Veetrix, Equestria's Best Shot!

by trahzo

First published

Veetrix's arch nemesis comes to Ponyville with intent on killing him & destroying everything he loves.

As a sequel to Spike's 5 Rarities, Private Veetrix must fight his old arch nemesis or else he'll end all that we know & love!

Prolougue: The Night the Gunslinging Human Came to Canterlot!

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It was a quiet night in Equestria's capital, and the guards were going to call it a night. That is until a vortex made-out of electricity generated enough energy to bring a large metallic capsule out of it's chaos light speed transportation! Someone will explain chaos light speed in another chapter don't worry. The guards all gathered to it, even Shogun Deezutra, the successor to former royal guard captain, Shining Armor. Deezutra was a human who has been hopping through universes until he found Equestria and settled in.

"Men, stay cautious, we do not know is in this capsule yet...wait what?"

Then the capsule opened-up & a human holding a pistol came out! He had scarlet hair with purple tips. He wore a black T-shirt that had a picture of a white unicorn stallion with an ice aura. The left leg of his khakis had a hole in it's knee. Finally, he wore blue running shoes.

"HALT SIR!!!" Deezutra commanded. "What is thy name?"

"I'm Veetrix Desmurta! V-double E-T-R-I-X for my 1st name. D-E-S-M-U-T-R-A you got it? Now please just tell me who the fucking hell are you guys?"

"(What the fuck? I didn't think I'd see my nephew again!) I am Deezutra Xargashio! I am the captain of this royal guard of these stallions you see before you!"

"Deezutra Xargashio eh?"

"Yeah, and what of it?"

"Oh, nothing! Though I'd like to see what you guys are made of! Standard barrel, switch to tranquilizer barrel!" Then the barrel on his gun switched from bullets to tranq darts!

"Look out men!"

Then he started firing the darts knocking out all of the pegasus troops.

"Firaga!" Then Deezutra fired a large fireball from his magical sword

Veetrix dodged the shot.

"A samurai with magic? This'll be fun!"

"Now take this! Magi Magica! Red fire!" Then Deezutra shot a stream of fire!"

"Tranq barrel, switch to water barrel!" Then the gun went from tranquilizer darts to water streams. He managed to match the magical assault!


Then Veetrix got struck by electricity!

"Oof! Nice one!"

Meanwhile in the capsule...

*Boom!* *Boom!*

"Huh? What the fuck is going on Veetrix?"

Meanwhile in Luna's bedroom...

*Boom* *Boom*

"Come-on, just because I'm nocturnal doesn't mean I cannot take a nap for 8 minutes!"

Now back to the fight!

"Water barrel, switch to Melee barrel!" Then the gun went from water streams to a sword but can still shoot bullets! Think of it kinda like squall's sword from final fantasy.

"I knew you had a blade!"

Then they charged at each other until...


Then Deezutra & Veetrix came to a halt.

"Shogun Deezutra, what is the meaning of this noise?!" Demanded Princess Luna.

"Fuck! Veetrix, I thought I told you to never fight when I'm sleeping!" Said a lady in her pj's and glasses while emerging from the capsule.

"My apologies Luna!"

"Sorry Professor Xargashio!"

Deezutra heard what he said.

"Professor Xargashio?"

Then the lady pushed Veetrix aside. "No way! Hubby?"


"Oh hubby, I'm so happy to see you again!" Zerena said while giving Deezutra tiger kisses.

"Ah, Ooh, it-it's g-g-good to s-seE you (ouchies) too Zerena (aah)! My (ooh now that really stings) loving wife." He said while trying to maintain a smile instead of having faces of pain.

Everyone laughed at Deezutra's unfortunate predicament.

"Well, I do not know about any of you ponies, but seeing his current problema, I see a victory for me!"

Then Luna took a good look at Veetrix.

"Huh? Why are you staring at me?"

"I can't quite put my hoof on it, but you'd be a good candidate for a soldier in me & my sister's royal guard!"

"Whoa really? Sign me up, I always wanted to serve under royalty!"

4 Years later...

"Well, I now fucking regret my words 4 years back."

