Testimony of Another Universe

by StoryBirth

First published

What little thing can change so much?

The following is a transcribed testimony of Rainbow Dash after being arrested for assault against Twilight Sparkle. This testimony places the blame not on herself, but on Twilight, telling stories that she's from a separate universe. No image to supply...

Testimony of Another Universe

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[NAME: Rainbow Dash]
[DEFENDANT: Twilight Sparkle]

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The following is the testimony of Rainbow Dash, and published with her permission. Some of it, such as stutters and pauses along with most unnecessary information. Likewise, I added a couple artistic touches for those who are reading this as some fairy tale, that way even the people who think that this whole eyewitness testimony is complete horse apples can enjoy it]

I'm not the pony you think I am. Well, yeah, I AM Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus out of Cloudsdale, but the Rainbow Dash you know is dead. She killed her! I'm a different Rainbow Dash! I know that makes no sense, but you have to believe me. It hurts me to accuse Twilight Sparkle of this, but it cant go unknown. And besides, she isn't the Twilight Sparkle I know. She killed her, too. That's why I did what I did! But listen, I need you to believe me, because its the truth. Instead of me just yelling out who killed who, let me just tell you what happened. So here's what I remember:

"Oh, hey Twilight!" I yelled across the street, or at least something like that. I hadn't seen the egghead since a couple days ago when she accidentally sent the whole town to hysteria with her Smarty Pants doll. This is how the moment that changed my life today. Looking back, I can't even remember what I planned to do for the rest of that day. But it didnt matter whether I was about to take a nap or fly with the Wonderbolts. Life as I knew it would be changed.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. I said hi to Twilight. What she said back was what started to really weird me out. "Rainbow Dash! You're alive!" she screamed as she ran toward me. I'm alive? Well no feathers, Sherlock! Was there some sort of rumor spread to her or something? I figured if there was, then she must have been really worried about it. She looked just like she did a few days ago. Her eyes were tired and all bloodshot, and her mane was so messy, it was starting to look like mine. To be honest, I was imagining the look on Rarity's face if she saw it.

So then I'm confused by what she's saying, so I of course ask what the hay she's talking about. But Twilight decided to be a little more confusing than she usually is and not answer my question. All she said was "Perfect!"

I was about to say "Perfect? What are you talking about?", but I was interrupted when she grabbed me by the hoof and ran behind some house. As if it wasn't already weird enough, she starts ranting about stuff that made no sense. She said stuff like "I've been in here too long," and "They're all looking for us," and "Now we can go back. No problem." I just about flew off to get the guys from the cuckoohouse, but I wanted her to explain what she was talking about, becase this was a special kind of creepy.

She started by saying "First, you need to understand something." I remember this all as clear as I remember the last two seconds of my life. First, she drew two lines in the dirt with a stick she had picked up with her magic. She pointed to the first line and said "This is my universe. It's just like yours," she said as she pointed to the other line. "the only difference is that in your world Princess Celestia was okay with me being late." She explained, still speaking like a mad scientist.

Of course, I didn't understand what was happening at the time. I thought she was still freaking out over the whole tardy thing. I thoight the whole alternate universe thin was dumb, so I set it aside foe the moment. So my response was a facehoof. "Twilight, we just went over this a few days ago. Its okay if you're late. The Princess doesn't-"

"Shh! Shush! I'm not done yet." I was interrupted by her insane hushes. "So I decided to give this world a little visit!" Then she drew a line between the two lines so that it looked like a mix between an N and an H. "But now, it's time for me to go back home to where I live. Out of this fake world."

I played along, cuz I thought she wasnt being serious. "Alrighty then, Twilight. How long have you been in this universe?"

"About a day."

"Where have you lived?"

Twilight laughed maniacally. "My house, of course. Where else could I possibly live?" she asked me with a strange twitch.

"But arent you another Twilight from another universe? How did our Twilight reac-"

"That's unimportant! I don't have time to explain. Let's go home!"

No time to explain? We had been standing there for a good amount of time already. If she needed to rush, she wouldn't have explained anything. I looked at my friend again. For the first time in my life, I didn't see an insane look in her eyes, or a crazy one. This look was deranged. You can't really put it into words except... well... deranged. "So how do we get to your universe, miss mad scientist?"

She let out a nervous giggle. "Theres a spell for it that I can't remember, so we need to go back to the library because it's in a book that I read!"

"Okay then, let's-" but then suddenly I felt a wave of heat go through me with a bright flash of light. It reminded me of dashing over fire. Only a couple seconds later, the world came back, and I felt a little dizzy. It took me a second to realize I had teleported. It felt really cool.

