Gummy's Day Out

by LordCheekbone

First published

Gummy is let loose in Ponyville, and great shenanigans ensue.

When Pinkie Pie accidently releases Gummy from Sugarcube Corner, Gummy is free to roam Ponyville as he pleases. In his day of adventuring without the company of Pinkie Pie he models for Rarity, races with Rainbow Dash and battles with some menacing strangers.

Chapter 1

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The curtains parted and the sun shot in through the window in lacy rays, landing on Gummy’s scaly face. The sudden brightness in his weary eyes made him wince a little before accepting the beams of light as his wake up call. Alike to most mornings, Pinkie Pie was bouncing around gleefully whilst humming a merry melody which seemed to hang in the air before drifting into Gummy’s small indented ears. It was another beautiful summer’s day and Gummy sensed that Pinkie was excited, even more excited than usual, and to most people that would be a cause of concern for their own health! Gummy however, had grown to love and tolerate Pinkie’s craziness, just as Pinkie had learnt to love and tolerate him.

Pinkie noticed that Gummy had woken up and stopped humming her cheerful tune to greet him. “Rise and shine, Gummy!” Pinkie said, continuing her relentless bouncing, “Princess Celestia has given us another day of sunshine!”

She leapt over to his wooden basket and with the force of her landing, sprung Gummy out of his basket and onto the wooden floorboards. He composed himself and flipped himself back onto his feet. As per normal, Pinkie had ran a steaming hot bath for him and he wasted no time in waddling over and diving into the blissful liquid. Pinkie laughed “Wow, you got like three feet of air that time!” Gummy was pleased with himself, and did not bother to hide it from the eccentric mare. Pinkie laughed again.

Pinkie’s friends often wondered many things about her, but one of the main things was how she knew what Gummy was feeling at any given point. To the ordinary eye Gummy seemed constantly emotionless, yet somehow Pinkie could always pick up on his feelings; whether he was pleased, angry, jealous or even indifferent and that was what made Pinkie so beloved to him.

After five minutes of wallowing in the water Gummy hopped out and began to play with his white ball of string, using his extended snout to roll it this way and that, before he climbed on top and performed his favorite trick. He could walk the sphere of string around the whole of Equestria if he wanted, and he often had a mind to, just to get out of Sugarcube Corner.

He rarely got to leave Pinkie’s room and it was even more rare for him to step foot outside of Sugarcube Corner. He loved Pinkie with all his heart but he knew what he was; he was an alligator, and alligators weren’t meant to stay in a small room all day practising petty party tricks and taking hot baths. And he could tell that he didn’t fit in the world he currently inhabited by the way he was treated by everyone else; especially at the pet playdates. All the other pets thought he was strange, even Tank, and he was a tortoise who could fly!

Gummy hadn’t noticed that Pinkie was gone whilst he rolled around his string but she soon bounded back up the stairs into her room. “You up now Gummy?” Gummy blinked. “Good! ‘Coz Twilight and Fluttershy are here and we’re gonna’ go exploring in the Everfree Forest all day!” She beamed a great big smile in delight. Again, Gummy blinked “Aww, I’m sorry Gum-Gum; I won’t be that long gone! Come on, give Pinkie a kissy-wissy!” In his disappointment at another day confined to Sugarcube Corner he hesitated for a split second, but Pinkie’s gaping grin pierced his cloak of displeasure and he snapped his jaws onto the top of Pinkie’s head. Again Pinkie smiled before flinging Gummy off her head into the bathtub that still sat there. Gummy emerged from the now-lukewarm water and blinked. Pinkie laughed and trotted off down the staircase.

When Pinkie was working, out for the day, or simply ignoring Gummy; he had a range of things he liked to do. Firstly, he loved to dance. As early as he could remember Pinkie had given him dancing lessons “It’s all in the rump!” she would advise as Gummy waggled his tail to the beat of the music and Pinkie stomped the floor below her, often provoking complaints from Mr Cake below. Secondly, playing catch with his squidgy red ball had always been his favourite game, and his lack of teeth still meant the ball was in perfect condition. The most prominent feature to these frequent days however, was looking out of his window into Ponyville and the world beyond. He sometimes wondered where he’d end up in life, whether it be in a humid swamp miles away from Equestria or as a legendary reptile who prowled the rivers of the Everfree Forest invoking fear into the hearts of ponies, or as a friendly gator who told great stories to the colts and fillies of Ponyville and a respected friend of all Ponykind. He doubted the latter, but he thought that was what Pinkie probably expected of him.

