The Apple's Super Amazing Wagon Adventure

by ThreeBronyBrothers

First published

The Apples, plus Pinkie Pie, go on the greatest wagon adventure of their lives. Their destination: Goldie Delicious's cottage.

The Apple's must get to Goldie Delicious's cottage to find out if Pinkie is actually an Apple. What does the family do? They go on a super amazing wagon adventure, but it's your call to see how the story goes!


Use music hyperlinks for full effect.

This is my first make-your-own-decision story. Tips are always accepted, however, be calm if the story isn't up to par. These types of stories are difficult to write. So please, try not to be overly judgmental.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any music added in the story.

~Written by the youngest brother~

Let's Go On An Adventure!

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Pinkie was dashing over to the Sweet Apple Acres once she heard the information that she was an Apple. The ponies around her had no idea what was happening. The only thing that they did know was that there was a lot of dust in their faces. They didn't bother wondering what happened and continued their day.

All of this running made Pinkie thirsty. She had to make a decision: take a drink of water from the fountain all the way at the park which was in the wrong direction of the apple farm, or continue getting to the farm.

What will Pinkie do?

Go to the park

Continue to the farm

The Park

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Pinkie went to the park. She figured that she would be too tired when she got to the farm.

The park was a little way off course the road to the farm, and when she got there she took a long drink of water.

She saw some fillies playing with a ball. She wanted to join, but she also had to get to the farm. Once again, she was faced with one of the most difficult question in her life.

What will she do?

Go to the farm

Play with the fillies

Continue To The Farm

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Pinkie thought that the sooner she got there, the less of a chance she'd forget what she was going to say.


Pinkie was now at the farm and she told the Apples the great news. They began to pack up for their adventure to Goldie's house, but Pinkie had to use the bathroom before they left. Now she needed to make another decision:

Use bathroom

Continue packing the wagon

Play Ball With The Fillies

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Pinkie was bored of running after all, so she asked to join the fillies. They said yes. Pinkie played for a few minutes and forgot what she was trying to do in the first place and went back home.

Game Over

Continue Packing The Wagon

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Pinkie helped to finish packing all of the items for the trip. They all jumped in as they began their journey.


Big Mac started walking and the wagon started moving with it. Everything seemed to run smoothly for the most part.

Pinkie now really had to use the bathroom after a while of traveling. Pinkie now told AJ that she had to go and fast. The only problem was that the wagon was about to go downhill, so Applejack told Pinkie to hurry.

Pinkie hopped out of the wagon and went behind a tree. After relieving herself, she heard some rustling sounds from a nearby bush. She jumped back. Turn out it was just a squirrel. It was probably the most adorable squirrel she has ever seen and she wanted to pet it really badly. She picked it up and brought it back to the wagon.

When Pinkie arrived, Applejack said that she couldn't keep the squirrel. Pinkie really wanted to keep it though. This time, there was only one solution...

Hide the squirrel in her saddlebag

Use Bathroom

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Pinkie told Applejack that she had to go before they left. Applejack nodded and Pinkie walked away.

Pinkie entered the bathroom and before she knew it, she passed out on the floor.

Game Over

Hide The Squirrel

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Pinkie shoved the squirrel in the bag and Applejack looked at her with a frown. Pinkie rolled her eyes and gently put the squirrel down on the ground.

Applejack was satisfied, but Pinkie was upset.

Applebloom and Granny Smith noticed Pinkie upset with the squirrel ordeal, so they began to sing their song, "Apples to the Core."

This cheered Pinkie up and it made her forget the entire event that happened only a mere five minutes ago. The wagon had collapsed soon after and this surprised the group.

Pinkie now was a bit scared and now needed to make another decision.

Run in circles

Keep calm


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The Apples were thinking of a solution, but that was interrupted when they heard Pinkie scream.

Pinkie began to run around in panic, but the journey was soon over as she stubbed her hoof, and need immediate medical attention.

Game Over

Keep Calm

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It was now time to seriously think. Pinkie listed all of the problems. The wagon was destroyed. That was pretty much it. Granny Smith had the idea for the tree sap to make a raft. The other Apples were discussing other ideas.

Pinkie was in her own little world thinking of what it's like being an Apple. Pinkie began to smile. She decided to talk to Applejack to see how things were going. Applejack was working on a raft to ford down the river that was next to them. Pinkie offered help, but AJ refused, so Pinkie sat down and leaned against a tree.

Pinkie had fallen asleep.

About an hour later, Applejack woke her up. She said the raft was ready to set sail. Pinkie had brought her scuba gear thinking that it would be necessary, so she felt the water with her hoof. It was cold. She decided not to swim and jumped on the raft. She saw Granny and Applejack bicker on who should drive the raft. Now she had to make another decision:

Side with Granny Smith

Side with Applejack

Side With Granny Smith

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Pinkie put a hoof to Applejack chest to tell her not to do or say anything else. This meant that Granny was driving. Applejack couldn't handle this and threw Pinkie off the raft........ without her scuba gear.

Game Over

Side With Applejack

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Pinkie told Granny to let Applejack drive. Granny huffed and said "fine."

As Applejack drove, Pinkie talked to Big Mac and Applebloom about some random story in Sugarcube Corner. Everyone laughed and had a great time rafting down the river.

Now there was another problem. There were three separate passages to take. While the Apples tried to think of a solution quickly, Pinkie was fixing her scrapbook.

Time ran out and AJ accidentally turned the raft into a cave. This cave was the scariest cave in all of Equestria, so as they were all screaming. Once they got out of the cave, everyone was clinging on to each other while Pinkie was smiling as if she was just throwing a party.

When the Apples looked at Pinkie, they were confused, but didn't bother questioning it.

On the bright side...



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They finally made it. The long journey that seemed to last forever was finally over. Everyone collapsed to the floor as they let out a sigh of relief.

"What a journey..." Applebloom said.

"Eeyup." Big Mac said.

Pinkie saw some mushrooms growing off a tree. She was getting hungry, but she didn't want to be rude by leaving. What will she do?

Eat mushrooms

Stay with the Apples

Eat Mushrooms

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Pinkie couldn't help herself.

"I'll be right back." She told everyone "I'll be at that tree." She concluded as she ran to the tree.

She looked at the mushrooms. They didn't look too appetizing, but she ate them anyway.

Her vision was full of rainbows and she never felt so happy in her life. She began to smile. She began to wobble around. She saw double, triple, and even quadruple rainbows.The experience was a once in a lifetime deal and it felt fantastic.

She saw bunnies, deer, and flowers everywhere. She felt the vision fading away so she ate more mushrooms.

They had tasted horrible, but the visions were splendid. She kept going and going. She kept seeing flowers, bunnies, and deer everywhere she went. After awhile, she started to get bored with it so when the vision was fading, she let it go, but as it was still going she accidentally fell in the river. This ended the rainbow vision immediately and she saw it was midnight.... and the Apple's were gone too.

She then did a back flip and fell asleep mid air. She landed with a thud and was snoring peacefully. She was still hungry though...

Game Over

Stay With The Apples

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Pinkie stayed and they had there talk with Goldie Delicious, but they couldn't find out if Pinkie was an Apple. Hearing this information disappointed Pinkie a bit, but it was a fun journey and she made an epic scrapbook of memories from the journey, so in the end, she assumed it was all okay.

Congratulations! You made it!