> Moon Guide My Dreams > by Eliyora > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOON, GUIDE MY DREAMS Chapter 1: Garden of Shadows Written by Zak Kayes and Kathrine Hawkins Sunlight filtered through the small part between the curtains, casting down directly on Shining Armor’s eyes. He grunted, raising a hand to shield his eyes briefly before groaning. Once he was awake, he was awake, so he didn’t bother trying to roll back over, just giving in and yawning. As he moved to stretch, he realized one of his arms was pinned down by someone’s weight. He looked over towards his bedmate, and blinked for a moment when he saw a dark blue, flowing mane that glistened like stars. Princess Luna was sound asleep on top of him. Shining stared at her for several minutes as memories of the previous night began returning to him. He smiled softly, gently petting her hair with his hand affectionately. She really was beautiful, and she was very special to him by now. However, the longer he looked at her, the more guilty he felt. This whole thing had been going on for a while now, but it had taken this for him to realize that this was quite possibly the worst mistake he had ever made in his life… After all… he wasn’t a single stallion. ~!~3 WEEKS EARLIER~!~ With the way things were going for Shining Armor, he had desperately needed a change of scenery. Waking up in the bed of a lovely princess and managing an entire kingdom was a dream come true for him. His childhood sweetheart in one hoof, a Prince to a kingdom, the Crystal Empire no less, in the other...there was all the makings of a position nearly half of Equestria would kill for. Was though, being the operative word. The familiar white stallion sat on the navy blue pillows of the Crystal Express, wandering eyes gazing out to the sights that seemed to quickly pass them by. Time just...went too fast. And so, in the limited time he had, he’d often daydream. His managing position would often keep him up into the late hours of the night and with people constantly tugging and harassing on him, it had been awhile since he had gotten a form of sleep longer than 5 or 6 hours. He had tried to remain awake during his wife’s long storytelling sessions but even still, the unicorn prince had found himself slowly drifting… “Shining Armor? Are you even listening to me?” The snippy tone of his wife made him open his eyes and turn to fully look at her. “Hm? Sorry?” was all he could manage. “Umm, yeah. We can go with the buttercream this time for the cake.” Cadence frowned. “You weren’t listening at all!” she snapped. “We decided that hours ago!! UGH!! I swear, Shining!!!” The only thing that seemed to bother Shining Armor was his wife being angry at him. Changelings and shadowy tyrannical unicorns were nothing compared to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s displeasure. “Sorry.” sighed Shining. “I thought I could maybe sneak an hour or two of sleep in before we get to Canterlot. It’s a 9 hour train ride anyway, right?” “Well you’re not the only one who’s lacking sleep, you know,” she reminded him, her tone highly irritated. “But we have things we need to figure out before we get there. I was trying to figure out which topics to discuss with Celestia, Luna, and Twilight on the first day, and you need to pay attention! You’re just as much a part of this meet as the rest of us, Prince Shining Armor! We’ll have the entire night to sleep for once. Isn’t that why we decided to not have this summit at the Empire?” “I thought it was mostly so we could get out of the Empire and see some old faces?” he asked curiously. “It’s been months since we’ve seen the others and well, we could--” Cadence sighed and Shining almost immediately stopped in mid sentence. “Okay, yes, that too, but still. One thing I am looking forward to is a full night’s sleep. Between running the Empire and trying to be a good wife, I’m a very exhausted mare, you know?” He reached out and took her hand in his and tried giving a comforting smile. “I know. You’re a great wife. We’re both trying everything we can to keep those people happy but maybe we can use these weeks to just, I don’t know, relax?” “This is still a summit, Shining. We both still have responsibilities to fulfill,” Cadence responded, barely even acknowledging his affectionate gesture. Shining blinked briefly and then leaned back in his chair, quickly hiding his disappointment with an almost forced chuckle. “Right, right, I know.” Clearly I know what's on her mind 24/7… Cadence nodded, giving him an approving look. “Anyway, what I was saying before…” She returned to discussing the political topics that were to be the focus of their first meeting, and Shining sighed internally. Lately, Cadence had been about little more than her work, about being a ruler. The Princess of Love seemed rather blind to any loving gestures or words he showed, and it was extremely frustrating. There had even been times recently where he wondered why he had married her... “...Cadence?” he asked briefly, a thought occurring to him. “Yes?” she responded, looking at him. “Why are we taking the Crystal Express?” he asked. “I thought we would take the Ponyville Express? We didn’t need to take our private train, right?” Cadence gave him a surprised look. “You… don’t wish to spend our trip alone together? That was why we took our private train, wasn’t it?” Oh dear… “No no, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just we always take that one train, I figured we’d give our umm...conductors a rest? It’d be nice to just socialize with others again that AREN’T whining and begging for things to be the way they want.” Cadence frowned. “You know, you could just tell me directly that you would prefer to spend time with others over your wife. It’s not like I couldn’t take it. I just thought it would be nice for it to be just us for a while. But if that’s what you prefer, then by all means.” Cadence stood up and started walking away from him, looking hurt and angry. “Cadence I--” The banging door silenced him before he could finish and he sighed, looking out the window. “...I meant that we don’t have to keep living like royalty and maybe show we’re not like everyone else there…” I know how you feel… Shining jolted slightly and looked around, standing up from his seat and looking down the aisle. Not a soul to be seen yet it sounded, the voice, like it was right in his ear. He kept looking around briefly and sat down, debating on whether or not he should have gone after Cadence. She was known to be blind on certain views and he had often hinted that he’d prefer not to be treated like royalty but somehow it seemed counter intuitive. So he had said nothing. Getting up, he decided to go and look for her. ~!~A FEW HOURS LATER~!~ Shining smiled as the train pulled into the station. It had been a long time coming, but he was finally back in his hometown, and even more, he was going to get to see Twily. As the doors opened and he and Cadence stepped out, he was instantly smothered in a tight hug from said little sister, who herself was grinning broadly. “BBBFF!! Cadence!!! I’m so happy to see you two!” she said excitedly, moving from hugging her brother to hugging her sister-in-law, who returned the hug with great enthusiasm. “It’s great to see you too Twilight!” Cadence replied, giggling at her child-like enthusiasm. “Glad to see you Twily,” Shining said, chuckling as well. “How’ve you been?” “I’ve been good,” Twilight responded. “What about you two?” “We’ve been great!” Cadence answered before Shining could. “I have so much to tell you, and I want to hear all about what you’ve been doing too! You want to get some coffee and catch up?” “Yeah, that would be great!” Twi replied cheerfully. She looked at Shining. “You coming Shining?” “Oh don’t worry, he knows girls need girl time,” Cadence said, preventing him from answering again. “Well I--” Before he could finish, Cadence took to the skies and almost dragged Twilight away by her wing. They moved too fast for him and she had just left him there…with all of their luggage...far from the palace. He grumbled quietly, grinding his hoof into the sturdy wood floor before sighing. “...3 guesses why she’s angry.” A couple of hours saw Shining getting himself and the luggage to the palace and spending the rest of the time wandering around aimlessly. It was good to be home again, but somehow he just felt… lost. With Cadence having taken the first chance she could to ditch him and dragging Twily along for the ride, Shining was pretty much left to his own devices, and he was unhappy enough that sleeping was out of the question. Eventually, he found his way to the gardens and sat under a large tree, watching at the moon was raised into the sky. He smiled. He had always enjoyed looking at the moon and the stars. It had become something of a comfort in the Crystal Empire whenever something like what had happened today occurred. Relaxing a bit, Shining leaned against the tree trunk, one hand idly plucking at stray strands of grass in his boredom. Out of his uniform, he had donned a simple blue sweatshirt with black stars on the back as well as skinny jeans and white sneakers. “Somehow the moon looks so much closer and alluring here.” he mused to himself. “They don’t look so far away. I could pluck one of those stars out if I wanted.” A chuckle rumbled quietly in his throat and he sighed in content. “...I should get out more. More often with walks. I need to keep up this physique somehow. What I wouldn’t give to just...move back here. This place feels more like home than anything. No carrying a kingdom on my shoulder, no burdens that drain me to the point of no sleep...sleep sounds so good right about now…” “Perhaps I can help?” said a voice. Shining looked up in surprise. Princess Luna was standing right next to him, looking concerned. “Princess Luna.” said Shining, almost immediately standing up and saluting, finding himself standing at attention. It was an instinct but one that he knew he had to do. Luna smiled and shook her head. “Relax my friend. We are on equal footing, are we not? You do not need to salute me in such a manner, Prince.” “Shining.” he started. “Please. I have enough people referring to me as Prince back home. If that’s alright? If we’re on equal footing, a first name basis is a little more casual...Luna.” “I would like that,” Luna agreed. “But enough of that. You seem very troubled. What’s on your mind, Shining?” Shining chuckled quietly. “Oh if I could get it all out in one go, I’d probably bore you. I’m here for a summit with Cadence and so far, I’ve kinda just been wandering. Catching up with old friends, browsing the new shops, I haven't been here in ages and they still remember me from when I was little. Most of them at least. I seem to be the only one that wants to be here for not JUST business, you know?” “I see,” Luna replied. “Well, if it helps, I understand, and I agree. There should be more to this summit than simple politics.” “...to tell you the truth, I’m terrible with politics.” he said with a light sigh. “I just wanted to join the royal guard, help others, fight invading forces...not sit in a chair and discuss taxes, formal arrangements, and treaties that mostly fly over my head. Clearly I know where the brains in my family went to.” “That is unfair to yourself, Shining,” Luna protested. “Your focus simply lay elsewhere. I am much the same. My sister has the mind for political affairs. I was always far more inclined towards artistry, which is the reason I have always been very proud of my night sky. We have in common that we can be leaders when need be, but neither of us enjoys the drier aspects of that role.” With a wave of his hand in agreement, Shining finally had a more confident grin.“Exactly! Finally, someone who gets it. It would be nice if there were less drier issues for me. It would make things around home a little more uhh...interesting.” “Interesting? Such as?” Luna asked, curious to hear what he would prefer to handle. “It’s more like lack of interesting,” mumbled Shining. Luna blushed as she realized what he was referring to, looking down at the ground. “I… I see,” she said quietly. “I mean I don’t want to talk about her behind my back.” said the stallion, shaking his head. “I don’t want to come off as complaining or whining. But just, in general, things haven’t been what I expected.” He looked to Luna. “...you won’t tell anyone “Of course not,” Luna promised. “I would never betray you like that, Shining.” He nodded. “Okay. Everything before we got married was great. Vacations, sightseeing, going to places we had never gone, it was like a normal life. But then after and when she became the ‘Sovereign’ as the Crystal Ponies call her...she just started to focus more on the political parts. For example, she was never tired. She was always upbeat and energetic in...well a lot of ways. She’d almost wear ME out but now, it’s always ‘Oh I’m tired’ or ‘I have things to do.’ and stuff. Even with this summit, I just suggested we do relaxing since we’re gonna be here for 3 weeks and she got offended yet...the moment she got off the train, she just ditched me for Twilight. She just left me with our luggage miles away from the hotel. I only packed one suitcase and she packed like what, three? I just...is it me? Did I do something wrong?” “I sincerely doubt it’s you,” Luna assured him. “You have always been a courteous, considerate, affectionate stallion. In the entire time I’ve known you, you have always shown Cadence tremendous love and attention. I cannot fathom how you could have done something wrong.” He looked to her and decided to walk over to her, stopping in front of her. “You barely know me though. We only spoke once and that was at my wedding. It’s funny though...I don’t know why I speak with you or Celestia on a daily basis. It’s certainly not because I don’t like either of you, I do. But...ugh!” He turned and ran his fingers through his mane. “...I wanted to come here to hopefully ride these three weeks and already I’m stressed out. Badly.” “...that is fairly obvious,” Luna said quietly. “Listen, the summit will not take the entire time, that is a promise. Not even Celestia could tolerate a solid three weeks of discussions. You can always use the time in between to relax and rejuvenate yourself, correct?” “Hopefully yes.” nodded the prince. “...I hear the spas here are good. I’m sure things will get better, I’m usually optimistic but...this time I’m not sure. I’ve barely been able to sleep and I need it badly but my body isn’t letting me. And I want to let off stress but the only powerful way I know is...well…” “Well, at least let me aid you with the sleep at least,” Luna said, her horn glowing softly. Shining shook his head. “Luna, I couldn’t impose on you like that.” “It is a simple spell that will make sleep come easier to you,” she assured him. “It is no bother. You should have restful sleep at very least, and I can aid you with that. Please let me?” Though he didn’t realize it, he was actually blushing that Luna, a mare that he had admired for quite sometime, would offer to help him despite barely knowing him. He didn’t want to be rude and say no yet he found himself reluctant. Her eyes on the other hand were having a not-so-hard time convincing him that rejecting a gracious offer would not be the wisest decision. So he nodded and took her hand in his, smiling to her. “I don’t think I should pass that up.” he said, bringing the back of her hand up to kiss gently. “...will I see you again?” Blushing herself, Luna nodded. “I should think so. You are here for three weeks after all,” she replied. “Now relax, and close your eyes. This will not send you straight to sleep, but when you do lay down to rest for the evening you will find it far easier to sleep.” A soft blue aura wrapped around Shining, soothing him greatly and making him relax a lot more than he had for a long time. And he was right to not say a word in protest. Simply nodding, he nodded towards her. “Same time tomorrow, here.” He turned and lightly waved towards her before going towards the exit of the garden, pausing briefly and looking at her. “...it’s a beautiful garden by the way. What is it called?” “My Garden of Shadows,” Luna answered with a smile. “Sleep well Shining. I shall meet you here tomorrow night.” With that, Shining headed immediately towards his room. He knew the way and it wasn’t very far. Through the hallways and up the staircases, Celestia was nice enough to let them have a royal guest room and full range of the area. Since he was STILL the captain of the royal guard, it would have made sense for him to still be allowed around. Once he entered the room, he almost immediately went for the bed and Shining Armor had fallen asleep before he had even landed on the bed sheets. He awoke though sometime later to the smell of something different. He could feel grass against his face and hands and the smell of cedar wood, the same wood that grew deep in the forest nearby Canterlot. He remained quiet, the sounds of crickets and fireflies buzzing through the ear making his ear twitch. Eventually opening his eyes, he slowly stood up and looked around. Though it was dark, it hadn’t become pitch black. As he looked around, he noticed the moon shining overhead, casting its glow down upon him, then slowly moving away. The circle on the ground moved slowly and even stopped. It was as if the circle itself was waiting for Shining to follow. Curiosity had always gotten the better of him and tonight was no exception. He followed the circle, being careful to not touch anything or bump into the trees. Eventually he made his way into a clearing by a lake and the circle stopped just in front of a figure. “You’re running a little late, Shining,” the figure said. “Late?” he could have sworn his voice went up an octave but he cleared his throat and shook his head. “L-late for what, exactly?” “Well, this was your idea, was it not?” she said. “You said you wish to relax, so we are here to relax.” His mind momentarily blanked but he nodded, walking over towards her and stopping, looking towards the lake behind them. It looked clean, far clearer than any water he had ever seen. And with the moonlight reflecting off of it, it put both of them in a heavenly light, almost angelic. He looked into her eyes, noticing her attire afterwards. “...you look beautiful.” he commented, giving her a genuine smile. “Am I dreaming?” The woman giggled. “That I will leave up to you,” she said mysteriously, turning around to face him fully. It was Luna, and she was wearing a silky, robe-like garment, completely lacking her royal adornments. “Luna what...are…” it dawned on Shining Armor eventually that with such a dazzling robe...there was little to nothing underneath. “...I KNOW I must be dream--” A slender finger pressed against his lips, shushing him. “We are here to relax, are we not? To enjoy aspects of life other than responsibilities and political requirements. Rather than think too heavily, let us do exactly that,” she whispered. Shining fell silent at first but eventually nodded. “...how would you propose we enjoy this night?” Rather than verbally answer, Luna smiled and turned towards the water’s edge, tugging on the edge of her garb and letting it slide off her body. Her gorgeous figure was silhouetted against the moonlight, making her seem to glow like an enchantress. She stepped into the water slowly, letting herself adjust to the water, and strode out into the water up to her waist with a content sigh. Shining stared in astonishment. To see Luna act in such a way with little to no reservation was… enticing to say the least. Cadence had never EVER been like this with Shining. Not even with their first time. He couldn’t recall a time where any mare had been this enticing. And thinking straight was certainly not on his mind either. With a smile of his own, he shed his own clothes and stepped into the water as well, finding that is was not cold as he had expected, but was instead a comfortable temperature. He swam out into the water, feeling his tension slowly start to melt away at the waist deep point. “Where are we, exactly?” questioned Shining. “I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. The water feels amazing. YOU look amazing.” “Thank you, dear Shining,” she said, swimming towards him. “You are stunning as well. So fit and attractive… I truly admire you and your physique.” He nodded, slowly moving his hands out of the water to run the clear water through his mane, spiking it up while he inadvertently flexed his muscles towards her, each muscle rippling against the moonlight. “Ah this?” he smiled. “Well...it comes from years of guard training and preparation. Jogging and lifting helps keep this in check. Last thing I want is to lose it all, you know?” “It pays well,” Luna complimented. “I fail to understand how Cadence could possibly resist this. I am having difficulty restraining myself as it stands.” He chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his head. “Speak for yourself…” “What do you mean?” she asked. “I am being serious.” “I would choose your words as my own to describe you..” he said quietly, observing her. “But I know I shouldn’t. Even in a dream. I’m married, I…” Luna swam up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, her body pressing against his back. “You do not deserve to be trapped in such stressful misery, yet you still remain a loyal, loving husband. You are a rare gem, Shining Armor.” She laid a soft kiss on his shoulder. “I would love to take your stress away from you…” His blush returned and he froze, trying not to make a move but feeling her close to him, it felt comfortable. As wrong as it felt, he couldn’t help but let her stay close. “I would let you. The only way I know how is the way she won't give to me.” he said with a sigh, rubbing his arm. “When I’m all pent up, I get very...irritated. As weird as it sounds, sometimes its the only way I can relax.” And so he turned around, looking towards her. “...does it feel awkward to ask?” “Not at all,” Luna assured him. “I did just offer, after all.” Whether it was a dream or not...it was an offer that Shining Armor would not pass up. Turning around, he wrapped his arms around her bare waist and pulled her into a deep kiss, savoring the feel of her body against his. Luna returned the kiss with surprising passion, her hands gently gliding along his well-formed chest, teasing him enticingly. Neither of them were sinking, they could feel themselves floating in the water and neither seemed to complain as they pressed close together. Once he broke it off, he looked deeply into her orbs and took the time to admire them up close. “...I’m going to be in so much trouble..” said Shining quietly. “Only if either of us speaks of it,” Luna whispered, moving down to nibble at his neck. He was going to protest but the neck...oh sweet Celestia, the neck. if there was ever a way to get his attention, it was there. He let out a faint gasp and his hands almost instinctively went to her rear to cup in his hand, giving it a squeeze. ...I just squeezed Luna’s ass, what is wrong with me? Luna moaned quietly, licking along his neck and collarbone, pulling him towards the shore. “Shining, please… let me alleviate your stress,” she purred. There wasn’t any magic here. Shining was almost completely under her control and gladly obeyed, moving backwards till he rested against the shore. Luna lay on top of him, her majestic wings unfurling, adding to the mystical beauty she was already exuding. She kissed him again, her hands now ghosting along his skin in the faintest, most teasing touch imaginable. Shining shivered from her attentions, all traces of guilt melting away. He needed this. He needed it down to his very core. Embracing her and pulling her closer, he allowed his own hands to explore the fine curves of her body. The wandered lower and lower, coming to rest on her rear again, and unable to resist, he squeezed for the second time, earning another moan from her. Breaking their kiss, Luna nibbled her way down his neck to his chest, where she began kissing and licking. She lavished his torso with attention, determined to make him feel as good as possible. Smiling when she heard him murr softly, she continued to kiss along his chest while letting a hand wander lower, down beyond his stomach to in between his legs. Shining jumped a little when her fingers brushed him. Even though he had known where it was leading, the feeling of her touching him so intimately still managed to catch him off guard, and also managed to rouse his feelings of guilt again. He was married. He was the Prince of the Crystal Empire and thus supposed to be an example for others to follow. He wasn’t supposed to be giving in to his desires like this. Yet when Luna gave her a confident “come and claim me” look...there was no holding back. Every man had an edge they said they wouldn’t go over. Shining had gone far over it. And he didn’t care how long he would fall. “...I need you more than I’ve ever needed anyone…” he said quietly, practically begging. “Please. I WANT you, Luna.” Luna smiled reassuringly at him and rolled to the side, laying on the shore, her hands resting by her face. She was the very picture of vulnerability, and it turned Shining on more than he cared to admit. “I am yours to do with as you desire,” she whispered, her confidence never wavering. He grinned, slowly rolling over and planting his hands side by side by her face. He smiled down at her and slowly grinded his throbbing erection right up against her dripping wetness. He was ready to take out all the stress he had felt up upon her but...for some reason, he was still hesitating. Her moans, goodness those moans...they were unlike any he had ever heard. He smirked, leaning down to her ear and giving a light nibble upon the lobe. “You want this just as bad as me, don’t you?” Luna shivered and nodded. “Yes, I do. I want this. I want you,” she replied, her tone sounding slightly anxious. No more wasting time. He positioned himself just right and suddenly moved his length up against her clit. He slid himself straight inside, finding the hole warm and inviting and he aon instinct started moving back and forth quickly to try and loosen her up. This was too good to be true and with every thrust, moans escaped his throat. Moans he had held in for a long time. And Luna’s moans were music to his ears. He worked firmly at first to get out the stress but once the stress had vanished, then he slowed down. He was having intimate relations with Luna. LUNA. The princess wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in even further, her moans and whimpers increasing in volume. She was very clearly loving every moment of if. His hands wandered along her figure up to her breasts. He leaned his body over, hunching to let his hands grope along her exquisite chest. Even his tongue went down to explore, hips moving skillfully back and forth as he could feel himself sink down inside. He let out a loud moan, now buried deeply inside her and he panted, his legs twitching in excitement. “Shining… Oh Shining!!” Luna moaned, arching into his motions. “P-Please… please more!” “Gladly.” he murred. “I want to make this memorable…” With her still comfortably on her back, he hooked his arms underneath her legs and held them up so he could scooch on his knees, sitting on them and proceeding to thrust slowly, working himself into a controlled state of pleasure. He wasn’t wanting to lose it all right here. So he paced himself. Hands wandered on her body, finding appropriate places to fondle and caress. When a moan was heard, he found a spot. And her neck just so happened to be the one that set her off the most. A close second was by her ear but he didn’t care. Very soon he increased the pace and his force gradually moved up to create the sound of skin slapping skin, a pleasant sound for those accustomed to sex. Luna was virtually a puddle of pleasure by then, almost helpless to do anything but whimper and moan. With what little control she had, she wrapped her arms around him and clung tightly. With his mouth busily exploring her skin, his horn wandered close to her mouth, and on impulse, she ran her tongue along it, sending powerful sensations through Shining’s body. Smiling at his shiver, she wrapped her lips around his horn and suckled it lightly, teasing the end of it with her tongue. He hadn’t felt quite a feeling like that in a long time and he found himself locked in a pleasure loop. Working up into her a little harder, he was determined to drive her crazy with strong and loving thrusts. He was showing her genuine affection when he kissed her. It was genuine with his caresses and movements. He was so lost in the pleasure, he felt it spike when he finally orgasmed, but the adrenaline kept him on going inside. It was only until Luna grabbed his shoulder and made him slow down did he finally do so. Luna cried out upon feeling him release within her, the sensation sending her over the edge as well. She whimpered, chanting his name repeatedly as he continued to thrust into her. Finally, she came down from her intense high, panting heavily. Slightly dazed, she pulled him into another kiss, this one gentle and loving. “You are wonderful, Shining,” she whispered adoringly, smiling at him and softly stroking his cheek. “As are you..” he whispered, panting and closing his eyes. He had actually broken a sweat and he refused to pull out. “T-that is--” Luna kissed him again, silencing any further words he had. Shining relaxed into the kiss, no longer caring to think. A short distance away from where they lay, hidden within a stand of trees, the Princess of the Night watched Shining Armor’s dream in complete shock. Her intent had simply been to make sure he was indeed sleeping well, and it had been much to her surprise that he had been dreaming of her of all people. What’s more, he had been dreaming very intimately of her. Luna blushed brightly. She had not realized that Shining was just as attracted to her as she was to him. She had kept it to herself since he was already spoken for, but this… this opened up an entirely new set of possibilities. She smiled to herself. This was perhaps one of the least moral ideas she’d ever had, but this dream seemed to have helped him relax greatly. So, for both the sake of his rest and to fulfill some fantasies of her own, at very least it was worth considering. With a mischievous smirk and a devious plan, Luna departed from Shining’s dream. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...this was a mistake. Was it, Shining? Was it really? I never meant to-- I know...I know that deep there is an answer. Depends on the question. You know what the question is, Shining Armor. …….yes….I do love you... OFFICIAL ROYAL SUMMIT, 9:32 AM It was the best sleep he had had in a long time. Shining Armor had awoken the following morning feeling relaxed. He certainly didn’t want to leave the comfort of his sheets nor did he want to turn to face the sunlight shining down on him. It felt like a comforting hand...her hand. But as he turned his eyes to look across from him, he was surprise to see a note laying there. Picking it up, he read the hastily left message telling him that Cadence had gone to the summit early to prepare. He mumbled to himself and shook his head. This was going to be a long day. After dragging himself from bed, showering, and dressing, Shining made his own way to the first meeting, already mentally bracing for the chiding he was going to receive for not being there promptly from Cadence. The room they had chosen was one of the smaller meeting rooms. He was expecting the biggest one possible but it contained a birds eye view of Canterlot with royal windows, glistening with the sunlight against them. A table in the middle of the room housed five seats, the one nearest Cadence vacant and his eyes looked to see a glare that he was oh too familiar with. It was like she was staring bullets into his head. Twilight was at least pleased to see him, judging on her friendly smile. “Welcome Shining Armor.” said Celestia, bowing her head towards him, earning a light wave from Shining return. “He’s 5 minutes late.” mumbled Cadence. “I told him that--” “3 minutes and 23 seconds, actually.” said Twilight quietly, fidgeting with her fingers when Cadence shot her sister-in-law a glare. Shining walked quietly over to his seat and pulled it up, going to sit down and look around at the people sitting at the table. Celestia, Luna, Caden--...Luna? Luna looked over at Shining and smiled, nodding politely. She seemed completely calm, and her actions and expressions gave away nothing. “Now then,” said Celestia. “To the first business at hand, I believe we can get through these rather quickly. Is anyone else hungry?” Shining nodded “I could go for--” “Forgive me, but we’re already running late as it is. Shouldn’t we begin this meeting?” Cadence interrupted. She had talked right over Shining’s stomach growling, as if she MEANT to talk over it. He grumbled quietly. He was at least hoping to get some kind of nourishment. Luna shook her head, standing. “Cadence, let’s be reasonable. We are having this meeting very first thing in the morning. Surely we could all benefit from some small breakfast. I know I certainly could.” Twilight nodded quickly. “Absolutely. A small one couldn’t hurt. We’re not all here just to discuss issues and politics, right? How often do we all get to just...well, talk?” Shining nodded, as did Celestia, so by a majority vote Cadence shrugged and sighed. While they waited and chatted amongst themselves, Shining casually found himself looking over at Cadence. She looked simply beautiful in the daylight. Her mane flowed casually, she looked tired but relaxed at the same time. He smiled slightly. Looking at her now, he could almost see the woman he had married. He missed that Cadence greatly. She had made him feel special, loved. And then he turned his head back to Luna, who was idly chatting with his sister about the constellations. Shining felt a small rush of heat go to his face. Luna was a truly beautiful mare, even away from her moonlight. Her glittering, starry mane flowed gracefully. Her cerulean eyes shone with wisdom and slight mischief. And her figure… dear Celestia that figure! Images of the dream he had gotten last night raced through his mind. Most of his dreams he just forgot but this one was different. He could remember every intimate and sexy detail and he could play it like a scene from a movie over and over and over again. And the more he thought about it, the more he stared. When Luna turned to look at him he blushed and immediately looked away...right into Cadence’s eyes. Cadence was giving him a fairly disapproving look. For a moment, he wondered if she had seen him staring at Luna, but then she glanced at the clock silently and turned to look at him again. He sighed. She was quietly berating him for the “wasted” time. This was even worse than if she’d seen him staring at Luna. At least then she’d have a legitimate reason to be annoyed. A servant entered the room with their breakfast, and the princesses smiled. Luna gave the stallion thanks, her voice washing over Shining’s ears and making him smile again. As the meals were passed to the waiting royalty, he found himself returning once again to that dream. Why was it still so vivid and clear in his mind? Why do it feel so...real? More importantly, above everything else that nearly bothered him: ...why did he wish it was real? ~!~!~!~ The hours wore on and on, and the topics continued to circle like a pack of vultures. Shining was struggling to pay attention, but this was just so dry! He glanced over at Cadence, who was thoroughly engrossed in the conversation. Sighing and shaking his head, he looked at the other princesses. Twily was just as eager to fulfill her duties, though Shining knew that to simply be a strong wish to please her mentor. Celestia seemed somewhat bored, but remained attentive. As the eldest and the highest power of Equestria, she had the highest level of responsibility to maintain. Then his eyes drifted towards Luna. Shining blinked when Luna seemed to wink playfully at him, but a second look implied that she hadn’t even glanced his way. He sighed. Though he had slept well the night before, there were still hours of lost sleep that hovered over his head, and now seemed to be making him see things. However, even if that were the case, Luna looked just as thoroughly bored as he felt. She was similarly silent, contributing barely anything to the discussion at hand. Shining looked at the four princesses again, attempting to refocus himself, but finding he was unable to do so. His eyes wandered towards a pair of guards standing by the doors. They were a standard pair of guards, nothing noteworthy really. Still, seeing them reminded him of his days as a simple guard, even before he rose to captain. That had been so long ago… His mind wandered, going back in time to when he had first joined their ranks. Back then, he had been friends with a unicorn stallion named Amity Faith. He had been a handsome sort, grey skin and white hair, with startling green eyes and a trim but fit build. They had met in the cadet program, and had become steadfast friends. They often talked about past experiences and they almost always hung around Shining’s dorm while reading comic books or watching various movies in Canterlot when they had the time. There were tons of good memories that he had shared with Amity but one in particular always seemed to cross his mind. He had attempted to go to a party with some of the guards but not only was he kicked out, he was “banned” from going to the party when he tried to tell them that he was a friend of Amity’s. He could remember sitting outside on the bench, almost in tears over rejection… “Shine? Dude, that you?” Shining quickly dried his eyes and nodded. “Yeah! Yeah it’s me.” he turned his head up, trying to fake up a little smile. “What’s up?” Amity hurried over to his best pal’s side. He had been on a stroll just to relax after some training, and had not been expecting to come across Shining Armor in tears. “Shine, what’s wrong? What’s going on?” he asked. Shining was tempted to lie but sighed quietly. “...they wouldn’t let me into their stupid party.” “Who… wait. Is that the party that Blueblood was hosting?” Amity asked. Shining nodded silently. Amity frowned. “Those biased sons of… You don’t have to explain, I bet I can guess what happened. You just so happen to be my best friend, so those SOBs wouldn’t let you in because of that, right?” “I mean I tried telling them you’re my best friend and they...kinda laughed at me and dumped the spaghetti bowl on me,” grumbled Shining, his horn flaring up in anger. “Whoa, easy there powerhouse,” Amity soothed. “I don’t blame you for being pissed, but you know what happens when you let your temper get to your magic. You’re almost as strong as that kid sister of yours. Try to keep your head.” The white unicorn nodded and leaned back against the bench, sighing quietly. “I know, I know. I didnt have any other plans then that party so I figure I’ll just go back and train or something.” “Hey, come on Shine. You really think I’m gonna leave you alone like this? Come on, let’s go have our own party, my treat,” Amity said, pulling Shining to his feet. “Let’s head back to my place. I got some apple brandy stashed.” Shining’s ears perked. “Apple brandy? There’s something I haven’t tried. What is it?” Amity smirked. “What is it? It’s good, that’s what it is! Come on!” He proceeded to pull on Shining’s arm, leading him towards the dorms. He gladly followed, keeping to Amity’s side. Amity was one of the few people he knew he could trust and with how things progressed, they had gotten very comfortable with one another. When they arrived back at his dorm, Shining immediately started looking around, curiosity overtaking while he tried to find the smell. Amity blushed slightly with a sheepish grin. “Sorry for the kinda flowery scent. I was burning some scented candles to try to cover the dirty laundry smell… then I just went and did the laundry anyway,” he explained with a chuckle. “Well they smell nice.” said Shining, smiling lightly. “Better than the other dorms.” “I’m glad you like. Anyway!” Amity said, heading towards his kitchen. “Give me a sec, I’ll get you set up with a nice little drinky drink!” Shining chuckled and took a seat at the table nearby the fridge, removing his jacket and hanging it up on the chair. He stretched out and cricked his shoulder, trying to get it to pop. “Hey, relax dude,” Amity said, coming back with a bottle levitating next to him, two glasses held in his hands filled with an amber liquid. He passed one to Shining, taking a sip out of the other. “You look pretty stressed. The party thing can’t have gotten to you that much, right?” He shook his head. “Nah, it wasn't that. I kinda pulled a muscle this morning when I was doing the chin ups. Went a little too hard, you know? I’m fine now.” He moved his hand over to the glass and clasped it, taking a quick sip and licking his lips. “Mmm...damn, not bad.” “Told ya!” Amity replied cheerfully, taking another swig and setting his glass down, also lowering the bottle to the table. “What’s this about a pulled muscle, though? Where?” Shining shrugged. “Ah just right near the shoulder blade. Feel a little sting here and there but it should be fine.” Amity stepped up behind him, then did something that surprised him. He began massaging his neck and shoulders. “Here, this should help,” he said. Shining was about to protest but let out a light gasp, groaning for a second and tensing up...then relaxing. He could feel the muscle start to loosen and he leaned back against the chair. There was a length of silence before Amity spoke again. “Hey Shine? Can I tell you something?” “Sure!” smiled Shining. “Whats up? Everything alright?” “....I…. I can tell you anything, right Shining?” Amity asked. This got Shining’s attention. Amity very rarely called him anything but Shine, and when he did, it was something important. “Something happen? Did Janet break up with you?” “No… I broke up with her,” he admitted. “She… wasn’t what I wanted. But, that isn’t what I was going to tell you…” Shining reached over to finish his drink in one gulp and looked to him. “...yes?” Amity removed his hands from Shining’s neck, and his voice became very tense. “You have to promise to keep this between us, okay? No one can know,” he insisted nervously. “If anyone finds outs… I could get kicked off the guard.” It took a few seconds before it clicked in Shining’s head. “...are you…?” Amity winced, knowing he had figured out what he was trying to work up the nerve to say. “I… I am. I… like guys,” he confessed. He began wringing his hands together nervously. “I…. I’ve never told anyone before because if the wrong people found out… well…. guys like me aren’t exactly the norm and…. they wouldn’t want someone like me on the guard…. and being a guard is what I’ve always wanted!” “Amity!” said Shining, smiling lightly by putting a hand on his shoulder. “...Ami.” It was a name he rarely used but used in seriousness. “Look at me. I won’t tell a soul. Under any circumstances. You’re my best friend, you should be free to do whatever you want! ...and you are far from the norm anyways.” Amity blinked, stared blankly for a moment, then burst into near-hysterical laughter. He laughed far harder than was probably appropriate for that lousy joke, but Shining couldn’t help but smile at him. Amity had been holding in that secret for ages, so it must have been a huge relief to finally get it out, and to not be rejected for it. He was thrown a little off-balance when Amity enveloped him in a titanic hug. “Shine, thank you!! Thank you so much!! I was terrified that when you found out you would hate me or think I was weird or unnatural…” he blubbered, his laughter having dissolved into happy tears. Shining simply pet his best friend’s back and he chuckled, keeping him in a hug and standing up with him. “I haven’t seen you this happy since you got INTO the Guard. I’m glad you could at least tell SOMEONE. At least now it explains a few things.” Amity blushed, looking vaguely nervous all over again. “L-Like what?” he asked. This time, a smirk placed itself on Shining’s lips. “...why I catch you occasionally glancing at me in the showers, perhaps? Amity pulled away from the hug and looked away from Shining, his face a bright shade of red. “W-Well… you’re kinda…. really attractive, you know?” He blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his head. “You’re the first to notice. Well, actually say the opposite. I'm trying my hardest to keep up with those health nuts but there’s only so much protein shakes and jogs I can do before I pass out. Thank you, though.” “You’re not...put off, are you?” asked Amity, nervously. “Of course not. I’ve seen you naked, we’ve cuddled together, we’ve done everything except fuck. I don’t see--......oh. Oh boy that came out wrong..” This time he began to blush redder than usual. Amity’s eyes widened and his blush deepened at Shining’s words. “Wait what?!” he exclaimed. Shining gulped. “...u-uh, anyways I love the brandy. Do you have--” Amity slowly started to smile. “So then, you’re saying you’ve never looked yourself?” he asked teasingly. “H-Huh? Looked at--...well it’s kinda hard to when you’re surrounded by other guys in the showers…” he fidgeted nervously. “But I’m straight though. Straighter than an arrow.” “Oh really?” Amity replied, slowly seeming to become more confident. “Then how come you’ve never asked anypony out before, hmmmm?~” ...crap. “Heh, well I thought...um, well there was so many to choose from! Right?” He found himself instinctively sliding back till he hit the counter. Amity stepped forward, close enough to be invading personal space, but leaving just enough room for Shining to get away if he really wanted to. “That’s what you say, but even I managed to decide on a date or two. It almost sounds like you’re trying to make excuses, my friend.” Shining scoffed but knew he was clearly busted. “...okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’m just...nervous. You’re the only friend I have here so I can't help it if...if...ugh, why is this so hard to--” Amity placed a comforting hand on Shining’s cheek, smiling at him though he was blushing himself. “It’s alright. If anyone gets it, it’s me. It’s not easy to admit to yourself that you aren’t exactly like what people expect. Now, I happen to know that you find girls attractive, Shine. Many is the time you popped a boner when a hot chick crossed our path.” He chuckled when Shining blushed darkly. “But, I have suspected you’re at least curious about guys too. I’ve seen you looking when you think no one else is, and I…. part of me kinda hoped…. that I was one of the guys you were looking at,” Amity admitted. The young stallion subconsciously placed his hand on Amity’s waist, gently brushing it with his thumb as he found himself locked in Amity’s gaze. “...you sure won’t think think less of me if I said yes, would you?” Amity couldn’t help but chuckle again. “I just said I was hoping you had, didn’t I?” He hesitated a moment, then said something Shining had only half-expected. “I… I like you Shine. I have for just about as long as I’ve known you. You’re not only sexy as hell, but you’re the coolest, kindest, strongest stallion I’ve ever met. I’ve… really wanted to be with you for a long time, but I was terrified of scaring you away…” Shining bit his lower lip, finding himself strangely attracted to Amity, blushing beet red. “...I don’t see why I should turn it down...I-I’ve never been with anyone anyway. I mean there’s this one girl but…” “I’m not going to ask for anything you aren’t willing to give,” Amity rushed out. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had in my life, and I would never, ever want to make you uncomfortable. You mean a lot to me, Shine, and I would never do anything you didn’t want me to. That is a promise.” He only nodded and leaned in halfway, very gently pressing his lips to Amity in a brief kiss. When he pulled back, he looked into his eyes. “..and I trust it. So...b-be gentle, then?” Amity smiled and nodded, leaning in and kissing him again, sliding a hand under his shirt… “SHINING? ARE YOU LISTENING?” Shining jumped, snapping back to reality. He looked up to see Cadence glaring at him. Looking around the table, he saw Twily giggling behind her hand, Celestia giving him an amused smile, and Luna watching him with an almost knowing smirk. He blushed darkly at having been caught woolgathering. “...sorry.” Shining chuckled lightly. “I guess I’m a little more out of it today than I thought. I apologize.” Before Cadence could speak, three servants came in carrying food in little trays as well as tea. “Ah there they are.” said Celestia with a smile. “I’m sorry if we bored you Shining, taxes bore me as well.” “Which is why I suggested leaving that to me, since I’m very good with numbers,” Twilight chimed in. He nodded and sat back and decided to let the three princesses continue their work, noticing Luna’s brief smirk before she too went back to work. For some reason, it sent a shiver up his spine. Something in that smirk implied that she knew exactly what he had been daydreaming about. He shook his head. That was impossible. Luna couldn’t have known what was going on in his head, right? ~!~!~!~ “I cannot believe you, Shining Armor!!” Cadence chided hours later as she stepped out of the shower. “Spacing out in the middle of such an important discussion, how could you?!” Sitting back on the bed, Shining sighed quietly as he laid the book he was reading on on his chest. “Babe, relax. I just had a lot on my mind. The summit was on my agenda but there were issues I was thinking that--” “On your agenda?!” she interrupted, clutching at the towel wrapped around her body. “We’re here FOR the summit!! It shouldn’t be ‘on your agenda!’ It should be your priority!!” The urge to snap was very close but Shining took in a breath and sat up on the edge of the bed, looking towards her. “Cadence.” he started. “...I’m sorry. I know the Summit is your priority, trust me it is up there, but I am not as die hard about politics as you are. There was a time when you just couldn’t stand politics. What happened to the Cadence I first met who didn’t care about having her life on a gridded schedule?” “She grew up and became responsible for an entire empire,” she retorted. “We both have our responsibilities as leaders, Shining.” “Well I don’t know what your secret is but this is just as draining for me as it is for you.” sighed Shining. “You’re more married to your job then you are to me sometimes. And I don't know what I did to make you dive into your work so deep that I’m just the co-leader and not the stallion you fell in love with!” Slowly his anger was building but he knew he had to keep it in check. “Well the stallion I fell in love with had a strong sense of responsibility, and he always did so much for everyone that I almost felt inadequate,” Cadence countered, not even bothering to hide her anger. “What happened to that stallion, huh? Where’s he? All I see is somepony who seems to care more about relaxing at a political summit than about taking care of business!” “BECAUSE I JUST WANT TO FUCKING RELAX!” said Shining, suddenly standing up. “WE DO THESE SUMMITS ALL THE TIME BACK HOME! It’s always sign this, summit that, go to this, go to that, it’s a fucking ROUTINE! I don’t want my life to fall in a routine like that! Excuse me if I want to think about my friends and family that I have here in Canterlot! We are here for a summit, yes I know, but I wanted to come here to also relax! I was just thinking about all the things we could do when we have some time to relax!” Cadence’s expression became unreadable as she fell silent. For a moment, Shining thought something may have finally broken through, but then she turned her back to him. “Get out.” He blinked. “Why are you so against wanting to relax? We have the perfect opportunity to relax here, is it that much of a crime to want--” “I will not tolerate being yelled at like that!” Cadence snapped. “I do not have to stomach that sort of treatment! Get! Out!” Shining tried to protest, unsure if there was anything he could do to fix the situation but sighed and went to her, putting her into a hug. “I’m sorry. Forget I said anything.” he said. “You’re right. Nothing is more important than this summit. Let’s get some sleep, okay?” “Don’t patronize me,” Cadence said. “And don’t think that saying that makes everything okay. You’ve been acting like this for a long time now.” “How have I been acting differently? You are one to talk! You still didn’t answer my question though! “I’m not too inclined to answer to you when you treat me like this!” “Well excuse me, Princess! I have done nothing but try to support you and I’ve done NOTHING but treat you with respect!” Shining sighed. “Why can't you try to see this through my eyes?” “Because you’re not bothering to try seeing through mine!!” she yelled. “Things aren’t like when we were young, Shining!! They can’t be that way anymore!! We have roles to fulfill, and that must come first!!” “So is that all there is to life now?!” Now the prince found himself getting angry. “Summits, signing treaties, sitting on a throne, is that all our life is going to be!? We have three weeks, THREE weeks, and do you want to spend all that time doing politics? Is that really what you want?” “It’s our responsibility!! We have a lot to do, and you know that!!” “But three whole weeks? 21 days of nonstop politics? Would it really be a crime if maybe one of those days I take you to have a fancy dinner? Or sight see? Or maybe just watch the sun set? Something, anything, I can't do that for 3 weeks let alone the rest of my life!” “A ruler’s first priority must be their kingdom! All else comes after that! We are the rulers, therefore we must make the sacrifices we need to!! We can’t be selfish! YOU can’t be selfish!!” “Well go ahead and shoot me on sight for wanting to spend time with my WIFE! My lover!” “GET OUT!!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!!” For once, Shining didn’t have a retort. And as a result, before he could really let out all his anger, he grabbed his sweatshirt and stormed out. If Cadence wanted some alone time, then so be it. He was not going to waste his time if it would just get thrown back at him. ~!~!~!