He was about to start his gazing onto the streets of Ponyville when he noticed that Pinkie had left the door to the stairs open. Out of sheer boredom he decided to waltz down the steps one at a time and play in the shop for a while. Mrs Cake didn’t mind Gummy frolocking around the shop, rolling a ball of dough around or biting various hanging objects but Mr Cake was a little more strict with him. When he finally reached the bottom he saw that neither Mr nor Mrs Cake were at the counter and so he lay down and waited for them before he started to play. The bright colours of the walls and the smell of thick strawberry icing that enshrouded the air in Sugarcube Corner often made Gummy quite dizzy, but that day he didn’t feel quite as suffocated. As he recognized this, he regarded the cool breeze that was coming through the front door; the open front door.

I shouldn’t. Gummy thought to himself. Anyway, Mr and Mrs Cake are probably just outside and will herd me back in. He suddenly felt a tinge of awkwardness sitting there, expecting to be spotted by the Cake couple but receiving no such attention. He decided to waddle over to the door.

Still inside the boundaries of Sugarcube Corner he couldn’t see either of them out in the street but at that moment felt the cool air on his underbelly. He looked up at the sun and felt its happy waves caress his scales. The sun has made this day beautiful. I owe it to the sun to enjoy every last bit of it outside! Gummy thought to himself; but still he couldn’t make that step out into the town. He imagined what Pinkie would think if she came back and found him gone; would she be worried? No, Pinkie knows I can handle myself. And anyway, they’re only ponies! I’m an alligator! Gummy opened his great jaws and let out what he imagined to be a great roar, but what was instead a small gurgling cry, before taking a slice out of Pinkie’s sayings cake and hop, skipped and jumped out onto the sun-beat road.

Chapter 2

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As Gummy waddled along the cobbled path towards the market he couldn’t help but notice how busy it was underneath the full-faced blaring sun. He felt beads of sweat running down his hard scales and onto his snout and felt it was right to find a bit of shade. He found his cool solitude underneath a hanging plant pot on the side of the street and blinked as the temperature cooled his back and his feet, which were on the verge of burning from the sun-beat pavements heat.

After spending ten minutes underneath the pot he spotted one of Pinkie’s friends trotting down the road, probably on her way to the market. Gummy looked around for the orange mare’s pet Winona and noticed her wagging her tail and looking up at Applejack with her tongue out panting; obviously unphased by the heat. Gummy actually quite liked Winona, as she didn’t really judge him for what Mr Cake called his ‘antics’; mainly because she was just as bad. She kind of reminded him of Pinkie in the sense that she was simply like a non-stop furball of kinetic energy. Gummy decided to try and join the two but was cut off as soon as he stepped back onto the road by a large wooden cart being dragged along by a mule.

Now he was trying to follow a pony and a border collie who knew where they were going, were walking at speed and were being heeded by such things as ponies walking in the other direction, or wooden carts. Gummy found himself having to clumsily dodge wheels, hooves and a bucket of water somehow dropped from a high-up window. Eventually he managed to get into earshot of Applejack and for the first time realized that Applejack's little sister was there as well.

“Ah’m tellin’ ya’ sis!” Applebloom shouted excitedly, whilst hopping around her big sister “Ah could feed off this apple for a week!”

Applejack rolled her eyes but the trio disappeared into a crowd of busy ponies. Gummy could see that he was at the edge of the market square, and thought twice before deciding to plunge into the sea of stallions and mares. Once in the square, all he could see were legs, hooves and wheels and had lost all sense of direction.

Gummy started to blink ferociously. He wished that he was on Pinkie’s back, looking on as she greeted every pony she managed to lay her bright blue eyes on. He had a sudden urge to shut his eyes and hold his feet up to his ears and drown out all life around him but he fought back at the urge to repress his senses by convincing himself an alligator shouldn’t be afraid of ponies. I don’t need Pinkie, he thought, I’m an alligator and nopony can scare me!

Just as he had struck a blow against his claustrophobia he spotted a shiny red sphere fly through the air. Without consciousness, Gummy judged the trajectory of the ball and waddled to where it would drop. Without hesitation he looked up, opened up his jaws and let the ball plummet into his mouth. As soon as his bare gums touched the surface he realized it was not a ball he had caught and it was certainly larger than he’d previously estimated, he felt as though he had just caught Pinkie’s loose head.