"So Veetrix what do you think? Should I do this mare tonight? Or this mare? I'm not feeling like group sex tonight." Asked Prince Blueblood.

Veetrix became Blueblood's personal servant & unknown to Blueblood, babysitter.

"So Veetrix what do you think? Should I have my child with this mare or this mare?"

"The Pink and Red zebra!"

"Wonderful choice, with an inter-species baby, our land shall have a very deep bond with the zebras over in their kingdom. Then again, If I were to have my child with the Teal colored Changeling, they'll have no other choice than to write-up a peace treaty!"


"Hey boss are you available?" Asked an orange baby dragon with black spines and violet eyes.

"Not now Senile, your dad is busy."

"Veetrix, how many times do I gotta tell you? You're not my dad, you're my boss."

"Leave or you're grounded!"

"Yes sir!"

"(Oi vey, why did I tell them to sign me up?)"

Ch.1: Happy & Unhappy Returns.

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"Blueblood, what the fuck?!"

"Watch your tongue, and why are you so frustrated?"

"I freaking went around dang east east Equestria just to get this flower, but then I return to find out that you've had the flower here all this time? You spoiled brat!"

"Whoa there Private! There's a reason why I sent you on that journey!"

"...And what would that reason be?"


Then a bunch of guards, Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot, Deezutra, Zerena, Princesses Celestia & Luna, Philomena, Lucario, and the Gingerbread Mare all jumped out from hiding.

"Happy Birthday Veetrix!" They all shouted. Then confetti & balloons of 8 different colors (your choice) fell from the roof.

"Aw you guys, this was totally worth all the bullshit Prince Bluebitch put me through!"

"I'll ignore your usual offensive names for now, but right now. Chefs, roll in the cake!"

Then a humongous cake entered the room. Veetrix was about to cut it, but that's when from the top of the cake...


A flat-chested human woman in a bikini came out!

"Huh? Who are you?" Deezutra asked her.

"I am Veetrix's..." She was then cut-off

"Mallie!" Then Veetrix used the grapple barrel to bring her down to him.

"H-hey, let me go! Don't you know I'm gonna kill you?"

"Kill him?" Then everyone got ready for an assault.

"Hey, let's all calm down guys! Geez, my fiance drops in unexpectedly, and everyone's 1st impression is hating her?"

"But she said she wanted to kill you Private!" Said a unicorn guard.

"She couldn't kill me even if I told her to kill me."

"Shut-up, I could kill you!"

"Oh yeah? Do it then!"

Then everyone got ready to attack.

"No! You guys calm down & watch." So they all watched.

Mallie raised her sword but was now trembling.

"You see? She doesn't have the guts to kill her fiance!"

"Shut-up! I only asked you to marry me that 1st time we met so I can lure you into a false sense of security!"

"Wait, you asked him?" Blueblood told Mallie.


"...And you tell me I'm not manly."

"Blueblood, everyone in Equestria doesn't think you're manly the moment they spend time with you." Ooh, Celestia lays the smack talk on her own nephew!

"Auntie, you're so mean!"

"Hey, you know everypony hates you right?"

"Not everypony, there's still my little brother Leon."

"Yeah but not a-lot of fans know about him." Said Pinkie...wait Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?

"Oh hello Mr.Narrator, I came here with my friends!" Then entered the rest of the Mane 6, Spike, Elusive, Dragon Rarity, EQG Rarity, Anthro Rarity, and the Sparity children all carrying presents. "Hey Mr.Narrator, where's your gift?"

"My presence, is my present."

"What presents? I don't see any."

"My presence is my present! Please, let's not do a Squirrel Boy reference!"

"Not until you show me where those presents are!"

"Here, you pink idiot!"

" *sigh!* I give-up!"

"Good, because I also got him the 3ft long Godzilla 2014 figurine, I hope he likes it!"

Then just then...

*Boom!* A giant hole was blown right behind Celestia's throne!

"Har, har, har, har, har!"

"Aw-man! Why'd this guy have to find me!?"

"We meet again Veetrix!"

"Hello Shadork!" Mallie greeted.

"It's Shadark!"

