Chocolate Twilight

by CrimsonEquine

First published

Twilight soon discovers a new form more powerful than Rainbow Power could ever be.

Twilight Sparkle, after training days in the hyperbolic chamber in Celestia's castle has attained a new form to fight the next evil threat that will destroy all of Equestria.

Chapter Only: A New Day

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The sunny sky was bright, too much for any equine to endure. Ponyville was in shambles, the buildings destroyed and desecrated with urine. Nothing could stop the incredible power of the amazing and terrifying True Discord 2. He was the super evil clone of Discord created by Celestia in an attempt to mass produce the draqonequises power. Now he is on a rampage with anger towards his mother Princess Celestia for not allowing him and Discord to get married. Apparently there was strict anti-gay laws in Equestria and The Princess didn't like the idea that her creation didn't swing the right way. Discord was then ordered to destroy his counter part, but true love would know no bounds. He released his super clone versions true power and then Discord fused with Discord 2 to form True Discord.

Now, nothing could get in the way of the Draconequis power. With one last ditch effort, Celestia and the rest of the Princesses gave Twilight all of their magic once again. She trained to harness and harden the raw energy of the Princess power so it may be used correctly. Constantly condensing the energy and pushing her limits. The Princesses didn't know what they were in store with what Twilight would become with that much power. They waited weakly in the catacombs of Canterlot for the only savior of Ponykind. The energy of the Hyperbolic-Time chamber portal was sizzling with energy.

They sat and waited until they saw a hoof. The form that came from the portal was oddly Twilight as she always been. Wings, purple color, etc., hope melted off from all three alicorns.

Twilight only smiled, she closed her eyes and let loose the dormant form that she had achieved. Her body was of new, her mane spiky and furious with energy. Power circling like an aura around her. Her skin chocolate as a delicious and decadent candy bar. Her eyes white as snow and seeping with power.

"Good, Twilight, hurry, True Discord has already defeated all of your friends." said Princess Celestia weakly.

"Yes, the rainbow one, has sonic rain-boomed herself to oblivion, and the rest tried their best, only pink one was a match for him and we thought she would prevail, but it turned out her power stemmed from chaos as well and True Discord took advantage of that." said Princess Luna.

"Don't worry, I have a feeling that I'm more than a match for Discord this time." said Twilight.

With those words, she flew and broke through the ceiling of the catacombs. The rubble evaporated from the force she exerted on them. Breaking through the many ceilings in the catacombs, she finally found herself outside the garden of Canterlot.

My Friends, They need me, I must hurry!

Twilight flew at light-speed to her target. True Discord was currently letting loose the endless urine all over Ponyville. He suddenly jerked his head from what he was doing. Something was coming and it was flying fast. He turned around and was met with a blast of pure arcane energy. A explosion of smoke and then it evaporated to show a unharmed Draconequis. Twilight was angry, so angry that Ponyville was filled with a tsunami of piss. Everypony was trying desperately to swim to higher ground. Anything to be away from such a disgusting bodily fluid.

You should have let me piss all over Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle, you know well my capabilities

"No, the thing you forget is the power I gained and have transformed to! You will be defeated True Discord 2!"

Bellowing laughter was the only response Twilight got. With a raised hand, True Discord 2 fired a beam of pure energy. The Princess held back the beam with two hoofs and grimaced from the force of it. She raised her horn and fired a concentrated blast of obsidian-colored energy. True Discord 2 was almost taken aback by the blast and had to thrust both grasper to hold it off. The two fought each others force and pushed each other to the limit. In the end, True Discord's power was too much and Twilight barely could hold on.

A ethereal voice came through to Twilight Sparkle's mind.

Twilight! You have to win! The fate of all Equestria rests on you!

"I-I Can't! He is too powerful!"

You have the power! Just push yourself, I know you can do it! Think of your friends!

With those words, Twilight remembered all the valuable lessons she had learned with her now deceased friends. A surge of passion and rage exploded and Twilight's power escalated ten times that day. Her obsidian energy pushed the power of Discord away. He was truly surprised by the raw energy that was more than he could even fathom. Without a thought, he was blown away out of reality, vaporized by the power of Twilight Sparkle. With that blast, Twilight regained her old form and unconsciously fell to the ocean of piss. A voice resounded in her skull.

"Nnng, where am I?"

You did well Twilight, I Princess Celestia am proud of you

"You didn't answer my question."

We are in your brain Twilight. You have surpassed so much.

"What about my friends?"

Oh, we can just bring them back with The Elements of Harmony

With that, Twilight rested on the ocean of urine. Dreaming of tea parties and Flash Sentry.

Will Twilight be able to retrieve The Elements to revive her friends. Or will they be forever lost in the void of death!

Stay tune next time next time on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

'Guitar Riff Music.'


Twilight opened her eyes and saw a form above her floating. He had golden hair that was spiky. He had a orange training shirt with black boots. He reached out his hand to pick up the fallen alicorn princess. She raised hers and he grasped her hoof.

"Psyche Bitch!"

Then, Twilight Sparkle got pulled in and head-butted to the face.

The End.