“Mah apple! Mah apple!” he heard an onrushing filly shout. Applebloom skidded up to Gummy who held the huge apple in his pink mouth. Applebloom’s look of worry rapidly changed into relief and then gratitude for the baby gator. “You saved it! You saved mah apple!” she exclaimed before bumping Gummy onto her back, apple still in mouth, and trotting over to the apple stall.

In truth, Gummy thought the apple felt ripe and delicious, and had to restrain himself from attempting to take a bite even though his toothless gums would render this impossible and the fact his mouth was split so wide holding the apple, his jaw would struggle with a biting motion.

“Applejack! This here scaly friend o’ mine saved mah apple!” she exclaimed to Applejack who was serving a customer.

“Well that’s just great Applebloom ah...” once she had turned to Applebloom after she’d finished serving a hungry violet mare, she took a look at the petite reptile with the massive apple in its mouth and grinned. “Well if it ain’t little Gummy! Pinkie said all that catchin’ you do with that ball o’ yours would come in handy!”

When Winona caught sight of Gummy, the excited collie bounded up to where he sat on Applebloom’s back and gave him a big wet lick that almost took him off-balance.

“Careful Winona!” Applebloom said before placing Gummy on the wooden counter of their market stall. Gummy dropped the apple beside him. Applejack turned to Gummy and spoke in her cheerfully cultured, friendly tone.

“So where’s Pinkie Pie, Gummy?” Gummy looked straight on at Applejack with his big purple eyes. She gave a little chuckle “Well you certainly don’t give much away do ya’?”

For once Applejack was right to say Gummy didn’t show any emotions, because he put on his best poker face as soon as Pinkie was mentioned. He wondered if she would take him back to Sugarcube Corner and end his little journey out into Ponyville. I’ve had fun whilst I’ve been outside. He thought, and I’ve made a new friend in the young filly, she surely won’t forget that I saved her giant apple.

“Can you see Pinkie anywhere Applebloom?” Applejack asked the young filly.

Applebloom seemed to take a glance left and right before coming to a hasty conclusion. “Ah can’t see nuthin’!” she answered.

Applejack gave a concerned face. “Well if Pinkie ain’t around, what in tarnation is Gummy doing at the market?”

Suddenly, from the dense crowd of market-dwellers emerged a beautiful chalk-white unicorn with a curled purple mane and a three glistening diamonds upon her flank. Opalescence’s owner. The unicorn rushed up to the stall obviously in a terrible rush.

“Oh Applejack, I am in dire need of your assistance!” she bawled. Gummy looked over Rarity in search of her malicious mammal pet, but there seemed to be no sign of her or her sharp claws; to the relief of Gummy.

“Calm down sugarcube,” Applejack said “what’s all this rushin’ for?”

Rarity looked in quite a tad of distress as she rambled on about how she was hosting an fashion show for some famous designer at her boutique, but how she needed Opalescence to model some clothes designed for pets and the cat had fallen ill.

“Pets wit’ what-now?” Applejack duly questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Rarity looked a tad exasperated at her lack of empathy. “It’s a little pet-owner dress matching thing I’m doing, but that’s not the point! The point is poor Opal’s temperature has risen riiiight up and she can’t model anymore! Is there any chance I could persuade dear Winona to take her place? Please, please, pleeeease!?”

“Ah’ shoot ah’m afraid she can’t Rarity,” Gummy watched as the Unicorn’s face dropped in disappointment “It’s her birthday today an’ we’re all celebratin’ it at Apple Acres in half-an-hour or so. We’re truly sorry.”

Rarity looked exasperated to the point where she might have burst into tears. “Grrr!” she growled in frustration, “this is a disaster, a disaster!” She leaned upon the counter and covered her face. “Now my only choice is to run to Fluttershy’s and see if I can grab Angel! Oh but I simply don’t have enough time!” her muffled voice went on.

Applebloom took a look at Gummy and started jumping up and down. “Well, why don’t y’all let Gummy do it?” she asked.

Rarity looked up, and at last she noticed the scaly gator with his elephantine purple eyes. She didn’t look overwhelmingly relieved however, but more concerned. “Gummy?” Rarity asked no-one in particular “but what does he know about modelling?”

“No doubt no more than Winona or Angel know.” Applejack smiled.

“Yeah and Gummy would look great!” Applebloom added.

Winona gave a solitary bark to add her approval and Rarity seemed to convince herself a little more. Gummy blinked anxiously at Rarity’s change in expression.