Anyway, we were outside the library. I was ready to go inside, but as I walked in, Twilight stopped me by grabbing my tail with her magic
"Hey! You don't need to go in there. Just...erm...stay outside." She was clearly really nervous about something. I could almost see the sweat that she had built up over the last ten seconds. Now, I may not be a genius like Twilight, but I knew she was up to something, so as she went inside, I pressed my ear to the door.

It was a while before I heard anything, but then I heard faint murmurs, probably them talking. It goes on for that a while, until I can clearly hear Spike yell "Holy guacamole!" This led to him saying these things that I specifically remember him saying:

"But that's you!"

"What do you mean she's from another universe?!"

"You killed her?!"

"You must be making this up!"

and "How can I stop yelling when you're telling me that this clone of you could have started a giant interuniversal thingy attack!"

I couldn't hear Twilight talk, but Spike told me all I needed to know. Either the real Twilight came and killed the fake Twilight, which would have been perfect, or the other way around. It doesn't take half a brain to guess who really killed who. It also told me that she was lying and that she told Spike the REAL Twilight was invading and would attack our universe. This fake Twilight tricked the real Spike!

Anyway, after a couple more seconds, she came back out. Of course, I had my questions. So I asked them. "Hey, Twilight. What was that all about?"

Then she twitched nervously again, her mane getting even more messed up. "Oh. That? Nothing! It was nothing! Just telling Spike goodbye. Now shall we get going? We need to get going."

"I've had enough of this nonsense. Tell me what's going on, then we can go. Deal?"

But Twilight was fighting back. "Oh ho! NonononononoNO! We need to go now before someone else sees."

"Someone else sees what? I knew there was something fishy going on here. Now tell me what's going on."

Her twitches were more exaggerated and more frequent now. Sweat seemed to pour from her disheveled mane. And she kept glancing left and right. It was obvious something was up. "I keep telling you! Nothing's wrong! Stop asking, please." She asked nicely, but I wasn't ready to let up.

"Fine then, I'll just see for myself what's going on," I said. So I'm trying to go into the library, when she tries to grab my tail again. But I was too fast for the egghead. I managed to make it to Spike. He hadn't even gone up the stairs yet. If I couldn't get answers from Twilight, then maybe I could get some from Spike.

"Hey! What's going on in here?" I said as I flew up to him. Spike looked about as scared as Twilight. Sweat was already pouring out from the little guy.

After a few seconds of nervous stuttering, he finally spoke up. "T-Twilight said not to t-tell you."

Well it looked like she tricked Spike. Unsurprising. Despite being with that egghead for so long, he wasn't exactly a braniac. I heard the other Twilight running after me, so I told him as much as I knew. "Listen. That isn't the Twilight you know! She's from another universe or something. I don't know what's going on, but-"

I was cut off when my mouth was forcibly shut. I kept trying to open, but my lips wouldn't budge. As I kept trying to talk, the fake Twilight started talking to Spike. "Just head up to your room Spike. None of this concerns you." I felt around my mouth. My mouth felt sorta funny. Like it was made of metal of something.

"But what am I supposed to do about this body, Twil-" Right then, she used the same spell on Spike. It was some spell that turned our mouths into zippers. I was scared for a minute. Well, not like, SCARED scared, but it was scary. She killed Twilight already. Was she going to kill me, too?

So she made Spike go upstairs as she got a blue book from her bookcases. At this point, some of her crazy had gone away. Her eyes weren't bloodshot anymore, and her voice wasn't as frantic. It still had a bit of psycho in it, but nothing TOO psycho. So she takes the zipper off my mouth and says "So now it's time for us to go back home. To reality."

Of course, this ticks me off a bit. So I say to her, "Hey! Whattya mean 'reality'? Cuz as far as I'm concerned, we're in reality right now."

Now, at this point I hadn't noticed, but tears were welling up in her eyes. So I felt like a bit of a jerk for what I'll say in a second. So anyway, she says "No. This isn't reality. I changed something for myself."

"Well that's really selfish of you, dontcha think? I mean, you just waltz on in here where life is peachy keen for you and falala. You'd just live out a new life."

By now, Twilight was THIS close to crying. "I know! I've been pushing myself inside this fake world for too long! I couldn't go back! Not after what I did!" After this, she broke down crying. This is where I felt like a bit of a jerk. I guess crying is where I draw the line.

So I tried to make her feel better, but I tried to get some answers at the same time. So I decided to comfort her. Well, uh, not JUST to get the answers from her. She was crying. I had to make her feel better.

"It's okay, Twilight. It's gonna be okay. Let me help you." Of course, I know that she's still absolutely bonkers...well actually, she seemed just fine now, but I hoped maybe she would tell me what was wrong with her.