~ Luna stood in the garden, looking up at the sky. As per Shining’s request the previous night to help him sleep better, she had come back here to wait for him, and wait she did. Very patiently. In fact, she had been waiting long enough that she was beginning to wonder if he was going to come tonight. She wouldn’t resent him if he didn’t; the request had never been for every single night after all. She was a little saddened by the thought, though. When she heard approaching footsteps, her heart lightened. She turned, and immediately felt her heart drop again when she saw the frustrated, angry expression on Shining’s face. Somehow, she didn’t think he was there for a restful night’s sleep. “Shining Armor?” she called. “Are you unwell?” “Unwell is an understatement.” he said, keeping his voice down. He looked calm but his eyes said otherwise. “Sorry if I seem like a wreck right now.” “I don’t like seeing friends in such a state,” Luna said. “What’s wrong?” Shining sighed quietly, trying to brush things off. “It’s...nothing. I can’t tell if I’m the one doing something wrong in my marriage.” “Why do you say that?” Luna pressed. “Please, you can confide in me. I won’t tell a soul.” When he was sure no one was around, he got closer towards her. “...I got into an argument with Cadence over what happened earlier today.” “You mean when you dozed off during the meeting?” she asked. “Between you and me, I did as well. Taxes, numbers, I have never been very good at handling such issues. That is why Celestia always has. We balance the responsibilities between each other, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t completely dry.” “That’s what my marriage is starting to feel like,” he said, starting to pace lightly. He always did this when he tried to put his thoughts together. “All Cadence wants to do is put her responsibilities as leader above everything else. She just wouldn't answer my questions and it bugs me that all she seems to care about is all this. She said she ‘grew up’ and that being a ruler means just about everything. So I don't know what I’m doing wrong here.” “Well, to be fair, she is partially right,” Luna said, holding up her hands when Shining’s jaw dropped. “Hear me out. Being a ruler is a very heavy burden to bear, and it can have adverse effects on those who come to bear it. And being a good leader must be of the highest priority. You must be willing to put the needs of others above your own. I made that mistake once…” She trailed off sadly for a moment, then continued. “However, making it of high priority does not mean surrendering all of yourself to it. To do so is to make a very different sort of mistake… And the way you describe Cadenza’s behaviour, plus what I have observed for myself, leads me to believe that not only is she the one who is in the wrong, but you are the one she unfairly takes it out on.” “She acts like it’s a crime for me wanting to just relax and take in my home.” he stated. “Is it so wrong to want to hold onto who you once were and not only make it one of the best parts of you but also add onto it? I want to rule that kingdom but I dont want to be a ruler who eventually becomes obsessed with power. How can I find that balance?” “I… I don’t quite know how my sister does it, to be honest,” Luna confessed. “I fear that without her guidance, I myself may fall into that dark state once again. “..so is that what’s going to happen to me? Am I going to fall into insanity and become--...no no, I don’t even want to think about that.” Shining shuddered at just the thought. “If I may say… you seem to be the Celestia of your power balance,” Luna said. “So what will become of Cadence then?” “I sincerely doubt that neither my sister’s nor my own vigilance or awareness of such things will ever be so slack as to allow her to sink as far as I did, so let your heart be at ease, Shining Armor,” Luna assured him. “But all of this is beside the point at this moment. I am worried about you.” “Well I’m glad someone is worried.” said the stallion, sitting down on the bench. “...if it’s gonna be three weeks of pain like this, I want to go home. Luna gave him a reassuring hug. “I will not allow your time spent here to be nothing but pain. I will wait for you here each night, and we can talk for a time before you go to sleep. If nothing else, I will help you let out that pain bit by bit. And in between our meetings and discussions, perhaps we might venture into the city for recreation?” “I’m not so sure Cadence would allow that.” he sighed, leaning over slightly. “I would love that. The nightlife here is lively. Most of my friends want me to socialize with them but Cadence has me practically on a curfew.” Luna sighed and shook her head. “Well, for this evening at least let us forget your wife. You should have a night elsewhere. I can arrange a different bedroom for you for the evening if you like.” “I dont think I have many options.” he said, lowering his head slightly. “Come on then. You look as though you could use a good night’s sleep,” Luna said, leading him back towards the castle. Shining nodded, wondering exactly what Luna had in store for him. The two travelled through hallways and up some stairs to one of the guest rooms in the guard’s area. Shining paused as he looked around, taking in familiar surroundings, and entering into the room. It was fairly big for just one person, almost feeling like a little apartment. There was a great view at the very least so Shining saw no reason to protest. “I’m sorry, but this is the best I can do for the evening. We’ll have to wait until morning to make better ones for you,” Luna apologized. The stallion waved his hand lightly and smiled. “No no, I think this is great. I used to have a little dorm like this when I was Captain anyway. Better than a hotel at least.” He moved to Luna and embraced her in a big, strong hug. “Thank you, Luna.” Blushing, she returned the hug. “You’re most welcome, my friend,” she replied. “I must be off, but before that, let me aid your sleep again.” Her horn glowed softly as she cast her spell on him again. “Rest well, Shining.” Shining nodded towards her, watching her leave and then leaning against the door frame for the moment, looking around and then making sure to close and lock the door. Once he hit the sheets, he was out cold. ~!~!~!~ Shining stood at attention at his post in the royal hall. It was a dull post, but at least Amity had been assigned to the same so he wasn’t standing there alone. He adjusted the dark blue armor that came with being a night guard. It had been a long evening, and he still had hours left to his shift. Amity looked just as bored, and much to his surprise, so did Princess Luna. She sat upon her throne in an empty hall. There seemed to be no issues to deal with this evening, so they were all stuck doing nothing. After a long while, Luna snorted. “This evening has been entirely too tedious for my liking,” she complained. “Guards, come here please.” Almost on command, Shining found himself right by Amity’s side, a little too close but he didn’t realize just yet. The pair kneeled before her. “I am in need of a distraction,” Luna said. “I wish to see something entertaining, and I want you two to provide it.” “...entertaining?” questioned Shining. “Put on a show for your princess,” Luna commanded. At first neither Amity or Shining had an idea of what kind of show they were supposed to do. They stood there awkwardly for a moment, until Luna decided to give them a hint and conjured a bed to the middle of the floor. “...oh…” the two guards said almost at once, the hint very clear to them now. (Amitys move) Amity looked back at Shining, smirking. “I like the way this is looking,” he said, stepping to him and pulling him against his body. “Yeah I bet you are, horndog.” he chuckled, nosing him briefly and staring with half lidded eyes right at him. A modest smirk crossed his lips as he pressed against the grey stallion. Amity wasted no time pressing his lips against Shining’s, his hands sliding down his body, undoing the clasps that held his armor in place. Luna smiled at this display, adjusting herself to be more comfortable and watching without a word. Shining went for a different approach and used his magic to unclasp Amity’s armor, his hands too busy wandering along his chest an up to his shoulderblades, shoving the armor off and transitioning over to Amity’s neck. Amity moaned lightly, then surprised Shining by pushing him onto the bed once their armor was fully removed. Shining let out a small yelp, and immediately blushed when Amity crawled over him, wearing a familiar confident grin. He leaned down and kissed Shining deeply, sliding his tongue into his mouth. Shining had no problem with tongue play and grinned right back, deciding to add in a few moans as his hands roamed on Amity’s spine, admiring every possible inch. Without their armor, they were only down to basic street clothes. Neither of them cared. With their history, they would have torn holes through their clothing and stitched it back up if it meant a quickie. Amity began biting along Shining’s neck, knowing it to be a weak spot, and allowed his hands to slip under his friend’s shirt, groping his muscles. He whined softly in response, arching up and stroking along his sides, sliding up under his shirt and touching his shoulder blades. “W-why are you always on top..” murmured Shining. “Because you love the bottom,” Amity replied, tossing his own shirt aside and grinding his bulge against his lover’s. Moaning out, he slipped off his own shirt and dropped it on the ground, grinding right back and letting his hands grasp onto both of Amity’s ass cheeks, squeezing as he leaned up and laid playful nibbles onto his ears. Amity growled in response, reaching down to firmly rub his crotch. Luna smirked as she watched the pair, squirming a little as she became aroused. She absently began playing with one of her own breasts, moaning quietly at the sensation. Amity pulled down Shining’s pants, revealing the navy blue boxers he wore underneath. Tossing the pants aside, he ran his tongue over the fabric of Shining’s underwear, teasing him. Shining moaned deeply at this, spurring Amity on to run his entire mouth along the silhouette of his length. His hips arched up and his hands gripped upon the satin sheets, trying not to sink into them fully. Amity smirked at his reaction and finally decided to have a little mercy, pulling his underwear off of him and freeing his trapped length. “Mmm… I love doing this to you,” he murmured, flicking his tongue over the tip. Shining couldn’t help but whine in pleasure. Oral was one of his biggest pleasures so feeling it once more, he wanted it to last for as long as possible. He chuckled softly and ran his hand up to stroke along Amity’s hair, running his fingers through Amity’s mane to push his mouth down fully down onto him. Amity happily obliged, letting Shining’s impressive shaft slide into his throat, taking him in fully. He began sucking hard immediately, his head bobbing up and down on him, tongue playing along the shaft. He wasted no time with silly teasing now, determined to give Shining as much pleasure as possible. The prince panted, not used to being put in such a submissive position in years, finding it comfortable at first but he could feel his heart racing. Despite eyes closed, he knew Luna was watching and he could only imagine the big grin on her face while this was going on. His thoughts abruptly cut off when he felt a finger probe at his entrance. Shining whimpered, trying to not tense up but unable to keep from doing so. It had been far too long since this had last happened. Sensing his nerves, Amity lifted his head and crawled back up to his face, kissing him reassuringly. “Hey now, relax. You know I’d never hurt you,” he whispered. “Y-yeah I know…” said Shining, slowly grinding up against him and kissing right back. “Don’t stop...alright? I haven't felt this good in ages.” Amity nodded and pushed two fingers into him, slowly stretching him. He softly kissed along Shining’s neck while doing this, to keep him from tensing back up. He carefully spread his fingers apart, loosening his muscles gently. Shining moaned, pushing against the fingers, seeking more. Smirking, Amity discarded his own pants and underwear and positioned himself. “Ready?” he asked. “You ask me that now?” grinned Shining, reaching down to stroke softly along his hardened length and looked over to Luna, clearly very excited and holding his legs up for easier access. Luna smirked as she watched Amity push into him, her hand sliding down her body. A light purr escaped her as she began to rub her clit to the scene before her. Amity moved slowly at first, part of him still wanting to tease Shining. He watched his reactions carefully, enjoying having this power over him. Shining squirmed gently, his breath becoming hot and ragged nearly, adjusting to Amity’s endowment. He slowly rolled his hips and let his hands lay back against the sheets. Eyes closed, pleasure locked in, Shining found that familiar pleasure returning, Countless sessions in the past with Amity had reignited a side of him that he was slowly getting back. Amity grasped Shining’s hips and began thrusting faster, angling himself to directly hit his prostate with every motion. Shining cried out, whimpering as the sensations began to drown his senses, blurring all thought beyond what was happening right now. And the line between dream and reality was also becoming blurred. Shining couldn’t tell what was real, only the pleasure that was spiking through his body. His moans soon became louder and filled with more erotic words. He grabbed onto Amity's body and brought him down into a passionate kiss, wrapping his legs around the grey stallion and forcing him down all the way, now fully enveloped in the pleasure. Luna moaned, her fingers slipping into her now slippery hole, mimicking the very act her eyes beheld. Her other hand reached up to actively fondle her chest, her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head. She didn’t allow that, though, and continued to watch the stallions on the bed. “O-ohh fuck Amity…” Shining couldn't help but whisper, nosing him and locking his arms around him tighter. “You like that, sexy?” Amity teased. “You like me pounding your tight hole?” Shining could only nod in response. “What was that? I can’t hear you…” Amity gave a particularly hard thrust, causing Shining to yelp and shiver. “Y-yes! O-ohh sweet Luna I have missed this…” he moaned, eyes nearly rolling in the back of his head. “H-harder, please...like you used to..” “Ooooh… someone’s a dirty little buttslut,” Amity teased. He began pounding Shining relentlessly, making a constant stream of pleasure bombard his senses. All Shining could do was cling to the sheets and scream. He was utterly helpless against this assault. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed upon Shining, he was no longer the married Prince of the Crystal Empire, he was now a little cockslut for his best friend. And he sure as hell wasn't denying the pleasure, he welcomed it. Amity’s thrusts became a little erratic, a sure sign he was close. Still he pounded Shining’s ass without mercy or hesitation, striving to drive him over the edge as well. Reaching down to help himself, he moaned out on every thrust, not wanting the pleasure to end as he gripped onto his best friend, letting him wreck his tight hole. “F-Fuck!! And here I thought your tight ass couldn’t get any tighter!!” Amity growled out, gritting his teeth as he held off his climax as best he could. Shining smirked, letting his horn glow as he cast a secret pleasure spike spell into Amity, knowing it would draw him right over the edge in an instant. Sure enough, Amity’s eyes squeezed shut and he howled loudly, unleashing his load into Shining’s ass. He shivered and collapsed, the intensity of it sapping his strength. He lay limply on top of Shining, panting harshly. The prince grinned, still with enough strength to roll over Amity...and suddenly pin him, growling playfully. Amity and Luna both blinked at this. Amity looked up at Shining, surprised for a moment before suddenly grinning. “Soooo… what are you gonna do with this situation?” Shining simply pet along Amity’s spine, targeting the lower area before leaning down to nibble on his neck. “What do you think, old friend? I have my ways…” he leaned up to look at Luna. “And give you the best show you’ve ever seen…” Luna blushed at his words, smirking. “Then please your princess, Shining Armor,” she replied. “One day I will for real…” he said with a smirk. Looking down towards his prey, he rubbed his throbbing, sticky member against Amity’s hole and eagerly slid inside, sinking inch by inch and stretching him out. He eagerly, tugged on Amity's mane and pulled him up, grasping Amity's ass and proceeding to thrust at a steady rate. Amity moaned, still highly sensitive from his climax. He whined and squirmed, biting his lip as he wrapped his legs around Shining’s waist. The sounds emanating from Shinings throat were nearly primal, full of lust and wanting, as he eagerly started to hump away into Amity’s hole. He panted as he held onto his waist and started to work a little harder and faster but then decided to slow down to a teasing rate. He grabbed onto Amity's wrists and pinned them up above his head and kissing him with deep and loving passion. When Amity began to get comfy, Shining went back into sharp and ruthless thrusts, each one targeting his prostate. and occasionally, he looked up to Luna and smirked happily, the pleasure creating an artificial high for him to enjoy. Luna gazed back at Shining, her face flushed with arousal. She was now fully drilling herself with her fingers, liquid pooling around her seat. Even as he was pounding Amity, Luna could tell he was imagining doing that to her, and the thought turned her on even further. She whimpered, feeling her climax approaching. “Sh-Shine!! Please!! I can’t take this!!” Amity begged. “Who's the little slut now?” grinned Shining, giving Amity's rear a very firm slap, a sound that echoed in the room. “AAH!!! I AM!!!” Amity screamed. Shining grinned, holding onto his mane and sat comfortably on his knees, starting to slow down and then give one hell of a final rush, drilling and hammering at an alarmingly quick rate. He growled in nothing but bliss, kissing him deeply and then going to bite hard into Amity’s neck. He hadn't felt this much power in ages and he could feel himself let his thick load explode inside of Amity, their moans synchronizing in one glorious harmony. ...but Shining didn’t stop. Wrestling Amity onto his back and keeping him pinned by the shoulders, he proceeded to use his adrenaline from his climax to hump harder than usual into Amity, slapping his ass firmly and refusing to stop. “Yeahh, that what I’m fuckin talking about…” growled Shining. “I haven't felt this alive in forever...your ass feels so fucking good, Ami…” Amity could only whine, moving his hips in a desperate plea for release. Shining responded in kind with harsh and sharp thrusts, not wanting this pleasure to end as he continued on his sexual rampage. But once he felt himself getting close, he pulled out quickly and rolled Amity onto his head back, sitting on his chest and grasping his hand, the free hand stroking himself quickly. “How bad you want this, sexy? Been a looooooong time…” he murmured to his friend. “Please!! I want it! I need it!! Please!!!” Amity begged. He grinned slightly and held onto Amity's head, forcing his length to go down his throat. His second load erupted straight down his throat and Shining nearly screamed out in pleasure, riding out all the waves he could till there were none left. He sat on his knees, panting and wiping his forehead of the clear sweat he had brought up. Amity stroked himself as he sucked Shining off, and whimpered when his own second climax overtook him. Luna was unable to stand it anymore, and she too cried out as she released, squirting and thoroughly soaking the throne. Shining slowly laid down on his belly and smirked, panting softly and looking up at his Princess. Soon to be HIS Princess... > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were no plans for a meeting the next morning, so when Cadence woke, she had no idea what to do with herself. Usually, Shining could come up with something for them to do, but… She glanced at the empty bed spot next to her. She had expected that he would come back during the night. It wouldn’t have been the first time he did that, but clearly she just wasn’t worth the effort to him. Cadence scowled. How dare he treat her like this!! Now angry, Cadence got out of bed and got dressed. She stormed out of her room and went to knock on Twilight’s door, certain he would have gone to his sister. One rude knock later, Twilight opened the door, looking barely awake. She slowly opened the door and peeked her head out, her mane a mess while she kept a navy blue robe tucked tightly around her frame. “Mff...Cadence?” she asked, rubbing one of her eyes. “Whats up?” “Where is he?!” Cadence demanded. “I know he’s in there!!” Twilight’s eyes widened and she immediately clenched her up her robe. “W-woah s-settle down Cadence! It’s a little too early in the morning for yelling, isn’t it?” “Twilight, where is he? I need to talk to him. NOW!” Cadence yelled angrily. “He had no right!!” “N-no right to do what?” she said, now actually trembling before Cadence but with a snap of a finger she regained her composure and stepped out into the hallway, closing and locking the door behind her. “He is not available for talking right now. And I don’t think he’d want to talk to you when you’re this angry.” “I don’t think that’s your call to make Twilight!” Cadence argued. “Now tell him to come out here right now, or I’m going in there myself!” “B-but he’s--...look, could you possibly come by another time or something?” she asked, trying to remain polite. “He’s had a rough night. We went to dinner, came back here, and I let him sleep over. There’s nothing wrong with that. He’s exhausted from some argument he wouldn’t tell me about.” Cadence’s eye twitched. “What did he say? Did he tell you anything at all? I’ve never known him to keep secrets from you before.” She leaned against the door lightly. “Well I know, he’s always very open with me. But lately, he’s just been getting angry over the littlest things. I’ve never known him to be so...heated. Or use such distasteful words in front of me about someone I thought he cared very much for. Calling her a...c word and a...b word...and a lot of other words I don’t want to go through.” “He… he…. HE SAID WHAT ABOUT ME?!” Cadence screeched, storming past Twilight and bursting into the room. “C-CADENCE WAIT!” she yelled, dashing in after and trying to shield her eyes from the bedroom that was right around the corner. “Wait!” But her words were in vain as Cadence stormed right past her and turned the corner to confront her husband... ...only to find a bedsheet-covered Flash Sentry laying in Twilight’s bed. He squeaked upon seeing Cadence, blushing a dark red. “U-Um… good morning your highness?” he managed. Cadence stared for several seconds before managing a, “....what?” Twilight grabbed Cadence by her waist and dragged her out of the bedroom and tried to look assertive in front of her sister in law. “I have a feeling that you and I were discussing two very different people.” started Twilight, her eyes narrowing. “So logically, that only leaves my brother. So can you please explain to me why you felt the need to bust in my room acting all tough and angry?” Cadence blushed darkly, covering her eyes. “I’m so sorry!!” she squeaked as she turned and hurried out of the room, embarrassed. Twilight blinked and sighed, rubbing her forehead in embarrassment as well. “Well that happened…” “Oh god… I should have said Shining’s name,” Cadence mumbled. “I’m sorry Twilight. I was just so mad…” “What is going on? I thought everything was fine between you and Shining Armor.” “...we had a horrible fight last night,” Cadence admitted. “We’ve been fighting a lot lately.” Twilight nodded. “Wait a moment.” She went over to the bedroom and addressed. “Flash, dear. I’m sorry, my sister in law has a bit of a problem. I’ll be right back okay?” Flash nodded and gave her a quick kiss before she dressed. Within less than 10 minutes, Twilight came back out in sweatpants and a tank-top, sitting down in one of the seats by the window to join Cadence. Flash had quickly dressed himself and saluted towards Twilight, smirking slightly before leaving. Cadence watched him leave before turning back to him. “...so about Shining. I can tell there’s been some problems.” started Twilight, blushing furiously and trying to change the subject. Cadence sighed. “He’s changed. He’s not the stallion I married anymore…” she began. “I mean, I expected him to change some. Becoming a ruler is bound to have that effect. But lately… it just seems like his priorities are completely all over the place.” The violet alicorn tilted her head. “What do you mean? Shining seemed to be just fine when I talked to him last. “He’s good at putting on a front, Twilight,” Cadence replied. “But… the big brother you remember had a strong sense of responsibility, didn’t he? And he was always willing to do his fair share of the work, right?” “...yeeeeees but he always has a sense of fun and adventure. When I came out to see him, we had a fun little adventure with a crystal monster. He was happy and we both enjoyed ourselves. It was only for a little but he loved nostalgia and the things we used to do in the past. He is NEVER a straight, business only, professional pony. It’d kill him. Besides, you can’t put on the front you are ALL business. I certainly can’t. Luna and Celestia put it up but they don’t become one with the front they put up, right?” “I know, and I’m not asking him to either,” Cadence answered. “But he does need to handle his responsibilities as Crown Prince of the Crystal Empire. He doesn’t seem to care to do what he’s supposed to. He even tried to turn this summit trip out of be some sort of vacation, as though we have nothing to do here, no jobs or anything… It feels like he’s trying to say I’ve been a bad wife, and I know I’ve been doing all I can. I take my crown seriously, yes, but I love Shining, and I want to be good to him. He doesn’t seem to care about any of that, though. He just gets mad at me and accuses me of things like neglecting him, or being some sort of workaholic.” “W-wait what?!” Twilight sat up fully. “Shining...no, that doesn’t seem like him. And I don’t want to pick sides here though, last time I saw you, you kept addressing a schedule and looked like you were going through the motions. Hey, I’m a bit of a workaholic too but you remember what you told me when I nearly collapsed from working so hard? NEVER surrender yourself to your work, live to have a little fun on the side unless you want to get burned out. Maybe Shining wants to balance both. I’m sure it’s not a crime to do both. If you gave up on the brighter side of life, you’d be...well boring. And that’s not my BSBFF that I know. Why don’t you relax WITH him. This summit isn’t going to take the entire time you’re here.” Cadence fell silent. Maybe Twilight had a point. She did miss simple things like kicking back and relaxing with a bowl of ice cream, or cuddling with Shining and watching a movie. Maybe she had been surrendering herself to her crown a bit too much… but if that were the case, then that meant she was the one who had been in the wrong. She refused to believe that she was wrong for putting her people first. It was a Princess’s job to care for her citizens. Still… she was a person too… and so was her husband. Cadence sighed. “I… have a few things to think about. Thank you Twilight. I’ll talk to you later,” she said, standing up and returning to her room. ~!