“Hmm, well maybe if we gave you a hat and dulled the fabrics a little then you could get by.” Rarity told him “It’s just your lack of expression that worries me.” Then she gave a small look of thought and turned swiftly back to Applejack “But where in Equestria is Pinkie?”

Applejack gave a worried smile “Ah’m damned if ah’ know.” she replied.

“Then wherever did you find him?” Rarity questioned suspiciously.

“Well Applebloom flung her precious apple somewhere an’...”

“An’ Gummy caught it in his big wahd jaws didn’t ya’ Gummy?” Applebloom interrupted gleefully. Gummy blinked.

Rarity gave another pause for thought. “You don’t think Pinkie will mind if I borrow him for a while do you?” She asked with a nervous smile.

“Ah’ doubt it.” Applejack replied “Not if this fashion... thing means so much to you anyway.”

Rarity beamed at Applejack and then at Gummy. “Come on Gummy I’m going to dress you up and turn you into the most stunning reptile in all Equestria! Hop on!” she said smiling.

Gummy hesitated but after looking at the beautifully gleeful face of the chalky Unicorn he snapped his jaws around Rarity’s mane. Usually this would have sent Rarity into spasms of rage, but luckily she knew what generosity was and instead pleasantly corrected his position from her mane to her back. She said a pleased farewell to the Apple sisters and the two then trotted along the cobbled robe, heading for the boutique. Had Gummy known what was in store he might not have accepted Rarity’s ride, but at that point he was absent of worry and happy to be in such a nice pony’s presence. Even if she did own the most vile pet in all Equestria.

Chapter 3

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Gummy bobbed along the cobbled roads of Ponyville on the back of the milky-white unicorn Rarity, who was whining nervously to him about her concerns with the upcoming fashion show.

“But I don’t know if he will like it! Navy blue is in this season but I don’t know if the season is in still in! What if the head dress I made for Opal is too large for you? Will he want a pet with undersized clothes at the gala? Oh I’m truly and utterly flustered Gummy!”

Gummy didn’t respond. He didn’t know what in Equestria she was going on about; something to do with fashion he supposed. He stared on, wondering when they would get to her boutique.

As Rarity went on trotting and chatting Gummy noticed the odd looks that the other Ponyville residents were giving them; they had never seen the beautiful and esteemed fashionista with such an ‘uncouth’ and slimy reptile as she may have put it. Gummy felt a bit out of place. Underneath him he could feel the warm and polished coat tickling his underbelly like a patch of freshly-mown grass, and he sniffed her curved hair and spluttered a cough which was enticed by the sweet fragrance. In that moment Gummy really did feel as though he was in the company of some sort of royal princess, and a sense of importance flushed inside him. This feeling made him stand up on Rarity’s back and after a few steps he lost balance and toppled off her back and onto the pavement below.

Rarity turned and sighed at the sight of Gummy clumsy and helpless on his back, and then glanced at a young colt giggling at the alligator. She gave him a stern glance and he turned his head and trotted off. “Gummy please we must hurry, Sapphire Shores’ brother Garnet will be there soon and we must welcome him!” She gave another concerned look and said quietly, “and your lack of balance does not bode well for when you walk down my catwalk.”

Rarity beckoned him to retrieve his place on her back but without thinking he snapped his jaws around Rarity’s head. Gummy immediately regretted and braced himself for the expected reaction of being swatted off by the hoof of the unicorn. Instead, obviously affected by the heat and stress, she groaned and trotted on with Gummy’s toothless jaws covering the side of her head from chin to mane.

On they went receiving even more strange looks from onlooking ponies, to which Gummy felt a tad awkward. I never get these expressions when on Pinkie’s head, he thought, maybe I should let go of her. He quickly remembered Rarity’s reaction when he had fell off her back and thought against it.

After a short trot the odd pairing turned the corner to their final destination and Rarity gave a shriek as she saw a small band of important looking ponies standing at the door of her boutique and rushed to pull Gummy’s gums off her delicate head. After struggling for a second with the suction the gums were released and Rarity’s head free. Gummy hopped onto her back again.

Rarity rushed up to a tall, shiny, maple coated stallion with a short silver mane who was waiting patiently with two other stallions and a chubby black cat purring and rubbing against the maple stallion’s legs.
The maple coloured earth pony was indeed Garnet Shores, the pony of pop: Sapphire Shores’ twin brother and a famous politician in Canterlot. When Rarity received a letter from him about her fashioning some designs for his most beloved pet cat for the Grand Galloping Gala she almost swooned at the prospect of meeting him. Not only was he smart and important, but he was also esteemed for his fashion sense, and rather handsome.