"Listen Larry, if you wanna rumble, let's do it another time!"

"Who's this Larry you speak of? I am Shadark, and I have come with my robot pirate army to destroy you, and ruin your 20th birthday!"

"Aw, isn't that nice? My 11th biggest arch-nemesis is the only one kind enough to remember my Birthday."

"Silence you fool!"

"I'm impressed that you're so nonchalant about this Private Veetrix."

"Hey, he's not even in the top 5, if he was top 5 like his brother Chaostic Klaus , I'd be worried."

"Oh, what a coincidence, Klaus is actually on his way to the Canterlot archives."

"What?!" The Mane 6, Deezutra, and Veetrix gasped.

"Guys, we gotta stop Klaus, he's my number one biggest arch-nemesis, if he gets a hold of those archives, then he can bring back his predecessor of the number one title!" He told them all with panic. "His predecessor scares 2 tons of shit outta me!"

"Too much info."

"So my Captain, just so you know for this guy, easy out!"

"Right! Good luck Private. Don't worry Spike, I personally will make sure your kids do not get hurt!"

"Oh don't worry about them, they're part dragon, and I've seen what they done to school bullies."

"Mallie, don't try to get into too much trouble, I'm getting tired of saving your ass from danger."


"You're so cute when you're mad!" Then he kissed her nose and followed the mane 6, and Spike to the archives.

"Bwahahahahahaha! You really think you have a chance against me?!" Then a black aura surrounded Shadork. "Come-on, I finally got Klaus to give me some dark energy, and look, now I'm a hulking colossas!"

"Don't care Shaodork, if Veetrix called you easy, then I, his captain will make this fast!"

Ch.2: Deezutra vs. Shadork.

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"I told you it's Shadark!" Then he threw down a punch, killing or just crushing guards upon impact!

"Go my robotic, my robotic pirates?" He looked to his left to see that Luna & Celestia had put the pieces of scrap metal in a pile

"Wow, this guy really is easy!" Luna joked.

"I know, we didn't even need those gaurds, and oh look, the Wonderbolts are destroying your getaway vehicle!" Celestia pointed out.

"What?" Shadark turned around. "Damn, I'll show you to treat me like a joke!" Then he absorbed the Wonderbolts into a vortes he generated from his chest!

"There, now they're inside me..." Then sucker punched by Deezutra! "Ow, that hurt! I may have lots of muscle, but my head didn't get muscly along with me!"

"Thanks for telling us where your weak spot is." Xinirn said while hiding behind a pillar.

"Oh, you are dead meat lady!" Then he fired a burst of energy that was then blocked by Luna's magic shield.

"Hey, you trying to hurt my wife?!"

"The hot science lady is your wife? Aw man, I was gonna bring her back to life as a cyborg & marry me!"

"Now who's dead meat? You!"

"I don't think so!" Then Shadark threw a punch that was caught by Deezutra.


"Aaaaah...wait, what am I screaming about? That arm was freaking ethereal." Then another punch connected with his face!

"Ow! Stop doing that!?"

"No dork!"

"It's Dork, I mean Dark you idiot!"

"Like Whatever."

"Did somepony like call my name?" said the blue valley girl pony

"No, and I thought your name was Turf?"

"Can't it like be bo..." Then she got decapitated. "" She used the few seconds after the head was cut-off to finish her sentence.

"No! Tur..." Then Surf was stabbed in the brain.

"Hey you jerk!!"

"What?! Of course I'm a jerk, I'm evil!"

"They didn't do nothing! They were just bystanders, isn't the villain suppose to focus on the enemy?"

"This guy isn't just a villain, he's seriously rude."


"You know what? Just get outta here, if you're gonna go attack innocent ponies just because you're a bad guy, doesn't mean you can do it here!"

Then he was kicked out of the Castle.

"Hey wait, we didn't even finish our fight!" Then the dark energy wore off."

"Aw-maaaaan! the dark energy wore off!"

"Larry, you're under arrest!" Said a guard outside.

"You'll never catch Shad...ark." He was speechless when the guard used his magic to get bigger.

"Fine, give me the cuffs, I'll put 'em on myself."