~!~!~ Shining sat on the windowsill, staring out at the sky. He had awoken to embarrassingly wet sheets after that vivid dream. After quickly changing the sheets and showering, he considered returning to his room, but instead found himself sitting here, thinking. This was the second time he’d had a excessively vivid sexual dream involving Luna. What’s more, he could remember every detail of both dreams, something that was extremely unusual for him. Normally he couldn’t recall a thing. This however, stuck out like a sore thumb. He remembered the taste of Luna’s lips from kissing her. He remembered the softness of her flesh. He remembered every curve of that body. He remembered how gently she had touched him. He remembered that mischievous sparkle in her eye when he made eye contact with her… Wait. That sparkle. Shining blinked as he realized something. That sparkle was identical to reality in every way. When Luna had bade him goodnight that first night she cast the spell to help him sleep, it had been there. When he had been caught daydreaming, that same glint had been there. Even last night, as she brought him up here to sleep, she had that same sparkle in her eye. His brow furrowed. Luna was the princess of the night, and was the guardian of dreams. Did that mean… his recent dreams of her and how clearly he could recall them were somehow connected to her in reality? Had Luna… actually been there? Had she been in his dreams? Shining paled. If Luna had been there for real… then had he been cheating on Cadence without knowing it? Oh dear Celestia!!! “No, no, calm down Shining,” he muttered to himself. “You don’t know anything for sure yet. Keep your head.” He took a deep breath. There was only one thing he could think to do. He was going to have to talk to Luna about this, and find out if his suspicions were correct. ~!~!~!~ Late afternoon, Celestia had returned to her chambers after another summit meeting with delegates from Saudi Arabia. Though she enjoyed working and talking with others to make Equestria a better place, she grew tired of the summits falling into quick little routines. Retreating to her chambers, she removed almost of her jewelry and collapsed onto her couch, closing her eyes briefly. The last thing she wanted was to be disturbed...and a knocking upon her door was there to remind her the day wasn't over just yet. She groaned, slowly pushing herself up off the couch and heading towards the door. She unlocked it and peered out to see her sister standing there, looking concerned. “Celestia… I need to talk to you. Please?” she asked in that quiet voice that implied she was scared about something. Celestia wasted no time opening the door and let her sister pass through, a reassuring hand placed on her waist guided her to the couch. She sat her down and looked at her, concerned. “I’ll get us some tea.” said the pink-white alicorn. “Would you like anything with yours? I believe we will be here for awhile.” “Some honey and lemon please?” Luna requested, sitting on the couch. “The usual.” she nodded, quickly heading off to get the things she needed set up. Celestia was usually slow with her tea, wanting to take her time while she listened to some of Canterlot’s finest musicians. Here, she worked quickly to get the kettle filled with water and the temperature turned up to the necessary heat. Once the kettle was set up, she returned to Luna’s side and sat directly next to her. “What troubles you, sister?” Luna sighed. “...Tia, how does one know when they are experiencing love?” she asked. The subject took Celestia almost by surprise. “Oh. Umm...well…” Luna blushed darkly. “I… I mean… I’m sorry!! I just meant…. er…. ooohhh….” Luna covered her face in embarrassment. Celestia smiled towards her younger sister, shaking her head lightly. “Has my younger sister found a suitor perhaps? Is he or she someone I know?” Luna fidgeted nervously. “I… there is somepony I am interested in, I will admit… but… but I shouldn’t be…” Though oblivious at first, Celestia giggled lightly at the thought, taking Luna’s hands in her own. “Well Luna, this is wonderful. I never thought either one of us would find someone to care for at first but it appears you are the first to find one! Tell me all about him. You make it sound like it’s forbidden though. There are no laws saying a Princess cannot see others so long as they don’t share multiple partners with a love life full of lies or choose a suitor that’s already married. Luna cringed visibly, seeming to shrink. Celestia paused when she saw this, giving her a surprised look. “...Luna?” “I… I… The stallion I find myself taking an interest in…. he is married,” Luna forced out. Celestia’s smile shrunk. “...oh dear. Luna, I love you very much but I would not advise you follow up on this one. It’s a very dangerous path and I believe it will only end in heartbreak.” “I know… I truly do know… but… He is very unhappily married,” she said sadly. “He gives his heart to his wife, yet she seems to only return it with neglect and disregard.” Celestia retracted her hands and leaned back against the couch. She was about to talk before she heard the kettle start to boil. Not breaking sight with her sister, she used her magic to assemble a tray with two cups and the kettle. Once it was brought down next to them, she retrieved a cup and poured some milk into it. “That is most tragic.” started Celestia. “But there is little that can be done other than supporting them in their times of need. You wouldn’t ask me to divorce them so you could have him all to yourself, would you?” “No, of course not!” Luna said quickly. “That would be wrong. It would be up to him if he left her, I would never dream of forcing the issue.” Celestia nodded. “...out of curiosity, who is this stallion?” “I would rather not say,” Luna replied. The older sister raised an eyebrow but shook her head, sipping her tea. “Very well. All I can suggest to you, dear sister, is to help him in the ways you know how. Though the marriage is unhappy, it is unwise to taint the sanctity of their relationship. If he means that much to you, please be careful and do not grow too attached. The last thing I wish for is for your heart to be broken. And trust me, whoever shall do so will NOT get away with a free pass. Understood?” “I… I understand. Thank you Tia,” Luna said, hugging her sister tightly. “I will try to be cautious.” “Of course. Now! Let us discuss something of a lighter and happier subject before I depart to bed.” ~!~!~!~ Luna headed back to her room sometime later, mulling Celestia’s words over in her head. Perhaps she was right. She had already pushed buttons that she likely ought not have. Perhaps it was better for her to just be there for Shining as a friend rather than attempt to lure him in dreams. ...still, they were only dreams… and she wasn’t trying to lure him away in the real world. She took a breath. She wanted to carry on, but she also wanted to respect him and his feelings… “Luna?” Luna jumped. Shining was standing in front of her door, apparently waiting for her. She blushed slightly. “Yes Shining? Can I help you?” “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” he said, “Oh no, I was merely going to rest for a while before it is time to raise the moon,” she assured him. He nodded. “I understand. It won’t take long. I just needed to talk to you about um...some dreams I’ve been having. Dreams I’m slightly concerned with. And since dreams are your thing, I wanted to go to you to wonder what these dreams mean.” Luna became slightly uncomfortable, but nodded, praying her discomfort wasn’t showing on her face. “Come then. Let’s discuss this,” she suggested, opening the door to her room. She lead him towards her couch. “Would you like some tea perhaps? Or anything else?” Shining thought for a moment. “Umm...biscuits perhaps if you have them, please? I could use something to fill my stomach.” Luna nodded and went over to her little kitchen area to prepare a snack for them. “What were you saying about dreams?” she asked. Shining found it was his turn to blush. “Alright. Well...okay, how do I put this...they’ve involved you.” There was a small crash from the kitchen as Luna dropped a cup and it shattered. “Are you okay in there?” “Y-Yes,” Luna answered, cleaning up the mess. “Go on.” He thought carefully on his next words. “The first night I came here, when we spoke, you gave me a spell that you said would help me sleep better. And I did, better than I thought. But...the dream I experienced, I wonder if you somehow projected yourself into it to...help to relieve me in a…” he paused. “...sexual way.” Luna dropped the biscuits she had been bringing over,but Shining was quick to catch it with his magic. He looked at her, concerned he had crossed a line. “Luna? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest anything. It’s just… I usually can’t remember my dreams at all, and I remember the ones from the last two nights very clearly…” “...my presence in a dream causes that to happen. I had forgotten,” Luna mumbled quietly, almost to herself. However, Shining still managed to hear her. He slowly stood up and walked to her, setting the tray down with his magic. “Can you just answer me one question? ...was it actually you? Were you actually in my dream? The first one I had, I woke up in the woods by Canterlot and we…” he cleared his throat. “We...made love on the shore.” “That one was not me,” Luna confessed. “I had intended merely to check on you to make sure you were resting well, but… I saw. I saw the entire dream unfold…” “I apologize!” Shining immediately went into a state of worry. “I-I don’t want you to think I would cheat on Cadence for you, I swear I don’t know how that happened with you entering my dreams like that, I’ve never thought--” “Please stop,” Luna interrupted. “Please…” She fell to her knees, her eyes brimming with tears. “That was merely the first dream. The second one… I created that one. I did that to you. I am the one who should be apologizing to you!” He blinked, looking down at her and helping her up to her feet. “Why should you feel the need to apologize?” “I… I am also capable of seeing daydreams if I am close enough to the pony,” she admitted. “I saw what you were thinking about that day in the meeting. When I saw that, and knowing what I knew of your previous dream, I… I thought I could perhaps… tempt you in dreams.” “...tempt me? What do you mean?” for once, Shining was oblivious. Luna stared at him helplessly for several minutes, as though trying to will him to understand. Eventually, she sighed and began to explain. “You… you have made it very clear that you are unhappy with Cadence. I have absolutely no desire to see you unhappy. I never have,” she began. “I… I wanted to make you feel better any way that I could…” “‘By invading my dreams?” he said, confused. “...you were there in that second dream, getting off on seeing me with a very dear friend of mine. I don’t even know how I should feel about this but...it’s just dreams. And that’s all it has been. Correct?” “Yes, it has all been dreams, and nothing more, I swear to you on my crown,” Luna insisted desperately. There was an awkward silence before he nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. “Okay. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea nor do I want to lead you on. Despite how terrible things are I...no. No I don’t know how much longer I can keep up that idea in my head when I don’t even believe it fully myself.” “What?” Luna asked, looking up at him. He slowly sat back down and ran a hand through his mane, looking for the words to say. “...I’m trying to convince myself I can make things better here in three weeks so that when I go back to the Crystal Empire, maybe things will be a little easier. But I don’t want to go through another argument. I feel the urge to run away from these sort of things and just dive into my dreams to where she won’t be able to...get to me. And I can’t even deny what I’m feeling right now. I feel like a stranger to her practically and that pains me to say. It doesn’t even pain me to the fact that I wish those dreams were real--....” “You… you what?!” Luna exclaimed, staring at him. “You… you wish it real?!” “...I shouldn’t have said that aloud.” he sighed quietly, face-palming. Luna grasped Shining’s hands, her eyes shimmering. “Shining Armor, does that mean you feel the same as I do? That you wish for the same things I wish for?” She smiled at him hopefully. ...if he wasn’t back into a corner already, now he was. He had no idea what to say. His heart was racing, he could feel butterflies right in his stomach, this was EXACTLY how he felt the first time he confessed to Cadence. But...no, this wasn’t right. He couldn’t. “I...I’m sorry, I...I have to go.” he said, quickly escaping from her grasp and heading right out of the room. Things were getting too hot for him. The last thing he needed was to have his marriage go into a meltdown. And the last thing he needed was to wonder if he did have feelings. ...and unfortunately, they existed... > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He didn’t want to have to admit to it himself. He practically refused. It was wrong, morally wrong, on every level he could think of. But yet...something about all that had happened was slowly starting to make sense. The gears were turning and nothing could stop them. It wasn’t that he wanted to stop, a sick side of him wanted it to be true and to be accepted. Shining Armor had fallen head over hoof for Princess Luna. He had come within seconds of falling off the edge towards his warped sense of freedom and yet he chose to run from it. Why? That one question had kept the former captain up ALL night. He had retreated back to his old dorm in the guards area. He knew he needed sleep but sleep would only bring him right back to Luna. He was actually trying to avoid her. Why? Why did he let this happen? When his eyes could no longer stay open and he could no longer fight, Shining went straight to sleep. But he could not recall of a dream. For once, there was no dream. Once he woke up, everything felt numb. Everything seemed quiet. He had decided to leave sooner rather than later to go to one of the local cafes and just relax. He needed some way to compile his thoughts. While he sipped on his coffee, his mind began to wander. He thought of the last few days, and the care and affection Luna had shown him outside the dreams. It had made him feel warm, a feeling he had come to miss greatly. She had genuinely cared about his well-being and his feelings. Luna may have been the princess of the night, but her heart glowed like the sun. He could still feel her hands holding his, the joyful, excited look on her face when she had asked if he felt the same as her. Butterflies had fluttered in his stomach then, and they were returning in full force as his imagination began to project what could have been if he’d said yes right then and there. He saw himself and Luna looking up as the night sky from a balcony tower. He looked over at her dark blue complexion, illuminated softly by the pale moonlight, the glitter of the stars twinkling in her eyes. She looked at him, a shy but loving smile on her face. He gently petted her face, and she blushed slightly, leaning into his hand. His heart could have burst from how adorable she was. He slowly leaned down, intending to kiss her. OH PLEASE! YOU REALLY THINK THAT CAN HAPPEN? Shining looked around as the scene began to waver around him. Luna gripped his hand tightly, her eyes turning dark. “L-Luna?” LUNA WOULD NEVER DO THIS WITH YOU WHILE I HAVE ANY SAY IN IT! Luna’s dark blue tone faded away, and a pink one took its place. Her flowing, starry mane turned pink, purple, and yellow, and her loving grin turned to a mocking, self-righteous one. “Cadence?!” FOR BETTER OR WORSE, HUSBAND! YOU ARE MINE, SHINING ARMOR, AND NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER HAVE YOU! YOU CAN ONLY STAY WITH ME! YOU ARE MY HUSBAND, NO ONE ELSE’S! YOU BELONG TO ME!! Shining tried to pull away from her iron grip, but it was useless. Her hand changed into a sort of monstrous claw, gripping him even tighter and pulling him to her now-nightmarish form. “No!! Let go!!” YOU ARE MY HUSBAND! YOU WILL REMAIN LOYAL!! LOYAL TO YOUR PRINCESS!! “Shining?” Shining flinched, his arm slipping from under him, causing his chin to collide with the table. Wincing and rubbing his chin, he looked up to see one beloved little sister looking at him worriedly. “Hm?” he peered over to his sister and sighed quietly. “Sorry. You were saying?” “I was asking if you were alright,” she replied. “You look like you have something really unpleasant on your mind…” He had debated on lying to his sister but she was a skilled liar spotter. He knew it would be unwise to do so. “...sis, can I ask ya something?” Shining sat up fully and put his arms on the table. “What if...what if you were in love with someone and felt something for someone you felt you shouldn’t be with? Fantasies, daydreams, that sort of thing? Twilight looked at him oddly, sitting in the seat across from him. “What do you mean? You’re the one who told me that love is love, no matter who it is, right?” “Yes. But say you had...thoughts of someone else? Say you were with someone--” “Shiney?” Twilight interrupted. “You know you can be honest with me about anything, right? Please, tell me what’s going on.” Shining paused. The last thing he wanted was to upset her but he knew at this point, it was now or in a divorce court. “...I’m thinking of getting a divorce.” Twilight’s expression didn’t change too much, which caught his attention. “Odd, I thought you would have jumped at those words.” “Well… to be honest… Cadence came to see me the other day looking for you,” Twi admitted. “Something about the way she was talking seemed off to me. I admit I’m a little surprised by the word divorce, but at the same time, I’m not sure I am fully.” “What did she say?” “She was ranting about you not taking your responsibilities seriously enough, and a few other things I’m not sure I care to repeat. Mostly she seemed like she was trying to villainize you, trying to make it sound like you were a bad husband.” Shining’s ears flattened. “And do you believe it?” Twilight shook her head. “No. I know you, Shiney, and even if some things have changed since we’ve been apart, I know that the way she was describing you couldn’t be right.” “A lot of things have changed, Twiley,” he shook his head. “Running a kingdom, trying to keep track of everything, AND trying to keep Cadence happy is draining. I was so happy at the thought but maybe it sounded better on paper. My point is is that she’s become so locked up on the Crystal Empire, I think she’s lost sight of what makes her happy. I take my job seriously as well. But I can’t keep up with running a kingdom 24/7. Relaxing means a lot to me too, you know?” “I know, believe me I know,” she agreed. “Remember who you you’re talking to, the princess of neurosis. I take things way too seriously sometimes too, but even I know when to step back and take a breather. My friends taught me that, and they still step in when I’m going too far. Have you not been able to with Cadence?” “Believe me I’ve tried. Why do you think I’m contemplating a divorce? And we have dinner tonight as well, I don’t…” he gasped. “I can’t tell her that. it would break her heart...” “Then what are you going to do?” ~!~!~!~ Shining adjusted his tie and straightened his jacket. He wanted to at least try to make Cadence happy tonight. No matter how much it was hurting him lately, Cadence was still his wife, and he wanted to believe the mare he had married was still in there somewhere… regardless of what images he had seen in his daydreams today, or feelings he was having for Luna. Cadence stepped into the room, clearing her throat to get his attention. He turned and saw her in a stunning dress, light blue and shimmery, with her hair done up in a simple but stylish ponytail. He couldn’t help but smile at how lovely she looked. “Someone looks lovely,” he complimented. Cadence actually giggled,smiling at him. “ Why thank you, Shining. And you look very handsome in that suit.” She hugged him. “So now I wonder,” mused Shining. “What happened to all work and no relaxing? I didn’t think you’d actually ask ME out to dinner tonight.” “Well, maybe I thought about what you said and decided you were right?” she answered. “I don’t want to seem like I don’t listen to you at all, you know?” She was right and he smiled slightly, nodding. “Right. I picked out a nice restaurant for us. Nothing too expensive though high society loves to line their pockets with bits. Shall we?” Smiling, she took his arm and the pair departed for their restaurant. For the first time in a while, Shining actually felt comfortable with Cadence. She seemed like she was trying to make a genuine effort. Something still felt slightly off, though he couldn’t put his finger on it, but he paid it no mind, deciding to categorize it as a simple change due to time and previous stress. After a waiter showed them to their seats and brought them their menus, Cadence finally spoke. “I admit it. I have missed just having a nice little dinner date with you, Shining. This is very nice.” “Well I figured my wife deserves nothing but the best.” he smiled and chuckled lightly. “At least what I can afford. I’ve actually never been here before but Amity recommended it to me. i just hope the food is as good as it’s worth. 20 dollar steaks might as well have dollar signs grilled onto it.’ Cadence giggled. “Well, you never know, they just might if you ask nicely enough. But I think I’ll just stick to something a little less extravagant. Just some scallops and a side, but this watercress salad appetizer sounds delicious.” “Just a steak then for me.” he said, licking his lips. “I think I can add some more muscle meat to the bone.” “Don’t you think you already have enough muscle meat?” Cadence teased. “Are you complaining? Wasn’t it you who said back in highschool that if I got any studlier it’d be a crime?” “I stand by that statement,” she replied, putting on a false arrogant tone. Shining smirked and went back to looking over the menu quietly. After a few more minutes, Cadence spoke up again. “Shining, what changed? We used to be like this all the time. What happened to that?” He tilted his head up and looked at her. “What do you mean?” “This. Us just enjoying being together.” “You haven’t noticed how you’ve been lately? I mean I don’t want to repeat myself but lately you’ve buried yourself into running the Crystal Empire. And every time I’ve tried to drag you away from it, you get angry at me. It’s like the Empire is all you can think about. I’m not as hardcore when it comes to that kind of devotion. If I was, I’d lose sight of everything and who I am. And I don't want to see you suffer losing that side of you that I love more then anything.” Cadence fell silent, and Shining felt a shift in her mood, even though her expression didn’t change. She looked down at the table for a while before looking back up at him. “I see,” she said. “Then I’m sorry Shining. I shouldn’t have ignored what you were saying and trying to do. It was what you thought was best, and I’m sorry for not listening.” Shining raised an eyebrow. That had not sounded sincere at all. In fact, it had sounded borderline patronizing, like she was only saying it to placate him and not because she saw his point. “Do you understand what I’ve been saying this whole time?” he asked, watching her eyes curiously. “Why now, all of a sudden? Because I mean this. I’ve been worried about you all this time.” “You don’t need to, Shining,” she said, her eyes still oddly devoid of sincerity. “I prioritize my responsibilities, yes, but it doesn’t mean I’m losing myself to them. I’m sorry for making you think that, and for not being a good wife to you.” Now he knew something was up. “...you’re just telling me what you want me to hear. You don’t actually mean it do you? I can see it right in your eyes. Was this all just so you could make it look like you meant what you’re saying?” She blinked, startled for a moment, then frowned. “What are you saying? Of course I mean it!” she protested. “I’m trying to make up for things.” “Then explain how.” he asked. “How do you want to do that? How are you going to make up for how you’ve been acting?” “I…” Cadence fell short. She had nothing to say because, in fact, Shining was right. She still thought she was in the right, and she didn’t feel like she owed him any sort of apology at all. The blank look on her face was all the proof that Shining needed. He sighed quietly and he actually look hurt over this. “...I have a feeling I’m wasting my time then.” “...what’s it going to take?” she asked. “What’s it going to take to fix things?” Now or never time. “In all honesty, for you to relax. Genuinely relax. You’re putting far too much pressure on yourself thinking you can run the whole kingdom by yourself. You’ve let everything get dulled out because you think the Empire is that important to you. I understand managing it is tough but it’s not the only reason you have for living. I wanted to help run this with you but not at the cost of our social and marriage life. I want to find that happy balance but you’re not willing to put that much effort into it like I am on THIS side. And...and if this is how the rest of our marriage is going to be I--...then I’d want a divorce.” “DIVORCE?!” Cadence yelled, drawing almost all the attention in the room to herself. Blushing, she shrank into her chair a bit and remained quiet as everyone returned to what they had been doing. Eventually, she spoke again, much more quietly. “A divorce? Has it really come to that?” she demanded. “...yes,” he said, looking like the word itself would hurt him more than her. “I don’t want the Empire to turn you into someone you’re not. I can’t lose you. I love you more than anything in this world but...but you can’t keep doing this or else you’ll burn out and become obsessed with your work and I’ll just become the Prince who works alongside you. Not your husband. And if that’s whats going to happen, I’d rather save myself the heartbreak. Tell me I’m wrong Cadence. Please. Tell me I’m wrong in my mind. Or are you that blind to your work that you wouldn’t care if you lose me?” “Of course I care if I lose you!” Cadence responded immediately, and this time there was sincerity in her eyes. “I love you too, Shining Armor. That’s why I married you. That’s why I’m at least trying to make things work again. I don’t ever want to lose you.” “Then why won’t you just relax? Why won’t you just relax and not let your work consume you? Tell me.” “Because as the ruler of the Crystal Empire, I must always put my people before myself. You know that,” she replied. He could feel his fists clench with those words. “You’re not the only one doing this though! This is consuming you, can’t you see this?!” “It would be nice if I didn’t feel like I was the only one doing this…” she muttered, not intending him to hear it. Unfortunately, he did. “...excuse me? Don’t you dare think for one moment that the Empire means little to me because it doesn’t. Those people, some of them are my friends. I chose to help you because it was my dream to look out for and take care of others. But I took time to get to know them and treat them not like just our subjects but as people that I could trust and talk to. And I’d rather set a good example of what kind of rulers we could be then be uncaring and solely focused on keeping a kingdom running. There is no kingdom if the people there don’t care about us. Because then that leads to anarchy and anarchy leads to revolution, revolution leads to rebellion. Do you really want to be known as the ruler the Empire took down because they thought she didn’t care?” Cadence was horribly shocked. “Is… is that what you really think of me? You think I don’t care, that I’m just doing what I do because it’s my job? I’m the Princess of Love, Shining! How dare you suggest that I don’t care about my people!” “Well obviously your work means more to you then me.” And he wanted those words to hurt, to snap her out of her obsession. “Your behavior, your attitude towards me, this whole trip was to relax yet all you view it as is just one big summit, all work, no relaxing. And then you come and patronize me and expect me to believe you care? Don’t lie to me Cadence. You’re wrong. And you need some serious time to think about that otherwise you’re going back to the Crystal Empire alone.” With that, he stood up and walked out of the room by himself. He was calm on the outside but on the inside he was furious with anger. Furious with the fact she had openly patronized him when he knew he was in the right. Why wouldn’t she see his point of view? Why? Maybe she couldn’t. Maybe she wouldn’t understand. All he knew this time was that he was done. There was nothing left for him to say. ~!