“Hiiiiiii!” She shouted uncharacteristically, to the sudden shock of the black cat who hid behind the hooves of the stallion.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry!” she continued nervously “my name is Rarity.”

The stallion’s face lightened up. “Ah, of course! I am Garnet...”

“Shores! Yes I know...” she giggled nervously and in awe as they bumped hooves. “I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting outside like some... commoner!” Gummy sensed her unease at saying such things.

“It’s is no problem Miss Rarity, we were here only seconds until you came trotting up, I’ve heard all about you from Sapphire.” He smiled, before giving a little exclamation as if he’d just remembered something. “These here, are my personal guards, Mulberry and Gooseberry” the two nodded at Rarity, “and this here is Minnie, the pet I told you about.”

“Of course!” Rarity said still smiling wildly.
“Say hello Minnie.” The cat brushed against Rarity’s legs and purred softly. Gummy imagined Opalescence doing something so gracious, never in a million years.

Rarity looked behind her at Gummy and said. “Ah yes! And this is my... ahem... my pet Gummy.” Gummy blinked. “Say hello Gummy!”

Rarity looked on in shock horror as Gummy snapped his gums around Garnet’s head as though he were greeting Pinkie. Mulberry and Gooseberry were quite taken aback and Minnie simply stood there startled. To his credit, Garnet did not flip out as some other famous ponies might have, but after initially flinching he gave an awkward chuckle.

“He’s quite the friendly gator isn’t he?”

Rarity tried pulling Gummy off Garnet’s face via pulling with all her might, whilst uttering apologies, making the suction nearly rip off Garnet’s flesh. Mulberry and Gooseberry looked quite amused at the sight but still Minnie stood there silently with her hair on end. Eventually, Rarity pulled Gummy off and with a snap and a crash, her and Gummy ended up in a heap on the floor. The two guards were in near stitches until Garnet gave them a fierce look.

Rarity brushed herself off and continued her apologies. “How embarrassing! I’m so so sorry Mr Shores, I...”

“Please, it’s OK Miss Rarity.” He reassured “Now I believe we have some certain business to conduct?”

Rarity forced a smile and agreed. “Of course, follow me. Come Gummy!”

Gummy waddled alongside Rarity into her boutique. As he entered he was still wary that he might spot Opalescence, the cat he so very much hated. He also wondered whether the new cat he had just encountered might hold a grudge against him, now that he had bit its master around the face; he hoped not.

Garnet looked impressed once he’d walked in, though Gummy wasn’t sure if it was feigned or not. “This place is fabulous Miss Rarity!”

Rarity blushed, “Thank you Mr Shores.”

“Please, call me Garnet.” he replied.

Again Rarity blushed. That was until she saw Gummy in the corner of her eye. She beckoned Gummy onto her back and this time Gummy obliged, not wishing to upset the unicorn again. Rarity took him behind a screen where Gummy could see boxes and racks of clothes, some pony sized, some cat sized. Rarity set him down and looked at the Gator sternly. “You wait here whilst I chat to Garnet for a bit and make him feel at home. Do not, and I repeat do NOT, move!” She turned away in a huff.

Gummy stood there for quite a while whilst Rarity talked with Garnet about fashion and how Sapphire was doing and other bland small talk, and in all this time he didn’t even know what the gator was doing here. He knew he was helping Rarity with some fashion thing, but who was the new Stallion he’d never seen before?

Before long Rarity returned. “Good, you’ve not moved! Now what I’m going to say is very important, just follow my lead and hopefully everything will go OK. Understand?”

Gummy’s eyes blinked in canon.

“I said, understand?”

Gummy could think of nothing else to do but leap up in the air, and land on his face. Rarity sighed and went over to the boxes and racks of scattered clothes. Gummy watched as Rarity’s blue magic sorted and shifted the somewhat glamorous fabrics and jewels which inhabited the corner. Gummy saw that Rarity was floating a golden tiara with a large diamond implanted into it, over to him. He let her put it on him, as well as a necklace with other sparkly silver jewels. He felt very strange.

“Hmm, the tiara isn’t angled right. Maybe a bit towards the left, no the right, no the left...” Gummy blinked as Rarity paused. “Perhaps not the tiara.” The golden crown was lifted and replaced with a more plain bronze one with smaller gems implanted all around it.

