> Hand Servant > by DecadantHandshake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Round One - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked into the gaping holes in front of me. There were two gaping holes ahead of me, four if you count the brown ones. Two thoughts went through my mind. The first: How is my life like this? The second: So, which one first? Heat flowed from them, and my every breath caused a shiver to go down their legs. "Taggart, please do hurry up and choose one, I'm getting antsy." Said Princess Celestia, desperation and anxiety leaking into her voice. Well actually, it doesn't so much leak as it does flow like a river. This had become a systematic task, and I had become very efficient at it. They had a pattern, and sometimes it was best to start with one, and let the other one ripen. I raised my thing. I'm not sure what it's called though. It is like a hoof, but it's squishy and it has five boney tentacles. I've got smaller ones on my feet. I don't know why I don't have hooves, but I guess that's another one of those things. I chose Luna. "Mmmf!" She bit her lower lip, and her front legs collapsed, slamming her face on the ground and shoving her hole farther along my tongue than I wanted it to. It was best to make her fully moist along the lips before going farther in; she likes it like that. I hope she doesn't reduce my feeding because of that, but I don't think I need to worry, she is panting already. I reached my weird tentacle things and began stroking her tail, she liked that more. The other five tentacles, I put to work on Princess Celestia. The small and thick one went up her dark hole, and the three longest ones went in her slick wetness. Celestia didn't fall forward or moan yet, she was too stubborn for that. Always had to be the strong one. It didn't really matter to me, nothing mattered much to me. I didn't have much of a life, I just spent my time inside, eating and running and fucking. It was a boring life, and it will continue to be so. Suddenly, something I had not anticipated occurred, Celestia leaned backwards, dragging my tentacles to the ground. She sat on them, shoving them deeper up inside her than I was able to do on my own. It hurt a bit, but that's okay, the painful part hadn't even come yet. I stopped stroking Luna's tail and moved up to her mane. She loved being touched slowly, tenderly. Celestia was the rougher one, but that's alright. I didn't expect to be able to deal with them both at the same time. While I could handle Luna with a hand and a tongue, Celestia was a different animal. She was rougher, she was tougher, and she took ten tentacles, a tongue and a rock hard dick. I had all three, but some were preoccupied by Luna, and I dare not take my hands off of her. She has a habit of getting very upset when she feels I give Celestia more attention than her. Celestia understood this, and so was content to toy with my tentacle things until Luna was satisfied. I turned from Celestia a bit, and began working to spread Luna apart into a good sized hole, and then I slowly pressed my face into it. As usual, the smell was overwhelming. I didn't need to think about what happened next. My tongue worked furiously to satisfy her needs, and lap up every bit of the precious liquid I could find. After about ten minutes of liqing and pressing deep with my tongue, an especially strong force of juice came over me. Luna was panting, and I knew she would be ready in time for step two. Looking back to Celestia, my right eye completely covered in Luna's juice, I took my thingies from Luna's hole, and shoved all ten of them into Celestia's hole. She grinned, seeing as how I was finally paying her the attention she so craved. Forking furiously, I found she especially enjoyed when I swapped the position of my arms, grinding the hard tentacles out. The scent she was giving off started to increase, and I found myself getting lost in it.. I knew what came next and thankfully, being under the spell of her body, I didn't think about how it would taste. I shoved my lower lips into her ass, along with my tongue, and sucked and licked all the inside. I prayed she wouldn't fart like last time. Fortunately, she wasn't in the mood for that. "Not today, Taggart. Just stick to the other hole, I'm not in the mood for that." I continued rubbing the insides of the Princess, enjoying how squeamish she would get. She still hadn't fallen forward, but I would get her too eventually, I just had to get creative. It was like a contest, between us. I was allowed to assault her in any way I want, unless she told me not to. Free roam, I could do whatever I want with her body. I just pretended to settle for one hole, but I would take all three before long. I was getting bored, six minutes had passed. I could tell she was getting bored as well. Suddenly, without warning, I jumped foreward on her, sending us both tumbling to the ground. Herb, being heavier than I, ended up on the bottom. "What is the-" She began, but I cut her off by sticking my tongue down her throat. I licked the inside of her walls, and moved myself all over her wide horse tongue. Luna was watching over to the side, and started rubbing herself with her hooved furiously. I looked at her, trying to convey that she was welcome to join us if she so pleased, but as usual, she was reluctant and shy. I shrugged inwardly, I can't be held responsible for her lack of- My train of thought was cut off, as it seems she had a burst