> dominant species > by Midnight Aurorus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hauntings from the past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 1 Hauntings from the past RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN. That was all that I could think of doing. I just woke up in the middle of nowhere and I'm lost, hungry, and scared. CRACK. Midnight: "What was that?!!!" I just stood there frozen. I didn't want to look back. It was coming closer. Females voice:"Who are you" I then turned around to find an alicorn, like me, except with a beautiful magical blue coat and what looked like a magical dark blue mane. Apparently she noticed i'd been staring too long, so she asked once more. "This is the last time I am going to ask. Who are you?!" I was too amazed by her beauty, so i choked in a rather awkward way... but it seemed to make her giggle! Midnight: "I, umm... I-I'm... M... Mid-night...." making a rather obviously shy face. ---------------------------------------------------- female All she was doing was just her nightly check around the place, but she never knew that tonight was the night that would change her life forever. She was out doing her daily run when all of a sudden she felt a sudden surge of magic. But it wasn't any average day unicorn magic, it was stronger. It was an alicorns magic! It only took about five minutes for me to track the source. After that i literally bolted straight to the source. But then about a mile away, i started meeting resistance. The source appeared to be running. But then i caught up and landed. CRACK...(she stepped on a stick) Crap, why didnt i watch where i was going. But then i saw it, no him. I stood there watching in awe at what i saw. A young alicorn colt. "Who are you" i said. Thats when he turned And i got a better look at him. A grey coat, light blue mane, he was beautiful. He didnt appear to have a cutie mark. But then i noticed he was staring too long. -------------------------------------------------------- midnight But, she was so beautiful. I-I just kept staring. But then she asked "how old are you"..... all i could get out was "uuuuhhhhhh"... Wait, how old am I???!!!!. "Ummm, f-fourteen I-I th-think." But then we heard a loud humming noise. I swear we both saw what looked like a t-bone shaped ship (AKA A DERELICT!!, HINT, HINT, WINK, WINK, NUDGE, NUDGE) in the sky. It went crashing down... "w-what was th-that??!". but then she said "come on!" And went sprinting. It took about ten minutes to reach the crash site. I was out of breath, while on the other hand that mare wasnt even close to out of breath. Wait! What is her name! Midnight: "Uh... ummm... w-whats your name???" Then she said, "oh how rude of me! Im so sorry, my names Luna, Princess Luna!" All of a sudden, i heard some ringing noises. It sounded kinda like a lullaby. "D-do you hear, th-that?!" She then said, "hear what?" I was entranced by it. It lured me into the ship. It was weird. Half of my mind was dreaming, while the other half was a reality. Could this be a dream... no, its a memory! Then i snapped out of it and awoke right in front of a weird egg thingy, but all of a sudden, a spider thingy jumped out and latched onto my face. Then all of a sudden, everything went black. > The suffering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter two The suffering midnight All i heard at first was nothing. I still couldn't see as well. A few minutes passed and i was finally able to hear and see. "W-where am... I???" The place was beautiful. The bed was comfortable, the walls and doors were made of obsidian, but were formed into a pattern where nobody would care even if it was all obsidian. The drawers were made out of beautiful oak, the couch was made out of a nice, light tinted, purple cloth. The place was just so.... "hey! You're awake!" It was a familiar voice. I turned to face luna and she was beautiful as always. "What... happened???" I asked. "Well, you were face hugged by an extraterrestrial spider thingy. But after about an hour it just came off and died...." All i could get out was, "oh..." wait, why am i not shy... "Where am i????" Luna said, "You're in my room of course!" ---------------------------------------------------- luna At least he's awake, but why did he act so weird at that ship??? "Ya wanna get something to eat?" Then he said "why not, i feel like i havent eaten in days" On the way to the chow hall (cafeteria) i couldnt stop thinking about him. He's just so handsome. All of a sudden he fell. I got worried and i immediately asked if he was okay. But then he said he was fine. But he saw that i wasnt convinced. ----------------------------------------------------- midnight Oh god my chest, why does it hurt so much? All of a sudden a sharp pain that i could not bear shot through me, and i fell. I looked up and saw the worry in Luna's face. "Are you okay???" She asked. I just nodded and told her that im fine, even though it still stung. I got up with the help of this beautiful mare. But, why is she helping me? I just had to ask her, "Luna?" Luna: "Hmm" Midnight: "why are you helping me so much???" She answered with a, "cause i like you" I went into a deep blush. Once I finished eating, i must've gained like twenty pounds. Well that was considering the fact that i haven't eaten in i don't know how long. It took me like eight hours to get familiar with the area but hey, what can I say ive never been here before. I went to the restroom and locked the door... that was a bad idea. The pain came back. This time it wouldnt go away, so i dropped. A minute, that felt like an hour, later, my chest broke. Something came out, odd thing is that it had a horn and wings as well... Thats all i remember before i blacked out. > A new pet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My senses started coming back to me. Yet i felt diferent (NOT CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT THERE WAS BLOOD ALL AROUND HIM, for the picky people -,-) I felt almost as if something was watching over me. But i didn't see it. So i assumed that it had gone. When I got out of the restroom and luna found me, she had had a blood drained face. Luna:"WHERE WERE YOU I WAS SO WORRIED, WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD, WHY IS YOUR CHEST STICKING.... WHY DO YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR CHEST!!!!!!!!!!" She wasn't mad, but she seemed real frustrated, and at the same time super, super, super, worried... like I mean super worried. Midnight: "well, obviously something came out of my chest and i dont know where it went!" Luna: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOMETHING CAME OUT OF YOUR CHEST, NOTHING SHOULD COME OUT OF YOUR CHEST!!!!" Luna: "you had me soo..." Midnight:"hold up, do you hear that????" Luna:"hear what?" Odd voice:(look above you) And of course the craziest things have to happen to me, so when i look up, i see the thing that came out of my chest.... Midnight: with a regretful face "WHY ME??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!" But we were both freightened of what it was gunna do, but it just sat there, staring. Odd voice: (why'd you scream????) The thing almost had a childish tone in its voice. Midnight: "luna..." Luna: "what?" Midnight: "that, things talking to me...." we were both staring at it still. "But how can it talk to you" said Luna. "I dunno... telekinesis, or something like that, lemme ask if it ain't gonna hurt us" (If I wanted to hurt you then I would have) said the chest buster. "Oh really" said midnight. (...really) "MIDNIGHT!!!!!!" The force of which Luna yelled nearly made me lose my head. "What happened!" "Why are you talking to yourself??????" Said Luna "WHAT, no, I'm talking to her" "What makes you think it's a her" (HEY!!!!!!) ALTHOUGH MENTALLY she was yelling, she was hissing in reality. "Because I know.... don't judge" All of a sudden something came out from the ceiling, it was a bigger version of the one that came out of me, but it didn't have wings. (RUN!!!!!) So we ran. But then a couple more surrounded us... alixeno's OC I felt them but I didn't believe it... why didn't I believe it... They were about to get both of them before I channeled myself to them and screamed, (STOP!!!!!!!!!) To the two alicorns it sounded like a hiss. But the xenos seemed to hear it, and it got across to them that i wasn't very happy.(A.N. Hmmm..... I wonder what that means (:<) After my chestburster hissed, they stopped, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. Well actually I heard her yell "STOP", but still, HOW. (GO AWAY), said the alixeno, and of course, they went away. This was just a thought that came up so I asked, "what should we name her" "WHAT!!!!!!" That's all that came out of Luna mouth. "Ya'know, I'll name her Star Shimmer, that sound good to y'all" (I'm fine with it) "NO, WHY WOULD YOU NAME IT!!!!!!" "Cause she's mine"