Ch.3: Rarity Times 5 vs. Dan.

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"Hurry, we're almost..." Then Mr.Mumbles got on Veetrix's head and started scratching his face! "...What the fucking hell? Get off stupid cat!" Then Veetrix pulled Mr.Mumbles off from his face & scared her away with a few warning shots.

"That cat..."

"Hey, leave Mr.Mumbles alone!" Dan called out.

"That cat's name is Mr.Mumbles? You must be a true idiot to call this queen a Mr." said Veetrix.

"Queen?" They all asked.

"A female cat is known as a Queen while a male cat is known as a Tom." Twilight the know it all answered. "Also Dan, why are you here?"

"I brought Mr. Mumbles & Chris here to kick Rarity's flank!"

"Dan, I told you, Elise didn't purchase a dress from Rarity to cause your car harm!"

"And I told you to look at the facts! She indirectly destroyed my car by making that stupid dress for your lame-ass wife!"

" just call my dresses stupid?"

"Yeah! You heard me b...wait, why are there 5 of you now? DAMN IT PINKIE! I fucking told you to message me when something new comes-up!"

"Oops silly me, I must have forgotten!" she giggled.

"As I was saying, yeah you got a problem with that bitches?!"

"I most certainly do! Go my friends, we have to show this rat of a scoundrel to not make fun of a piece of art!"

"What? You call those lame dresses you make art? Give me a fucking break! At least my cat is much nicer than that white devil at your house!"

"Don't you dare say that about Opal! She is a sweetheart in her own way!" Elusive corrected, then he fired a blast of magical energy.


"OWW! Come-on Dan, this is the 5th shirt you ruined this week!"

"Oh Chris, if you surrender, we'll make you a new fabulous new shirt free of charge." Said Dragon Rarity.

"Now that sounds like a..."

"Chris, I'll give you this cheeseburger if you don't betray me!"

"Sorry Dan, but even if it's against my character, I'm taking the shirt."

"FINE!" Then Dan pulled out a brick & threw it a Chris's head!

"Ow! Going down!"


"His head is bleeding!" Said EQG Rarity.

"What?! Ah, never mind that, my quest for vengeance is still on the way! Now take this!" Then he threw his lucky hand grenade but didn't set it off. Dragon Rarity caught it, the threw it back followed by a fireball! Dan dodged it.

*BOOM!* Then Dan was sucker punched by anthro Rarity!

"Hey! That was cheap shot!"

"You complain more than us." Then all 5 started snickering.

"Oh, I'll show you!" Then he pulled out from his backpack, the teddy bear he got from the dentist. He then threw it! If you've seen Dan Vs. the dentist then you know that when thrown the dentist's teddy bears seek & attack molars!


" *Groan!* "

"Elusive, are you okay?"

"Don't worry darling, all I need is to visit Colgate, and I'll be feeling fine...though...this selfish brute has now ruined my teeth!"

Then all 5 looked at Dan with red eyes!

"Hey, what the fuck are you all looking at? It makes him look tough..." Then they all started ganging-up on Dan!

"Ow! oof, gah, that's smarts!" Then he was blasted out of the castle!

"That'll teach him to ruin our beauty! Okay, now let's go catch up with our friends!" Said Pony Rarity.


"What is it Anthro Rarity?"

"What about Chris?"

"Ooh...what happened?"

"He'll be fine!"

Ch.4: Veetrix vs. Klaus

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Veetrix & company all made it to the archives.


'Ah Veetrix, we finally meet again! Where the hell did you go? I was so close to ending you, but then some burst of energy took you away from me! After you disappeared I didn't feel like taking over the world, but instead finding you & having "him" destroy you!"

"Not if I stop you from using these scrolls to resurrect him!"

"Who is this "him" you 2 are speaking of?"

"Heheheh, he's a force of destruction that ruined so many civilizations, and with the power of these scrolls & the 6 wicked souls I found on my way, he'll be unstoppable!"

Then 6 orbs floated around Klaus showing the 6 souls he collected. Sunset Satan, Nightmare Moon, Nightmare Rarity, Tirek, Sombra, and Chrysalis.