of confidence. She was behind me, alternating between licking the inside of Celestia's hole and licking my now low hanging sack. It felt wonderful, it had been some time since Luna had given me this kind of treatment. I relished it, the tickling sensation was something I strongly enjoyed. Our body heat was starting to pile up on me, I couldn't take it anymore, it was just so fucking hot. I squirmed and wiggled, unable to get out from beneath Celestia. "Oh come now, Taggart, you aren't giving up already, are you? Well, this is a first. Very well, I don't want to break you." I scrambled out from beneath her form, balls smacking against Luna's forehead. I walked over to the side to get my energy and the lotion while they began rubbing their inner thighs together. So, while I'm over here, I suppose it's time to answer that first question I asked myself. Why is my life like this? I suppose- "Quit standing over there like a fool and get over here!" Luna snapped, obviously not being satisfied with the simple rubbing against another vagina. I mean, makes sense, that rubbing doesn't look like it would be very... effective? Yeah, looks a bit stupid. "As you wish, Mistress." I marched back to the pair, who were wrestling for dominance. I found this strange, as Princess Luna was usually docile and submissive. perhaps she had more stress on her. Or less, who cares. I would be applying a lot of stress on her soon. I proceeded to walk over to them, they were still wrestling over each other. I wouldn't be right in the action this time, I would just be massaging their horns. They seem to be extremely sensitive. I don't know why, I don't study magic, or anything. This is pretty much the highlight of my life, the rest is spent doing nothing... I leaned down next to them, careful not to get whacked by their constantly moving bodies. I poured some lotion on my hands and took a moment to think. Hmm... Usually, Celestia dominates, so I apply it to Luna since Celestia is already enjoying herself. This time, however, Luna is putting up a fight. I wonder what it would be like to see her dominate for once, so maybe I'll give her an advantage. "Taggart, I will say this once more, hurry up!" "As you command, Mistress." I reached for Celestia's horn, and began massaging the entire length, my right tentacles griped and moved up and down the shaft, while the left ones spun around the tip, eliciting those moans that I so craved. "Mu- Mu... Ohh! Tag... Taggart! Why... oh..." She was trying to say something to me, probably inquiring as to why I chose her first, rather than Luna. I didn't answer, since that was not one of my obligations. Gliding my hands up and down her length, her legs were all twitching, she was throwing her head back and forth, and her moans echoed down the hallways. With this weakness, she was overtaken by her sister, who then struck right at her sister's mouth, and I assume there was a great deal of spit swapping. Luna's hooves went down to her sister's vag, rubbing and pushing in furiously. It bored me, this entire affair bored me. I wish this would just end. I thought to myself. After about twelve minutes of furious wrestling, Princess Celestia' her eyes rolling back into their sockets, shouted to me. "I give up, she wins this round." Round. I suppose I should explain this word. These sessions go on for an entire week at a time, each day is it's own round. We have one battle a month, I'm not sure why it's once a month, but it goes on for a week and then it stops. It's like clockwork sorta. Anyway, I walked over to Luna, and placed myself behind her. Oh yeah, I forgot I was hard. Things like that stop mattering when your life is so dull. I took a few minutes to tease Princess Luna, but she was apparently not in a mood to be screwed with. Forcefully, she pushed herself off of her Sister and her ass landed on me, After readjusting herself, she was making eye contact with me, her vag hanging lusciously right over me. I wanted to tell her to just get it over with, but I've learned to withhold my sarcastic remarks. "Now listen Taggart," She began, ragged breath rolling out, "I am in no mood for you quitting out on my like you do with Tia. I don't care how hot it gets, how tired you get, or how heavy I am. I don't care if you are 'dried out', or if your legs feel like they're going to break, I'm getting the full two hours, and you are going to cooperate." She didn't ask for a reply, she just got right to the action. Moving her hips up and down my length, I was still in shock from her uncharacteristic behavior . Have I done something to anger her? If I have, I want to know what, so that I can do it again next time. I thought, enjoying the way she was asserting herself, not savagely like her sister, but expertly and precisely. My legs got the usual cramping from having the princess's large body on me, but since Luna was smaller than her sister, this was more bearable. She continued pumping me out until she got bored. When she lost her vigor, I took the hint that it was my turn to contribute. I picked her up, holding her by her ass, and backed her up against a wall so that the wall did some of the work holding her up. With her securely in place, I began ramming as hard as I could, banging her head into the wall a few times. She made no comment, and just took it. "Taggart, you seem to be lasting longer than normal." Luna said at about the eleventh minute mark. I'm your sex slave, not your friend slave. I'll fuck your