After waiting for a bit, I finally heard an answer. "It's amazing how much one thing can change, isn't it." Her answer wasn't what you would call direct, but considering her apparent state of mind, I kept listening. "The universe I come from is exactly like the universe that we're in now. There's only one difference. In your universe, Princess Celestia forgave me for everything I did. She forgave me for being tardy with my letter. She forgave me for accidentally sending all of Ponyville into a breif state of hysteria. Everything was as if it were normal." As she spoke, her tears were slowly going away, but they weren't out for good.

"But in my universe, the princess isn't as forgving. When she heard about what I did, she was furious. First for the tardy letter, then for the Ponyville incident. I thought for sure I'd be sent to magic kindergarten. But no, I wasn't. In this universe, you all still came in and still tried to help, but it was too late. The tardy itself wasn't too much of a problem, but because of what happened in Ponyville with Smarty Pants..." Twilight started crying again as she read a page in the blue book she picked up. "I had to move back to Canterlot."

Wow. It was hard to believe how much had changed just from one thing. To be honest, it was a shock to me. Things were starting to come together as I noticed that Twilight's horn was glowing. "So you ran over to our universe so that you wouldn't have to leave?" It made sense for a moment. The reason she killed old Twilight was just because she was a little cuckoo and figured that if she wanted her life back, she had to kill other Twilight. But of course, it wasn't as simple.

"No. I ran for another reason," she said. And then, all of a sudden, her horn glowed with a bright green light. It felt like we were teleporting again. Only a second later, we reappeared to see a sight that sent shudders down my spine. And I can't remember the last time that's happened.

The library was shrouded in darkness, with the lights turned off. The windows were all shut, so there was only a really dim light, and I could only see what was in front of me. I wished I couldn't. Scattered on the ground were light blue feathers and books that you could tell were thrown on the ground. Some of them were soaked in some red liquid coming from something next to Twilight. It was me! It was like seeing myself dead! Gah, it was creepy. There I was, just laying on the ground with a little pool of blood coming out of a small knife. You know, the one I turned in as evidence. And Twilight was standing there next to it, crying silently. The silence used to let all this sink in was deafening.

She finally broke the silence with an unclear "I...I was confused...I'm sorry." At this point, she was crying so much, her tears were like leaky faucets. I was too freaked out to say anything, so she just kept talking, choking back tears. "I'm supposed to leave tomorrow, and earlier this morning...you came in. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe...maybe I was...m-mad at you for not taking me... s-seriously....but I......"

Twilight couldn't finish. I knew what had happened though. She killed me. Well, at least the me in this universe. But for some reason...

...keep it together, Rainbow...

...for some reason, I took it as a personal insult. I don't know why, but I guess it's cuz she killed another version of me. I mean, that IS kind of scary if you think about it. Of course, the first thing I ask is, "Are you going to kill me, too?"

Twilight stepped back. "No! In fact, I brought you here to replace her."

Calm down Rainbow, you can tell them.

So, I was furious, and I just feel really...mad at her. I can't really think of how else to describe it. I mean, it's because first, she killed another version of me. Secondly, she expects me to abandon my entire life in my universe to take place of this one. So...

...keep it together. If you tell them the truth, then everything'll be fine...

I charged for the knife and pull it out of my clone's hide, and I tried to kill this fake Twilight. I'll be honest, since I swore to tell the truth, I was basically swinging the knife like a maniac, hoping to slice her to pieces. Fortunately, she used her magic to teleport out of the way and out of my sight. My guess is that she was afraid for her life at that point. And let me tell you, I felt horrible, too. I never really wanted to kill her. Just in that moment, you know, like when you're doing an awesome trick, and and at that moment, you just want to keep moving, no matter how tired your wings are. I had become what Twilight was at one point. Just one little push.

So after that, it turns out in my rampage, she got a couple cuts, which she's charging me with asault for. She told me again to take the fake Rainbow Dash's place and live like normal. If I tried what I'm doing now, she's charge me with assault, which she's doing now.

Listen, I'd go back to my universe if I could, but Twilight knows that spell, and she won't let me go since I was her ticket out of the truth behind what she did. And even if I did go back to reality, it would be missing Twilight, one of my best friends. I'm sick of this universe anyway, no offense. Just like the way things were better than the way things coulda been.

[TRANSCRIBERS NOTE: The defendant was found innocent. After being prosecuted for attempted assault, Rainbow Dash went to prison. Ironic, for me at least. I believed her. But I just find it hilarious how everyone trusts the defendant when she killed two ponies.

Rainbow Dash gave me permission to publish this transcription so that her story was heard by all of Equestria, and so that she can get her justice. So I hope you enjoyed this, whether it be as a story or a testimony telling the bizarre]