"Man, were these guys hard to kill, but I managed!"

"Gasp! Veetrix, shoot him now!" They all shouted at him.

"You don't need to tell me twice!" Then he started shooting!

Klaus blocked the attack. Klaus then fired an energy beam! Twilight blocked it with a magical shield! Now was Rainbow & A.J.'s turn. Applejack held Klaus down with her lasso, then Rainbow went in for a mini Rainboom! It still wasn't enough, Klaus was still standing & smiling, plus the lasso was destroyed. Then Pinkie fired her party cannon full blast at point blank range, but not before Rarity & Dragon Rarity filled her cannon with flaming gems. That was enough force to push him back only a few inches. Then Spike slashed away with his claws, but Klaus still stood!

"Our attacks are doing next to nothing!" Fluttershy said in fear while hiding behind a bookshelf.

"Are you all done? Good, because I just found the spell I was looking for."

Twilight then teleported the scroll away, but Klaus blasted an energy beam hitting Twilight, interrupting the spell, so the scroll was in between Veetrix & Klaus. Both sides rushed towards it, but Klaus punched Veetrix back! Rainbow Dash managed to clamp herself onto Klaus's arm & then began biting his arm!

"Stop that!" Klaus threw Rainbow off, she fell to the floor with an audible thud, Klaus was gonna hammer her with his fist, but Rainbow rolled out of the way! Veetrix switched to his Boom Barrel which shoot grenades!

"Grenade & smart bomb combo!" It sounded just as it looked, Veetrix threw smart bombs with one hand while launching grenades with the other. There were a-lot of explosions.

"Did we get him?" asked Fluttershy.

"No, it takes a-lot more to take down Chaos Klaus!"

Then the floor began rumbling.

"He's gonna cast a tone spell, get ready!"

Then as the fog from the many explosions cleared, the stones used to make the Starswirl wing were hurled at Veetrix and his friends. Twilight, Rarity, Elusive, and Anthro Rarity combined their magic for a 4 layer magic shield. Veetrix however used his Grapple Barrel to get to higher ground.

"Spike, Dragon Rarity!"

"What do you need Private?" asked Spike.

"As soon as I give the signal, I want you 2 to breath fire all over Klaus!"



"Paintball barrel: Black paint!" Then he started shooting black paint balls all over Klaus until he was completely covered in paint!

"What in the world are you doing? Do you think this is a game Veetrix?"

"Finding out how to beat a villain is always an interesting game for me! Now guys! Paintball barrel, switch to flame thrower barrel!"'

Then all 3 blasted fire all over Klaus!


" *Gasp!* I see what they're doing! Black is the color that absorbs the most heat! So it must be hurting like Tartarus for Klaus!" Twilight explained "Brilliant Private Veetrix!"

"Wow, that's the 1st time someone called Veetrix brilliant!"


"I don't think so!" Then Klaus used a wind spell to push Veetrix, Spike, and Dragon Rarity back. "Enough of this! You're all probably wondering how I know of this are you? Well it's quite simple, a stallion who doesn't care about this world anymore wants me to test out this spell so he can bring back his precious one, now I shall use this spell to bring back...Cyn!"

Then all 6 orbs shattered freeing the souls but they all were absorbed into the scroll! Then a black vortex opened-up Then a hand made out of Dark Red ethereal energy shot upwards hitting the sealing with a splat. Then the rest of the body started coming out, a humanoid figure made entirely out of the same ethereal energy with blank white eyes

"Lord Cyn!"

"Klaus, did you bring me back from this world?"

"Yes master!"

"Well, it's only fitting that you become my 1st sacrifice."

"...Say what now?" Then Cyn's hand pierced Klaus's chest! Then Cyn began absorbing all of Klaus's insides till he was nothing but an empty shell of a man, literally.

"Now then...let's see what this unfamiliar world has for sustenance...Oh hello there Veetrix, haven't seen you around."

"Let's save the small talk after I send you back to hell Cyn!"

"Foolish! I'll turn your body into a decorative something after this!"

"Everyone get back! This, is my fight!"

