A Memory from Scootaloo

by CryptoBrony

First published

A memory from Scootaloo.

A memory from Scootaloo.

Mother's Day

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"Yes Scootaloo?"

"Look! I 'm almost able to hover for more than three seconds! Watch me!"

Scootaloo takes a few seconds to breathe and concentrate before using all her power to lift herself off the ground. Scootaloo's mother looks at her and sees her hover for about two seconds before she falls down onto the ground.

"Ughh. I almost had it!" Scootaloo says in frustration kicking a rock.

"It's okay Scootaloo. No matter what happens, I want you stay strong and continue with your life."

"I know, but I really want to fly so I can cruise around town with Rainbow Dash."

"It's okay. You'll be able to fly eventually, just be patient."


Both pegasi walk up the trail they are on for a few moments before someone breaks the silence.

"Scootaloo, sweetie, where are we going again?"

"You'll see mom, just be patient, remember?"

"Okay then. I'll be patient."

The day was perfect. Scootaloo had never thought today's weather would be so clear to show the present had plan for the past month. As long as nothing bad happens, today would be perfect. They continue walking down the trail, until Scootaloo runs out of the trail going up a hill.

"This way!"

"Hold on Scootaloo!" Scootaloo's mom says flying up the hill.

"Wait! Don't fly up the hill mom! You'll ruin the surprise!"

"Okay then. But don't run too fast, you might trip and roll down the hill," Scootaloo's mom says flying down onto the hill.

They continue walking up the hill before Scootaloo stops her mom before they reach the top of the hill.

"Mom. I need you to cover your eyes. Don't worry, I'll guide you to the top."

"Okay then sweetie," Scoot's mom says covering her eyes with her wings.

Scoot's mom starts walking at a very slow pace, taking one little step at a time while going up the hill.

"Okay a few more steps... annnnnnd stop! Okay, open your eyes now!"

Uncovering her eyes, Scoots's mom sees a small bush that contains purple flowers.

Scoot's mom tried to talk, but couldn't have the words come out.

"Surprise! They're purple roses! You know the ones your mom grew in her garden."

"Sweetie, these are BEAUTIFUL flowers! How did you find the seeds for these?"

"I found them in a box in our house that was in storage a month ago. I knew your mom grew these, so I planted them for you!"

"Scootaloo...these...flowers...are so...beautiful."

Scootaloo starts hovering off the ground on the opposite side of her mom. "I knew you'll love them! I just kne-WOAH!" Scootaloo says while falling down onto the ground and starts rolling off the side of the hill.

"SCOOTALOO!" Scoot's mom says flying up into the air and flying after Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, don't worry I'll come get you!"

Scootaloo continues rolling down the hill while her mom flies on after her.

"Don't worry. I almost got you."

Before Scoot's mom is able to grab her, her left wing snaps and falls onto the side of the hill. She is able to regain balance on the side of the hill, but before she sees Scootaloo heading towards a tree. "Scootaloo!!! WATCH OUT!!!!!"

Before Scootaloo can understand what she said, she hit the tree with the right side of her body. All Scoot's mom heard was a big THUMP.

With the rush of adredaline, she sprinted over to Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo sweetie, please wake up," she says holding Scootaloo with her hooves. Her little body seemed very heavy and agile while she held her. It seemed the pain on her side knocked her out. "Sweetie please wake up. Pleeeeease wake up for me...Please..." she says examining her unconscious body.

"Ughh... Mom?"

"Sweetie! Ohhh, I thought I lost you!"

"Don't worry mom. Ugh...You told me to be...cough...strong."

"I'm just glad you're all right."

"Ow, my side hurts so much...Who put that tree there?"

"Don't worry, sweetie. Stay strong no matter what and you'll make it through."

"Alright, but my side still hurts." Looking up, Scootaloo sees the sun setting down for the day. "Mom, can we just stay here for a little bit until the sun sets down?"

Looking at her left wing, Scoot's mom replies with a kiss on her head. "Alright sweetie."

Both pegasi spent the rest of the evening resting and watching the sun go down signalling the day is at a end. Today was perfect anyways, regardless of the incident that both pegasi had that evening.

----------Six years later----------

"Thanks again for coming with me Edif."

"Don't worry about. I don't have my mom either. I lost her eight years ago when I was sixteen. You on the other hand..."

"Lost her when I was ten," Scootaloo said finishing his sentence.

"Yeah. Well we're almost there."

A few minutes passed by before they reached the top.

"We're here," Scootaloo said.

"Plan on staying long?"

"No. Just a few minutes. If I stay too long, I'm afraid I won't leave."

"At least you can come to your mother's grave. I didn't get to say 'I love you' or see her get buried."

"And why was that?"

".........That is something very personal and if I told you, you wouldn't understand."

"Alright then."

Taking out a pail, Scootaloo watered the bush of purple flowers behind a grave. After watering, she put her pail away in her saddlebag and sat in front of the grave. The grave said:

Here lies:


Never had children

But took care of one like a mother would

Memorial Day

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"Dad! When are you going to be in the air?"

"You'll have to wait and see Scootaloo."

"Aww, but I want to know when you'll be flying with your friends!"

"Don't worry. You'll know when I'm flying."

