed the attention, the sympathy, the care. “Wait!” Twilight looked around frantically, trying to think of an excuse to get Rainbow to stay without being too overbearing or needy. When his eyes fell on the food, the alicorn looked back over to the pegasus. “Rainbow, have you eaten today?” “I got some snacks while I was at the doctor’s place.” A quick spell summoned a all of purple magic to keep Rainbow from just walking away. When she looked back to frown at Twilight, the alicorn gave her a look he hoped was stern enough without being too bossy. “Rainbow, you’re with foal. You need to keep to three square meals a day. Please?” he added in a much lower tone. Rainbow’s eyes softened at the mention of her foal, and she made her way over to the table. Another quick spell reheated the food Pinkie Pie had prepared as if it had just come out of the oven, and the two of them sat down to eat. Twilight took some bread, and offered Rainbow some cider while putting a few pieces of pizza on her plate. Together they sat in the warm afternoon sun across the table from each other, just eating. For a moment, Twilight played with the thought of calling this their first date. Then, he noticed the lack of conversation, the somber atmosphere, the fact that Rainbow hadn’t met his eyes once. Twilight didn’t need a psychology book to tell him what was wrong. Rainbow Dash couldn’t even stand the sight of him. The food was almost finished by the time he found the strength to speak. “I’m sorry,” Twilight said, the words coming out in a breath as he held back a sob. “It’s okay Twi-” Anger curled Twilight’s lips as Dash tried to protect him from his guilt. “IT IS NOT OKAY!” the alicorn yelled, getting a flinch from the pegasus. “Stop pretending that this is something we can just get through with a bunch of stupid smiles! Ever since this morning, every time I look at you, it just tears me up inside! I…I just can’t do this Rainbow! You…just…” Tell me you hate me, tell me how I ruined your life, tell me how much pain I‘ve caused you. Just please be honest with me, Twilight thought as the tears he was holding back finally came flowing out. Across from his place at the table, Rainbow shrunk in on herself as her lost expression became one filled with pain as her eyes slowly changed from open and empty to half-lidded. “I…Twilight…I-” The sound of a door banging open cut Rainbow off. “See Fluttershy, Ah told ya Ah saw em flyin’ over the-aaaaaa!” Applejack yelled when she looked away from the yellow pegasus and over to the purple alicorn. “Twilight?” As Twilight looked away for a moment to wipe his eyes with his fetlock, he heard Fluttershy pick up the conversation. “What happened to you?” When he was sure he had gotten himself under control, the alicorn looked back around, and noticed that Dash was no longer in her seat. “Rainbow?” Twilight weakly asked as he looked around to find her almost to her bedroom door, the folder containing her medical information tucked under her wing. The pegasus flinched at her name, and looked back to Twilight with a hurt expression. “I…need to lay down Twilight,” she said before heading into her room. He didn’t have the willpower to stop her again. “Is there something wrong with Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, drawing Twilight’s attention. “Can you go talk to her in a few minutes? I…she doesn’t want to see me right now,” he mumbled with as much strength as he could manage. “Oh…okay,” Fluttershy said before she headed back inside the castle. Twilight guessed she was going to try and come in from the main door to Rainbow’s quarters. A second after Fluttershy had spoken, Applejack got in Twilight’s face and filled the alicorn’s vision. “The hay with Rainbow sugarcube! What happened to you?” “Huh?” “YOU’RE A STALLION!” the apple farmer shouted as he pointed at the whole of Twilight’s changed body. Twilight blinked and looked down at himself. “Oh yeah…that,” he mumbled. It was weird how he had just forgotten about the event that had left him a whole new gender that occurred a little over thirteen hours ago. But, it just didn’t seem all that important anymore for some reason. “Magic experiment blew up in my face. It’s…nothing.” Rainbow Dash laid on her back and stared up at her stupid crystal ceiling in her stupid crystal room, inside Twilight’s stupid crystal palace; with most of her ’so you’re going to be a mommy’ pamphlets strewn out on the stupid crystal floor. She sighed, and rolled over to look at one of the Wonderbolts posters that adorned her walls. It was the basic recruitment poster they handed out everywhere, so the ponies pictured on it were pretty featureless, but the coloration of one of them matched Soarin’s to a T. “Stupid Soarin,” she mumbled at the likeness. It was because of him that Twilight… “Every time I look at you, it just tears me up inside!” Rainbow closed her eyes and groaned as she rolled on her side. “It’s not my fault,” she mumbled at the memory that was still fresh in her mind. Twilight’s face, so full of pain and her voice sounding more hurt than ever had before. “I didn’t know.” A knock at the door banished phantom-Twilight before Dash could put more berating into her mouth. She looked up and wiped the tears from her eyes before answering. “Who is it?” Was Twilight coming to kick her out of the castle? Rainbow knew it was only a matter of time before she had to leave. “It’s me Rainbow…can I come in?” Fluttershy’s voice asked from behind the doorway. The voice of her friend made Rainbow sigh. She didn’t want to let Fluttershy in and see her like this. But…just sitting around wallowing in sadness by her lonesome wasn’t good either. “Come on in Fluttershy.” A few seconds later, she watched the shy pegasus open the door, come in, and close it behind her. Fluttershy took one long look at Rainbow, and then took a seat next to the bed. “So, what happened?” Rainbow sighed as she tried to organize her thoughts to explain what was going on. Although, she wasn’t too sure about the answer. She knew about the events leading up to everything… Twilight got stallion-ized, Twilight and Rainbow banged, Rainbow loved it, Twilight did his magic thing and made Rainbow feel better than she had in years, Twilight’s magic thing found out Rainbow was pregnant… Then, Twilight freaked out, got super panicky, then became kind of clingy, gave some manure about how Rainbow was too good to join the Wonderbolts, and then… “Every time I look at you, it just tears me up inside!” Well, Rainbow didn’t know what happened afterwards until she found out she was pregnant, and Twilight had decided she hated Rainbow’s guts to the point the alicorn couldn’t even look at her anymore. It hurt just to think about. So, Rainbow just nudged the folder containing all the information about her examination toward the yellow pegasus. “Here.” “Are you sick?” Fluttershy asked after she picked up and opened the folder. Rainbow didn’t reply, and just waited for her friend to read the whole of the report. Fluttershy made some comments when she finished most of Rainbow’s information, mumbling about how glad she was the other pegasus was doing well. Then, when her eyes widened considerably, Rainbow guessed she got to the page about the stunt mare being pregnant; or found the foa'ls page. “Y-You’re pregnant?” Fluttershy almost shouted. Although for her, it was the loudest that Rainbow had ever heard her talk. She didn’t even get that loud about her animals. “But, how?” “Remember when we went to the Equestrian Games? Me and Soarin kind of…hooked up after the closing ceremonies and…you know,” she told the pegasus before looking away. Fluttershy frowned in confusion. “But…I thought… On the ride home, you said you were through with Soarin!” she exclaimed. “If you and he didn’t um…hook up…” The memories Fluttershy’s question made Rainbow’s expression turn into a grimace. “We did the basic stuff Fluttershy,” Rainbow told her. “Then he wanted to get…well…kinky. The bad kind of kinky, and got kind of angry when I said no. Then he…” She shuttered at the image of the stallion putting his thing in her face and waving it around. “Look, I don’t like to talk about it, okay? He wanted to do stuff I didn’t, then got all mad at me, so I told him to buck off.” Rainbow sighed and shook her head. Despite the sheer level of lame it would have brought her to, the pegasus wished she would have gone through with everything. It would make what she needed to do now a whole lot easier. “Then, what was what I saw between you and Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. Another wave of memories got a flinch from Rainbow Dash as she remember the alicorn’s most crushing words to her yet again. “It’s…I did something stupid last night and…” She stopped unable to go on. Her own words made her sigh. Even after everything, she still considered that night with Twilight the single best moment of her life. It wasn’t just the sex, it was simply being with the alicorn. Finally being with Twilight as the alicorn had her wings wrapped around the pegasus in the ultimate sign of trust and devotion. And Rainbow Dash had accepted those feelings and returned them, only to find herself unable to follow through to the end. “And now Twilight hates me and…and I don’t blame her.” “Rainbow,” Fluttershy said in that odd tone that only she could use that made her sound both chiding and sympathetic at the same time. “Twilight could never hate you…she…um…” Not wanting to hear anypony come to her defense, Rainbow cut in. “I slept with Twilight last night,” she said before rolling onto her back again and looking down at her belly. As useless as it was, she found herself wishing the foal growing inside her belonged to the temporary purple stallion. In her mind's eye, Rainbow could see her life play out if that had been the case. She would live in the castle with her princess, raising their foal together, watching it grow up, make friends, become awesome… Even not making the Wonderbolts didn’t seem so bad if that was to be her future, with Twilight and their foal. Then reality came crashing back down to shatter the dream with the reality of what was really going to happen. She barely managed to keep from crying at the unfairness of it all. When Fluttershy had no response to reassure the cyan pegasus about how her friendship with the alicorn would recover, or how Rainbow Dash was just being silly, Rainbow let the last hopes that this would find a way to work itself out fall. “Fluttershy…can you just…I really don’t feel like talking right now.” “Oh… You…um…you’re probably going to need help with a few things when the foal becomes more pronounced,” the other pegasus said as she walked along the floor. From the sound of things, Fluttershy was gathering up all the pamphlets that Rainbow had cast aside when she read how badly her flying was going to get. "Just um...call me if you need anything, alright?" A few minutes later, the door opened once again. “For what its worth…I know you‘ll make a wonderful mother Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy told her before leaving Rainbow Dash alone again. At least, as alone as she could be these days. Applejack rubbed her head to fight the coming migraine as Twilight explained just how he had turned himself into a stallion. If it wasn’t for the relaxing tea Twilight had pored for her when they got to his private room, she was pretty sure that the mental railroad spike would have already found its way into her brain. “You cast a spell to…make yerself taller?” The alicorn sighed and made as if to shake his head, then just sighed again. “That’s a simple way of putting it. It’s a variation of the spell Luna uses to make herself look like Nightmare Moon when the fillies and colts offer her candy. Only instead of needing to maintain it with a constant mana flow, the alteration to my body would have been permanent.” “Is this about them ponies who said you looked too young to ride the-” Applejack cut herself off by clearing her throat when she noticed Twilight’s glare. “Right well…if something went wrong, why haven’t you done fixed it yet?” After taking another sip of tea, the alicorn set down her magically held cup. “It’s not that simple. I cast the spell while using my Element when I am in perfect sync with it so, just being able to tear the spell matrix apart is beyond me. So I have to unravel it one strand at a time, and the problem with that is…well… I have to figure out how the spell became a knot in the first place. At first I thought it was a problem with the way I had formulated the magic, but I checked the math and it was sound. Now, it looks like I made an error during the casting.” For a moment Applejack wondered if things were really as simple as Twilight were making them seem, or if she…or he, was just using language the farm pony could understand. It wasn’t the first time she was glad to have been born an earth pony. If all that technical jargon went into magic, Applejack understood why Rarity never bothered learning more than that one spell with her gems. However, she was able to pick up on one oddity… “Wait, how come you just didn’t get me and Fluttershy. Sure, your Element is powerful and all, but Ah’m pretty sure the six of us working together can undo this mess. Hay, we fixed Luna, undid all the stuff Discord did, and re-magiced about half the hole pony race! Some gender-bender spell ain’t nothing’! Shoot, you could probably just get Discord to fix you with a snap of his claws,” she said before realizing the other meaning of that statement and blanching. “Turning you into a mare again Ah mean, not…you know.” “Umm, Applejack?” Twilight said as he raised an eyebrow. “You did notice that Discord had a problem using his magic on us directly whenever we were wearing the elements, right? Now, we pretty much are the Elements. We’re constantly surrounded by a low level harmonic field that can pretty much negate anything but his highest level stuff, and even that magic would be very reduced in strength by the time it made it through. And…full use of the Elements isn’t rally an option right now.” Applejack let out a sigh. “Okay, what’d Rainbow do?” What with their magic working off friendship, it wasn’t hard to figure out the source of any problems. Considering the way Twilight had looked when she and Fluttershy showed up, and the several minutes the prince(ess?) had just sat there before Applejack talked her into coming inside, it wasn’t hard to figure who was to blame. The glare Twilight gave her quickly derailed that train of thought, and had Applejack wishing she was somewhere else. “Why in the hay does everypony always think when there’s a problem between me and Rainbow, that she’s the one to blame?” he demanded. “Well,” Applejack began while dragging up the best response she could find with an irate alicorn giving her a death-glare. “You’re the uh…princess, and Rainbow’s…Rainbow. She don’t really think things through all that much.” Twilight released Applejack from his gaze, and sighed. “Well this one’s my fault, and it’s not so easy to clean up as her messes,” he said as he lowered his head. “And even if our friendship was at its best…I still wouldn’t let her use Loyalty to help me.” Curiosity peeked, and mood unsettled, Applejack gulped at the sight of the stallion just…deflating in front of her. “Twilight, what’s wrong? What happened between the two of you?” “I…” Twilight paused and looked back up to the pony, visibly weighing her. Then he sighed. “Might as well tell. It’s not like its going to be a secret much longer. “Last Night a little before eight thirty, I cast the spell that turned me into a stallion," he began in a depression tone. “About fifteen minutes later…or maybe thirty I’m not sure anymore, Rainbow came to me looking for help. She…well…she was in heat.” Applejack’s eye widened. She knew those two had a bit of a thing for each other, even if Rainbow was a mite too stubborn and Twilight was a bit too…Twilight to admit it. But from the way Twilight was sounding… “But you were a…” “We had sex,” he continued. “And…I didn’t think anything else was going to happen! My sperm count should have been practically nonexistent!” The magic word sperm had Applejack’s eyes trying to jump off of her head. If Twilight was talking about that kind of stuff… Sweet Celestia, she told herself before a fact about foaling she knew popped into her head. “Wait a minute, it takes three days for a mare to know if she’s…but you wouldn’t have said anything about…sperm, if there weren’t…” Thankfully, Twilight picked up the conversation. “The next morning, Rainbow complained about some…soreness,” he said with a blush before averting his gaze. “So, I used a full medical scan and… Oh Applejack, she was in so much pain! All those crashes, and everything else we all went through? They just added up and added up over the years and so I used my harmonic magic to…fix them. “I’m not even sure what I did! Some of what happened had to be a kind of healing magic that, well…I can’t even call it healing magic! Healing magic is just the quick, natural regeneration of cells sped up to an impossible degree and guided to insure proper setting of bones. What I did I repaired damage that shouldn’t have been fixable!” Applejack nodded at the alicorn. “Okay, so you helped Rainbow out with a few old scrapes,” she said to show the god of magic she was following along. “How does that translate to twelve hour…whatever Rainbow has?” Confusion showed in Twilight's face as he shook his head. “I’m not sure. I mean, we‘re just beginning to understand what we can do with our Elements” he said. “Maybe… Maybe it had something to do with how I knew healing magic should work. So when my harmonic magic found her egg and my sperm trying to…do what they do, it expedited the process. Or maybe…” A terrified, wide-eyed realization showed on Twilight’s face, and he braced himself against the table. “Celestia, I’m lucky it only took a few seconds to heal Rainbow. If I had kept up the flow of magic going until the embryo became a fetus and pushed on her womb…” The alicorn gulped and Applejack’s eyes widened in agreement. She didn’t want to know what kind of problems that would have caused. “Then, I performed another scan to make sure everything was fine and…I found the fetus growing inside of her. I’m hardly an expert, but…it has to be at least at the forth week of development. “She must be so afraid Applejack! I mean, a fetus just appearing? I fainted when I found out about it, and I’m not even the one that’s carrying! “I keep trying to tell myself that this will all work out but…it all sounds so hollow!” the alicorn cried. “I try and tell myself, tell Rainbow things like she doesn’t need the Wonderbolt and she’s already the most awesome pegasus I know, that joining them would just be a step down, but…I can’t make decisions like that for her! She already resents me enough for-” The way Twilight just clamped up instead of trailing off into a few pants got an eyebrow raise out of Applejack, but the farm pony didn’t press the issue. “Sugarcube, Rainbow is crazier fer you than she is fer cider. Just give her some time and some space, and still come round like she always does. I mean, she is the loyal pony, right?” Twilight’s face took on a look of anger at the comment. “Why does everypony say that?” he grumbled. “Rarity competes in the Best Young Fliers, and Rainbow forgives her. We step on Dash’s pride, and she pushes her anger aside. We…I make her stick with a second-rate team she has to carry just to win a silver medal, I make her sit in a stupid little chair to listen to ponies argue when she’d rather be out doing anything else, and now I GET HER PREGNANT! How many more times will her bucking loyalty cause her to take hits to her pride, get her hopes stepped on, and kill her ambitions, her dreams?” Seeing where this was going, Applejack reached out to slap a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder before the alicorn could have another full on panic attack as his out of control self-destruction stopped being verbal. “Twilight! Snap out of it already!” When the alicorn turned to look at the earth pony with a sorrowful, but attentive gaze, Applejack took in a deep breathe. “Sugarcube, you know a lot of that stuff’s a bit slanted, and hay…just think where Rainbow would be without you.” “In the Wonderbolts, happy, and not pregnant?” Twilight asked without a moment of consideration, his panicked tone becoming a bit angrier than what Applejack was used to hearing with Twilight. Hmmm, I might need a bit of help on this one… Twilight slumped on her throne as all of her wingless friends took their own seat in the council at Applejack’s insistence. He wasn’t all that surprised that Fluttershy didn’t come when the farm pony had called out the others while in the hall to all their chambers. Being Rainbow’s oldest friend, the alicorn knew what side she would take in this little… No! This wasn’t some little argument between friends. It was a gigantic, titanic, cataclysm that was going to rip apart their friendship and completely destroy their bond forever! Once it sunk in to everypony just how much Twilight had ruined Rainbow’s life, he couldn’t imagine any of his friends wanting to stick around. They’d leave one by one, like he deserved. “Sorry I’m late everypony, I was finishing the last of the pamphlets Rainbow gave me. It’s a little funny how much ponies are like so many of my animal friends.” The voice of Fluttershy brought Twilight out of a vision of all his friends condemning him for his actions that destroyed Rainbow’s life and disabled their foal before it was even born. He looked over to the yellow pegasus and blinked in confusion. “Fluttershy? What’re you doing here? I thought you out of all of us would side with Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy cocked her head in confusion. “Twilight, just because you’re angry at Rainbow Dash for getting pregnant doesn’t mean I’m not going to come help you if you need it,” she said as if telling the alicorn that the sky was blue. “What?” Twilight asked in a confused panic as she tried to figure out why Rainbow would think such a thing. “I-I’m not angry at her! Why in Equestria would I be angry at her?” Was it the shouting? He knew he had become a bit more intense since the change in gender, but Twilight didn’t think he had come across as angry at Rainbow! As the large alicorn approached the pegasus, Fluttershy looked around nervously, making Twilight wince. Did he really come off as threatening? “Because of her pregnancy?” Fluttershy replied, so nervously uncertain it sounded more like a question than an answer. Twilight looked down at her friend, feeling more confused than ever. Although, it felt better than the depression she had been in mere moments before. “Why?” mumbled in a confused whisper as she looked at Fluttershy with pleading eyes. This time, Twilight couldn’t come up with any theories that made any sense. Unless… Did Rainbow think everything that was going on was some cruel joke? That Twilight had meant to get her pregnant? That he had meant to use magic to deform their foal? That it was all some crazy plot to make her stay at the palace and keep her from joining the Wonderbolts? But why in the world would she think something like that? I could never sabotage her dreams like that! I helped her get in the reserves! Thinking that… That’s like…like… Twilight blinked when he remembered a couple of years ago, when he and the others had dressed up in a bunch of costumes to teach Rainbow Dash that heroes didn’t need to be thanked…like the Wonderbolts… …or have fans…like the Wonderbolts… …or…be celebrated as heroes…like the Wonderbolts… No, Twilight pleased with himself as she tried to fight his logic. But… “WHAT?” The sound of everypony around him letting out an exclaimed shriek brought Twilight out of his panicked ruminations, and he saw Fluttershy drop a folder from where it had been tucked under her wing, spilling the contents of it all over the floor. It only took a glance to see it was the records pertaining to Dash’s checkup. Then, Fluttershy spoke again. “Oh well, um, I said because the foal is Soarin’s, Rainbow feels guilty and doesn’t think-” Twilight spun around to face Fluttershy. “What do you mean Soarin? Fluttershy, I’m the foal’s father!” “W-What?” Fluttershy stuttered. “How in the hay can anypony think it was Soarin!” Twilight exclaimed as he used his magic to gather up the papers strewn all over the floor. “How could Rainbow? She was in heat when we had sex for Celestia’s sake!” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “That is a might peculiar,” she said. “I mean, what kind of mare doesn’t know you don’t get heats during pregnancy?” “Oh! Oh! I know!” Pinkie exclaimed as she waved a raised hoof around. When everypony turned to look at her, she stuck her chest out proudly as she answered. “The kind that worships a team of stunt fliers but doesn’t know a bucking thing about their history!” “…you may have something their Darling,” Rarity said. “But…it…the doctors said the baby’s development fits in the time-frame, look!” Fluttershy said as she ran over to get beside Twilight and searched through the papers until she pulled out the report involving Rainbow’s foal. “See?” Twilight found himself unable to look away in time not to get the gist of the report. He wasn’t near as fast at absorbing information as Dash when she was flying, but she could get the basics of a well organized report at a glance. And although Fluttershy was pointing to one area, Twilight’s attention was drawn to another. “There’s no magical contamination?” he mumbled. The question got a confused frown from Fluttershy. “Why would Rainbow’s foal have been altered by magic?” “Because I used the Element of Magic on her when I healed her! It’s why she went from conception to having an embryo!” Twilight exclaimed before looking back to the doctor’s report. The beautiful piece of paper that said his child was one-hundred-percent healthy. “This is…do you know what this means?” “That your baby is going to be fine?” Rarity asked. “That you an Rainbow are basically killing yourselves over nothing?” Applejack continued. “That you could have used the orbital friendship cannon to turn back into a mare at any time you wanted?” Pinkie finished, getting an odd look from the rest of the group. “What?” Twilight’s eye started twitching on the last realization, but he kept from face-hoofing himself. Considering his newfound strength…he didn’t want to knock himself out. Then, he came to another realization. Dash…she thinks I… “RAINBOW!” The stallion turned and galloped across the council chambers, up the stairs, through the hallways of his palace, and into his lover’s room as he crashed through the crystal door hard enough to leave a crack. “Rainbow! Please listen to me, I’m not…Rainbow?” Twilight muttered as he looked around the room. All over the place, he found the remains of torn Wonderbolt posters, the bed where he and his pegasus had shared their first night, but the pegasus the alicorn was looking for was not to be seen. Then, Twilight looked over to the door leading to the shared balcony, and opened it to look outside. “Rainbow? Are you there?” he shouted as he ran out onto the large outdoor floor that overlooked Ponyville. However, he didn’t see any sign of his Rainbow. Where is she? “Twilight?” The fact the voice came from above him made the purple alicorn look up in joy, expecting his cyan lover with her beautiful rainbow hair to be floating there. Instead, he found a wacky-eyed mailmare. “Oh…hey Derpy. Do you need something?” “I got a letter for you,” the gray pegasus said before reaching into her bag and handing it over. “Special hoof-delivery.” “Thanks,” Twilight replied, a little confused as to why Derpy would come…well, other than it was about time for the evening mail delivery. So, he supposed that it wasn’t that strange. Although, there was the question of why Derpy had given it to him directly instead of just leaving it in the palace’s mailbox. Twilight tore the letter open an took it in his magic to read it. Dear Princess Twiguy Spackle Discord here. If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably noticed your fillyfriend has flown the coop. Don’t look at me, I didn’t do it. But, since I doubt you ponies took note of the little hint I left you awhile back, especially since you blew up my HD TV before it got to the SOARIN WEDDING SCENE! Remember? I even talked about it! But I’m sure you actually talked things out with her before it got to that. I mean, it’s not like she got all super rainbow, flew to Cloudsdale in .10 seconds flat, grabbed that Wonderbolt by the scruff of his neck, and dragged him into the chapel on the corner of Nimbus and Cumulus, to force him into a marriage on the grounds that the foal in her belly belongs to him, right? Well, gotta go bother Tia now. Say hi to Fluttershy for me. Discord. “She wouldn’t,” Twilight mumbled in horror. … … … “Ohhhhhhh yes she would,” Pinkie Pie said from behind Twilight. > First Day Part 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cloudsdale Church of Celestia was considered by many to be the most beautiful building to get married in for pegasi. Using a combination of glass hidden in solidified cloud and sunlight, the interior was lit by a myriad of colors that changed depending on the time of day. For the time of 4:30, it was a beautiful mix of gold and red. And of course, with the aforementioned place being a church, there was a wedding going on. The bride wore a simple, if large, wedding dress of pure white that matched the veil hanging from her face to hide her nervousness. The groom was dressed in a stunning blue tuxedo, although the telltale lighting bolt that adorned his cutie mark stood uncovered. The vows had been spoken, the…stuff that pegasi exchanged had been presented, and the celestial priest cleared his throat before addressing the crowd. “Now, for any of those who find fault with this union, speak now, or forever hold your peace.” A tremendous swirl of mystical energy saturated the room between the middle rows of pews, causing the wind to whip around as the air became displaced. Exactly five seconds after the event began, and brought a halt to the proceedings, there was bright flash of light that left four colorful ponies, and one very colorful pony with a flowing mane despite the fact the wind had died down standing in the middle of the floor. Everypony in the room also took notice that all but two of the ponies should have been falling to their deaths, and that the colorful pony was a large purple alicorn that looked a lot like the newest princess to be crowned from about a year ago. The large purple alicorn took one look at the pony standing on the left side of the priest and zoomed over to snatch the much smaller pegasus up in his hooves, then held her at forearms length. “You’re making a horrible mistake!” “I am?” the bride replied from beneath her veil. “Look, I know what other ponies think is important to you, and your friends most of all,” the alicorn told her in a desperate tone. “But throwing away everything you dream about just because you think you have to isn’t the right way of being loyal to the ponies who care about you! If you live your whole life bound by obligations without allowing any joy for yourself, you’re only going to end up making your life miserable, and none of your friends want that! Even if that obligation is something like an unborn foal!” The pony in the wedding flinched at the mention of her unborn foal. “But if I don’t marry him, what will other ponies say? I’ll be an unwed mother!” “Wait…what?” the alicorn asked before he reached out with his magic and removed the veil. Seeing the pony underneath, he blinked in confusion. “You’re not Rainbow Dash.” “Who?” the bride asked as she was lowered down to the ground. “Oh that’s Golden Showers, Darling,” the only unicorn of the new arrives announced. “She’s the heir to the second richest family in Cloudsdale. I've gotten so many order from them over the years.” “MOTHER?” A stallion who bore a striking resemblance to Golden Showers said as he stood made his way up the cloud carved stares. “You’re pregnant? That’s why you’re marrying this this piece of dirt?” Silent up until now, the groom with the lighting bolt on top of a shield for his cutie mark spoke up. “Hey!” he whined. “No…we’re…um, really in love!” “Love?” the best mare shouted. “That’s not what you said when we slept together at your bachelor party last night! You said the two of you would get married, and we’d take her for every last bit!” “The two of you?” another pegasus mare shouted from further back in the church. “He promised me we’d be the ones to get all the money by talking her into investing in a ponzi scheme after we banged last week!” “He promised me we’d set up a business in Haywaii!” yet another pegasus yelled, only to be joined by a dozen others, each one with some promise the groom had made once he forced the innocent mare into a marriage with plans to suck away her family’s fortune for his own nefarious purposes. “Ah think we got the wrong church,” the out of place orange earth pony mumbled to the alicorn as an angry crowd of pegasus mares approached what was probably the worst pegasus in all of Equestria and bring justice down upon him. “But…this was the address Discord’s letter gave me!” the alicorn exclaimed. “Maybe he got it wrong?” the only pegasus in the group suggested. All the ponies who saw the alicorn’s face at that moment knew he didn’t think the error was at all unintentional. “Grrrr, come on girls. We need to find Dash before she does something stu…before she ruins her life even worse than it is! Let's go Pinkie, I need you for something.” First Day Part 7: Twilight and Rainbow’s Little Climax “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T FIND RAINBOW?” All of the mares gave each other an uneasy look as Twilight yelled at Pinkie Pie in a desperation-filled voice, except Pinkie Pie. She simply stood her ground, looking at Twilight in confusion as the alicorn continued his rant. “You  did it in Ponyville when you…did…your…Pinkie thing!” he spluttered as his brain tried to work through just how inconceivable it all was. As for Pinkie, she just shrugged off the desperate stallion’s ranting. “Yeah but that was Ponyville. I knew everypony there, and all the shortcuts. This is just the second time I’ve been to Cloudsdale, so…I got nothing.” But...what if they were only chasing a red herring? What if it was all come cruel joke sent by Discord to drive him even crazier? Dash hadn't been in the church! There was no guarantee that she was even in Cloudsdale! And even if she was, finding her without some way to know where we was would be impossible! No. we can't...this can't...I cant...I… “Now simmer down there Sugarcube,” Applejack said as she approached the distraught alicorn to place a hoof on his shoulder before Twilight's emotions could run wild again. The physical contact helped, but, without an actual answer, friendly support could only do so much. “That just means we’re gonna have to figure out where Rainbow would go.” “Indeed,” Rarity agreed before turning to their secret weapon for locating Rainbow when the pony who could violate the laws of physics on a whim wasn’t an option. “Fluttershy-dear? Do you know where our Rainbow might be? Her parents, perhaps?” Twilight brightened at the suggestion made by Rarity, and kicked himself for nothing thinking of it sooner. Just because they couldn’t…Pinkie their way out of this problem didn’t mean it was hopeless. Fluttershy was Rainbow Dash’s oldest friend and had lived with her in Cloudsdale for years! If anypony knew where Rainbow was going to be, it was her! The matter of her hopefully-still-fillyfriend’s parents seemed like a good choice to start. Twilight knew that if he was with foal…as impossible as that was at the moment, then home would be a definite option in places where shelter could be sought. “Oh, Rainbow’s parents…well, her mother and aunt, Rainbow’s father he kind of…um,” the pegasus cleared her throat and looked away from the group for a moment before continuing. “Well, they don’t live in Cloudsdale anymore, they moved to Las Pegasus years ago.” While Twilight frowned in distress at having the obvious option dashed, Applejack nodded to herself and let out a little hmm before speaking. “Did seem a might peculiar to me we didn’t meet her folks at that competition when we was here last.” Then, as Twilight’s mind raced to try and figure out where else Rainbow could possibly be, Rarity cleared her throat and drew everypony’s attention. “Pardon me, but I must ask if we aren’t worried over nothing, I mean…just marrying a stallion because of some expectation and obligation? Does that sound like our Rainbow Dash?” Twilight flinched at the word obligation, and sighed as he lowered his head towards the clouds. “Yes Rarity, it sounds exactly like something she would do.” Because I’ve been making her do that since we came to Ponyville. Congratulations on teaching such a valuable lesson to your friend Twilight. “Well…yes. It does actually,” Fluttershy spoke up. As everypony looked at her, she gulped and hid behind her main. “I mean, considering what happened with her father… Sorry, forget I said anything.” “Fluttershy?” Twilight said as he stepped closer to the pegasus. “What about Rainbow’s father?” As the pegasus pulled in on herself, Twilight backed away to seem less looming, and lowered himself to her eye-level. “Fluttershy…please, if this is about Rainbow, and could tell us where she might be. I need to know.” “I can’t…I’m sorry. She wouldn’t like it if I told,” Fluttershy replied. “It wouldn’t change anything right now anyway. It’s just…Rainbow would definitely be the type of mare who would try and marry the father of her foal to keep him around, even if she didn’t want to.” Her eyes darted over to the church they had just left, and widened a bit before turning back to her friends. “Oh! Not like with what happened in there! She wouldn’t get married to avoid the social…problems that come with being a single mare. She’d do it because… Well, it would be so the foal could have a father.” For a few seconds, Twilight thought about pressing the issue, then let it go. If it didn’t have to do with finding Rainbow, then it wasn’t important. He needed to focus on his fillyfriend. Everything else came second. “Okay, let’s think about this for a minute,” Twilight mumbled as he breathed the way Cadence had taught him to help calm down a little more. “There can’t be that many places to get married in Cloudsdale, right? And it takes time to get married, right? And…well, Rainbow wouldn’t do something like get married without her friends there to support her, right? And she surely wouldn’t go and do something like get married without her parents, or aunt and mother, around to witness it, right? So…there’s really nothing to worry about an I’m just letting what Discord said get me worked up over nothing because he really is the biggest dick in Equestria, RIGHT?” He looked on the faces of his friends with a hopeful expression, waiting for all of them to agree with his completely sound logic. But when Pinkie Pie was the first to speak, Twilight had a sinking feeling so bad he was afraid of falling through the clouds. “Unless Dashie just takes Soarin to one of those fly-through marriage places to make everything legal, then decides to go through with an actual ceremony afterwards. Oh! Or maybe she’s just here to grab Soarin, then she’s going to fly to Las Pegasus to meet up with her mommy and auntie to get married! It’s the marriage capital of Equestria you know!” Twilight’s eye twitched as he heard the sense in Pinkie’s words. A few strands of his feminine mane jutted out when he calculated just how much time that would actually take for Rainbow Dash to do if she was using her harmonic magic to boost her speed. His entire body flinched when he pictured the Soarin and Rainbow together in a church just like he had seen moments before. “But…but that means we only have five minutes to search every church, synagogue, mosque, temple and-” Rarity’s hoof in his mouth stopped Twilight from saying another word. “Then I would suggest we get going.” The office wasn't much to look at when compared to some of the higher ups in the EUP. Still, it was more than twice the size that any other pony got in Cloudsdale, a clear show of respect for the mare that was the leader of the primary Wonderbolts squadron. Spitfire looked up from her autographing paperwork when she heard the door to her office slam open, and blanched at the sight. Although she had heard rumors about what happened with Tirek, and a few of the phenomenal stories coming from Ponyville in the past week and a half about Princess Twilight’s entourage gaining some new type of magic, the stories had made them all sound a little silly. After all, how could gaining a new hairdo and coat paint-job in the color of rainbows make anything seem less than ridiculous? Sitting in the presence of one of those mares, Spitfire immediately changed her opinion of the whole thing. The amount of magic that seemed to make the air spark with and oddly tinted red lightning drew her attention away from the fact that she had cute little lightning bolts all over her body, and her wings looked like they had been submerged in a rainbow long enough to stain them. There was also the fact that her mane looked like something Celestia should be sporting, with the way the colors flowed and how it moved without a breeze running through it. “Hey Spitfire!” the irate rainbow pegasus said as the air made the Wonderbolt captain’s hair stand on end. “I’ve been in your stupid waiting room for half-an-hour! I said this was urgent!” The fact the air seemed to spark with every sentence like how the room just seemed to take on a sense of danger when alicorns got uppity made the Wonderbolt gulp. Okay now, calm down Spitfire, she told herself. You’ve had Celestia shout at you a few times over the years. Rainbow Dash is just a…angry fan that got into that little charity case reserve squadron. There was no need for her to be nervous just because she had a new look. Although the fact that she currently held one-sixth of the magic that defeated more than half the mortal pony race, all of the alicorns, and Discord rolled into one did make her a little nervous. So the trembling knees on her back legs were completely understandable. Still, Spitfire was a practiced soldier and field commander. She could not only keep her composure, but regain control of the situation easily enough. So, she raised an eyebrow at the…angry demi-goddess that could probably blow her up with a thought…and just shoved that little fact to the side before replying to her hundredth or so self-proclaimed biggest fan. “Well, you came here without an appointment, said Equestria wasn’t in any immediate danger, and I do have a lot of work to do, so…” She looked up at the stack of autographed pictures that piled higher than her head, then over to the equally high stack that was also too tall for Rainbow Dash to see what the top page was. “But I suppose I can make time for you,” she told the pegasus with a little smile. “Where’s Soarin?” Rainbow Dash demanded as the air in the room became a breeze that threatened to scatter Spitfire’s pictures. “I need to see him, now!” Spitfire scooted back in her chair from the anger in Rainbow’s voice. She repressed the urge to gulp as she started to get a sinking feeling of what Rainbow wanted to talk about, and took a moment to steady herself for Soarin's latest fan-girl of a toy going postal. “I see. May I ask what this is about?” The question only made the demi-goddess’s scowl become deeper as she approached the other pegasus to glare at her. “That’s between me, Soarin, and our foal that’s been flying first class inside me since we banged at the Equestria Games!” After Rainbow’s reveal, something Spitfire had to admit she saw coming when Rainbow mentioned the stallion, her mind raced with the practiced speed of a military field commander to absorb all the related data in an attempt to tell how everything was fixing to play out. The fact that Soarin had left Rainbow Dash with foal…wasn’t that much of a shock. Mares that didn’t get into his little…kink, tended to end up in the family way when he was done with them. For a Wonderbolt, that wasn’t much of a problem. The group's famous name, combined with their necessity in the EUP, the fortunes of the team members, and lawyers that could be hired with those fortunes made them pretty much immune to any scandal involving illegitimate offspring. The fans that didn’t take a one-time payment to disappear and never bring up the matter again usually got more than the ones who tried to drag Soarin or Rapidfire to court in an attempt to get a ‘larger piece of the pie’ as Soarin put it. Even the mares that won such fights to grant support for the foal only got to rejoice in a hollow victory after lawyer fees took most of the first payment, and the rest was never delivered. Anypony who tried for more just went right back to court for more red tape. Rainbow Dash didn’t fall into such a category, despite her status as a huge fan. She didn’t fall into the Wonderbolt trainee that was too great a flier for her own good type of box either, or even the kind of pony with enough bits to win court battles and follow-up cases involving lack of payment out of spite. She was a new type of mare, one that made every other little problem the Wonderbolts had managed to sweep under the rug seem like nothing… But, she was still Spitfire's problem since General Grease Ball had marked her to take over the Wonderbolts in preparation for his own retirement in the Caymane Islands several years prior. She had the ear of Equestria’s newest princess, and was considered by most to be a high level of nobility with how she helped Princess Twilight Sparkle make decisions in court. As if one princess wasn’t bad enough, Spitfire had overheard more than once that Princess Luna considered each of the Harmony social group dear friends, and took extra steps to insure their loved ones were paid extra attention during her nightly duties; if Rainbow Dash had any need to call in a favor, there was no doubt in Spitfire’s mind that Luna would answer. Then there was Princess Celestia Herself, who Rainbow had a direct line to form that Spitfire had seen when a personal letter of correspondence from Rainbow Dash just appeared addressed to the princess in the middle of a top secret military meeting. The fact that she had actually taken time to read the stupid thing while all her other military leaders were trying to tell her of what would be an impending diamond dog invasion if it wasn’t headed off made Spitfire wince. She could even remember what the stupid thing said to this day when Celestia read it out loud so Luna could also hear. “Ah it’s from Twilight’s more brazen pegasus friend. Let’s see. Dear Princess Celestia. During the past week I’ve been flying around being my usual awesome self, and this whole Mare Do Well thing happened, and I got to thinking. Even if you love doing something, you shouldn’t just ignore your friends. Rainbow Dash. Hmm, well that was…confusing.” Spitfire shuddered at the possibilities if Rainbow wasn’t satisfied here, and decided to go straight to the top of the government. The Wonderbolts…all the fame, money, influence, and personal power that came with the title would be over. And that was only if one of the alicorns didn’t decide to step in full the level of righteous fury that hadn’t been seen since Discord had been defeated for the first time. So, caught between a being that was probably more powerful than the majority of the pegasi race squished into one giant flying pony, and Celestia Herself, Spitfire put on her best kiss-ass smile and rose from her chair. “I think Soarin is still in his quarters. I’ll go get him for you.” She quickly turned away and galloped through her office’s back exit, then took a sharp turn down the hallway and went out the door to fly across the open air training field that took up most of the room in the Wonderbolt’s station before she came to the male dormitories. Then she went inside the square cloud building’s third floor entrance and glared at the door to the lieutenant’s room while the sounds coming from the other side made it quite apparent what was going on inside the room. Spitfire steeled herself, then knocked the cloud door open to walk inside. On the bed, she saw Soarin on hunched over of one of the plebes Spitfire recognized as Cloudchaser, thrusting his cock into her at his usual friction burn speeds. The wet slosh slosh sloshing sounds, made the Wonderbolt wince as the mare from the academy let out short cry after cry of both pain and pleasure while Soarin continued to pound her ridiculously wet hole as fast as he could. “Soarin! Hurry up and get your sorry plot done, we’ve got a problem to deal with!” Spitfire shouted in anger as her wing-pony had his way with the filly. For a minute, the light-colored pegasus his banging until he drew back for one final thrust and readjusted his forelegs to grab Cloudchaser by her cutie mark and hold on tight. “Gonna make me some…PIE!” the amorous pegasus yelled with a final thrust that smacked their hips together so hard it drove his mare’s head into the cloud bed before the stallion unleashed his seed. When it was over, the younger pegasus collapsed in a heap, then rolled onto her back while Soarin pulled out his spent rod and frowned at Spitfire. “What is it Spitfire? I’m about to get to the best part!” “Wha…t-there…there’s more?” Soarin’s newest conquest asked in a voice that tried to take in breath every other word. He just reached down and stroked the mare’s mane. “Only the best part! I can't wait to-" Tired of all the manure that had gone on, and the proverbial ton of it she was going to have to wade through in order to fix things, Spitfire’s temper snapped and she walked up to deck Soarin in the jaw hard enough to lay him back down on the bed. “Quit bucking around you idiot! We’ve got a real problem here!” “But…m-my pie!” Soarin complained. Spitfire shuddered at the mention of Soarin’s favorite sexual act and smacked him again. “I said shut up!” she ordered before turning on the filly that Soarin had just finished with. Why she let such things go on between him and the plebes...well, she knew why. Still, at times like this, Spitfire wondered if she couldn't just get rid of Soarin and to hay with the consequences.  “And you, if you breathe a word about this to anypony, and I’ll have you're not only court martialed for attempting to lay with a superior officer, but I’ll make sure the general sentences you to magical draining and banishment from Equestria!” The filly paled at the threat. Having been through the process before when she had fought Tirek, Spitfire knew the experience was worse than death for anypony, and so did the plebe if her reaction of wide-eyed terror and exit from the room as fast as she could was any indication. “Spitfire you horse! That was cherry pie you just chased out my door!” he yelled. “Cherry!” “Shut it you idiot! We’ve got bigger problems than some bucking virgin running out on you before you could finish your bucking sex show!” the higher-ranking pony yelled as she Soarin in the chest. “We've got a problem on our hooves. That bucktard Rainbow Dash is here, and a bunch of stupid nice words and a little gesture to get her off our backs isn't going to work this time!” Soarin crossed his forelegs and let out a sneer. “Well I ain’t gonna do her if that’s what you’re wondering. Stupid ass wouldn’t even suck me or let me make some pie.” The mention of his favorite sexual act made Spitfire suppress a shudder again. How in the hay he actually found ponies to go through with that more than once… Well, fame was a big part of it, she supposed. But she managed to get her mind out of the gutter and focus on the task at hoof before Soarin noticed. “You put a foal in her you idiot! What the hay were you thinking?” If Soarin seemed worried by the news, he didn’t show it. If anything, the pegasus just got a little confused. “Huh, didn’t act like it back then. I-whoa, hold on a second,” he said while holding up his hooves. “I didn’t find anything in the room, it must have been a normal heat! Besides, you know she-" “I know what you do to fans who don’t let you do your stupid pie thing you bucking idiot!” Spitfire exclaimed. “You think it wasn’t obvious? Headaches all this stuff causes me be burned in the sun! I should throw you to the wolves just for that!” Soarin put his back up straight and looked down at her. “Yeah, well I know you and your brother buck each other! If you try and clip my wings, then I’m taking you down with me! No way they're going to let a pony who's into incest be a bucking role model! With that on top of the fixed racing, you'll be lucky to keep your wings!" A stomp of her hoof knocked a hole in the cloud, and Spitfire fumed at the other pony. “You idiot! I’m not going to pursue charges against you! Rainbow Dash is! And if you go down, they’ll look into all of us! I’m here to make sure you give that bucking wannabe Wonderbolt whatever the buck she wants!” “What are you talking about?” he replied. “Just give her the usual, if she doesn’t take it, we just tie her up in court like the others. Problem solved.” Spitfire let out a cry of rage as she leapt at the other pegasus, pinning him to the bed and applying pressure to his neck. “Problem not solved you bucking idiot! This is an Element of Harmony we’re dealing with! She has a personal connection with three of the four members of our bucking pantheon! She can bypass the whole bucking court system in the time it takes to write a letter! Then Celestia starts an inquiry about all of us, finds out about all your little accidents and everything else we’re doing, and we’ll be lucky not to fry in the sun! And I swear if there is even the start of an inquiry, then I’ll make sure you’ll get your sorry wings clipped and shipped off to the Griffin Empire to be some flying lion’s personal sex toy! I did not work my plot off sleeping with every over the hill officer stallion I could during my time as a cadet to lose it all because one stupid pony wouldn’t keep his thing sheathed! UNDERSTAND?” Soarin gulped, and Spitfire felt the ball of spit run down his esophagus. How easy it would be, to just make her hold a little tighter and get rid of her problem now. But then, Rainbow Dash would start asking more questions, and she couldn’t have that. “So you are going to be a good little pony, and go do whatever Prince’s Twilight’s little pet tells you to, or I’ll cut off those balls of yours and force you to swallow them!” “But she has to have registered here! This is the last church in all of Cloudsdale!” Twilight wailed as he looked at the sun priest with pleading eyes. A hoof came up to touch her shoulder, and the alicorn looked back to see his friends standing behind him. “Are you girls sure you check every place I marked on our maps?” After they all nodded in the affirmative, Rarity spoke. “Perhaps this is a good thing Twilight,” the unicorn said, which got her a confused held tilt from the alicorn. “I mean, at least now we know Dash hasn’t gotten married yet.” “Here’s a question. How come we just don’t let Rainbow get married, then tell her about everything so they can divorce later?” Applejack suggested. “You mean aside from the scandal it would cause?” Rarity demanded. “Do you have any idea what kind of damage it would do to her reputation? Not to mention any chance at all she ever has of getting into the Wonderbolts…slim as it is now, would be completely destroyed! The poor dear would be crushed!” Fluttershy was the next to chime in. “Not to mention the fact would never back out of an agreement like that. You all know how stubborn she can be.” Although the two of them raised good points, it wasn't the best reason. Twilight supplied that one. "Because of the First Decade Law," he explained, getting confused stares from the rest of the girls. "Um...you know, the law Cadence pushed for at the last princess summit that we signed into effect throughout all of Equestria?" More blank stares made the alicorn sigh. "You know, the law that states if two ponies are in love enough to get married and their emotions turn out to be less than true, then Cadence will use her magic to make them love each other for ten years to save their relationship? I understand Dash not knowing about the decree but-" "WHAT?" Applejack yelled before looking over to Twilight, both rage and confusion written on her face. "What the hay kind of... You just... IS YOUR SISTER OFF HER BUCKING ROCKER?" Twilight frowned at the outburst, even if Applejack was a little surprised, that didn't give her the right to insult Cadence like that. "What are you talking about Applejack?" In all honesty, he really didn’t want to deal with infighting at the moment with Rainbow still missing, but if her concerns could be put to rest quickly enough, they might still have some chance of finding his pegasus. Where could she be? Is there someplace we missed? I hidden chapel? A wandering preacher? WHERE ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO- "You...ya kidding me Twi?" AJ yelled. "You can't just...make ponies fall in love with each other. Especially if they don't want to be!" The misconception brought a frown to the alicorn's face as he was brought out of his thoughts. "Yes you can! Cadence does it all the time. She gets at least three couples a week!" Twilight had heard from his sister herself how many ponies came to her over time. Maybe she was at someplace we looked, but in a waiting line or something…come on Twilight, think! Applejack's mouth hung open at the alicorn's words. "Wha...it...you... Twilight, I can't believe you would go along with something like that!" "I don't see what the problem is," Twilight replied with a frown as the alicorn was brought out of his thoughts again. It was a rather noble thing for his sister-in-law to do. Spells such as that took a lot of power. "Don't...it...you..." The farm pony took a breath, visibly calming herself down as she did so. "Twilight, that's just...dishonest, and wrong! Ponies should be able to chose that sort of thing for themselves!" Twilight frowned at the odd flow in her logic, not to mention the hypocrisy of Applejack's view. "They chose to get married Applejack!" he said with a frown. "And, I don't see how this is any different when I tried to use that reformation spell on Discord. You didn't seem to have a problem with mental magic back then!" "But...it...you...GAAAAAAH!" Applejack shouted at the situation. "Okay, fine! This just...ugh! We need to find Rainbow, I get it!" “Hey,” Pinkie spoke up, getting Twilight's attention while Applejack seemed to have some kind of mental breakdown. "How come we don’t know Dashie didn’t just get married under a fake name, like all super secret and stuff.” “Because it wouldn’t be legally binding Darling.” Twilight felt a wave of relief run through his body at Rarity’s words. Although, the last few words got a flick from Twilight’s ears as he realized something. The panic he had managed told down when he went back to the familiarity of his explanation started to rear its head and he consciously took breathes through his nose to help with keeping his mind focused. “The courthouse…Rainbow doesn’t need a ceremony, or even a chapel! She can just apply for a marriage license at the courthouse!” How in the hay could I have missed that! “Isn’t that a little…uncouth?” Rarity asked as her face twisted in revulsion. “And Dash cares about that kinda stuff how much?” Applejack asked the unicorn before giving Twilight a stink-eye. Although why she was so upset about Cadence doing her job like she had been for the past year, the alicorn didn't understand. But, if Rainbow had gone to the courthouse with Soarin the moment she got to Cloudsdale, then… “Alright!” Pinkie cheered. “That means we have time to stop for dinner before saving Dashie from making the biggest mistake of her life. Everypony okay with Manedarin? I hear the oranges are especially good!” “Pinkie!” the alicorn and both non-earth ponies yelled before Twilight took up the berating of their friend. “Rainbow has gotten married to a stallion with my foal, and you’re making jokes? WHAT THE HAY IS WRONG WITH YOU?” It was like everything that was going on was one big joke to the pink pony! Didn't she know if Dash and Soarin got married, everything was over? Rainbow would be trapped in a loveless marriage until Cadence came along and made them fall in love and...then… For the first time in over a year, the pink pony scowled back at the alicorn. The sight actually made him break out of his spiral for a moment to listen to what she said. “Twilight, it’s a government building that issues licenses, and Dashie went there without an appointment. We could probably go there tomorrow and still find her and Soarin waiting in line.” “We are rather slow here when it comes to paperwork, not enough solid clouds to hold enough desks, you see,” the sun priest of the church behind them supplied. However, Twilight barely heard him. The purple pony was in the air when Pinkie said the word waiting. A second later, the rest of his friends were in pursuit. Although Twilight’s route was more direct, haste made him throw away most of what Rainbow had taught him about flying, and by the time he readjusted his trajectory twelve times and picked himself up from three crashes, he managed to catch up with the five ponies waiting for him at the door to the municipal building. Once they were together again, Twilight led the way into the large building and looked around at the signs. “I’ll find out where the judges offices are, the rest of you ask around to see if anypony’s seen Rainbow.” Considering her coloration, Twilight doubted anypony who had seen the mare would forget her. Okay let’s see…judges offices, judges… “One of the guards saw Rainbow Dash flying into the third story where the courtrooms are a few minutes ago,” Rarity told him. Not even bothering to finish reading all the various names in front of him, Twilight spun around to face the unicorn. “Great! Where’s the stairs?” “Ummm, Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke up. “Pegasi don’t used stairs because we can fly. Every floor has it own door to the outside with its own balcony. We just fly up and start on the floor we need to be on.” “That…okay, that actually makes a lot of sense,” he mused before looking over to his wings for a moment. In fact, Rainbow flying through the library’s window all the time back when Twilight had lived in a tree, or coming in through the balcony door more than she ever did through the front… GAH! No time for marveling over a new realization you idiot! RAINBOW IS GETTING MARRIED! He led the way back outside, then looked over to his friends for a moment, and then up to the third floor. After considering their recent conversation track record and everything else that had happened in their relationship within the one bucking day they had been together, Twilight didn’t trust himself not to screw up any kind of reconciliation with the rainbow mare. So he quickly wrapped his friends in his magic, and teleported them all to the third story balcony. Pinkie led the charge into the building, zipping from door to door opening them without any care as to what might be going on inside. “Nope.” “Not here.” “Zilch.” “Nada.” “Naaaaaaa-HA! I found her I found-” was all the pink pony was able to say before Twilight teleported right behind her and found Rainbow Dash standing in the middle of an empty courtroom next to Soarin; who had just raised his head after he finished signing a document, judging by the pen in his mouth. In front of them stood a pair of ponies, one wearing a judges regalia, and the other sporting some type of business suit. Time seemed to slow down. Pinkie came into the room and jumped towards them with an outstretched hoof. “Noooooooooooo!” Then before Twilight could do anything to stop Rainbow from sealing herself into at least decade of marriage with a stallion she wasn't foaling with, the pony in the business suit stepped forward and stamped the paper in front of them, turning it into a binding legal document. Some part of his mind came to the conclusion that Rainbow had signed the marriage license before Twilight even came into the room, but at the moment, all he could think about was the fact that it was over. He was too late. It was… Rainbow Dash had just legally married Soarin. The End! > First Day Part 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Day Part 8: Twilight and Dash’s Little Resolution The End. It was the end. The end of everything. All the running, chasing, shouting, teleporting, it had all been for nothing. There was nothing he could do… Rainbow Dash and Soarin were married. Twilight felt his legs go weak and… … … … … … … … … … … … … …no … … …no … …No No No! NO! Don’t you dare Twilight, don’t you dare panic, procrastinate, or pass out, or do any of your other stupid things! Twilight shouted at himself. Because if you do, if you just run away from the problem in front of you again, then… Then… THEN YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE IN LOVE! As the pair of pegasi turned around, Twilight shook off his feelings of panic and took in a breath to shout. “You can’t do this!” “Twilight?” Rainbow asked, surprise written across the pegasus’s features. “What’re you doing here?” “I object!” the alicorn shouted. “I mean…I won’t hold my…wait… I overturn this whole thing!” “W-What?” Soarin shrieked. “He can’t do that! How can he do that? And…who the heck is this anyway? I don’t remember us having a guy alicorn!” “I’m a bucking alicorn princess in an absolute monarchy, I can do whatever I want!” Twilight shouted as he fought to control the panic rising in his chest, “and I say that THIS DOESN’T COUNT!” Rainbow Dash gaped at the alicorn for a good two seconds before she got into the air in order to look the Princess of Friendship in the eyes. “What the hay Twilight!” “Rainbow, I can’t let you do this I…” he froze for a second, unable to form the words before the pegasus spoke again. “You can’t let me wha-mmmpth!” Rainbow managed to get out before Twilight stopped her with his magic, and held her whole body in place despite her attempts to move. He wasn’t going to let Rainbow interrupt her, fly off in a rage, or do anything else! Twilight didn’t want to her Rainbow’s pride, but what was going on trumped even that. “No! It may be too late, but I am going to talk and you are going to listen!” he shouted into Rainbow’s face. “Ever since I woke up this morning, I feel like I’ve been going crazy! Even with everything that’s going on, the foal, this stupid gender swap, the eventual repercussions of our actions on a larger scale when it comes to our families! I can’t stop thinking about you! You’re in my head every waking second, and no matter how hard I try to stop thinking about you, I can’t! I…I LOVE YOU RAINBOW DASH!” Rainbow’s struggles stopped, and she just looked down at the alicorn while he continued on with his impromptu confession. As he did, tears formed in Twilight’s eyes, blurring his vision. He knew it was too late, but it had to be said. “I love you Rainbow Dash, and…and I want to spend the rest of my life with you! I want to wake up next to you every morning and sleep with you every night! And I want…I want to raise our foal together! “And it’s our foal! A life you and I made, not Soarin! We conceived it last night and then…then I did something stupid and accidentally pushed it through the developmental stages to being an embryo when I healed you! And when I found out I…I panicked and held off telling you, and then you found out the wrong way, and now…it’s…I just…I’m sorry!” Twilight sobbed before his head lowered in a fit of tears. “And now, if you try to get a divorce, Cadence is going to make you love each other, and then you’ll live happily ever after with Soarin!” “Wait…the foal’s not mine?” the Wonderbolt asked. “So I got dragged down here for nothing? What a jip! I was gonna have pie.” Twilight heard the shuffling of hooves behind him, and the alicorn turned an ear back to where Soarin was trying to get out of the room, and the alicorn’s friends were blocking his exit. “NOTHING?” “How dare you call marriage nothing!” Rarity shrieked. “W-What?” Soarin exclaimed. “We weren’t getting married! I don’t care how much dirt Spitfire has on me, I’m not tying myself down to anypony like that! And if she tries anything, I…I got proof of all the stuff she’s up to too!” The scandalized words broke through Twilight’s gloom, and he looked over to where the group of mares was standing, then back to Rainbow Dash to ask her what was going on and…blinked away the tears when he saw her smiling down on him with tears in her eyes as well. Despite the confusion of the situation that his logical brain demanded Twilight to sort through and figure out, he couldn't help but give the mare in front of him all his attention. Seeing that she wanted to say something, Twilight released his magic grip on her mouth, and gulped when Rainbow flew down to the floor to look up at Twilight with the widest smile he had ever seen on her face. “The foal is ours?” “Y-Yes,” Twilight stuttered weakly, too emotionally drained from recent events to do much else. He wanted to tell Dash how sorry he was, how he had screwed up, how things were going to get even worse, but...he just didn't have the strength. Everything Twilight saw on his mental list about just how bad things were sapped his strength continuously. Somehow, Rainbow’s smile became even wider, and she leapt to wrap her forelegs around Twilight’s neck and give him a hug so tight that the alicorn had trouble breathing. Then, she pulled her head back so the could look into each others eyes for a moment, and kissed him. It was a wonderful kiss, of pure love, with only a hint of lustful desire. When Rainbow Dash broke it, the mare smiled at the stallion. “I love you too, Egghead.” Twilight found himself caught up in a rush of joy as the moment enveloped him, and then…he remembered Soarin’s words from just a few moments earlier. “And what was that about this being our foal? And…marriage? I’m not marrying Soarin!” he heard Dash yell. “But…it…you…what?” The judge cleared his throat. “Perhaps I can help with that,” he said before holding up the document Rainbow Dash had just sighed for all to see. Even from halfway across the room, the year-old pegasus part of his body that gave the alicorn excellent eyesight was able to make out the document. Its presence only made him more confused. “Single custody? Um…would somepony please explain what is going on?” “That’s what I’d like to know,” Rainbow asked the stallion with a frown. Rainbow Dash didn’t know whether to be sick, livid, or touched…so she settled for all three as she paced back and forth in the air while she looked down at her friends sitting in the seats usually reserved for family of ponies on trial others who needed to watch the proceedings. She tried to avoid looking at Twilight, because when she did… Twilight and me…Twilight and me are going to have a foal, she internally squeed before using all of her awesome willpower to keep from dancing in place. So she focused on the anger. The righteous anger. And the fuel for that anger about how her friends could possibly come to such an odd conclusion. “I CAN’T BELIVE YOU! HOW THE HAY COULD YOU THINK I WAS GETTING MARRIED TO SOARIN?” “Well, your father did it when your mother-” Fluttershy tried to begin. “WITNESSES!” Rainbow Dash continued to go on as she threw her forelegs out to gesture widely at the room. “Do you see any witnesses?” How can you get married without witnesses? WASN’T THAT A BIG ENOUGH CLUE THAT I WASN‘T GETTING MARRIED?” Rarity cleared her throat in embarrassment and looked away from the blue pony as she continued to fly back and forth. “And to Soarin? REALLY?” she yelled at Applejack. “You’ve heard me talk about him since the Games, right? How in the hay could I ever get married to somepony like him?” Applejack glared at the pegasus pony, not cowed at all. “Hey! A foal makes you do some pretty crazy things Rainbow, even when you don’t have no feelings for the other stallion!” she argued back. “I was trying to save your sorry plot from Cadence making your brain go all out of whack from her love beam thingy!” “Her what?” both Rainbow, Soarin, and Twilight said at once. The earth pony frowned at Twilight questioning her, but went on with her explanation anyway. “Ever since that princess summit, if a couple of ponies get divorced within a ten year period, then Cadence hypnotizes them into loving each other!” Rainbow Dash blanched. “What” “Applejack! Cadence doesn’t hypnotize anypony,” Twilight said with a frown. “You make it sound like she’s using mind control or something!” The statement made the apple farmer gape at Twilight for a moment. “Because that’s what it is!” “No it’s not!” “Yes it is!” “You said she forces them to love each other for ten years!” Applejack countered the alicorn. “How is that not mind control!?” Twilight stared at the farm pony for a minute with a frown, then her eyes shot up in realization when something seem to click inside her head. “Ohhhhh! So that’s why…wait…THAT’S WHAT YOU THOUGHT I MEANT?” he shouted at the farm pony. “How in the hay could you think that?” “Because that’s what you said?” Pinkie volunteered. “I kinda thought it was pretty creepy too Twilight.” “Yes Darling, that was a bit…odd.” As Fluttershy added her agreements that were barely loud enough to be heard, Twilight let out a groan and smacked his face with his hoof. “I can’t believe you girls actually thinks Cadence hypnotizes other ponies.” “Hey you said she makes other ponies who are divorcing fall in love!” Applejack told her. “Because she does!” Twilight countered. Fluttershy cleared her throat, and let out a little squeak before she asked, “Ummm, Twilight? How is that not hypnotizing other ponies?” The alicorn let out an exasperated sigh as he looked at the ceiling for a moment before back to the group. “Look, when Cadence find out about two ponies who obviously care enough for each other to get married for whatever reason are getting a divorce within a ten year period of their joining, she steps in and casts a spell that lets them feel the emotions of the other, and see things from that pony’s perspective. It washes away all the falsehoods, fears, and lies the ponies tell themselves about their special somepony, and allows for a deeper connection than anything that can be accomplished without magic! Then she has them give their relationship another chance with the spell in place to help them through the difficult times! Two ponies with that deep a connection, how can they not find something to love about the other?” “But…you said…” Applejack mumbled. “What about with Discord then? You were gonna use that reform spell on him!” “You mean how the reform spell would have made Discord more empathetic to all the harm he was causing other ponies when he was still evil” Twilight kept going. “If he had actually had it on, I doubt he would have even allowed Tirek to drain the magic out of more than a single group of ponies because he wouldn’t have been able to ignore all the pain he was causing!” Rainbow Dash let out a tiny laugh at the scene. “Wait a second…you guys thought if I saw Soarin’s emotional insides, that I wouldn’t just puke? That’s what you were worried about? Seriously?” “Actually Darling, we thought that Cadence was going to just hypnotize you,” Rarity mumbled with an embarrassed blush. On the other side of the room, the stunt flier spoke up in his defense. “Hey,” he whined. “What’s wrong with me?” “You like to cum inside other mares, and then eat them out!” Rainbow shouted as she pointed an accusing hoof at the stallion. “I can’t even look at your junk without…ugh!” Celestia! The knowledge of what Soarin liked to do made even thinking about messing around down there with him just…freaky. Pinkie Pie frowned. “But wouldn’t that mean he eats his own…okay, ew.” “What? It’s like warm apple pie!” Applejack glared at the stallion. “You did not just compare my best desert to…ugh!” “Soarin,” Rainbow deadpanned as she turned around to look at him. “That stupid manure has got you…what? Ten foals now? Fifteen?” Some rumors she had heard while training in the reserves put it as high as forty. But rumors always did tend to make things swell. “You seriously need some help dude.” The Wonderbolt sunk in on himself. “It’s not my fault some mares say they like me, then take those heat potions before we do it,” he mumbled. “I even give them enough bits to take care of the foal. I’m still living on base because of that.” An uneasy silence settled on the group at the Wonderbolt’s announcement, and he looked back around. “Can I go now?” Twilight frowned at the odd information Soarin given. “Wait…what?” Rainbow Dash let out a groan. She really didn’t want to get into this right now. “This idiot sleeps with mares without protection and some of them get pregnant because they take a potion to induce heat early without him knowing because of his stupid…kink, they think they can get money out of him” the cyan pegasus explained. “Which they can with the foals and all.” She would have had more sympathy, but the bastard had started those rumors about her sleeping with mules, because Dash wouldn’t do anything beyond the basics. The bucking ass even had magically crafted pictures floating around the reservist base! Everypony knew they were fake, but…just thinking about the jokes that came from those pictures made her blood boil. Although, if a tabloid got their hooves on some of them…Rainbow Dash knew her life would be over. “Oh…um, okay guess you can go,” Twilight mumbled from his place sitting the court audience seating next to the others. “Actually, stay for a moment,” the judge spoke up, drawing a wince from Soarin “I’d like to speak to you about that comment you made earlier about proof regarding something Spitfire did and how she has evidence against you.” Completely ignoring the judge and the idiot he was talking to, Rainbow spun to face Twilight. “AND YOU! I…” was all she could say before a feeling of joy crept its way up from her stomach that escaped as a very uncool giggle before she found herself smiling again. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t stop smiling whenever I look at you,” Rainbow got out before she saw a smile creep onto Twilight’s face. “But…I…um…I’m still mad at you.” The weak explanation and building heat on her cheeks made Rainbow look away from the stallion. Not seeing him helped keep her emotions under wraps. “Why didn’t you just tell me Twilight?” Twilight flinched at the words. “I…I was afraid you would hate me,” he mumbled. “I was so afraid Rainbow. W-When you couldn’t even look at me. I just…I couldn’t stand the idea of you hating me Rainbow. So I ran from the problem.” A swell of guilt pulled at the pegasus’s wings to bring her down to the cloud floor, and she sighed before looking down. “I could never hate you Twilight. How could you even think that? I’d do anything for you. Even the Wonderbolts don’t compare to you.” “But, if you have a foal then there’s no way you can join the Wonderbolts!” he exclaimed before letting out a low whine. “I know you! I know there is no way you’d just leave a foal at home and run off to wherever they’re touring for months on end!” The sound of a throat being cleared from across the room made all the ponies look back to Soarin. He took a moment to look at the judge, then over to Rainbow Dash before letting out a sigh. “Uh yeah…about that Rainbow… Spitfire had kind of blacklisted you from ever joining the Wonderbolts.” “SHE WHAT?” Rainbow Dash jumped at the sound of her mare/coltfriend’s voice and backed away from Twilight when he arose from his chair to glare at Soarin. “What the hay do you mean blacklisted? Why? HOW?” “Oh, w-well, um…you see…” he gulped and took a few breaths before continuing. “Rainbow Dash stood up to her during the academy and nearly quit. But Spitfire was so afraid of her being able to make a fuss, or writing to Princess Celestia about it we had to give her a position as a lead pony! Then, when it came time to move her into the main ranks of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire talked Celestia into creating a special reserve military organization so we didn’t have to keep coming up with excuses not to let her in the main squadron when she’s obviously good enough.” In all honesty, Rainbow Dash didn’t know whether to feel hurt, insulted…or a little impressed that a whole new leg of the military was created just for her. “But…I thought she liked me,” the pegasus mumbled. “In public, sure. She smiles with the best of them. But Spitfire doesn’t like anypony she can’t control,” Soarin replied his eyes wandered to the judge again for a few seconds. “And a lot of the others on the main squad have too many skeletons in their closets to try anything, even though we all know she fixes races at the track in Canterlot and does…some other things. Honestly Rainbow, she just wants you to stay the hay away so you don’t stumble on anything. Hay, we didn’t even call you to fight when Equestria was practically ending!” A second later, when Soarin had finally stopped talking to look back at the pegasus stallion in the robes, the judge cleared his throat. “Ah, yes well, considering the matters revealed and um…Prince Twilight Sparkle has admitted that he is in fact the father to Ms Dash’s foal and not Mr Soarin…is there anything else you all require before I send the DA to meet with Mr Soarin to get to the bottom of all this?” Twilight cleared his throat. “Well…there is one thing we need to take care of.” A second after the light of the Magic of Friendship faded, Twilight stumbled, and then checked herself over, running her hooves over her body and using her friends as a reference point when she needed to. Wings…back to normal. Horn was always the same size, so no change there. Height…wow, was I always this short? Reproductive organs… Applejack cleared her throat, making Twilight look out from where she was looking under herself while tying to check if all her female anatomy had returned. “Twi…would you mind not messing with yerself with us all standing here like this?” The alicorn’s eyes widened and she let out an embarrassed giggle, because mares didn’t chuckle, they giggled! “Sorry, it was just…it’s back! I’m back!” she exclaimed before taking to the air in joy. “Well, most gender-bender ponies say its gone in regards to their junk but…whatever floats your boat!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Now can we have Dashie’s foal shower? Oh! And Twilight’s I’m a mare again party! Oh! And when are you two getting engaged, and married, and when’s Dashie’s foal due? I need to make plans for her ‘We made a baby party!’ I…I HAVE SO MUCH I NEED TO PLAN FOR!” Twilight giggled again and smiled at her friend before landing as she tried to ground her happiness. “Okay Pinkie calm down. It’s just our first day as a…wow,” she mumbled as something occurred to her. The feeling of something soft caressing her side made Twilight look up and over to see her Rainbow standing there with a concerned look on her face. “What?” “It’s just…” she giggled a bit in the face of her realization. “In our first day as a couple, I’ve had a panic attack, switched genders, gone insane with worry, depression, and panic, picked a fight with Discord twice, and disrupted a wedding…not counting the ones I ran into looking for you. I’m actually a little afraid of what tomorrow’s going to bring with it.” All in all, she thought it still fell a bit short of the Smarty Pans incident, but not by much. It was...extremely worrisome. Then, Rainbow did something that just made all of Twilight’s worries disappear: she shrugged. “Eh. We can deal with it. You’re an awesome mare, and I am too. Whatever happens, you and me can handle it.” A shiver of guilt, pleasure, and confidence, passed through the alicorn’s body at her fillyfriend’s words, and she stepped closer to her mare to nuzzle the pegasus. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner Rainbow.” I’m sorry for a lot of things, she thought while looking at the mare she…loved? Yes, I do love her, Twilight told herself with absolute confidence. It wasn’t simply the emotional attachment either. Even as a mare, she could feel a building desire for her pegasus, and moved her tail over to flick it against Rainbow’s. When the other mare returned the gesture, Twilight felt her hear rate increase even more and she gulped down a mouthful of saliva that responded to her sexual hunger. As well as her physical one. Running around in a panic was exhausting work. “Hey! I’ve got an idea! Let’s get you girls married now!” “WHAT?” Then, the moment shattered at Pinkie’s declaration, causing Twilight to stumble and look back to her friend. “Say what?” she asked, completely confused. “Come on, it’ll be perfect! The judge is still in his office,” Pinkie exclaimed. “First you made your foal, now you can get married, then you can go have your first time as mares, and then your first date and then-” Twilight stopped the noise coming from the pink pony’s mouth with her magic. “Pinkie, I think I’ll be wanting to try for a normal relationship with Rainbow from this point on. That means meeting the parents before getting married.” The feeling of Rainbow’s nose against her ear made drew her attention away from the party pony, and over to Dash. “Well, I do like that first time idea. I know a hotel down the street that doesn’t charge much,” she whispered. “And I have been wondering about you for a long time Twi, a lot longer than…guy you.” She blushed, and held up a wing to block the rest of her friends from seeing her face. “Well, I did promise you to meet me in my lab so we could ‘eat out’ after I turned back, remember? And to be honest…I need to unwind a little bit before we…you know.” “Okay but I'll hold you to that when we get home,” Rainbow told her with a kiss to the cheek before she spoke up to address the others. “So how about I show you girls all my old hangouts? All we had time for during the competition was the weather factory and…well…Rarity kind of got us all banned from ever coming back, so… Well, there’s cooler places to be than where I used to work.” For the next three hours, Twilight found herself falling into a slightly familiar routine, with several small improvements that made her smile like a kiss when the others weren't looking, and a nuzzle when they were. With three hours to enjoy Cloudsdale, Rainbow and Fluttershy showed the girls several of the places that they had skipped during their first go around including the sky gardens that had enough solid cloud beneath them to allow for dirt and some greenery. Still, her mind did wander to places that didn’t include her and Dash inside a bedroom. At least once every five minutes, depending on her calculations, Twilight found herself looking at Rainbow’s stomach and wondering about the future. Would their foal be a mare? A stallion? An alicorn was out of the question, Celestia and Luna were the only ponies to be born like that… But, with Twilight being an alicorn, it was possible that any foal she, or he at the time, would fall into any of the three tribes. Would she be smart? Would he be fast? Kind? Loyal? Gentle? Strong? The possibilities made her head spin. While Fluttershy took over the tour from the gardens, thanks to being in her element with the numerous birds which nested in the small trees, Twilight pulled Rainbow Dash off to the side for some semi-private time. They sat together for a moment, and Twilight rested her head on her fillyfriend’s shoulder with a small yawn. “Twi are you tired? It’s barely eight,” Rainbow said. “I’m just…drained,” she replied, taking a minute to think of the right word. “And…a little worried. But…so excited too.” She reached over to put a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s belly. “We…we made a foal Dash. Us.” Rainbow smiled and kissed Twilight on the cheek. “I know. Awesome, right?” A thought occurred to Twilight, and she looked over to her mare. “Rainbow…Fluttershy mentioned something about…your father. She seemed to think it would have made you marry Soarin even if you didn’t want to. Um…I know you might not like me to pry but…” The pegasus silenced her with a hoof to the lips. “Twi, right now, it’s you, me…and our friends. I’ll bring you to meet my folks soon enough, but for now? Let’s just…enjoy each other? Okay?” “Okay Dash,” she agreed before kissing her fillyfriend on the lips, then pulled Dash on top of her. “I think we’ve handled enough for one day anyway.” > Part 1 Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1 Epilogue: Day’s End Twilight collapsed on her bed, grateful for the fact that her fillyfriend had opted to take the long way home with them instead of a quick teleport or harmonic burst of speed. It had given her time to slow down, for her heart go get back to a normal pace, and time to get some rest for when she got to her bed. It was a good bed, with the most comfortable of mattresses and sheets that didn’t come from clouds. It was going to be so much fun making a mess out of it. A second later, she felt Rainbow’s lips touch the back of her ear. “So, you ready?” “Yes,” she breathed before she turned to face her fillyfriend and share a kiss with the mare. She could still taste the cloud cake the pegasus had eaten for desert at the Mile High restaurant she and her friends had ended the tour of Cloudsdale with. Twilight was the first on the bed, followed by Rainbow as she used her wings to hover in the air long enough to position herself over Twilight as the alicorn rolled onto her back once she got her rebelling wings to stay in the right place. Just because they were hard didn’t mean she wasn’t getting to have her Rainbow tonight! Then the blue pegasus descended, and they kissed once again. Nerves that had nothing to do with the points of contact tingled as Rainbow continued to kiss the alicorn. A bit of doubt entered her mind in light of the idea that Rainbow might not like her as much as a mare, she couldn’t provide the proper stimulation. But all such thoughts were replaced by shock when Rainbow’s hoof touched her wing, and it felt like a jolt of electricity ran down the alicorn’s spine. Twilight couldn’t help it, she cried out in surprise. “C-Celestia! W-What was that?” Rainbow giggled, and kissed Twilight on the nose. “Come on Twilight, you know wings are sensitive. You never…” she reached out and poked another spot on the alicorn’s wings, getting another shiver from Twilight. “I…I…knew they…where sensitive…but…” was all Twilight could manage before Rainbow kissed her again before stroking the alicorn’s wings as she did. The feeling was…unlike anything Twilight had felt before. Then, Rainbow began to work her way down Twilight body, a gentle kiss to her neck, a caress to her side, the pegasus moved slowly, building Twilight’s need for her touch in the most important of places even without a single bit of attention. The time she spent stroking Twilight’s wings seemed the longest, and when that was over, Rainbow’s hooves moved to the alicorn’s cutie mark, while her lips found a purely feminine part of Twilight’s anatomy. The alicorn giggled. “Rainbow it’s you whose going to get the sensitive teats, not me.” “Hey, I’ve seen mares with sensitive teats,” she countered before kissing Twilight in her upper female anatomy some more before finally moving to the place that needed the most attention. Then, Twilight’s beloved mare, her most desirable pegasus and loyal pony did the most unspeakable of evil acts by just sitting there for a good ten seconds without doing a single bucking thing! She felt the force of Rainbow’s breath on her outer gate, the caress of the pegasus’s air as it tickled her opening. But aside from the heavy panting, no physical contact followed. “Rainbow! What are youoooooooo-aaaaa!!” The nerves of Twilight’s vulva screamed in pleasure from a sudden rush of attention as the pegasus dived into her wetness. Rainbow’s tongue penetrated her labia majora and minora in a single push as it made it way into Twilight’s inner folds to swirl around her vaginal canal as deep at it would go. Twilight fought for breath as the pegasus continued to assault her inner sanctum for… minutes? Hours? Days? Her historical knowledge said that the amount of time a siege could be held depended upon the resources of the attacking army. But since Rainbow had broken through, she didn’t know if that increased the amount of time that the pegasus could assault her, or decreased it! The only thing she knew to compare it to were romance novels, and those were all metaphor! Then, the invader withdrew back to the gate, her tongue dragging along Twilight tunnel until she had been repelled by… The alicorn let out a cry of pleasure when Rainbows attention turned to her clit and she felt her lover work her mouth before begining her assault anew, then pulling back again to take care of Tilight's more accessible parts. Halfway through the process a third, or forth time a new sensation of joy completely shattered the alicorn’s interpenetration of events, and soon let her mind full of nothing but pure bliss. A few moments later, when Twilight noticed she had no in fact ascended to a higher state of being yet again, she noticed Rainbow resting her head on her purple stomach. A smile lit the pegasus’s face up like it was the sun. “Ready for another?” “A-Another?” Twilight asked, he mind a bit confused on how she could enter such a state of pleasure again so soon. Then Rainbow kissed her outer folds, and Twilight smiled, oh right…mares get more than one. It was her last conscious thought in a long time. … Thirty minutes later…Twilight glared at her lying clock as she laid on her bed, completely immobilized the pleasurable feelings that had transpired…four…five…six times before? Twilight wasn’t sure. However many times it happened, it had been a great deal longer than a measly thirty minutes! It had been hours! Days! Rainbow had pleasured her for what felt like years! The fact that time said otherwise seemed to insult the sheer monumental amount of pleasure her fillyfriend had just provided. Obviously, the clock was lying…or broken. That makes more sense, there was…I must have lost my hold on a spell and broke the clock, Twilight told herself before she felt somepony else climb into bed from behind and wrap a pair of blue legs around her. “Finished washing up, you need some help Twilight?” “Washing…up?” the alicorn asked, not sure what was going on. Rainbow hadn’t been cleaning the sheets, they were still soaked with the proof of her love for the other mare. Twilight wondered if the amount of love she felt could be measured by the amount of fluids produced while in the heat of passion, and made a mental note to study the size of the stain on her bed so she could compare it with what they would make the next day, and the morning after that, followed by the evening, and then another morning and… I wonder if I should separate them according to time too? “Twilight, are you still out of it?” Rainbow said with a giggle. A tiny smile escaped the alicorn’s lips, and she turned her head to look at her Rainbow. There was a bit of moisture on the pony’s nose from when she had been cleaning herself off, and her breath smelled of mint. Twilight kissed her, and moved her tongue to taste it. She came away with the candy her fillyfriend had been sucking on and crushed it between her teeth. “What? Don’t like how I taste?” “You taste great, but after the whole Soarin thing, ponies who want to taste themselves…” “Okay, I can see why that would disturb you,” the alicorn admitted as she pushed away the mental fatigue and took in a breath. “So, your turn now, right?” the alicorn asked. The question seemed to confuse the pegasus, and a few seconds later, Rainbow was rolling onto her side. “What? Why…uh, Twilight, you look a little out of it for anything else. How about we just wait till morning?” Twilight looked into her mare’s eyes to see any hint of disappointment of not being able to experience the joys that she had just visited on the alicorn. Seeing none, Twilight went on to her next point of business. “Okay, so what should we put in the letter?” “We’re writing letters to the princess again?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What happened to that book we all had?” “Library.” No further explanation was needed as far as Twilight was concerned. “Gotcha,” Dash replied, apparently agreeing. Without a second thought, Twilight used her magic to bring out her ink and quill, then wrote the customary greeting before she looked over to Rainbow. The pegasus just raised an eyebrow as Twilight heard her say, “hey, I think you learned more than me this time around.” “Point taken,” Twilight agreed before she started the transcribing spell. When it comes to any kind of relationship, be it friends, family, and especially your special somepony, the most important thing is communication. What has possibly been the craziest day of my life could have all been avoided if I had simply told my special somepony about something I found out about us. But I was afraid of the response, so I kept things bottled up, and that only made things worse. She paused for a moment, then looked at Rainbow, and to where their foal was growing inside of her. While my current situation is pretty unique, it still doesn’t excuse the fact that I left my fears get the best of me. And while there are good reasons for doubts in any relationship, letting them control you to the point of irrationality is the worst way to go, because all that does is cause the fear to grow as time goes on. So trust in the one you love the most, because together, the two of you can overcome anything. Forever your friend and fellow princess Twilight Sparkle “Oh wait! Dash, do you want to tell the princess about the foal?” Twilight asked. After a moment of consideration that involved starring at herself, and reading over the letter, Rainbow Dash smiled. “Yeah,” she said before lifting herself into the air to take the pen and paper. A few hastily made scribbles later, and she was heading out the door. “I’ll take it to Spike.” Princess Celestia shook her head as she fought off the tendrils of slumber that threatened to pull her under. Late nights had never been her forte, but what she had learned about the goings on in Cloudsdale would have kept her up late into the night from the worry alone. The Wonderbolts, the pride an inspiration to the pegasi race were…she didn’t even know a word bad enough for them to be called that wouldn’t be insulting to all the rats, snakes, slime, scum, and various other things that fulfilled a useful role in Equestrian society. How badly would the pegasi take such a blow? It was a question Celestia didn’t want to dwell on, but she knew that it had to be answered. “So, how many in total?” Brought out of her musings by the question from the stallion sitting across from her, next to the other princess, Celestia sighed. “While they’re all going to be charged with of fraud on various levels, the worst of them could be placed with extortion, assault-oh, you mean how many as in number of ponies. Not counting our informant, who will be receiving leniency…all but two members of the main squadron. Sorry if I seem a little distracted. It’s been a hard night.” “Yes, well…now I see why Luna brought us here to help you Auntie.” Celestia smiled at the comment, grateful for Cadence’s emotional support. Although it was the stallion sitting next to the pink alicorn that was giving her more of what she needed in the form of logistical support. She didn’t need help gathering evidence on the Wonderbolts. Discord, as odd as it was, had popped in to volunteer his services with something that looked akin to a movie camera, only smaller and with the large space for the reels. The draconequus seemed almost ecstatic about participating in his ‘new hobby’ whatever that meant. So with a creature that had no small amount of omniscience, gathering proof of the charges wouldn't be a problem. At the very least, they were all going to be put away for the rest of their natural lives. Shining Armor moved his head around as if reading all three papers in his magical grasp at the same time. “Well, they didn’t see any state secrets or anything, so we look good on that front,” he mumbled. “Even if they did tarnish the uniform, that was one thing to be thankful for. And with those reserves, I don’t suppose it will take long to find replacements. All the training is the same, correct your highness?” “Please Shinning Armor, I prefer Celestia from my family,” she told him with a smile. “Okay, but I still don’t think nephew-in-law shout count high-hmmm, what’s this closed scroll? I thought you said you went through all the reports before we arrived,” he mumbled. Celestia frowned at the odd scroll. “I did,” she said before picking the paper up in her magic. It only took a moment to feel the trace’s of Spike’s dragon fire. Had a letter arrived without her knowledge? I must be truly tired not to have noticed a… she frowned at the numerous pieces of parchment scattered in front of her. …drop in an ocean. But, as she hadn’t felt anything other than the release of Twilight’s harmonic power for some teleportation to Cloudsdale a few hours ago and a few flare ups in the morning when she tended to practice her newfound magic, Celestia didn’t feel any cause for concern. Although, she supposed hearing from Twilight might cheer her up a bit. Sifting through all of the reports in front of her had put Celestia in a mood not even a triple chocolate cake could fix. “Let’s see what it says, shall we?” After reading the first paragraph aloud, Celestia frowned. It almost sounded like one of Twilight’s old friendship reports. She really hoped writing so many of those things had put Twilight into a habit when it came to all her correspondence. There was also the matter of Twilight’s special somepony. Cadence also latched onto the information. “Twilight has a special somepony?” she exclaimed in glee. “Ohmygosh! Who is it? Is he tall? Short? An academic? Athletic? What?” For Shining Armor’s part, he peeked out between the pages of information that floated in front of his face. A bit of mirth escaped Celestia’s lips at her niece’s excitement, and she held up a hoof to forestall the other alicorn’s attempts to catch a glimpse. “Alright let’s see then,” she said before reading the remaining paragraph. When she was through, Cadence just stared at the larger alicorn with her mouth hanging open. “But…that…she… THAT LETTER DOESN’T TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT HER STALLION!” Shining Armor chuckled. “Oh come on Cadence,” he told her. “It’s Twilight I’m sure whomever she’s with is a true gentlecolt.” “Let me see that!” the pink alicorn exclaimed as she snatched the letter away from her adoptive aunt and read it over with a frown on her face. “When it comes bla bla… My current yadda yadda yadda, ah HA! Post Script!” Celestia frowned. Twilight never wrote post script. If something else needed to be included that didn’t fit with the idea of the letter, Twilight…well, she wrote a whole new letter. “What does it say?” With her face hidden by the paper, Cadence let out a loud hmmm. “Wow this is messy. Twilight must have been nervous if her magic was going on like this. Let’s see. It says…I that must be an m so. I‘m! Then there‘s…that’s a p…r…e…and a g…n… Oh! And an ant.” “Pre-agnoant?” he asked before looking over to Celestia. “What is that? Some kind of ancient civilization Twily found out she’s related to?” Cadence let out moan and covered her face with her hoof for a moment before addressing her husband again. “No Shiny! It’s P. R. E. G. N. A. N. T. That spells…oh dear.” “LET ME SEE THAT!” Celestia shouted before she snatched the letter away from Cadence to read it herself. P.S. I’m pregnant. > Family Drama Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Drama Part 1: Start of a New Day It was the time between night and day that Twilight awoke to the wonderful sensation of another mare pressed up against her body, their wings practically wrapped around the other in an embrace, providing extra warmth and stability. To her, it was even more wonderful than the magic flowing through her at her magical peak. But, she had found a...side effect to her attachment to Rainbow over the past week. She was so used to the presence of her pegasus that when Rainbow had worked late setting up a storm in Ponyville a few days ago, the alicorn had found herself unable to sleep at all. She didn’t know whether that was a good sign, or a bad one. Truthfully, the alicorn wanted Rainbow to quit her job as a weathermare so they could spend more time together…and find a less dangerous job for the pegasus. Twilight shuttered at the thought of how a single stray bolt of lightning could do to Rainbow and their foal. Then there was her flying. While Rainbow had agreed with Twilight to lay off the stunts and come in for normal landings instead of ones meant to stop on a bit at triple digit speeds, she still did the occasional loop that made Twilight wondering what else the pegasus did while flying around on the job. Memories Rainbow Dash laying in that hospital that one time when her wing was injured had been running through her mind lately, and although the time at Rainbow Falls had been fake, it still seemed to come up as a possible ending to a bad day’s flight for Twilight’s pegasus. If Rainbow were to have an accident that hurt the baby… Twilight stifled a gasp of panic as images that came to her mind of Rainbow Dash in the hospital’s operating room, and another of them both in recovery while the doctor told the ponies the bad news, followed by weeks and months, and years of the two of them just sitting around, absolutely devastated. Or, would the accident cause them to separate? Twilight didn’t even want to consider the thought, but if Rainbow did have an accident that ended the pregnancy…would she blame the pegasus and leave her? She didn’t knew where Rainbow would go. Her old home had been recycled into a shower for the town a few days after she moved into the palace, but…living with the mare that got their foal killed…even Twilight didn’t know what that would be like. She didn’t want to know. Even the thought of being angry at Rainbow for such a thing made her feel sick. Of course, there was a way to insure that none of that ever happened… All she would have to do… Was take away Rainbow wings. Twilight flinched as the thought came to mind for the eighth time since she had Rainbow had gotten together. She didn’t want to think about the idea, but it came anyway thanks to her bucking habit of considering all the possibilities. And, Twilight had to admit that it really would solve all her worries in regards to the dangers to their foal. Without the ability to fly, Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be in danger from the odd lightning strike or from crashing. She couldn’t get hurt flying into trees, or get run into by a helicopter Plus, they could stay together in the castle all day, making love and doing things couples did and a dozen other perfectly safe activities. And so, like she had done every morning the alicorn awake to find Rainbow Dash sleeping. Twilight considered using her full power to simply removing Rainbow Dash’s wings from existence. Rainbow would be angry with her, but...forgiveness would come in time. Well, if Rainbow wasn’t so angry at Twilight that she broke up with her, and ran away from the alicorn in a fit of rage and out of revenge when Twilight refused to undo the magic and act as the center point for the Magic of Friendship like when they fixed the alicorn’s gender problem. And there was always the possibility of magical contamination if she used magic to simply remove Rainbow’s wings. Which was the only option as far as Twilight was concerned. Just thinking about doing something like…that the earth pony way had managed to keep such thoughts from coming back into her mind for forty-eight hours. Okay Twilight, calm down and think about this rationally, the alicorn told herself while bringing up all the statistics on Rainbow and pegasus flight in general. The one time her pegasus had been put in the hospital was because her wing had gotten snagged by a tree and Rainbow had been yanked around hard enough to injure something. When it came to impacts, a pegasus’s magic protected them from harm. The faster they went, the safer the were. And Rainbow is the fastest pegasus alive, so that means she’s the safest too. She had seen Rainbow knock down trees, break boulders, blow up barns with the concussive force of her impact, and walk away from a dozen other things that would have left a unicorn in the hospital with shattered bones and no hope of recovery. Even when there was an accident and the pegasus went face first into solid objects that didn’t shatter and had no give like a magical force field, she got right back up with little more than a bruise and some wobbly flying. “So there’s nothing to worry about…nothing at all. The chances of something happening are less than three percent…barring any ancient evil rising from its imprisonment to try and-” “Egghead?” The moan of a word broke Twilight out of her apocalyptic battle calculations, and she brought her attention back to reality before giving the room a soft illumination to see Rainbow Dash staring at her from the other pillow. Then Twilight licked her dry lips to speak. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Idiot! She needs her sleep! Stop waking her up so bucking early. And stop talking to yourself, focus on her! She’s the one with the foal! Rainbow shifted a little bit. “Yeah, but…not really right for me to be sleeping when you have to wake up every morning before dawn,” she told her fillyfriend. We really should fix that, Twilight told herself in regards to how she thought of her Rainbow. She had no doubt in her mind that they were going to marry. Unless…Twilight did something to screw it up of course. But…should she ask? Or is she waiting for me to pop the question? the alicorn wondered Out of the two of them, Twilight had to admit that Rainbow seemed to be the one to lead the relationship. While the princess could pull herself together for Equestria’s sake, things involving Rainbow had made her so hesitant and panic stricken she couldn’t even think properly when they faced their first…surprise as a couple. Rainbow on the other hoof had been so decisive, she had flown to Cloudsdale and gotten sole custody of her child when she thought it was between her and Soarin an hour after learning about it. That memory had brought another thought to the forefront of Twilight’s mind. Fluttershy had been so sure that Rainbow was getting married because of something that happened with her own parents. Something Twilight knew she needed to ask her about… “Rainbow?” “Yeah?” “…do you want to have sex?” …tomorrow. Twilight would ask her about it tomorrow. Right now, Twilight just wanted to taste the proof that Rainbow loved her. Rainbow Dash smiled. “Is the sky blue?” Twilight moved in to kiss her pegasus on the lips and took a moment to drag her tongue across the outer surface of Rainbow’s mouth. Morning breath or not, Twilight still loved the taste of her fillyfriend. Even if the ‘taste’ was based more off an emotional response and the release of other chemicals in the alicorn’s brain that came with how Rainbow reciprocated her physical advances. “So…I was hoping…we could try the ropes again.” The tightening of Rainbow’s muscles both excited, and scared Twilight a little bit. She knew being restrained had frightened her fillyfriend, but Twilight had found the experience quite enjoyable. She could do everything she wanted to the cyan pegasus, and didn’t have to worry about Rainbow doing something while wiggling around to upset her plans for inducing orgasm. “You know I’d never do anything to hurt you, right Rainbow?” Except for the fact that she had been considering crippling the pegasus just moments before… But…thinking about doing something and following through with it were completely different! Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Okay,” she agreed with a sigh. “You do your ultimate magic thing and get everything set up, I’m going to…go to the bathroom. As the pegasus got up to leave the room, Twilight called on her magic to conjure several feet of rope before securing them to the bedposts, and took a moment to conjure some wing restraints that would tie down Rainbow’s other extremities. By the time she had returned, Twilight was ready for her. After wrapping the pegasus up in her magic, Twilight gently brought her around to the bed and held her in the air while she secured the pegasus restraints. A part of Twilight wanted Rainbow to fight it, to try and resist the power of her magic as it held the pegasus  down with its absolute might. But…that would never happen since Rainbow had given her consent…not a real battle anyway. And I would never do this without consent, Twilight told herself firmly. Still, Twilight imagined the scene around her shifting, and the wiggling Rainbow was doing in the glow of her power was resisting, that she was fighting with all her might to be held down by the goddess’s power. She begged for Twilight to let her go, pleaded and… Okay, maybe that is a bit much, the alicorn told herself as she shattered the image in her mind of the pegasus looking up at Twilight with tears in her eyes, begging to be set free before Twilight had her way with her. Twilight didn’t want to hurt Rainbow, or make her sad, she just wanted…to be the one on top, the one in control… Even if the role did seem to suit the pegasus more as far as their personalities were concerned. “Hey Twi? You still there?” The alicorn looked back up with a jerk. “Sorry Rainbow, I was just thinking about all the fun…we,” she said after a pause to keep herself from saying I. Is didn’t let their partners have any pleasure, Is only cared about domination, not control of the situation. “All the fun we’re going to have.” Rainbow giggled. “Well, you are a lot better at this stuff when I’m all tied up. So, let’s get going okay?” Despite the fact Rainbow couldn’t see it, Twilight nodded and brought up the wing restraints. The silky soft elastic net came up to wrap around Rainbow’s midsection and bind her wings while causing almost no discomfort. Twilight had tested the harness herself to make certain of that last part the first time she had conjured the net. Then, she tied Rainbow’s hooves behind her back, and  ran some cord through two loops in the harness that were currently behind the pegasus’s shoulders. With them there, Rainbow could struggle all she wanted without chafing anything. With the athletic pegasus’s forward body restrained Twilight moved down to take care of her hind legs. Like her previous time, the ropes Twilight had magically created were equal in strength and delicateness to spider silk. They would hold Rainbow better than any naturally made restraint and be as soft as Rarity’s best dresses. Once everything was secure, Twilight’s pegasus hung a few inches off the top of their bed. So, the alicorn moved both of their bed’s pillows under Rainbow’s head to help support her.  A quick test showed that Rainbow was comfortable as she could be, and Twilight moved to begin. She leaped into the air and landed atop the pegasus’s position with all four hooves spread out to avoid crashing down on Rainbow with a sly smile. “Umm, Twilight? What’re you doing? I thought you were going to…have breakfast.” Twilight giggled at the confusion on the pegasus’s face, and blushed at being questioned about her sudden change in action. “I am, I just…wanted to get an appetite first,” she said before caressing Rainbow’s cheek. Then, she couldn’t stop herself from giving her pegasus a soft smile. “You have no idea how much this means to me Rainbow. That you trust me like this.” Before Rainbow could talk, Twilight bent down and kissed her, then ran her tongue across the pegasus’s lips again. When she had gotten two more kisses out of her Rainbow, she finally allowed the pegasus to talk. “Yeah well…it’s not as weird as some stuff I’ve heard of,” Rainbow said before she frowned. “Why uh…why do you like doing it like this so much anyway?” Having to think about her reasoning made Twilight blush. “W-Well I…um…I like being the one in control, and I just…um…I don’t really want anything to go wrong. I mean, you do kind of like to…move when you cum, and I’m not as big as I was as a stallion so…holding you down is kind of hard.” Please don’t think I’m weird. Please don’t think I’m a dominatrix, or a sadist! I don’t want to hurt you, I’d never hurt you! “Huh…that makes sense.” Panic building in her mind, Twilight tried to stop Rainbow from…understanding her? She just looked down at the pegasus for a few moments. “Wait…what?” “Well you’re all lists and schedules, trying to keep everything in order,” Rainbow told her. “It kind of makes sense that you’d be into this stuff when you say it like that. Just uh…no whips or anything like that okay? I don’t ride crop.” Twilight gulped, and quickly nodded her head to insure her fillyfriend. “I-I’d never do something like that Rainbow, even if you wanted to!” Restraining the pegasus was a powerful enough feeling for Twilight. The thought of hurting Rainbow, or even worse, breaking her will, made the alicorn shudder. “Something wrong Twilight? You looked kind of zoned out for a second there.” “Sorry,” she apologized. “I just…” Twilight paused trying to think of a nice way to think she had just had a mental image of Rainbow being tied over a table and Twilight spanking her with a crop while the pegasus whaled in pain. Rainbow Dash ended the conversation with a kiss to the alicorn’s mouth. When it broke, she smiled up at her lover and spoke. “Now how about we get started on what you wanted to do?” A giggle escaped Twilight’s lips. “How is it that even when you're tied up, you're still the one giving me orders?” “Do you really wanna know?” Rainbow Dash asked after her smile was tuned down a bit. When Twilight gave her an affirmative nod, she continued after letting out a long sigh. “Because it’s hard, being the one on top, the pony all the others look at for help and support. That’s who you have to be…out there. Because that’s the pony they all expect you to be, and if you try and lean on anypony yourself, then…it kind of ruins that image, you know? “But in here, you don’t have to be the alicorn everypony looks to and leans on. In here, you can lean on me. Oh…and I’m just that awesome,” she said with a shrug. The last line got another giggle from Twilight, but she wasn’t sure if she agreed with Rainbow’s assessment. The pegasus was wrong when she said that Twilight didn’t get support when she was in public, that nopony helped to lift her up. You dummy, you and the others help hold me up every day. With one last kiss, Twilight backed up with the intention to start giving Rainbow the attention she had agreed to…only to stop when her eyes fell on Rainbow’s stomach. She reached out to caress the area where there foal was growing, and got a little giggle from Rainbow thanks to the accidental tickle. Hello there little one. Don’t worry if things start to get shaky. I’m just making your mommy feel good. Okay? Then she moved down to start the traditional opening maneuver in how the two mares made love since the beginning of their homosexual relationship. Twilight kissed both of Rainbow’s teats in a sloppy smack before moving onto licks, and then a subtle suckle. “H-Hey Twilight,” Rainbow moaned. “Keep doing that, and one day you may just get something.” The alicorn giggled. “Well you did skip a few weeks of pregnancy Rainbow. The doctor says your placenta and other barriers have finally been able to catch up thanks to the vitamins, but I think some parts of your body may need a little extra help. So I’m stimulating them,” she explained before moving back to give Rainbow’s mammary glands another kiss. “Does tha-aaaah! Hey, no biting!” she got out as Twilight blew her a raspberry. Rainbow might have agreed to Twilight’s no biting rule, but that didn’t mean the alicorn did. And besides, the tied up had no right to protest when she was supposed to be the one without any control of the situation. Still, Twilight decided she had waited long enough, and backed up off the bed completely to come eye to opening with Rainbow’s vagina. Days of lovemaking had already conditioned the pegasus to be wet according to some stimulation on her teats…although Twilight supposed they needed to put a stop to that once Rainbow actually started lactating. The last thing the alicorn wanted was their foal’s feeding to turn Rainbow on. Unlike her beloved, Twilight took her time with the outer folds of Rainbow’s slit before pressing inside and slowly running her tongue around in a circular motion to stimulate as much area as possible while slowly advancing deeper into Rainbow’s vagina. As Twilight continued her attentions, Rainbow’s whole body shifted around, struggling against her bindings while she let out rapid cries of pleasure. “Ah, Ahhh hah uh ha. T-Twilight. C-Comon! Qu-it! Teeesing me!” To prove to herself just who was the boss, Twilight withdrew herself completely from Rainbow’s inner folds and sat on her haunches. The lack of attention made the pegasus look at what the hay was going on, and Twilight just grinned at her desperate look, framed by her thighs. “You know Rainbow, I’ve been thinking,” she began, getting a whine from the pegasus. “Since you have had stimulation from a phallus, we should try some other things and see if they compare.”Twilight had to admit a certain curiosity to what it was like to have sex with a stallion, and with any chance of finding out still some time away, she only had Rainbow’s experience to live through vicariously. “Twiiihihiliiiight!” Rainbow whined, cutting the alicorn’s impromptu plan of summoning a Married Mare’s magazine advertising artificial penises that vibrated short. She just couldn’t say no to her Rainbow’s cries for help. “Okay, you win,” Twilight admitted before going back down to clamp down on Rainbow’s clit and begin suckling the juice that had collected on Rainbow’s outer folds. The sudden pressure and anticipation got a squeal from the pegasus, and a few seconds later, Rainbow’s orgasm was unleashed into Twilight’s waiting mouth. The whole of Twilight’s body tingled at the taste of her lover’s love. She sucked and gulped it down with greedy abandon, barely noticing taste or texture. All she cared was that the liquid in her mouth was Rainbow Dash’s proof that Twilight had given her true pleasure, and the alicorn wasn’t about to waste a single bit of that gift on the mattress. Twilight, licked, kissed, sucked and scooped every bit of orgasmic fluid out of Rainbow’s inner folds, prolonging the pegasus’s orgasm for over a minute before Rainbow finally went limp and Twilight’s hold on her sex was undone by distance when her body sank back down. A few seconds later, Twilight banished the restraints holding her fillyfriend, and climbed into bed next to her. “So, how was that,” she asked before moving a hoof down to rub Rainbow’s belly. Of course, touching the place where their foal was caused Twilight’s mind to wander once again. She found herself worrying about how others would react to the oddity of a foal who had two natural mothers. But…it was a silly thought. The morning after Rainbow wrote her letter to Princess Celestia explaining things about her pregnancy the night they came home from Cloudsdale, when the alicorn was worrying about the same thing she was now, Twilight had gotten the princess’s response. She had read the bucking thing ten times to memorize every word.     Twilight, while I am surprised to hear the news, and can understand your obvious concern, I am overjoyed to hear about the news of your future foal. Motherhood is the greatest blessing that anypony can have, and to hear that you have been given such a gift, regardless of the circumstances. Although urgent matters draw my attention, I hope to meet with you as soon as possible to share my joy. “You asking me, or her?” Rainbow snarked, drawing Twilight out of her memories. “So, you think it’s going to be a girl, huh?” Twilight asked. “Well if its not, then we’re royally bucked when it comes to explaining the birds and the bees,” the pegasus replied with a smile. “Unless you find a way to go all Twiguy again. And then there’s all the experiments you’d probably need to run to answer all the questions he’d have. I’d totally help you with that by the way.” Twilight forced herself to ignore the ‘Twiguy’ comment, and smile at the questions one, the last just made her geitals dance. “Can you imagine what she’d be like with my curiosity, and your attention to detail? Ooooooh, she’d be the greatest scientist in the history of Equestria!” The slightly pained moan coming from Rainbow Dash made Twilight sit up in concern. “Is something wrong?” “Yeah, the idea of having to push out an egghead with her giant brain…just thinking about the birth pains is making me nervous,” Rainbow said before Twilight knocked her in the shoulder. “Ha Ha, I think I’m going to die laughing,” Twilight deadpanned before laying back down. Rainbow giggled a little more, then reached up to rub her stomach affectionately. “You’re going to be an awesome flier like your Mommy, aren’t you? I’ll show you all my tricks, and we can go picnicking in the clouds with Daddy.” “Excuse me?” Twilight deadpanned. “Hey, you get to skip the joys of foaling and still get one, so yeah…that makes you Daddy,” Rainbow told her before looking back down at her stomach. “Besides, something like Mommy Two-point-Oh, makes us sound like a-” The bedroom door slamming opened cut off Rainbow Dash’s words, and both the mares looked up to see the third family member who lived in the Castle of Friendship running in with a worried look on his face. “Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! You gotta see…oh! Geeze! Were you two going it again?” Twilight giggled at Spike’s reaction as she took the newspaper from his claws with her magic. Wow the paper, were we at it for that long? the alicorn wondered as she handed it over to her fillyfriend and turned her attention back to her little brother. “Hey Spike, isn’t it a little early for you to be up?” “Pinkie wanted help making breakfast…don’t ask,” he replied before looked over to the pegasus. Twilight blinked and followed the dragon’s gaze. The look of shock on Rainbow’s face made her move to read over the cyan pegasus’s shoulder to see what was so shocking. Huh…that’s…interesting. Wonderbolts Arrested and Tried! “Arrested and tried?” she mumbled before looking back and forth between Rainbow and Spike. For something so important, she would have thought it would have been a media circus! How could it have been over so fast? And which Wonderbolts were arrested? And for what? “What happened?” Spike was the first to speak. Rainbow…didn’t even look like she heard the question. “Yeah, Princess Celestia conducted the trial and threw down the judgment herself! They’ve all been stripped of their positions and just two of them are ever going to see daylight again judging by the prison sentences. Spitfire’s been put away for life even!” “What for?” Twilight demanded as the question of how something so high-profile was over so quickly was answered. The princesses were the absolute law of the land. If they got involved directly, there was no higher court, no appeals on any grounds, and no process like the court system. They showed up, asked the pony why they did what they did, and then passed judgment if those reasons weren’t good enough, or let the pony go if they were. The whole thing took an hour at most. Rainbow was the one to answer Twilight’s question. “Says here they’re all guilty of everything from assaulting other ponies with intent to harm and extortion to fixing races and…what’s slander?” “Basically? When you spread a rumor about another pony with the intention of destroying their reputation,” Twilight explained. “You know…like the CMC were doing with the paper, only worse.” Then, something ran through Twilight’s mind. Wait…Spike said all of them but… “Hold on a second, doesn’t Rainbow count as a Wonderbolt?” The fact the newspapers would say all the Wonderbolts had been arrested then forget about the pony Twilight considered the most important one left the alicorn feeling a little angry over the situation. “It’s just the main squadron, not the reservists,” the dragon explained. “But well…what does that mean for the Wonderbolts?” “I’m not sure Spike,” Rainbow said without looking up. For once, Twilight Sparkle was just as lost as her fillyfriend. Although, she should have guessed something like this would have happened when Soarin talked to that judge. But…for Celestia to get involved herself… Just how bad was what was going on with them? Had her own involvement with the Wonderbolts drawn Celestia’s personal attention? A week ago, when Twilight had been having the craziest day of his life, Soarin had said something about how Spitfire was corrupt in the way she kept Rainbow from doing anything even as a reservist. Twilight had wanted to launch her own inquiry into the situation on that alone, but held off on Rainbow’s insistence. She didn’t want for Equestria to see her as the brat who ran to the princess for help. So Twilight had left that little item off of the list of reasons she thought Celestia should have somepony take a look at the Wonderbolts when she sent a letter to the princess a few days go after mulling over exactly what needed to be said. But she never thought that Celestia would have intervened herself! Or that it would have been taken care of so quickly! “Does that mean Rainbow is going to be made a full Wonderbolt now?” Spike asked. Both the mares looked up at the dragon, but before they could say anything, he pointed a claw at the paper. “Page three. It says they’re dipping into reserves to fill the ranks of an all new squadron.” As Rainbow sifted through the paper to find the story, Twilight got an odd feeling in her gut that took a few moments to place. Oh…so this is what Pinkie meant by nervocited, she told herself as the feelings warred with one another. The Wonderbolts, they were Rainbow Dash’s dream; a dream both Rainbow and Twilight had mixed feelings about. On the one hoof, becoming a Wonderbolt meant everything to Rainbow Dash…or at least it had. After she became pregnant…the answer to what Rainbow wanted to do with her life had become kind of…unclear. Even a week after everything had gone down, she never did get a straight answer about what Rainbow wanted to do with her life, and…when Twilight thought about it, when she considered all the possibilities, becoming a Wonderbolt and having a family wasn’t that far out of reach for Rainbow with the harmonic power she possessed to fly faster than pretty much anything. She could be at every air show, every military engagement, and even halfway around the world in the afternoon, and back in Ponyville come nightfall. Sure it meant longer hours, and dangerous situations, and being on call all hours of the day incase a dragon attacked an Equestrian town so they needed to send the Wonderbolts to slow it down long enough for a princess to arrive; turning Rainbow Dash into little more than something for the dragon to snack on before Twilight showed up to find it picking its teeth with her bones! No! Calm down Twilight, just calm down…good, that’s better… Personally, Twilight had always known Rainbow was better than those…lowlifes, but she hadn’t been able to make Rainbow see that until recently. However, despite the obvious question of what a foal meant for Rainbow’s future, they hadn’t spoken about her plans since getting together. Twilight preferred to just follow the pegasus’s example, and live in the happiness of the moment. And this is what happens when you do that Twilight, the alicorn told herself as she looked at the paper and her stunned fillyfriend.     “Couldn’t sleep?” Shining Armor turned his attention away from his reflection in the train’s window as Celestia’s sun began to climb into the sky, and over to his wife as the room shook a little with each turn of the wheels beneath them. “I still can’t believe she hasn’t told us yet,” the unicorn mumbled. Her husband’s words set off an pang of worry in her own heart, but Cadence pushed it to the side. “Shiny, we agreed to wait. Twilight sees Celestia as her mentor, an advisor, somepony who isn’t going to judge her as harshly as-”     “And do you think I would hold something like this over her head?” he demanded before walking over to one of their private car’s benches and laying down on it. Cadence sighed and took the seat across from him. When she thought about it, Cadence knew the only reason she wasn’t acting like her husband was because the last thing they needed was both of them freaking out over Twilight’s abrupt announcement. Or the fact she hadn’t sent any correspondence to anypony else about her unborn foal. Evn Celestia had only gotten that little sidenote. It certainly seemed strange, but… Well… Unfortunately, since the truth had been accidentally revealed to both Shining and herself, Cadence didn’t think it right to demand answers from her little sister. After all, that would mean she would have to explain just how she knew, and that was a can of worms the Princess of Love thought better left alone when there were less abrasive ways to approach the situation. He let out a sigh and shook his head. “Cadence, are you sure Celestia hasn’t sent word she’s gotten a more…descriptive letter about what’s going on from Twily?” “Shiny, you were there when she composed the reply, and Aunt Tia would have at least told us that much,” Cadence explained. Even if we had been a bit too busy to do more than write letters. Bucking Wonderbolts. At least with the group of fliers finally dealt with, they could move on to take care of the more important issue. "We'll be in Ponyville by tonight, and get to the bottom of this, okay?" Of course, the manner in which they were dealing with the resolution to their lack of knowledge about the pregnancy still made her feel a bit…uneasy. But if Twilight wasn’t going to be upfront about these things, then Cadence supposed that they had a right to snoop just a little. And it isn’t as if we don’t have a good reason for being there, the princess assured herself. The next captain of the Wonderbolts lived in Twilight’s palace after all. > Family Drama Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Drama Part 2: Issues After Spike left, the couple settled into the morning routine that Twilight had worked out for them. Which was more like some crazy timetable where everything was measured to some perfect degree and the alicorn practically exploded every time Rainbow did anything. Not anything wrong, just anything period… “Okay Rainbow, you’re five seconds overtime on your teeth, spit it out already!” “Rainbow! You need to stay in the shower for exactly ten minutes, not eight! And the heat was set too low!” “That’s too much deodorant, you’ll run out ahead of schedule if you put that much on every day.” Then came the minty fresh morning kiss, which of course Rainbow found herself messing up thanks to the fact she wanted to enjoy being with Twilight for a few more seconds than a casual kiss allowed for. “Rainbow! We’re going to be late for breakfast,” Twilight complained as she used her magic to pull the pegasus away from her lips and carried her through the doorway and halfway down the hallway to let half a dozen different members of the cleaning staff see her looking like a complete idiot before Twilight finally noticed her struggling and let Rainbow go. With it being the third day in a row such a thing had happened, Rainbow decided that enough was enough. “Twilight, I got to talk to you about something!” Once or twice was bad enough, but if Twilight was going to be making her look stupid every morning in front of a bunch of other ponies, then Rainbow was putting an end to it now. “Ummm, Rainbow. That reminds me…I need to talk to you about something too,” she said a little too quickly, cutting the pegasus off before she could really get started. The nervousness in the alicorn’s words put Rainbow on edge, and she pushed the anger at being made a fool of down into her gut. She would deal with it later. Right now, Twilight needed her. “What’s wrong?” Twilight took in a deep breath, then let out a long sigh. “Rainbow…I um…well…do you…will you…” Seeing how nervous the other mare was, Rainbow stepped closer to her to wrap one of her wing across the alicorn’s back. The years had been able to teach Twilight how to deal with a lot of things, but…Rainbow knew this parent business was really messing with her. She had about one near-freakout a day over the past week. If it wasn’t for that, Rainbow was pretty sure her own mind would be in a bit of a mess. But, Twilight needed a helping hoof, and so she had to keep it together. It was what she was there for after all: the Element of Loyalty, always supportive, always choosing her friends needs…over her own. It was…her destiny. “Come on Twi, you can ask me anything,” the pegasus assured the other mare a little too low before she could perk herself back up. Twilight moved in closer until their sides were touching, the way she always did while needing the extra support Rainbow offered. “Rainbow…you never told me your big decision…about the Wonderbolts, I mean. If you wanted to stay here or…join them.” The question made Rainbow Dash stumble as they made their way around the halls of the castle, but she managed to recover fast enough that Twilight didn’t seem to notice. She didn’t know if that was a good sign that her fillyfriend didn’t notice, or that she was too lost in her own worries to see it. “Hey Twi, you know I could never just leave you hanging. I…the Wonderbolts,” she looked away and gulped down the feelings trying to claw their way up from her gut. The stupid doctor had said weird hormones and sick stomach weren’t supposed to start for another few weeks! “They’re in the past.” Twilight perked up a bit at the news. “R-Really?” she asked in a tone that sounded a little too happy to a pony who was admitting the death of her dream. “Do you really mean that Rainbow? I mean, with all those ranks they’ll need to fill, we both know you’re going to be offered a position.” Thanks to Twilight just not dropping the thing like she should have, Rainbow felt a twitch of anger escape where she had managed to push it and all the other stuff down for the past few days. “Well we already know what I’ll have to say, right?” she grumbled. When she felt Twilight flinch at the words, Rainbow felt like kicking herself for speaking a little too harshly. “Look…just drop it, okay?” “Rainbow,” Twilight said in that light, tiny voice that made the pegasus know she’s said something wrong again. It wasn’t the angry Twilight voice, Dash could deal with that. The alicorn used that like ten times a day! No, it was her hurt and unsure voice, the one that made her sound all small and alone. It tore at the pegasus’s whole body better than the harshest headwind. “What’s wrong?” The pegasus quickened her pace. “Nothing…just hungry. Foal is making me hungry is all,” she lied. The truth was, she hadn’t had the stomach for breakfast since Twilight insisted on taking over her diet five days ago. If it wasn’t for the cupcakes she snagged while at work and the muffins Derpy had started bringing to the weather office, Rainbow was certain she would have gone insane. While Rainbow Dash may have eaten some health food to help keep in shape, she had never bucking lived off the stuff before; or gone without anything tasty like Twilight s forcing her to do for the majority of the past week. But…Twilight was just trying to protect the foal, trying to keep Rainbow nice and healthy. So she went along with it and all the other crazy things while waiting for Twilight’s latest bout of crazy to pass. Even if she hadn’t had anything that came close to a real meal in forever, or been able to get some exercise outside of work with Twilight forbidding her from really working out with how she vaporized all of Rainbow’s gym equipment to make sure she complied. And of course, whenever Rainbow complained, Twilight either glared at her until she fell back in line, or acted like Rainbow had just kicked her favorite puppy…or owl really. Although, the pegasus couldn’t help but notice she was getting a few mixed signals from the alicorn’s action. Eat healthy, but don’t work out. Talk to Twilight, but never tell her what was really going on. Sleep in the same bed, while missing her cloud house more than ever. Be happy…at the cost of a lifelong dream. To be loyal…at the cost of her happiness. Celestia burn it all, stop it Rainbow, the pegasus told herself when she realized where her train of thought was going. Rainbow knew she shouldn’t be having such thoughts. She couldn’t! Not after everything Twilight had done for her, not now that they were finally together! She could be happy with that, just being with Twilight…just…working the weather…just…being a nopony. For about the third time that morning, Rainbow forced such thoughts to the back of her mind, and smiled at Twilight when they got to the dining hall. She knew things would feel better once she had some food in her. Or…after she got done with whatever Twilight made her eat and left for work early to get some real food in her. Then she could work out her aggravations on the local weather. Twilight watched Rainbow sit down at the palace’s dining table and look at the plate of food in front of her, trying to decided if Pinkie had just gone crazy, or…well, Pinkie had always  been crazy, but this was the first time that Twilight had seen her insanity affect her cooking in a way that could be seen with the naked eye. Even Rainbow seemed a little put off by the display. “Pinkie,” she asked while pointing down at the round mass of sugar and dough mixed with green flakes of hay with her hoof. “What is this?” The pink pony practically teleported next to Rainbow and got all kinds of up in her personal space. “Ohhh, do you like it? Twilight said you have to eat healthy, but eating happy is part of being healthy. So now you can eat happy and healthy with my special alfalfa donut and cupcake breakfast!” After hearing what the party pony planned to put in Twilight’s pregnant little pony’s digestion tract, Twilight’s anger sparked and she looked over to glare at her friend. “PINKIE!” her voice reverberated throughout the room as the alicorn looked over to the food on Rainbow’s plate. “I specifically told you that Rainbow isn’t to have any sweets until the foal is born, and then we can switch her over to a special recovery diet to get over the pregnancy.” And after that…well, Twilight would need to see if there were any special diets meant to increase the chances of procreation. But that could wait until after their daughter had aged a year or two. Three would be too long though, so it would probably be best to start making another one on the foal’s first birthday. Twilight wanted her family to be close enough in age to still connect no matter what other kinds of divides they were faced with. She didn’t want her children to drift like she and Shining had once Celestia became her teacher. “You heard Twilight Pinkie, just…get me some hay and fruit or something,” the pegasus mumbled before pushing the plate with the green and glazed donut away from her. Before Dash’s comment could bring disaster to the alicorn’s dietary plan, the alicorn looked over to her pink friend. “Pinkie, please bring Rainbow some oats, broccoli, milk and cheese,” Twilight said before turning her attention to her fillyfriend. “You’re not supposed to get fruit until lunch Rainbow. Remember?” Twilight had thought she had reminded the pegasus enough. Minutes passed slowly, and like always, Rarity came in about ten minutes later than everypony else before eating a meal that made Twilight roll her eyes. How that mare could eat eggs every day in the morning and not pay for it later with a doubled waistline, Twilight would never know. Then Rainbow tried to leave early, but Twilight held her down with magic until she had finished her breakfast. The princess still didn’t understand how it hadn’t gotten through the pegasus’s thick skull that her meals had been specially planned out and needed to be consumed in their totality. Once Rainbow had gulped down the last of her food, she looked up at Twilight with an annoyed expression. “I’m done now, can I go Mom?” The pegasus’s grumble brought a frown to Twilight’s face. “What your problem?” “My problem?” Rainbow demanded indecorously. “You tie me down to the chair and you think I’m the one with a problem?” Since she could see no explanation from Rainbow was coming, Twilight released her Dashie from the magical field and sighed. “There you go,” the alicorn said before waving off the overgrown filly. “Have fun playing with your clouds!” If Rainbow wasn’t going to be civil, then Twilight didn’t see a reason to act that way herself. As Rainbow left without a word, Twilight looked up at her other two friends that were left at the table. Rarity was still eating and trying to hide the way she glanced at Twilight every two bites. Pinkie openly stared. The alicorn looked up at the two of them and sighed. “What?” “Umm…Twilight-darling, not to be a Nosey Nelly,” Rarity said hesitantly. “But I’ve been sitting here keeping out of it for a week, and it hasn’t tapered off so…well…don’t you think you’re being a little…constrictive?” Twilight stared at the unicorn, wondering if Rarity had suddenly forgotten just who had been trying to skip out of her proper breakfast just ten minutes ago. “Rarity, this is Rainbow Dash!” Twilight exclaimed. “She’s like…spontaneousness incarnate! She doesn’t even keep a timer for her shower or count the number of strokes she uses with her toothbrush!” And even after Twilight told her the proper way to do it, she still had to go an compromise with a teeth timer! That didn’t even come close to accurate when it came to proper hygiene! “How chaotic,” the unicorn deadpanned before her face darkened a little. “But I was talking more about your dietary selections for her. I always thought Rainbow ate more than a little too healthy before. But these days…well…you’ve forced her to take it to the extreme.” Twilight just stared at the unicorn with the high-calorie breakfast that made the alicorn’s arteries feel like they were clogging just from being in the same room for a good thirty seconds. Then, Pinkie chirped in. “Oh Don’t worry Rarity, I see Dashie get cupcakes all the time at the bakery, so she still gets plenty of stuff to eat on the side.” “WHAT?” Twilight saw Pinkie flinch at her shout, but she ignored in in lieu of the crisis she had just learned about. Rainbow Dash was sneaking snacks being her back! It was…it was like the ultimate betrayal! She had spent a whole day researching the proper dietary requirements for a pregnant pegasus of average size and weight, and Rainbow was just going around ruining everything! Didn’t she know how much effort Twilight had put into her diet? Didn’t she know that an expectant mother needed to watch what she ate? Didn’t she care? Oh of course she doesn’t, the alicorn told herself. And to top it off, the food wasn’t even the worst of it! After all, she was still working as a weather mare! Rainbow Dash wouldn’t even talk to her long enough to let Twilight tell her to quit! She just flies around bucking clouds all day without a care in the world! Twilight thought. There aren’t any storms this week, but what about next week, or the week after that? What if she gets hit by lightning while setting thing up, or a strong headwind knocks her to the ground? Those happen all the time! But, even if Rainbow gave her notice right there and then, she would have to wait a week for the proper procedures to be followed! So either way, she was still stuck there for another two weeks. Unless…I did something about it, Twilight told herself. She was a princess. Although she had never really looked into just how much authority a princess like her possessed, Twilight knew she had to have some kind of special dictatorial powers over a small town weather office! Research…I need to do research, Twilight told herself as she stood up and excused herself while formulating a plan in her head. First, she would take Rainbow out of the weather office with whatever princess authority she could find on the spur of the moment, then when her fillyfriend came home for lunch, Twilight would confront her about her reckless snacking and then explain what else needed to be done until the foal was born! And if she didn’t want to follow the rules, well…Twilight would just have to make her! She had found plenty of spells that wouldn’t touch Rainbow’s internal structure and bring risk to the foal…and there was always the Magic of Friendship that seemed to completely ignore everything Twilight knew about magical contamination. So if it came down to it, she’d just have to use that! After all, if Twilight couldn’t trust the mother of her child not to eat a few stupid cupcakes so their foal could develop properly, then there was no way she could be trusted with something as important as the safety of their progeny! Rainbow landed back in the Ponyville weather office. Two hours of work, and every farm north of town had a nice bit of shade. She had beaten her previous record by a whole ten minutes; and it was all thanks to Twilight Sparkle. A smile appeared on the pegasus’s face as she let her wings flutter a bit to lift her into the air. As much as the mare got on her nerves in the mornings with her schedules, and her nagging, and her bucking diets, Rainbow would never stop appreciating what the alicorn had done for her. Thanks to Twilight, she would never have to stop flying thanks to the wear and tear every athlete had to go through. For that, she was more than willing to put up with her fillyfriend’s eccentricities. Even not being in the Wonderbolts didn’t seem so bad when Rainbow realized that such a life would have left her with only a good fifteen years of flying before all the damaged added up and made her about a poor a flier as Fluttershy…if not worse. So, Rainbow Dash could trade quantity for quality, as long as there was a lavender alicorn to share it with her. Even working the weather was fun now that she didn’t have to deal with the aches and pains of her rear hooves. And it wasn’t like she wouldn’t be sitting around her whole life. With as many problems as Equestria had faced in the past few years, the pegasus knew that her friends would be getting a few more windows added to Canterlot Castle. Maybe there would be one for her alone too. With all of that and a foal coming, Twilight’s foal, she couldn’t help but smile. Then, as Rainbow came into the weather office to finish her paperwork for the day before it was time to go meet Twilight at the castle for lunch, she noticed something wrong. Something extremely, horribly, just way uncool wrong.  “Cloudchaser…what’re you doing in my chair?” Rainbow asked as she frowned at the pegasus sitting at the head weather pony’s desk aka Rainbow’s Seat. The younger pegasus looked from her magazine and blinked in obvious surprise. “Oh uh…hey Dash. What’re you doing here?” “I’m looking at a pony sitting in my seat!” Cloudchaser’s confusion went from the adorable kind of curious to the concerned kind. “Uh…you didn’t get the memo?” she asked before rummaging around in Dash’s desk and pulling out a sheet of paper to hand to the rainbow pegasus. After looking down at the overly immaculate script for a total of two seconds before she shot her head back up at the other pegasus. “What the hay is this?” she demanded before throwing it back at Cloudchaser. “Uh Rainbow,” Cloudchaser said as she looked up from the oddly colored letter. “This is a blacklist notification. Ummm, I’m afraid that you’re…well…you’re fired.” The leader of the Ponyville weather team flew away from her desk, or former desk, in surprise. “I’M WHAT?” Rainbow shouted before she reached to snatch the letter out of the other pegasus’s hooves and read it over. “What the buck is a blacklist? What the hay does all this even mean?” “It’s an official order from the crown saying you’re…not to be given any kind of work…and some other stuff, but…right now that means you’re fired. I’m sorry,” she said as she raised her hooves to try and stop any protest, or defend herself from a punch Rainbow wasn‘t going to throw. “Um…technically, since this is a government building, you’re not even supposed to be allowed in here. I should be calling the royal guards to have you thrown in prison.” Rainbow Dash just gaped at the pegasus sitting in what had been her desk up until five minutes ago. “This is…this…” She let out a sigh and frowned at the pegasus sitting in her chair. “This is some kind of stupid joke, right?” The anger in her tone got a flinch from the other pegasus, but Cloudchaser didn’t give in. “Rainbow, you’re my friend but…I…I’ll have to call the town guard if you don’t trot out of here in the next minute. I don’t like it but…I don’t want to be charged with violating a direct order from the princess for letting you stay in here.” “Newsflash Cloudchaser! I’m Princess Twilight’s…best friend,” she grumbled at the end. Twilight had said she wanted to keep their relationship a secret, at least until the foal started showing. “Well then…go talk to her about it,” the pegasus replied uneasily as she sunk in on herself. “Just, please leave Rainbow. I don’t want to get in trouble.” Rainbow took a second to glare at the pegasus before letting out a long breath to get rid of her anger. It wasn’t Cloudchaser’s fault. Buck, it wasn’t anyone’s. “It’s fine. Somepony probably just put a stupid Ex when she should have crossed a Te or something. I'll get this all worked out. Sorry for…blowing up at you.” Cloudchaser smiled in a cool way. “It’s okay, I’d be mad too if I found out Princess Twilight ruined my chances of ever getting a job,” she said. “Um…I guess this means you’ve been dishonorably discharged from the military too, huh? What you do to get the princess on you so badly anyway?”  “…what?” "Princess Twilight. The order has her personal seal right here, see?" Like the weather schedule had said, it was a nice cool day with a few minor clouds that gave everypony some shade from the sun that had been shining down on them since dawn. The weather was perfect for a lunch on the palace balcony, just like their first date. Just remembering that time made Twilight groan. She had no intention of repeating that gut wrenching experience again. This time would be different. This time they would talk about what was going on, and confront Rainbow’s problem directly. It would be easy. The things couples always did. Twilight sucked in a deep breath to help calm her nerves. She could do this. She had faced down dozens of monsters, rescued Equestria half a dozen times, solved the most puzzling of ancient riddles…she could certainly tell Rainbow about the problems that she could see would soon be cropping up and show her the solutions. Then, together, they could work them out. Unless of course Rainbow disagreed with her… Then, Twilight would need to take more drastic measures... Throwing the pegasus in the palace dungeon was an option, if the least viable. Rainbow Dash might very well hurt herself trying to escape. While the foal with Twilight’s number one priority, she didn’t want Rainbow Dash getting hurt, especially when any injury to the abdomen might transfer to their child. Putting her into a magically induced coma was also option, and seemed to be the least harmful to their relationship. Although, the damage to her muscles from inactivity would probably cause some major problems when she noticed a decrease in athletic ability. There was also Rainbow’s diet to consider when it came to that solution to their problem. The foal wouldn’t get the proper nutrition she needed if Rainbow didn’t have the correct calorie intake, something Twilight didn’t know if she could get with an IV. Encasing the palace in a force field to keep her inside the place would need to be handled carefully if Rainbow tried anything to break out. Which Twilight knew she would. She wouldn’t be Rainbow Dash otherwise. And any restraints would have to be taken off and reapplied daily if she wanted to keep her fillyfriend clean, creating too much of a headache for Twilight to deal with. And then there was the option that would allow Rainbow the most freedom and safety: simply disconnecting her wings and storing them until the foal was ready to be born. After that, they could just spend their days and nights together in the palace. Oh! I might even be able to show her my research, Twilight thought as a bit of happiness crept into her mind with that thought. Rainbow was going to be so surprised when she found out the good news! There was no way the alicorn would be letting her pregnant pegasus into the lab in case of an accident. But Twilight knew that Rainbow would just love what she had finally figured out after a week of theorizing and self-experimentation. Twilight’s visions of their future family were cut short when she noticed a blur coming towards the palace out of the corner of her eye, and frowned. Rainbow Dash was coming in much too fast, almost two-thirds of her top speed. I thought I told her to keep it under half power! Focusing her magic, Twilight let out a burst of energy that snagged her fillyfriend in a telekinetic field. After letting her struggle for a moment to see that it was useless to resist, Twilight guided Rainbow down, readjusted her position, and set the pegasus in her seat as she frowned at the foalish behavior. Rainbow glared right back at her for some stupid reason. Although, Twilight supposed it probably had to do with being horn-handled, but if she didn’t want to be treated like a baby then she needed to learn to follow the rules! Twilight had explicitly told her not to go faster than fifty-percent of her top speed! “Twilight-” “After talking to Rarity and Pinkie, I thought we’d have something a little different for lunch,” Twilight told her evenly before lifting the cover off the tray in front of the pegasus. She raised an eyebrow when Rainbow just looked down at the food in front of her, and frowned before asking a question in a gruff tone. “What’s this?” “Seaweed,” Twilight explained evenly. She tried to sound happy, but after seeing Rainbow flying as fast as she had been, the alicorn just couldn’t bring herself to smile the right way. “I had Spike send one of the maids to the market for something high in salt and fiber so you didn’t have to eat the same lunch as yesterday.” After calming down from Rainbow’s temper tantrum earlier in the morning, Twilight had to admit that the diminishing returns caused by the repetitiveness of the meals she assigned Rainbow might have caused a bit of a flare up. But it’s not like she had to get angry about it, Twilight told herself as she lifted the cover of her own tray and was overtaken by the wonderful smell of apples and cinnamon. Twilight took a long whiff, letting the intoxicating aroma of the fresh pie in front of her calm her nerves better than any breathing exercise. Then, as her blood pressure turned to its normal levels, Twilight cleared her mind and prepared to enjoy a nice meal with her fillyfriend before they could get down to sorting out Rainbow’s behavior. She opened her eyes, and tilted her head in confusion at the angry scowl Rainbow Dash was giving her seaweed. “What’s wrong Rainbow?” The pegasus’s eyes twitched as she looked down at the green food that Twilight had given her before letting out a growl. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I HATE THIS!” she shouted before picking up the plate of seaweed and tossing it at the wall as hard as she could. Twilight’s eye’s widened at the explosive response and she looked to the crystal wall that some of the underwater vegetation stuck to it. The terrible manners brought out her usual response, and the alicorn frowned at her friend. “Rainbow! What in the name of Tartarus is wrong with you? Rarity gave me that plate as a palacewarming present!” The glare that come up from the pegasus made Twilight flinch. “Oh, well I’m soooooo sorry about your bucking plates,” she spat before continuing in a condescending tone. “Here, let me pay to replace them with my next paycheck. Oh that’s right… “I CAN’T!” she kept going. “Because I can’t have a job anymore! I’m supposed to stop being a weatherpony! You…it’s like you just want me to be a bucking housemare and sit in a stupid little box for the rest of my bucking life! And…and…GAAAAAAAH!” As the pegasus finished with her primal scream of rage, Twilight watched as the strength seemed to just flow out of the mare before she dropped back down onto her seat and slumped over while the alicorn simply watched with baited breath. Twilight drew her head back, stunned at the outburst. She had expected Rainbow to be confused about her newly gained unemployment, or maybe a little sore, but not outright…angry.  In the week they had been together, Rainbow had never been angry with her. It was even one of the promises she had made to Twilight back in Cloudsdale! As Rainbow simply sat in her chair, held up by her hooves on the edge of the table, panting heavily, the unexpected situation and sudden deterioration of Rainbow’s mood had Twilight’s mind raced as she tried to figure out what was wrong. What…what happened? Was it the seaweed? I thought she wanted something different. What…what did I do wrong? “The Wonderbolts…my food…and now my job!” she grumbled before she looked up to glare at the alicorn. “What’s next Twilight? Are you going to make me give up my wings too?” “Just until you have the foal,” Twilight explained in a weak voice while she looked down at the empty table, replying to Rainbow’s question on auto-pilot. She didn’t have time for some meaningless conversation, she…she needed to figure out what was wrong! She needed to think back and try to understand why Rainbow was so upset with her. Had she really been that upset about the food? Why hadn’t she just said something then? Rainbow knew that Twilight would have taken her thoughts under consideration. At least…if they were sensible ones… “…w-what?” the pegasus breathed as Twilight heard a chair being knocked over, causing the alicorn to look up and see the pegasus’s looking at her with a hesitant expression on her face. “You…you can’t be serious.” Twilight’s head swam with a million confusing thoughts as she looked at Rainbow’s reaction to her… What? What were we talking about? Twilight asked herself. “I…Dash? What’s…what’s wrong?” “You can’t,” Rainbow mumbled in disbelief. “You can’t seriously be talking about…cutting off my wings!” Did I… But no, she just doesn’t understand, Twilight assured herself before she could let panic overtake her and took a deep breath to help calm herself down. Once she explained it to Rainbow, she would see the right of it. “It’s just to keep you safe! It won’t hurt! It’ll be like Discord did that one time,” she assured Rainbow as she raised her hooves in a calming gesture. “I’ll put them back when you have the foal and-” Twilight wasn’t able to say another word before Rainbow cut her off as she zoomed right in front of Twilight‘s face so quickly that the alicorn fell backwards out of her chair. “DON’T YOU DARE!” the pegasus shrieked at the top of her lungs. “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR BUCKING MIND?” “What?” Twilight squeaked out as the pegasus‘s anger filled her vision. Once again, worry started to fill her mind. The alicorn had never seen Rainbow as angry as she was right then. “I don’t…what…Dash…what’s wrong?” “What’s wrong? WHAT’S WRONG?” she shouted in the alicorn’s face. “What’s wrong is that you’ve gone bucking nuts! What’s wrong is you and you’ve taken my dreams, my job, my future! And now you want to BUCKING CRIPPLE ME! “And you’re actually asking me what’s WRONG?” Twilight felt her eyes begin to water as she looked into Rainbow Dash’s face and saw nothing but fury directed right at the alicorn. “N-No I don’t,” she protested weakly. All it would be was a pair of wings. Twilight had gone without them her whole life. Rainbow could take being flightless for a few months, if it was for the safety of their foal. “Your wings…I just…I need to make everything safe…for the foal. If you crash…I…we…if something happens to the foal…please Dash…I…I’m just so afraid something will happen to the foal.” The pegasus’s hooves touched down, and Twilight tried to suck in air through her wet nose, only to slurp in something else as she looked up at Rainbow with teary eyes. Even with the blurry vision, Twilight could see her fillyfriend looked worn out. “You…you…FINE! It’s not like I can stop you if you really put your mind to it,” she said before the feathered appendages extended fully as her face darkened. “But…if you do this…if you…cripple me because of some stupid egghead logic of yours…we’re done. Do you hear me?” Twilight stopped the preparations for her spell and froze as Rainbow‘s words hit her like a kick in the gut. “What?” she managed to get out in a whisper. “ I don’t…why are you acting like this?” She had to know it was for the best. Rainbow…she couldn’t even keep to a diet that didn’t include cupcakes! If she couldn’t do that, then Twilight knew that someday, somehow, some way, she would hurt herself while flying with the baby still growing inside of her. She would do some reckless trick and then…Twilight didn’t know if she would be able to take it! “I could take the stupid food, and all the scheduling that tells me how long I need to brush my teeth, and…and even losing the Wonderbolts! But if you do this…if you bucking cripple me because…because of your bucking…whatever THIS IS…we’re DONE! I will pack my bags and go live with Fluttershy, or run home to Cloudsdale, or even move back in with my bucking parents if I have to in order to get away from you!” Rainbow said as her words became more of a growl. “And even if you finally find your bucking marbles and give them back, even if it’s as soon as tomorrow, I will never forgive you for taking away my wings.” Every word spoken from between the pegasus’s teeth made Twilight’s whole body flinch. No…this isn’t…  This wasn‘t how this were supposed to go! Rainbow shouldn’t have been acting like this over going a few months without flying. She shouldn’t have been angry! “Why? Why are you being like this?” Twilight squeaked out. “I just want to keep you safe.” “And I will be, FROM YOU!” Rainbow shouted, which made Twilight recoil. “I’ll be safe from the pony who won’t let me eat anything that tastes remotely like food! I’ll be safe from the princess who made sure I’ll never be able to find work in Equestria again! And I’ll be safe from my best friend, who won’t be satisfied till I’m trapped in a little box until she wants to take me out and play with me like I’m some kind of bucking doll!” Twilight shook her head at Dash’s words, and the situation. “N-No Rainbow, you…you’re wrong. I just…I’m just…” She paused, unsure of what to say. Why couldn’t Rainbow just agree with her? Couldn’t she see all the dangers? Being such an experienced flier, she had to know what would happen if something went wrong. And if Twilight waited, the more dangerous things would be! As soon as Rainbow started to show, the extra weight and mass would ruin her aerodynamic profile! The longer Twilight waited, the greater the danger to the foal! She needed her to see that! However, Rainbow didn’t wait for the alicorn to gather her thoughts before she kept going. “Twilight,” the pegasus said as the strength and anger behind her words started to fade. “Ever since I’ve met you, I’ve been proud to be your friend, jealous that you got all of this when I have to keep putting what I want to the side, angry at you for when you get all stupid and bossy…but this is the first time I’ve ever been afraid of any of my friends.” Rainbow’s word’s stuck a cord with the alicorn, and Twilight froze. She looked up at the pegasus, and saw her just…deflating as her wings fell back down and her head just sagged. “So if you’re going to do something, then hurry it up. Because I’m just too tired to fight you anymore.” The alicorn slowly lifted her head back up, and stared at the blue pony. Rainbow was…afraid of her? And why wouldn’t she be? Twilight asked herself as she examined her past actions. If there had been no foal… No, even if she had been pregnant and another pony had done this to Rainbow Dash at any other time of the pegasus’s life…taken away her job, her choices…her…wings…and placed such a look of fear in Rainbow’s eyes…there was no doubt in Twilight’s mind what the alicorn would have done to that pony. She would have made Rainbow Dash a single parent. The realization hit Twilight like a hammer, and then her conscience continued the beating. Was she really feeling this way this whole time? Why didn’t she say something? Why…why didn’t I notice anything? I thought she was a little upset at the changes in her life, but…but I made concessions. But what about the foal? What if she leaves me? The second thought paralyzed Twilight’s mind. A future where something happened to the foal, the alicorn could picture. She and Rainbow Dash would be heartbroken, and perhaps a little angry at each other, but…she knew that they would still be together to help the other get by. The idea of a future without Rainbow…Twilight couldn’t picture it. Just the possibility of such a thing happening left a hole in her heart and made her vision blur. “I…” Twilight said as she looked up at her fillyfriend…if they still were fillyfriends after today. That realization made her want to curl up into a little ball and die. “I’m sorry, I didn’t…I didn’t mean to scare you. Please don’t hate me. Please don’t be afraid of me! I…didn‘t…mean…to.” Please don’t…please don’t leave me, she cried out inside her head. When a minute passed and no words reached her ears, the alicorn hung her head and closed her eyes while she held back a sob. What…what was I thinking? How could I have… “I was just…so afraid,” she mumbled to herself. “The baby…I don’t…I can’t be with you all the time when you're out there and…and if something happened…you would be so sad. You’d blame yourself…and I couldn’t…I couldn’t bear to see you like that!” As if fear was enough of a justification to excuse what she had been planning. Twilight wasn’t aware that she had curled in on herself until a pair of forlegs wrapped around her neck, and a pegasus’s wings wrapped themselves around the purple alicorn. “Hey...hey, come on now. It’s okay. It’s okay Twilight, Rainbow whispered into her ear. “Uh…no harm, no foul, right?” The simplistic logic that Rainbow followed didn’t put Twilight at ease. If anything, it made her feel worse for how Rainbow just went and brushed it off. But I did hurt her, the alicorn told herself. For one terrible instant, Rainbow Dash…the mare Twilight loved with all her heart, that she would do anything for, she…had been afraid of the alicorn. That realization made Twilight feel as bad as she had a year ago, when a few careless words read from a spellbook had almost ruined the lives of her friends. With her mind in a haze, Twilight’s body put itself on autopilot when she felt something lift her up onto her hooves. Her mind registered Rainbow’s presence, but no conscious thoughts came as the pegasus dried the alicorn’s tears with a napkin. “Sorry…for yelling like that,” Rainbow mumbled. The apology coming from the pegasus shocked Twilight back into conscious thought. No…Rainbow no. Don’t apologize to me! I was the one who was wrong! Something draped itself across her back and she looked over to see it was Rainbow’s wing. The sight of it nearly made her collapse. And I…I was going to take them away, Twilight thought to herself in a moment of horrid realization before she stumbled into its owner for the added support and warmth Rainbow could give her. Finally, she managed to find her voice. “Rainbow?” “…yeah Twilight?” the pegasus replied in an equally soft tone that was caused by exhaustion. Twilight gulped down her nervousness, and opened the door in front of them with her magic. The tiny flinch Rainbow underwent was like a dagger in the heart of the alicorn. And it only had what she had to say next easier. “I think…you need to be the one making the decisions when it comes to us for awhile. I don’t…I think I need to…take some time and figure out a few things before I call any more shots.” “Okay.” The fact that Rainbow’s reply came so quickly and without protest had Twilight hiding her eyes from the other mare. There had been no false assurances, no attempts to turn her away, just a single word given out a second after Twilight’s declaration. I…I really have messed things up. “I’ll get you your job back tomorrow,” she went on. “It shouldn’t take that much-” “It’s okay,” Rainbow said softly, her words cutting Twilight off before she could finish. “You need me here. So…I’ll be here for you. It’s not like I have…I’ll be here for you.” For the second time in less than ten minutes, Twilight found herself choking back a sob to hide it from the pegasus. She found herself thinking back to earlier, when they had been on the balcony for the first time, and in the council room before that, and back before they were together, when Rainbow had thought she was going to fail her Wonderbolt’s entrance exam. The feeling of despair she was getting from the pegasus wasn’t quite the same as back then, but…it still made Twilight want to break down and cry. She gave up her dream for you, the alicorn told herself. Could she have done such a thing back before they had even been together? Could I have resigned as Celestia’s student if she had needed me to? The resounding no that all the facts told Twilight made the alicorn shudder, which of course got her a gentle caress from Rainbow’s wing to remind Twilight that the pegasus was there to support her…again. Rainbow Dash, the pregnant mare, the one who should have been freaking out, the one who had every right to be upset…she was the one supporting the princess who had a nervous breakdown, again! It’s not fair…to her, Twilight told herself as she tried to think of something…anything to help the mare she loved. “Rainbow,” Twilight said as she finally noticed the pegasus was leading her back into the palace. “Where’re we going?” A nuzzle to the alicorn’s cheek made her hold back another sob. Rainbow shouldn’t be the one comforting her…not after what she had been about to do! “I think we need to go lay down Twilight. I’m…tired,” she heard the pegasus mumble. Despite the fact it was the middle of the day, Twilight found herself agreeing with the pegasus. Although she hadn’t done any major activities, the alicorn was feeling drained. As they made their way through the door, Rainbow’s stomach growled in protest, and Twilight’s head shot up to scold her for getting so hungry her stomach was rumbling. Then, reality set in and the alicorn sighed before she could put the final nail in her relationship’s coffin. “Rainbow…do you want to share my apple pie?” The tentative question got a snicker from the pegasus. “Okay Twilight.” Glad there was something she could do to at least start to make up for what had almost happened, Twilight looked back and snatched the delicious food up in her magic before hauling it back to where they were waiting. Then they continued on towards Twilight’s room.  “Rainbow…I’m sorry.” “I know,” a tired voice replied. “I love you.”     …     …     … “…I know.” The soft, delayed response that did not mimic the mare’s own words had Twilight pressing her lips together to hold in the whine that threatened to escape on the point of a full flood of tears. > Family Drama Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Drama 3: New Arrivals Rainbow Dash was a kind of tired she hadn’t been in a long time. Seven long days of pent up anger at tiny slights and a dozen other small things topped off by Twilight’s mass of crazier than usual freak-out had exploded in their first argument. It left her feeling…drained, the bad kind of drained. The kind without the muscle soreness that came from a good workout. Part of her wanted to just forget the whole thing and move on, that was what they usually did after all. But…something about this time was different. It was the first time that Twilight’s…Twilight-ness had been turned towards another pony. It was…kind of frightening really. The door opened from Twilight’s magic, and Rainbow led her into the room and onto the bed, using her wing on Twilight’s back to guide the alicorn. The two of them sat there for a moment, eating in silence. The pie was good. Better than anything Rainbow had eaten in days. It was obviously Apple baked, and she took her time savoring it. But, the pie was not to last, and a few minutes after the food had been consumed, Rainbow found Twilight giving her a hesitant look out of the corner of her eye as they both simply sat on the bed. “I’m sorry.” The pain in the alicorn’s voice made Rainbow’s heart ache. She reached over and wrapped a foreleg around Twilight’s shoulder to pull her in close. “I know,” the pegasus mumbled. Rainbow wanted to kick herself. Idiot! Is that all you're going to say to her? “I’m sorry too,” she mumbled. “I…” She paused, unsure of how to continue. She wanted to apologize for frightening Twilight right back with the whole abandonment threat. That wasn’t what Rainbow Dash did, she was the Element of Loyalty! She was always there for her friends when they needed her, and what had happened just ten minutes ago was proof that Twilight had needed her more than ever! But…when she had said those words so casually… Rainbow’s whole body shook in fear at the possibility. “Twilight,” the pegasus mumbled. “Why would you even…how could you even think about something like that?” She felt Twilight tremble at the question. “I…I just…I’m scared Rainbow,” she mumbled. “Every day you just take off, and you’re not around for hours…and I just…I keep thinking about all the bad things that could happen when I’m not around.” What she heard made Rainbow’s stomach turn, if just a little. From the sound of things, Twilight… “Don’t you trust me?” she asked, putting what she had read between the lines into a question. “Of course I do!” Twilight insisted, almost too strongly for a mare who had just been hit with an emotional sledgehammer. “It’s everything else I don’t trust! I don’t trust Derpy not to set off a thundercloud when you’re around! I don’t trust the Everfree weather not to act up! I don’t trust somepony else not to pull a stupid prank that ends up going wrong! I try to keep my mind off of it by developing my spell continuation matrix, or thinking about how wonderful out foal is going to be, but I just can’t stop worrying about you!” Rainbow cut in. “Well it’s not like I haven’t taken care of myself before you know! You didn’t get all control freaky back then!” she snapped. “Well I’ve never had to worry about a baby before then either!” Twilight argued back as she pushed herself away enough so they could stare at each other’s eyes. They both frowned at each other for a second, then let out tired sighs. “Sorry.” Twilight leaned back into Rainbow and sighed again. “I hate this,” she mumbled. “I hate feeling like this all the time, and no matter what I do it just keeps getting worse! No matter what I do it just…I just can’t stop!” She let out a long breath into Rainbow’s coat, and went silent for a minute. For her part, Rainbow was left at a loss. Come on and say something you idiot, she told herself while she reached up to stroke the alicorn’s hair. Why couldn’t she have just been a little smarter? If Rainbow had been a smarter pony, or into romance and junk like Rarity, then she would have known exactly what to say to calm Twilight down before things had gotten as bad as they did. She could have said something right now to pull Twilight out of her funk. But all she could do was hold the alicorn. “I wish I could be more like you.” The words made Rainbow look down at the alicorn leaning into her. “What?” Twilight looked up at her and put on a small smile. “I wish I could be more like you,” she repeated. “I mean…you’re not afraid of this at all. Since we found out about the baby, you haven’t even come close to panicking.” “Are you kidding me? What in the hay gave you that idea?” Rainbow asked, her voice finally finding some strength to raise a few decibels. “Twilight…this whole mom thing terrifies me! I don’t know anything about being a mom! Buck, if I even start to think about how crappy my foalhood was, and that I’d never want any pony of mine to pick somepony like me as a role model, or how much this whole Harmony thing might take me away from her on some stupid mission to save Equestria… Twilight, I’m just as worried as you, I’m just better at ignoring it!” It was one of the few times that Rainbow knew her ability to not think about stuff, or at least put things off to the last minute came in handy. At first it felt like Twilight was nuzzling her chest, but then Rainbow looked down to see she was shaking her head. “No…you’ll make an amazing mother Rainbow!” Twilight told her. “I’m the one who probably won't even get that far. We’ve only been at this a week and I’m…I can’t even keep it together, and I’m supposed to be the one supporting you!” Rainbow held the alicorn tighter to shut her up. “Twilight, the reason I’m not freaking out every day is because of you!” she insisted. “I may make a crappy mom, but you’ll be around to show our girl what she’s really supposed to be like, how to act and study…and eat way too much healthy food.” Despite the fact that the words were said with a snicker, Rainbow felt Twilight flinch and the pegasus felt like kicking herself again. “Sorry.”  “No. I shouldn’t have said anything about the food,” Rainbow admitted. Then she felt Twilight tense and knew that had been the wrong answer. “Or…told you about it sooner, that it was getting to me, I mean.” But then what type of fillyfriend would I have been, adding to Twilight’s worries? Despite being a princess, Rainbow knew all too well Twilight was still a long way from perfect. She got overly stressed and…things tended to explode. Twilight let out a sigh. “Why didn’t you?” she asked. “Tell me, I mean.” Dash reached out to wrap a wing around the alicorn. “Twilight, you’re the one with all the smarts. I know if you say something’s good for me, then it usually is. And…well…I really owed it to you for fixing me,” she added at the end. Then she closed her eyes and just rotated her wings for a minute, enjoying the feeling and letting the lack of any discomfort send a relaxing pulse through her whole body. Twilight fought against the hold Dash had on her, and a few seconds later, they were staring eye to eye again. “Fixing you? W-What do you mean fixing you?” Confusion pushed Rainbow’s eyebrows down into a light frown. “The first morning we woke up together. You…fixed me. Twilight without you…without what you did, I probably wouldn’t be able to fly by the time I was fifty.” Not to mention the fact that the lifespan of the usual athletic pegasus, especially one that flew in combat like the Wonderbolts almost never even got to seventy. Going from the highest point of fame in Equestria to a pegasus that could barely fly…many pegasi just gave up and faded a hay of a lot faster to old age and sickness than most other ponies. “When I healed you? Oh Rainbow, you don’t owe me anything for that!” Twilight assured the pegasus. “Even if we had never gotten together, I would have gladly done that for you without anything in return! I… Please don’t tell me that’s why you thought you had to just…go along with whatever I said.” Rainbow let out a sigh, and let herself fall backwards onto the bed after letting her wings spread out. “No, it just…helped me get through it while I was waiting for you to…calm down,” she admitted. “I know how you are Twilight. I mean, I talked to Spike about it and…well, he said that’s how you help deal with stuff that makes you nervous.” She looked back up to the alicorn, and kept going. “You just plan for everything and try and make sure you…get all the variables under control.” At least, Rainbow thought that was what Spike said. All Rainbow would have had to do was roll with it until Twilight got herself under control. She just hadn’t thought how out of control Twilight could get. A second later, Twilight laid herself down next to Rainbow, and the pegasus pulled her into an embrace. “You’re a pony, not a variable,” she mumbled before Rainbow kissed her on the tip of her horn. The little shudder that ran through Twilight’s body at the contact brought a smile to Rainbow Dash’s face, and she tried to clear her mind and think of something to say to cheer her fillyfriend up. When nothing came to mind, she moved her forelegs around to feel Twilight’s body and help the pegasus’s think. “Are you still afraid?” “…yes,” Twilight whispered. Rainbow sighed. “Okay…what if I promise not to get hurt, and….if you really need me to be here for you Twi…I’ll stay off the weather team,” she said. It was a promise she had made earlier, but considering Twilight’s mood, Rainbow didn’t know if she had heard it or not. “Rainbow…you can’t just make something like that happen with a promise,” the alicorn mumbled as she looked forward to Rainbow’s face. After putting on her usual level of bravado, Rainbow Dash smiled at her fillyfriend. “Maybe for ponies who aren’t as cool as me.” “Rainbow!” Twilight called out in a scolding manner. “That’s not the way the world works!” The look her fillyfriend was giving her got a sigh out of the pegasus, and she laid her head back down to look up at the ceiling. “Twilight…I love you,” Rainbow said, and stopped before she could get to the ‘but’ of what she had been trying to say when Twilight cut in. “You still love me?” Twilight’s question brought Rainbow Dash’s mind to a complete stop, and she looked ‘down’ at the alicorn that was resting her face on Rainbow’s stomach. “Of course I still love you!” she exclaimed. “What the hay would make you think I would ever stop?!” “I almost took-” “You. Stopped.” Rainbow cut her off before telling the anger that memory brought with it to shut the buck up before it did something stupid like get out and made Twilight start crying again. Then, before Twilight could start back up, she tugged at the alicorn so Twilight would crawl up to meet each other’s eyes, and then rolled to the side. “Look Twilight, we stop the stupid bathroom stuff…and I’ll eat some of that health junk, but…I still want Pinkie’s food too…and, I’ll call it quits on the weather team until our girl is ready to come out. Okay?” “Okay,” Twilight agreed softly. Rainbow moved her neck forward, and kissed Twilight on the nose, and finally got a faint smile from the alicorn. “And I do love you Twilight,” she repeated to make sure the alicorn understood that. “I love you too Rainbow.” Half an hour passed, and Twilight found herself simply staring at the sleeping face of the pegasus as the mystical bubble around Rainbow‘s head kept her snored from being head. Despite the desire to sleep and the emotional exhaustion she was feeling. Her thoughts were a storm of turmoil. So, as she had found herself doing the past few days whenever Rainbow fell asleep before her, Twilight talked with the other member of their family. She reached down to lightly stroke the pegasus’s belly, and sighed. “Hey, it’s me again.” “I really messed up this time,” she told her unborn foal. “Rainbow says it’s okay, but…after the fight we just had…I’m not so sure.” Twilight sighed and drew her foreleg back. “Yes, me and your mommy had a fight. Our first big fight…well, as a couple anyway. I think the last fight we had was…oh! When I was trying to help Mommy join the…Wonderbolts.” As soon as the words left her mouth, the memory of their fight flashed through her mind, and the alicorn choked back a sob. She remembered how devastated Rainbow had been back then, and how torn she had been in the council chamber. “Why couldn’t I see how much that was hurting her?” Had it been because of her own problems at the time? Things hadn’t exactly been normal after her brief transformation into a stallion. But still…Rainbow had had been shouting for help…or at least about her problems and Twilight had just blown her off. At least, that was what it felt like to the alicorn now that the pegasus’s thoughts on the subject had been made painfully clear. Rainbow’s dreams and her obligations had met an impasse, and it was tearing her up inside. She had told Twilight the opposite a dozen times, maybe even so much Rainbow believed it on some level herself, but Twilight could see the truth of things now. “She doesn’t blame you of course,” she assured the foal. “I don’t either. It’s not your fault, and… I know when we finally get to meet you, Rainbow will probably just throw the Wonderbolts to the side forever.” Twilight frowned at her own words, and sighed. Don’t hide truths from your filly Twilight. The truth was, she didn’t know what Rainbow would do after the foal was born. The motivation to stay away from the Wonderbolts would definitely be there, but…now she wasn’t sure if Rainbow could actually live with the choice Twilight would know she’d make. On top of which, without some form of gratification in the now…well, Twilight had seen how the pain of losing her dreams on top of Twilight’s recent…everything had caused Rainbow to explode. The alicorn knew it was her job to provide that positive presence, and now that she knew about everything, she more than intended to do so, only…Twilight had no idea how to do that. How was a pony supposed to replace a dream that had existed since the time a mare had been a foal? And even if the time came when she no longer needed to…distract the mare by herself and their foal had arrived, was it still right to try and keep Rainbow from trying to do what she loved? Twilight reminded herself that with their magic, it was possible for Rainbow Dash to travel great distances in the blink of an eye. But then, the life of a Wonderbolt wasn’t exactly the safest profession. Aside from the military aspect of their jobs, the stunt mares performed dangerous acrobatics in dangerously close quarters. The mental image of Rainbow flying like that with a team of what would be inexperienced fliers sent a shiver down her spine and… NO, Twilight shouted at herself. You do not get to worry about that anymore! YOU LOST THAT RIGHT JUST TEN MINUTES AGO! If Rainbow wanted to put her life in danger…that was her decision, not the alicorn’s. Twilight could only chose to support Dash, or not. Twilight let out another long sigh, and looked up to Rainbow’s beautiful face. She laughed through her nose at the assessment, and what the pegasus would probably think about it. Although, even Rainbow’s current beauty paled to what she had looked like after Twilight had ‘fixed’ her the morning they woke up together. “I don’t know how yet…but I promise I’ll find a way to help you again Dash,” she told the love of her life. “I promise. You will be a Wonderbolt one day.” Cadence sighed in relief as the crystal train pulled into Ponyville station just as the sun was starting to go down. While Shining keeping her up for a good amount of the night before had meant she had thankfully slept through a good amount of the day, the ride had been far from smooth on the personal front. Without the alicorn to help keep things in perspective, her husband’s mood had gone from unable to sleep to angry big brother that had been kept in the dark about his little sister’s pregnancy for far too long. Not that he was angry at Twilight over it. Oh no, Shining had a much better target in mind for his wrath. “I swear Cadence, I don’t care who this guy thinks he is,” the unicorn said as he paced back and forth in their private car. "I don’t care how connected his is, I don’t even care if he’s Celestia’s little brother! Soon as I see him, BAM!” The crack Shining left in the train car’s wall made Cadence sigh. “Shiny, we discussed this. We’re going to take a look around, give Rainbow Dash her promotion into the Wonderbolts and casually find out just whom Twilight is dating.” Shining nodded. “Right! Identify the target, and then attack!” he said before smiling at her. “And I thought you were sleeping through the mandatory battle simulations that I run the palace guard through every week.” “Forcing the ponies under your command to play your table top RPG does not count as battle training Shining!” Cadence complained to her husband while she grabbed her bags in her magic and headed towards the door. Ponyville had nearly shut down for the night, so there wasn’t much of a crowd to come and see the princess’s train. Cadence was thankful none of the townspeople that were still out and about bowed as she passed by. Apparently Twilight’s constant presence and Luna’s habit of making Ponyville her go to town for any kind of celebration had gotten them used to the royalty enough so that they felt no need to prostrate themselves outside of official functions. The Alicorn of Love envied her little sister to no end for that accomplishment. A few minutes and a short walk later, and Shining led the way into Twilight’s palace. Although she had seen it a few times after its construction, or…growth, the place still made her wonder if why in the hay did the Tree of Harmony create a dormitory offspring of itself in a place like Ponyville. It wasn’t that Cadence disliked crystal décor, she lived in the place that was defined by it after all. It just seemed out of place for the quaint setting that was her sister’s kingdom. If a tiny town of a few hundred ponies that pretty much ran itself without any intervention from Twilight could even be called that. In truth, Twilight had become what Cadence had been before her promotion to Crystal Princess. She helped solve relationship problems between ponies, with the focus being on friendship instead of love like the pink alicorn. Oh how I miss those days, the alicorn told herself as she greeted the servants and made some small talk to find out where Twilight was. Back in the day she had been able to go all around Equestria to help ponies find love or council those ponies with rocky relationships, using her magic to let couples see what was in the other’s heart. These days, the best Cadence could manage was finding ponies who were having relationship difficulties thanks to public records. Even then, they were usually too stubborn to accept help without a good deal of corrosion,…or too far gone for it to matter. She gave orders not to be announced on the pretense of making a surprise entrance for Twilight. In reality, she and Shining had to talk to someone after dropping off their luggage in the room they had used the last time they visited. They had the maid who was assigned to them go get the head of the palace staff. Then they took up positions beside the door and waited for a few minutes. “So what kind of cleaning emergency is there that you need fire for guys? Um…hello?” As soon as the dragon entered the room, Cadence and Shining shut the door behind Spike loud enough to make the dragon jump at the noise. When he turned around, Cadence took the lead on the interrogation introduction. “Hello Spike, it’s been awhile, how’ve you been?” As much as she tried to hide it, there was a bit of an edge in her voice. Cadence had to admit to herself that now that she was so close to finding out what was going on, the Princess of Love was a bit out of sorts. “C-Cadence?” the young dragon stuttered as the alicorn approached him. “What’re you and Shining Armor doing here?” The alicorn barely got a single syllable out before the unicorn cut her off by taking a strong step forward. “We know what’s going on Spike! About the pregnancy, the stallion, everything!” he said while Cadence groaned. So much for subtle. “W-WHAT?” the dragon exclaimed in surprise as he took a step back before getting himself under control. “Well, um…okay. That’s good I guess. Twilight’s really been stressing over how she was supposed to tell you...and everypony else I guess. I mean...after the girls freaked out about it, and they’re used to some pretty strange stuff, all Twilight can think about is how badly the normal ponies are going to take it.” Cadence let out a sigh and stepped up beside Shiny with a look that told him to let her handle this. “Well…we don’t know everything,” she said. “Like…how did it happen?” The question got a hesitant moan from Spike, but he answered. “Well, it was just kind of an accident.” That was something that Cadence had figured on. With the way Twilight planned out every little thing, premarital pregnancy was not something she would ever willingly get into. “Go on.” “Well…ummm…Twilight…she…or…uh, he…oh boy,” the dragon mumbled before trying so hard to restrain his emotions he physically gulped. Then, he took a deep breath before going off. “Okay, so he slept with her while she was in heat and they didn’t think she could get pregnant because it had been so soon, but it happened anyway and…now it’s back to just being normal Twilight so…yeah. Sorry, it’s just, easier not to use name when I think of…that.” Cadence frowned as Spike’s whole body shook for a moment. “So…about the stallion Twilight-” Spike waved his hands in a stop gesture. “Oh no! Stallion…Twilight…not happening again. One day only…I hope,” he added in a mumble. “Man that was just so weird having…him…like that! No, definitely gone forever!” The words reverberated in Cadence’s head, and she frowned at the dragon’s response. From the sound of things, Twilight had a one-night stand with some stallion, found out she was pregnant and… “But…she did…tell the other pony about the pregnancy…right?” “Same day she found out about it, yeah. Mare that was a weird day.” As Spike shook his head at some awful memory that made him shudder, Shiny stepped in with an even darker look than before. This time, Cadence was in full agreement with his anger over the situation “And…he’s not coming back?” “No way in Tartarus is that ever happening,” Spike assured them with an uneasy look. Obviously, he didn’t like talking about it. Cadence didn’t blame him. For Twilight to find out she was pregnant and then…have the stallion who impregnated her refuse to come back and take responsibility, or at least try to form some kind of relationship with her. She must be devastated. The image of her baby sister, the filly she had known and loved more than any other pony she sat for being just…left to face what was coming without anypony to truly depend on… The alicorn’s teeth grinded as she saw Twilight crying herself to sleep every night with a swollen belly and the father of the foal nowhere to be found. The couple shared a look, and Cadence nodded at the white stallion before she thanked Spike. Then they found out where Twilight was at from the dragon before heading down the hall with her husband. “I’m going to kill him.” “Oh no you’re not Shiny,” Cadence warned him. They were partnership of the highest order. Everything they did, they did together. “We’re gonna kill him!” “You know, you reading all those books is probably what helped speed up your freak-out.” Twilight winced at the comment, and looked up from her place on the couch they were sharing as she put down her book ‘A Stallion’s Guide to Fatherhood I: What to Expect From Your Pregnant Pony’ and leaned into Rainbow Dash. “Sorry,” she said as she closed the book. “W-Whoa I didn’t say stop!” Rainbow Dash told her in a voice that was growing closer to panic. “If you want to read books on that kind of stuff, go and read it.” The expression on Rainbow’s face made Twilight’s mood droop even more than it had been five minutes ago. “It’s okay Rainbow…I wasn’t really concentrating on the words anyway. I was just thinking.” As the pegasus calmed down and drew Twilight closer to her into their twelfth hug since waking up from their nap, the alicorn leaned in to kiss her fillyfriend on the cheek and rest her head on Rainbow’s shoulder. “So um…what were you thinking about?” Twilight sighed at the question and leaned back to take a look at her palace’s library. The books she had ordered had come in the week since she had Rainbow began their relationship, making Twilight’s new home at least a bit like her old one in one respect…or two if she counted the miniature observatory she had set up, and the semi-familiar sight helped calm her down. But even the inviting sight of books couldn’t help Twilight from not thinking about Rainbow’s question, which brought her back to the ruminations that had her in as deep a funk as she had been upon falling asleep, despite dinner with the other two palace residents cheering her up a bit. “Rainbow…am I a good friend?” Twilight asked softly after a moment’s hesitation. “To you I mean.” The pained confusion written on Rainbow’s face made the alicorn wish she hadn’t said anything before the pegasus opened her mouth. “Twilight, you’re my best friend. More than a friend, I love you!” she exclaimed before frowning at her. “Why the hay would you even think anything else?!” A bought of nervousness made Twilight look away from Rainbow and down at the floor. “Since we woke up…I’ve been re-examining our relationship, all the way back since we met and…I can’t really concur with what you say.” “Huh?” Of course she doesn’t see it that way, Twilight thought to herself. After all, Rainbow was incapable of seeing a pony she classified as a friend in a bad light. “Think about it, every time we’ve done something together, I’ve been horrible to you! Remember the Best Fliers Competition?” she asked while looking at the pegasus. Rainbow raised a disbelieving eyebrow. “Oh yeah, bringing all my friends to help cheer for me and see me be awesome. Only a real jerk would do that Twilight.” “I gave Rarity wings and didn’t stop her when she entered the competition!” the alicorn clarified. “I could have just taken her wings away and replaced them with…a…” She felt Rainbow tense, and Twilight trailed off. “Sorry, I probably should have put that better.” After a few more seconds of silence, Rainbow sighed and shook her head. “What is it with unicorn’s and holding onto this stuff. Buck, even Rarity still winces when ponies bring that contest up. It happened, she apologized, end of story. And that was forever ago, and it was only one stupid-”     “Mare Do Well.” “…can we not talk about that?” Rainbow mumbled as she looked away from the alicorn. Twilight nodded and went on. “I laughed at you when you said you didn’t like to read.” Rainbow held up the Daring Do book that depicted a picture of the pegasus on the cover of the publication. “Turning me onto my favorite hobby, I can’t believe you were such a jerk,” she deadpanned. “I nearly ruined your life when I gave you Fluttershy’s cutie mark!” “Accident.” Twilight shook her head furiously at Rainbow’s attempt to calm her down.  