Then they all tried to leave the room but that's when they slammed into a force field.

""Nah-ah-ah! Once I win, I want a big meal to celebrate my return, and you all will make excellent appetizers!"

"Don't listen to him! I got this!"

"If you say so Veetrix, we'll be here in the sidelines."

"Thanks guys." Then Veetrix turned his head to face Cyn!

"With this new power I've obtained from the 6 wicked souls, I will not lose a 2nd time."

Ch.5 Veetrix's Sin!

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"Before we fight for one final time, I must tell you something honestly, my origin!"


"Veetrix, do you remember the time you fell in love for the 1st time?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm telling you how I was created idiot, you must know why I am known a Cyn!"


"That's right! When you & your cousin fell in love with each other..."

Then we see a younger Veetrix & his cousin sitting in the middle of a meadow holding hands.

"That 1st kiss...oh wont Mallie be devastated that it wasn't with her?"

"You leave her out of this! I fell in love with Mallie because she filled that void in my heart and we met waaaaaaaaay after I..." Then Veetrix looked down and we are given a scene where Veetrix pushes his cousin off of a bridge!

"Ah Veetrix, trying to reject a shameful act you committed during your teenage years."

Then we get a scene where Veetrix is laughed at

"You had sex with your cousin? Freak!"

"Yeah, get outta here!"

"We don't want disgusting scoundrels like you here at school!"

"They all made fun of me...I had to kill her, I didn't want anyone to think that I loved her enough to let my kid know that his father is also his uncle." (I know I may be referencing an old movie, but please shut-up!)

"Yessss...after you tried covering away that horrid past, they still teased & bullied you! So much hatred & despair is what you felt! So in order to get away from grew-up and enlisted into the army! After you were relieved from duty, you became an assassin, but you still felt regret!"

"Enough of this, what does my life story have to do with your ori..." Then it all clicked "...No way!"

"Yes Veetrix, I am your past sin!"

"It all adds-up when we met that very day!"

"Yes, I was the embodiment of all of your negative emotions plus the death of your cousin, who's name you could never remember!"


"But I sure do remember who it was you killed! Alice Xargashio, the daughter of your precious Captain!"

Then everyone gasped.

"I...fucked then killed my...captain's...daughter..." Then he fell to the floor with no-hope left. "...but how's that possible? I never even met the captain back when I met Alice!"

"Let's go to the back of that mind..."

Then we see a younger Deezutra meet a younger Veetrix.

"Hello child, I am your uncle Deezutra...huh?" Then Deezutra looked to his left. "Hey, don't ignore me child!"

"Hello, I'm Veetrix."

"Hello there, I'm Alice."

"Let's have fun together..."

Then Veetrix looked at the scene with traumatized eyes.

"Isn't this just laughable?"

*Flashback over!*

"There's no-more hope for me...I wanted to forget what I've done, but you pulled me back into these dark memories." Then he began crouching.

"Yes, just sit there, as I kill you!"

Cyn charged his attack, but that's when...

"Veetrix, don't let the past get you down! If it means anything to make you feel better, I forgive you!"

"C-Captain?" He turned and Shogun Deezutra was standing right next to him. "I mean...Uncle."


"What the, how'd he get in here?" Twilight said.

"Oh, I just got help from the Sparity children & my wife to break through. I entered as soon as you said that you were the one who fucked & killed my daughter."

"Uncle, I'm so sorry!"

"Hey don't worry about it, I used to feel the same way once about my Aunt, but I got over it, just like how you got over it with Mallie right?"

"Yeah, I managed to let it go with Mallie! Uncle, thank you for giving me my 2nd wind! Cyn, you maybe the embodiment of my sins, but everyone gets a 2nd chance!"

Then Deezutra raised his sword, and Veetrxi raised his gun!

"Yeah! Great to see you smile again!" Pinkie said.

"Ready Private?"

"Yes Captain!"

Ch.6: Erasing the Sin!

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Deezutra made the 1st attack with a Firaga! Then Veetrix switched to his melee barrel and started running at a break neck pace! He then caught up with the Firaga & then his sword absorbed the spell then he slashed Cyn with a fire slash! Cyn then fired some of his body at Veetrix, but Deezutra slowed the blast with a Stopza spell! Veetrix avoided the slowed down assault, then slashed again!