~!~!~ Shining stepped into the room he had opted to remain in for the rest of the trip, tossing his suit aside. He was upset and frustrated beyond belief, and he did not want to talk to Cadence now. He was grateful that Luna had offered this room for him to use as long as he pleased. ...Luna. Shining sighed. That was a whole other can of worms. He still wasn’t fully sure how to handle that situation, as he was still married. And he still wasn’t sure on whether or not he would encounter her again. He couldn't’ avoid her nor could he control his dreams as well as others. If he ran into her again, he didn’t know what would happen. But that’s all he could do at this point: sleep it off. Not even bothering with a shower, he just climbed into bed and, after much tossing and turning, finally fell asleep. He opened his eyes to find himself in the gardens. He was wearing his dress uniform, and stood under a starry sky. It took him absolutely no time at all to realize it was a dream, and the fact that he was so aware of it made him look around. She had to be here somewhere, without a doubt. Slowly he walked through the garden with no rush or hurry in his gait. He could sense her presence lingering in his subconscious. She had to be here somewhere. “...hello Shining Armor,” came a reluctant voice from around a corner. Luna stepped into view, wearing a formal gown of midnight blue and black, sparkling with glittery studding along the fabric. She looked apprehensive to say the least. He turned, facing the voice and remaining hesitant in his posture. “...I thought I sensed you here.” “I… I apologize,” she said. “I just was making sure you were sleeping well, I promise. I have no ill intentions. Forgive me for intruding.” She turned to leave, but Shining caught her arm. She turned to look at him, surprised. “Who said I wanted you to leave?” he asked, giving her a reassuring smile. “You… you were fairly clear when we spoke yesterday,” she answered. “You are indeed a married stallion, and it was foolhardy of me to hold such a selfish hope.” “I know. And it was rude of me to just walk away.” he let out a light sigh. “But I’m at the point where I just want to stop my heart from aching. I wish to find some relief or some well...moonlight, to guide my dreams. To give me hope. I realize I can’t run from you and that I need you to help me.” Luna stared at him, caught between shock and hope. “W-What are you saying, Shining Armor?” There was no hesitation this time. He brought his hands up to her cheeks and brought her into a passionate and loving kiss. This time was different. There was no created illusion, this was the real Luna. Once be broke off the kiss, he kept his gaze locked solely on her mystical eyes. “Please Luna...help me.” ~!~!~!~ Cadence stood in the halls outside of her bedroom. She had come back from dinner furious and frightened at the same time. It felt like she was truly losing her husband, and she couldn’t let that happen. Not only did she want to keep her Shining Armor, but it would also be very suspect if the Princess of Love couldn’t maintain her own relationship. She had to do something. Obviously directly talking to him was not working, as they always ended up fighting, so perhaps it was time to bring in someone else who could help. Nodding to herself, she turned to head back into her room. That was probably the better idea. She needed someone he would listen to, and it was fairly clear that Twilight was out of the question. Well, there was always that earth pony guard he was friends with… > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the next three nights, Shining and Luna carried out their “affair” in their dreams. Whether it was during the day or night, Luna seemed to be right there to make things less boring for the Captain. It was in their dreams that there were no restrictions, no laws, and seemingly no bounds to whatever pleasures they could indulge themselves in. The garden, Luna’s bedroom, on the beach, in the most sacred of places...why not? Shining knew it was only in his dreams and the thought kept him sane. It kept him anchored. If he had actually done half of what they had done in his dreams, Cadence would do far worse than murder him, assuming he could even forgive himself in the first place... These thoughts were what had lead Shining to downing a few shots at a local bar, frowning at the wooden surface. He had to figure out what he was going to do, and soon. The summit was half over, and he would be returning to the Empire before he knew it. He didn’t like thinking of that… “Wow, you look like you just sucked a lemon,” came a familiar voice from behind Shining. He turned around to see someone he hadn’t seen for years. “...Amity?” The handsome grey earth pony stood behind him with his arms crossed, his silver and green streaked hair falling around his face attractively, though his expression was currently a concerned frown. “Shine, the last time I saw you drinking your problems away was in college after Maple broke up with you,” he said, sitting in the stool beside him. “What’s going down?” He looked over to his friend and he shrugged. “...marriage isn’t exactly turning out the way I expected now.” “What’s going on? Dude, on your wedding day you looked like the happiest man in the kingdom,” Amity replied. “I wasn’t thinking about the long term. You know about the crystal empire right? She’s the ruler and I’m the ‘other’ ruler.” “Everyone knows about the Crystal Empire,” Amity assured him. “Something about the way you said other ruler sounded really depressed.” Shining paused briefly then turned to the bartender. “Excuse me. Two glasses of apple brandy please? Leave the bottle. It’s on me.” he looked to his friend. “I got a LOT to tell ya…” He had to seriously think. Could he seriously tell his best friend about all that had happened? SOMEBODY had to know...and this was no dream. The truth NEEDED to come out. Over a bottle of brandy and outside on the beach did he begin the story of what had happened. The arguments, the anger, the loneliness...but he hesitated right before getting to Luna. Amity put a hand on his shoulder. “You can tell me anything, you know that. You’ve always been able to confide in me, and I promise you I will tell no one.” The two had ended up on the beach by themselves, right near some of the rocks on the shore. They both sat down with the bottle and looked out over the waves, watching them cascade back and forth. “...are you with anyone, Amity?” asked Shining. “No, not currently. Why?” “How would you feel if you were in my situation? You’d stay loyal right?” Amity didn’t answer right away, taking time to consider everything he had been told. After a few minutes, he looked at Shining with a more serious expression than he was used to wearing. “I’m not sure loyal is the right word, Shining,” Amity replied. “It sounds like you’re falling out of love with Cadence to be honest, and that it’s not your feelings that are keeping you together, but a fear of doing the wrong thing. You can’t stay loyal if your heart isn’t in it, because then you wind up disloyal to yourself.” He nodded and sighed quietly. “...doesn’t mean I can’t dream or wish of something different. Princess Luna, she’s visited me in my dreams many times and has helped me to get some stress of in my mind but...not really any HERE.” Amity nodded. “Dreams can only do so much I suppose. Did you set that limitation or did she?” “We both did. She and I...for once, I never thought I’d say this, it’s complicated. It’s like...well it feels real, you know? Those dreams, they’re getting vivid. But in real life, well...I can’t even remember the last time I got ANY.” Amity paused a moment before saying, “At all? Dude… that’s not cool!” He gave him a concerned look. “Then… did you want…?” He didn’t finish the question verbally, but the implication was very clear. “Want what?” he looked at Amity...and then put two and two together. “Well...I can’t necessarily do anything about it. If Cadence doesn’t want to, I shouldn’t complain.” “...well, what about…” Amity stopped and took a deep breath. “You do remember college, right? When you experimented? I know we were never serious, but… I do still care about my best bud, you know? I don’t want you to have to suffer if I can do something about it. It would just be a little stress relief, like back in school.” Shining blinked before starting to blush. “But isn’t that...no...well I don’t see how it could be. And...it WAS fun. I was a little disappointed we never followed through though.” “To be honest, I kinda was too but I don’t think either one of us was ready for it back then,” Amity mused. “It’s probably better that we didn’t.” “...so where does that offer stand then?” “Freely open, Shine,” Amity assured him. “Always freely open for you.” Shining’s hand slowly moved over to Amity’s thigh and he smiled, softly stroking before moving over and softly kissing his best friend. Amity kissed him back, gently petting his cheek. “...I can get us back to my room in the Guard’s sector right now. So we’re not out in public.” he said, looking at him with a light smirk. “Good idea. Last thing we need is a tabloid article about this,” Amity agreed. Shining nodded and stood up, taking Amity’s hand and letting his horn glow to cast the teleportation spell. In a few seconds, the two appeared right in the little room that Shining had recently called home. Shining looked behind him to notice the bed and then back into Amity’s bright eyes. “I know it’s not much of a bed but...hey it’s comfy for two.” Amity didn’t answer with words, simply pulling him into another kiss. He apparently didn’t care about the state of the room, something Shining appreciated. With no people to spy on them, Shining locked his arms around Amity’s waist and pulled him close, happy to feel a sense of arousal he hadn’t felt in quite sometime. It didn’t take long for both their shirts to go flying off and their pants soon followed. The two swayed as they kissed and groped one another till Shining shoved Amity down on the bed and straddled him, grinding their bulges together. Amity moaned, smirking up at him. “Wow… you’re really eager huh? You really haven’t gotten it for ages, have you?” “I don’t recall the last time.” he smirked, hands moving up along his chest and to his shoulders, going to kiss along his neck and grind further up against his lime green boxers. “All I know is that I need something a little more serious than dreams right now..” Amity nodded, sliding his fingers down Shining’s spine in the way he knew drove him crazy. Shining shivered, his fingers pinching Amity’s rather sensitive nipples, causing him to moan and arch into the touch. They captured each other’s lips in a heated kiss as they began pulling each other’s boxers down, freeing their manhoods. Their lengths touched, causing them both to moan again. “Unff…” Shining exhaled and bumped his head against Amity’s, murring quietly. “Could you...back there? Using my fingers only gets me so far...” Amity smirked and slid down under him until his mouth was level with Shining’s crotch. He gave him a teasing lick just on the tip, causing Shining to shudder and moan. Liking this reaction, Amity took just the head into his mouth, very thoroughly lapping at him with his tongue and sucking lightly. As Shining’s moans increased in volume, Amity slowly took more and more of him into his mouth, working him carefully so he didn’t go over the edge but was still drowning in pleasure. “G-gahhh...a-almost forgot how good you were down there...f-for a dom..” Shining moaned, trying to fight back the urge to let a side of him he locked away get loose...and also not to attract too much attention. Amity smirked and gave his rump a little spank, causing him to yelp. “No screaming now, Shine. Don’t want to get caught now, do we?” Shining only nodded briefly, looking down and watching him closely. “...no. But the thrill is at least a change…” Amity slid out from under him and moved behind him. “So tell me… how long since you’ve had this?” He dove his mouth in between Shining’s ass-cheeks, teasing his tongue over his entrance. “About aaaaaaahh!!!” he groaned, arching his hips and panting. “...a while...” Amity spanked him again. “Shhhh now, no screaming,” he reminded him, returning to his task. He pushed his tongue slightly into the tightly puckered hole, loosening it slightly. Feeling the tightness become loose, Shining closed his eyes and just moaned quietly, light sounds escaping his throat as he found a pillow to lay his upper torso on. Amity chuckled, sitting up and positioning his length at Shining’s hole. “You ready?” he asked. He nodded and focused his magic to get a small bottle of lube from the dresser by the bed and move it over towards Amity. “Be gentle, alright man?” Amity caught the lube and prepped himself. “Always, Shine. I would never hurt you. Well, not unless you wanted me too.” With that little quip, he began pushing himself in, slowly and carefully since he knew Shining hadn’t been with a guy for years. The intense feeling of his hole being stretched made Shining stifle a moan. He groaned into the pillow and spread his legs a little more on instinct. This was actually happening...and for the strangest reason, he didn’t feel guilt or regret. Amity stroked his hips gently as he began to move inside of him, taking his time to ensure Shining felt nothing but pleasure. Shining couldn’t help the soft sounds that escaped him as Amity worked his own special magic on his body. This stallion knew how to please, and was using his knowledge to make it as good as possible for him. When Amity thrust in, he would also subtly pull Shining back onto him so he could penetrate even further. As he slid out, teasing fingers would brush Shining’s crotch, sending sparks through his body. Every moment was an intense sensation, and Shining found it more and more difficult to remain quiet. Amity had leaned over and gone straight for Shining’s neck, a weak spot right on the pulse point. All the captain could do against it was just take it. Every thrust found it’s mark against his prostate and the desire to be under someone’s control grew. With Amity, he WANTED to be the one under his control. It felt right. No, it felt MORE than right at this point. His moans grew softer as he surrendered to Amity’s control Amity began moving faster, thrusting harder and harder as he felt Shining relax and give full control over to him. He let out an approving growl as he stroked Shining’s butt, giving it another spank for good measure. “You like, Shining?” he whispered sensually. “You like being dominated like this?” “...y-yeah..” he said in between moans right into his pillow, his ass raised up and able to take him in by every single inch. Smirking, Amity took full advantage of this to begin hammering Shining’s willing hole. Shining almost screamed at the sudden increase, but luckily managed to contain himself. Amity growled and bit into Shining’s neck again, wrapping his arms around him to hold him close as they both drew nearer and nearer to climax. Both struggled to hold back their waves but neither could, simply due to the fact that it was just too much. And they released upon the same time, both locked in a heated moment of passion and pleasure. The pair collapsed onto the bed, panting and attempting to get air back into their lungs. After a moment, Amity kissed Shining affectionately. “Feel better?” he asked. He gladly kissed his friend back and nodded. “Much...much better, actually.” Amity nuzzled him, smiling. “I’m glad.” Shining nuzzled him gently back and thought for a moment. “...Amity, can I ask you something?” Amity looked at him curiously. “What’s up?” “If I hadn’t gone for Cadence and took you up on that offer…” he had to choose his words carefully this time. “...would there have been a chance for us?” Amity blinked, surprised at the question, but barely took a moment to answer. “Yes, there would have been. I really did like you, you know… and part of me still does.” “The feeling is mutual.” Thoughts like those could be destructive. But at this point, Shining knew that he needed to escape. Whether in reality or dreams, he had no regrets. And thus a third path unveiled itself to him... ~!~!~!~ Twilight stood on her balcony, gazing up at the cloudless sky and musing to herself quietly as she waited for her summons to be answered. She had a few things on her mind now, and it was causing a bit of a jumble in her extremely intelligent head. Fortunately, a knock sounded on her door, distracting her from her thought and making her smile. “Come in Flash,” she responded. The pegasus guard stepped through the door, giving her a cheerful grin. “Evening, Princess.” he replied, checking behind him and turning to close the door fully, locking it. “I don’t think anyone saw me. I’m glad--” Twilight hugged him tightly, kissing him gently and cutting him off. Flash was surprised by her forwardness as it was unlike her, but he still happily returned the kiss. When they pulled away, he looked into her eyes. “Is there something on your mind?” he asked. Twilight sighed. “Yeah, actually, there is,” she admitted. “You remember a couple days ago when Cadence came bursting in here?” Flash blushed at this, clearly remembering what had happened. “Yes. And I’m very surprised I didn’t get discharged.” “Yeah, well, it’s actually because she was looking for my brother, Shining Armor,” Twilight said quickly, red-faced as well. “The Captain? Is he alright?” “He’s fine health-wise but… I’m not completely sure about marriage-wise,” she said quietly, as though afraid to be overheard. “Cadence has been… strange lately, and Shining’s been unhappy.” Flash’s eyes widened and he whispered. “You think one of them might be cheating?” “I don’t know about all that, but at the very least things have changed between them, and they’re both suffering for it,” Twi replied sadly. “They’re my family, Flash, and I hate seeing them hurt. I want to do something to help them, but I don’t know what. I’m the Princess of Friendship, not romance…” It didn’t take long for an idea to pop into his head. “Perhaps I could find out what’s going on? At least gather some perspective.The one thing I don't want to see is your family get crushed by heartbreak.” He raised her chin up with his fingers. “If there’s anything I can do, you know I’ll do it. I’m here for a reason.” Twilight smiled at him, wrapping her arms around him. “I know. Thank you Flash. Anything you can find out would be wonderful. I doubt they’ll tell me everything because they both like to protect me, but maybe you could do something…” “I’ll ask around. Don’t worry about it,” he said, gently kissing her. “...of course, I’d be more inclined than ever if I had a little more motivation to do so...” He played with the strings on the robe that hugged her figure so elegantly. Twilight giggled. “You think I would send my knight on such a dangerous mission without proper preparation?” she responded, allowing the robe to fall away and undoing the clasps on his armor. His eyes widened as he looked over every inch of the new princess. Allowing his armor to fall to the ground, he placed his hands on her waist. “And where may I ask did you get such exquisite lingerie?” he smirked. “These look just like the set I bought you a week ago.” Twilight gave a mischievous smile. “It may just be…” A smirk grew on his face as he slowly tugged his own shirt off and dumped it on the ground, going to kiss her once more. “Must we keep this a secret...I’m not afraid to admit I’m in love with THE most gorgeous princess in Equestria.” he said, transitioning to her neck and collarbone with gentle butterfly kisses. Twilight moaned quietly, tilting her head to allow better access. “It’s only for a while, Flash, I promise. I just want to tell my friends before telling the entire kingdom, you know? That means you coming back to Ponyville with me first… You are still okay with that, right?” He nodded. “Of course.” He slowly guided her towards the bedroom and even scooped her up into his arms, extending his wings and flapping them to guide them gently to his bed. “I know how much they mean to you. Once the summit is over, the summer can be ours.” Twilight hummed her approval, kissing him once again as he laid her on the bed, allowing their passions to take over. He playfully brought her wrists up above her head and he smirked. “I’ll have to thank Luna properly one day for giving me the courage to get this close to you,” he said. “Until then...I think I’d like that little incentive…” ~!~!~!~ Waking up alone was something that the princess of Love had not gotten accustomed to yet. Ever since their arguments had grown more vocal, Cadence had found herself with little to do during the days and nights when Shining Armor wasn’t around. She spent most of the day wandering around Canterlot on her own, in casual clothing this time instead of her royal armor. She had gotten a few looks from people but shrugged it off. When evening arrived and the moon had risen, an idea came to Cadence. She immediately took to the sky and headed for the castle, landing on Luna’s balcony as she was turning to head back inside. “Luna!” she said, rather loudly. Luna, who had just returned from raising the moon, jumped at the sudden shout and turned around sharply, tensing slightly when she spotted Cadence but forcing herself to calm in order to speak with her. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Cadence, please do not do that. You frightened me.” “I need you to look into my husband’s dreams. I am aware you check into all your royal subject’s dreams.” she walked towards Luna, boasting her authority with each step. “Has he been dreaming of other mares?” Luna frowned. “Hold a moment, Cadence,” she answered. “What right have you to demand such a thing from me? Dreams are not within your realm of authority, they are within mine. You may also be a princess, but do not overstep yourself.” “I believe I do have a right when I could possibly suspect my husband’s unhappiness might lead to infidelity.” Her eyes narrowed at the word. “If he is dreaming of other mares besides me, I DO have a right to know. He has been acting lazy, inconsiderate, and selfish with his own desires instead of focusing on this VERY important summit. And now I don’t know what he spends his nights on or with.” Luna began to become nervous. She, naturally, knew exactly what Shining had been dreaming of, and the last thing she wanted was for Cadence to find out. Still, she forced herself to remain calm. “Well?” she asked, crossing her arms. “You must have seen into his dreams at one point.” Luna drew herself up to her full authoritative stature, even going so far as to spread her wings. “Mi Amore Cadenza, you have no authority over me and my dream guardianship, nor do you have any sort of right to demand such information about anyone’s dreams, even your husband’s. Part of my duty as the guardian of dreams is to maintain their privacy. You will not make me betray that confidence. As the princess of Love as well as Shining Armor’s wife, it is your responsibility to maintain your relationship with him, and you will not force me to--” “Don’t you dare turn this around on me!” she said, raising her voice, her horn illuminating menacingly. “I have been nothing but faithful to my husband and now he refuses to speak with me or try to restore faith in our marriage. I have every right to suspect that he is having an affair with someone!” “Have you?” Luna asked. “Or are you merely looking for a scapegoat so as to avoid responsibility for his unhappiness?” “How would you--...” her eyes widened. “...you’ve spoken to him.” “The prince is my friend, Cadence. Yes, I have spoken with him,” Luna confirmed, seeing no reason to deny this. “What has he said then!?” she glared. “TELL ME! What slander and lies has he tried to place on me!?” “If you must know, he said nothing more than your relationship has changed and that he is not as happy as he once was,” Luna replied. “All else I gathered from witnessing the way you interact with him, such as berating him so terribly when he was a mere five minutes late.” “Are you commentating on my marriage?” asked Cadence. “...I will ask my first question one last time. Has he been dreaming of other mares? Is he truly that unhappy?” “I will answer you once again. I will not break the confidence of my subjects and their dreams. It is not for you to know unless he chooses to confide in you,” Luna answered. Cadence paused before scoffing, turning and spreading her wings. “Very well then. I should have guessed you wouldn’t say a word. You’re defending him. I have ways of finding out what my husband is up to, and neither you nor Celestia will stop me.” Before Luna could respond, Cadence took to the sky and flew away. Answers would be found and at this point, Cadence didn’t care who she had to go through in order to find out what. Her suspicions though of an affair were all but confirmed. The fact there was now made her heart sink. All she could do now was find answers. And she would start with him… > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two days. That was how long there was left to the summit, just two days. Luna looked sadly at the sky as she raised the moon, as it reminded her that her time with Shining Armor was drawing to a close. Though she could certainly visit him in his dreams at will, it wasn’t the same as being near him. Even worse, she could still feel his heart waver with uncertainty as guilt still lingered in the depths of his dreams. He still felt disloyal to Cadence, and still didn’t know if he should divorce her. Luna sighed and turned away from the window. She wished to be with Shining Armor, and she could feel he also wanted to be with her, but there were compounding obstacles, not the least of which was his own indecision. Her heart weighed heavily. She would be devastated if he chose to stay with Cadence, but if that was what he were to decide, she would do her utmost to respect it. Even if he were to choose another, then she would accept that as well. She just hoped they would find a resolution soon... For Shining, moments and dreams between him and Luna had slowed. As arguments between him and his wife continued, the ability to focus his dreams into positives was becoming more and more difficult. He couldn’t focus without Cadence, as a nightmarish figure, entering and destroying any intimacy he had between him and Luna. It was beginning to bother him. With only two days left before heading back to “reality”, he knew he had to do something. Many thoughts entered his mind as he made the effort to head straight towards Luna’s chambers. The more he walked, the more he began to slowly doubt things. The path he was walking on he KNEW would only lead to drama and at the very worst, Cadence at her worst. If he finally took the “plunge” into his deepest and darkest desires, he’d be putting his marriage and his royal status into danger. He had little time to finish weighing the pros and cons before he ended up finally at Luna’s door. Slowly, he reached his hand out and opened the door. Before he could announce his arrival, he sniffed the air. Steam. Presumably from the shower room in her chambers. He slowly made his way inside and closed the door behind him, quietly approaching the bathroom and peeking inside. Luna was visible through the glass of her shower chamber, the soap sliding down her curvy frame as the water rinsed it away. It almost looked like she was standing under a small waterfall, the setup was so elaborate. Shining stood there silently, watching her briefly. With her back turned, he dared not make a sound. All he could see was this beautiful woman in front of him. What he didn’t account for was the door squeaking as he gently nudged it. Luna turned around at the sound and blinked in surprise when she saw Shining Armor standing there. She smiled slightly. Shining froze in place. A blush was evident on his face but he shook it off, moving closer and pausing in front of her, the glass wall separating them. They stared at one another briefly before Shining reached for his shirt and slowly began to strip it off. Watching his new-found lover’s reactions, he slowly began to undress in front of her, each article of clothing slowly dropping to the floor. His eyes never left Luna’s. He moved over to the glass door beside Luna and he opened it, stepping through and letting the water fall upon him as well. He gazed up on the Princess of the Night, a hand going up to slowly touch her cheek. He stroked it gently and looked into her eyes with the most affection he’d ever given anyone. Even more so than Cadence. And all it took was one kiss, just one delicate kiss from Shining to Luna to make a dream come true... Luna gently pressed her lips against his, granting the unspoken request. Her heart was racing. This time it wasn’t a dream. This time it was real. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around Shining, holding him close. He kept the kiss going for as long as he could, wrapping his own big arms around her closely. He slowly broke it off and looked into her eyes. “...I love you.” he said, just above a whisper to his beloved. Luna’s eyes widened and she blushed brightly. Tearing up a little, she smiled back at him. “I love you too.” Nothing else needed to be said as the pair kissed again, this time allowing their feelings pour into it. Transitioning from her lips, Shining went for the neck, passionate nibbles and licks targeted on her favorite spot, a spot he had studied from their many times in their own dreams. Luna moaned, tilting her head to allow him better access. Her whole body tingled. It was so different in reality...Keeping Luna close to his body, he nuzzled along her cheek before kissing her gently. With the water pouring down upon them, Shining’s hands went to Luna’s chest to grope along her breasts. He kept nibbling on her neck before returning his gaze to Luna’s eyes. “...I’ll be waiting by your bed, my love.” He said, his voice quiet yet deep against her ear. He stepped away and opened up the shower, drying himself with a nearby towel and heading right for Luna’s bed. Luna smiled and briefly finished her shower, not rushing but not moving too slowly either. She dried off and made her way back to her bedchamber with naught but a towel around her form, every curve blatantly visible. Shining sat there, smiling warmly at her, and Luna felt her heart skip a beat. Without another word, she walked over to him and kissed him lovingly. He returned the kiss, cupping her face and pulling her closer. Luna allowed him to pull her towards him, both laying back until Luna was atop Shining, still locked in that passionate kiss. The texture of the towel against Shining’s skin made him shudder. His hands slowly wandered along her spine and went right down to Luna’s lovely ass, hands grasped right along her plump cheeks. Luna purred a little, her own hands feeling along Shining’s chest, exploring the firm muscles. She kissed him chest and then looked up at him, wondering exactly how far he intended to go on this. He had been very adamant about limiting what they did in reality, so she did not want to go further than he was willing. “Are you alright?” he asked, touching her cheek gently. “I do not want to go too far, Shining,” she replied. “I won’t lie. I do want this. However, do you want this?” “More then ever. Please. We need to make this a reality.” Luna needed no further encouragement. She discarded her towel and kissed him again, pressing her body against his. It was incredible. Luna had not realized just how different the dreams had been from reality. After just the simple touch, she never wanted to return to dreams. She wanted this to always be real. Propping himself up with his elbows, he caught her in a kiss and helped her straddle along his lap, his length already erect and poking against her stomach. Luna couldn’t help the slight giggle that escaped her. “Looking forward to this?” she teased. “Very much so.” he smirked, leaning up and kissing her gently. “I’ve desired the real thing for far too long. “Then it would be terribly rude of me to make you wait anymore,” she responded. She crawled to the middle of the bed and laid back, giving him an inviting look. He tilted his head, looking into her eyes and then deciding to crawl over her and place his hands upon her breasts, groping them gently. He was ready, he desired this more than ever. Once he felt himself enter Luna for the first time, there was no going back. THIS was bliss. This was dream turned reality. This was what Shining truly wanted. For the first time in far too long, he felt happy. ~!~!~!~ As a member of the Crystal Empire Royal Guard and personal guard to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Flash Sentry found himself in an awkward situation. He did not’ wish to get into other people’s affairs, certainly not one involving marital problems with Cadence and Shining Armor. But by Twilight’s request, the last thing he wanted was to let her down. Once he had finished his royal duties during the morning, he received a message from Cadence to come to her room and speak with him. Initially relieved, he made his way straight to the room the two were staying in. Flying up and around the room, he glided over to the outdoor patio, enclosed by a glass ceiling, where a private pool was set up...and one alicorn princess was busy swimming. In the nude. The yellow pegasus’s attempts to fly straight soon became unbalanced as he felt his swings stiffen. Gliding as best he could, he swiveled in the air and landed behind one of the bushes, hoping to not draw attention or noise. Waiting a few seconds, he cleared his throat. “Princess Cadence?” he asked, staying hidden. “You summoned me?” Cadence turned around in the pool and, without bothering to cover herself up, swam towards Flash. “You know it’s rude to address a princess without showing your face to her,” she called. He stretched his wings out and sighed, poking his head out and keeping his wings down. “Apologies, princess.” he said. “I was...unaware if this was a bad time?” “No, no, I knew you were coming,” she said, resting against the side of the pool and giving him a rather smoldering gaze. If it wasn’t obvious he was blushing, he was now. Though he had preferred Twilight’s figure, there was something about Cadence that just seemed more mature and inviting. He kept his trademark smile though it seemed nervous if anything. He hadn’t seen Cadence THIS way before. “Umm…” he was fumbling for a conversation topic. “I’ve finished all my royal duties this morning and made sure the train will arrive on time, the catering for your dinner tonight will be nothing but satisfactory, and tickets for--” Cadence’s horn glowed, and Flash felt himself being pulled to the water’s edge. This time, he had the FULL view of her entire body. The water wasn’t covering up anything. “U-uuhh...forgive me, I’ve been very busty all da--BUSY! ...busy all day, heh…” Cadence smirked. “Busy with what, exactly?” she asked in a sultry tone. “T-the duties you asked of me?” he blinked, his wings stiff as boards. “...what DID you wish to speak to me on? Because there was a matter I wanted to talk to you with as well.” “Very well, you go first. I enjoy hearing you talk,” she replied with a sexy smirk. He blushed lightly but nodded. “I can’t help but notice that things between you and your husband have been getting tense. You two aren’t even seen together and it seems Shining goes off on his own to do well...OTHER things. Why is that?” “Perhaps he simply doesn’t enjoy what I have anymore,” she answered. “Luxury?” he asked, slowly sitting down at the edge and looking to her. “Perhaps,” she said, casually lifting herself out of the water and shaking her hair out. He said not a word, this time just watching her briefly, taking in every lovely inch of her figures. He slowly stood up and went for a towel, giving it to her. “Oh no, I’m getting right back in momentarily,” Cadence replied. “Perhaps you would care to join me?” He blinked. “Me? Oh no, I couldn’t. I have a...lunch I should be getting ready for in an hour.” “Oh? With Twilight, I assume?” she asked teasingly. His ears perked slightly. “Hm? Sorry?” She gave a girly giggle that made Flash tingle. “I saw you in Twilight’s room, sweetie. I know the two of you are seeing each other,” she reminded him. “Twilight isn’t the sort to do one-night stands.” Flash shook his head. “Of course not. I would never do such a thing to her.” “My point exactly,” Cadence replied, standing up and walking to him. “You are a noble stallion… unlike my husband.” Well, no was a better time than any… “...do you think your husband is cheating on you?” Cadence’s eyes filled with tears. “...yes, I do. I tried so hard to be a good wife to him, but… his eyes still strayed. He still wandered away from me. ...I just wanted for us to have a happy, loving relationship with each other. Is that so wrong?” “No. It isn’t. “he sighed lightly, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “But why would he want to act that way towards you all? I’ve known Shining to be footloose but not like this. Is there anything I can do to help?” “I just… I feel lonely is all,” Cadence answered. “I’m the princess of love, yet I can’t even remember what it feels like to BE loved.” Flash paused briefly, looking at her. Millions of options raced through his head before he shook his head. “...that isn’t fair to you. Any stallion in Canterlot would do anything to be close to you. You’re beautiful, intelligent, understanding...you’re the brightest ruler of our time for the Crystal Empire. If Shining chooses to be more lenient on the marriage and can’t love you the way he used to, perhaps you need...no, no, that wouldn’t be right.” Cadence covered her face, seemingly trying to wipe away her tears, but really hiding a small smirk. She managed to conceal it before looking back over at Flash. “What wouldn’t be right?” she asked. “Well...you’re married. I think you can see where this goes.” he sighed. “I can’t necessarily help on that.” Cadence gave him a surprised look. “Are you suggesting…?” His eyes widened. “N-no! I would never suggest such a thing.” Her expression went from shocked to thoughtful. “I didn’t realize you found me that attractive, Flash.” “There’s only a handful of mares I find attractive. It would seem wrong if I found no one attractive. If I’m allowed to be honest, both you and Twilight are at the highest levels of attraction.” She smiled. “So you find me just as enticing as Twilight, do you? I’m flattered.” There was a brief pause before she continued, “Do you… care about me, Flash Sentry?” “My heart belongs to Twilight and no one else.” he said, remaining as serious and as polite as he could be, despite feeling aroused with Cadence being so close to him. “You know… I am the princess of love,” she teased. “I can feel the emotions of others, including when they are turned on.” Flash remained silent at first. “...y-your point?” Cadence gave him a look that was half-sad, half-desperate. “Flash… I feel terribly lonely. I feel unloved. I feel… nothing like the guardian of love should feel. Flash, please… even just this one time… I just wish to be reminded of how it feels to be loved by somepony…” “Princess, I don’t think you should be going to me for this.” he said, initially concerned and having a very hard time resisting his urges. “Surely there are others better than me.” “Flash, I am pleading with you. Not as your princess, but as a mare who is in desperate need of affection that she is not getting from her husband,” she whispered softly, almost shamefully. “I promise you, I will not let your kindness go unrewarded.” “...how so?” he tilted his head. “The captain of the crystal guard is about to retire. We are in need of a successor,” she implied. “...he is getting old,” Flash turned his head, looking away in thought. “And of course, a promotion means an increase in pay,” she continued. “It simply comes hand-in-hand.” And an increase in pay would mean a better future for him and Twilight. The thoughts seemed very intriguing...but what would Twilight think? He looked to her and reached up, touching her cheek. “.......what she doesn’t know won’t hurt. Right?” he asked, curiously. “I won’t say a word if you don’t,” Cadence replied, winking at him in reassurance. Inside, she grinned triumphantly. This would surely teach Shining Armor to cheat on her. Wasting little time, Flash took the towel in his hands and pulled it away, throwing it behind him and pulling her into a deep and lustful kiss against his armor. If she wished for love, she would get it. He held her close to his figure and took her to the bedroom, stopping by the edge of the bed and hastily trying to get his armor off. Cadence’s horn glowed, and suddenly every single clasp and buckle on his armor came undone, allowing it to all fall away. She giggled when he gave her a surprised look. “I married a soldier, Flash. Do you think I don’t know how to get one out of his armor?” she teased. “True enough.” he chuckled, reaching for his shirt and slipping it off. His hands went for her waist and circled around to hold her close, moving his lips to her neck to suck on a pulse point. What he didn’t expect was for her to suddenly grab him and shove him onto the bed. “Forgive me, but I’ve always been pretty impatient,” she said, her horn glowing again and stripping him of his pants and boxers, leaving a very exposed, aroused pegasus at the mercy of a very aggressive princess. Flash smirked, looking up at her and bringing her down into a kiss, hands going straight for her ass and gripping it firmly, a firm slap hoping to excite her more. She wiggled her butt in response. “Mmm, smack my ass more. I like playing like that,” she commanded. He chuckled, grasping it with both hands and giving it a sting-worthy spank. Both hands kneaded her ass roughly. He eagerly moved his body up and pressed to hers, teeth still biting at her neck, casually spanking her ass. She moaned before suddenly grabbing his arms, pinning them above his head and smirking down at him. “Do you desire your princess?” she asked. “...absolutely.” he said, staring into her eyes. “Then show me how much,” she said, crawling up until her pussy hovered above his face. He blinked, looking up at her and smirked slightly, slowly moving his tongue up along her clean shaven lips, providing little nibbles here and there before starting to slide his tongue inside.The taste was very similar to that of Twilight's, a sweet fruity flavor that he found himself quickly addicted to and proceeded to bury his tongue further inside. “Mmmmffff…. Oh wow, you’re very practiced at that,” Cadence noted. “Do it more.” Gladly obliging, he moved his tongue inside and wiggled it around, his hands reaching up to her ass and giving it another spank. He moaned a little, breathing through his nose as he pleasured Cadence. “Ooooh… keep going! Make me cum!” she ordered, holding his head to her crotch firmly. Nodding, his tongue dove in further and flicked at a spot that would drive Cadence mad, curling his tongue all around it. He spanked her roughly and brought his fingers around to start toying and fingering her while he worked. “Oh yes!! YES!!!” She screamed as climax washed over her senses, a small flood of juices gushing out onto Flash’s tongue. He made sure not to miss a drop, wanting to take in as much as he could. Once he finished, he licked his lips and smirked...and then grabbed her by the hips, planting her down on the bed on her back. “...my turn.” Cadence smirked up at him, allowing him to continue lavishing her body with attention. She was sure that this would make Shining realize how much of a fool he was when he found out she could simply go to somepony else to get what she wanted. As he slid into her, she moaned, simply allowing herself to feel the pleasure at the moment. Fuck Shining. Or better yet, don’t fuck him. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunlight filtered through the small part between the curtains, casting down directly on Shining Armor’s eyes. He grunted, raising a hand to shield his eyes briefly before groaning. Once he was awake, he was awake, so he didn’t bother trying to roll back over, just giving in and yawning. As he moved to stretch, he realized one of his arms was pinned down by someone’s weight. He looked over towards his bed-mate, and blinked for a moment when he saw a dark blue, flowing mane that glistened like stars. Princess Luna was sound asleep on top of him. Shining stared at her for several minutes as memories of the previous night began returning to him. He smiled softly, gently petting her hair with his hand affectionately. She really was beautiful, and she was very special to him by now. However, the longer he looked at her, the more guilty he felt. This whole thing had been going on for a while now, but it had taken this for him to realize that this was quite possibly the worst mistake he had ever made in his life… After all… he wasn’t a single stallion. Shining sat up, carefully shifting Luna so as to not wake her. He was surprised that the sun was already up, but then… Celestia had watched over both night and day for a millennium. He supposed one night wasn’t too shocking. For a brief moment, everything felt right. Having this divine princess laying next to him, it reminded him of the first morning of his honeymoon with Cadence. But Luna...she looked far more intriguing than Cadence. She exceeded Cadence in every possible way. And with what had happened last night...he had taken her virginity. How in the world would he ever expl--...no. He wouldn’t. He simply moved off to the edge of the bed and looked around for his clothes, finding them in a pile nearby the bathroom. Luna, missing his presence, awoke slowly. She looked around briefly before calling, “Shining? Where are you?” Shining froze. He was out of Luna’s sight around the corner and he peered towards the door across from him. There was a moment of hesitation before he slipped on his boxers and turned around the corner to see Luna sitting up, the covers hiding her features from him. “Right here, princess.” he said, a light smile curved on his face as he leaned against the door frame. She giggled lightly. “You needn’t be so formal, beloved,” she teased. Shining shook his head lightly and walked over to her, stopping right by the edge where Luna sat. He looked down at her and brought his hand up to slowly touch the top of her head, petting like he would for a feline. Luna leaned into the touch with a genuine smile, looking up at him, savoring the moment for as long as possible. They were both avoiding the topic they knew they were going to need to discuss now. “...Celestia will kill me.” said Shining, finally breaking the silence as he looked up and out the window. “I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have taken the risk. I almost thought it was another dream.” She sighed. “If my sister were really so disapproving, we would never have gotten this far. Trust me.” Though still unsure, he nodded and slowly sat down next to her. “...this was a mistake.” Luna’s eyes widened slightly and she looked directly at Shining. “Was it Shining? Was it really?” “I never meant to--” She shook her head. “I know...I know that deep down there is an answer.” Shining turned to look at his lover fully. “Depends on the question.” “You know what the question is, Shining Armor.” As she finished, Shining took the moment to lay a gentle kiss to Luna, keeping it tame between them before moving back. “.......yes….I do love you.” Luna nodded, looking at him with some small tears in her eyes. “And I love you as well. ...I just wish it could be as simple as that.” “You and I both know that this can’t be simple without someone getting hurt.” he said, trying to be delicate with the matter. “I just never thought it would escalate through dreams. It was risky as it was to pursue you.” “And it was risky to reveal my feelings to you as well, yet we both chose to pursue,” Luna replied. He nodded slightly and stood up. “...and yet I still feel tense, like someone could enter through that door and both our lives could crumbling down. Why do we have to do this in secret? Why can’t I just end this now and choose you?” Luna crawled over to him and hugged him closely. “It is up to you what you choose to do, beloved. I won’t hold you to any time limit or anything like that. You have all the time you need to choose, but I must stress that you do need to choose. We cannot simply have an affair.” And Shining knew this. There was only so much delaying the inevitable that could happen before all hell would break loose. And at the very least, Cadence would want his head. Twilight would have a different opinion of him. Celestia...well Celestia wouldn’t be too happy. What would Amity think? Or Flash? Or even his own family? Too much was at stake. “...tomorrow is when I have to go back.” he said with a quiet sigh. “That’s the one thing I don’t want to do. I don’t want to be trapped in the Crystal Empire. I can’t handle going back into a routine. I’d end up like her, sticking to a schedule and being married to my work.” “... you have until your departure tomorrow afternoon before you return to that routine,” Luna said. “I would wait even longer, until the next time we see each other however long that may be, let me be clear. I am still not pressuring you. However, if you are truly that afraid… I would suggest…” Luna hesitated a moment before her horn glowed and a few papers appeared on the bed next to him. Shining turned to the papers, eying them curiously. “...are these…?” “Yes,” Luna answered. “Do not use them unless you feel sure enough about it. All they require is signatures, but so long as they are unsigned, they are simply printed papers.” She lifted his chin so that he looked at her face. “I will stand by whatever decision you make, Shining. That I promise on my crown.” The stallion looked to the papers, eying them closely before looking to her. “...she’s not the only one that’s on my mind though.” he said quietly. “As crazy as it sounds, I don’t have two choices. I have three.” Luna blinked, looking at him in surprise. “I’m sorry?” “Amity,” he said. “He’s one of my closest friends and we’ve...shared benefits before. It’s always been purely sexual between us as well but things recently changed. And the option has arisen for...me to pursue someone else.” “The one from your dreams before…” she whispered to herself thoughtfully. “I hadn’t realized he had come back into your life.” “It was only recent. And I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen.” he groaned. “I didn’t expect a third path to just open itself to me but...I think he likes me a little more than he is letting on. And I can’t deny that I feel at least SOMETHING for him. The only reason I’m even thinking about it...is because there’s one thing about his choice that could be different from anything I’ve ever had.” “...what is that?” she asked trepidatiously. Wording his thoughts correctly, he took in a breath. “Normality. This option is the chance for a completely normal relationship. No royal duties, no secrets, a completely new start. It’s interesting in just the concept...but terrifying because I know what will happen if I go for it.“ “You’ll have no protection from Cadence,” Luna whispered. “She’d see me dead before I try to leave her for anyone, let alone a male.” he sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “I think she’d rather I not fall out of her hands and into someone else’s. So...that leaves three.” Luna nodded, and got out of bed. “It seems you have much to consider, Shining,” she said, a note of sadness in her voice. “But regardless of what your final choice is, at least we have last night. I will always cherish that.” She kissed him gently. “I think you should leave now. You need to have a clear head for this, and I don’t think us being in the same room, especially a bedroom, will help with that.” He paused and brought her into another kiss, his hands placed on her waist and tugging him onto his lap. He kept her there, her naked frame pressed against his. “...please don’t hate me if I make another choice…” “I promise I will never hate you, Shining Armor. Not you. Never you,” she swore. ~!~!~!