The Madness of Insanity

by belnett

First published

Who is to say discord is the only insane god around?

The first one: imprisoned in stone for eons for following his nature, fully aware of his surroundings.
The second one: trapped on the moon for a millennium, completely alone but for the evil being her mind created, unable to free herself from either one.
The third: forced to banish her very sister, control the skies, and solve everyone's problems for as long as she reigns.

Why is it only one of these is considered insane? Let's take a look at the inner workings of their mind during their low points, shall we?

Stonefaced and awake

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The Ruling Years:

It's good to be king.

I control everything I want, and I can control anything. Sure, there are those who decide to fight me, but what fun would it be to have nothing to do all day? I welcome the days when groups of ponies band together to challenge my rule. They always claim to hate chaos, but what is more chaotic than a power vacuum?

...A great many things, admittedly, but the idea still stands.

I do miss the days when the tougher opponents appeared, though. It's rather a pity that the more powerful they are, the more disheartened they are by defeat. They always wanted to call me names, which was a bit tiresome. I can count one a hoof how many different groups didn't decide to call me some variation of 'insane', let alone on a paw. Am I truly insane, I wonder? All I do is use my powers to guide the world. Sure I said I 'control' everything, but in truth, how would I enjoy that? If I decide everything, then there is nothing to keep me from getting bored. I look forward to when those two 'princesses' return, though. Out of all the challengers, they seemed to be the only ones who became more determined, and had the power to back it up. (don't ask me why there seem to be only two out of an entire country, not to mention those who come from other areas; even I don't understand that)

...I use 'I' a lot. I wonder if other monarchs get so bored that they tend to think in the first person so much. I'd like to meet them and see what they're like.

I Feel Stoned:

Remember how I said that I wanted those two princesses back? Can I take it back? They decided to completely refuse getting more powerful themselves and merely got new toys.

...Toys. I like toys. I could have used some of those when I could still move.

When i get out of here, maybe I'll turn those pesky princesses into new toys. That could be fun. Of course, I kind of have to figure out how to get out of here, first...

I can wait to find out. In fact, it's all i can do. I have all the time in the world as I did before, though I can't exactly do anything with it now.

I Am Not a Garden Gnome:

Well, this is really boring. I've been stone for a few years now, and am no closer to escaping now than i was before.

Not only that, but while I've been... incapacitated, those pesky, pastel princesses decided to build a castle for themselves. Even I never built a castle! To add insult to injury... per se... they decided to put me in the castle garden alongside their other statues. Other statues... other conquests, perhaps? I'll see eventually, and maybe recruit a few when I escape.

I think I'll try anger this era:

I will destroy them! They have no right to imprison me and keep me here for this long. When I am out of here, let's see how well they like being a statue, or a rock, or pebble! I'll figure out what to turn them into after I figure out how to escape this... what's the phrase nowadays, 'horsefeathery'(?) prison!

Bah, the adjective matters not. I'll let them stay imprisoned for a few years then ask how they like it! I'll think about un-stoning them to ask about it, though.

Sadness? Why Not?:

Why did they have to do this to me? I was only playing with everypony. Nopony was ever truly hurt! Just... messed up a bit!

They shouldn't have done this to me... When did I do something wrong? Isn't following your nature a good thing? I'm sorry for whatever I did, just free me from this prison!

Did I really try that? Wow, sadness isn't as much fun when you can't be overly dramatic with your actions as well.

Moon to the Luna... or was it the other way?:

This is an interesting development. The prancing, pastel, pesky princesses have been reduced to a single pallid, prancing, pastel, pesky princess.

It seems that the younger one decided that she was tired of having no one worship the night, even though she was very well aware that ponies sleep at night and love sleep. I know I love sleep, not that I can really get any of that in this state. Thanks again...

I think I heard a rumour that she has been banished by the very things that turned me into stone. Do those things have a switch or something for the most ironic punishment? How did I hear a rumour, you ask? They decided to turn the garden into a public place, which makes me think there's a city nearby. That could be fun to play with. Another one I heard it that She'll return in a thousand years, so there's hope for me yet!

I just hope that my mind lasts the next 700 years or so. (I doubt it, I'm already thinking of numbers visually rather than as words)

Let's Talk to Ourselves!:

I don't think your mind can take much longer.

Oh yeah? Why's that?

Well, you're starting to talk to yourself, for one thing.

Hah! Shows what you know. I lost my mind years ago.

Did you? I hadn't noticed.

Of course not. You're the part that went insane.

I went insane? You lost me.



I Like Pie:


Wrong pie.




That Was Fun While it Lasted:

...Whelp, looks like I'm sane again. Not for any good reason, mind you. There's only so long you can go before getting bored with insanity, especially when there's nopony to share it with.

Oh, would you look at that? There seem to be only a few more than a hundred years left, and I just so happen to have come up with some music while waiting. Guess I'll just sing it to myself. My favourite one is the one about howling at the moon, though.

Uh Oh, Anger's Back...:

It has been a thousand years, and have I been freed? NOPE! That so-called prophesy decided to completely ignore me. Well, I'll show it! I'll escape sooner than they think.

But Later Than I'd hoped:

Moon-Princess is back. Again, she was hit by the 'Rainbow-nuke', as I have decided to name it. This time, however, I heard that it decided to turn her back to 'normal'. Yeah, she was apparently possessed, knew what was going on, and has been up there for this long. I am looking forward to when she gets introduced to ponies again, that'll be a laugh to watch.

I Live!!:

Over these past years, I have been weakening the bonds of my prison, and finally, three foolish fillies decide to fight right in front of me! Perfect outside energy to help me out! They think they're safe with their harmony elements, and their silly little bearers. I've seen them before, and I have plans. Oh, do I have Plans.

They thought that so-called 'Nightmare Moon' was bad? well...

Wait 'til they get a load of me.