Rarity smiled and suddenly a flash of blue magic came from the horn and music began to play. The next thing he knew he was levitating and floating through a flap in some curtains and placed down upon a catwalk, faced by Garnet, Mulberry and Gooseberry and Minnie. Gummy had a slight urge to leap in the air or cough wildly as Garnet examined him, but he restrained it, making sure not to give away any emotions.

“Hmm, that would look rather fetching if I had some sort of silver suit to match... what do you think Minnie?” Garnet asked.
Minnie, who was originally scowling at Gummy, started to cheer up at the thought of looking as glamorous as the alligator did.

“Yes I quite agree.” Garnet smiled and from several metres away behind a curtain Rarity began to jitter as Gummy’s success as a model became obvious.

Four more models later, and each time being approved of by both Minnie and Garnet, the maple earth pony politely asked Rarity to stop.

“Well Rarity, I am very happy with what I’ve just seen, I knew Sapphire recommended you for a reason! I’ll take the lot!” He announced.

Rarity went starry eyed at if she’d just been proposed to. “You will? Oh, that’s wonderful!” she clapped her hooves together in glee.

“Not just that, but I’ll recommend you to all the ponies in Canterlot for their pet-dressing needs!” he laughed “Which brings me onto what I need to wear for the gala, and after seeing these wonderful pet-sized outfits, I can only speculate what you could do with a pony’s wear!”

Again Rarity jittered in pure happiness.

Once Garnet and his band had said their farewells to both pony and alligator, Rarity took one look at Gummy, leaned down till his snout was touching her nose and beamed. Gummy blinked. “You. Were. AMAZING!” She exclaimed. After waltzing around with Gummy in her hooves some more, she finally relaxed and retrieved some more clothes from the box.

“As a token of my gratitude,” the mare began “I’d like to present to you this fabulous amulet!” Rarity said in some over-dramatic voice as she placed a ruby-crested amulet around Gummy’s neck and smiled as he blinked in what she could only assume was satisfaction.

Gummy knew there was only one way he could ensure that Rarity knew he was pleased, and once again his mouth was around Rarity’s head. Rarity giggled even as his gums messed up her mane.

About an hour later Rarity set off with Gummy on her back once more, sporting the shiny amulet as she trotted in the direction of Sugarcube corner. It was near mid-afternoon and Gummy was resigned to ending his day out in Ponyville. He lay on Rarity’s back and yawned slowly but quietly, to which Rarity chuckled.

She only laughed for a second before she was bowled over by a force which seemingly appeared from the sky. For the second time that day, Rarity lay at the bottom of a heap on the ground. Gummy ended up standing on top of the pony stack that lay under him, but dizzy as he was he didn’t hold the position for long, and tumbled down onto the road below.

Once he’d regained himself he saw a cyan coated pegasus mare with a dazzling rainbow mane and an even more dazzling rainbow tail. She must have been what plowed them into this pile. “Aha, sorry about that Rarity...” she laughed apologetically.

Rarity was not amused. “What is the meaning of this rough and tumble? You’ve gotten my mane all dusty Rainbow Dash!” She whined.

The two got up and brushed themselves off. “I’m sorry but I’m in a heee-uuuge rush, have you seen Fluttershy?”

“No dear I have not.” The unicorn replied bluntly.

“Aw man!” Rainbow groaned. “I’ve been looking for her everywhere!”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Well whatever do you need her for?”

“Weeeeell,” she started, slightly embarrassed “I’m actually hoping I could grab one of her animals. See, I need to compete in this race but I need to have a rider, else I can’t enter! Nopony wants to do it for some reason and Scootaloo is busy so I don’t know who else to turn to?”

“Whyever do you need to enter?”

“Because the Wonderbolt’s are gonna be there!” Rainbow Dash replied.

Gummy knew what Rarity was going to say next, and he cringed even as the words came out of her mouth. “Why not take Gummy?”

Rainbow looked confused and then spotted the gator to the side of them. “What’s he doing with you? Is Pinkie around?”

Rarity laughed nervously. “No.... and it’s a long story, but Gummy’s been helping me with some business.”

“Can I borrow him?” Rainbow Dash blurted out.

Rarity looked at Gummy and then back at the pegasus. “Well, it’s not really for me to decide...”

Before her or Gummy even knew it Rainbow Dash had flew across to the helpless alligator and took off into the sky with Gummy holding on to Rainbow’s mane with dear life. Rainbow smirked and tried to project her voice to the reptile on her back. “You better hold on tight Gummy, we’re going to Cloudsdale!” And with that Rainbow Dash increased her speed and flew out of the sight of Ponyville.