~ Despite being a Crystal Guard and one of Cadence’s escorts, Flash had decided to steer far away from Cadence. After what had happened, he had a very hard time trying to remain neutral or carry out his normal routines. Once he exited that door, he felt immediate guilt. He had always known he could be a major horn-dog but this was crossing the line. For the rest of the day, at least for 2 hours or so, he stayed in the guard’s area, talking to some of his friends and trying to remain calm. But the hardest part of the day came from having to avoid Twilight. He felt terrible enough as it was. Seeing Twilight wouldn’t make things better. “AHEM!” came a sudden voice from behind him. Flash turned to see one of the lieutenants, Amity Faith, frowning at him disapprovingly. “ACK!” Flash yelped, jumping and looking around frantically. “...y-yes, sir?” “Come with me, Sentry,” he ordered, turning around and marching out of the guard’s area. Flash got up and followed quietly. Normally he wasn’t paranoid but this was a very different situation. He could feel himself trembling and almost on the verge of just running but he kept his composure. Amity lead him to an empty barrack, and he made sure to lock it once they were inside. He turned to look at Flash, his expression still highly disapproving. Flash gulped, standing at rigid attention. “By your expression, I’m willing to guess you know exactly why I’m speaking to you,” Amity said formally. “...n-no, sir. I don’t see why you would?” “Don’t lie to me, Sentry,” Amity said. “I saw you this morning, sneaking out of Princess Cadence’s chambers.” He sighed. “Now, given that you are a member of the Crystal Guard, I wanted to give you the chance to explain and not simply assume--” “Now hold on!” he said. “Just because I was leaving Cadence’s chambers doesn’t mean I would do something! Why would you assume anything?” “Were it not for the fact that you looked as though you were sneaking, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation,” Amity answered. “And as I was attempting to say, I wanted to--” “C-come on, it was early in the morning! I had a busy day and I didn’t want to overstay my welcome!” Amity frowned again at the second interruption, but simply spoke again. “I was merely trying to ask why you were in there. I was not attempting to assume anything. It looked suspicious and I was--” “Suspicious? Why would it be--” he silenced himself when he saw Amity’s expression, feeling as if a hole was being drilled right through his face with Amity’s eyes. “Three times interrupting me, as though you’re anticipating what I’m going to say,” Amity said firmly. “Now I know something happened that you know shouldn’t have. You will explain yourself right now, or I will call Captain Armor and we can ask him.” He paused before trying to relax his stance. “...w-why is it such a big deal I’m leaving her room? I do that all the time in the morning to check on her, get my duties, everything.” “Then tell me why I smell perfume on you,” Amity asked simply. Flash’s eyes widened. “...p-perfume, sir?” “Yes, perfume,” Amity replied. “My sister is a perfume maker, I know how to recognize it. This is your final chance to come clean with me, because next we go find Captain Armor and let him decide how to handle this.” ...well everyone had a breaking moment. “OKAY I'LL CONFESS, I’M SORRY, I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING! Cadence told me not to tell anyone but I was just doing what she wanted! I didn't know, I promise! I didn’t know she wanted a bed-mate!” Amity just stopped. “Wait… a bed-mate?! I thought you had been going through the princess’s belongings and the perfume had stuck to you! You SLEPT WITH HER?!” He yelped, feeling his wings stretch out suddenly. “NOT OUT LOUD!” “SIT DOWN SOLDIER!!” Amity yelled angrily. Flash did as he we told, without saying a word. If he wasn’t terrified, he was now. Amity paced angrily for several minutes before he spoke again. “You… do you have any comprehensible idea what you’ve done?” he demanded quietly. “I have been friends with the Sparkle family for years, and I know how tightly-knit they are. I know how much they value trust and love. Do you know what your thoughtless act has done?!” “I-It isn’t what you think, okay!? She said that Shining wasn’t giving her any kind of love or attention and she just wanted to feel some kind of love!” he stammered, fidgeting with his hands. “She...she promised me a better future for me and Twilight so I figured it wasn’t that big of a deal! Wouldn’t you have done something to make a better future for the one you love? You can’t put all this on me you know. She’s...not exactly the saint that her people believe her to be.” Amity fell silent. She had really stooped so low? Cadence had really gone so far as to do something like this? If that were the case, then Flash was just a victim, but even still… that didn’t excuse the part he had played. “Flash Sentry, that is a moot point. Regardless of reasons, you still slept with the married princess of the Crystal Empire, and judging by what you just said, in doing so you also cheated on the princess of friendship,” he stated very clearly. “No matter your intentions, your actions remain reprehensible.” Flash felt his ears go back and he turned his head away, knowing what would more than likely happen next. “...so...? You’re gonna kick me off the guard? Arrest me? What?” “...No,” was the simply answer. “...wait what? No? Why?” Amity got right in Flash’s face, his expression deadly serious. “You have done something that is in all likelihood irreparable. You have participated in an action that will likely put an end to the marriage of the rulers or the Crystal Empire, something that will undoubtedly have repercussions on the crystal ponies themselves. How do you think they’ll handle having a loveless ruler on the throne of love? On top of that, once she discovers what you have done, no matter your reasons, Twilight Sparkle’s heart will be broken. I’ve known her since she was a filly. She is the most caring mare you will ever hope to meet, and you have betrayed her. All of this, you will have to live with. You will have to carry on your shoulders, for it falls on you. I won’t do anything, because you will have to live with that pain and guilt for the rest of your life.” There was silence till Flash looked down. “.......I just wanted to give her a better future for us…” “Then you should have considered the meaning of your actions,” Amity said, turning and opening the door to the barracks. “Dismissed.” ~!~!~!~ Celestia sat at the table in the meeting room, waiting patiently. This was going to possibly be the most important talk to occur during their summit. She glanced at the clock, not impatient but anticipating. Finally, the other attendee burst into the room. “I’m here!” she said, catching her breath. “Don’t spring an emergency meeting on me like that, Tia. What is it?” “Sit down, Cadence,” Celestia replied calmly. “It will just be you and I for this one.” She blinked and slowly moved over to the table and sat in front of Celestia. “What else is there left to discuss? I am trying to wrap up things for tomorrow,” asked Cadence. “This is not about politics, my dear niece,” Celestia said. “I’m speaking to you as your aunt.” “...oh.” she paused. “Well, let’s make it quick then.” Celestia looked at her with a sad smile. “Make it quick? I remember a time when you would have loved to just talk with me.” She was silent for a moment. “...you make a good point. Have I really been working too hard?” “Without a doubt, but ironically, that isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about,” Celestia said, her smile fading into a serious expression. “We need to talk about what you have been doing as of late.” “You mean what a good job I’ve been doing with the Empire? Tia, I don’t think that’s--” “That’s not what I mean,” Tia interrupted. “You have been doing just fine as a ruler, but… it’s in all else that you have not been.” She raised an eyebrow. “...what are you implying? Get to the point?” Celestia frowned. “Such as that. You have been sacrificing the person you are for your crown. You have not been Cadence for a long time, far before this summit. It has me worried… for many reasons.” She sighed. “You are the princess of Love, Cadence. Don’t you think you were named as such for a reason?” “And what is wrong with what I do? I’ve been focused on my duties,” said Cadence. “It isn’t my fault my husband chooses to disregard his responsibilities to try and live a footloose and fancy free lifestyle.” “Interesting how you knew exactly what I was about to say,” Celestia replied. “I suppose that means this isn’t the first time this has been brought up to you.” She rolled her eyes. “Save it. If you wish to be my marriage counselor, I am not interested. It is his foolish decision to take his royal responsibilities for granted. I may be the Princess of Love but that doesn’t mean I have to keep loving dead weight.” “Dead weight,” Celestia said flatly. “That is how you refer to him now. Before you could never stop singing his praises. You did exaggerate a characteristic here or there, but the stallion you spoke of still exists to this day, a fine example of work ethic and strong love for his family and friends. He has done nothing but grow up, and I have seen how he is, Cadence. He is a fine leader and a good ruler. It was only when you began to change that things began to sour, because niece, you have changed for the worse.” ...Cadence said nothing. There really wasn’t anything she could say that could change the situation. But...she chose to laugh. Heartily. She was actually laughing over Celestia’s words. “You are terrible with jokes, Celestia. You see fit to blame ME for his actions? I cannot love what HE has turned into.” Cadence stood up, trying to loom over Celestia. “You DARE try to put all of this blame upon me!? I have done nothing wrong!” “Except seduce a guard that you knew to be seeing your sister-in-law,” Celestia replied. “And that is merely the most recent of your actions.” “WHAT!? H-HOW DARE YOU IMPLICATE SUCH AN ACT, YOU BITCH!” “MI AMORE CADENZA!!” Celestia thundered, standing up and spreading her wings fully, taking on a fairly intimidating posture. “YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME IN SUCH A TONE, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU KNOW THAT EVERY WORD I SPEAK IS TRUE!! I AM STILL YOUR AUNT AND YOUR SUPERIOR, AND YOU WILL REMEMBER THAT!!” “.......and if it is? You have no business going into into my marriage.” growled Celestia, narrowing her eyes. “I do when your behavior may very well be a threat,” Celestia replied. “You are acting in a similar manner to Luna before her descent into nightmare, and it frightens me to think that someone else who I hold dear may become a monster in every sense of the word…” “Monster,” Cadence repeated. “Don’t even try to compare me to that sister of yours. She made more mistakes than I’m sure you have, If you think that Luna is anywhere on my level--” “On your level?!” Celestia demanded. “Are you listening to yourself?! We are not superior or inferior in power, we are equals, and we each have our domains! Would you consider me inferior? Or Twilight? Are you better than us now?” “Perhaps I am!” she said with a raised voice. “But this is not the point. And you have been dancing around your point since I came in here. YOU cannot do anything other than voice your thoughts. If you wish to discuss how much of a failure my husband has become, by all means, let’s discuss. It’s a subject I can’t seem to get enough of.” Celestia shook her head. “I will not pretend Shining Armor is without fault. However, you are the one who has been driving him away. You are the one, who has been mistreating him. You are the very reason that mistakes have been made, and so long as you remain blind to that, nothing will be resolved.” “And is he not at fault? You act as if I am all to blame. I wouldn’t go that far.” Cadence smirked. “I know my husband has been cheating. I can feel it in my bones.” “You assume that baselessly,” Celestia answered. “And based on a mere assumption, you cheated on him yourself. Even if your assumptions were correct, is that truly the way to fix it? You get wronged, so you wrong in return? The true princess of Love that I knew would have at least attempted to talk, to work things out properly, and would never have stooped so low as to break not just one, but three hearts simply for her own satisfaction.” Cadence turned and shook her head. “For my own satisfaction? Please. This hurts me more than you know. I will rectify this problem on my own time. But I’m curious. You found out about something I didn’t think you would faster than I thought. So if you can see what’s going on in this castle...what has Shining been doing?” “And yet again, you try to divert the point I am trying to make and place blame yet again on your husband,” Celestia responded. “Have you ever given thought to the possibility that with multiple people telling you the same things there may be truth to it? That perhaps you should stop and think about what they are telling you?” “THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!” yelled Cadence. Her horn began to glow a menacing color and she stared down her aunt, feeling an anger she hadn’t felt in a long time. She stood up slowly and took in a deep breath. “...is there anything else you wish to discuss?” Celestia had taken a step back when she saw the change in Cadence’s magic. Such anger… What was happening to her dear niece? What was she turning into? > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heading back to his room a couple of hours after waking up next to the Princess of the Night, Shining Armor felt a small bounce in his steps. There wasn’t anything on his mind that could have bugged him. He actually felt a little better about himself and even getting back to his room, seeing most of his things still unpacked, he set to work quickly to pack everything away. He had packed light and the last thing he wanted now was to let everything go by so quickly. His thoughts paused upon hearing the sound of knocking, coming from across the hall at his door. “...please don’t let it be her.” he mumbled to himself. “Shine? It’s me! I need to talk to you!” came the familiar and welcome voice of Amity. “Can I come in?” Shining paused briefly before going to the door, looking around and slowly opening it. “Amity? What’s wrong?” Amity pushed his way through the door without even waiting for Shining to open it fully. He had a very agitated expression on his face. “Shine… I… Okay, you know Flash Sentry, don’t you?” Initially confused, Shining allowed him entrance and locked the door, getting the two of them to an area where they couldn’t be heard. “Yes, what about him? He’s on the Crystal Empire guard.” Amity took a deep breath and, shakily, explained what had happened and what he had found out. He was very careful to not villainize Flash or Cadence, simply explaining the facts. Still, he watched Shining carefully to see how he would take this revelation, especially considering that he himself had slept with others despite being married. Still, it wasn’t as though he had gone and seduced someone with the explicit intent to hurt Cadence, rather it had been because he was hurting so badly and needed to get away. Because of all this, Amity couldn’t begin to guess how his friend would take it. Shining had sat down next to Amity and had thought briefly before putting his words together. “...so let me get this straight,” he started. “...my wife seduced Flash because she ‘wanted to be loved’ yet NEVER came to me on the premise that I didn’t love her anymore because of the way she was acting thus causing me to cheat on my wife with not just you but with Luna as well. And initially, you and I having sex was only a relief and not actually cheating in some bizarre way...but now we’ve both cheated on one another through other people and now it seems that if I hadn't done anything, Cadence would have just slept with anyone because she hadn’t gotten any regardless of me? I’m sorry, how does ANY of this make any sense!?” “Wait wait wait a minute!” Amity interrupted. “Obviously I know I slept with you that one time, but what’s this about Princess Luna? I thought you two kept it to the dream realm?” “...things sort of...happened,” Shining said, a hint of shame in his voice. Amity gave him a concerned look. “Then… you did actually sneak behind Cadence’s back. Fully.” He didn’t sound judging or angry, but his tone was an odd mix of disappointed and confused. “I’m… not sure what to think of that. Still, it doesn’t make what happened with her and Sentry right either. She intended to hurt you, and just had to choose somepony she knew your little sister lik--” Amity stopped short, unsure if Shining had even known that. Shining turned his head to look at him. “...are those two…?” “...yes,” Amity muttered, his ears folding back. “But that’s not the issue here. The issue is that Cadence knew about the pair of them, and she actually used that as a bribery point to get to Flash. She wasn’t just hurting you this time, but your sister who is quite thoroughly an innocent bystander in all of this as well.” He paused a moment before continuing, “She’s nothing like the Cadence we knew in school.” “Tell me about it,” he sighed. “So as it stands, she cheated on me...and I cheated on her before she did so with anyone…” “This whole situation was fucked up even before it got to this point, but now it’s just reached levels of ridiculous,” Amity remarked. “...what are you going to do?” “That’s the million dollar question isn’t it?” said Shining, raising his head up and then looking over to one of the drawers, going over to it and taking out the divorce paper. Amity looked over his shoulder and saw what he was holding. There was a brief pause before he spoke. “You gonna go through with that?” he asked simply. “You’re gonna leave her?” “...yes. Now that it’s reached this point, I don’t have any doubts,” he walked back and sat down, holding the paper tight in his hand. “How can two people be in a marriage when it seems like they don’t love one another and resort to cheating with others to satisfy their needs. What does that say for her and for me especially? Do you see how everyone in this whole mess is a hypocrite? And could you see how dangerous this mess could be if it were made public? This paper, if it gets signed, will stir up more drama than I can handle and it will put a bad stain on my family line as well as Cadence’s. At this point, it’s inevitable someone is going to get hurt. Twilight, Flash, Cadence...Luna...there’s no way there can be a happy ending for everyone. And I’m stuck at the center of this whole hurricane. I wish...I just wish I could run away from all of this. Start all over, say fuck it to everything and just...I don’t know. I don’t want to have to choose between Luna and Cadence.” Amity was silent for a long time, just staring at Shining with worry etched on his face. Finally he pulled the stallion into a strong hug, as though trying to give strength to a lost, pain-filled soul. “You know… there was another reason I came to see you,” he said quietly. He pulled away from Shine for a moment to reach into his pocket. “...you shouldn’t have to hurt and suffer like this anymore, and you’ve always stood to be the responsible one for everyone around you, carrying the weight on your shoulders without help. I think, for once, you should have a little relief from that burden.” He pressed something into Shining’s hand. When the prince looked, he saw a pair of train tickets. “...train tickets?” “I… Look, I won’t lie to you. My feelings never changed, Shining. I still have feelings for you, and I still want to do whatever it takes to make you happy,” Amity confessed. “I could help you get away from everything and everyone. We could disappear and live a quiet life together, free of all the burdens and restrictions and responsibilities that have us both in choke holds. No more Cadence, Luna, Canterlot, Crystal Empire… you name it. Just a happy, worry-free life.” Shining sat there, speechless at the thought. Though it was something he wanted...he had to comprehend exactly what Amity was offering. “...you’d do that for me?” he asked. “Amity,I couldn’t ask that of you. It would put our lives in jeopardy.” “You helped me come out, Shining,” Amity reminded him. “You helped me be comfortable with who I am, and protected me from others who weren’t. You’ve always taken care of me when I needed it.” He placed his hands on Shining’s. “For once, I want to take care of you.” Without a moment’s hesitation, he leaned over and laid a gentle kiss on Shining’s lips. “I won’t hold it against you if you say no, but at the very least, think about it. We both deserve to be happy, don’t we?” Giving him a reassuring smile, Amity stood up and started to leave the room. “Amity?” Amity had paused. “...what happens if I don’t choose you? Would you hold it against me?” “Then I respect your choice, Shine, just like I did before,” Amity told him, turning around to look at him. “It is always your choice how you live your life, and no one else’s. If you choose either of them, then I’ll accept it and still try to be the best friend I can be for you, just like I always have. That is a soldier’s promise.” ~!~!~!~ Only moments after Shining Armor had left her room, Luna had laid back in her bed and started giggling happily, taking in the fact she had finally gotten to be intimate with her beloved. But the hours would pass and she soon dreaded the fact that he would indeed have to go. She was blissfully unaware of what Cadence, Flash, and Twilight had done and she wanted it to stay the way. As she got herself dressed and ready for raising the moon, she walked to her door and opened it up...only to see her sister walking towards her chamber doors. “...Luna, we need to talk, and no, it cannot wait anymore,” Celestia said as gently as she was able. “Wait?” she asked. “Dear sister, what are you--” “Luna, please, you know what I’m here to speak to you about,” Celestia interrupted. “The stallion who has struck your fancy, Shining Armor.” “...oh dear.” she sighed. “...exactly how much do you know so far? I swear, the events that happened, I didn’t mean for--” Celestia held up a hand. “There is no call for excuses. I’ve seen for myself why Shining would have wandered away from Cadence in the first place. Still, it doesn’t make what you and he did right, and you know this.” She sighed. “I know your feelings for him are genuine, as are his for you. That is not in question. The problem is that someone is going to get hurt, and I don’t want that someone to be you, dear sister.” “What else was I supposed to do?” she said. “He needed me. He needed someone that would help him, remind him that love is not a poison. He is suffering because of Cadence, their relationship is toxic to him! I didn’t expect to fall for him the way he fell for me but I feel that I can help him. I WANT to be with him...and I do love him. If someone has to get hurt, then so be it. It is inevitable. None of us can fix what’s happened.” “I know that. It’s beyond the point where it can end painlessly,” Celestia conceded. “But… Luna… understand something. With love, it is not about what you want. It is about what you both need. Sometimes, that is not always the same as what you both want. If I were to have my way, you two could marry without fear. Unfortunately, it is not so simple. You know what is at stake here, Luna. It goes beyond affecting simply the three of you. This will have repercussions on two kingdoms…” “...didn’t you have to make a choice like this many years ago, Celie?” she asked. “There was someone you once loved as well. I know that choice was hard for you and I know you regret it. But please...understand that I only wish for his happiness and nothing more. I wish for him to be happy with whoever he chooses and even though it may hurt if he does not choose me, even to keep things stable with that venomous mare, then I will understand. But if he does choose me...and wishes to be part of my life on even the smallest level of a suitor, I ask for you to please not be ashamed of me or...think less of me for what I’ve done. I accept these consequences...but I beg of you to not think less of me, please…” “I do not think less of you Luna,” she assured her. “Your actions were born of genuine concern, and that concern lead to love. I could never hold you in contempt or ill-opinion for that. I’m here out of concern, not out of contempt.” Relieved, Luna grabbed her sister and pulled her into a tight hug, refusing to let her go. “Thank you...I didn’t mean for all this drama to stir up over wishing to help someone in need. I just hope people will understand. I WANT them to understand…” ~!~!~!~ There was no denying things at this point. He couldn’t pretend that he hadn’t jeopardized not just his relationship but also one of royalty. Flash Sentry had effectively started a chain of events that would lead to nothing short of a scandal. And as he sat in the middle of the royal garden, fidgeting nervously, struggling to figure out what to say, he could see Twilight flying towards him in the distance. It was time. “Flash!” she called as she flew down to hug him tightly. “What’s the matter? Your message sounded pretty urgent. Did something happen? Or did you find out what’s going on with Shining and Cadence?” Flash could feel butterflies in his stomach. “...m-more or less, yes…” Twilight sat down next to him, looking worried. “Well, don’t leave me in suspense. What’s going on?” Carefully putting his words together, he took one of her hands. “...I know what Cadence has been up to. She did cheat on Shining, I know this for a fact. She was cheating on him with a guard.” “She… she cheated on him?!” Twilight yelped. “But… not the Cadence I know! She would never do that!! And with a guard?! I can’t believe it! What guard in his right mind would go along with such a heinous act?! Why in Equestria would he do something so despicable?! It’s something that could wreck a marriage!!” He paused and shook his head. “...he did it because he made a deal. A deal that could benefit the future of himself and the one he loved.” “What?” she replied. “...but… that’s still… wait a minute. How would you know something like that?” “Twilight,” he started. “If someone was willing to go to that length, just to make a better future, please tell me you would still love them. They had good intentions and they never meant for things to become complicated...I never meant for things to happen like that.” “...” Twilight was utterly silent, staring at him with a fully blank expression. Her complete lack of reaction was somehow even worse than her screaming and yelling, and Flash was even more terrified than he had been before. After several minutes of empty silence, Twilight finally stood up and started to walk away without a word. Out of sheer instinct, Flash went after her. “Twilight, wait!” he reached out to touch her shoulder. “Just let me--” “Don’t touch me,” she whispered. She turned back to him and his worst fear was confirmed: She wasn’t angry. She was crying quietly, looking more hurt and disappointed than anything else. “...I was just trying to help us both, getting a better future. To where I can be closer to you, better pay, a choice--” “By sleeping with my sister in law?” she asked quietly. “You could have earned it another way. You could have done something else, anything else… You could have not betrayed me… and my brother… and yourself.” “I thought you would understand,” he said. “Her schedule is tough enough as it is, I wanted to be YOUR guard not hers. I just thought whatever stupid demands I had to go through would be worth it because I love you. I don’t love her, I couldn’t possibly love her. I did what I did to give us both a better future, why can’t you see what I’m trying to do for us. I know it could have been done another way but that would take years or who knows how long?” “I would have waited, Flash,” Twilight said sadly. “I would have…” She turned away. “Go away, Flash Sentry.” “Twilight, please don’t be like this.” “...your reasons may have been right, but that doesn’t mean what you did was,” she answered. “Once you found out what Cadence was gonna do, you should have gotten out of there or called me. Instead you… Go away. I need to think about all of this. Leave me alone.” Flash stared at her before sighing, realizing there was very little he could do. Taking to the sky, he realized he had a lot more to think about then he had known. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining wearing made his way back to the room he and Cadence has been supposed to share. He was still trying to process what Amity had told him. Cadence had cheated on him with Twilight’s boyfriend to get back at him? How in Equestria did that even make sense? He wasn’t going to even try to pretend that he had been right either. After all, he had still gone behind her back with both Amity and Luna. But still… knowingly seducing his little sister’s boyfriend to get back at him? Twilight was supposed to be special to her too. What had she been thinking? Why? He wouldn’t even be upset if it had been somepony else. Just… why had she pulled Twilight into this? With the room all to himself, he immediately went to the bar area and poured himself a glass of vodka. He knew that at any minute his soon to be ex wife would come through, act like nothing had happened, and whisk the two off back to the Crystal Empire for an unknown amount of mundane days. Almost as though on cue, Cadence entered the room. She paused when she saw him, then frowned. “So, are we about ready to go back, Shining Armor?” she asked, her voice cold. “Eeyup,” he said, not even looking towards her after taking a sip. “Eeyup. That’s it. That’ all you have to say to me after everything?!” she demanded. Still not looking towards her, he took another sip. “Considering we didn’t see much of each other during this trip.” “And I wonder who’s fault that is,” Cadence replied snarkily. Just to play with her, he made no reaction, instead, finishing the glass of vodka in one shot before pouring another glass. “I don’t think that was necessary,” he started. “Listen, can we please move past the remarks?” Cadence raised her eyebrow, but remained silent, listening to him. Shining sighed and took a deep breath. “Cadence, we’ve been together since high school. We know each other very well. Neither one of us is a bad person, but we’ve both been acting like jerks and idiots this whole trip. Can we please, just this once, put aside our attitudes, anger, and sarcasm? I want to talk to you. Really just talk to you and not have it turn into another war. Please…” Cadence stared at him angrily for several seconds, and Shining was sure she was going to start yelling at him again. However, she finally unfolded her arms with a sigh, and sat down on the edge of the bed. “...I think I would like that,” she said quietly. “We have a lot of things we need to discuss.” Taking the glass in his hands, he made his way over to the couch and sat himself down calmly. Knowing what his wife had done was driving him crazy inside but he remained calm, and decided to see what would become of their discussion as she sat down next to him, properly. “Shining Armor, what are we going to do?” she asked. “What would you suggest or be willing to do? At this point, either we find some way to fix this or...we don’t. And go our separate ways.” “We can’t go our separate ways, Prince,” she argued. “We both have our responsibilities, and you can’t just shirk yours.” “Is that what they say?” he leaned back. “Even if they’re in an unhappy marriage?”” “...Shining, let’s not fool ourselves. We’re beyond a happy marriage,” Cadence said. “But we are still married, and we are still the rules of the Crystal Empire. We need to bear that in mind above everything else. He thought for a moment. “That’s...becoming harder for me. Listen, if you eased up a little on how you acted, maybe--” “Ease up?” Cadence interrupted, her anger rising. “Everything I do is for the good of the crystal ponies, and for Equestria in general, including you!” “Cadence,” he interrupted. “When I say ease up, it’s what I’ve been trying to tell you from the start. You don’t need to have an attitude with me or give me looks where I’m supposed to be 100 percent professional. All I am asking is to ease up. And when I say ease up, just relax. Take a day off or sleep in. There’s two of us, I can do it.” Her frown deepened. “Like you have been recently, you mean?” she answered. “Like you have been this entire summit? You have done nothing to give me a reason to trust you to handle anything lately. Except maybe handle your own desires.” “Handle my own… No, no, we aren’t doing this Cadence,” Shining replied. “Listen, I’m trying to keep this civil. We have issues that I don’t honestly think we can work out anymore. We have both changed, Cadence, and I don’t think we’re right for each other anymore.” “...you had better not be saying what I think you’re saying,” Cadence hissed. “I’m afraid I am, Cadence,” Shining said. He took a deep breath, and looked her directly in the eyes. “I think it may be best if we get a divorce.” Cadence was silent, just staring at him. She remained still as a statue, and for a moment Shining thought he had broken her. Then, she stood abruptly and walked over to the window, looking out of it. “So we’ve come to this, then,” she muttered, almost to herself. “I guess I haven’t got a choice.” “What? Cadence?” Shining said, concerned. “What are you talking about?” She turned back around, her expression almost frightening in its calmness. “Before, it was love of your girlfriend that motivated you. Then that girlfriend became your wife, and you were even more motivated by that love. Since then, I’ve also tried to use appeal to your love of the kingdoms, but now we have reached this point. Not even that is enough to push you, so now there is only one other thing I can do. I must utilize the love you have for yourself and your family.” “What is that supposed to mean?” he asked nervously. "It would be a terrible thing if word of your affair were to get out, wouldn't it?” Cadence said calmly. “If the Princess of Love were to admit that her love was taken advantage of by her husband, well, that would be bad enough for you, but think of the backlash. Twilight, your little sister, is the Princess of Friendship. It's no secret that she has always looked up to you as an example. Now, if the example she followed were proven to be a corrupt, twisted, advantage-taking backstabber, that would reflect rather badly on her as well. And the parents who raised these two foals? What would it say about them? Oh yes, the backlash would be truly wretched.” Shining was utterly stunned speechless. Cadence was… threatening his family?! She was really sinking so low? “..my affair? Are you really stooping this low?” he stood up, walking to her. “Don’t you DARE involve my family when you’ve already hurt someone in my family by sleeping with their boyfriend!” Cadence didn’t even flinch. “The Princess of Love was drained, desperate, and heartbroken. She had a momentary lapse of judgement, one that she regrets deeply and will spend the rest of her life repenting for if that is what it takes. With what she’s been through, it’s understandable that she would suffer a momentary slip of integrity for an instance of comfort.” She looked up at him, a slight smirk on her face. “Who would they be more inclined to listen to? After all, no matter how you slice it, you went behind my back first.” “You have NO proof of that!” he glared. “Flash himself confessed what he had done! You cannot force me to stay! The very fact you are suggesting pulling this sort of thing on me, it feels like blackmail! How dare you do this to my family! You have no power over all this!” “What is going on in here?!” came a thunderous voice. Cadence and Shining both jumped at the doors were flung open, revealing an angry-looking Celestia. She glowered at the both of them. Cadence was fairly quick to recover, simply turning to her already packed bags and levitating them. “A discussion between spouses, Celestia,” she replied. “I think I’ll take my belongings to the train. Just remember what I said, Shining. Look at the ring on your finger and remember what it symbolizes.” Without another word she turned and left with her luggage, but not without shooting an annoyed look at Celestia for interrupting. Celestia shook her head and turned to Shining Armor. “I could hear you two from the end of the hall,” she said. “Shining, please, tell me what you intend to do.” “I--...” Shining paused. “She is threatening to turn this situation around on me to make ME look like the villain. I have to think about my family...but…” “Luna,” Celestia replied simply. When Shining started to stutter, she held up a hand. “Shining, very little happens within this palace without my knowledge. I’m well aware of what has happened between you and her.” Shining froze. “...Celestia, I swear I didn’t mean for things to go that way between us. I...I love her. I do. But my first priority is to Cadence, despite all that’s happened. It feels as if I have no choice but to follow Cadence back.” Celestia sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder to make sure he was paying attention. “Let me make one thing fully clear. No matter how bleak the situation, there is always a choice. This entire situation has always been a choice. Cadence chose to prioritize her crown over her relationship. You chose to pull away from her. Luna chose to pursue you. You chose to return that pursuit. Amity, yes I know of him as well, chose to come to you and be a friend. And now you have one more choice to make. So I ask again, what will you do?” Shining sat there, trying to process what had happened. She looked him in the eye. “This is not a decision to be made lightly. Regardless of your choice, there will be consequences in some manner. Cadence is not one to be taken lightly, but neither is Twilight Sparkle.” “...they aren’t my only choices.” he said, sighing quietly. “Yes, I know,” she replied. “As I said, I am also aware of your friend Amity Faith. Who do you think it was who alerted him to his old friend needing support? And why do you think I have been kept so aware of what has been happening?” Nodding, he looked to the table and then to the drawer. Standing up, he went over to it and opened it up, taking out the train ticket Amity gave him and the divorce papers. Looking to both, he walked back to the table and placed them down. “I appreciate that Celestia. And I deeply apologize for all this drama that has happened during this summit,” he stated. “Shining Armor, do you know why I hold these summits? The true reason?” Celestia asked. At his silence she continued, “It’s to bring my family and friends together so we can help each other, regardless of what it is we need to help each other with. Yes, there will always be political issues to deal with, but being there to help the friends that need me is the true reason I do the things I do, including the summits.” Smiling, feeling relieved, Shining leaned back against the couch. “...whichever I choose, I just want my family to be safe above all else. Luna is a priority but my family is what matters most to me. May I please have a moment by myself?” “Of course,” Celestia said standing and heading to the door. Just before she stepped out she looked over her shoulder at him. “You have a strong heart, Shining Armor, moments of weakness aside. You acknowledge the things you did wrong, and you aren’t shying away from the reality of your choices. I have faith that you will make the right choice.” With that, she left, closing the door behind herself. Shining smiled at her reassurance, and looked at his hand. With a sigh, he pulled off his wedding ring and laid it on the table, looking at his bare hand, remembering when it had felt wrong to not wear that ring. Those days were well gone, and there was no way to get them back. He reached to the table, and paused. The train ticket, the divorce papers, and the ring were all sitting in front of him. He looked at each one. Tickets, Amity. Papers, Luna. Ring, Cadence. Which one was he reaching for? > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He never had to face a choice like this. Not with so much on the line. On one hand he could run away from everything and spend the rest of his life away from royalty, no longer shouldered with the responsibility of being in charge of anything or anyone anymore. He could live his life for himself, and be just a regular guy again.That was something he hadn’t had since before he became captain of the royal guard, and he couldn’t deny there were plenty of times he missed it. He could just go back to the way things were in the Crystal Empire, but what would be accomplished from going back there? Bridges were going to be burned at any point regardless. Going home would result in nothing but depression and further crashing. The last thing he wanted was to not be happy. All that left was Luna as the logical choice, the choice that he had been looking at for quite some time. Even though he didn’t realize it, there wasn’t any turning back, He had to make a choice. Happiness, sacrifice, or normality. He sat there quietly, looking at the three items on the table before grabbing all three of them and heading out to the train station. ~!~!~!~ Cadence stood impatiently by their train, tapping her foot and waiting for her husband to get his flank down there so they could go home. She looked a short ways away, and noticed that Celestia and Luna were approaching her, escorted by Flash Sentry and Amity Faith. She frowned, suspecting they were about to give her one more lecture before she left. “Was there anything else you two forgot to chastise me for?” she snapped as soon as they were within earshot. “Am I not leaving fast enough? Did I drop a quill on the way down here and you need to remind me how a princess must be clean and organized? Or perhaps this is about my marriage yet again?” “...Cadence?” came a voice from just behind the sisters. The two stepped aside enough for Cadence to see that Twilight was with them, and she looked shocked at the venom pouring out of her sister-in-law’s mouth. Cadence paused, then frowned and turned away from them. “Very kind of you two, to make me look bad in front of the one pony I have left who I can fully trust,” she snarled. “We said and did nothing,” Luna answered, frowning right back at her. “We were just down here to say goodbye to you, nothing more. You were the one who attacked us the moment you saw us.” “I don’t see what,” grumbled Cadence. “You said your goodbyes--” “ENOUGH!” yelled Twilight, suddenly approaching the princess of love. “What is with your attitude!? How can you be acting like this? Why? What is wrong with you!?” Cadence looked momentarily stunned. “...I don’t know what you’re--” “YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!” screeched Twilight. “I NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU AND YOU THINK IT’S PERFECTLY OKAY TO SLEEP WITH FLASH!? FOR WHAT!?” “Twilight,” said Celestia. “It’s alright. This is still a public place.” Realizing this, Twilight just simply sneered at her sister in law. “...I don’t ever want to see you again. Not here, not in Ponyville, and certainly not in the Crystal Empire. The only time you will ever see me there now is to see my brother. As far as I’m concerned, HE is family to me. YOU are not!!” Cadence could barely believe what she was hearing. Twilight, of all ponies, was turning against her… This was inconceivable! Surely she should have understood her reasons for seducing Flash, and it wasn’t like she hadn’t made sure that Twilight and Flash were simply used and discarded!! She had promised to provide Flash with more than enough for the both of them to live not only comfortably, but borderline extravagantly, and she had every intention of keeping that promise if for no other reason than she did care a great deal about Twilight and her happiness… But then… Twilight had never been swayed by wealth… Perhaps… Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. She turned around and saw Shining Armor headed their way. Her frown and anger returned full force as she glared at him. “What took you so long?” she demanded. “You’re not even going to respond to her, are you?” he asked. “You owe her an explanation.” “... I’m sure Flash told her about the promise I made to take care of them both for it. There isn’t really anything else to say, is there?” Cadence responded. “You cheated on me. All because I wasn’t doing what you wanted or working as hard as you. You’re not even sorry?” “Why should I be? You did it first,” she said. “Really? It was because of the way you were acting. You’ve turned into a completely different person and you’ve changed for the worse. Neither of us were right--” “I changed?!” she screeched. “You’re the one who changed!!” “Then why have you been hearing that exact same thing from everyone around you?” Celestia intervened. “Cadence, look around you. Look at what’s happened to the bonds you once cherished so deeply. Look at the things you have done in the name of your crown and your pride.” Cadence looked at her aunt, whom she had looked up to from the day they met. She then looked at Twilight, her cherished little sister. She turned and looked at Shining Armor, her dear husband. All of them, turned against her, and for what? They acted like she was the enemy! Shining stepped over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Cadence. Listen. I’ll admit it. I did cheat on you first.” “THERE!! YOU SEE!!!” Cadence shrieked immediately. “I KNEW HE WAS--” “Cadence!!” Shining interrupted. “Let me finish. Yes I cheated on you first, but since long before that, you had stopped treating me with any sort of love or even respect. I wasn’t your husband, I was your co-ruler. You can protest that all you want, but even if you intended to show me your affection, you never did. I felt very alone for a long time. I won’t deny that it doesn’t excuse what I did, but… Cadence… I don’t think you’ve loved me for a long time now. And I’m sorry...but I can’t be with you if this is what the future holds for us.” SLAP!!! Shining reeled back for a moment, stunned. Cadence had just… she had slapped him… right across the face. He looked at her, placing a hand on his now-red cheek. She was staring at her hand in utter shock, trembling. “I… I just… I…” she stuttered, fully stupefied by what had just happened. Shining looked down briefly, closing his eyes and trying to repress his anger. “...leave.” “Sh-Shining Armor… I didn’t mean to…” she stammered. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the divorce papers and placed them against her shoulder firmly. “...sign them. And leave with your little boy-toy.” he said, glaring at her. “I’m sorry. But I highly doubt you are…” “I’m not going anywhere with Princess Cadence,” Flash said quietly. “...I’ve done far too much damage already. The very last thing I want is to make it any worse. I’m going to stay in Canterlot and do whatever it takes to redeem myself.” He turned to look at Twilight who immediately looked away in indifference. “Even if Princess Twilight never forgives me… which I wouldn’t blame her for…” Cadence shook. This was really what was going to happen? But then… She looked at her hand again, still shocked. She had hit him. She had actually hit Shining Armor. No matter what he had done, she never thought that physical violence would ever hope to solve anything. It was only the coldest, most heartless of ponies who did things like that… and she had just done it. Cadence fell to her knees as she finally realized what it was the others were saying. A single moment of anger had lead her to strike her husband. Who knew how it would progress if it went back to how it was? What had happened to her that she would even consider such an action for even a second? “...you’re right…” she whispered. “What?” Shining said. “You’re right, all of you…” Cadence replied. “I… I hit Shining Armor. I actually hit him. I can’t believe I would… What have I been doing? What have I been thinking that brought me to this point? Why… why didn’t I listen to the ponies I love instead of…?” She looked at the papers Shining had shoved at her, which were now laying on the ground next to her. “...this is what it’s come to, isn’t it? This is where I’ve lead us.” “Cadence, we’ve both done things wrong,” Shining said again. “I should not have gone behind your back like I did. I should have had enough strength before to realize. We just don’t belong together anymore, Cadence. Neither one of us is the same pony we were in school, and… I can’t take the suffering anymore. We can’t be part of each other’s lives anymore. Do you want to keep living like this too? What happens if things get worse? I can’t wish that upon you nor do I want it. Please.” Cadence stared blankly at the papers for several minutes before quietly saying, “I need a quill.” Twilight was quick to retrieve a quill from her satchel, handing it hesitantly to her soon to be former sister in law. Cadence took it and silently signed the papers before dragging herself back to her feet and handing them to Shining Armor. Without another word and without looking back, she stepped onto the train.Shining said nothing as the conductor’s whistle blew and the train began to move out of the station. He watched quietly as it pulled out of the station, taking his previous life with it. After a few minutes, most of the station’s occupants began to depart, realizing there was nothing left to be said. Soon, only Shining, Luna, and Amity were left. “...so,” Shining started, turning to look at both Amity and Luna...and then turning his attention to Amity. “...your train’s coming soon isn’t it?” “Yeah, it is,” Amity replied with an understanding smile. “I’m guessing you won’t be on it with me then.” The unicorn had to think for a moment before smiling. “...you and I, we’ve always been best friends. I guess it was alright that were fuck buddies for awhile but...I don’t think I’d want to lie to myself to be with you just to get out of a bad relationship. That wouldn’t be right to you or myself. Or Luna.” Amity nodded, the smile never leaving his face. “I figured, and I understand entirely Shine. Princess Luna is very lucky. I guess you’re just unlucky that you won’t get to have some good hard ass-banging from me now.” He winked, chuckling. Luna giggled as well. “I think it’s better I just stick to one person from now on,” he said. “It doesn’t mean I won’t keep in touch with you on your vacation.” “You damn well better,” Amity threatened jokingly. “If you don’t, I’ll just have to come and kidnap you and Luna and take you both out of here with me. I’m not gonna lost touch with my best buddy again.” He gave Shining Armor a tight hug. “I need to go get my stuff before my train gets here, so I’ll see you when I get back, okay?” “Of course,” Shining replied, hugging him back. Amity turned to leave the station, but not before saying quietly to Luna, “Take care of him, princess. He really is a knight in shining armor.” “I know, and I promise,” Luna replied, nodding at him as he left. She turned back to Shining with a joyous smile. “Shining Armor.” Shining smiled back at her and kneeled. “Princess Luna.” He rose back to his feet, and Luna ran at him, throwing herself into his arms and kissing him senseless. Taken aback by the notion, he shook it off and embraced her, kissing her back with as much passion. It had finally happened.. And it couldn’t have happened any sooner. ~!~ONE YEAR LATER…~!~ “Ugh. Dammit, I can never get this stupid sash to sit right on my shoulder,” Shining Armor complained as he tried again to adjust his dress uniform. “Why do they even have these?” “It’s to show all your honors, you silly boy,” Luna teased as she came up behind him. “You have a lot of them. That’s why you’re having so much trouble adjusting this thing. Hold still a moment.” Her horn glowed softly and she shifted the sash just right so it finally sat properly. Shining felt the sash set itself and turned around to see her and he felt his jaw drop. “Holy damn… When did you get that dress?” Luna giggled. She was wearing a somewhat form-fitting velvet blue dress with a mermaid flare at the bottom and glittering beading along the fabric. Her flowing, glittering hair was pulled up into an elegant bun with some loose curls framing her face. She looked absolutely stunning. “Why Shining Armor, one would think you haven’t seen a princess before” she teased. “Not one as radiant as you in quite awhile.” he chuckled, resting his hands gently upon her shoulders. “I think you’ve outdone yourself, love.” Luna blushed softly, smiling. “Tonight’s the night. Are you sure you’re ready for the kingdom to know?” “About us?” “Well, that too, but… I figured you were still angry at Flash over what happened. You weren’t exactly pleased when Twilight did eventually forgive him, and now that they’re publicly revealing their relationship, and us ours…” Shining frowned for a moment but took in a deep breath, shaking his head. “As long as my sister is happy, then I have nothing to complain about. Though I’m not really that into them dating seeing as what happened before...I won’t pull the big overprotective brother card. It just wouldn’t be right.” “Your mouth says that, but I can see that look in your eyes,” Luna teased. “You’re ready to run him through with your sword if he messes up again.” “Now THAT is the overprotective side of me,” he chuckled, leaning his head down to kiss her gently. “There’s better ways to punish him. But he’s not on my mind. Right now I have this gorgeous princess in front of me who desires my undivided attention…” “And you know how poor of an idea it is to make your princess wait,” Luna replied, wrapping her arms around his neck. “True...but then again, we could always keep them waiting a half an hour or so…” the prince said, a devilish smirk appearing on his face before he chuckled. “I’m just kidding. Come on, we have guests to entertain.” Luna also laughed, looping her arm through her beloved’s as they headed out the door to face the public together. As the two made their way to the balcony, they were surprised to be greeted with a roaring applause. Shining looked confused but politely waved to everyone, trying to notice any familiar faces in the crowd. With his arm around Luna’s, he looked around briefly before looking to Luna. “They seem to like us.” “I’m glad they do, because like it or lump it, I’m staying by your side,” she replied. And that’s all I could ever ask for…