She should have known Starswirl’s book was a magical tome that actually cast magic instead of a magic text that only taught it! But, she wouldn’t argue with the pegasus over it. The alicorn didn’t want Rainbow getting angry at her again. “And then there was the team I practically put you on for the Equestria games,” Twilight mumbled before changing her tone to a mocking impersonation of her own voice. “Oh Rainbow, I know you could get a gold medal in any single pony contest and all, but Fluttershy’s team could really use some help.” Now that she knew Rainbow had a thing for her as far back as then…it was so obvious to Twilight the pegasus had done it to impress the alicorn. Using Rainbow’s emotions to manipulate her like that…another fine example of my use of friendship. “Twilight-” “And when you started having second thoughts,” Twilight said before Rainbow could come to the purple pony’s defense once again, “What do I do? Do I take you aside and try and show you how much it will probably hurt you when you realize what you were doing was wrong? Noooo, I use the most dirty, under-hoofed, vile way to get a pony to do something! I guilt trip you into it!” Rainbow groaned and rubbed her head. “Twilight…” “And then there was the time I helped you study for your Wonderbolt’s Exam!” The pegasus sighed and looked up at the ceiling for a moment. “Okay Twilight, please tell me how you helping me achieve my hopes and dreams, and letting me figure out that I’m actually halfway intelligent with my whole…learning without trying…thing is bad!” she said before looking back at the alicorn with a frown. “Because I really am wondering how in the hay you could manage to twist that around into something terrible.” “Are you kidding?” Twilight pleaded in a panic as the last of her absolute proof that she was the worst friend in the history of Equestria entered her head and began to make her thoughts race while her words kept moving top try and keep up. “First, I drag you into a study session when you're too hungry to think, completely ignoring all your food answers as the cry for help that they were! Then I try and teach to in a way that is so bucking obviously not indicative to your style of learning that even an owl could see it. And after that, what do I do? I purposely get you all worked up and concentrated on the fact you’re going to fail the test like it would try to motivate you! And then I got mad because, because you got angry at me for being such a terrible teacher! And then, and then I got mad right back at you and said I could be a Wonderbolt!” Rainbow sighed and rolled her eyes. “Then we all calmed down and-” “No!” Twilight exclaimed as she fought her way out of Rainbow’s grip and jumped into the air to turn and face her lover. She would not allow Rainbow to lie to the two of them about how awful a pony the alicorn was! Her heart continued to race as she thought about her actions and what would have come about if not for the intervention of her friend. “Fluttershy calmed me down! I probably would have just kept going about how I could have become a Wonderbolt! And-and put on a stupid purple cape and gone and taken the test and passed and-and-and not helped you at all because I wanted to be right and show you that my way was the best, and…I probably WOULDN’T HAVE EVEN CARED THAT I ABANDONED YOU TO FAIL AT ACHIEVING YOUR DREAM!” Even worse, she probably would have rubbed her victory in Rainbow’s face and told her to write a journal entry about the lesson she had learned! The downward spiral Twilight’s vocalization of her past mistakes had put her in finally made her hit rock bottom, and the alicorn dropped from the sky to land on her plot. The tiny jolt of pain from impacting the library’s carpeted floor was the spark that she needed to move onto the next step of the depression process, and Twilight let out a heart wrenching wail of anguish that filled the large room. “Oh for crying out loud,” Rainbow mumbled just barely loud enough for Twilight to hear. “Not another one.” However, before Rainbow could fly to Twilight’s rescue…even though the abusive alicorn knew she hardly deserved it…the library’s door flew open with a bang, and Twilight looked back to see her older sister and brother standing there. A very tiny, almost miniscule part of Twilight’s mind wondered just what the hay they were doing in the palace. The Princess of Friendship had received no announcements from the Princess of Love about another visit so soon after their last. The much larger part of her brain saw her older brother and the alicorn that had become her sister appear right when she needed them. Shining could protect Equestria from Twilight going crazy and ruining the lives of every single pony in existence with her friendship solutions. And Cadence might… The Princess of Love could… Twilight’s big sister would… “Oh Twilight!” the larger pink alicorn cried out as she rushed to embrace the smaller purple one. …save her relationship with Rainbow Dash. “CAAAAAAAAAADENCE!” the purple alicorn shouted in a mixture of newfound hope and the despair that was still clinging to her as Twilight’s rushed to embrace her sister. As the larger alicorn wrapped her forearms around her, Twilight buried her face in Cadence’s coat and mane and nuzzled her big sister as hard as she could. She didn’t care how or why, all Twilight understood was that Cadence had come when she needed her most. The Alicorn of Love would save Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s relationship. “Oh Twilight, it’s okay. Spike told us everything.” Twilight flinched at the words. Spike had heard their fight? The thought that the dragon, her little brother had seen the alicorn at her worst made her feel even worse about what happened. He must think I’m a monster. “It’s horrible Cadence, I…I messed everything up!” She heard a sigh come from the pegasus sitting on the couch behind her. “No you didn’t Twilight.” Twilight completely disregarded Rainbow’s opinion as she was clearly much too biased to give a fair and balanced opinion of their relationship. Instead, she turned all of her attention on the alicorn in front of her and pushed back enough to look up at Cadence’s face. “What’ll I do Cadence?” As her big sister began to speak, Twilight put everything else out of her mind and focused on the first step in saving her relationship. She just knew the Alicorn of Love would provide a solution in an orderly manner, giving Twilight a list of actions to complete that would end with her and Rainbow living together happily for the rest of their lives! “Everything will be okay, we’re all going to get through this together,” Cadence said in a tone that soothed Twilight’s racing heart a little before her expression soured a tiny bit. “Although, I would like to see that stallion Twilight.” Reacting to the command, Twilight nodded. “Okay just give me a second.” She didn’t quite follow Cadence’s logic, but she would do anything if it meant being able to stay with Rainbow Dash and bring her the happiness she desired! Calling up the spell she had perfected just the other day, Twilight formed the continuation matrix in her mind and cast the spell she had learned from Luna that would transform her body. She combining the two in her mind, and let loose the magic. Of course, without the power of Harmony flowing through her, the maximum amount of time Twilight could have her transformation last without needing to concentrate to hold the form (something she knew from personal experience was impossible when in the throes of passion) was thirty minutes. But that was still long enough to give Rainbow the pleasure she deserved. The light of the magic enveloped Twilight and cut off her view of the world. As when she had been practicing in her lab all week, the familiar stretching sensation overtook her body as she felt herself becoming taller, stronger…and growing a new sexual appendage. When it was done, Twilight’s vision returned, and he looked down at his now shorter brother and sister. “Okay, now what?” Cadence mouth opened and she just went, “Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Confused at the reaction the now smaller alicorn had to her own instruction’s follow-through, Twilight looked over to his brother. “Cadence? What’s wrong with Cadence Shiny?” Shining Armor’s body twitched. His head tilted ever so slightly to the side, but…no response was given. “Wait, you can still do that?” Rainbow asked as she flew over to Twilight’s side and stayed airborne to meet him eye to eye. “How can you still do…stallion you?” Twilight blushed a little at his actions, even if they were part of Cadence’s instructions. He had meant the spell to be a surprise to Rainbow once their foal was born. He was even working on a way to change Rainbow’s gender in case she wanted to father the next one. If there was a next one. “Ummm, well…I looked at the spell that changed me into a stallion a week ago when I wasn’t umm…stressed, and figured out a way to keep the transformation going using a time-based lock of the spell. I can only do it for half an hour, without a booster I mean.”     “Huh?” Shining squeaked.     “Bwa?” Cadence added.     Twilight ignored the odd noises in favor of giving Rainbow his apologetic look. His hoof scraped the capered floor. “In was in case you wanted to have another foal,” he mumbled in a Fluttershy-esque manner. “After our first one is born.” “But…it…you…FOAL?” Shining shrieked. A light weight on Twilight’s back made the male alicorn look back to see Rainbow had landed on him, and as much as he hated to admit it…the touch of his lover as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck to lean forward and rest her head past his shoulders brought a familiar feeling to Twilight’s body. So he was thankful for Shining’s confusion question that let him stop thinking about mounting Rainbow from behind and banging her senseless. “Our foal…you know, the one inside Dash?” Cadence’s mouth tried to make a noise, but all that came out was a squeak. All of a sudden, the metaphorical ground underneath Twilight’s hooves felt a little shaky. “The one you said Spike…told you about?” Twilight asked in an uneasy tone with a hopeful grin on his face. “Ohhhhhhhh! Twilight hyphen, and then stallion,” Cadence said as she looked over to the unicorn “That’s what he meant, and why he was so weirded out by it. I get it now. Uh…you okay Shiny?” Shining Armor let out a squeak. Then his eyes rolled back up into his head, and he collapsed onto the floor. “Guess it’s a family thing,” Rainbow mused as she looked over at Twilight’s little older brother, then nuzzled the alicorn she was riding for a moment before she looked over to Cadence. “But uh…yeah. I was in heat and…we banged. So…yeah. Now we’re together with a baby on the way.” Cadence looked back to Twilight, and the purple alicorn could practically see Cadence putting the mental image that Rainbow Dash had constructed for her together. A second later, the pink alicorn let out a single laugh, then joined her husband on the floor. Twilight blinked at the sight of his number one hope for the stability of her relationship on the floor, and sighed. As his shoulders began to slump, Rainbow slid forward and kissed him on the cheek. The touch of her lips only increased the stallion’s growing arousal. “So…thirty minutes, huh?” “Yeah,” Twilight confirmed. “Awesome. Let’s go do it while we‘re waiting for them to wake up,” she told her stallion. “Uh…we can still do it and not hurt the baby, right?” Twilight replied to the question on autopilot and nodded his head. “Yes. Your amniotic sac will protect the foal, and your mucus plug will keep out infections.” Although Twilight knew he needed to be a lot more gentle with her this time. Another kiss to the cheek got Twilight moving with his beloved on his back. Although his logical mind said that this really wasn’t the time for it, Twilight had made Rainbow the boss of their relationship…and just dangling a stallion in front of her without giving any satisfaction would make him an even more terrible pony than he already was. And…it would be a lie to say that he didn’t want to bang Rainbow too. Stallions were always in the mood. > Family Drama Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Drama 4: Expert Advice Rainbow road on Twilight’s back. It felt nice. On Twilight’s back, she could hug, and nuzzle, and kiss her stallion all she wanted while feeling his powerful muscles beneath her and the Celestia-sized wings framing her body thanks to aforementioned hugs, kisses, nuzzles, and wing strokes. Giant wing-boners were awesome. She had forgotten just how big Twilight was as a stallion. The former female topped Princess Luna and could have given Princess Celestia a run for her money in the huge department…except for her horn of course, that part of Twilight’s anatomy was still kind of average. Although, his lower horn, the thing that almost doubled as a fifth leg made up for it. That thing was about as long as Celestia’s horn, and didn’t lose its thickness towards the end. It was awesome. There were just no other words for it. Now, if only Twilight would get going a little faster than the snail’s pace he was trading along at, they could go and have a quickie before Shining and Cadence came to and made everything all complicated again. Dash hated complicated. Complicated got Twilight upset. Upset Twilight got freaked out. Freaked out Twilight led to crazy. And crazy Twilight was dangerous. She just wanted to go to their room, have the stallion beneath her wrap his gorgeous body around her, and let everything vanish in a flurry of sexual pleasure as he banged her brains out so much it caused memory loss. “Uh, Rainbow…are you sure we should be doing this now?” he asked while looking back to Shining Armor and Cadence. The couple was still on the floor. Still unconscious, and not in any danger, so she didn’t see why Twilight needed to get all messed up in the head about them. “Are they hurt?” “Well…no.” “Didn’t the same thing happen to you when you found out about our foal?” “Um…I’m pretty sure it’s the transformation that freaked them out but…yes.” “And don’t you want to do it?” Twilight cleared his throat. “Honestly Rainbow? I’m…divided on the issue, obviously.” As Twilight looked down at himself, Rainbow jumped off the stallion to take a peek at the alicorn’s male part. The length and fullness of the thing made her almost gulp. It was still a wonder to Rainbow how she had gotten that thing inside of her and not died. “Plus, well…they’ll be up in a few minutes and…we usually take longer than that,” Twilight said as a blush covered his cheeks. “Twilight, you need to relax,” the pegasus countered while she while stared at the giant penis as she thought of just how she intended to make him do just that. From what Rainbow had felt while on the alicorn’s back, Twilight wasn’t anywhere near calmed down enough from his first freak out, and having to go over something like the whole pregnancy thing on top of his gender change would just add more stress to the alicorn’s plate. He needed to calm down before anything else happened. She stepped forward and ran her hoof along Twilight’s massive foreleg, its perfect musculature making her a little jealous. Rainbow knew Twilight was stronger than her as a guy, much stronger. It didn’t seem fair that something the pegasus had worked her whole life to get could be overshadowed so easily because Twilight could do magic. On the other hand, Rainbow also remembered what it was to be held by those powerful, gentle limbs. The pegasus remembered when she could at least pretend to not be the pony who was constantly having to hold Twilight together, when she could be the one to just collapse and let Twilight pick her up in a protective embrace. She would have sold her soul to Tirek for just five minutes in those forelegs, not having to worry about anything. A giant hoof turned Rainbow head up. The next thing she knew, Twilight’s lips engulfed her own in a powerful kiss that filled Rainbow’s mouth with the alicorn’s tongue before he wrapped his perfect forelegs around the pegasus. The Twilight lifted her up into the air and back onto the couch to completely surround her with his wings. “I do want you Rainbow, but…just give them a few minutes, please?” In her new position atop Twilight’s body, Rainbow could feel Twilight’s stallion-hood throbbing beneath her with anticipation. She knew the stallion wanted her as badly as Rainbow wanted him and her sex quivered with anticipation. Even more enthralling was the stallion’s body pressed up against hers so tightly Rainbow’s entire body shook every time Twilight’s heart beat while his wings enclosed themselves around her. Her pegasus’s instincts fought to take over. They told Rainbow’s to just melt right then and there. They screamed at her to stay with the alicorn just like she was, and he would protect her from everything. And then she remembered what happened at lunch, and sighed at the situation. “Okay.” As much as it hurt, Rainbow got off of the stallion and out from his wings she he could roll over onto his stomach and cover the erection before using his tail to help cover anything else that might be showing, and Rainbow did the same with her own waiting sex what was needing to be filled. Oh Celestia please don’t let anypony notice. And please let this be over fast!     If things went too slowly, Rainbow would be needing to get off more than Twilight.     Twilight horn glowed, and a second later, the older members of her family awoke with a start.     “Ugh…Cadence?”     “Shiny?” the alicorn said as she lifted a hoof to rub her head.     “Cadence, I had the weirdest dream,” the prince mumbled before looking up at the couch Twilight was lounging on, and gaped.     “Um…it wasn’t really a dream BBBFF,” the purple alicorn said in his very masculine voice as he raised a hoof to wave at the smaller stallion. Cadence rubbed her forehead as she tried to fight off the pounding migraine that was threatening to make her skull explode as she tried to process the story Twilight and Rainbow had just finished telling her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could tell Shining wasn’t doing any better than she was. In fact, he looked a lot worse in the active brainpower department and the shock of the news seemed to have just frozen him for the moment. “So let me get this straight,” Cadence mumbled as she lowered her hoof. “You created a spell to make yourself taller, but your concentration lapsed at the last second and you turned yourself into a stallion, then…had sex with Rainbow Dash.” As her temporary not so little brother blushed and looked away from the pink alicorn, Cadence winced. Really should have been more tact with that one, she told herself. She could see Twilight’s discomfort, and it was obvious that something else had driven the poor filly…or colt to near breakdown before she had even arrived. In order to keep her brain working, Cadence switched to something she did understand: relationships. Although she only had the vaguest sense of the current state of their relationship, Cadence called up everything she remembered about Rainbow Dash and ran it up against what she knew about Twilight. The two were a study in contrasts, but eerily similar at the same time. They had few shared interests, but very similar drives, and…Cadence had seen how much they had cared for each other on previous visits. Twilight usually paid more attention to Rainbow Dash than any of her other friends, and Rainbow had shown a slight tendency to do things for Twilight that she hadn’t for anypony else. Cadence hadn’t thought anything about it at the time, but looking back on things, she could tell the seeds of love had been planted in their hearts. She just wished that they had sprouted under different circumstances. With the way they were doing things, the road ahead of the two of them was going to be hard and full of bumps. If she guessed right, it had been a particularly bad one that had strained the connection they felt for one another recently…which caused the previously smaller alicorn to dart into Cadence’s forelegs for comfort. On the good side of things, Rainbow didn’t seem to be showing any animosity towards Twilight at the moment, or back then either. She had been a supportive presence since the married couple had awoken, if a lustful one. Not that Cadence could blame her. The stallion Twilight had become had just as many handsome features as Shining Armor, only more defined and in greater proportions. Plus, the long hair, bangs, and nervous expression made him look absolutely adorable. It was no wonder a pegasus as protective as Rainbow had lusted after the big alicorn and used that spark to ignite deeper feelings. “Okay then,” Shining spoke up. The signs of barely restrained emotion were written all over his face. “If it was an accident, then what the hay is this? How can you just make yourself a stallion again?” Twilight stole a glance at his fillyfriend, and looked back to his older brother. “Like I said before you went under,” he began. “I’ve been experimenting with the magic for when we wanted more children.” The unicorn let out a groan. “You’ve been together a week, and you’re already planning for more?! You…Twilight, you always do this!” he told his now-brother. “You make out some big complicated plan, and get focused on the end while going through the steps and don’t notice the unintended consequences!” Cadence felt the mood in the air change as she watched Twilight shrink in on himself and start trembling, and Dash’s face became one of anger before she rose into the air and pointed a hoof at the at the unicorn. “Hey, you need to shut the buck up, right now!” “Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed. “Do you have any idea what the two of you have done?” Shining armor demanded. The pegasus flew right into the unicorn’s face, and gestured to her stomach. “I think I’ve got a pretty good idea right here!” Shining Armor didn‘t back down, and yanked Rainbow out of the sky with his horn to loom over her. “Then you’re the biggest moron I’ve ever seen!” “HEY!” Twilight’s voice boomed over the arguing ponies before he teleported and stepped forward to put himself between Rainbow and Shining Armor. “Don’t you jerk her around with your magic!” The sudden appearance of his sister-turned-brother, plus the purple alicorn’s size made Shining back up while his baby brother glared down at him. However, backing up did not mean backing down. “Then tell her to stay out of my face!” From her place on the floor, Rainbow Dash massaged her flank and glared up at the taller unicorn. “Just what the hay is your problem?” “My problem is I find out my little sister just ruined her whole life and doesn’t seem to care about it at all!” Shining Armor yelled. Twilight’s eyes widened while Rainbow practically growled at the stallion. Before things could get completely out of hand, Cadence took in a deep breath, and focused her magic. “OKAY EVERYPONY QUIET DOWN!” The strength of her voice made all the other ponies in the room stagger back, and more importantly, stop talking. She counted to ten for their hearing to come back, then looked over to the young couple. “Look, we’re all a little wound tightly at the moment, especially with…well, buck…everything,” she said before looking over to Twilight. Anypony with half Cadence’s experience in romance could see the purple stallion was a mass of anger, guilt and sexual tension that was threatening to explode in more ways than one. “Twilight, I think you need to take Rainbow and go cool off while you give Shiny and me a little bit of time to adjust to this whole situation. Please?” she asked. “O-Okay Cadence,” Twilight mumbled before he motioned for the pegasus to follow him out the door. As the larger alicorn turned, Cadence caught sight of the alicorn’s lower profile, and had to force her eyes not to widen in surprise. Sweet Celestia little sister, you are gigantic, the pink princess thought before her eyes drifted over to the smallest pony in the room to wonder just how in Tartarus she had survived getting pregnant. Then, once the two of them had left the room, Cadence turned on her husband to glare at him while she spoke. “Shiny, just what the hay were you thinking, saying something like that?” “What was I thinking? What were you thinking letting them walk off like that?” he demanded. Cadence trotted over one of the nearby reading chars and collapsed on it with a sigh. “I’m thinking my little sister is emotionally fragile right now, and you did was yell at her for…impregnating another mare,” she grumbled. Oh pony feathers is it going to take some time to get used to that idea. After a week of wrapping her head around the idea, Cadence had been ready for Twilight being pregnant. She had been willing to meet the stallion responsible and give him a chance…at least before Spike’s misconstrued explanation of things. She had even been ready to support the idea of Twilight being a single mother and all the problems that would come with it. She was even willing to accept the fact that Twilight had gotten pregnant on her first try while she and Shining had been trying for years to no effect.     Twilight being the FATHER…     That was taking some time to get used to.     “I know we came in here angry at the other pony that was supposed to have made Twilight pregnant, BUT SHE IS THE OTHER PONY!” Cadence shouted. “And I think it’s killing her with guilt, and you being angry at her special somepony that she got pregnant isn’t going to solve anything right now or later!” If anything, it would only make the situation worse! What those two needed was love and support, and somepony to bucking talk to, not family screeching in their face and saying what’s happened had been a mistake. While Cadence could definitely call what happened an accident, treating it like some kind of mistake as Shining was doing not the way to go. Cadence watched Shining’s face become a little confused. “What’re you talking about?” “Rainbow Dash!” Cadence exclaimed. “You start yelling at Twilight and putting her special somepony down, her special somepony that she is obviously trying to forge a real romantic relationship with, saying she’s ruined Twilight’s life and-” A pair of raised hooves stopped the alicorn’s explanation before Shining got out a single word. “Whoa whoa whoa!” he said before lowing his hooves to sit on the floor properly.  “What are you talking about? I’m not angry at Rainbow Dash. A little upset at how this all went down, but…I’m not going to try and step between the two of them if they really want to make this work. Buck Cadence, she’s carrying my niece or nephew! I can’t exactly be mad at her for wanting to stick around when she’s the one having to go through everything!” As the explanation finished, Cadence’s train of thought ran into an impasse. “But…but you…the whole way over you went on and on about how you were going to kill Twilight’s special somepony!” “Yeah,” Shining agreed with a few nods before he frowned. “And then I learned that she’s the one who got that somepony pregnant and that she’s already in a deep enough relationship with her that she’s planning for another foal? Trying to develop a spell that turns her fillyfriend into a stallion so she can have the next one?” Cadence frowned. She did think Twilight might have been going a bit fast with that, but…this was her first love. First loves were always hard and fast…and sometimes spun so out of control they had a spectacular crash. It was something she could tell neither of them had any experience with, and they really needed a helping hoof in that department. But, she couldn’t let Shining start looking at the thing in a bad light from the start. So a positive spin was needed. “And?” she asked while thinking of the best way to put such thinking in a good light. “It’s a good thing Twilight feels so comfortable with her relationship she can plan for a year or two down the line.” Shining let a sigh and ran a hoof through his hair. “Cadence, she doesn’t understand what this is going to do to her,” Shining Armor groaned. “The press, they love it when the royalty screws up. It gives them something to finally talk about! “Celestia manages to avoid most of it…except for that cake scandal a few years back. You…well, remember how they made you look after the last princess summit?” he asked, getting a wince from Cadence. “Hay, how many petitioners do we still get asking you to make some other pony fall in love with them? And when Luna did her Nightmare Night thing up in Manehattan…ugh, I don’t even want to think about how many of EUP got called up to stop the return of Nightmare Moon. “They’re going to have a field day with this when it gets out that Twilight got another mare pregnant. Not to mention what it’s going to mean for Equestrian society if Twilight really can switch another pony’s gender at will! She’s just thinking about her personal end goals and not even looking at the bigger picture! “And you saw her, or him…whatever,” Shining said with a quick shake of his head. “She can barely take talking about this kind of stuff with us! I…I just don’t want to see my baby sister hurt.” Cadence groaned and rubbed her forehead with her hoof. Maybe you should have started with that instead of all the yelling then.     Rainbow followed his stallion into the alicorn’s bedroom and closed the door behind her while the furious God of Magic stomped forward had enough to leave cracks in the ground of his bedroom. The magic of the palace healed them shortly afterwards, but...seeing Twilight casually break something that even survived Applejack and Rainbow’s roughhousing so casually was a bit spooky. “I can’t believe he did that!” “Twilight.” “I can’t believe he said that!” “Twilight!” The giant pony rounded on Rainbow Dash in a fury and glared at her. “My life, he says you ruined my life Rainbow!” he yelled. “You! The best that’s ever happen-mmph!” The kiss Rainbow gave the alicorn was a sloppy one, that nearly had her entire muzzle going into his mouth, but it served it’s purpose by shutting him up and making the stallion sit down on his bed. A second later, she was flying up and around to Twilight’s back to give the alicorn a hug. “Okay, so Shining’s a little…” Pony feathers, what am I supposed to say here? She didn’t want Twilight getting even more worked up over things, but giving a pass to Shining for that stuff he said didn’t really sit well with Rainbow either. On the other hand, having Twilight all worked up like he was…it was even worse. He had been going crazy with everything from anger to worry since lunch, and Rainbow had seen where that led. She needed to calm him down, and take his mind off the unicorn. But…the only way Rainbow could see that happening if she told Twilight to just forgive and forget about how Shining had just torn into the pegasus, and their relationship. It was just like…well…every other major decision she had to make in her life. Great. Taking one for the team…again. “…overprotective,” Rainbow Dash mumbled before she leaned back to run her hoof along Twilight’s back. “He’ll um…straighten out.” “You think so?” Twilight asked hesitantly. “Yeah!” Rainbow agreed in a slightly more confident voice before she reached over to begin stroking Twilight’s wing with her right hoof. As the alicorn shuttered at the touch, the pegasus continued with her excuses. “I mean hay, he’s like me you know.” Although how he was like Rainbow Dash, the pegasus had no idea. Twilight chuckled. “You know…Shining is like you,” he said before looking back at Rainbow with a smile. “A lot like you…. In fact, he’s exactly like you.” The pegasus frowned at the comparison. “Exactly?” “Well…pegasus and unicorn mare and stallion, but…otherwise…yeah,” he said before smiling. “He’s also pretty hardheaded, and says stuff without thinking sometimes, but he really is the best stallion I’ve ever met. He’ll come around. So…you forgive him?” Once again, Rainbow swallowed a grimace. Letting somepony, anypony, getting away with an insult hurled directly at her face wasn’t usually in Rainbow Dash’s playbook, but…she couldn’t deal with stuff like that without making Twilight upset again. “...yeah.” Grateful she didn’t have to keep going since she was out of material when it came to false compliments…and a little miffed about how Twilight was so willing to just forgive Shining Armor’s insults without standing up for them a bit more, Rainbow frowned at the back of Twilight’s head. You never would have let me get away with saying stuff like that about anypony else. A few seconds later, she sighed and cleared her head of all that junk before flew back around to face Twilight, and gave him a peck on the lips. There was something more important for her to concentrate on at the moment “Now scoot to the edge. We’re gonna do something special.” “The edge? I thought you wanted to have sex.” Another kiss to the lips cut the alicorn off, and Rainbow Dash stood up on her hind hooves to get a little bit of a height advantage before she reached down and kissed the top of Twilight’s horn. Then she bent down to whisper to Twilight. “You’re the one who needs to relax Twilight,” she said before kissing the tip alicorn’s ear. “Super stressed panicky you is bad.” Twilight flinched, and Rainbow knew she had made another mistake. “Rainbow-” “No talking,” the pegasus ordered before she kissed Twilight again. “I want you to relax.” She kissed him again. “And I want to show you just how much I love you.” She leaned up to kiss his horn. “And I want you to know I’ve never done this with another stallion before. You’re the first one, the only one.” She moved up to whisper in his ear. “Now just sit back and relax.” There was a final kiss to Twilight’s ear, and then Rainbow dropped her hooves down on the mattress to come face to head with Twilight’s alicorn-sized cock after tilting the erection down to meet her. For a second she thought it had gotten even bigger than last time. The thing seemed to run from the edge of her nose, and continue on for half a mile before meeting Twilight’s crotch. But then, that was just the illusion provide by perspective. Twilight didn’t really have a giant stallion spear that would have split Rainbow in half if they had sex. Experience told her that. Still, the sight did bring hesitation into Rainbow’s mind. She shook it off a moment later with a kiss to its head before she opened up to take the top of Twilight’s male anatomy in her mouth. The enormity of it’s girth didn’t quite fill the mare’s mouth, but it came close. A little unsure of what to do, Rainbow sucked on the hot rod for a few seconds, then she moved her tongue down to run around the entirety of the Twilight’s shaft before she tasted the hint of precum and felt her mouth begin to water. What the? Rainbow thought to herself as she noticed her body’s reaction. Even with what happened in the library, Rainbow was easily getting back in the mood. Don’t tell me I actually like this. Which wasn’t true, the stuff leaking out of Twilight’s thing tasted weird, and…well, no self-respecting mare sucked cock. But…it wasn’t as bad as she had imagined it either. “R-Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed. The airtight seal Rainbow had created around Twilight’s cock with her lips broke, and she looked up at her mare-turned-stallion. “Yeah Twilight?” “W-Why are you?” Dash smiled as Twilight struggled to form the question, and then she moved to the base of his penis to kiss the bottom of the shaft. “Because you need to relax Twi,” she told the stallion simply before kissing the shaft again. Then, she got a better idea and wet her tongue before taking a long, slow lick from the bottom of Twilight’s stallion stuff to its very top. On the way up, she could feel every twitch and twitch of desire from the stallion’s hot rod. “And when we did it those times,” she said before starting over on a dry side of Twilight’s cock. She covered the left side in her saliva from a messy tongue tease that was followed by a kiss to the head of Twilight’s dick. “You were all hard and aggressive.” A shudder of excitement passed through Rainbow’s mind at those memories. Twilight may have gotten his muscles and stamina with magic, but…they were pretty awesome when he used them for her. She could still remember the feeling of his gigantic body mounting her, being so gentle at first before she told him to go harder, and then Rainbow had felt the awesome strength her god of a stallion possessed. “And that’s not relaxing,” she told him before starting on the other dry side of her stallion’s thing. Twilight let out a whine of pleasure, or protest, or…something else, but that was all he could do as Rainbow kissed the head of Twilight’s schlong before slowly taking the thing into her mouth again and began to slowly suck on the stallion‘s meat to let more of his taste fill her mouth.     New to the whole process, Rainbow took her time as she stopped her slow but powerful bursts of suction to run her tongue around Twilight’s cock again. Then she lowered her head to take as much of it in as she could. You know…this isn’t all that bad, Dash reasoned on the way up before she moved her tongue around Twilight’s rim again and tasting more of the alicorn’s stuff. The taste was weird and all, but she did feel like some kind of two bit bitch that only saw herself as a stallion’s banging toy. If anything, it was even a little easier than letting Twilight put his monster inside of her. On top of which, she could see every one of Twilight’s reactions to the pegasus’s attention’s. Rainbow continued for…she wasn’t sure how long really. But every motion, every kiss and lick to her stallion was given a thankful moan and pant of pleasure in return as Twilight became little more than a collection of gasps and moans as Rainbow kept giving him her attention. She took the cock out of her mouth, and kissed the lower part of the stallion’s shaft before looking up. “You like this Twilight?” “Ye…yes,” the alicorn managed to pant out. Three more kisses to the base got a trio of shivers from Twilight, and Rainbow smirked. “You want me to keep going?” “Please!” he begged, making Rainbow smirk before she took little-Twi back into her mouth. Mare, don’t know why all the ponies at the weather office were kicking this. It’s not really all that bad. There was a bit more work on it for her part, and Rainbow had to admit that she wouldn’t be getting satisfied doing oral, but Twilight seemed to love the buck out of it. Plus, it really didn’t seem to be as…demeaning as she had heard it was, or submissive. Every kiss, every touch, every move Rainbow made, the alicorn gave a response, showing to her that Rainbow was the one holding the reins. She was the one deciding if her lips would kiss or suck, if her tongue would lick or taste, and she could just pull it off and tease Twilight by asking him if she wanted him to continue. She watched as the alicorn’s powerful body continued to moan, rock, and shake with every move Rainbow made. Then she repositioned herself a little to free a hoof, and reached down to feel Twilight’s balls and hold them in the middle of her hoof for a second before giving them attention too while Twilight just kept going with his sounds of appreciation. It was awesome. “R-Rain-Rain-b-bow!” Twilight cried out erratically, making Dash look up as her mouth slowly moved up to the end of Twilight’s penis and look up to see what was the matter. What’s up with him? A second later, she felt the stallion’s cock twitch, his balls clenched, and her mouth was filled with a blast of Twilight’s seed, some of which powered its way down her throat and made Rainbow choke as she released her lip lock on the alicorn’s junk and coughed. “Twi! What the hay?! Gaaah!” she exclaimed when another burst of spunk from the alicorn’s cock struck her right in the face and made Rainbow stumble back to fall on her plot, and yet another blast shot forth and managed to splat Rainbow’s coat before Twilight’s semen cannon finally ran out of ammunition. Another cough came from the pegasus, and she spit out the odd tasting goo before snorting out the little that got in her nose. “Geeze Twilight, warn me next time!” Buck this is…ugh, this is gross, the pegasus told herself as she felt Twilight’s stuff run all over her. Rainbow wasn’t completely covered in her stallion’s cum, but…she came pretty close. She looked up and blinked at the sight of the massive alicorn laid out on the bed, then flew up into the air to get a look at him. “Uh Twilight, you okay?” “Rainbow…that was…incredible,” he panted, apparently oblivious to his fillyfriend’s condition. “Yeah well, warn me next time before you blow,” the pegasus grumbled as a drop of Twilight’s cum fell from the hair hanging in front of her face, bringing the strange taste of the stuff back to the forefront of her mind, and making Dash realize just how much sex she could smell all over her body at the moment. The comment knocked Twilight out of his daze, and he looked up at the pegasus. “Wha?” Their eyes met, and Twilight took in the appearance of the of the other pony with a rising showing of distress. “Oh Dash, I’m sorry! It’s just been so long since I…wait, next time?” Rainbow rolled her eyes at the stallion. “Well, you’re relaxed…right?” “Well, the tension in my muscles has disappeared, and the euphoric sensation of my orgasm has improved my,” Twilight cut himself off when he noticed Rainbow giving him an eyebrow raise. He blushed, and nodded. “Yes, I’m relaxed. Definitely relaxed here.” “Good. Now I’m gonna shower before Cadence shows up.”  A cold shower. With Twilight gone limp, she really needed a cold shower. “W-Wait,” Twilight called out before Rainbow could go more than a few inches. “Rainbow, can we…cuddle?” Rainbow frowned at the request. “Twilight, you do realize I’m covered in your stuff, right?” A second later, Twilight’s horn lit up, and Rainbow’s body was surrounded by a purple glow. She tensed, and grit her teeth. No, no! not again. Buck it all Twilight why won’t you listen to me for once? Dash mentally screamed at the alicorn as she prepared to get dragged down to the bed and be forced to let Twilight have his way. Again. Then, the smell of Twilight’s cum no longer filled her nose, and Rainbow opened her eyes to find herself completely clean. “Uh…what?” “Low level cleansing spell,” Twilight explained. “Don’t tell Spike I can use it to clean rooms too. Now, can we cuddle? Please Dash, I-If you don’t want to that’s okay but-” Dash shut him up by lowering himself onto the alicorn, and burying herself in his massive  barrel. A second later, Twilight’s powerful forelegs came up to surround her, and she sighed in both contentment, and defeat. It wasn’t that she disliked being held by Twilight. It was that she enjoyed it. She loved it. She loved it a little too much. The feel of the giant pony’s body holding her close made Rainbow feel safe, and warm, and a dozen other things that were usually forbidden for somepony like Dash to feel. She was supposed to be the tough one, the one that didn’t let anything get to her. She was supposed to be the one holding and supporting Twilight. It wasn’t supposed to be the other way around. She fought to keep her muscle tense, to keep her heart racing, to not think about anything. She didn’t want to think about how safe she felt in Twilight’s arms. If she did, she might slow down long enough to think about other things. “Rainbow, are you okay?” the alicorn asked as he stroked her hair. The question made Rainbow shiver and clamp down on the words that threatened to come out. Okay? Of course she wasn’t okay! She was a long way from okay! As far as a pony could get! She had just spent the past week getting every one of her freedoms taken away before Twilight decided she didn’t need to work, or fly! She had stood there, terrified that her best friend, the pony she loved and father of her foal was going to cripple her because of some stupid freakout! Then she just said it was okay, smiled, and nodded like she always did! Like she always had to do! HOW IS THAT OKAY? Rainbow mentally screamed. She didn’t want to be afraid of Twilight! She didn’t want to hate her! She didn’t want things to be so bucking complicated between them! She just wanted everything to go back to the way they were the first day they had been together. Before Twilight had tried to…to… “Rainbow, are you okay? You’re shaking.” Rainbow closed her eyes and held them tight until she felt the need to cry recede. She forced herself to go still. And took in a deep breath. “I…it’s…I still need a shower Twilight.” “But…I…okay. You’re the boss now Rainbow,” Twilight finally relented before he let her up, and the pegasus slowly flew over to the bathroom door. “I love you.” “I uh…I love you too Twilight,” Rainbow assured him…and herself. Thankfully, by the time Shiny and Cadence came to Twilight’s room, Rainbow was done in the shower, and Twilight’s transformation had timed out. She opened the door into the living room of her quarters, and let them in from the hallway. Unfortunately, Rainbow glared at the pair, or more specifically, at Shining Armor; and Twilight found herself confused over the situation. She had thought Rainbow said she was moving past everything, but…her expression told otherwise. As for Twilight, she didn’t want to go up against her brother if it came to another argument. In fact, she still felt guilty about earlier, with her male testosterone kicked in to make her a stupid stallion when he yelled at Shining. But…if Rainbow was going to start another fight, she couldn’t just sit back and let her. She needed to stop it. “Ummm…hey,” Shining said to Rainbow. “What?” she replied with a frown. He scratch the back of his head and looked over to Cadence for a moment. “Uh, I think I may have said some things earlier that got misconstrued.” While Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion, Twilight understood what the word meant perfectly and stepped in. Thanks to Rainbow’s vocabulary, or lack thereof, she could quell the fire before it started and then they could get along like one big happy family. “Oh that’s alright Shining. Rainbow already forgave you,” she assured the stallion before looking over to Rainbow with a proud smile…and letting it die the second she caught sight of the frowning pegasus and shot her a glare for the expression to show some disapproval by Twilight over her earlier actions. All Rainbow needed to do was apologize to Shiny, and they could move on. “Now don’t you have something to say?” “Not really,” she replied with a frown. “Rainbow!” “What?” Twilight pointed over to her brother. “Apologize to Shiny!” When the pegasus’s expression became one of confusion, Twilight felt her anger grow at the situation. Especially after Rainbow spoke. “What for?” Shining Armor stepped forward, and lifted a hoof. “It’s okay Twilight, she doesn’t have to-” “No!” Twilight stomped her hoof on the ground. “She was rude to you, and she’s going to apologize!” With that, she turned around to scowl at her fillyfriend. “Now come on and do it!” Rainbow broke eye contact with the alicorn, and her whole body shook under Twilight’s gaze. However, in the end, she did the right thing and approached Shining Armor. “I’m…sorry,” she mumbled, obviously not meaning it from the lack of enthusiasm. The stallion cleared his throat and looked away, stealing a glance at Twilight. “It’s um…fine Rainbow,” he replied with just as much believability. Twilight didn’t like it, but it looked like it was as good as she was going to get from him at the moment. At least, until Rainbow’s apology was genuine. “Rainbow, you need to really apologize,” Twilight admonished her. Shining put up a hoof. “Twilight, that really isn’t-” “No!” the alicorn insisted again. “An apology that a pony doesn’t mean is worse than a boldfaced lie. Now say it and mean it this time Rainbow.” Once she did, they could put this whole mess behind them. Once again, Rainbow’s legs shook for some reason, and get glared at Twilight for a second. “Fine!” the pegasus exclaimed before she spun to face Shining Armor. “I’m sorry I’m such a moron! I’m sorry I ruined Twilight’s life!” Then she turned to face Twilight as the alicorn looked at her in confusion. This wasn’t the way things were supposed to go! Rainbow was supposed to apologize, and then Shining was supposed to hug her in thanks, and they were supposed to laugh at the incident, and maybe share a joke, then they were supposed to get along like family! Unfortunately, the whole thing had fallen apart at step one with Rainbow, and then she turned her irrational anger to the alicorn with an intensity she hadn’t seen from the pegasus since Discord was evil. “Is that okay Princess? Or should I bend over for him too?” “What?” Twilight asked as she tried to get a grip on what was happening. “Why are you acting like this?” Shining Armor nervously cleared his throat, and winced when Rainbow looked over to glare at him again. But instead of speaking to the pegasus, he looked to his little sister. “Twilight, I was the one in the wrong. She doesn’t need to say anything,” Shiny said before bowing his head in an apology to Rainbow. “I was mad, and pretty confused, but that’s no excuse. And I didn’t mean to imply that you might have…ruined Twilight’s life.” Rainbow’s frown deepened. “You didn’t imply it, you said it to my face!” Once again, Shining Armor winced. “Right, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “And I didn’t mean it in regards to the foal or anything. Please, you gotta believe me on that. I don’t have any problem whatsoever with the two of you getting together! Honest! It’s just-” “Shining,” Cadence cut in, “That’s enough. I think what’s left can wait till tomorrow when we’re all rested.” “Oh, he can keep going,” Rainbow assured her in an angry tone, getting a distressed moan from Twilight. “I’m good. We took a nap today after we…” She scowled and looked away. Once again, Cadence spoke before the other pony was finished talking. “You had your fight?” Twilight winced. “Is it that obvious?” she asked. “We ran into Rarity in the hallway and she said you looked out of sorts at dinner…among other things,” Cadence explained. “Considering how out of it you were when I came here and your reaction to me…it wasn’t that hard to guess something like that had happened. Do you want to talk about it? I might be able to help.” Twilight shared a concerned took with Rainbow, unsure of what to do. She knew she needed help, and Cadence was right in assuming the purple alicorn had been in a crises when she arrived. But…she didn’t want to air their dirty laundry in front of another pony without Rainbow’s permission. A hesitant look came over the pegasus, and she looked over to Shining Armor, then back to Cadence. “Can he leave first?” she asked. “Rainbow!” Twilight scolded her. “WHAT?” the pegasus demanded as she jumped into the air. “You want me to go on about our problems in front of a guy who just said I ruined your life.” Twilight frowned at her fillyfriend. “He apologized Rainbow.” “He didn‘t apologize! He said I was too stupid to understand what he said!” the pegasus shouted at the alicorn, driving her back as her eyes widened. “Hey surprise! I actually know what misconception means! And he only did it later BECAUSE WE MADE HIM! Which means it counts for NOTHING!” Once again, Shining stepped forward. “Please believe me Rainbow, I never meant it the way-” The other alicorn in the room cut her husband off  by stepping in front of him, and then speaking with a voice that carried the full weight of her authority. “But that’s not what’s really bothering you, is it?” she asked, getting a slight grunt from Rainbow as the pegasus looked away. “Shiny-honey, please leave. I’ll take care of this.” Seeing her brother look over to his wife with a confused expression, Twilight stepped  in. “No. He doesn’t have to-” However, Shining Armor nodded. “It’s okay Twilight. Cadence likes to do this kind of stuff by herself anyway. I’ll see everypony tomorrow morning. And Dash, I need to talk to you about something too. It’s not about this. Um…see you then.” As soon as Shiny left, Cadence found a comfortable couch to take a seat on while she nodded for the other girls to do the same. “Now if you don’t mind, could we start back at the beginning?” she asked. “Tell me how the two of you got together, and what’s happened over the past week that’s gotten you…like this.” Rainbow groaned and said they had already done that with her once, but Twilight nodded and did so. She explained to Cadence what happened during her first day with Rainbow, how she had accidentally found out that the mare was pregnant with their foal and the effects her magic had to speed up the process. She told Cadence what happened later, finding out Rainbow had left for Cloudsdale to sign a custody agreement, and that was how the light was shed on the Wonderbolts, and how Twilight and Dash had agreed to give their relationship a try. Then she went on to explain what happened the following week, about waking up every morning with the mare she loved, having her checked up at the doctor’s and learning about Rainbow’s bad morning habits. Twilight explained the changes to Rainbow’s diet, and how the accelerated maturation called for drastic measures to get Rainbow’s body caught up with the baby while providing the pegasus with enough nutrition to get by and stay healthy after she learned that as much exercise as Rainbow was prone to do was unhealthy for a pregnant pony. In Twilight’s opinion, Rainbow got enough just walking and flying around. Even her job as a weatherpony overtaxed what the average pony with a foal growing inside them should do; which was another reason in her long list as to why getting Rainbow out of there had been a good idea. Rainbow went on about how she had snuck snacks and destroyed Twilight’s carefully constructed diet, then put herself in constant danger by working every morning till noon, going as fast as she could to get done ahead of schedule. It was another thing that gave Twilight grief. After the two of them finally finished, Cadence let out a long sigh and adjusted herself in the couch she was laying on before looking down at the ground. For five long minutes, the Alicorn of Love sat looking at the floor, and then turned her attention back to what had become a pair of nervous ponies thanks to her long silence. “Twilight,” Cadence spoke up. “Why the bathroom timer?” While Rainbow grumbled a little at the question, Twilight perked up a bit in the hopes of explaining things and getting Rainbow to see reason. “Rainbow’s so chaotic in the morning and she never does everything she’s supposed to! I kept having to remind her to brush, floss, and rinse every day and this just made things easier. Plus there were her showers, always too hot or too cold. I needed to help get her structured,” she said before smiling at how things turned out. “After I put her on a schedule, she got everything done, every morning!” The pegasus let out a loud humph, and Twilight looked over at her in curiosity. She still didn’t see what was wrong with putting some order in the pegasus’s life if she couldn’t do it herself. Still… “But, they’re gone now, Rainbow decided to get rid of the morning schedule.” “Well maybe if I didn’t have to wake up twice for your dawn stuff and a morning shift every day I might actually have so real energy,” she grumbled. “Rainbow,” Cadence cut in with a gentle admonishment. “Wait your turn please.” Once again, Rainbow’s words became too low to hear, and Twilight sighed at the fact her fillyfriend was in such a bad mood without understanding how it could have happened. “So Rainbow, why did you go along with it?” She looked back at Cadence, and her frowned deepened. “I thought you knew Twilight,” she said, getting an eyebrow raise from Cadence. For her part Twilight was just as lost as to the pegasus’s meaning. “Rainbow?” Cadence asked. “It’s…nothing,” she mumbled. “Look, it was a good idea. If you think it was a good idea, we’ll go back to timing all my stuff tomorrow morning, and everything will be fine.” Twilight smiled, happy that Rainbow had seen reason. It really was for the best. She would have hated for her fillyfriend to get a cavity, or for some kind of infection to fester in her mouth, and then maybe pass on to the foal, and then- Cadence’s next words derailed Twilight’s train of thought. “I never said it was a good idea. But you need to stop lying.” The purple alicorn came out of a dozen mental pictures of things and situations that threatened her foal, and looked over to Rainbow Dash. “W-What?” she asked before turning her attention to Cadence. “What do you mean she’s lying? How is she…you…what’s going on Rainbow?” Rainbow flinched, and looked away. “Look…ever since, well…okay look,” Rainbow began again after letting out a long sigh and looking over to Cadence. “You don’t say no to Twilight. It’s always her way, and her ideas, and her…whatever!” She threw her hooves up in a show of exasperation. “And if you don’t go along with it, she makes you.” Surprised anger ran through Twilight’s mind as she heard Rainbow’s words, and she looked back over to the pegasus. “How could you say something like that!” Rainbow looked back at her with a frown. “Because it’s true! Everything’s always got to be your way. You’re always in the lead, always the one giving the orders. But ever since the bucking wedding, you’ve become such a high-horse, you don’t care about what anypony else things as long as you know you’re right!” “Well I was right about the wedding!” Twilight countered. Princess Celestia Herself had praised Twilight for seeing through the problem even she couldn’t solve! “And about the time trials, and your exam! If it wasn’t for me-” “Okay I get it!” Rainbow exclaimed as her eyes began to water. “I’m just a stupid moron and I’ve ruined your life!” Once again, Twilight’s thought’s derailed at the unexpected words, and she felt a pang of pain in her heart from seeing Rainbow’s tears threatening to come down. “Rainbow, what? What are you talking about?” “Shining Armor! What he said about me, you agree with him!”     “No I don’t!” Twilight cried out, her building anger gone in a wash of confusion, guilt and fear of Rainbow’s change in mood. “THEN WHY DID YOU TAKE HIS SIDE?” she yelled. “I didn’t take anypony’s side!” Twilight insisted in a plea. “You made me apologize to him after he said I was just so stupid I didn’t get how calling me a moron to my face wasn’t an insult!” Rainbow shouted. Twilight fought for air, and an explanation. “But…but you said, before we…you said you forgave him!” “Well I didn’t think you were going to make me bow down and kiss his plot!” Rainbow countered. “I said that to calm you down, to make you happy, not for him!” “Then why did you do it?” Twilight demanded. A false apology was one of the worst kinds of lie imaginable. The fact Rainbow had given one to her brother of all ponies made Twilight’s coat bristle. “You were freaking out Twilight!” Rainbow replied. “And when you freak out you get…you know.” She looked out to the door of the balcony for a moment, then shuddered as her face twisted a bit before she looked away from the alicorn. Her fillyfriend’s actions made Twilight’s head feel like it was in a vice as half a dozen thoughts ran through her head. “Rainbow…I would never… I couldn’t ever think you ruined my life. Rainbow, how could you even think that?” “Well why shouldn’t I?” she grumbled. “You want to control everything about me, what I eat, how I wash up…I’d say you even want to preen me, but…you…what you did...how could you even think something like that if you don’t hate me? “I mean what? Did I wreck your precious life schedule? Or yearly schedule? Monthly?” Rainbow demanded ass he spun back to look at Twilight. The heat in her voice rising for a moment before it crashed back down. “I know you didn’t do it… I know you stopped, I keep telling myself that. But…I just can’t get it out of my head Twilight!” A wave of guilt washed over Twilight, and she lowered her head. “I…oh Rainbow, I…I’m sorry. I know there isn’t an explanation or an excuse that I can…I just…I’m sorry! I don’t know what else I can do to show you that Rainbow,” she said in a pleasing tone. “And I don’t think you’re stupid! I’ve never thought that! Not once.” Cadence sighed, drawing the attention of the other alicorn, and the pegasus. “Why is it I feel the two of you aren’t telling me something?” Twilight gulped, and looked over to Cadence. “Well…you told us to tell you what happened over the past week and not…today.” “Today was your first fight then?” she asked, and got a nod from both the girls. “What happened?” Another feeling joined the anger and guilt bubbling in the pit of Twilight’s stomach, and she shed away from her big sister in fear. “Well…remember how I said my continuation spell wasn’t the only thing I was working on in my lab? I also came up with a theory on how to…take away the physical conduits for Rainbow’s magic.” A bit of relief came over Twilight as she saw Cadence give her an odd frown. Not an angry frown, just an odd one. “Twilight that almost sounds like you…” “She wanted to turn me into an earth pony,” Rainbow said with a frown as she looked away from Twilight. Then she unfurled one of her wings. “Clip.” Then another. “Clip.” “I-I wasn’t going to cut them off Rainbow!” Twilight corrected in a whine as she tried to explain things to her pegasus again. The way Rainbow made it sound was like Twilight had been planning to mutilate her! “I was just going to use magic to place them into storage until the foal was born. I-I couldn’t use a binding spell or something, you could have used your magic to break them so removal was the only option!” “Wait…WHAT?” Cadence shrieked, making Twilight wince. “Would one of you please tell me what I’m hearing is wrong, because it sounds like Twilight was wanting to cut off the wings of a pegasus!”         Twilight tried not to shake in fear as she watched Cadence just sit there, staring at the two of them. After their revelation, the alicorn had made them both go back over the past week bit by bit, taking apart every little thing like their relationship was being dissected and put under a microscope. Then, after two hours of long talks where Cadence dragged every little bit out of them, using magic to keep Twilight and Dash from hearing the stories of the other, the Alicorn of Love let out a long sigh, and gave them both a long hard, ten minute look. When she finally broke her silence, Twilight gulped in fear. “Good news or bad news first?” she asked. Rainbow and Twilight shared a look, then the purple alicorn turned back to Cadence. “Good news please.” The pink princess nodded. “Well I can tell the two of you love each other very much,” she said, making Twilight tilt her head in confusion at the nonsense of Cadence’s words. She didn’t understand. Ponies who loved each other didn’t fight. Cadence and Shining didn’t fight. Spike and Twilight never fought…not really. There was that one time he ran away, but…that didn’t really count as a fight. It was more like he just avoided the confrontation. And they sure as hey didn’t go about planning to hurt each other! Is she just trying to spare my feelings? Twilight asked herself. It wa the only thing that made sense to her. “And it’s not some deeply buried emotion under the surface. If anything, it’s almost all-consuming. That’s why you are able to put aside what Twilight did Rainbow, and why you and especially Twilight went so…out of control.” The explanation didn’t help ease Twilight’s worries. “You’re not making this news sound all that good Cadence,” Twilight told her with a frown. Another sigh escaped the other alicorn’s lips and she shook her head. “That’s because your good news and your bad news are one in the same,” Cadence replied before she began to explain in detail. “Twilight, the two of you went from friends with deep-seated crushes to a fully committed relationship with a foal on the way overnight! Ponies sometimes spend years preparing for what the two of you have just charged into and…this is what you’re getting from it! Neither of you know where you’re supposed to be.” “Princess, we’ve known each other for years!” Rainbow exclaimed. Cadence nodded at the point. “As friends Rainbow Dash, not for what you’re trying to be right now,” she explained. “The boundaries and rules in a loving relationship are completely different and to top it off, this is your first love for the both of you! It’s hard, and fast, and scary, and nopony knows how to deal with it and the two of you are combining that with a fully committed relationship and a future foal? Even I took years of dating to marry Shiny, and we just now started trying to have foals!” She looked over to the pegasus. “Rainbow, it’s okay to tell the pony you love that you’re upset with her. If you don’t, then the resentment will just continue to grow, and poison the love you feel for her. Look at what’s happened in just a week! “And Twilight…just because the boundaries have changed doesn’t give you the right to just decide everything on your own, no matter your intentions,” she went on after looking over to the alicorn. “But letting her control yours is just as bad! It erodes the respect both you have for yourself and that respect that Rainbow has for you! And without a healthy amount of respect, then even the most powerful love is doomed to wither and die.” Twilight sunk in on herself as she heard Cadence’s words, and thought back to her actions of the previous week when she had slowly taken over Dash’s whole life…and tried to eliminate the things she couldn’t be there for just hours ago. But I do respect her…don’t I? She sighed and shook her head at her own question. Then Twilight turned her attention to her sister. “So…what’re we supposed to do Cadence?” “Well…maybe you need to take a break from this.” Time away from Rainbow… The suggestion made Twilight’s world spin, and she reached over to grab something to steady herself. After feeling the hard texture, she looked down to see it was Rainbow’s hoof. Then she turned back to the other alicorn “W-What?” “Take a break to clear your head of all this,” Cadence said again. “Take Rainbow to Canterlot to meet your family. Or she can take you to meet hers. I’m not telling you to tell them about the foal, that’s completely up to you. But…talk to them, ask them about how they got together and their problems and struggles. Get some advice and perspective from ponies who have been through all of this before.” Twilight sunk in on herself. “Cadence, I don’t think anypony has been through what I almost did,” she mumbled. The feeling of Rainbow’s wing stroking the alicorn’s back made Twilight pull herself in closer to the pegasus. “Almost Twilight,” she reminded the larger pony a bit too fiercely. “It was just almost. And we both know it would have been for like…five seconds anyway.” The way Rainbow’s voice dropped at the end made Twilight sigh. It would have been five seconds of showing how much she was a monster to Dash, of breaking her heart and watching her cower in fear, cry, and a million other things that tore at the alicorn’s soul. Just thinking about it made Twilight want to throw up. “And that brings me to the second thing the two of you are going to have to work on. And this one is non-negotiable, so you’re doing it family trip or no,” Cadence continued as she pointed over to Rainbow Dash. “Tell Twilight when your upset, or scared or angry. Tell. Her. Everything. “I don’t care if its something as stupid as an offensive billboard, you’re going to tell her that you don’t like it. You can learn to dial it back later, but right now you need to get used to telling her when you feel angry, or confused, or…anything! But so it without shouting, or raising your voice. Just tell her.” Cadence shifter her attention to the purple alicorn. “And Twilight, I know you’re a princess, and ponies come to you by the dozens for judgments on what to do when it comes to keeping their friendship intact, but having a complete alpha mare relationship is an invitation to disaster. The day you two decided to be together, you became equals in every way. Princess or no. Now, this kind of contradicts what I told you about respect, but right now you need to be toning it down when it comes to making decisions. For the next four weeks, you are not allowed to tell Rainbow Dash to do anything. “Instead of telling her to go to dinner or something of the kind, ask her if she wants to go to dinner,” she said. “You need to stop being one-hundred percent about what Rainbow needs, and focus some of that on what she wants. Because what she needs to do is be happy Twilight, and just focusing on her physical well being is not going to do that.” Twilight’s ears drooped, and she pulled back in on herself. “Are you saying…you don’t think I care about Rainbow’s feelings?” She knew that wasn’t true. Everything she did, all the research, all the planning, everything! She did it all for Rainbow, so their future could be a happy one! The ten seconds it took Cadence to answer felt like an eternity to the purple alicorn. “I think you get too focused on how she will feel in the future to see how she is feeling in the present. It’s like what Shining Armor told you Twilight, you plan for things and hold on for their conclusion, but you ignore the tiny things that fall to the wayside as you achieve our goal and…those tiny things add up Twilight. And sometimes, they break a pony’s back.” Twilight sighed, and nodded. “And you need to talk to her more about your problems Rainbow.” “But Twilight-” Cadence cut her off. “No! You thinking Twilight couldn’t handle the truth is the same as her thinking you couldn’t handle you making your own decisions!” the alicorn told her fiercely. “You will not disrespect her like that, and you will lean on her for support when you need it, which I can promise you will happen in the coming days!” After a moment of silence, the pink alicorn sighed. “It’s getting late, we should really wrap this up.” Rainbow gulped. “So um…does that mean you’re going to hit us with your kooky love beam?” “My what?” Twilight felt a surge of panic and embarrassment, although…she had to admit if Cadence were to use her magic, things between them would be so much easier. “Your magic Cadence, can you…help us with it?” The question got a sigh from the alicorn, and she rubbed her head before looking over to the pegasus. “Rainbow Dash, do you love Twilight Sparkle?” “Um…yeah.” “And does she love you?” “Well…yeah,” Rainbow said after a moment of confusion. “How much?” “A lot.” Then the alicorn turned to Twilight. “And Twilight do you love Rainbow Dash?” “Of course I do,” Twilight replied, unsure of where this was going. “And she you?” “Yes Cadence, we just spent the past two hours confirming that,” she admonished her big sister. “How much?” Twilight cleared her throat and blushed. “Well…enough to forgive me for something unforgivable…several times over.” “Then what in the world do you need to have a spell cast on you for?” she asked rhetorically. “You need no reminders, or anything from me to see the love you have for each other,” the alicorn continued. “About the only thing else I could do is give the two of you a vision of the moment you realized that love.” Rainbow Dash frowned. “Wait a second, what happen to you being able to…like, make ponies fall in love, or remember their love for each other with some mind-meld bond thingy that last ten years?” Cadence raised an eyebrow, then groaned. “Oh for crying out loud,” she grumbled. “Look, I don’t hypnotize ponies, and I’ve never heard of a mystical love bond lasting that long. Well, there was that one couple in Manehattan, and the one in Vahnhoover, but it wouldn’t have stayed around that long if they didn’t want it to.” “W-WHAT?” Twilight shouted. “But, Cadence…you told me that your magic lets ponies see through all the doubt and-and all that other stuff that gets in the way of love so they can be happy again. I’ve seen you turn fighting couples into something out of a romance novel and make hesitant ones run for the nearest motel!” A nod from the alicorn just confused Twilight even more, and the words just added to it. “Yes, but that’s all they needed was a little reminder, or a peek at how they really feel to remove any doubts. Something like that wouldn’t help the two of you at all. You already know you love each other. You’re just having a hard time channeling that love.” Rainbow frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean? You make it sound like it’s bad that we’re in love.” “Love is the most powerful emotion in the world Rainbow Dash,” Cadence told her. “But it isn’t completely benign. It can be selfish and shortsighted, and the darkest of jealousies arises because of it. But it’s also the most wonderful thing you can feel and the greatest motivator of all if you can learn to understand its ups and downs, like I know you two will as long as you’re careful with it.” Twilight looked up at the ceiling of her bedroom as she listened to the silence of her castle at night. She didn’t need the light provided by Luna’s full moon shining in through her window to tell her that Rainbow Dash was still awake. The lack of snoring did that on its own. The fact that Rainbow, a champion napper who could knock herself out the instant her head hit the pillow made Twilight nervous. She knew something was wrong with the pegasus. Something that needed to be fixed, something she had to fix. But after talking to Cadence, after seeing Rainbow just explode like she had…the possibilities of what waited beneath her fillyfriends surface frightened her. But they wouldn’t stop her. “Can’t sleep?” the alicorn asked. “Just…thinking is all,” she replied. It was a sentiment Twilight echoed. Although Cadence had given her a lot to think about, the alicorn’s mind kept drifting back to Rainbow Dash and her…everything back when Shining and Cadence had been in the room, and the before…at lunch. “I’m sorry I talked that way to you, when Shining and Cadence were here,” she said. The sign that came out of Rainbow’s lips just made Twilight feel worse. “It’s okay Twilight.” Twilight looked over to her fillyfriend. “Don’t do that! I know what I did was wrong, so just say it!” she insisted. “Cadence said you should tell me how you feel…” “Fine, you were wrong!” she exclaimed before turning away from the mare. “Now let me get some sleep. I’m feeling annoyed you won’t stop talking.”     …     …     … “Why won’t you open up to me?” she asked while reaching out to touch the mare’s shoulder. “…” The moisture in Twilight’s mouth double as her nervousness increased, and she stroked Rainbow’s lovely back with her hoof. The pegasus’s muscles were hard and strong, as well as tense. She had a feeling they had been that way for awhile. “Rainbow, I promise I won’t laugh…or think any less of you,” she said while she continued to feel the tension in Dash’s back. Her last few words made the blue mare shiver. “Twilight…you…it’s okay. Just…let me get some sleep.” The alicorn stopped, and considered what could be causing Rainbow to react the way she was. After a second of thought, she gulped down her nervousness and went on. “I’m sorry about what happened at lunch.” “Didn’t. Happen. You. Stopped.” Rainbow Dash said while her body continued to shake, if just a little. Twilight held in a sob. “Please Rainbow. Please talk to me…I know you’re angry at me.” “Not angry,” she mumbled. Twilight sat up, and the motion kept her from holding in a sob. “I’m begging you Rainbow. I need to hear it…because just getting silence is even worse.” Although, the alicorn was starting to think it was what she deserved. “I…” “Rainbow,” Twilight begged. All of a sudden, the pegasus whirled around and Twilight’s breath caught when she saw the eyes looking at her. She could see that the pegasus wasn’t mad at all. What Twilight saw was worse than that. Twilight saw that Rainbow was afraid. “I WAS SCARED OKAY?” she shouted while tears began to flow down her face. “I’m still scared! Of you! You…what happened at lunch…it wasn’t some spur of the moment thing Twilight! It wasn’t like somepony who gets real mad, and throws a hoof at another pony, or anything like that! You sat there, down in your lab and made a spell to cripple me! “I’m trying to get past it, to…to do...something, but…it’s still there!” she went on. “And every time I close my eyes, you’re there and…I just…I don’t want to be afraid of you! But I…I just…” Words became sobs, and the pegasus let out a wailing cry that made Twilight’s heart shatter. Twilight reached out and took the slightly smaller mare in her forelegs to hold Rainbow while she cried. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on her, with the very mare that Rainbow Dash had a problem with being the one that she was being comforted by. You did this to her, she told herself. Guilt continued to wash over her in waves as Dash kept sobbing, and Twilight ran a hoof along the mare’s back while the pegasus let out all the pent up emotions she had been holding in. It was over in under five minutes, but it felt like forever to Twilight as she had to hear the pain she caused Rainbow be expressed. Then it got worse. “I’m sorry.” The alicorn shook her head at the pegasus’s apology and pushed her back so they could look at each other in the eye. “Rainbow no…don’t…why do you keep apologizing to me for something that was my fault?” Dash looked away from her. “Not that,” she mumbled. “I…it’s just, I’m always supposed to be the one that’s supposed to be tough and support you…and here I am, just…making you feel guilty.” When Rainbow lowered her head, Twilight lifted it up , and kissed away the last of her tears. “Oh Rainbow,” the alicorn said sadly. “I know I need help sometimes but…we support each other now. Full partners, princess or no princess. And I should feel guilty, I need to feel guilty for this Rainbow so that this never happens again!” “I don’t want to make you sad Twilight,” she whined. Twilight reached up to run a hoof through her fillyfriend’s beautiful mane that seemed even more exotic in the moonlight. “Rainbow no. I know I have problems, and I need ponies like you to tell me when I’m getting out of hand. Rarity and Pinkie tried and…I just ignored them. “You were right. Ever since the wedding, ever since I got these,” she mumbled while spreading her wings, “I have been getting too…bullheaded, always thinking I’m the one in the right no matter what. I need you to tell me Rainbow, not just like how Cadence said, but just to keep me from making another huge mistake. I promise I’ll listen to you Rainbow.” She leaned forward, and kissed the pegasus on the lips, then drew back to await her answer. “Okay Twilight…I’ll try,” she mumbled before the alicorn embraced her with her forelegs and wings, then slowly pulled them back down onto the bed. When she moved to let go, Rainbow reached out to stop her. “Twilight, can you…hold me?” she asked hesitantly. “At least until I go out.” “All night Rainbow,” Twilight told her. “I’ll hold you all night, and every night if you need me to. And you don’t have to worry about the others ever hearing about it either. I love you.” “I love you too Twilight. I really do.” Somehow, the pegasus managed to push deeper into the embrace, and Twilight kissed her on the cheek. A few minutes later, she was met by the Rainbow’s light snoring. Twilight smiled at the oddity of how she actually found the sound of her fillyfriend sleeping peacefully soothing, when they had just been annoying the previous week. Goodnight Rainbow Dash. Twilight joined her in sleep less than ten minutes later. > Family Drama Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Drama 5: The Morning After As it always was since she became the Element of Magic rather than just a Bearer, Twilight awoke a few minutes before dawn feeling like she could do anything. Mostly because…she could. After a second’s thought, the alicorn added it to the list of reasons why she had found herself going so out of control in the past week. Although she was unable to add a plausible counter to it’s sister list that would have let Twilight get a better handle on her overly controlling impulses. The feel of the pegasus sleeping atop her, wrapped in the alicorn’s forelegs made Twilight’s heart quicken for two reasons: the simple joy of waking up with Rainbow, and the memory of why Dash was in Twilight’s embrace to begin with. The memory of the crying pegasus was a sobering one for the goddess. Twilight had known about Rainbow’s vulnerable side, but only in theory. After all, everypony had one and there had been moments when she had spotted little hints of it over the past few years. But to see the love of her life just break down like she did…Twilight had never seen a sadder sight, or come to a more horrifying conclusion that Twilight herself was the cause of such distress. The power to do anything I want…and I use it to frighten her, Twilight told herself before she reached up to stroke Rainbow’s hair. For a moment, Twilight wondered if she could use her power to go back in time and tell herself to not…worry…about… Oh sweet Celestia you’ve got to be kidding me, she told herself as she remembered the last time something like that happened before throwing that idea into her mental trash pile. After a second of self-analysis, Twilight put the reason for that stupid idea into her newly made ‘Runaway Omnipotence’ reason for her week of tyranny in Dash’s life and sighed. But, the idea of just going back in time, or rewinding it around her and just doing everything right still appealed to her on a more emotional level. Twilight just wanted to start over with Rainbow Dash. She wanted to show the mare just how much she loved her, and not just take their relationship as an irrefutable fact while concentrating on what had yet to come like she had been before. That, she realized, had been her biggest mistake; or the root of it anyway. Secure in the fact that she loved Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow loved her in return, Twilight had been able to rationalize the short-term pain her actions had caused her fillyfriend. It was all because…Rainbow Dash loved Twilight, and Twilight had thought that it was something that didn’t needed actions to reinforce and nurture. The touch got a groan from the sleeping pegasus, and Twilight looked at Rainbow as she opened her eyes before smacking her lips a bit, and then looked down at the alicorn. “Oh uh, hey Twilight,” she mumbled, still obviously half asleep. Rainbow’s beautiful eyes lit up the room in the predawn hours of the morning, and the goddess smiled back at her greatest reason for happiness. “Good morning Rainbow…did you sleep well?” “Good enough I guess,” she said before yawning. Then, a look of hesitation entered her eyes. “Uh Twilight…about last night.” The alicorn tensed as a hundred thoughts ran through her head, most of them fearful and revolving around Rainbow distancing herself from the purple pony. “Y-Yes?” “Could you uh…forget the part about me…you know,” she mumbled before dropping even lower. “…crying?” Twilight blinked, and felt a wave of relief at Dash’s request. “Rainbow, you don’t have to worry about me telling anypony,” she assured her. “And I’m honored that you’re willing to show that side of yourself to me. Please don’t try to hide it anymore.” “Twilight-” “Rainbow I want to see you cry, I…I love it!” When the pegasus gave the alicorn a cautious, and almost frightened look, Twilight’s eyes widened and she mentally smacked herself so hard she felt a headache coming on. “Wait, that came out wrong. Okay…how about this… “I know you’re a strong pony Dash, and you’ve got your pride and your image, and they’re both very important to you and I would never do anything to damage either one,” she assured her fillyfriend as she reached up to caress Rainbow’s cheek. “You don’t need to put on a front for me. Because I know just how amazing you really are. If anything, the fact you have those thoughts and fears just makes you all the more incredible because you can keep going. So…please trust me to see not just the cool side of you, but…the other one too, at least sometimes…okay, Rainbow? “I don’t like seeing you cry…and it does make me feel sad, and ashamed when I’m the one who caused you to cry, but…well, when you um, come crying to me, I…well…” Twilight searched for a way to best explain her thoughts. “I love how it shows you trust me enough to let me see that side of you, and help you with your problems.” She gulped and looked away. “Even if…I haven’t given you much reason to do that over the past week.” “…I love you Twilight,” the pegasus said before she took the alicorn’s hoof and kissed it, then lowered herself back onto the purple pony. Twilight’s heart leapt at the simple declaration, and she returned it before rolling the pair of them onto their side. “Do you want to go back to sleep? That level of magic won’t hurt the foal.” “No,” Rainbow replied after a moments hesitation. “I’d uh…think I’ll stay awake. There’s something I’m kind of wondering about.” As another bit of hesitation blossomed on Rainbow’s face, Twilight nodded some encouragement. “You can ask me anything Rainbow,” she assured her. “I won’t laugh or think it’s weird. I mean, look at me, I turn myself into a stallion these days.” Although the weird part was…Twilight was starting to think she enjoyed it. The sex at least. And being able to hold Dash. And…Twilight had to admit she did like the memories of looking down at Shining Armor. Even though she had been pretty mad at him at the time. “What’s it like? As a stallion, I mean,” she added hesitantly at the end. The question made Twilight pause. Despite her experiences as a male, the answer wasn’t a simple one to come up with. She had to think about it for a minute, and even then what came out of her mouth wasn’t something she would have liked to put on anything academic. “Well it’s…different,” she said. “I’m physically bigger and stronger by a wide margin of course, which is kind of nice…and scary. I think I’m more prone to passionate emotions. Although I’m still not sure if that’s because I’m just not used to dealing with male hormones, or if it’s just part of being a male, or if it’s just because there was something upsetting the mare I care most about in the world.” She smiled at Dash and licked her lips. Let’s see…what else? Oh, of course, the mental images quickly shifted to the time they had shared together as a stallion and mare, and Twilight found herself getting hot as she remembered the feeling of holding Rainbow beneath her male body, bringing her to climax again and again until the little pegasus could barely move. No, no, no, no, No! Stay scientific Twilight! Rainbow isn’t asking about THAT! “I think I actually find you more attractive when I’m a stallion,” she admitted. “But I don’t know if that’s because of hormones again or the change in perspective.” “Perspective?” Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow. Twilight blushed. “Well, I’m so much bigger as a stallion, but I don’t look bigger to me, everypony else just looks smaller,” she tried to explain while memories of holding Rainbow Dash in her giant forelegs resurfaced. “So you look…cuter, and to be honest…I like to be the one holding you every now and again Rainbow.” Although Twilight didn’t know if that was once again part of her control problem or because she liked the idea of being able to hold her fillyfriend in such an all-encompassing, protective embrace. For a second, she thought that her words had embarrassed the pegasus thanks to the bright blush Twilight could make out even in the fading light, then Rainbow Dash cleared her throat and spoke. “Well I…like being held by you Twilight. Uh, stallion or mare. It feels relaxing…and…safe.” Thankfully, it didn’t seem Rainbow noticed the flinch her last word caused the alicorn. Twilight knew she needed the guilt trip for the next few days as a reminder of what almost happened, but the goddess doubted Dash would see it that way. “Like I told you last night Rainbow,” she reminded the pegasus while reaching out to rub Rainbow’s shoulder. “You can tell me anything, show me everything, and I’ll do all I can to help you. That’s what being in love means Rainbow. At least, to me it does.” The alicorn blinked at her own words, unsure of just where they had come from but…the more she thought about it…the more they felt right. To be in love might mean that one pony made Twilight happier than anything else in the world, but to truly love that pony meant to put her happiness and well being ahead of everything else. The realization threatened to bring a grin out on her face, but she held it in to keep the seriousness of the moment going. Twilight didn’t want Rainbow to think she was laughing at her. Plus, her theory still needed to be run by Cadence if she wanted it validated. Rainbow cleared her throat nervously, getting Twilight’s attention again. “But um…you didn’t answer my question Twilight.” For a moment, Twilight found herself frowning at the pegasus. Not in an angry way, but like Rainbow was a puzzle that resisted being solved. “What do you mean?” “What does…it feel like, as a stallion?” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oooooooh,” she said before smiling, then rolling onto her back to think, and hide her blush before bringing back the memories she had just managed to push aside in greater detail. Twilight remembered being on top of Rainbow, of mounting her, of being inside inside of her, and the massive amount of pleasure she had derived from the experience.     “That’s um…okay… It’s more…primal, I think. I mean, remember how I said I found you more attractive when I’m a stallion? Well, by that I mean sexually attractive. My first day, I could barely go ten seconds without all of my body screaming about how much I wanted to mate with you, hold you, kiss you. I-I know it sounds…possessive, and I know I have a problem with that too, but…hmm, that really wasn’t an answer was it?” She cleared her mind and tried again. “Okay…um…let me try again. It’s amazing. It’s this feeling of lust, and power at the same time I feel all the joy like when I’m a mare and making love to you too. I mean, I hear you cry out in pleasure and it still gives me this wonderful feeling that I’m the one making you so happy, but there’s also this…just incredible sense of…something, that just goes along with it when I mount you as a stallion. “Sorry, I’m so unclear, it’s kind of been awhile since we really did it. I mean…what happened yesterday was amazing, and I loved it so much for it Rainbow. I don’t think I can ever tell you that enough, but it was a different kind of amazing than stallion-mare and mare-mare sex, you know?” Rainbow just cleared her throat, and nodded. “Yeah, I really liked it too Twilight…except for the end.” Holding in the giggle that little comment caused took a moment, and Twilight couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the memory of Rainbow being covered in her semen. “Sorry about that, I’ll warn you quicker next time. Like I said…it had been awhile. “But, why are you asking me about sex as a stallion?” The blush that covered Rainbow’s face was so adorable that Twilight had to repress the urge to kiss her. From the looks of things, it seemed that sharing in the weight of her burdens wasn’t the only thing the pegasus had been holding back from the alicorn; and Twilight couldn’t wait to explore this newly discovered dimension of her beloved. “Well, you know…you said you were thinking about having more, and…um...I was kinda wondering...um...what it...felt like...” Twilight smiled. “Oh Rainbow,” she said while reaching out to touch their child’s resting place. “As soon as she’s born, we’ll have a special night for just the two of us. And you can find out.” The conversation died, and Twilight found herself just staring at Rainbow as they laid in bed together. It was something she hadn’t done for quite awhile, simply admiring the pegasus’s looks and her personality. With the way Rainbow was looking back, Twilight could tell she was doing the same. “So…I’ve got a few seconds of omnipotence left if you want anything,” Twilight told her before a playful smile crossed her face. “A drink…some new goggles…all of Equestria. Although you might want to wait to tonight if you want me to make you god empress of all pony-kind.” Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of a giant Rainbow Dash holding all of Equestria in her hoof while an ethereal mane danced around like electric fire and her eyes glowed a beautiful magenta. Although if she said yes…Twilight knew that she would give it to her. It was a sobering realization that made the alicorn’s laughter stop and turn to a pensive frown. While Rainbow had accused Twilight of trying to turn the pegasus into her own little doll the day before by taking away her freedoms…Twilight was wondering if things were in fact the other way around. Or had it just become that way out of her guilt? Or was she really just overthinking things and letting her emotions get to her again? But the good type of emotions that said to give Rainbow anything she wanted, to do anything to see her smile, even if that meant dethroning Celestia and… Whoa, hold on there Twilight, the goddess told herself as she paused the mental image of the pegasus sitting on the Celestial Throne with all of ponykind bowing to her. Still, Twilight had to admit that Rainbow did have an amazing amount of power over the alicorn. Despite all Twilight’s problems and demands on the pegasus, the various sources telling her what to do, and her insane levels of magic that made her a contender for the most powerful being in existence, Rainbow had spoke just a few words in anger before making a threat of departure, and the all-powerful goddess of magic had collapsed like a house of cards. A frown of disapproval had cowed her like a foal, and a single command made Twilight throw away her dietary plan and bathroom checklist along with everything else she had done in the past week. The cautious frown that came to Rainbow’s face made Twilight fear she had taken the joke a bit too far. “Can you really do that? I mean, do anything? How does that work?” Thankful for the question to get her mind off what it had been on, the alicorn focused all of her attention on her fillyfriend’s question. “Honestly?” Twilight shrugged. “I haven’t really tried. I think the most powerful thing I did was heal your injuries, and we saw the little side effect of that. I’m not even sure how I did it because it wasn’t healing magic, I just…wanted it to happen, and it did. Magic usually just acts as an infinite amplifier; or maybe its my preconceptions about how magic works that limits me.” Twilight found it a bit ironic now that she had ultimate magical power, it was her years of study that might be putting a stop to what she could really do. “It’s why I still have to experiment with magical formulae and go by what spell books say instead of just wishing for something.” And why the use of all our magic together is so powerful, she told herself. While Rarity might have had an inkling of what they could do, the other four mares having little experience with magic probably only increased the possibilities. The simply ignored the rules by not knowing about them to begin with. Rainbow looked down at her stomach and smiled. A second after she touched her belly, Twilight joined in, and they shared another moment as future parents while Celestia’s sun broke over the horizon. As she began her oral hygiene routine, Rainbow Dash had to admit that she was feeling better than she had been all of the previous week. Everything just seemed…lighter. It was like she had been wearing training weights for a long time and had just taken them off. Even breathing felt easier for some reason. Although there was a part of her that felt guilty for telling Twilight how she felt about everything and putting another worry in the alicorn’s head, it didn’t make her feel like a total loser. If anything, it had felt…good to cry on Twilight shoulder. Not that it was cool…or something that she would ever do again. But at least Twilight wasn’t going to go blabbing about it to all their friends and start writing letters to Celestia about it. Rainbow didn’t know what she would do if the princess knew the pegasus was such a crybaby. She didn’t know what Twilight was talking about with her side of Rainbow Dash stuff either. There was only two sides to the pegasus: the side of awesome that she used when doing stuff, and the cool one that came out when she was just hanging around friends. Rainbow Dash finished brushing her teeth, then spit the remains of the toothpaste-water mix out before looking over to her fillyfriend, then back to the floss, then to Twilight, and then to the floss. “You don’t have to use the floss if you don’t want to Rainbow,” Twilight said after a moment. “I’m not going to make you…like…like the last couple of times.” The sad expression on the alicorn’s face got a sigh from the pegasus, and she reached for the mouthwash. “Don’t see what the big deal is with you making me do it every time, unicorns are the only ones who can mess with that stuff anyway.” Twilight looked back over to her and raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow rolled her eyes at the question. Although Twilight was pretty smart about ninety-percent of the time, that other ten percent always came from her lack of knowledge about other tribes. “Two hooves Twilight,” she said before getting up into the air and showing her. “How’s a pony supposed to floss if they can’t even stand?” “Um…hold yourself up with your wings?” she suggested while pointing at the pegasus’s other appendages with a hoof. The comment took Rainbow from the air, and she just shook her head again before grabbing the mouthwash and taking a swig. Days when she didn’t wake up with things so stiff it took an hour to get them down from sleeping next to Twilight aside, all pegasi knew flying in a ground pony’s house was just about the most insulting thing you could do that didn’t involve doing anything violent or nasty to another pony. Twilight cleared her throat and looked away for a moment. After living with her for a week and knowing her for years before that, Rainbow had picked up on plenty of the alicorn’s habits. When she did the cough and head turn combo in the middle of a conversation, it meant Twilight wanted to get a new topic going. The why only came after a few seconds of thinking, when Rainbow realized the alicorn had probably noticed the pegasus had just wanted to drop the subject too before they got into another fight over dental floss…like they had done for the past five days…in a row. Then Twilight looked back at her with a coy smile. “Well, um…maybe I can come up with a better way to clean your teeth.” Rainbow let out a groan when she realized Twilight wasn’t just going to drop it. “Like what? Magi-mmmpth!” she managed to get to before the alicorn latched her lips onto Dash’s. Then, Twilight’s tongue broke through Rainbow’s lips, and made its way around her mouth, running along the front of her teeth, bottom and top rows. Still attached at the lip, Rainbow felt Twilight’s magic surround her, and then begin to gently…encourage her movements. At first the pegasus tensed and resisted, but after a second of not being lifted off the ground and just feeling the light pressure of the alicorn’s power, she realized what was going on. Twilight wasn’t horn-handling her like she had been doing the past few days whenever Rainbow resisted doing anything from eating her breakfast to washing behind her ears. She was attempting to guide Rainbow with her magic, using a light amount of pressure, but not enough to force her into anything. Twilight was doing something she hadn’t done since they started dating: giving Rainbow a choice in whether to go along with the alicorn’s wishes or not. Despite how basic it was, Twilight’s action warmed the pegasus’s heart and her earlier annoyances over their beginning argument completely disappeared. Then she reared up along with Twilight, and rested her plot on the edge of the bathroom counter to free up their forelegs for more fun. A second later, Twilight broke their kiss, and moved to rub Rainbow’s cutie mark with one of her hooves. The touch of her fillyfriend’s hoof on the physical representation of everything she was sent a shiver of pleasure throughout Rainbow’s body. “T-Twilight, you’re gonna make me want to bang if you keep that up.” The alicorn licked her lips hesitantly, and gulped. “Um…Rainbow…I kind of…want to bang,” she said before her eyes widened and she kept talking before Dash could stop her. “I mean…I don’t want to bang! I want to make... I mean, I…um…well…” Before the moment could die, Rainbow reached forward and clamped her hooves down on both sides of Twilight’s flank to give her a double cutie mark massage. Then she gave the alicorn a confident smile to try and give her some courage. “Okay now, spit it out.” Twilight’s cheeks turned red, and she cleared her throat before speaking very hesitantly. “I…well…I want to try starting over Rainbow, with you, the right way. After everything last week, I…I just don’t want to mess this up, and…I need to get this right, and start things out right from the very first second. Plus you started talking about sex, and it started to get me hot and umm…” she said before gulping. “So…may I make love to you this morning?” Laughter threatened to bubble up from Rainbow’s stomach, but she managed to keep it down thanks to the hesitation in Twilight’s voice, and seriousness in her eyes. Although, she couldn’t resist one little jab. “Uh…you’re asking me this after we just brushed our teeth?” “Well,” Twilight managed before gulping. “If you remember…we didn’t really start our relationship as mares.” The hesitation grew, and she kind of shrank in on herself in the most adorable way Rainbow had ever seen. “And you were asking what it’s like as a stallion, so that got me thinking about making love to you that way, and… I’ll um…be gentle this time, because of the foal and all.” Confusion over the situation made Rainbow tilted her head as she noticed something very wrong with this whole thing. “Um…well, I’m not against it,” she mumbled as the memories of Twilight positioned over the pregnant mare before she got seeded with a foaled came to mind. Her body began to ache for that kind of attention again. “But…what about your schedule? Don’t we need to go meet Shining Armor and Cadence and the girls for breakfast?” Then, Twilight Sparkle said the most romantic thing Rainbow Dash had ever heard. “You know what? Buck the schedule. I want to make love to you Rainbow.” The tiny ache in the pegasus’s body turned into a roaring need, demanding that Rainbow give the thing beneath her tail some attention as it prepared to take the biggest stallion hood in Equestria into her again. “Twilight…I love you.” Five minutes later, Rainbow found herself in the forelegs of her very male fillyfriend. Thirty seconds after that, she was on her stomach with a raised tail to let her stallion in. Three seconds after that, and Rainbow was reminded just how big a stallion Twilight was as she was filled with a painful rush of pleasure. Cadence trotted next to Shining Armor as they followed Spike down the hall towards Twilight’s room, a bit of worry etched on her face. She had given the two of them plenty of good advice last night, but one night’s worth of words wouldn’t right an off course romance. She still needed to meet with each of the mares individually, figure out the underlying problems that could be fixed, and give them a sympathetic ear for anything else that was going on in their lives. Still, she was more than hopeful the two of them would be able to work through everything. They had the perfect foundation for true love and were willing to recognize changes needed to be made. Both Rainbow and Twilight acknowledged they were good for another both in their actions before the foal was conceived when she had talked to them during their little session. On top of which, they had both acknowledged there were some problems with how they had been acting. However, acknowledging problems and fixing them were two very different creatures. But Cadence was taking the fact that Twilight was over ten minutes late to breakfast as a good thing. It either meant that she and Rainbow had stayed up very late last night talking, or they were doing it this morning and simply lost track of time. Either way, she was more than willing to just let it go and give them the privacy they needed before engaging them again to see how things were after a good night’s sleep and what she hoped was some beneficial communication. But Spike had gotten a little freaked out after Twilight hadn’t shown up five minutes past when she was supposed to. So after getting Spike to hold off for another five minutes, she and Shiny accompanied him up to Twilight’s apartment at the slowest pace she could get them to travel in order to add an extra ten minutes by finding something to examine or making Spike slow down with some conversation. “Look Spike, I know Twilight likes to stick to her schedule, but they had a long night, and maybe she just needs the extra rest,” Cadence said as they made it to Twilight’s door. The dragon shook his head. “Cadence, I know you used to know how Twilight was before I came along, but I know how she is now,” he began to explain. “Rainbow must have done something stupid again.” Cadence put her hoof on the door to stop it from being opened. “What do you mean again?” The stupid comment also raised some red flags, but she was willing to leave it alone for the moment. “She’s been doing stupid stuff all week,” Spike replied. “Twilight’s been trying to help her, but…Rainbow can be a real pain, you know?” The two ponies shared a hesitant look, and Cadence shrugged to answer Shiny’s unasked question of ‘how’. The motion made Cadence let go of the door, and Spike quickly opened it to go into what passed as the living room of Twilight’s private apartment. He took a quick look around, then headed for Twilight’s bedroom. “Great, another bathroom fight, why can’t she just do what Twilight says?” Cadence felt a bit of apprehension at Spike’s words, then quickly followed the dragon to the door. Although she had been hopeful for a reconciliation, the alicorn couldn’t help but feel the doubt creeping up on her. It had only been one day after all. They could have easily slipped back into… …the throes of passionate sex? At least, that’s what Cadence had been pretty sure what had been going on just a minute before Spike opened up the door, as she was assaulted by the powerful scent of two ponies that had been going at it. On top of which, she saw a sweaty, panting Rainbow Dash  laying on the bed in the arms of a giant purple alicorn…that happened to be male. Oh…so that’s who she was doing…or he, I guess, Cadence told herself. Judging by how both of the ponies were laying on their sides, they had come in just as the two finished. Much to Cadence’s joy, the way Twilight was holding Rainbow spoke that it hadn’t been simple pleasure they had been after either. The two of them had been making love. Once Cadence had gotten over the fact she just walked in on the tail end of a couple banging each other senseless, followed by the lapse in conscious thought that came upon seeing Twilight as a stallion again, the Princess of Love had to admit that it was a beautiful sight. Beside her, Shining let out a tiny whine, and Cadence saw his face twist into something between embarrassment and displeasure. All the while, she could practically see the gears in his head slowing down while his brain began to freeze up at the sight of his little ‘sister’ and Twilight’s lover together like they were. “T-Twilight? W-Why are you a stallion again?” Spike cried out in horror. Twilight looked up and his eyes got wide before he let out a startled cry before yanking Rainbow Dash up with him and hugging the much smaller mare close to his chest. “G-Geez! Don’t you ponies know how to knock?” “Gaje bana wa,” Spike replied. “It…you…stallion…Rainbow…smells like…” A groan came from the purple alicorn and he rolled his eyes while Rainbow’s face turned bright red to match some of the color in her mane. Twilight took one look at the girl in his forelegs, then looked back at the others with an angry frown frown. “Yes! We’re having sex like this, again! Excuse me if I actually like making love as a stallion with the mare I love inside my own bedroom! Which all of you just barged into the middle of by the way!” “But…you…stallion,” Spike managed. Shining let out another squeak, and Rainbow Dash gave an uncomfortable moan before speaking. “No, we just got done.” A second later, Twilight looked down at his fillyfriend. “But we were cuddling. Cuddling is a part of the process!” “Well that’s better than them walking in while you’ve got your penis shove all the way into my-” Cadence cleared her throat as loud as she could to stop Rainbow from going on, and looked over to her husband. “Dear, could you please take Spike back to the dining room with Fluttershy and the others?” From the looks of things, the little dragon was either going to explode in a rant of how wrong this all was, or have a brain aneurysm. Either way, it was best to get him gone and deal with the little brother relationship obstacle at a better time. “Oh…uh…okay,” Shining Armor managed before he reached down to grab the little dragon before he made his strategic withdrawal. “I am never going to get used to seeing her like that.” The door slammed shut with the help of Cadence’s magic, and she turned back around to see the couple looking at her with a pair of frowns. “What?” she asked before their frowns deepened and Cadence rolled her eyes. “Oh please girls, I’m a professional. And while a healthy sex life isn’t…a foundation to a stable relationship, it does help...a lot. Although I do have to ask why you’re going about it like…that.” Twilight held Rainbow tighter, and Cadence had a strange sense of déjà vu as an image of Twilight as a filly holding that Smarty Pants doll of hers overlap with the current version of her ‘sister’. “W-What’s wrong with me and Rainbow being together like this?” The pegasus of the pair wasn’t as passive. “So Twilight likes to have sex as a stallion, big deal! She’s already changed species and has a dragon for a…whatever the hay Spike is in this little family. So if you don’t like it you can-” “Nonononononono!” Cadence assured the irate pegasus as she waved her hooves to stop the mare from continuing. “I’m not judging you or anything…in fact I’m a little curious as to what it feels…ahem…but I’m just wondering…why?” Although a blush still covered his cheeks and there was a bit of hesitation in his voice, Twilight managed to respond. “Well, um... We started our relationship like this and, well…I wanted try a…fresh start?” “Plus it’s kind of nice to have Twilight as a stallion in bed every now and then,” Rainbow admitted before she cleared her throat in embarrassment and looked away from Cadence. “As long as I have time to recover when we’re done.” Once again, the purple alicorn looked down at his lover. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow gulped and blushed again. “Twilight you’re…really, really big. It kind of hurts when we do it.” “Your stallion parts are a little on the gigantic side Twilight,” Cadence added with a blush, remembering what she had seen of her little sister’s junk the night before. “Although…there is a spell to help keep Rainbow from getting sore if you want to keep doing this. I’ve used it on couples that have an above average-sized male pony and a female mustang. And it only pertains to Rainbow so…there’s no risk of magical contamination to the foal.” A lump of air passed through Twilight throat and he looked back to Cadence. “So, does that mean…you approve, of me turning into a stallion…sometimes, I mean.” Cadence held in her sigh because it might have been misconstrued. “Honestly girls, the bedroom is the one place where I really shouldn’t have a say as to how the two of you behave, despite my expertise in all facets of love,” she told them. “Unless…one of you isn’t abusing the other with overly physical sexual kinks that’s causing real physical damage, right?” “Ummmm…does bondage count?” Twilight asked after a second. The question made Cadence stare at the couple in surprise for a minute, and she took in a deep breath to calm herself. The alicorn shivered from the effect Twilight’s lingering musk had on her, and promised herself some alone time with Shiny before lunch to fulfill the sexual need that being so close to a couple that had just finished banging each other was quickly bringing on. “Okay, better start at the beginning.”     Twilight gulped and held onto Rainbow’s foreleg with her own as she finished explaining the one little thing she did to Rainbow in bed. Already, she could tell it was going to be bad news…horrible even! What kind of mare tied up the pony she loved to have sex? “Stallion and mare Twilight?” The purple alicorn looked back over to Cadence, glad to focus on the question. “What?” “When you have sex with Rainbow, do you tie her up just when you’re a female or do you have the urge to do it when you’re a stallion as well?” the pink alicorn clarified. The little bit of worry in her old foal sitter’s eyes sent a chill down the magic goddess’s spine. Twilight looked over to Rainbow for a second to try and find some support, but even when the pegasus gave the alicorn a reassuring smirk, the ice in the purple pony’s stomach continued to build up. She hadn’t even known Rainbow was still willing to have heterosexual intercourse until the other day. “I-I don’t tie Rainbow up when I’m a stallion,” she explained. “I…well, I don’t really need to too. I…um, I’m just so much stronger than her that I’m the dominant one without even really trying.” There was a slight tensing, and the tiniest of annoyed groans came from Rainbow Dash, which killed Twilight’s train of thought and made her focus on the pegasus completely. “Dash? What’s wrong?” “Sorry it’s…um…” Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Cadence cock her head to the side before she spoke. “Rainbow we talked about this, if something is bothering you, then you need to tell Twilight,” she said. “You’ll think I’m just being stupid,” she mumbled before looking away from the two alicorns. For a moment Twilight felt a little perturbed that Rainbow didn’t trust her enough to come clean, but that was quickly washed away by a fresh wave of near-panic that came with the fact that there was still something wrong with their relationship, that Twilight had done something to distance herself from the pony she loved, that…Rainbow couldn’t trust her enough to come clean. And why should she? Twilight asked herself. I’ve always been so sure of myself, even when I was the one in the wrong. Look at what I did to her, what I almost did…I don’t deserve her trust.  “Rainbow,” Cadence went on, “I promise not to think any less of you. Please, tell us what’s wrong.” Silence filled the room for a moment, then Rainbow took a deep breath. “Well…it kind of annoys me when Twilight turns into such a big stallion,” she mumbled. Twilight tensed at the confession, and then the pegasus looked over to her with wide eyes. “N-No! Not in that way!” she said before blushing and looking back down at the floor and glancing up at Cadence every few seconds as she continued to speak. “I-I love Twilight as a stallion! I mean, she’s so big and so…you know…big. I-I love how she can wrap her forearms and wings around me, and how safe it feels in her embrace, and I love how…muscular she is, and how her barrel is so big I can just lay down on it and listen to her heartbeat…or ride her back and just give her a hug the whole time. I love all that.”     “But…” Cadence offered, killing the warm emotions rising in Twilight’s chest that came from the pegasus's explanation. Three seconds passed by, then five, and between the seventh and eighth tick of the clock, Rainbow spoke again. “It…kind of annoys me she can just make herself that strong,” she admitted before a frown crossed Rainbow’s face. “I mean…I worked my whole bucking life to get where I am, and…buck, I can foreleg-wrestle AJ down more than half the time, and she’s an earth pony! Then Twilight just comes along and magics herself to be stronger like it’s nothing…and…ugh, see? I can’t even feel angry without making it sound stupid and selfish.” Twilight forced herself to hold down the giggle that threatened to come out and focused on the fact that Rainbow was having a problem. It wasn’t a relationship destroying catastrophe that Twilight had been dreading, but if her Dashie was concerned, then Twilight had no intention of laughing about it. There was also the way phrased her complaint ‘like it was nothing’ that made Twilight’s anger spike a bit. She had worked her whole life to develop her magical skills, and the pegasus just discounted them like that because they were more encompassing than some flying skills! But then, she also understood Rainbow’s pride and how she needed to be the best because… Twilight internally frowned as her mind encountered a lack of information, and a rather glaringly important bit of information at that. She knew Rainbow wanted to be the best pegasus in Equestria, but no matter how hard Twilight thought about it, she just couldn’t remember ever hearing just why Rainbow felt that way. While the goal of joining the Wonderbolts came to mind, that seemed to be more of a confirmation that she was the best rather than being the driving reason behind the desire. “Twilight are you okay?” Cadence’s voice yanked Twilight out of her ruminations, and she looked up with a jerk of her head. The disturbing feeling that came from a lack of understanding Rainbow’s motivations was pushed to the side for the moment in favor of embarrassment. “Sorry,” Twilight apologized before she looked over to her lover while recalling what had transpired in the conversation. “Rainbow, when I turn into a stallion, it’s not permanent like what you’ve achieved and…well, I can only channel enough magic to be a stallion for thirty minutes without my element helping me. I mean, if you want to do comparisons to our physical abilities after having mass quantities of magic released, then…you might as well go do a Sonic Rainboom first because it enhances what you can do by a wide margin too.” A frown appeared on Rainbow’s face, and for a moment Twilight thought she was going to argue some more, but then the pegasus cocked her head to the side and her face twisted in confusion. “Huh?” “Your Sonic Rainboom, how the release of magic enhances your strength and speed and…” Twilight stopped talking for a moment when she realized that Dash had no idea what she was talking about. “Please don’t tell me you never realized the enhancing effects your Rainboom has on everything.” “Um…well…I uh, do feel a bit better for awhile after it happens…” Rainbow managed. “Then you carry four ponies around like they’re nothing and create an actual rainbow just by the enhanced magic in your contrail,” Twilight deadpanned before she let her frustrations go with a sigh. It was like Spike and the Equestria games all over again, with Rainbow not even realizing her full worth. “And you're still a pegasus…my alicorn ascension is the only reason I can change genders at all! I mean, remember when Trixie came to town with that amulet? I didn’t turn Applejack into a stallion, I faked it.” Cadence cleared her throat. “I think we’re getting a bit off topic here but…Rainbow, do you really think another ponies achievements…lessen you own?” The question got a frown from Rainbow Dash, and Twilight could tell it was from anger this time. “You make me sound like I’m jealous or something!” she exclaimed before she looked away. “And I’m not! I think it’s awesome Twilight’s so great at magic…I just…ugh, I don’t know…” “Well, we can always come back to that later,” Cadence said before looking back to Twilight. Now, about what I said earlier Twilight, you don’t feel the need to tie Rainbow up when you’re a stallion because you’re so much stronger than her?” Twilight took a breath to clear her mind, then nodded. “It’s that simple?” the pink alicorn went on as she gave Twilight a measuring look. Once again, Twilight found herself thrown off a bit by Cadence’s question. “I…guess,” she replied. “I mean, when I tie Rainbow up…well, I do love how she lets me do it, and how she trusts me to not mess anything up and let her go later, but for the most part…um…” Twilight could feel the blush igniting her cheeks. “Rainbow has some pretty wild orgasms sometimes and…it just makes things…easier for me.” Cadence nodded. “And when you’re a stallion, do you…like having the additional physical power?” she asked before Twilight nodded hesitantly. Having always been a bookworm, the added stamina and strength that her male form had provided for that one day had been quite useful. “Do you like holding Rainbow as a stallion?” Another nod gave Twilight’s response. It was no different than when she was a mare though. Well…aside from the fact that I think Rainbow is so much cuter with the change in perspective, she told herself. Which was a completely logical reaction to a shorter mare! It was a proven scientific fact that the smaller ponies were cute. I mean…just look at the breezies. The entire race would have died out if it weren’t for their adorableness’s ability to counteract their whiney and useless nature! “Do you like holding Rainbow down as a stallion?” Twilight shook the memories of the pony subspecies out of her head, and looked back to Cadence. “What?” she asked, not seeing much of a difference between that the other alicorn’s previous question. “Do you like holding Rainbow Dash down when you’re a stallion?” Cadence repeated. Then she continued talking, her tone slowly became more level and dry with every word where as before it had been kind and understanding. “Do you like overpowering her and being able to force her into anything that you want when you’re a stallion? Do you get a rush of excitement when you realize that you’re the one in complete control, and can do anything you want to her? Do you enjoy taking things like movement, choice, freedom-” Anger surged inside her, and Twilight didn’t even bother trying to hide it as she jumped to her hooves while on the bed to glare at her sister. “OF COURSE NOT!” the alicorn shouted at her elder goddess. “For crying out loud Cadence, that…that’s sick! It’s like you’re asking me if I enjoy hurting Rainbow or something!” Twilight let out an angry snort, and continued to glare at her sister. “You…do you honestly think…” The alicorn let her plot hit the bed hard as she sat down, and went on. “I know I hurt Rainbow! I know I scared her! But when I saw the fear in her eyes because of me, it...it’s the most shameful moment of my life! Don’t you dare imply that I ENJOYED EVEN A SECOND OF DOING WHAT I DID TO HER!” she screeched. Then, Twilight had a rather disturbing thought. If Cadence believed things were that way, then did Rainbow think that too? The horror that realization caused made Twilight spin to face Dash. The pegasus was looking at her with wide eyes, and the expression made Twilight’s heart quicken. “I didn’t Rainbow! I swear!” she promised. “Everything I did…as stupid as it was…I did because I-I was just scared, and stupid, and I got so wrapped up in what would happen in the future when it was over that I didn’t realize the pain it was causing you in the present! I'm sorry Rainbow, I-” “I know Twilight,” Rainbow assured her before the alicorn latched onto the pegasus in a hug. Then Twilight felt Dash’s attention shift with a turn of a head, and she spoke again in an angry tone. “And what the hay was all that about?” Twilight looked back to see tension she hadn’t noticed before visibly leak out of Cadence, as the other alicorn let out a long breath. “Rainbow…the two of you need to understand something,” she said. “Since I became the leader of the Crystal Empire, I have only been able to help ponies that come to me. Most of the time, it’s when they are at the end of their relationships, when their love has been so abused it is a dying ember. I have seen and heard of thing like a sexual desire for bondage become a slave and mistress relationship that becomes so far gone the mistress enjoys inflicting pain on another pony even outside of role play.” “I. Would. Never. Hurt. Rainbow like that Cadence,” Twilight seethed as she held onto the pegasus as tightly as she could. The fact that her sister suggest that… Twilight shook with anger…and a bit of fear. Cadence was an expert on the subject after all, the alicorn’s analytical mind reminded her. If she thought it was possible…then Twilight had to admit, even if just for a second, that it very well could be. “I don’t think you would either,” Cadence said, making Twilight freeze before her anger became an odd sense of relief. “Your…fetish, and I don’t even know if I can call it that after your little explanation, it’s like everything else over the past week in the way it stems from your control issues. As long as you’re mindful of your actions and don’t let things get out of hoof, everything should be fine between the two of you.” The control issues comment made Twilight wince a bit, but she managed to recover quickly enough to keep Cadence from noticing. At least she thought Cadence didn’t notice the flinch because the alicorn was talking again. “And now the others are probably wondering what’s taking so long, and the two of you still need to get washed up. All your friends are here for breakfast after all,” Cadence said before a little smile appeared on her face while Twilight felt like smacking herself. It was Sunday, which meant no court or duties unless there was an emergency, and all the girls would be joining her and the others that lived in the palace for breakfast. And here I am keeping the girl waiting because...okay, well...making love to Rainbow is a pretty good reason to hold up any schedule, Twilight told herself.  “And…me and Shining have a little surprise the two of you are going to find very interesting.” Twilight and Rainbow shared a confused look. Then Twilight’s eyes darted down to Rainbow’s stomach and widened a bit. Little surprise? Would  could…wait…don’t tell me Cadence is pregnant too! > Family Drama Part 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family Drama Part 6: Breakfast with Family and Friends (who are more along the lines of an unofficial family than just a bunch of buddies living together) Twilight didn’t know what she was more thankful for at the moment she felt the warm water of her shower run over her less than pristine body as it flowed down her plot to wash away some of the lingering mess from her time with Rainbow. The warm water rushing down her back, or the pegasus that was still beside her in the shower as they cleaned themselves up to face the day in a late morning cleansing procedure that seemed to wash away a bit more than just the physical grime. But a second of consideration made Rainbow win that comparison hooves down. The warmth she felt from the water was a simple second of relaxation on her tense body. Rainbow was her future. A future she had almost lost. A fact she needed to keep reminding herself if she was to stay in control of her…problem. You need to make Rainbow Dash make her own decisions Twilight, she told herself before realizing the error in her thoughts. LET! Let her make her own decisions! You do NOT control her, you are not allowed to make her do anything! NOT ANYMORE! The fact that she couldn’t even keep her own thoughts where they should be made Twilight nervous. Was she already slipping back into her horrible habits? She knew from personal experience that shocks to the system didn’t curb her old panicky behavior forever. A lesson learned from her doll, and Twilight had been back at the overreaction to the events in her life when a future version of herself appeared in her library a few weeks later. There was no such thing as being scared straight when it came to her problem. The reality of her situation was also much more frightening than what had come before as well. This time, Twilight wasn’t dealing with an easily undone spell, or a seven day time loop, a bump on the head from getting worked up so much she flew into a ceiling, and not even a test that would determine Rainbow’s future eligibility of being a Wonderbolt. If she screwed up this time, there would be no Celestia to clean up her mess, and failure to keep herself in check would mean the end to her relationship. Rainbow would leave. She would take their foal with her. All of Twilight’s friends would abandon her. And then she would be left alone in her badly named Castle of Friendship as madness overtook her and Princess Celestia was forced to banish her to the sun! Only, she wouldn’t be able to! Because Twilight was afraid that as the Element of Magic, she could probably defeat Celestia in a fight! And then Equestria would fall under the rule of the evil Tyrant Sparkle! “Twilight?” The uneasy voice calling out her name made Twilight jump. “Ah!” the mare screamed as she looked over to Rainbow Dash and managed to take in some air before letting out a long breath. She noticed Dash was looking at her with a little concern in her beautiful magenta eyes. “Y-Yes Rainbow?” “So uh…mine or yours?” Rainbow asked after a few seconds. “Parents I mean. Do you want to go see yours, or mine first?” Twilight did her best to push the worries of a moment ago to the side, and concentrate on something else. Not knowing anything about Rainbow’s parents as far as personality, history or anything beside the city they lived in, she took an equal amount of information about her own and weighed them against each other. Rainbow’s parents lived in Las Pegasus. Twilight’s parents lived in Canterlot. While they weren’t in opposite directions in the strictest sense, they might as well have been as far as the rail lines were concerned. Las Pegasus was further away than Canterlot. And…all of that mattered little when Twilight considered what was at stake, and what they needed to do. She was going to see her parents and Rainbow’s in order to conduct research on a properly married couple that could work out their differences through conversation and compromise instead of…what Twilight and Rainbow had done in their relationship. And Princess Celestia, Twilight told herself. She wanted to talk to Princess Celestia about it as well. The Goddess of the Sun was…well…as much as Twilight wanted to call her something akin to a second mother, when she measured the time spent with Celestia beside the amount of attention and everything else provided by her real parents after her education began…the biological parental figures fell short by a wide margin in both quantity and quality with a gap that widened as Twilight increased in age. Her relocation to Ponyville nearly severed their ties completely. Twilight blinked at the mental image of a line graph in her mind as the line depicting time with her parents hit rock bottom, causing her to shudder just the tiniest bit despite the warm water. It was a rather chilling realization, and put a little of her own actions into a better perspective than they had been, even after Cadence and Twilight had their talk. Without a proper exemplar to follow, it was no wonder that Twilight’s actions had been so…disastrous. She had treated Rainbow…kind of… Twilight shook her head. She had treated Rainbow horribly, proper example or no. The truth of the situation hammered at her, pointing out everything that Twilight had done wrong, and the causes of it all. And at the center of everything stood the most ironic of reasons: her faith in Rainbow. The belief that no matter what, everything would be fine in the long run. It had allowed Twilight to ignore some things she had done and excuse others for what would be a happy payoff despite the short-term consequences of her actions. She had treated the mare carrying their foal like she was just that, an incubator. She had stopped being a friend and became…something else. Something terrible. The fact that the pegasus was willing to forgive her for everything, to continue on with her as if nothing had happened still made Twilight’s knees buckle in relief. She just wanted to wrap her forelegs around Rainbow and never let go in thanks for that forgiveness. Still, Twilight was afraid of what would come next. She had never been in a relationship like the one she was in now. She had already messed things up once, and if she did it again…Twilight knew that she wouldn’t be worthy of Rainbow’s forgiveness, or her affection. “Twilight?” Her name being called brought Twilight out of her introspection with a small jump. “What?” she asked in surprise before her memory supplied the reason why Rainbow was looking at her oddly. “Oh, right! Parents…um…” Twilight cleared her mind again, and tried to focus on her original task. “Let’s…” Twilight paused, remembering what she had promised Rainbow the day before, and what Cadence had said as well. “Well…you pick Rainbow,” she told the pegasus before deciding to add weight to Dash’s position as the decider that didn’t involve just evening the scales as to who called the shots in their relationship. “The baby is yours, so you should pick who we go see first. Your parents or mine.”     Rainbow shut off the water, and Twilight was afraid she had made a mistake when the pegasus tensed just a tiny bit. Rainbow had given her the choice after all, even though Dash was supposed to be the one making all the calls. “But if you want me to decide, I will!” the alicorn quickly blurted out. For a few seconds, Twilight simply stood in anticipation of Rainbow’s response, and then the pegasus let out a loud sigh. “Well, there’s no use putting it off. I’m the one who’s got the foal, right? Guess that means we should go tell my mom first.” Twilight nodded, following Rainbow’s logic easily enough. “Makes sense. We’ll go and tell your mom and dad,” she agreed. It would also give Twilight time to think about just how she break the news to her parents about the situation. While, if Rainbow started having doubts about explain how Twilight was in fact the father of their foal, they could simply say Dash had been knocked up by stallion that didn’t stick around, the alicorn knew explaining things to her own family about why she was introducing them to a pregnant pegasus couldn’t really be avoided. Not that Twilight knew how her parents would react to their grandfoal being some kind of magical mistake. Tension returned to Rainbow’s stance, and Twilight sucked in a breath. As far as Twilight could tell, she hadn’t done anything wrong. But…she hadn’t been able to tell that she had been doing anything wrong for the past seven days either until things almost went beyond the point of no return either. “Something wrong?” “Uh…Twilight, it’s just my mom…and my aunt,” Rainbow told her. “I- thought I told you…my um…my dad.” The pegasus gulped. “He and my mom aren’t really…together anymore.” Twilight’s eye twitched as her plans for averting Equestria’s destruction at her own hooves shattered like glass. “W-What?” she asked while a new picture started to paint itself in her mind. In it, Twilight sat upon her dark throne, overseeing a destroyed Equestria while her little Rainbow Dash hung bound and gagged beside the dark goddess with a red ball in her mouth and several lash marks where a rather rough crop had been used to train her into being a properly submissive pet. Apprehension appeared in Rainbow’s face, and the pegasus moved her eyes ever so slightly. If Twilight hadn’t been looking at her right in the face, she probably would have missed it. “Yeah. He and my mom…um…after flight camp… Look, they broke up. And my Mom moved to Las Pegasus to live with my aunt and… So, it’ll just be the two of them we go and see, okay? My aunt and my mom.” With the oddity of Rainbow’s plans staring her in the face, Twilight couldn’t help but ask about it. “But…what about your father?” Even if it involved an extra trip, they needed to tell him about Rainbow’s foal. He had a right to know. “I don’t want to talk to him,” Rainbow grumbled before looking away with a turn of her head. Twilight gulped. “But Rainbow, he’s your -” A twist of the pegasus’s head brought them back to looking at each other’s eyes, and Twilight almost felt as if she was on the receiving end of Fluttershy’s Stare. “I thought I was the one making the decisions here Twilight!” The alicorn flinched. “I…” She paused, unsure of how to respond. What was going on, it was contrary to the plan that Cadence had laid out for them. But if Twilight just shot down Rainbow’s idea, then they would be back to square one! And Rainbow was getting upset and forgetting that Cadence had told them not to boss the other around. But if Twilight argued with her over something like that, their special bond could become even more strained than the failing piece of twine that Twilight had already turned it into! “You’re right,” she finally said, capitulating to Rainbow’s false assumption. Now was not the time to correct her. And it wasn’t as if the alicorn wouldn’t be meeting Rainbow’s father eventually. She was carrying the stallion’s granddaughter around after all. They would have to tell him some time. With her coat done dripping, Rainbow stepped out of the shower with Twilight quickly following suit. “You want to meet my mom…I can…do that,” she grumbled. “But Rainbow Blaze can go buck himself for all I care!” As the pegasus turned away from her, Twilight felt the worry in her heart grow. With the way Rainbow had been willing to put up with the alicorn’s antics, Twilight had thought that Dash had been exposed to a household with a firm and loving foundation like Twilight had been before her tutelage under Celestia. Rainbow would have been the rock of their relationship, the expert she could turn to when questions arose and the pony that would keep their union together. The fact that she didn’t even have that… But if Rainbow doesn’t have a real family, and I don’t have a fully explored positive example to draw from…then…then this…gaining a proper perspective to ensure me and Rainbow have the techniques to make a lasting relationship…it’s all…hopeless, Twilight told herself as she looked at the cyan pegasus that was drying herself off. And that was before a bunch of other worries came creeping into her mind. As she opened the door to the dining hall with the large table in the center that had everypony sitting around just waiting for her, Rainbow Dash wondered if she had chosen right by saying they needed to go see her mom and auntie. While the two of them had ended up with Rainbow after the divorce, she didn’t feel all that much closer to her mother than her father. After all, it was her fault that everything happened! But Cadence had told Twilight they needed to go see a happy couple, so they were going. Rainbow could stop in, tell them the news about her fillyfriend and their foal, and be gone in an hour. Less than an hour. In fact, if she put it all down into a letter, she could just drop it off and be gone in ten seconds flat. Or even just mail it to her mom. No need to stop by at all. So… Wait, Rainbow told herself as she realized the flaw in her plan. Cadence had told them to go see their parents. Twilight listened to Cadence. So Twilight would take them to meet Rainbow’s family, whether she wanted to go or not. At least Twilight had agreed not to make Rainbow visit her father. The five years he had spent away had changed the stallion. Rainbow had hardly recognized the pony when they met up again on her eleventh birthday, and by the time she was sixteen, she had stopped wanting to see Blaze at all. After all, he was even worse than Rainbow’s mother. “Hey Sugarcube, you okay? Yer lookin’ a million miles away there.” The question snapped Rainbow out of her thoughts, and she looked around in surprise at the very unexpected ponies that she had totally missed. Aside from Applejack, and the usual duo of Pinkie Pie and Rarity that were always at the castle, Fluttershy was also sitting down for breakfast beside Spike, who was in his higher than normal chair that really wasn’t a high-chair because dragons don’t sit in high-chairs despite what the thing kind of looked like. The dragon also had an odd, wide-eyed look frozen on his face for some reason. “What’s up with Spike?” the pegasus asked as she looked around the room in confusion, finally noticing the two other ponies that had taken cushions to sit on. Shining Armor cleared his throat and Rainbow’s attention went over to the couple of guests that were sitting down across from her as he looked away from the table. “Um…yeah, about that…” was all he got out before Pinkie spoke up with a giggle. “No idea! Hehehe! But when we were making a second batch of pancakes and I saw something was up, I asked him, hey Spike, what happened. And he got all-” The dragon’s whole body spasmed for a second, and then slowly went back to where it had been before, standing as still as a royal guard outside Canterlot Castle as Pinkie let out another giggle. “Yeah, like that!” “Well I had him make a best brothers bloodless pledge not to-” Completely ignoring Shining Armor, Rarity looked over to the dragon sitting next to her. “Oh let me try,” the female unicorn chimed in as she cozied up to the purple lizard. “Oh Spikey-wikey, what’s wrong? You can tell me.” The minor shaking of the dragon’s body increased in bursts until… “I SAW TWILIGHT AND RAINBOW DASH HAVING SEX!” Little movement in the corner of her vision made Rainbow look over to Twilight and see the alicorn’s eye beginning to twitch. “Oh no,” the pegasus of the relationship mumbled before she hopped into the air and floated there while her friends got pretty uncomfortable at the sudden declaration, and Cadence facehooved while Shining Armor groaned. “Darling, that’s not exactly something that should be said in-” “AND TWILIGHT WAS A STALLION!” Spike went on, stopping Rarity mid-reply. “AND SHE, I mean HE WAS A STALLION, WITH A-A THING! A BIG THING! AND HE SAID HE LIKED HAVING SEX WITH RAINBOW DASH! AS. A. STALLION!” With Spike apparently done, he became still again. Rarity quickly backed away from the little dragon as fast as a ground pony could go. Everypony else that wasn’t in Spike’s face simply gaped at the declaration. Shining Armor looked over to Twilight and sighed after studying her for a few seconds, then laid his head down on the table. “Just want to say this isn’t my fault and I tried to stop it,” he announced before covering his ears. As all the ponies at the table turned their attention from Spike to Shining, and then finally to Twilight, the little twitch in the alicorn’s eye became a full on eruption of her own when Applejack opened her mouth to speak. “Oh let me guess!” the alicorn yelled before she disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared on the table in front of… Applejack. “‘Taint natural!” As well as Rarity. “How scandalous!” Then Fluttershy. “Oh my!” Before she got to Pinkie Pie, and paused for a second, giving the party pony time to give a nervous grin while Twilight was frowning at her. “…SOMETHING RANDOM!” And then reappearing next to Dash before she reared up to smash her hooves into the table and lean over on it while looking around at her friends. “Yes! I have sex with Rainbow as a stallion, still! And you know what? I LOVE IT! “I love having sex with Rainbow Dash as a stallion! I love filling every bucking inch of her, holding her in my forelegs, and hearing her squeal in pleasure when I make her cum and her vaginal tract clamps down on my phallus to create even more pressure in what’s already a tight fit! And doing it over, and Over, and OVER AGAIN! SO...ANYPONY GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?” the purple goddess finished as she panted and let out angry snorts of infuriated air. “Lalala, not listening!” Shining Armor said before Cadence slapped him upside the horn. “Anypony else want to call us wrong? Freaks? Want to tell us how we need to be banished from Equestria before we completely destroy the foundation of all pony society with our outlandish and non-traditional romance? WELL?” she yelled before spreading her purple wings wide in a challenging stance. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Cadence, Rarity, shared a look, and a nervous Fluttershy poked her head up from where she had halfway gone under the table before speaking. “W-Well actually Twilight, I don’t think it’s any of my business, really. But I am really excited about Rainbow being pregnant, so I guess you could say that if the two of you like sleeping together as a mare and stallion, then I’m happy you and Rainbow love each other no matter what gender you are.” The trembling in Twilight’s legs stopped. “Like Shy said, ain’t none of our business,” Applejack added. “But what the hay do I care if you use yer tounge, yer horn, or make yerself a wang-dang-doodle to ride Dash like there ain’t no tomorrow?” Her wings went limp. “Darling, I got used to the idea of you rutting Rainbow Dash a week ago,” Rarity deadpanned. “The fact the two of you like to do it just means we might be hearing the clippity clop of more little hooves around the castle when the two of you manage to settle in with each other.” As Twilight’s attention turned to the last member of their special group, with the anger on her face turning to confusion at every response, the pink pony frowned at her. “Well I’ve got a problem with it!” Sheer shock made Rainbow drop out of the air at Pinkie’s declaration, and she gulped when she noticed Twilight tense before speaking in an dark tone. “Oh?” It was a tone that just dared Pinkie to mock their relationship and promised intense pain if she did. “You think turning into a stallion is still considered freaky?” Pinkie demanded, apparently making Twilight loser her foreleg’s grip on the table and slip forward in surprise with a mutter of ‘huh?’ before she went on. “I do ten things a day that are waaaaaaaaay more freakier than that!” “Pinkie, more freakier isn’t really-” But the pink pony ignored the nerd’s auto-correct that came about in a moment of obvious confusion from the alicorn. “If you think some old-hat trick of turning into Twiguy to put Dashie your big purple party balloon and make her happy-wait,” Pinkie stopped and looked at Rainbow. “You and Twilight doing it like wild animals, with her as a him pounding you like a jackhammer aaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll night and into the live long day does make you happy, right Dashie?” Behind Pinkie, Rainbow noticed Spike twitch, foam at the mouth for a moment, and then faint onto the table. As for the pegasus, the recent memories of Twilight as a stallion filling her, making love to her, kissing and holding her in his gorgeous wings made Rainbow’s whole face turn red before she tucked her tail between her legs and looked down at the extremely interesting ground that needed a good picking with her hoof. “Y-Yeah Pinkie. I like it…a lot,” she squeaked out at the end in a voice that was totally not cool. “That’s great!” Pinkie exclaimed happily before she turned back on Twilight with a frown and zipped over to stick a hoof right in the extremely confused alicorn’s face. “But it’s NOT FREAKY! To be freaky, you gotta stay fresh, and interesting, and funny and stupid at the same time. Your gender-bender relationship with Rainbow, while fun, is just old! And old can’t be freaky!” With Pinkie’s fierce tirade finished, Rainbow watched as Twilight backed away from Pinkie’s hoof that had booped her on the muzzle before the alicorn came to stand beside the pegasus, and wrap one of her large sexy wings around the slightly smaller pony. “You mean you all…don’t care that I-” “I CARE!” Spike shouted as he picked his head up. Twilight let out a long sigh, and then took in a deep breath before she looked over to Spike with a glare. “You’re just mildly traumatized from the fact you saw your major parental figure in the aftereffects of passion with another mare! Stuff like that happens to me all the time! GET OVER IT!” Twilight snapped back before she looked over to the ponies sitting around the table as Spike was cowed. “But the rest of you really don’t…you’re not going to just…abandon me?” As a mixed chorus of pony voices replied with, “Oh, I’d never do that.” “Of course not darling!” “Ain’t gonna run you outta town fer havin’ a foal.” “No, but can I have preferred status as your foal’s personal party pony for all foreseeable birthdays, cutcinerias or markmitzfas? You really should reserve a spot as soon as you can Twilight. I’m the only party pony in a town with over three hundred and sixty-five ponies, I should be booked for every day of the week year-round. Which really makes me wonder how I’m working at Sugar Cube Corner now. Oh boy, this is a toughie.” Rainbow saw Twilight blink her eyes in rapid succession to try and deal with the tears that were barely being held back and stepped forward to join her for support while the alicorn fought to keep herself under control. “You…girls,” she said before the tears flowed freely. “T-Thank you girls. I didn’t, I was afraid…” Rainbow decided to stop that line of thought by nuzzling her fillyfriend’s neck. “What the hay gave you an idea like that anyway?” While Dash did think her and Twilight still going through the motions of making a baby might have been a little out there even in the lives they led, she knew that her friends would never leave them over it. Not after everything else they had been through. “Just a…thought I had on the way down the hall, about when we go to see our parents” Twilight admitted with a hung head. “What if they…react like Shining did?” The unicorn in question raised his head to defend himself in a hurt tone. “Hey!” he said before all the mares, including Cadence, gave him a glare. “I…well…okay look, once I got past the whole misconception thing-” Rainbow frowned at the stallion as he tried to verbally trot his way out of trouble. “Don’t give us your crappy excuses! You just sat there covering your ears and ignoring the fact that Twilight likes to do it as a guy!” “Yeah, cause every big brother in Equestria just loves to hear his little sister go on and on about sex right in front of his face,” the stallion deadpanned. For a second, Dash held her mouth open. However, as she really couldn’t figure out a way to argue the sarcastic statement thanks to her own attitudes should somepony ever try something with Scootaloo when that little filly was old enough, she snapped her trap shut. Then, Rainbow nodded and let out a little sigh. “Okay, I’ll give you that one.” “Look,” Shining Armor said as he held his hooves up. “If you make Twilight happy, and you’re…good for each other, and you both want the foal that’s on the way…I’ve got no right to say anything about the two of you. But…” He took in a deep breath and looked over to his sister. “Even if you do turn into a stallion to um…you know, Twilight, I’m still happy for you, and love you just as much as I always did. Not exactly my cup of cider, but…if it makes you happy and isn’t hurting anypony, I can’t really complain.” As Twilight started to get all teary-eyed again, Rainbow managed to resist the urge to gag. “Thanks BBBFF. That means a lot.” Still, she did give the father of their foal a reassuring hug with her wings that Twilight fell into with a fierce nuzzle and a wipe of her head to dry her eyes on the pegasus’s coat. On the other side of the table, the pink alicorn adopted a thoughtful expression, and then turned to look at Shining Armor as the look on her face soured. “What do you mean not your cup of cider?” Cadence deadpanned. “What Twilight’s doing is exactly your cup of cider.” Shining blinked in confusion. “Uh…” All of a sudden, Cadence’s expression turned mischievous. “Oh! Or do you want to be on the receiving end for a change?” she asked, making Shining Armor’s eyes go wide while the mare’s teeth showed in an almost hungry grin. “I have to admit, Twilight’s description of how much she enjoys being with Rainbow like that has got me a bit curious. And it would be an amazing benefit to our relationship if we could…walk in each others horseshoes for a little while.” “C-Cadence?” Shining Armor stuttered in a squeaky voice. As the alicorn stood up, Shining Armor pulled in on himself at her sensual gaze. “I wonder what I’d look like, or how much bigger I’d be. We’re already the same height, and if Twilight’s almost equal to Celestia in size as a stallion. I’d probably be gigantic.” Unable to stop herself, Rainbow tried to picture the pink mare as a stallion and…just couldn’t quite do it. Pink on a stallion just didn’t seem to process. Although she could picture a purple mare as male just fine, and…Rainbow found herself wondering just when Cadence could cast that spell she talked about not too long ago so they could really get into it without the size of Twilight’s lower horn being an issue. “And you as a mare?” she went on. “All that guard training? Mmmm, you’d be quite the little morsel. With the way Twilight goes on about how much she likes to be with Rainbow, I can’t help but want to try it out.” Then Twilight cleared her throat, bringing an end to Rainbow’s ruminations, and stopped Shining Armor from sweating out a lake in the middle of the castle. “Okay Cadence, I think you messed with him enough,” she said before letting out a light giggle. “Besides, the spell I develop was tailor-made for me, and even then it blew up in my face. I don’t even want to know what it would do to somepony else.” Shining’s back went straight and he looked back and forth between the two alicorns. “Wait, what?” he asked. “That was all just a joke?” Back on her side of the table, Rainbow resisted the urge to roll her eyes. As awesome as Cadence was when it came to romance, her sense of humor was seriously lacking. “Well of course it was Shining,” Cadence replied with a roll of her eyes. “Do you honestly think I’d swap our genders around if you didn’t want it?” The alicorn went back to smirking. “You should learn not to overreact so much.” Then Cadence shook her head. “About the only reason I could think to even try something like this out is that judging by Rainbow’s current condition, a stallion me getting a mare you pregnant seems much more likely than the other way around,” she said before sighing sadly. For some reason Rainbow didn’t understand, Twilight got all surprised when the herd that, and stood up out of their hug. “Wait a minute! I thought you were pregnant Cadence!” As the surprised gasp from Pinkie and everypony else telling her that the pink alicorn wasn’t in fact carrying a foal died down, Princess Cadence turned her head to face Twilight. “What the hay gave you that idea?” “But-but you said you had a surprise for us!” Twilight said. After studying Twilight for a moment with a confused look written all over her face, Cadence’s expression brightened a bit. “Oh that!” she said before smiling a little bit and shaking her head before she spoke again. “No Twilight that’s not-well, Shining, you tell them. Celestia knows they could hear some good news coming from you for a change.” Shining Armor raised an eyebrow at his wife. “For a change?” To which Cadence gave a little laugh and rolled her eyes before she kissed him on the cheek. “You know what I mean,” the love goddess said. “Good news to wipe away the bad taste in our mouths.” “Fine,” he drawled out before looking over to Rainbow Dash and actually sitting up a little straighter than he had been a moment before. Even his voice became all official once the talking began. “Reservist Rainbow Dash, by the order of Princess Celestia, you are hereby to be instated as a full Wonderbolt, and given the rank of Captain.” The announcement was met by cheers and congratulations from her friends. Twilight actually seemed to get incredibly excited at the news for some reason. As for Rainbow, she had to fight to keep standing when her heart nearly gave out at the news. “Of course you’re the only Wonderbolt at the moment,” Captain Armor the Oblivious went on while Rainbow fought to find her voice. “But we have several candidates lined up, and you just need to take a look through the roster. Most are reservists, but we’ve got some royal guard to choose from too. As soon as you’re ready, we can-” Rainbow couldn’t let him go on anymore. “Are you kidding me?” The question wasn’t asked in disbelief, or her usual level of excitement about such things. The words forced their way through the cracks in Rainbow’s teeth as she fought to control her seething anger at the idiocy of Shining Armor’s announcement. “What?” Armor asked with what Rainbow was guessing to be his usual expression when it came to the facts right in front of him. “In case you ponies have managed to forget in the last five seconds,” Dash grumbled before she took in a deep breath. “I’M PREGNANT!” Papers and candles stirred as Twilight watched her fillyfriend pace in the air around the library. The strong beats of her wings filled with ambient pegasus magic caused more than a light breeze to disturb anything small enough to be caught up by it, but she wasn’t causing much of a mess. “Rainbow, you need to calm down.” “Calm down?” Dash demanded as she continued to circle the room they stood alone in. “How the hay am I supposed to calm down when I can’t go one day, one bucking day without being reminded that I can never join the Wonderbolts!?” Twilight sighed and shook her head as she gave up trying to follow the pegasus’s flight path with her eyes. A part of her wanted to just rip Rainbow from the sky, conjure up a chalkboard, and explain to her in absolute detail just why she could still be a Wonderbolt. But that was the old Twilight. The monster that made her friends to whatever the hay she wanted without any consideration for their thoughts and feelings. As much as seeing Rainbow upset was at the moment, Twilight knew that taking such an action would make things even worse for the pegasus. Instead, she had managed to make a little compromise with herself. When Rainbow had started yelling at her brother, Twilight managed to coax her into the library for a talk and time to calm down rather than letting her just explode all over Shining Armor. They might have had a rough start the night before, but Twilight considered it all water under the bridge, and she knew Dash would as well with a bit more time. As long as she had a few moments to work through her issues. On top of which, if Twilight could get her to see reason, she knew the pegasus would be ecstatic at the news. Which in turn would lead to her becoming grateful to Shining Armor by association. Then they’d all get along just fine. So Twilight put her thoughts into the most eloquent explanation about how such a good thing this was and how Rainbow’s assessment involving her chances of joining the Wonderbolts was flawed. How she could still live her dream. How she could still put herself in danger for the sake of a few empty cheers. How she was planning to join the ranks of something that had done its best to tear them apart... How she was…lowering herself by trying to join a bunch of failures! Twilight closed her eyes to take in a deep breath. CUT THAT OUT, the goddess screamed at herself as she forced her thoughts back to what was important. It was Rainbow’s life. It was Rainbow’s dream. It was the path that Rainbow had placed all her hopes on, and Twilight would not allow her own foalish fears to ruin the happiness of the mare she loved the most! “Dash-” “And hay! This is even worse than a reminder!” Rainbow said as she zoomed down to meet Twilight at eye level. Exactly at eye level, as she kept herself a fraction of an inch off the ground. “This…this is everything I ever wanted hoofed to me on a silver platter! Ev-Ry-Thing! “I-I wouldn’t even have to work my way up through the ranks! I’d be top dog from day one! I…I was okay with walking away because…I thought about the type of pony that ended up calling the shots for the Wonderbolts, and I just…I didn’t want to be anywhere near them, and I was fine with it!” She took a deep breath, and dropped the last little bit onto the floor. “But if…if I’m the pony deciding who’s going to be a Wonderbolt from the very first step…” Another pause had Rainbow visibly collecting herself. “If I’m the one building the team from the ground up, I can take the pride of the pegasi and turn it into what I thought it was, what it was supposed to be from the beginning!” she said while looking up at the alicorn with yearning eyes. Twilight gave the suffering pegasus a pleading look. “Then accept the position Rainbow.” For a second, Rainbow held Twilight’s gaze, and then wretched her eyes away from the alicorn. “I CAN'T!” “Yes you can Rainbow,” Twilight insisted softly so she didn’t come off as too demanding. “It’s going to take months to find the right ponies for the Wonderbolts, and then there’s the training on top of that.” A vision of Rainbow crashing because a bunch of armatures flew through her mind, but Twilight crushed it beneath her mental hoof. “And you can have your second-in-command take over during your final month of pregnancy.” But for all the sound reasoning Twilight provided, Rainbow shook her head before she turned and walked away from her lover. For a minute Twilight was afraid she had overstepped her bounds even with the suggestion, but then her Dashie looked back to the goddess with a pained expression. “And after our little girl is born? What then Twilight? Who the hay is going to feed her while I’m off for weeks at a time?” That question, Twilight was prepared for thanks to a week of reading. It was one of the few things to come out of the previous week she was thankful for: the preparation for their daughter-to-be. “There are spells that will stimulate my mammary glands and allow me to produce milk Rainbow. I can nurse her when you're away at lunch, and you can take care of dinner when you get back. Breakfast can be taken care of by whichever one of us doesn’t get woken up and sucked dry in the middle of the night.” “What the hay do you mean take care of dinner Twilight?” Rainbow demanded. “It’s not like I’m going to be home like I was every day when I had a weather job!” Twilight flinched at the reminder of yet another one of her mistakes during their relationship’s week from Tartarus. “But you can be,” Twilight assured her weakly. “Rainbow, with your harmonic magic you can fly around the world in seconds. It doesn’t matter where you are. Even if the Wonderbolts are sent into the middle of the badlands to fight changelings…” Twilight had to repress a shiver of fear that came upon hearing her own words. It’s Rainbow’s life, she reminded herself. I can offer advice and encouragement but I absolutely can not make any decisions for her. Even if it meant Dash putting herself in danger. Not that anything could really threaten her anymore since Rainbow got her rainbow power. One-sixth of the power that handled Tirek when he was full of all the magic the alicorns possessed, plus Discord’s and at least thirty-percent of the total pony population of Equestria was enough to handle anything Twilight had ever heard of or read about. However, unexpected things like a crash in an air show was another matter. One that Rainbow wouldn’t be protected from because she wasn’t expecting it and thus didn’t have her Element active, that was still a possibility that found a way to continue creeping back into Twilight’s head. What made it worse was the fact that solving such a problem would be so easy. She could keep Rainbow Dash from ever risking her life again…at the cost of her happiness, her love, and everything else Twilight cherished in the other mare. “Do you have any idea what that would mean Twilight?” Rainbow demanded, thankfully dragging the goddess out of her thoughts that involved her little pegasus’s chance of surviving a plummet to the ground after slamming into another flier in midair. Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “What’s wrong with going back to see your family every night?” she asked. After turning around to face her fillyfriend completely, Rainbow sagged. “That…okay that…I could do that, and be a Wonderbolt,” she said before taking in a deep breath. Then, her whole body shook. “But not a Wonderbolt Captain.” Twilight blinked, unable to follow Rainbow’s logic. “Huh?” “Oh come on Twilight!” Dash exclaimed. “A lead pony has to set an example, first one in, last one out. Can’t have more than the same privileges as her mares! How the hay is everypony else going to feel if the Wonderbolts have to go to a show somewhere, and they have to be away from their families, but I get to fly home every night to see you and my foal?” And after a few more seconds, Rainbow shook her head ever so slightly as the hope in her eyes just died. “I can’t even do that as a normal Wonderbolt. Everypony else would just get jealous, or angry. And we’re all supposed to be a team.” That, Twilight understood. “Having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful,” she said, partially quoting her very first friendship lesson while her wings twitched at the memory of all her friends arguing over those stupid gala tickets. If she actually had picked a pair of ponies to go…well, Twilight didn’t want to know what would have happened with their friendship in such an infantile state. “Then there’s all that other junk like long-term deployments and overseas stuff,” Rainbow went on. “Nopony would want to work with the mare that had it so much better than them right off the bat.” The princess looked back at her wings nervously as they continued to twitch, and remember how upset Rainbow had been before learning she was pregnant during that first day as a couple. “Um…Rainbow…do you…resent me for…becoming a princess?”  Dash frowned at her, and Twilight braced herself for the storm as the pegasus rose into the air. “What?” she asked in confusion. “Why the hay would I do that?” Twilight let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she’s been holding. “Well…you did just say-” “Okay first off, even if Celestia showed up right now and tried to put a horn on my head, I’d tell her to shove it up her-uh,” the pegasus managed as Twilight glared at her a little before she shook her head. “Look, being all princessy may be Rarity’s thing, but it sure as hay isn’t mine.” A second later, Rainbow was down on the ground again with a heavy look to her eyes. “And it looks like, neither is being a Wonderbolt,” she mumbled as Twilight saw the hint of tears begin to form. The sight tore at Twilight’s heart, and she trotted forward to nuzzle her mare before she kissed away the single pair of tears that fell from Dash’s eyes and whispered into the pegasus’s ears. “Rainbow…I’m sorry.” Twilight felt the weight of a foreleg on her neck as it grappled on for support. “I…I’m not,” Dash said as the alicorn looked up to see the pegasus stand up on her hind legs before she reached down to rub her stomach. I’m sad, but…if it’s a choice between being a Wonderbolt, or being there for our daughter. Seeing her take her first steps, her first flight, listening to her first words, being there for her when she needs me. Being there when you need me.” She stopped fighting gravity and fell back onto all her hooves before meeting Twilight eye to eye. “It’s no contest Twilight. I love you, and I don’t wanna miss of our little filly’s life.” A second later, all the joy seemed to drain out of Rainbow’s face, and she looked away from the alicorn. “I know what it’s like to…” When nothing followed the start of Rainbow’s statement, Twilight opened her mouth and…let the whole thing drop. While Cadence had said that Rainbow needed to talk about her feelings more, Twilight wasn’t about to risk the repairs done to their relationship by forcing Rainbow to talk about something she wasn’t ready for. Even if she needs help? Twilight asked herself. She had to fight the urge to shake her head. No! Rainbow…I can’t push her. If she’s having a problem, she’ll tell me…eventually. Until then, Twilight would just have to wait and offer what comforts she could. Instead, Twilight took in a deep breath and looked at her lover in the eye. “So, are you ready to tell them no?” Rainbow closed her eyes tightly and sucked a good amount of air herself. “…yeah,” she said after letting it out. “Still angry?” Twilight asked. She watched as Rainbow opened her eyes. The sadness in them broke Twilight’s heart, but it was all she could see. There was no anger at her situation, no self-loathing for having to make such a decision. Just sadness. “No,” Dash admitted before slumping a little. “And…sorry for throwing such a fit.” Twilight shook her head at the apology. As far as the alicorn was concerned, her pegasus had acted with restraint. “It was your dream Rainbow. If not getting it fulfilled doesn’t cause you to lose it, then you’re not a pony.” “So…” Dash took in a breath. “Ready to go give them the bad news?” Despite how horrible it was, Twilight couldn’t agree with the assessment about how Rainbow’s decision to turn down the Wonderbolt invitation was bad news. While Twilight more than hated the fact that it made Rainbow sad, what losing her dream was doing to the pegasus, the part of Twilight that had been apprehensive about the Wonderbolts and Rainbow putting herself in danger altogether gave the alicorn an odd sense of relief that mixed with the pain she felt for Dash. She would have found it curious, if the guilt that accompanied her relief didn’t fill Twilight’s mind. Rainbow’s return to the dining hall was met with a tense silence, something she wasn’t accustomed to when in the presence of her friends. They looked at her with hesitation, and the pegasus felt like slinking underneath the big round table in the center of the room. For some reason, being the center of attention now of all times didn’t sit well with Dash. The rather slow walk she had taken to get back to the dining room to help cement her decision seemed to help little when stacked up against the rotten feelings that were coming up in response to what had happened earlier. So Dash cleared her throat and walked up to Shining to face the music. “Um, listen, sorry about what happened earlier, with the yelling.” “It’s no problem,” the stallion assured her with a little smile. “You’ve got a lot on your mind.” After taking another deep breath, Rainbow made herself jump straight to the point before she lost her nerve. “Thanks for the offer, and tell Princess Celestia thanks too, but…I’m gonna decline.” “WHAT?” The sound of all her friends shouting from the dining table make Rainbow wince and brace herself at what was coming next. “But Dashie…” “You ain’t gonna…” “Darling, it’s your dream!” “…are you okay Rainbow?” Fluttershy said, finishing up the groups various reactions. Steeling herself once again, Rainbow looked over to her friends and took in their looks of surprise and worry. “Oh come on guys,” she told them while managing not to crack her voice. “Being in the Wonderbolts would mean me going off for months at a time, and…you know…it’s way cooler to be here with all you instead.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, but…not all that truthful either. “Rainbow,” Shining Armor spoke up, drawing the pegasus’s attention. “I don’t know what you think being involved with the Wonderbolts would mean, but…there are plenty of mares who are mothers in the guard.” Several conflicting emotions ran through Rainbow’s mind at Armor’s statement, and she grabbed onto the ones that helped her avoid shouting in his face. “Yeah, moms that are never home, and that’s when they’re just in one city. The Wonderbolts go everywhere,” she said sadly before taking to the air so she could put her hooves on her belly to help reassure herself of her choice. “And I’m not going to do that to this little filly.” Shining Armor nodded. “Well I can’t exactly argue with the fact that the mother of my niece wants to be with her foal as much as possible,” the unicorn said. “I’m sure Princess Celestia will understand.” And just like that, Rainbow watched her lifelong dream disappear. There was a pain in her heart, but…perhaps because she had been preparing for it for a week, or maybe because she had given up on it once already back at the Academy, or realized that perhaps her destiny might not involve being a Wonderbolt at all just a week prior… Whatever the reason, Rainbow didn’t feel a knife was twisting inside her like she thought she would. Instead, it was more like a pin prick. It was a sharp pain, but nothing too bad. Nothing she couldn’t deal with. “Thanks,” Rainbow replied before she looked back up at the table and her tone took on a bit of a whine. “Can we have breakfast now? I’m eating for two, and the mini-me’s making this mommy feel really hungry.” A few seconds later, and she put her plot down on a cushion. Then Twilight sat next to her to extend her wing, and levitated over a few doughnuts, a couple of cupcakes, and a few other foods she had been missing for her morning meal the past few days, along with some healthy stuff like alfalfa hay and eggs as well as orange juice. When Rainbow felt the alicorn’s body tense, she realized she had been looking at the last two things a bit too long, and turned to face Twilight before giving her a light peck on the lips. “Thanks Twilight.” For some reason Twilight pulled the pegasus in with her wing all the harder and Rainbow leaned into the purple pony’s slightly larger body. “I love you Rainbow.” “Same here Twilight,” she whispered back before taking in a deep breath and picking up the scent of Twilight’s lavender shampoo. As breakfast finally began, and managed to settle into at least a bit of normality. Plans were announced and schedules were made for when they were going to be leaving. Apparently Cadence wanted to be in town when the couple broke the news to Celestia for some reason that confused the hay out of Rainbow. The pegasus was pretty certain she had already sent a letter saying that she was having a baby to the princess. Rarity kept going on about measuring Dash for dresses once she started showing like she had been doing all the week before. Applejack promised some good, and healthy, home cooking now that Twilight was being such a dictatorial...well, dick about what was on the menu. Fluttershy pulled out a blanket she had knitted over the week as a gift for the baby despite her still being months away, and Pinkie…well, she just did what Pinkie did while Spike recovered enough to suck on a sapphire. Of course her friends gave their condolences as to the whole Wonderbolt thing, but Dash managed not to explode like she did with Shining Armor when they reminded her about her shattered dreams. After all, they also reminded her of everything else she still had, and always would. > Family Drama Part 7: Getting Going > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight awoke with a jerk of motion throughout her entire body and a mildly increased heart rate, although she couldn’t fathom the cause. Her mind drew a blank when she tried to recollect the events that her unconsciousness had strung together during her downtime. If anything, it made the nervousness she was feeling in the aftermath of her forgotten dream mildly disconcerting. For a few moments, Twilight simply thought she was just experiencing the lack of the final stages of her sleep cycle, where most of the stress was cleaned from her system. It was a problem the alicorn had experienced plenty of times in the past, when a late night study session and early morning activities combined to make the start of Twilight’s day a migraine-inducing pain in the plot. Although for the first time ever, a bit of fear accompanied the thought of having another one of those ‘crazy’ days as Twilight felt the blue mare wrapped in her wings and forelegs shift. No, she told herself fiercely. It’s not that bad, and there’s no sweat or anything, so it’s nothing like a nightmare just went and woke you up, right? And there was no need for her to be getting even more worried. Or any reason to be worried at all! Twilight took a deep breath, and worked to keep herself from overreacting by diving into the wonderful memories of the previous day. As much as she would have loved to jump on the train and head to Las Pegasus the day before, right after Shining and Cadence had said their goodbyes, Twilight found herself a little distracted by the need to get things ready for her absence. On top of which, Rainbow had been very adamant about wanting to try out Cadence’s ‘blessing’ that allowed to to have intercourse without painful side effects thanks to Twilight’s massive phallus. The thought of her in-law’s magic made Twilight both a little thankful and curious at the same time. With Cadence’s spell on her, Rainbow could take the entirety of Twilight’s male anatomy without any pain, despite the fact that the little pegasus was as wonderfully tight as ever and not an inch bigger in any other proportions. Rainbow was simply…bigger on the inside, whatever that meant. Despite her own mastery of magic, the alicorn was a little bewildered at how it all worked. Part of her wanted to strap Rainbow down and examine the magic to examine the spell thoroughly. But Twilight had learned not to look a gift horse in the mouth, and simply enjoyed the opportunity to go all out with Rainbow while being a stallion without any fear of hurting her the day before. It was extremely liberating. In fact, the only pony who seemed to be more thankful of everything than Twilight was Rainbow herself. The goddess blushed as she remembered just how many times during the previous day that Rainbow had  been plowed into the bed at her own insistence. If it wasn’t for the even greater amount of time they had spent making love as mares, Twilight would have been a little worried her pegasus preferred alicorn sausage to the taste of a princess’s honey on her tongue. Not that I don’t enjoy both just as much, Twilight told herself as she remembered just how good it felt to be mounting Rainbow, or having Dash’s tongue between her legs to lap up the juices while it ran all over her most sensitive of spots. Just reviewing the memories of Rainbow’s attentions made Twilight smile in pleasure. Rainbow mumbled something unintelligible in her sleep, and Twilight shifted around a bit in response. That was when she noticed an oddity. The area between her legs was positively soaked, and sticky, and… A wet dream, Twilight told herself in relief as she halted her examinations of the puddle between her legs. That was what had awoken her. An unconscious fantasy about her and Rainbow Dash having sex. The fact that it had occurred after the two of them had just finished a marathon and settled down to bed seemed a bit odd, as was the fact that she couldn’t remember it, but it explained her increased heart rate and sudden awakening. The amount of dampness was odd, but…she had caused extremely long orgasms in Rainbow not ten hours ago, so Twilight couldn’t discounter her earth pony-ness simply giving her enough stamina to match the athlete’s ability to produce vaginal fluids. “So, mystery solved,” the goddess told herself and the nervousness going around the back of her mind. “No need to worry. I’m not going crazy, or losing sleep from stress, or having horrible nightmares about hurting Rainbow. I’m perfectly, totally, fine!” Although…Twilight had to admit that wasn’t the complete truth. Awakening as she did with no memory of the experience, the alicorn felt a little disappointed and cheated. She wanted to remember her sexual fantasies if they alone brought her to orgasm! Then the pony in her forelegs jerked in a sudden motion, and Twilight stifled a groan as Rainbow’s head lifted to make a silhouette with the help of  the windows in Twilight’s room. After a few seconds, she even said something. “…” Twilight groaned. “Just a second,” the goddess told her fillyfriend before her horn lit up to removing the silencing spell that kept Rainbow’s snoring from keeping the whole castle awake. Although it was a little unfair to Rainbow, denying her a voice in such a way, the last thing Twilight needed was any more problems staying asleep. “Hey Twilight, what gives? Is it Twilight Time already?” Rainbow asked before looking out the window. Then, before Twilight could reply, the pegasus rolled around to get on top of Twilight. One of her hind legs landed right in the alicorn’s wet evidence.  Rainbow’s eyes went wide for a second. “Twilight, please tell me you didn’t,” she said before cutting herself off and frowning. And then, a little smile crept up her lips. “You know, if you wanted some more attention, all you had to do was ask.” The alicorn groaned and quickly lit the room with a spell. A soft purple light from her horn gave Twilight enough illumination to see, but didn’t bring any soreness to her eyes that would have come from the castle’s lights. “Hardy har har Rainbow,” she mumbled. “It’s just unconscious stimulation of the genitals. Happens to everypony every now and then.” Rainbow’s leg rubbed against Twilight’s, and confusion blossomed on her face. “Really? Feels a little wetter than it should be down there,” the pegasus told the alicorn before she smiled and brought her face inches from Twilight’s muzzle. “You can just say you wanted another round and wouldn’t have had to get your hooves all sticky. Hay, I’ll give it to you right now if you want. Nice little midnight snack from my princess.” “I didn’t-” Twilight stopped as an idea entered her head. It seemed a little cruel, but if Rainbow was going to make an offer like that…well, the alicorn knew how to get the pegasus to back down, and at least they could get back to sleep before Twilight’s synchronization with Magic woke her up with its daily dose of omnipotence. “Well Rainbow, if you insist.” Despite her familiarity with the spell, Twilight still had to strain to cast it when not drawing on her Element to its fullest. After summoning up all of her alicorn magic and probably blinding Rainbow with it’s intensity as it lit up both her horn and eyes, Twilight unleashed her power upon herself and felt the changes take effect. Twilight moaned in pleasure as she felt the bed beneath her and the pegasus on her stomach decrease in relative size; even if the alicorn knew she was the one undergoing the alteration. Limbs became longer, muscles thickened, more feathers sprouted, and there was a slight oddity as the alicorn’s brain worked to make sense of the change of gender. But when it was finished, Twilight brought his powerful forelegs up to hold Rainbow close to him as he felt his male reproductive system begin to awaken and push itself between the two of them as it swelled in size. “I don’t know Rainbow, this is more of a meal than a snack,” the alicorn’s deep voice resonated in his little pegasus’s ears as Twilight’s lower head pressed up against Rainbow’s chin. As Twilight felt Rainbow tense on top of him, the alicorn froze in fear while the realization of what he had just done became apparent. Despite all the much needed release the two of them had engaged in the day before for several hours, not once had Rainbow opted to attend to Twilight’s stallion needs with her mouth. Factored in with how Dash had felt about Twilight during his unstable period, it wasn’t much of a logical leap to assume that the pegasus had some kind of aversion to pleasuring Twilight with her mouth when the alicorn was male. Stupid, Stupid, STUPID! Twilight berated himself while Rainbow simply lay on top of him. Then, before Rainbow could reject the offer, something Twilight had been sure she wouldn’t be up to on a point of pride, he wrapped his little pegasus up in his magic and lifted Rainbow into the air before he backpedaled his way upright. “Sorry!” Twilight apologized. “I’m sorry, I just-I didn’t…” The question of what had he been thinking ran through Twilight’s mind. The alicorn had been up for sex, her dream had left her unsatisfied. But instead of taking Rainbow up on her offer, Twilight had turned into a male and presented the pegasus with his phallus while forcing the Dash to participate in pleasuring the prince orally? Even if it had taken a second to fully realize Rainbow had an aversion to such an act, Twilight knew he had to have been aware of it on an unconscious level. “Uh Twilight, if you want me to give you that blowjob, you’re going to have to let me down,” Rainbow said, interrupting Twilight’s thoughts. After hearing Rainbow’s voice, the alicorn did as she suggested, but held out his hooves to stop Rainbow before her pride made her body do something it was so adverse to go through with. “N-No Rainbow, you don’t have to! This was stupid a-and I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-” “Whoa, whoa say what?” the pegasus protested before her face became a frown. “Hey what’s the deal Twilight? You can’t just wave that thing in front of my face and then say you don’t want any action. Which, I can see you totally do by the way.” Twilight froze, and cautiously looked over to Rainbow Dash. “Wait, you’re want to-but the information I have says you-I mean, you want to…suck on…me?” he asked hesitantly. As the seconds ticked by, Twilight was certain that Rainbow was indeed just trying to put up a brave front, but when she spoke, all of the alicorn’s hesitation vanished. “Well uh, it won’t do anything to the foal, like make her pregnant too or something, right?” The absurdity of the question cleared Twilight’s mind for a moment, and he found himself snickering at the very idea. “N-No Dash,” he said with a little snort of a laugh as Rainbow crawled between his hind legs. “I can assure you, even if you do ingest my ejaculation, nothing like that has the slightest possibility of ever happening.” Then, the alicorn noticed that the pegasus had made her way to his hardened shaft that rose into the dimly illuminated room, and could only watch as Rainbow raised herself until she was on equal height with the end of Twilight’s stallionhood. “Rainbow wait,” he spoke up as the pegasus licked her lips. Was it hunger, or hesitation Twilight saw as she turned her attentions towards him? The demigod hated the fact that he couldn’t tell his fillyfriend’s emotions at a glance, but day after day of empirical evidence that said he was making Rainbow miserable being completely missed testified to the fact that Twilight had no idea how to read her emotions. Which was probably one of the reasons why Cadence had put such conditions on Rainbow Dash, Twilight reasoned. “Yeah Twilight?” the adorable pegasus asked, breaking the alicorn out of his musings. Twilight cleared his throat and gulped. It was best to play things safe. “Let’s just…do it normally.” After a second, confusion showed through on Rainbow’s face. “Uh…you mean as mares? Cause ya know, you just transformed.” Twilight shook his head, although the question did make him file the fact that him having sex as a stallion was abnormal in Rainbow’s opinion. Which brought up the other worry about if he should see if she wanted to call off the heterosexual part of their relationship. Being with Rainbow as a stallion might have been wonderful, but he wasn’t about to try and ruin what he had with her by being…well, a he. Once again, Rainbow brought Twilight out of his thoughts with a few words. “Oh! You mean you want to mount me,” she said before rolling off of the stallion and crawling to the foot of the bed to grab it with her hooves. From his vantage point Twilight’s eyes widened as Rainbow raised her rear in a presenting position and lifted her tail to provide an unobscured view of her sex. The hairless area around her vulva glistened with anticipation, making Twilight’s own sexual organ demand some attention. “Yeah sure, come on in, she said before shaking her plot in a way that made Twilight’s lustful desires all the more demanding. Using his magic, Twilight lit a few candles around his bed, and then stood to his full height before making his way over to Rainbow in a careful step so he wouldn’t fall off the mattress. While Celestia made being twice the size of anypony except a Saddle Arabian look easy, she’d gone centuries of experience with her long legs. Twilight had barely managed a day without tripping over his own hooves, and that was on even ground. Squishing his little Dashie beneath his oversized body was a very effective way of killing the mood. And then there was the other little thing that might put a kink in their sex life… “Um Rainbow?” Twilight said as he crouched down in preparation for penetration. “Look, I know you um…like it rough, but…I really need to start taking it easy on you. I know Cadence made it easy for you to take me inside, but...better safe than sorry, right?” Twilight felt Rainbow tense beneath him, and saw Rainbow turn her head to look up at the alicorn. “Wait…you mean this could hurt the foal?” The question made Twilight call forth the half a dozen books he had used to research the topic in his head. “Most of my sources say no,” he assured her. “Although, a lot of the books talk about how deep penetration is painful to the mare. So I really think we need to take things slowly and gently from now on.” Even with Cadence’s magic, Twilight didn’t want to take any chances. Yesterday had been their day of reckless fun, now it was time to start really acting like parents. The top of Rainbow’s mane brushed against Twilight’s coat as the alicorn felt the pegasus nod. “Okay…anything else?” she asked with a tiny bit of worry in her voice. Twilight took the emotion in Rainbow’s tone as a good sign. At the very least, he knew she was taking these things as seriously as possible and was willing to go along with it. Or…Dash was afraid of what Twilight would do if she argued with Twilight over the matter. Just considering the possibility made Twilight mentally buck himself in the head. Stop that! Just because you’re still afraid of yourself doesn’t mean Rainbow is! And this is about our foal! It’s natural to be cautious. Even somepony like Rainbow Dash would be! “Well…we can still do it as mares as long as I’m careful not to blow too much air into your sex,” Twilight assured her before pausing for a moment. The next topic was something he had read about enough to wet his curiosity, although actually going through with it… “And there shouldn’t be any anal-” “Whoa, whoa whoa Twilight!” Rainbow cut in as she shifted beneath the larger pony. “First off, I could barely fit you in my mare-hole, no way that fifth leg of yours is getting in my backdoor. Don’t care what you use either, that thing is an exit, not an entrance.” Twilight smiled just a little bit at some of the images that came to mind thanks to Rainbow’s comments and managed to hold in his laughter. “Whatever you want Rainbow,” Twilight assured her before kissing the little pegasus on the head, meaning every word. “Now, are you ready?” “I’m dripping.” Twilight had to admit his proximity to the mare had only made his body all the more ready for intercourse. After lining everything up, Twilight slowly slid himself inside Rainbow, and was once again grateful to his sister for her assistance in their sex life. Thanks to her spell, Rainbow’s opening easily stretched to accommodate what was probably the biggest penis in Equestria with no signs of pain from the mare it was going into. Bit by bit, Twilight pushed himself deeper into the mother of their foal, adjusting himself as he did so. The alicorn spread his giant wings and used their magic to have the air take most of his weight before he lowered himself down onto the pegasus to avoid pushing her too far into the mattress and continued on until he felt a bit of resistance coming from the area in front of his phallus’s path. Beneath him, Rainbow let out a little moan of what Twilight took to mean displeasure, and the alicorn quickly pulled back until he was nearly out of Rainbow’s tunnel. “Are you okay?” “Geze Twilight, I know you said you were gonna be all soft, but give me some credit,” she grumbled. Twilight frowned at Rainbow’s disregard for their foal’s safety, and let out a slightly angry sigh. “Rainbow, I’m making sure not to hurt our baby.” A little grunt came from beneath Twilight. “Okay but…can’t you do that without…ya know…ruining the fun? I thought it was sticking your cock in me all the way that was bad, not going so slow it feels like I’ve got a giant snail inside of me.” Despite the crude comment, Twilight managed to latch onto something worthwhile in what Rainbow said. “Well…I did just get the basic measurement of your vagina…so-” Twilight didn’t wait before he made another surprise push into Rainbow as far as he dared, and then slid in the rest of the way before the resistance started to build again. Rainbow let out a gasp of surprise, and Twilight smiled before he withdrew and started the process over again. After two more tests, the alicorn surmised he had an accurate approximation of Rainbow’s measurements, and adjusted himself so the maximum amount of pressure would be applied to Rainbow’s cliterious as Twilight slid his penis across it. Then it was the simple process of deeper insertion and withdrawal, pushing in and pulling back, plowing through and…Twilight couldn’t think of anything that went with the farming analogy as he had already planted his seed within the pegasus. Which in turn broke the alicorn’s mental exercise as he continued to bang his fillyfriend. When Rainbow’s body tightened, Twilight wrapped his forelegs around her and enjoyed the added pressure on his rod as she let out a soft squeal of pleasure. Then Rainbow slumped in his grip for a few seconds before telling Twilight to continue. Which he did until Rainbow reached her limit a second time. And a third. Followed by a fourth. Each time, the pegasus let out an ever increasing orgasmic shout that rang like music in Twilight’s ears as he rammed his shaft into her as deep as it would go to enjoy the feeling of Rainbow’s love tunnel clamping down on his penis. And every time she reached her limit, Twilight pushed his little pegasus down on the bed to help restrain the thrashing that increased with every explosion of pleasure, savoring every little movement Rainbow Dash attempted against the superior strength his male body possessed. After she settled down, Twilight allowed his girl a few seconds to catch her breath, and then mostly withdrew his cock for to slam it back home for maximum effect. The action always served to put Rainbow’s mind back on track, and the two of them quickly resumed their love making after sharing a quick and sloppy kiss. Then came Rainbow’s fifth orgasm, and also brought about the end of Twilight’s magically enhanced stamina. The alicorn’s grip on his little pegasus tightened as her body shook and her mouth let out cries that had become unintelligible two climaxes ago. The contracting walls squeezed Twilight’s cock at just the right time, milking his stallionhood of every last life-making drop he possessed while his mind exploded in bliss. In the intense pleasure, all doubts he had been having simply disappeared. There was simply the godling, and the little pegasus that was carrying his child. Nothing else in the world mattered to him. After Twilight came down from his euphoric high, he found himself laying on his side with his little Rainbow held tightly in the grip of both his legs and wings in a purple love cocoon. Thankfully, they had fallen on a dry spot. Twilight  made sure to secure Rainbow in his forelegs, then rolled around until he was on top and beat his wings to get his whole body erect before falling back to the head of their bed and landing on another dry area. Rainbow squirmed in Twilight’s grip with more futility than normal when he was a stallion thanks to the exhaustion of several orgasms, and Twilight toyed with the idea of just holding the helpless Dash like she was before his morals reasserted themselves. Twilight released Rainbow from his grip, and she rolled around on his chest until they were belly to belly. The action also helped in the withdrawal of Twilight’s horse cock from Rainbow as the quickly deflating member was pulled back into its sheath. She gave him a sleepy smile, and kissed the large stallion on his muzzle. “That…was awesome.” The alicorn chuckled lightly in agreement while Rainbow crawled up his frame to nuzzle her face against his neck so hard Twilight thought she was trying to burrow into him. A part of him noticed the trail of spunk the pegasus left in her wake, unused genetic material that had no place to go and would need to be cleaned off his coat when the real morning came. But…the headache of scrubbing his own stuff out of his hair could wait. At the moment, all he wanted to do was enjoy the feeling of Rainbow pressed up against him. He just wanted to be in her presence the way they were meant to be. At peace, and in love. This was the way they needed to start every day. But...the continuing silence made Twilight’s mind wander, and he couldn’t help but fix on troubling issues that were bound to arise later in the week. He didn’t want to think about them, but…such was the curse of his intelligence combined with his upbringing under Celestia that had taught Twilight to always plan ahead. “Rainbow?” he asked quietly, hoping that no response was to come. If Dash was sleep, Twilight could hold the matter off till later. Nothing was worth disturbing the peaceful slumber of his little pegasus. But his hopes were dashed when Rainbow moved around a bit on top of him. “Yeah Twilight?” The alicorn gulped. With Rainbow awake, there really was no avoiding the question his mind had decided to conjure up. “Dash…why don’t you want us to go see your parents?” It was something that had been gnawing at him since Rainbow talked about her broken family the day before yesterday. But with the two of them needing to strengthen their bonds and get ready to head out, Twilight had held off on asking such a question to avoid putting undue stress on Rainbow’s mind. So they had simply spent the day making arrangements and having sex, with some cuddling and eating thrown in. Now that the breather’s time had passed, he needed to get some answers. “I understand you don’t want to talk about it,” he added as he continued to gaze up at the dark ceiling. “But…I need something to go on before we get to Las Pegasus, Rainbow. If it’s too painful to talk about…” He let the sentence go unfinished, unsure of just what he would do if Dash really did think the information too painful to bring up. The feeling of Rainbow moving her muzzle against his neck made Twilight realize she was shaking her head. Dash’s grip on his body tightened as she squeezed him fiercely with all four legs, and…then it all stopped when the pegasus let out a long breath that made her deflate. “It’s not that.” Nearly a minute of silence made Twilight think he would need to coax more out of Rainbow, but then she began talking again. “Okay look, before I say anything, you gotta know what it was like with my mom and dad before…well, it got the way it is now,” she said before pushing herself up to stand on the bed, putting herself nose to nose with the alicorn’s larger face. Twilight had to hold in the wince he felt as he looked Rainbow in the eyes. He saw the mass of conflicting emotions running across the face of the pegasus, and guilt he had thought he had dealt with moments before they made love reappeared. “Back in high school, my mom and my dad were like…inseparable,” she began to explain in a low voice. “It was like one of Rarity’s stupid romance novels, ya know? Super love, together forever and all that, bla bla bla.” The almost disgusted nature of her voice made Twilight realize Rainbow didn’t much believe in the words. “And their last year in school, my dad went and got my mom pregnant,” she continued. “Mom couldn’t finish the school year, and had to drop out. Heh…guess it runs in the family, huh?” Twilight reached up to put a fetlock around the back of Rainbow’s neck. “Oh Rainbow, I don’t think any less of you because of your education,” he told her. Although, her lack of wanting to finish it up did make Twilight feel a little annoyed. What did it matter if Rainbow Dash was a hero that had helped save Equestria several times over? An education was important! The pegasus bent down and kissed Twilight on the lips, once…twice. The alicorn felt his desires starting stir from their slumber as a third lip lock was administered and he brought his tongue out to become the master of Rainbow’s mouth. With just a little effort, Twilight knew he could lift the two of them into the air and land in a position to do it belly to belly. It didn’t afford the greatest pleasure, but… Twilight broke the kiss and pulled his head back. He couldn’t let himself get distracted by thoughts of Rainbow now. “Come on Dash, finish your story.” “Sorry,” she apologized as her ears went low. “I just…I love you Twilight. I want you, and I want this baby and…the two of you are way more important to me than even the Wonderbolts. You know that, right?” After he nodded, a thought occurred to the alicorn. “Did you mother ever finish school?” Rainbow shook her head. “No it…after Dad...left, she went on for years about how he made it so she could never get a real job and…” The pegasus let out a sigh. “Okay, let me back up. “Well, like I said, Mom couldn’t find much work beyond stuff like being a waitress and all that years after somepony didn’t need to stay home and look after me all the time, so Dad had to be the one to make all the money. But even then, he only had a high school diploma so there wasn’t much he could do either. Especially after they moved to Cloudsdale when I was born. So he had to take two jobs and was gone all the time,” she said before pausing. Tension visibly built up in Rainbow’s body, and Twilight was about to reach out to her again to offer a little help before the pegasus went on. “Another thing, back in school, Mom had this…friend,” Dash practically spat. “Dad…well, he knew her too. She was a year younger than them, but they all hung out and junk, even got together after graduation a few times to hang out. And every now and then while Dad was gone, Mom…she…well, I don’t know when exactly it started, but…they, when Dad was gone they got together a-and they-” Twilight didn’t need Rainbow to finish. The hesitation and unreleased tears in her eyes said it all. “Your mother cheated on your father with their mutual friend.” “Years Twilight!” she exclaimed in pain as the tears finally started to flow. “They did it for years, right behind his back! She would take me on trips to see her bucking lover, and I-I was probably in the next room over, just playing with some toys like a stupid little foal that didn’t know what was going on, as the two of them…w-when they BUCKED EACH OTHER!” On instinct, Twilight reached up to wrap his forelegs around the little pegasus and pulled her into a hug as she began to sob. “Oh Dashie,” whispered into her ear. “It just makes me sick!” Rainbow went on. “My dad…my dad worked his feathers off so he could give my mom everything he could, give me everything he could, a-and she slept with another mare behind his back for years! Just thinking about it makes me want to puke!” As Rainbow’s words descended into sobs, Twilight ran his fetlock across the back of her neck. He could understand her pain and revulsion to some degree. Rainbow was the ultimate expression of loyalty. The thought that she had at least been in the same house during such an act of betrayal, as Twilight didn’t think anypony would have been so callous as to cheat on their marriage in front of the foal that was born from it, it must have been unbearable to Rainbow. When Rainbow had seemingly cried herself out and the trembling stopped, Twilight gave her a few more seconds of rest before he forced down the thoughts that these things were better left buried. “So what happened? It’s pretty obvious that your father found out.” Rainbow nodded, brushing her cheek against Twilight’s neck as she did in an accidental nuzzle. “Yeah…it was the day after flight camp,” Dash began again. “I got kicked out for fighting with these three colts that were picking on Fluttershy, like…two days before we were supposed to leave. My dad had to come and pick me up, and then brought me home. It was earlier than he was supposed to be, and-and Mom had left a note saying where she was in case of some big emergency. She never really was that smart. So we…we flew down to this little motel and-and found them on the bed.” The sudden stop had Twilight looking down at Rainbow a few seconds later. He wasn’t sure what to say about that. Surely there were no words of comfort for something like that. So the alicorn reasoned it would be best to hurry and get it over with. “So when what happened?” “…I don’t know,” Rainbow replied after a long pause. Such an odd response to her question put a frown on Twilight face. “What do you mean you don’t know?” Rainbow tensed again. “I mean I don’t know, okay?” she said in an angry tone. “It’s just all a blur. There was all this court stuff, and…and then Dad, he like…ran off. And…and the next bunch of stuff I could remember was Mom taking me with her to Las Pegasus to live with…w-with my aunt.” The odd stutter caught Twilight’s attention, but he let it pass in favor of the pegasus on top of him. “Wait…you mean you still had to live with your mother, even after she cuckolded your dad?” “Like I said, Dad disappeared,” Rainbow replied. “And he stayed gone for three years. When he showed up at Aunt…a-at my aunt’s place again, he was…different.” Once again, Rainbow’s body tensed. “I um…I don’t want to talk about Rainbow Blaze, Twilight.” He kissed Dash on the head. “Then we won’t Rainbow,” Twilight assured her. “Thank you for telling me what you did though. I know it must have been hard, and…I’m glad you're comfortable enough to open up to me again.” Rainbow gave him a genuine nuzzle. “Heh, why wouldn’t I be?” she asked sincerely. The response made Twilight feel just the slightest sting of envy. Barely no time at all had passed since those horrible days when Twilight had abused the mother of his child, and Rainbow had already put it behind her. But for Twilight, the doubts in his mind about his ability to continue on the straight and narrow by the pegasus’s side continued to linger. As he fought to keep such fears from his conscious thoughts, an unexpected surge of magic filled Twilight with more power than most ponies could possibly comprehend. He had to quickly order his thoughts while the sun and moon ran across each other in the sky above. The influx of magic at twilight made the alicorn focus on himself, and the pegasus on top of him began to feel larger as Twilight returned to the gender that allowed her to correctly wear the title of Princess of Friendship. Something she was still officially stuck with even as a male since the Equestrian government really didn’t have any protocols for a ruler that could change gender. When her transformation was done and the power of Magic faded by to its normal levels of semi-phenomenal, Twilight smiled her fillyfriend when they met muzzle to muzzle. “So, time to get up?” Twilight wanted to say no. She wanted to roll over, and have Rainbow hold her, tell her everything was going to be alright. But…there was work to do, and…her fears were too illogical to give a voice to after Dash had just finished airing her own dirty laundry. “Only if you want to,” she replied. If Rainbow needed some more time just cuddling, Twilight wasn’t about to deny her. The pegasus’s response came only a few seconds later. “Nah. We can sleep on the train ride over,” she said before a lecherous smile crossed her lips. “But, I do want to get at that purple pussy of yours now that you’re a mare again.” Twilight found herself smiling at the idea of Rainbow once again ready to eat her out so soon after she had finished being rutted. It looked like Cadence’s spell really did make things a lot easier for Dash to have sex. Although…there was something Twilight felt she needed to ask… “Rainbow, do you want me to meet your mother as a stallion, or a mare?” Glad for the shades shielding her eyes from the sun, Rainbow watched Twilight as the alicorn talked to their friends in her third ‘last check’ of things. “Okay, so you’ll all be taking care of ponies that come to see us for friendship problems while I’m gone. So…Applejack, make sure Rarity stays grounded.” “Ah know Twi.” “Fluttershy, make sure Applejack doesn’t get too…you know.” “Oh, you can count on me Twilight.” “Rarity, make sure Fluttershy doesn’t cave to every request for help, and um…see if you can get Spike to calm down over what he saw. I’ll be back to try and settle things with him once the shock has worn off in a few days.” “Of course darling.” “And Pinkie…can’t believe I’m saying this, but…you’re in charge of the castle until I get back.” “WOOOHOOO!” the pink pony shouted as she leapt into the air. “Alright everypony, it’s time to bow down to your new empress, Pinkiamina Diane Pie the Second! Parties and cotton candy for-” A purple glow of magic stopped Pinkie from talking because she could finish freaking Twilight out. Something Rainbow Dash to had admit she would have found funny a few weeks ago, before learning just how terrifying Twilight could be when going full tilt panic in the wrong way. Now, she didn’t want anything upsetting the alicorn ever again. “Everypony else, make sure Pinkie doesn’t do anything too crazy,” the alicorn ordered in a pleading way. Applejack chuckled. “Don’t worry Twi, I’ll make sure to keep my rope with me at all times.” Then, the purple alicorn finished with all the mushy goodbyes, and walked up to where Rainbow was waiting for her next to the Royal Friendship Express. A private train Twilight had snagged after her coronation that she never really wanted to use because of her weird aversion to looking better than anypony else. But since neither of them felt like banging on a public train, it looked like the alicorn was finally putting it to use. “Ready to go Rainbow?” Twilight asked. The pegasus put her wing around the purple pony and smiled. “Yeah, time for my mom and aunt to meet my awesome fillyfriend.” Twilight leaned over to give her a peck on the cheek. “Just let me handle the pregnancy explanation. I’ve already got a slideshow explaining the process of how I got you pregnant despite the obvious gender hurdle, set up in my mind and the train ride will give me plenty of time to get it ready.” “Not if I have anything to say about it,” Rainbow told her with a smirk. A full day, and almost nothing to do but lay in bed. She was going to make the day that they made up with each other look like nothing.