brains out, but I don't want to talk to you. I thought to myself. Luna was't listening to my thoughts, but she noticed I didn't reply to her. "Are thou ignoring us?" She tends to lapse back into her old speaking ways when she is angry. I remember back before, when everypony did speak that way. That was over seven hundred years ago. Then they got into that stupid fucking hipster crap... I only watched from the windows of Canterlot castle, of course. Never in my life have I been outside this castle, unless you count the garden as outside. Of course, magical bonds prevent me from leaving. Anyway, it was time to diffuse the situation. I already have excuses preplanned, that is how boring this is for me... "No, my mistress, I would never offend you thusly. I was simply entranced in your beauty, and lost in my mind, thinking of more ways to please you." Celestia gave an audible snort, probably because I used that one on her a couple decades ago, word for word. Unfortunately for me, Luna took a different path than Celestia had. "New ways, you say? Well... variety is part of a healthy life, show me these new ways." Oh... well... Time to pull something out of my ass. "But of course, my mistress. Please, take your sister and exit the room till I call for you. I wish to set this up." I better think of something good. "This better be good, Taggart. Come, Tia, we will give him five minutes." She door closed behind them, trailing a small river of juices. Well... she was very aggressive today... very controlling... maybe I can use that... Of course! > Round One - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay Taggart, I'm coming inside. You better have this all set up." She walked in with Celestia trailing behind her, and they both gasped. I hung from the ceiling by a system of ropes and metal bars, keeping my legs and arms spread. I had set before my body a makeshift whip, ball gag and... well, I wanted to make certain that she had all the power she could be given, so I included some instruments such as a short metal rod with grooves along the side. I would have made more things, but there was only so much time and I only had so many resources. "This is..." Luna began, and then paused. "You like her more than me, don't you." Celestia said, a bit flatly. I think I smirked. I recall feeling pain so yeah, I probably did smile. Luna walked over to me, and observed the tools. She picked the whip up with her magic, and cracked it against the wall to observe. "How did you even make this?" She asked. I didn't answer. She looked over to her sister with a mocking smile. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" With a frown, Celestia saw herself out of the room, and closed the door. Just me and her now. I was entirely at her mercy. Fascinating. "So... How should I start?" She asked. "However it pleases you." I stated, trying to take some of the lack of feeling out of my voice. It didn't work, but she was accustomed to my blatant apathy to her, her sister, and the world in general. She picked up some more of the tools and looked at them all with confusion. "If you wish..." I began, wanting to move this along, "We could attempt forplay. Say, I pretend to be someone else, like a prisoner, or something. I have a number of prepared personas ready to be used." She thought for a moment. "Yes, I do like that idea. You are my prisoner, and I am here to punish you." "Oh please be gentle." I began, already getting into character. "For the atrocities you have committed? You and I are going to be here for a long time." She said, in a voice commanding and imposing. From this point and onward, the thoughts will be those of me affected by a forced personality. I only think I feel the way I do from here onward, I am still the same person though am unaware of it. The princess of the night stood before me, as I hung from the ceiling by my hands and knees. She had a sultry grin, and I was about to ask what was going on when, thwack! I found myself being whipped right on my ass and chest repeatedly. Thwack! Thwack! I grimaced at first, but then I found myself gasping and smiling. I was about to ask for more, but I didn't need to. She spent a few moments whipping me wherever she pleased, but then stopped. With tears and giggles, I found myself being lowered slightly from the ceiling. I hit the ground softly, and saw the whip being dropped. "This isn't my thing." Luna said, and moved the tools over to the side of the room. I looked up at her in confusion, and she turned to me with eyes boring deep into me. "Taggart." She said. "Uh... What?" I asked, still slightly quivering. "Wake up." The feeling of fear and anticipation left, and I remembered what was going on. "Alright then, Princess. If you aren't a dominating type, perhaps a slow paced, sensual mood will be more your speed." I walked up to her and pressed my lips tightly against hers. I had tried this method long ago, and it was successful. History... so repetitive. She got right in the swing of things, but I am stronger willed than she, and I forced her down onto her back. I stalled for a minute, not sure how to progress, and then decided to begin rubbing my hands all over her body. It stimulated her, I think. I thought about how soft she was, as I rubbed her back and down her legs. Pulling out from the kiss, I moved down to the area between her legs and began wetting my tongue all along the area between her thighs. It felt warm against my cheeks. I held my mouth there for a moment, not doing anything but enjoying her warmth, then I got back to tasting her wonderful juices. After a few moments, I was getting bored. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how I feel about it. She was enjoying herself, so I just had to put up with it. After a few moments of tasting Luna's insides, she grabbed my head with her hooves and pulled me up for more kissing. She muttered the name of some pony a couple of times. Probably pretending I was them. Lucky. I thought. Still making out with her, I positioned myself between her folds so I could enter suddenly. She must not have noticed me getting into place, however, because she gasped with surprise when I entered her and nearly sucked all the breath out of my lungs. I had to breath through her nose in order to make up for the lost air, and that was an experience I don't want to repeat. Anyway, gripping her rump tightly, I hefted her upwards to take in all my length. I slid in easier than a lollipop. I then rutted her for a good twelve minutes, and then she finally came. And so ended round 1. > Round Two - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the center of the room was the mat. Celesita and Luna stood at opposite sides of the room, psyching themselves up for the next fight. Celestia had a sly and devious look while Luna had a determined expression. She stands in defiance of the confident glow that emanates from Celestia, a glow that tells me she has a plan to win this one. She hadn't been prepared yesterday, but today would be different. From what I had heard her muttering, there is something strange going on with another pony named Twilight, something going wrong with an experiment. Such things are not my concern, my only concern is serving the princesses. Luna gave me a nod, and I walked over to her with a big bottle of oil and a rag. I kneeled down next to her, and she gave me another nod. I soaked the rag in oil and lathered her entire body down, from her neck down to her hooves, and even a little in her ass. When I had finished, and rubbed her soft fur to make sure it was nice and slippery, I felt a small pinch of pain cross my cheeks. I need to remember not to smile... I thought. When I was sure she was ready for this next round, I walked over to Celestia and waited for her approval. She gave me the nod, and I began getting the rag ready but she stopped. me. "No Taggart, I'd like you to use your hands." Celestia stated, an undertone of smugness present in her voice. Luna just stared at us impassively. I looked at my lady with confusion. "Hands?" I waited for an explanation. "You... You don't know what hands are?" She asked, a bit surprised. I nodded. "I've never even heard the term." She picked up my tentacle things. "These are hands. Now use them if you please." "As you command." I muttered, and got my hands lathered up and rubbed down her entire frame. My hands wrapped around her legs and moved up and down, roughly working the oil into her fur. Then, I lathered her plump ass and her underbelly. As I was finishing up her neck, Luna finally showed some irritation. "Are you quite through yet?" She snapped. Celestia smirked. "Yes, princess. I am." I said, and took my tools over to the side of the room. I sat back to watch the show. They approached each other, each step deliberate, intentional, all geared towards breaking down the other's confidence. And then there they stood, at opposite ends off the mat, Luna's eyes cold and calculating, Celestia's eyes full of mania and excitement. A big cheeky grin spread across her face. I can only assume it was meant to unsettle Luna. I know it unsettled me, but only because I was imagining how painful it would be if I smiled that much. There was a pause as they stood at opposing sides of the mat, and then Celestia walked onto it with a bit of spring in her step. She walked halfway across, Luna's legs twitching and ready to push herself away. The rules for this duel are: 1. Once you step onto the mat, you lose if you set any of your hooves off the mat. (Exception) If one pushes the other off the mat, the one who pushed the other loses. 2. No magic. (Exception) Unintentional use of magic due to stimulation of the horn is permitted. 3.You are not allowed to break a kiss by pushing the other away from yourself with your hooves. (Exception) You are allowed to hold the other person up against you with your hooves. Basically, you can force the other to continue, but you can't force the other to stop by using your hooves. 4. As per the norm, the first one to orgasm loses. With these in mind, I laid back and relaxed, ready to enjoy the brawl of lust that would play out before me. Since Luna had not actually stepped onto the mat, she could wait as long as she wanted and approach Celestia from any side without needing to worry about being rushed. However, Luna knew that her options were the same no matter what side she approached Celestia from, so after a bit of thinking She decided to just step onto the mat and observe. I was honestly a bit shocked to see that Celestia hadn't charged her sister straight up. I assume there was tension in the air. I've read books and they depict two warriors standing against eachother defiantly. Usually, there are vague, abstract and emotional words to describe the scene. The one for this one would probably be awe. A beam of light shone through the window and bounced off of the sun princess' flank, and hit Luna square in the eyes. Sunlight