It was the end of June and today was the 44th annual Wonderbolt flying stunt competition. Many high class flying college students were participating in the competition and the number of competitors were growing year by year. The competition was growing in popularity that the Wonderbolts took over the original stunt flying competition and made it their own competition to help recruit members easier. If you haven't already figured out, Scootaloo's dad is part of this competiton to be recruit as a Wonderbolt. He is a Junior in college and wants to fly by the side of his cousin in the Wonderbolts. Scootaloo was jumping around the place anxious to watch her dad fly in the competition and be recruited in the Wonderbolt academy. Looking around the place, a group of pegasi wearing vests with the Wonderbolt insignia on both sides of the chest area of the vest caught her eyes.

"Dad! Who are they?" Scootaloo said pointing at the group.

"Those are the judges for the Wonderbolt competition. They are from the actual Wonderbolt academy to not only judge the competitors, but to see which competitor or competitors will be skilled enough to be recruited for the actual academy."

"Wow. Are you going to win first place and be recruited for the Wonderbolts dad?"

"Well, winning first place doesn't always guarantee you'll be recruited. They always look at your grades too. But don't worry Scootaloo, even if I don't get recruited, I always have next year."


Before Scootaloo could finish her sentence, an announcement came from the megaphone from the stadium, "All competitors ,please report to the check-in station immediately. The competition is about to begin."

"Better go. Better get a good seat before they're taken!" Scootaloo's dad said.

"Tear up the competition dad!" Yelled Scootaloo. Scootaloo watched her dad disappear through the crowd of ponies. She looked around the inside the stadium admiring the structure and the consession stands. She felt a hoof poke at her side.

"Scootaloo, we better go before there are no seats."

"O.k. mom," replied Scootaloo. Both pegasi made their way through the crows to the seats of the stadium. Hastefully, they went up the the stairs to the 10th row out of the 50th rows that circulated around the stadium. Looking around, she noticed that there were unicorns and earth ponies in the stadium that was made out of clouds.

"Mom, how come there are unicorns and earth ponies in the stadium?"

"Because the stadium has been enchanted to support the earth ponies and unicorns."

"Oh, o.k. then." Seconds later, a cyan pegasus sat next to Scootaloo's right. Her mane was astonishing, her mane and tail had six different colors, each have their own section in the hair and the colors didn't disrupt each other. It was like there was a thin border seperating each section, like, a rainbow. Then it dawned soon her, this pegasus was the "Rainbow Dash" that won first place in the Junior Wonderbolt competition a few weeks ago!

Scootaloo stood up straighter, trying to look cool next to her role model.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I here welcome you the 44th annual Wonderbolts Competiton!!!" Shouted the quad megaphone pole in the both sides of the field.

The first set of fliers took their place in the field to start the competition. Each team had their own set of tricks to use for the competition each better than the previous one. Looking back at Rainbow Dash, she saw her role model astonished by the stunts and analysed each competitor's movements from the take off to the landing. About 11 team stunts later, her father's team was next. She saw her father take place away from his team members. As a matter of fact, each team member were forming a square away from the middle of the field but equidistant from each. The four pegasi were prepared to take off and not a second later, all four took off at the same time straight up into the air. All four members had their own unique stunt that they did in the air. Trick after trick, each member put all their energy to it and didn't show any sign of slowing down. The final stunt started with all four members flying up into the sky and flew down to the middle. Halfway through, the team started spiraling down in unison gradually gaining speed. Before they reach the bottom, the team pulled up to swiftly fly across the field away from each other and landed flawlessly. The crowd roared as the team finished their rountine. Scootaloo was so excited, she couldn't cheer as her throat couldn't find the words she wanted to cheer for her dad. Scootaloo felt a pat on her right side. She looked and saw Rainbow Dash.

"That was a great routine that team did there. Wouldn't you agree little filly?" said Rainbow Dash.

Trying to act cool, Scootaloo replied, "Yeah. My dad was in that team and he always pulls off tricks like that."

"Well consider yourself lucky kid," said Rainbow Dash.

After the team stunts, came the individual stunt routines. All the routines seemed weak compared to her dad's routines he did in the past. After 37 competitors did their routine, her dad was next. Without any second to spare, her dad quickly made his way to the center of the field. He took off and did stunt after stunt, trick after trick in the air. He did backflips, frontflips, barrel rolls, and any other tricks I couldn't think of. Before he did his finale, Scoot's dad did a set a flips and spirals across the field. But during his spiraling, Scootaloo's dad's left wing cracked and he started falling to the bottom of the field. As he came into contact to the the field, he went through the clouds down into the earth.

"Dad!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Scootaloo at the top of her lungs.

A team of competitors flew on after him. But Scootaloo's dad started to gain more velocity and went down faster. Most of the competitors were practicing for skills and not speed. There was no chance for any of the fliers to catch up to him top stop his fall. He fell down into the earth and came into contact with the earth that ended his life and dreams. Scootaloo never saw her father's body and was probably for the best as she was only eight years old. She wouldn't want to see the splattered body of her father as it would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Eight years later...

"Scootaloo, are you okay?"

Scootaloo snapped out of her memory of the her dad's flying routine. "Um, yeah, I'm okay," replied Scootaloo.

"It's almost time for you to place your candle."

"Oh, right. Thanks again Edif."

"Don't mention it. It's the least I can do."

Scootaloo walked toward the wall of the dozens of pictures placed on a wall near the city hall of Ponyville. She lit her candle and placed it next to the picture of her dad that was taken by one of his friends before he did his individual stunt routine, wearing the necklace she made for him for Father's day.