> The Elements of Nightmare Moon. > by HanabiHyuga > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A black colt unicorn stood guard on the edge of a camp. The air nipping at his ears the dead sound of winter all around. " Well looks clear I think Celestia was wrong about Lunar troops coming this wa-" His sentenced was cut shot by a bright flash. "Where am I?" asked a Pegasus that came out of no where. "Who are you?" Asked the unicorn spear levitated in the air. "..." The Pegasus just stared at the unicorn. "What year is it?" The unicorn raised the spear to the Pegasus' neck and demanded to know his name. The Pegasus in total fear then replied "My name is Star Blazer... I'm here to help, I'm looking for Shine Bright. I'm from the future." The unicorn was in utter disbelief by what he said...Star Blazer. Was from the future. The unicorn trying to say something but his mouth wouldn't allow it. After quiet some time the unicorn finally spoke up. "I'm Shine Bright." ~~~ There was a Pegasus trotting around a track waiting for his time to be over. He was purple with blue and white hiar. His cutie mark was a yellow star encased in a yellow circle. "Very good citizen. Strength is required for citizenship . Your country salutes you for you effort Star Blazer" The speakers sounded. Star Blazer then stopped trotting allowing for the mare next in line to take his place. The speakers sounded again "Very good citizen. Strength is required for citizenship . Your country salutes you for you effort Lyra Heartstrings." Star left the work out station to meet up with his mare friend who was waiting at the entrance. She was standing at the a vendor reading yesterdays news. "Wow yesterdays news must seem pretty interesting." Star said heading up to Shine Bright. She was a dark blue unicorn her cutie mark was a pile of books. She always wanted to be a librarian but it dint pay enough so she now works at the Sun Maker factory with Star Blazer. "O tisk-tisk you know i never have enough time to read today's news so I'm always behind." Said Stary Night in her defense. "Well come on lets go to the facto-" His sentence was cut short by the speakers saying something. "Know you neighbor as you would know yourself. Knowledge is strength and strength is required for citizenship." "Does it have to be so repetitive?" Asked Star Blazer turning his head to Stary Night. "You know how much the Night Queen loves repetition." Star Blazer only slightly chuckled at her joke. 'God i hate the Queen' Star Blazer thought. Stary Night took the lead and started for the Sun Maker factory. The Sun Maker factory is the place where it all happens. Without it everypony would starve. Unicorns magically enchant the crystals pegasi and Earth ponies take them to the near by farms. "You know it didn't always used to be like this." Star Blazer said. "What do you mean?" Stary night looked at him in confusion. "The sun didn't only hangover the Zebra Nations. Before the Sun and the Moon would trade places." Star said looking out the window to the Moon. "The history books don't say that." Stary Night said moving to the window to gaze with him. "Come on i gotta take the crystals out. I'll meet you at the Factory entrance" He didn't wait for a response he then took off to deliver the crystals.. ~~~ Star returned to find Stary still reading yesterdays paper. "Wow still reading." "O shut up im reading whats for sale. And come on its late its 22:00" The two started down the road to Star Blazer's apartment until they were stopped by a mare dressed in black. She did not say anything but Stary Night could see what was going on. There were to much older ponies being dragged off into a prison carriage Stary Night was stepping forward before Star Blazer yanked her back and whispered. "Are you insane!? Do you want to go back to God Citizenship School again?" Then before the older colt was shoved into the Carriage he said. "Remember us." Once put into the carriage Stay Night asked the mare in front of them to know what they have done wrong. The mare in black was abut to speak but the Speakers cut her off. "Working is strength and strength is required for citizenship" The mare then nodded and walked away. "Are you crazy" Star Blazer asked grabbing a hold of her fore hoof. "Its not right Star... You know its not right." With a pep talk to calm Stary Night soon the two made it back to Star Blazer's apartment. Reaching the door to his apartment the speakers sounded again. "The state appreciates you service. Service is strength and strength is required for citizenship."Once inside the two proceeded to the bed and began to kiss. Stary Night then pushed Star Blazer on the bed and jumped on top of him. ~~~ The two laid in bed exhausted cuddling. Until Stary Night spoke up. "What if you could go back in time. Do you think we would still meet, Fall in love? Would the future be different if the world was... Happy?" Star mulled the words over in his head again and again until he spoke up. "What do you mean we are all happy right, happy and strong." Star sighed and thought to himself 'I hate it here' "Nothing in this world would make me happier than changing it. Nothing..." Star the got up and started for the bath room. "Hate it? How Do you know it would be so different... In the past? You never read a real history book... No pony has." Star Blazer stopped at the bathroom entrance and said "Because it was different." Once Star blazer was in the bathroom Stary Night started to look around his room. "How do you know that" She the reached under the bed and found an old book. "What is this." She whispered as she put the book into her saddle bags. Star Blazer then returned from the bath room to find Stary Night putting on her saddle bags. "I have to go. Come with me." Said Stary Night. "But what about curfew?" Star Blazer asked. ~~~ As the too were walking done the streets sticking close to the shadows the speakers sounded again."A clean mind is a clean city.... Your city is part of you, your country is made from you... And yes you are responsible." The two turned into an ally way. It seemed like a dead end until Stary Night casted a spell. "Run." she said as the bolted to the wall opening up. The was a long row of stars. Almost seemed endless. The two started their hike down. "What are we doing here?" Star Blazer asked. "You'll see, we almost missed it! It only comes to surface once a day on a rotating schedule..." She said looking back at the the door they were just at. Once they reached the bottom the wall opened up again. Behind it was a unicorn guard dressed in royal guard armor. "Hey Dark Side." Stary Night said as his horn then light up and scanned the two of them for weapons. "You're clean." said the guard allowing them to pass. Stary Night the whispered to Star Blazer. "This is the only place in New Canterlot where the heat and magical signatures can be hidden from above.... It took almost two decades to build piece by piece." "Build what!?" Star Blazer said. But Stary Night ignored him and continued. The two continued down a long hall until reaching a room with a long desk and papers littered all over it with 3 ponies behind it. "Stary Night! What is he doing here!" Asked a colt approaching us. "He's safe there's a reason. Call a meeting now" Stary Night said. "Impossible!! We have a test scheduled in twenty minutes. I asked you what is he doing here?" "Hey, man im right here what's the problem?" Asked Star approaching the colt before Stary Night held up a hoof to stop him. "Just call a meeting Octavian. I'll explain later." Stary night said levitating the book she stole from Star Blazer and handing it to Octavian. Octavian's magic engulfed the book. He brought it closer ho his face to study it. "Is that...? MEETING!!!!"