should not have access to this room... I thought, and looked to the window that was supposed to be closed. there was a pony about to wash it, and his jaw was agape as he saw an oiled up princess charging her sister who was rubbing her eyes. Moving quickly, I grabbed the bucket and dashed across to the window. I moved my hands in an arc and slammed the bucket through the window. The glass shattered, and the pony fell off of his lift thingy and fell down below. Unfortunately, he was an earth pony. Celestia had stopped in her tracks and they were both staring at me wide eyed. "What did you just do?" Luna was the first to speak. "There was a fly on the window." Actually, there was a fly on the window. I never said that was what I was aiming for though. "Taggart." Celestia growled, and I felt a shift in gears in the way I was thinking. It must have been something about her body language. "What I said was true, there was indeed a fly on the window." The sense of being a machine released me and I returned to being myself, not that I ever actually changed. "Isn't that a little exce-" She never got to finish that sentence, as Luna dashed away from her and onto the other side of the mat. I suppose she didn't feel that she could just tackle her sister, and was looking for another way to get to her. I'm thankful, as Celestia stopped talking to me and began closing in on Luna like a predator. I closed the wooden shutters, they were like two big doors on the window, and I turned to enjoy the show. Celestia continued to strafe left and right around Luna, closing the distance between them. Finally, she trapped the smaller pony into a corner and moved in on her. Luna's body slackened in a way that told me she knew there was no escape. Celestia moved in on her and pulled her into a deep kiss. Luna forgot to fight it for a few moments, and just enjoyed Celestia's tongue probing its way around her mouth. When she pulled back to reality, she reached her hooves up and began stroking the length of Celestia's horn. She dropped Luna and went into a wheezing fit. Luna took the opportunity to put her lips around her sisters horn. She tickled the tip her horn with her tongue, and rubbed her forelegs all along it's length. Celestia shuddered and clenched her teeth shut. She took deep breaths and did her best to focus... "Nngh..." She clenched her eyes in frustration, probably doing her best to think of a solution to this through the mind numbing pleasure. Struggling, she moved her hooves up to her sister. I thought she was about to push her sister off, and I was getting ready to grab the massive dildo so I could punish her for breaking the rules, but that wasn't necessary: Celestia was pulling Luna down farther on her horn. She paused for a moment, as if expecting something from Luna, but she was too busy furiously lathering the sensitive horn with her spit and then sucking it all off. After pulling her a little bit further, Luna began pounding her sister's head. Celestia released Luna, who pulled away from her bigger sister. Celestia sat recovering for a moment while Princess Luna worked her hoof into her mouth to make sure there was no blood. Celestia charged head on to her sister and, using the full force of her body, brought her down with a thud. I made a couple of steps toward the mat, acknowledging that this may have caused some manner of injury to Luna. But as I saw them struggling together, I was assured that Luna had not suffered anything debilitating. The two writhed over one another, the white of Celestia contrasted so greatly with the dark blue of Luna's coat that it almost reminded me of the yin-yang symbol. They were a sweaty mess: Celestia had positioned herself over Luna, whose head was beneath her tail. Celestia sat herself down on Luna's chest, who began wheezing due to the added weight. Then, she forcefully shoved her face between Luna's legs, and I stood in a kind of awe as I watched her greedily smack her lips against her sister's dripping slit. She pulled back for but a moment, only to press her muzzle in and take a deep whiff of the odor that was pouring out; she took it in a deep breath, and then began panting. A kind of frenzy descended on Celestia as she began panting and deeply inhaling through her nose. It seemed she could not get enough of this odor: this fragrance which I could feel lulling me slightly into a dreamlike state; it seemed I was already getting prepared to award the victor of this battle. Luna could do nothing bit sit there helplessly; thrashing side to side beneath her sister. It was futile: she had lost this battle. Celestia continued to gorge herself, pulling out to lick her lips and cheeks on occasion. Luna did her best not to moan or gasp for breath, she bit her tongue hard with her teeth, but she could not suppress the rumble deep in the back of her throat. It was involuntary, a grunt like Mmph as spasms of pleasure shot through her sporadically. And then, she came. "No, ah!" She cried out in desperation, scorning herself for this failure. Celestia took pleasure in the way Luna squeezed her tongue, it seemed to press the flavor deeper into her. She knew, though, that this battle was won, and it was time to reap the spoils of victory. She turned her head over to I; who simply gazed on in passivity. "So, how about you set up what you offered Luna yesterday? I think I will enjoy that quite a bit." I gave a curt nod. "As you command." I pushed out through my teeth, sternly but politely.