"What's wrong Cyn? You mad because you couldn't bring down my spirit? Fuck you!"

"Private, quit getting cocky! Now here comes a Firaga Burst!"

Then Deezutra cast the spell causing a giant fireball to fire lots of smaller ones to home in on Cyn! Then the both of them did multiple slashes on him!

"Your sword skills improved Private!"

"Thank you Uncle!"

"Don't mention it, and just so you know, I knew you were my nephew the moment I heard your name, all these years I just wanted to say that I forgive you, but you disappeared one day!"

"Sorry, but I ran away to get away from my problems then found a nice old couple who took me in & raised me into a better man!"

"Oh, that was nice!"

"Enough!" Then Cyn used a spell to destroy the 4 layer magic shield & levitated The Mane 7 and extras then began choking them!

"Let them go!" Deezutra demanded while hammering at Cyn with his fists.

"No, quickly, in order to break the spell, we must simultaneously slash him!" Veetrix explained.


Then they slashed Cyn at the same time.

"Gwah!" All of his spells then broke!

"Now's your chance, run!"

"Kick him in the groin for me!" Rainbow Dash told them then saluted, then left.

"You, know I was just wondering, if 2 simultaneous hits were his weakness, then why did you let us hit him separately?"

"It's still effective to hit him individually, but I was just waiting for a good moment like before to exploit it!"

"Oh, I see. Clever, always keeping the opponent guessing!"

The Cyn grabbed Deezutra, but Deezutra wrapped his body in fire to get free, burning Cyn's hand!

"You know something I just forgot?"

"What is that Private?"

"If the final boss in one game can be fought in the sequel, it's really easy!"

"Huh, I always wondered why super powerful foes from my past are easier to fight when they return from the dead, now I know the formula!"

"Yeah, now let's finish this!"

"Right! (Me agreeing with the orders from one my Privates? Maybe he is captain material. Or it's just nepotism getting to me because he's my nephew.) Let's combine attacks Private Veetrix!"

"Yeah, Missile Gatling Barrel!"

"Super Elemental Sword Strike!"

Then Deezutra fired a slash blast charged with all the elements & Veetrix fired multiple missiles! The Missiles made a ring around the slash blast then collided with Cyn!

"Graaaaah!!! I cannot believe I died twice!"

*Boom!* The explosion was so great that the roof of the Canterlot archives blew-up! All of their friends re-entered the room.

"Whoa..." They all said in awe...well except Twilight.


"Don't worry guys, Twilight's gonna be fine. I've seen her cry about when Shining Armor was drooling on a book this one time when he was sleeping, but she got over it in about an hour!" Spike told them.


"I think it's for the best that these scrolls don't fall into the wrong hands."

"I guess you're right Rainbow, then again, you say a-lot of wrong things."

"Gracious, what a mess!" Somepony said while cantering in.

"Princess Celestia, look at what these 2 did!"

"Eh, all these scrolls were collecting dust anyway, the important thing is, that we're all safe, now go & enjoy Veetrix's birthday party while I go and have the janitor clean-up here."

So they all left for the party, and then all said their goodbyes after it ended, but something wasn't quite right about today after all of the craziness subsided.


"Yes, the scroll with the revival spell still in tact!" Then Fancy Pants pulled out his checklist with the titles of 1 story already crossed off! "Zetsagar the Zombie Hunting Demon, check! Veetrix, Equestria's Best Shot, check! Next in my list to bring her back! Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.4: The Final Showdown of Trahzo & Deezutra!" Then he opened up a portal sending him to that story! "Soon my dear, we'll be back together again!"

Years after these events, Veetrix became the new Captain of Celestia's royal guard as Shogun Deezutra was transferred to Friendship Rainbow Kingdom to be the Captain of Twilight's royal guard.

One day...

"So, we meet again Panzerbrony?"

To be continued in Pimp Spike's Swag Vol 4: The Final Showdown of Trahzo & Deezutra.